"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: ngkhao

boxngkhao | mouth of a grave | 墓口
chiongkhao-jii-zhud | blurt out | 衝口而出
ciorngkhao | many speaker | 眾口
hengkhao | the breast, the chest | 胸口
hongkhao | a position in the path of a draft | 風口
kafngkhao | port | 港口
khangkhao | mere statement; talk without taking action | 空口; 洞口
khazhngkhao | anus | 尻川口
khiofngkhao-bupiin | word of mouth is no evidence or proof (of a transaction); word of mouth cannot be trusted ─ a written document is necessary | 恐口無憑
khongkhao-bupiin | Mere verbal statement has no binding force (said of a promise or pledge) | 空口無憑
khorngkhao | mouth of a mine | 礦口
liofngkhao | the two of them | 兩口
liongkhao | dragon mouth | 龍口
loxngkhao | try to do something very clever; but turn out stupid; bungle an ingenious scheme; suffer a setback in trying to take advantage of a situation | 弄巧; 弄巧成拙
loxngkhao-hoafnzoad | suffer from being too smart | 弄巧反拙
mafzofkengkhao | Matsu temple front | 媽祖宮口
mngkhao | entrance; doorway; doorway | 門口
mngkhao-tviaa | courtyard in front of the door | 門口埕; 門口埕; 院子
pangkengkhao | in front of bedroom | 房間口
pangmngkhao | bedroom door | 房門口
phvixkhangkhao | apertures of the nostrils | 鼻孔口
siongkhao | open wound | 傷口
sioxngkhao | recite | 誦口
tengkhao | people; population | 丁口
thorngkhaosit'sviaf | cry bitterly | 痛哭失聲
thorngkhaositsviaf | cry bitterly | 痛哭失聲
thvoarkhangkhao | coal mine entrance | 炭空口
toaxmngkhao | big front door | 大門口
toxngkhao | mouth of a cave | 動口; 洞口
zengkhao | exquisite, exquisiteness, fine, subtle, ingenious, elaborate | 精巧, 精妙
zherngkhao | gun barrel; muzzle of a gun | 鎗口
zhngkhao | entrance of ship cabin | 艙口
zhuomngkhao | gate | 厝門口
zhut'hongkhao | air outlet | 出風口

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