"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Bincirntorng | DPP (Democratic Progressive Party) | 民進黨
Binzwtorng | democratic party; the Democrats | 民主黨
Chinbintorng | People First Party | 親民黨
Ciornggi-vi | the House of Representative, the House of Commons | 眾議院
Ciornggixvi | Lower House of a Parliament; House of Commons; the House | 眾議院
Goanciorng | a city in Yunlin County of Taiwan | 元長
Kangtorng | Labor Party | 工黨
Khorngbuxkiok | Bureau of Mines | 礦務局
Khorngciexn | War of Resistance, the war against Japan from 1937-1945 | 抗戰
Kioxnghøtorng | Republican party | 共和黨
Kioxngsafntorng | Communist party | 共產黨
Kioxngsarn-torng | the Communist Party | 共產黨
Kokbintorng | National Party; K.M.T. in the Republic of China | 國民黨
Korng-tiexn'oe | making a phone call | 講電話
Korngliaau | a city in Taipei County | 貢寮
Legtorng | Green Party | 綠黨
Serngkaux zornglea | ecclesiastical burial | 聖教葬禮
Sinkorng | a city in Taichung County | 神岡
Sorngkangtin | Formations of folk martial arts performan | 宋江陣
Sorngsuu | poetry of the Sung Dynasty (characterized by lines of irregular length) | 宋詞
Sorngtai | Sung Dynasty | 宋代
Sorngthea | Song style; common square form of characters used in printing | 宋體
Sorngthefji | common square form of characters used in printing | 宋體字
Sorngtiaau | Sung-Dynasty (960-1279 A.D.) | 宋朝
Thorngkhor Goxtoafn | Five Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary (Catholic) | 痛苦五端
Zhorngseakie | Genesis (Catholic) | 創世紀; (創)
Zhorngseakix | Genesis (Protestant) | 創世記
Zhvekoong lorngphoax voar | things done in a hurry cannot be done well; fail in goal by being hasty (Lit. If a dog eats to fast there is nothing to turn to excrement.) | 欲速則無達。
Zorng'uii | a city in Yilan County | 壯圍
Zornghngg | a city in Yilan County | 壯園
Zuxbintorng | the Liberal Democratic Party (Japan) | 自民黨
Zuxiutorng | Liberal Party (British) | 自由黨
ahciorng | duck feet | 鴨掌
an'iorng | settle down peacefully; retire and enjoy the fruit of one's work in the past | 安養
angkorngkoxng | crimson; cardinal red | 紅貢貢; 深紅
antorngtoxng | very firm knot; very tight drawer; door or lid | 緊擋擋; 很緊
anzornglea | burial service; prayers at the grave (Catholic) | 安葬禮
armhorng | make secret inquiries; investigate in secret | 暗訪
armsattorng | gang of assassins | 暗殺黨
armsorng | internally very happy about something but don't want to show it externally | 暗爽; 暗地高興
baizornglea | funeral ceremony | 埋葬禮
bang'iorng | brave | 蠻勇
batkorng | mentioned | 曾講
baxnchviafkorng | don't speak just now | 慢且講; 先別說
baxngsiorng | dream of; hope for (something not attainable); to have vision of | 夢想
baxnjinthiorng | mass burial ground or grave | 萬人塚
be horngsym | heart or conscience filled with remorse or trouble; devoid of peace; uneasy; insecure; anxious | 無放心
befng'iorng | brave; intrepidity; valiance; valiancy; valor | 猛勇; 勇猛
begsiorng | meditation; meditate | 默想
bengkorng | states clearly; brings to light says | 明講
benglorng | distinct; bright and clear; bright and cheerful; sunny | 明朗
bengsiorng | meditate, contemplate | 明思; 冥想; 默想
bengzaf armhorng | investigate openly and secretly | 明查暗訪
bexexngtid korng | must not be spoken; should not be said | 未用得講; 無可以講
bexngtiorng | to hit (the target) | 命中
bexsaytid korng | must not be spoken; should not be said | 未使得講; 無可以講
bexsorng | unhappy | 袂爽
bexsukorng | as if | 袂輸講
bidhorng | secret visit | 密訪
biefnkiorng | work hard; compel; under compulsion; forced; involuntarily; compel; constrain; forced (as an interpretation); to study; diligence; industry | 勉強
biefnkiorng`ee | loath | 勉強的
biefnkorng | not need to say; exempts discussed; indescribable; says nothing of; no need to speak; no need to talk about it; there is nothing that need be said; don't talk about it | 免講; 無用講; 不必說; 免談
binsw boxngsiorng | think day and night | 眠思夢想
binzuo torng | a democratic party, the Democrats | 民主黨
binzwtorng | the Democratic Party | 民主黨
bixnkhorng | face | 臉孔
boefciorng | last prize | 尾獎
boexsorng | unhappy | 袂爽
boexsukorng | as if | 袂輸講
bofciorng | a kind of | 某種
bofngkorng | talk with some reservation; talk without purpose; just talk on and on with little purpose | 罔講; 姑妄言之; 隨便說說
bofngtorng | hasty; rash; impetuous; coarse; rude; hurried; reckless; careless in action; rude in manner | 糊塗; 懵懂; 鹵莽
bofngtorng-haxn | recklessly fellow; dash or drive recklessly fellow | 莽撞漢
bog'iorng | to herd or tend animals; raise ranch or farm animals | 牧養
bogbuu zuntiorng | contemptuous towards anthorities or superiors | 目無尊長
bogtiorng | church readers | 牧長
bohorng | imitate; imitate; imitation | 模仿
bok buu zuntiorng | show no respect to elders and superiors | 目無尊長
boorng'bongboong | very dim, hazy | 茫茫茫; 矇矇矇
borng chi | feed for now | 罔飼
borng iøf | feed for now | 罔育
borng kviaa | tentatively | 罔行
borng to | barely getting by | 罔度
borng | barely; uncertain; with some reservation; reckless | 罔; 勉強; 莽
borngborngboxng | quite irresponsible, careless | 罔罔罔
borngboxng | irresponsible; careless; careless; paid it no attention; careless; irresponsible | 罔罔; 不負責任的馬虎; 漫無經心的; 做事滿不在乎
borngsiefn | fellow with careless attitude; people who are fond of playing and recreating | 罔仙; 漫無經心者; 無事過日者; 好玩的人
borngtvar | reckless | 罔膽
boxhorng | to imitate, to copy | 模仿; 摹倣
boxngsiorng | day dream; an irrational attempt; daydreaming; a daydream; absurd desire; desire wildly | 妄想; 夢想
boxngsiorng-zexng | paranoia | 妄想症
boxngsorngkheq | local rich bourgeois without any eduction or knowledge | 妄宋客; 鄉下遊豪
bu'orng putli | lucky in every endeavor; successful in whatever one does | 無往無利
budciorng | species | 物種
butorng buphaix | without party affiliation of any sort; non-partisan | 無黨無派
bw'iorng | nourish, nurture, take care of | 撫養
bwiorng | martial spirit; bring to maturity; bring up to maturity | 武勇; 撫養
bøexkorng`tid | cannot discuss | 講無得; 未講得
bøkorng-bøtva | silently | 一聲無響; 無講無錯
bøo hexthorng | unclassified; without system; disorder; unsystematic; uncontrolled | 無系統
bøo oe korng kalør | chat | 無話講家惱; 閒話家常; 閑談
bøo oe thafng korng | having nothing to say; unable to say anything | 無話可講
bøqkorng | don't explain; don't discuss; don't speak; moreover; besides; in addition | 莫講; 何況; 況且
bøsiorng | gratis | 無賞; 無償
bøtorng bøphaix | impartial; without party affiliation of any sort; non-partisan | 無黨無派
chiaciorng | bus server; bus conductress or conductor | 車掌
chiafmkorng | instrument used for taking samples of rice out of unopened bags | 插管; 驗米器
chiahorng | vehicle condition | 車況
chiahphorngsef | knitting yarn | 刺膨紗
chialiorng kiafmzaf | examination of motor vehicles | 車輛檢查
chialiorng | vehicle; vehicles | 車輛
chiaq phorngsef | weaves the yarn | 刺凸紗; 織毛線
chiensw baxnsiorng | plan something over and over again; a million thoughts | 千思萬想
chienthiorng | move the tomb | 遷塚
chienzorng | leader of 1000 soldier | 千總; 千夫長
chijiin-boxngsiorng | to think idiotic nonsense | 痴人妄想
chintiorng | elders | 親長
chiorng | to rob; a factory; lofty; a long day | 搶; 廠; 聳; 昶
chiorng'iuu | sing and play | 唱遊
chiornggi | propose | 倡議
chiorngheeng | be rampant and widespread; able to move unhindered | 縱橫; 橫行無阻
chiornghengkaf | a person able to move unhindered | 縱橫家
chiornghoefhoan | arsonist | 縱火犯
chiorngkoaxn | run lengthwise through | 縱貫
chiorngkoaxn-svoax | the railway or highway running the length of Taiwan | 縱橫線; 縱貫線
chiorngky | a gramophone, a phonograph, a record player | 唱機
chiorngpan | to establish | 倡辦
chiorngphvix | disc; record; phonogram | 唱片
chiorngpvix | a record | 唱片
chiorngsie | originate, initiate | 倡始; 唱始
chiorngsiuo | originate, start | 倡始; 首倡
chiorngsuo | even if; though | 縱使
chiorngtui | column of troops | 縱隊
chiorngtø | to take the initiative; lead; advocate; promote | 倡導
chisw-boxngsiorng | to think idiotic nonsense | 痴思妄想
chisym boxngsiorng | silly and fantastic notions; daydreaming | 癡心妄想
chitkhorng | two eyes; two ear holes; two nostrils and one mouth in human face; the seven apertures in the human head; eyes; ears; nose and mouth | 七孔; 七竅
chiuxlengkorng | rubber tube | 樹乳管; 橡皮管
chiuxny-korng | rubber tube | 樹乳管; 橡皮管
chiwsiorngkaf | palmist | 手相家
chiwsiorngsut | palmistry | 手相術
chixiorng | live a comfortable well-fed life; to raise a child; rear | 養育
chvia'iorng | foster; rear | 成養; 養育
chviaiorng | nurture | 晟養
ciah-kirn lorngphoax voar | Haste makes waste | 吃緊撞破碗; 欲速則無達
ciah-phorngpviar | to be scolded | 吃凸餅; 挨罵
ciah-phorngtefng | provoke the displeasure of one's master or superior; be blamed by one's superior | 吃凸釘; 挨罵
ciam'iorng | armature-fish | 潛養; 針鯒; 電樞魚
ciamgiorng | to look respectfully; look up respectfully; pay respects to; admire | 瞻仰
ciaokorng | in the ordinary course of events; ordinarily; normally; as a rule; ordinarily | 照講; 照理說
ciaolie korng | speak according to reason | 照理講
ciaosiorngkoarn | photo studio | 照相館
ciaosiorngky | camera | 照相機
ciaosiorngsut | photography | 照相術
ciaosiorngsw | photographer | 照相師
ciapciorng | one after another | 接踵
ciaq laikorng | come to talk | 才來講
ciaqphorngpviar | be scolded; slapped by parents | 吃凸餅; 受責罵
cidciorng | a type of; a kind of; a sort of | 一種
cidpaq khorng'id | 101 | 一百空一
cidtorng | one gang; group | 一黨
cieen zofngthorng | ex-president | 前總統
cien'orng | go to a place; to visit | 前往
ciensw hiøxsiorng | turn over a problem in one's mind; ponder | 前思後想
ciernhorng | war situation; progress of a battle | 戰況
cimkorng | crab's pincer | 蟳管; 蟹鉗
ciofngciorng | different kinds; many kinds; variedness; sundry; diverseness; various kinds; all sorts of; etcetera | 種種
ciofngsiorng | to reward | 獎賞
ciorng | the palm (of a human hand); swollen; a kind; an oar; an award; heel | 掌; 腫; 種; 槳; 獎; 踵
ciorng'viaa | commander camp | 將營
ciorngbok ciauciofng | stare or watchful eyes of the public | 眾目昭彰
ciorngbong sor kuy | enjoy public confidence; command public respect and support | 眾望所歸
ciorngbong | expectation of the public; public support or confidence; popularity of a leader | 眾望
ciorngbuun hofzuo | capable young man from a distinguished family | 將門虎子
ciornggai kexngzao | steeplechase | 障礙競走
ciornggai | obstruction; obstacles; obstructions | 障礙
ciornggaixbut | obstacle; obstruction; hindrance | 障礙物
ciornggarn | all eyes | 眾眼
ciornggi | public discussion; public opinion | 眾議
ciornghau | military officers | 將校
ciornghii | killifish | 鱂魚; 鏘魚
ciorngkhao | many speaker | 眾口
ciorngkhix | malaria | 瘴氣
ciorngkii | chess | 將棋
ciorngkvoaf | officer at the rank of admiral or general; military general | 將官
ciorngkvoar hiensuu | disparity of numerical strength is too great | 眾寡懸殊
ciorngkvoar puttek | One single person is no match for a crowd | 眾寡無敵
ciorngkwn | a general, an admiral | 眾軍; 將軍
ciorngleng | an order by a general; orders from the general (military) | 將令
ciornglerng | high ranking military officers | 將領
ciornglo lanhoan | It's dangerous to antagonize the masses | 眾怒難犯
ciornglun | public discussion | 眾論
ciorngsefng | all living creatures; all living creatures | 眾生
ciorngsiin | all Gods | 眾神
ciorngsoad put'id | there are many different versions of a story | 眾說無一
ciorngsoex | general in the military | 將帥
ciorngsu | officers and soldiers; leaders and petty officers | 將士
ciorngtøf | numerous; very many | 眾多
ciorngzaai | talent as a field commander | 將才
cipciorng | have authority; to manage; to superintend; to be in charge of; take full charge of; superintend | 執掌
cipzerngtorng | the administration party; party in power | 執政黨
cipzexng-torng | the ruling party, the party in power | 執政黨
citciorng laang | this kind of man | 這種人
citciorng | this kind of | 這種
ciwzefng tiorngtok | alcoholism | 酒精中毒
ciøh'oe-korng | suggest with hint, for instance | 借話講
cviarthorng | orthodox; legitimate; classical | 正統
efng'iorng-phirn | sustenance | 營養品
efnghiorng | affect; impact; enjoy forever | 影響; 永享
efnghiorng-lat | power of affect, power of influence | 影響力
eksiorng | to remember, to think about | 憶想
eng'iorng liauhoad | dietary cure | 營養療法
eng'iorng putlioong | malnutrition; undernourishment | 營養無良
eng'iorng | brave; courageous; heroic; gallant | 英勇; 營養
gegthorng | a rebel party or group | 逆黨
giorng putkhuix thiefn | feel no shame before God | 仰無愧天
giorng | to look up to; to cup one hand in the other in greeting; first person; high-price; adore | 仰; 拱; 卬
gixiorng | volunteer for public service; righteous and courageous | 義勇; 義勇兵
goafnsiorng | enjoy or appreciate the beauty of something | 玩賞
guihiarm susiorng | dangerous thoughts | 危險思想
gvexkorng | strong to explain; strong to discuss; strong opinion | 硬講
gvixkorng | strong to explain; strong to discuss; strong opinion | 硬講
gvotorng | my political party; my faction | 吾黨
gyleeng sorngsitzexng | aphasia; impairment or loss of faculty of using or understanding spoken or written language | 語能喪失症
gyn'aftorng | kids gang | 囝仔黨
gyn'ar-torng | a gang of children | 囡仔黨; 孩子群
habciorng | clap hands to praying position; clasp the hands like Buddhist priests do | 合掌
habciorngkog | federation of states | 合眾國
hak iuo zoantiorng | have acquired a specialty from study | 學有專長
ham'iorng | culture of a person; capability for kindness | 涵養
han'iorng | live in leisure | 閒養
hanlaai-sworng | change of seasons; lapse of time (The cold comes and the heat departs.) | 寒來暑往
hao'iorng | treat parents with piety | 孝養
hao'orng | say masses with offerings for parents. | 孝往
haoiorng | care for parents | 孝養
hap ciorng | put your palms together | 合掌
haxterng thornghoex | imperfect contrition (Catholic) | 下等痛悔
hehiorng | echo | 回響
hengtiorng | a respectful form of address for an elder brother or a man friend; senior | 兄長
hesiorng | recall | 回想
hexthorng ee zerngbeeng | certificate of ancestry; pedigree | 系統的證明
hexthorng hunluixhak | phylogenetics; study of the evolution or development of a kind or type of animal or plant; racial history | 系統分類學
hexthorng | system; ancestry; lineage; geological formation | 系統
hiakorng | leg of the boots | 雨靴; 靴管
hiarng'orng | admire and try to imitate a great person | 嚮往
hiaxm-oan'orng | complain of being falsely charged | 喊冤枉
hiensiorng | offer a reward; offer a prize for | 懸賞
hietkhix-cy-iorng | foolhardiness; courage or bravery emanating from emotion not from cool judgment or the sense of righteousness | 血氣之勇
hietthorng zerngbengsw | certificate of pets | 血統證明書
hietthorng | blood relationship; family line; lineage | 血統
hiexnhorng | face of life | 現況
hiexnkorng | speak in person; explain clearly face to face | 現講; 當面說; 當面講明白
hiexntai susiorng | current thought | 現代思想
himhym-hiorng'eeng | blooming like flowers in spring; (said of business; financial; situation prospering; flourishing | 欣欣向榮
himsiorng | enjoy; appreciate; appreciation | 欣賞
hiong'iorng | bluster; popple; surge | 洶湧
hiorng | enjoy; receive | 享; 鯙; 響; 饗
hiorng'au | turn around | 向後
hiorng'eeng | glory of a private home | 宅榮; 向榮
hiorng'ioong | facing the south; the sunny side (said of a house) | 向陽; 朝南
hiorng'orng | to yearn for; to look forward to; aspire; to long for | 向往; 嚮往
hiorng`ee | that kind of, that sort | 那樣; 那種
hiorngcieen | straight ahead | 向前
hiornggoa hoattiern | develop outward | 向外發展
hiornggoa | turn outside | 向外
hiorngguu | can not get; can not acquire | 向隅
hiorngguun | soldier's pay, civil servant's pay | 饗銀; 薪餉
hiornghak | study | 向學
hiorngjidkuii | sunflower; helianthus | 向日葵
hiorngjidkuix | sunflower | 向日葵
hiorngkngf | face in the direction of light (truth) | 向光
hiorngkoafn | tax office | 餉關
hiornglaai | since; from; hitherto | 向來
hiornglaam | face south | 向南
hiorngliong | vector | 向量
hiorngpag | facing the north | 向北
hiorngpoe | front and back | 向背
hiorngsay | facing the west | 向西
hiorngsien | do good turns | 向善
hiorngsii | previously; once upon a time | 向時
hiorngsimlek | centripetal force | 向心力
hiorngsiong | upward; uptilt; upswing; To aim | 向上
hiorngsiong-sym | ambition, desire to get ahead | 向上心
hiorngthiefn | face the sky | 向天; 朝天
hiorngthvy | (v) face upwards; the sky | 向天
hiorngtø | guide | 嚮導
hiorngzeeng | go forward | 向前
hipsiorngkoarn | photo studio | 照相館
hipsiorngky | camera | 照相機
hipsiorngsut | photography | 照相術
hitciorng | that kind of | 那種
hiu'iorng | recreation; relax; relaxation; rest; recuperate | 休養
hoafnhiorng | an echo, a response | 反響
hoafnkhorngkii | opposition to authority phase of human development | 反抗期
hoafnkiong-khornggvoo | a KMT slogan against communist and Russia | 反共抗俄
hoafnkorng | reply to criticism | 反講
hoafnsiorng | fantasy; illusion | 幻想
hoafntong susiorng | reactionary idea | 反動思想
hoafntuix-torng | opposition party | 反對黨
hoaisiorng | to remember, to think of | 懷想
hoarnsiorng | imagine; fancy; imagination; day-dream; delusion; maggot; be lost in reverie | 幻想
hoatborng | a dragnet; the arms of law; the net of justice | 法網
hoatthorng | system of justice | 法統
hoefzorngtviuu | crematory; crematorium | 火葬場
hoehiorng | echo | 回響
hoehthorng | lineage, family line, pedigree | 血統
hoesiorng | to recollect; to look back upon; recollection | 回想
hoesym hiorngtø | turn the mind to the true path | 回心向道
hoextorng | association people | 結黨; 會黨
hofnghorng | shaking | 晃晃
holwborng | hormones | 荷爾蒙; 源自日語ホルモン(horumon)
honghiorngpvoaa | steering wheel | 方向盤
honghiorngtefng | automobile directional lights | 方向燈
hongkhiorng | terrified; frightened | 惶恐
hongsafn-khorng'iar | wilderness; open field | 荒山曠野
hongsviaf porng'viar | false or exaggerated reports going about against people | 惶聲凸影; 誇大無實
hongthorng | the imperial genealogical tree | 皇統
horng | to imitate; to call on; to copy | 仿; 仿(倣); 訪; 況; 倣; 汞; 彷; 諷
horng'viafky | projector | 放影機
horng'viar | to project; video display | 放影; 放映
horng'viar-ky | a projector | 放影機
horng'viuu | to spend time abroad | 放洋
horngbiern | to give an excuse | 放免
horngbok | pasturage; to pasture | 放牧
horngchioxng | set cock on the hoop; give loose to; to indulge; self indulgent | 放縱
horngchviar | furthermore | 況且
hornggieen | to leave a warning message | 放話; 放言
horngha | to put down; let go | 放下
horngheeng | let go; let pass | 放行
hornghengtvoaf | clearance permit | 放行單
hornghoxng | careless | 浮虛; 無專心; 放放; 不切實際
horngjiedkhix | radiator | 放熱器
horngjiet | release heat | 放熱
horngjim | indulge; noninterference | 放任
horngkar | give a vacation to; assign vacations; holidays; leaves; recess; furlough | 放假
horngkhix | give up; to abandon; disclaimer; renunciation; abandonment | 放棄
horngkhoafn | to loosen restrictions; relax rules | 放寬
horngkhoarn | loan; loan out | 放款
horngkhvoar | to make loans; to grant loans | 放款
horngkiafm | moreover; besides; in addition | 況兼; 況且
horngli | lend money in order to earn interest | 放利
hornglim | indulge | 放任
hornglong | dissolute; lax; unrestrained; debauch | 放浪
horngniar | to float (loans); distribute; to lease; to lease public land | 放領
horngpngr | announce or publish the result of a competitive examination | 放榜
horngporng | announce or publish the result of a competitive examination | 放榜
horngsarngthaau | loud-speaker | 放送頭; 擴音器
horngsaxn | scatter, diffuse | 放送; 分散
horngsaxng | to broadcast; announce by radio or loud speaker | 放送; 播送; 廣播
horngsefng | free living creatures (as a means of gaining merit) | 放生
horngsia liauhoad | radiotherapy; radiation therapy | 放射療法
horngsia | radiation; radiate; emission; emit | 放射
horngsiaxkhøf | department of radiology | 放射科
horngsiaxleeng ciernzefng | radioactive or radiological warfare | 放射能戰爭
horngsiaxleeng ciornghai | radiation sickness syndrome | 放射能障害
horngsiaxleeng ee efnghiorng | radiation effects from nuclear tests | 放射能的影響
horngsiaxleeng ee uojiarm | radioactive contamination | 放射能的污染
horngsiaxleeng | radioactivity | 放射能
horngsiaxsexng goansox | radioactive element | 放射性元素
horngsiaxsexng tong'uixsox | radioisotope | 放射性同位素
horngsiaxsexng | radioactive | 放射性
horngsiaxsvoax ciaosioxng | radio graph | 放射線照相
horngsiaxsvoax ihak | radiotherapeutics | 放射線醫學
horngsiaxsvoax liauhoad | radiotherapy | 放射線療法
horngsiaxsvoax | radioactive rays | 放射線
horngsiaxtiin | radioactive fallout | 放射塵
horngsofng | relax one's attention; to ease; loosen | 放鬆
horngsux | wanton | 放肆
horngsym | breathe freely; disburden; set one's heart at rest; feel easy | 放心
horngtarm | boldly and confidently | 放膽
horngti | place; let alone; leave as it is | 放置
horngtien | electric discharge | 放電
horngtiok | to exile; exile; cast off, oust, expel, expatriate | 放逐
horngtix | to lay, to put, to put | 放置
horngtoa | zoom out; enlarge; magnify; blowup; enlarge a photograph | 放大
horngtoaxkviax | magnifying-glass | 放大鏡
horngtong | profligate; debauched; to be easy in one's morals; dissipated | 放蕩
horngtvar | to get bold | 放膽
horngzhud | let out | 放出
horsuokorng | hose | 水管
hosw loaxnsiorng | daydream; to give one's thoughts free rein | 胡思亂想
hoxng'iorng | to take care of one's parents | 奉養
hu'iorng ee gixbu | duty of supporting | 扶養的義務
hu'iorng kazok | dependent | 扶養家族
hu'iorng | to bring up; provide with means of livelihood; provide subsistence or sustenance for; to support | 扶養
hu-sengtiorng | negative grow | 負成長
huihthorng | lineage, family tree, pedigree | 血統
huihuy-cy-siorng | wishful thinking | 非非之想
huiorng | maintain, support (family) | 扶養
hunhiorng | share blessings or happiness | 分享; 同享
huntorng | separate in factions | 分黨; 分派系
huozofngthorng | vice president of a republic | 副總統
huozorng | vice-chairman; vice-chairwoman | 副總
hurn'iorng | (adv) using extreme force of will; without fear; courageously; bravely fighting enemy troops | 奮勇
hut'hoad kisiorng | suddenly hit upon a wild idea; suddenly come upon a strange notion | 突發奇想
hux-zofngthorng | vice president | 副總統
huyporngciar | libeler; slander | 誹謗者
huyporngzoe | criminal offense of libel | 誹謗罪
huytorng | outlawed political party (In Taiwan the term usually applies to the Chinese Communist Party) | 匪黨
hvoriorng | fond of some special duty; fight bravely | 好勇
hw'iorng | to foster, to rear | 輔養
høefzorngtviuu | crematorium | 火葬場
høesiorng | to recollect, recollection, to recall | 回想
høfkorng | easy to speak; easy to bargain or deal with | 好講; 好商量
høhorng | furthermore; besides; much less | 何況
høpengciorng | Nobel peace prize | 和平獎
høsorng | generous; straightforward; offering freely money or service | 豪爽
i juu hoafnciorng | easy as turning over the palm of one's hand--easy as falling off a log | 易如反掌
iauhorng | shake | 搖晃
ienkorng | lead pipe | 鉛管
iesiorng | imagination, to imagine | 意想
ikhiorng | to fair that, only to be afraid of | 一恐; 惟恐; 唯恐; 公平地說害怕
imhiorng | (n) acoustics; sound; audio; sound field (i.e in a room or theater); (n) speakers (electric) | 音響
imhiorng-hauxkør | effects of sound vibrations (physics) | 音響效果
imphynphorng | being flooded; submerged | 淹滿水; 積滿水
iofng'iorng | healthy | 勇勇; 養養
iofng'orng | march fearlessly onward; go straight ahead | 勇往
iofng'orng-tidcieen | march fearlessly onward; go straight ahead | 勇往直前
iofng'orng-tidzeeng | march fearlessly onward; go straight ahead | 勇往直前
iongkhorngloo | smelting furnace | 鎔礦爐
iorng phafng | keep bees | 養蜂
iorng | strong, healthy | 勇; 蛹; 壯; 氧
iorng'ong | strong | 勇旺
iorng-goansox | oxygen, oxygen element | 氧元素
iorng-goanzuo | oxygen atom | 氧原子
iorng-hunzuo | oxygen molecule | 氧分子
iorng-sinmia | in good health, healthy | 養身命; 強壯
iorng`ee | parents who raised kids | 養的
iorngho | protect, support | 擁護
iorngho-ciar | supporter, defender, protector | 擁護者
iornghoax | oxidation, oxidize | 氧化
it'orng zeeng chym | fall deeply in love; head-over-heels in love | 一往情深
it'orng-tidcieen | go ahead bravely without looking back | 一往直前
itborng tvafcin | take the whole at one haul; e.g.; one man taking the whole of what should have been shared with others; make a wholesale arrest of | 一網打盡
itborng-tvafcin | to round up all | 一網打盡
itciorng | category B | 乙種
itlaai-it'orng | come and go | 一來一往
itthorng | unification; unification; unity | 一統
itzorng | all together | 一總
iukorng | oil pipe; oil pipeline | 油管
iulioong-ciorng | award for excellence | 優良獎
iusiux-ciorng | outstanding award | 優秀獎
iuu zhuo cien'orng | go from here | 由此前往
iwiorng-buboo | foolhardy | 有勇無謀
iwiorng-bøboo | to have reckless courage | 有勇無謀
iwkhefng-susiorng | Rightist idea | 右傾思想
iwlaai-iworng | reciprocal | 有來有往
iwseg-jinciorng | colored race | 有色人種
iwsi-bukhiorng | There is no fear when one has something to fall back on | 有恃無恐
iwsid thefthorng | very disgraceful | 有失體統
ixsiorng-thienkhay | have fantastic notions | 異想天開
iøciorng | lottery; cast lots; draw a winner (Lit. to shake out the prize number) | 搖獎
jibtorng | join a party | 入黨
jinciorng buxntøee | racial problem | 人種問題
jinciorng ee phienkiexn | racial prejudice | 人種的偏見
jinciorng ee zhapiet thaixgu | racial discrimination | 人種的差別待遇
jinciorng ee zhapiet | racial segregation; apartheid | 人種的差別
jinciorng | an ethnic group; a human race; a race | 人種
jinkhao phorngtioxng | population explosion | 人口膨脹
jinsiornghak | physiognomy | 人相學
jiorng | yell; roar at | 嚷; 叱嚷
jiorngzø | brewing; brew; brewage | 釀造
jixn'iorng | adopt | 認養
jymsiu thorngkhor | endure suffering patiently | 忍受痛苦
kaciorng | praise or reward; commend or praise (in encouragement) | 嘉獎
kaehorng | liberation, emancipate | 概況
kafmsiorng | sentiment; mental reaction; what one thinks about a thing; the way one feels about a thing; impression; opinion | 感想
kafsiorng | imaginary | 假想
kangciorng | same kind | 同種
kantorng | traitorous clique or party | 奸黨
kao'iorng | cultivate (character), educate, culture, education | 教養
kaoiorng | culture; breed; train; educate and bring up; education; refinement | 教養
karmsiorng | examine and appreciate | 鑑賞
kau'orng | have friendly relations | 交往
kauhiorng | symphonic | 交響
kauhiorng-gagthoaan | orchestra | 交響樂團
kauhiorng-gak | symphonic music | 交響樂
kauhiorng-kheg | symphonic music | 交響曲
kauhiornggak | symphonic music | 交響樂
kauhiorngkeg | symphonic music | 交響曲
kauorng | have friendly relations | 交往
kawkhorng | small abalone | 九孔; 鮑魚
kaxngciorng | the same race | 仝種; 同種
kaxngtorng | same party; of the same party | 同黨
kayhorngkhw | liberated area; area liberated from enemy occupation | 解放區
kea'orng-khailaai | carry on the tradition so as to pave the way for future generations | 繼往開來
keaorng | pass away | 過往
kefiorng | pretend to have a strong body | 假勇; 假裝強壯
kefnggiorng | look up to; admire and respect | 景仰
kefnghorng | circumstances; situation; condition | 境況
kekbeng-susiorng | revolutionary idea | 革命思想
kekborngboxng | has no sense of responsibility for the family | 激蒙蒙; 無家庭責任感
kekciornghoad | aggressive method | 激將法
kengkhiorng | frightened, scared | 驚恐
khaehorng | general condition (aspect); outlook | 概況
khahkorng | speaking even more; no use | 較講; 再怎麼說
khai'orng | start out for; destination of train; bus or boat | 開往
khaiciorng | draw the winning numbers of a lottery | 開獎
khaihoaai-thiorng'irm | have a jolly carousal and forget all cares | 開懷暢飲
khailorng | open mind; discerning; clear bright open | 開朗
khangzhuiekorng | speak without evidence | 空口講; 空嘴講
khaq-uxlaang korng | more people say; said by more people | 較有人講
khauqkhauqkorng | constantly talking | 愕愕說; 說個無停
khietporng | unveiling the list | 揭榜
khimgiorng | look up to; admire and respect | 欽仰; 敬仰
khiorng | afraid; fear; fearful; apprehensive; terror | 恐
khipkorng | a sucker, a siphon | 吸管
khoaciorng | say something polite about; extol; praise too much | 誇獎
khoahbofngborng | vast, broad | 闊莽莽
khoahlorngloxng | vast, broad | 闊閬閬
khoankorng | vast; broad; spacious; extensive; wide | 寬廣
khoaq-bofngborng | loosely | 闊莽莽; 一望無垠
khoaq-lorngloxng | spacing and loosely | 闊閬閬; 面積寬廣
khofhorng | difficult situation | 苦仿; 苦景
khofpie korng | for example | 可譬講
khongsiorng | impractical thought or idea; to daydream | 空想
khongsw-boxngsiorng | fantasy; daydream | 空思夢想
khorng thvajiin cy khaix | show generosity of unselfishness with another's wealth; be generous at the expense of others | 慷他人之慨
khorng | generous; consolidate; hole; opening; a hole | 慷; 鞏; 孔
khorng'iar | a plain; a prairie; the great outdoor | 曠野
khorng'iar-he | Mining and Metallurgy dept. | 礦冶系
khorng'iuu | mineral oil | 礦油
khorng'iøo | a pit formed by digging for clay in making pottery | 炕窯; 去土石造窯積
khorng'iøqsexng | drug resistance | 抗藥性
khorngbahpng | soft meat with rice | 炕肉飯
khorngbaq | to stew or simmer the meat; cooked pork; pork stew; cook meat softly (usually pork) | 炕肉; 爌肉 (煮爛之豬肉)
khorngbeng | to resit an order; disobey orders | 抗命
khorngbu | the business of a mine | 礦務
khorngbudcid | mineral matter | 礦物質
khorngbudhak | mineralogy | 礦物學
khorngbudkaix | mineral kingdom | 礦物界
khorngbuq | combo; a tangle | 海帶; 昆布; 源自日語こんぶ(kombu); 日語漢字為「昆布」
khorngbut | a mineral | 礦物
khorngbut-cid | mineral matter | 礦物質
khorngbut-hagciar | mineralogist | 礦物學者
khorngbut-hak | mineralogy | 礦物學
khorngbut-iuu | mineral oil | 礦物油
khorngchiofng | expand, extend | 擴張; 擴充
khorngcid | to be absent from office without leave; to neglect official duties; stay away from office without leave | 曠職
khorngciexn taotea | fight an invading enemy to the last man | 抗戰到底
khorngciexn-sikii | period of the War of Resistance (especially the one against Japan 1937-1945) | 抗戰時期
khorngciøh | a mineral; an ore; ore | 礦石
khornggi | object; remonstrate; protest; objection; protest | 抗議
khornggiabkoaan | mining rights | 礦業權
khornggiap | mining industry | 礦業
khornggiap-kongsy | mining company | 礦業公司
khornggixsw | letter (form) of protest | 抗議書
khornggo | 5%; five percent | 零五; 百分之五
khornghaan | drought-resistance | 曠寒; 抗寒
khornghak | to neglect one's study; to play truant | 曠學
khornghan | drought | 旱災; 亢旱; 苦旱
khornghancii | bake sweet potato | 烤地瓜; 爌蕃薯
khorngheeng | contend | 抗衡
khornghoex | to neglect | 曠廢
khornghw | mine worker | 礦夫; 礦工
khorngjiet | heat resistance; heat resistant | 抗熱
khorngjiet-zailiau | heat resistant material | 抗熱材料
khorngjit | resist Japanese aggression | 抗日
khorngkafng | miner | 礦工
khorngkhafng | an opening of a mine | 礦孔
khorngkhao | mouth of a mine | 礦口
khorngkhoaq | vast; extensive; very broad | 曠闊; 遼闊; 寬闊; 開闊; 寬廣
khorngkhoxng | constantly, continuously | 礦礦; 動搖
khorngkhud | a cave of a mine | 礦穴
khorngkhvef | mining pit | 礦坑
khorngkhw | (n) mining site; mining area | 礦區
khorngkhøx | cut class; stay away from the school; stay away from school (classes) without leave | 曠課
khorngkiao | refuse to pay; refuse to effort money payment | 抗繳; 拒繳
khorngkoarn | control | 控管
khorngku | resist; oppose | 抗拒
khorngkvoaf | to rebel (to civil officers) | 抗官
khorngkøx | sue; delation; accuse; accuse; to appeal to a higher court | 控告
khorngle | couple; pair; husband and wife (a polite expression) | 伉儷
khornglek | power of resistance | 抗力
khornglui | minerals | 礦類
khorngpien | to resist debate; speak out in one's own defense; refute; to rebut; retort | 抗辯
khorngpo | resist arrest | 抗捕
khorngpø | oppose tyranny | 抗暴
khorngsarn | mineral resources; minerals | 礦產
khorngsengsox | wonder drugs; antibiotics | 抗生素
khorngsex | unequaled by contemporaries | 曠世
khorngsoaf | ore in sand form | 礦砂
khorngsorjiin | plaintiff; accuser | 控訴人
khorngsorzng | letter of appeal (complaint) | 控訴狀
khorngsox | sue; accusation; accuse; charge; appeal | 控訴
khorngsox-hoe | an accusation meeting | 控訴會
khorngsvoaf | mountains containing mineral deposits; mine | 礦山
khorngsw | teacher of the miner; master of the miner | 礦師
khorngtai | enlarge; expand; extend | 擴大
khorngte | graveyard | 曠地; 墓地
khorngtek | resist (enemies); oppose | 抗敵
khorngthea | antibody | 抗體
khorngthngf | to stew or simmer (meat) for broth | 登湯; 熬湯; 爌湯
khorngthoo | wilderness; waste | 曠土
khorngtiern | enlarge the plan, enlarged plans | 擴展; 擴張
khorngtiofng | to stretch; to extend; to spread; to expand; expand; enlarge; dilate; dilation | 擴張; 擴大
khorngtoa | to enlare; to expand; to swell; to distend; to dilate; to magnify; extend | 擴大
khorngtogsox | antitoxin | 抗毒素
khorngtok-sox | antitoxin | 抗毒素
khorngtviuu | mine | 礦場
khorngtviw | to stretch; to extend; to spread; to expand | 擴張
khorngtø | mining tunnel | 礦道
khorngtøe | a mining place | 礦地
khorngtøee | to stew or simmer the pig's legs; to stew or simmer the leg-meat of the hog | 爌蹄; 煮豬腳蹄
khorngzefng | resist, opposition, contend | 抗爭
khorngzex | control; check over; hold the keys of; restrain | 控制
khorngzex-koaan | control, domination | 控制權
khorngzex-lun | cybernetics | 控制論
khorngzex-sox | control figure | 控制素
khorngzhaethaau | boil the daikon over slow heat | 炕菜頭
khorngzhngg | a brick bed warmed by a fire underneath | 炕床
khorngzof | to resist to rent | 抗租; 抗拒租用
khorngzoong | mineral reserves; mineral resources | 礦藏
khorngzvoaa | mineral spring | 礦泉
khorngzvoazuie | mineral spring water | 礦泉水
khuiciorng | draw the winning numbers of a lottery | 開獎
khut'orng | to go forward with frustration and humiliation | 屈往
khyhorng | to kick up a fuss, to cause a disturbance | 起騷; 起鬨
khøkorngsi | could be | 可說是
khørlorng | lean toward; draw close; affiliate | 靠攏
khørsiorng | give a reward to | 犒賞
kiariorng | send a child to another family for temporary care, depend on others for a living | 寄養
kiau'iorng | to grow up in soft surroundings; to live a sheltered life | 嬌養
kiciorng | model | 機種
kie'iorng | to board out, to consign (a child) to someone's care | 寄養
kie'orng | already; bygones | 既往
kieorng | past; what is gone or done; the former standing or condition | 既往
kieorng-putkiu | Let bygones be bygones. No post-mortems! (not to access blame for past events) | 既往無咎; (究)
kieorng-putkiux | Let bygones be bygones. No post-mortems! (not to access blame for past events) | 既往無咎; (究)
kierngi put'uii bu'iorng ia | see an opportunity for doing right and fail to do it is cowardice | 見義無為無勇也
kiettorng | assemble; gather; form a party (faction); form a clique or faction for evil purposes | 結黨; 成群結黨; 呼朋引伴; 結夥; 聚集
kiettorng-sengkuun | form a gang and gather a group | 結黨成群
kileeng sorngsid | malfunction | 機能喪失
kiliorng | tricks | 技倆
kimporng | billboard announcing the names of successful candidates (under the former civil service examination system) | 金榜
kimsiong-ciorng | academy award, Oscar | 金像獎
kimsioxngciorng | an Oscar (award) | 金像獎
kiofng'iorng | nourish, support | 供養
kiongzorngzef | tonics | 強壯劑
kiorng | offering; strong; consolidate; strengthen; to guard; firm; strong | 供; 強; 鞏; 彊; 龔; 襁
kiorng'erngseg | supply room | 供應室
kiorng'exng | provide; furnish; supply | 供應
kiorng'iorng | take care of one's elders; feed one's children | 供養
kiornghut | make offerings to Buddha | 供佛
kiorngkib | to supply; to equip; to provide | 供給
kiorngkiuu | supply and demand | 供求
kiorngsuu | confession to a criminal act | 供詞
kioxnghiorng | enjoy together | 共享
kioxngsarn-torng | Communist Party | 共產黨
kioxngzorng | altogether; in sum; in all; in total | 共總; 總共
kipcirntorng | radical political party | 急進黨
kipcixn-susiorng | radical ideas | 急進思想
kirmcie chialiorng thongheeng | No vehicles allowed. No thoroughfare | 禁止車輛通行
kisiorng | strange way of looking at something; a strong view | 奇想
kiwgiorng taixbeeng | I have long heard of your name | 久仰大名
kiwgiorng | (literally) I have heard of your illustrious name for a long time--Glad to know you; I have long desired to know you. (conventional phrase on being introduced) | 久仰
kix lie korng | You may say whatever you like | 隨你說
kixnhorng | recent situation; Recent circumstances | 近況
kixnkhorng | recent situation | 近況
kixntai-susiorng | modern thought | 近代思想
kixzoat lai'orng | sever communications or relations | 拒絕來往
kiørkorng | to say by shouting | 叫講
kiøx-oan'orng | cry out for justice | 喊冤枉; 叫冤枉
koansiorng | to see and enjoy | 觀賞
kociorng-lanbeeng | one palm cannot clap and make a sound ─ cannot do without assistance; both parties share equally the blame for the quarrel | 孤掌難鳴
koea'orng | die; past (affair) | 去世
koeaciorng | I don't deserve your praise. (a polite expression) | 過獎
koeaorng | die | 過往
kofngliawkorng | said again and again | 講了講
koftorng | antique article; bric-a-brac; antique; strange but interesting; useless article or person; curios; antique | 古董
kokbiin susiorng | national sentiment | 國民思想
kokciorng | every kind; all kinds; various kinds | 各種
kokzex kioxngsafntorng | Communist International | 國際共產黨
kongsiorng | violent thinking; wild views (of something) | 狂想
kongsiorng-kheg | rhapsody | 狂想曲
kongthiorng | public cemetery | 公塚
korng bøexlaai | can not express it properly; can not speak so as to accomplish the purpose | 講無來
korng bøexliao | can not be fully told (since it is so great or long); can not enumerate all of them | 講無完
korng bøexsoaq | talk without the least intermission; keep on chattering | 講無停
korng bøexthofng | can't get through with my meaning; he is impenetrable: he won't listen | 講無通
korng bøloxlaai | cannot express it properly | 講無來
korng hausiauoe | bullshit | 講嘐潲話
korng kaux zøx kaux | practice one's promise | 說到做到
korng laang ee tngtea | criticize others; talk about the shortcomings of others | 說人長短
korng mxcvia'oe | conversation disagreeable; without actually quarrelling; have no topics of common interest | 糊說八道
korng nar bycyn | say in vain; say for nothing | 比喻說了也沒用
korng toaxsviaoe | brag | 講大聲話
korng | say; to talk; tell; to discourse | 講
korng'oaan | Taiwanese port ball | 貢丸
korng-bøexlierntngr | speaking not very fluently; unable to speak distinctly; speak with a lisp | 講話無明; 口齒不清
korng-goxng'oe | say absurd things; Nonsense! Don't be silly! | 說傻話
korng-peqzhat | to tell a lie | 講白賊
korng-putpeeng | complain of unfairness, grumble | 講無平; 發牢騷
korng-tøxlie | preach, speak justice, speak fairly | 講道理
korngcvii | squeeze money | 槓錢; 敲竹槓
korngguun | tribute money | 敲銀; 貢銀
kornghiexn | contribution; render services to | 貢獻
korngkarn | a lever | 槓桿
korngkhva'ar | sodomy (slang) | 槓坩仔; 雞姦; 男色
korngkw | to end up with nothing | 摃龜; 落空
kornglea | the presents offered as tribute | 貢禮
korngløo | to beat a gong | 摃鑼
korngmih | goods offered in tribute | 貢品; 貢物
korngphirn | articles of tribute | 貢品
korngphoax | to break; to smash; to break with a blow; to shatter | 敲破; 打破
korngsie | smash to death, beat to death | 摃死; 打死
korngthngg | the candy offered as tribute | 貢糖; 精緻糖
korngthui'ar | hammer | 鎚子仔
korngthuii | hammer; mallet | 大槌; 摃槌
korngtoan | satin | 貢緞
korngzefng | to knock a bell; strike a bell with a stick | 敲鐘
korngzhuix | to smash to pieces | 摃嘴; 摃碎
korsiorng | an idea; a conception; a plan; a scheme | 構想
kunciorng | branch of armed forces | 軍種
kuozai lie korng | You may say whatever you like | 隨你說
kutsiornghak | phrenology | 骨相學
kuxnhorng | recent circumstances; recent situation | 近況
kuxtorng | old party | 舊黨
kvafkorng | Is it possible...?; Do you really mean to say...?Is it true that...? | 難道
kvar khix mxkvar korng | angry but not daring to speak out | 敢怒無敢言
kvar korng | courageous enough to express one's beliefs | 敢講
kvoaforng | rush to | 趕往
køea'orng | pass; be gone | 過往; 逝世
køsiorng | loftiness; nobleness; nobility; noble; elegant; refined | 高尚
køtorng | upscale | 高檔
lai'ekorng | come to talk | 來的講
lai'orng | go and to come; mix with; associate with; personal contacts between two parties | 往來; 來往
laihorng | visit; appear; arrive | 來訪
laikorng | come to tak | 來講
lalorng | draw over to one's side | 拉攏
lamtieen-ciornggiok | get a girl or woman pregnant | 藍田種玉
langkorng | it is said that | 人說; 據說
laqciorng | smoked duck's feet | 臘掌; 鴨掌
lau-tornggong | old is muddled | 老侗戇; 老糊塗
lauxkoftorng | antique; an ultraconservative | 老古董
laxmsarm korng | talk at random; speak falsely | 亂散講
leborng | lemon | 檸檬; 源自日語レモン(remon)
lefngtorngkhox | refrigerating apparatus; refrigerator | 冷凍庫
lefngtorngzef | refrigerate; freeze; coolant; cooling agent; refrigerant | 冷凍劑
legtorng | green party | 綠黨
lemorng | lemon | 檸檬
lengborng | lemon | 檸檬
lengborng-ciab | lemon juice | 檸檬汁
lengborng-sngf | citric acid | 檸檬酸
lengborng-zuie | lemonade | 檸檬水
lenghuun zhorngzø soad | theory of the creation of a soul for every person at birth | 靈魂創造說
liangsorng | cool and comfortable | 涼爽
liaqzwnkorng | though it was ... | 若準講
liau'iorng | convalescence; recuperate; convalesce | 療養
liau'iorng-vi | sanatorium; sanitarium | 療養院
liauiorng | convalescence, recuperate, convalesce | 療養
liauxsiorng bøexkaux | had no idea the matter would go so far | 料想無到
liauxsiorng | to reckon; to imagine; to suppose; reckon; imagine; suppose; to guess; to conjecture | 料想
libtorng | form a political party | 立黨
liensiorng | associate; association of ideas; be reminded of | 聯想
lientiorng | elder person; senior person | 年長
liexn'iorng | a militiaman | 練勇
linciorng | race | 人種
liongsym sorngsid | utterly conscienceless | 良心喪失
lioorng'lioxngliong | with a lot of surplus | 量量量
liorng hongbin | both sides; the two sides | 兩方面
liorng pud siongjiong | neither side will yield | 兩無相讓
liorng | two; a pair; a couple; both; one-sixteenth of a kin; tael | 兩
liorng'lioxngliong | with a lot of surplus | 量量量
liorngkhuy | free oneself or s.t. from tangle | 掙開
liorngkoaan | jump to reach out | 躍高
liorngtit | stretch straight | 踢直
liorngzao | to run away; to escape | 踜走; 逃脫
liorngzhud | stretch out | 踢出
lioxngsiorng | (n) size-up; estimate | 量想; 推測; 思量; 料想
lirnlixn-lorngloxng | loud noise and turmoil (of heavy things moved about; men treading heavily; or loud rapid knocking) | 輾輾隆隆
lirnlornghao | loud noise and turmoil | 隆隆響
lirnlorngkiøx | loud noise and turmoil | 隆隆響
lixn'iorng | adopt | 認養
loadciorng | inferior race | 劣種
loaxnjiorng | clamor; hubbub | 亂嚷
loaxnkorng | (n) ballocks; blather; (vi) blather; talk nonsense; drivel; to make irresponsible remarks; speak foolishly or recklessly; speak without thought or regard for facts and truth; say what should not be said | 亂講
loaxnloaxnkorng | to talk nonsense | 亂亂講
loaxntorng | rebel party or faction | 亂黨
loborng | reckless | 鹵莽
lofborng | reckless | 魯莽
lofngzorng | total; sum; total amount; total; all | 攏總; 總共; 全部; 都
log'imtorng | recording file | 錄音檔
lomoaa-torng | ruffians as a group | 流氓黨
lomoatorng | gang of rascals | 流氓黨
longkuun-kawtorng | disorderly crowd; a pack of dogs ─ a riot of evil persons | 狼群狗黨
lorng si | all | 攏是
lorng | all; always; all; altogether; collect; to grasp; draw near to | 都; 攏; 全; 全部; 聾; 籠; 朗
lorngkex | reduce price | 競價
lorngkhix | get rid of | 挵去
lorngkhoxng | spacious, baggy (clothing) | 隆曠; 寬大(衣服)
lorngkhoxng-kefng | empty spacious room | 隆曠間; 寬大而空的房間
lorngkhuy | to knock away by bumping; open with blows; whacks; kicks or thumps | 撞開
lorngkiukefng | pool table store | 挵球間
lorngkiuu | billiards | 撞球; 挵球
lorngliblaai | get in | 挵入來
lornglorng'kiøx | to roar | 撞撞叫
lorngloxng-khorngkhoxng | very spacious (house); (clothes) too large and loose | 撞撞曠曠; 寬敞開闊
lorngmngg | knock at door; knock loudly at the door; pound upon a door | 敲門; 挵門; 叩門; 撞門
lorngphoarkhafng | beak with a hole | 弄破孔; 撞破
lorngphoartong | beak with a hole | 弄破孔; 撞破
lorngphoartviar | break the pan | 挵破鼎
lorngphoax | to hurt by bumping; to break; break with a blow; break open | 撞破; 挵破; 弄破; 摔破
lorngphvae | damaged | 挵歹
lorngsie | to kill by bumping | 撞死
lorngsiofng | to injure by bumping | 撞傷
lorngthuii | get a mallet | 弄槌
lorngtiøh | bump; hit; run on; run against | 撞到
lorngtør | to knock down by bumping | 撞倒
lorngzhud | made | 挵出
loxborng | escape from net | 漏網
loxhorng | road conditions | 路況
loxngsorng | incite; instigate | 煽動
luxncinkorng | speaking the truth | 論真講
lysiorng siaxhoe | ideal society | 理想社會
lysiorng | ideal; dreamy; ideality; ideal; idea; thought | 理想
lysiorng-hoax | to idealize | 理想化
lysiorng-khiethea | ideal gas | 理想氣體
løborng | net; network | 羅網
maekorng | say no more | 莫講
maix korng | Don't talk; Don't tell. (him) | 無要說
malafsorng | marathon | 馬拉松
malasorng | marathon | 馬拉松
melorng | Hami melon (a variety of muskmelon) | 香瓜; 源自日語メロン(meron)
mngtorng'ar | door stopper | 門擋仔
mngxkorng | ask | 問講
mociorng | clutches of the devil | 魔掌
mokuytorng | devil party | 魔鬼黨
moxhorng | imitate | 冒倣; 模仿
muyciorng | every kind | 每種
mxkorng | won't say | 毋講
nailorng | nylon | 尼龍
nawtiornghofng | stroke | 腦中風
niafiorng | adopt (a child) | 領養
nngxciorng | two kind of | 兩種
oafnsiorng | to enjoy (moon; flowers; etc.); enjoy or appreciate the beauty of something | 玩賞
oan'orng | false charge; grievance; charge falsely | 冤枉
oanhorng | lie | 圓謊
oe korng-bøextheeng | chatterbox | 雜念; 喋喋無休
ofng'orng | often; frequently; occasionally; now and then; often so; frequently | 往往
okorng | oboe | 黑管; 烏管
oktorng | wicked confederacy or clique; ugly mob | 惡黨
olofbogzeatorng | louzy gang or political party | 烏魯木齊黨
opeh-korng | talk nonsense; drivel; (adj) babbling; (n) nonsense; blather; guff; waffle; (vi) blather; haver | 亂講話
opeqkorng | say any old thing | 黑白講
orng | for; to; toward; go to; depart for; often; frequently; to pass; in the past; formerly | 往
osw-loaxnsiorng | daydream; to give one's thoughts free rein | 胡思亂想
otiab'iorng | butterfly chrysalis | 蝴蝶蛹
padciorng | other kind; different kind | 別種
paehorng | to visit; to call on; look-in; pay a visit (a polite term) | 拜訪
pahgoaxciorng | more than one hundred species | 百多種
pahpahciorng | varieties over 100 kinds | 百百種
pahthorng | one hundred barrels | 百捅
paikhiekorng | exhaust pipe | 排氣管
paikhix-korng | exhaust pipe | 排氣管
paizuie-korng | drainage pipeline | 排水管
paizuykorng | drainpipe | 排水管
palorng | scad, amberfish, big eyed scad, goggle eyes | 琥珀; 紅帶鰺
panciorng | give a prize or a reward; distribute | 頒獎
pauciorng-tee | a kind of tea | 包種茶
pehtiafmtorng | TV primtime 8pm program | 八點檔
pengciorng | intra-service classification of military units according to their equipment and functions | 兵種
peqkorng | to waste one's breath; to speak in vain; might as well not have said it at all | 白說; 白講
phafng-korngkoxng | smelling fresh | 香貢貢; 芳絳絳
phahtng chiwkud tientøx iorng | turn a misfortune into a blessing; to profit from a misfortune; After a storm; comes calm. (Lit. After a broken arm has been cured; it is stronger than before.) | 因禍得福
phangkorngkoxng | sweet smelling; savory; appetizing | 香噴噴
phao'afkorng | cannon | 炮仔管
phaykorng | hard to say | 歹講
phengtiornglek | power of expansion | 膨脹力
phiauporng | to advertize, to brag | 標榜
phieluxnkorng | for example | 譬論講
phinphorng | ping-pong; table tennis | 乒乓
phinphorng-kiuu | ping-pong ball, table tennis | 乒乓球
phoephoe'ar korng | allude to a matter without giving much explanation; give only a hint | 皮皮仔講; 說點皮毛
phofciorng | general award | 普獎
phofto ciorngsefng | deliver (Buddhism); save all beings | 普渡眾生
phokkorng | full of air and protrude | 凸管; 凸起而內包空氣
phoksorng | surplus | 多餘
phorng | scoop up in both hands | 凸; 捧; 掬,; 拿
phorng'ie | sofa | 凸床; 膨椅; 沙發; 沙發椅
phorng'vii | balloon-shaped | 凸圓; 圓圓的
phorng'ykhaf | under the sofa | 膨椅跤
phorng'yterng | on the sofa | 膨椅頂
phorngbie | puffed rice | 膨米
phorngbin | convex (face), mad | 凸面
phorngbixnkviax | a convex mirror | 凸面鏡
phorngboea | the amount budgeted over and above what is actually needed to purchase an item to make sure expenses can be covered; also refers to the number of things budgeted | 膨尾; 較實際寬鬆之數目
phorngchie | squirrel | 松鼠
phornghofng | to brag; to talk big; flatulence; belly slightly swollen; to boast; to brag; talk big | 凸風; 膨風; 脹氣; 吹牛; 肚子脹氣
phornghong'aftee | bragging tea | 膨風仔茶
phornghongkw | braggart; boaster | 誇張者; 吹牛者
phornghurn | face power; face powder (in a round cake) | 撲粉; 膨粉; 化妝用圓盒的白撲粉
phorngji | raised letters for the blind, braille | 凸字; 點字
phorngkafm | large tangerine; type of tangerine | 凸柑; 椪柑; 橘子
phorngkhylaai | puff up | 膨起來
phorngkied | small orange | 凸柑; 椪橘
phorngkorng | convex tube | 凸管
phorngkviax | a magnifying glass | 凸鏡
phornglab | concave | 凸凹
phorngmngg | convex | 凸門
phorngnaq | concave | 凸凹; 凹凸的
phorngpha | skin bubbles; become blistered; get a blister | 起泡; 膨疱; 燙傷起泡
phorngphee | puffed | 膨皮
phorngphoee | fleshy; plump; well filled out | 蓬皮; 白白胖胖的
phorngphoephorngphoee | puffy | 膨皮膨皮
phorngphorngphoxng | extremely puffed | 膨膨膨
phorngphorngtoa | puffed | 膨膨大
phorngphoxng | bulging; concave | 凸凸
phorngphux | pump | 幫浦; 手動抽水機; 源自日語ポンプ(pompu)
phorngphøe | a quilt with cotton | 棉被
phorngphøee | plentiful; chubbiness; fulness; plim; well-developed | 豐滿; 凸皮
phorngpviar | muffin; bell shaped cakes | 膨餅; 鬆餅; 凸餅
phorngsaisay | puffed | 膨獅獅
phorngsebø | woolen had | 膨紗帽
phorngsef | woolen yarn | 毛線; 膨紗
phorngsef-svaf | sweater, knitted dress | 毛線衣; 膨紗衫
phorngsesvaf | knitted woolen garment; sweater | 毛線衣
phorngsesvoax | woolen yarn | 蓬梳線; 毛線
phorngsvoax | woolen yarn | 毛線
phorngtaixhae | some type of medicine; one kind of medicinal herbs it help hoarse | 膨大海
phorngtefng | affairs run into obstruction | 膨釘; 碰釘; 比喻事情遇到阻礙; 碰釘(子)
phorngthaau | bulge | 膨頭
phorngthab | concave and convex | 膨蹋; 凹凸
phorngtioxng | to swell; to expand; to inflated; inflation | 膨脹
phorngto tefmia | curse; used by a woman toward a man | 短命鬼; (罵人)
phorngto | swollen stomach; imply dead fish; belly swollen (of a corpse) | 凸肚; 肚脹
phorngtoa | swollen; expand; distend | 頭大; 妄自尊大; 脹大; 膨脹
phorngtoortefmia | big belly short life | 膨肚短命
phorngtor | embossed panel | 凸翹
phorngtoxtefmia | big belly short life | 膨肚短命
phorngtøee | knuckles | 凸蹄
phorngzhngg | spring bed | 凸床; 彈簧床
phorngzhuo | a squirrel | 松鼠; 膨鼠
phorngzuie | pump water | 膨水
phunhorng | scoop up | 浮凸
phvaykorng | hard to say; hard to speak (out); not suitable to talk about; hard to explain | 難講; 無好講; 說不定
phvaysex-korng | excuse me | 歹舒講; 無好意思
phvaytorng | bad group, evil gang | 歹黨; 惡黨
phvixkorng | nasal cavity; nasal passages | 鼻管; 鼻孔; 鼻腔; 鼻樑
phvixuixkorng | nasogastric tube | 鼻胃管
phyju korng | for an example (e.g.) | 譬喻講
phynciorng | species or variety of plants or animals | 品種
phynphorng-kiuu | ping-pong ball, table tennis | 乒乓球
phøeaciorng | artificial insemination | 配種; 人工授精
phøxiorng | to adopt and raise (a child) | 抱養
piaq sorngphaxn | cheat; take in; play a trick on; to swindle money out of others; commit fraud | 詐騙
pitgiap siorngphvix | graduation day (group) picture | 畢業相片
pitkorng | pen tube | 筆管
poafntorng | group of rebels, insurgent organization | 半黨
poatjiorng | to set aside a little time out of a tight schedule | 撥冗
poaxntorng | insurgent | 叛黨
poe'iorng | to cultivate; to bring up; to train up; to nurture | 培養
poeiorng | to train; culture; to bring up; to groom (for a position); do a bacterial culture; cultivate; to grow (plants); raise (children); cultivate (one's mind); invigorate | 培養
poesiorng | compensate; indemnify; recompense | 賠償
pofiorng | nourish | 補養
pofsiorng | compensation; atone | 補償; 贖罪
poorng'ar | scale | 磅仔
porciorng-kii | seedtime | 播種期
porng | calamus | 菶
porng'oe | slander | 誹謗
pornghoong bukex | agitated; not knowing what to do | 徬徨無計
pornghoong | agitated; not knowing what to do | 徬徨
pornghuie | slander | 謗誹; 誹謗
porngr | sowing seedlings | 播秧
porngtok | blaspheme, blasphemy | 謗瀆; 褻瀆
porzhankorng | farming tube | 佈田管
poxiorng | to feed | 哺養
pud tiorng'iong | useless; not useful for the purpose | 無中用
pud tiorng'ix | not quite up to one's ideal (expectations); not desirable; not suitable | 不中意
put'horngsym | to feel uneasy | 無放心; 不放心
put'tiorng'iong | useless, awkward, dull, stupid | 無中用; 不中用
putkhamsiet'siorng | unimaginable | 無堪設想
putkhamsietsiorng | unimaginable | 無堪設想
putkhør khornglek | irresistible force; act of God | 無可抗力
putseeng-thefthorng | wildly (acting or talking); without regard to common practice or propriety | 無成體統
puttiorng'iong | useless | 無中用
puttorng | unable to understand; dumb | 無懂; 愚純
pvexhorng | condition of a patient | 病況
pvixhorng | conditional of a disease | 病況
pwntorng | our party; this party | 本黨
pyju korng | for instance; take an illustration; for example; figuratively speaking | 比喻說
pylun korng | for instance; for example | 比如說
pyluxnkorng | for example | 比論講
pøciorng | award; accolade; praise and encourage (an inferior) | 褒獎
pøesiorng | indemnity | 賠償
pøfiorng | to protect; maintain; maintenance (of a car; ship); take care (of health) | 保養
pøfsiwtorng | Conservative Party | 保守黨
pøsiorng | reward (for a praiseworthy act); to reward; to give as a mark of favor | 褒賞
samkhetorng | Ku Klux Klan | 三K黨
saykorng | unnecessary to explain | 屑講; 無用講
sekorngbie | sago (rice) | 西貢米
seng'iorng | bear and raise | 生養
seng'oah zoxnghorng | living conditions | 生活狀況; (態)
sengkhw lorng si siefn | the body covered with hardened dust | 全身都是體垢
sengtiorng køeatheeng | adolesce | 成長過程
sengtiorng | live; grow up; growth | 成長; 生長
serngthiorng | Grace (of God) | 聖寵
sexnghorng | successful (affair); grand; prosperity; boom; hit (in business) | 盛況
siafsinhorngmia | sacrifice one's life | 捨身放命
siangkorng | parallel bars | 雙管
siangtorng | the same party | 相黨
siau'orng | sold to | 銷往
siauhoax hexthorng | digestive apparatus or system | 消化系統
siautiorng | ebb and flow | 消長
siaxhoe binzwtorng | social democrats | 社會民主黨
siaxhoextorng | Socialist Party | 社會黨
siaxm'iorng | provide with means of support; to support | 贍養
siaxngtorng | belonging to the same party | 同黨
sid thefthorng | lose dignity; be disgraced | 失體統
sidhorng zoafnpox | on-the-spot broadcasting | 實況轉播
sidhorng | actual state or scene; real condition | 實況
sidkorng | frankly speaking | 實講
sidoexsidkorng | tell the truth | 實話實講
sien'iorng | brave | 先勇
sienjinciorng | cactus | 仙人掌
sietsiorng | thoughtful; imagine; idea; rough plan; think | 設想
siexntiorng | good at; adept | 擅長
simhorng | search and visit | 尋訪
simlorng | happy heart | 心朗
simsorng | pleasure | 心爽
sin'iorng | supernatural bravery | 神勇
sin'orng | aspire | 神往
sinkefng hexthorng | nervous system | 神經系統
sinkefng-hexthorng | nervous system | 神經系統
sinlongciorng | Shennong award | 神農獎
sinpakchixtiorng | New Taiepe City Mayor | 新北市長
sionghorng | visit | 相訪
siorng | think; consider; to hope; expect; to plan | 想
siorngbin | Physiognomy | 相面
siorngchiuo | Physiognomy- hands; opponent- in Japanese | 相手
siorngchyn | interview prior to marriage | 相親
siorngciaf-siornghiaf | watching here and there | 相這相那
siornghw kaozuo | assist the husband and teach the children: duty of a wife | 相夫教子
siorngkhafng | aiming the hole | 相孔
siorngkhefng | mount; frame (for picture) | 像框
siorngkofng | prime minister; a young gentleman (a term common in opera and old novels); (slang) a catamite | 相公
siorngky | camera | 相機
siorngmau | feature; lineament; physiognomy; countenance; physiognomy; facial features | 相貌; 像貌
siorngmia | tell fortunes | 相命; 算命
siorngmiaxsiefn | fortune teller | 相算先
siorngphang | aiming at the opening | 相縫
siorngpho | album | 相簿
siorngphvie'lai | in the photo | 相片內
siorngphvix | photograph; photo | 相片
siorngsu | fortune teller | 相士
siorngsut | physiognomy | 相術
siorngsviaf | crosstalk | 相聲
siorngtiøh | meet | 相著
siorngzurn | coincide | 相準
siorngzwnzurn | coincide | 相準準
sioxngterng thornghoex | perfect contrition (Catholic) | 上等痛悔
sirn'giorng | belief, faith | 信仰
sirn'giorng-kørpek | confession of faith | 信仰告白
sirn'giorng-seng'oah | faithful life | 信仰生活
sirngiorng liauhoad | faith healing | 信仰療法
sirngiorng puttoong | disparity of cult | 信仰無同
sirngiorng zuxiuu | freedom of religion | 信仰自由
sirngiorng | belief; faith; religious; believe in | 信仰
sirngiorng-kørpek | confession of faith | 信仰告白
sirngiorng-seng'oah | faithful life | 信仰生活
sitthiorng | lose the confidence of the boss; lose the love of one's husband; fall out of imperial favor | 失寵
siu thorngkhor | undergo pain; suffer pain | 受痛苦
siu'iorng | culture; accomplishment; training; discipline | 修養; 收養
siuiorng | adopt | 收養
siuxciorng | to receive a reward | 受獎
siuxhorng | Interviewed | 受訪
sixkorng | Is talking about | 是講
siøfsortorng | minority political party | 少數黨
siøjiorng | scream at each other | 相嚷
siøliorng | scream at each other | 相嚷
siøzhorngti | joke; make fun of; jest | 開玩笑; 互相戲弄
sngf-tiorngtok | acidosis | 酸中毒
sngrkorng | be regarded as | 算講
soafnchiwciorng | player award | 選手獎
soanjiorng | bawl, to clamor, to make a hullabaloo | 喧囂; 喧嚷
soat'horng | to lie, to tell a lie | 說謊
sofkorng | what ... say; that which is said | 所講
softiorng | one's specialty | 所長
sokkakorng | P.V.C. pipe | 塑膠管
sorciorng | several kinds of | 數種
soriorng | culture; acquirement; knowledge; one's general capacity and disposition as a result of long and regular self-discipline; grounding; (elementary) knowledge; accomplishments; cultured | 素養
sorng | bright; pleasure; refreshing; crisp; agreeable; pleasant; brisk; straightforward; frank | 爽
sorngbeng | lose one's life; die | 喪命
sorngboong | lose life; die | 喪亡
sorngbyar | dighten the waist | 宋米仔
sorngcin thienlioong | have no conscience; impervious to a sense of justice | 喪盡天良
sorngcin | lose entirely | 喪盡; 丟光
sorngcix | mournful | 喪志
sorngheeng | send-off; give a send off | 送行
sorngheeng-hoe | farewell service (encouraging a person who is undertaking a difficult assignment) | 送行會
sornghiofng | destitute, poor | 喪鄉; 貧窮
sornghoaan | send back | 送還; 送回
sornghoee | send back | 送還; 送回
sorngkaf | bereavement family | 喪家
sorngkhix | dampen; dejected; despondent; in low spirits; discouraged | 喪氣
sorngkhoaan | bereavement | 喪權
sorngphaxn | stupid fellow; an ass; bonehead | 傻瓜; 土驢
sorngphaxn`ee | dumbo | 宋盼的
sorngpiet | see (a person) off; give a send off | 送別
sorngpiet-hoe | farewell meeting | 送別會
sorngsefng | lose one's life | 喪生
sorngsid liongsym | lost one's conscience | 喪失良心
sorngsid | lose; loss; lose; be deprived of; be stripped of | 喪失
sorngtat | deliver to | 送達
sorngtvar | appal | 喪膽
sorngzoxng | attend a funeral | 送葬
sorngzuo | lose one's child | 葬子; 喪子
sosorng | pleasant and comfortable | 搜爽; 舒爽
suhkorng | straw | 欶管
suiborng | although; even so | 雖罔
suipien korng | talk at random; extempore speech | 隨便說
sunkhoaan hexthorng | circulatory system of the blood | 循環系統
suo buu zorngsyn cy te | die without a place for burial (a phrase usually used as a warning to somebody) | 死無葬身之地
suokegkorng | a tetrode (in radio) | 四極管
susiorng iuoti | childish thinking; naive | 思想幼稚
susiorng loggvor | old-fashioned in thinking; out-dated ideas | 思想落伍
susiorng zuxiuu | freedom of thought | 思想自由
susiorng | thoughts; thinking; thinking; ideas; conception; mentality | 思想
susiorng-kaf | a thinker | 思想家
susiorng-sexng | an ideological level , the ideological content (of sa writing) | 思想性
svaf korng six mxtiøh | make mistake each time in speaking | 三講四無對; 每次講每次錯
svi'iorng | fertility | 生養
sviahiorng | sound, tone | 聲響
svitiorng | grow, live | 生長
sviuxkorng | though | 想講
svoarphofngphorng | in disorder; in a mess | 散凸凸; 凌亂; 四散紛飛
syn susiorng | modern thinking; modern thought | 新思想
sytorng | buddies | 死黨
søchiorng | to enrage | 搜搶
søsorng | to enrage, to provoke | 搜爽
tagciorng | every kind | 逐種
taixciorngbiø | public temple | 大眾廟
taixciornghoax | popularize; popularized; popularization | 大眾化
tangkorng | copper tube | 銅管
tangtorng | belong to the same party | 同黨
tankorng | single tube | 單管
taokorng | help to persuade; help to explain | 助言; 幫忙說服
tauqtauqkorng | repeating over and over in a wearisome way; constantly speaking | 常常說
tefsiorng | to compensate, to atone for | 抵償
tegciorng enggiap | special business operations (such as cabarets; bars; wine houses) | 特種營業
tegciorng | special prize; grand prize | 特獎; 特種
tegtiorng | special merits; strong points | 特長
tekkorng | pipe made of bamboo; hollow piece of bamboo | 竹管
tekthiorng | get special favor or affection | 得寵
tengbuun paehorng | make a special call on another; at his home | 登門拜訪
tengkorng | light tube | 燈管
thafnpeqkorng | to be honest | 坦白講
tharmhorng | to investigate; visit; inquire about; pick up information | 探訪
thauciorng | first prize | 頭獎
thaukorng | report secretly; secret report | 密報; 偷講
thechiorngciar | advocate | 提倡者
thefthorng | bodily appearance; deportment; or general character; general form or state of an affair | 體統
thekiorng | afford; offer; offering; supply; provide; accommodation; to offer for acceptance or rejection; to offer (proposals; opinions); to sponsor (a TV or radio program) | 提供
thiahpeh korng | speak plainly; the fact is.. | 坦白說
thiahpeqkorng | frankly speaking | 拆白講
thiaukoftorng | on purpose | 刁古董
thienborng khoekhoef | The net of Heaven stretches everywhere (its meshes are large; but nothing escapes) ─ Nobody escapes the judgment of Heaven The mills of the gods grind exceedingly slow; but they grind exceedingly fine | 天網恢恢
thienjiorng cy piet | as different as heaven and earth; vastly different; poles apart | 天壤之別
thienløo texborng | nets in the air and on the ground ─ heaven and earth are a net which wicked men cannot escape; their wickedness will surely be punished | 天羅地網
thihkorng | steel pipe; iron tube (pipe) | 鐵管
thihphorng | steel bed springs | 鐵凸; 彈簧床
thiorng | to concubine; to favor; to dote on; to favor; dote on; patronize; favor or love (especially of the emperor or God); grace; love; kindness | 寵
thiorng'ee | happy | 暢的
thiorng'irm | drink to one's heart's content; all you can drink | 暢飲
thiorng'ong | flourishing | 暢旺
thiorng`kaq | happily | 暢甲
thiorngjii | a favorite (child) | 寵兒
thiorngkhoaix | cheerful; spiritually elevated | 暢快
thiorngkoaix | pleased, delighted, merry, happy | 暢快
thiornglok | exciting and happy | 暢樂
thiorngphutphud | extremely happy | 暢怫怫
thiorngsiaw | a booming sale; sell briskly | 暢銷
thiorngtaam | to have a delightful talk | 暢談
thiorngtat | fluent, smooth | 暢達
thiorngthioxng | joyful and happy; joyful and peaceful | 寵寵; 無憂無愁
thiuciorng | draw a lottery or raffle | 抽獎
thngx-phorngpha | scalded and blistered | 燙成泡
thoanthorng | conventional; heritage; tradition | 傳統
thoanthorng-sibsiok | mores | 傳統習俗
thoattorng | leave the party; break off from one's party | 脫黨
thojiorng | soil; earth; clay; land | 土壤
thojiorng-hak | pedology | 土壤學; 塗壤學
thong'orng | be on intimate terms with (often with bad or questionable characters); a passable (road) | 通往
thonghongkorng | vent pipe | 通風管
thorng | rule; unite; protrude; used as an affix to numbers; meaning somewhat more than... | 統; 捅; 多一點; 突出; 啄
thorng'irm | drink heavily | 痛飲
thorngchied | acutely, keenly | 痛切
thornghad | govern, rule | 痛喝
thornghin | hate exceedingly | 痛恨
thornghoea | repent bitterly; bitter repentance | 痛悔
thornghoeakefng | the act of contrition | 痛悔經
thornghoex | to be contrite, contrition, to regret | 痛悔
thornghun | deplore | 痛恨
thorngkae cienhuy | earnestly repent and reform former faults | 痛改前非
thorngkhaosit'sviaf | cry bitterly | 痛哭失聲
thorngkhaositsviaf | cry bitterly | 痛哭失聲
thorngkhoaix | joyful; piquancy; raciness; forthright; extremely delightful; pleasant | 痛快
thorngkhofoaan | pain pill | 痛苦丸
thorngkhor | torment; pang; painful; agony; pain; misery; anguish; bitter | 痛苦
thorngsym | pained at heart | 痛心
thorngthorngkhoaekhoaix | happy | 痛痛快快
thorngtvar | to beat soundly; give a severe thrashing | 痛打
thuikorng biexnzeg | extend the area | 推廣面積
thuikorng | to extend; popularize; extend; propagate | 推廣
thuisiorng | infer; deduce | 推想
thviakorng | It is reported that...; according to unconfirmed reports | 聽說; 聽講; ...
thvoarkhornghw | coal miner | 炭礦夫
thøeakorng | speak for someone else | 退講; 替講; 代講
thøeatorng | exit from party | 退黨
tiau'iorng | nurse one's health; take care of oneself | 調養
tiauiorng | nurse one's health, take care of oneself | 調養
tiaukoftorng | make a fool of somebody; play a trick; do mischief | 刁古董; 愚弄; 捉弄
tiaw-koftorng | to kid, to play a trick on | 戲弄
tidtit-korng | speak boldly and bluntly | 直直講
tiefn'iorng | show one's strength, show off | 展勇; 耀武揚威
tientørkorng | say the opposite of what one thinks | 說相反
tiong'iorng | loyal and brave | 忠勇
tiorng | grow; to increase; greater; senior; a superior; a surplus; too many or too much | 長
tiorng'iong | useful (man) | 中用
tiorng'ix | suit one's fancy; agreeable; satisfied; meets the specifications; acceptable | 中意
tiorng'ong | flourishing, prosperous | 中旺
tiorngciorng | win a (lottery) prize | 中獎
tiorngcvix | got shot by an arrow | 中箭
tiornghofng | to suffer a stroke of paralysis; apoplexy; suffer a stroke of paralysis or apoplexy | 中風
tiorngkex | fall into trap; rise in price | 中計; 漲價
tiorngkhaxn | good to look at; presentability | 中看
tiorngkhix | inflated with air; flatulence | 脹氣
tiorngkoaan | rise high (water) | 漲高
tiorngkvoaai | rise high (water) | 漲高
tiornglaau | upflow | 漲流
tiorngliao | bingo | 中了
tiornglioong | important or useful | 中樑; 棟樑
tiorngmoar | overflow (water) | 漲滿
tiorngsiaa | bewitched | 中邪
tiorngsiofng | to hurt somebody insidiously; slander; defamation; hurt somebody insidiously; say damaging things about others before a third party; to slander; malign; speak ill of; injure a person's reputation | 中傷
tiorngsoarn | get elected | 當選; 中選
tiorngsuo | suffer sunstroke | 中暑
tiorngsym-cidsiuo | to hate deeply | 痛心疾首; 癉
tiorngteg | make a gold; quiver; bull's eye | 中的
tiorngthefng | pleased to hear; gratifying opinion | 中聽
tiorngtiaau | tide flows; flood tide | 漲潮
tiorngtioxng | flatulent | 脹脹
tiorngtiøh | hit | 中得; 打中
tiorngto | full of stomach; windy | 脹肚
tiorngtoa | expand; distend | 脹大
tiorngtoaxzuie | flooding | 漲大水
tiorngtok | to be poisoned; poisoning; toxicosis; food poisoning auto-intoxication | 中毒
tiorngzuie | swelling of a river; water rising very high; as at high tide or during a flood | 漲水
tit-lorngloxng | straight | 直曠曠
titciorng | win a prize | 得獎
tixnboong ciorngsu kyliaxmpy | monument in honor of servicemen killed in action | 陣亡將士紀念碑
tiøh tegciorng | win the special prize | 得特獎
tiøqciorng | award | 著獎
tiøxsngrkorng | even if | 就算講
tng'iorng | just about come to one's full strength | 當勇; 正力壯
tngbin korng | talk in one's presence | 當面講
tngkii khorngciexn | long term war of resistance | 長期抗戰
toaxbagkhorng | arrogant; excessive | 大目孔
toaxciorng | grand prize | 大獎
toaxnzoat lai'orng | all connection cut off; cut off communications; break off friendly relations | 斷絕來往
toaxzofngthorng | president | 大總統
tonghiorng | sharing joys; share bliss | 同享
tongkhorng | the apple of one's eye; purchas; pupilla; pupil of the eye | 瞳孔
tongkhorng-horngtoa | have mydriasis | 瞳孔放大
tongkhorng-khorngtoa | mydriasis (dilation of the pupil) | 瞳孔散大
tongkhorng-soksiør | have miosis | 瞳孔縮小
torng | political party or gang | 黨
torng'afsviaf | brake noise | 擋仔聲
torng'ar | brake | 擋仔
torng'axn | archive; record; file | 檔案
torng'viaa | succeed in a trial of endurance | 撐贏
torngbextiaau | unable to stop; cannot help | 擋袂牢
torngbøextiaau | can not bear something; compelled to do something | 擋無著; 不支; 架不住
torngchiaf | put on the brake; stop a passing car; traffic jam | 煞車; 攔車; 堵車
tornggong | foolish, silly | 侗戇; 戇呆; 戇人; 愚笨
tornghongchviuu | windshield | 擋風牆
torngkhuy | to parry | 擋架; 擋開
torngkied | to freeze; congelation; froze; frozen; freeze (an account; asset) | 凍結
torngkuxn | drag; brake | 動槓; 煞車槓
torngliangzhaai | pillars; capable great statesmanship person | 棟梁材
torngliong | equivalent | 當量
tornglioong cy zaai | great statesmanship person | 棟樑之才
tornglioong | the beams; the ridgepole; a man of great ability; lesser and greater beams ─ pillars of the State | 棟樑
tornglo | block the road; in the road; bar the way | 擋路
torngphoear | disc brake pads | 擋皮仔
torngputzu | can't stop | 擋無住
torngsiofng | suffer injuries or illness as a result of long exposure to cold weather; frostbite; exposure | 凍傷
torngsoafnjiin | successful candidates | 當選人
torngsoarn | get elected | 當選
torngsoarn`aq | elected | 當選矣
torngsviaf | brake noise | 噸聲
torngthaau | stamina | 耐力
torngtiaau | stop effectively | 擋住
torngtiaau`teq | stopped | 擋住著
torngtiam | block and quite | 擋恬
torngtittiaau | able to stop, and sustain | 擋得住
torngtiøh | block | 擋著
torngtvia | block | 擋定
torngzhofng | frostbite; chilblains | 凍瘡
torngzoex | as | 當做
torngzu | stop, hinder, prevent | 擋住
torngzøex | reckon something as, take something as | 當做
torngzøx | use one thing as the equivalent of another; represent; to regard as; consider as being; receive as | 當作
tuieciorng | check the results of a lottery or raffle to see if one holds the winning ticket | 對獎
tuiekhorngsaix | dual meet (between opposing teams from two different cities or countries) | 對抗賽
tuiekorng | intercom | 對講
tuiethaukorng | two parties making a bargain or settling an affair for themselves without any arbiter or such medium | 當面講
tuisiorng | recall | 追想
tykhornglat | resistance | 抵抗力
tykhornglek | power of resistance | 抵抗力
tykhorngsexng | resistibility | 抵抗性
tø'orng | flee toward; abscond to.. | 逃往
tøciorng | many kind | 多種
tøxsngrkorng | even if | 就算講
u hexthorng | systematic | 有系統
u torngthaau | able to hold out | 有擋頭
u-efnghiorng | influential | 有影響
u-hexthorng | systematic | 有系統
ui khorngtiofng | dilated stomach | 胃擴張
uitorng | rest of the bandits | 餘黨
unthiorng | grace | 恩寵
utorng | rump party | 餘黨
uxseg-jinciorng | colored race | 有色人種
uxsiorng | expect; anticipate; forecast; presume; presuppose; estimate; expectation | 預象; 預想
uxtorngthaau | defensive | 有擋頭
vikorng | tube, pipe | 圓管; 管子
viukhorngloo | smelting furnace | 鎔礦爐
vixsiorng | fantastic idea | 異想
voa cidkux oe laai korng | in other words | 換句話說
wtiu zhorngzøxsoad | creationism | 宇宙創造說
yorng | bygones; the past; times past | 已往
zadthofngthorng | packed tight; crowded | 擠滿滿
zahorng | find out by visiting on the location | 查訪
zaixiaftorng | opposition party or parties | 在野黨
zaixiar-torng | the Opposition Party | 在野黨
zarngiorng | regard with admiration and respect | 讚仰
zarnsiorng | praise; to admire | 讚賞
zawhorng | visit | 走訪
zefngtorng | party consolidation, consolidation of the Party | 整黨
zekzuy-khorng | vertebral foramen | 坐椎骨; 脊椎孔
zenghorng | condition; circumstances; situation; the state of affairs (things) | 情況
zenglorng | clearness; fine; shiny; unclouded | 晴朗
zengsiin putsorng | out of sorts; not well | 精神無爽
zengtiorng | grow; growth; increases and advances | 增長
zernghorng | general conditions of the government | 政況
zerngthorng zwgi | legitimism | 正統主義
zerngthorng | orthodox; orthodox; authorized | 正統
zerngtorng | political party; political party | 政黨
zerngtorng-zerngti | party politics or government; a form of democracy wherein the majority party forms the cabinet with the opposition acting as watchdog | 政黨政治
zexng'iorng | convalesces; live in the sanatorium | 靜養
zexngkhorng | augmented | 增廣
zexngtiorng | to increase, augmentation | 增長
zexngzø khornggi | sit-in protest or sit-down strike | 靜坐抗議
zexpag-hiornglaam | house facing the south most ideal situation in Taiwan because it's warm in winter and cool in summer | 坐北朝南
zhadtorng | gang of thieves; rebel faction; gang of bandits or rebels; group of traitors | 賊黨
zhaepofkyn borng ka kiaam | make do; put up with | 菜脯根罔咬鹹; 姑且將就
zhaisiorng | guess; a surmising | 猜想
zhamhorng | visit | 參訪
zhamkaciorng | participation award | 參加獎
zhangkorng | scallions | 蔥管
zhaozuykorng | smelly pipes | 臭水管
zhaozuykorng-bi | has the taste of old bamboo water pipes | 臭水管味
zhat'horng | investigate by visiting sources of information | 察訪
zhauchiorngciar | manipulators | 操縱者
zhaukhorngtiøh | manipulating | 操控著
zhayhorng | interview; make inquiries like a newsman; get news | 採訪
zhayhorng-kieciar | news reporter | 採訪記者
zhenglorng | loud and clear like a sound or voice; clear and crisp like the weather | 清朗
zhengsorng | cleanlily; quiet and comfortable | 清爽
zherngkorng | barrel of rifle | 鎗膛
zho'iorng | tough (person), husky, solid (object) | 粗勇; 粗壯
zhoarnkorng | repeatedly state the same thing | 串講; 總是說
zhoiorng | burlier; robust; strong; stout | 粗勇; 粗壯
zhorng'ix | create new meanings | 創意
zhornggiap | star new business; be the founder of a business; start a business | 創業
zhorngha | created | 創下
zhornghoad | a way of handling things | 作法; 弄法
zhornghør | make good | 創好; 弄好
zhorngkerng | play a trick or prank, do mischief | 創景; 戲弄
zhorngkhafn | put out the first issue of a periodical | 創刊
zhorngkhafng | plotting; set a snare | 創孔; 玩花樣; 設圈套
zhorngkhanhø | first issue of a periodical | 創刊號
zhorngkhie | create | 創起; 做起
zhorngkie | unprecedented undertaking | 創舉
zhorngkiexn | created | 創建
zhornglibciar | founder; organizer | 創立者
zhornglip | foundation; organization; establishment; found; set up; establish | 創立; 創辦
zhornglip-uyoaan | organizing committee | 創立委員
zhorngpan | foundation; organization; establishment; found; set up; establish | 創立; 創辦
zhorngpaxnciar | founder; organizer | 創辦者
zhorngpaxnjiin | founder; organizer | 創辦人
zhorngphvae | damaged | 創歹
zhorngpien | woud | 創便
zhorngseeng | established | 創成
zhorngsex | creation | 創世
zhorngsie | create; start; begin; commence | 創始
zhorngsied | establish; start or set up an office or agency | 創設; 設立
zhorngsiofng | be wounded; hurt; injury; trauma | 創傷
zhorngsu | creation | 創事
zhorngsviaflaq | what's up? | 創啥啦
zhorngsviar | doing what | 創什; 做什
zhorngsyn | innovate; innovation; create | 創新
zhorngtafng-zhorngsay | making odd stuff | 創東創西
zhorngti | chaff; hoax; trick with; make fun of; tease; make fun of; make a fool of | 戲弄; 創治; 捉弄
zhorngzhaix | meal preparation | 創菜; 備餐
zhorngzo | create, creation | 創造
zhorngzo-lek | creativity | 創造力
zhorngzog | compose; creations; write original works of literature; an original work of literature or art | 創作
zhorngzø | creation; create; invent; invention; produce from nothing | 創造
zhorngzø-lek | creativity | 創造力
zhorngzøhzhutlaai | created | 創作出來
zhorngzøxlek | originality; creative ability; the talent to create | 創造力
zhuikorng | propagate; extend; promote sales | 推廣
zhuisiorng | infer; deduce | 推想
zngkoftorng | make fun of; play jokes | 妝古董; 作弄; 尋人開心
zoadsit khornggi | hunger strike | 絕食抗議
zoanhorng | special visitation | 專訪
zoankhinciorng | full attendance award | 全勤獎
zoantiorng | special skill; specialty | 專長
zofngkorng | finally; in conclusion; generally speaking | 總講; 總而言之
zofngkorng`cidkux | in a word; to sum up; to sum it all up in one sentence | 總而言之
zofngthorng hauxsoafnjiin | presidential candidate | 總統後選人
zofngthorng torngsoafnjiin | president elect | 總統當選人
zofngthorng | president (of a government) | 總統
zofngthorng-huo | president's office | 總統府
zorng kanghoe | federation of labor unions | 總工會
zorng kangthengsw | chief engineer | 總工程師
zorng kenglie | general manager | 總經理
zorng koatsoaxn | settlement of accounts | 總決算
zorng kørkae | general confession (Catholic) | 總告解
zorng paularm | make an entire monopoly of | 包攬一切
zorng phiencib | editor in chief | 總編輯
zorng sngx | finally | 總算
zorng soafnkie | general election | 總選舉
zorng taixpiao | chief delegate | 總代表; 主席代表
zorng zwkaux | archbishop | 總主教
zorng | all together; in all; general; all; general; overall; complete; total; chief; principal; central | 總; 惚
zorng'iong'iøh | medicine for increasing sexual performance | 壯陽藥
zorng-jii-gieen`cy | in summary | 總而言之
zorng-karnsu | general secretary, executive secretary | 總幹事
zorng-kenglie | general manager | 總經理
zorng-kiafmzaf | general examination | 總檢查
zorng-kikoafn | general office | 總機關
zorng-kinthaau | origin, source, best origin | 總根頭; 總綱
zorng-kunthaau | origin, source, best origin | 總根頭; 總綱
zorng-paularm | make an entire monopoly of | 總包攬
zorng-suleng | commander-in-chief | 總司令
zorng-toxng'oaan | general mobilization | 總動員
zorng`si | after all | 總是
zorngbie | grandeur and serenity; splendor; sublime | 狀美
zorngcix | stir up courage; rouse one's spirit | 壯志
zorngcix-bixsiuu | die before the fulfillment of his ambition or aspiration; usually said of a martyr or hero | 壯志未酬
zorngcix-lenghuun | soaring ambition or aspiration | 壯志凌雲
zornggii | funeral ceremony; burial or funeral rites | 葬儀
zornggiok-baihiofng | bury a beauty; untimely death of a beauty | 葬玉埋香
zornggisia | funeral home | 葬儀社
zorngkhix | appearance of strong and brave; brave morale; splendid spirit | 壯氣
zorngkie | great achievement; daring act; courageous feat | 壯舉
zorngkien | healthy and strong | 壯健
zorngkoafn | grand outlook; grand sight; great (beautiful) view | 壯觀
zorngkuo | great achievement; daring act; courageous feat | 壯舉
zorngkøf | noble, dignified, lofty, highminded | 壯高
zorngle | grand; magnificent; splendid; grand and imposing; splendid; grandeur; splendor | 壯麗
zornglea | funeral rite; funeral; burial service | 葬禮
zornglieen | the prime of a person; the prime of life | 壯年
zornglienkii | prime of life | 壯年期
zorngliet hisefng | die a martyr; die a hero's death; die for one's country | 壯烈犧牲
zorngliet | great | 壯烈
zorngseg | funeral; burial service | 葬式; 葬禮; 葬儀; 告別式
zorngsu | husky; brave man; stout hearted man; hero | 壯士
zorngsyn | bury dead body | 葬身
zorngsyn-cy-tøe | burial ground | 葬身之地
zorngtai | large and strong; big and strong; vigorous | 壯大
zorngtefng | able bodied man; an adult fit for military service | 壯丁
zorngthaix | big and imposing, lusty, strong | 壯太
zorngtoa | big and imposing, lusty, strong | 壯大
zorngtvar | get more confidence; be courageous; very bold; strengthen one's courage | 壯膽
zorngtøe | burial site; burial ground; grave | 葬地
zorngzex | funeral and memorial service | 葬祭; 葬禮
zoxnghorng | circumstances; condition; situation; situation | 狀況
zoxtiorng | offer a premium on; contribution | 助長
zu'iorng | nourishing; nutritious; nourishing food | 滋養
zuiorng | nourish | 滋養
zukym torngkied | freezing of funds or capital | 資金凍結
zuntiorng | older person; an elder; a senior | 尊長
zuntorng | archive | 存檔
zuxiorng | support oneself; self-support | 自養
zuxiuu-torng | the Liberal Party | 自由黨
zuxkøx hurn'iorng | offer to take the responsibility upon oneself, to volunteer | 自告奮勇
zuxlaizuykorng | water pipes; water main | 自來水管
zuxtaau-løborng | walk right into a trap; fall into a snare through one's own fault | 自投羅網
zuykorng | water pipe; hose | 水管
zuytøxkorng | waterway pipe | 水道管
zwkhorngkhoaan | master control | 主控權
zwnkorng | suppose | 準講
zøfsw-iuxsiorng | think over and over; ponder | 左思右想
zøxhorng | visit | 造訪
øhkorng | hard to say | 難講
øhtid korng | cannot be told well; difficult to tell or say; hard to say | 難講
øq korng | hard to say | 僫講

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