"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Baxnkog konghoad | International Law | 萬國公法
Boadjidlun | Eschatology | 末日論
Boadsealun | Eschatology | 末世論
Engbuun bunhoad | English grammar | 英文文法
Goadlør | God of Marriage | 月老
Hengsu sorsioxnghoad | Criminal Procedure Code | 刑事訴訟法
Hoghoadcied | Easter | 復活節
Hudhoad bupiefn | The greatness of Buddhism is immeasurable | 佛法無邊
Hudhoad | Buddhist doctrine; dharma; Buddha's teachings; Magic power of Buddha | 佛法
Jidgoadthaam | Sun Moon Lake, a resort in central Taiwan | 日月潭
Juoadcied | Passover (Catholic) | 逾越節
Lidgoadthaam | sun-moon lake | 日月潭
Lømafhoad | Roman law | 羅馬法
Muiseg ee Ludhoad | Mosaic Law (Catholic) | 梅瑟的律法
Siawsoad | The Little Snow; a lunar period; starting about November2 | 小雪
Suhoad zhaiphvoarsor | Court of Justice | 司法裁判所
Taixsoad | the term which begins on or about December 7th | 大雪
Thienzuo ee Ludhoad | Divine Law (Catholic) | 天主的律法
Zonghoad-siaxhoe | society centered around clan rules and practices | 宗法社會
Zonghoad-zeato | kinship system | 宗法制度
armkoad | secret knack; secret trick | 暗訣; 秘訣
arnhoad | according to the law | 按法
behuun-hoad | hypnotize; hypnotism; mesmerism | 迷魂法; 催眠術
bexngbeeng-hoad | nomenclature | 命名法
biauxhoad | excellent method | 妙法
bidhoad | charm, spell | 密法; 符咒
biefn'eghoad | immunization | 免疫法
biexnliim zoadzerng | extinction of species; i.e | 面臨絕種
binhoad | civil law; civil law | 民法
binzok zuxkoad | national self-determination | 民族自決
bisi-hoad | microscopic method | 微視法
bixhoad | underdeveloped; not happen yet | 未發
bixkhaihoad | undeveloped; uncultivated land or resources | 未開發
bixkoad | undecided; unsettled | 未決; 尚未決定
boad | plaster; wipe; rub; mop; smear; apply to | 抹
boadcioxng | the last general; the last general from previous dynasty | 末將
boadjit | the last day of the world; last day; the end of | 末日
boadkiab | the last disaster | 末劫
boadkii | the last stage; last stage; final phase | 末期
boadkog | the last nation | 末國
boadli | little profit | 末利; 薄利
boadlo | the end of the rope; end of the way; end of life; miserable end; dead end; impasse | 末路
boadsek | lower position | 末席
boadsex | last or declining years; latter part; latter days; the last years of a dynasty | 末世
boadsiaw sinkefng | peripheral nervous system | 末稍神經
boadsiaw | tip (of a branch), end (of banana); peripheral nervous system | 末稍; 末梢
boadsiok | modern customs; latter-day fashions or fads; decadent ways; bad customs | 末俗; 惡俗
boadsiw | to confiscate | 沒收
boadthaxn | little profit | 末賺; 薄賺
boadtiaau | the last dynasty | 末朝
boahhoad | method of applying 'cream, ointment, etc' | 塗法
budlie liauhoad | physical therapy | 物理療法
buhoad buthiefn | lawless and godless; totally devoid of conscience and respect for law | 無法無天
buhoad khør sy | unable to do anything about it | 無法可施
buhoad khør ti | there is no remedy for it; there is no way to settle the matter | 無法可治
buhoad | no way; impossible | 無法; 無法,沒辦法
buhoad-buthiefn | completely lawless and Godless; licentious | 無法無天
bunhoad | grammar; grammar | 文法
bunsuhoad | Modern Literal Taiwanese | 文書法
bwhoad | basical law; original law | 母法; 原始法律條項
bwkiab siawsoad | novels about chivalry | 武俠小說
bø'ihoad | unable; incapable; unable to deal with him or her; there is no way | 無伊法; 奈何無了他
bøhoad | unable; incapable; can do nothing about it | 無法; 無可奈何; 沒法
bøhoad`teq | unable; incapable | 無法得; 沒法得
bøhoad`tid | unable; incapable | 無法的; 不能
bøhoad`y | unable to deal with him or her | 無法他; 拿他沒辦法
bøo ihoad | unable to handle; incapable; unable to deal with him or her | 無伊法; 拿他沒辦法; 拿他沒轍
chiaukuun zoadluun | surpassing all others | 超群絕倫
chiauthoad | unconventional; transcend worldliness | 超脫
chiautiin poadsiok | transcend the worldly (originally a Buddhist expression) | 超塵拔俗
chienkwn it'hoad | imminent peril (Lit. thirty thousand catties hanging by single hair) | 千鈞一髮
chihoad | to enforce law | 持法
chiok'hoad | triggering; trigger; touch off; touch off a war or dispute; to touch one's feelings | 觸發
chiongkhoad | to be rampant; to run wild; rampant; on the rampage; raging | 猖獗
chiongkoad | fight | 衝決
chiwhoad | technique; a trick; a gimmick; workmanship; artstry; skill | 手法
chviuohoad | singing method | 唱法
ciamchix-hoad | acupuncture | 針刺法
ciamhoad | stitch | 針法
ciaohoad | in compliance with the law | 照法; 依法
ciaosoad | to say so | 照說
ciausoad | to prove innocence | 招雪; 招說
ciaxmhenghoad | provisional laws; temporary laws | 暫行法
ciaxmkhoad | vacant for the time being | 暫缺
cidsoad | one saying | 一說
ciefnhoad | cut hair | 剪髮
ciernhoad | military tactics | 戰法
ciernsii kokzex konghoad | wartime international law | 戰時國際公法
ciexn buu hihoad | excellent marksmanship (Lit. No arrow is wasted.) | 箭無虛發
ciorngsoad put'id | there are many different versions of a story | 眾說無一
cip'hoad juu safn | uphold the law strictly; to adhere to legal principles without letup or fear usually referring to law enforcing officials or judges | 執法如山
cip'hoad | to enforce the law; uphold the law | 執法
cipkoad | to make a firm decision; obstinate; stubborn | 執決; 固執; 堅持己見
cipsykoad | very obstinate | 執死決; 頑固; 固執
cirnhoad | set out; start | 進發
cirnthex bogkoad | not knowing what course of action to take | 進退莫決
ciuxte kaykoad | settle or solve a problem right on the spot | 就地解決
ciuxte zernghoad | execute right on the spot | 就地正法
cviarhoad | to execute (a criminal) | 正法
cyhoad | fingering; book or manual explaining how fingers are used or applied in a certain kind of work or art (playing string instruments; typing) | 指法
cykhoad | quench thirst | 止決; 止渴
efngkoad | to part forever; to separate forever; be gone forever--to die | 永訣
eksoad | one's personal assumption; a supposition | 臆說
eng'iorng liauhoad | dietary cure | 營養療法
enghioong boadlo | end of a hero | 英雄末路
exnghoad | usage | 用法
geghoad | rebel against law | 逆法
giaa-bøhoad`tid | incapable of lifting or being lifted | 抬無法得; 抬無動
giefnhoad | research and development | 研發
gixkoad | formal decision; decide or resolve (at a meeting) | 議決
gixkoad-axn | resolution, act | 議決案
goadbeeng | a clear moon | 月明
goadgvoo | fairy who is supposed to dwell in the moon | 月娥; 月裏嫦娥
goadha løfjiin | old man in the moon--he is supposed to unite by an invisible thread those persons destined to be married | 月下老人; 月老
goadha | beneath the moon; at night | 月下
goadha-løfjiin | the god who unites persons in marriage; a matchmaker | 月下老人
goadhaxnofjiin | match maker | 月下老人
goadhaxnofliin | match maker | 月下老人
goadhong | salary | 薪資; 月奉
goadia | moon night | 月夜
goadkiofng | the palace of the moon; the moon Lunar Palace; palace in the moon | 月宮
goadkngf | moonlight | 月光
goadkofng-kheg | the moonlight melody | 月光曲
goadkuiekoafn | laurel wreath | 月桂冠
goadkuix | laurel | 月桂
goadlie sionggvoo | fairy who is supposed to dwell in the moon | 月裏嫦娥; 月娥
goadlør | old man in the moon--he is supposed to unite by an invisible thread those persons destined to be married | 月老; 月下老人
goadtaai | railway station platform | 月台; 月臺
goadtaai-phiøx | platform ticket | 月台票; 月臺票
goadtaiphiøx | a platform ticket | 月臺票
goadzhuo | Formosan mouse | 月鼠
guzoad | stupid; foolish; folly; stupidity | 愚拙
gvexhoad | importunity law | 硬法
gvixhoad | importunity law | 硬法
gvofhoad | accidental; chance; fortuitous; adventitious | 偶發
gvofkoaan-hiernhoad | the quintuple constitution--legislative, executive, judicial, examination, and oversight | 五權憲法
gwhoad | grammar; wording; syntax | 語法
gygieen kaohaghoad | linguistics | 語言教學法
gyhoad | grammar; wording; syntax | 語法
gyjiin-hoad | anthropomorphism, personification | 擬人化; 擬人法
habhoad | lawful; legal; be legal | 合法
hablie-habhoad | reasonable and lawful | 合理合法
hagsoad | a doctrine; a theory | 學說
hauxhoad | to imitate; to take as a model; take as a model | 效法
haxmjip zoadkerng | get into extreme difficulty; be drawn into a hopeless situation | 陷入絕境
haysioxnghoad | marine law | 海上法
heghoad | issued | 核發
henghoad | criminal or penal law | 刑法
hengzernghoad | administrative law | 行政法
hiehoad | magic; trick; sleight of hand | 戲法
hiehoadliong | lung capacity | 肺活量
hiehoadlioxngkex | spirometer; an instrument for determining the capacity of the lungs | 肺活量計
hiernhoad tiaubuun | constitutional provisions | 憲法條文
hiernhoad | constitution; constitutional law | 憲法
hietzhefng liauhoad | serum therapy | 血清療法
hiexnhenghoad | existing law | 現行法
hiexntai-bunsuhoad | modern style of writing | 現代文書法
hithoad | debilitated, debility | 虛法; 虛脫
hoabie-zoadluun | very beautiful or elegant; beyond comparison (people; building; things; etc) | 華美絕倫
hoad hvoaizaai | become wealthy by illegal and dishonest methods | 發橫財
hoad hvuizaai | become wealthy by illegal and dishonest methods | 發橫財
hoad phikhix | fly into a rage; get mad | 發脾氣
hoad serngte | get into a bad humor; become angry | 發脾氣
hoad sinkefng | go crazy; lose sanity | 發神經
hoad sinsuie | hand out paychecks; pay salary | 發薪水
hoad zhuiechiw | beard beginning to grow; let your whiskers grow | 長鬍子; 發鬍鬚
hoad zhuiekhie | teething | 發嘴齒
hoad zupy | show mercy or pity | 發慈悲
hoad | hair on the head of a person | 髮; 法; 砝; 發
hoad-ciwhoong | to get drunk and behave irrationally | 發酒廣
hoad-phikhix | display temper, get angry | 發脾氣
hoad-tøftngr | paper got rejected | 發倒轉; 退回文書
hoadbi | vapidity; insipid; aridity | 乏味
hoadbok | lumbering | 伐木
hoadciuo | to be made to drink as a forfeit; impose a drinking penalty | 罰酒
hoadcvii | be fined money | 罰錢; 罰金
hoadiok | alive and kicking; dynamic | 活躍
hoadjiin ciaoexng | there is no one to take care of him | 乏人照應
hoadkhia | made to stand as a punishment (for a child or student) | 罰站
hoadkhoarn | fine; to fine | 罰款
hoadkhvoar | fine money | 罰款
hoadkiuu | penalty in a ball game | 罰球
hoadkui | keep a person kneeling as punishment | 罰跪
hoadkym | fine; to fine | 罰金
hoadlek | vitality; vigor | 活力
hoadløh | sent away prisoners; deal with; dispose of dismissal with term of punishment | 發落; 處理
hoadphoad | activity; briskness; active; brisk; vigorous | 活潑
hoadtong | activities; actions; movable; flexible; activity | 活動
hoadtvoaf | fine | 罰單
hoadtøq | to treat a table banquet as forfeit | 罰桌; 罰酒席
hoadudhak | jurisprudence | 法律 (學)
hoadzoe | punishment of sins | 罰罪; 定罪
hoafnzoad | suffer from being too smart | 反拙
hoarnhoad | shine; shining | 煥發
hoaxnhoad | break a law; sin; commission; illegality | 犯法
hoefsvoaf poghoad | volcanic eruption | 火山爆發
hoethiefn hoadsut | Nothing can be done to revive the dead or to save the dying | 回天乏術
hofkoad | to reject, to veto, a veto | 否決
hoghoad | to relapse; to plead guilty and be executed; white hair | 伏法; 復發; 鶴髮
hoghoad-tonggaan | a hoary head with a youthful face | 鶴髮童顏
hoghoadcied | Easter | 復活節
hongchix siawsoad | satirical novel | 諷刺小說
honggoadtviusor | places of debauchery or sensuality, world of carnal pleasure | 風月場所
honghoad | ways and means; method; approach; way | 方法
honghoad-lun | methodology | 方法論
hongsoad | spread rumor | 風說; 聽說
horngsia liauhoad | radiotherapy; radiation therapy | 放射療法
horngsiaxsvoax liauhoad | radiotherapy | 放射線療法
hosoad | rubbish; to utter nonsense; Nonsense! talk nonsense | 胡說
hoxhoad | to uphold the constitution; to protect the Buddha-truth | 護法
hoxngkofng siwhoad | law abiding and God fearing; be just and respect the law | 奉公守法
hoxngkofng-siwhoad | carry out official duties and observe the laws | 奉公守法
hoxzeghoad | census law; household registration law | 戶籍法
hudhoad | law of Buddha; Buddhist doctrines | 佛法; 核發
hudzuo poghoad | nuclear blast or explosion | 核爆; 核子爆發
huhoad | art of incantation; charm or spell | 符法; 法術
huihoad | illegal; unlawful | 非法; 無法
hun'yn-hoad | the marriage law | 婚姻法
hunhoad | to distribute; issue or distribute articles; assign or appoint to a post or duty; send in different directions | 分發
hunsek'hoad | analytical method | 分析法
hurnhoad iwuii | hard working and promising young person | 奮發有為
hurnhoad tokioong | rejuvenate a nation by dedicated work | 奮發圖強
hurnhoad | stir oneself; exertion; endeavor; exert or strain oneself; make great effort; try one's best | 奮發
hut'hoad kisiorng | suddenly hit upon a wild idea; suddenly come upon a strange notion | 突發奇想
huthoad | debilitated, debility | 虛脫
hvofkoad | to veto, to reject, a veto | 否決
hwnsoad | whitewash and cover up facts; blackboard erase | 粉刷
høefsvoaf pøxhoad | a volcanic eruption | 火山爆發
høpeeng kaykoad | amicable settlement | 和平解決
iafmsinhoad | magic power of making oneself invisible | 隱身法
iaokoad | critical knack; the key to do something successfully; secret of doing something | 要訣
iauhoad | witchcraft; evil magic | 妖法
ibut-piexnzernghoad | dialectic materialism | 唯物辯證法
iefnsoad | (deliver a) speech; give a speech; deliver a speech; orate; a lecture; an address | 演說
ihoad | legal (proceedings); according to law | 依法; 醫法
inkør-soad | causationalism | 因果說
iongkofng hoarnhoad | have a face radiant with well-being | 容光煥發
ioxngcin honghoad | exhaust one's wits; resort to every available means; do something by hook or by crook | 用盡方法
ioxnghoad | a method of use; way to use a thing; directions for using or operating something | 用法
ipoad | skill or teaching handed down from a master; teaching; skill handed down from master to pupil | 衣缽
irnhoad | to print and distribute | 印發
irnsoad | printing and dying | 印刷
it'hoad chienkwn | hang by a thread (said of a desperate or critical situation) | 一髮千鈞
it'hoad | one round | 一發; 愈發
it'hoad-chienkyn | hang by a thread (said of a desperate or critical situation) | 一髮千鈞
itbuu-sofkhoad | complete within itself (Lit. doesn't lack one thing) | 一無所缺
itchiog-zek'hoad | imminent; touch-and-go (Lit. One slight touch; and off it goes.) | 一觸即發
itkoad | a showdown | 一決
itkoad-zhuhioong | fight it out; compete for the championship | 一決雌雄
iu'oadkarm | sense of superiority | 優越感
iuload | superior and inferior | 優劣
iusoad | to persuade | 游說
iwhoad | to cause, to give rise to, to induce | 誘發
ixsoad | heresies; different theory | 異說
jidgoadhafm | scallop | 日月蚶
jidgoadthafn | clam with flat shells that has white a dark colors | 日月蟶
jidkofng-liauhoad | sun cure | 日光療法
jin'iefn zoadzeg | no trace of human habitation | 人煙絕跡
juhoad phaozex | do things according to an approved routine methods; do something exactly as others have done | 如法泡製
kaesoad | definition | 介說; 界說
kafsoad | hypothesis | 假說
kahoad | family rules; addition (in arithmetic) | 家法; 加法
kang'oo cidtiafmkoad | It's easy; if you know how. (Lit. If you don't know how; the work is like a lake. If you know how; it's like a drop.) | 江湖一點訣
kangzok'hoad | manual training | 工作法
kaohaghoad | pedagogy; teaching method | 教學法
kaohak-hoad | teaching method | 教學法
kaohoad | teaching method; ecclesiastical law | 教法
kaosiuxhoad | teaching method, pedagogy | 教授法
karhoad | teaching methodology; teaching method | 教法; 教學法
kateeng-liauhoad | home treatment | 家庭療法
kawoafn zabpeh'oad | very crooked; zigzag | 彎彎曲曲; 九彎十八穵
kaykoad | solve; settle; settlement | 解決
kaykoad-paxnhoad | solution (of a problem) | 解決辦法
kaysoad | explanation | 解說; 說明
kaythoad | emancipation; be delivered from; emancipate oneself from; free oneself from worldly worries | 解脫
kefhoad | wig | 假髮
keghoad | polar law | 極法
kehoad | household regulation | 家法
kek'hoad | stir up; arouse; spur to action | 激發
kek'hoad-leeng | excitation energy | 激發能
kek'hoad-zoxngthaix | excited state | 激發狀態
kekciornghoad | aggressive method | 激將法
kekcioxng-hoad | aggressive method | 激將法
keng'enghoad | management | 經營法
khaekoad | summarize; generalize; capsule; recap | 概括
khaihoad | develop; exploit; open up; cultivation; exploitation; development | 開發
khaihonghoad | (the) extraction of root | 開方法
khaikoad | to generalize, to summarize | 開決
khailibhoad | set up a method | 開立法
khaithoad | to whitewash oneself | 開拓; 開脫
khanghoad | excellent marksmanship (Lit. No arrow is wasted.) | 空發; 箭無虛發
khawkoad | magic formula; a set of practical methods put in words for easy memory | 口訣
khawsoad-bupiin | Oral agreement cannot serve as evidence. Oral promise is not binding | 口說無憑
khawzoad | clumsy | 巧拙
khefhoad | enlighten; inspirer; suggest; open up men's intelligence; instruct | 啟發
khefhoad-seg | enlightenment format | 啟發式
khiarmkhoad | defect; defectiveness | 欠缺
khoad | be lacking; deficiency, vacancy, a lack | 缺
khoat'hoad | lack, lacking | 缺乏
khoatkhoad | be lacking | 缺缺
khongcieen-zoadhiø | be the first and probably the last | 空前絕後
khuikhoad | deficit | 虧缺
khvoarhoad | opinion; viewpoint; view-point | 看法
khøfkoad | can decide | 可決
khørgoa-hoadtong | extracurricular activities | 課外活動
kiafm'eghoad | quarantine (regulations) | 檢疫法
kiafmhoad | (in arithmetic) subtraction; subtraction (in arithmetic) | 減法
kiarhoad | sending method, method for sending out; to send forth, to mail | 寄法; 寄發
kiarmhoad | swordsmanship | 劍法
kiboadkhør | final examination of a school term; semester exam | 期末考
kienkoad | firmly (opposed to); determined; resolute; determined; decisive; resolute | 堅決
kiet'hoad | disclose; revelation | 揭發; 結髮
kiet'hoad-huzhef | legally married couple ─ the first marriage for both husband and wife | 結髮夫妻
kinpurn kaykoad | radical solution | 根本解決
kinpurn paxnhoad | basic principles of action; basic method; measure | 根本辦法
kiongsuu-toadlie | argue irrationally | 強詞奪理
kipkiuohoad | first-aid methods | 急救法
kirmhoad | the forbidden law | 禁法
kiuhoad | method of requisition | 求法
kiuohoad | method of rescue | 救法
kiuothoad | save from hardship and misery of life | 救法; 救脫
kixzoadofnglaiho | client with a very poor credit standing (excluded from banking service) | 拒絕往來戶
kngfhoad | to curl hair (at a hair-dresser's; etc.); curly hair | 捲髮
koad hvi'ar | slap the ears | 打耳仔
koad | decide; settle; knack; include; decide; determine; to kill; execute; decidedly | 決; 抉; 筈; 秘訣; 括; 訣; 摑; 鴰; 聒
koad-syciexn | a fight to the death | 決死戰
koad-zhuhioong | fight it out | 決雌雄
koaesoad | strange statement | 怪說
koafnlie-hoad | management method | 管理法
koangoadhoe | moon viewing feast | 賞月會
koansoad | to negotiate; to use one's influence to lobby illegally | 關說
koarn'iong-hoad | common usage | 慣用法
koarnchi-hoad | gavage, feeding with stomach tube | 灌飼法
koeakeahoad | the accounts law | 會計法
kofhoad | ancient method | 古法
kofnghoad | way of saying, expression | 講法
kok'hoad | the laws of the land; or the laws of the nation; national law | 國法
kokbiin zuxkoad | plebiscite; referendum | 國民自決; 國民投票
kokzeahoad | international law | 國際法
kokzeghoad | naturalization laws | 國籍法
kokzex konghoad | international public law | 國際公法
konghoad | public law | 公法
kongkoad | common decision; to decide by the majority; resolutions by the majority | 公決
kuilabhoad | inductive method; induction | 歸納法
kuilap-hoad | inductive method; induction | 歸納法
kunhoad | art of boxing | 拳法; 拳術; 軍法
kunhoad-hoexgi | military council; court-martial | 軍法會議
kunhoad-symphvoax | trial by court-martial | 軍法審判
kunhoad-zhaiphvoax | court martial | 軍法裁判; 軍法庭
kuohoad | syntax | 句法
kuosoad | It is said that … | 據說
kuxthea paxnhoad | practical methods of managing | 具體辦法
kuxzoad | refuse, reject, refusal, rejection | 拒絕
kvialo khaf poatpoad | pigeon-toed | 撇著走
kørhoad | inform against; lodge accusation against | 告發
lanthoad | hard to get off | 難脫
lefhoad | decorum; rules of politeness; ceremonial rites and regulations | 禮法
lefngzonghoad | refrigerated method | 冷藏法
leghoad | The calendar; system of determining the beginning; length; and divisions of a year; astronomy; calculation of the stars and times | 曆法
lenghuun sengsit soad | theory that the soul as well as the body is propagated; Traducianism | 靈魂生殖說
lenghuun uithoaan soad | theory that the soul as well as the body is passed on to the offspring or inherited from parents; Traducianism | 靈魂遺傳說
lenghuun zhorngzø soad | theory of the creation of a soul for every person at birth | 靈魂創造說
lengkhoad | it's better to leave a vacancy | 寧缺
lengzoong-hoad | refrigeration method | 冷藏法
liafmhoad | tax law | 斂法
liah-sykoad | persistent; stubborn | 掠死訣; 固執
liauhoad | a cure; a therapy; medical treatment | 療法; 治療法
libhoad kikoafn | legislative organ | 立法機關
libhoad uyoaan | member of legislative committee | 立法委員
libhoad | to legislate; to make laws; draw up laws; enact laws | 立法
libhoad-kikoafn | legislative organ | 立法機關
libhoad-koaan | legislative power | 立法權
libhoad-uy'oaan | a member of the Legislative Yuan | 立法委員
libhoad-vi | Legislative Yuan (Taiwan) | 立法院
lidgoadhafm | a Taiwanese special clam | 日月蚶
lidgoadthafn | clam with flat shells that has white a dark colors | 日月蟶
lienhoad | to fire in rapid succession | 連發
lienkoad | link | 連結
liexnhoad | practice | 練法
liexnthihhoad | puddling; melting pig iron in a reverberatory furnace to turn it into wrought iron | 煉鐵法
liexnthiq-hoad | puddling | 煉鐵法
limsii siet'hoad | provisional plan | 臨時設法
lioghoad zoansw | The complete Volume of Six Laws ─ an omnibus of modern Chinese Laws | 六法全書
lioghoad | six volumes of law | 六法
lioghoad-zoansw | The Complete Volumes of Six Laws | 六法全書
liogtoadphirn | spoils; prey; prize; booty | 掠奪品
liusoad | rumor; gossip; hearsay (esp. malicious) | 流言; 流說
load | bad; vile; degraded; bad; inferior; poor; humble; mean | 劣
loadchiuo | weaker hand | 劣手
loadcid | poor, bad, of inferior quality | 劣質
loadciorng | inferior race | 劣種
loadkwn-sexng | ill-nature, mean disposition, bad characteristics | 劣根性
loadsex | inferiority, unfavorable situation | 劣勢
loadsip | evil custom | 劣習; 惡習
loadsw | bad teacher | 劣師
loadsyn | evil-disposed gentry | 劣身; 劣紳
loadte | bad brother | 劣弟
loadterng | low grade, inferior grade | 劣等
loadtiarm | weakness, badness | 劣點
loadzeg | bad behavior, bad reputation, infamous behavior | 劣積; 壞行為
loaxnhoad | elflock, tousled hair | 亂法; 亂髮
loaxnsoad | to say what should not be said | 亂說
lofnghoad | to tie up hair | 束髮; 攏髮
longhoad | farming law | 農法
longkoad | sweep the board | 囊括
longte khaihoad | development of farmland | 農地開發
loxhoad chiongkoafn | his rage lifted his cap | 怒髮衝冠
loxngkhao-hoafnzoad | suffer from being too smart | 弄巧反拙
loxngkoad | to sweep up everything | 弄決
ludhoad | torah; laws; statutes; fundamental code of law | 律法
lunzok'hoad | crop rotation system | 輪作法
luxnhoad | logic of | 論法
luxnsoad | a treatise; theory or thoughts; essay | 論說; 論述
luycixn-hoad | mathematical progression | 累進法
lyhoad | to have a haircut; cut the hair; get a haircut | 理髮
lyhoad-siøfciar | a woman barber | 理髮小姐
løfzoad | my clumsy self | 老拙
løkihoad | labor law | 勞基法
meqthoad | asystole; pulseless | 脈脫; 停止脈動
mohoad | enchantment; magic; wizardry; sorcery; witchcraft | 魔法
nafpoadar | guava | 林菝仔
ngseg-siawsoad | sex novels; pornographic novels | 黃色小說
niafpoadar | guava | 林菝仔
noxhoad-chiongkoafn | his rage lifted his cap | 怒髮沖冠
oad citpeeng | take the road turning off on this side | 轉這爿; 轉這邊
oad | turn, turn off | 轉; 斡; 轉彎
oadcieen | turn in the front | 越前
oadgak | break out (escape) from prison | 越獄
oadhan | exceed the time limit; transgress the limit | 越限
oadhioxng | change direction | 轉向
oadiafchiaf | cross country vehicle (doesn't need a road) | 越野車
oadjuo | more (than sth else); even more | 越愈; 更加
oadkaix | encroach on the territory of another, go beyond the boundary | 越界
oadkhix | turned | 越去
oadkhuie | go beyond what is proper; off the track | 越軌
oadkhw | go beyond area | 越區
oadkib | skip a grade (in promotion) | 越級; 跳級
oadkoaan | go beyond one's commission; act without authorization; overstep the bounds of one's own authority | 越權
oadkuie | go beyond what is proper; off the track | 越軌
oadlaai-oadkhix | turn back and forth; turn one's head this way and that | 轉來轉去; (頭)轉來轉去
oadlafmseg | reading room | 閱覽室
oadlaioadkhix | turning back and forth | 越來越去
oadlarm | reading; read | 閱覽
oadliam | recite; repeat from memory | 虹誦; 越唸; 背念
oadlierntngr | turn one's self round; turn and go back | 斡輾身
oadpefng | review troops | 閱兵
oadphoad | lively; active; energetic | 活潑
oadsiarm | turn aside to avoid someone | 轉閃; 躲避
oadthaau | back; turn back; turn around; turn one's head; turn something in the opposite direction | 回勵; 越頭; 轉頭
oadthaukoex`laai | turn around | 越頭過來
oadthok | study | 閱讀
oadtngfsyn | turn around | 越轉身
oadtngr | to turn around | 回轉
oadzao | turn away, avoid encountering | 轉走; 轉頭
oan'oad | bend; bent; curve; warp; wind | 彎斡; 狡猾; 盤陀; 兜圈子; 拐彎; 彎曲; 委曲; 迤邐; 曲折
oan'oafn oat'oad | winding (path; stream) | 彎彎曲曲
oan'oan'oat'oad | winding | 彎彎斡斡
oat'oad | many turns, not straight | 轉轉; 斡斡; 轉彎
oatzoad | scoop out clumsy | 穵拙
oexhoad | method of painting or drawing | 畫法
ofnghoad | to circumvent the law | 枉法
ok'hoad | bad method, bad law | 惡法; 壞方法
okload | of very poor quality; very inferior; rude; revolting | 惡劣
onghoad buchyn | law is impartial | 王法無親
onghoad | royal decree; the law of the land; laws of the kingdom | 王法
osoad | talk nonsense | 胡說
pahhunhoad | percentage; statement or expression in percentage | 百分法
pahhwn-hoad | a grade of a hundred | 百分法
panhoad | to award; to confer; to issue; make known to subordinates; issue orders; award or distribute (prizes) | 頒發
panteng hiernhoad | promulgate the constitution | 頒定憲法
pat'hoad | eight basic rules for writing Chinese | 八法
paukhoad | include, cover | 包缺; 包括
paukoad zaixlai | include in it | 包括在內
paukoad | include; cover; embody; add in; contain; include; comprise; contain; to cover; to embrace; take in; be covered; stipulated or contained in a contract or agreement | 包括
paxnhoad | plan of management; method; way; means measure; method of transacting business; way to manage; conditions; schemes | 辦法
paythoad | to get rid of; to free oneself from; to shake off; get rid of; free oneself from | 擺脫
peh-soatsoad | as white as snow | 白雪雪
pek'hoad pektioxng | hit the mark every time; hit the target with every shot | 百發百中
pek'oadzok | Baiyue | 百越族
penghoad | military strategy | 兵法
peqoe siawsoad | novels in vernacular Chinese | 白話小說
pernghoad | break out at the same time; have complications; begin; explode; erupt; attack at the same time; accompany another disease | 併發
pexngkhøf-hoadkym | fine; forfeit | 併科罰金
phaohoad | artillery methodology | 泡法; 砲法
pheahoad | allotment | 配發
phehoad | wholesale | 批發
phenghoad | spelling | 拼法
phengjymhoad | culinary art; cookery; recipe | 烹飪法
phihoad | wholesale | 批發
phiørkiehoad | Law of Negotiable Instruments | 票據法
phiørkoad | decide by casting ballots | 票決
phoad | lame | 拐; 瘸
phoeahoad | allotment | 配發
phoehoad | wholesale | 批發
phvoarkoad | pronounce judgment; legal decision; legal judgment; verdict; sentence; to hand down a sentence; to judge | 判決
phvoarkoad-buun | written legal sentence or judgment | 判決文
phøehoad | wholesale | 批發
phøehoad-kex | wholesale price | 批發價
piawkoad | decide by vote; put to a vote | 表決
piehoad | secret methods | 秘法
piekoad | secret method; secrets of an art; a key to | 密訣; 祕訣; 竅門; 秘訣
piernhoad | change method or role | 變化; 變法
piexnzexng-hoad | dialectics | 辯證法
piload | poor; mean; sleazy; mean; depraved | 卑劣
pit'hoad | technique of writing; calligraphy or drawing; penmanship; style of handwriting; calligraphic style | 筆法
piøfkoad | to put to vote | 錶蓋; 表決
poad | limp | 跛
poadafcie | guava seed | 菝仔子
poadar | guava | 菝仔; 番石榴
poadbuun | postscript | 跋文
poadgie | postscript | 跋語
poadho | domineer over; rampancy | 跋扈
poadhoo | domineering | 跋扈
poadhøo | tug-o-war | 拔河
poadkoafn | pull off | 拔關
poadkuun | outstanding | 拔群
poadsiab | travel over land and water | 跋涉
poadsiap løkhor | hardships of travel | 跋涉勞苦
poadsiap | to travel over land and water; to trudge; travel over land and sea | 跋涉
poadsiok | far above the common standard; not at all vulgar or trite; outstanding and unique | 拔俗
poadsyn | extricate yourself | 拔身
poadto | escape | 拔逃
poadtuu | uproot; eradicate | 拔除
poadtør | fell | 跋倒
poadzok | promote | 拔擢
poadzui jinzaai | man of outstanding talents | 拔萃人才
poadzui | excerpt, quotation, selection | 拔萃
pofhoad | supply again (sth lost); reissue; pay retroactively; issue; distribute behind schedule; issue; distribute the balance; remaining portion | 補發
pofkhoad | to make up for the difference; supply a vacancy; fill a post | 補缺; 補闕
pofkiux paxnhoad | measures to save the situation; corrective means | 補救辦法
poghoad | explode, explosion | 爆發
pudhoad | Buddhist doctrine | 佛法
put'habhoad | illegal | 無合法; 不合法
put'hoad | illegal; unlawful | 不法; 無法
put'hoad`ee | unlawful; illegal | 不法的; 無法的
putkhøfkhoad | indispensable; essential | 無可缺
putkoad | irresolute, undetermined | 無決
pvoargoadheeng | half moon shape | 半月型
pøesoad | flying snow | 飛雪
pøfhoxhoad | protection law | 保護法
pøxhoad | violent eruption; sudden flare up; become rich; attain high position all of a sudden | 暴發; 爆發
sahoad | sofa | 沙發
sarnhoad | distribute | 散發
seakaix boadjit | the Last Day; Doomsday | 世界末日
sefsoad | to wash and brush | 洗刷
senghoad | multiplication; multiplication (arithmetic) | 乘法
sengkonggoadhien | clear sky with stars and bright moon | 星光月現
seqoad | go round and turn | 踅斡
sia'hoad | sorcery; unlawful tricks | 邪法
siafhoad | writing technique; style of handwriting; penmanship | 寫法
siahoad | Taoist magical arts; sorcery, unlawful tricks | 妖法; 邪法
sianggoadkhafn | a bimonthly publication | 雙月刊
siasoad | heretical theory | 邪說
siawkhoad | insufficient, lacking | 小缺; 少缺
siawsoad | fiction; novel; novel; fiction | 小說
siawsoad-kaf | a novelist | 小說家
siaxhoad | shooting rules | 射法
siaxsoad | editorial, leading article | 射說; 社論
sibcirnhoad | decimal system | 十進法
sibkoarnhoad | customary law; customs having force of law | 習慣法
sidbut liauhoad | diet therapy | 食物療法
siedphoad | quarrelsome | 吵架; 長舌的
sienhoad | magic of a genie | 仙法
sienkoad | prerequisite, matter to be decided | 先決
siet'hoad | arrange; manage; think up a method; devise a way; put matters right | 設法
sihenghoad | enforcement law | 施行法
sinhoad | a new method, a new law | 新法
sionghoad | commercial law | 商法
sirngiorng liauhoad | faith healing | 信仰療法
siuhoad | receive and send out (official papers; documents); office clerk who takes care of the receiving and sending out of official correspondence | 收發
siuhoarurnhoad | collection, transportation and distribution | 收化運發
siwhoad | abide by the law | 守法
siøfkhoad | insufficient, lacking | 小缺
siøfsoad | novel | 小說
siøfsoad-kaf | a novelist | 小說家
sngfhoad | play tricks | 耍法
sngrhoad | method of calculation; arithmetic | 算法
soad | brush; scrub; to clean; to print; a brush | 刷; 說
soafnkyhoad | laws governing elections | 選舉法
soafnpaxhoad | elect | 選拔法
soafnpoadsaix | tryout (for athletes) | 選拔賽
soat'hoad | a version, preach, way of speaking | 說法
soeahoad | tax law | 稅法
soehhoad | statement | 說法
sokciexn-sokkoad | blitzkrieg strategy; military strategy that calls for speedy decision and applying overwhelming forces against the enemy | 速戰速決
somlimhoad | forestry law | 森林法
sorsioxnghoad | legal procedures involved in a lawsuit; law of procedure | 訴訟法
suhoad hengzerngkoaan | judicial administrative authority | 司法行政權
suhoad hengzerngpo | the Ministry of Justice | 司法行政部
suhoad kefngzhad | judicial police | 司法警察
suhoad kikoafn | judicial organizations | 司法機關
suhoad ngguu | profiteer serving as arbitrator or liaison between a judge and a defendant | 司法黃牛
suhoad toglip | independence of the judiciary | 司法獨立
suhoad zeato | judicial system | 司法制度
suhoad | jurisdiction; judicature; calligraphy | 司法; 書法
suhoad-koaan | jurisdiction | 司法權
suhoad-vi | Judicial Yuan | 司法院
suhoad-zeato | judicial system | 司法制度
sujibhoad | import method | 輸入法
sunzwpenghoad | The Art of War | 孫子兵法
suthofhoad | an old; local method; a traditional method | 辭土法
sva'oafn nngxoad | again and again | 三彎兩斡; 再三
sviu-paxnhoad | devise means; think up a scheme | 想法子
sviuxhoad | notion; thinner; idea; way of looking at something; a view | 想法
sviuxpaxnhoad | to find ways to | 想辦法
sviwsien hoadog | reward the good and punish the evil | 賞善罰惡
svoapoadar | mountain guava | 山菝仔
svoarhoad | wild; feral | 野生
swioxnghoad | directions for use | 使用法
sykoad | obstinate; stubborn | 固執
søeahoad | tax law | 稅法
søeasoad | wipe out | 洗刷; 洗雪
taixhoad luiteeng | become very angry | 大發雷霆
taixsoad | heavy snow | 大雪
taohoad | to compete with others in the use of magic powers | 鬥法
taqsoad simmuii | go out into the snow looking for flowering plum trees ─ get an inspiration for a poem | 踏雪尋梅
tauphiørhoad | laws and regulations governing balloting | 投票法
tauphiøx piawkoad | decide by voting | 投票表決
tegpiedhoad | special law | 特別法
tek'hoad | with a right method, right way | 得法
texnghoad | law | 定法
texngkoad | determined, fixed | 定決; 決定
thaghoad | pronunciation; pronunciation (of a word); ways of reading; studying | 讀法
thamzofng ofnghoad | take bribes and pervert justice | 貪贓枉法
thawthoad | liberate; escape | 解脫
thepoad | to promote, to advance | 提拔
thiaothoad | escape | 跳脫
thiaupoad | to provoke; to cause disputes; to arouse | 挑撥
thiok'hoad | to grow long hair; do not have one's hair cut | 蓄髮
thoaan ipoad | hand one's trade on to disciples; teach one's students all one knows (especially about academic endeavors and the fine arts) | 傳衣缽
thoad | to tide over; procrastinate; escape from (danger) | 渡; 拖; 脫 (險)
thoad`khix | to take off | 拖去
thoansoad | unconfirmed report; legends; tale; hearsay; legends; stories passing from mouth to mouth; unconfirmed reports | 傳說
thofpoadar | organic guava | 土菝仔
thokpoad | beg for alms | 托砵
thongsiok siawsoad | popular (lowbrow) novel | 通俗小說
thongthoad | unrestrained | 通脫
thvihoad | divine law, low of Heaven | 天法
thvy bøo zoadjiin cy lo | unexpectedly rescued from a desperate situation | 天無絕人之路
tidciab kaohaghoad | direct method (in pedagogy) | 直接教學法
tiexnhoad | permanent wave; get a permanent | 燙髮; 燙頭髮
tiexnhoad-sw | beautician | 電髮師; 電
tiexnhoad-tiaxm | beauty parlor | 電髮店; 美容院
tiexnkhix liauhoad | electrotherapy | 電氣療法
tiexnliauhoad | electrotherapy | 電療法
tihoad | division (in math) | 除法
tihoad-hoaxnhoad | transgress a law knowingly; knowingly commit an offense | 知法犯法
tionglibhoad | law of neutrality | 中立法
tiongphiefn siawsoad | long story; a novel | 長篇小說
tiongtoad | suspension; interruption; discontinue | 中輟
tngfoad | turn a corner, turn onto another road | 轉彎; 轉斡; 轉角
toad | escape, get away, remove | 奪
toadbok | seize one's attention, drizzling | 奪目
toadciaxm | to usurp | 奪佔
toadhoee | recover by force | 奪回
toadhøee | to recapture, recover | 奪回
toadkoaan | deprive one of his rights | 奪權
toadkymphiaw | win the first prize (in a race or game) | 奪錦標
toadli | grasping for gain | 奪利
toadlie | wrest justice | 奪理
toadphiaw | grasp the sign | 奪標
toadpvex | seize the handle | 奪柄
toadtid | to get, win, obtain | 奪得
toadzhuo | take by force; wrest from | 奪取
toaxngaai zoadpiaq | broken ridges and steep cliffs | 斷崖絕壁
toboad | to erase; to obliterate; to scribble | 塗抹
tudhoad | burst | 突發
tuiekoad | duelling; rencounter | 對決
tvafhoad | to dispatch; send away | 打發
tørchiwkoad | lefty | 倒手抉
tøroad | left turn | 倒斡
tøsorkoad | decided by the majority | 多數決
tøsox-koad | majority vote | 多數決; 多數決定
tøthaehoad | concentration (in mining) | 淘汰法
tøthoad | escape from; free oneself from; succeed in escaping from; run away | 逃脫
tøxhoad | Taoism | 道法
u-zhutthoad | promising | 有出脫
uihoad | illegal; unlawful; lawless; irregularity; against the law; unlawful | 違法
uikefnghoad | law for the punishment of police offences | 違警法
uozoad | roundabout | 迂拙
uxhoad | manageable, possibly done | 有法; 有法子
uxzhutthoad | outstanding | 有出脫
vixsoad | different story | 異說
wnsinhoad | magic power of making oneself invisible | 隱身法
wtiu zhorngzøxsoad | creationism | 宇宙創造說
ykoad | have already decided | 已決
ynhoad | trigger | 引發
ynkoad | induce | 引決
ysyn chiehoad | defy the law; dare to violate the law | 以身試法
zaehoad | reappearance; relapse | 再發
zankhoad | incomplete; deformed; disabled | 殘缺
zawhoad | running method | 走法
zawthoad | escape | 走脫
zeahoad | method for making; ways or methods of making something | 製法
zeazøxhoad | manufacturing process | 製造法
zefngzofng thaixhoad | all packed up and ready to go (usually said of troops on an expedition) | 整裝待發
zekkhoad | shortfall | 積缺
zeksoad | accumulated (fallen) snow | 積雪
zengbeeng toadli | contest for fame and riches | 爭名奪利
zenghoad | vaporization; evaporeate | 蒸發
zengkoaan toadli | fight for selfish gains; scramble for personal gains | 爭權奪利
zengsiin liauhoad | psycho therapy | 精神療法
zengthaxm siawsoad | detective story | 偵探小說
zengthoad | to break away with force | 爭脫; 掙脫
zengtoadciexn | battle over a city; strategic point | 爭奪戰
zengzeahoad | refining process | 精製法
zernghoad | execute a sentence; proper law or rule; execute a convict; execution | 正法; 處刑
zerngthoad | break away with force; to shake off | 掙脫
zhaihonghoad | sewing mechanism | 裁縫法
zhaikoad | make the final decision; judge and decide; decision or approval of a superior or supervisor | 裁決
zhaitoad | to decide | 裁奪
zhernghoad | gun method | 銃法
zherngkoad | execute by shooting | 槍決
zhoad | utmost | 啜; 摘; 歠; 撮; 蕝; 蕞; 最
zhohoad | not a fine method | 粗法
zhongbeeng zoadterng | extremely clever or intelligent | 聰明絕頂
zhornghoad | a way of handling things | 作法; 弄法
zhuilie siawsoad | detective story; a whodunit | 推理小說
zhut'hoad ee sikafn | time of departure | 出發的時間
zhut'hoad | start a journey | 出發
zhutkhoad | there is a vacancy | 出缺
zhutpafnhoad | publication law | 出版法
zhutthoad | out of dilemma; break away from sufferings; make good or succeed (said of people of humble origin) | 出脫; 脫離困境
zhwhoad | how to take | 取法
zhwkoad | decided by; rest with; put to death; execute; decide; resolve | 取決; 處決
zoad | splash; spill by shaking | 濺; 溢
zoad`zhutlaai | to leak out | 濺出來; 溢出來
zoadau | no heir | 絕後
zoadbang | despair; be hopeless | 絕望
zoadbeng | die; death | 絕命
zoadbiau | exquisiteness; extremely good or wonderful; exquisite | 絕妙
zoadbong | despair; be hopeless | 絕望
zoadciaw | unique skill | 絕招
zoadgaai | cliff | 斷崖
zoadge | unique feat; stunt or performance | 絕藝
zoadgi | absolute justice | 絕義
zoadhak | lost art or learning; unique and matchless art or learning; discard conventional or worthless learning | 絕學
zoadhiøxsuu | posterity cut off; without an heir; without male posterity | 絕後嗣
zoadho | heirless; without posterity; probably cannot be repeated again (said of extremely good writing; painting) | 絕嗣; 絕後代
zoadieen | insulate, dissociation | 絕緣; 斷絕關係
zoadieen-thea | insulator | 絕緣體
zoadienthea | electric or thermal insulator | 絕緣體
zoadiok | to sterilize, sterilization | 絕慾; 絕育
zoadjiaq | completely disappear | 絕跡
zoadjiet | heat insulation | 絕熱
zoadkaf | extremely good; excellent | 絕佳
zoadkaw | cease friendship | 絕交
zoadkerng | desperate spot; end of one's rope; helpless situation | 絕境
zoadkhafn | cease publication | 絕刊
zoadkhuix | breathe one's last | 氣絕; 絕氣; 斷氣
zoadkuun | unmatched; peerless | 絕群
zoadkux | excellent sentence | 絕句
zoadky | extraordinary skill; a feat or stunt | 絕技
zoadlo | dead end | 絕路
zoadluun | without match; peerless; unparalleled | 絕倫
zoadmia | die; death | 絕命
zoadniuu | run out of food | 絕糧
zoadparn | out of print; out of print books | 絕版
zoadpiaq | cliff; precipice; cliffs | 絕壁
zoadpid | one's last writing; cease writing at the death of the writer | 絕筆
zoadpo | the cruelest way | 絕步; 最惡毒的手段
zoadseg | incomparably beautiful girl | 絕色
zoadsex | peerless; matchless; unique | 絕世
zoadsiok | above worldly ways; sever oneself from worldly ways or matters (originally Buddhist) | 絕俗
zoadsit khornggi | hunger strike | 絕食抗議
zoadsit | fast; go on a hunger strike | 絕食
zoadsuu | no heir | 絕嗣; 無後
zoadtai kajiin | matchless beauty | 絕代佳人
zoadtai | matchless or peerless in one's generation | 絕代; 無後
zoadtaixhonghoaa | peerless elegance | 絕代風華
zoadterng | the top of a mountain peak; extremely | 絕頂
zoadtng | cut off | 絕斷
zoadtuie'e | definitely will | 絕對會
zoadtuielun | absolutism | 絕對論
zoadtuix anzeng | complete bed rest | 絕對安靜
zoadtuix hoafntuix | positively against another's demands | 絕對反對
zoadtuix hogcioong | absolute obedience | 絕對服從
zoadtuix tøsox | an absolute majority | 絕對多數
zoadtuix | absolutely; positively | 絕對
zoadtøe | place of despair | 絕地
zoadzaai | incomparable talent or capability | 絕才
zoadzeeng | cease relationship | 絕情; 寡情
zoadzeg | be out of existence; vanish completely; be completely wiped out; extinct | 絕跡
zoadzerng | extinct | 絕種
zoadzexng | incurable (mortal) disease | 絕症
zoafnhoad | send or distribute through another person or office | 轉發
zoatload | clumsy, bad, poor | 絕劣
zocit'hoad | government; laws governing organizations | 組織法
zoeahoad | way of doing things | 做法
zofngkoad | summing up; sum up; summarize | 總決; 總括
zofngphoehoad | equipment or outfit (especially of a soldier) | 總批發
zofngtoxng'oanhoad | law of general mobilization | 總動員法
zok'hoad | practice a black art; resort to magic arts; way of doing things; course of action; practice | 作法
zonghabhoad | method of synthesis | 綜合法
zonghoad | rules within a clan governing order of succession; marriage | 宗法
zuxhoad | do something on one's own initiative; to start by itself; self moving | 自發
zuxhoad-sexng | spontaneous | 自發性
zuxjieen liauhoad | naturopathy, natural ways of healing without drugs | 自然療法
zuxjienhoad | natural law | 自然法
zuxkoad | decide or solve (a problem) by oneself, self determination | 自決
zuxoaan kii soad | make one's story sound plausible | 自圓其說
zuxtixhoad | autonomous law | 自治法
zuxtoxngzuxhoad | spontaneously | 自動自發
zuxty lykhoad | realize that one is on the wrong side | 自知理缺
zwhoad | a method of cooking; the way of cooking | 煮法
zwkoad | main decision | 主決
zwkoafn ee khvoarhoad | subjective view | 主觀的看法
zøeahoad | zørhoad; way of doing, method of performance; make some magic | 作法; 做法
zøehoad | acted at the same time | 齊發
zørhoad | method; procedure; way of doing or making thing(s) | 做法
zøxhoad | manufacturing process | 做法; 造法

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