"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: naa

Chiuxnaa | a township in Taipei County | 樹林
Khengnaa | a city in Hsinchu County | 芎林
Tisae-naa katzhae | Decorate the pig manure basket ─ what a waste! | 多此一舉
Toaxnaa | a city in Chiayi County | 大林
Zuynaa | a city in Yunlin County | 水林
biqnaa | bamboo basket | 微薄; 竹籃竹筐
bynaa | rice basket; finely woven basket for holding rice | 米籃; 米籮; 籮
chiuxnaa | forest, wood | 樹林
chiuxnaa-lai | in the forest | 樹林內
citnaa | professional basketball | 職籃
hinaa | fish basket | 魚籃
hoenaa | flower basket | 花籃
iønaa | cradle; child's cradle | 搖籃
kaunaa | hook basket | 鉤籃
keanaa | Chinese kale | 芥藍
kefngthaix-naa | cloisonne enamel | 景泰藍
kehnaa | Chinese kale | 芥藍
kuinaa | a whole basket | 整籃; 規籃
naa | blue; indigo | 藍
naa-huyzhuix | Indian white-breasted kingfisher | 藍翡翠; 蒼翡翠
naaau | throat | 嚨喉
naafkhvahoe | | 籃仔坩會
naaflai | in the basket | 籃仔內
naafput | guava | 林仔菝
naaftea | in the basket | 籃仔底
naafthay | bamboo sieve | 籃仔篩
naar'nanaa | deep blue | 藍藍藍
naarcih | tongue | 吶舌
nanaa | blueish | 藍藍
pvynaa | flat basket | 扁籃
siør-chiuxnaa | grove | 小樹林
sngx naaau | strangle throat | 繏嚨喉
sviaxnaa | basket made with several layers | 層籃; 𣛮籃
sviusinaa | Taiwan acacia forest | 相思林
svoanaa | mountain forest | 山林
taunaa | to shoot; to try for the basket (in basketball) | 投籃
tek'afnaa | bamboo forest | 竹仔林
teknaa | bamboo grove | 竹林
teknaafkhaf | bamboo forest | 竹林仔跤
teknaaflai | bamboo forest | 竹林仔內
tenaa | a tea grove | 茶林
thenaa | a basket | 提籃
thienjiennaa | natural forest | 天然林
tiaonaa | hanging basket | 吊籃
tinnaa | rattan basket | 籐籃; 藤藍
zhaenaa | a basket to carry vegetable; shopping basket | 菜籃
zhengnaa | clear blue | 清藍
zuynaa | water blue | 水藍

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