Gobii | a city in Hsinchu County of Taiwan | 峨眉
Mobunkaux | Mormon Church; Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints | 摩門教
Mobuun-kaux | Mormon Church | 摩門教
aekhaobin | cry baby face | 好哭臉
aobi | a bad smell; bad odor smell | 腐味
aobin | a long face; morose and displeased face | 臭臉; 臉色難看
aothaau-aobin | pull a long face | 臭頭臭臉
ciaobeeng sietpi | illuminating equipment; photo flash equipment | 照明設備
ciaobeeng | lighting; lightening; illumination | 照明
ciaobeeng-tefng | illuminating lamp | 照明燈
ciaobeeng-tvoaa | a flare bomb, an illuminating shell | 照明彈
ciaobeng | an imperial command | 詔命
ciaobengtvoaa | flare | 照明彈
ciaobin | face to face | 照面
ciongthaau kaoboea | from the start to the end; throughout | 從頭到尾
ciuobuun | curses; imprecations | 咒文
gvobii | pretty eyebrows | 娥眉
gvobiin | our people; my people | 吾民
hiuobeeng | notorious reputation. | 臭名; 再興
huobuun | obituary notice | 訃文; 訃音
hviukobahbee | minced pork with mushrooms | 香菇肉糜
hviukobahmoee | minced pork with mushrooms | 香菇肉糜
hvobiin | sound of snoring | 鼾聲
iaobu | important business; urgent affairs; important or urgent business; task; matter etc. | 要務
iuloplob | greasy; oily | 油膩膩; 油凹凹
iuobaq | new skin that heals a wound | 幼肉; 剛長出之肉
iuobiaau | tender seedling | 幼苗
iuoboaqboah | very fine (powder) | 粉細的; 細嫩
jiar laang zuobok | attract attention (especially undesirable attention) | 惹人注目
kaobiør | godmother | 教母
kaoboea | at the end | 到尾; 到最後
kaobu | academic administration; instructional affairs (as distinct from administrations in a school) | 教務
kaobu-tviuo | dean of studies | 教務長
kaobu-zhux | office of curriculum, faculty room | 教務處
kaobu-zwjim | dean of studies (of a primary or secondary school) | 教務主任
kaobuun | the door of Buddhism, a sect of Buddhism | 教文; 教門
kaobuxtviuo | dean of studies (in a college of university) | 教務長
kaobuxzhux | dean's office | 教務處
kaobøea | finally | 到尾; 到最後
kaobør | godmother | 教母
khaobin | crying face | 哭臉
khaobun | to ask, to inquire | 哭問; 扣問
khaope-khaobør | lament loudly for parents death ─ to complain or to scold (a curse word) | 哭爹哭母; 抱怨; 叱罵
khiaobiau | amazing | 巧妙; 竅妙
kiuobiin | to save the people | 救民
kobok | a dry wood | 枯木
koboong | the area between the heart and diaphragm; describe incurable situation | 膏肓
kobuo | sisters of one's father | 姑母
laoboo | make every move only after mature deliberation | 老謀
lauzhuoboefterng | top floor | 樓厝尾頂
liuobø | take off one's hat | 脫帽
lob cinzøe cvii | invest or lose a great sum of money | 陷真濟錢; 虧了很多錢
lob løqkhix zuie`nih | step into water (carelessly) | 踩落水裏去
lob | wet and soft (ground); muddy; boggy; dent | 陷; 凹; 踏; 低窪
loborng | reckless | 鹵莽
logkobe'ar | muddy | 漉糊糜仔
logkobee | muddy | 漉糊糜
loxkobee | mud; mire; slush | 路糊糜; 泥漿
mobiet | deface; defacement; wear out; obliterate | 磨滅
mobok | insensitive, numb | 麻木
noaxkobee | soft mud; mire | 爛糊泥; 爛糊糜; 爛泥
noaxthobee | muddy | 爛塗糜
noaxthobi | muddy smell | 爛塗味
obafsarng | an old woman, an aunt | 歐巴桑; 對不特定年長女性的稱呼; 源自日語おばさん(obasan)
obag'ar | Formosan backthorn | 黑目仔; 黑背刺
obahkef | black broiler | 烏肉雞
obahsarng | old lady | 歐巴樣
obahtea | dark complexioned | 黑肉底; 膚色黝黑
obak | black ink; Chinese ink; ink stick | 黑墨; 墨汁
obaq | dark skip | 黑肉
obarsaxng | an old woman, an aunt | 歐巴樣
obea | dark horse; a person who suddenly displays outstanding talent for doing somehthing | 烏馬; 黑馬; 用此形容特殊人物
obeftafng | black-tailed caesio, mountain bass, round sead | 黑鷦 [*]
obie | black rice | 黑米
obin | black face; A villain | 黑面
obixnlaxpoef | Black-faced Spoonbill in Tainan | 烏面抐桮
obixnzhat | squid; thief with mask | 烏面賊
obo | black screen, a dark secret | 黑幕; 烏幕
oboong | dark | 黑茫
obui'afbarng | mosquito | 烏蝛仔蚊
obui'ar | tick | 烏蝛仔
obuy | tick | 烏蝛
obøeftafng | black-tailed caesio, mountain bass, round scad | 烏尾冬
phobin | put the best articles on the top | 舖面
phobixnthafn | facade, ostentation | 鋪面蟶
put'thaobeeng | opaque | 無透明; 不透明
pvoax thaobengthea | translucent; partially transparent | 半透明體
saobiaau | scan | 掃描
saobiet | sweep away to destruction | 掃滅
saobo | visit the grave | 掃墓
saobong | to visit a grave; Lit. to sweep the tomb ─ pay respects to one's ancestor at his grave | 掃墓
saoboong | to eliminate illiteracy | 掃墓; 掃盲
sekobie | sago (rice) | 西貢米
siaobak | details of accounts; accounts | 帳目; 數目; 賬目
siaobøea | balance of an account | 賬尾
siuobie | beautiful | 秀美
siuobin | front face- from Japanese | 秀面
siuobo | luxuriant and graceful | 秀慕; 茂盛
sobit | density; consistence | 疏密
suobeng | errand, mission, message | 賜命; 使命
suobien | all around, on all sides | 賜面
suobiin | four classes of people; i.e. (scholars; farmers; artisans; merchants) | 商); 庶民; 工; (士; 農; 四民
suobixnpat'hofng | in all directions | 四面八方
suobu | office affairs; miscellaneous | 庶務
suobudar | four things- medicine like plans | 四物仔
suobut | four important Chinese herb medicine | 四物; 川芎,; 白芍,; (當歸,; 熟地)
suobuu-kixtan | indulgent and reckless; without restraint of any kind; unscrupulous | 肆無忌憚
suobuxkhøx | general affairs dept. | 庶務課
suobuxoaan | general affairs staff | 庶務員
suobuxzhux | general affairs | 庶務處
taoberng | contend (gymnastics or conflict) | 鬥衡; 猛鬥
taobexba | not identical, unanimous | 接不合, 合不來
taoboong | help, lend a hand | 鬥蒙; 幫忙
taobøeeng | making more trouble by helping | 鬥無閒
taobøexba | not identical; unanimous | 接無合; 合不來
thaobea | to the end | 透尾
thaobeeng | trasparent; transparency; clarity | 透明
thaobengthea | transparent body | 透明體
thaoboea | to the end | 透尾
thaobøea | end; be completed | 透尾; 到終
thaumoboea | back part of hair | 頭髮尾
thiaobuo | dance; dancing | 跳舞
thiaobwhoe | dancing party | 跳舞會
thiaobwphvoa | dancing partner | 跳舞伴
thobagsay | handy man | 土木司
thobaq sarn | the soil is sterile | 土壤瘠
thobaq | soil; mould | 土壤; 塗肉
thobee | mud | 土粥; 塗糜; 泥土
thobee-khud | mud puddle | 土粥窟; 泥坑
thobin | surface soil | 土面; 地面
thobysoaf | sand and clay | 土米沙; 土沙
tiaobeng | summons, divine calls | 調鳴; 召命
tiaobong | visiting a grave with respect | 吊望
tiaobuun | message of condolence; words of condolence; funeral oration; memorial address | 弔文; 弔唁函
toaxkhobuo | thumb | 大箍拇; 大姆指
tobin | plan; drawing; blueprint | 圖面
toboad | to erase; to obliterate; to scribble | 塗抹
toboo | to plot, to plan | 多謀; 圖謀
tuobeeng | distinguished, well-known | 著明; 著名
tuobøextiaau | cannot resist | 抵無住
tviuobang | to set a net | 帳網
tviuobo | tent | 帳幕
tvy-buobux | sugar sweet | 甜粅粅
u-zhuobi | be interested in, like to know | 有趣味
zaobengkhiog | sonata | 奏鳴曲
zhanthobi | rice farm smell | 田塗味
zhaobagni | fragrant glorybower | 臭茉莉; 臭目; 吹牛
zhaobah'eng'ar | carbuncle | 臭肉癰仔
zhaobaq | meat that is spoiled or putrefied; putrid flesh like in a sore | 臭肉; 腐爛的肉
zhaobi | bad order; stinky; rotten; bad smelling; suppurating | 臭味
zhaobin | unhappy face; sour; ill natured look | 臭臉; 繃著臉
zhaoiukaobi | bad as a filthy shirt or pillow | 臭油垢味
zhaothobi | having an unpleasant earthy taste; damp; earthy smell | 臭土味
zhobeh | coarse grain | 粗糧; 粗麥
zhuobefterng | roof | 厝尾頂
zhuobi | interesting; fascinating; amusing; taste; relish; interest; hobby | 趣味; 有趣; 興趣
zhuobin | appearance of a house | 厝面; 房子的門面
zhuobixlaq | interesting | 趣味啦
zhuobixzhuobi | interesting; fun | 趣味趣味
zhuoboefterng | roof | 厝尾頂
zhuobuun | anecdote | 趣聞
zuobak | pay attention eyes | 注目
zuobeeng | describe and display explicitly; explain or state clearly in writing; make a footnote; make out | 註明
zuoboglea | parade salute (military) | 注目禮
zuobok | eye; rivet; attention; fix the attention on; observation; keep an eye on; pay attention to | 注目
zuoboo | mould; mold; to cast (statue) | 鑄模
zuobuun | order (merchandise) | 訂貨; 注文; 訂購; 定購
zuxthaau-kaobøea | from the beginning to the end; all the way through | 自始至終
zuxthaukaobea | from the beginning to the end | 自頭到尾
zuxthaukaoboea | from the beginning to the end | 自頭到尾
The following example will get all the words start with a
Checking Back button will show all the vocabularies that end with "zab" such as "apzab".
If you are unsure of any letter, put a . (period) in place of it (eg. "bof.ng").
If you want to get either "r" and "f" in a word, you may put down [fr]. (eg. "bo[fr]ng").
You may also use spelling match position for exact match, or front match, or center match or
back match.
Less popular words/phrases are marked with [*]