"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: oak

Hoakiaau | overseas Chinese | 華僑
Hoakii-ginhaang | Citibank | 花旗銀行
Zoakhafng thaux niawchysiu | bureaucrats shield each other | 官官相為
baxnhoakviax | a triangular prism | 三稜鏡; 萬花鏡
boakhvaf | grinding bowl | 磨坩
boakviax | polish bronze mirror | 磨鏡; 磨光銅鏡
buhoakør | fig; fig | 無花果
gaxmkao siaosviu tikvoakud | hope against hope; a prize beyond one's reach; unattainable goal (Lit. A stupid dog thinks about pig liver bones.) | 憨狗哨想豬肝骨; 癩蛤蟆想吃天鵝肉
hoahoakongzuo | playboy | 花花公子
hoakaq | a cycle of sixty years in traditional reckoning; 60 years old person | 花甲
hoakef-liwhang | streets of ill fame | 花街柳巷
hoakerng | peduncle | 花梗
hoakhix | gone out (said of fire or light) | 花去; 熄了
hoakhoef | the most popular courtesan; a famous prostitute | 花魁; 名妓
hoakhvoax | a rough calculation in mind | 花看; 概算
hoakiaau | overseas Chinese | 華僑
hoakii | the Stars and Stripes | 花旗; 美國
hoakoafn | corolla; gaily decorated hat or cap | 花冠
hoakoaxn | corolla | 花冠
hoakoef | red-light district | 花街
hoakongciøh | granite | 花崗石
hoakonggan | granite | 花岡岩
hoakuix | elegant; magnificent | 華貴
hoaky ciautiern | beautifully dressed women (a flowering branch attracting people's attention) | 花枝招展
hoakøef-liwhang | the red-light district | 花街柳巷
hoansoakafng | a foundry worker, a foundryman | 翻砂工
hvoahvoakiøx | snoorning | 鼾鼾叫
khoakhao | brag; bluster; boast; be boastful | 誇口
khoakog-kongsy | a transnational corporation, multinational corp | 寬國公司
khoakøex | to stride, to bestride, to step over | 寬過
khvoakhvoa'ar kviaa | walk slowly (leisurely) | 寬寬仔走; 款款仔走; 緩緩仔走
khvoakhvoa'ar si | take one's time; Take it easy. Don't hurry! | 寬寬仔是; 款款仔是; 緩緩仔是
khvoakhvoa'ar | do leisurely | 寬寬仔; 款款仔; 緩緩仔
koakad | melon vines--a multitude of relatives; connected; involved; related; complications | 瓜葛
koakek | opera | 歌劇
koakheg | popular song | 歌謠; 歌曲; (曲)
koakiok | opera | 歌劇
koakoaf | tough (of vegetables) | 瓜瓜; 比較老 (菜類)
koakør | apple | 瓜果; 蘋果
kvoakaf | the emperor; the government authorities | 官家
kvoakaix | officialdom | 官界
kvoakay | rank (of a military officer or a civil servant) | 官階
kvoakhix | official airs; bureaucratic airs; chilly air; cold air | 寒氣
kvoakhuix | impressive style or manner | 官氣
kvoakib | rank or grad of a government official | 官級
kvoakoarn | hepatic duct | 肝管
kvoakor | stocks held by the government | 官股
kvoakuy | rule of government | 官規
kvoakvoaa | a little bit cold or chilly | 寒寒
kvoakwn | government troops | 官軍
lengzvoakvii | | 龍泉墘
liah-soakyn | massage sand tendon | 捉沙筋
liaqsoakwn | massage tendons | 掠痧筋
liaqsoakyn | massage tendons | 掠痧筋
lieen tefng hoakaq | complete the cycle of sixty years | 年登花甲
moakhaxm | to hide; to conceal | 瞞勘; 隱瞞; 隱藏
moakin'ar | small eels; hoodlum | 鰻巾仔; 小流氓
moakyn | cape; shawl | 披肩
moakør | dried peeled hemp stalks | 麻莖; 麻桿
noakhuy | separate (combatants) | 攔開
oakae | crumble; breakup; crash; disintegrate | 瓦解
patkoarsvoakhaf | bottom of Bagua Mountain in Taiwan | 八卦山跤
pngxkvoakhørsex | Clinging to the power of others | 傍官靠勢
pngxkvoakhørsix | Clinging to the power of others | 傍官靠勢
pvoakhafng | move everything out | 搬空
pvoakhie | move up | 搬起
pvoakoex | climb over | 翻過
pvoakvii | pan qian | 盤墘
pvoalaai-pvoakhix | carry hither and thither; carry; move here and there | 搬來搬去
pvoapvoakhix | move | 搬搬去
pvoasvoakeaniar | long journey | 盤山過嶺
pvoasvoakoeaniar | over the ridge | 盤山過嶺
simkvoakhut'ar | pit of the stomach; region between the ribs | 心肝骨仔
simkvoakor | heart drum | 心肝鼓
soakaw | sand shark, sand tiger, ragged tooth shark | 鯊鉤; 砂鮫
soakhud | a hollow in sand | 沙窟
soakhvef | sand pit | 沙坑
soakhw | sand dunes | 砂丘
soakvii | shachang | 沙墘
soakym | gold dust | 沙金
soakyn | tendon on the back | 沙筋
svoakafn | in the mountains | 山間
svoakao | wild dog | 山狗
svoakau'ar | ravine | 山溝仔
svoakaw | a gully | 山溝
svoakef | pheasant | 山雞
svoakerng | mountain view | 山景
svoakhaf | the foot of a hill or mountain | 山腳; 山跤; 山下
svoakhafng | mountain cave | 山孔; 山空; 山穴
svoakhaxm | hill; precipitous bank (on a shore or at a stream) | 山崁; 山崖; 山嵌
svoakhefng | Taiwan sapium (tree) | 山框; 山桕
svoakhi'ar | Morris persimmon, red-flowered persimmon | 山柿仔; 油柿
svoakhia | mountain niche | 山徛
svoakhiaq | mountain crevice | 山隙
svoakhiim iafsiux | wild birds and beasts | 山禽野獸
svoakhiim | mountain birds, wild birds | 山擒; 山禽
svoakhinzhaix | mountain celery | 山芹菜
svoakhiw | hills | 山丘
svoakhud | valley; gorge | 山坑
svoakhve'ar | valley; gorge | 山坑仔
svoakhvef | valley; gorge | 山坑; 山谷
svoakhvy | mountain dent | 山坑
svoakhw | mountain area | 山區
svoakiab | a ravine | 山峽
svoakiok | Japanese farfugium | 山菊; 山花粉
svoakog | valley; daie; hollow; ravine | 山谷
svoakoklai | In the valley | 山谷內
svoakvii | mountain | 山墘
svoakviw | Japanese horseradish (plant) | 山薑
svoakw | Reeve's turtle | 山龜; 金龜
svoakøef | Swinhoe's Blue peasant (hen) | 山雞
tauxkvoakag | small fried tofu like Japanese tempeh | 豆乾角
thoakafng | day workers; procrastinate intentionally | 拖工
thoakhiaxm | to delay in paying a debt; to to fall in arrears; to delay too long in paying a debt | 拖欠
thoakhie | to draw up, to pull up | 拖起
thoakhuy | drag away | 拖開
thoakoex | dragged | 拖過
thoakuo | delay for a long time | 拖久
thoakøeagøeh | dragged over this month- such as delay rent | 拖過月
thvoakhao | mouth or foot of rapids | 攤口; 灘口
tikvoakud | pig liver bone | 豬肝骨
tuix guu tvoakhiim | play a lute before an ox ─ speak to someone about something completely incomprehensible to him | 對牛彈琴
tvoakag | horns of the altar | 單角; 壇角
tvoakhachiuo | having no assistants; only one born (no brothers and sisters) | 單跤手; 獨自一人
tvoakhaf | foot of an altar; single foot | 單腳; 壇腳
tvoakheg | single song | 單曲
tvoakhiim | to play; play piano; play (string instruments not with a bow but with a plucking action); play the piano or organ; play the harp | 彈琴
tvoakux | a note, a bill, a receipt | 單據
u koakad | have relations; have complications | 有瓜葛
zawsvoakef | walking pheasant | 走山雞
zhexng-koakoaa | arrogant | 譀呱呱
zhngsvoakaq | pangolin | 穿山甲
zhoansvoakaq | anteater, pangolin | 穿山甲; 食蟻
zoakhafng | snake pit | 蛇洞
zoakhag | left out shell of snake; slough of a snake | 蛇殼
zoakoef | snake gourd | 蛇瓜
zoakviar | baby snake | 蛇囝
zoakw | snake turtle | 蛇龜

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