Augustine Thoankaux Siulie Hoe | MSSA: Miss. Sirs. of St. Augustine (Catholic) | 奧古斯丁傳教修女會
Geneva | Geneva | 日內瓦; 用
afnnef | in this way; so; this (kind of; sort of); this way; such; like this; such | 按呢; 這樣; 如此
afnnef... mxtiøh | Well; then; ... must.. | 按呢; 那麼; 這麼一來 ..
bølarm-bønef | which takes a sentence subject: in a mechanical manner; without heart or interest; lazy; languid; weak | 無攬無絡; 無攬無拈; 無氣力; 做事不專心
ciu afnnef | this way | 就按呢; 就這樣
ciuxafnnef | as a result | 就按呢
kaane'isiong | a carnation | 康乃馨
keaneafzhaix | Chinese kale, a wrinkled leaf cabbage like vegetable | 芥藍菜
khiaxmtngg-nehto | frugal | 儉腸凹肚; 省吃儉用
khiaxmtngnehto | frugal | 儉腸凹肚
khinihneq | quinine | 奎寧
langneq | where are the people? | 人呢
lwnneq | to be afraid; to be scared; panic; panic-stricken; dread; (adj) timid | 忍凹; 畏; 按捺
mngqkvia`neq | Where is the stuff? | 物件呢
mxtiøqneq | not right | 毋著呢
nar thafng afnnef | How is it you can do it (that way)? | 怎可如此
naxafnnef | How come? | 若按呢
ne'ar | breast; milk | 奶仔; 乳房
nea | breast | 奶; 妳
neafzhaix | Chinese kale | 芥藍菜
neakhuy | open the eyes | 躡開; 張開
neakoaan | lift one's feet on toes | 墊高
neanex | exert oneself while standing | 墊墊; 躡躡
near | breast, milk | 奶, 乳房
neasviaf | raise voice | 躡聲; 提高聲音
neathaau | stick out one's head | 伸頭
nee bafngtax | spread out a mosquito net | 掛蚊帳
nee | spread (clothes) out to dry; hang out (clothes or netting) loosely to dry | 掛; 晾掛
nee-afzhaix | Chinese kale | 芥藍菜
nef | milk; breast of a woman | 奶; 乳
neh axmkurn | seize by the neck | 掐脖子
neh kunthaubør | clench one's fist | 掐拳頭母; 握拳頭母
neh oar`laai | squeeze in the hand | 捏緊
neh tiautiaau | grasp tightly | 掐牢牢
neh | (also [[nih]]) grasp or squeeze in the hand; hold a thing in one's hand | 掐; 握; 捏
nehkhaboea | tiptoe | 躡跤尾
nehkhapo | tiptoe | 躡跤步
nekutae | necktie | 領帶
neq khabøea | stand on tiptoe | 踮腳尾
neq | stand on tiptoe | 踮腳尖
neq`sie | strangle with the hand | 掐死
neqneqar | spiritless; weak; slow moving no spine | 躡躡仔; 無精打采
neqphoax | break by squeezing | 捏破
nesvaf | To air clothing; spread out clothes to be dried | 晾衫
nex | on tiptoe; walk softly | 躡
nex-khabøea | stand on tiptoe | 躡腳尾; 躡跤尾; 墊腳尖
puttan afnnef | not merely thus | 無但如此
suijieen si afnnef | be that as it may | 雖然如此
tibøfbahneq | sow pork | 豬母肉呢
tøsi afnnef | indeed; it is so; everything is just that way; all that way | 都是這樣
viuzongneq | dress | 洋裝呢
zawzhutlaineq | came out | 走出來呢
zhawnehkofng | grasshopper | 草蜢公
zhawneq | grasshopper | 草蜢
zo'eneq | rental | 租的呢
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