"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Taioankoaiaau | Taiwanese songs | 台灣歌謠
bexkoaix`tid | not to be blamed | 未怪得; 怪無得
bogkoaix | no wonder; no wonder that; please excuse | 莫怪; 怪無得; 難怪; 怨不得
bukoaix | no wonder | 無怪
bøexkoaix`tid | no wonder | 沒怪得
bøkoaix | no wonder | 無怪
chienkii pekkoaix | all sorts of strange things | 千 奇百怪
cviaa-kikoaix | very strange | 很奇怪; 誠奇怪
cymoai | sister | 姊妹
garn zefng chiuo khoaix | sharp of sight and quick of hand; see things clearly and act speedily | 眼清手快
goaxkhoaix | extra income; kickbacks | 外快
gulaxnphasvoai | mango | 牛𡳞脬檨
haixkoaekoaix | old and shabby | 害怪怪; 老舊; 破舊
hikii-kofkoaix | strange; bizarre; odd | 稀奇古怪
hikvoaiuu | cod liver oil | 魚肝油
hiwhoai | rotting | 朽壞; 腐爛
hoad hvoaizaai | become wealthy by illegal and dishonest methods | 發橫財
hoai | bad; to spoil; a dirty trick | 壞
hoai'in | pregnant; be pregnant | 懷孕
hoaichiu | a pagoda tree | 槐樹
hoaigii | suspicious; to suspect; to doubt | 懷疑
hoaihin | cherish resentment; bear a grudge | 懷恨
hoaihoef | flowers from pagoda tree | 槐花
hoaihun | cherish resentment; bear a grudge | 懷恨
hoaijiuu | to conciliate; to appease | 懷柔
hoaikiu | to cherish the past; reminiscence | 懷舊
hoaikor | to look back upon the past | 懷古
hoaiku | nostalgia | 懷舊
hoailiam | pine after; to have sweet memory of; miss; think of | 懷念
hoaiphau | bosom; to embrace; to hold in the arms; nurse in the arms | 懷抱
hoaisafn | mountain yam as a mediciane | 淮山
hoaisiorng | to remember, to think of | 懷想
hoaithay | to become pregnant; to conceive; be pregnant | 懷胎
hoaix | deaf; hard of hearing | 聵
hoaixsie | necrosis | 壞死
hoaixsu | a bad or evil thing; to ruin | 壞事
hoaixzhux | disadvantage | 壞處
hoaizaai | with talent | 懷才
hoaizhwn | to begin to think of love; become sexually awakened (usually said of young girls) | 懷春
hoxkoaix | toad; big frog | 雨怪; 水中蟾蜍
huikhoaix | very fast; fast; rapidly; with lightning speed | 飛快
huixhoai | to destroy; to ruin | 毀壞
hukvoaiuu | cod liver oil | 魚肝油
huyhoai | devastate; demolish; crack up; damage | 毀壞
hvoai'og | wicked | 橫惡; 邪惡
hvoaibahsvef | of fierce or ferocious appearance | 橫肉生; 惡形惡狀的人
hvoaibin | transverse section | 橫面
hvoaigek | rebellious; disobedient; lawless | 橫逆
hvoaiheeng partø | bully; behave in total disregard of law | 橫行霸道
hvoaiheeng | proceed on ways other than proper usually evil; move sideways like crabs | 橫行
hvoaihek | violent, overbearing, unjust | 橫行; 無法無天
hvoaihioxng | horizontal | 橫向
hvoaihvoaai | cruel, unreasonable (person) | 橫橫
hvoaihvoai'køo | act unreasonably | 橫橫來; 亂來
hvoaihø | unexpected calamity | 橫禍; 橫
hvoaikef | cross street | 橫街
hvoaikeh | set oneself against; oppose; make a pair | 橫逆; 橫扴; 作對
hvoaikehmoh | the diaphragm | 橫隔膜
hvoaikekmøh | the diaphragm (physiology); abdominal diaphragm | 橫隔膜
hvoaikoaxn konglo | highway running from east to west; Cross Island Highway in Taiwan | 橫貫公路
hvoaikoaxn-konglo | the cross-island highway; east-west highway | 橫貫公路
hvoaikoaxn-svoameh | mountain range running from east to west | 橫貫山脈
hvoaikoong | rafter, ceiling joist | 橫栱
hvoaikoxng | strong transverse bar for a door | 橫槓; (門閂)
hvoaikviaa | walk sideways | 橫行
hvoaikvoae | stub supports horizontally | 橫杆; 桌子橫木
hvoaikvoay | cross-bars connecting the legs of a chair; table or bed | 橫杆
hvoaikøf | act against law and reason | 無理; 橫滾
hvoaikøkøo | cross; unreasonable; overbearing | 橫黏黏; 橫分無講理
hvoailaau | cross-current | 橫流
hvoailo | the horizontal road; east-west road | 橫路
hvoainiar | horizontal collar | 橫領
hvoainiuu | lateral beam | 橫樑
hvoaiparpax | overbearing | 橫霸霸
hvoaipax | perverse and tyrannical | 橫霸
hvoaipiern | horizontal tablet over door | 匾額; 橫扁
hvoaipø | high-handed | 橫暴
hvoaisef | horizontal yarn | 橫絲
hvoaisiar | write horizontally | 橫寫
hvoaisie | untimely death by accident | 橫死; 橫禍
hvoaisvoax | horizontal lines; horizontal lines | 橫線
hvoaisvy | difficult labor of childbirth | 橫產; 橫生; 非順產
hvoaitek | the common flute (played horizontally) | 橫笛
hvoaithofng | wood across the columns | 橫通; 柱間橫木
hvoaitit | either way; in either case; horizontal and perpendicular; in any case; anyway; in the end; in the long run | 橫直; 反正
hvoaito | (n) ferry | 橫渡; 渡船
hvoaitoaxnbin | cross section | 橫斷面
hvoaizaai | get rich illegally; making a windfall; good fortune which one doesn't deserve; illegal gains | 橫財
hvoaizah | put across, obstruct | 橫閘; 攔阻
hvoaizhaa giajip zaux | argue irrationally; do things the way they won't work (to put sticks of wood into the stove sideways; contrary to the way they fit) | 強詞奪理; 橫柴抬入灶
hvoaizhvoax | cross bolt or bar (at a gate) | 橫閂
hvoaizoa | horizontal stripe or row | 橫列
iaukoaix | a monster; demons; goblin; apparition; specter; demon; siren; a Circe | 妖怪
iaumoo-kuykoaix | evil spirits of all kinds | 妖魔鬼怪
ikoaix | weird | 異怪
jwkhoaix | cheerful; well-contented; happy; pleased; delighted; comfortable | 愉快
kawkoaix | naughtiness; balky; mischievous; pig-headed | 狡怪; 頑皮; 狡猾
kefkuie-kefkoaix | feign to be a devil or a monster ─ pretend or feign (not to know; to be ill; deaf; dumb) | 假鬼假怪; 裝瘋賣傻
kefkuykefkoaix | pretending | 假鬼假怪
keghoai | the worst, extremely bad | 極壞
khaf zvoai`tiøh | sprained foot | 腳撰著; 腳扭傷
khengkhoaix | agility; springiness; volatility | 輕快
khinkhoaix | obligingly; readily induced to help or to do a favor; willing to help; nimble; sprightly; agile | 勤快
khoaekhoaix | quickly, easily | 快快; 容易
khoaix siuxkhix | easily angered; peevish | 容易生氣
khoaix zørmar | be grandmother soon | 快當祖母
khoaix | fast; quick; piece; quickly; fast; easy; cheerful; happy; sharp (blades) | 快; 塊; 容易
khvoaixkhvoaixkiøx | sound of cymbals | 銅鑼的聲音
kiammoai'ar | pickled plum | 鹹糜仔; 鹹梅仔; 酸梅
kiernkoaix | mind; take offence; take amiss; be somewhat displease at a slight fault or lapse in politeness | 見怪
kikii-koaekoaix | strange; odd; amazing | 奇奇怪怪
kikikoaekoaix | strange; odd; amazing | 奇奇怪怪
kikoaix | odd; surprising; strange; mysterious; improper; it is strange that... | 奇怪
koaekoaix | unnatural; strange; odd | 怪怪; 無對勁; 不自然
koai | stubborn; contrary in temper; to sprain (the foot) | 拐; 絆倒
koai`tiøh | stumble | 絆倒
koai`tør | to trip over; to trip | 絆倒
koaiaau | popular song | 歌謠
koaikhar | clever; ingenious; obedient and intelligent (children) | 乖巧; 乖順
koaikhiao | well-behaved and intelligent (child) | 乖巧
koaikoay | sib; ossove dpco; e; an endearing name for children | 乖乖
koaix | freak; monster; demon; ghost; specter; strange; uncanny; monstrous; to blame; marvelous; find fault with; monster; goblin | 怪
koaix-hiexnsiong | a strange phenomenon | 怪現象
koaix-putteg | no wonder | 怪無得
koaix`laang | to blame on someone else | 怪人
koaixbiu | contrary, perverse | 荒謬
koaixkyn | a sprain | 扭筋
koaixphiaq | contrary, perverse | 執拗
koarsoaix | to take command | 掛長; 掛帥; 掛率
kofkoaix | strange; queer; anachronistic; eccentric; very peculiar; very different from what was expected | 古怪
kukoaix | odd; queer; eccentric | 古怪
kuykoaix | ghosts and monsters; specters; evil sprites; ghosts and goblins | 鬼怪
kvikvikvoaiqkvoaih | incessant grumbling | 吱吱叫
kvoai | a county; perverse | 縣; 執拗的
kvoai'aq | to take into custody | 關啊; 關押
kvoai'mngg | shut the door, lock up the house | 關門
kvoai'ui | high position | 官位; 高位
kvoaiam | hepatitis | 肝炎
kvoaike | height | 高度
kvoaikex | high price | 高價
kvoaikixm | lock in, imprison, jail | 關禁
kvoaikvaf | imprison | 關監; 關監牢; 監禁
kvoaiky | shutdown computer | 關機
kvoailaau | tall building | 高樓; 懸樓
kvoaimngg | slam the door; close a door; close down; stop doing business | 關門
kvoaimngg-zhvoarho | shut and lock the door | 關門閂戶
kvoaiqkvoaiqkiøx | squeaky sound; sound of a goose when quacking; sound of a squeaky chair; sound when eating certain foods | 吱吱叫
kvoaisie | close down; closed doors | 關死; 把門關死; 關門
kvoaisvoaf | high mountain | 高山
kvoaitaai | high tower, high platform | 高臺
kvoaitefng | to switch off the light | 關燈
kvoaiwte | public lands | 官有地, 國有地
kvoaix | be accustomed to | 慣
kvoaixtiøh | be sprained | 扭到; 扭傷
kvoaixtviuo | head of county government | 縣長
kynkhoaix | at once; immediately; proceed as planned and without a hitch | 緊快; 敏捷的; 迅速; 勤快
lamhvoaikonglo | Southern Cross-Island Highway | 南橫公路
lankoaix | no wonder; no wonder that | 難怪
lea tøf jiin putkoaix | Nobody blames excessive politeness | 禮多人無怪
liangkhoaix | nice and cool | 涼快
logkomoai'ar | muddy | 漉糊糜仔
loxngkuie-loxngkoaix | set people against one another by carrying tales; cause others to quarrel; tease dogs and make them fight | 弄鬼弄怪; 挑撥離間
mefkhoaix | easily done; quickly done; rapid; speedy; prompt | 輕快; 很迅速
moai'afpviar | plum cake | 梅仔餅
moai'ar | plum | 梅仔
moailaang | matchmaker | 媒麻; 媒人
moaiuciuo | sesame oil wine | 麻油酒
moaiukef | sesame oil chicken | 麻油雞
moaiuu | sesame oil | 麻油
oai | cowardly | 孬
oai'iøf | fatigue; tired or exhausted | 歪腰
oai'oay | Not straight; crooked | 歪歪
oaiboea | twisted tail | 歪尾
oaihofng | eccentric or corrupt atmosphere | 歪風
oaiiøf | fatigue, tired or exhausted | 歪腰 (形容工作勞累)
oaikhieaq | crooked | 歪去矣
oaikhiog | to falsify; to distort stories or facts. | 歪曲
oaikøchiqzhoah | crooked | 歪膏揤斜
oaikøf chiqzhoah | winding (path; line); tortuous (person); dishonest | 彎彎曲曲; 無正直的; 不老實的
oaikøf | corruption; graft; act dishonestly; unjust; unfair; foul; corrupt | 歪哥; 貪污; 無正
oaikøf-chixzhoah | all a hideous mess; in a state of confusion: | 歪三倒四; 亂七八糟
oaikøo | crooked | 歪轉
oaikøsiefn | swindler; grafter; wicked person | 歪哥仙; 貪污的人
oailie | fallacious | 歪理
oaioaikhikhy | crooked | 歪歪敧敧
oaioailiqlih | crooked and broken | 歪歪裂裂
oaioaitøftør | crooked and fell | 歪歪倒倒
oaioay | slanting, crooked | 歪歪
oaiphiefn | crooked, unfair | 歪偏
oaiphvi | crooked ears | 歪耳
oaithaau | crooked head | 歪頭
oaitø | crooked way | 歪道
oaizhoah | deviate; diverge; wander; awry; diagonally | 歪斜; 扭曲; 偏差; 偏離
oaizhuiekef ciah høfbie | A chicken with a crooked mouth eats good rice. A fussy eater eats well | 歪嘴雞吃好米; 雖窮又挑食
oaizhuiekef | be fastidious about food; finicky eater; picky eater | 挑食者
oaizhuix | talk nonsense; drivel; to bend one's mouth; a crooked mouth (often the result of a stroke) | 歪嘴; 挑食; 胡說
omoai'afciuo | black plum wine | 烏梅仔酒
omoaiuu | black sesame oil | 烏麻油
oxhvoaikvoaf | dry the stem of taro leaf | 芋莖乾
pafnkhoaix | plate | 板塊
paixhoai hongsiok | demoralize; to corrupt; undermine the morals of | 敗壞風俗
paixhoai jinsym | demoralize; corrupt people's hearts; perversion of one's mind | 敗壞人心
paixhoai | defile; ruin; subvert; corrupt; be corrupted; to ruin; be ruined | 敗壞
pak'hvoaikonglo | North Cross Highway in Northern Taiwan | 北橫公路
panghoai | to collapse | 崩壞; 崩垮
pengkhoaix | ordinary express | 平快; 平快車
peqmoaiuu | white sesame oil | 白麻油
phenghoai | molder | 崩壞
phoarhoai | destroy, ruin | 破壞
phongkøfsvoai | mango | 蘋果檨
phoxngkøfsvoai | mango | 蘋果檨
phørhoai | spoilt by a rent; to ruin; destroy; disrupt | 破壞
phørhoai-ciar | destroyer | 破壞者
phørhoaixliawliao | completely broken | 破壞了了
phørhoaixtiøh | broken; damaged | 破壞著
poxkhoaix | constables or policemen (in old China) | 捕快
put'jukhoaix | unhappy | 無如快; 不愉快
putkuie-putkoaix | dress; make up ugly; unsightly | 無鬼不怪; 打扮得很難看
pviekoaix | to do mischief; to cause trouble | 作怪
pviekuie pviekoaix | crafty and injurious | 裝鬼作怪
pviekuie-pviekoaix | crafty and injurious | 變鬼變怪
pviethienlagkoaix | playing cool | 變顛搦怪
pvoaiern | rehearsal | 搬演
siapkixkvoai | very astringent | 澀執拗
sinkoaix | nerves | 神怪
sofng'oaioay | cool and fun | 爽歪歪
sofng'voaivoay | cool and fun | 爽歪歪
sofngkhoaix | comfortable; frank; refreshed; comfortable; refreshing; enlivening | 爽快; 舒服
sofngsofngkhoaekhoaix | cool, relieve, and happy | 爽爽快快
suichiuo kvoaimngg | Close the door with the same hand (Lit. Close the door behind you.) | 隨手關門
svakoaix | blame each other | 相怪
svesvoai'ar | chancre | 下疳仔
sviqsvih-svoaiqsvoaih | rickety; shaky | 爍爍寨寨; 磨擦的聲音
svisvoai'ar | syphilis | 生檨仔
svisvy svoaixsvoai | rickety; shaky | 磨擦的聲音
svoai | mango | 檨*
svoai'afbin | overbearing, arrogant, unreasonable | 耍賴
svoai'afchvy | Taiwanese green mango | 檨仔青
svoai'afciab | Taiwanese green mango juice | 檨仔汁
svoai'afkhaf | under Taiwanese green mango tree | 檨仔跤
svoai'afkvoaf | dry Taiwanese green mango | 檨仔乾
svoai'afzhvef | mango candied | 芒果青; (醃未熟之芒果)
svoai'ar | mango | 檨仔; 芒果
svoai'ar-zaang | mango tree | 檨仔欉; 芒果欉
svoaisvoaai | act shamelessly; act perversely; stupid; muddleheaded | 很皮; 傻裏傻氣
svoaiøf | mid-slope of a mountain | 山腰
svoaiøqcii | mountain yam | 山藥薯
svoasvoai'ar | mountain mango | 山檨子
svy-svoai'ar | have a bubo | 生檨仔; (淋巴結炎)
swnhoai | damage, destroy, injure, spoil, damaging, injurious | 損壞; 損害
sym tit zhuix khoaix | honest and outspoken | 心直口快
tegkhoaix | special express train | 特快; 特別快車
thafnhvoaisvef | transverse position presentation (obstetrics) | 坦橫生; 難產
thiorngkhoaix | cheerful; spiritually elevated | 暢快
thiorngkoaix | pleased, delighted, merry, happy | 暢快
thoaieen | procrastination | 拖延
thofsvoai'ar | Taiwanese mango | 土檨仔
thorngkhoaix | joyful; piquancy; raciness; forthright; extremely delightful; pleasant | 痛快
thorngthorngkhoaekhoaix | happy | 痛痛快快
tionghvoaikonglo | Central Cross-island Highway | 中橫公路
toaxkviaf siøfkoaix | be afraid of one's shadow; be scared to death of nothing | 大驚小怪
toxkoai'ar | tadpole | 蝌蚪仔; 肚胿仔
tvoaimciet'suu | single syllable vocabulary | 單音節詞
tvoaimcietsuu | single syllable vocabulary | 單音節詞
tøfhoai | collapse (building) | 倒壞; 倒塌
tørchiwafvoaiq | lefty | 倒手仔𨂿
tørchiwkoaiq | lefty | 倒手拐
tøxteg paixhoai | moral decadence; demoralization | 道德敗壞
vivivoaih'voaiq | entangled | 嚶嚶𨂿𨂿
vivy-voaiqvoaih | creaking noise of a chair or table; frizzle; imitation of hissing sounds | 咿咿嘎嘎; 吱吱叫
voai | main branch of tree | 樹的主要分支; 椏
voaih | noise of a door creaking | 吱吱響
voaiq | squeak like a door; honk of a goose; squeaking; cricket | 歪; 輾軋聲
voaiqvoaiqkiøx | long creaking sound of a door or window | 吱吱響
voaivoailaau | leaking water all over the place | 四散流; (形容到處是水)
zefng'oaioay | swollen | 腫歪歪
zefng'voaivoay | swollen | 腫歪歪
zekkoaix | blame and scold | 責怪
zekpehcymoai | uncle sister | 叔伯姊妹
zhaoiaukoaix | stingy devil | 臭妖怪
zhuiekhoaix | talk fast | 嘴快
zhuix khoaix | rash in speech; incapable of keeping secrets | 嘴快
zhørkoaix | blame unjustly | 錯怪
zoai | twist or wrench; sprain | 扭; 跩
zoai`tiøh | twisted to | 扭到
zoai`tng | twisted and broken | 扭斷
zoaixcih | twist | 扭折
zoaixkiuu | curve ball (baseball) | 扭球; 變化球; 曲線球
zoaiøqar | snake medicine | 治蛇傷之藥
zokkoaix | cause trouble; injure like a demon causing trouble or as someone's secret opposition; to behave in an idle and wicked way (said of a young man) | 作怪
zuykoaix | water monster | 水怪
zvoai | write | 撰
zvoai`tiøh | twist an ankle; to sprain a joint | 扭傷
zvoaixtiøh | twist an ankle, to sprain a joint | 扭傷
zvoaiøqar | decoction | 煎藥仔
zørkuie zørkoaix | very crafty and injurious; with pretence of honesty or friendship | 搞鬼作怪

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