"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: ngtø

Liuhongtør | Iwo Jima; one of the Bonin Islands | 硫磺島
Pengtør | Iceland | 冰島
Serngtø Lefgii | Liturgy of the Word in the Mass (Catholic) | 聖道禮儀
arngtøea | urn bottom | 甕底
bexngtøee | a proposition, a thesis | 命題
binzhngtø | broad board on the front of a bed; used for sitting | 眠床道; 床頭; 床沿
bongtøea | to investigate, to prove to the bottom | 摸底
boxngtøe | graveyard | 墓地
boxngtøq | graveyard's table | 墓桌
bøo kongtø | not fair | 無公道
chiafngtø | advocate, read with a new idea | 搶道
chiaolie-zongtøf | to hide a dagger behind a smile | 笑裏藏刀
chiarngtø | advocate or lead with a new idea | 倡導
chiongtøfkhix | be crushed or knocked down by a flood | 沖倒了
chiongtør | rush; pour; knock down by collision | 沖倒; 衝倒
chiongtør`khix | be crushed or knocked down by a flood | 沖倒去
chiorngtø | to take the initiative; lead; advocate; promote | 倡導
chviliongtøf | large sword of ancient Chinese warriors | 青麟刀; 青龍刀
cibsiao sengtøf | many drops of water make an ocean | 集少成多
ciofngtø | steer a ship; the man in charge | 掌舵
ciorngtøf | numerous; very many | 眾多
hiafngtø | act as guide; lead | 嚮導
hiofngtø | guide | 嚮導
hiongtøf | murder weapon | 凶刀
hiorngtø | guide | 嚮導
hngtøe | land used for dry fields | 旱田; 園地
hoesym hiorngtø | turn the mind to the true path | 回心向道
hongtø | the ecliptic; prevention of burglary | 黃道; 防盜
hongtøf | to seal a sword | 封刀
hongtør | desert island | 荒島; 無人島
iofngtøea | strong | 勇底
jinhengtø | siside-walk; a promenade; pedestrian path | 人行道
kafngtø | preachment; preach; moralise; preach the doctrine | 講道
kafngtøee | speech subject | 講題
kangtøe | construction site | 工地
kau-serngtøe | hot-tempered | 厚性地
kaxngtøq | at the same table | 同桌
kefngtøe | circumstances; position; condition | 境地
khangtøe | vacant lot; vacant land; open ground | 空地
kharngtøe | open space | 曠地; 空地
khengtør | pouring; empty out; dump; dump out | 傾倒
khie-serngtøe | get angry, lose temper | 起性地
khorngtø | mining tunnel | 礦道
khorngtøe | a mining place | 礦地
khorngtøee | to stew or simmer the pig's legs; to stew or simmer the leg-meat of the hog | 爌蹄; 煮豬腳蹄
kib-serngtøe | quick-tempered, impatient | 急性地
kilengtøe | a small piece of land which can not be utilized efficiently | 畸零地
kiongtø | a robber; a bandit; robbers; bandits; housebreaking | 強盜
kongtø | justice; reasonable (prices); fair; impartial; just | 公道
kongtøxlaang | center person; peacemaker; adjusts the person; lu zhonglien | 魯仲連; 和事佬; 調人; 中人
laxngtøf | get a knife | 弄刀
laxngtøf-laxngkiaxm | brandish a knife or sword; perform with swordplay | 舞刀舞劍
lefngtø iwhofng | lead correctly; wise leadership | 領導有方
lefngtø | to lead; leadership; guide; conduct | 領導
lefngtø-ciar | leader | 領導者
lefngtø-ha | under the guidance of | 領導下
lefngtøea | physically weak | 領導; 冷底; 虛弱
lefngtøxliin | leader | 領導人
lengtøq | table placed before a coffin or corpse | 靈桌
longtø | farm road | 農道
longtøe | farm lands | 農地
lorngtør | to knock down by bumping | 撞倒
loxngtør | destroy a person by falsehoods | 弄倒; 毀掉
ngtø | the ecliptic | 黃道
ngtø-kietjit | a lucky day, a red-letter day | 黃道吉日
ongtø | kingcraft; benevolent rule or government; perfect way of the ancient kings; enlightened reign of righteousness (as opposed to tyranny) | 王道
pangtøexsarn | real estate | 房地產
parngtøx | down | 放倒
paxnkongtøhterng | office desk | 辦公桌頂
pefngkhie-pefngtør | shilly-shally; sometime good sometime bad | 出爾反爾; 時好時壞
pefngkhypefngtør | shilly-shally; sometime good sometime bad | 出爾反爾; 時好時壞
pefngtøq | turntable upside down to express one's anger | 翻桌
pefngtør | to subvert; to overthrow; turn upside down | 顛覆; 顛倒; 翻倒
pefngtørtngr | turn upside down or wrong side up; to invert; turn back into original position | 翻過來
pengtøe | ice bag | 冰袋; 平地
phorngtøee | knuckles | 凸蹄
poxngtør | fall down after being hit by something | 碰倒; 撞倒
puttongtø | different way | 無同道
sefngtø | Provincial routes | 省道
serngtø | sacred doctrine | 聖道
serngtøe | the Holy Land | 勝地; 性地; 脾氣
serngtøq | the communion table | 聖桌
siangtøf | double sword | 雙刀
siangtøfzuie | double pour | 雙倒水
tangtøq | eat together | 同桌
tangtør-saioay | tumbling about like a drunken man; all awry; in disorder | 東倒西歪
tanhengtø | one-way street; one-way road | 單行道
tefngtøe | rank, position | 頂地; 等第
thafngtøea | barrel bottom | 桶底
thongtøea | bottom of a hole | 通底
tngtøea | long or short; length | 長短
tngtøq | long table | 長桌
tongtø | people engaged in the same pursuit; people with the same ideals | 同道
tongtøe | this place; locals | 當地
tongtøexzuo | local master | 當地主
zeksiao sengtøf | Saving little by little will ensure abundance. (Lit. Many a pickle (little) makes a mickle (much) | 積少成多
zengtøee | front hoof | 前蹄
zengtør | knock down in a collision; to overthrow | 衝倒; 撞倒
zerngtø | to preach | 正道; 證道
zhengtø | sweeping the streets | 清道
zhengtøxhw | street sweeper | 清道夫
zhngtø | broad board on the front of a bed; used for sitting | 床沿; (床頭)
zhvelengtøf | large sword of ancient Chinese | 青龍刀
zoan'ioxngtø | dedicated lane | 專用道
zofngtøee | main-subject | 總蹄; 總題; 主題
zorngtøe | burial site; burial ground; grave | 葬地
zunsw-tioxngtø | respect the teacher and his teachings | 尊師重道
zuypengtø | stabilizer | 水平舵

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