"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: ongsu

Tiongsu | Staff sergeant | 長事; 中士
byiongsut | art of make-up; cosmetology | 美容術
ciongsu | be engaged in; carry on; embark; go in for; undertake; be engaged in a task; to devote oneself to a career; task or job | 從事
cysi heng'iongsuu | indicative adjectives | 指示形容詞
eg'iongsut | art of disguise | 易容術
heng'iongsuu | adjective | 形容詞
heng'viar siongsuii | follow somebody like a shadow; inseparable; very intimate like husband and wife | 形影相隨
hiongsu | funeral affairs; news of murder | 凶事; 不幸的事
hongkhongsuo | aviation department or bureau; aeronautical bureau or department | 航空署
hongkhongsut | aviation | 航空術
hongsuie siensvy | geomancer | 風水先生
hongsuie | fengshui; a geomantic omen; Chinese geomantic system by means of which sites are determined for graves | 風水; 墳墓
hongsuu | emperor's children or grandchildren | 皇嗣
hongsux | market; store | 坊肆
itphaang-hongsun | May you have favorable winds in your sails!--greeting written on a farewell present | 一帆風順
khiøhhongsuie | take up a dead body and bury elsewhere; to collect the bones in an urn; re-burial; re-interment | 拾風水; 撿骨
khvoarhongsuie | funsui | 看風水
khvoax hongsuie | practice geomancy in selecting a site for a tomb | 看風水
kiongsun | obedient; docile; submissive | 恭順
kiongsuu | confession to a criminal act | 供詞; 強詞
kiongsuu-toadlie | argue irrationally | 強詞奪理
kongsu | government office | 公署; 公事
kongsu-kongpan | public affairs should be managed with equity | 公事公辦
kongsuo | government office | 公署
liongsuo | good historian | 良史
longsu | farming; agricultural operations | 農事
pangtiongsut | art of love making | 房中術
siongsu | similarity; alliance; analogy | 相似; 常事
siongsui | good omen, good luck | 相隨; 祥瑞
siongsuii | follow; be a couple; accompany | 相隨
songsu | funeral; funeral affairs; matters connected with funeral and mourning | 喪事
taam kongsu | discuss business matters | 談公事
thongsu | interpreter, highest local officer | 通事
thongsun | smoth; idiomatic | 通順
tiongsun | loyal and obedient | 忠順
tiongsuun | the middle part of a month; middle decade of a month | 中旬
tongsu | a colleague; to serve the same person; act together; act as a colleague; fellow workers | 同事; 當事
tongsuxciar | the party concerned; those directly involved | 當事者
tongsuxjiin | the party concerned; those directly involved | 當事者; 當事人
tongsuxtiofng | among colleagues | 同事中
zongsukaf | book collector | 藏書家
zongsuu | a small temple for ancestors; ancestral temple or clan shrine | 宗祠

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