"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Aciw kim'ioong-hongpø | Asian financial storm | 亞洲金融風暴
Auxlioong | a small town in Miaoli; Biaulek County | 後龍
Baxn'oong cy Oong | King of kings | 萬王之王
Binhioong | a city in Chiayi County | 民雄
Bun'oong | | 文王
Bw'oong | King Wu | 武王
Byloong | Meinung in Pingtung County | 美濃
Chietoong | erythrina | 刺桐
Ciin Syhoong | the founder of the Qin dynasty and first emperor of a unified China | 秦始皇
Cinsy'oong | First King of Ch'in, King Ch'In-shih | 秦始皇
Ciog Ioong | the God of fire; god of fire | 祝融
Ciuo hoong tikie chienpoef siao | You feel like drinking more with a bosom friend. (Lit. When drinking with a bosom friend, a thousand cups will still be too little.) | 酒逢知己千杯少
Enghioong buu ioxngbuo-cy-te | The hero has no chance to use his might.--no opportunity to use one's talent(s) | 英雄無用武之地
Enghioong lankøex byjinkoafn | Even a great hero has difficulty getting by a beautiful woman. Many heroes have been conquered by a beautiful woman. (Samson and Delilah) | 英雄難過美人關
Giam'oong | Ruler of Hades; King of Hell | 閻王
Giamlø'oong | Ruler of Hades; King of Hell | 閻羅王
Giamløoong | Ruler of Hades, King of Hell | 閻羅王
Gioghoong taixtex | the Jade Emperor; supreme deity in Taoism | 玉皇大帝
Gioghoong | Jade Emperor of Heaven; various Taoist gods | 玉皇
Guloong-citluo | The Cowherd and the Heavenly Weaver (Chinese Valentine) (The 7th day of the 7th month on the lunar calendar) | 牛郎織女
Hayleng'oong | the dragon king; god of the ocean and rain; Neptune | 海龍王
Hayliong'oong | god of ocean and rain; Neptune | 海龍王
Hayoong-chvy | the planet Neptune | 海王星
Ienpengkun-oong | temple; a landmark in Tainan | 延平郡王
Ienpengkuxn'oong-suu | temple; a landmark in Tainan | 延平郡王祠
Ioong iuo kuixjuo cy wn | filial piety (Lit. The lamb has the grace to kneel to suck.) | 羊有跪乳之恩
Kaohoong | Pope | 教皇
Kengtoong | a city in Yunlin County | 荊桐
Khienlioong | a Chin dynasty | 乾隆
Køhioong | a major city in southern Taiwan | 高雄
Køhioong-koan | Kaohsiung County | 高雄縣
Leng'oong | the God of Ocean, dragon king | 龍王
Nafhoong | Nahum (Protestant) | 那鴻
Niawsioong | a city in Kaohsiung County | 鳥松
Sam'oong laitiaau | Epiphany (obsolete Catholic) | 三王來朝
Senghoong | the guardian deity of a city | 城隍
Sioong | surname Chang; Ch'ang (Chang) | 常
Taixtoong | a city in Yilan County | 大同
Texzong'oong | Buddhist idol ─ pho-sat (one of three Buddhist Bodhisattva) | 地藏王
Thienhoong | Japanese Emperor; Tenno | 天皇
Tiong'ioong | The Golden Mean (one of the Four Books in the Chinese classics); of ordinary talent; common | 中庸; 重陽
Tiong'ioong-zøeq | Double Ninth | 重陽節
Toong | literary reading; see surname 'Tngg' | 唐
Toong-tiaau | Tang-dynasty | 唐朝
Zhvekoong lorngphoax voar | things done in a hurry cannot be done well; fail in goal by being hasty (Lit. If a dog eats to fast there is nothing to turn to excrement.) | 欲速則無達。
ahciqhoong | kind of motherwort; Lindernia ciliata; Borreria hispida; Lippia nodiflora | 鴨舌黃
amzoong | hide; conceal | 掩藏
ansioong | serene; undisturbed; in a composed manner | 安祥
anzoankhieloong | air bag for car; sometimes referred to as ke-kui-a; balloon) | 安全氣囊
armhoong | secretly prevent | 暗防
armzoong | hide; conceal | 暗藏
awhoong | throw up blood | 嘔紅; 吐血
bahjioong | grind meat | 肉絨; 絞肉
baizoong | conceal; hide; bury; hide; conceal; bury treasure or weapons | 埋藏
baxncie chienhoong | vast array of dazzling colors (said of flowers) | 萬紫千紅
baxnsiexntoong | slowpoke; container or place for placing bones of deceased that are not picked up by relatives | 萬善堂; 做事慢半拍
beeng ioong suohae | become famous all over the world | 名揚四海
beeng ioong thienha | name spread all over the world; the name is known far and wide | 名揚天下
beftoong | crabgrass | 馬唐
beqsuixhoong | a kind of water-willow, Justicia procumbeus | 麥穗紅
biawboong | uncertain; remote; distant and indistinct; vague | 渺茫
biedboong | perish; perishing; destroy; destruction; be destroyed | 滅亡
bin ee byioong zefngheeng | face-lifting | 臉的美容整形
bin taix chiu'ioong | sad faced; woeful look | 面帶愁容
binzok enghioong | national hero | 民族英雄
bixn'ioong | countenance; face; appearance; countenance; face | 面容
bixnloong | countenance, face | 面容
bixsioong | not known; not clear | 未詳
boafntoong | full house | 滿堂
bog'ioong | shepherd | 牧羊
bogmahoong | casuarina | 木麻黃
bogmoahoong | beefwood | 木麻黃; 番麻黃
bogphu'ioong | a cotton rose | 木芙蓉
bogtoong | shepherd boy; herd boy; shepherd; cowboy | 牧童
bong zuo seeng lioong | hope one's children will have a bright future | 望子成龍
bongboong biawbiao | vast; boundless; helplessly ignorant; completely in the dark; completely at a loss | 茫茫渺渺
bongboong taixhae | boundless ocean | 茫茫大海
bongboong | dim; hazy; vast; boundless | 濛濛; 矇矇; 茫茫
bongcioong | obey blindly; follow blindly | 盲從
bongloong | cloudily; darkly; dimly; mirk; shadowiness | 朦朧
bongtoong | blind child | 盲腸; 盲童
boong | die; awn; beard; blind; boundless and indistinct; meet with; cover up; dim; die; perish; go away; absent or escaped | 亡; 雺; 霧; 盲; 茫; 蒙; 朦; 芒
boorng'bongboong | very dim, hazy | 茫茫茫; 矇矇矇
bubeeng enghioong | unsung hero; unknown soldier | 無名英雄
bucioong | find no way | 無從
budboong | do not forget | 勿忘
budkhie lanboong | remember a favor as long as one lives | 沒齒難忘
buhoong | fine; OK; may as well; might as well; just as well; doesn't matter; unimportant; does not constitute an obstacle or obstruction | 無妨
bukioong bucin | endless; boundless; limitless; interminable | 無窮無盡
bukioong | endless; limitless; endless; boundless; limitless; inexhaustible; interminable | 無窮
bunboong | an illiterate | 文盲
busioong | impermanence; inconstant; irregular | 無常; 無償
bute-zuxioong | extremely embarrassed or ashamed (Lit. no place to hide) | 無地自容
buxloong | to devote oneself to agriculture; be a farmer; engaged in farming | 務農
buxntee jitoong | problem child | 問題兒童
bwkioong | firm and uncompromising; powerful and brutal | 武強
by'ioong | makeup | 美容; 化粧
byioong chiwsut | cosmetic surgery | 美容手術
byioong | hairdressing; beautify the features; beauty treatment for the face; beautify the face; to make-up | 美容
bøhoong | why not; might as well; not important | 無妨
bøo hogcioong | recalcitrant | 無服從
bøo thienlioong | have no conscience | 無天良
bøo zerngsioong | abnormal; unusual; uncommon | 無正常; 異常
chia'ioong | declining sun | 斜陽
chiamtexng habtoong | sign a contract | 簽訂合同
chiaoioong | a smiling face; happy expression; smiling countenance | 笑容
chiaptøxkoong | kleptomania | 竊盜狂
chiaqioong | large-leaved banyan | 赤榕; 雀榕
chiausioong | above the average; uncommon | 超常
chiefn'ioong | to expound and propagate | 闡揚
chienjidhoong | Gomphrena globosa (a small plant which blossoms in fall with spheric flowers of red; purple and white) | 千日紅
chietoong | India coral tree | 刺桐; 莿桐; 珊瑚樹
chikioong | strong hold | 持強
chimtioong | profound significance or meaning | 深長
chin'oong | hereditary prince | 親王
chintoong | cousins of father's side | 親堂
chiong'ioong | composed, tranquill, unhurried, to feel at home | 從容
chiongkoong | run rampant | 猖狂; 猖獗
chioong | a wall; the roses; a wall | 牆; 薔; 墻
chit'hioong | 7 heros | 七雄
chitloong pehpoe | very troubled; distressed | 七狼八狽; 亂七八糟
chiu'ioong moafbin | wear a sad look; look distressed | 愁容滿面
chiu'ioong | sad appearance, sad countenance | 愁容
chiuhaytoong | a begonia | 秋海棠
chiwhoong | germs on the hands | 手惶; 手上的病菌
chiwloong | gloves; mittens | 手套; 手囊
chixioong | outlook of a city; appearance of a city (including buildings; roads; environmental sanitation) | 市容
chiørioong | a smiling face; a smile; a smiling countenance; smiling facial expression | 笑容
chvikoong | (adj) flustered; (adj) in a difficult situation; hasty; hurried; impatient; short-tempered | 青狂; 生狂; 冒冒失失; 性急; 慌張
chvitoong | Chinese parasol tree | 青桐
chymsit lanboong | constantly in one's mind | 寢食難忘
ciaosioong | as usual; as ever; as usual | 照常
ciaqlaang-soong | to treat a person as fool | 吃人松; 把人看扁
ciaqsoong | to treat people as fool | 食松; 看扁人
ciarloong | sugar cane growers | 蔗農
ciedtioong poftoarn | make up for deficiency in one part by great abundance or excellent in another part | 截長補短
ciernzeg huihoong | brilliant combat performance; extraordinary battle achievement | 戰績輝煌
cin kii sor tioong | work to the best of one's ability | 盡其所長
ciok'ioong | celebrate | 祝融
ciong'ioong putpeg | in an unhurried of leisurely manner | 從容無迫
ciong'ioong | unhurried; naturally; calm; composed | 從容
cionglioong | a whore become an ordinary woman; said of prostitutes who get married or reform their lives | 從良
ciongpoong | from the side | 從旁
ciongsyn lanboong | keep in memory throughout one's life | 終身難忘
ciongsyn putboong | keep in memory throughout one's life | 終身無忘
ciongtioong keagi | take time to make careful deliberations | 從長計議
cioong sym sor iok | do as one wishes connoting an absence of opposition or objection | 從心所欲
cioong thiefn jii kaxng | descend from heaven (literally) very unexpectedly; deus ex machina | 從天而降
cioong | obey; follow; to yield; listen to; obey; from; by; whence; through; undertake; manage; dedicate oneself to; an attendant | 從
ciusioong | complete and perfect; nothing left out | 周詳
ciutioong | perimeter | 周長
ciwkoong | dipsomania; temporary mental disorder after too much alcohol | 酒狂
ciwloong pngxte | man who can do nothing but drink and eat; a good for nothing (Lit. wine sack and rice bag) | 酒囊飯袋; 笨蛋
ciwloong | lounge | 酒廊; 酒囊
cix toong tø hap | share the same ambition and purpose of a group of people; of one mind | 志同道合
ciøloong | banana grower (a farmer who grows banana trees in his fields) | 蕉農
ciøqsioong | common club-moss | 石松
cviuxboong | fogging | 起霧
cymthaau-loong | pillow case | 枕頭囊; 枕頭套
cymthauloong | pillow case | 枕頭廊; 枕套
cynnie iogloong | deafening; earsplitting sound or voice | 震耳欲聾
e cioong khiør zhud | The mouth is the primary source of calamities (literally)--Careless talk may land one in trouble | 禍從口出
e cioong thiefn kaxng | an unexpected disaster (Lit. A calamity descended from the sky.) | 禍從天降
eg'ioong | disguise | 易容
ek'ioong | the rise and fall (of sound) | 抑揚
eng'iorng putlioong | malnutrition; undernourishment | 營養無良
enghioong boadlo | end of a hero | 英雄末路
enghioong zongpaix | hero worship | 英雄崇拜
enghioong zwgi | heroism | 英雄主義
enghioong | hero; a great man | 英雄
erngtiaux lyloong | call girl | 應召女郎
gan'ioong | facial appearance and expression; countenance | 顏容
gegthaixkoong | maltreat; torment; torture; sadism; sadist | 逆待狂; 虐待狂
gi put'ioong suu | duty-bound | 義無容辭
gi'ioong | appearance and deportment | 儀容
giamhoong | be strictly on guard against; take strict precautions against; keep a sharp lookout for; guard carefully | 嚴防
giamlø'oong | Yama; King of Hades; King of Hell | 閻羅王
giamløo-oong | Yama; King of Hades; King of Hell | 閻羅王
giogthaixkoong | maltreat; torment; torture | 虐待狂
giuhoong | bovine bezoar | 牛黃
giwhoong | bovine bezoar | 拉簧
gixioong | appearence and deportment | 儀表
goankioong | unreformed; stubborn; die-hard | 頑強
goantoong | young scamp or scalawag; mischievous or naughty child | 頑童
goaxioong | publicize; make known | 外揚; 張揚
gonggoong | swirl; be light in the head; dizzy; giddy | 頭暈; 昂昂; 頭腦無清
goong | lofty and proud; feel dizzy (giddy) | 昂; 楞; 眩暈
goong`khix | A foolish maternal grandmother loves her daughter's children | 發暈; 昏了; 昂去
gotoong | Chinese parasol tree; phoenix tree | 梧桐
guboong | ignorance; ignorant | 愚蒙
guiboong | in great danger; danger of death | 危亡
guloong | cowherd; cowboy; cowpoke; male escort | 牛郎
gvofsioong | five cardinal virtues (love | 五常
gvoftai tongtoong | five generations living under the same roof | 五代同堂
gvotoong | phoenix tree | 梧桐
gymloong | instructions for dealing with an emergency; wise counsel; a secret master plan | 錦囊
gymloong-biauxkex | clever scheme yet to be revealed | 錦囊妙計
habtoong | contract | 合同
hafnhoong | bluff | 罕逢; 稀遇
hagleeng jitoong | children of school age | 學齡兒童
hagtoong | school child; school children | 學童
haitoong | children; child | 孩童
harmtoong | absurd | 諏唐; 荒唐
haxpoong | lower auricle | 下房; 下耳房
hayhoong | coastal defense; coastal defenses | 海防
hayjioong | sponge | 海茸; 海棉
hayleng'oong | the Dragon King | 海龍王
hayloong | the seal; the beaver | 海狼; 海獺
haytoong | cherry-apple tree; flowering begonia | 海棠
heng'ioong | describe; appearance; form; shape | 形容
heng'ioong-suu | adjective | 形容詞
hengboong | the rise and fall; the prosperity and adversity; rise and fall of a nation | 興亡
hengkioong | act by force | 行強
henglioong | prosperous; thriving; flourishing; prosper | 興隆
hengseg zhonghoong | look anxious and tense; be in a big hurry like a fugitive | 形色倉皇
hengsioong | permanent, constant | 恆常
hiabhoong | help defend a place | 協防
hiabtoong | cooperate; work with others | 協同
hiauhioong | change one's love; fierce dauntless | 薄情; 梟雄; 裊雄; 僥雄
hiefn'ioong | spread abroad; commend; to praise or acclaim | 顯揚
hienlioong | wise; virtuous | 賢良; 縊死; 懸梁
hiern serng'ioong | Transfiguration | 顯聖容
hiexnhoong | to make a living in sailing | 硯航
himhie-jiogkoong | be beside oneself with joy | 欣喜若狂
himhoong | happy to be present on a joyful occasion | 欣逢
hinhoong | realgar; red orpiment | 雄黃
hionghioong | hurriedly; sudden; abrupt; unexpected | 雄雄; 一時之間; 急慌著
hionghioong-kongkoong | lacking self possession; nervous and excited | 雄雄狂狂; 慌慌張張
hionghoong | realgar; red orpiment | 雄黃
hiongkoong | hasty; hurried; madness; acting violently | 慌狂; 匆忙; 倉皇; 慌張; 莽撞
hiongthoong | thorax | 胸部; 胸膛
hioong | fierce-looking; large and coarse-looking (man); bear | 熊; 雄; 薄情; 兇
hiorng'ioong | facing the south; the sunny side (said of a house) | 向陽; 朝南
hoa'oong | king of flowers; peony | 花王
hoa'toong | bridal page; flower girl or ring bearer at a wedding | 花童
hoad-ciwhoong | to get drunk and behave irrationally | 發酒廣
hoafnbin busioong | always changing | 反面無常
hoafnhog busioong | unstable in mind; inconsistent or changeable (said a person) | 反覆無常
hoafnlør-hoantoong | regain youth; rejuvenate oneself | 返老還童
hoafnnor-hoantoong | to rejuvenate | 反老還童
hoafnsioong | covert; in disguised form | 變相; 反常
hoafnsioong`ee | preposterous | 反常的
hoahoong-liwlek | luxuriant and colorful (said primarily of vegetation) | 花紅柳綠
hoan'ioong | to return from the grave; return | 還陽
hoan'oong | tribal leader | 番王
hoarloong | to fester, to suppa | 化膿
hoat'hoong | inflammation; irritation; inflammation | 發炎; 發癀; 紅腫; 紅腫長疹子
hoat'ioong | to exalt; to enhance; to add glory to; exaltation | 發揚
hoatkioong | resort to force, resort to violence | 發強; 訴諸武力
hoatkoong | hysteric; go mad; to go crazy; frenetic; to go off one's head | 發狂
hoatloong | enamel | 發瓏; 琺瑯
hoatsioong | beginning, originate | 發祥
hoatsioong-tøe | place of origin | 發祥地
hoe'ioong | revive from underground (death) | 回陽
hoea'ioong | ulcer | 潰瘍
hoejioong | patterned velvet; flannel | 花絨; (布)
hoeloong | a winding corridor | 迴廊
hoeoong | king of flowers; peony | 花王
hoethioong | ascarid, roundworm | 蛔蟲
hoextoong | (v) jointly take care of a matter; go or do together | 會同
hofloong-cy-nii | a woman from the early thirties to early forties when her sexual desires are the strongest; wolfish years | 虎狼之年; 狼虎之年
hofnghoong | to be anxious; at a stand; oscillate | 彷徨
hogcioong | to obey, follow, obedience | 服從
hok'imtoong | a chapel | 福音堂
hong'ioong | further develop or expand | 宏揚
hongboong | flustered; haste; hurried; hurried and flustered | 慌忙
honghofng-kongkoong | lacking self possession; nervous and excited | 慌慌狂狂; 慌慌張張
honghoong | flood-control; anxiety; fear; trepidation; agitated | 惶惶; 防洪
hongkoong | crazy, insane, mad | 風狂; 瘋狂
hongthioong | locust; grasshopper | 蝗蟲
hongtiin-lwloong | a call girl | 風塵女郎
hongtoong | absurd; preposterous; intemperate; ridiculous; wild | 荒唐
hoong | sew; to hem; a hem; border of a dress | 隍; 凰; 惶; 妨; 徨; 騜; 簧; 虹; 宏; 皇; 衣服邊緣; 逢; 弘; 洪; 縫; 磺; 防
hoxhoan bukioong | continuous disasters resulting because no finalizing action is taken to prevent it | 後患無窮
hoxnghoong u'huy | happy marriage; pair of phoenixes on the wing | 鳳凰于飛
hoxnghoong | phoenix; bird of wonder; the secular bird; male and female phoenix | 鳳凰
hoxngtoong | the whole audience | 烘堂; 鬨堂; 體觀眾
hoxsiong khoan'ioong | forbearing toward one another | 互相寬容
hu'ioong | hibiscus; lotus | 芙蓉
hui'ioong | on wings; rise up and flutter like a flag; to fly about like dust | 飛揚
huie'ioong | ulcer | 潰瘍
huihoong | resplendency; glory; magnificent; splendid; glorious; brilliant | 輝煌
huihoong-thengtat | period of great accomplishment | 輝煌騰達
huisioong chiwtvoa | emergency measures | 非常手段
huisioong sikii | time of emergency | 非常時期
huisioong sioxngsox | extraordinary appeal initiated by the procurator general of the Supreme Court | 非常上訴
huisioong | pretty much; grossly; very; extremeness; extraordinary; unusual | 非常
huisioong-sii | time of crisis | 非常時; 非常時期
huitoong siøfkhør | tremendously important; no small matter; very serious; having grave consequence | 非同小可
huixgarn seg enghioong | Discerning eyes can tell greatness from mediocrity | 慧眼識英雄
huixioong | to disfigure | 毀容
hunhoong | to give bonus; distribute; divided in business | 分紅
huo'ioong | a vassal state | 附庸
huoioong | a dependency | 附庸
huokioong | rich and mightiness; rich and powerful | 富強
huole tonghoong | majestic; grand; splendid; magnificent | 富麗堂皇
huoloong | rich farmer | 富農
hurnhoad tokioong | rejuvenate a nation by dedicated work | 奮發圖強
huxoong | my imperial father | 父王
huyioong | destroy the face; to disfigure one's face; injure the face; to destroy another's beauty out of jealousy or hatred; deface | 毀容
hvafhoong | bluff; to intimidate | 嚇唬; 虛張聲勢
hvoaikoong | rafter, ceiling joist | 橫樑
hvorkioong | eager | 好強
hyioong | happy face | 喜容
hykhix iong'ioong | joyful atmosphere; festival mood; cheerful look or expression | 喜氣洋洋
hylo-busioong | having an unpredictable temper | 喜怒無常
hø cioong khao zhud | Careless talk may get one into trouble. (Trouble comes out of the mouth.) | 禍從口出
hø cioong thiefn kaxng | unexpected disaster (calamity descended from the sky) | 禍從天降
høhoong | why not; what is preventing; may as well; What's the harm? | 何妨
høsioong | peace | 和祥
høtoong | lotus pool | 荷塘; 和同
iafloong | sugar cane growers | 野狼
iawboong | short lived; die young | 夭亡; 夭折
iaxloong-zuxtai | ignorant and boastful | 夜郎自大
iaxm'ioong | bright sun | 豔陽
ibeng-sixcioong | always do as told | 唯命是從
icioong | to follow, to obey, in conformity of | 依從
id buu sor tioong | do not have a single skill or talent | 一無所長
iekhix iong'ioong | in high spirits; triumphantly | 意氣揚揚
ientioong sikafn | prolong the time set (duration) | 延長時間
ientioong | extend; prolong; lengthen; extend; prolong | 延長
im'ioong oafnzai | His or her voice and appearance seem to be still with us (a conventional written expression referring to the deceased in a funeral rite) | 音容宛在
im'ioong | yin and yang | 陰陽
imloong | scrotum | 陰囊
inkofng syboong | suffer death in the line of duty | 因公死亡
ioktoong | about the same | 約同
iong huy sor tioong | be engaged in an occupation not related to one's specialty | 用非所長
iong'ioong taixkoafn | imposing; grand; magnificent | 洋洋大觀
iong'ioong | full of water; vast; extensive; in high spirits; great; elated | 洋洋; 揚揚; 庸庸
iong'ioong-tek'ix | very pleased; elated; to be smug and complacent; look proud and satisfied; in high spirits; proud and happy; elated | 揚揚得意
iongsioong | mediocre | 庸常
iongtioong jii khix | stride away without looking back; take leave rudely; proudly hold one's head high while striding away | 揚長而去
ioong hong ym uii | observe rules or obey orders ostensibly; pretend to obey | 陽奉陰違
ioong | banyan tree; oxygen | 榕; 陽; 容; 氧
ioong-lixzuo | positive ion, cation | 陽離子
ioong-tiexnhøo | positive electrical load | 陽電荷
irntoong | the forehead; glabellum; the flat area of bone between the eyebrows used as a craniometric point (anatomy) | 印堂; 前額; 兩眉中間處
isuzoong | private collection; keep something against the law | 衣私藏
it'ioong hoarthaxn | carbon monoxide | 一氧化碳
itgientoong | rule by the voice of one man only | 一元堂; 一言堂
itkoad-zhuhioong | fight it out; compete for the championship | 一決雌雄
ittoong | at the same time and place; together; together with; in the company of | 一同
iu'ioong | sad expression, a long face | 憂容
iulioong | excellence; superior; excellent; choice | 優良
iulioong-ciorng | award for excellence | 優良獎
iuothioong | larva of an insect | 幼虫; 幼蟲
iuotoong | small children; young child | 幼童
iutoong | tung oil tree, Japan wood oil tree | 油桐
iwlioong-uichiofng | lead innocent girls into prostitution | 誘良為娼
ixhoong | prevention, precaution, keep off | 預防
ixsioong | abnormal; unusual; uncommon | 異常; 無正常
ixtoong | similarities and differences | 異同
jidsioong | day-to-day; ordinarily; everyday; daily; routine; daily; ordinary; usual | 日常
jiedkoong | fanatical; enthusiastic; feverish; wild excitement; grow excited; feverish delirium; frantic | 熱狂; 狂熱
jiin kioong cix toarn | Poverty stifles ambition | 人窮志短
jin'oong | king | 人王
jinboong | death | 人亡
jinhae bongboong | in such a wide world | 人海茫茫
jiongjioong | flossy | 絨絨
jioong | the soft and hairy horn of a young deer; velvety; velvet; find wool; woolen; velvety; velvet; any kind of woolen goods or fabric with a felt-like surface; fine; furry; flossy | 茸; 絨
jit kiuo thiefn tioong | for a long; long time | 日久天長
jit toarn ia tioong | short days and long nights | 日短夜長
jitoong | child; children | 兒童
jitoong-bunhak | literary writings for children; tales for children | 兒童文學
jitoong-cietbok | children's programs | 兒童節目
jitoong-kaoiok | education for children; primary education | 兒童教育
jitoong-kofngporkiok | radio play for children | 兒童廣播劇
jitoong-loghngg | kiddy-land; children's amusement park | 兒童樂園
jitoong-simlyhak | child psychology | 兒童心理學
jitoong-thogbut | juvenile publications | 兒童讀物
jitoong-tiexnsixkiok | children's TV show | 兒童電視劇
jiutioong-zhurntoan | broken hearted | 柔腸寸斷
jixioong-hoarthvoax | carbon dioxide | 二氧化碳
jixmtoong | self-identity; identification | 認同
jixntoong | recognize; agree | 認同
jugoan-ysioong | have one's wish fulfilled | 如願以償
juloong-suxhor | eat) priggish; (treat or loot people) heartlessly and cruelly; menacing or threatening (appearance) (Lit. like tigers and wolves) | 如狼似虎
jusioong | as usual | 如常
jutoong chiwciog | like brothers | 如同手足
jutoong | like (a dream) | 如同
kaf phøx jiin boong | home in ruins and family members dead or scattered (referring to situations resulting from great disasters) | 家破人亡
kaitoong | go together | 偕同
kakioong | strengthen; reinforce; emphasis; enhance; strengthen; reinforce; invigorate | 加強
kaloong | medicine capsule | 膠囊
kamkhor-pixsioong | have tasted both sweetness and bitterness ─ have known both happiness and suffering | 甘苦備嘗
kamsioong | spikenard (tree) | 甘松
kangkioong | firm; tough | 剛強
kangloong zaai cin | have use up one's literary talent or energy | 江郎才盡
kanhioong | a very capable but crafty person; traitorous warrior | 奸雄
kankhor-pixsioong | have experienced all sorts of hardships | 艱苦備嘗
kao'oong | the Pope | 教王; 教皇
kaohoong | pope | 教皇
kaooong | the Pope | 教王
karm toong syn siu | feel deeply moved by a kindness (shown to somebody else) as if one were actually the object thereof (an expression used often in letters asking favors on behalf of someone else) | 感同身受
kasioong piexnpng | ordinary plain food; such as one gets at home | 家常便飯
kasioong | common; usual; ordinary | 家常
kaulioong | tidal wave | 蛟龍
kauthioong | hookworm | 鉤蟲
kayioong | change one's appearance; change facial expression | 改容; 變臉色
kaylioong | improve; reform; improvement; to reform; make better | 改良
kazhat-lanhoong | It is hard or impossible to guard against a thief within the household | 家賊難防
kejioong | chicken down | 雞絨
kenghoong | lose head from terror; be frightened and confused; to panic | 驚惶
kengloong | farmer; agriculture; farming; tillage | 耕農; 務農
kengsioong | often; usually; sometimes; what is regular and necessary; moral basis of society; frequently | 經常
kengsioong-huix | normal operating expenses | 經商費; 經常費
ketioong | extra; come as surplus; extra surplus | 多長; 多賺; 多出來
khahsioong | usually, as usual | 較常; 通常
khaiboong | impart rudimentary knowledge to beginners; enlighten | 開蒙; 啟蒙
khakoong | wooden stocks for punishment | 腳梏
khanboong | bring up the spirits of the dead; as a medium doe | 牽亡; 拉出鬼魂來說話
khaqboong | fog | 下霧
khawhoong | lipstick | 口紅
khawlioong | provisions | 口量; 口糧
khefboong | enlighten; instruct the young; enlightenment | 啟蒙
kheg put'ioong oan | Not a moment is to be lost; most urgent | 刻無容緩
khengloong | empty pocket | 傾囊
khiaxkoong | strong upright bar; fastened inside of a door | 豎槓; 豎閂
khiaxzvea'oong | person who likes sophism | 強辯者; 豎諍王
khieloong | air bladder (of fish); air sac (of birds or plants); gas bag or envelope (of a dirigible) | 氣囊
khienkioong huxhoe | give a forced interpretation; distort the meaning; make farfetched interpretations | 牽強附會
khienkioong | arbitary; farfetched; forced (of an interpretation); unnatural; far-fetched | 牽強
khienkioong-huohoe | fasten on an unwarranted conclusion | 牽強附會
khihoong | ride stitch | 騎縫
khimzhat siefn khim'oong | If you want to capture a group of bandits; capture the ringleader first. ─ Stress what should be done first. First things first | 擒賊先擒王
khimzoong | adore (the supreme God) | 欽崇
khiofnghoong | fear; suspicion | 惶恐; 恐惶
khiofnghoong-put'afn | suspicious and uneasy | 恐慌無安; 恐惶不安
khiofnglioong | inosaur; dinosau | 恐龍
khiokcioong | obey; yield reluctantly | 曲從
khioong | worry | 蛩
khoan'ioong | to forgive; to excuse; lenient; tolerant; tolerance; liberality | 寬容
khoanhoong | open-hearted; broad-minded; magnanimous; benignant | 寬宏
khoanhoong-taixliong | magnanimous; open-hearted; broad-minded | 寬宏大量
khoatai-boxngsiofngkoong | delusions of grandeur | 誇大妄想狂
khoataixkoong | megalomania; megalomaniac | 誇大狂
khoaxkhoaxzoong | seek help anxiously | 急急奔
khofngkhaix-kayloong | make generous contributions | 慷慨解囊
khogkhogzoong | impetuous; rash | 酷酷奔; 亂撞; 忙碌奔波
khonghoong | air defense | 防空; 空防
khorngzoong | mineral reserves; mineral resources | 礦藏
khuie'ioong | duodenal ulcer; ulcer; ulceration | 潰瘍; 十二指腸潰瘍
khuieioong | duodenal ulcer | 潰瘍
khunthioong | insect; bug | 昆蟲
khunthioong-hagkaf | entomologist | 昆蟲學家
khunthioong-hak | entomology | 昆蟲學
khurnkioong | under great financial difficulty; very poor; impoverished; poverty-stricken | 困窮; 窮困
khutcioong | to follow with frustration and humiliation; submission; submit to; yield to | 屈從
khutkioong | dour; obstinate; stubborn | 倔強
khwnhoong | to reclaim wasteland; [[khwnhofng]]? | 墾荒
khyhioong | to become violent and fierce; to become cruel | 起雄; 兇起來
khyhoong | (v) become inflamed from infection or injury; (n) inflammation | 起洪; 發炎
khykaulioong | tidal wave | 起鉸龍; 大螺旋風; (海水)
khykoong | lose one's mind; madness | 起狂; 抓狂
khysioong | tartar on the teeth; plaque | 牙垢
khørloong | move closer | 靠攏
khørloong-hunzuo | affiliates | 靠攏分子
ki'oong | chess champion | 棋王
kiau'ioong | lovely apperance; beautiful appearance | 嬌容
kiausioong | a lofty pine | 撬松; 喬松
kienkioong | firm and strong; unyielding | 堅強
kierntioong | be good at, specialty | 健長; 精於
kietsioong | favorable; auspicious; good fortune; auspicious | 吉祥
kiexnboong | forgetful; absent-minded; liable to forget | 健忘
kiexnboong-zexng | amnesia | 健忘症
kii hoong tegchiuo | opponents of equal strength; capability; evenly matched opponents | 棋逢敵手
kii lok bukioong | boundless joy | 其樂無窮
kim'ioong | finance; banking; finance; monetary circulation; the credit situation | 金融
kim'ioong-kikoafn | banking organ; financial organization | 金融機關
kimgiok-boafntoong | have one's house filled with riches | 金玉滿堂
kimhioong | finance, currency | 金融
kimtoong | young boys attending upon an immortal | 金童
kimtoong-gioglie | paper figures of male and female attendants of the deceased | 金童玉女
kimtoong-giogluo | paper figures of male and female attendants of the deceased | 金童玉女
kinkog-enghioong | heroine | 巾幗英雄
kiongkioong | forcefully; compellingly; just about; come near to; almost; by force; forcibly; against one's will | 強強; 幾乎; 強迫; 強迫的
kioong khy jiok | strong oppress the weak; big fish eat little fish | 強欺弱
kioong | exhausted; poor; investigate fully; gather up (leavings); force | 窮; 強
kioxngtoong hurntox | strive united | 共同奮鬥
kioxngtoong keng'eeng | joint operation; operate jointly (business) | 共同經營
kioxngtoong koafnlie | joint control; control jointly | 共同管理
kioxngtoong koanli | common rights | 共同權利
kioxngtoong pixkøx | co-respondent in a suit | 共同被告
kioxngtoong seng'oah | collective life; community life; live together | 共同生活
kioxngtoong sengbeeng | joint statement; joint communique | 共同聲明
kioxngtoong suxgiap | joint undertaking (enterprise) | 共同事業
kioxngtoong tauzw | joint investment; invest jointly | 共同出資; 共同投資
kioxngtoong zhutzw | joint investment; invest jointly | 共同出資; 共同投資
kioxngtoong | common; share by all; to cooperate in (an undertaking; etc.); co-operation; common; collaborate | 共同
kioxngzuxittoong | all meet together in one place | 共聚一堂
kipboong | in a great hurry, in haste | 急朦; 急忙
kisym putlioong | harbor evil intentions | 居心無良
kitoong | spiritualistic medium (through him spirits talk with men) | 乩童; 神棍; 童乩
kiu'oong | king of baseball or any kind | 球王
kiulioong | flood dragon | 虯龍
koa'oong | very accomplished male vocalist | 歌王
koad-zhuhioong | fight it out | 決雌雄
koanhoong | the seal of a government agency; a military position at a strtegic point on the border; oblong official seal | 關防
koatzhuhioong | make victory and defeat; make success and failure | 決雌雄; 定勝負
koaxn'ioong | looked weary or tired | 倦容
koboong | the area between the heart and diaphragm; describe incurable situation | 膏肓
kofng'ioong | diffuse far and wide | 廣揚; 宣揚
koftoong | agree without giving serious consideration | 苟同
kog phøx kaf boong | country defeated and home lost | 國破家亡
kok'hoong | national defense | 國防
kok'iuo puttoong | each different | 各有無同
kok'iuo sor tioong | each one has his own gift (good point); each has a unique merit | 各有所長
kok'oong | a king; a monarch | 國王
kongboong baxntng | shining in all directions; radiance; radiant | 光芒萬丈
kongboong | shining; radiance; brilliant rays; radiance; ray or flash of light | 光芒
konghoong | air defence | 空防
kongkioong | firm and uncompromising | 剛強
kongkoong | urgently; quickly; very anxious; very anxiously | 狂狂; 急急忙忙
koong | eccentric; mad; crazy; mad; crazy; crazy about; in a hurry to; anxious to | 狂; 栱; 俇; 椼; 栱,
koong`khix | crazy | 狂去
kothioong | hookworm | 勾暖; 鉤蟲
kudkioong | headstrong; stubborn | 倔強
kun'ioong | the impression which a military unit gives to a beholder; the general appearance of a military force | 軍容
kun'oong | sovereign; king | 君王; 國君
kunhioong | group of heroes or brave and strong persons; group of independent warlords | 群雄
kutcioong | to submit oneself to, to yield to | 掘從
kuxn'oong | a rank of nobility next to prince | 郡王
kuy'oong | Satan, king of demons | 鬼王; 閻王
kuyoong | prince or ruler of demons | 鬼王
kviahoong-sitzhox | terrified and not know what to do; to panic | 驚惶失措
kvoafkoong | in haste, in a flutter | 趕狂; 趕忙
kyioong Serngthea | elevate the host (Catholic) | 舉揚聖體
kyioong | raise up; lift up | 舉揚
kymloong | bag made of brocade (used to hold manuscripts for poetry in ancient times); brocade bag (used to hold manuscripts for poetry in ancient times) | 錦囊
kymloong-biauxkex | clever scheme yet to be revealed | 錦囊妙計
køejioong | chicken steamed tender | 雞茸; 雞絨; 雞蒸嫩; 燜雞
køkioong | skillful; strong; very strong or skilful (especially of physical; prowess) | 高強
kølioong | sorghum | 高梁
køtoong | hall with a high ceiling; your parents | 高堂
lailioong-khiemeh | beginning and subsequent development of (an incident) | 來龍去脈
laixioong | contents; details; When used before a list it signifies: the contents are as follows: | 內容
lamtoong | boy | 男童
lanboong | difficult to forget; unforgettable; indelible; memorable | 難忘
lang'oong | big boss; leader of a group; dominant (position) | 人王; 角頭; 龍頭老大
laukoong | strong wall-to-wall beam on which a loft can be laid | 橫樑
lauxloong | a veteran peasant | 老農
lefngloong | porch | 冷廊; 走廊
lefngzoong | to preserve by means of refrigeration | 冷藏
legkioong | robust; vigorous | 力壯; 力強
legpoong | the ribs; the side | 肋膀
legtoo zuxkioong | plucked up one's strength | 力圖自強
leng'ioong | antelope | 羚羊
leng'oong | Dragon King (of the seas and lakes) | 龍王
leng-sientoong | your deceased mother | 令先堂
lengboong | lemon | 檸檬
lenghong thengsioong | prosperity brought by the dragon and phoenix ─ excellent good fortune | 龍鳳呈祥
lenglioong | delicate; pleasing; cute; bright | 玲瓏
lengloong | delicate; pleasing; cute; bright; elegant; fine and regular; open work; splendid; tinkling of jades | 玲瓏
lengzoong-hoad | refrigeration method | 冷藏法
lexngloong | your son(used in formal speech); your fine son | 令郎
lexngtoong | your (merciful) mother | 令慈; 令堂
liapzerng'oong | Prince Regent | 攝政王
liaqkoong | ecstasy | 捉狂
liaxmliam putboong | remember and not forget | 念念無忘
lidsioong | usually | 日常
liedkioong | the various powers; the Great Powers; Power; array of powerful nations | 列強
liedoong | successive kings | 列王
lienhoong | join defense; mutual defense | 聯防
lientoong | together with; in addition to | 連同
liofnghioong putleeng pexnglip | Two heroes cannot stand side by side | 兩雄無能並立
liogtoong | similar; about the same; approximately the same | 略同
liong'oong | god of rain and water; sea god | 龍王
lionghong tengsioong | prosperity brought by the dragon and the phoenix ─ excellent good fortune | 龍鳳呈祥
lionghong thefngsioong | prosperity brought by the dragon and the phoenix ─ excellent good fortune | 龍鳳呈祥
lioong huy titiongbut | dragon is not a creature of a pond (but of the ocean) ─ a man of great ability | 龍非池中物
lioong | big beam or ridgepole of a house | 樑; 良; 梁
lip habtoong | draw up an agreement or trust deed; conclude a contract | 立合同
liuboong zernghuo | government in exile | 流亡政府
liuboong | exile | 流亡
liuboong-zernghuo | a government in exile | 流亡政府
liuhoong | sulfur; brimstone | 硫磺
liuloong | cable car | 流籠; 昇降機; 電扶梯; 纜車
liwlek-hoahoong | green willow trees and red flowers ─ enchanting sight in spring time | 柳綠花紅
lixntoong | agree | 認同
loanloaan putboong | strong attachment which one cannot forget | 戀戀無忘
loantoong | catamite, effiminate man or boy in homosexual relations | 亂石; 孌童
loaxnloaxnzoong | to run recklessly | 亂亂傱
loaxnsex enghioong | hero in a turbulent age | 亂世英雄
loexioong | contents; details; When used before a list it signifies: the contents are as follows: | 內容
log'ioong | deer penis used for health sake | 鹿陽
logjioong | young antlers; the budding antlers of the deer; soft core of the young antlers of the deer (used for tonic) | 鹿茸
logkakjioong | oung antlers; the budding antlers of the deer; soft core of the young antlers of the deer (used for tonic) | 鹿角茸
loglioong | deer antler | 鹿茸
logloong | dairy farming; a dairy farmer | 酪農
loong thwn hor iexn | wolfish; tiger-like appetite; grasping | 狼吞虎嚥
loong | four classes of people; i.e. (scholars; farmers; artisans; merchants) | 工; 狼; 商); 膿; 四民; 囊; 農; 廊; (士
loxioong boafnbin | face flushed with rage | 怒容滿面
loxioong | angry looks | 怒容
loxng'ioong | publicize; make known | 弄揚; 宣揚; 張揚
loxpoong | roadside | 路旁
luitoong | alike | 雷同
luixtoong | similar to; alike; similar; alike; similar to | 類同
lunsioong | norm; normal human relations | 倫常
luo-enghioong | heroine | 女英雄
lutoong | as is | 如同
lw'oong | queen | 女王
lwhoong | women's needlework; empress | 女紅; 女皇
lwloong | a maiden | 女郎
lwoong | sovereign queen, a queen regent | 女王
lyhoong | empress | 女皇
lyloong | young woman; very able woman | 女郎
lyoong phafng | queen bee | 女王蜂
lyoong | sovereign queen; a queen regent | 女王
løfloong | old farmer; a veteran farmer | 老農
løqboong | become misty or foggy | 落雺
mahoong | (med.) ephedrine | 麻黃
mijioong | woolens; flannels | 綿絨
mngkoong | strong upright bar fastened inside of a door; for keeping out robbers | 門樑; 門栱; 門閂; 閂門的大橫槓
mo'oong | king of the demons; prince of the devils; tyrant | 魔王
moajioong | hemp | 麻絨
mokuyoong | devil; Satan; the prince of evil | 魔鬼王
muyhoong | every time it comes to be | 每逢
nau toxngpoong | custom at marriages ─ to tease the new bride (generally takes place at night; just before the bride enters her bridal chamber with her husband for the first time) to make her laugh | 鬧新娘; 鬧洞房
nau-toxngpoong | teasing during wedding night | 鬧洞房
niauafoong | cat hair | 貓仔王
nijioong | stuff; wool; woolen textile; woolen cloth | 呢絨
niukoong | ridgepole | 棟樑
noxioong | angry looks | 怒容
oafn'ioong | pleasant countenance | 婉容
oboong | dark | 黑茫
oexloong | picture (art) gallery | 畫廊
oexthaau-tioong | a long story | 話頭中
ofngsioong | habitually in the past; as one used to do formerly; as it used to be | 往常
ojioong | black velvet | 黑絨
olioong | cricket | 烏龍; 黑蟋蟀; 蟋蟀
olioong-tee | Oolong tea | 烏龍茶
ong'ioong | ocean | 汪洋
ongkiern'oong | two formidable foe meet (fight) together | 王見王; 比喻兩強相拼
oong | king; monarch; Chinese family name; prince; ruler; rule over; royal; regal | 王
oong`køf-liuo`køf | a pair of funny guy | 王哥柳哥; 一對活寶; 小丑
osijioong | black velvet | 烏絲絨
osioong | black pine | 烏松
pahciokthioong | a centipede | 百足蟲
pahjidhoong | lagerstroemia | 百日紅
paixboong | suffer defeat, suffer reversal, be routed | 敗亡
paloong | amberfish, blue mackerel scad | 琥珀; 銅鏡鰺
paroong | an overlord; .the supreme chief or leader; one who rules by force; the chief among several princes; despotic ruler; autocrat; usurper | 霸王; 暴君
pathioong | reptile | 爬蟲
pau'ioong | be patient; to bear patiently | 包容; 寬容
pauioong | be patient, to bear patiently | 包容
pauzoong | conceal; store up | 包藏
peg buu ittioong | skilled in nothing; good for nothing | 百無一長
peh-bongboong | vast expanse of white (snow, mist, etc.) | 白茫茫
pekjidhoong | crape myrtle | 百日紅
peklioong uichiofng | force good women to be a prostitute | 逼良為娼
peng'ioong | mediocre; indifferent; commonplace | 平庸
pengsioong | ordinarily; usually; common; ordinal; at ordinary times; always; daily; commonly; constantly; normal; as usual | 平常
pengsioong-laang | the average people | 平常人
pengtoong | equanimity | 平同
peqbongboong | vast expanse of white (snow, mist, etc.) | 白茫茫
peqtoong | paulownia tree | 白桐
pesioong | claim compensation (reparation, recompense) | 賠償
phang'oong | a queen bee | 蜂王
phanlioong huohong | hang on a dragon and stick to a phoenix ─ establish oneself by riding on the coat-tail of a brilliant master | 攀龍附鳳
phauloong | scrotum | 陰囊
pheloong | envelope | 信封
phenglioong | evaluation | 評量
phengzuie sionghoong | patches of duckweed meeting ─ unexpected meeting of friends abroad; to meet by accident | 萍水相逢
phexloong | quilt cover | 被囊
phiau'ioong | blown into the air; to waft; to flutter | 飄揚
phiauioong | blown into the air, to waft, to flutter | 飄揚
phienpoong | mistress | 偏房
phoeloong | an envelope | 信封; 郵筒
phoexloong | envelope | 批囊
phoong | fluffy | 蓬
phu'ioong zhutzuie | hibiscus rising out of water (descriptive of the gracefulness of a piece of writing; a woman) | 芙蓉出水
phu'ioong | hibiscus flower; crossostephium chinense | 芙蓉
phuloong | floating bag | 浮囊
phvixlioong | nasal polyps | 鼻龍
phyncid iulioong | of sound quality | 品質優良
phøeloong | envelope | 信封; 皮囊; 批囊
phøtioong | wavelength | 波長
pi gegthaixkoong | masochism | 逆待狂; 虐待狂
piaw'ioong | to praise, to commend | 表揚
piawioong siexnheeng | publish a man's good deeds | 表揚善行
piawioong | to commend; to praise; to cite; praise in public; to cite for all to know | 表揚
pienhoong | frontier defenses or garrisons; border defense | 邊防
pientioong bogkip | beyond one's influence; beyond one's reach; out of range | 鞭長莫及
pinkioong | poor; poverty; impoverishment; penury; destitution | 貧窮
pixboong-lok | memo, reminders, tickler, memorandum | 備忘錄
pixgegkoong | masochism | 被虐狂
pixgek-koong | masochism | 被虐狂
pixhai boxngsiofngkoong | persecution mania | 被害妄想狂
poesioong beng'u | indemnity for defamation | 賠償名譽
poesioong swnsid | indemnity for damage or loss; make good a loss due to one's own fault | 賠償損失
poesioong | compensate; indemnify; recompense; recompense | 賠償
pofioong | supplement for male | 補陽
pofkioong | reinforcement | 補強
pofsioong swnsid | compensate for damage; loss | 補償損失
pofsioong | compensation | 補償
pogzengloong | heartless lover; unfaithful husband; man who abandons a woman with whom he has cohabited | 薄情郎
poong jiok buu jiin | act audaciously or uninhibitedly; as if there were no other persons around | 旁若無人
poong | house; building; room; chamber; wife; concubine | 房
porioong | proclaim; disseminate; to make known | 播揚
pornghoong bukex | agitated; not knowing what to do | 徬徨無計
pornghoong | agitated; not knowing what to do | 徬徨
pud siongtoong | different; not the same | 無相同
put'hoong | might as well; may well; no harm in trying... | 無妨; 不妨
put'ioong | not to tolerate; not to allow | 無容
put'pengsioong | unusual, extraordinary | 無平常; 不平常
put'siong'ioong | incompatible | 無相容; 不相容
put'zerngsioong | abnormal | 無正常; 不正常
putlioong tøxthea | non-conductor (physics) | 無良導體
putlioong zok'iong | bad effect | 無良作用
putlioong | unhealthy; unwholesome; bad; poor; inferior; wicked; depraved | 無良; 不良
putlioong-siaolieen | juvenile delinquent | 無良少年; 不良少年
putsiongtoong | different | 無相同
putsioong cy tiau | Handwriting on the wall | 無祥之兆
putsioong | ominous; unlucky | 無祥; 不詳; 不祥
puttoong hoanhiarng | extraordinary; remarkable | 無同凡響
puttoong | different; dissimilar; unlike; differ; dissimilar; unequal; unlike; not the same; different way | 無同; 不同
pve cioong khiør jip | diseases enter by the mouth (Therefore; one should be careful in his diet or eating habits) | 病從口入
pve jip køboong | disease has entered the vital region ─ there is little hope for recovery | 病入膏盲
pviekoong | become mad | 變狂; 發瘋
pvoarim'ioong | androgynous; Having both female and male characteristics; hermaphrodite | 陰陽人
pøesioong | to pay back | 賠償
pøesioong-huix | compensation, indemnity | 賠償費
pøflexlioong | styrofoam | 保麗龍
pøfzoong | keep safely; protect; storehouse; treasury; treasure house; collection of treasures | 寶藏; 保藏
pøioong | praising | 褒揚
pørioong | declare, proclaim, spread abroad | 播揚; 宣揚
pøxlioong | tyrannosaurus | 霸龍; 暴龍
saekioong | compete | 賽強
samcioong suoteg | three subserviences and four virtues of women ─ in ancient China a woman was required to obey her father before marriage; her husband during married life and her sons in widowhood. The four virtues are fidelity; physical charm; propriety in speech and ef | 三從四德
samcioong | three subserviences | 三從
samtai tongtoong | three generations living under the same roof (under the extended family system) | 三代同堂
sankioong-suycin | be at the end of one's rope; in a desperate situation | 山窮水盡
saoboong | to eliminate illiteracy | 掃墓; 掃盲
satthioong-iøh | insecticide | 殺蟲藥; 殺蟲劑
satthioong-zef | insecticide | 殺蟲劑
seakaix taixtoong | universal brotherhood; Utopia | 世界大同
seasex bukioong | from generation to generation without end | 世世無窮
seg'ioong | the setting sun | 夕陽
sekboong | color blindness | 色盲
seklai zonghoong | indoor decoration | 室內裝璜
sekloong | lecher | 色狼
sekzengkoong | sexual insanity; erotica | 色情狂
sengboong | be obliged; much indebted to...; much obliged | 承蒙
senghoong | the guardian deity of a city | 城隍
sengthioong | adult insect | 成蟲
seqseqgoong | dizzy | 踅踅楞
serng'ioong | holy figure; imperial portrait (Catholic) | 聖容
serng'oong | wise and virtuous king | 聖王
sernghioong | winning heor | 勝雄
serngpai pengkaf cy sioong | alternate victory and defeat is the common lot of soldiers; win one; lose one | 勝敗兵家之常
serngtarnhoong | poinsettia | 聖誕紅
sexnglioong khoaesaix | ideal son-in-law | 乘龍快婿
sia'ioong | setting sun | 斜陽
siangboong | parents both dead | 雙亡
siauhoax putlioong | indigestion; dyspepsia | 消化無良
siauhoong | fire-fighting; fire fighting; prevention and extinction of fires | 消防
siauhoong-tui | fire brigade, fire department | 消防隊
siauhoong-tuixoaan | firemen; fire fighter | 消防隊員
siawkhao lengloong | delicate and fragile; small; trim; and lovely (woman); small and exquisite (decorative item) | 小巧玲瓏
siaxhoe kaylioong | social reform | 社會改良
sibji cytngg huieioong | duodenal ulcer | 十二指腸潰瘍
sidtoong | cafe, restaurant | 食堂
siefn haxchiuo uii kioong | It's always advantageous to make the first move or take the initiative | 先下手為強
sien'oong | the late king, former king | 仙王
sienhoong | ex-emperor | 先皇
sientoong | the boy who serve god; fairy messenger boy | 仙童
siesioong | often | 四常
siet'hoong | fortify; set up defense installations | 設防
siexnlioong | gentle; abide to the low | 善良
sijioong | velvet; velours; plush | 絲絨
silioong | velvet | 絲絨
simcix kienkioong | spirit and will is firm | 心志堅強
simhoong | cautious | 心防
simjioong | ginseng | 參茸
simlioong | ginseng | 參茸
simloong | pericardium | 心囊
simpoong | atrium; auricle | 心房
simsioong | homeliness; commonness | 尋常
simte siexnlioong | good natured; kindhearted | 心地善良
simtoong | heart-to-heart | 心同
simzong kioong | bold (slang); impudent | 膽大
sinboong | die | 身亡
sinlioong | spiritual food | 神糧; 靈糧
sinloong | bridegroom | 新郎
sintoong | prodigy; child prodigy | 神童
siong'ioong | compatible; [[siøioong]] | 相容
siongboong | casualties; casualty | 傷亡
sionghoong | encounter; meet each other | 相逢
siongjioong | a kind of mushroom; one kind of straw mushroom | 松茸; 洋菇
sionglioong | consult; discuss; talk over; advise; consult; exchange opinions or views; discuss; discussion | 商量
siongsioong | often; frequently; usually; generally; always | 常常
siongtoong | alike; identity; homology; same; same; identical; similar; alike | 相同
sioong | auspicious; favorable; propitious; good omen; good luck | 祥; 常
sioxng'ioong | praise | 讚揚; 頌揚
sirncioong | believe and obey; trust and follow | 信從
sirngiorng puttoong | disparity of cult | 信仰無同
sisioong | regularly; constantly; often; usually; frequently | 時常
sit'siongsit'sioong | abnormal | 失常失常
sitsiongsitsioong | abnormal | 失常失常
sitsioong | be abnormal; out of its usual order; perform below one's normal capacity | 失常
siu'ioong | take in; accept | 收容
siu'ioong-sor | camp (prisoner-of-war, refugee, etc.) | 收養所; 收容所
siuioong | give shelter to, accommodate, receive and make a place for | 收容
siuo'oong | king of beasts | 獸王
siux tiofng cy oong | king of the beasts ─ lion | 獸中之王
siuzoong | collect and keep (curios) | 收藏
sixcioong | dependant; gilly | 侍從
siøfhoong | small rice grasshopper | 小蝗
siøfoong | little king | 小王
siøfparoong | little overlord; bully | 小霸王
siøioong | compatible | 相容
soan'ioong | advertise; air; blazon forth; preach up; publicize and exalt; proclaim | 宣揚
soarnjioong | crushed garlic; mashed garlic; garlic pounded soft | 蒜泥; 蒜茸; 蒜頭菜
soarnlioong | minced garlic | 蒜茸
soeboong | decline and fall | 衰亡
softioong | one's specialty; what one excels in | 所長; 專長
somjioong | ginseng | 參茸
somlioong | ginseng | 參茸
songsoong | rube; hick; earth dumplings (rural people flocking to cities for work) | 土包子
soong | pine; hick; clownish; ignorant; bucolic; stupid | 松; 倯; 土包子氣; 土包子
sorngboong | lose life; die | 喪亡
sorngcin thienlioong | have no conscience; impervious to a sense of justice | 喪盡天良
sorsioong | usually; ordinarily; regularly; commonly; so far | 素常; 素常,平常
su-loong-kafng-siofng | scholars; farmers; workers and merchants ─ the social castes of old China; in that order | 士農工商
suhhuihloong | bloodsucker | 欶血狼
suicioong bwkvoaf | an aide-de-camp | 隨從武官
suicioong | to accompany and attend to; follow; obey; accompany; aides; attendants | 隨從
suitoong | follow or accompany; together with | 隨同
suixsioong | good omen | 隨常; 瑞祥; 預兆
suloong | private pocket | 私囊
sunhoong | patrolman; watchman; to patrol (especially in civil defense) | 巡防
sunkioong | pure strength | 純強
sunlioong | gentle and good; pure; trustworthy; kind; honest; good | 純良; 馴良
suokuiehoong | four seasons red | 四季紅
suosioong | day-to-day; everyday; daily; frequently; constantly; regularly; often | 經常
sutoong | private temple for ancestor; boy who waits upon a literary man | 祠堂; 書僮
suxcioong | servant | 侍從
suxloong | servant | 侍郎
suxncioong | obedience; resigned; obey; obedient; comply | 順從
suzoong | private collection; keep something against the law | 私藏
svakoan'oong | triple crown (only used in baseball) | 三冠王
svoaboong | mountain fog | 山雺
svoaf-phu'ioong | Taiwan cotton-rose, mountain rose mallow | 山芙蓉
swnhai poesioong | compensation for damages | 損害賠償
syboong zerngbeeng | death certificate | 死亡證明
syboong zerngsw | death certificate | 死亡證書
syboong | death; die | 死亡
syboong-lut | death rate | 死亡律; 死亡率
sycioong | constantly, consistently, from beginning to end | 始終
syloxpoong | dead | 死路旁
tai-puttoong | very different | 大無同; 大不同
taixhioong | hero | 大雄
taixioong | the ocean | 大洋
taixoong | Your Majesty; Your Highness; bandit chief | 大王
taixputsiongtoong | entirely; totally different | 大無相同
taixtoong seakaix | a world where harmony; equality and justice prevail; universal brotherhood; political utopia | 大同世界
taixtoong siøfvi | substantially the same; much alike | 大同小異
taixtoong | great peace; universal concord; universal brotherhood; universal harmony | 大同
tanhoong | spring; springs (for absorbing shock); shock absorber | 彈簧
taoboong | help, lend a hand | 鬥蒙; 幫忙
tarboong | be foggy, misty | 霧深的
taupid ciongjioong | throw away the pen and follow the battle ─ give up literature for a military career | 投筆從戎
taux-zhamsioong | consult | 鬥參詳
tawphoong | a cloak, a mantle, a blouse | 斗篷
tea'oong | the emperor; the king; the throne | 帝王
teaoong | emperor, emperors and kings | 帝王
teg pud sioong sid | what one gains cannot offset the losses ─ not worth the effort | 得無償失
tegtioong | outstanding; specialty | 特長
tek'ix iong'ioong | air of complacency; appearance of extreme satisfaction; quite elated | 得意揚揚
teloong | tea farmer | 茶農
tengloong | a lantern; glim | 燈籠
tengsioong-zoxngthaix | stationary state | 靜常狀態
tengtoong jibseg | reach the inner hall (of some branch of learning); master a learning or skill | 登堂入室
tengtoong | go to the house, to visit | 登堂
texngsioong | stationary | 定常
texngsioong-zoxngthaix | stationary state | 定常狀態
textoong | Garden of Eden; earthly paradise (Catholic) | 地堂
thae'ioong | sun | 太陽
thaeioong | the sun | 太陽
thaeloong | Taro | 太郎
thaesioxnghoong | father of the emperor | 太上皇
tharmloong zhwbut | as easy as taking things out of one's own pocket | 探曩取物
theahoong | detumescence; subsidence of swelling | 退腫
thefhoong | to guard against, to take precaution against, to watch | 提防
thefngkioong | act in an overbearing manner | 挺強; 逞強
thehoong | bank; dike | 堤防; 提防
thichiøx busioong | hysteria | 啼笑無常
thiefn cioong jingoan | Heaven fulfils men's desires | 天從人願
thien'oong | emperor in the sky | 天王
thien'y buhoong | perfect (secret); flawless (workmanship) | 天衣無縫
thiengøjioong | velvet; velvety | 天鵝絨
thienhoong | Mikado | 天皇
thienlioong | one's conscience; to speak to truth; one's better feeling; one's conscience | 天良; 良心
thienparoong | jumbo | 天霸王
thienphoong | canopy | 天篷
thienpoong | ceiling | 天房; 天篷; 天花板
thientioong texkiuo | as old as heaven and earth ─ a very long time | 天長地久
thientoong texgek | Heaven and Hell | 天堂地獄
thientoong | paradise; Heaven | 天堂
thienzaai jitoong | child prodigy | 天才兒童
thiet'hoong | withdraw a garrison | 撤防
thioong | worms; long creeping insects like worms; caterpillars; maggots | 蟲
thiqsioong | stuttering | 喋詳
thoan'ioong | preach; make known everywhere | 傳揚; 宣揚
thofhoong | plant buds; shoot up | 萌芽
thofsoong | too much; too many; excessive | 過多; 土氣
tholioong | ell | 土龍
thong'ioong | make a temporary arrangement; compromise; accommodate; by way of accommodation | 通融
thonghioong | make a temporary arrangement; compromise; accommodate; by way of accommodation | 通融; 妥協
thonglioong | compromise | 通量; 妥協
thongsioong | ordinarily; customary; as a rule; usually; normally; generally | 通常
thoong | sugar; candy | 糖
thuizoong | hold in high esteem; to respect | 推崇
thuzoong | preservation; stock; stockage; store up; to hoard; safekeeping | 貯藏; 儲藏
thviacioong | obey; to heed; listen to (another's advice); listen and follow | 聽從
thwzoong | save up, store up | 貯藏; 儲藏
thwzoong-seg | store room | 貯藏室; 儲藏室
thwzoong-sor | storage area, storehouse | 貯藏所; 儲藏所
thøeahoong | reduce inflammation or swelling | 退洪; 退癀; 消炎
tiaohoong | apply ointment | 吊癀
tiau'ioong | morning sun | 朝陽
ticiog sioong lok | contentment brings happiness | 知足常樂
tiefnzoong | collection | 典藏
tienkoong | crazy, insane, mad | 顛狂; 癲狂
tiexnloong | a tenant farmer or share-croppert | 佃農
tihoong | take precaution | 知回; 持防; 預防
tinzoong | to treasure up; enshrinement; keep something as a treasure (usually said of rare books and works of art); to treasure up | 珍藏
tiong'ioong | the golden mean of the Confucian school; medium | 中庸
tionggixtoong | loyalty hall | 忠義堂
tionghoong | reunion | 重逢
tionglioong | middle weight | 中量
tioong | double; manifold; to repeat; classifier of folds; plies; layers; strata; ranges of hills; doors within doors; concentric walls | 重; 層
tiornglioong | important or useful | 中樑; 棟樑
tioxng'ioong | September 9th | 重陽
tioxnglioong | measure | 丈量
tixn'ioong | the layout of troops; lineup of a cabinet; the cast of a movie; appearance of a military deployment; the layout of troops; the lineup of a cabinet; the composition of a sports team; an organization; cast of a movie | 陣容
tixnboong ciorngsu kyliaxmpy | monument in honor of servicemen killed in action | 陣亡將士紀念碑
tixnboong | die in battle | 陣亡
tiøqkoong | flurried; flustered | 慌張
tngg-huieioong | intestinal ulcer | 腸潰瘍
tngg-uieioong | intestinal ulcer | 腸潰瘍
toaxloxloong | mainlander | 大路郎
toaxtuixtioong | hernia | 大墜腸
tofkioong | force; compel | 勉強
tog'ioong | suppurating abscess | 毒膿; 毒瘍
toggafnlioong | somebody blind in one eye | 獨眼龍
tonghoong | imposing; impressive; stately; grandiosity; the winter curfew (imposed annually to guard against undesirable elements); take precautions against thieves at the end of the year | 堂皇; 冬防
tongpoong | bridal chamber, cohabit, marriage room, live as a husband and a wife | 同旁; 同房
tongtoong | dignified; impressive; imposing; grave and dignified; magnificent; fair and square; venerable | 堂堂
tongtoong-zerngzexng | dignified and imposing | 堂堂正正
toong | copper; bronze; brass | 銅; 同
toong-cirnthex | advance or withdraw together; stay on or quit together | 同進退
toong-hviasør | older nephew | 堂兄嫂
toong-hviati | nephews | 堂兄弟
toong`ee | same surname | 同的; (指堂兄弟姐妹一輩)
tornglioong cy zaai | great statesmanship person | 棟樑之才
tornglioong | the beams; the ridgepole; a man of great ability; lesser and greater beams ─ pillars of the State | 棟樑
toxng'ioong | movement | 動容
toxngpoong hoaciok'ia | wedding night; the first night | 洞房花燭夜
toxngpoong | the bedroom for new couple; innermost chambers; nuptial chamber; consummate a marriage | 洞房
toxsioong | Taiwan fir (tree) | 杜松
tuhai anlioong | suppress the evil and pacify the good | 除害安良
tuiietioong | falling intestines | 墜腸
tuisw sienboong | commemoration of the dead (Catholic) | 追思先亡
tuixlioong | hernia | 墜腸
tuixtioong | hernia; rupture | 疝氣; 脫腸
tupø-anlioong | drive out the rascals and protect the people | 除暴安良
tvafkek'oong | big time hitter in baseball | 打擊王
tvafloong | gallbladder; bile bladder | 膽囊
tvafloong-iam | have cholecystitis, have inflammation of the | 膽囊炎
twnzoong | to store up. storage | 囤藏
tøboong | go into exile; runaway; desertion; run away; to escape; flee; abscond | 逃亡
tøfioong | male impotence | 陽痿
ui'ioong | portrait of a dead person; image of the deceased | 遺容
ui-hoea'ioong | gastric ulcer | 胃潰瘍
uiboong | forgotten; blow over; mislay | 遺忘
uijiin siexnlioong | he is a good; kind hearted man | 為人善良
uixhuieioong | gastric ulcer | 胃潰瘍
uixkhuieioong | gastric ulcer | 胃潰瘍
un'ioong | kindness | 溫容
unhoong | pestilence | 瘟磺
unlioong | gentle and good; amiable; good natured | 溫良
unzoong | deposit; to hold in store | 蘊藏
uxhoong | prevention; precaution; keep off | 預防
uxhoong-ihak | prophylactic medicine | 預防醫學
uxhoong-zuosia | immunization; vaccination | 預防注射
uxhoong`ee | prophylactic; a preventive | 防病的; 預防的
viujioong | mushroom | 洋茸
vixsioong | abnormal; unusual; extraordinary; unique | 異常
vixtoong | similarity and dissimilarity | 異同
wn toong zaezø | unusual favor or help rendered to someone in bad luck which enables him to stand on his own feet again | 恩同再造
wnzoong | hide; hide in secret; hide; conceal | 隱藏
yboong | already dead | 已亡
ycioxng puttoong | different from other people; extraordinary; unlike others | 與眾無同
yloong libkog | nation having an agricultural economy | 以農立國
ym-ioong | positive and negative principles in nature | 陰陽
ynloong jibseg | usher the wolf into the house (Lit. bring in a troublemaker) | 引狼入室
ynzuyhoong | because water got into the wound it got infected | 傷口因水而發炎
zabjixcytngg huieioong | duodenal ulcer | 十二指腸潰瘍
zafcioong | early from, since as early as | 早從
zai'oong | finance king | 財王
zaixpoong | by, alongside | 在旁
zarn'ioong | praise | 讚揚
zarntoong | agree with; concurrence; consent to; approve of | 贊同
zawbefloong | walkway hallway | 走馬廊
zawloong | corridor; corridor; aisle | 走廊
zawzoong | make an effort to accomplish; work hard and hurry about constantly without resting | 奔波; 走傱; 奔走
zeeng toong chiwciog | be attached to each other like brothers | 情同手足
zefng'ioong goaxkhøf | plastic surgery | 整容外科
zefng'ioong isefng | plastic surgeon | 整容醫生
zefng'ioong | improve one's look by plastic surgery; to tidy one's appearance by shaving or a haircut | 整容
zefngkahjioong | the quick of the nail | 指甲茸; 指甲下的嫩肉
zekloong | pus collect | 集膿; 積膿; 集膿液
zenghioong | strive for supremacy | 爭雄
zengkioong torsexng | desire to excel over others; fight for the leading role | 爭強鬥勝
zengkioong | reinforce; strengthen | 增強
zenglie lan'ioong | contrary to reason or common sense; absurd | 情理難容
zenglioong | very high quality; exquisite; excellent | 精良
zengloong | a man being loved by a woman; seminal vesicles | 情郎; 精囊
zengsiin sitsioong | mental disorder; out of one's mind | 精神失常
zengsiin zerngsioong | sane | 精神正常
zerng'ioong | high noon | 正陽
zernghioong | to struggle for supremacy | 正雄
zerngsioong | normalize; regular; in whack; normal; normally | 正常
zhadoong | head of a gang of robbers | 賊王
zhaihoong pofsibpafn | training class for tailoring | 裁縫補習班
zhaihoong | to tailor; a tailor; needlework; tailoring; tailor or seamstress | 裁縫
zhaihoong-chviu | tailor | 裁縫匠
zhaihoong-ky | sewing machine | 裁縫機
zhailoong | wolf; wolves | 豺狼
zhaixzvea'oong | people who argue fallaciously | 豎諍王; 強辯者
zhamsioong | consult together; consult with | 參詳; 商量
zhanzngf-soong | country bumpkin, hick, rube | 田庄俗; 鄉下土包子
zhao'ioong | ozone | 臭氧
zharnlan-huihoong | brilliant and magnificent | 燦爛輝煌
zhawparoong | bully | 草霸王
zhawtexsoong | hick; a rube | 土包子
zhawtoexsoong | Taiwanese redneck | 草地倯
zhawtøexsoong | country folk | 草地松; 草地倯; 打扮舉止俗氣如鄉下
zhayhoong | rainbow | 彩虹
zheklioong | survey | 測量
zhenghioong | claim leadership; occupy dominating position | 稱雄
zhenglioong | very strong dragon | 青龍
zhengsioong | pay back | 清償
zhoarntoong | band together (to do something evil); to gang up | 串同
zhof-sionghoong | meet for the first time | 初相逢
zholoong | junior middle agricultural school | 初農
zhongboong | a feeling of don't know what to do; hurried; hasty; flurried | 蒼茫; 匆忙
zhonghoong | in hurry; in confusion | 倉惶
zhongzhofng-bongboong | rush; in a hurry | 蒼蒼茫茫
zhoong | scab | 藂
zhortoong | acetone | 丙酮; 醋酮
zhuhioong | female and male- heroine and hero | 雛雄
zhuizoong | hold in high esteem; to respect | 推崇
zhuliuloong | slide | 趨流籠
zhunhaytoong | spring begonia | 春海棠
zhuun-thienlioong | conscience | 存天良
zhvekoong | acting very impulsively and hastily; lose one's self possession | 倉皇; 生狂; 慌張
zhvezhvekongkoong | rush; rul | 生生狂狂
zngkhasoong | country people | 庄跤倯
zoadtuix hogcioong | absolute obedience | 絕對服從
zoanboong | all dead | 全亡
zoantioong | one's specialty; what one excels in | 專長
zoex-sinloong | be a groom | 做新郎
zonghoong | decoration; adorn; upholster; decorate room | 裝潢
zoong | rush about; leap and frisk about; make efforts; busy oneself about | 奔; 傱; 崇; 奔走; 衝; 藏
zoong`jibkhix | rush in | 衝進去
zoong`khix | rush | 奔去
zoong`køex | rushed | 奔過
zoong`laai | rush | 奔來
zoong`zhutkhix | rush out | 衝出去
zoxtioong | foster, further, promote, contribute to | 助長
zu'ioong | facial look and posture; woman looks (usually implying good looks) | 姿容
zuiebongboong | inebriated; under the influence of alcohol | 醉醺醺
zun'ioong | your face (honorific term) | 尊容
zunboong | live or death; survive or perish; survival and downfall | 存亡
zuncioong | act in accordance with; obey the command; follow; comply with; obey (orders) | 遵從
zunsym putlioong | cherish an evil intention | 存心無良
zunzoong | honor; respect; hold in high regard | 尊崇
zuo-cioong | emperor and his courtiers | 注音; 主從
zuohoong | canton; defend | 駐防
zusioong | kindness; benevolent; kind; benign; benignant (said of elderly persons) | 慈祥
zutoong | kid servant who serve masters during reading | 書童
zuxcioong | since; from (time or place); since then; ever since | 自從
zuxhoong | garrison (a place) | 駐防
zuxkefng-loong | owner farmers | 自耕農
zuxkengloong | owner farmers | 自耕農
zuxkioong putseg | strive hard without stopping; continuous self renewal | 自強無息
zuxkioong uxntong | self strengthening and self renewal self improvement movement | 自強運動
zuxkioong | goad oneself on, drive oneself hard, strive for improvement or progress | 自強
zuxlibzuxkioong | self-reliance | 自立自強
zuxtoaxkoong | megalomania | 自大狂
zuyhoea put'ioong | Water and fire do not mix | 水火無容
zuyhoong | wound infected by water | 水洪; 傷口因觸水而發炎
zwpoong | ovary (botany) | 子房
zøfhoong-seg | jujue-red color | 棗紅色
zøfloong | jujube farmers | 棗農
zøhoong | meet with, vicissitudes in one's life | 遭逢
zøq thehoong | build a dike | 築堤防
øzoong | frustrated | 窩藏; 心煩

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