"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: naw

ioxngcin nawkyn | rack one's brain | 用盡腦筋
kar cin nawciab | rack one's brains | 絞盡腦汁
naw'ek'hied | brain hemorrhage | 腦溢血
naw'iam | cerebro-spinal meningitis | 腦炎
nawchionghied | encephalohemia; encephalemia; congestion of the brain | 腦充血
nawciab | the substance of the brain | 腦汁
nawcid | corpus callosum | 腦質
nawek'hied | brain stroke | 腦溢血
nawhae | mind; the brain; mind; memory | 腦海
nawhaylai | in one's mind or memory | 腦海裏
nawhaytiofng | in the mind or memory | 腦海中
nawhin | annoyed at; be vexed at; to hate | 惱恨
nawhun | to hate, to detest | 惱恨
nawiam | encephalitis | 腦炎
nawkaw | brain gyrus | 腦回; 腦溝
nawkaxn | brain stem | 腦幹
nawkhag | mind; the brain | 腦殼
nawkuntng | brain damaged | 腦筋斷
nawkyn lengbirn | Man's brain is very sharp | 腦筋靈敏
nawkyn tng`khix | ruptured blood vessel in the brain; apoplexy | 腦筋斷去; 血管斷裂; 中風
nawkyn | nerves of the brain; intelligence; brains; nerves (vessels) of the brain | 腦筋
nawlai | inside of the mind | 腦內
nawlat | mental power | 惱力; 腦力
nawlek | mental power; intelligence; brainpower; brains; mental capability; mental exertion; mental energy | 腦力
nawliuu | brain tumor | 腦瘤
nawlo | brcrf, angry | 惱怒
nawmoh | meninges (the three membranes investing the brain and spinal cord) | 腦膜
nawmoh-iam | meningitis | 腦膜炎
nawmoqiam | meningitidis; meningitis; brain fever | 腦膜炎
nawmøqiam | meningitits | 腦膜炎
nawphøf | brain wave; brain wave | 腦波
nawphøf-too | electroencephalogram | 腦波圖
nawpinhied | cerebral anemia | 腦貧血
nawpo | brain (as a part of the body) | 腦部
nawpve | brain-trouble; disease of the brain | 腦病
nawpvi | brain disease | 腦病
nawseapaw | brain cells | 腦細胞
nawsinkefng | cerebral ganglion; cranial nerve | 腦神經
nawsiw senglo | feel anger from embarrassment | 惱羞成怒
nawsvoax | nerves | 腦腺
nawtiexnphøtoo | electroencephalogram | 腦電波圖
nawtiornghofng | stroke | 腦中風
nawzhea | brain | 腦髓
nawzhoea | brains | 腦髓
nawzhøea | the substance of the brain. | 腦髓
siofng nawkyn | beat one's brain; a tough nut to crack; troublesome | 傷腦筋
siofng-nawkyn | make headache, give one a worry | 傷腦筋
siongnawkwn | nerve-wracking | 傷腦筋
siongnawkyn | nerve-wracking | 傷腦筋
taxngnawkyn | use one's brain; could be bad intention; see [[toxngnawkyn]] | 動腦筋
tiexnnawkaix | computer world | 電腦界
tiexnnawlai | in the computer | 電腦內
tngxnawkwn | headache | 斷腦筋
tngxnawkyn | headache | 斷腦筋
toaxnawkhaf | cerebral peduncles | 大腦腳
toxngnawkyn | think; secretly plan to get some coveted thing; try to obtain the affection of a beautiful woman; use one's brains | 動腦筋
tvuixnawkyn | brainless | 斷腦筋
zuynawzexng | hydrocephalic | 水腦症
zwnawciar | head, soul, leader, the brains | 主腦, 主腦者

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