"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: mu

Viumuii | a city in Taoyuan County | 楊梅
aemui | underhanded; deceitful; obscure | 曖昧
chiemuii | Taiwan raspberry | 刺莓; 虎婆刺
chiokmuii | accelerant; catalyst | 觸媒
gumui | stupid; ignorant | 愚昧
hafmuq | ham (外來語) | 洋火腿; 源自日語ハム(hamu)
hoatmuii | to mould, to grow mouldy | 發霉
khalusiwmuq | calcium | 鈣質
khalwsiwmuq | calcium | 鈣質
khulymuq | cream | 鮮奶油
kimmuisox | aureomycin | 金黴素
liongmuii | able matchmaker | 良媒
moxmui | presumptuous, headlong, to take the liberty of | 冒昧
mui | younger sister; evil spirit | 妹; 魅
mui'afkvoaf | dry plum | 梅子干
mui'ar | plum tree | 梅仔
mui'iefn | soot; lampblack | 煤煙
mui'iuu | coal oil, kerosene | 媒油; 煤油
mui'uo | East Asian rainy season; rainy season in early summer (when plums are ripening) | 梅雨
mui'wkuix | rainy season | 梅雨季
muie | every, each | 每
muie-zafkhie | every morning | 每早起
muihoaf | the plum flower | 梅花
muihoef | plum blossom | 梅花
muii | go-between | 媒; 糜; 煤; 稀飯
muikaethea | media | 媒介體
muikaix | mediation; medium | 媒解; 媒介
muikhieloo | gas stove (coal) | 煤氣爐
muikhix | coal gas | 煤氣
muikhoxng | coal-mine; colliery | 煤礦
muikhurn | mycete | 黴菌
muikhvy | coal-pit | 煤坑
muikiuu | briquette, a coal ball | 煤球
muikuiehoef | rose blossom | 玫瑰花
muikuix | rose | 玫瑰; 玫瑰(花)
muilaang | marriage broker; matchmaker; go-between | 媒人; 媒婆; 媒人,
muilangkofng | male matchmaker | 媒人公
muilangpøar | female matchmaker | 媒人婆仔
muilangzhuix | good talker like a matchmaker | 媒人喙
muimuii | gluey | 糜糜
muipng | cooked rice | 糜飯
muipøo | a female marriage broker; a female go-between of marriage; female matchmaker | 媒婆
muisox | enzyme | 酶素
muithea | media | 媒體
muithefkaix | media | 媒體界
muithvoax | coal | 媒炭; 煤炭
muitogsexng | syphilitic | 梅毒性
muitok | syphilis; syphilitic virus | 梅毒
muixsaix | a brother-in-law (husband of a younger sister) | 妹婿; 妹夫
muizaan | a coal-seam | 煤層
muizaf | coal cinders | 煤渣
muizhngf | syphilis; pox | 梅瘡; 梅毒
muizhngg | coal-bed | 煤床
muy | every ~, each ~ (classifier) | 每
muy'cidee | everybody | 每一個; 每一个
muy'cidpo | every step, each step on progress | 每一步
muy'cidtviw | every piece of paper | 每一張
muy'e | every doing | 每下
muy'ee | everyone, each one | 每個
muy'hagkii | every semester | 每學期
muy'hang | every sort | 每項
muy'hwn | every minute | 每分
muy'iah | every page | 每頁
muy'lefpaix | every week | 每禮拜
muy'sikheg | every moment | 每時刻
muy'sofzai | every place | 每所在
muy'tiafmzefng | every hour | 每點鐘
muy'ui | every place, every person (polite) | 每位
muy'ym | every tone | 每音
muyaxm | every night | 每晚
muybiør | every second | 每秒
muybøea | every fish | 每尾
muyciaq | every bird, every animal, every insect | 每隻
muycidee laang | every man; each person; everybody | 每人; 每一個人
muyciorng | every kind | 每種
muycit | everyone | 每一
muyciw | every week, weekly | 每週
muycviw | every chapter | 每章
muyee | each; apiece; every | 每個
muygoeh | every month; per month | 每月
muygøeh | every month | 每月
muyhoee | on each occasion; every time | 每回; 每次
muyhoong | every time it comes to be | 每逢
muyji | every character, every alphabetic letter | 每字
muyjidar | everyday | 每日仔
muyjit | every day; every day | 每日; 每天
muykafng | everyday | 每工
muykef | every household | 每家
muykefng | every room; every house, every building | 每間
muykhoarn | every kind, every style | 每款
muykux | every word | 每句
muykvia | every article | 每件
muyky | every rod, every pencil, every gun, etc | 每技; 每枝
muykøex | every time | 每次
muylaang | every man; each person; everybody | 每人; 每人,每一個人
muyliap | every particle, every ball, etc | 每粒
muylit | everyday | 每日
muymii | every night | 每暝
muymuie | every time | 每每
muynii | every year; annually; per annum; each year | 每年
muypae | on each occasion; every time | 每回; 每次
muypafn | every class (school) | 每班
muypafng | every trip on the schedule table | 每班; 每幫
muypaw | every package, every pack, every parcel | 每包
muypeeng | every direction | 每平; 每爿
muypiexn | every occasion | 每遍
muypo | every step, every method | 每步
muypoef | every cup of | 每杯
muypof | every noon | 每晡
muysiafng | every pair | 每雙
muysii | every time | 每時
muysiuo | every poem, every song | 每首
muytai | every generation | 每代
muytex | every piece | 每塊
muythofng | every call (telephone) | 每通
muytngx | every meal | 每頓
muytøq | every table | 每桌
muyzaang | every tree | 每叢
muyzhux | every time | 每次
muyzof | every group | 每組
ngmuii | yellow plum | 黃梅
oexmuii | salted dried plum | 話梅
omuii | black coal | 黑梅; 烏煤; 黑煤
omulezu | an omelette | 煎蛋捲
ormu | ohm | 歐姆
peqmuii | white coal | 白煤; 白梅
piexnmuilaang | handy matchmaker | 便媒人
pvoariammui'ar | half-yin and yang | 半陰陽仔
sammui | samadhi, the most profound state of meditation, the best way of doing something | 三摩; 三昧
sapmuii | soap | 雪文
sapmuipheh | soap bubbles | 雪文沫
sapmuiphøf | soap bubbles | 雪文波
siarmui | my younger sister | 舍妹
sibkym putmui | pick up a piece of lost gold or money and return it to the owner | 拾金無昧
siøfmui | sister | 小妹
sngmuii | plum | 酸梅
sngmuithngf | plum juice | 酸梅湯
tangmuii | winter plum | 冬梅
taqsoad simmuii | go out into the snow looking for flowering plum trees ─ get an inspiration for a poem | 踏雪尋梅
thaemui | delinquent girl | 太妹
thoanmuii | media | 傳媒
tømuithea | multimedia | 多媒體
viumuii | strawberry tree | 楊梅
zhawmuii | strawberry | 草莓
zhaymuii | to mine coal | 採煤
zhengmuii tekmar | innocent affection between a boy and a girl in their childhood | 青梅竹馬
zhengmuii | green plums; unripened plums | 青梅
zhunmuii | spring plum | 春梅

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