"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: oat

Alahoattek | Arafat | 阿拉法特
Hoatbuun | French; French written; reading; speaking language | 法文
Hoatguo | FrenchFrench; French speaking language | 法語
Hoatiofng | central China | 華中
Hoatkog | France; France | 法國
Hoatkok'oe | French language | 法語話
Hoatkoklaang | French people | 法國人
Hoatkui | the Ark of the Covenant | 約櫃
Hoatlixsaelaang | Pharisees | 法利賽人
Hoatøo zaesex | Hua Tou has come back again (used on complimentary scrolls; etc. given to doctors) | 華陀再世
Hoatøo | Hua Tou; a legendary surgeon at the end of the Han Dynasty | 華陀
Iongkofng-hoat'axn | sunshine law; I.e.; disclosure of assets | 陽光法案
Jidgoat-thaam | Sun Moon Lake (a resort in central Taiwan) | 日月潭
Ju'oat-zøeq | the Passover Feast | 逾越節
Koangoat-hoe | moon viewing party | 賞月會
Kok'hoat'hoe | national development council | 國發會
Lam'oat | South Vietnam | 南越
Libhoat'vi | Legislative Yuan | 立法院
Lioghoatzoansw | The Complete Book of Six Law | 六法全書
Moatau | a city in Tainan County | 麻豆
Osvoathaau | black hilltop | 黑山頭
Pak'oat | North Vietnam | 北越
Serngkaux hoattiern | Canon Law (Catholic) | 聖教法典
Suhoat'vi | Judicial Yuan | 司法院
Suhoatpo | Ministry of Justice | 司法部
Svoatafng | Shantung | 山東
Svoatafng-iu | Shantung pumelo | 山東柚
Svoatafng-peqzhaix | Shantung cabbage | 山東白菜
beng putkay zoat | not destined to die (said of one who has had a narrow escape from death) | 命無該絕
benggoat | bright moonlight; bright moon | 明月
biboat | trifling, unimportant | 微末
bidgoat lyheeng | honeymoon trip | 蜜月旅行
bidgoat | honeymoon; honeymoon | 蜜月
biedzoat | extinguish; become extinct; exterminate; annihilate; wipe out | 滅絕; 殲滅
bigoat | a child's first full month; full month; whole month | 彌月
bin'eeng hoattiexnchiarng | privately owned power station | 民營發電廠
binkoaan hoat'axn | civil rights bill | 民權法案
boafngoat | full month; baby's completed first month | 滿月
boat | not yet; foam; jasmine; fodder; feed animals; stockings; socks; end; the last; small; mean; unimportant; finally | 末; 茉; 靺; 少; 沫; 秣
boatøf | sharpened knife; sharpen a knife; hone a knife | 磨刀
boxnggoat | staring at moon | 望月
budzw khoat'hoat | shortage of materials | 物資缺乏
buhoatbuthiefn | lawless | 無法無天
bunhoax hoattat ee kokkaf | nations where civilization and enlightenment flourish | 文化發達的國家
bøhoattid | unable to manage | 無法得; 不能
bøhoatto | unable; incapable | 無法度
bøo hoatto | no help for it; lawless (Lit. no plan) | 無法度; 沒辦法
bøo-hoatto | no way, unable to manage | 無法度
chiahsoathngg | brown sugar | 赤砂糖; 紅糖
chiarm'oat | overstep | 僭越
chiau'oat sikhofng | transcend time and space | 超越時空
chiau'oat | transcendency; outreach | 超越
chiauoat | excel, surpass, transcend, jump over | 超越
chiaupoat | outstanding; surpassing; transcend | 超拔
chiauzoat | incomparable; unsurpassed; unequaled; transcendent | 超絕
chijiin-soatbong | to talk idiotic nonsense | 痴人說夢
chim'oat | invade | 侵越
chimtoat | to invade and to take away things by force; seize by force | 侵奪
chiofngtoat | take away forcibly | 搶奪
chitzoat | a verse of four lines with seven characters to a line | 七絕
chiuboat | end of autumn | 秋末
chviwtoat | sack; rob; to loot; to plunder; robbery | 搶奪
ciaxmhoat | temporal punishment (Catholic) | 暫罰
cidzoat | uniq | 一絕
ciernpoat | recommendation | 薦拔
ciongkhefng hoatløh | use leniency in meting out punishment | 從輕發落
ciuboat lyheeng | weekend trip | 週末旅行
ciuboat | week end; on the weekend; week end | 週末
cixm soatbunhurn | soap in soap suds | 浸肥皂水
ciøhtee hoat'huy | make an issue of; capitalize on; seize a pretext to air one's own complaints or attack others | 借題發揮
ciøhtee-hoat'huy | to make use of the subject under discussion to put over one's own ideas | 借題發揮
cviuxsvoathaau | buried in cemetery of a furnel | 上山頭
e-pvoargoat | the moon at the last (or third) quarter | 下半月; 下弦月
efnghoat | eternal punishment (Catholic) | 永罰
expvoargoat | last quarter moon | 下弦月; 下半月
giamhoat | severe punishment; heavy punishment | 嚴罰; 嚴懲
giefnkiux hoatpiawhoe | meeting for the presentation of the results of study | 研究發表會
ginhoatzok | silver haired group | 銀髮族
gixkoat'axn | resolution (at a meeting) | 議決案
gixkoatkoaan | right to vote; the franchise | 議決權
goangoaan putzoat | continue without end | 源源無絕
goat | moon; month | 月
gyhoat'hak | syntax | 語法學
haghoat | a scholar-tyrant, an educational autocrat | 學伐
haxnpoat | the demon causing drought | 旱魃; 久旱
hayoaan hoatteeng | marine court | 海員法庭
haypoat | height above sea level; elevation; altitude above the sea level | 海拔
heg'oat | bring on disaster | 禍殃
henghoat | punish; punishment; penalty | 刑罰
hexkoatsym | take a firm resolve | 下決心
hiengoat | mososeries | 弦月
hiornggoa hoattiern | develop outward | 向外發展
hoaf hvor goat oaan | ideal time for a wedding (The flowers are in full bloom; and the moon is full.) | 花好月圓
hoat chiuxzay | plant and nourish tree seedlings | 培植樹苗
hoat hizay | cultivate fry | 培植魚苗
hoat kui sngrpvoaa | punish someone to kneel on an abacus (Chinese calculator) | 罰跪算盤
hoat zhaezay | plant and nourish vegetable seedlings | 培植菜苗
hoat | live; living; alive; moveable; active | 活; 罰
hoat'aang | turn red | 發紅
hoat'axn | legislative bill; bills; act | 法案
hoat'haam | send a letter | 發函
hoat'hag'vi | law school | 法學院
hoat'hagkaf | jurist | 法學家
hoat'hagsu | Bachelor of Law | 法學士
hoat'hak phoksu | Doctor of Law | 法學博士
hoat'hak | law | 法學
hoat'han | to sweat; diaphoresis; to induce perspiration | 發汗
hoat'heeng | issuance; publish; publication | 發行
hoat'hengciar | publisher | 發行者
hoat'hexng | become interested in | 發興
hoat'hien | to find; discovery; to discover; find out or discover new facts | 發現
hoat'hioxng | to issue pay (esp. to soldiers) | 發餉
hoat'hoaan | send back or return something | 發還
hoat'hoe | a ceremony; religious assembly (Buddhist) | 法會; 普渡
hoat'hoea | catch fire | 發火
hoat'hoee kengsirm | order a lower court to hold a new trial | 發回更審
hoat'hoee | send back or return something | 發回
hoat'hoeftiarm | flash point; ignition point | 發火點
hoat'hofng | to go mad | 發瘋
hoat'hog | to become rich and happy; to become fat; get fat (polite expression) | 發福
hoat'hoong | inflammation; irritation; inflammation | 發炎; 發癀; 紅腫; 紅腫長疹子
hoat'hoxng | issue | 發放
hoat'hurn | baking powder | 發粉
hoat'huxn | to be roused to action; make firm resolve; to be spurred | 發奮; 發憤
hoat'huy | exert; exertion; find an outlet for; exhibit or display one's ability | 發揮
hoat'hø | Buddhist monastic name | 法號
hoat'høea | to burst into flames; to get mad; to lose one's temper | 發火
hoat'høee | return | 發回
hoat'høex | to send out goods | 發貨
hoat'iam | to become infected; inflammation; become inflamed like an eye or a tooth | 發炎
hoat'ihak | legal medicine; medical jurisprudence; forensic medicine | 法醫學
hoat'imhak | phonetics | 發音學
hoat'iok | development; to grow up; growth | 發育
hoat'iok-kii | period of growth | 發育期; 發育時期
hoat'ioong | to exalt; to enhance; to add glory to; exaltation | 發揚
hoat'iøh | dispense medicine, baking soda | 發劑; 發藥
hoat'urn | have the craving come upon one | 發癮
hoat'vi | courthouse; court; the Hall of Justice; law court | 法院
hoat'vie | sprouting | 發芽; 長嫩葉
hoat'y | ceremonial garments worn by a Buddhist or Taoist priest; expert in forensic medicine employed by a court of law | 法衣; 法醫
hoat'ym | pronunciation; pronounce | 發音
hoat'ym-hak | phonetics, phonology | 發音學
hoataxn | (elderly people's) birthday; birthday (polite term) | 華誕
hoatbaa | tingle, have a prickling sensation, to be numbed | 發痲; 發麻
hoatbang | the net of justice; toils of the law | 法網
hoatbeeng | invention; to invent; invent | 發明
hoatbengciar | inventor | 發明者
hoatbengkaf | inventor | 發明家
hoatberng | manifest brevity, manifest ferocity | 發猛; 顯示勇敢
hoatborng | a dragnet; the arms of law; the net of justice | 法網
hoatbu | legal affairs | 法務
hoatbun | to ask questions | 發問
hoatbøe | to put on sale | 發賣; 推銷
hoatbøexsor | selling place | 發賣所
hoatchiaf | departure | 發車
hoatchiuu | worry; be concerned; feel distressed | 發愁
hoatchiøf | become to have sexual desire (male) | 發情; 發𪁎
hoatchiøx | break into laughter | 發笑
hoatchvy | turning green | 發青; 冒新葉; 長新芽
hoatciog | start, begin toward success | 發足; 出發
hoatcvii | distribute money- pay day | 發錢; 支付工錢
hoatefng | light; colorfully decorated lantern | 華燈
hoatgee | to put out a sprout; shoot or bud | 發芽
hoatgi | to bring up a proposal | 發議
hoatgieen | to make a statement or speech; utterance | 發言
hoatgieen-koaan | the right to speak | 發言權
hoatgienciar | mover, speaker | 發言者
hoatgienjiin | a spokesperson | 發言人
hoatgienkoaan | the right to speak | 發言權
hoatgoa siwn | lenient within the limits of the law | 法外施恩
hoatgoaan | origin; source; origin | 發源
hoatgoaan-tøe | the place of origin, source | 發源地
hoatgoan | to make a wish (vow); make a vow to a deity | 許願; 發願
hoatgoante | place of origin (usually refers to origins of rivers) | 發源地
hoatgoantoe | origin | 發源地
hoathiefn ciwte | lead a life of debauchery | 花天酒地
hoathiefn-ciwte | indulgence in sensual pleasures; debauchery | 花天酒地
hoatiefn | erotomania | 花癲
hoatix | flower-stalk | 花蒂
hoatji thaau | radical of the Chinese character for hair | 漢字部首之一
hoatjiet | have a fever | 發熱; 發燒
hoatjiin | juridical or legal person | 法人
hoatkaf | the Legalist School | 法家
hoatkag | to come to know; detect; detection; to discover; to find; realize | 發覺; 發角; 長角
hoatkaix | (Budd.) take oaths as monk; Buddha's circles; commandment of law; law circles | 法戒; 法界
hoatkea | rick cake | 發粿
hoatkerng | judicial police | 法警
hoatkexng | judicial police | 法警
hoatkhafn | to publish; publish | 發刊
hoatkhie | originate; set off; promotion | 發起
hoatkhie-jiin | originator | 發源人; 發起人
hoatkhiern | to send away | 發遣
hoatkhud | to unearth; to dig out; excavation | 發掘
hoatkhvoar | to give out money | 發款
hoatkhyjiin | an originator; initiator | 發起人
hoatkib | issue (allowance), give | 發給
hoatkiexn | finding; discovery; discover; discover | 發現
hoatkioong | resort to force, resort to violence | 發強; 訴諸武力
hoatkiuu | to serve a ball | 發球
hoatkngf | to shine; to give out light; radiate | 發光
hoatkngthea | luminous body; a luminary | 發光體
hoatkoea | leavened cake; an expression meaning to make money; become rich | 發粿
hoatkof | go moldy; get musty | 生霉; 發霉; 發菇
hoatkofng | to shine; to give out light; to emit light | 發光
hoatkongthea | luminous body; a luminary | 發光體
hoatkoong | hysteric; go mad; to go crazy; frenetic; to go off one's head | 發狂
hoatkut | unearth; dig out; excavate | 發掘
hoatkuy | code; criteria; laws and regulations; legislation; statute | 法規
hoatkvax | fermentation | 醱酵; 發酵
hoatkvoa | to sweat; to induce perspiration; feel cold; chilly | 發汗; 發冷
hoatkvoaa | feel chilly | 發冷
hoatkvoaf | judge; gownsman; judiciary; judicial officer | 法官
hoatkwn | grow roots | 發根; 長根
hoatkym | have a gleam (in one's eye) | 發金; 發亮
hoatkyn | grow or sprout roots | 發根; 生根
hoatkøea | rice cake | 發粿; 發餜(年糕的一種)
hoatkør | to send out a report or story for publication; journalism send out a story or report for publication | 發稿
hoatlat | to develop strength | 發力
hoatlee | triton | 法螺
hoatlek | power of Buddhist doctrine; supernatural power; great power of salvation (Buddhist term) | 法力
hoatleng | statutes; ordinance; law and regulation; laws and ordinances; decree | 法令; 發令
hoatliang | shining, polished | 發亮
hoatliap | fermentation | 發粒
hoatlie | principle or theory of law | 法理
hoatliern | spirit showing its presence by shaking the sedan chair; become angry | 發撚; 神附身而發作
hoatliin | legal person | 法人
hoatlo | to get angry, to rage | 發怒
hoatlongcid | enamel of a tooth | 琺瑯質
hoatloo | incense pot catching fire; indicates spirit is not happen with what was proposed; indicates something unfortunate is going to happen; it's a bad omen | 發爐; 香爐著火
hoatloong | enamel | 發瓏; 琺瑯
hoatludkaf | lawyer, jurist | 法律家
hoatludphang | loop holes in the law | 法律縫
hoatludsiong | legal; from a legal point of view | 法律上
hoatluii | thundering | 發雷
hoatlunkofng | recent kind of meditative community | 法輪功
hoatlut tiaubuun | regulations | 法律條文
hoatlut | law | 法律
hoatlut-haghe | Department of Law | 法律 (學)系
hoatlut-suxbuxsor | law office | 法律事務所
hoatlyhak | jurisprudence | 法理學
hoatløh | to dispose of, arrange, manage | 發落; 安排; 去處置
hoatmiaa | religious name | 法名
hoatmng | raise a question | 發問
hoatmngg | to grow hair; grow hair or feathers | 長毛; 發毛; 長出毛來
hoatmof | grow hair or feathers (refers to animals) | 長毛
hoatmuii | to mould, to grow mouldy | 發霉
hoatpan | punish according to the law | 法辦
hoatpauq | to swell up from bubbled blister; swollen blister | 暴露; 冒泡腫
hoatpaw | start a construction project; call for bids | 發包
hoatpefng | to dispatch troops | 發兵
hoatphiøx | a bill of sale; an invoice | 發票
hoatphoex | to banish to a frontier garrison; to sort and deliver | 發配
hoatpiao | publication; to make known; give forth; announce something | 發表
hoatpiør | to publish; to issue; to announce | 發表
hoatpngr | to publish the result of an examination | 發榜
hoatpox | to issue; to announce; promulgation | 發布; 發佈
hoatpve | onset | 發病
hoatpvi | to fall ill | 發病
hoatpør | a magic tool; talisman | 法寶
hoatpørky | telegraph transmitter | 發報機
hoatpøx | to transmit messages | 發報
hoatpøx-ky | radio transmitter | 發報機
hoatpøx-taai | radio transmission station | 發報台; 發報臺
hoatsaxn | to disperse; to dissipate; to scatter | 發散
hoatsaxng | send | 發送
hoatsefng chiongtut | have a conflict; to clash; develop into a fight | 發生衝突
hoatsefng koanhe | establish relationship; have something to do with; have an affair with | 發生關係
hoatsefng loan'aix | fall in love | 發生戀愛
hoatsefng simlyhak | genetic psychology | 發生心理學
hoatsefng | take place; to occur; to happen; outbreak | 發生
hoatserngte | angry | 發性地
hoatserngtoe | angry | 發性地
hoatsex | swear; take an oath | 立誓; 發誓; 賭咒
hoatsexng | to show a temperament | 發性
hoatsia | shooting; to shoot; to launch; emission; fire a gun | 發射
hoatsiap | blow off steam; anger; dissipate | 發洩
hoatsiaxtaai | launching pad | 發射台
hoatsied | to vent | 發射; 發洩
hoatsiongte | place of a thing's beginning or early development; cradle; birthplace | 發祥地
hoatsioong | beginning, originate | 發祥
hoatsioong-tøe | place of origin | 發祥地
hoatsiuu | to go on sale | 發售
hoatsixn | to dispatch a letter, to send out a letter | 發信
hoatsiøf | have a fever | 發燒
hoatsngf | turn sour | 發酸
hoatsofng | inform the death of a relative, send to the cemetery | 發喪
hoatsu | religious ceremony, religious affair (Buddhism, Taoism) | 法術; 法事
hoatsut | supernatural feat; incantation | 法術
hoatsviaf | to give off sound; phonate; vocalism; vocalize; vocalization | 發聲
hoatsvoax | emit emanate, radiate, evaporate | 發散
hoatsvy | to sprout, to grow | 發生
hoatsw | Master(for a Buddhist or Taoist priest); salutation for a Buddhist monk | 法師
hoatsym | make up one's mind; awakening from truth | 發心; 起菩提心
hoatsyn | the spiritual or true body | 法身; 心身旺盛
hoattat | to prosper; development of industry | 發達
hoattay | to become stupefied | 發呆
hoatteeng | courtroom; forum; law court | 法庭
hoatteng ee gixbu | lawful obligation | 法定的義務
hoatteng hoeapex | legal tender | 法定貨幣
hoatteng lienleeng | legal age | 法定年齡
hoatteng taixlyjiin | legal representative | 法定代理人
hoatteng | statutory; legal | 法定
hoatthiab | send out invitation | 發帖
hoatthorng | system of justice | 法統
hoatti | law and order; rule of law | 法治
hoattiaau | spring (in clockwork); spring of a watch or clock | 發條; 彈簧
hoattien | generate electricity; generate electricity | 發電
hoattien-ky | dynamo, generator for electricity | 發電機
hoattien-sor | electric generating plant, power plant | 發電所
hoattiern | develop; to grow; to expand; code of laws | 發展
hoattiexnky | a generator; dynamo | 發電機
hoattiexnlek | output; kilowatt power | 發電力
hoattiexnsor | powerhouse; power station or plant | 發電所
hoatto | ways and means; way | 法度; 辦法; 法子; 方法
hoattoafn | dawn; to make a start | 發端
hoattok | to show poisonous | 發毒
hoattong | launching; kick off; to start; start a movement or activity | 發動
hoattong-ky | engine, motor | 發動機
hoattoxngky | an engine; a motor | 發動機
hoattoxnglek | motive force | 發動力
hoattviuu | the place of execution; execution ground | 刑場; 法場
hoatzaai | make a fortune; get rich; get rich | 發財
hoatzee | teething completely | 發齊; 長齊 (牙齒)
hoatzeeng | human sexual excitement | 發情
hoatzeg | gain fame and fortune; rise to power and position | 發跡; 法則
hoatzengkii | age of puberty | 發情期
hoatzex | a legal system; laws and institutions | 法制
hoatzexng | onset; outbreak (of a disease) | 發症; 發病; 法政
hoatzhae | prosperous; thriving; flourishing | 發彩; 興隆
hoatzhao | grow grass; grow grass | 長草; 長出草來
hoatzhef | legal wife | 髮妻
hoatzhud | to send forth; to issue; to emit; give out; utter | 發出
hoatzog | (V;N): (have a) fit; spasm pasoxysm; fit of anger; (V) 1. break out (rash; showing disease); become evident (as disease through symptoms) 2. have a fit or spasm; (of a disease) to break out; act up; out of temper | 發作
hoatzoxng | to inform relatives and friends of a death | 發葬
hoatzuxn | start to tremble | 發抖
hoatzøq | fit; an attack of illness; have a fit or spasm; seizure; convulsions | 發作
hoatør | flowers | 花朵
hoefcvix hoatsiaxtaai | rocket launching pad | 火箭發射台
hoeflek hoattiexnchviuo | thermoelectric plant; thermal power plant | 火力發電廠
hofng-koat'oo | square brackets | 方括弧; 方括號
hoghoat | resurrection | 復活
honggoat | matters concerning love; seductive acts of a woman | 風月
hongheeng-koat'oo | square brackets | 方形括弧
hudzuo tvoathaau | nuclear warhead | 核子彈頭
huihoat'iuu | volatile oil; naphtha; gasoline; naphtha or other volatile oils | 揮發油
huihoatsexng | of a volatile nature | 揮發性
hvoathaau-hybin | overjoyed | 歡頭喜面
hvoathauhybin | happy | 歡頭喜面
hwnboat | powder (medicine) | 粉末
i'oat | alter (plan) | 依願; 變更
iefnsoatciar | speaker | 演說者
iefnsoatkaf | orator | 演說家
irnsoat'huix | printing expenses | 印刷費
irnsoatbut | printed matter | 印刷物
irnsoatchviuo | printing plant; printing house; printer; a press | 印刷廠
irnsoatciar | printer | 印刷者
irnsoatky | a printing machine; printing press (machine) | 印刷機
irnsoatphirn | printed matter | 印刷品
irnsoatsor | printer | 印刷所
irnsoatsut | printing (the art) | 印刷術
irnsoattiaxm | printing plant; printing house; printer; a press | 印刷店
itmoo-putpoat | too stingy (to pull out a hair) | 一毛無拔
iu'oat | superior; supreme; predominance; superiority | 優越
iuoat | predominance, superiority | 優越
jidgoat bukofng | The sun and the moon are dimmed (often used to mean darkness in a figurative sense to describe life under tyranny; foreign occupation) | 日月無光
jidgoat juu søf | The sun and the moon pass over the sky as fast as a weaver's shuttle.--How fast time flies! | 日月如梭
jidgoat tiongkofng | The sun and the moon shine again (used figuratively to describe a joyful event such as the downfall of a despot; liberation from enemy occupation) | 日月重光
jidgoat | the sun and the moon; months and days | 日月
jidgoat-sengsiin | sun; moon and stars | 日月星辰
jiogsyn ee hoghoat | resurrection of body | 肉身的復活
jit syn goat i | new every day; different every month--make constant progress | 日新月異
juxngoat | intercalary month; embolism month | 閏月
kaeboat | mustard | 芥末; 山葵末
kaihoat | damnable, be deserve punishment | 該法; 該罰
kauthofng-toaxnzoat | cut off communication | 交通斷絕
kehzoat | blocked or obstructed; separated; cut off; isolate | 隔絕
kehzoat-he | isolated system | 隔絕系
kenglieen-luygoat | for months and years | 經年累月
khafmhoat | chop down; hag; lop | 砍伐
khao toat thienkofng | ingenuity that rivals the work of God (often referring to a work of art) | 巧奪天工
khawboat | spittle, saliva | 口沫
khiarmhoat | shortage; lack; deficiency | 缺乏
khiezoat kati | renounce self | 棄絕自己
khiezoat seasiok | renounce the world | 棄絕世俗
khiezoat sialiam | reject impure thoughts (Catholic) | 棄絕邪念
khiezoat | breathe ones last | 氣絕; 棄絕
khoa'oat | threshold | 誇越; 跨越
khoat'ham | defects; shortcoming; deficiencies; imperfection | 缺陷
khoat'hoad | lack, lacking | 缺乏
khoat'hoat | shortage; lack; be bare of; in want; shortage | 缺乏
khoat'høex | run out of stock (of merchandise) | 缺貨
khoatai | to exaggerate; exaggeration; arrogant | 誇大
khoatai-boxngsiofngkoong | delusions of grandeur | 誇大妄想狂
khoataixkoong | megalomania; megalomaniac | 誇大狂
khoatchiuo | lack of hands | 缺手
khoatciør | diminish | 缺少
khoatgiah | amount short; vacancies waiting to be filled | 缺額
khoatgii | put aside the unsettled point | 決義; 闕疑
khoatiofng | stretch the truth; overstatement; exaggeration; overdraw | 誇張
khoatkhao | breach; gap; indentation | 缺口
khoatkhiaxm | defect; shortcoming | 缺欠
khoatkhiin | lack of diligent; to be absent from work | 缺勤
khoatkhoad | be lacking | 缺缺
khoatkhøx | to be absent from class | 缺課
khoatmngg | the Imperial Palace | 跨門; 闕門
khoatniuu | lack food | 缺糧
khoato | span | 跨度
khoatoa | to exaggerate; exaggeration; arrogant | 誇大
khoatsek | absent from; absence | 缺席
khoatsiao | lack of; be short of; wanting; be short of; to lack | 缺少
khoatsid | error; a slip; an omission | 缺失
khoatteg | deficient in the sense of morality | 缺德
khoattiarm | flaw; defect; disadvantage; imperfection; fault; a blemish | 缺點
khoatviw | to exaggerate; exaggeration | 誇張
khoatøf | (literally) to cross a knife; to help | 跨刀
khurnhoat | impoverished; exhausted; fatigued; tired | 困乏
khuy hoatphiøx | write an (uniform) invoice | 開發票
khøhoat | penalties | 科罰
kiaptoat | to plunder; to rob; to pillage | 劫奪
kiboat-khøfchix | final examination of a school term; semester exam | 期末考試
kienjirm-putpoat | determined; unwavering; resolute; unmovable | 堅忍無拔
kimsieen thoatkhag | break loose and get away | 金蟬脫殼
kinzoat | outroot; eradication; exterminate | 根絕
kiongtoat | rob; take by force; steal by force | 強奪
kirmzoat | forbidden and isolated; banned and separate | 禁絕
kixzoat lai'orng | sever communications or relations | 拒絕來往
kixzoat | rejection; to refuse | 拒絕
kizoat | unique; strange | 奇絕
koangoat | to view the moon; enjoy the moonlight | 觀月
koat'hofng | blow | 刮風
koat'hoo | parenthesis; bracket; brackets; parentheses | 括弧
koat'hø | parenthesis; brackets; sign of aggregation (in mathematics) | 括號
koat'ix | determination; make up one's mind; decide | 決意; 決心
koat'oo | parentheses, brackets | 括號; 括弧
koatbok | to marvel at someone's progress of improvement | 刮目
koatchihioong | make victory and defeat, make success and failure | 決雌雄, 定勝負
koatchiwtee | hit palm of one's hand | 打手心
koatciexn | fight a decisive battle | 決戰
koatcix | to make up one's will | 決志; 立志
koatgi | a resolution (reached at a meeting); a decision; to decide; to resolve; decide by a majority vote after a vote; resolution; decide; resolve | 決議
koatgixaxn | resolution | 決議案
koatgixliok | register of decisions; resolution | 決議錄
koathviaf | an entertainment establishment where popular songs are sung by professional singers; night club; entertainment establishment where popular songs are sung by professional singers | 歌廳
koatiau | melody of a song | 歌調
koatieen-lyha | do not tie your shoe strings in a melon patch nor adjust your hat under a plum tree ─ a position that invites suspicion; give no needless grounds for suspicion | 瓜田李下
koatjieen | resolutely; firmly; in a determined manner | 決然
koatjiong | to cede (land or territory) | 割讓
koatkhiaux | formula for remembering | 訣竅
koatliet | break off relations | 訣裂; 決裂
koatpiet | farewell before die | 訣別
koatpiet-suu | farewell address | 訣別辭; 臨別贈言
koatpiøf | winning the bid | 決標
koatsaix | the final (of a contest; race; etc.); the finals; the decision (of a contest; race) | 決賽
koatsexng | certain to bring victory; to fight a decisive battle | 決勝
koatsie | certain to bring death; to fight to death | 決死
koatsngx | final financial statement | 決算
koatsoarnjit | the day for closing the (business) books | 決算日
koatsoarnpiør | balance sheet | 決算表
koatsoaxn | final financial statement; closing accounts; balance an account | 決算
koatsyciexn | life-and-death war | 決死戰
koatsym | determination; make up one's mind; decide | 決意; 決心
koatsytui | forlorn hope; death band; suicide squad | 決死隊; (敢死隊)
koattaux | duel | 決鬥
koatteng | decide; determine; settle; determination; decision | 決定
koatteng-tek | decisive, crucial | 決定得; 決定性的
koattoaxn | to determin; to decide; to make a decision; to conclude; decision; determination | 決斷
koattoaxn-lat | power of decision | 決鬥力; 決斷力
koattoaxn-lek | power of decision | 決鬥力
koattox | a duel; to fight a duel | 決鬥
koattvia | decide, determine, settle | 決定
koattør | to knock down; to floor | 決倒; 擊倒
koatvoaa | vocal circle or group | 歌壇
koatzheg | an adopted policy; decision | 決策
koatzhuhioong | make victory and defeat; make success and failure | 決雌雄; 定勝負
koatzhuiephea | slap the cheek | 打耳光; 打嘴巴
koatzoat | make an irrevocable decision to terminate relationship | 決決; 絕交
kokzex hoatteeng | international court of justice | 國際法庭
kongtoat | to attack and take it with force | 攻奪
kunhoat | a military clique; the militarists; warlord; military caste (clique) | 軍閥
kunhoatkvoaf | judge advocate | 軍法官
kunhoatteeng | court martial | 軍法庭; 軍法裁判
kunzoat | exterminate; extermination | 根絕
kuxzoat | to decline; to refuse; to reject | 拒絕
kvialo khaf poatpoad | pigeon-toed | 撇著走
kvoataxng | cold (climate); frigid; very cold | 寒凍; 寒冷
kvoateng | official rule | 官定
kvoaterng | official grad or rank | 官等
kvoathviaf | government office; the authorities | 官廳
kvoathvy | cold weather; winter | 冬天; 寒天
kvoathy | winter | 冬天
kvoathy-sii | winter time; cold weather time | 寒天時
kvoatie | official residence | 官邸
kvoatieen | a official land | 官田
kvoatiøh | catch cold | 傷風; 感冒
kvoatvar | intimate; intimacy; sincere; courage | 肝膽
kvoatviuo | an official boss | 官長; 長官
kvoatviuu | officialdom; official circles; official life | 官場
kyle soatbeeng | cite an example by way of explanation | 舉例說明
kø'khofng-tvoathiaux | jump from high altitude; bungee jumping | 高空彈跳
køeasvoatøf | big-eye snake, garter snake, sword-over-the-mountain, Taiwan rat snake, yellow wind snake (non-poisonous), Zaocyc dhumnades oshimai | 過山刀
køq hoatzøq | relapse into an illness | 擱發作; 再復發作
køterng-hoat'vi | the High Court | 高等法院
laixsvoatawtoea | inner mountain valley bottom | 內山斗底
laqgoat | lunar December | 臘月
laxmhoat somliim | log without (or not according) plan; excessive felling of trees | 濫伐森林
laxmhoat | excessive or undue penalty; punishment | 濫罰
lefngsiern hoatsex | baptismal vows | 領洗發誓
lenghoat | quick in response; alert; energetic; active and clever; quick minded; flexible; nimble | 靈活
liabgoat | December | 臘月
libhoat'vi | Legislative Yuan | 立法院
libhoat'vixtviuo | Minister of the Legislate Yuan | 立法院長
libhoatkoaan | legislative authority or power | 立法權
liboat | tiny amount | 釐末; 極少份
lienboat | end of year | 年末
lienciofng koatsoaxn | settlement of accounts at the year end | 年終決算
liengoat | condition of the times | 年月
limgoat | month when childbirth is due | 臨月
liogtoat | to seize by force; pillage; plunder; sack; to plunder; to pillage; to loot; to sack; despoil; rob | 掠奪; 略奪
liogtoat-sexng | predatory character | 掠奪性; 略奪性
liongsym hoat'hien | The conscience is moved | 良心發現
loat | bitter; pungent; acrid | 辣; 劣
loat'høex | substandard goods | 劣貨
loatmar | a weak horse | 劣馬
loatphirn | inferior grade | 劣品
loatsiin | substandard god | 劣神
loattefngphirn | lowest quality goods | 劣等品
loattefngsefng | a dull student; dull student; backward pupil | 劣等生
loaxnhoat | to mete out unjustified punishment; mete out unjustified punishment | 亂罰
log'ek-putzoat | people come one after another; in uninterrupted succession; continuous | 絡繹無絕
lomoathaau | ringleader of a bond of evildoers | 流氓頭; 老大
lomoatorng | gang of rascals | 流氓黨
luygoat kenglieen | month after month and year after year; for months and years; for a long time | 累月經年
lyhoatpo | barber shop | 理髮部
lyhoatsw | a barber; a hairdresser; barber | 理髮師
lyhoatthviaf | barbershop | 理髮廳, 理髮店
lyhoattiaxm | barbershop | 理髮廳; 理髮店
mafpoat | threadfins (fish) | 線鰭; 馬?
migoat | the completion of the first month after birth of a child | 彌月; 滿月
moate | jute-bag (to contain rice etc); gunny sack | 麻袋; 布袋
moateaflai | inside sack | 麻袋仔內
moateg | big-bamboo; type of bamboo with large leaves and long joints | 麻竹
moateg-surn | big-bamboo shoot | 麻竹筍
moatek'hiøqar | bamboo leaves | 麻竹葉仔
moateksurn | big-bamboo shoot | 麻竹筍
moathvy | deceive the whole world | 瞞天
moathvy-køeahae | practice deception | 瞞天過海
moathvy-phierntøe | deceive Heaven and Earth | 瞞天騙地
moatøe | gunnysack; sack; jute bag; gunny-bag | 麻袋
mohoat'sw | magician | 魔法師
mohoatpaan | magic jar | 魔法瓶
mohoatpviar | magic cooky | 魔法餅
mohoatsw | magician | 魔法師
nafafpoat | guava | 林仔菝
nafpoat | Common guava | 林菝; 番石榴
napoat | cymbal | 鐃鈸; 林菝; 番石榴
niafpoat | guava | 菝仔; 林菝; 番石榴; 芭樂
noathaau | play tricks | 爛爛; 耍花樣
oan'oafn oat'oad | winding (path; stream) | 彎彎曲曲
oan'oan'oat'oad | winding | 彎彎斡斡
oanlaioatkhix | winding | 彎來斡去
oat zar oat hør | the earlier the better | 越早越好
oat | turn (body, face) around; pass over, exceed, transgress, encroach, all the more, to turn the head | 轉; 越
oat'oad | many turns, not straight | 轉轉; 斡斡; 轉彎
oat'oafn | turn (around) | 斡彎; 拐彎; 轉彎
oatjiar | the more | 愈惹; 更加地
oatkag | turn a corner; corner; turn a corner; corner of a building; a turn in a road | 轉角; 斡角; 拐彎; 拐角
oatkex | make a turn | 斡過
oatkhix | make a turn | 斡去
oatkhofng | to hollow | 挖空
oatkhor | to ridicule, sarcasm | 挖苦
oatlaai | make a turn | 斡來
oatsoaan | mediate (a conflict; etc.) | 斡旋
oatzoad | scoop out clumsy | 穵拙
oaxn'goat | a crescent moon | 浣月; 新月
okloat | evil, wicked, wrong | 惡劣
osoathngg | brown sugar | 黑砂糖
osvoathaau | black mountain | 烏山頭
pak'hoat | the Northern Expedition | 北伐
paktoat kongkoaan | deprive of civil rights | 剝奪公權
paktoat | to deprive of; deprive or strip one of (rights; property) divest | 剝奪
patkoarsvoaterng | top of Bagua Mountain in Taiwan | 八卦山頂
peghoatzhongzhofng | gray-haired | 白髮蒼蒼
peh-soatsoad | as white as snow | 白雪雪
penghoatzexng | a complication | 併發症
pengthiefn-soatte | land of ice and snow; a frozen land | 冰天雪地
pernghoatzexng | complications (medical) | 併發症
phau koatsym | hold on to one's determination; determined | 抱決心
phauboat | bubble, foam, froth | 泡沫
phehoatkex | wholesale price | 批發價
phehoatsiofng | wholesale dealer; wholesaler | 批發商
phihoatkex | wholesale price | 批發價
phisefng taegoat | travel by night; toil night and day | 披星戴月
phoat'hu | virago; a shrew; a termagant; a woman that hard to deal | 潑婦
phoatchix | splash | 潑刺
phoatkaau | naughty monkey | 潑猴
phoatkhaf | pigeon-toed | 拐腳
phoatlah | pungent | 潑辣
phoatphii | gangster | 潑皮
phoatzhef | wife that is hard to deal | 潑妻
phvoarkoatsw | verdict; sentence in writing | 判決書
piawkoatkoaan | the franchise; the right to vote | 表決權
pinhoat | poor; meager; wanting; destitute; insufficient; deficient; in tight straits | 貧乏
pirnzoat | to get rid of | 驅逐; 擯絕
poafngoat | half moon, crescent moon | 半月
poafngoat-heeng | crescent-shaped | 半月型
poarngoat | half moon, crescent moon | 半月
poarngoat-heeng | half moon shape | 半月形
poat | spread out (cloth); hang on a pole or rope (clothing); suspend; throw loosely over one's shoulders; lay loosely over a railing; on the back of a chair | 披; 懸掛; 擱
poat'hu | shrew | 潑婦
poat'hø | to dial a number | 撥號
poatchix | poke | 撥刺
poatjiorng | to set aside a little time out of a tight schedule | 撥冗
poatkhuy | to push open aside | 撥開
poatkhvoar | to appropriate money | 撥款
poatlong | fiddle | 撥弄
poattong | to move, to turn | 撥動
poghoatlek | explosive force | 爆發力
poxhoat | steps | 步伐
put'hoattat | underdeveloped | 不發達; 無發達
putleeng zuxpoat | cannot free oneself from evil or a bad habit | 無能自拔
putzoat | endless | 無絕
pvoarchiaa-goat | half-reclining moon | 半斜月
pvoarchiagoat | half moon | 半斜月
pvoatiarm | make an inventory; check | 盤點; 清點
pvoatngr | move and turn | 搬轉
pvoatviuu | making appearance in different events | 搬場; 趕場
pwnboat | first and last; essential and nonessential | 本末
pwngoat | thyis month | 本月
pørkvoathviaf | newsroom | 報官廳
pørsiuu soat'hin | wipe out a grievance | 報仇雪恨
pøxhoat'ho | an upstart; the new-rich | 暴發戶
sarngsvoathaau | send the mountain | 送山頭
sat'hoat | kill | 殺伐
seaboat | end of the world | 世末; 末日
sefhoat'hurn | shampoo powder | 洗髮粉
sefhoatzefng | cream shampoo; liquid shampoo; concentrated shampoo | 洗髮精
sehsvoaterng | snow mountain top | 雪山頂
senghoat | livelihood, life | 生活
sengkvoaf hoatzaai | attain higher rank and acquire great wealth | 升官發財
senglieen luygoat | year after year; month after month | 成年累月
serngkoatui | choir | 聖歌隊
sianggoat-khafn | a bimonthly publication | 雙月刊
siaolieen hoatteeng | juvenile court | 少年法庭
siau'iaau hoatgoa | remain out of the law's reach | 逍遙法外
siawsoatkaf | novelist | 小說家
siaxthoaan-hoatjiin | a registered association or society | 社團法人
siaxzoat zhamkoafn | No visitors allowed | 謝絕參觀
siaxzoat | exclude; prohibit; refuse; decline (an offer; request) | 謝絕
sidbut hoat'ioghak | vegetable embryology | 植物發育學
simkvoatea | deep in the heart | 心肝底
simkvoathaau | around the pit of the stomach or the heart | 心肝頭
sin'goat | crescent or new moon | 新月
siofnggoat | admire the moon | 賞月
siofnghoat | reward and punish; reward and punishment | 賞罰
sionghoat | punish | 相罰
sitgoat | eclipse | 蝕月
siu kuxzoat | rebuff | 受拒絕
siucy-koatsoaxn | income and expenditure; revenue and expenditure; balance an account | 收支決算
siuhoatseg | office through which official correspondence of an organization is received or sent out | 收發室
siuxhoat | be punished or penalized; be fined | 受罰
soafnpoat | choose, select, pick out | 選拔
soat'hii | cod | 鱈魚
soat'hin | wipe out a grievance; avenge one's grudge | 雪恨
soat'hoad | a version, preach, way of speaking | 說法
soat'hoaf | snowflakes | 雪花
soat'hoef | snowflakes | 雪花
soat'hoglek | power of persuasion | 說服力
soat'hok | persuade; convince; prevail on | 說服
soat'horng | to lie, to tell a lie | 說謊
soat'hun | revenge | 雪恨
soat'huu | cod | 鱈魚
soat'oaan | to finish speaking | 說完
soat'oafn | wipe out grievances; vindicate oneself | 雪冤
soat'svoaf | snow mountain | 雪山
soatbeeng lyiuu | tell the reason | 說明理由
soatbeeng | illustrate; demonstrate; description; explain; clarify; explanation | 說明
soatbeeng-sw | explanatory statement, directions for use, instructional booklet | 說明書
soatbenghoe | seminar | 說明會
soatbengsw | written explanation; written instructions attached to merchandise | 說明書
soatbuun | soap | 肥皂
soatchiøx | joke, kidding | 說笑; 開玩笑
soatchviux | rap | 說唱
soate | sandbags | 沙袋
soatefng | sardine (fish) | 沙丁; 砂䰳
soathaang | chigoe, chigger | 沙蟲
soathafn | sandy beach; tideland | 沙灘
soathafng | screen window | 紗窗
soathiøf | hand shovel | 沙鏟; 沙挑
soathngg | crystal sugar; granulated sugar; rock candy | 砂糖
soathngrar | type of small fish | 沙丁魚
soathoo | sandy soil; mixture of sand and clay | 沙土
soathvoaf | a sandbank after a low tide | 沙灘
soatiaau | any of several kinds of shark, Carcharhinus sorrah, Carcharhinus menisorrah | 沙條
soatkaf | cigars | 雪茄
soatkaux | sermon; to preach; to give moral instruction to; give a person a good talking to | 說教; 訓戒
soatkheq | a spokesman, lobbyist | 說客
soatng'ar | whiting | 沙鮻仔
soatong | common whiting | 沙鮻
soatparsvoaf | a mountain in Sinteg | 雪霸山
soatpeh | snow white; snowy | 雪白
soatpek | snow white; snowy | 雪白
soatsiaw | clean; get rid of; delete | 抹除; 刷消
soatsvoaf | snow mountain | 雪山
soatsyn | make like new (by cleaning; repainting); renovate; write (a new sports record) | 刷新
soatte | snowfield | 雪地
soatthie | wipe out a disgrace; clear up | 雪恥
soattiofng soxng thaxn | send fuel in cold weather ─ timely assistance; send things which are in urgent need | 雪中送炭
soatuy | sand dune; sand hill | 沙堆
soatwn | sandhill, dune | 沙堆; 沙丘
soatzeeng | to apologize, intercede, solicit a favor, ask a favor for someone else | 說情
soatzhud | to tell, speak, utter | 說出
soatzhøx | to have a slip of the tongue | 說錯
soatøe | sands | 砂地; 沙地; 沙袋
soatøhii | long tailed anchovy | 沙鱭魚
soeagoat juu liuu | the months and years run by like a stream; time and tide wait for no man | 歲月如流
soeagoat | time; year; years and months; times and seasons | 歲月
soefhoatzefng | shampoo | 洗髮精
suhoatkaf | calligrapher | 書法家
suhoatkaix | legal profession | 司法界
suhoatkoaan | jurisdiction | 司法權
suhoatkvoaf | legal officer; judge | 司法官
suxkvoatviuo | master sergeant | 士官長
svehoatzef | hair restorer | 生髮劑
svethauhoatboea | toxin efflux | 生頭發尾
sviu-hoatto | devise means; think up a scheme | 想法子
sviwhoat | reward and punishment to reward and punish | 賞罰
svoatang'øf | mountain artemisia annua | 山苳蒿
svoatangpeh | superior type of cabbage | 山東白
svoatangpeqar | napa | 山東白仔
svoatau-kwn | Horsefield euchresta | 山豆根
svoate | mountainous region | 山地
svoatee | mountain tea | 山茶
svoaterng | top of the mountain; mountain top; up on the mountain | 山頂
svoatexlaang | aborigine | 山地人
svoathaau | burial ground; cemetery | 山上; 山頭; 墓地
svoathox | hares | 山兔
svoati'afbaq | wild boar meat | 山豬仔肉
svoati'ar | wild boar | 山豬仔
svoatibaq | wild boar meat | 山豬肉
svoatiefn | mountain top | 山巔
svoatiin | mountain rattan | 山藤
svoatikee | pickled wild pig meat | 山豬醬
svoatin'ar | mountain rattan | 山藤仔
svoatiofng | in the mountain | 山中
svoatoaxlaang | palm tree | 棕櫚的一種
svoatoe | mountain | 山地
svoatong | a cave; a cavern; a grotto; cave; tunnel; grotto; cavern | 山洞
svoatoo | mountain road | 山途
svoatviuu | open area of mountain | 山場; 農場
svoatw | palm tree | 山豬
svoaty | wild boar | 野豬; 山豬
svoaty-baq | boar's meat | 山豬肉
svoatøe | mountainous region | 山地
svoatøea | foot of a mountain | 山底
tamthiefn soatte | to talk idly about any and every thing | 談天說地
tamzeeng soat'aix | couple in love; chat intimately; talk love | 談情說愛
tantok hoatsefng | sporadic | 單獨發生
taxnghoat | grave punishment | 重罰
teboat | tea dust | 茶抹
tenghoat | punish; chastise; to deal out punishment | 懲罰
texhngf hoat'vi | district court | 地方法院
texngtoat | decide | 定奪
thefhoat | corporal punishment | 體法; 體罰
thepoat | exalt; elevate; to raise up; promote; assist a man to get employment | 提拔
thiamtefng hoatzaai | to increase in family and in wealth | 添丁發財
thiefn buu zoat jiin cy lo | God will not close all doors. Heaven will always leave a door open | 天無絕人之路
thoansoattiofng | it's said | 傳說中
thoat'erng jii zhud | overshadow others by showing one's ability and talents; overtake others; outscore rival teams (in a race; competition) | 脫穎而出
thoat'hiarm | to escape from dangers; be out of danger | 脫險
thoat'ibuo | strip tease (dance) | 脫衣舞
thoat'iuu | wait for oil to drip from food | 脫油
thoat'y | to undress, take off one's clothes | 脫衣
thoatbang | tone's dream; (a spirit or deity) conveys a message to a mortal through a dream | 託夢
thoatbiern | to escape; free from; flee from | 脫免
thoatboo | torture | 脫模
thoatchiuo | to slip off one's hand; to sell out (goods or stock on hand) | 脫手
thoatcied | dislocation; dislocate a joint; disconnected; irrelevant or incoherent; lose contact | 脫節
thoatcimii | medicinal cotton; absorbent cotton | 脫脂棉
thoatcy gulefng | skim milk | 脫脂牛乳
thoathoasoasoaf | taking long time to complete a task | 拖拖沙沙
thoathoo | to drag along a long skirt or pant leg in the mud | 拖地; 垂地
thoatiaochiaf | tow truck | 拖吊車
thoatiaux | tow | 拖吊
thoatit | to pull straight | 拉直
thoatiøh | drag | 拖著
thoatkhag | to slough, to exuviate, to cast the shell | 脫殼
thoatkhao jii zhud | speak without thinking of the consequences; have a slip of lip | 脫口而出
thoatkhix | slip away | 脫去
thoatkhuie | jump the track, be derailed | 脫潰; 脫軌
thoatkiu | dislocation | 脫臼
thoatkoex | get off | 脫過
thoatkuie | to derail; run off the rails | 脫軌
thoatkør | to complete a piece of writing; to speak without script | 脫稿
thoatlan | escape troubles | 脫難
thoatli koanhe | sever relations; to divorce; disown | 脫離關係
thoatli sokpak | escape from bonds | 脫離束縛
thoatli | to break away; away from; divorcee; out of; sever one's relation with; get off | 脫離
thoatliap | to husk, to shell | 脫攝; 脫粒
thoatlii | break away | 脫離
thoatløh | drop off, shed, fall off | 脫落
thoatmng | shed hair or feathers | 脫門
thoatmngg | shed hair or feathers | 脫毛
thoatmoh | decidua, drop off of skin | 脫膜
thoatngg | to lengthen, to draw out (a sound), prolong, to elongate | 脫長; 拖長
thoatnibuo | strip dance | 脫奶舞
thoatphii | to slough, ecdysis | 脫皮
thoatphøee | shed skin | 脫皮
thoatsarn | to be disengaged from work, to hide away the property of a company | 脫產
thoatsiaw | to have a drain on supplier, to run out of supplies | 脫消; 脫銷
thoatsiax | to unload | 脫赦; 脫卸
thoatsiok | to free oneself from worldly ways; free from vulgarity | 脫俗
thoatsvoax | go off the rails; to de-rail; be eccentric; digress; not thorough in work | 脫線; 脫離本題
thoatsvoax-thoatsvoax | somewhat crazy | 脫線脫線
thoatsyn | to get away; off the hook; to escape | 脫身
thoatthay voaxkud | to disembody (and become immortal); change oneself inside out; radical change of conduct | 脫胎換骨
thoatthay | produced from, originated from | 脫胎
thoatthøex | retreat | 脫退
thoattngg | have a hernia | 脫腸
thoattorng | leave the party; break off from one's party | 脫黨
thoattøo | to escape from; withdraw or run away | 脫逃
thoatvef | slip shod | 拖踵; 曳足而行
thoatzad | dislocate a joint | 脫節
thoatzek | renounce one's citizenship; withdraw from membership | 脫籍
thoatzerng | deseed | 脫種
thoatzhud | prolapse | 脫出
thoatzoe | exonerate someone from a charge | 脫罪
thoatzuie | dehydrate; dehydrated | 脫水
thoatzuyky | Machine for removing liquids by centrifugal force; a spin dryer | 脫水機
thoatzuyzef | dehydrating agent | 脫水劑
thoatzuyzøo | dewatering tank | 脫水槽
thoatør | to upset things by pulling on them | 拖倒; 拖垮
thofng'id hoatphiøx | uniform invoice | 統一發票
thorboat | saliva, spit, spittle | 吐沫
thytoat kongkoaan | disfranchise; deprive one of his civil rights | 褫奪公權
thytoat | snatch away; deprive of; strip off | 褫奪
thøfhoat | subjugate rebels | 討伐
tiaukae hoatteeng | court arbitrator | 調解法庭
tioggoat | month by month | 逐月
tiongkexhaypoat | middle and low altitude | 中低海拔
tiongsyn hoatgoan | renew a vow (Catholic) | 重新發願
toa-hoatzaai | make a fortune | 大發財
toat | to take by force; grab; seizing; take by force; rob; to plunder; snatch; to grasp; carry away (the first prize) | 奪
toat`khix | to take away by force | 奪去
toaxciamsvoaterng | big mountain top | 大尖山頂
toaxhoatkvoaf | grand justice | 大法官
toaxnzoat koanhe | cut off connections | 斷絕關係
toaxnzoat lai'orng | all connection cut off; cut off communications; break off friendly relations | 斷絕來往
toaxnzoat pangkaw | sever diplomatic ties (relations) | 斷絕邦交
toaxnzoat | to break off; cut off; sever; discontinuity; break off (connection or friendship) | 斷絕
toaxsoat'svoaf | big snow mountain | 大雪山
toaxsoatsvoaf | big snow mountain | 大雪山
tok'oat | excellence; remarkable; outstanding; predominance; brilliance | 卓越
tokzoat | super-eminent | 傑出; 卓絕
toxsiøfgoat | a famous Tainan noodle shop- getting by a tough short month | 度小月
toxzoat hiøxhoan | prevent and eliminate possible harmful consequences | 杜絕後患
toxzoat | prevent and eliminate | 渡絕
tvoatafng | having only one harvest in the year | 單冬; 一期作
tvoateeng | of one fold or thickness of material; one ply | 單層
tvoatheeng | one-way | 單停; 單程
tvoatiaq | pick single item | 單選
tvoatvoaf | alone; singly; solitary | 單單
uxhoatto | able to | 有法度
vii-koat'oo | parentheses | 圓括弧
voaterng | saddle top | 鞍頂
zaihoat | cartel; financial combine; financial clique; plutocrat | 財閥
zaithoaan-hoatjiin | juridical person of an association | 財團法人
zangoat | one's remaining life | 殘月
zauhoat | suppress | 剿伐
zeateng hoatlut | institute laws | 制定法律
zek'hoat | chastise | 責罰
zenghoat | crusade against; battle; a punitive military action | 征伐
zenghoattiau | evaporate | 蒸發掉
zengsiin khoat'ham | mental defect | 精神缺陷
zengtoat | to contend for; struggle for; contend for; to fight for | 爭奪
zepoat | a kind of cymbal | 齊拔; 齊鈸
zerngthoat | to get free from | 掙脫
zhaitoat | decide; decision | 裁奪
zhattoat | research and make a decision | 察奪
zhayhoat | bandits break into a house at night and commit rape (Lit. pluck flowers) | 採伐
zhenghofng benggoat | aloof (Lit. a soothing wind and the bright moon are my sole companions.) | 清風明月
zhoarntoat | seize power or the throne | 篡奪
zhoat'hap | match | 撮合
zhoat'iaux | summary | 概括; 摘要
zhohoat'heeng | first issue (of postage stamps) | 初發行
zhunzeeng-hoattoxngkii | puberty | 春情發動期
zhut'hoattiarm | starting place or point | 出發點
zhutthoatbøo | outstanding yet? | 出脫無
zhwhoat | punish; punishment; punish | 處罰
zhwoat | please | 取悅
zoat auxtai | take revenge on a man by killing all his children | 絕後代; 絕嗣
zoat | break off; cut; discontinue; terminate | 絕
zoathaau | snake head | 蛇頭
zoatkex | a foolish scheme, my plan | 方案; 拙計
zoatload | clumsy, bad, poor | 絕劣
zoatok | snake poison | 蛇毒
zoatpun | unwise | 拙笨
zoatvar | snake gall; gall or bile of a snake used as medicine | 蛇膽
zoatzog | a humble way to mention one's work | 拙作
zoeakøf hoat'vi | the Supreme Court | 最高法院
zoeasyn hoatbeeng | the latest invention | 最新發明
zoexhoat | punishment for sin; retribution | 罪罰
zorng koatsoaxn | settlement of accounts | 總決算
zuxhoat'sexng | spontaneity | 自發性
zuxhoatsexng | spontaneity | 自發性
zuxzoat | suicide | 自絕
zuylek hoattien | hydro electric generation (physics) | 水力發電
zuylek hoattiexnchviuo | hydro electric power plant | 水力發電廠
zuylek hoattiexnky | hydro electric generator | 水力發電機
zuytea løo goat | grasp the moon in the water vain and ineffectual effort | 水底撈月
zvoatee | boil water to make tea | 燒茶; 煮開水
zwkiofng hoat'iam | uterine infection | 子宮發炎

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