"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Kanaftai | Canada | 加拿大
Panafmar uxnhøo | Panama Canal | 巴拿馬運河
Panafmar | Panama | 巴拿馬
Panafmar-uxnhøo | the Panama Canal | 運河; 巴拿馬運河
axnaf | how about ... | 亦那
binafaxm | toworrow evening | 明仔晚
binnafaxm | tomorrow evening | 明仔晚
binnafexhngf | tomorrow night | 明晚
binnafexpof | tomorrow afternoon | 明天下午
binnafjit | tomorrow | 明仔日
binnafzaix | tomorrow | 明仔載; 明日
binnafzaykhie | tomorrow morning | 明天早上
gynnafkoaf | children's songs | 囡仔歌; 童謠
hoanafiuu | kerosene | 番仔油; 煤油
kannaf | but; yet | 只是; 干焦; 只有
kannaf-kiuu | Rugby football | 橄欖球
kannafkiuu | football; American foot-ball (because the ball is shaped like a olive) | 橄仔球; 橄欖球
khuxn kannafphag | sleep with one's face downward | 俯著睡; 睡矸仔仆
kinnafjit | today | 今仔天
kvanafchiu | olive tree | 橄欖樹
kvanafchiuxoef | olive branch (symbol of peace) | 橄欖樹萵; 樹枝
kvanafiuu | olive oil | 橄欖油
kvanafkiuu | rugger; football; rugby | 橄欖球
naf | how; why; that; those; then; in that case | 那
nafafpoat | guava | 林仔菝
nafbeq | looks like | 若欲
nafbøe | Why can't it be? | 哪未; 怎麼無會
nafbøeq-nafm | be of two minds | 哪要哪無; 又想要又想不要
nafchinchviu | as if | 若親像
nafchiog | catch; arrest | 捉拿; 拿捉
nafchviu | (adv) like; seemingly as if | 若像; 好像; 彷彿; 猶如
nafciøq | to borrow | 拿借
nafe | how come | 哪會
nafexexng'eq | won't be able to use it | 哪會用著
nafexexngtid | won't be able to use it | 哪會用得
nafhør | How can.. | 那好; 怎麼可以
nafiong | to embezzle, to misappropriate | 怎; 挪用
nafkalea | person like a puppet | 哪傀儡
nafkhafm | How can .. | 哪堪
nafkhay | to move away | 挪開
nafkhix | to take away | 挪去; 拿去
naflie | where | 哪裡; 那裡
naflieen | what year, which year (in the future) | 怎年; 那年
nafm | why not...; why isn't there.. | 哪無; 怎麼不
nafpadar | Common guava | 番石榴
nafpan | to arrest and punish | 拿辦; 逮捕和懲罰
nafpat | guava | 番石榴; 林菝
nafphvax | even if | 哪怕
nafpoadar | guava | 林菝仔
nafpoat | Common guava | 番石榴; 林菝
nafsae | there is no need; why should; why must...; there is no need... | 那使; 何必; 何需
nafsiao`ee | acts like a crazy person | 像瘋子
nafsinkefng`ee | acts like a crazy person | 像神經病
nafthafng | not suppose to | 哪通
nafthiefn | what day (in the future) | 哪天
naftiøh | why must...; there is no need.. | 那得; 何必
naftong | to move away | 挪動
nafu | Not really! Hardly! Come now! | 若有; 那裏
nafu-nafbøo | faintly discernible | 若有若無
nafzay | don't know | 哪知
nafzhanchviu | as if | 若親像
nafzhud | to take out | 拿出
nafzu | to take hold of | 抓住; 拿住
nafzurn | as if; suppose; seems like | 哪準; 如果; 好像
naføe | how it can be | 怎會; 哪會; 怎會?
zhøfkannafheeng | oliver shape | 草橄欖形

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