"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: moaa

ammoaa | conceal | 掩瞞
amoaa | flax | 亞麻
banmoaa | cover with sack-cloth 'as shoes in mourning' | 披麻
bogmoaa | coniferous hardwood tree | 木麻
cimoaa | sesame | 芝麻
cvimoaa | eel with special skin full of small cricles | 錢鰻
haymoaa | sea eel; sea univalve | 海鰻
hofmoaa | pike eel | 虎鰻; 灰海鰻
iumoaa | sesame | 油麻
iuomoaa | fine linen | 細麻; 細麻布; 幼
jiamoaa | to hide the truth; to conceal | 遮瞞; 隱瞞
katmoaa | with hemp- Taiwanese funeral ceremony | 結麻; 帶麻
khemoaa | fresh-water eel | 溪鰻; 淡水鰻
khexngmoaa | sisal hemp | 瓊麻
khimoaa | deceive | 欺瞞
khoaetøf zarm loaxnmoaa | straighten up a complicated or messy situation by taking drastic steps with dispatch; cut the Gordian Knot (Lit. chop a bunch of tangled hemp with a sharp knife) | 快刀斬亂麻
khofmoaa | screw tree | 苦麻
kiammoaai | a salted soft rice porridge | 鹹糜; 鹹粥; 鹹稀飯
logko'afmoaai | muddy | 漉糊仔糜
logkomoaai | muddy | 漉糊糜
lomoaa | rascal; roughneck; type of big freshwater eel; conger eel; vagabond; roughneck | 流氓; 鱸鰻
lomoaa-hii | common wax-plant | 流氓魚; 櫻蘭
lomoaa-torng | ruffians as a group | 流氓黨
loxkomoaai | muddy | 路糊糜
lømoaa | conger eel; type of big fresh water eel, rascal, hoodlum | 鱸鰻; 糯鰻
moaa laang ee bak | deceive other's eyes with some tricks | 瞞人的眼
moaa | deceive; cheat; fool; hemp; eel; sesame; hemp; sisal; numb; torpid; inactive; drugged | 瞞; 鰻; 白鰻; 麻
moaafkyn | linen towel | 麻仔巾
moaafzay | eel fry | 鰻仔栽
moaai | porridge; rice congee; rice gruel | 糜; 稀飯
ngmoaa | jute; a plant for rope; jute | 黃麻; (做繩索用的一種植物)
noaxthomoaai | muddy | 爛塗糜
ohixmoaa | ell | 烏耳鰻
ohvixmoaa | dark ear eel | 烏耳鰻
omoaa | black sesame | 黑麻; 烏麻
omoaafhurn | black sesame powder | 烏麻仔粉
omoaafpafn | black sesame spot | 烏麻仔斑
peqmoaa | sesame; Sesamum orientale; white eel | 白麻; 白鰻
phimoaa taehaux | wear hemp garment in mourning | 披麻帶孝
pimoaa | castor-oil plant | 蓖麻
pimoaa-zaang | caster oil tree | 蓖麻欉; 蓖麻叢
siømoaa | conceal | 相瞞
svamoaa | deceive by concealment | 相瞞; 相暪
svoaf-ngmoaa | dense-flowered false nettle, India charcoal tremas | 山冀麻; 大苧麻
svoamoaa | fibrous plant to make rope | 山麻
svoarmoaa | a deep-sea eel | 線鰻
svoaviumoaa | arbor; tall tree | 一種喬木
sym loan jumoaa | entangled; perplexed | 心亂如麻
søemoaa | card hemp | 唆麻; 梳麻
tammoaa-cirn | google | 蕁麻疹; 風疹
thoamoaa | wear hemp rope around one's waist at a funeral | 纏麻; 穿麻衣
thomoaai | muddy | 塗糜
toaxmoaa | hemp; marihuana; marijuana | 大麻
urnmoaa | mud eel | 泥鰻; 魚單魚
viumoaa | jute; a sort of coarse hemp used as the material of rice-bag or cord | 黃麻
wnmoaa | to conceal; to cover up; deceive by concealment; deceive; cover up; conceal from; hide the truth | 隱瞞; 蚓鰻
zhanmoaa | mud eel | 田鰻; 鱔魚
zhengmoaai | congee | 清糜
zhexngmoaa-toarhax | wear very deep mourning clothes | 披麻帶孝
zhutmoaa | break out with measles | 出麻; 出麻疹
zoamoaa | snake eel, serpent eel | 蛇鰻

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