"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: oksexng

Koksexng | a city in Nantou County | 國姓
Tvi Koksexng | Koxinga; ruler of Formosa at the beginning of the Manchu dynasty | 鄭國姓; 鄭成功
cioksexng Zwkaux | Ordination of a Bishop (Catholic) | 祝聖主教
cioksexng serngtngg | consecration or dedication of a church (Catholic) | 祝聖聖堂
cioksexng sinhoea | blessing of new fire (Catholic) | 祝聖新火
cioksexng | bless with prayers and ritual; consecrate | 祝聖
koksexng | the surname of the royal family | 國姓
oksexng kafmmo | bad cold | 惡性感冒
oksexng pofsip | unhealthy cram sessions (at school) | 惡性補習
oksexng tøfpix | fraudulent bankruptcy | 惡性倒閉
oksexng | evil nature; malignant; evil or bad by nature; malignant; bad; virulent | 惡性
sinsioksexng | flexibility; elasticity | 伸縮性
zoankoksexng | whole country | 全國性

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