"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Byybie-kaohoe | a church name | 美以美教會
Engkog kaohoe | Anglican Church | 英國教會
Goaxhngf Thoankaohoe | Foreign Mission Society (Catholic) | 外方傳教會
Gohong | an official who ended the practice of head hunting in Taiwan at the cost of his own life in 1768 | 吳鳳
Gvohong-biø | a temple | 五皇廟
Iasohoe | SJ: Societas Jesu (Catholic) | 耶穌會
Kaohoong | Pope | 教皇
Kaohu | Godfather | 教父
Latefng Kaohoe | Latin Church | 拉丁教會
Lømar Kaohoe | Roman Catholic Church | 羅馬教會
Omytohut | Amitaba | 阿彌陀佛
Peglerng Goaxhngf Thoankaohoe | SMB: Societas Miss de Bethlehem (Switz) | 白冷外方傳教會
Phohzuo | a city in Chiayi County | 朴子
Pvepohoafn | Pingpu Aboriginal people | 平埔番
Pvipohoafn | Pingpu Aboriginal people | 平埔番
Sohoaf konglo | Eastern Taiwan's High Way | 蘇花公路
Tangcioh | a city in Chiayi County | 東石
Tiofnglør kaohoe | Presbyterian church | 長老教會
Tohkhoef | a city in Hualien County | 卓溪
Tohlaan | a city in Miaoli County | 卓蘭
Tviwløfkaohoe | Presbyterian Church | 長老教會
Zerngkaohoe | Orthodox Church | 正教會
Zwtohoe | CDD: Discipuli Domini (Catholic) | 主徒會
angmohoafn | Westerners especially the Dutch in old Taiwan; red-haired barbarians | 紅毛蕃
aohin | resentful | 悔恨
aohoea | regret; regretful; remorseful | 懊悔
aohoex | lousy goods; things that have rotted or spoiled; merchandise that has spoiled or rotted; poor worthless fellow | 爛貨; 賤貨
baxngmoh | retina of the eye | 網膜; (眼睛)
be thaohofng | wind proof | 未透風
beeng cirn suohofng | His name was heard on all sides | 名震四方
beeng ioong suohae | become famous all over the world | 名揚四海
bixnmoh | face | 面膜
bohai | conspire to kill; injure; harm; plot a crime or some evil against another | 謀害
boheeng | shape of a mold; model; model; a pattern | 模型
bohoan | exemplary; model; mould; a pattern; an example | 模範
bohoarn | attempt rebellion; plan revolt | 謀反; 造反
bohoo | vague; indistinct; fuzzy | 模糊
bohorng | imitate; imitate; imitation | 模仿
bukii toheeng | life imprisonment | 無期徒刑
bukii-toheeng | life sentence | 無期徒刑
chviuohoad | singing method | 唱法
ciaohap | photo | 照合
ciaoho | care | 照護
ciaohoad | in compliance with the law | 照法; 依法
ciaohoe | (n) letters of understanding or concern exchanged between governments; diplomatic notes; memoranda; inquiry by letter; make inquiries about a matter | 照會
ciaohux | pay the full amount according to the price; tag; receipt; notice; IOU | 照付
ciuohudar | very short in stature; like the pit of dragon eye fruit or lichee is very small | 咒核仔; 形容龍眼或荔枝之核很小; 小個子
cviumoh | serous membrane | 樟膜; 漿膜
geqzohuix | monthly rent | 月租費
giefnkiuohoe | seminar, scholar's meeting for intensive research | 研究會
giefnkiuohuix | research fund; research grant | 研究費
goeqzohuix | rent | 月租費
gvohii | carp (fish) | 伍魚; 鯃魚
gygieen kaohaghoad | linguistics | 語言教學法
hamchiaohoef | magnolia | 含笑花
hamhaam-hohoo | (of a statement) vague; ambiguous; confusing | 含含糊糊
hamsiaohoef | smiling flower; magnolia | 含笑花
haoheeng | filial piety; filial devotion | 孝行
haoheng | filial deed, filial piety | 孝行
haohok | mourning dress worn by bereaved children | 孝服
hengkehmoh | diaphragm | 胸膈膜; 橫隔膜
hengmoh-iam | pleurisy | 胸膜炎
hiemoh | pleura | 肺膜
hiemoh-iam | pleurisy | 肺膜炎
hiuohiux`leq | shake off | 洒洒咧
hiuohoarbut | bromide; bromid | 溴化物
hogmoh-iam | peritonitis | 腹膜炎
hohad | to command; to order | 呼轄; 命令
hoharn | to shout, to cry, a shout | 呼喊
hohaxm | (adj) careless | 糊含; 馬虎; 呼諏
hoheeng | a crescent-shape, an arc, bow-shaped, spherical | 葫形; 弧形
hohiaxm | call out; to shout; to yell | 呼喚
hohoaan | to relax, to glow down | 和煩
hohoaxn | call; page | 呼喚
hohoo-totoo | muddled; confused | 糊糊塗塗
hohun | confusion; chaos | 糊混; 含混無清; 混亂
hohzay | agree only by mouth | 呼哉; 只在口頭說是
hohø | to cry out in distress or for help | 呼號
hokmoh-iam | peritonitis | 腹膜炎
holoheeng | bottle gourd shaped or guitar shaped | 葫蘆形
hongmoh | iris of the eye | 風膜; 虹膜
huigvoo-huohoea | dig one's own grave; flirt with death (The flying moth is forever attracted to the flame.) | 飛蛾赴火
huohaam | accompanying letter | 訃函; 附函
huohap | to conform; to fit in with | 符合
huohien | pay cash | 付現; 付現金
huoho | a rich family; wealthy family | 富戶
huohoe | meet; by appointment; keep an appointment; attend a meeting; be in time for a meeting | 赴會
huohoextviuo | vice president of any society | 副會長
huohuix | pay | 付費
huohux | in time | 赴赴; 剛好到時
huohøo | assentation; chime in; go along; agree without conviction; repeat what others say; be a yes man | 附和; 富豪
hviulohvi | handles of censer; said of eldest son of family | 香爐耳; 長子; 香爐把手
hvoaikehmoh | the diaphragm | 橫隔膜
hvohvokiøx | continual crying | 鼾鼾叫; 哭聲
iaohai | the vital and vulnerable parts of the body; the crucial point; stronghold; strategic; vital part (of the body) | 要害
iaohang | main items; key points or items | 要項
iaohiap | compel by threats, blackmail | 要脅
iaohoan | important criminal | 要犯
iefnzaohoe | concert; recital | 演奏會
isit kakmoh | cornea transplantation | 角膜移植
it'ix-koheeng | do something against the advice of the others | 一意孤行
itmia-ohof | die | 一命嗚呼
iuohaai | toddler | 幼孩
iuohex | higher quality merchant | 幼貨
iuohiøh | young leaves; small tender leaves | 嫩葉; 幼葉
iuohoef | small flowers | 幼花; 嫩小的花
iuohoex | baby goods | 幼貨
iwkii-toheeng | imprisonment for a definite time (as opposed to life imprisonment) | 有期徒刑
kaemoh | tectorial membrane | 蓋膜
kakmoh | cornea | 角膜
kakmoh-isit | cornea transplantation | 角膜移植
kaohaghoad | pedagogy; teaching method | 教學法
kaohak | teaching | 教學
kaohak-hoad | teaching method | 教學法
kaohan | to the limit | 到限
kaohiaf | arrive there | 到彼; 到那兒
kaohiahniq | arrive there yet ? | 到彼呢
kaohoad | teaching method; ecclesiastical law | 教法
kaohoax | educate and cultivate; civilize; influence by teaching; education; enlightenment | 教化
kaohoe | church | 教會
kaohoe-buxntab | church catechism | 教會問答
kaohoeasw | chaplain (of a reformatory or jail); prison chaplain | 教誨師
kaohoex | teach; instruction; indoctrinate; to discipline | 教誨
kaohoong | pope | 教皇
kaohu | church fathers | 教父
kaohuxn | teach; scold; lesson; teachings; instructions; precepts; give a lesson | 教訓
kaohwn | ripen; mature (as fruit; animals) | 到分; 成熟 (水果; 動物)
kehmoh | diaphragm; estrangement | 隔膜; 膈膜; 隔閡
khaohwn | deduct score | 扣分
khengmoh | iris of eyes | 傾膜
khexngmoh | iris of eyes | 虹膜
khienkioong-huohoe | fasten on an unwarranted conclusion | 牽強附會
khychirnmoh | urticaria | 起凊瘼
kiaohiw | shout and yell | 叫囂
kietmoh | conjunctiva | 結膜
kiohsiaux | role; character | 腳數; 角色
kipkiuohoad | first-aid methods | 急救法
kiuohap | call together; band together; convoke | 糾合
kiuoho | to relieve and nurse (the wounded. etc.); rescue; help; save and protect; first aid | 救護
kiuoho-chiaf | an ambulance; a wrecker | 救護車
kiuohoad | method of rescue | 救法
kiuohoea | put out a fire | 救火
kiuohoxchiaf | ambulance | 救護車
kiuohoxsor | medical relief station | 救護所
kiuohoxtui | first aid corps | 救護隊
kiuohwn | dispute; issue; to dispute; troubles; complications | 糾紛
kiuohøea | to fight a fire; to try to extinguish a fire | 救火
kiuohøefoaan | fireman | 救火員
kngrkhiim-iefnzaohoe | piano concert; piano recital | 鋼琴演奏會
kofmoh | ear-drum, tympanic membrane | 鼓膜
kohaang-togchi | having a monopoly because of exclusive possession | 孤行獨市
kohang | single; only; sole; individual event | 孤項; 單項
kohu | ungrateful; unappreciated; behave ungratefully; requite kindness with ingratitude; disappoint; be unfaithful to a person | 辜負
kohuun | wandering ghost; disembodied spirit with no one to make offerings to it | 孤魂
kohux | ungrateful; disappoint; unappreciated | 辜負
kuoheeng | pattern sentences | 句型
kuohiarm | to hold strategic positions | 據險
kuohoad | syntax | 句法
kuohuxn | sawfish | 鋸鰩; 鋸鱝; 鈍鋸鰩,; 尖齒鋸鰩,; 鈍鋸鱝,
kuohwn | smoke (cigarette; pipe) | 抽煙
kuohø | full stop, period | 句號 (句點)
kutmoh | thin membrane of bone; periosteum; part of the bone that generates new bone | 骨膜
ladcie-moh | chestnut shells | 栗子膜
laohafm | pitch (fungus) of bamboo or sugar cane | 落䈄
laohefng | low-cut dress; plunging neckline | 落胸; 低胸
laohiøh | shed leaves; shed leaves in great abundance | 落葉; 脫葉
laohofng | not air-tight; leak out; imply things went wrong; release air from; deflate (a tire); flat tire; puncture | 漏風; 落風; 漏氣
laohonglaohofng | tire not fully filled with air; (speaking) unprecise tones | 落風落風
legmoh | pleura (physiology) | 肋膜
liammoh | mucous membrane | 黏膜; 粘膜
liuohiah | bald on forehead and crown of head | 額高; 禿頭; 禿額
loafnkud-moh | perichondrium | 軟骨膜
loexmoh | mucous membrane, inner lining | 內膜
lohii | sea perch, loo-fish | 蘆魚; 鱸魚
lohoe | aloe vera | 蘆薈
lohoef | rush flower; fluffy ends of reed | 蘆花
lohuu | bass | 鱸魚
lohw | ashes from a stove | 爐灰
lohøe | aloe | 蘆薈
lutmoh | take off the thin film (of a peanut) | 脫膜
løzw-kiuohwn | disputes between capital and labor; labor management relations | 勞資糾紛
moh | cuticle; membrane; film; septum; inner skin; leaf; any thin membrane in plants; animals; film on peas; nuts | 膜
mohe | fresh-water crab | 毛蟹; 螃蟹
mohkhix | deflates (balloon); haggard; pinched and weak | 癟瘦; 消瘦
mohmohmoq | dead flat | 癟癟癟
mohmoq | very flat; haggard; gaunt; emaciated | 癟癟
mohoad | enchantment; magic; wizardry; sorcery; witchcraft | 魔法
mohoat'sw | magician | 魔法師
mohoatpaan | magic jar | 魔法瓶
mohoatpviar | magic cooky | 魔法餅
mohoatsw | magician | 魔法師
mohphvi | flat nose; low nasal bridge | 癟鼻
mohpiahkuie | eavesdropper | 貼牆鬼; 竊聽者
mohtiaau | hold on | 抱住
mohtiautiaau | clinging and hindering; cling together | 摟牢牢; 抱緊
mohuy | morphine; goldbrick | 嗎啡; 開溜; 偷懶
mohvo'ar | an evil spirit that bewitches people | 魔鬼仔
mohvof | a Taiwanese pastry | 毛呼
mohøe | small fresh- or brackish-water crab; mitten crab | 毛蟹; 螃蟹
naixhioh | fish hawk | 鴟鶚
nawmoh | meninges (the three membranes investing the brain and spinal cord) | 腦膜
nawmoh-iam | meningitis | 腦膜炎
nngfmoh | Pia master | 軟膜
noaxhohoo | muddy | 爛糊糊
ohaam | black mail | 烏函
ohafm | lark; skylark | 烏蚶; 雲雀
ohap cy-cioxng | a rabble, a mob | 烏合之眾
ohap | random gathering | 烏合
ohap-cicioxng | a rabble, a mob | 烏合之眾
ohaxn | swarthy big man | 烏漢; 黑漢
ohef | concrete; cement | 水泥; 洋灰; 混凝土
ohefng | taciturn, unsociable | 黑馨; 不好交際; 孤僻
ohia | black roof-tile | 黑瓦
ohicie | dried roe from common mullets | 黑魚子; 烏魚子
ohiet | black hole | 黑穴
ohii | common mullet; gray mullet | 黑魚; 烏魚
ohii-cie | caviar | 黑魚子; 烏魚子
ohiim | black bear | 黑熊
ohipiø | mullet swim bladder | 烏魚鰾
ohixmoaa | ell | 烏耳鰻
ohm | an ohm | 歐姆
ohoe | a sinister meeting or organization | 黑會; 烏會
ohof | alas; alack; to die; Alas! | 嗚呼
ohucie | mullet roe | 烏魚子
ohupiø | mullet swim bladder | 烏魚鰾
ohuu | mullet | 烏魚
ohuun | a thick cloud; nimbus | 黑雲; 烏雲
ohvixmoaa | dark ear eel | 烏耳鰻
ohvoa | lake front | 湖畔
ohwn | opium | 鴉片
ohwn-hoef | opium poppy | 罌粟花; 鴉片花
ohøex | opium; contraband goods | 黑貨; 烏貨
pailiet-zohap | permutation and combination | 排列組合
pakmoh | the peritoneum | 腹膜
paohaw | to bawl, roar, growl, rage, a roar, a growl | 咆哮
paumoh | encapsulated aberdeen | 包膜
paxnmoh | valve of heart | 瓣膜
peqmoh | albuginea | 白膜
phanlioong huohong | hang on a dragon and stick to a phoenix ─ establish oneself by riding on the coat-tail of a brilliant master | 攀龍附鳳
phaohoad | artillery methodology | 泡法; 砲法
phaohoea | artillery fire; gunfire | 砲火
phaohofng | to bombard, to shell | 炮轟
phaohuu | puffs | 泡芙
phaohøea | gun fire; artillery fire | 砲火
phaohøef | debris and death caused by gunfire | 砲灰; 炮灰
phaomoh | foam, froth | 泡沫; of; from; Mandarin?); is; (maybe; froth; reading
phuohiøf | duckweed | 浮薸
poef-thohurn | push, set aside the dust | 撥土粉
put'thaohofng | airtight, stuffy | 無透風; 不透風
pvepohoafn | Taiwanese aboriginal | 平埔番
pvipohoafn | Taiwanese plains aborigines | 平埔番
pøqmoh | thin membrane | 薄膜
saohexng | to feel disappointed | 掃興
siaohau | army; air force and marine corps major; (navy) lieutenant commander | 少校
siaohu | young woman | 少婦
simloexmoh | endocardium | 心內膜
siuohoef | embroidery; to embroider | 繡花
siuohoef-tharn | embroidered coverlet | 繡花毯
sohud | careless; headless; neglectful; careless; inadvertent; negligent; oversight; to neglect | 疏忽
suohab'vi | a quadrangle, a quadrangular building | 四合院
suohae uii kaf | make the country a big family; achieve perfect unity within the empire (said of emperors); lead a wandering life | 四海為家
suohae | everywhere; all over the world; universal; magnanimous | 四海; 慷慨大方
suohoaxn | dispatch | 使喚
suohofng | everywhere, the four directions | 四方
suohofng`ee | everywhere | 四方的
suohog | bestow happiness; bless; bless; give blessings | 賜福
suohwn gvofliet | fall to pieces; total disintegration | 四分五裂
svahuohøo | agree upon | 相附和
taohefkix | hook up with a concubine | 鬥夥計
taohoad | to compete with others in the use of magic powers | 鬥法
taohoefkix | cohabite with a woman without being married; have a mistress; enter into partership with | 鬥姘婦; 合作營商
tauxmoh | thin tofu sheet | 豆膜
tekhohurn | soap powder; detergent powder | 洗衣粉; 肥皂粉
tekmoh | the interior skin or membrane of bamboo | 竹膜
thaoho | through the rain; to brave the rain | 透雨; 冒雨
thaohofng | the wind is blowing | 颳風; 透風; 刮風
thaohongthay | typhoon | 透風颱
thaohut'hud | windy | 透拂拂
thiaohae | jump into the sea and drown oneself | 跳海
thiaohng | long jump | 跳遠
thiaohøo | jump into the river and drown oneself | 跳河
thoatmoh | decidua, drop off of skin | 脫膜
thoham | pitfall | 陷阱; 地陷坑
thohu | blenny (fish) | 土魚; 土鮒
thohurn | dust; dust | 土粉; 塗粉; 泥灰; 灰塵
thohvoa | tuan | 土岸
thotauxmoh | the thin film of bran on a peanut kernel | 花生膜
tiaohii | fishing; angle; fish | 釣魚
tiaohoaxn | call | 召喚
tiaohoee | recall (a diplomat from abroad) | 召回
tiaohoong | apply ointment | 吊癀
tiaohor lixsafn | induce the enemy to leave their entrenchments | 調虎離山
tidciab kaohaghoad | direct method (in pedagogy) | 直接教學法
titw-moh | arachinoid | 蜘蛛膜
tiøqchirnmoh | hive | 著凊瘼
toa-huoho | millionaire | 大富戶
toaxpuoho | big wealthy family | 大富戶
toaxtohoe | great cities | 大都會
tohap | situation; the status of affairs; circumstances; occasion; opportunity | 都合; (安排); 時間; 情況; 場合; 時間(安排)
tohapsiong | on the circumstances | 場合上
toheeng | figure; logo; graphics; plane (solid; geometrical) figure; sketch; contour; outline | 圖形; 徒刑
tohkui | chest of drawers, cashier's desk in a store, desk with drawers | 桌櫃
tohoe | a big city; metropolis; metropolis (archaic) | 都會
tohoexkhw | metropolitan area | 都會區
tohw | butcher | 屠夫
tuohien | outstandings | 著顯; 顯著
tuohoeq | stop; stanch bleeding | 止血
tviuohofng | belly swollen as with gas; e.g.; after eating peas; sweet potato etc; very full of wind | 脹風
uohoee | make a detour; go round; circuity; indirection; snake | 迂迴
uohux | corruption | 迂腐
viumoh | amnion | 羊膜
zadmoh | fastidious, finicky | 節膜; 苛求的囉唆的; 挑剔的
zaohau | to take effect, to be effective | 奏效
zaohoea | stove fire | 灶火
zefngkøo kaohoe | whole church | 整個教會
zhaohefhwn | burnt smell | 臭火薰
zhaohefsiøf | burned | 臭火燒
zhaoheftaf | burnt | 臭火焦
zhaoheng | vile objectionable conduct | 臭行; 卑鄙行為
zhaohiamhiafm | pungent urine odor | 臭薟薟
zhaohiexn | bad smell; a strong disagreeable odor; heavy smell like rotten meat | 腥臊; 臭羶; 羶味; 臭腥味
zhaohiielaang | deaf | 臭耳聾
zhaohixarng'ar | deaf | 臭耳甕仔
zhaohixlaang | deaf | 臭耳聾
zhaohoaan | camphor | 臭礬
zhaohoea | burnt | 臭火
zhaohoefhwn | give off a burning smell; the odor of smoke | 臭火燻; 燒焦
zhaohoefsiøf | burned | 臭火燒
zhaohoeftabi | burnt smell; taste burnt; burnt taste | 臭火乾味
zhaohoeftaf | burnt | 臭火焦
zhaohofng | stink | 臭風
zhaohongbi | smell of rotten vegetables | 臭風味; 菜類封藏無好而變質之味
zhaohvi | deaf | 耳聾; 臭耳
zhaohvi-laang | deaf person | 臭耳人; 聾子
zhaohviw | bad-tasting (of sun-burned sweet potatoes or potatoes); rotten sweet potatoes | 臭香; 地瓜腐蝕; 臭味
zhaohvixarng'ar | deaf | 臭耳甕仔
zhaohvixlaang | deaf; deaf person | 臭耳人; 重聽; 聾; 聾人
zhaohøea-hwn | smoking and burnt order | 臭火燻; 臭火薰; 燒焦味
zhaohøefhwn | scorched; charred | 臭黑燻
zhaohøefløf | scorched; burnt | 臭黑囉; 燒焦
zhaohøefsiøf | burnt | 臭火燒
zhaohøeftaf | burnt; char; scorch | 臭火乾; 燒焦
zhoha | early summer | 初夏
zhohagciar | novice (Catholic) | 初學者
zhohak | begin to learn; beginning stage of studying a subject; a beginner | 初學
zhohak-sinsw | novice master | 初學神師
zhohak-siuluo | novice (female) | 初學修女
zhohak-siusu | novice (male) | 初學修士
zhohax | mourning sign | 帶孝
zhohoad | not a fine method | 粗法
zhohoan | first time offender; first offence; first offender | 初犯
zhohoat'heeng | first issue (of postage stamps) | 初發行
zhohoe | first encounter | 初會
zhohoee | 1st time | 初回
zhohoef | rough flowers | 粗花
zhohoex | course commodities; crude products | 粗貨
zhohoo | crude | 粗糊; 粗暴
zhohud | careless | 粗忽
zhohui'ar | coarse porcelain | 粗瓷仔
zhohuii | coarse stoneware; coarse earthenware china | 粗瓷
zhohwn | first marriage (of a person who has remarried) | 初婚
zhohøex | not fine goods | 粗貨
zhuiechiw-hohoo | thick and coarse beard | 嘴鬚糊糊; 腮鬍
zhuohia | tegular; tile; roof tile | 厝瓦; 屋瓦
zhuohia'ar | roof tiles | 厝瓦仔
zhuohiaxzhux | house with roof tiles | 厝瓦厝
zhuohioxng | Interesting | 趣向
zhuohoa | roof tiles | 厝瓦
zhuohoa'ar | roof tiles | 厝瓦仔
zhuohofng | prescription; write a medical prescription; a medical prescription | 處方
zhuohø | next number | 次號; 下一號
zhuoluo-moh | hymen | 處女膜
zoankaohoe | whole church | 全教會
zohap | company; organized; consolidate; unite; combinations (math); association | 公司; 組合
zoho | tenant; tenant | 租戶
zohuix | rent money | 租費; 租金
zongkaohak | religious studies | 宗教學
zuohoeq | blood transfusion | 輸血
zuohoong | canton; defend | 駐防
zuohøfhør | predestined | 註好好; 冥冥之中註定好的
zuymoh | water film | 水膜

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Buttons: Partial, Exact, Front, and Back:
Checking Exact will only show the specific term "zab". e.g. "zabor and "apzab" When input type is non-MTL, exact match is forced.
Checking Front with the search term "zab" will show all the vocabularies start with with "zab" such as "zabor".

The following example will get all the words start with a


Checking Back button will show all the vocabularies that end with "zab" such as "apzab".

If you are unsure of any letter, put a . (period) in place of it (eg. "bof.ng").
If you want to get either "r" and "f" in a word, you may put down [fr]. (eg. "bo[fr]ng").
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"Hiexntai-buun" to

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Select '1' will show you those words with one spelling error.
For wildcard matching, use regular expression described in the above form with '0' spelling error.

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