Huienaixbeng Sw | The Epistle of Paul to Philemon (Catholic) | 費賴孟書
bukhøfnaixhøo | helpless | 無可奈何
bukhør naixhøo | having no alternative; have to; powerless | 無可奈何
bukhør-naixhøo | a helpless situation | 無可奈何
bunaixhaxn | shiftless person; vagabond; vagabond; a reckless; abandoned character | 無賴漢
bunaixhøo | innocence; innocent | 無奈何
bønaixeng | won't last long | 無耐用
bønaixhøo | act against one's will; have no alternative but; can not help but | 無奈何; 無得已
bønaixsexng | impatient | 無耐性
bøo naixsym | fretfully impatient | 無耐心
inaixsexng | habit of relying upon others | 依賴性
inaixsym | reliance; dependence | 依賴心
jucy-naixhøo | helpless | 如之奈何
kengkiuo-naixiong | durable (goods); sturdy | 經久耐用
loanaix | affection, attachment | 戀愛
naixbie | nanometer | 納米; 奈米
naixbie-khøky | nano technology | 納米科技; 奈米科技
naixcichiuxkhaf | lychee tree bottom | 荔枝樹跤
naixcichiuxterng | lychee tree top | 荔枝樹頂
naixcy | lychee; lichee; litchi (fruit of a Chinese sapindaceous tree; consisting of a thin; brittle shell enclosing a sweet; jellylike pulp and a single seed); also the name of the tree itself | 荔枝
naixeng | durable | 耐用
naixhaan | able to endure cold | 耐寒
naixhioh | fish hawk | 鴟鶚
naixhiøh | chicken-hawk | 鳶鶚
naixhoaan | impatience | 耐煩
naixhoea | fire-proof; heat-resistant | 耐火
naixhøea | fireproof; refractorily | 耐火
naixhøea-khiezaai | heat-resistant materials | 耐火器材
naixhøefzngf | firebrick | 耐火磚
naixhøkiøo | bridge over which all deceased have to pass to face judgment before giam-lo-ong; king of the underworld | 奈何橋; 到地府必經的橋
naixhøo | So what; how; do something to somebody; Why? For what reason? | 奈何
naixiong | durable; durable; sturdy; able to stand wear and tear | 耐用
naixjiet | heat-resisting; heat-proof | 耐熱
naixjoah | heat-resisting; heat-proof | 耐熱
naixkiaam | alkali proof; alkali-resistance | 耐鹹
naixkiuo | lasting a long time; durable | 耐久
naixkiuo-lek | durability | 耐久力
naixkiwlek | durability; endurance | 耐久力
naixkuo | lasting a long time; durable | 耐久
naixkvoaa | able to endure cold | 耐寒
naixlek | stamina | 耐力
naixløo | endurance; able to endure | 耐勞
naixmia | tough life (endurance); tough constitution | 耐命
naixpo | tasty and savory | 耐嚼
naixpvi | leprosy, Hansen's disease | 漢森氏病; 痲瘋病
naixsexng | forbearance; patient disposition; perseverance | 耐性
naixsngf | acid proof | 耐酸
naixsym | patience; patient; perseverance | 耐心
naixzhaw | durable | 耐操
naixzheng | durable | 耐穿
naixzhoafn | durable (cloths), to stand wear | 耐穿
pud naixhoaan | impatient of; cannot be bothered with | 無耐煩
putnaixhoaan | impatient | 無耐煩; 不耐煩
u-naixsexng | patient | 有耐性
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