"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: moh

angmohoafn | Westerners especially the Dutch in old Taiwan; red-haired barbarians | 紅毛蕃
baxngmoh | retina of the eye | 網膜; (眼睛)
bixnmoh | face | 面膜
cviumoh | serous membrane | 樟膜; 漿膜
hengkehmoh | diaphragm | 胸膈膜; 橫隔膜
hengmoh-iam | pleurisy | 胸膜炎
hiemoh | pleura | 肺膜
hiemoh-iam | pleurisy | 肺膜炎
hogmoh-iam | peritonitis | 腹膜炎
hokmoh-iam | peritonitis | 腹膜炎
hongmoh | iris of the eye | 風膜; 虹膜
hvoaikehmoh | the diaphragm | 橫隔膜
isit kakmoh | cornea transplantation | 角膜移植
kaemoh | tectorial membrane | 蓋膜
kakmoh | cornea | 角膜
kakmoh-isit | cornea transplantation | 角膜移植
kehmoh | diaphragm; estrangement | 隔膜; 膈膜; 隔閡
khengmoh | iris of eyes | 傾膜
khexngmoh | iris of eyes | 虹膜
khychirnmoh | urticaria | 起凊瘼
kietmoh | conjunctiva | 結膜
kofmoh | ear-drum, tympanic membrane | 鼓膜
kutmoh | thin membrane of bone; periosteum; part of the bone that generates new bone | 骨膜
ladcie-moh | chestnut shells | 栗子膜
legmoh | pleura (physiology) | 肋膜
liammoh | mucous membrane | 黏膜; 粘膜
loafnkud-moh | perichondrium | 軟骨膜
loexmoh | mucous membrane, inner lining | 內膜
lutmoh | take off the thin film (of a peanut) | 脫膜
moh | cuticle; membrane; film; septum; inner skin; leaf; any thin membrane in plants; animals; film on peas; nuts | 膜
mohe | fresh-water crab | 毛蟹; 螃蟹
mohkhix | deflates (balloon); haggard; pinched and weak | 癟瘦; 消瘦
mohmohmoq | dead flat | 癟癟癟
mohmoq | very flat; haggard; gaunt; emaciated | 癟癟
mohoad | enchantment; magic; wizardry; sorcery; witchcraft | 魔法
mohoat'sw | magician | 魔法師
mohoatpaan | magic jar | 魔法瓶
mohoatpviar | magic cooky | 魔法餅
mohoatsw | magician | 魔法師
mohphvi | flat nose; low nasal bridge | 癟鼻
mohpiahkuie | eavesdropper | 貼牆鬼; 竊聽者
mohtiaau | hold on | 抱住
mohtiautiaau | clinging and hindering; cling together | 摟牢牢; 抱緊
mohuy | morphine; goldbrick | 嗎啡; 開溜; 偷懶
mohvo'ar | an evil spirit that bewitches people | 魔鬼仔
mohvof | a Taiwanese pastry | 毛呼
mohøe | small fresh- or brackish-water crab; mitten crab | 毛蟹; 螃蟹
nawmoh | meninges (the three membranes investing the brain and spinal cord) | 腦膜
nawmoh-iam | meningitis | 腦膜炎
nngfmoh | Pia master | 軟膜
pakmoh | the peritoneum | 腹膜
paumoh | encapsulated aberdeen | 包膜
paxnmoh | valve of heart | 瓣膜
peqmoh | albuginea | 白膜
phaomoh | foam, froth | 泡沫; of; from; Mandarin?); is; (maybe; froth; reading
pøqmoh | thin membrane | 薄膜
simloexmoh | endocardium | 心內膜
tauxmoh | thin tofu sheet | 豆膜
tekmoh | the interior skin or membrane of bamboo | 竹膜
thoatmoh | decidua, drop off of skin | 脫膜
thotauxmoh | the thin film of bran on a peanut kernel | 花生膜
titw-moh | arachinoid | 蜘蛛膜
tiøqchirnmoh | hive | 著凊瘼
viumoh | amnion | 羊膜
zadmoh | fastidious, finicky | 節膜; 苛求的囉唆的; 挑剔的
zhuoluo-moh | hymen | 處女膜
zuymoh | water film | 水膜

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