Aciw kim'ioong-hongpø | Asian financial storm | 亞洲金融風暴
Ang'oexpefng | Red Guards | 紅衛兵
Anpeeng kofpør | Fort Zeelandia in Tainan; built by the Dutch in the 17th century | 安平古堡
Anpeeng | Anping; Fort Anping; place in Tainan; Tailaam city | 安平
Apektyasw | Abdias (Catholic), biblical name for one of the prophets | 亞北底亞斯
Aphøløo | Apollo | 阿波羅
Auløpaf | | 歐羅巴
Auxpiaq | a small town in Tainan; Tailaam County | 後壁
Baxnkog imphiaw | International Phonetic Alphabet | 萬國音標
Begnypurn | Melbourne | 墨爾本
Binkoaan zhopo | Fundamental Knowledge in Democracy; a book dealing with the procedures of parliamentary rule; authored by Dr. Sun Yat-sen | 民權初步
Bunpoxserng | Ministry of Education | 文部省
Bykog Lampag Ciernzefng | U.S.A. Civil War; 1861-1865 | 美國南北戰爭
Bykog Toglip Ciernzefng | U.S.A. War of Independence | 美國獨力戰爭
Bykog koahpaw | hamburger | 美國割包; 漢堡
Bøo su putjip sampøftien | I need to see you; I have a favor to ask of you. (Lit.- Don't enter the emperor's office unless you have official business.) | 無事無登三寶殿
Chienkimphor | book’s name | 千金譜
Ciah koefcie bøo paix chiuxthaau | ungrateful to the benefactors | 吃果子無拜樹頭; 忘本
Cibcip | a city in Nantou County | 集集
Cidpaq lurn ciaq e tittiøh kimturn | Forbear a hundred times; only then can you succeed | 吃得苦中苦; 方為人上人; 一百忍才會得著金盾
Cinhog pattoafn | Eight Beatitudes (Catholic) | 真福八端
Ciuo hoong tikie chienpoef siao | You feel like drinking more with a bosom friend. (Lit. When drinking with a bosom friend, a thousand cups will still be too little.) | 酒逢知己千杯少
Ciuozoa ho padlaang sie | to harm someone by association; (because I make a promise difficult to fulfill it also hurts other people who are involved with me or who work with me to complete the promise.) | 咒詛給別人死
Engbiin pvixvi | veterans hospital | 榮民醫院
Engpong cibthoaan | sterling block | 英鎊集團
Engpong | British pound; pound sterling | 英鎊; 英磅
Esupelanto | Esperanto | 世界語
Goaxpof | a city in Taichung County of Taiwan | 外埔
Guu bøo hiafmzhao bøe puii | If a person doesn't encounter difficulties in his life he won't be a success. (Lit. If a cow doesn't eat coarse grass it won't get fat.) | 牛無吃險草不肥。
Gvafkokpeg Sw | The Epistle of James (Catholic) | 雅各伯書
Gøloanphvi | Eluanbi; Goran (a place at the southern tip of Taiwan) | 鵝鑾鼻
Harnpør | Hamburg (a city in Germany) | 漢堡
Hiliap | Greece | 希臘
Hiliap-buun | Greek written language | 希臘文
Hiliap-guo | Greek spoken language | 希臘語
Hipeklaai Sw | Epistle to the Hebrews | 希伯來書
Hipeklaai | Hebrew | 希伯來
Hipeklaai-buun | Hebrew written language | 希伯來文
Hipeklaai-guo | Hebrew spoken language | 希伯來語
Hoapag | northern China | 華北
Hoea siøf khaf suilaang poea | have to take care of or protect yourself (Lit. When people's feet get burnt; everyone has to rub out their own fire.) | 火燒腳隨人拂; 自己顧自己
Hofkopøo | aunt tiger - a fable character | 虎姑婆
Hongpyn | a city in Hualien County Taiwan | 豐濱
Hongsiin-pngr | a classical novel of Chinese gods and heroes | 封神榜
Hor løh peng'viuu pi khiern khy | hero or brave man can be bullied by a bunch of weaklings when he is down on his luck. (A tiger out of his natural environment can be bullied by a dog.) | 虎落平陽被犬欺
Hudhoad bupiefn | The greatness of Buddhism is immeasurable | 佛法無邊
Huiludpyn Kuntør | Philippine Archipelago | 菲律賓群島
Huiludpyn | Philippines | 菲律賓
Huixzhvef pong Bogzhvef | Comet collides with Jupiter | 彗星撞木星
Hunsiaw-pøftien | Palace of Clouds | 雲霄寶殿
Hurntøxphiefn | Ecclesiastes (Catholic) | 訓道篇
Huylypeg Sw | The Epistle of Paul to the Philippians (Catholic) | 腓利伯書
Høpeeng cy Ho | Queen of Peace (Catholic) | 和平之后
Høpeeng | a city in Taichung County Taiwan | 和平
Høzuie put'hoan zvefzuie | One should mind his own business. (Don't mix river water with well water.) | 河水無犯井水
Iampof | a city in Pingtung County | 鹽埔
Ienpeeng | a city in Taitung County | 延平
Ienpengkun-oong | temple; a landmark in Tainan | 延平郡王
Ienpengkuxn'oong-suu | temple; a landmark in Tainan | 延平郡王祠
Iokpekkix | Job (Protestant) | 約伯記
Iokpektoan | Job (Catholic) | 約伯傳
Jidpurn | Japan; Nippon; Japan | 日本
Jidpwn'oe | Japanese language | 日本話
Jidpwnhae | the Japan Sea | 日本海
Jidpwnhøex | Make in Japan | 日本貨
Jidpwnlaang | Japanese | 日本人
Julaipudzor | Buddha | 如來佛祖
Kafnposaix | Cambodia | 柬埔寨
Kaoiogpo | Ministry of Education | 教育部
Kaoiok-poxtviuo | Minister of Education | 教育部長
Kaokhw-taixpiawhoe | Diocesan Councils | 教區代表會
Kaozofng-thongtiap | encyclical (Catholic) | 教宗通牒
Kauthongpo | Ministry of Communication | 交通部
Kauthongpoxtviuo | Minister of Communications | 交通部長
Ke'nng badbat tøf uxphang | The closest affair has some hole in it | 雞蛋密密也有縫; 紙包無住火
Kengzeapo | Ministry of Economic Affairs | 經濟部
Khapkaix | Aggeus (Catholic) | 哈蓋
Khappakog | Habacuc (Catholic) | 哈巴谷
Koan'ym-phosad | the Goddess of Mercy Buddha | 觀音菩薩
Kofpaf | Cuba | 古巴
Kok'hongpo | Ministry of National Defense; the Department of Defense (of the United States) | 國防部
Koktai-taixpiao | member of the national assembly; national assemblyman | 國大代表
Korkiofng-phokbudvi | National Palace Museum (housing China's art treasures) | 故宮博物院
Kunzuo putciah gafncienkhuy | One who overlooks a slight | 君子無吃眼前虧。
Laixpof | a city in Pingtung County | 內埔
Laixzerngpo | the Ministry of Interior | 內政部
Lampag Ciernzefng | American Civil War of 1861-1865 | 南北戰爭
Lampaktiaau | the South and North dynasties | 南北朝
Lampvoarkiuu | Southern Hemisphere | 南半球
Lap | Jonas (Catholic) | 約納
Lefpae'go | Friday | 禮拜五
Lefpae'id | Monday | 禮拜一
Lefpae'ji | Tuesday | 禮拜二
Lefpae'lak | Saturday | 禮拜六
Lefpae'six | Thursday | 禮拜四
Lefpae'svaf | Wednesday | 禮拜三
Lefpaeid | Monday | 禮拜一
Lefpaeji | Tuesday | 禮拜二
Lefpaejit | Sunday | 禮拜日; 主日; 星期日
Lengphøf | Ningpo; a port city in Chekiang Province | 寧波
Liap`si hanswpiør | Celsius centigrade thermometer; a Celsius | 攝氏寒暑表
Liap`si | Centigrade | 攝氏
Liaupag | Liaopei; a province in Manchuria | 遼北
Liautofng poarntør | the Liaotung Peninsula | 遼東半島
Lienpafng tiauzakiok | Federal Bureau of Investigation; FBI (of the United States) | 聯邦調查局
Lienpafng-tiauzaf-kiok | Federal Bureau of Investigation of the United States | 聯邦調查局
Liogsip jii nysun | an obedient ear for the reception of truth ─ used to express 60 years of age; (Confucius said; At sixty my ear was an obedient organ for the reception of truth | 耳順; (六十而耳順)
Loexzerngpo | Ministry of the Interior | 內政部
Lulaipudzor | Buddha | 如來佛祖
Lunpoex | a city in Yunlin County | 崙背
Lømar Serngpo | Roman Congregation (Catholic) | 羅馬聖部
M paxng y soaq | I won't let him go. (without accusing him) | 無放過他; 不放他干休
Mafkapeg | Machabees (Catholic) | 瑪加伯
Maflap | Manna (Catholic) | 瑪納
Mafzofpøo | goddess of the sea much worshiped in Taiwan and the southern China coast | 媽祖婆
Misad Kengpurn | Missal (Catholic) | 彌撒經本; (經書)
Nipheknie | Nepal or Nepaul | 尼泊爾 (國名)
Og iuo okpøx | Evil has an evil recompense | 惡有惡報。
Pag peng'viuu | Arctic Ocean; arctic icecap | 北冰洋
Pakpeeng | Beijing | 北平
Pakpof | a city in Hsinchu County | 北埔
Pakpvoarkiuu | Northern Hemisphere | 北半球
Panykaxn poarntør | Balkan Peninsula | 巴爾幹半島
Panykaxn-pvoartør | Balkans Peninsula | 巴爾幹半島
Papyluun | Babylon | 巴比倫
Poxpienpurn | Ministry edition | 部編本
Pvepohoafn | Pingpu Aboriginal people | 平埔番
Pvepozok | Formosan aborigines who submitted to Chinese rule and learned to speak Chinese | 平埔族
Pvipof-zok | Taiwanese plains aborigines | 平埔族
Pvipohoafn | Pingpu Aboriginal people | 平埔番
Sae kirn khortoax phaq-sykad | Something always happens when you are in a hurry; haste makes waste (Lit. rushed to the toilet; but the drawstring fastening the pants was knotted) | 欲速則無達。
Sepangaa | Spain | 西班牙
Sepangaa-oe | Spanish | 西班牙話
Sepangagie | Spanish (language) | 西班牙語
Sepangalaang | Spaniard | 西班牙人
Serng'exngcip | Psalms (Catholic) | 聖詠集
Serngbøfkwn Zofngpo | Concilium of the Legion of Mary (Catholic) | 聖母軍總部
Serngbør niafpøx | annunciation (Catholic) | 聖母領報
Serngkaux Lefpo | Congregation of Rites (Catholic) | 聖教禮部
Serngpe | Holy Father | 聖父; 聖爸
Sexng Katliongpaf Hoe | SSC: Societas Sti Columbani (Catholic) | 聖葛隆巴會
Sinkaphøf | Singapore | 新加坡
Sinphirn | Holy Orders (Catholic) | 神品
Sinpof | a city in Hsinchu County | 新埔
Sinpy | a city in Pingtung County | 新埤
Sintaipex | New Taiwan Dollar (NT$); the currency of the Republic of China since 1949 | 新台幣
Siphiefn | Psalms | 詩篇
Sitpai uii sengkofng cy bør | Failure begets success If at first you don't succeed; try; try again | 失敗為成功之母。
Siøfpiet sexng sinhwn | Absence makes the heart grow fonder | 小別勝新婚
Suhoad zhaiphvoarsor | Court of Justice | 司法裁判所
Suhoatpo | Ministry of Justice | 司法部
Suixpyn | a town in northern Taipei | 瑞濱
Svatengpof | a city in Taipei | 三重埔
Svoatafng-peqzhaix | Shantung cabbage | 山東白菜
Symkeapo | Ministry of Audit | 審計部
Symphvoax ee jidcie | the Day of Judgment | 審判的日子
Taioanbinpøx | Taiwan People's Daily | 台灣民報
Taioanpek'hap | Taiwanese lily | 台灣百合
Taipag | Taipei | 台北
Taipag-koan | Taipei County | 台北縣
Taipakchi | Taipei city | 台北市
Taipakkoan | Taipei county | 台北縣
Taipaksviaa | Taipei city | 台北城
Taipex | Taiwan currency | 台幣; 臺幣
Taiphiøx | Taiwan currency | 台幣; 臺票; 臺幣
Taixparn | Osaka | 大阪
Taixseng-pudkaux | Buddhism | 大成佛教
Tangpo | eastern division, eastern part | 東部
Tangpvy | eastern side | 東邊
Tek'hurnphiefn | Ecclesiasticus (Catholic) | 德訓篇; (德)
Tekpag | a city in Hsinchu County | 竹北
Thaepeeng | a city in Taichung County | 太平
Thaepegchvy | Venus | 太白星
Thaepegzhvef | Venus | 太白星
Thaepeng'viuu | Pacific Ocean | 太平洋
Thaepengsafn | Victoria Peak is a hill on the western half of Hong Kong | 太平山
Thaepør | a city in Chiayi County | 太保
Thauliah køef iaxtiøh cidpea bie | You have to prime the pump. To do business you need capital. (Lit. To steal chickens you need a handful of rice.) | 偷雞也得一把米。
Thiapsatlønikaf Cieen Ho Sw | The First and Second Epistle of Paul to the Thessalonians (Protestant) | 帖撒羅尼迦前後書
Thienzuo busor putzai | God is everywhere; omnipresent God | 天主無所不在
Thoankaux Serngpo | Congregation of Propaganda (Catholic) | 傳教聖部
Thoansirnpo | Congregation of Propaganda (Catholic) | 傳信部
Thvipe | Heavenly Father | 天爸; 天父
Tiehuixphiefn | Book of Wisdom (Catholic) | 智慧篇
Tiong'iofng Jidpøx | Central Daily News | 中央日報
Tiongchiupviar | moon cake | 中秋餅
Tiongpof | a city in Chiayi County | 中埔
Tiongpyn | a city in Taitung County | 長濱
Tipurn | a hot spring tourist town in eastern Taiwan | 知本
Toaxpof | a city in Chiayi County | 大埔
Toaxpy | a city in Yunlin County | 大碑
Zaizerngpo | Ministry of Finance | 財政部
Zaizerngpoxtviuo | Minister of Finance | 財政部長
Zhud Aikipkix | Exodus (Protestant) | 出埃及記
Zhvekoong lorngphoax voar | things done in a hurry cannot be done well; fail in goal by being hasty (Lit. If a dog eats to fast there is nothing to turn to excrement.) | 欲速則無達。
Zoar bøe pautid høea | A secret cannot be kept forever (paper cannot wrap up a fire) | 紙包無住火
Zokkiern-zuxpak | silkworm to be imprisoned by its cocoon; to tie one's own hands; to get into trouble by one's own schemes | 作繭自縛
Zonghap-zabcix | magazine of general interest | 綜合雜誌
Zuo-pok | the master and his retinue | 主隨; 主僕
Zuykuie kiøx paysui | bad company getting you onto trouble (Lit. water ghost encouraging individual to jump into water and drown) | 壞人的邀請
Zøexkviar gøxsie pe | When there are many children the father starves to death | 多囝餓死父
a'ienphviar | galvanized metal sheeting | 亞鉛板; 白鐵皮
aang-løpok | carrot | 紅蘿蔔; 胡蘿蔔
ab'afpviar | Taiwanese engagement pastry | 盒仔餅
aezeeng putzoafn | changeable or unstable in love; fickle | 愛情無專
aezupve | acquired immune deficiency syndrome; AIDS | 愛滋病
afmphoeh | bubbles of the rice gruel | 粥沫; 米湯膜
afmpozee | cicada | 庵埔蟬; 蟬的俗稱
afnpaa | daddy | 吾爸; 俺爸; 爹
ahpaf | dried duck | 板鴨; 鴨疤
ahpiøf | bond for a bid | 押標
aienphviar | galvanized iron sheet | 亞鉛鉼
aipexkiørbuo | screaming and shouting | 哀爸叫母
aipiet | depart sadly | 哀別
akpiet | shake hands at parting; shake hands in parting; say goodbye | 握別
akpuii | apply fertilizer; water plants with liquidized night soil | 施肥; 沃肥; 澆肥
alyputtat | saliva; useless; not to the point | 無三不四; 亂七八糟
am'afm-iap'iab | secretly; try to cover up; hide | 鞍鞍掩掩
ampozee | cicada | 庵埔蟬; 𧌄蜅蠐
ampozhee | cicada | 庵埔蟬; 蟬的俗稱
ang'afphiaw | playing cards; the Jack; Queen and King in a deck of cards | 尪仔標; 紙牌; 玩的紙牌
angkongpøar | aged couple | 翁公婆仔; 老夫妻; 老伴
angløpok | carrots | 紅蘿蔔
angpaai | bronze medal | 紅牌
angpafn | erythema | 紅斑
angpau'axn | bribery case | 紅包案
angpaw | bribe; (money in) red envelope; gift or bribe; a packet of money usually wrapped in red paper or in a red envelope presented as a tip; for congratulatory purposes or as a farewell present | 紅包
angpefng | red soldier | 紅兵
angphaux | red cannon | 紅炮
angphoesw | red book; a term indicating a diplomatic document | 紅皮書
angphoezhaix | eggplant | 紅皮菜; 紅 茄子
angphvi | red nose | 紅鼻
angphøezhaix | egg-plant | 紅花菜; 紅皮菜; 茄
angpøfciøh | rubies | 紅寶石
angpøo | old couple | 翁婆
angsiøpiq | fried terrapin | 紅燒鱉
angtauxpefng | crushed ice with red bean | 紅豆冰
angthiap'ar | | 紅帖仔
anky loggiap | live in peace and be content with one's lot or occupation | 安居樂業
anky-loggiap | live and work in peace | 安居樂業
anpaai portix | make arrangements for | 安排佈置
anpaai | arrange; arrangement; dispose; provide; arrange | 安排
anpafng texngkog | give peace and stability to the country | 安邦定國
anpiin logtø | happy to lead a simple virtuous life | 安貧樂道
anpoee | ampere | 安培
anzoaan pynciafm | safety pin | 安全別針
anzoanpynciafm | safety pin | 安全別針
aopo | bad plan, vulgar plan | 拗步; 漚步
ap | dam gate; case; box | 閘; 盒
ap'aan | to compress, compression | 壓緊; 壓絚
ap'ab | feel pressed | 壓壓; 壓下
ap'ha | press down | 壓下
ap'hok | subjugate; force a nation or person to his or her knees; suppress | 壓服; 制服; 壓伏
ap'oafn | to bend | 壓冤; 壓彎
ap'un | rhyme | 押韻
apaa | father | 阿爸
apaf | daddy; father; daddy; papa | 阿爸; 爸爸; 父親
apaq | daddy | 阿爸
aparto | an apartment, a flat, an apartment house | 公寓
ape | father, daddy | 阿爸; 爸爸
apengkøf | soldier | 阿兵哥
apeq | uncle (father's elder brother); old gentleman); uncle (father's elder brothers) | 阿伯; 伯父; 伯伯
aphiernhunzhoef | opium pipe | 鴉片煙管
aphiernhwn | opium prepared for smoking | 鴉片煙
aphiernkuie | opium fiend | 鴉片鬼
aphiernsiefn | opium addict | 鴉片仙
aphiexn | opium; opium | 鴉片
apke | to depress | 壓低
apkerng | press on to the border | 壓境
apkngx | shelve a document | 壓卷
apkviaf | help to get over a shock | 壓驚
aplegkex | pressure gauge | 壓力計
aplegpiør | pressure gauge | 壓力表
aplek | pressure; pressure | 壓力
aploxky | roller for road-surfacing | 壓路機
appeg pehsvex | oppress the people | 壓迫百姓
appeg | compel; force; pressure; hard-pressed; oppression; constraint | 壓迫
appeg-karm | pressure | 壓迫感
apphoax | crush to pieces | 壓破
apphvae | crush | 壓壞
appvee | press something so as to make it flat and smooth | 壓平
appvie | flatten by pressure | 壓扁
appvii | to flatten | 壓平
apsie | to crush to death | 壓死
apsiofng | wound by pressure | 壓傷
apsiog | constriction; to compress | 壓縮
apsiokky | mechanical compressor | 壓縮機
apsog | constriction; to compress | 壓縮
apsokky | mechanical compressor | 壓縮機
aptøfsexng ee serngli | overwhelming victory; landslide victory | 壓倒性的勝利
aptør | overwhelm; overpower; surpass; overwhelm; excel; win | 壓倒
aputtøfar | crested Pochard | 阿不倒仔
aputtør | tumbling toy; a legless; round-bottomed roly-poly doll | 無倒翁; 不倒翁
apzab | dirty | 狎穢; 骯髒
apzax | squeeze by press | 壓榨
apzex laang | bring pressure to bear on a person | 壓制人
apzex | oppress; repress; restrain | 壓制
apzhuix | crush to pieces | 壓碎
apzu | to weigh down, to hold down | 壓住
apzøee | press well; press even | 壓齊
apøo | elderly lady; Madam; term of respect for an old woman | 阿婆
armpaang | darkroom; dark room | 暗房
armpafn | night shift; night work | 夜班
armpangchiaf | last train or bus on the schedule for the day | 夜班車
armphef | letter in closed envelope | 暗信; 密封的信
armpng | supper; dinner | 晚飯; 暗飯; 晚餐
armpo | conspiracy; a plot | 陰謀; 暗步; 暗計
armpozee | cicada; a large insect that makes a shrill sound | 庵埔蟬
armpve | secret disease; venereal disease; undiscovered illness | 暗疾; 暗病; 性病; 花柳病
armpvoaa | price or quotation which is kept from public knowledge but made known to a selected few | 暗盤
armpøx | evening paper; evening paper | 晚報
armsarmpve | venereal disease; secret or undiscovered disease | 暗散病; 性病
armsarmpvi | hidden disease | 暗毿病
armsip | attack in the dark | 偷襲
armzhaw ciexngiap | engage in unlicensed prostitution | 暗操賤業
arngphvi | nose stuffiness; stuffy nose; adenoidal speech | 甕鼻; 鼻塞; 重鼻音
arngphvixsviaf | nasal voice; talk nasally and indistinctly | 甕鼻聲; 塞鼻聲
arnlip | ordain | 暗定; 任命(聖職)
arnpefng puttong | refuse sending troops to relieve friendly forces in distress | 按兵無動
arnpefng | hold the troop | 按兵
arnpo | one by one; step by step | 按步
arnpvoaa | estimate | 按盤; 估計
arpax | bully; local tyrant; despotic and avaricious, crabby and bad-tempered | 壓霸; 蠻不講理; 霸道; 跋扈; 蠻橫; 惡霸; 專橫
asupala | an asparagus | 蘆筍
aswphylirn | aspirin, acetylsalicylic acid | 阿斯匹靈
at-chiwpax | arm-wrestling | 折手豹; 比腕力
atchiwpax | arm wrestling | 遏手把
au-lefpaix | next week | 後禮拜; 下禮拜
aupuii | compost | 漚肥; 堆肥
auxauxlefpaix | the week after next | 下下禮拜
auxlefpaix | next week | 下星期
auxpaai | rear row | 後排
auxpaang | second wife (taken after the death of one's first wife) | 後房; 繼室
auxpae | next time | 後擺; 後次; 下次
auxpafng | next time; another time; the next train; bus; etc. | 後幫; 下回; 下次; 下班車
auxpe | stepfather | 後父; 繼父
auxpeeng | back; rear | 後爿; 後邊
auxpi kunjiin | military reservists | 後備軍人
auxpiahsvoaf kia | said of a person with strong backing or powerful connections | 後壁山在; 靠山大
auxpiahsvoaf | background; said of powerful influence assisting a man | 後壁山; 後背景; 靠山; 後盾
auxpiahtviaa | back yard | 後壁埕
auxpiaq | back in location | 後壁
auxpiaq-tviaa | back yard | 後壁埕; 後院
auxpixkwn | the reserve force | 後備軍
auxpo | route of retreat; secret plan held in reserve for one's own possible use or protection (after chhun; lau) | 後步; 後部; 餘地; 退路
auxpoex | younger generation | 後輩; 晚輩
auxpvae | next time | 下次
auxpvoarjit | latter half of a day | 後半日
auxpvoarmee | after midnight; wee hours of the morning | 後半暝
auxpvoax | back half | 後半; 後半部
awchiwpax | table-top Indian wrestling with inner surface of wrists in contact; arm wrestling | 折手豹; 比臂力
awpoo | fold a hem; to hem | 拗布; 摺布邊緣
axn-pyle | pro rata, in proportion | 按比例
babogputjiin | numbed, paralyzed, unsympathetic, unfeeling | 麻木不仁
babok-putjiin | numbed; paralyzed; unsympathetic; unfeeling | 麻木無仁
bacip | collect | 覓集
bad høfphvae | know the difference between good and evil | 識好歹; 識善惡
badpaang | small secure room | 密縫; 密室
badpiin | closely woven bamboo partition | 密屏; 隔間板
bafnpuu | to pluck a gourd | 採杓
bagbaipid | eyebrow pencil | 目眉筆
bagciuphee | eyeskin | 目睭皮
bagciuphoee | eyelid | 目睭皮
bagciuphøee | eyelid | 目睭皮; 眼皮子
bagciw ee peqjiin | white of the eye | 目睭的白仁
bagciw thapthab | deep-set or sunken eyes; eyes with bags under them | 目睭塌塌; 眼窩內凹
bagciw-phøee | upper eye-lid | 目睭皮; 眼皮
bagphuun | a wood tub | 木棚; 木盆
bagphøee | upper eye-lid | 目皮; 眼皮
bagpvoaa | inkstone; ordinary old type of Chinese ink stand; on which bar ink is ground and mixed with water | 硯台; 墨盤
bagzuie-paan | ink bottle, inkpot | 墨水瓶
bahofng-pvi | leprosy | 痲瘋病; 麻瘋
bahongpve | leprosy; Hansen's disease | 痲瘋病
bahpaw | a steamed bun with meat stuffing; meat dumplings; steamed dumplings stuffed with meat | 肉包; 肉包子
bahphee | meat skin | 肉皮
bahphirn | meat | 肉品
bahphiøx | hostage kidnapped for ransom | 肉票
bahphoee | pork rind | 肉皮
bahphvix | slice of meat; sliced meat; meat cut in small pieces; squares or bits | 肉片
bahphøee | skin of meat | 肉皮; 豬皮
bahpor | preserved meat | 肉脯
bahpviafbin | broad fat face not good-looking | 肉餅面; 大肥臉
bahpviar | sesame seed cake; cake stuffed with meat; meat-pie | 肉餅
bahpviar-bin | sesame seed cake face | 肉餅臉
baikud pud baibeeng | intern the bones but not his name | 埋骨無埋名
baixpve | visit the sick | 探病
ban-puttek'ie | be forced to do it; to have no alternative; the last resort | 萬無得已
banphee | stubborn | 蠻皮
banphesiern | stubborn ringworm | 蠻皮癬
banphoee | thick skinned; incorrigible; unruly; naughty; a whippersnapper; incorrigible, clow to respond to correction | 蠻皮; 很皮; 蹭著
banphoesiern | stubborn ringworm | 蠻皮癬
banphøee | sluggish to response; incorrigible | 蠻皮; 頑皮
banput'heng | unfortunate | 萬無幸
bapiepve | polio | 麻痺病
bapiezexng | paralysis, polioa | 麻痺症; 小兒麻痹
bapix | numb; paralyzed; numb; paralysis | 痲痺; 麻痺
batpør | know how to treasure; know the value of things; have a sense of values | 識寶; 識貨
baxnban putkhør | absolutely forbidden; by all means no; under no circumstance | 萬萬無可
baxng'ar-pox | net clothes | 網仔布
baxng'iupvi | sleepwalking, somnambulism | 夢遊病
baxng'iuu-pvi | sleepwalking, somnambulism | 夢遊症; 夜遊症
baxnleeng phoksu | Mr. know-it-all | 萬能博士
baxnlie phengtheeng | an expression used to congratulate someone or give him your best wishes; (Lit. very promising; future unlimited) | 萬里鵬程
baxnlieen pid | fountain pen | 萬年筆; 鋼筆
baxnlienpid | ink pen; fountain pen; fountain pen | 萬年筆; 鋼筆
baxnpafng | numerous countries; numerous nations | 萬邦
baxnpahhang | very many | 萬百項; 事多如牛毛
baxnpehsvix | all people of the world | 萬百姓
baxnphao | jog | 慢跑
baxnpheeng | rambling comments | 漫評
baxnpid | familiar essay | 漫筆
baxnpo | wander; traipse; jog; meander; ramble; stroll; saunter | 漫步
baxnpoe | ten thousand-fold | 萬倍
baxnput'heng | unfortunate | 萬不幸
baxnputkay | usually used in the subjunctive mood to indicate one's regret for having done something; really should not have; most emphatically not; a thousand no's | 萬無該
baxnputleeng | most impossible of all impossibilities; a metaphysical impossibility | 萬無能
baxnputtek'ie | extremely helpless | 萬不得已
baxnpvoaf | all; various; utterly; extremely; all; every; various; extremely; in many different ways | 萬般
baxnsafn phiern'iar | found everywhere (Lit. so numerous it covers the mountains and the plains) | 漫山遍野
baxnsexng-pvi | a chronic disease | 慢性病
baxnsu paethog | Please help in all matters | 萬事拜託
be bengpek | incomprehensible; cannot understand | 無明白
be piernseg | color will not change or fade | 無變色; 不褪色
be pinzurn | groundless; improbable; unworthy of belief | 未憑准; 無能依據
be sngrtid pae | innumerable times | 未算得次; 好多次
be tiaupag | cannot retain in the stomach; cannot keep in mind | 未條腹; 吃無上胃
beeng pud hithoaan | one's reputation well-deserved | 名無虛傳
befjip | buy | 買入
befnghofng pøxuo | fierce wind violent rain; a storm | 猛風暴雨
befpaang | horse stable; barn | 馬房
befpangchiaf | last bus or train | 尾幫車
befpefng | cavalry soldier; cavalry; mounted troops | 騎兵; 馬兵
befphid | horses | 馬匹
befphiøx | pari-mutuel ticket | 馬票
befpiør | stopwatch | 馬錶
befpvy | horsewhip; whip; riding crop; horsewhip | 馬鞭
begbek putguo | silent, speechless, without a word to say | 默默無言
begpid | ink pen | 墨筆
behpiaq | next door, adjacent to | 隔壁
beng putkay zoat | not destined to die (said of one who has had a narrow escape from death) | 命無該絕
beng'mvoaa armphiexn | deceive and cheat | 明瞞暗騙
beng'uu-phoksu | honorary doctor | 名譽博士
bengbeeng pegpek | clear; clearly; obviously; evidently | 明明白白
bengpaai | lucky number in gambling | 名牌; 大家樂
bengpafng | allies; allied country; allies | 盟邦
bengpek ee laang | reasonable person; considerate person | 明白的人; 明理的人
bengpek | understand; clear; distinct; explicit; plain; evident; obvious | 明白; 了解
bengphaux | set off firecrackers; fire cannons | 鳴炮
bengphiexn | calling card | 名片
bengphirn | state explicitly; promise plainly; to make a verbal bargain | 明約; 明品; 明言; 明白口約
bengphvix | business card; name card | 名片
bengpien sixhuy | know distinctly what is right and what is wrong | 明辨是非
bengpien | clearly distinguish | 明辨
bengseapiør | specification; minute description; detailed statement | 明細表
bengsirnphiexn | postal card | 明信片
bengsirnphvix | postcard; postal card | 明信片
bengsixn phiexn | post-card | 明信片
bepng | congee | 糜飯
beqafpng | wheat; oats meal | 麥仔飯
beqphof | bran | 麥麩
beqphvix | corn flakes; oatmeal | 麥片
beqphøf | wheat bran | 麥麩
bexpar | insatiable appetite; greedy | 未飽; 無飽
bexphiørzhux | box office; ticket window | 賣票處; 售票處
bexphiøx | sell tickets | 賣票; 售票
bexpie`tid | not to be compared with; not to be mentioned in the same breath with | 未比得; 無能比
bexpiexn | cannot be changed; unchangeable; immutable | 未變; 無會變
bexpvee | not fair; not smooth | 未平; 無公平
bexpvef`tid | stingy | 未摒得; 吝嗇
bexpvix | cannot be changed; unchangeable; immutable | 未變; 無會變
bextaxng siusip | pandemonium; wild disorder or confusion; hopeless situation; out of control | 未當收拾; 無可收拾
biauphor | nursery for young plants; a rice nursery; seedbed | 苗圃
bidcip | to cluster together | 密集
bidpaang | secret room | 密房; 蜂房
bidphafng | honey bee; honey bee | 蜜蜂
bidpox | spread closely; closely or densely spread over; densely covered by clouds or with secret agents and guards everywhere | 密布
bidputkhøfhwn | intimate, close | 密不可分
bidpviar | honey wafer | 蜜餅
bidpøo | bat | 蝙蝠; 密婆
bidsujip | secret input | 密輸入
biefnciexn-paai | signal for truce(like white flag) | 免戰牌
biefncvipng | free lunch - in jail | 免錢飯
biefnphiøx | free ticket; free pass; complimentary ticket | 免票
biefnputliao | unavoidable; no help for it | 免無了; 難免
biefnsøeaphirn | tax-free goods | 免稅品
biexnhiap | meet and talk it over | 面洽
biexnpheg | to face the wall and meditate (Zen Buddhist) | 面壁
bii putcioktø | very unimportant | 微無足道
biin pud liausefng | people have nothing to live upon | 民無聊生
biliap | microscopic particle | 微粒
bin peqsysad | pallor; pale | 面白死殺; 臉色蒼白
bin'afexpof | tomorrow afternoon | 明仔下埔; 明天下午
bin'ar expof | tomorrow afternoon | 明天下午
bin'ar-expof | tomorrow afternoon | 明仔下埔; 明仔下晡; 明天下午
bin'ix taixpiao | people's representatives | 民意代表
bingiap | privately operated business | 民業
binnafexpof | tomorrow afternoon | 明天下午
binnar expof | tomorrow afternoon | 明仔下晡
binpaang | private house; civilian house | 民房
binpefng | people's militia; militia; militiaman; militia | 民兵
binpiexn | people's revolt | 民變
binzhngg-pafng | headboard | 眠床板
binzhngpafng | bed platforms | 眠床枋
binzhngphof | bed; berth | 眠床舖
binzhngpøo | bed goddess | 眠床婆
binzok ee phienkiexn | racial prejudice | 民族的偏見
biphøf | microwave | 微波
biphøloo | microwave oven | 微波爐
bipok | meager; slight; slender | 微薄
biputcioktø | very unimportant | 微不足道
bipøh | very small amount, slight | 微薄
bit putkhøfhwn | intimate; close | 密無可分
bixlaiphaix | futurists; futurism | 未來派
bixnphee | face | 面皮
bixnphex | veil | 面紗; 面罩
bixnphoee jiaau | wrinkled face | 臉皮皺
bixnphoee kau | brazen faced; shameless; impudent; cheeky | 臉皮厚
bixnphoee | facial skin | 面皮; 臉皮
bixnphuun | washing basin; basin for washing hands and face; wash basin | 面盆; 臉盆
bixnphøee | feelings; emotions; facial features | 面皮; 臉皮; 面子
bixnpo | facial region; the face | 臉部
bixnpox | facial towel; towel | 面布; 洗臉毛巾; 毛巾
bixnthefphee | emotional sensitivity, respectability | 面體皮
bixpid cixnjieen | not always so; not necessarily | 未必盡然
bixpid | not necessarily; probably not; not always; not necessarily | 未必; 不一定
bixpien | it's not convenient to; improper; inadvisable; not in a position to | 未便
bixpitjieen | may not; not necessarily; probably not; not necessarily so | 未必然; 未必
bixpog sienty | foresee accurately; a seer | 未卜先知
bixpog-sienty | to know without consulting oracle | 未卜先知
boafnpoex | the younger generation; younger generation | 晚輩
boafnpvoaa | overall | 全盤
boafnpøx | evening paper; afternoon paper | 晚報
boahpiaq | paint wall; plaster a wall | 抹壁; 塗牆
boefpan | a comprador | 買辦
boefpangchiaf | last bus | 尾幫車
boefphiøx | buy votes | 買票
bofpurn | the expenses of man to marry wife; money necessary to marry a wife | 某本; 娶妻費用; 娶妻之本錢
boftanpek'hap | tulip, Tulipa gesneriana | 牡丹百合
bogparn | blocks engraved for printing | 木板
bogphiaw | goal; objective; purpose; objective; target; aim | 目標
bogphu'ioong | a cotton rose | 木芙蓉
bogpiaw | target | 目標
bogpid | magnolia; wooden pen | 木筆
bogpid-hoef | zephyranthes | 木筆花
bogpurn | plants with stiff trunks | 木本
bogpvoaa | a wooden tub | 木盤
bogsimpafng | plywood | 木心枋
bogthiokgiap | pastoral industry; stock farming; ranching | 牧畜業
bok putseg tefng | not to know a single word; ignorant | 目無識丁
bong'afpof | grave yard | 墓仔埔; 墓地
bong'viuu pofløo | shut the stable door when the steed is stolen- to take precaution when too late | 亡羊補牢
bongkor-paw | Mongolian tent | 蒙古包
bongpex | becloud; hoodwink; dust the eyes of; deceive; swindle; hide truth from a superior | 蒙蔽
bongphiexn | blindfold; fakement | 矇騙
bongpurn | forget one's place, forget one's origin | 忘本
bongtiap | a kind of brill | 芒鮃; 蒙鰈
boxcip | gather; collect; levy; invite; enlist; enroll; raise; invite; collect; to appeal for subscriptions | 募集; 招募
boxng'iupve | somnambulism; sleep-walking | 夢遊病; 夢遊症
boxng'iuu-pve | sleepwalking; somnambulism | 夢遊病
boxng'wn poexgi | ungrateful; ingrate | 忘恩背義
boxngpaai | grave marker; tombstone; tombstone | 墓碑; 墓牌
boxpaai | monument | 墓碑; 墓牌
boxpefng | enlist soldiers; to enlist troops | 募兵
boxpurn | a facsimile | 模本; 摹本; 傳真
boxpy | gravestone; tombstone | 墓碑
bu'og putzog | capable of committing every crime under the sun | 無惡無作
bu'og-putzog | stop at nothing in doing evil; to be as wicked as possible | 無惡無作
bu'orng putli | lucky in every endeavor; successful in whatever one does | 無往無利
bubii putcix | down to the very last detail; very thoughtful | 無微無至
budcid putbiedlut | law of conservation of matter | 物質無滅律
budcitputbiedlut | law of conservation of matter | 物質不滅律
budkex phøtong | price fluctuations | 物價波動
budlie piernhoax | physical changes | 物理變化
budphirn | commodity; article of trade; article; goods; commodities | 物品
budphynsoex | commodity tax | 物品稅
buhofng pud khylong | There must be a cause or reason for something (Lit. If there is no wind there are no waves.) | 無風無起浪
bukeapør | priceless treasure | 無價寶; 無價之寶
bukex cy pør | priceless treasure | 無價之寶
bukhar putseeng sw | it happened that...; There would have been no story to tell but for that coincidence | 無巧無成書
bukii put'iuo | nothing is too strange | 無奇無有
bukii-put'iuo | all sorts of strange things | 無奇無有; 千奇百怪
bukvax-pviar | unleavened bread | 無酵餅
bunbuo pahkvoaf | all the various civil and military officials | 文武百官
bunchixpo | retail section | 門市部
buncid pinpyn | fine both in accomplishments and in nature; elegant and refined in manner | 文質彬彬
buncip | collection of prose works | 文集
buncynpo | outpatient department (OPD) | 門診部
bunge zokphirn | literary works or productions | 文藝作品
bunhak phoksu | Doctor of Literature | 文學博士
bunhap | to coincide, to accord with, to match, to tally | 文合; 符合
bunhoax suxgiap | cultural enterprise | 文化事業
bunpaang suopør | the four instruments used in writing (the writing brush; the ink stone; the ink stick; and writing paper) | 文房四寶 (毛筆; 硯台; 墨; 紙)
bunpangsuopør | the four instruments used in writing (the writing brush, the ink stone, the ink stick, and writing paper) | 文房四寶 (毛筆, 硯台, 墨, 紙)
bunpeeng | certificate | 文憑
bunpheeng | literary criticism | 文評
bunpid | style of writing; a person's literary style or skill; writer's pen; literary talent | 文筆
bunpiin | diploma; diploma; certificate; documentation; credentials | 文憑
buphid | without equal; incomparably | 無匹
buphiin | no guarantee; no binding force | 無憑
bupi | armaments | 無備
bupie | extremely; incomparably; peerless; incomparable; matchless | 無比
bupiefn | limitless; endless; limitless; vast and expansive | 無邊
bupøo | witch | 巫婆
burnjip | crawl in | 瀵入; 湓入
busiap | irrelevant to; unrelated to | 無涉
busofputleeng | omnipotent | 無所不能
busofputzai | omnipresent | 無所不在
busofputzog | there is nothing that (he) will not do (generally refers to evil), given to every vice | 無所不作, 無所不為
busor put'uii | there is nothing that (he) will not do (generally refers to evil); given to every vice | 無所無為
busor putcix | There is no place to which it does not extend. (addicted to all sorts of wickedness) | 無所無至
busor putleeng | omnipotent; almighty | 無所無能
busor putthofng | there is nothing which he does not understand | 無所無通
busor putty | omniscient | 無所無知
busor putzai | omnipresent | 無所無在
busor putzøx | there is nothing that (he) will not do (generally refers to evil); given to every vice | 無所無作
busor-putcix | do everything to help | 無所無至
busor-putzog | there is nothing that (he) will not do (generally refers to evil); given to every vice | 無所無作; 無所不為
busvoax tiexnpøx | radiogram; wireless telegram | 無線電報
butok puttioxnghw | ruthlessness is the mark of a truly great man; one who is not ruthless is not a truly great man | 無毒無丈夫
butorng buphaix | without party affiliation of any sort; non-partisan | 無黨無派
buu safm putseeng lea | everything comes in threes; omne trinum perfectum | 無三不成禮
buun puttuix tee | content of the writing is inconsistent with the title | 文無對題
buxn poxngkhafng | go through the tunnel | 穿過隧道; 瀵磅空
buxnbun putlok | melancholy; sad and depressed | 悶悶無樂
buxnpng | rice cooked with slow fire | 悶飯; 燜飯
buxnpog | consult a diviner; inquire by divination | 問卜; 卜卦
buxnpok | to consult fortune tellers | 問卜
buxpid | must; by all means | 務必
bwkiapphvix | motion pictures depicting the chivalry and prowess of ancient swordsmen | 武俠片
bwkipvoaa | Chinese chess board | 武棋盤
bwlek kansiap | interfere by use of force | 武力干涉
bwnhap | dovetail | 吻合; 脗合
bwnpiet | kiss goodbye | 吻別
bwpea'axn | corruption case (legal) | 舞弊案
bwpex | fraud; corruption; manage a matter unfairly without the knowledge of a superior; indulge in malpractices especially officials | 舞弊
bwphafng | queen bee | 母蜂; 女王蜂; 蜂王
bwphvoa | dancing partner | 舞伴
bwpi | military preparedness | 武備
bwpo | dance step | 舞步
bwzofng poxtui | armed forces | 武裝部隊
byliap | grains of rice; rice grains | 米粒
byphafng | puffed rice; rice crispy; confection made from puffed rice; rolls made of puffed rice sweeten with sugar | 米香; 米芳; 米花餅; 爆米花
byphwn | water in which rice has been washed and is fed to pigs | 米餿; 米潘; 洗米水; 淘米水
bypiefn | artist | 美編
bysudphirn | a work of art | 美術品
bytiofng putciog | flaw that mars perfection | 美中無足
bøcip'ix | didn't make a decision | 無執意; 沒有下定決心
bøefjip | buying | 買入
bøefpafn | last schedule of transportation (car; train; plane) | 尾班; 最後一班
bøefpan | broker | 買辦
bøhoebøphoef | didn't communicate by letter, didn't correspond | 沒來信
bøhoee bøphoef | didn't communicate by letter; didn't correspond | 沒回沒信
bøhwn opeh | impetuous; rash; without forethought; without distinction of right and wrong | 無分黑白; 無分青紅皂白
bøkaopurn | loss of capital; under cost (a phrase common in commercial circles when a buyer or seller quotes a price that is under cost) | 無夠本
bøkex-pør | priceless treasure | 無價寶
bøkhvii bøkhip | unable to hold on to (like a big; round slippery thing); no collateral; to have no family; relatives; property on which a creditor can have a hold as security | 無鉗無吸; 無著力處; 無可依據; 無牽連
bøkixm bøkhi ciah pahji | There is no taboo; you can live to be a hundred | 無禁無忌吃百二
bøkox bixnphoee | shameless; doesn't guard her (his) reputation; has no self-respect | 無顧臉皮
bøkvarpviar | unleaved bread | 無酵餅
bøkvax-pviar | unleavened bread | 無酵餅
bøo khvikhip | unable to hold on to (like a big; round slippery thing); no collateral; to have no family; relatives; property on which a creditor can have a hold as security | 無鉗吸; 無可依據; 無牽連
bøo kiemiaa tauphiøx | secret ballot | 無記名投票
bøo kongpvee | not fair | 無公平
bøo kongpvii | unfair | 無公平
bøo pawhøo | unsaturated | 無飽和
bøo phahsngx | not expect; unexpectedly; coincidentally | 無打算; 沒想要
bøo phiensym | impartial | 無偏心
bøo piernliern | out of tricks | 無變輾; 無知變通
bøo piernpo | impossible to execute; has no good way to do | 無變步; 沒有好方法; 無法可施
bøo piernthofng | stubborn | 沒變通; 無變通
bøo pvoaree cvii | not a red cent | 無半的錢; 一毛錢也沒有
bøo pvoarji | not a word | 無半字
bøo pvoarphied | do not have a single skill or merit | 無半撇; 一無所長
bøo pvoarpo | useless | 無半步; 一點辦法都沒有
bøo pvoarsud | to have nothing; dispossessed | 無半屑; 什麼都沒有
bøo pvoarsy | not the least bit | 無半絲
bøo pøfliuu | unreserved | 無保留
bøo siøphvef | equal; even; fifty and fifty; half and half | 無相摒; 互無佔便宜
bøo tofngphaix | non-partisan | 無黨派
bøo zhunpan | without any previous thought about it; as something coming unexpectedly | 無打算
bøpe-bøbuo | orphan | 無父無母
bøpe-bøbuo`ee | orphan | 無父無母的
bøpexkviar | kid raised without a father | 無爸囝; 無父子
bøphvoa | without a companion; alone | 無伴; 沒有伴侶
bøphvy | not succeeding in a dispute; lawsuit; or quarrel; not managing to get a thing cheap; not profitable; advantageous | 無摒; 沒佔便宜
bøpie | not less than; incomparable | 無比
bøpo | out of tricks; having no resource; have no alternative; no way out | 無步; 無法子; 沒法子
bøpurn | without capital | 無本
bøpvi | without illness, without sickness | 無病
bøpvoarhang | nothing | 無半項
bøpvoarlaang | no one at all; not a soul | 無半人
bøpvoarphied | useless | 無半撇
bøpvoarpo | no clues | 無半步
bøpvoarsiern | not a red cent | 一毛也沒有
bøpvoarsy | not at all | 無半絲
bøpøq | not safe; risky | 無穩; 不妥當; 無卜
bøsiaf putseeng tiaxm | shop won't prosper unless it gives credit | 無賒不成店
bøsinphaix | atheists | 無神派
bøsiøphvy | equal; even; fifty and fifty; half and half | 無相摒; 互無佔便宜; 相等的
bøsox-pae | numerous times | 無數次
bøsvoax tiexnpøx | radiogram; wireless telegram | 無線電報
bøtapsab | not enough | 無答屑; 無夠
bøtorng bøphaix | impartial; without party affiliation of any sort; non-partisan | 無黨無派
bøxpaang | grind mill; grind room | 磨房
chi niawchie ka porte | to have someone you helped turn on you (Lit. Feed a rat and it bits a hole in the sack.) | 飼鳥鼠咬布袋; 吃裡扒外
chi phafng | keep bees | 養蜂
chiabunpox | twilled cotton | 斜紋布
chiachie-phirn | a luxury | 奢侈品
chiachyphirn | luxury goods; luxury articles | 奢侈品
chiaf porpvy | selvage | 車布邊
chiaf-purntao | to suffer a setback | 車糞斗; 翻筋斗
chiafngpaang | factory building; workshop | 廠房
chiahpepee | bad-tempered (woman) | 赤耙耙; 兇巴巴 (女人)
chiahphorngsef | knitting yarn | 刺膨紗
chiahphøee | red-bark oak; Cyclobalanopsis gilva; red dark oak | 赤皮
chiahpiin | the poorest | 赤貧
chiam'ii kanggiap | textile industry | 纖維工業
chiamjixpid | signature pen | 簽字筆
chiammiapho | an autograph book | 簽名簿
chiamtørpho | attendance book | 簽到簿
chiaolap | to kindly accept; Please graciously accept this little gift. (a polite conventional expression asking someone to accept a gift) | 笑納
chiaopexng | a laughing stock | 笑柄
chiap'axn | larceny; burglary; theft or larceny case | 竊案
chiap'hoan | a person commit larceny; thief; burglar | 竊犯
chiapaai | license plate on a vehicle | 車牌
chiapaang | garage | 車房
chiapafn | scheduled bus or train; number of runs or flights (of a bus or train) | 車班; 行車班次
chiapafng | run; trip (of bus; train) | 車班
chiapai'ar | bus stop | 車牌仔; 公車招呼站
chiapchiab sugi | discuss something in secret; comment on something in whispers | 竊竊私議
chiapchiab sugie | talk stealthily or in a very low voice; to whisper | 竊竊私語
chiapchiab-suguo | to whisper to each other | 竊竊私語
chiapchiaux | snicker | 竊笑
chiapgiok thauhiofng | indulge in secret relations with women | 竊玉偷香
chiaphaf-liefntao | to turn a somersault | 車拋輪斗; 翻跟斗
chiaphiaam | suspicion | 竊嫌
chiaphiøx | bus or train ticket; train or bus ticket | 車票
chiaphøf | slope | 斜坡
chiapkux | to usurp | 竊據
chiapoah | to struggle | 車跌; 掙扎
chiapoaqperng | repetitiousness; dacapo; redouble; toss restlessly from side to side; be constantly moving from one situation to another | 車跌並; 亂滾; 輾轉翻覆; 換來換去
chiapthefng | wiretapper | 竊聽
chiapthviaf | eavesdrop; eavesdropping | 竊聽
chiapthviakhix | bugging device | 竊聽器
chiapto | steal, pilfer, theft, pilferage | 竊盜
chiaptø | burglar; theft; thief; larceny | 竊盜
chiaptøxkoong | kleptomania | 竊盜狂
chiaptøxzoe | theft; larceny | 竊盜罪
chiapurntao | turn a somersault | 車糞斗; 翻觔斗
chiapviax | (athletic or other) competition; match; struggle | 車拼; 火拼; 血拼; 博鬥
chiapvoaa | argue; conflict; to argue; to debate; to dispute | 爭執; 捙盤; 車搬; 爭論; 爭辯; 多費事
chiapvy | hypotenuse | 斜邊
chiapzhat | thief | 竊賊
chiaq phorngsef | weaves the yarn | 刺凸紗; 織毛線
chiaq sibji pvixvi | the Red Cross Hospital | 赤十字病院
chiarngphiøx | count votes aloud | 唱票
chiauimphøf | ultrasound | 超音波
chiaupoaq | (v) the exchange of money or items between groups and people; turnover | 移撥; 挪移; 商酌; 週轉
chiaupoat | outstanding; surpassing; transcend | 超拔
chiaupvoaa | repeat tiresomely or endlessly | 超盤; 反覆爭吵
chiautiin poadsiok | transcend the worldly (originally a Buddhist expression) | 超塵拔俗
chiaxngtiøh phoarpve | hindered by sickness | 湊巧生病
chie'afpof | brier patch | 刺仔埔; 荊棘之地
chie'ar-pof | brier patch | 刺仔埔; 荊棘之地
chiefn-put'heng | just in case; if by any chance; contingency | 千無幸; 萬一
chiefnpag | easy to vomit; a baby | 淺腹
chiefnpeh | simple and clear, easy to see | 淺白; 明顯
chiefnpok | meager; shallow; superficial | 淺薄
chiefnpvoaa | a shallow dish | 淺盤
chiefnpøh | meager; shallow; superficial; superficial; superficiality; shallow | 淡薄
chiehap | compete, competence, game, match | 試合; 比賽
chiekekphirn | stimulant | 刺激品
chienhofng pekkex | by hook or by crook; by all means at one's command (Lit. a thousand schemes) | 千方百計
chienhofng-pahkex | to take every possible measure | 千方百計
chienjip | move in from another place | 遷入
chienkiaw-pekbi | a pretty lady | 千嬌百媚
chienkii pekkoaix | all sorts of strange things | 千 奇百怪
chienkofput'hiuo | immortal, forever remembered | 千古不朽
chienkor put'hiuo | immortal; forever remembered | 千古無朽
chienlip | moved in | 遷入
chienphiefn itlut | harp on a single theme; without change; dull; monotonous (said of literary compositions) | 千篇一律
chienphiefn | all sentences or books or sayings | 千篇
chienphiefn-itlut | following the same pattern; thousand pieces of the same tune | 千篇一律
chienpiexn baxnhoax | countless changes or variations; ever changing | 千變萬化
chienpiexn | all sort of changes | 千變
chienpiexn-baxnhoax | kaleidoscopic changes | 千變萬化
chienputkay | usually used in the subjunctive mood to indicate one's regret for having done something; really should not have; most emphatically not; a thousand no's | 千無該; 萬不該
chienthuii peklien | hammer into shape; form iron utensil; develop human character by persistent knocking into shape; undergo severe training and hammering; write with the utmost care (Lit. with countless changes and corrections) | 千錘百鍊
chiepan | do something on an experimental basis; implement a pilot project | 試辦
chiepef | test flight | 試飛
chiepeq | Formosan juniper | 刺松; 臺灣刺柏
chiephex | thorny bush | 刺撂; 荊棘; [*]
chiephøf | strawberry | 刺波
chiepoef | test a new airplane in flight; test flight | 試飛
chiepok | experimental explosion | 試爆
chietpag | disembowel; commit suicide | 切腹
chietphvix kiafmzaf | microscopic examination of affected tissue cut into very thin pieces; biopsy | 切片檢查
chietphvix | to slice | 切片
chimhae higiap | deep sea fishing | 深海漁業
chimjip | invade; irruption; trespass; research; study; delve deeply or thoroughly into something; reach or penetrate deep into enemy territory | 侵入
chimkvef pvoaria | in the dead of night; midnight | 深更半夜
chimlip | go deep | 深入
chimpiao tongzeeng | express deep sympathy | 深表同情
chimsip | invasion; attack; attack stealthily; invade; to plagiarize | 侵襲
chimsixn putgii | believe without a shadow of doubt | 深信無疑
chinchiwpid | written in one's own hand; one's own handwriting | 親手筆
chincviagoxzap | relatives and friends | 親情五十
chinlip | establish something in person | 親立
chinpe | the real father | 親父
chinpeeng hvofiuo | relatives and friends | 親朋好友
chinpeeng | relatives and friends | 親朋
chinpid ee phoef | letter in one's own handwriting | 親筆的信
chinpid | personally; written by one's own hand; write with one's own hand | 親筆
chinpitsixn | letter in one's own handwriting | 親筆信
chinsvef pexbør | one's own parents as distinct from foster parents or step parents | 親生爸母
chiofng tefphvix | develop film | 沖底片
chiofnglip | jut up; lift; spire | 聳立
chiokpafn | freckles | 雀斑
chiokpeg | urge; to hurry along | 促迫
chiongjip | to bump into, to burst into | 衝入
chiongpeg | urge | 衝迫; 倉促
chiongphaix | high spirited; brimming with energy or vitality | 充沛
chiongphiexn | to swindle | 充遍; 充騙
chiongphoax | (n) quickly break through an obstacle | 衝破; 沖破
chiongpoo | sweet calamus | 菖莆; 菖蒲
chiongthiefn-phaux | firework | 沖天炮
chiorngpan | to establish | 倡辦
chiorngphvix | disc; record; phonogram | 唱片
chiorngpvix | a record | 唱片
chip | sip with lips | 緝
chip'ao | stubborn, pigheaded, wilful | 緝拗
chip'axn | case issued for arrest | 緝案
chip'hee | catch shrimp with a bamboo frame | 緝蝦; 撈蝦
chip'heg | to arrest | 緝獲
chipafng | lay down boards so as to make a level surface | 持板; 舖木板
chipeeng | flat | 持平
chiphiørjiin | bearer of a check or bill | 持票人
chipid | hold the pen to write | 持筆
chipkhiim | to keep guard | 緝擒
chipnar | arrest; catch | 緝拿
chippo | arrest | 緝逮; 緝捕
chippor | to seize; to arrest | 緝捕
chipsu | confiscate smuggled good | 緝事
chipsw | anti-smuggling activities | 緝私
chiqpvie`khix | be crushed flat with the hand | 壓扁去
chirnpng | biedermeier meal; cold rice | 凊飯; 冷飯
chitcied pehkhaux | big discounts in bargain sales; make allowance for inaccuracy; exaggeration in a statement or report | 七折八扣
chitcied-pøehkhaux | various deductions; big discounts | 七折八扣
chitgieen-patguo | all talking at once; lively discussion with everybody trying to get a word in | 七言八語
chitgoeqpvoax | fifteenth of the seventh lunar month, special day for worship of ancestral tablets | 七月十五, 中元
chitgøeh-pvoax | a festival on the seventh full moon in a lunar year | 七月半; 中元
chitgøeqpvoax | fifteenth of the seventh lunar month; special day for worship of ancestral tablets | 七月半; 中元
chitkhab pehtør | everything going wrong; topsy-turvy; in great confusion | 一塌糊塗; 七顛八倒
chitkharpafng | a seven-piece puzzle; a Chinese puzzle | 七巧板
chitkhaux pehtii | various discounts; deductions; run up a heavy list of deductions and countercharges, making out that there is very little, if anything, to be paid | 七扣八除
chitkhaux-pøehtuu | not much left after various deductions | 七扣八除
chitlau pehlau | very old | 七老八老; 年事太高
chitlauxpehlau | very old | 七老八老
chitlauxpoehlau | very old | 七老八老
chitliap | seven (circular objects; such as balls or oranges) | 七粒
chitloong pehpoe | very troubled; distressed | 七狼八狽; 亂七八糟
chitpaq | seven hundred | 七百
chitpheg | seven inferior souls (Taoism) | 七魄
chitphirn | seventh grade; seventh step in schema of (Catholic) Holy Orders; a deacon | 七品
chitpo-sengsy | | 七步成詩
chitpoxzoaa | cobra | 七步蛇
chitpør | seven treasures | 七寶
chitsekpaai | seven colors porkers | 七色牌
chitthofng pattat | very erudite; know everything; with facilities of communication; accessible from all directions | 七通八達
chitthofng-pattat | well developed transportation system; very convenient | 七通八達
chittiefn pehtør | constantly stumbling and falling; in constant trouble and calamity; topsy-turvy; all in confusion | 七顛八倒
chitzafpehzar | early in the morning | 七早八早
chitzafpoehzar | early in the morning | 七早八早
chitzap | seventy | 七十
chitzar pehzar | very early in the morning | 七早八早; 一大早
chitzhuix-pøehcih | all talking at once | 七嘴八舌
chitzøx peq mxtiøh | make a mess of things (Lit. Do seven things; eight are wrong.) | 七做八無對; 屢做屢錯
chiubii puttiern | wear a sad or distressed expression | 愁眉無展
chiuo bapix | hand sleeping | 手痲痺
chiuo iap'au | cross the hands behind the back; hand(s) behind the back | 手揜後; 手藏在背後
chiuo phex`leq | arm in a sling | 手臂著
chiuphøf | bright eyes of a beautiful woman; bewitching eyes of a woman | 秋波
chiuxlefng phiag'ar | slingshot | 樹乳甓仔; 彈弓
chiuxlengpox | rubber sheet | 樹乳布; 橡皮布
chiuxpag | (n) tree trunk | 樹腹; 樹幹
chiuxphoee | bark of a tree | 樹皮
chiuxphøee | rind; bark | 樹皮
chiuxpvy | around a tree | 樹邊
chiwboea u pvef | strength of two combatants equal | 手尾有撐; 勢均力敵
chiwcie pho'ar | small notebook; memo book | 手指簿仔; 小筆記本
chiwcihpho'ar | bank passbook | 手摺簿仔
chiwha paixcioxng | one who has suffered defeat at my or your hands | 手下敗將
chiwkangge-phirn | handicraft articles | 手工藝品
chiwkanggexphirn | handicraft articles | 手工藝品
chiwkanggiap | handicrafts industry; handicraft; manual trade | 手工業; 輕工業
chiwpaai | manual | 手排
chiwpax | arm wrestling | 手霸
chiwpe | plough and harrows | 手耙; 犁耙
chiwphang lafng | one who is not thrifty (Lit. the spaces between the fingers are wide) | 手縫鬆; 手指縫寬; 流財
chiwphang | spaces between the fingers | 手縫; 手指縫
chiwphax | handkerchief | 手帕
chiwpid | style; literary work or handwriting by a famed person | 手筆
chiwpie | hand written | 手筆
chiwpix | arm | 手臂
chiwpiøfar | watch | 手錶仔
chiwpiør | watch; wrist watch | 手錶
chiwpvoaa | back of the hand | 手盤; 手背
chiwpvy | near at hand | 手邊
chiwsiok kafnpien | procedure is simple | 手續簡便
chiwthaix pekzhud | many disgraceful manners | 醜態百出
chiwthepaw | handbag | 手提包
chiwzhaupurn | hand written copy | 手抄本
chixlip haghau | Schools established by City; municipal schools | 市立學校
chixlip | established by city government; established with city government funds; operated by or under the jurisdiction of a city government | 市立
chixphafng | raise bees | 養蜂
chixpøx | city newspaper | 市報
chizhafmlogpheg | miserable and desolate | 飼查某
chiørphoax laang ee zhuix | be overwhelmed with laughter; to roll with laughter | 笑破人的嘴
chiørphoax paktofphoee | overwhelmed with laughter; rock with laughter | 笑破腹肚皮
chiørpii | funny bone | 笑枇; 笑源地
chiørpoef | two ear-like bamboo devices used in divination; when one throw the devices and it touch down with both devices face upward; it means the God is laughing; he is allowed to throw the devices again.; cast two small moon-shaped pieces of wood; round on one side and flat on the other; to seek an answer from a spirit (When both flat sides come up; the answer is uncertain.) | 笑筊; 笑桮; 筊面朝上; 陽卦
chiørpvex | laughingstock; butt of a joke | 笑柄
chiørpvix | a matter of laughter | 笑片; 笑柄
chiøx piin bøo chiøx chiofng | look down on the poor and look up to the rich no matter where their money come from | 笑貧無笑娼
chviafcidpvy | this way, please | 請一邊
chviafpien | do as you like; make yourself at home | 請便
chviafput | ask buddha | 請佛
chviar cidpvy | put aside temporarily | 請一邊; 暫時放一邊
chvihiphvix | sashimi | 生魚片
chvimfpøo | mother-in-law | 親姆婆
chvimr-pøo | in-laws grandmother | 親姆婆
chvipeh | pale; wan | 青白; 蒼白
chviphiøo | an aquatic herb; duckweed | 青萍; 青浮萍
chvipof | wilderness | 青埔; 草地; 野地; 無毛之地; 荒地; 荒野
chviu'ar-piaq | wall of fence | 牆仔壁
chviuophiøx | count votes | 唱票
chviuophvix | disc; record; phonogram; phonograph record | 唱片
chviuopvoaa | disc; record; phonogram | 唱盤
chviuosy-pafn | church choir | 唱詩班
chviuphøee | elephant's skin | 象皮
chviuphøee-zexng | elephantiasis | 象皮症
chviupiaq | wall | 牆壁
chviupvex | shaft of a spear | 牆片; 槍柄
chviupvix | shaft of a spear | 牆片; 槍柄; 鎗桿
chviuxopafn | get a spot on one's clothes; get moldy spots on cloth | 生烏斑
chviuxpafn | get a spot on one's clothes; get moldy spots on cloth | 生斑
chviuxphoepox | rubberized fabric | 象皮布
chviuxphoepve | elephantiasis | 象皮病
chviuxphoezoar | thick and strong paper for drawing | 象皮紙
chviuxphuo | become slightly moldy | 發霉
chviuxphvi | a trunk of an elephant; trunk of an elephant | 象鼻
chviuxphvixthaang | curculio | 象鼻蟲
chviuxphøee | elephant's skin | 象皮
chviuxphøee-zexng | elephantiasis | 象皮症
chviwkiap'axn | robbery case | 搶劫案
chviwpaai | brand | 廠牌
chviwpaang | shop; plant | 廠房
chviwpag | harry; plunder; raven; robbery | 搶剝; 掠奪
chviwthaupiøf | grab the first label | 搶頭標
chvizharm-logpheg | wretched; miserable | 悽慘落魄
chvizhawpof | green pasture | 青草埔
chym putkhøfzheg | immeasurable depth or profundity; extremely abstruse | 深無可測
chymsit put'afn | restless due to deep worries | 寢食無安
ciabciap | continue; unceasingly; very often; constantly | 捷捷; 絡繹無絕; 常常
ciafngphirn | prize; award; spoil | 獎品
ciah armpng | eat supper | 吃晚飯
ciah laang ee png | be in a man's employ; dependent on him | 吃人的飯; 受雇
ciah løqpag | swallow down | 吃下肚
ciah sypng | loafer sometimes because of physical disability | 吃死飯; 只吃無做
ciah-bøe tiaupag | unable to retain food on the stomach | 吃未條腹; 無上胃
ciah-bøexpuii | eat without getting fat; eats but doesn't grow or put on weight | 吃無肥
ciah-kaq par | eat till satisfied | 吃到飽
ciah-kirn lorngphoax voar | Haste makes waste | 吃緊撞破碗; 欲速則無達
ciah-løqpag | ate | 食落腹
ciah-nngfpng | to live on the earning of a prostitute | 吃軟飯; 食軟飯
ciah-phorngpviar | to be scolded | 吃凸餅; 挨罵
ciah-phorngtefng | provoke the displeasure of one's master or superior; be blamed by one's superior | 吃凸釘; 挨罵
ciamjip | steal on; enter secretly; slip in; dive into water | 潛入
ciamkhafng liap'viafky | surveillance camera | 針孔攝影機
ciamphvi | pinhole; eye of a needle | 針孔; 針鼻; 針眼
ciampog | divination, divine | 占卜
ciamzuypve | submarine sickness; the bends | 潛水病
ciaobeeng sietpi | illuminating equipment; photo flash equipment | 照明設備
ciaociah-ciaophaq | go Dutch | 照吃照打; 各付各的
ciaociaqciaophaq | go Dutch | 公吃公付錢, 各付各的
ciaociofng paxnlie | carry on; operate; or manage according to rules; regulations | 照章辦理
ciaohap | photo | 照合
ciaopaai | sequence; order; arranged in regular order | 照排; 依次; 挨次; 順序; 照順序排
ciaopan | wilco; do the same; come across; take action; accordingly; manage or handle something according to instruction; orders | 照辦
ciaophoex | mixed in proper proportions | 照配; 平均分配
ciaophvix | a photo, a photograph, a picture | 照片
ciaopo | in order | 照步; 按照秩序; 照規矩
ciaopoxlaai | in the proper order | 照步來; 照規矩來
ciaopurn be | sell at cost | 照本賣
ciaopurn zhutsiuu | sell at cost price (a common sales slogan in a Chinese shop) | 照本出售
ciaopurn | at cost price, as priory decided | 照本
ciaopwn | dividing equally among all; in equal parts | 照分; 均分; 平分
ciaosiong-pho | an album | 照像簿; 相簿
ciaothaupaai | follow the line | 照頭排
ciap | fast; victory; often; constantly; prompt | 捷; 常常
ciap'ek | juice | 汁液
ciap'exng | to stand ready for assistance; stand ready to assist | 接應
ciap'hap | join; to link; connect | 接合
ciap'hap-tiarm | a junction | 接合點
ciap'hiap | to consult with; contact; discuss; or negotiate; negotiations | 接洽
ciap'hofng | to give a reception in honor of a guest from afar; give a reception in honor of some newly arrived person | 接風
ciap'huun | a connection mark; seam or joint of cloth or lumber | 接痕; 接縫
ciap'irn | lead the way for; serve as a guide; to conduct; to guide | 接引
ciap'ixn | take over the seals of office | 接印
ciap'oef | graft (horticulture) | 接枝
ciap'ui | succeed to the throne | 接位; 繼位
ciapboea gie | suffix | 接尾語
ciapboea suu | suffix | 接尾詞
ciapbok | graft plants (horticulture) | 接木; 接枝
ciapburn | kiss | 接吻
ciapbøea-guo | ending words | 接尾語
ciapchiog thoanjiarm | to come in contact with; to infect; communicate disease; communicable or infectious disease | 接觸傳染
ciapchiog | contact; meet; touch; make contact with; come in contact with; to encounter enemy | 接觸
ciapchiuo | to take over; to take up matters; take up matters left unfinished by predecessor; to follow in office | 接手; 經手
ciapciab | juicy, full of juice | 汁汁
ciapciorng | one after another | 接踵
ciapji liensafm | one after the other; continuously; repeatedly | 接二連三
ciapjim | to replace; to succeed; succeed to a predecessor's position; take office; take over a position | 接任; 繼任
ciapkaix | the border between two areas; border on; share a common border; adjacent | 交界; 接界
ciapkhaf | married to a husband or wife her or his spouse died | 接腳
ciapkheq | receive lodgers or guests like a hotel; (said of prostitutes) receive patrons | 接客
ciapkhitlaai | take it up | 接上來
ciapkhoeq | succeed in office | 接缺
ciapkiexn | grant an interview; receive visitor | 接見
ciapkin | next to; come close; close on; approach | 接近
ciapkiuu | to take a pass (in a ball game) | 接球
ciapkoarn | take over the management or administration; The government will take over the company. | 接管
ciapkoealaai | take over, receive, to pass | 接過來, 遞過來
ciapkud saihu | bone setter | 接骨司父
ciapkud | to set a broken bone; to set a fracture; ; set broken bones | 接骨
ciapkud-khøf | bone-setting | 接骨科
ciapkun | near to; adjoining; adjoin; to approach; draw near | 接近
ciapkvix | to receive | 接見
ciapky | to graft | 接機; 接枝
ciaplap | accept; accept a proposal or advice | 接納; 接受
ciaplegsaix | relay race | 接力賽
ciaplek | relay race | 接力
ciaplieen puttoan | continuously or incessantly | 接連無斷
ciaplieen | to be continued | 接聯
ciaplim | take over | 接任
ciappafn | relieve another at work; take turns | 接班
ciappafn-laang | a successor | 接班人
ciappan | succeed another in managing a task; carry on the work left unfinished by another | 接辦
ciappang | receive the baton; continue the work left unfinished by a leading scholar; thinker | 接棒
ciapsaxng | limousine service; receive and send off guests or visitors; transportation to and from a certain place | 接送
ciapsefng | aid in delivery of a child | 接生
ciapsiogsuu | conjunction (grammar) | 接續詞; 連詞
ciapsiok hviu'iefn | continue the family line | 接續香火
ciapsiok | continue; in succession; continuously; continue; connect | 接續; 繼續; 連續
ciapsiu | take in; receive into; acceptant; accept | 接受
ciapsiw | take over; incept; reception; take over materials; receive | 接收
ciapsoax | continuous; in a row; be next (in succession); follow; in close succession; one after the other; continue; continuously | 接紲; 連續
ciapsurn | to connect a tenon | 接榫
ciapsvef | deliver a child | 接生
ciapsvepøo | midwife | 接生婆; 產婆
ciapsvoarsefng | telephone operator | 接線生; 交換手
ciapsvoax | wire connection; make telephone connection | 接線
ciapthaau | a connection; a joint; a junction; meet and discuss; joint of pipeline; a splice in a rope | 接頭
ciapthai | reception; give a reception to; welcome; entertain; serve; reception | 接待
ciapthai-seg | a reception-room | 接待室
ciapthaixoaan | receptionist | 接待員
ciapthaixseg | reception room | 接待室
ciapthaixsor | guest house | 接待所; 招待所
ciapthauguo | joint language | 接頭語
ciapthex | substitute for; take the place of | 接替
ciapthoex | take over process | 接退
ciapthofng | turn on; get through; connecting | 接通
ciaptin | connect | 接陣
ciaptiøh | receive | 接到
ciaptvoaf | orders | 接單
ciapzex | to give material assistance to | 接濟
ciapzhuix | to answer; to respond; to converse; speak next; next speaker | 接嘴; 合攏; 接口; 搭腔; 接下去說
ciapzoa | connect; wiring | 接線
ciapzøee | to support, to help functionally | 接齊
ciaqkvoapng | be in a mandarin's service | 吃官飯; 當官
ciaqnngfpng | live off a prostitute or a barmaid; to pimp | 吃軟飯
ciaqpafax | have eaten, fully satisfied, ate to the full | 吃飽了
ciaqpar | satiate; full | 吃飽
ciaqpar`ax | have eaten; fully satisfied; ate to the full | 吃飽呀
ciaqpar`bøe | have you eaten yet | 吃飽沒
ciaqphiaq | be determined to; insist on | 食癖; 任性; 固執; 執意
ciaqphorngpviar | be scolded; slapped by parents | 吃凸餅; 受責罵
ciaqpien niafhien | easy life not knowing hardship | 食便領現
ciaqpien niafpien | not worry about where the next meal is coming from | 吃便領便; 無需為生計操勞
ciaqpien | ready to eat | 食便
ciaqpien`ee | live off something without work | 吃便的; 吃現成的
ciaqpiexnniafhien | easy come easy go | 食便領現
ciaqpng tøh'ar | dining room table | 吃飯桌仔; 餐桌
ciaqpng | to eat rice; to have a meal; dine | 吃飯
ciaqpng-thviaf | dining hall, dining room | 吃飯廳; 食飯廳; 餐廳
ciaqpng-tøq | dining table | 吃飯桌; 食飯桌
ciaqpngxkefng | dining room | 吃飯間; 餐廳
ciaqpngxkyn | napkin | 吃飯巾; 餐巾
ciaqpngxthviaf | dining room | 吃飯廳; 餐廳
ciaqpngxtøq | dining table | 食飯桌
ciaqpor | take tonics; take strengthening medicine or food | 食補; 進補
ciaqpurn | to lose money in business; live on one's capital | 吃本; 蝕本
ciaqpøf | like to be praised by others | 食褒
ciaqsypng | live on other people; idler; good for nothing fellow | 吃閒飯; 吃死飯
ciaqzhengniafpien | easy life | 食清領便
ciariong-phirn | borrowed goods | 借用品
ciarphøq | refuse left after sugar is extracted from cane | 蔗渣
ciau'iaau toxngphiexn | swindle or cheat by posing as a VIP or claiming to be related to a VIP | 招搖撞騙
ciaucip | invite to an assembly; call to military service; to get together; to call (people) together; summon; gather together | 招集; 召集
ciauhofng yntiap | act the habitual flirt (said of a woman); make passes at men without discrimination | 招蜂引蝶
ciaulap | paid off | 齊納
ciaupaai | signboard; facia; sign; shop sign; signboard | 招牌
ciauphexng | advertise for office vacancies | 招聘; 聘請
ciaupi | everything ready; all complete; as a number of articles | 齊備
ciaux pørzoar | according to the paper | 照報紙
ciauzaai cirnpør | collect a fortune | 招財進寶
ciauzaai-cirnpør | to bring in wealth and treasure | 招財進寶
ciawphiag'ar | slingshot | 鳥擗仔
ciaxm pangii | be in an advantageous position; take advantage of a person | 佔便宜
ciaxm texpvoaa | take care of one's constituency or sphere of influence | 佔地盤
ciaxm-pangii | to take advantage of | 佔便宜
ciaxmjip kakerng | to be better gradually | 漸入佳境
ciaxmpiet | short separation; to part for a short time | 暫別
cibhap bengsuu | collective noun | 集合名詞
cibhap | gather together; gathering; assemble; gather together | 集合
cidbaxnpoe | ten thousand-fold | 一萬倍
cidee cvii phaq jixsix kad | cheapskate; tight fisted; has to untie knots before he will spend a dollar. (Lit. One dollar is tied up by twenty-four knots.) | 一個錢打二四結; 吝嗇鬼
cidee cvii poah-be taan | One can not fight without an opponent | 一個巴掌拍無響; 一個錢跌未陳
cidkvoaf pvoarcid | unimportant official post | 一官半職
cidlefpaix | one week | 一禮拜
cidliap | a (for a circular type of object; such as ball or fruits) | 一粒
cidnii-pvoarzaix | about a year; a year or so | 一年半載
cidpaai | a rank, a platoon | 一排
cidpae | once | 一遍; 一擺
cidpafn | one class (school) | 一班
cidpafng | one trip on the schedule table | 一班; 一幫
cidpag | one (drawing) | 一幅
cidpahban | million | 一百萬
cidpak | one wrap | 一綁
cidpak'hoea | very angry | 一腹火; 一肚子氣
cidpangkefng | the whole room ... | 一房間; 整個房間
cidpaq khorng'id | 101 | 一百空一
cidpaq | one hundred | 一百
cidpaw | a bag of(rice; sugar) | 一包
cidpea | a bunch of (vegetables) | 一把
cidpeeng | one direction | 一爿
cidphang | one crack | 一縫
cidphid | one (stock; cloth) | 一匹
cidphiexn | piece (of land); a lot (of land) | 一遍; 一片
cidphog | one bump | 一突
cidphorlo | ten 'lie' | 十里
cidphvie'ar | small piece | 一片仔; 一小片
cidphvix | a piece, a slice | 一片
cidphvy | one chapter | 一篇
cidphvyar | a tiny bit | 一疕仔
cidphy | a batch, a lot, a group | 一批
cidphyafkviar | very small (stature) | 一痞仔囝; 人很小
cidphyar | a bit; a little | 一疕仔; 一點兒
cidphøef | passel; a crop of; a set of; batch | 一批
cidpid | one (item) | 一筆
cidpiexn | once | 一遍
cidpo | one step | 一步
cidpo-cidpo | step by step; gradually; progressively | 一步一步
cidpoef | a cup of | 一杯
cidpoex | one life | 一輩
cidpof | one half day | 一晡
cidpof-kuo | half day long | 一晡久; 半天
cidpong | one pound | 一磅
cidpoxhun | a part | 一部份
cidpoxui | a part (of the body) | 一部位
cidpurn | a volume; a (book) | 一本
cidpve | diseases | 疾病
cidpvi | diseases | 疾病
cidpvoa'viu | the same kind | 一般樣
cidpvoaa | one dish | 一盤
cidpvoaf | the same kind, as usual | 一般
cidpvoarear | few | 一半个仔
cidpvoarjidar | few days | 一半日仔
cidpvoarjit | in a day or two; in a few days | 一兩天; 一半日
cidpvoarlidar | few days | 一半日仔
cidpvoarpae | just one time or two | 一半拜; 一兩次
cidpvoaviu | the same kind | 一般樣
cidpvoax | one-half | 一半
cidpvoax-cidpvoax | half and half | 一半一半
cidpvy | one side | 一邊
cidpøe | one time | 一倍
cidsyn si pve | be affected by several ailments or diseases | 一身是病
cidtiap'afkuo | for a moment, a very short time | 一霎仔久
cidtiap'ar | a short while, a moment | 一會仔
cidtiap'ar-kuo | in a little while | 一會仔久
cidtiapkwar | just a little while | 一會兒
cie pag uii hwn | fingertips for marriage | 指腹為婚
cied-tuiepvoax | half price off | 折對半
ciedpøx | report of success in examination; war bulletin announcing victory | 捷報
ciedtioong poftoarn | make up for deficiency in one part by great abundance or excellent in another part | 截長補短
ciefncip | clip | 剪輯
ciefnphiøx | punch the ticket | 剪票
ciefnpiedhoe | farewell party | 餞別會
ciefnpiet | a dinner party for saying goodby; give a farewell party; a parting farewell gift | 餞別; 餞行
ciefnpox | to buy clothes | 剪布; 買布
ciegoaxnpefng | military volunteers | 志願兵
cienpae | preceding time, last occasion | 前次; 前擺
cienpoex | a senior (person); one's (elders and) betters; a predecessor | 前輩; 前輩,先輩
cienpviar | griddle cake; pancake | 煎餅
cienpvoaa | frying pan; griddle; ; clank; clang; sound of metal | 煎盤; 平底鍋; 煎鍋
cienpvoax | first half | 前半
ciepør | the most precious; most precious treasure | 至寶
ciernliok pogkekky | strategic bomber; long range bomber | 戰略爆擊機
ciernlixphirn | spoils, booty gained in the war | 戰利品
ciernpai | to be defeated; to lose (a battle or war) | 戰敗
ciernpaixciar | defeated person; loser | 戰敗者
ciernpaixkog | defeated or vanquished country; the vanquished | 戰敗國
ciernpefng | a soldier; a man of arms; a combatant | 戰兵
ciernphaau | combat uniform | 戰袍
ciernphaux | battle dress in former times | 戰甲; 甲冑; 戰袍
ciernphoef | letter of recommendation | 薦批; 推薦信
ciernphøef | letter of recommendation | 薦信
ciernpi | combat readiness; war preparations | 戰備
ciernpoat | recommendation | 薦拔
ciernpøx | war report; war bulletins; reports from the battle front | 戰報
cierntox iefnsip | war games; military maneuvers | 戰鬥演習
cierntox pogkekky | fighter bomber | 戰鬥爆擊機
ciesie putgvo | hold on to one's wrong belief till death | 至死無悟
ciesie putjuu | remain faithful until death | 至死無渝
ciesie putkhud | stick to one's principles of faith till one breathes his last | 至死無屈
ciesie putpiexn | consistent or unswerving love or faith | 至死無變
ciet'ay suxnpiexn | restrain grief and accept the change (common advice to the bereaved) | 節哀順變
ciet'hap | equivalent to… (said of two currencies) | 折合
cietbogpiør | program of a concert or show | 節目表
cietcied paixthex | suffer one defeat after another | 節節敗退
cietphang | crease | 折縫; 摺痕
cietphaq | rhythm | 節拍
cietpoax | break into half; 50% off | 折半
cietpurn | lose money in business | 折本
cietpvoax | to reduce (in price) by half; reduce by one half; reduce to half | 折半
ciexngiap | despicable business; lowly or mean occupation (now usually referring to prostitution) | 賤業
ciexnpi | cheap girl servant | 賤婢; (罵人)
cihparn | receive the coffin | 摺枋; 迎靈; 接棺材
cihphoe | fold the quilt | 摺被
cihphøef | receive letter | 接信
cihøeapho | inventory bookkeeping records | 支貨簿
cili phørzhuix | completely disintegrated | 支離破碎
cin pwnhun | play one's proper role; do what one is supposed to do; no more; no less | 盡本分
cinciap | frequently; often | 真捷; 常常
cinkhofng khiptinkhix | vacuum cleaner | 真空吸塵器
cinkhongkoarn kiafmphøkhix | vacuum valve detector | 真空管檢波器
cinkym putphvax høea | men of abilities fear nothing; Truth is ultimately louder than lies or slanders. True loyalty can stand the test of adversity. (Lit. Pure gold is not afraid of being heated.) | 真金無怕火
cinphvae | very bad, very difficult to, very hard to | 真歹
cinphøee | real leather, dermis, corium | 真皮
cinpid | true pen | 真筆
cinpiin sidkix | concrete proof and genuine evidence; indisputable proof | 真憑實據
cinsioxng pitlo | have one's true face or colors completely exposed | 真相畢露
cinsioxng taixpek | truth is out | 真相大白
cinzw phoaqlien | pearl necklace | 真珠項鍊
cinzw-poex | pearl-oyster | 珍珠貝; 真珠貝
ciofng kofng por zoe | make up for faults by one's merits | 將功補罪
ciofng sym pie sym | judge another's feelings by your own; compare your feelings with his; empathize | 將心比心
ciofng-putjieen | otherwise | 將無然
ciofngpaai | medal | 獎牌
ciofngphirn | prize; award; spoil; trophy; prizes or rewards | 獎品
ciofngpiet | classify; classification | 種別
ciofngpoef | a plate, a prize cup | 獎杯
ciofngzok pengterng | racial equality | 種族平等
ciog phahpviax | very hard; struggled; make an effort to | 足打拚
ciokpafn | freckle | 雀斑
ciong'ioong putpeg | in an unhurried of leisurely manner | 從容無迫
ciongpoong | from the side | 從旁
ciongsog paxnlie | expedite execution of an official instruction; do something with dispatch | 從速辦理
ciongsyn putboong | keep in memory throughout one's life | 終身無忘
ciongsyn suxgiap | life long career; career; endeavor undertaking to which one dedicates his whole life | 終身事業
ciorngkvoar puttek | One single person is no match for a crowd | 眾寡無敵
ciorngsoad put'id | there are many different versions of a story | 眾說無一
cip iuphiøx | stamp collection | 集郵票
cip | sip; lonesome; to gather; assemble; gather together; compile; edit; collection of works by one or more authors | 啜; 嚐; 集; 寂
cip'ao | stubborn | 執拗
cip'heeng piesw | executive secretary | 執行秘書
cip'heeng syheeng | execute a convict | 執行死刑
cip'heeng uyoaan | administrative officers; persons appointed by a ruling party or an assembly to carry out their decisions; members of an executive committee | 執行委員
cip'heeng | to carry out; to execute; execute an order; carry into effect | 執行
cip'heeng-piesw | executive secretary | 執行秘書; 執行祕書
cip'heeng-uy'oaan | executive committee member | 執行委員
cip'hengkvoaf | executioner | 執行秘; 執行官
cip'hoad juu safn | uphold the law strictly; to adhere to legal principles without letup or fear usually referring to law enforcing officials or judges | 執法如山
cip'hoad | to enforce the law; uphold the law | 執法
cip'iaux | outline; a summary; bring together the important items | 輯要
cip'id | stick up; stand to; persist in | 執一
cip'iuo | honorific; bosom friend | 執右; 執友
cip'ix | to be determined to; stick to one's own view; hold on stubbornly to one's own ideas | 執意; 固執
cip`cide | sip; to take a sip | 啜一下; 啜飲
cipbee putgvo | adhere stubbornly to errors; hold on to wrong beliefs obstinately | 執迷無悟
cipbee | to refuse to come to one's senses | 執迷
cipciarng | have authority; to manage; to superintend; to be in charge of; to control | 執掌
cipciaux | a licence; a permit; a charter; certificate; a pass; a license | 執照
cipciorng | have authority; to manage; to superintend; to be in charge of; take full charge of; superintend | 執掌
cipciøx | a licence, a permit, a charter | 執照
cipgiap | practise; open; engage in a profession or trade; a vocation or trade | 執業
cipgvi | stubborn | 執硬
ciphaix | to order; to send; to dispatch; subdivision; branch of a school of thought; division of a clan | 支派
ciphex | dominate | 支配
ciphiørpho | check book | 支票簿
ciphiøx | a check; check | 支票
ciphiøx-pho | cheque book | 支票簿
ciphoeajiin | manager, director | 支配人
ciphoex | control; superintend; direct; control; dominate; manage; administer | 支配
ciphøeajiin | manager, director | 支配人
ciphøex | to control, to manipulate, to dominate, to superintend, direct | 支配
cipkaux | be a teacher | 執教
cipkhiin | to keep guard | 執勤
cipkhuun | on duty | 執勤
cipkoaan | assume authority, take a position as authority | 執權; 執行職權
cipkoad | to make a firm decision; obstinate; stubborn | 執決; 固執; 堅持己見
cipo | a branch of an organization; branch headquarters of a political party | 支部
cipphiaq | obstinate; stubborn; headstrong; die-hard | 執癖; 頑固
cippid | write professionally; write | 執筆
cippiefn | teaching | 執鞭
cipsiuo | observe steadfastly; keep steadfastly to; to carry on | 執守; 遵守不逾
cipsu | deacon; church officer; a deacon | 執事
cipsykoad | very obstinate | 執死決; 頑固; 固執
cipzerngciar | administrator | 執政者
cipzerngtorng | the administration party; party in power | 執政黨
cipzexng | to manage the government; in power; be in power; hold the reins of government | 執政
cipzexng-torng | the ruling party, the party in power | 執政黨
cirncidpo | further | 進一步
cirnjip | pass into; go into; make admission to; enter | 進入
cirnlip | enter | 進入
cirnpaang | enter the nuptial chamber (said of the bride) | 進房; 進洞房
cirnpefng | march troops forward; lead troops onward | 進兵
cirnpo | progress; progressive; progress | 進步
cirnsiw-pafn | class of refresher course | 進修班
cirntoxpiør | work schedule | 進度表
cit'lefpaix | this week | 這禮拜
cit'poxhun | this part | 這部分
citgiabpve | occupational disease | 職業病
citgiap goaxkaw-kvoaf | career diplomat | 職業外交官
citgiap haghau | vocational school | 職業學校
citgiap hagsefng | political underlings who pose as students in a college for stirring up troubles; athletes admitted to a school with fat scholarships in return for their services on school teams | 職業學生
citgiap hurnliexnsor | vocational bureau | 職業訓練所
citgiap huxlie | working girls | 職業婦女
citgiap kaesiauxsor | employment agency | 職業介紹所
citgiap kaoiok | vocational education | 職業教育
citgiap kunjiin | career or professional soldier | 職業軍人
citgiap soafnchiuo | professional athlete | 職業選手
citgiap zoankhøf haghau | vocational school or junior college | 職業專科學校
citgiap | occupation; profession; vocation; profession; vocation; occupation | 職業
citliap | this particle, this ball, etc | 這粒
citliong putbiedlut | law of conservation of mass | 質量無滅律
citpae | this time | 這次; 這擺
citpafn | this class (school) | 這班
citpafng | this time | 此回; 這回; 這幫
citpan | this slice (orange) | 這瓣
citpan`ee | person with this attitude | 這辦的; 這種型態的人
citpaw | this package, this pack, this parcel | 這包
citpeeng | this way; this side; here; this place; this side; this way; on my or our part | 這爿; 這邊
citpengpvy | this side | 這一邊; 這平邊
citpharng | weave and spin | 織紡; 紡織
citphog | simple and unadorned | 質樸
citpiexn | this occasion, this time | 這次; 這遍
citpitcvii | this money | 這筆錢
citpo | this step, this method | 這部
citpoef | this cup of | 這批; 這杯
citporchviuo | weaving mill | 織布廠
citporky | loom | 織布機
citpox | weave cloth; weave cloth | 織布
citpox-chviuo | textile mill | 織布廠; 紡織廠
citpox-kuy | a loom | 織布規; 織布機
citpox-ky | a loom | 織布機
citpurnzheq | this book | 這本冊; 這本書
citpvi | disease | 這病; 疾病
citpvoaa | this dish | 這盤
citpvoax | this one-half | 這半
cittiap | nowadays; today | 現今; 此刻
cittiap'ar-kuo | this long | 這摺仔久
ciukipiør | periodic table (physics; chemistry); statistical entry made on a weekly basis | 週期表
ciulip | established by the state, state-college etc | 州立
ciuo khangpaang | aone- normally referring to the wife | 守空房
ciuophvi | flat nose | 蛀鼻
ciuphøf | cycles (radio) | 週波
ciupvy | surrounding | 周邊
ciupøx | weekly paper | 週報
ciuxgiap khøfchix | test for prospective employees | 就業考試
ciuxgiap | pursue an occupation; have a job; get employment | 就業
ciuxpien | do something in the course of doing something else more important (the additional task does not involve too much trouble or divert one's attention from his main work); by the way | 就便; 順便; 趁便
ciwbaq peng'iuo | drinking buddy; fair weather friend | 酒肉朋友
ciwloong pngxte | man who can do nothing but drink and eat; a good for nothing (Lit. wine sack and rice bag) | 酒囊飯袋; 笨蛋
ciwpaai | alcohol license | 酒牌
ciwpaan | wine bottle; type of jug or decanter for liquor | 酒瓶; 酒壺
ciwpaang | bar of hotel, private bar | 酒房; 酒吧
ciwpaf | bar; bar for alcoholic drinks | 酒巴; 酒吧
ciwpalie | bar girl; barmaid | 酒吧女
ciwphex | appetizers | 酒配
ciwphiaq bae | be quarrelsome in one's cups; ugly drunkenness | 酒癖壞
ciwphiaq | alcoholophilia | 酒癖
ciwphoex | food to go with wine; liquor | 守配; 配酒菜
ciwphvoa | drinking buddy | 酒伴
ciwphøq | distillers grains | 酒粕
ciwpiq | formerly a leather flask for wine; drunkard | 酒虌; 酒鬼
ciwpoef | wine-glass; goblet; stoup; wine cups | 酒杯
ciwpør | bartender | 酒保
cix toong tø hap | share the same ambition and purpose of a group of people; of one mind | 志同道合
cixn cidpo | take one step ahead; move further ahead | 進一步
cixnpo | to the utmost | 盡步; 無路可走
cixnpong | with all one's strength; to the utmost | 盡傍; 盡磅; 已到最後極限
cixntiofng pørkog | be loyal and patriotic | 盡忠報國
ciøcip | to call for (military) service; gather together | 招集
ciøf pøfhiarm | canvass for insurance | 招保險; 拉保險
ciøhhoef hiernput | get things from another person to entertain one's own guest (Lit. borrow flowers to offer to Buddha) | 借花獻佛
ciøhjip | to borrow | 借入
ciøjip | recruit | 招入
ciøpaai | facia; signboard | 招牌
ciøpefng befbea | raise an army usually in preparation for an insurrection | 招兵買馬
ciøpefng | to recruit soldiers | 招兵
ciøphexng | advertise for office vacancies | 招聘
ciøpiøf | invite to a tender; invitation to bid at a tender | 招標
ciøqiuu hoarhak kanggiap | petrochemical industry | 石油化學工業
ciøqpaai | a place in Taipei city; small stone tablet like those at a grave | 石牌
ciøqpafng | slab; flagstone; slate | 石枋; 石板
ciøqparn | slate; flagstone; slate; stone slabs | 石版; 石板
ciøqpax | stone dam | 石壩
ciøqphang | interstice in stone, crack in stone | 石縫
ciøqphviaa | gently sloping large rock with little or no soil on it | 石灘
ciøqphviar | flat-faced rock | 石片; 石鉼
ciøqphvix | stone slabs | 石片
ciøqpiaq | a rocky cliff; stone wall | 石壁
ciøqpid | slate pencil | 石筆
ciøqput | stone Buddha statue | 石佛
ciøqpvoaa | solid rock; large flat rock | 石盤
ciøqpy | stela; stele; stone monument with a long inscription | 石碑
ciøqthauliap | stone | 石頭粒
ciøqthauphang | crevice between rocks | 石頭縫
ciøqthauphviaa | beach full of stones | 石子埔
ciøqthaupof | stone paved floor | 石頭埔; 石子地
ciøqthiap | tropical marine gastropod | 石疊; 石腹足動物
cvi'ap | money box | 錢盒
cviafphiqphuh | tasteless (food); insipid | 淡噗薄; 淡而無味
cviagøeh-pvoax | mid lunar January | 正月半
cviapaq | hundred | 成百
cviaphvae | very cruel, very wicked | 成歹; 誠歹; 很歹
cviapviax | hard to complete | 很拚
cviar phiqphuh | very insipid | 淡極了
cviarchiuo-peeng | right hand side | 右手邊; 正手爿; 右邊
cviarchiwpeeng | right side | 右手邊; 右邊
cviargiap | regular occupation; proper duties | 正業
cviarpaai | original or real thing; the real thing as distinct from imitation products | 正牌
cviarpaang | legal wife | 正房
cviarpag | due north | 正北
cviarpan | certified products; quality products | 正辦; 正品的
cviarparn | the original copy; original edition | 正版; 原稿
cviarpeeng | right side | 右旁; 正爿; 右邊
cviarphaix | formal; formal manner; decent; honest; decency | 正派; 正式
cviarphaq | in tennis; ping pong; to hit the ball overhand | 正拍
cviarpid | original writing | 真筆
cviarpurn | official copy; original copy | 正本
cviarpyle | direct proportion, direct ratio | 正比例
cviejip | pile in | 爭入; 爭擠而入
cviepax | a target | 箭靶
cvii bøo nngxee poah-be taan | Both parties share equally the blame for a quarrel. (Lit. A single copper coin cannot produce a jingling sound.) | 錢無兩個跋未鳴; 一個銅板拍無響
cvipaw | purse; wallet | 錢包
cvipex | a coin | 錢幣
cvipør | treasure | 錢寶
cviupax | clouded leopard | 雲豹
cviuxpafn | to go to work; grow spots | 上班; 生斑點
cviuxpag | go north; go north | 上北; 北上
cviuxpan | to take shape; to shape up | 上辦; 成了形
cviuxpho | to login; to register | 登錄; 上簿
cviuxphuo | grow mold or mildew | 發黴; 上黴
cviuxpvee | vine crawling up a lattice | 上棚; 蔓類植物長大爬上瓜棚
cviuxsiapbexliab | over the hill | 上卌袂攝
cviuxsiapboexliab | over the hill | 上卌袂攝
cvypvy | well side | 井邊
cybeafphvoa | female friends who are very close | 姊妹仔伴
cyhuy-pang | a baton | 指揮棒
cyhuy-po | command post, headquarter | 指揮部
cyhuy-pong | a baton | 指揮棒
cyloxpaai | road sign; direction sign | 指路牌
cyloxphiaw | signpost | 指路標
cymoeafphvoa | female close friends | 姊妹仔伴
cymoexphiefn | twin literary products usually by the same author that run in the same vein | 姊妹篇
cympøo | great aunt (grandfather's younger brother's wife); wife of paternal grandfather's younger brother | 嬸婆; 嬸奶奶; 叔祖母
cymthaau-pox | pillow cover | 枕頭布
cyn-phahpviax | do one's best; work hard | 真打拚
cypag uihwn | prenatal betrothal (in old China) | 指腹為婚
cypag | pointing north, pointing the stomach | 指北
cypag-ui-hwn | to bring about an marriage agreement at the pregnancies | 指腹為婚
cyphaix | appoint; assign | 指派
cyphiaw | landmark | 指標
cyphiøo | violet duckweed | 紫萍
cyphvax | to be afraid of only one thing | 只怕
cypiaw | an indication, a quota, a target | 指標
cypiøf | an indication | 指標
cypng | to cook rice | 煑飯
cypo | to go no further; stop | 止步
cypøf | an indication, a quota, a target | 指褒
e-pvoargoat | the moon at the last (or third) quarter | 下半月; 下弦月
e-pvoargøeh | second half of the month | 下半月
e-pvoarmii | past midnight | 下半夜
e-pvoarsyn | lower half of the human body; the lower parts of the body | 下半身
e-pvoartafng | second half of the year | 下半冬; 下半年
efng'erng-putli | inseparable | 影影無離
efng'iorng-phirn | sustenance | 營養品
efngkiuo høpeeng | everlasting peace | 永久和平
efngkiuo putpiexn | eternally unchangeable | 永久無變
efngpae | last time; formerly | 上次; 往擺; 前次; 以前
efngphaang | fill away | 揚帆
efngpiet | to separate forever; eternal separation--death | 永別
efngpud hunli | never to be separated | 永無分離
efngpud | will never | 永無
efngpør thaepeeng | remain peaceful for all time | 永保太平
efngpør zhengzhwn | remain youthful forever | 永保青春
efngsuii put'hiuo | be remembered forever by posterity; immortal | 永垂無朽
efphiqphih | very short (in stature) | 矮擗擗
efpuii | short and stout | 矮胖
egphaux | bathrobe | 浴袍
egphuun | bathtub | 浴盆; 洗澡盆
egpiexn | changes | 易變
egpoaq | postal account (for remitting funds) | 譯撥; 劃撥
egpurn | translated version (of a book) | 譯本
egpvi | epidemic disease | 疫病
eng'afphvi | hawk-nosed | 鷹仔鼻
eng'iofngphirn | nutriment; nutritious food | 營養品
eng'iorng putlioong | malnutrition; undernourishment | 營養無良
eng'u phoksu | honorary doctor (PhD) | 榮譽博士
enggiap cipciaux | business license | 營業執照
enggiap nito | fiscal year | 營業年度
enggiap pørkøx | business reports | 營業報告
enggiap sikafn | business hours | 營業時間
enggiap | business; engage in business | 營業
enggiap-paai | business license | 營業牌
enggiap-søex | a business tax | 營業稅
enghioong zongpaix | hero worship | 英雄崇拜
engkøf-phvi | a parrot's like protruded nose | 鸚哥鼻; 高突的鼻子
engkøphvi | hawk-nosed | 鸚哥鼻
engli suxgiap | profit making enterprise | 營利事業
engphoxngphong | dirty and dusty | 塵蓬蓬; 灰塵滿天飛
engpng | food eating without labored | 閒飯
engpong | pound sterling | 英鎊
engzø-giap | construction business | 營造業
epoeh | shoehorn | 鞋拔; (子)
epoeqar | shoehorn | 鞋拔仔
epof | afternoon; p.m. | 下晡; 今天下午
eposii | afternoon | 下晡時
erng'ioxngphirn | necessities; consumer goods | 應用品
ernglap | taxable | 應納
erngpan | that should be handled (said of tasks; business; etc) | 應辦
erngphexng | accept an offer of employment | 應聘
erngpiexn | to deal with a contingency or emergency; adapt oneself to changes | 應變
erngpuii | to apply fertilizer | 施肥; 壅肥; 掏肥
exexlefpaix | the week after next | 下下禮拜
exlefpaix | next week | 下禮拜
exng laang ee lixpien | to help people; to make things easier for people | 予人的利便
exng puii | fertilize | 壅肥
exngpefng | to make use of troops | 用兵
exngpng | to eat rice; to have a meal | 用飯; 吃飯
exngpo | contrive to | 使計; 用步
expae | next time | 下拜; 下擺; 下次
expafn | next class | 下班
expag | underbelly | 下腹; 下腹部
expeeng | downside; lower or inferior part | 下爿; 下邊
exphviaa | lower part of a slope (hill) | 下坡
expo | lower or inferior part | 下部
expoex | younger; next generation | 下輩; 下一輩
expof | afternoon; this afternoon | 下午; 下晡
exposii | late afternoon; in the afternoon | 下晡時; 下午
expvoaa senglie | retail business | 下盤生意; 零售
expvoargoat | last quarter moon | 下弦月; 下半月
expvoargøeh | the moon at the last (or third) quarter | 下半月
expvoarjit | latter half day; afternoon | 下半日
expvoarmee | 12am to sunrise | 下半暝
expvoarmii | 12am to sunrise | 下半暝
expvoarnii | latter six months of a year | 下半年
expvoarpof | afternoon | 下半晡; 下午
expvoarsyn | lower body | 下半身
expvoax | lower half, second half | 下半; 下一半
gaau phahphaix | skillful at managing (affairs; things) | 會打派; 善於安排; 差遣別人
gafnphøee | eyelid | 眼皮
gafnpve | eye disease | 眼病; 眼疾
gafnpvi | eye disease | 眼病; 眼疾
gagphor | notes in music; music score | 音譜; 樂譜
gaipun | heavy and stupid | 礙笨; 呆笨
gampiaq | a cliff; a dike | 岩壁
gampvi | cancer | 癌病
gapzuie | gulp water (fish) | 顏水; 一張一張的喝水
gefngpoaq | mortar | 研缽
gegpaan | a jade vial | 玉瓶
gegpoef | jade cup | 玉杯
gegpvoaa | jade plate or tray | 玉盤
gek-phoaxlien | jade necklace | 玉項鍊
genghap | pander; to cater to another's wishes | 迎合
gengpyn | to receive a guest | 迎賓
geqlaixpaang | maternal confinement room | 月內房
geqpviar | moon cake for the Mid-Autumn Festival | 月餅
geqpvoax | about the 15th day of the month | 月半
gexphirn | artifacts | 藝品
gexsudphirn | art piece; work of art | 藝術品
gexsut-phirn | object d'art | 藝術品
gezøo puxlaang | pyorrhea | 牙床化膿; 牙槽孵膿
gi put'ioong suu | duty-bound | 義無容辭
giabbu pørkøx | business report | 業務報告
giahphoax | break the skin (as to discharge the matter of a boil) with a needle, break (the skin with a needle to open a boil) | 挑破
giampan | to punish severely; to clamp down on; deal with severely | 嚴辦
giamsiuo piebit | preserve strict secrecy; strictly confidential | 嚴守秘密
giamsiuo tionglip | observe strict neutrality | 嚴守中立
giap | pinch; to put a thing between (e.g. the leaves of a book) | 挾; 業; 夾住
giap'ar | plier; clip | 夾仔; 髮夾; 鑷子
giaq`phoax | puncture; pierce through; leak a secret | 戳破
giaqgoa siujip | extra income | 額外收入
giaqhviw tøex paix | not whole heartedly do or believe in something (Lit. grab the incense and follow the line) | 拿香隨拜
giaqpid | holding a pen | 舉筆
gieen tøf pid sid | One is bound to make a slip of the lip if he talks too much | 言多必失
gieen zhud pid heeng | He's as good as his word. If you promised; do it | 言出必行
giefnkiuopafn | post-graduate class | 研究班
giefnkiux hoatpiawhoe | meeting for the presentation of the results of study | 研究發表會
giefnphvoax | research and judge | 研發
giefnsip | study; research and study | 研習
giin pwn'ui | silver standard (monetary) | 銀本位
gimsy-pafn | church choir | 吟詩班; 唱詩班
ginhaang ciphiøx | bank draft | 銀行支票
ginhaang pwnphiøx | promissory note | 銀行本票
ginpaai | silver medal | 銀牌
ginpex | silver coin | 銀幣
ginphiøx | banknote; silver certificate; bill; bank notes | 銀票; 紙幣; 鈔票
ginpoef | silver cup; silver cup (especially a trophy) | 銀杯
ginpøh | silver foils; silver leaves; silver-leaf | 銀箔
giogpoef | Jade cup | 玉杯
giorng putkhuix thiefn | feel no shame before God | 仰無愧天
gipee | Japanese medlar, loquat | 枇杷
gipefng | a feint to mislead enemy | 疑兵
gipekøf | condensed loquat extract (used as a medicine) | 枇杷膏
gipelo | diluted loquat extract (used as a medicine) | 枇杷露
gipex | Japanese medlar, loquat | 枇杷
gipiao | manners; meters; appearance and deportment a rule | 儀表
gipiør | instrument and meters | 儀表
gisimpvi | hypochondria; skepticism | 疑心病
gisym-pve | hypersensitivity; suspicion | 疑心病
gisym-pvi | hypersensitivity; suspicion | 疑心病
giwphiøx | solicit votes | 拉票
gixpefng | righteous soldier; volunteer soldier; militia for self-defense | 義兵
giøpoef | flesh-water mussel, paddle for boat, external female sex organ | 蟯杯; 蟯桮; 蚌殼
goa-hunpix | exocline (gland) | 外分泌
goadtaai-phiøx | platform ticket | 月台票; 月臺票
goadtaiphiøx | a platform ticket | 月臺票
goangoaan putzoat | continue without end | 源源無絕
goanheeng pitlo | completely unmasked or exposed; reveal the true nature or colors (of a person) completely | 原形畢露
goanheeng pøxlo | completely unmasked or exposed; reveal the true nature or colors (of a person) completely | 原形暴露
goanhofng puttong | original form; unhampered with; (kept or left) intact or unopened | 原封無動
goanparn | original or the first edition of books | 原版
goanphii | mischievous | 頑皮
goanphoex | the first wife; first wife | 元配; 原配
goanphøex | original legal wife | 元配; 原配
goanpurn | originally; origin (of something) | 原本; 原來
goanpør | Currency; coin | 元寶
goansexng putkae | original bad character is not yet reformed | 原性無改
goanzongphirn | article assembled by the original manufacturer | 原裝品
goanzuo-pvoarkexng | atomic radii | 原子半徑
goanzwphaux | launcher firing atomic-tipped missiles | 原子炮
goanzwpid | ball-point pen | 原子筆
goaxhunpix | external secretion; (biol.) exocrine | 外分泌
goaxkaupo | Ministry of Foreign Affairs | 外交部
goaxkaw-po | Foreign Affairs ministry; foreign office; Dept. of State | 外交部
goaxpafng | foreign country; ; foreign nations | 外邦; 外國
goaxpafng-laang | gentile | 外邦人
goaxpanglaang | foreigners; gentiles | 外邦人
goaxpaw | outsourcing | 外包
goaxpeeng | outside; exterior surface; place other than one's home town | 外爿; 外邊; 外面
goaxphaux | long quilted outer coat | 外袍
goaxphoee | outer skin; appearance; surface; exterior; outside; external | 外皮; 外表; 表皮; 表面; 外面
goaxphøee | outer skin; surface; husk; cortical; cuticle; epidermis | 外皮
goaxpiao | appearance; exterior; outside; surface; mien; outward; outward appearance | 外表
goaxpiør | outer appearance | 外表
goaxpo | outside, external | 外部
goaxpof | out town; foreign ports; ports or cities outside of one's own | 外埠
goaxpvoaa | external quotations | 外盤
goaxpvy | outside; external | 外邊
goaxpyn | foreign guest; foreign visitor; foreign visitors | 外賓
goaxpøo | maternal grandmother | 外婆; 外祖母
goeqkefng putsun | irregular menses | 月經無順; 月經不調
goeqlaixpaang | maternity room for women after having a baby | 月內房
goeqphiøx | monthly ticket | 月票
goeqpviar | moon-cake | 月餅
goeqpvoax | fifteen of the month | 月半
goeqpøx | monthly report; monthly journal | 月報
goeqtaiphiøx | platform ticket | 月台票
goghiphøee | alligator leather | 鱷魚皮
goxahsiaplak | good fortune which one doesn't deserve, illegal gains | 伍仔肆陸; 伍百肆拾陸
goxjip kitoo | go astray (morally) | 誤入歧途
goxliap | five counts of round objects | 五粒
goxngjip bøo goxngzhud | careful and detailed calculation of how to make money but doesn't like to spend it | 精打細算; 只收入無支出; 憨入無憨出
goxpaq | five hundred | 五百
goxpoe | quintuple, fivefold | 五倍
goxpviheeng | a pentagon | 五邊形
goxpøx | report incorrectly | 誤報
goxsvoarphor | music score sheet; the musical score with five lines; staff (in music) | 五線譜
goxzap | fifty | 五十
guciqpviar | Taiwanese cookies shape like cow’s tongue | 牛舌餅
guikip | connoting risk and danger; urgent; pressing; hazardous; in a state of emergency | 危及
guipeg | critical, urgent, pressing | 危逼; 急迫
guixpex | counterfeit coin | 偽幣
gulaxnphasvoai | mango | 牛𡳞脬檨
gulengpviar | biscuits | 牛乳餅; 牛奶餅乾
gulepee | rake; a harrow to even the ground surface | 牛犛耙
gunipviar | milk biscuit | 牛奶餅
gunphiøx | bill; cash | 銀票
gupaai | beef steak; steak | 牛排
guphafng | hornet | 牛蜂
guphoee | ox hide; cowhide | 牛皮
guphoekaf | glue made from cow-hide | 牛皮膠
guphoesiern | psoriasis | 牛皮癬
guphoezoar | thick packing paper | 牛皮紙
guphvi | ox-nose; cow's nose; cattle's nose; nose of a cow | 牛鼻
guphvixkhiefn | bull nose ring | 牛鼻圈
guphøee | ox hide; leather | 牛皮
guphøekaf | glue | 牛皮腳; 牛皮膠
guphøezoar | brown paper, craft paper | 牛皮紙
gupiefn | ox penis | 牛鞭
gupof | meadow; wilderness | 牛埔
gupun | stupid, foolish, clumsy, awkward | 牛笨; 愚笨
gupvixjiet | cow disease fever | 牛病熱
gupy | cow tick | 牛蝨
guxhap | to meet together; get along together; coming together | 遇合
guxjiin putsiog | married the wrong guy; married a bad husband | 遇人無淑
guxpid | imperial pen; imperial handwriting | 御筆
gvafcip | hold meeting of scholars or poets | 雅集
gvafpaang | elegant | 雅房
gve-zhuiephøea | stiff jaw | 硬嘴頰; 硬喙䫌
gveizhuiepef | talk tough; refuse to admit mistake | 硬嘴䫌
gvexpeg | compel or force; press hard for | 硬逼
gvexpex | hard currency; subsidiary coin; minor coin | 硬幣
gvexphaix | diehard; stubborn; intransigent; irreconcilable; stiff and unbending | 硬派
gvexphiaq | tough; hard; hard disposition | 硬癖
gvexphvi | dogged, obstinate | 硬頑; 頑固
gvexphøee | stubborn; intransigent; irreconcilable; stiff and unbending | 硬皮
gvexpiarngpiaxng | hard and firm; rigid and inflexible; stiff | 硬幫幫
gvexpo | drastic measure | 硬步; 強硬之策
gvextiap | hard drive | 硬碟
gvexzhuiepef | talk tough; refuse to admit mistake | 硬嘴扒; 嘴硬
gvi-piarngpiaxng | stark | 硬爆爆
gvi-zhuiephøea | stiff jaw | 硬嘴頰; 硬喙䫌
gviaput | worship the Buddha's celebrations; to welcome Buddha's ceremony | 迎佛
gvixpeg | to compel | 硬迫
gvixpex | hard currency; subsidiary coin; minor coin | 硬幣
gvixphaix | diehard; stubborn; intransigent; irreconcilable; stiff and unbending | 硬派
gvixphiaq | tough; hard; hard disposition | 硬癖
gvixphvi | dogged, obstinate | 硬鼻; 頑固
gvixphøee | stubborn; intransigent; irreconcilable; stiff and unbending | 硬皮
gvixtiap | hard drive | 硬碟
gvofgek pexbuo | disobedient to parents | 忤逆爸母
gvofkaphii | medicated millet liquor | 五加皮
gvofkapii | a spicy plant; liquor soaked in bark of this plant | 五加皮; 五加皮酒
gvofkog-pekkør | all the agricultural products | 五穀百果
gvofpoex | people of our group | 我輩
gwpvi | faulty wording or formulation; contradiction in terms; mistake in use of words | 語病
gymphiausaix | sports tournament | 錦標賽
gymphiaw | championship; pennant | 錦標
gympiaw | championship, trophy | 錦標
gyn'afphie | very young child | 囝仔痞; 小鬼
gyn'afphvoa | children companions | 囝仔伴; 玩伴
gyn'ar-phvoa | a companion or friend of a child | 囡仔伴; 玩伴; 童伴; 兒伴
gypvi | faulty wording or formulation; contradiction in terms; mistake in use of words | 語病
gyym texngphiøx | phone call to make reservation for train ticket | 語音訂票
gøeqpviar | moon-cake for the mid-Autumn festival | 月餅
gøeqpvoax | about the 15th day of the month | 月半; 一個半月
gøeqtaai-phiøx | platform ticket | 月台票; 月臺票
gøeqtaiphiøx | a platform ticket | 月臺票
habcip | compilation | 合輯
habhap | shut (mouth), close | 合合
habpafn | combine classes into one | 合班
habpan | to run jointly; operate | 合辦
habparn | plywood | 合板; 三夾板
habpexng | annex; to merge; combine; combine(organization; property; nations) | 合併
habpurn | pooled money | 合本; 合資
habterngpurn | bound volume | 合訂本
hafmpvie | hammer to flat | 撼扁; 打扁
hafngphiexn | to defraud; to swindle; to cheat | 哄騙
hag'ioxngphirn | school supplies, student's personal equipment | 學用品
hag'ui-bunpiin | diploma for a degree | 學位文憑
haggiap | school work; schoolwork | 學業
hagkiuophaix | pedants | 學究派
hagphaix | a school (of thought); school of thought | 學派
hagpøx | an academic journal | 學報
hagsip | to learn; learn and practice | 學習
haixphvax | to fear, to be afraid of, frightened | 害怕
ham'oafn-bogpek | unable to clear oneself of a false accusation or to redress a wrong | 含冤莫白
hamhied phurnjiin | make false accusations against others | 含血噴人
han liuu kiappoe | streaming with sweat | 汗流浹背
hanggiap kongsy | shipping company | 航業公司
hanggiap | shipping business | 航業; 行業
hangkhofng-phøef | air mail | 航空批
hangkhongpien | air mail | 航空便; 航空信
hangpafn | flight | 航班
hanswpiør | thermometer | 寒暑表
haopng | make offering to the spirit of a man recently buried | 孝飯; 飯上供; 祭飯
hap ciorng | put your palms together | 合掌
hap | fit; suit; agreeable climate; custom; food; dress; shoes; temper; opinion; match with; adjust a thing to another | 合; 符
hap'hab | covered | 合合
hap-zoeatuy | pile up in one | 合做堆; 合做一堆
hap-zørhoea | to collect; put together in same place | 合做夥
hap-zørtuy | to collect; put together in same place | 合做堆
hap`teq | in together, in a total | 合壓; 合咧
hapaw | wallet | 荷包
hapchiøx | jest; to joke | 合笑
haqpvoaa | reasonable in price; worth the cost; worthwhile | 合盤; 合算
harm`phoax | hammer to crash | 打破; 撼破
harmphuh | swollen with a disease | 浮腫; 譀浡; 癡肥; 水腫
harmpuh | swollen with a disease | 浮腫, 癡肥
harn'iøqpaang | Chinese drug store | 漢藥房; 中藥房
harngphøee | swelling skin | 腫肥; 肥胖
harnpefng | Chinese soldier | 漢兵
haupaw | purse, pouch | 候包; 荷包; [*]
hauxpor | a substitute (waiting to fill a vacancy) | 候補; 後補
haxcip | second volume | 下集
haxmjip zoadkerng | get into extreme difficulty; be drawn into a hopeless situation | 陷入絕境
haxmjip | to sink into; to fall into | 陷入
haxnpoat | the demon causing drought | 旱魃; 久旱
haxnsiphøef | special delivery (in Chinese postal service) | 限時信
haxpafn sikafn | closing time | 下班時間
haxpafn | leave the office; off duty; go off duty | 下班
haxpaix | to bow | 下拜
haxphexng | to present betrothal gifts | 下娉
haxphirn | low-grade | 下品
haxphøf | to be on the downgrade, go downhill, declivous | 下坡
haxpid | to start writing | 下筆
haxpo | lower part; the privates | 下部
haxpoex | the next generation | 下輩
haxpoong | lower auricle | 下房; 下耳房
haxtefngphirn | inferior article | 下等品
haygoa kiaupaw | overseas Chinese | 海外僑胞
haykunpo | Department of the Navy (especially of the United States) | 海軍部
haypafng | maritime nation | 海國; 海邦
haypax | seal; sea animal | 海豹
hayphaix | generous | 海派; 花錢很大方
hayphid | red-breasted merganser | 海流; 海秋沙
hayphvi | sea shaping as a nose | 海鼻
hayphviaa | sandy area of the beach; portion of shore left dry at low tide | 海坪; 沙灘
hayphøf | sea waves | 海波
haypoat | height above sea level; elevation; altitude above the sea level | 海拔
haypof sinsengte | reclaimed land | 海埔新生地
haypof | seaside | 海埔
haypviaa | seashore with sloping bank | 海坪
haypvy | seashore; seaside; beach | 海邊
haypyn | seashore; beach; seaside | 海濱
haypøx | poster | 海報
haysiong pøfhiarm | marine insurance | 海上保險
haysoapof | seashore | 海沙埔; 沙灘
hayuxngiap | shipping business | 海運業
he peng'afn | pray for peace | 求平安
he pwncvii | invest | 投下本錢; 下本錢
he'apin | hairpin | 簪 [*]
heapex | currency | 貨幣
hefsiøpof | fire land | 火燒埔
hegzuo texbin chiepok | nuclear experimental explosion on the surface of the earth; nuclear test | 核子地面試爆
hekophiag'ar | fam shrimp | 蝦蛄擗仔
heng'uii-putbeeng | unclearly behavior | 行為無明
heng'viar putli | inseparable; like a person and his shadow (usually said of lovers and devoted couples) | 形影無離
hengchiaf cipciaux | car license | 行車執照
hengchiaf sikanpiør | train schedule or timetable | 行車時間表
henggiap | to launch a business | 興業
henglie-paang | baggage room | 行李房
henglypaang | baggage room | 行李房
henglyphiøx | ticket for baggage transportation | 行李票
hengpaang | to have sexal relation with one's legal spouse | 行房; 監房
hengpai | prosperity and adversity; success and failure | 興敗
hengpan | start (an enterprise) | 興辦; 開辦
hengpefng | to despatch the arm force | 興兵
hengphiexn | to cheat; to deceive | 行騙
hengpo | chest | 胸部
hengpø | brutal; perverse and violent | 橫暴
hengsu zhaiphvoax | criminal trial | 刑事裁判
hengtong putpien | bodily mobility impaired | 行動無便
hengzofngkuypix | secretive movements; said of a person of dubious background; of many secrets and of doubtful character | 形蹤詭秘
hengzofngputteng | have no fixed residence; wander here and there unpredictably | 行蹤無定
hephoef | reply | 回批
hepy | small dried shrimp | 蝦米
hepøx | return favor | 回報
hexngpviar | When your daughter gets married you have to present cookies to relatives and friends | 還餅; 嫁女兒送餅給親友
hexpid | to start writing; start writing | 下筆
hexpid-sengciofng | write quickly and skillfully | 下筆成章
hexpuii | manure | 施肥; 下肥
hexpurn | invest | 下本; 投下本錢
hexput | to make a pledge to Buddha | 下佛
hexsiin-thokput | vow to spirits and idols | 求神託佛
hextaxngpurn | invest a great deal of money | 下重本; 投下鉅資
hi'pøh | thin and diluted | 稀薄
hi-pe'ar | ear cleaning rod, earpick | 耳把仔; 耳扒仔; 耳杓
hiabpan | assist; help somebody do something; cooperate in doing something; assist in managing | 協辦
hiap | jonit; agree | 協; 俠; 洽; 峽; 狹; 脅; 拹; 左右動而拔
hiap`khuy | move and shake to open | 拹開; 左右搖開
hiapay | beautiful; splendid; luxurious | 花斑; 華麗
hiarmphaq | shout; Beat him up! | 喊打; 叫打
hiauhphie | ruffian; bully | 剝痞
hiauhphoee | slough off dead skin | 脫皮
hiauhphøee | to peel off the skin; skin peel off; the shedding of shell; to come off or fall off | 剝皮; 脫皮; 脫殼; 脫落
hiaupay | be proud of; with a proud air | 囂俳; 傲慢; 神氣
hiaupoe | let down; fail to live up to; disappoint; treat a man ill from whom we have received benefits | 僥背; 辜負; 背信
hiaxphea'ar | broken tiles | 瓦杮仔
hiaxphoea'ar | broken tiles | 瓦杮仔
hiaxphoex | a tile tablet; chip | 瓦片; 瓦屑
hiaxphvix | shard of a roof-tile | 瓦片
hie'iap | lobes of the lungs | 肺葉
hiefnpie | my late mother; one's own deceased mother | 顯妣; 已逝尊母
hiepaang | room of performance | 戲房
hiepafn | whole company of actors | 戲班; 演員
hiepan'ar | an actor, an actress | 戲班仔
hiephaux | alveoli, lung sacs | 肺苞; 肺泡
hiephiøx | ticket; admission ticket for a play | 戲票
hiepo | lung | 肺部
hiepve | consumption; TB | 肺病; 肺癆
hiepvee | temporary stage erected out-of-doors | 戲棚
hiepvekhaf | foot of a stage | 戲台下
hiepvi | con | 肺病
hiepvii | temporary stage erected out-of-doors | 戲棚
hiernpefng | mp; gendarme; redcap; military police | 憲兵
hiernpeh | to offer without hiding | 獻白
hiernpengtui | gendarmerie | 憲兵隊
hiet'apkex | sphygmomanometer (an instrument for measuring the pressure of the blood in the arteries) | 血壓計
hiet'iwpve | hemophilia | 血友病
hietpurn | capital saving from life; net cost | 血本
hietsiøfparn | blood platelets or thrombocyte | 血小板
hiexnphirn | goods on hand; stock goods | 現貨; 現品
hiexnpo | at present | 目前; 現步
hiexnpøx | retribution in one's own life; retribution in present life | 現報; 立時報應
hiexntai-impiaw | modern phonetics | 現代音標
hiexntai-pengji | modern spelling, modern spelling system | 現代拼字
hiexntai-phengji | modern spelling, modern spelling system | 現代拼字
hiexntviuu piawiern | re-enact a crime at the scene; a live show | 現場表演
higiap | fisheries | 漁業
himphøee | bear skin | 熊皮
hionghap | mix together | 融合
hionghiap | mutually agreeable | 融洽
hiongpalyniaw | Wicked shape wicked shape | 兇巴里貓; 惡形惡狀
hiongparpax | extremely vicious | 凶巴巴
hiongphvix | jasmine tea | 香片
hiongpien | dealamation | 雄辯
hiongpien-kaf | debater, orator | 雄辯家
hiongpo | chest region, thorax | 胸部
hiongpyn | champagne (xiang-bin) | 香檳
hiongpø | brutal; fierce; savage; villainous | 兇暴
hiongpøx | bad announcement on one's death | 凶報
hiongsym pudput | very ambitious | 雄心勃勃
hiorngpag | facing the north | 向北
hiorngpoe | front and back | 向背
hip'aw | tea cup; mug | 翕甌; 茶杯
hip'hib | sultry | 翕翕; 悶熱; 空氣無流通
hipcioxng | fainthearted; shy on public | 怯場; 翕眾
hipciøh | magnet | 翕石; 磁鐵
hiphiaw | swimming bladder | 魚鰾
hiphvix | fillets, slices of fish meat | 魚片
hipiq | marine life | 魚鱉; 魚類
hipiø | fish air bladder | 魚鰾
hipjoah | swelter; sultriness; sultry | 翕熱; 悶熱
hipkhuix | choke; stifle; suffocate | 翕氣; 窒息
hipkoax | cover to retain heat | 翕掛; 蓋蓋; 悶掛
hipkvoa | to sweat; cover up warmly so as to perspire | 翕汗; 發汗; 悶汗
hiploah | hot and humid | 翕熱
hipnng | to hatch in human labor | 翕蛋; 人工孵蛋
hipok | thin and diluted | 稀薄
hipor | dried fish; small dried salty fish | 魚乾; 魚脯; 小魚乾; 小魚干
hipsid | extinguish by covering | 悶死; 撲滅
hipsie | choke; suffocate; suffocation; be choked | 悶死; 翕死; 窒息
hipsiong | photo; photograph | 照相
hipsiong-koarn | place for portrait taken | 照像館
hipsiorngkoarn | photo studio | 照相館
hipsiorngky | camera | 照相機
hipsiorngsut | photography | 照相術
hipsioxng khiezaihaang | photographic equipment shop | 照相器材行
hipsioxng | take a photograph | 照相
hipsiøf | cover and simmer | 悶燒; 翕燒
hiptee | cover the hot tea | 悶茶; 蒸茶; 翕茶
hipøh | slight, superficial | 虛薄
hipøx | false report; to report falsely | 虛報
hisengphirn | bargain items; goods sold at sacrifice; a very low price | 犧牲品
hisex-cy-pør | very rare treasure; an invaluable gem; timeless treasure | 稀世之寶
hitpae | that time | 那拜
hitpafn | that class | 彼班
hitpafng | that schedule of a airline, bus, or train | 彼班
hitpan | person with that attitude | 彼辦
hitpeeng | over there; the other; the other party; the other side; that side | 那爿; 彼旁
hitpo | that step | 那步; 彼步
hittiap | that time | 那時
hiugiap | business closed; suspend business | 休業
hiux phangzuie | spray air refresher | 灑香水
hiwbok putkhør tiaw | rotten wood cannot be carved | 朽木無可雕
hixpear | ear pick | 耳扒仔
hixpee | ear grill | 耳扒
hiøhgiap | close up business | 歇業
hiøxpi kunjiin | military reservists | 後備軍人
hiøxpixkunjiin | military reservists | 後備軍人
hiøxpixkwn | reserve forces | 後備軍
hiøxpixpefng | army reserves | 後備兵
hiøxpoex | juniors; inferiors | 後輩; 晚輩
hiøxpor | a substitute (waiting to fill a vacancy) | 候補
hmlangpøo | a match maker; professional female matchmaker (sometimes used with a slightly derogatory connotation) | 媒人婆; 媒婆
hngpof | wasteland | 荒埔
ho pud chimhoan | refrain from invading each other | 互無侵犯
ho-sap'ar | drizzling, light rain | 雨屑仔; 雨霎仔; 細雨
hoad phikhix | fly into a rage; get mad | 發脾氣
hoad zupy | show mercy or pity | 發慈悲
hoad-phikhix | display temper, get angry | 發脾氣
hoadphoad | activity; briskness; active; brisk; vigorous | 活潑
hoafnkantiap | counter espionage | 反間諜
hoafnpag | vomit | 反腹; 吐
hoafnpak | hands tied on the back | 反綁
hoafnpan | reverse | 反辦; 與樣品相異
hoafnpeh | turn white; changed into white | 反白; 轉白; 變白
hoafnphaix | opposition faction | 反派; 反對派
hoafnpiexn | to revolt | 反變; 叛變; 變化
hoafnpo | to repay one's parents when they get old | 反哺
hoafnpoan | to rebel; to revolt; to be in revolt against; revolt | 反叛
hoafnpoe | to rebel; turn the back | 背叛; 反背
hoafnpog | to retort; to controvert; to answer back; confute | 反駁
hoafnpøx | to opposite the news | 反報
hoafntoxngphaix | reactionary party | 反動派
hoah'of-hoahpeh | talk without truth or restraint; alk nonsense | 喝黑喝白; 亂說話
hoaiphau | bosom; to embrace; to hold in the arms; nurse in the arms | 懷抱
hoaliuo-pvi | venereal disease | 花柳病
hoaliwpve | venereal disease; social disease | 花柳病
hoaliwpvi | social disease | 花柳病
hoan'ar-phiaq | quick tempered; quick temper | 番仔癖; 急性子
hoan'egpurn | translation of a book; translated version | 翻譯本
hoanpafng | barbarian state | 番邦
hoanpalie-kiao | total mix up | 胡亂攪混; 翻巴里攪
hoanparn | image; reproduce; republication; duplication; reprint of a book with or without proper permission | 翻版
hoanphak | turn-over to expose to sunlight | 翻曝; 翻曬
hoanpurn | pay the principal upon the maturity of bonds; loans; etc | 還本
hoanpøo | aborigine women | 番女; 番婆
hoanpør | environment protection | 環保
hoanzap | multifarious; complicated | 繁雜
hoan’afpeq | the lingo used in trading. 販仔白 | 7921
hoapan | petals | 花瓣
hoaphuxn | gorgeous | 華噴; 花俏; 浮華; 華麗
hoapiefn | lace; fancy borders; a ruffle | 花邊
hoapox | printed cloth | 花布
hoarhagpafng | beaver board | 化學板
hoarhagphirn | chemicals | 化學品
hoarhak kanggiap | chemical industry | 化學工業
hoarhak pengheeng | chemical equilibrium | 化學平衡
hoarhak piernhoax | chemical change | 化學變化
hoarhak piexnsor | septic tank | 化學廁所
hoarhak-kanggiap | chemical industry | 化學工業
hoarhak-pengheeng | chemical equilibrium | 化學平衡
hoarhap | combine | 化合
hoarn pai uii sexng | turn the battle's tide; turn defeat into victory | 反敗為勝
hoarn'afpeh | the lingo used by businessmen when trading | 翻點
hoarn-pyle | be in inverse proportion | 反比例
hoarn-zengpøx | counter intelligence | 反情報
hoarnbøexpo | commissary (in school; barracks; a store | 販賣部
hoarntefng-phvix | slides for projection | 幻燈片
hoarpuii | chemical fertilizer | 化肥
hoarpurntii | septic tank | 化糞地
hoarzongphirn | cosmetic; cosmetics | 化粧品; 化妝品
hoaseg liupefng | figure skating | 花式溜冰
hoat kui sngrpvoaa | punish someone to kneel on an abacus (Chinese calculator) | 罰跪算盤
hoat'hak phoksu | Doctor of Law | 法學博士
hoatliap | fermentation | 發粒
hoatludphang | loop holes in the law | 法律縫
hoatpan | punish according to the law | 法辦
hoatpauq | to swell up from bubbled blister; swollen blister | 暴露; 冒泡腫
hoatpaw | start a construction project; call for bids | 發包
hoatpefng | to dispatch troops | 發兵
hoatphiøx | a bill of sale; an invoice | 發票
hoatphoex | to banish to a frontier garrison; to sort and deliver | 發配
hoatpiao | publication; to make known; give forth; announce something | 發表
hoatpiør | to publish; to issue; to announce | 發表
hoatpngr | to publish the result of an examination | 發榜
hoatpox | to issue; to announce; promulgation | 發布; 發佈
hoatpve | onset | 發病
hoatpvi | to fall ill | 發病
hoatpør | a magic tool; talisman | 法寶
hoatpørky | telegraph transmitter | 發報機
hoatpøx | to transmit messages | 發報
hoatpøx-ky | radio transmitter | 發報機
hoatpøx-taai | radio transmission station | 發報台; 發報臺
hoatsiap | blow off steam; anger; dissipate | 發洩
hoatteng hoeapex | legal tender | 法定貨幣
hoaviuu-pahhøex | domestic and imported goods | 華洋百貨
hoaxnpo | the infected part of wounds or skin diseases | 患部
hoaxnpurn | a copy; a model for things like calligraphy; an original for pupil to copy | 範本
hoaxnpvi | get sick; fall ill | 患病
hoaxnpvixlut | incidences of a sickness; percentage of contraction | 患病率
hoe'afpox | printed cloth; floral cloth | 花仔布
hoe'iap | petals of flowers | 花瓣
hoeafpox | calico | 花仔布
hoeagiap | an abolished business | 廢業
hoeaparn | an abolished print; invalid or no longer useful(printing)plates | 廢版
hoeapefng | disabled soldier or veteran | 廢兵; 老弱疾障
hoeapex | coin; currency | 貨幣
hoeaphirn | commodities; goods | 貨品
hoeaphiøx | inefficacious votes; invalidated ballot | 廢票
hoefchiaf poaqløqbea | the train was derailed | 火車出軌
hoefcviephaux | bazooka; rocket launcher | 火箭砲
hoefpea | torch | 火把; 火炬
hoefpuu | a small fire used to burn refuse after cleaning up or for keeping warm | 火堆
hoefsiøpof | fire land | 火燒埔
hoefsvoaf poghoad | volcanic eruption | 火山爆發
hoehap | a round; an encounter | 回合
hoehpafng | menorrhagia; excessive menstrual discharge | 血崩
hoepaan | vase; flower vase | 花瓶
hoepaang | a greenhouse | 花房
hoepaf-liniaw | overly colored | 花巴哩貓
hoepaf-lyniaw | overly colored | 多斑而醜
hoepafn | brindle; speckle; spot; speckled | 花斑
hoepaix | to pay a return visit; return a visit | 回拜
hoepaliniaw | messy | 花巴哩貓
hoepan | flower petals; (n) pattern | 花瓣
hoepanbea | zebra | 花斑馬
hoepax | leopard | 花豹
hoephaux | a firework; a sparkler | 花炮; 煙火
hoephef | answer a letter | 回信
hoephex | handkerchief with flower pattern | 花帕; 繡花包布
hoephiøx | money order; a draft; bill of exchange; a check | 匯票
hoepho | booklet of flower patterns for embroidery | 花簿; 繡花圖本
hoephoef | reply | 回批
hoephuun | flower pot | 花盆
hoephuxn | flower pot; flower arrangement plate | 花噴; 洒水罐
hoephvix | fallen petals | 花片
hoephøef | write back; reply | 回信
hoepi | stay clear of; keep clear of; draw a curtain over; bypass; evasion | 迴避; 回避
hoepien | petal of a flower | 花瓣
hoepox | calico; printed cotton | 花布
hoepvoaa | disk; flower plate | 花盤
hoepvy | hemstitch, lace, lace edging | 花邊
hoepøx | to repay; to bring back a report; repay a favor or an injury | 回報
hoexcip | to assemble | 會集
hoexhap | to assemble; to join; to converge on; link up; to gather | 會合
hoexjip | money transfer in | 匯入
hoexlip | money transfer | 匯入
hoexoaan miapho | list of members | 會員名簿
hoexphiøx | money order; a draft; bill of exchange; a check | 匯票
hoexpøx | official publication of an association | 會報
hofng peeng long zeng | calm and unruffled sea | 風平浪靜
hofng-tefngpeeng | wind brow from top | 風上爿; 上方風
hofngbun pvixlaang | visit the sick | 訪問病人
hofngzøxphirn | an imitation, a counterfeit | 仿製品; 仿造品
hofpafn | tiger's striped pattern; marked with long | 虎斑
hofparbuo | shrew; vixen | 虎霸母; 母老虎 (兇女人)
hofpax | bravery leopard; tigers and leopards | 虎豹
hofphee | tiger’s skin | 虎皮
hofpheg | amber; electroum; chrysophoron | 琥珀
hofphoee | tiger skin | 虎皮
hofphøee | tiger fur | 虎皮
hofphøee-tharn | tiger fur carpet | 虎皮毯
hofthaau-phafng | hornet | 虎頭蜂; 黃蜂
hofthauphafng | wasp | 虎頭蜂
hog'iap | a compound leaf | 復葉; 複葉
hoggiap | resume one's old occupation | 復業
hoghap | compound; containing a number of components | 複合
hoglip | distinguished; outstanding one stands like a crane | 鶴立
hogpan | resume the assigned task | 復辦; 恢復辦理
hogpefng | soldiers in ambush | 復兵; 伏兵
hogpheg | to restore to the throne, restoration | 復位
hogsip | review; to practice repeatedly; review one's lessons | 複習
hogzap | complex; complicated matter | 複雜
hok peng'ek | undergo military training; do military service | 服兵役
hok peng'iah | undergo military training; do military service | 服兵役
hok'hap | compound, mix togethere | 覆合; 複合
hokhipkhix | a respirator | 呼吸器
hokhiptax | respirator | 呼吸罩
hokpo | abdominal region | 腹部
hokzeaphirn | reproduction of the original, replica | 複製品
holii png hofuy | influence; a fox that has influence because of his relationship with a tiger's majesty; a donkey in a lion's skin | 狐假虎威
holoo-puu | bottle gourd | 葫蘆菢; 匏仔
holopuu | bottle gourd | 葫蘆瓠
hong'iap | red leaves; maple leaf | 紅葉
hong'oexpefng | Red Guard from Red China | 紅衛兵
hong'uo-phiau'iaau | be tossed about in wind or rain | 風雨飄搖
hong'wpiør | barometer | 風雨表
honggaan pogbeng | beauty doesn't guarantee health and good fortune (Beautiful women are often ill fated.) | 紅顏薄命
honggiap | big business | 宏業; 鴻業
honghai peng'iah | draft dodging; undermine the draft law of a nation | 妨害兵役
honghap | suture; stitch up; sew up; seaming | 縫合
honghiorngpvoaa | steering wheel | 方向盤
honghøea-sietpi | fire-fighting facilities | 防火設備
hongkhofng iefnsip | air raid drill | 防空演習
hongkhofng pien | air mail | 航空便
hongkhofng sietpi | anti air raid facilities | 防空設備
hongkhongpien | air mail | 航空信
honglegpiør | wind gauge, anemometer | 風力表
honglip | appoint to office, ordain a minister, invest | 豐立; 封
honglo phiaukix | route marker for ships; etc | 航路標記
hongphaix | abundant | 豐沛; 豐盛
hongpheeng | what people judged; reputation | 風評; 諷
hongphef | seal a letter; a sealed letter | 封信
hongphoef | seal a letter; a sealed letter | 封批; 封信
hongphøf | "discord; quarrel (literally; ""tempest"" or ""squall""; between lovers; husband and wife; business associates; etc)"; disturbances; disputes; quarrels; restlessness | 風波
hongphøthee | breakwater | 防波堤
hongpi | to guard against; on the alert; be on guard against an incident | 防備
hongpiaq | barrier, bulwark, wall of defence | 防壁; 障礙
hongpie | one's deceased mother | 皇妣
hongpien | convenience; handy; expediency; to use the toilet; be convenient | 方便
hongpix | seal; close completely | 封閉
hongpoesoaf | flying clouds of dust | 風飛沙
hongpof | the wilderness | 荒埔; 荒野
hongpvi`ee | prophylactic; a preventive | 防病的; 預防的
hongpø | storm; a gale | 風暴
hongpøesoaf | karaburan | 風飛沙; 風沙
hongsip | culture | 風習
hongsipjiet | rheumatic fever | 風濕熱
hongsipthviax | rheumatic pains | 風濕痛
hongsipzexng | rheumatism | 風濕症
hongsviaf porng'viar | false or exaggerated reports going about against people | 惶聲凸影; 誇大無實
hongthofpve | endemic (medical) | 風土病
hongthofpvi | to fail to acclimate yourself to a new natural environmental | 風土病; 水土無服
hongtiap | counter espionage | 防諜
hongtvoaa pølee | bulletproof glass | 防彈玻璃
hongzhuxn putloan | remain calm; cool and collected; maintain composure | 方寸無亂
hongzuypox | waterproof cloth | 防水布
hoo-labsap | (idiom) in a mess | 鬍拉碴; 一片狼籍; 雜亂無章
hopeeng-kawiuo | bunch of rogues | 狐朋狗友
hophiøo | duckweed; harvest duckweed with a strainer | 浮萍; 撈浮萍
hor sefng parjii | father who gives birth to excellent boys. (tiger has cubs like leopards) | 虎生豹兒
hor-kopøo | the tiger-lady | 虎姑婆
hor-parpax | bully | 橫霸霸
horngpngr | announce or publish the result of a competitive examination | 放榜
horngporng | announce or publish the result of a competitive examination | 放榜
hosiin-phaq | fly-swatter | 胡蠅打; 蒼蠅拍
hosinphah'ar | fly swatter | 胡蠅拍仔
hotiap | butterfly | 蝴蝶
hoxhoea bogkip | too late to regret something (useless crying over spilled milk) | 後悔莫及
hoxkhao miapho | household identification folder | 戶口名簿
hoxkhao thengpurn | copy or abstract of one's census register | 戶口謄本
hoxkhao zhaupurn | copy or abstract of one's census register | 戶口謄本
hoxkhao-miapho | a booklet of each registered residence | 戶口名簿
hoxkhao-pho | a houshold register | 戶口簿
hoxkhao-phofzaf | census taking | 戶口普查
hoxkhao-thengpurn | a copy of the registered residence | 戶口謄本
hoxkhao-zhaupurn | a written copy of the registered residence | 戶口抄本
hoxkhawpho | resident registered document | 戶口簿
hoxkhawzhaupurn | household registration transcript | 戶口抄本
hoxlaitaptiq | dripping wet from the continual rain | 下雨天濕答答的
hoxngphaix | be assigned to a job or post | 奉派
hoxngphiexn | to mislead, cheat | 欺騙; 哄騙
hoxngpoee | to accompany; polite expression accompany you; keep you company | 奉陪
hoxngtiap | smaller citrus dog | 鳳蝶
hoxphaang | oilcloth; water-proof | 雨帆布
hoxphang | rain stop in between two; pause in the rain | 雨縫; 雨停之間
hoxphiefn | next page | 後篇
hoxpi | reserve; back-up | 後備
hoxpi-kunjiin | reserve soldiers, reserve officers | 後備軍人
hoxpixkwn | the reserves; a reserve force | 後備軍
hoxpoex | latter generation; one's junior; next generation | 後輩
hoxpok | heavy or light; a kind and sincere servant | 厚薄
hoxpor | complementary | 互補
hoxpvee | rain shelter | 雨棚
hoxpvii | a canopy | 雨棚
hoxpvoaa | protect the market | 護盤
hoxsap'ar | drizzling rain | 雨屑仔; 毛毛雨
hoxsvoarpvix | umbrella handle | 雨傘柄
hoxzek-pho | a household registry | 戶籍簿
hu pud hu | Fathers neglect their duties as fathers while sons neglect their duties as sons | 父無父; 子不子
hudionghap | nuclear fusion | 核融合
hudpok | nuclear blast or explosion | 核爆; 核子爆發
hudpø | nuclear blast or explosion | 核爆, 核子爆發
hudzuo poghoad | nuclear blast or explosion | 核子爆發
hugiap | fishery | 漁業
huhap | correspond; conform; to cohere with; correspond; to match; to tally | 符合
huhegphirn | booty taken in war | 俘獲品
huibe-phirn | non-sale article | 非賣品
huibexphirn | not for sale | 非賣品
huibøe-phirn | non-sale article | 非賣品
huibøexphirn | not-for-sale item | 非賣品
huiepefng | disabled soldier or veteran | 廢兵
huiephaux | alveoli | 肺泡
huiepiøf | canceled bid | 廢標
huiepvi | tuberculosis | 肺病
huihengkahparn | flight deck | 飛行甲板
huikipheeng | hangar | 飛機棚
huikiphiøx | airplane ticket | 飛機票
huipang logkhofng | swing a stick or a baseball bat | 揮棒落空
huipang | swing a bat or club | 揮棒
huiphaux | to run quickly | 飛砲; 飛跑
huipvoaa | china plate | 瓷盤
huisiaam-zawpiaq | thief (climb over eaves and walls) | 飛簷走壁
huitiap | flying saucer; unidentified flying object (UFO) | 飛碟
hun'ap | a cigarette case | 煙盒
hunbuun piedlui | divide into chapters and sections | 分門別類
hunbuun putzhuo | not to take or accept even a cent which is not deserved; be incorruptible | 分文無取
huncip | swarm over; flock to; flock together; gathering like clouds; congregate | 雲集
hunciwpaai | tobacco and liquor dealer's license | 煙酒牌; 煙酒販賣執照
hungiap | other business; division of labor; specialization | 分業
hunhuy pheksaxn | frightened out of one's wits; as good as dead | 魂飛魄散
hunhwn put'id | all in confusion and not agreeing in opinion | 紛紛無一
hunkhw-tauphiøx | voting according to districts | 分區投票
hunlip | branch establishment; set up independently | 分立
hunlixphaix | secessionists | 分離派
hunluixpiør | classified list or table | 分類表
hunpaai | license to sell tobacco | 煙牌; 公賣局許可證
hunpafn | divide into classes in school | 分班
hunpan | separation in management | 分辦
hunpax | cloudy leopard | 雲豹
hunpeeng | divide or discriminate parts | 分爿; 分邊
hunphaix | allocate; appoint; to allot; assign; allot; apportion; depute; divide into parties; cliques | 分派
hunphang | a crack of cloud | 雲縫
hunphef | separate into lots; batches; shipments or groups | 分批
hunpheg | soul | 魂魄; 魂魄,靈魂; 靈魂
hunphex | distribute | 分配
hunphoex | repartition; distribute; to allot; matrimony (Catholic); get married; marriage | 分配; 婚配
hunphøef | separate into lots; batches; shipments or groups | 分批
hunphøex | to give in marriage | 婚配; 分配
hunpiebut | secretion | 分泌物
hunpien | to differentiate; to make out; discriminate; see the differences between | 分辨; 分辯
hunpiesvoax | secrete gland | 分泌腺
hunpiet | to part; to leave each other; difference; distinction; distinguish; to part from a person; separately; to separate | 分別
hunpiexn | problematic marriage | 婚變
hunpix | secretion; excretion; secrete | 分泌
hunpo | branch of an organization | 分部
hunpoaq | to allot | 分撥
hunpoex | decibel | 分貝
hunportoo | distribution chart | 分布圖; 分佈圖
hunpox | to spread; to be scattered; plants or animals distributed or scattered over an area | 分佈; 分布
hunsekpiør | analysis table | 分析表
hunzap | complicated | 紛雜
huogiap | sideline; auxiliary occupation; side line; moon lighting; part time job | 副業
huohap | to conform; to fit in with | 符合
huokog-kiongpefng | enrich the nation; and increase its military power | 富國強兵
huokuiepve | lingering disease | 長期病, 富貴病
huokuiepvi | lingering disease | 長期病; 富貴病
huopex | coins of small denomination | 輔幣
huopurn | duplication; copy; transcript | 副本
huosafnphirn | by products | 副產品
huosiogphirn | accessories; fittings | 附屬品
huosiok-phirn | accessory, subsidiary, appendix, attachment | 附屬品
hupiø | fish organ assists hearing and voicing | 魚鰾
hupor | dried fish | 魚脯
hupøx | a false report | 虛報
hurnhuxn-putpeeng | resentful or indignant because of injustice | 憤憤無平
hurnliexnpafn | training class | 訓練班
hurnpien | doodie; dejecta; stool; excrement; night soil | 糞便
hux chiapafng | rush to catch bus; train | 趕車; 赴車班
hux jii putjiin | rich but inhuman towards others | 富而無仁
hux-piencip | associate editor | 副編輯
hux-poxtviuo | vice minister | 副部長
hux-pwntngg-sinhu | curate | 副本堂神父
huxbiør-cy-pafng | one's own country; one's native land | 父母之邦
huxjiin-pvi | women's diseases | 婦人病
huxjinpvi | women's complaint; diseases specifically of women | 婦人病
huxn putkox syn | do something regardless of personal safety | 奮無顧身
huxnhap | muddle; mixture; mix together | 混合
huxnhap-zef | mixture | 混合劑
huxnjip | mingle in a body of people; an organization; get into an organization or restricted area without undergoing the proper procedures | 混入
huxnzap | farrago; logjam; overcrowd; confusion; bustle; congestion; be crowded | 混雜
huypafng | a gang of bandits | 匪幫; 匪幫(匪邦)
huypok | unworthy; small(gift) | 菲薄
huyporngciar | libeler; slander | 誹謗者
huyporngzoe | criminal offense of libel | 誹謗罪
huypoxng heng'uii | act of libel or slander; libel | 誹謗行為
huypoxng | vilify; traduce; detraction; defame; slander; defame; to libel | 誹謗; 毀謗
huypvii | demolish | 毀平; 毀掉
huytiap | robber's spy; agent of the rebels; Chinese Communist agent | 匪諜
hvi'ar phakphag | ears standing out so much as almost to cover the opening (like a pig's) | 耳仔趴趴; 垂耳
hvi-pe'ar | ear cleaning rod, ear pick | 耳扒仔; 耳杓
hviuap | box of incense | 香盒
hviupaw | perfume satchels | 香包
hviuphafng | small bag of incense worn as a talisman on the 5th of the 5th month | 香包; 香香
hvixpe'ar | ear probes | 耳扒仔; 耳杓
hvixpear | ear probes | 耳扒仔
hvixpee | an ear pick | 耳扒; 耳挖子
hvixphvixaau-khøf | otorhinolaryngology (eyes; ears; nose and throat) | 耳鼻喉科
hvixphvixaukhøf | otorhinolaryngology (eyes, ears, nose and throat) | 耳鼻咽喉科
hvixphvixkhøf | EN dept., ear-nose department | 耳鼻科
hvixpvihofng | rumor hearsay; something to be disregarded | 耳邊風
hvixpvoaa | ink slab; ink stone | 硯盤; 硯台
hvixpvy-hofng | rumor; hearsay; to be disregarded | 耳邊風
hvoaai-parpax | bully | 橫霸霸
hvoaiheeng partø | bully; behave in total disregard of law | 橫行霸道
hvoaiparpax | overbearing | 橫霸霸
hvoaipax | perverse and tyrannical | 橫霸
hvoaipiern | horizontal tablet over door | 匾額; 橫扁
hvoaipø | high-handed | 橫暴
hvoaizhaa giajip zaux | argue irrationally; do things the way they won't work (to put sticks of wood into the stove sideways; contrary to the way they fit) | 強詞奪理; 橫柴抬入灶
hvoaxpvoaa | preside over; direct; control; be in charge of | 按盤; 掌管
hvoaxpvy | near the bank | 岸邊
hvorkied-sengpheg | morbid preoccupation with cleanliness | 好潔成癖
hvorphiaau | fond of visiting prostitutes; frequent brothels; given to whoring | 好嫖
hvorpien | fond of arguing; argumentative; disputatious | 好辯; 愛辯
hvuiparpax | overbearing | 橫霸霸
hwn bøexzhud serngpai | unable to decide who won | 分無出勝敗
hwn høfphvae | differentiate between good and evil | 分好歹
hwn tofngphaix | divide into parties or factions | 分黨派
hwn'ap | compact | 粉盒
hwnkviarap | compact | 粉鏡盒; 粉盒
hwnpeh | powder white | 粉白; 雪白
hwnphaq | a powder-puff | 粉打; 粉拍
hwnpiaq | white wall | 白壁; 粉壁
hwnpid | chalk; chalk | 粉筆
hwnpviar | face powder | 粉餅
hwpai | corruption; decomposition; corrupt and rotten practice or administration; putrid; decayed; to decay | 腐敗
hwphex | subsidiary coins | 輔幣
hwphoex | to match someone for marriage | 許配
hy-goaxpiao | veneer | 虛外表
hyphoex | to match someone for marriage; be betrothed girl; be affianced | 許配
hypøx | happy news announcement | 喜報
hø pud tanheeng | Misfortunes never come one at a time | 禍無單行
høe-putsi | apology | 回無是
høeapan | sample | 貨辦; 貨範; 商品樣品; 樣品
høeapex | money in circulation | 貨幣
høeapex-zeato | monetary system | 貨幣制度
høefchiaphiøx | train ticket | 火車票
høefpea | torch | 火把
høefphaux | sparkler (fireworks) | 火炮; 鞭炮
høefsiøpof | scorched earth; (n) drought | 火燒埔; 旱災; 火燒草原; 焦土
høefsvoaf pøxhoad | a volcanic eruption | 火山爆發
høefzay-pøfhiarm | fire insurance | 火災保險
høehap | a round | 回合
høepeh | pale | 灰白
høepeqseg | off-white | 灰白色
høephøef | to reply a letter | 回批; 回信
høflafmsaf cidtoxpar | He'll eat anything so he won't go hungry | 好壞吃無會餓; 好歹搔一度飽
høfphaix | good appearance | 好派; 好容姿
høfpheeng | favorable comment; high opinion | 好評; 好聲譽
høfphiaq | good tempered | 好癖; 癖性好
høfphoan | good partner | 好伴; 好夥伴
høfphvae zhampoaxn | good and bad about half-and-half | 好壞參半
høfphvae | good or bad | 好歹; 好壞
høfphvaysu | death; birth; marriage and such ceremonies | 好歹事; 喪喜事
høfphvixsay | person with a keen sense of smell | 好鼻獅; 嗅覺好
høfphøebaq | good condition of skin and flesh; heals quickly | 好皮肉; 皮膚好
høfpo | good way; good plan or advice | 好步; 好方法
høfthaau putjuu høfbøea | A good end is more important than a good beginning | 好頭無如好尾; 好始不如好終
høhap | to be united; happily together husband and wife; agree | 和合; 協合
høhiap | harmony; act in concert | 和協; 和諧
høpaw | purse | 荷包
høpaw-hoef | oyster plant | 荷包花
høpaw-nng | fried egg | 荷包卵
høpeeng hoexgi | peace conference | 和平會議
høpeeng kaykoad | amicable settlement | 和平解決
høpeeng tiauiog | peace treaty | 和平條約
høpeeng zwgi | pacifism | 和平主義
høpeeng | a city in Taichung County | 和平
høpengciorng | Nobel peace prize | 和平獎
høpid | why; Why should... ? Why must...? Why is it necessary that...? | 何必
høpit | for what necessity | 何必
høpoan | bank of a river | 河畔
høpvoaa | to tie | 和盤
høpvy | the riverside; the riverfront; by the side of the river | 河邊
hør-chiwpid | good handwriting | 好手筆
hør-phaethaau | style of person; big show of skill | 好派頭; 派頭大
hør-phvixsay | good sense of smell | 好鼻獅; 嗅覺好
hør-phynheng | correct conduct; | 好品行
hør-phøebaq | nice appearance | 好皮肉; 皮膚好(健康)
hør-pwnlerng | ability; skill; talent | 好本領
hør-zhuopvy | good neighbor | 好厝邊
høxniphvix | greeting card for New Year | 賀年片
høxpaang | registration room | 號房; 註冊處
høxpefng | bugler in the army | 號兵
høxphaux | artillery fire as a signal | 號炮; 信號槍; 信號炮
høxphvix | greeting card | 賀片; 賀年片
iafciernphaux | fieldpiece; field artillery | 野戰砲
iafciexn-poxtui | combat troops | 野戰部隊
iafciexn-pvixvi | field hospital | 野戰醫院
iafhap | illicit sexual intercourse | 野合
iafmpex | to shelter, to cover up | 掩蔽
iafphafng | wild bees | 野蜂
iafsym pudput | full of ambition | 野心勃勃
iahpiaq | make a hole in a wall | 挖牆
iampe | drowned | 淹斃
iaohiap | compel by threats, blackmail | 要脅
iap lok kuy kyn | The leaves fall and return to the roots--everything reverts to its original source | 葉落歸根
iap lok ty chiw | When the leaves fall we know that autumn is here--from what you see you can guess the rest | 葉落知秋
iap | leaf; a petal (of a flower); period; era or epoch | 葉; 瓣
iap'au | with one's hands behind the back | 掩後; 手藏在背後
iap'ay | hidden sorrow | 隱憂
iap'iab | to hold something back, hiding something, hiding oneself | 隱隱; 手藏在背後
iapbea | with its tail between its legs (dog) | 捲尾; 縮尾
iapbefkao | dog with tail between legs meaning fled in defeat | 揜尾狗
iapboea | with its tail between its legs (dog) | 捲尾; 縮尾
iapboefkao | dog with tail between legs meaning fled in defeat | 揜尾狗
iapchiuo | with one's hands clasped behind one's back | 揜手; 背著手
iapcvii | give money (things) secretly to another | 掩錢
iapsiab | out of the way (place), out of sight (person), shrinking from view (person) | 隱縮; 偏僻,; 隱居
iapsit | small additions made to the wings of a rural house | 隱翅; 加蓋的小間
iapthiab | hidden | 隱密
iarmseaphaix | pessimists | 厭世派
iaucip | invite to a gathering | 邀集
iaupafzhar | Hungry or full; he is still troublesome.--No matter what the circumstances; he causes a lot of trouble | 飢飽吵; 嘮叨無休
iaupaix | worship | 遙拜
iaupar | starving | 飢飽
iaupar-zhar | squabble all the time; fuss unceasingly | 飢飽吵; 吵鬧無停
iawsiuxpo | begin affairs and not settle them so as to cause great trouble to others; wicked way (means) | 夭壽步; 缺德的手段
iaxhap | night together | 夜合
iaxkafn-po | evening section | 夜間部
iaxkafn-pysaix | night game | 夜間比賽
iaxkanpo | night school | 夜間部
iaxmhog putchiern | have a lot of good fortune or successes in love affairs; have a beautiful girl friend or wife | 豔福無淺
iaxpa | either way | 也罷
iaxpafn | night shift; night work | 夜班
iaxpuii | apply fertilizer | 施肥; 撒肥
iaxpuxn | ease bowels also talk rubbish | 撒糞
iaxpvoax | midnight | 夜半
iaxpøo | bat (animal) | 蝙蝠; 夜婆
iaxsip | a night raid, a night attack | 夜襲
ibudphaix | materialists | 唯物派
ibut-piexnzernghoad | dialectic materialism | 唯物辯證法
ichii seakaix høpeeng | maintain or preserve world peace | 維持世界和平
id putzøx ji put'hiw | do something by hook or by crook; not to stop half way once a thing is started | 一無做二不休
ie putpiexn exng baxnpiexn | cope with shifting events by sticking to a fundamental principle or policy | 以無變應萬變
iedpefng | review troops; a review | 閱兵
iedpengseg | military parade before the commander-in-chief or commanding officer | 閱兵式
iedpengtaai | stand for reviewing troops | 閱兵台
iedphirn | aloof | 逸品
iedpørseg | reading-room | 閱報室
iedpøx | read the newspaper | 閱報
iefnkarng pysaix | oratorical contest | 演講比賽
iefnpiexn | to develop; to evolve; progressive changes; develop and change | 演變
iefnsip | maneuvers; drill; military exercise; maneuver; war game | 演習
iegoa-hongphøf | unforeseen trouble | 意外風波
iegoa-pøfhiarm | accident insurance | 意外保險
ienhae-higiap | coastal (inshore) fishery | 沿海漁業
ienpafng | lead plate stereotype | 鉛版
ienparn | a lead plate used in printing; lead plate (in printing) | 鉛板; 鉛版
ienparn-ji | a lead type used in printing | 鉛版字
ienphexng | hire (polite expression) | 延聘
ienphog | profound | 淵博
ienphviar | a lead plate; sheet iron; galvanized iron sheeting | 鉛片; 鉛鉼; 鉛版; 鉛板
ienpid | pencils | 鉛筆
ienpid-kafar | pencil sharpener | 鉛筆絞仔; 削鉛筆機
ienpid-oe | pencil drawing | 鉛筆畫
ienpid-sym | lead of a pencil | 鉛筆心
ienpid-zhad | eraser | 鉛筆擦
ienpit'oe | pencil drawing | 鉛筆畫
ienpitkafar | pencil sharpener | 鉛筆絞仔
ienpitkhaw | pencil sharpener | 鉛筆剾
iensip | follow along | 沿習
ihak-phoksu | Doctor of Medicine; M.D | 醫學博士
ihoaf ciapbok | cheat by sleight of hand | 移花接木
iliaau-ioxngphirn | medical materials | 醫療用品
iliauphirn | medical supplies | 醫療品
imgagphor | musical notation | 音樂師; 樂譜
imgak-pysaix | musical contest | 音樂比賽
imgiap | prostitution | 淫業
imphiaw | phonetic symbol; phonetic signs | 音標
imphiaw-bunji | phonetic transcription | 音標文字
imphor | notes in music; music score | 音譜; 樂譜
imphoxngphong | being flooded; submerged | 淹滿水; 積滿水
imphoxngphoong | being flooded, submerged | 淹滿水, 積滿水
imphynphorng | being flooded; submerged | 淹滿水; 積滿水
imphøf | sound-waves | 音波
impiaw | a phonetic sign, phonetic symbol | 音標
impo | vagina; private parts | 陰部
impoef | negative answer by divining blocks | 陰杯; 陰桮
inkør-pørexng | automatic repayment in later life for whatever one does (Buddhist) | 因果報應
insip | to follow the conventional | 因習
iofngciar putkhu | Bravery admits no fear | 勇者無懼
iofnglip | hail | 擁立
iofngpe | foster father | 養父
iofngpefng | maintain and train soldiers (in preparation for war) | 養兵; 擁兵
iofngphau | embrace | 擁抱
iofngpve | seek a cure for an illness; recuperate; recuperation | 養病
iofngpvi | to convalesce; to recuperate from illness | 養病
ionghap | fused; harmonious | 融合
ionglap | contain; hold; accommodate; take in | 容納
iongpok | servant | 傭僕; 僕人
iorng phafng | keep bees | 養蜂
ioxngpefng | launch troops; to make use of troops; manipulate troops; execute military operations | 用兵
ioxngphirn | articles for use; appliances; article; necessaries; supplies | 用品
ioxngpng | have a meal; eat a meal | 用飯
ipboxkea | rice cake for poor boys after cemetery ceremony | 挹墓粿
ipboxngkoea | rice cake for poor boys after cemetery ceremony | 挹墓粿
iphølaf pvixtok | ebola virus | 伊波拉病毒
ipiao | relatives on mother's side | 姨表
ipiao-cymoe | female maternal cousins | 姨表姊妹
ipiao-hviati | male maternal cousins | 姨表兄弟
ipoad | skill or teaching handed down from a master; teaching; skill handed down from master to pupil | 衣缽
ipoaq | skill or teaching handed down from a master; teaching; skill handed down from master to pupil | 衣缽
ipve | cure disease | 醫病
ipvi | cure disease | 醫病
ipøo | grandaunt; grandmother's sister | 姨婆; 姨奶奶; 姨婆,姨祖母
irnhoef-pox | printed material (cloth) | 印花布
irnhoepox | printed calico; printed cloth; printed cottons | 印花布
irnparn | print | 印版; 印板
irnpiexn | adapt to changes | 應變
irnsioxngphaix | impressionist school (art) | 印象派
irnsoatphirn | printed matter | 印刷品
isimphaix | idealists | 唯心派
isinphaix | reformers | 維新派
it'iap-tichiw | any sign foretelling things to come; harbinger of the future (Lit. A single falling leaf tells of the oncoming autumn.) | 一葉知秋
itbun safm putty | Supposing you ask him; he knows neither the beginning; the middle; nor the end of the matter | 一問三無知
itbuun-puttit | not worth a penny; worthless | 一文無值
itchioxng-pek'høo | One person proposes and a hundred others agree | 一唱百和
itgieen-put'hap | A single jarring note in conversation (between two persons is immediately followed by a quarrel; first fight) | 一言無合
itgo-itzap | enumerate or to narrate in detail; (to give) full particulars | 一五一十
itgvor-itsip | to tell something exactly as it happened; systematically and in full detail | 一五一十
itkhiaux-putthofng | quite stupid; completely ignorant; find a way of doing anything | 一竅無通
itkoaxn-zokgiap | integrated operation (said of factories); through process | 一貫作業
itlafmpiao | chart; table; brief list of contents | 一覽表
itlafmpiør | chart; table; brief list of contents | 一覽表
itlo-peng'afn | May you enjoy peace all the way! Bon voyage | 一路平安
itmoo-putpoat | too stingy (to pull out a hair) | 一毛無拔
itpai-tote | crushing defeat; complete failure | 一敗塗地
itpefng-itzhud | one soldier or one servant | 一兵一卒
itpeng'itzud | one soldier or one servant | 一兵一卒
itphaang-hongsun | May you have favorable winds in your sails!--greeting written on a farewell present | 一帆風順
itphaix-hogieen | complete nonsense | 一派胡言
itpheg-zek'hap | become good friend or partners after brief contact | 一拍即合
itphied | a glance | 一瞥
itphiexn | stretch, field of view | 一片
itphiexn-høfix | an atmosphere of goodwill | 一片好意
itphirn | first or the highest rank; ranking first; top quality | 一品
itphirn-hujiin | highest ranking madam; the wife of the highest ranking official | 一品夫人
itphy | a batch, a lot, a group | 一批
itphøf bixpeeng itphøf iuxkhie | one trouble after another | 一波未平一波又起
itphøf-samcied | meeting repeated difficulties; hitting one snag after another | 一波三折
itpiao jinzaai | handsome or dashing | 一表人才
itpiao | striking appearance | 一表
itpid | one stroke | 一筆
itpid-boahsiaw | undo something by a single stroke; all cancelled; settle an account once for all | 一筆抹消
itpid-kausiaw | undo something by a single stroke; all cancelled; settle an account once for all | 一筆勾消
itpied | a glance | 一瞥
itpiexn | as a whole | 一遍; 全面
itpiin-jusiern | poor as a church mouse; penniless | 一貧如洗
itpix-cy-lek | help; assistance | 一臂之力
itpo-tengthiefn | meteoric rise or fast advancement (in one's career) | 一步登天
itpok-sibhaan | work by fits and starts | 一曝十寒
itpurn baxnli | gain enormous profit out of small capital invested | 一本萬利
itpvoaf bincioxng | people in general | 一般民眾
itpvoaf siaxhoe | ordinary society | 一般社會
itpvoaf | generally; common; general; commonly; as a rule | 一般
itpvoaf-hoax | to generalize, generalization | 一般化
itpvoasexng | common quality | 一般性
itsy-putkoax | not a stitch on; stark naked | 一絲無掛
ittiin-putjiarm | immaculate; spotless | 一塵無染
itty poarnkae | smattering of knowledge; incomplete comprehension | 一知半解
iu'irnpurn | mimeographed booklet; pamphlet | 油印本
iu'utpvi | depression | 憂鬱病
iubok-poxlok | horde | 游牧部落
iuhuix putciog | insufficient postage | 郵費無足
iukiok-hoephiøx | postal money-order | 郵局匯票
iulaplab | greasy; oily | 油膩膩; 油塌塌
iuliongphirn | choice (superior) goods | 優良品
iuliphiøx | swing votes | 游離票
iuloplob | greasy; oily | 油膩膩; 油凹凹
iuophøee | smooth | 細皮; 幼皮
iuopox | smooth; fine cloth | 幼布; 細布; 精緻布料
iuopuii | young manure | 幼肥
iuosapsab | something very very small | 幼屑屑; 很細
iupaan | container for oil | 油瓶; 油壺
iupag | woodcock | 油鷸; 山鷸
iupaw | postal parcel | 郵包
iuphiøx | stamp; postal stamps | 郵票
iuphvoa | playmate; travel company | 遊伴
iuphøq | browned residue from rendered fat; cracklings | 油粕; 豬油粕
iupien | mail; post | 郵便
iupien-kiogtviuo | postmaster | 郵便局長
iupiexnkiok | post office | 郵政局; 郵便局; 郵局
iupiexntaang | mailbox | 郵便筒
iupiexnzuun | post boat | 郵便船
iupng | a kind of Taiwanese dish made out of sticky sweet rice; cooked glutinous rice mixed with sesame oil; pork; mushroom; shrimps which is served on the 30th day after childbirth | 油飯
iupox | tarpaulin; oilcloth (used as waterproof covering) | 油布
iuputteg | can't help | 由無得
iupviar | oil-fried thin cake | 油餅
iusiefn-pienpaai | hierarchy | 優先編排
iusof-pviar | fried crisp pancakes | 油酥餅
iuu chiern jip chym | from shallow to profound--of progressive studies | 由淺入深
iuu thiefn put'iuu jiin | it depends on Heaven not on man | 由天無由人
iuxpeeng | right (as opposed to left) | 右爿; 右邊
iuxpiefn | right side | 右邊
iuxpix | right arm | 右臂
iwgarn putseg Thaesafn | fail to recognize a great person | 有眼無識泰山
iwkhao-kaipy | Where there are mouths (to praise him); there are his memorial tablets.--praised by all | 有口皆碑
iwkiuu-pit'exng | unable to say no to petitioners; a soft touch; to respond to every plea; never refuses a request | 有求必應
iwli pid iwpex | Advantages are inevitably accompanied by disadvantages.--you can't have your cake and eat it too | 有利必有弊
iwpafng | a friendly country | 友邦
iwphaix | the Right | 右派
iwphaix-hunzuo | Rightists | 右派分子
iwphiexn | induce by deceit; beguile | 誘騙
iwpi-buhoan | There is no danger when there is preparedness | 有備無患
ixgiap | learn; to study (at a certain school) | 肄業
ixkørphvix | preview of coming attractions (cinema) | 預告片
ixpafng | foreign country | 異邦
ixpi | to prepare | 預備
ixpirn | unusual | 異稟
ixpøx | forecast; advance notice or announcement | 預報
iy-putsiar | unwilling to part (with a loved one) | 依依無捨
izeeng-piedloaan | shift one's love to another person; have a new sweet-heart | 移情別戀
iøcypve | kidney disease | 腰子病
iøcypvi | kidney disease | 腰子病
iøf sngf poe thviax | sore waist and aching back | 腰酸背痛
iøgiap | ceramics | 窯業
iøiøo paypae | swagger; swaggeringly | 搖搖擺擺
iøo syn itpiexn | change one's form with one shake of the body | 搖身一變
iøpaai | shake cards | 搖牌
iøpae | swing | 搖擺
iøpaw | pocket | 腰包
iøpo | waist; small of back | 腰部
iøqpaan | medicine bottle | 藥瓶
iøqpaang | drug store | 藥房
iøqpauar | medicine package; envelop prepared for prescribed medicine | 藥包仔
iøqpaw | medicine package, envelop prepared for prescribed medicine | 藥包
iøqphirn | pharmaceutical products; drug; medicines; chemicals | 藥品
iøqphvix | a medicinal tablet; medicine tablets | 藥片
iøqphøq | solid refuse of medicinal herbs after brewing | 藥渣
iøqpoef | medicine cup | 藥杯
iøqpox | medicine patches | 藥布; 紗布
iøthaau-pvoaxboea | act obsequiously (Lit. to bobble the head and wag the tail like a dog hoping to please the master) | 搖頭拂尾
jiafmpvi | to catch a disease; to be infected | 染病
jiafmtiøh phvae-sibkoaxn | infected by bad habits | 染到壞習慣
jiafmtiøh pve | infected with disease | 染到病
jiaope'ar | a stool pigeon; a person who helps enemy to harm own people; an informer; cat's paw; running dog; dupe; to work for the interest of an opposing group at the expense of one's own | 抓耙仔; 吃裡扒外
jiaopear | cat's paw, running dog, dupe, to work for the interest of an opposing group at the expense of one's own | 抓耙仔
jiaophoarbin | to come to an open break in friendship with each other | 撕破臉; 抓破面
jiaophoax | injure the skin by scratching; damage tissue by scratching | 抓破
jiap | twenty | 二十; 是二十的合音
jiapex | obstruct | 遮蔽
jiauphefphea | wrinkled | 皺襞襞
jiauphiephex | crumpled; wrinkled | 皺皺的; 皺痞帕
jiauphoee | shriveled skin | 皺皮; 皮膚皺皺的
jiauphøee | wrinkled skin | 皺皮
jibpaang | enter the nuptial chamber | 新娘進入洞房
jibpirn | submit a petition | 入稟; 請願
jibtviuphiøx | ticket of admission | 入場票
jidioxngphirn | daily necessaries | 日用品
jidkiepho | diary | 日記簿
jidpafn | day shift (in factory) | 日班
jidpvoax | day and a half | 日半; 一天半
jidpøx | daily newspaper; daily paper | 日報
jidsiaxpvi | sunstroke | 日射病; 中暑
jiedphauh | fever blister | 熱泡
jiedpve | fever | 熱病
jiedpvi | tropical fever; any disease causing a fever | 熱病
jiedtaepve | tropical diseases | 熱帶病
jiedzuypaan | thermos bottle | 熱水瓶
jiepuq | jeep | 吉普
jih latpaf | blow the (car) horn | 按喇叭; 壓喇叭
jih-hof pvee | press something so as to make it flat and smooth | 壓乎平
jih`phoax | broken by applying pressure; crush to pieces | 壓破
jiin lør sym putlør | young at heart; man may be old in years; but his heart need not be old; An old man chasing young women | 人老心無老
jiin putkhør mauxsioxng | Men cannot be judged by their looks. Don't judge a book by its cover | 人無可貌相
jilip | stand firm; 30 years of age (from Sam-sip ji-lip; 三十而立 written by Confucius meaning; When I was thirty years of age I stood firm.) | 而立
jinciorng ee phienkiexn | racial prejudice | 人種的偏見
jinciorng ee zhapiet thaixgu | racial discrimination | 人種的差別待遇
jinciorng ee zhapiet | racial segregation; apartheid | 人種的差別
jinkafng-puxnng | artificial incubation | 人工孵卵
jinkhao phorngtioxng | population explosion | 人口膨脹
jinkhao-aplek | over-population | 人口壓力
jinphirn | conduct; manner; behavior; character; man's disposition; his moral or intellectual standing; character (of a person); personality | 人品
jinsiu-pøfhiarm | life insurance | 人壽保險
jinsoaxn putjuu thiensoaxn | Human calculations are not equal to God's plan. Man proposes; and God disposes | 人算無如天算
jinsym-putciog | The human heart never knows satiety | 人心無足
jinthea kayphøx | human anatomy | 人體解剖
jinthea-kayphørhak | study of human anatomy; anthropometry | 人體解剖學
jintøf-zhuiezap | Agreement is difficult if there are too many people. Secrecy is difficult if too many people share it | 人多嘴雜
jinzaai poeazhud | great talent appears successively (continuously) | 人才輩出
jinzofng pexnghek | caught together with the goods (thief or robber) | 人贓並獲
jinzø-puiliau | chemical fertilizer | 人造肥料
jinzø-pøfciøh | imitation jewelry | 人造寶石
jinzøxpefng | artificial ice | 人造冰
jiogphog | hand-to-hand combat | 肉博
jiong'afpox | velvet denim | 絨仔布
jiongpox | velvet cloth; flannel; woolen or cotton piece goods with a felt-like surface; felt | 絨布
jioxngpo | yield place to another; to compromise; meet halfway | 讓步
jip kokzek | acquire citizenship | 入國籍
jip put'hw zhud | expenditure exceeding income; cannot make both ends meet | 入無敷出
jip | enter; put in; income | 入
jip`khix | get in | 入去
jip`laai | come on in; come in | 入來; 進來
jip`løqkhix | put into; pack into | 入落去; 裝進去
jipcvii | rush about on business to secure funds or to raise money | 追錢; 奔走籌錢
jipheaphex | topsy-turvy, in complete disarray, drunkenly confused | 亂糟糟, 糾纏不清
jipkaux | catch up | 追到
jiptiøh | catch up | 追到
jiqphoax | break something by applying pressure; broken by high pressure | 壓破
jiqpvie | to press flat; to flatten; to squash; to squelch | 壓扁
jitoong-kofngporkiok | radio play for children | 兒童廣播劇
jixmpiin | despite; in spite of; regardless of | 任憑
jixmseg putciog | recognize insufficiently; lack of knowledge | 認識無足
jixpaang | second branch of a family; concubine; household of the second oldest brother | 二房
jixpad-kajiin | sixteen-year-old beauty | 二八佳人
jixpeeng | right or left part of a Chinese character; components of a Chinese character; radical of a character | 字爿; 部首
jixpeq | second eldest senior brother of father; second eldest brother of husband | 二伯
jixphirn | order of lector (Catholic) | 二品
jixpho | note-book for practicing the writing of letters | 字簿; 習字簿
jixpo | radical of Chinese characters | 二部; 部首
jixpoxchid | exceptional skill | 二步七; 有一手
jixpoxchid`ar | exceptional skill | 二步七仔; 有一手者
jixtefngpefng | a private; the lowest rank soldier | 二等兵
jixzap | twenty; 20th of the month | 二十
jiøxphea'ar | diapers | 尿帕仔
jiøxphex | a diaper; a nappy | 尿帕; 尿布
jiøxpix | anuria | 尿秘; 尿閉
jiøxpox | diaper | 尿布
joaqhip'hib | hot and humid | 熱翕翕
joaqpiarngpiaxng | very hot (weather) | 熱烘烘; 熱極了
joaqthvipox | summer cloth | 熱天布
ju'ix sngrpvoaa | wishful thinking | 如意算盤
juhek ciepør | like acquiring a rare treasure (literally)--get what one has wished or desired for a long time | 如獲至寶
juhoad phaozex | do things according to an approved routine methods; do something exactly as others have done | 如法泡製
jujip bujiin-cy-kerng | like walking into a no man's land; encounter little resistance (usually said of a victorious army) | 如入無人之境
jupheaphex | topsy-turvy; in complete disarray; drunkenly confused | 亂糟糟; 糾纏無清
juxkog-piexnbiin | enrich the state and accommodate the masses | 裕國便民
juxnphøee | naughty | 韌皮; 頑皮
juxnpid | ask for help in writing | 潤筆
juxnporpox | very tough (meat) | 韌布布; 很老 (肉); 很韌
juxnpviafkauq | Taiwanese egg roll | 潤餅𩛩
juxnpviar | Taiwanese pancake roll; Taiwanese spring roll | 潤餅; 春捲; 春餅
juxnpviar-kauq | Taiwanese pancake roll; Taiwanese spring roll | 潤餅捲; 春捲; 春餅
juxnpviar-phøee | the Taiwanese spring roll skin to wrap meat; vegetable in | 潤餅皮
jwhap | be healed (cut, incision) | 癒合
jwhviuap | incense boat | 乳香盒
jwpaang | breast, udder, mammae | 乳房
jwpeh | whiteness | 乳白
jwpo | woman's breast | 乳部
jwpviar | cheesecake | 乳餅
jymputzu | cannot endure it | 忍無住
ka`phoax | damage by biting (as clothing damaged by moths; dogs) | 咬破
kaciahphviaf | back; part of the back between the shoulders | 尻脊背; 尻脊骿
kaciahphviar | the back, the upper-back of the body | 尻脊背
kae mopve | correct a fault | 改毛病
kae phikhix | change one's disposition | 改脾氣
kaejip | intervene; get involved | 介入
kaelip | intervention | 介入
kaepaai | landmark; boundary stone | 界碑
kaepafng | beggar team | 丐幫
kaeparn | revision, a new edition | 改版
kaephiaw | landmark | 界標
kaepi | vigilance; take precautions | 戒備
kaf phøx jiin boong | home in ruins and family members dead or scattered (referring to situations resulting from great disasters) | 家破人亡
kaf piin juu siern | be in extreme poverty | 家貧如洗
kafcip'heeng | false execution (in law); sequestrate | 假執行
kafm'wn-topøx | grateful for kindness and seeking a way to recompense it | 感恩圖報
kafmhoax-suxgiap | reformatory work | 感化事業
kafmlo putkarm gieen | angry but not daring to speak out | 敢怒無敢言
kafmpoe | appreciate and admire | 感佩
kafmzeeng phørliet | fall out (said of friends; married couple) | 感情破裂
kafngpex | Hong Kong money | 港幣
kafngpheeng | review (a literary work; a game; especially in speech); make critical comments on some performance | 講評
kafngpof | port side area | 港埔
kafngpvy | riversides | 港邊
kafngsibpafn | short-term course of training or instruction; a seminar | 講習班
kafngsip | training; short-term training or instruction course (class) | 講習
kafnphor | simple musical notation | 簡譜
kafnpi | maidservant | 女婢
kafnpid | simple pen | 簡筆
kafnpien | simple and convenient; handy; simple; handy | 簡便
kafnpo | key persons, cadre | 框架
kafnpøx | briefing | 簡報
kafpan | disguise; to masquerade | 假扮
kagiap | property; family possessions | 家業
kaho-pvexpaang | intensive care unit | 加護病房
kaho-pvixpaang | intensive care unit | 加護病房
kahparn | deck (of a ship) | 甲板
kahphe | cover with comfort | 蓋被
kahphoe | cover with quilt or comforter | 蓋被
kahphøe | cover oneself with quilt or comforter | 蓋被
kajip | joined; adding; accede to; come in with; enter (a party) | 加入
kakafng-phirn | finished material, processing, processed product | 加工品
kakanggiap | processing industry | 加工業
kakangphirn | processed goods | 加工品
kakeapho | household account book | 家計簿
kakpvoax | fifteen cents; one dime and a half | 角半; 一角五分
kalafnphag | put a thing upside down; lie face downward | 伏臥趴; 倒放
kalap | accept (as God accepts our offering) | 嘉納
kalea-png | curry rice | 咖喱飯; 咖哩飯
kalip | join | 加入
kalongphaux | cannon | 加農砲; 大砲
kalypng | curried rice | 咖哩飯
kamciarpafng | bagasse board; a board made from the refuse of crushed sugar cane fibers | 甘蔗板
kamciarphøq | remains of pressed sugarcane; pulp; fibers | 甘蔗渣
kamhoeq-phuqthvy | make false accusations against others (Lit. spit blood at Heaven) | 含血噴天; 含血噴人
kamkhor-pixsioong | have tasted both sweetness and bitterness ─ have known both happiness and suffering | 甘苦備嘗
kamliim-phofkaxng | Seasonable rain has fallen everywhere | 甘霖普降
kampaix-haxhofng | willing to take an inferior position; concede defeat willingly | 甘拜下風
kanciapsøex | indirect taxes | 間接稅
kangge-phirn | handicraft articles or object | 工藝品
kanggexphirn | industrial product; manufactured article | 工藝品
kanggiap | industry | 工業
kanggiap-haghau | technical schools; industrial schools | 工業學校
kanggiap-hoarhak | industrial chemistry | 工業化學
kanggiap-ioxngkhu | equipment and tools used in industries | 工業用具
kanggiap-kaoiok | technical (industrial) education | 工業教育
kanggiap-kekbeng | Industrial Revolution | 工業革命
kanggiap-kokkaf | industrial nations of powers; developed countries | 工業國家
kanggiap-sitai | industrial age | 工業時代
kanggiap-textaix | industrial zone | 工業地帶
kanggiap-tochi | industrial cities | 工業都市
kanghak-phoksu | Doctor of Engineering; D. Eng | 工學博士
kangpaang | studio | 工房
kangpag | area north of the Yangtze River | 江北
kangpefng | engineer corps; engineering corps (in military); a sapper | 工兵
kangpo | Ministry of Industry | 工部
kangpurn | cost of production | 工本
kangpwnhuix | net cost of a product (cost of raw materials plus labor) | 工本費
kangsiofng-giap | industry and commerce | 工商業
kankhor-pixsioong | have experienced all sorts of hardships | 艱苦備嘗
kanpefng | dry ice | 乾冰
kanphii | mesothelium | 間皮
kanpoef | cheers; drink a toast | 乾盃; 乾杯
kanpoex | scallop; opening-closing ligament of a bi-valve shell-fish (highly prized as delicacy) | 干貝
kansiap | interfere; come between; intervention; meddling; put in a word | 干涉
kantiap | spy | 間諜
kao pui høefchiaf | worthless (Lit. Dog barks at train.) | 狗吠火車; 無濟於事
kao-pui | the bark of a dog, to bark | 狗吠
kaogi hamsiuxpo | correspondence course in religion (Catholic) | 教義函授部
kaophaix hunliet | schism | 教派分裂
kaophaix | sect; religious sect | 教派
kaopiefn | pointer or rod (used by a teacher); teaching career | 教鞭
kaopuii | too fat | 夠肥
kaopurn | worth the effort or money; enough to cover the cost | 夠本
kaoterngpurn | revised edition | 校訂本
kap | grumbling; querulous; to grumble | 嘀咕; 抱怨
kap'ar | small land frog | 蛤仔; 田雞; 青蛙
kap'huun | seam | 敆痕; 接縫
kap'ixn | stamped partly on each of two sheets (as two copies of a deed or contract; for security against alterations) | 敆印; 騎縫印
kap'iøh | to combine medical ingredients, to buy prepared medicine | 合藥; 配藥
kap'iøqar | buy medicine | 敆藥仔
kap'oar | sealed; put together | 接合; 合在一起
kapafn | work overtime; overtime; overtime work | 加班
kapanchiaf | extra bus or train | 加班車
kapanhuix | overtime pay | 加班費
kapbi | seasoning | 合味; 調味
kapchiab'hiap | negotiate with… | 與… 接洽
kapeqsurn | a type of vegetable shoot or sprout | 茭白筍
kaphirn | good quality | 佳品
kaphor | family tree; genealogy | 家譜
kaphøef | home letter | 家信; 家書
kapihurn | instant coffee powder | 咖啡粉
kapikoarn | coffee-house; tea-room | 咖啡館
kapikoaxn | coffee pot | 咖啡罐
kapiphøq | coffee grounds. | 咖啡粕
kapipoef | coffee cup | 咖啡杯
kapiseg | coffee-room | 咖啡室
kapithviaf | coffee-room | 咖啡廳
kapizefng | instant coffee | 咖啡精
kapkab`leq | prepare drugs | 合合咧
kapkaix | a large variety of gecko, Gekko verticillatus | 蛤蚧; 種類繁多的壁虎
kapkarng | meeting of rivers | 合港; 二河匯成一河
kaplee | clams | 蛤螺
kapleeng | whistle on pigeons tail | 蛤蚧; 鴿鈴
kaplie | lining | 合裏; 夾裏子(衣服)
kapoe | double; reduplicate; redouble; add to; to double | 加倍
kapok | servant (in a family) | 家僕
kapox | cut cloth; buy cloth | 剪布; 鉸布; 膠布
kappaang | consummate marriage | 合房; 入洞房; 圓房
kapparn | wedges; boards for supporting; pressing the sides of anything or for torturing; splint | 夾板
kapphang | space between things | 合縫; 縫合處
kapsurn | match tenon | 合榫
kapsvoax | seam- space between things | 接縫; 兩端結合線; 合線
kaptuu | pigeon-loft | 鴿舍
kapy | coffee | 咖啡
kapy-chiu | coffee-tree | 咖啡樹
kapy-seg | dark brown, coffee color | 咖啡室; 咖啡色
kapyn | VIP; honored guest; respected guest; distinguished | 嘉賓; 嘉賓,佳賓; 佳賓
kapzhafm | mixed | 合參; 混在一起
kapzheq | bind a book | 合冊; 裝訂書本
kapzhuix | joint of two boards; seam in a garment | 合嘴; 縫口; 接合處
kapzoa | seam | 敆逝; 接縫; 接合線; 接縫處; 縫
kapzoex | combine | 合成
kapzw'efng | goshawk, Horsfield's sparrow hawk | 赤腹鷹; 蒼鷹
kapzøhtiaxm | furniture shop | 傢俱店
kapzøq | cabinet maker | 夾作; 敆作; 木匠
kapør | heirloom | 家寶
karmlap | accept favorably, favorable acceptance | 鑒納; 笑納
karmpaang | prison cell | 監房
karmphiørjiin | ballot supervisor; scrutator | 監票人
karmphiøx | watch for irregularities in a voting (in election) | 監票
karmpiet | distinguish (the genuine from the imitation); judge or identify something by carefully examining it; discriminate; exercise discrimination | 鑑別
karnglap | descent | 降納
karnpo | cadre; primary member; cadre; hardcore member of any organization | 幹部
karntiap | spy | 間諜
karphefng | pass away (said of the emperor) | 駕崩
karphvae | bad influence; teach wrong things (usually to children) | 教壞
karsuo cipciaux | driver's license | 駕駛執照; 駕照
kasioong piexnpng | ordinary plain food; such as one gets at home | 家常便飯
kateeng-ioxngphirn | household furnishings; appliances; utensils | 家庭用品
kateeng-kanggiap | domestic (cottage) industries | 家庭工業
katengpøe | retainers | 加重倍
katøpeeng | reamer | 鉸刀爿
kau-bixnphøee | brazen-faced | 厚面皮; 厚臉皮
kau-pvixthviax | sickly | 交病痛; 厚病疼; 多病的; 交戾
kauhap | join; contact; copulate; copulation | 交合; 性交; 交接
kauhpuii | make compost for fertilizer | 𩛩肥
kauhpuui | compost; farmyard manure | 輾肥; 堆肥
kaulap | remit | 交納; 繳納
kaupafn | to change shift (official duty) | 交班
kaupaix | exchange bows (esp. between bride and bridegroom at wedding) | 交拜
kaupefng | fight (between nations); wage war | 交兵
kaupeg | suppress | 交迫
kauphoax | tear with a hook; nail; thorn | 鉤破
kauphoex | mate (said of animals); to crossbreed (animals or plants) | 交配
kauphøex | cross-breed, cross-fertilize | 交配
kaupoee | socialize; associate with | 交陪; 交往; 交誼
kaupoef | mutual toasting by the groom and the bride on their wedding day | 交杯
kaupvef | troublesome; quarrelsome; fastidious; hard to please | 交拼; 乖戾; 難以取悅
kaupvoaa | engage in business transaction or trade | 交盤; 交易
kaupvy | picky | 交拼; 乖戾; 挑剔; 吹毛求疵
kaupøee | make friends with; associate with | 交際; 結交; 交陪
kaupør | bail; release (a suspect) on bail | 交保
kausiap | negotiate; negotiate with; talks | 交涉
kauthaau-ciapnie | whispering; talk in whispers | 交頭接耳
kauxbixnphee | shameless | 厚面皮
kauxbixnphoee | bold, shameless, impudent | 厚面皮
kauxbixnphøee | bold; shameless; impudent | 厚臉皮
kauxparn | plank | 厚板
kauxphiaq | many special liking | 多癖; 厚癖
kauxphøee | thick-skinned | 皮厚; 厚皮
kauxpve | unhealthy; feeble; sickly | 厚病; 多病
kauxpvi | susceptible to diseases; constantly ill | 厚病; 多病
kauxpøh | thick and thin; thickness | 厚薄
kauxzoafphef | cardboard | 厚紙坯
kauxzoafphoef | cardboard | 厚紙坯
kaw peng'iuo | make friends | 交朋友
kaw peqkoaxn | turn in a blank examination paper | 交白卷
kaw`phoax | things damaged by a hook | 勾破
kawliap | nine (round objects) | 九粒
kawoafn zabpeh'oad | very crooked; zigzag | 彎彎曲曲; 九彎十八穵
kawphuix | nonsense | 狗屁
kawpiefn | dog's penis | 狗鞭
kawpien | use a sophisticated argument in self-defense; defend oneself in a devious way; artful self-defense | 狡辯
kawzap | ninety | 九十
kaxngbør-kørpe | having the same mother; but different father | 同母異父; 同母各父
kaxnggiap | the same business | 仝業
kaxngpaang | the same room, same clan | 同房; 仝房
kaxngpafn | (fellow) classmate | 共班; 同班; 同學
kaxngpag | be born by the same mother | 同腹
kaxngpe | same father | 同父
kaxngpe-kørbuo | having the same father; but different mother | 同父異母
kaxngpe-kørbør | same father but not the same mother | 同父異母
kaxngpeeng | on the same board; on the same side | 同爿邊
kaxngpexkøhbuo | half-mother | 仝爸各母
kaxngphvoa | companion | 同伴
kaxngpoex | same generation | 同輩; 仝輩
kaxphoax | break by the teeth; bite through | 咬破
kaygiap | change one's occupation | 改業
kaykoad-paxnhoad | solution (of a problem) | 解決辦法
kayparn | revised edition | 改版
kayphexng | relieve one of his duties; dismiss or discharge a person from his post | 解聘
kayphiefn | revise (a book); reorganize (a military unit); (said of a movie; stage play) adapted from; based on (a book; novel) | 改編
kayphor | dissect; autopsy; analyze (a problem) | 解剖
kayphorsut | dissection | 解剖術
kayphox | dissect, perform an autopsy | 解剖
kayphvoax | amended judgment; change a sentence (meted out by a lower court) | 改判
kayphørhak | anatomy | 解剖學
kayphørsut | anatomy | 解剖術
kayphøx | dissect; autopsy; analyze (a problem) | 解剖
kaypiefn | reorganize; revise and rewrite; adatp | 改編
kaypiexn | make change; change; alteration; change; alter; modify | 改變
kaypvix | reform one's self; to change; alter; modify | 改變
kaypvy | groin | 胯邊; 骱邊; 腹股溝; 鼠蹊
kayterngparn | revised edition | 改訂版
kazexng-citgiap-haghau | vocational school for home economics | 家政職業學校
ke'nngxpefng | custard ice cream | 雞蛋冰
keabogpiør | price list, quotation list | 價目表 (單)
keaboo paixlo | scheme has been discovered | 計謀敗露
keagiap | succession | 繼業
keapaang | adopt the sons of your brothers or relatives from the same clan as your heirs in the case that you have no kids | 過房
keaphoex | step wife | 繼配; 後妻
keapong | ceeding basic quantities or provisions | 過磅
keasipiør | chronometer | 計時表
keathengpiør | taxi meter | 計程表
kebwphoee | goose flesh (skin); goose-pimples | 雞母皮; 雞皮疙瘩
kebwphøee | goose bumps | 雞母皮; 雞皮疙瘩
kebøfphoee | goose flesh (skin); goose-pimples | 雞母皮; 雞皮疙瘩
kef cidpvoax kuix | half again as much; a 50% price increase of | 貴一半; 加一半貴
kefcip'heeng | false execution (in law); sequestrate | 假執行
kefginphiøx | false bank note | 假銀票; 偽鈔
kefgunphiøx | counterfeit banknotes | 假銀票
kefkofphog | pretend to be knowledgeable | 假古博
kefkokpiq | play singular | 假嘓鱉
kefngphirn | scenery | 景品
kefngpi | police; garrison forces; defense; guarding; keep guard | 警備
kefngpi-sulexngpo | Garrison Command | 警備司令部
kefngpixtui | garrison | 警備隊
kefngpøx | warning message; alarm; alert; alarm; warning; warning signal | 警報
kefpaau | counterfeit | 假包
kefpan | to be in disguise of | 假扮
kefpauee | counterfeit | 假的, 仿冒的, 偽造的
kefphog | pretend to be a learned person | 假博; 假裝有學問
kefphvae | reform a bad character, change a bad habit | 假歹; 改除惡習
kefphøee | imitation leather | 假皮
kefphøef | fake mail | 假信; 偽函
kefpid | fake pen | 假筆
kefpve | pretend to be sick | 假病; 假裝有病
kefpvi | pretend illness | 裝病; 假病
kefpvix | reform one's self; to change; alter; modify | 改變
kefzupy | pretended sympathy and grief | 假慈悲
keg-høfgiaqlaang-phaix | take on the airs and appearance of a wealthy man when really not so | 假好額人派; 裝有錢人的派頭
keg-phiphii | feign tiredness | 裝疲疲
kegiap | family inheritance, family property | 家業
kegphirn | the best of its kind | 極品
kegpo | with no further resources | 極步
kegpurn | play; scenario | 劇本
keh'impafng | acoustic tile; acoustic board | 隔音板
kehjiedparn | insulation board | 隔熱板
kehli-pvexpaang | isolation ward | 隔離病房
kehpag | half-brother, half-sister | 過腹; 隔腹; 同父異母
kehpiahkefng | next room; next door | 隔壁間; 隔壁房間
kehpiaq | neighbor; next door (house) | 隔壁
kehpiaq-zngf | neighboring village | 隔壁莊
kehtngr-lefpaix | following week | 隔轉禮拜; 第二個禮拜
kekpai | rout the enemy | 擊敗
kekpe | to kill | 擊斃
kekpefng | freeze; manufacture ice | 結冰; 製冰
kekphaethaau | put on airs | 激派頭
kekphaix | radical | 激派
kekphii | pretend tiresome; ignore | 裝疲
kekphiphii | pretend not to pay attention to | 裝疲疲; 裝無理會
kekphoax | defeat | 擊破
kekphvi | irritated nose | 激鼻
kekphøx | to crush, to rout | 擊破
kekpiexn | violent change | 激變
keksinphaix | reformist group | 革新派
keksipsib | pretend not to pay attention to; purposely not pay attention to | 激濕濕; 無理不睬
kektiap | flounder (fish) | 棘鰈; 比目魚
keng'eeng suxgiap | do (transact) business | 經營事業
kenggiap | doing business | 經業
kengpurn | classical books | 經本; 經書
kengsym-toxngpheg | heart-shaking; soul-stirring | 驚心動魄
kepaai | chicken breast and legs | 雞排
kepaklai | chicken's internal organs | 雞腹內; 雞內臟
kephøex | add | 加配
kepoxng | pretend that a thing is heavier and charge accordingly | 多謗; 以少報多
kepøo | nosy; officious person; meddlesome | 加婆; 好管閒事
keq cidlefpaix | every other week; next week | 隔一禮拜
keq cidliap svoaf | separated by a mountain | 隔一座山; 隔一粒山
kernggiap | carefully work on one's business | 競業
kernggiap-logkuun | respect work and enjoy company | 敬業樂群
kerngpaix | reverence; to worship (used in a letter) | 敬拜
kerngphoex | to admire | 敬佩
kerngpid | yours sincerely | 敬筆
kerngpoe | respect and admire; admire; to respect; think highly of | 敬佩
kerngput | make an offering to Buddha; worship gods | 敬佛
kerngpøx | an alarm, signal | 警報
kexngpiøf | bid | 競標
kexpoex | lower generation | 低輩
khabefpng | rice placed at the foot of dead people | 跤尾飯
khaboefpng | rice placed at the foot of dead people | 跤尾飯
khabpaix | to do obeisance | 磕拜; 叩拜
khabphoax | knock out | 磕破
khachiuo pun | clumsy hand and foot | 手腳遲鈍; 腳手笨
khachiwbaq phiqphiqzhoaq | body all trembling with terror | 腳手肉皮皮掣; 手腳顫抖;
khaciahphviaf | the back of the human body | 腳脊骿; 尻脊骿; 背部; 背脊
khaciahphviar | the back of body | 尻脊背; 背脊
khaf paypae | limping in walking | 腳拐拐; 腳跛跛
khaf phuphuu | unsteady gait | 腳飄浮無力; 腳浮浮
khaf pix | one's leg is asleep | 腳麻; 腳痺
khaf poepoef | feet unsteady; unsteady gait | 腳飄浮; 腳步無穩; 腳飛飛
khafhap | coincide | 巧合
khaghoeq-pvi | hemoptysis | 咳血病
khahkhiepox | khaki | 卡其布
khahphvix | a card | 卡片
khaigiap | open for business; open a private practice; start doing business; start practicing (law; medicine) | 開業
khaigiap-y | medical practitioner | 開業醫
khaipan | setup; establish; start; put into operation (as an office; store etc.) | 開辦
khaipenghofng | extraction of the square root | 開平方
khaiphoax | break | 開破
khaipit | open up; develop; open up or develop (a new market; farm plot); build (a road) | 開闢
khaipox | broadcast | 開播
khaithiefn-pidte | creation of the world | 開天闢地
khakhiepve | beriberi | 腳氣病
khaklip | entrench | 確立
khakpør | ensure, guarantee, maintain | 確保
khan'goxpiør | list of corrections attached to a publication; errata | 刊誤表
khangkhakciphiøx | bounced check | 空殼支票
khangpaang | vacant room | 空房
khangpag | empty stomach | 空腹; 空肚子
khangpeh | blank in a paper or form | 空白
khangphang | gap; hole; holes and crevices; a flaw; opportunity for finding fault or getting money out of people | 孔縫; 空縫; 空隙
khangphvax | empty; hollow | 空虛; 空帕
khangsimpag | empty stomach | 空心腹; 空肚子
khangthaau-ciphiøx | rubber check; worthless check | 空頭支票
khangzhuiepoxcih | talk nonsense | 空喙哺舌
khangzhuix-poxcih | chewing one's tongue in an empty mouth ─ make false; deceitful promises | 空嘴嚼舌; 空喙哺舌; 空口說白話; 空談
khanhap | put together | 牽合
khanparn | make a wood-cut, carve wooden block for printing | 看板; 版; 廣告牌
khanparng | a billboard; an advertising sign | 看板; 廣告牌
khansiap | implicated; involve; affect; implicate | 牽涉
khaopaix | bow in salute; kowtow; kowtow ─ kneel and touch the ground with the forehead to show great deference (practiced in old China as the highest form of salutation) | 叩拜
khaope | complain; grumble; make a loud lamentation for father's death ─ Shut up! (a curse word) | 哭父; 別吵; 糟了; 抱怨
khaope-khaobør | lament loudly for parents death ─ to complain or to scold (a curse word) | 哭爹哭母; 抱怨; 叱罵
khap | bump; knock; touch; come in contact with; strike against; bump into; to clip | 磕; 接觸; 碰
khap'hap | exactly agreeing, conformable | 磕合; 恰好
khap'huo | your whole family | 闔府
khap'ixn | to stamp with a seal or a chop, seal | 蓋章; 蓋印
khap`cidtiøh | easily; frequently | 動無動; 磕一著
khap`tiøh | bump; knock | 磕著
khapeh | kind of edible aquatic reed, especially its shoots | 跤帛
khapeqsurn | kind of edible aquatic reed; especially its shoots | 筊白筍
khaphang | between the thighs; space between the legs | 腳縫; 胯下; 腿間
khaphoea | thighs | 腳頰
khaphuhseflux | medicine capsule | 膠囊
khaphvixliaam | having a sore or ulcer on the shinbone | 跤鼻臁
khapkaf | the whole family | 闔家; 闔第
khapkog | whole country | 闔國
khapo | footstep; footfall; step; manner of walking; pace; gait | 腳步; 跤步
khapoxsviaf | sound of footsteps | 腳步聲
khappiq | copy, (transliteration of the English word, copy), a film print | 拷貝 (外來語)
khapte | the whole family | 闔家; 闔第
khapte-kongliim | please come with your whole family (a conventional term used in Chinese invitation cards) | 闔第光臨
khapvoaa | the feet; the lower limbs; instep (of the foot) | 足背; 腳盤; 跗
khaq-phvithaau | getting rather more than one's share | 較摒頭; 較佔便宜
kharm'afpvy | edge of a cliff | 崖仔邊; 崖緣; 嵌邊
kharmgoxpiør | corrigenda; errata; table of errors | 勘誤表
kharngpeh | blank | 空白
kharngphie | pick off scabs | 揭痂
kharphoax | to break by striking or knocking | 砍敲; 敲破
kharphvix | card | 卡片
kharpinchiafng | carbine | 卡賓槍
kharpinzhexng | carbine | 卡賓槍
khataqpafng | footboard | 腳踏板
khauphoee | scrape off the skin with a scraper | 刨皮; 刮皮; 剝皮
khauphøee | peeling | 刨皮; 刮皮; 剝皮
khauqkhauqpui | bark without stopping | 愕愕吠; 吠個無停
khaw phe'ar | pull up darnell from rice fields | 拔稗仔
khaw phee | peel off the skin | 剾皮
khaw phoee | peel off the skin | 剾皮
khawhap | coincidence | 巧合
khawpeh | lines in a play; soliloquy; the art of talking while or as if alone | 口白; 台詞; 獨白
khawpien | plausible argument; ingenious argument | 巧辯
khawpy | opinion; public praise | 口碑
khawsoad-bupiin | Oral agreement cannot serve as evidence. Oral promise is not binding | 口說無憑
khawsof-pviar | a kind of crisp biscuit; shortcakes | 口酥餅
khawsopviar | a kind of crisp biscuit; shortcakes | 口酥餅
khax tiexnpøx | telegraph | 打電報
khaxng laang ee liab'afphie | put a man to shame by telling his secrets | 揭人瘡疤; 揭人的粒仔痞
khaxng laang ee zhaothauphie | put a man to shame by telling his secrets | 揭人瘡疤; 揭人的臭頭痞
khaxng liab'afphie | pick the scab off a boil | 揭瘡疤; 揭粒仔痞
khazhngphea | buttocks; rump | 尻川臀; 臀部; 屁股
khazhngphoea | buttocks, rump | 尻川䫌
khazhngphøea | buttocks; rump | 尻川臀; 臀部; 屁股
khazngfthau'afphang | interstices between the toes | 腳指頭仔縫
khazngfthauafphang | interstices between the toes | 腳指縫
kheahap | match together | 契合
kheape | adopted father | 契父; 乾爹
kheg pexbuo | One's nemesis (fate) brings misfortune to one's parents | 剋父母
kheg put'ioong oan | Not a moment is to be lost; most urgent | 刻無容緩
khehpaang | guest room | 客房
khehpng | meals sold at a fixed price per customer according to the quality of the dishes served | 客飯
khekparn | engrave blocks for printing | 刻板
khekpe | incompatible with father | 剋父
khekphor | music scores | 曲譜
khekphvix | (vinyl) record; LP | 曲片; 唱片
khekpog | to exploit | 剝削
khekpok | (adj) unkind; stingy; treat harshly; cold hearted; unfeeling | 刻薄
khekpvoaa | (vinyl) record; LP; phonograph records); gramophone records) | 唱片; 曲盤
khengkanggiap | light industry | 輕工業
khengphiaw | buoyant | 輕飄
khengphuu | flippant; frivolous; playful | 輕浮
khengphuun | overturn a bowl | 傾盆
khengpien | (adj) lightweight and portable; handy; convenient | 輕便
khengpien-chiaf | push-car on a narrow track | 輕便車; 手推車
khengpiet | despise, disdain, contempt | 輕別; 輕視
khengpiexnchiaf | narrow-gauge hand-car | 輕便車
khengpok | take liberty with a girl; get fresh; fickle; flippant; disdain; contempt; frivolity; levity; frivolity; insincere; fickle | 輕薄
khepof | dry land by the edge of a river ─ (originally part of the river) | 溪埔
khepvy | the sides of stream; river side | 溪邊
khesoapof | sandy bed of a stream | 溪沙埔地
khiakhafng-khiaphang | create difficulties | 騎孔騎縫; 諸多刁難
khiampy | modesty; humility; modest; self-depreciative | 謙卑; 謙遜
khiapjiok | timid and week | 怯弱
khiapjuu | timid, cowardly, cowardice, timidity | 怯儒; 怯?
khiapmia | bad luck | 厄運
khiapsae | mean; miser; miserly; stingy (archaic) | 袪屎; 小氣; 吝嗇
khiapsiemia | bad fate | 㾀勢命
khiapsiw | bashful, shy | 怯羞
khiapsix | ugly (said of a person) | 怯勢; 㾀勢; 醜
khiapsvy | homely, unpretty | 怯生; 難看的
khiaptvar | cowardly | 怯膽; 膽性
khiaptviuu | stage-fright | 怯羞
khiawpien | specious argument | 巧辯
khiaxjinpeeng | the ninth radical | 騎字爿; 人部; (部首)
khiaxmphog | plain, simple, frugal | 省樸; 儉樸
khiaxoexpefng | guards; male standing infront of female dooms waiting | 徛衛兵
khiaxpaai | set up a head-stone (at a grave); put up a notice board | 豎牌; 立牌; 立牌子
khiaxphiøx | standing ticket | 徛票
khiaxpiin | screen; standing screen (as at doorway) | 豎屏; 徛屏; 屏風
khiaxpy | set up a stone monument with an inscription | 立碑; 豎碑
khie cidphaf | formed a blister | 起了一個水泡; 起一皰
khie kebøfphøee | go all goose-fleshy (as from terror) | 起雞毛疙瘩; 起雞母皮
khie'apkex | barometer | 氣壓計
khiefnphaix | send forward; dispatch; mission; assignment | 派遣; 遣派
khiegiap | business enterprise; undertaking.; business enterprise | 企業
khiephaix | style of (dress; behavior); dignified air; impressive style or manner | 氣派
khiephaux | air bubble | 氣泡
khiephaxn | expect or hope with eagerness | 企望; 企盼
khiepheg | (n) bold vision; enterprising outlook; (n) imposing attitude; spirit; vigor; moral strength; broadness of mind | 氣魄
khiephutphud | very angry | 氣怫怫
khiephøf | air bubble | 氣波; 氣泡
khiernphafng | frying; flavor with onion or mushroom before frying (something) | 譴芳; 芡芳; 爆香
khiesiong-pørkøx | weather reports | 氣象報告
khiesiong-uxpøx | meteorological forecasts | 氣象預報
khietpngr | unveiling the list | 揭榜
khietporng | unveiling the list | 揭榜
khihphøex | scrap | 缺紕; 破片
khimphoex | admire, respect, admiration | 欽佩
khimphor | score for lute; guitar; piano; other stringed instruments | 琴譜
khimpo | arrest; to capture | 擒捕
khimpoe | admiration; admire; think well of; respect; to agree with heartily; think highly of | 欽佩
khimpoex | admire, respect, admiration | 欽佩
khimseg-puttiaw | lutes are out of tune ─ discord between husband and wife | 琴瑟無調
khimsiux-putjuu | worse than beasts (said of those devoid of moral principles and sense of shame) worse than beasts; bestial | 禽獸無如
khinbuxpefng | orderly | 勤務兵
khinpien | light | 輕便
khinpiet | despise, to look down on | 輕別; 輕視
khinpøh | frivolous and shallow (in manner); small and light (objects) | 輕薄
khiofnghoong-put'afn | suspicious and uneasy | 恐慌無安; 恐惶不安
khiofngkhao-bupiin | word of mouth is no evidence or proof (of a transaction); word of mouth cannot be trusted ─ a written document is necessary | 恐口無憑
khiofngphvax | I fear that; I am afraid of that. Probably; perhaps | 恐怕
khiofngpox | fearful; frightful; fear; fright; terror | 恐怖
khiofngpox-hunzuo | terrorist | 恐怖份子; 恐怖分子
khiofngpox-huxnzuo | terrorists | 恐怖份子
khiofngpox-sitai | age of terror; reign of terror | 恐怖時代
khiofngpox-zwgi | terrorism | 恐怖主義
khiokpo | stop; wince | 曲步
khip | grip; hold; cling (hold on) to; hang on; depend on | 及; 抓住; 握住; 攀住
khip'hied-kuie | a bloodsucker, a vampire | 吸血鬼
khip'hietkuie | vampire | 吸血鬼
khip'hux | adsorption; sorb | 吸附
khip'iefn | exhaust smoke; fumes | 吸煙
khip'imparn | soundproofing board | 吸音板
khip'irm | to sip | 吸引; 吸飲
khip'irn | attract | 吸引
khip'irn-lat | power of attraction | 吸引力
khip'iu'ienky | exhaust fan | 吸油煙機
khip'ym | sound-absorbent | 吸音
khip'ynlek | power of attraction; gravitation | 吸引力
khipbagzoar | blotting-paper | 吸墨紙; 吸水紙
khipbak-zoar | blotting paper | 吸墨紙
khipciøh | magnet; lodestone | 吸石; 磁石; 磁鐵
khipeeng | incline; lean; slant; slope; tilt | 敧爿; 傾斜
khipefng | cavalry | 騎兵
khiphiexn | deceit; deception; fraud; deceive; to swindle | 欺騙
khiphiin | not straight | 敧蹁; 壁肩等傾斜
khipiin tioxnghux | cheat the poor and respect the rich | 欺貧重富
khipjibkhix | inhaler | 吸入器
khipjiet | endotherm; decalescence | 吸熱
khipjip | inhalation; inhale | 吸入
khipkhiekhix | aspirator | 吸氣器
khipkhix | breath in; inspire; inhale; draw in the breath | 吸氣
khipkorng | a sucker, a siphon | 吸管
khiplat | attractive force, magnetic force, suction | 吸力
khiplek | magnetic force; magnetic force; force of attraction | 吸力
khippvoaa | sucker (as in octopus) | 吸盤
khipsit | suck | 吸食
khipsiw | absorb; assimilate; absorption; suction; suck in | 吸收
khipsuq | suck | 吸吮; 吸飲
khiptaf | to suck dry | 吸乾; 吸焦
khipthiq | magnet | 吸鐵; 磁石; 磁鐵
khiptiin-khix | a vacuum-cleaner | 吸塵器
khiptinkhix | vacuum cleaner | 吸塵器
khiptogciar | drug addict | 吸毒者
khiptok | smoke opium | 吸毒
khipzhuo | seek (knowledge); suck (liquids) | 吸取
khipzu | to grip, to attract | 吸住
khipzuie | sop | 吸水
khipzuyzoar | blotting-paper | 吸水紙
khisien-phvarog | oppress the good and timid and fear the wicked | 欺善怕惡
khitciaqpøo | woman beggar | 乞食婆; 女乞丐
khixpviar | cookies made of persimmon | 柿餅
khiøhparn | set type | 拾板; 排版
khiøhphiaq | to feel enraged | 嘔氣; 鬧彆扭; 拾癖
khiøhpuxn | gather manure | 堆肥; 拾肥
khiøhsip | economize; scrape and screw | 節儉; 拾拾
khiøq parn | set up print | 排字; 拾版
khngpng | bran rice | 糠飯
khngrpo | save; hide a step; conceal part of our plans; story or affairs; teach in a slovenly way | 藏步; 留後步; 藏技; 留一手
khngrthafnpvee | lay crosswise | 放坦平; 平放
khoaemar-kapiefn | use the whip on a fast horse ─ proceed as quickly as possible (lit) | 快馬加鞭
khoaeparn | a balad, quick tempo | 快板
khoaephao | to run fast | 快炮; 快跑
khoaepien | quick | 快便; 輕便
khoaepo | to trot | 快步
khoaepøx | dispatch | 快報
khoafnpak | pack and tie up | 款落; 綑扎; 收拾
khoahpag | Taiwanese fish | 闊腹
khoanpex | spacious | 寬蔽
khoanpiin | broadband | 寬頻
khoanpør | environment | 環保
khoanpør-buxntøee | Environmental Protection Issue | 環保問題
khoapo | to step over, to straddle | 誇步
khoarngiap | to advise the business | 勸業
khoarpo | to step over | 跨步
khoeape | relationship somewhat like that of godparents When a child is born under bad luck or has the fate of being given as an adopted child; according to fortune-tellers; his parents ask someone to be formally the adoptive parents of the child. Then the kh | 乾爹; 契父
khoekhaf-phoarsviux | maimed; greatly deformed | 瘸腳瘸手; 殘障
khoepof | river bank | 溪埔
khof-pi'ar | whistle | 呼啡仔; 吹哨子
khofhae-bupiefn | boundless sea of hardship ─ boundless hardship (lit.) | 苦海無邊
khofkhao-pøsym | exhort or remonstrate with earnest words prompted by a kind heart | 苦口婆心
khofphoe'ar | epidermis | 苦皮仔; 表皮
khofphøee | bitter skin | 苦皮
khofpie korng | for example | 可譬講
khofpoef | biter cup | 苦皮; 苦杯(苦爵)
khogkhogpaix | bow low over and over | 酷酷拜; 拜個無停
khongkhao-bupiin | Mere verbal statement has no binding force (said of a promise or pledge) | 空口無憑
khongsip | an air-raid; air attack | 空襲
khopi'ar | hiccup | 呼啡仔; 打嗝
khopvoax | $1.50 | 一元半
khorngbahpng | soft meat with rice | 炕肉飯
khornggiap | mining industry | 礦業
khornggiap-kongsy | mining company | 礦業公司
khorngpien | to resist debate; speak out in one's own defense; refute; to rebut; retort | 抗辯
khorngpo | resist arrest | 抗捕
khorngpø | oppose tyranny | 抗暴
khorpaang | a storeroom; a storehouse; a warehouse | 庫房
khuipenghofng | extraction of the square root | 開平方
khuiphaang | to start sail; set out; start on sailing (boat; ship; junk); start journey | 開帆
khuiphaux | open fire | 開砲
khuiphiørsor | place for counting ballots | 開票所
khuiphiøx | to count ballots or votes; count ballots or votes; write a check | 開票
khuiphoax | clarify; explain clearly; explain why and how | 開破; 啟發; 開導; 解說; 說明; 誘發; 誘導; 點化; 勸導; 闡明
khuipi'iøh | appetizer | 開胃藥; 開脾藥
khuipiaw | to announce the result of bidding in an open tender | 開標
khuipii | appetizing; to stimulate appetite; stir the appetite | 開胃; 開脾; 開脾胃
khuipiøf | to announce the result of bidding in an open tender | 開標
khuipo | start to execute; start | 開步; 起步
khuipurn | lose money in business | 貼本; 虧本
khuipvoaa | (said of a market) the opening price; opening quotation | 開盤
khuitøpaang | operating room | 手術室; 開刀房
khulogpo | club | 俱樂部
khunpox | kind of seaweed; combo; a tangle | 昆布
khuphiøo | tiny water fern | 昆瓢; 滿江紅
khuphiøx | a warrant for arrest | 拘票
khuphvax | to fear; to be afraid of; to be scared; fear greatly | 懼怕
khupiet | differentiation; difference; distinction; distinguish | 區別
khupiøx | warrant for arrest | 拘票
khupo | detain; arrest (a suspect) | 拘捕
khurnkhangpaang | a wife who sleeps alone | 睡空房; 妻守空房
khurnpaang | bed room | 臥房; 睡房
khurnpar | having slept enough | 睡足; 睡飽
khutzheg-tiaupaix | kneel down and worship | 屈膝朝拜
khuxlogpo | club | 俱樂部
khuxn kannafphag | sleep with one's face downward | 俯著睡; 睡矸仔仆
khuxn-thafnphag | sleep in a prone position; lie on one's face | 睡袒腹; 伏臥
khuy ciphiøx | draw a check | 開支票
khuy hoatphiøx | write an (uniform) invoice | 開發票
khuypien | sophistry; to argue one's point in a subtle; artful; clever; sophisticated way; sophism | 詭辯
khuypien-hagphaix | the school of sacrums | 鬼辯學拜; 詭辯學派
khvikhip | no handhold | 纏及; 依靠; 可抓之物
khvoarhofng-sayphaang | adapt oneself to circumstances | 看風駛帆
khvoarpag | watch north | 看北
khvoarpan | samples | 樣品; 看辦
khvoarpar | read or look at to one's heart's content; feast one's eye on | 看飽; 看夠
khvoarphoax | see through a thing; to be resigned to what is inevitable; see through (trick; falseness); decide to quit (after seeing through); discern | 看破; 看開
khvoarputzai gafnlai | make light of | 看不在眼內
khvoarputzaixgafnlai | make light of | 看不起眼
khvoarpve | examine the patient | 看病
khvoarpvi | examine the patient | 看病
khvoarthvy ciaqpng | live by honest means | 看天吃飯
khvoax paxnsex | watch how affairs are going | 看辦勢; 看情形
khwnpak | to tie up; to bundle; bind | 綑縛; 捆縛; 捆綁
khwnpeg | be pushed to; press on | 宭迫; 逼迫
khykebøfphoee | goosebumps | 起雞母皮
khylip | to stand up; Stand up! To stand up | 起立; 豎立建立
khypafn | start to have spots; speckles | 生斑; 起斑
khypaw | a swelling of gums of the teeth; gum-boil | 齒包; 牙風疙瘩; 牙齦腫包; 齦瘡
khypef | flying up | 起飛
khypefng | to rise in arms; to start military action; raise troops; go to war | 起兵
khyphaang | hoist sail; start a sea voyage; start sail | 起帆; 揚帆; 要出海
khyphaf | blister | 起泡
khyphang | space between the teeth; interstices between the teeth | 牙縫; 齒縫
khyphauh | raise blisters; to bubble | 起泡
khyphaxn | get angry | 生氣; 起盼
khyphiaq | to get angry | 起癖
khyphuiebin | fall out | 起呸面
khyphvae | go bad | 反臉; 起歹
khyphøeh | blister | 起沫; 起泡沫
khyphøf | raise blisters; to bubble | 起泡
khypid | (literally) to rise the pen; to start to write | 起筆; 下筆
khypo | the first step | 起步
khypoef | cup | 起杯; 齒杯
khypvi | become ill | 起病; 生病
khypøef | to take off (in an airplane) | 起飛
khythiap | lay brick or stone | 起疊; 疊起
khytiexnpvoaa | electrophorus; generator | 起電盤
khøepof | river flats | 溪埔; 河灘
khøepvy | creek bank | 溪邊
khøfphax | horrify | 可怕
khøfphie | despicable, contemptible | 可鄙
khøfphvax | terribleness; fearfulness; dreadful; fearsome; frightening; terrible | 可怕
khøfpie | be just like; it seems as though; deceased father and mother | 可比; 好比(說); 考妣
khøfpoe | is respected; admirable | 可佩
khøfpy | pathetic; sad; grieved; sorrowful | 可悲
khøpiet | for each subject, subject-wise | 科人; 科別
khøpoex | copy; a film print | 拷貝
khørgiap | homework; school work | 課業
khørgoa-zokgiap | homework (for a student) | 課外作業
khørparn | a board used to lean on | 靠板
khørpoe | back of chair | 靠背
khørpurn | textbook | 課本
khørputzu | unreliable | 靠無住
khørtheeng-piør | schedule of classes | 課程表
khørthvy-ciaqpng | depend on heaven for food ─ to leave everything to fate | 靠天吃飯
ki'afpefng | popsicles | 枝仔冰
ki'iaux-piesw | confidential secretary | 機要秘書
kiaam-pau'ar | salty bun | 鹹包仔
kiafmpuii | reduce weight | 減肥
kiamgiap | take two or more jobs | 兼業
kiampan | to manage or handle simultaneously; manage; handle simultaneously | 兼辦
kiamphafng | salty and sweet-smelling; salty and delicious at the same time | 鹹香
kiamzhaepor | salted dry turnip | 鹹菜脯
kiap | talkative | 喋; 多嘴
kiap'ar | a clamp, a clip | 夾仔; 鋏仔
kiap'axn | robbery case | 劫案; 搶劫案
kiap'hiaam | to cherish resentment | 夾嫌; 挾嫌
kiap'hiuu | warm lined coat | 夾襖; 裌裘; 襯裡式的外衣; 暖大衣
kiap'hoan | to hijack a criminal or a prisoner; criminal; culprit (of plunder pillage) | 劫犯; 搶劫的兇犯
kiap'hun | to nurse a grievance | 劫恨; 夾恨; 屈
kiap'hux zoxpiin | plunder the rich and help the poor (like Robin Hood) | 劫富助貧
kiap'hux-zoxpiin | rob the wealth to help the poor | 劫富助貧
kiap'uu | in the wake of a disaster; following a disaster | 劫餘
kiap'viaa | to hijack from a military barracks | 劫營
kiapchii | to hold someone under duress | 劫持
kiapciafm | a hairpin | 夾叉; 夾針
kiapgak | break into jail and rescue a prisoner | 劫獄
kiapgi | chivairous; chivalry | 俠義
kiapkag | an included angle | 夾壇; 夾角
kiapkheq | person dedicated to the cause of justice; fairness by fighting for the poor and oppressed | 俠客
kiapkhvii | a pincer | 鉗子
kiapkoafn | rifle a coffin | 劫棺
kiapkofng | to attack from both sides | 夾攻
kiapkvaf | break into jail and rescue a prisoner | 劫獄; 劫監
kiapky | airpiracy; hijacking; hijack a plane | 劫機
kiapliah | to plunder; to rob; to pillage | 劫掠
kiappafng | wedges; boards for supporting or pressing the sides of anything--as a fractured leg; plywood | 夾板
kiapparn | wedges; boards for supporting; pressing the sides of anything or for torturing; splint | 夾板
kiapsox | doom; bad luck; ill fortune; any fated time of terrible calamity | 劫數; 不可免的惡運
kiapsu | cavalier; practiced swordsman | 俠士
kiapsym | partition board, above and below | 夾心; 隔板
kiapsym-zexng | angina pectoris | 絞心症
kiaptaix | to smuggle, to bring secretly | 劫帶; 夾帶
kiaptoat | to plunder; to rob; to pillage | 劫奪
kiaptviar | sticks to the inside of the pan (as food when not stirred) | 結鍋; 黏鍋
kiaptø | to rob travelers on a road | 劫道
kiapzap | (v) mingle together; mix together; have two dissimilar substances mixed together | 夾雜
kiapzex | to coerce, to intimidate | 劫制
kiapzhuix | chattering needlessly and offensively | 劫嘴; 喋喋不休; 冒犯性地喋喋無休
kiariøqpaw | stored medicine package in the old days | 寄藥包
kiarkimpho'ar | bankbook; passbook | 寄金簿仔; 存摺
kiarmpvix | handle of a sword | 劍片; 劍柄
kiarphef | send a letter; mail (post) a letter | 寄信
kiarphoef | send a letter | 寄批
kiarphøef | to send or mail a letter | 寄信; 寄批
kiaupaai | bridge | 橋牌
kiaupaw | person living abroad; fellow countrymen overseas | 僑胞
kiaupefng | An army which is cocksure about its invincibility | 驕兵
kiauxphuu | raise up with a lever | 撬浮
kiawlap | to pay (taxes; tuitions; etc.); contribute; pay (taxes; tuition) | 繳納
kiawphvoa | fellow-gambler | 賭伴
kiawpng | mix with rice | 攪飯
kiawpoan | to stir, to churn | 攪拌
kiawpoan-ky | a concrete mixer, a mixer | 攪拌機
kiawpoaxn | to stir or churn | 攪拌
kiawpurn | the money for gambling; fund for gamble | 賭本; 賭資
kieliam-py | monument | 紀念碑
kieliaxmphirn | keepsake; souvenir; remembrance | 紀念品; 記念品
kieliaxmpoef | memorial cup | 紀念杯
kieliaxmpy | monument | 紀念碑
kieliogpho | minutes-book | 記錄簿
kieliogphvix | documentary film | 記錄片
kieliogpiør | record sheet | 記錄表; 記綠表
kielogphvix | a documentary, a documentary film, news reel | 記錄片
kiemiaa-tauphiøx | vote with signed ballots; open balloting | 記名投票
kienjirm-putpoat | determined; unwavering; resolute; unmovable | 堅忍無拔
kienpaf | to condense; to solidify; to coagulate; clot (of blood); become solid through loss of moisture (e.g.; manure; offal) | 堅疤; 結疤
kienpefng | frozen | 凝冰
kienphie | to form a scab over a sore; scab (as a wound) | 堅疕; 結痂; 結疤
kienphoee | dry skin i.e. fruit | 水果表皮乾乾的
kienphøee | dry skin i.e. fruit | 凝皮
kieorng-putkiu | Let bygones be bygones. No post-mortems! (not to access blame for past events) | 既往無咎; (究)
kieorng-putkiux | Let bygones be bygones. No post-mortems! (not to access blame for past events) | 既往無咎; (究)
kierngi put'uii bu'iorng ia | see an opportunity for doing right and fail to do it is cowardice | 見義無為無勇也
kierngiap | to establish great tasks | 建業
kiernlip kongløo | achievement of great meritorious acts | 建立功勞
kiernlip | to establish; to found; to build up; found (an organization); set up (a monument); render (a service) | 建立
kiernpheeng | floor space of a building measured in ping (equivalent to 36 square feet); floorage | 建坪
kiernphvee | floor space of a building in ping (equivalent to 36 square feet) | 建坪
kiernpurn | sample; sample goods | 見本; 樣本 (品)
kiernpvee | floor space of a building measured in ping (equivalent to 36 square feet); floorage | 建坪
kiernpvii | floor space of a building measured in ping (equivalent to 36 square feet); floorage | 建坪
kiernsie-putkiux | see someone in mortal danger without lifting a finger to save him | 見死無救
kiernsip | apprenticeship; internship; in-service training; follow a person's example; learn by watching; practical experience | 見習
kiernsu-putmiau | to see the things turned out not the right way; things turned out not interesting or wonderful | 見事無妙
kiernsyn-paang | gymnasium | 健身房
kiesuxpho | memo book | 記敘簿; 記事簿
kiet'afpviar | orange, sugar, and ginger mixed cooky | 桔仔餅
kiet'hap | to get united; to form an alliance; to get married; combination; union; unite; join together | 結合
kiet'hap-kakto | bond angle | 結合角度
kiet'hap-leeng | bond energy | 結合能
kiet'hap-sexng | bonding | 結合性
kiet'hap-tngto | bond distance, bond length | 結合長度
kiet'hap-zhuosox | (chem.) bond order | 結合次素; 結合次數
kiet'hudpve | tuberculosis | 結核病
kiet'hut-pvexvi | T.B. hospital | 結核醫院
kietgiap | to graduate; to conclude or complete a training course | 結業
kietgiap-tiefnlea | commencement (ceremony); graduation exercises | 結業典禮
kietkaw peng'iuo | form a friendship; become friends | 結交朋友
kietliap | to form a bead; to form a pill; begin to bear fruit | 結粒; 開花後結成一粒一粒果實
kietpaf | to heal up; to form a scab | 結疤
kietpaix | pledge in sworn brotherhood; sworn brothers or sisters | 結義; 結拜; 結義兄弟; 結拜兄弟
kietpaix-cymoe | sworn sisters; sometimes intimate friends form this relationship (Note: for sworn brothers only kiat-pai hia-ti is used; because khe-hia has another verbal association.) | 結拜姐妹
kietpaix-hviati | pledge in sworn brotherhood; sworn brothers or sisters | 結義兄弟; 結拜; 結義
kietpefng | to freeze; to form ice; to turn to ice; be frozen over | 結冰
kietpeh | clean, honest, innocent, pure, innocence, integrity, purity | 潔白
kietpek | pure white; spotless | 潔白
kietpviar | dry orange; flattened dried orange | 桔餅
kiexnkhofng-sidphirn | health foods | 健康食品
kiexnpvoaa | keyboard | 鍵盤
kiexnpør | health insurance | 健保
kiexnsinpaang | fitness center | 健身房
kiexnsyn-paang | gymnasium | 健身房
kigiap | the initial achievements of an empire | 基業
kihaan-kaupeg | suffer from hunger and cold | 飢寒交迫
kihaihoax-poxtui | mechanized troops | 機械化部隊
kikoanphaux | rapid-fire gun; machine gun | 機關砲
kikoanpøx | government party paper; paper published by an organization | 機關報
kim'ionggiap | money lending; banking business | 金融業
kimcvipax | spotted leopard | 金錢豹
kimpaai | gold medal; gold medal | 金牌
kimpex | gold currency | 金幣
kimphex | gold coin | 金幣
kimphoaqlien | gold necklace | 金項鍊
kimphvix | gold ingot | 金片; 金塊
kimpid | gold pen | 金筆
kimpngr temiaa | one's name is listed as a successful candidate in the examination | 金榜題名
kimpngr | billboard announcing the names of successful candidates (under the former civil service examination system) | 金榜
kimpngxvoar | good employment | 金飯碗; 好差事
kimpoef | gold cup | 金杯
kimpong | pound sterling | 金磅; 金鎊
kimporng | billboard announcing the names of successful candidates (under the former civil service examination system) | 金榜
kimpvy | gold rim, gilt edge | 金邊
kimpøh | gold foil; gold leaf; gilt | 金箔
kin'expof | this afternoon | 今下晡; 今天下午
kinpurn buxntøee | fundamental question | 根本問題
kinpurn goanlie | fundamental (primary) principle | 根本原理
kinpurn kaykeg | radical change; fundamentally changed | 根本改革
kinpurn kaykoad | radical solution | 根本解決
kinpurn koanliam | radical concept | 根本觀念
kinpurn paxnhoad | basic principles of action; basic method; measure | 根本辦法
kinpurn tixliaau | thorough treatment | 根本治療
kinpurn | root; base or origin; foundation; basis; root; origin; basis (followed by a negative means entirely not or (not) at all) | 根本
kinpvii | equal and even | 均平
kiofngkipciar | supplier | 供給者
kiofngpax | an arched dam | 拱壩
kiofngphirn | offering | 供品
kiogpo bazuix | local anesthesia | 局部麻醉
kiogpo | having to do only with a part; partial; local; part; section; local sectional; the diseased part | 局部
kiogpurn | a play; a script; a scenario; playbook; written drama; a scenario; libretto | 劇本
kiongkexng putjuu ciongbeng | respectful demeanor does not equal obedience | 恭敬無如從命
kiongpax | to occupy forcibly; forcibly occupy; seize | 強霸; 霸佔
kiongpeg | force; compulsion; compel | 強迫
kiongpeg`ee | compulsory | 強迫的
kiongpien | to obstinately stick to false reasoning or a lame excuse; obstinately stick to false reasoning or a lame excuse; argue obstinately | 強辯
kiongpoeh | pull with force | 強拔
kiongpø | violent; fierce; rape; oppressive; tyrannical; to rape; ferocious | 強暴
kiongzex-cip'heeng | compulsory action (legal); forcible execution | 強制執行
kiongzex-pøfhiarm | compulsory insurance | 強制保險
kioxng put'exng kiuu | supply is unable to meet the demand; deficiency of supply | 供無應求
kioxnggiap | common property; (in Buddhism) common karma; jointly possess estate (property; industry) | 共業; 共有之產業
kioxngtoong pixkøx | co-respondent in a suit | 共同被告
kioxngtoong suxgiap | joint undertaking (enterprise) | 共同事業
kip | reach to, come up to, amount to | 急; 及; 到達
kip'eng | (for) urgent use or need | 急用
kip'heeng | to walk hurriedly; to start doing something immediately | 急行
kip'heeng-chiaf | express train | 急行車; 快車
kip'heeng-kwn | rapid march, forced march | 急行軍
kip'hengchiaf | express train | 急行車
kip'hengkwn | forced march | 急行軍
kip'hoe | class meeting (at school) | 級會; 班會
kip'hux | give; pay | 給付
kip'iaux | to need urgently; urgent | 急要
kip'iong | for urgent use or need | 急用
kip'sienhofng | an eager champion | 急先鋒
kipaang | a storage for textile machinery; engine room; engine room | 機房
kipboong | in a great hurry, in haste | 急朦; 急忙
kipbu | pressing and urgent business | 急務
kipchied | urgent; anxiously (awaiting; etc.) | 急切; 迫切
kipchiog | hurried, in hurry | 急促
kipcirn | emergency | 急診
kipcirn-seg | emergency ward | 急診室
kipcirnphaix | radical; extremist faction | 急進派
kipcirntofng'goaan | extremist | 急進黨員
kipcirntorng | radical political party | 急進黨
kipcixn | to forge ahead vigorously; rapid advance | 急進
kipcixn-hunzuo | radical element | 急進份子
kipcixn-susiorng | radical ideas | 急進思想
kipcixn-zwgi | radicalism; extremism | 急進主義
kipcynseg | hospital emergency room; emergency ward | 急診室
kipefng | (in military) to attack by surprise; troops used for such purpose; a surprise attack | 奇兵
kiphaux | cheongsam; all-purpose long gown with a high stiff collar worn by modern Chinese women | 旗袍
kiphiøx | air ticket; passenger ticket | 機票
kiphor | a manual on chess; a collection of records of famous chess-plays between experts; contemporary and ancient | 棋譜
kipjim | class teacher | 級任
kipjim-tøxsw | home-room teacher; the teacher in charge of a class | 級任導師
kipkeg | rapid and drastic (cf. [[kipkek]] 急劇) | 急激
kipkek | rapid and drastic | 急極
kipkib | hastily, urgently | 急急
kipkiuo'iøh | first-aid medicine | 急救藥
kipkiuohoad | first-aid methods | 急救法
kipkiuosviw | first-aid kit | 急救箱
kipkiux | first-aid; emergency-treatment | 急救
kipkiux-paw | a first-aid packet | 急救包
kipkiux-zam | a first-aid station | 急救站
kiplaan | time of trouble; a crisis; an emergency; a disaster | 急難
kiplan | misfortune; grave danger; help in crisis | 急難
kipliuu | swift currents; a torrent | 急流
kippeg | urgent; pressing | 急迫
kipphwn | to walk hurriedly | 急奔
kippiexn | a quick turn of events; an emergency; a crisis | 急變
kippvi | acute disease; sudden illness | 急病
kippøx | a urgent report | 急報
kipsexng | hasty; always in a hurry; acute (disease); impetuous temper; impatient | 急性; 性急
kipsienhofng | an eager champion, a zealous vanguard | 急性風
kipsii | urgent time | 急時
kipsiuu | sell urgently | 急售
kipsixn | an urgent letter | 急信
kipsiøar | porcelain medicine pot; small thin flat-bottomed earthen pan for warming things quickly | 急燒仔
kipsog | quick, rapid | 急束; 急速
kipsox | mathematical progressions | 級數
kipsu | urgent business | 急事
kipsw | an urgent need | 急信; 急需
kipsøx | impatient, impetuous, passionate | 急燥
kipthviax | sharp pain, sudden pain | 急信; 銳痛
kiptien | an urgent cable | 急電
kiptix | quick-wittedness; calm and quickly responsive mind | 急智
kiptoxng | the emergency brake | 急擋
kiptviuo | class leader; monitor | 級長; 班長
kipuii | main periodic fertilization; fertilizers applied to soil before planting | 機肥
kipurn | root; foundation or base; fundamental | 基本
kipurn-goanlie | a basic principle, a fundamental principle | 基本原理
kipurn-kaoiok | fundamental education | 基本教育
kipurn-kiernsied | capital construction | 基本建設
kipurn-tieseg | basic knowledge | 基本知識
kipvoaa | chequer; chessboard; chess or draughts board | 棋盤
kipwnkym | fund; foundation | 基本金; 基金
kipzexng | acute case (disease); an emergency; sudden illness | 急症
kirmcie zhutparn | suppress publication | 禁止出版
kirmcie-pai'ar | prohib sign | 禁止牌仔
kirmpaai | the forbidden bulletin board | 禁牌
kirmphirn | prohibited article | 禁品
kirmpix | imprison; confine; lock up | 禁閉
kirmzeaphirn | prohibited goods | 禁制品
kirmzex-phirn | prohibited goods, contraband | 禁制品
kisip | a surprise attack | 奇襲
kisym putlioong | harbor evil intentions | 居心無良
kiujiin putjuu kiukie | Relying upon oneself is better than relying upon others. If you want a thing done well; do it yourself | 求人無如求己
kiuohap | call together; band together; convoke | 糾合
kiuopefng | relieving troops; reinforcements; reinforcements; relief troops | 救兵
kiuopurn | to save principal; relieving principal; recover (retrieve) gambling money | 救本; 賭徒救回本錢
kiuozex-phirn | relief goods | 救濟品
kiupang | baseball bat | 球棒
kiuphaq | rackets (for tennis; etc.); bat; racquet | 球拍
kiupheg | racket | 球拍
kiupoef | a cup or tumbler (of a ball game) | 球杯; 球桮; 球拍
kiusinmngxput | worship god and Buddha | 求神問佛
kiwkiuo-piør | multiplication table | 九九表
kiwpad bøieen-khieiuu | number ninety-eight non-lead gasoline | 九八無鉛汽油
kiwphirn | former official grades or ranks | 九品
kiwphirn-thiensiin | nine choirs of angels (Catholic) | 九品天神
kiwpiet | long separation; long separated | 久別
kiwpve seeng liong'y | long illness makes one a good doctor ─ long experience makes a man skilful at what he never formally learned | 久病成良醫
kixbupax | jumbo jet; 747 | 巨無霸
kixmpøo | aunt's mother; wife of maternal grandmother's brother | 妗婆; 舅婆; 舅奶奶
kixn'oexpefng | the near by guards | 近衛兵
kixnpvy | close to the edge; near to the edge | 近邊
kixphiaq | to avoid, to shun | 忌僻
kiøo køex koayar ciu parngtiau | be ungrateful; forgetful of benefits received | 橋過柺仔就放掉; 過河拆橋
kiøparn | wooden blanking on a bridge | 橋板
kngfjip | to be involved in | 捲入
kngfsimpeh | cabbage | 捲心白
kngfsym-peqzhaix | Chinese cabbage | 卷心白菜
kngphøf | light wave | 光波
kngrkhiim-phvoaxzaux | piano accompaniment | 鋼琴伴奏
kngrpafng | steel plate | 鋼板
kngrparn | steel plate | 鋼板
kngrphvi | to pierce through the nose; nose paracentesis; make a hole in the nose (of an ox) in order to put in a ring | 穿鼻
kngrpid | fountain pen | 鋼筆
koacip | collection of songs; song-book | 歌集
koaepheg | unreasonable; eccentric; perverse | 乖僻
koaephiaq | eccentric; strange-acting; eccentricity; strange habit; odd behavior | 怪僻; 怪癖
koaepve | strange disease, unusual disease | 怪病
koaepvi | abnormal (strange) disease | 怪病
koafnkef-pøo | a housekeeper | 管家婆; 婆婆媽媽
koafnkepøo | house keeper | 管家婆
koahpaw | Taiwanese burger | 割包
koahpe | harrow to even up the field; a harrow with knife-like blades | 犛耙
koahpox | cloth made of vegetable fiber | 割布; 葛布; 纖維布
koaix-putteg | no wonder | 怪無得
koaixphiaq | contrary, perverse | 執拗
koankofng-suxgiap | tourism | 觀光事業
koanlap | to buy a government appointment with grain or money | 捐納
koanpefng-seg | a military parade before the commander-in-chief or commanding officer | 閱兵式; 觀兵式
koanpexng | authority; power; authority; power; legal competence | 權柄
koanpiexn | to adjust oneself to changing situations; conditions; etc. | 權變
koanpix | to close; to close down (as a store; plant; etc.) | 關閉
koapho | a book of songs | 歌簿
koaphor | music scores | 歌譜
koaq pauphøee | circumcise | 割損; 割包皮
koarhø-phøe | registered letter | 掛號信
koarhø-phøef | registered letter | 掛號批
koarhøxphøef | registered letter | 掛號信
koarnchviuophvix | to cut a phonograph record | 灌唱片
koarnjip | to pour something into | 灌入
koarpaai | hang out a signboard; go into practice (said of lawyers; doctors); to hang out a bulletin board listing the current exchange rates | 掛牌
koarphaang | to hang up a sail (of a boat) | 掛帆
koarpiern | to hang up a (wooden) tablet | 掛匾
koatpiet | farewell before die | 訣別
koatpiet-suu | farewell address | 訣別辭; 臨別贈言
koatpiøf | winning the bid | 決標
koatsoarnpiør | balance sheet | 決算表
koatzhuiephea | slap the cheek | 打耳光; 打嘴巴
koax ciaupaai | hang up a sign-board | 掛招牌
koaxnlip | under prefecture management; prefecture | 縣立
koaxnlip-haghau | Schools established by Hsien; Prefecture Schools | 縣立學校
koaxnlip-pvexvi | prefecture hospital; county hospital | 縣立醫院
koayphiexn | to abduct; to kidnap; swindle; allure into running away | 拐騙
koeapaang | be adopted (as a son) | 過繼
koeaphiøx | be bleached | 過漂
koeaphoee | be covered with new skin or be healed | 長新皮 (傷口)
koeaphof | change bed | 過鋪; 換床睡
koeaphøee | be covered with new skin or be healed | 過皮; 長新皮; (傷口)
koeapong | weigh | 過磅
koeapvoarsox | the majority; more than half | 過半數
koebøfphee | goosebumps | 雞母皮
koefcyphøee | the skin of a fruit | 果子皮
koepaai | chicken breast and legs | 雞排
koepaklai | chicken giblets | 雞腹內
koepvee | melon shed; framework for melon vines; trellis for cucumbers; melons | 瓜棚
kofngpeqzhat | lie | 講白賊
kofngphexngzøe | talk too much | 講比多; 說太多了
kofngphoax | tell the main point; give the answer; disclose the secret; reveal the trick | 講破; 揭穿; 說破
kofngphog | wide; extensive | 廣博
kofngporkiok | brocast series | 廣播劇
kofngpox | telecast; to broadcast; to telecast; broadcast | 廣播
kofngpox-oaan | an announcer | 廣播員
kofngpox-tiexntaai | broadcasting station | 廣播電台; 廣播電臺
kofngpørkiok | radio drama; radio play | 廣播劇
kofngpøroaan | radio; television announcer | 廣播員
kofngpøx | telecast; to broadcast; to telecast; broadcast | 廣播
kofngpøx-cietbok | radio program; a broadcast; television program; a telecast | 廣播節目
kofngpøx-tiexntaai | broadcasting station; radio station | 廣播電台
kofngsiaau-kofngphvi | scold someone criticize behind him (slang) | 講迢講鼻; 罵他人在背後批評; (粗話)
kofngtai-bupiefn | vast and boundless (e.g.; the mercy of God) | 廣大無邊
kofparn | inactive; dumb; anachronistic; out of date; old-fashioned; square; inactive | 古板; 死板
kofphaix | The Conservative Party | 舊派; 古派
kofphiøx chixtviuu | stock market | 股票市場
kofphiøx | stocks; shares; stock certificate | 股票
kofphog | simple and unsophisticated | 古樸
kofpurn | subscribed capital (of a business firm) | 股本
kofput | ancient Buddha | 古佛
kofpy | ancient stone tablet; an ancient pavilion built over a stone tablet | 古碑
kofpør | castle | 古堡
koftengpun | large rice-storage vessel built up of wattled bamboo on a cartwheel foundation | 竹製穀倉
kog phøx kaf boong | country defeated and home lost | 國破家亡
kok'eeng suxgiap | government enterprise | 國營事業
kok'hangkokgiap | all the industry and business | 各行各業
kok'iuo puttoong | each different | 各有無同
kokbiin pengkyn-softeg | per capita income | 國民平均所得
kokbiin taixhoe-taixpiao | member of the National Assembly; National Assemblyman | 國民大會代表; 國代
kokbiin tauphiøx | plebiscite; referendum | 國民自決; 國民投票
kokbinpefng | militia; a militiaman; citizen soldier | 國民兵
koklip haghau | National (state) School | 國立學校
koklip | (of an institution) nationally supported or operated; national; instituted or founded by the country; national | 國立
kokpee | state compensation | 國賠
kokpex | national currency | 國幣
kokphvix | state movies | 國片
kokpiet | individual; isolated (case); separate; individually | 各別
kokpiq | singular; eccentric; contrary | 奇異; 古怪
kokpoee | state compensation | 國賠
kokpvoax | fifty-fifty | 各半
kokpyn | a state guest; a government guest | 國賓
kokpør | a national treasure; national currency | 國寶
koksafnphirn | national products | 國產品; 國產
kokzex imphiaw | the International Phonetic Alphabet | 國際音標
kolip | isoated; unaided; isolation; be isolated; stand alone; be helpless; be friendless | 孤立
kong'eeng suxgiap | public enterprises; government-owned businesses | 公營事業
kongbiin tauphiøx | plebiscite | 公民投票
kongbiin-tauphiøx | all the citizens decide by voting | 公民投票
konggiap | real estate of many family members | 功業; 公產
konghap | photosynthesis | 光合
konghofngpøxuo | violent wind and rain; violent storm | 狂風暴雨
kongjip | to attak into (a city or a territories) | 攻入
kongkhay ciøpiøf | open tender; competitive bidding; public tender | 公開招標
kongkhørpiør | class schedule | 功課表
kongkhøx sikanpiør | class schedule | 功課時間表
kongkhøx-piør | schedule of classes | 功課表
kongkiong suxgiap | public enterprise (undertaking) | 公共事業
konglip haghau | established by the government; Government schools | 官立學校; 公立學校
konglip | public; established by the public; publicly established | 公立
kongmafpaai | ancestral tablets | 公媽牌; 祖先靈位
kongmar-paai | ancestor memorial tablet | 公媽牌; 祖先牌位
kongpan | to take care of (some business openly; to manage in public; state owned; state run | 公辦
kongpeeng | just; fair | 公平
kongphaq | attack, assault | 攻打
kongpheeng | open comment; public comment; to criticize in public | 公評
kongphoax | to attack and conquer | 攻破
kongphvoax | to judge in public; public trial; bring (a case; person) to trial | 公判
kongpiao | make public, announce, proclaim | 公表; 表明
kongpoexsox | (in math.) common multiple | 公倍數
kongpok | public servant; government officials | 公僕
kongpox | to make public; to promulgate; to announce; public proclamation; promulgated; make public; announce | 公佈
kongpui | to bark wildly; to utter wild words; to yell like a mad dog; to yell nonsense | 狂吠
kongpvee thaixgu | treat fairly | 公平待遇
kongpvee | not fair | 公平
kongpvii | equitable; fair; equity | 公平
kongpwn | equally divided | 公分
kongpø | wild; fierce; furious | 狂暴
kongpøo | parents of one's husband | 公婆
kongpør | government insurance for public servants; government health insurance | 公保
kongpøx | an official bulletin; gazette; communique | 公報; 公佈
kongpøx-susiuu | take private revenge under guise of public justice | 公報私仇
kongsied piexnhoxjiin | public defense counsel | 公設辯護人
kongsu-kongpan | public affairs should be managed with equity | 公事公辦
kongsymphvoax | general judgment (Catholic) | 公審判
kongthiefn-peqjit | in broad daylight | 光天化日
kongtiabphvix | CD-ROMs | 光碟片
kongtiap | CD-ROMs | 光碟
kophiaq | (of a person's disposition) eccentric; or idiosyncratic; holding oneself aloof; disinclined to associate with others | 孤僻; 孤癖
kopiao | cousin | 姑表
kopiao-cymoe | paternal female cousins; a-ko's daughters | 姑表姊妹
kopiao-hviati | paternal male cousins; a-ko's sons | 姑表兄弟
kopiin | lonely and poor | 孤貧
kopud-jiciofng | to have to; must | 孤無而終; 不得已
koputciofng | cannot but; have no choice but; cannot help but; having no alternative but to do it; unavoidably; be compelled to do | 姑不將; 不得已; 無得不
kopvee | scaffold beside the altar | 孤棚
kopvii | scaffold beside the altar | 孤棚
kopøo | grand aunt; maiden lady; paternal grandfather's sister or any old woman of same clan and same genealogical rank; respectful address to old woman of same surname; a dedicated church woman similar to a Sister | 姑婆
kor lagzap | cobalt 60 | 鈷六十
korhap | sexual intercourse | 性交; 媾合
korkip | in consideration of; in view of; to care about; to take something into consideration | 顧及
korng-peqzhat | to tell a lie | 講白賊
korng-putpeeng | complain of unfairness, grumble | 講無平; 發牢騷
korngphirn | articles of tribute | 貢品
korngphoax | to break; to smash; to break with a blow; to shatter | 敲破; 打破
korpexng | mergers and acquisitions | 購併
korpurn | to take care of the foundation; to take care the capital | 顧本
korpvi | to take care of the patients | 顧病; 照顧病人
korteng zupurn | fixed capital | 固定資本
korteng-parn | splint | 固定板; 夾板
kox bixnphøee | take care of one's reputation; have a sense of honor | 顧面子
koxng-tiexnpøx | send a telegram | 摃電報
kuaftharmpaang | bride’s brothers came to visis | 舅仔探房
kudjip | to dig in | 掘入
kudpefng | to skate | 滑冰
kui sngrpvoaa | kneel on abacus (way of punishment wife to husband) | 跪算盤; (太太罰先生的一種處法)
kuiepinseg | VIP room | 貴賓室
kuiepyn | distinguished guests; important guest; V.I.P.; an honored (noble; distinguished) guest | 貴賓
kuietioxngphirn | articles of value; valuables | 貴重品
kuilap | to induct (a theory; natural law; etc.); to sum up; conclude; induce | 歸納
kuilap-hoad | inductive method; induction | 歸納法
kuiliap | a whole ball, a whole fruit | 整粒; 規粒
kuipaai | a whole raw, a whole rank | 整排
kuipaang | the private quarters of a house where women live; a boudoir; women's apartments | 閨房
kuipafn | the whole class | 整班
kuipafng | whole country | 整邦
kuipak'hea | full of rage | 規腹火
kuipak'hoea | full of rage | 規腹火
kuipakhoea | belly full of anger/fire | 閤腹火; 暴怒
kuipaw | the whole bag | 整包
kuipeeng | the whole half | 規爿
kuipexng | to merge with; to unite with; to put together | 歸併
kuipha | the whole (blister) | 整皰
kuiphaang | the whole set; whole | 整組; 全部
kuiphiaq | to evade (obligations or duties); to shun or avoid | 規避
kuiphid | the whole (piece of cloth) | 整匹
kuiphiexn | whole region | 一大片
kuiphviar | the whole thick slice; over a considerable surface (e.g.; a skin disease) | 整片
kuiphvix | the whole piece | 整片
kuiphvy | whole chapter | 整篇
kuipii | whole | 整脾
kuipo | whole portion | 整部
kuipof | whole noon | 整埔
kuipvoaa | whole | 整盤
kuipvoarpof | for a long time | 規半晡
kuisvoaphviaa | all over the mountains and plains | 規山坪
kuixpaix | kowtow and worship on bended knees; kneel down and worship | 跪拜
kuixphag | to kneel down and to fall flat on the ground; kneel and prostrate one's self | 跪伏
kukw-pihpiq | tricky; sly; slick; crafty | 龜龜鱉鱉; 狡猾的
kulogpo | club | 俱樂部
kun'iong-phirn | military supplies | 軍用品; 軍需品
kun'ioxngphirn | military supplies and equipment; war materials; materiel; articles for use of the army; military stores | 軍用品
kuncip | to swarm; to crowd; to gather in great numbers | 群集
kunhoad-symphvoax | trial by court-martial | 軍法審判
kunhoad-zhaiphvoax | court martial | 軍法裁判; 軍法庭
kunpafn | (n) attendant; entourage | 跟班
kunpefng | military soldiers | 軍兵
kunphvoax | military sentence | 軍判
kunpi | armaments; military preparations | 軍備
kunpo | war ministry; defense department | 軍部
kunpurn | root; foundation; entirely | 根本
kunpurn-siong | fundamentally, basically | 根本上
kunsu piebit | military secrets | 軍事秘密
kunsu-iefnsip | military exercise; war game | 軍事演習
kunsuphirn | military supplies and equipment; war materials | 軍需品
kunthaupo | fist | 拳頭部
kupheeng | according to | 據憑
kuphviaf | woven bamboo raincoat that looks like a turtle shell | 龜背; 龜形雨衣; (竹片和竹葉編成的龜形雨具)
kutpaai | dominoes of similar pieces used in mahjong; etc. | 骨牌
kutphang | the crack between the bones; a fissure or an opening between the bones | 骨縫
kutphuun | pelvic bones | 骨盆
kutpvoaa | pelvis | 骨盤
kutseapaw | bone cells | 骨細胞
kuxlogpo | club (i.e. a group or organization); club (transliteration of the English word; club) | 俱樂部
kuxparn | old version; former (old) edition | 舊版
kuxpi | possess; have; be provided with; all complete; made ready; fully outfitted | 具備
kuxpiao | maternal uncle and cousin | 舅表
kuxpor | to resist arrest | 拒捕
kuxpve | chronic disease; old complaint | 舊病
kuxpvi | the old illness; old disease | 舊病; 老毛病
kuxthea paxnhoad | practical methods of managing | 具體辦法
kuyløqpae | several times | 好幾回
kuynaxpae | how many | 幾若次
kuypae | several times; How many times? | 幾次
kuypafn | how many | 幾班
kuypaq | how many | 幾百
kuypaw | how many | 幾包
kuypien | sophistry; sophistication; to argue one's point is a subtle; artful; clever; sophisticated way | 詭辯
kuypo | how many | 幾步
kuypoe | how frequent; many times? | 幾倍
kuypoef | how many | 幾批
kuypong | how many | 幾磅
kuyzap | How many tens (less than a hundred implied)? Several tens (less than a hundred) | 幾十
kvapaang | a prison cell | 監房
kvepox | weave into cloth | 織布
kviaa`jipkhix | walk in | 行入去
kviaf-phvaysex | embarrassed | 驚歹勢
kvialo khaf poatpoad | pigeon-toed | 撇著走
kviapaang | to have sexual relation with one's legal spouse; have conjugal intercourse | 行房; 性交
kviaphvae | do evil | 行歹; 作惡
kviar-simpu | the daughter-in-law | 囝媳婦; 兒媳婦
kviarphvix | lens | 鏡片
kviarpvix | the handle of a mirror | 鏡柄
kviasym-taxngpheg | alarmed; scared | 驚心動魄
kviupviar | gingerbread | 薑餅
kviuxphiaq | contrary minded, obstinate in opposing | 樣壁; 乖戾; 背道而馳,固執地反對
kvoafpan | hurry work | 趕辦
kvoalip haghau | established by the government; Government schools | 官立學校; 公立學校
kvoalip | to establish by government; bureaucratic manner | 官立; 公立
kvoapaai | official bulletin board | 官牌
kvoapan | government operated | 官辦
kvoapefng | officers and men; government troops | 官兵
kvoaphaix | to assign by government; to send by government; appoint (name; designate) by an official | 官派; 官府指派的
kvoaphirn | grade or rank ( in the nine-grad system for government officials in former times) | 官品
kvoapve | liver trouble; liver ailment | 肝病
kvoapvi | hepatitis | 肝病
kvoapøx | official newspaper; a government journal | 官報
kvoar puttek cioxng | the few cannot withstand the many; a single individual cannot withstand the multitude; to be overpowered by the enemy's larger number; You can't beat city hall | 寡無敵眾
kvoaxlaau-saptiq | beads of perspiration; perspiration much like running water | 汗流如水
kvoaxsip'ar | light perspiration | 汗濕仔
kwnipve | prolonged illness | 久病, 慢性病
kwnpvy | embroidered hem; to stitch a hem around a border; sew the edge of cloth | 滾邊; 縫邊緣
kwpan | to sponsor; organize; or initiate (an exhibition; contest; etc.) | 舉辦
kwpoef | to take up the cup for drink | 舉杯
kwtngpve | lingering disease | 長期病; 富貴病
kwtngpvi | chronic | 久長病
ky puttek sit | when one is hungry; one is not particular about what he is going to eat (both literally and figuratively) | 飢無擇食
kyliam iuphiøx | commemorative stamp | 紀念郵票
kyliaxmphirn | keepsake; souvenir; remembrance | 紀念品
kyliaxmpy | monument | 紀念碑
kym paw giin | better outside than inside (said of wound healed but festering inside); tiles put over grass roof | 金包銀; 金玉其外敗絮其中
kym-expof | this afternoon | 今下埔; 今天下午
kymphiausaix | championship tournament | 錦標賽
kymphiaw | championship; trophy | 錦標
kympiaw | trophy (for a sports champion); championship (in a tournament) | 錦標
kynpeg | urgent; pressing | 緊迫
kynsu-khvoapan | Things that have to be taken care of quickly and should be managed slowly | 急事緩辦; 遇急無慌; 冷靜處理
kypan | initiate (a charity); to sponsor; organize | 舉辦
kø'afpviar | engagement cake | 膏仔餅; 糕仔餅; 訂婚禮餅
køafpviar | cakes and biscuits | 糕仔餅
køapsvoax | high tension wires | 高壓線
køeapaang | over room | 過房
køeapag | half-brother or sister | 過腹; 隔腹; 異母
køeaparn | finished | 過板; 做完成
køeapheeng | weigh | 過秤
køeaphiøf | drift | 過漂
køeapong | weigh | 過磅
køeaputkhix | make life difficult for | 過無去
køeapvii | over-level | 過平
køeapvoax | over one half | 過半
køfciapky | juicer | 果汁機
køfphøee | fruit skin | 果皮
køhpvii | pavilion | 閣棚
køhunpoex | high decibel | 高分貝
køkipchiaf | car de luxe | 高級車
køkipphirn | first-class article | 高級品
køphafn | climb high; cultivate friendship with the socially elevated | 高攀
køpviar | cakes and biscuits | 糕餅; 糕點
kørjinpaang | single bed room (in a hotel) | 個人房
kørluxsexng-pvixtok | virus | 過濾性病毒
kørpeh | confess one's secret; confession; confess (in a criminal case) | 告白
kørpek | confess one's secret, confession | 告白
kørpeqsw | written confession (in criminal cases) | 告白書
kørpiedseg | funeral; funeral service | 告別式
kørpiet | say good-by; bid farewell | 告別; 個別
kørpiet-kaoiok | individual teaching; teach separately | 個別教育
kørpiet-seg | farewell service, funeral service | 告別室; 告別式
kørpiet-suu | a parting speech, a farewell speech | 告別辭; 告別詞
kørpvi | report illness | 告病
kørsixpaai | announcement placard | 告示牌
kørsixparn | bulletin board | 告示板
køsiaxphaux | ack-ack; anti aircraft gun; anti-aircraft gun | 高射炮
laai-putkip | too late; unable to make it in time; not enough time left to do it | 來無及
laai`ciar putku | grant favors to whoever asks | 來者無拒
laam pan lyzofng | disguised as a woman | 男扮女裝
laam zwn luo py | discrimination against women | 男尊女卑
laam-pvoarkiuu | the Southern Hemisphere | 南半球
laaokopøo | old lady | 老姑婆
laau auxpo | leave ground for retreat | 留後步
laau bixnphøee | guard someone's good name; protect the reputation of someone | 給面子
laau phvixhoeq | bloody nose | 流鼻血
laau phvixhuiq | bloody nose | 流鼻血
laau phvixzuie | snivel; snot nose | 流鼻水
laau texpo | reserve some plan or force yet unused; be ready for an emergency; not to push one's advantage too far; not to go to extremes | 留地步; 留餘地
lab`phoax | crush under foot | 踏破
labjip | to bring into | 納入
lablip | include | 納入
lafmphø | embrace | 攬抱
lafpahciao | hornbird | 喇叭鳥
lafpahsviaf | horn sound | 喇叭聲
lafpaq | trumpet | 喇叭
lag-cidpvy | push aside | 握一邊
lagliap | six (rounded object) | 六粒
lagphirn | order of deacon (Catholic) | 六品; (執事)
lagpoe | sixfold, six times | 六倍
lagpviheeng | a hexagon | 六邊形
lahsap'ar | rubbish | 垃圾仔
lahsap'oe | dirty words | 垃圾話
lahsapkuie | dirty; unclean; soiled; mean; base; low; foul; unfair | 垃圾鬼; 骯髒; 髒鬼
lahsaplahsab | dirty | 垃圾垃圾
lahsaplyløo | filthy | 垃圾哩囉
lahsapmih'ar | garbage | 垃圾物仔
lahsappvi | dirty disease | 污穢病
lahsapsviux | filthy look | 污穢相
lahsapsyløo | dirty | 垃圾死濁
lahsapzuie | dirty water | 垃圾水
laihoee-phiøx | round-trip ticket | 來回票
laihoephiøx | return ticket | 來回票
laihøee-phiøx | round-trip ticket | 來回票
laijidtopøx | return favor in the future | 來日圖報
laipinsek | seats allotted to visitors; visitors section | 來賓席
laiputkip | to be too late to | 來無急; 來不及
laipyn | guest; honored guest; visitor | 來賓
laixhunpix | glandular excretion | 內分泌
laixkauafpvy | inner ditch side | 內溝仔邊
laixpaang | inner room | 內房
laixpeeng | inside | 內爿; 內旁
laixphaux | long inner robe | 內袍; 襯袍
laixpo | internal section; interior | 內部
laixpoan | internal disorder; civil strife | 內叛; 窩裡反
laixpvepof | inner plan | 內平埔
laixpvoaa | inside information | 內盤
lakphie | shed off dry skin; scabs falling off (after smallpox) | 脫痂; 結痂脫落
lamlie pengterng | equal rights for both sexes | 男女平等
lamlie siuxsiu putchyn | A man and a woman unless related by blood or marriage should not touch hands when giving and taking things (according to the code of conduct before the republican era) | 男女授受無親
lampag | north and south | 南北
lampag-tiaau | Southern and Northern Dynasties | 南北朝
lampak'hioxng | north and south direction | 南北向
lampak'høex | grocery | 南北貨
lampee | southern pipa | 南琶
lampeeng | (n) location to the south; south | 南爿; 南邊
lampeng'iuo | boyfriend | 男朋友
lamphøesw | blue-book | 藍皮書
lampinsioxng | best man (in a wedding) | 男儐相
lampo | southern area; southern region(s) | 南部
lampok | valet | 男僕
lampoxlaang | Southerner | 南部人
lampøfciøh | sapphire | 藍寶石
langkhehpaang | guest room; bed-room for guests | 人客房
langmiapho | person's name list | 人名簿
langpaf | mummy (preserved corpse) | 人巴; 木乃伊
langpan | character | 人範
langphang | (n) crack; gap between two persons | 人隙
langphoef | human embryo | 人胚
lankanpvy | fence side | 欄干邊
lanpan | difficult to manage; difficult to manage; operate | 難辦
lanphor | books on orchids or the painting of orchids | 蘭譜
lanpør | difficult to protect; difficult to guarantee; difficult to hold (a city; position); hard to guard; deep | 難保
laopag | diarrhea | 漏腹; 拉肚子; 跑肚; 腹瀉
laophaau | to run away; to flee; to escape | 落跑; 逃跑; 開溜; 落荒而逃
laophviaa | to rid of roof shingles | 漏坪; 除屋頂瓦
lap texzof | pay land-tax | 繳地租
lap zhuosøex | pay house rent | 繳房租
lap | to pay tax; receive; to take; accept; admit; offer as tribute; enjoy; feel; repress; retrain; patch old clothes; pay (tax) | 納
lap'ham | (roof) cave in | 凹陷; 塌陷
lap'iøf | body with an indented center (like a guitar) | 凹腰
lap'w | concave (hole or depression); site (of a house) too low; lower than the surrounding ground; dent on an object | 凹處; 漥穴; 塌凹
lap'øf | concave (hole or depression); site (of a house) too low; lower than the surrounding ground; dent on an object | 凹處; 漥穴; 塌凹
lap`løqkhix | step unintentionally into a hole | 踩落去
lapaf | trumpet; horn | 喇叭
lapkhafng | hole; cavity | 凹孔
lapkhud | (n) hole; pocket; cavity; (n) debt; depression on the ground; a sinkhole | 塌窟; 窪穴; 低窪; 窟窿
lapkviax | concave lens | 凹鏡; 凹透鏡
laplaai-lapkhix | carry on trade with little capital of one's own (by constant borrowing and paying) | 挪東補西; (款項)
laplab | concave, sink down | 凹凹
lapoah | hand bells; cymbals | 鐃鈸; 鑼鈸
lapphvi | snub-nose | 塌鼻
lappurn | lose money; cannot cover cost; lose money in trade; lose in business | 虧本; 貼本
lapsie | trample to death | 踏死; 踩死
laptea | the bottom having fallen out (of a basket), to give way (e.g., the bottom of a chair, shoe, bucket) | 塌底
lapthaau | to lose money in trade | 凹頭; 虧損
laptiaau`teq | step on | 踏住得
laptiøh | collapse | 塌著
laptoea | collapse | 塌底
laptøea | the bottom having fallen out (of a basket); to give way (e.g.; the bottom of a chair; shoe; bucket) | 塌底; 漏底; 掉底
laqpid | wax crayon; grease pencil; crayon | 蠟筆
larngphang | an interval of space or time; leave a space (as in writing); take the opportunity to make off | 曠縫; 間隔; 乘隙
latpaq | a horn; a trumpet | 喇叭
lau-cienpoex | one's senior in age or position | 老前輩
lau-thaepøo | (n) old woman (often not polite); (n) term to refer to wife | 老太婆
lau`ee lauxpoxtvia | Older people have their own views and are not moved by every wind that blows. ─ the voice of experience An old man takes a prudent attitude in very thing | 老的做事穩重
laujip | inflow | 流入
laulip | inflow | 流入
laupae | timing | 流擺
laupafng | flooring of an upper story; wooden planks used to build a floor (above the ground floor) | 樓板
lauphvi | running nose | 流鼻
lauphvixlautiq | unny nose and dripping | 流鼻流滴
laupiøf | failed in bidding contracts | 流標
lauxangkongpøar | old couple | 老翁公婆仔
lauxapeq | respectful address for an old man (a complete stranger) | 老阿伯
lauxapøo | old woman; respectful address for an old woman (a complete stranger) | 老阿婆; 老婆婆
lauxcidpoex | older generation | 老一輩
lauxcienpoex | polite address for one's senior or aged person | 老前輩
lauxkaupor | withered old person | 癟老頭; (罵人)
lauxkepøo | meddlesome woman; officiously intrusive woman | 老加婆; 喜歡管閒事的婦人
lauxkopøo | old aunty | 老姑婆
lauxlaang-pvi | old ailment | 老人病
lauxlangpafn | age spots | 老人斑
lauxlangphiøx | elderly ticket | 老人票
lauxmopve | old ailment | 老毛病
lauxnipor | old grandmom | 老奶脯
lauxpafhix | old trick | 老把戲
lauxpaizuo | an old brand | 老牌子
lauxpe | father; one's old father; father | 老父; 老爸; 父親
lauxpefng | an old soldier; veteran | 老兵
lauxpehsvex | people; public; subjects; citizens | 老百姓
lauxpehsvix | the common people | 老百姓
lauxpeng'iuo | old friend | 老朋友
lauxpexar | old dad | 老爸仔
lauxphoee | old skin; old guy | 老皮
lauxphoksu | old Phd | 老博士
lauxphvoa | one's spouse in old age; one's dear old companion ─ one's spouse in old age | 老伴; 老伴兒
lauxpiao | old cousin; old buddy | 老表
lauxpo | old things; old ways | 老步; 老套
lauxpoex | one's senior | 老輩
lauxpoxtvia | showing much experience; expert | 老步定; 老到
lauxpurn | the original investment; money reserved for old age when dividing family property; dowager portion | 老本; 養老之財物
lauxputsiw | an old lecher; you shameless old wretch! You old rake; old roue | 老無修; 老不羞
lauxpøar | old lady | 老婆仔
lauxpøar-sym | kind and compassionate heart; excessive solicitude; useless precaution | 老婆仔心
lauxpøo | wife; amah; maidservant | 老婆; 老傭婦 (太太自嘆)
lauxpøx | fail to include something in a report intentionally or unintentionally; evade declaration of dutiable goods | 漏報
lauxsiap | leak a secret; reveal a secret; divulge | 洩漏
lauxthaepøo | old woman | 老太婆
lauxzhaepor | old dried radish | 老菜脯
lawpaai | brand or trademark which has been in use for a long time (which means the merchandise concerned must be very good); veteran (actor; actress; player) | 老牌
lawpafnniuu | proprietor's wife; proprietress; proprietor's wife; boss's wife; mistress | 老闆娘
lawparn | boss; master; proprietor; keeper; boss; proprietor of a shop; husband | 老闆; 老板
lawphiernsut | old tricks | 老騙術
lawphiexn | deceive | 老騙; 拐騙
lawpoex | a person of higher rank than oneself; the older generation | 老輩
lawpurn | capital investment | 老本
laxng-hoxphang | lull (letup) in the rain | 曠雨縫; 趁雨停
laxnpaw | refugee (national) | 難胞
laxnphaf | scrotum | 陰囊; 𡳞脬
laxpaf | horn; trumpet; speaker | 喇叭
lazap | adj. | 拉雜
lea tøf jiin putkoaix | Nobody blames excessive politeness | 禮多人無怪
leeng suo putjiok | prefer death to disgrace | 寧死無辱
lefap | gift box | 禮盒
lefngkhix sietpi | air conditioning equipment; facilities | 冷氣設備
lefngpaang | cooling room | 冷房
lefngpheg | lonely; deserted; obsolete; a big or hard (word) | 冷僻
lefngpng | cold meal; cold rice | 冷飯
lefngpvoaa | cold food (the first dish of the Chinese banquet); hors d'oeuvres | 冷盤
lefngsu-zhaiphvoax-koaan | consular jurisdiction | 領事裁判權
lefngtoxng sidphirn | frozen foods | 冷凍食品
lefpaejit | sunday | 禮拜日
lefpaelai | within a week | 禮拜內
lefpaelak | Saturday | 禮拜六
lefpaelit | sunday | 禮拜日
lefpaesi | (Islam) mosque | 禮拜寺
lefpaesi'ar | Sunday | 禮拜時仔
lefpaesix | Thursday | 禮拜四
lefpaesvaf | Wednesday | 禮拜三
lefpaetngg | a church or chapel; place of worship | 禮拜堂
lefpaix | week; Sunday; worship | 禮拜
lefpaix-giseg | liturgy | 禮拜儀式
lefpaix-jit | Sunday; the day of worship | 禮拜日
lefphaux | a gun salute (e.g.1-gun salute); rocket salute | 禮炮
lefphexng | to cordially invite the service of; to enlist the service of someone with handsome gifts | 禮聘
lefphirn | a gift; a present | 禮品
lefpo | the Board of Rites under the monarchy (in charge of education and culture) | 禮部
lefpviar | delicious cake for wedding; cakes presented by the boy to the girl as a symbol of betrothal | 禮餅
lefpyn-sw | Office of Protocol, the Protocol Department | 禮賓司
leftøf pitzax | much politeness there is surely some cunning | 禮多必詐
legpeg | force (s.o.) to do (s.t.) against his will | 勒逼
legpien | argue forcibly | 力辯
legpoo | soybeans for making sauce | 綠渣; 豆胚
legpoong | the ribs; the side | 肋膀
legpuii | green manure | 綠肥
legpøfciøh | emerald; beryl | 綠寶石; 翡翠
legpøh | weak | 弱薄; 力薄
legtau-pviar | green bean cake | 綠豆餅
legtauxpefng | green bean ice | 綠豆冰
legtauxphoxng | green bean pastry | 綠豆膨
legtauxpviar | type of pie made of lentil jam | 綠豆餅
lek pud ciongsym | strength is not equal to the will; have too little power or resources to do as much as one wishes; The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak | 力無從心
lekphvi | wrinkled nose | 慄鼻; 皺鼻頭
lenghong-pviar | engagement-cake | 龍鳳餅; 訂婚禮餅
lenghoxngpviar | cakes used at betrothal (with figures of dragons and phoenixes) | 龍鳳餅
lenghuun putbiet lun | theory of the immortality of the soul | 靈魂無滅論
lenghuun putbiet | immortality of the soul; the soul is immortal | 靈魂無滅
lengpaang | udder; breasts | 乳房
lengphaux | imperial robe | 龍袍
lengphea'ar | brassiere; bra | 胸罩仔
lengpien | able to discern | 能辯
lengsiaw-pøftien | a treasure palace to ride the clouds; a treasure palace to rise up to the skies | 凌霄寶殿
lengzunpee | row the dragon boats | 龍船扒
lepe | plough and harrows | 犁耙
lepoex | spiral shell | 螺貝
lexng'axn paxnlie | be handled as a separate case | 另案辦理
lexngjiin put'afn | cause people to feel uncomfortable | 令人無安
lexpefng | make army combat-ready | 厲兵
li phøq | strain off the sediment | 濾渣; 去渣
liaau-pofpor | wrinkled | 皺襞襞
liab'afphie | scab on a boil | 粒仔痂
liab'ar-phie | scab | 粒仔痂
liabciap | nimble; shrewd | 獵捷; 敏捷
liabkhiap | miserly (person) | 吝嗇
liabliap | rice not fully cooked | 粒粒; 米飯水分無夠
liabliap`leq | pinch | 捏捏咧
liabpøx | present a false petition or report; fabricate a report or charge | 捏報
liafmpo | to hesitate to advance further | 斂步
liah kw zao piq | let a turtle escape to catch a tortoise ─ neglect one thing to do something else; and spoil both; Who wants everything; loses all+D1727 can not get two things at one time | 捉龜走虌; 顧此失彼
liah laang ee oexphang | take advantage of what a man says to confute him | 挑人言語上的毛病
liah oexphang | catch a person in his own words; trip a person up | 挑語病
liah-peqthox | (v) vomit | 捉白兔; 暈吐
liahphoarbin | break out and furious | 裂破面
liahphoax | to tear up; to rip up; too shred | 裂破; 撕破; 撕毀
liamciap | nimble; shrewd | 連捷; 敏捷
liamhap | to cohere, to stick together | 黏合
liampox | plaster; adhesive tape | 膠布; 黏布
liampvisii | in a short moment | 一會兒; 馬上
liampvy | immediate; prompt; promptly; at once; be about to (do something); right away; immediately; instantly; presently; shortly; in one moment; immediately | 連鞭; 待會兒; 馬上
liangpvee | awning (for shelter from the sun's rays); a shed to provide shade (from the sun) | 涼棚
liangpvii | a mat awning; veranda; mat shed | 涼棚
liaopear | a person who makes snitches and tip-offs behind the scenes | 鯰魚
liap | measure word for round object; the chase; hunting; field sport; hunt wild animals; pursue | 粒; 獵; 捏; 鱲
liap'erng | take a photograph | 攝影
liap'hap | to try to make a pair into a union | 捏合
liap'heeng | to act for another; to act in some capacity | 攝行
liap'hoxsvoax | the prostate gland; the prostate gland | 攝護腺
liap'huun | to summon souls of the dead | 攝魂
liap'oar | tightening | 攝倚; 縮緊
liap'oe | to take care one's health | 攝衛
liap'ui | to assume the throne in place of the legitimate ruler | 攝位
liap'viar | photography; take photographs | 攝影
liap`si | Celsius | 攝氏
liapbin | to tattoo the face | 涅面
liapboaan | Nirvana | 涅槃
liapji | tattooed letters or characters | 涅字
liapkerng | wrinkle; wrinkles; lines | 皺痕; 皺摺; 皺紋
liapkhie | to blacken the teeth | 涅齒
liapkhix | contract shrink; concentrate one's force; wrinkle; shrink back cover | 收縮; 起皺; 退縮
liapkhoxng | to fabricate a charge or accusation | 捏控
liapkin | come close | 攝近
liapliab | wrinkled; dry and cracked; (of person) thin; skinny; emaciated; shrunken; fallen in; shrink back; cower | 退縮; 乾癟; 皺皺的
liaplie | divine providence | 涅理; 真理; 天意
liapmiaa | a false name | 攝名; 偽名
liapphoaan | Nirvana; completion of life; nirvana; as a human aim | 涅槃
liapphvi | cover noze | 捏鼻
liappoaan | nirvana | 涅槃
liappopoo | wrinkle | 皺脯脯; 皺皺的
liappor | wrinkled and dry | 乾皺
liappøx | to fabricate a report or charge | 捏報
liapsae | timid; fainthearted | 攝屎; 怯懦; 畏怯
liapsefng | cultivate health | 攝生; 養生
liaptvar | scared | 攝膽; 膽小
liapzerng'oong | Prince Regent | 攝政王
liapzex | produced by; to produce (a move); to produce (said of a movie or documentary) | 攝製
liapzexng | to act as regent or deputy; be associated in the government; govern as regent | 攝政
liapzhuo | absorb (nutrition); to take in; take a photo; take in | 攝取
liapzø | to fabricate (evidence) | 捏造
liapzøee | evenly produced | 攝齊
liaqhofng-jip'viar | catch at shadows; make accusations on hearsay | 捕風捉影
liaqkuzawpiq | missed sit- try to catch turtle but tortoise ran away | 掠龜走鱉
liaqkw-zawpiq | take one into consideration to the neglect of the other | 抓龜走虌; 顧此失彼
liaqpaai | straighten a line | 捉排; 並排
liaqpaw | pick fault; picking fault at what a man says | 掠包; 找毛病; 捉毛病; 矛盾看穿
liaqphang | to find fault | 掠縫; 找到缺點
liaqphoax | break it | 掠破
liaqphor | guess; conjecture; surmise; catch the meaning without understanding all the words | 掠譜; 猜取大意; 猜測
liaqtngg poftea | make up for defects by counterbalancing points of superior excellence; supply the short for the long; to rob peter to pay Paul | 以長補短
liaqtngpoftea | make it up- use the long one to heal the short one | 掠長補短
liauphefphea | wrinkle | 皺襞襞
liaupheg | beat | 嘹拍
liaupiin | to relieve the poor | 療貧
liauxpoef | cup | 料杯; 水杯
liawpurn | lost | 了本
liawputkhie | excellent; remarkable; wonderful; extraordinarily good | 了無起; 了不起
liawputteg | marvellous (praise of person) | 了無得
liaxm zhuiephøea | pinch the cheek (when a child tells a lie) | 擰嘴頰
liaxmliam putboong | remember and not forget | 念念無忘
liaxmphor | read spectrum | 念譜
liaxmpox | hemp cloth (for the dead) | 殮布
liaxmput | repeat the name of Buddha as an expression of devotion | 念佛
libgiap | to establish a business; set up a patrimony or competency; embark on a respectable career | 立業
libphirn | to cultivate one's moral character | 立品
libpy | set up a monument | 立碑
libsyn texnggiap | establish oneself in a locality or a business; settle down | 立身定業
lidpwnpøo | Japanes women | 日本婆
lidpwntauxcviux | Japanese miso | 日本豆醬
liedjip serngphirn | canonize (Catholic) | 列入聖品
liedjip | enter; embody in proper order; be included in; be incorporated in | 列入
liedpafng | all nations | 列邦
liedpek | a crisp sound; like tearing up silks | 裂帛
liedpiør | to list | 列表
liedsek pongthefng | stand by and listen | 列席旁聽
liefnkhapchiøx | a gamble by flipping a coin | 撚匼笑
liefnpox | tu purchase cloth | 撚布; 買布
liefnpvoaa | railway or streetcar turntable; rotating disk | 輪穀; 轉動盤
liefnpør | die for gambling; gambling game; dice | 輾寶; 撚寶; 賭骰子; 骰子
lienciab puttoan | successively; incessantly; continuously | 連接無斷
lienciapsuu | coordinate conjunction; conjunction; connective | 連接詞
lienhap ciernsvoax | united front | 聯合戰線
lienhap kongpøx | joint communique | 聯合公報
lienhap laxmtui | united fleet | 聯合艦隊
lienhap sengbeeng | joint statement; declaration | 聯合聲明
lienhap uxntoxnghoe | joint athletic meet | 聯合運動會
lienhap zernghuo | coalition government | 聯合政府
lienhap zocid | merger; cartel; multi-national company | 聯合組織
lienhap | to unite together; to join together; connect or join together; affiliated with | 聯合; 連合
lienhap-ciernsvoax | united front | 聯合戰線
lienhap-kog | the United Nations | 聯合國
lienhap-kongpøx | joint communique | 聯合公報
lienhap-sengbeeng | a join declaration | 聯合聲明
lienhap-zernghuo | a coalition government | 聯合政府
lienhoepvoaa | lotus | 蓮花盤
lienlieen puttoan | incessant | 連連無斷
lienlip hongthengseg | simultaneous equation | 聯立方程式
lienlip-hongthengseg | simultaneous equations | 聯立方程式
lienlogpho'ar | contact book | 聯絡簿仔
lienpaang | lotus pod | 蓮房
lienpafng | federal union; federation; federation of states; union of nations; confederated states | 聯邦
lienpafng-zex | federation system | 聯邦制
lienpai | successive defeats; be defeated repeatedly | 連敗
lienpangzex | federal system | 聯邦制
lienphiøx | bills in set; an interinline ticket | 聯票
lienphor | year by year chronicle of a person's history from birth to death | 年譜
lienphoxngthaau | fluffy hair | 蓮蓬頭
lienpiao | chronicle of events of a country or of person's life year by year | 年表
lienpo | lady like steps | 蓮步
lienpor | wilt; wither | 蔫脯; 枯萎
lienpothaau | even bud | 連苞頭
lienpox | to broadcast over a network | 聯播
lienpurn taeli | both the principal and the interest | 連本帶利
lienpør | mutual guarantee (of proper conduct) | 聯保; 連保
lienpøx | to broadcast over a network | 聯播
lientaix-pøfzerngjiin | joint surety | 連帶保證人
lientaix-pøfzexng | joint surety | 連帶保證
liephoax | to tear up; to rip up; too shred; tear and destroy (as clothes; papers) | 裂破; 剺破; 撕破; 撕毀
liephoee | flay, to skin | 撕皮, 剝皮
liephøee | flay; to skin | 撕皮; 剝皮
liernjip | run into | 輾入
liexnpefng | to drill troops; to train an army; train troops | 練兵
liexnsibpho | exercise book | 練習簿
liexnsip thefzhaw | physical training | 練習體操
liexnsip | to practice; exercises; training; practice; exercise; rehearse (a show) | 練習
limcidpoef | drink a cut of ... | 啉一杯
limgiap | the forestry industry; forestry | 林業
limkierngpiexn | improvise | 臨機應變
limkuypoear | drank a couple of cups | 啉幾杯仔
limky erngpiexn | adapt oneself to the moment; according to the requirement of the case | 臨機應變
limlip | to stand up like a forest; stand close together; stand together in large numbers; a great many; (men or things) assembling in great numbers | 林立
limpa'ek | lymph | 淋巴液
limpaf | lymph | 淋巴
limpaf-kiuu | lymphocytes | 淋巴球
limpaf-kngr | lymphatic gland | 淋巴管
limpafn | forest compartment; forest tract | 林班
limpasvoariam | lymphadenitis | 淋巴腺炎
limpasvoax | lymphatic glands | 淋巴腺
limphuun | about to deliver a child (of expecting mother); near child birth; parturition | 臨盆
limpiet | at the time of taking leave; on the point of departure; at the time of parting | 臨別
limpve | gonorrhea | 淋病
limpvi | gonorrhea | 淋病
limsii cipzexng | provisional chief executive; govern (the nation) provisionally; provisional government | 臨時執政
limsii phø hudkhaf | expect impossible immediate effect; do something too late and without preparation | 臨時抱佛腳
limsii piernthofng | adapting oneself to circumstances; versatile | 臨時變通
limsii tiupixzhux | temporary office for the arrangement of ways and means | 臨時籌備處
limsii-cipciaux | provisional charter; provisional license | 臨時執照
lincip | congregate (like school of fish) | 鱗集
linpafng | a neighboring state; neighboring states | 鄰邦
linpafng-zex | federal system | 鄰邦制
linpaw | breast | 奶包; 乳房
linphea'ar | bra | 奶帕仔
linpoo | breast | 乳房
linpuii | phosphate fertilizer | 燐肥
linsimputkor | immortal | 人心無古
linsngf puiliau | phosphatic manure; phosphate | 燐酸肥料
liofnghioong putleeng pexnglip | Two heroes cannot stand side by side | 兩雄無能並立
liofngkoaan hunlip | political system under which the legislative and executive branches are independent of each other | 兩權分立
liofnglip | be compatible be consistent; stand together | 兩立
liofngpai kuxsiofng | both are wounded and defeated; both are hurt; nobody wins | 兩敗俱傷
liofngpeeng | both sides | 兩爿; 兩邊
liofngpien | convenient for both parties; both sides gaining advantage | 兩便
liofngzhef poxtui | amphibious force; amphibious troops | 兩棲部隊
liog'iap | green leaves | 綠葉
liogchyn-putjim | cold and arrogant | 六親無認
lioghap tongzhwn | Spring comes all over the world | 六合同春
lioghap | the six directions: east; west; north; south; up(heaven) and down(earth); the material universe; six points (north; east; south; west; zenith and nadir) ─ everywhere; the universe | 六合; 天、地、四方
liogkwn poxtviuo | minister of war | 陸軍部長
liogkyn putzoaan | defective person (Buddhism) | 六根無全
liogpuii | green manure | 綠肥
liogpy | finch-billed bulbul (bird) | 陸鵯; 白環鸚嘴鵯; 雀嘴鵯
liogtoadphirn | spoils; prey; prize; booty | 掠奪品
liong'afpox | cashmere | 絨仔布
lionghong siongphoex | union of a dragon and a phoenix (congratulatory phrase on the occasion of a wedding) | 龍鳳相配
lionghong-pviar | cake presented to the bride's family by the bridegroom's; betrothal cake gift distributed to friends as announcement | 龍鳳餅
lionghoxngpviar | cake presented to the bride's family by the bridegroom's family | 龍鳳餅
liongphvi | plastic surgery of the nose; rhinoplasty | 隆鼻
liongphvoa | good companion | 良伴
liongpoe | poor and miserable, helter-skelter, awkward | 狼狽
liongsimphiøx | conscious vote | 良心票
liongzoaa huxnzap | motley crowd; the wise and the unwise huddled together | 龍蛇混雜
liorng pud siongjiong | neither side will yield | 兩無相讓
lioxngpid si afnny | I think it must be so most probably it is so | 諒必如此
lioxngpid | most likely; in all probability; most likely; probably; I should say it must; I should say that | 諒必
lioxngpit | possibly, probably, rather think as | 諒必
lip Serngsu | institute the Sacraments (Catholic) | 立聖事
lip ciongtheeng | draw up rules and regulation | 立章程
lip habtoong | draw up an agreement or trust deed; conclude a contract | 立合同
lip høiog | make a (peace) treaty | 立和約
lip thaezuo | investiture of the Crown Prince | 立太子
lip uiciog | make a will | 立遺囑
lip zerngkix | establish proof | 立證據
lip | enter; put in; income | 入; 立; 裝入; 公升
lipaf | fence; hedge; bamboo fence | 籬笆
liqphang | a crack or cleavage | 裂縫
liqphoax | tear up | 裂破; 撕破
lirn-pe | vulgar and contemptuous expression for I | 恁爸
liu kuyna pae | reviewed or repeated many times | 復習好幾次
liuhengpve | epidemic | 流行病
liuhengpvi | epidemic | 流行病
liulieen-putli | to have a year of ill luck | 流年無利
liuophee | skin peeling | 遛皮
liuophie | dried scab comes off; become penniless | 脫痂; 倒霉
liuophoee | skin peeling | 遛皮
liuophyar | last part of wounded skip peeled off | 遛疕仔
liuophøee | graze the skin; skin comes off; shed skin | 脫皮; 遛皮
liupefng | skate on ice | 溜冰
liupeng'ee | skating shoes; roller skates; ice skates | 溜冰鞋
liupengtviuu | skating rink | 溜冰場
liupex | current corruption | 流弊
liuphaix | branch; division; school | 流派
liuphaux | howitzer | 榴砲
liuphex | malpractice; shortcoming; failure arising out of system | 流弊
liupiexn | flow and change | 流變
liupiøf | to be inconclusive- in a bidding | 流標
liupo | to stop going on | 流步; 留步
liupox | spread abroad | 流布
liutong zupurn | floating capital | 流動資本
liutong-zupurn | floating capital | 流動資本
liw pai'ar | draw cards from the pack | 抽牌仔
liwar-po | trickery | 鈕仔步; 騙術
liwliap | to fidget, to mince | 扭懾; 絞碎
liwliuo-liapliab | unmanly in behavior, swinging from side to side | 扭扭擰擰
lixgiap | to desert, to abandon | 離業
lixhap | separation and reunion | 離合
lixhiofng poexzvea | turn one's back on one's native place | 背井離鄉
lixhiofng-poexcvie | to travel to a distant land | 離鄉背井
lixhiongpoexlie | away from home town | 離鄉背里
lixlixpad | 2/28/194- incident that KMT massacre thousands of Taiwanese | 二二八
lixpaang | 2nd son’s family | 二房
lixpeeng | part of a harnji | 字爿
lixpex | (n) pluses and minuses; advantages and disadvantages; advantage and disadvantage | 利弊
lixphor | ridiculous; absurd; nonsense; too far away from what is normal or acceptable; far off the beam | 離譜
lixpien | convenient; handy; handy; expedient; serviceable | 利便; 便利
lixpiet | leave; bid farewell; part from; bid goodbye; to separate | 離別
lixpiexnsexng | convenience | 利便性
lixpii | helping to stimulate appetite | 利脾; 健胃
lixpo | formerly; the Ministry of the Interior | 吏部
lixpoxchit'ar | skillful | 二步七仔
lixpvi | dysentery; with traces of blood | 痢病; 赤痢
liøxphea'ar | diaper | 尿帕仔
lo pud sib'uii | people do not pick up what others have left on the roadside; descriptive of a society in which honesty and good order prevail | 路無拾遺
lo tvar putpeeng | indignant at injustice toward others | 路抱無平
lo'afpvy | fireside | 爐仔邊
loadsip | evil custom | 劣習; 惡習
loafnpaang | hothouse; greenhouse | 暖房
loanloaan putboong | strong attachment which one cannot forget | 戀戀無忘
loanloaan putsiar | unable to part from; unwilling to give up; feel a persistent attachment (for a thing or person); feel reluctant to part company with (a person or thing) | 戀戀無捨
loanloaan-putsiar | to feel a persistent attachment | 戀戀無捨
loaqhip'hib | hot and humid | 熱翕翕
loaqpvee | comb it flat | 捋平
loatphirn | inferior grade | 劣品
loattefngphirn | lowest quality goods | 劣等品
loaxnchipazaw | messy | 亂七八糟
loaxnloaxnpoef | chaotic flying | 亂亂飛
loaxnpefng | rebels | 亂兵
loaxnpø | random violence | 亂暴
loaxnpøf | random praise | 亂褒
loaxnsip | evil custom | 亂飲; 亂習
loaxnzap | mixed up, confused | 亂雜
loepee | plows and harrows | 內扒
loepvix | plow handle | 內片
loexhunpix | endocrine gland | 內分泌
loexlimpaf | endolymph | 內淋巴
loexphi | endothelium | 內皮; 內胚
loexpo | internal section; interior | 內部
loexpoan | internal disorder; civil strife | 內叛
loexzexng poxtviuo | Minister of the Interior | 內政部長
loexzexng-po | Ministry of the Interior | 內政部
lofbahpng | minced fatty pork served on rice | 鹵肉飯
log'ek-putzoat | people come one after another; in uninterrupted succession; continuous | 絡繹無絕
log'impid | recording pen | 錄音筆
loggiap | professional enthusiasm; content with one's lot; like one's job or trade | 樂業
logpheg | jobless and listless; down and out; down on one's luck | 落魄
logphoee | deerskin | 鹿皮
logphor | loop; contraceptive device; an IUD | 樂普
logphøee | deerskin | 鹿皮
logpiefn | the penis of a stag | 鹿鞭
logpngr | to flunk a competitive examination for a job or school admission | 落榜
logthienphaix | optimist; easygoing person | 樂天派
lok jii put'iim | pleasure without licentiousness; pleasant but not obscene | 樂而無淫
lok kek sefng py | Happiness is followed by sorrow when it reaches an extreme; extreme joy gives rise to sadness | 樂極生悲
lok putkhør cy | be beside oneself with happiness | 樂無可支
lomoapøo | female gangster | 鱸鰻婆
lomoasap'ar | juvenile delinquent | 小流氓仔
longgiap chiegiaxmsor | agricultural laboratory; experimental farm | 農業試驗所
longgiap chiegiaxmtviuu | experimental farm; agricultural experiment station | 農業試驗場
longgiap haghau | school of agriculture; vocational school of agriculture | 農業學校
longgiap hoarhak | agricultural chemistry | 農業化學
longgiap kengzex | agricultural economy | 農業經濟
longgiap kikhix | agricultural machinery; farm machine; farm machinery | 農業機器
longgiap sengbudhak | agrobiology | 農業生物學
longgiap sengsarn | farm production | 農業生產
longgiap siaxhoe | agricultural society | 農業社會
longgiap sitai | age of agriculture | 農業時代
longgiap thofjiofnghak | agrology | 農業土壤學
longgiap zoankhøf haghau | agricultural course in a junior college; agricultural college (junior) | 農業專科學校; 農專
longgiap | farming; agriculture; agriculture; farmin | 農業
longgiap-kaf | agriculturist | 農業家
longgiap-kihaai | farm machinery | 農業機械
longgiap-kog | agricultural country | 農業國
longgiap-sengbudhak | agrobiology | 農業生物學
longgiap-siaxhoe | agricultural society | 農業社會
longhuun bidpox | dark clouds stretch all over the sky ─ sign of impending storm | 濃雲密佈
longpoe putkhafm | in utter disorder or confusion; be in great distress or embarrassment; very troubled; in disorder | 狼狽無堪
longpoe siong'y | Wolf and Jackal help each other. ─ The helpless help themselves: ask help from one who needs help | 狼狽相依
longpoe tongheeng | in collusion; banded together for evil purposes | 狼狽同行
longpoe uikafn | work hand in glove (in evil ways); gang up with somebody | 狼狽為奸
longpoe | highly embarrassed; in a bad dilemma; helplessly dependent; ill at ease; ruined; The wolf is said to have short hind legs; and the jackal to have short forelegs; so that the latter is said to ride on the back of the wolf. Used to express indecision; distress | 狼狽
longpoe-putkhafm | to be in great distress or embarrassment | 狼狽無堪
longpoe-uikafn | to gang up with somebody | 狼狽為奸
longsafnphirn | agricultural products | 農產品
lopaang | a storied building | 樓房
lopi | slaves and maidservants | 奴婢
lopoex | slave | 奴輩
lopok | a servant, a slave | 奴僕
lorngphoarkhafng | beak with a hole | 弄破孔; 撞破
lorngphoartong | beak with a hole | 弄破孔; 撞破
lorngphoartviar | break the pan | 挵破鼎
lorngphoax | to hurt by bumping; to break; break with a blow; break open | 撞破; 挵破; 弄破; 摔破
lorngphvae | damaged | 挵歹
loxhiap | allowing some movement | 鬆動無牢穩 [*]
loxkngf-piør | exposure meter | 露光表
loxngpex | fraud; to cheat; to plagiarize | 弄弊; 作弊
loxphiaw | a road sign; landmark; signpost | 路標
loxpiaw | landmark | 路標
loxpongsy | corpse lying on the roadside | 路傍屍
loxpoong | roadside | 路旁
loxpvitva'ar | street vendors | 路邊擔仔
loxpvitvarar | street stand | 路邊擔仔
loxpvy | roadside | 路邊
loxpvy-tiafm'ar | roadside stores | 路邊店仔
loxpvy-tvax | a street vendor | 路邊攤; 路邊擔
loxsip | bad customs | 陋習
lui kip bukof | involve the innocent | 累及無辜
lui kip thajiin | involve or implicate others | 累及他人
luie ciphiøx | give a check in exchange for money | 調支票
luii`phoax | break it | 褸破
luiphuun | a mortar | 擂盆; 研缽
luipiet | category | 類別
luipoaq | beating bowl for tea | 擂缽
luixcip | gather | 累積; 收集
luixkip | involve (others) in trouble | 累及
luixphiefn | concordance, a collection of writings | 類編; 索引
luixpie | to teach by analogy | 類比; 比較
luixpiefn | a book of reference arranged according to subject matter | 類編
luixpiet | category | 類別
luixpøx | to make a collective report | 類報
lulaipudzor | Tathagata | 如來佛祖
lun poex bølun høex | consider a person's generation; not his age | 論輩無論歲
lunjip hongtiin | women fall into professions not socially respectable (prostitution) | 淪入風塵
lunpafn | on duty by rotation; take turns; in rotation; in order | 輪班
lunpafn-thøeavoa | take turns in rotation | 輪班替換
lunpvoaa | steering wheel | 倫盤; 駕駛盤
lunthaigiap | tire business | 輪胎業
luo pan lamzofng | women disguised as men | 女扮男裝
luo toa zabpøeq piexn | As a girl grows; her appearance changes all the time A girl changes fast in physical appearance from childhood to adulthood | 女大十八變
luo-piesw | female secretary | 女秘書
luophoax phøee | abrasion; scrape | 擦傷; 擦破皮
luophoax | rub to break | 鑢破
lutphiexn | deceive; commit fraud | 甪騙; 詐騙
luurnpviafkauq | Taiwanese crepe | 潤餅𩛩
lux texparn | polish the floor | 擦地板
luxnkip | talk about; as regards; with reference to; touch upon (in an exposition or argumentation) | 論及
luxnpid | brush moistener; i.e.; fees for writing or painting | 潤筆
luxnpog | argue against, refute | 論駁; 駁斥
luxnporpox | tugh and unbreakable | 韌布布
luxnpviafkauq | Taiwanese vegetable roll | 潤餅捲
luxnpviar | vegetable roll; thin tough cakes like scones; spring rolls | 潤餅; 春捲
luxnpviar-phøee | skin of vegetable roll | 潤餅皮
lw'iong-piexnsor | a woman's lavatory | 女用便所
lwheeng-ciphiøx | a traveler's check | 旅行支票
lwphvoa | a lady companion | 女伴
lwpi | maidservant; slave girl | 女婢
lwpok | a female servant; a maid | 女僕
lwtheeng-py | milestone | 旅程碑
lygiap | manage an estate | 理業; 營業
lyhak phoksu | Doctor of Science (D. Sc.) | 理學博士
lyhak-phoksu | Doctor of Science | 理學博士
lyhap | duty-bound; as a matter of course; the proper course to take is… | 理合
lyheeng ciphiøx | traveler's check | 旅行支票
lyhoatpo | barber shop | 理髮部
lylegpiør | one's personal history | 履歷表
lynpe | your dad | 恁爸
lyoong phafng | queen bee | 女王蜂
lypefng | to walk on ice- cautious | 履冰
lyphex | a principle; a sense; reason; logic; a truth | 道理
lyphvoa | female inmates; female companion | 女伴
lypi | female slaves; female servants | 女婢
lypok | female servant; maid | 女僕
lythengpiør | mileage meter; odometer | 里程錶
lythengpy | milestone; landmark; milestone; milepost | 里程碑
løcip | logic | 邏輯
løepee | plows and harrows | 犁耙
løepvix | handle of plough | 犁柄; 犁把
løfcienpoex | a senior (person); one's (elders and) betters; a predecessor | 老前輩
løfpang-sengzw | a pearl from an old oyster; a son born in one's old age | 老蚌生珠
løfpeng | a chronic ailment; an inveterate habit | 老病
løfphox | old shop | 老舖
løfpi | an old housemaid | 老婢
løfpiao | old cousin | 老表
løfpoex | ancestors; seniors | 老輩
løfpok | old servant | 老僕
løkafng pøfhiarm | labor insurance | 勞工保險; (勞保)
løkafng-pøfhiarm | labor insurance | 勞工保險
løpeng | tuberculosis | 癆病
løpvi | tuberculosis | 癆病
løpør | worker insurance | 勞保
løqjip | fell into | 落入
løqlip | fell into | 落入
løqphaang | putting down sail (on the boat); let down the sail; pull down the sail of a ship or boat | 落帆; 收帆; 下帆
løqphauh | hail | 下雹
løqpheg | down in one's luck | 落魄
løqpid | to start writing | 下筆
løqpngr | to flunk a competitive examination for a job or school admission | 落榜
løqpuii | spread fertilizer | 下肥; 落肥; 施肥
løqpurn | capital investment | 落本; 下資本
løqpuxn | manure; fertilize with dung or excrement; to manure | 施肥; 施糞肥 (堆肥)
løsym-pehpag | much vexed or anxious about matters | 勞心疾苦
løtaxngpo | ministry of labor | 勞動部
løtong-poxtviuo | Secretary of Labor (U.S.) | 勞動部長
løtoxngpo | ministry of labor | 勞動部
løzuykhepvy | the longest river in Taiwan | 濁水溪邊
m'afpviar | plum cooky | 梅仔餅
mafphid | horses | 馬匹
mafpihofng | diphtheria | 馬脾風; 白喉
mafpoat | threadfins (fish) | 線鰭; 馬?
mafzofkengpvy | Matsu temple side | 媽祖宮邊
maixjip | enter; step in | 邁入
maixpo | to walk vigorously | 邁步
mar puttheeng tee | travel on horseback without stop; do something without stop | 馬無停蹄
maupeeng | a thatched shed | 茅棚
maupeng | defect, fault | 毛病
maypan | compradore | 買辦
meqphog | pulse | 脈搏
mfpøar | grandaunt(wife of father's older brother | 姆婆仔
mfpøo | grandaunt(wife of father's older brother); the wife of grandfather's older brother; grand aunt | 姆婆; 伯祖母; 伯奶奶
miapaai | famous brand; name plate | 名牌
miapai'ar | brand name | 名牌仔
miapho | list of names; roll of names; a register | 名冊; 名簿
miaphvix | calling card | 名片
miasviaf cinphafng | good reputation | 名譽很好
miciøhphe | cotton comfort | 棉襀被
miciøhphoe | cotton comfort | 棉襀被
miciøhphoexterng | on cotton padded quilt | 棉襀被頂
miciøhphøe | cotton padded quilt | 棉績被; 棉襀被; 棉被
miciøq-phøe | comforter; quilt | 棉績被; 棉襀被; 棉被
miphahjit | day and night | 暝打日; 夜以繼日
miphang | to patch up, to make good | 暝縫; 彌縫
miphaux | long quilted dress | 棉袍
miphexlai | inside the quilt | 棉被內
miphoe | cotton padded quilt | 棉被
miphoextea | inside the quilt | 棉被底
miphøe | cotton padded quilt | 棉被
mipor | (v) make complete; make up for a deficiency; repair; make up for; offset (a loss; shortcoming); stop; fill up (a gap); to supplement | 彌補
mipox | to extend, to spread | 彌補
miqphoex | dishes during meals | 物配
miqphøex | accompanied food | 物配; 下飯的菜
mixpau'ar | dinner roll | 麵包仔; 小麵包
mixpauchiaf | bread van | 麵包車
mixpauhw | bread crumbs | 麵包屑
mixpausap'ar | crumbs of bread | 麵包屑仔
mixpausud | bread crumbs | 麵包屑
mixpaw | bread; loaf of bread; slice of bread | 麵包
mixphoee | dough | 麵皮
mixphøee | dough | 麵皮
mixpong | bread | 麵磅; 麵包
mixpviar | thin wheat wafer cakes; a host (Catholic) | 麵餅; 餅乾
mizeaphirn | cotton goods | 棉製品
mng ciaqpar`bøe | to trap a person into admitting guilt; ask a person if guilty or not (Lit. ask if finished eating yet) | 興師問罪的套詞
mng'exphak | under the door | 門下栿
mngchi-po | sales department | 門市部
mngchixpo | retail section | 門市部
mngcirn-po | out-patient department | 門診部
mngcynpo | clinic; OPD: outpatient department | 門診部
mngfpof | late afternoon | 晚埔; 下午
mngpaai | house-number; door-plate giving particulars of number and name of the street | 門牌
mngpaang | concierge; usher | 門房
mngpafng | door plank | 門板; 門枋
mngpaihø | House number; serial number referring to persons | 門牌號
mngphang | crack in a door; interstice between doors or between the door and doorframe | 門縫
mngphiøx | admission ticket; entrance ticket | 門票
mngpiin | screen for blocking the view from the gate | 門屏
mngpvy | at the door | 門邊
mngqphex | match | 物配
mngsviepafng | room with leaf of a door | 門扇枋
mngsvieparn | leaf of a door | 門扇板
mngxpog | consult a diviner | 門卜; 問卜
mngxput | seek divine advice | 問佛
mngxpvi | inquiry about health | 問病
moafbixnphoee | full of skin | 滿面皮
moafpag buncviw | very learned; erudite | 滿腹文章
moafpag | bellyfull; wholehearted | 滿腹; (一肚子)
moafpvoaa | whole dish | 滿盤
moafsvoaphiern'iar | mountains and plains | 滿山遍野
moafsvoaphviaa | whole mountain area | 滿山坪
moai'afpviar | plum cake | 梅仔餅
moalop'ar | hemp bag | 麻橐仔
moape-phiernbør | deceive parents | 欺騙父母
moaphear | little blanket wrapping up baby for carrying | 幔被仔
moaphiexn | deceive; cheat; fool; deceive; lie; hide the truth | 欺騙; 瞞騙; 騙
moaphoe'ar | eel skin | 鰻皮仔
moaphoear | little blanket wrapping up baby for carrying | 幔被仔
moaphviaf | rainwear made of straw (rush) | 披背; 田間工作之防雨具
moaphøee | eel skin | 鰻皮
moapng | eel rice | 鰻飯
moapox | hessian; flax; burlap; sackcloth; hemp fabrics; linen | 麻布
moapøtauxhu | sesame toufh dish | 麻婆豆腐
moathvy-phierntøe | deceive Heaven and Earth | 瞞天騙地
mocitphirn | woolen textiles; woolen goods; woolen fabrics | 毛織品
moeafpviar | plum cookies | 梅仔餅
moeflefpaix | every week | 每禮拜
moefpae | each time; every time | 每擺; 每次
moefpiexn | every occasion | 每遍
moelangpøar | atchmaker | 媒人婆仔
moelangpøo | professional female matchmaker | 媒人婆
moepng | cooked rice | 媒飯; 糜飯; 飯和稀飯
moepøo | professional female matchmaker | 媒婆
mohoatpaan | magic jar | 魔法瓶
mohoatpviar | magic cooky | 魔法餅
mohphvi | flat nose; low nasal bridge | 癟鼻
mohpiahkuie | eavesdropper | 貼牆鬼; 竊聽者
mopaix | worship | 膜拜
mopid | writing brush | 毛筆
mopit'oe | drawings done with a writing brush | 毛筆畫
mopitji | calligraphy | 毛筆字
mopve | defect; fault; trouble | 毛病
mopvi | defect; fault; disease | 毛病
moxpaai | (adj) fake; imitation; counterfeit a brand or trade mark; a fake | 冒牌
muilangpøar | female matchmaker | 媒人婆仔
muipng | cooked rice | 糜飯
muipøo | a female marriage broker; a female go-between of marriage; female matchmaker | 媒婆
muy'cidpo | every step, each step on progress | 每一步
muy'lefpaix | every week | 每禮拜
muyliap | every particle, every ball, etc | 每粒
muypae | on each occasion; every time | 每回; 每次
muypafn | every class (school) | 每班
muypafng | every trip on the schedule table | 每班; 每幫
muypaw | every package, every pack, every parcel | 每包
muypeeng | every direction | 每平; 每爿
muypiexn | every occasion | 每遍
muypo | every step, every method | 每步
muypoef | every cup of | 每杯
muypof | every noon | 每晡
mxbad pør | unwareness- a person who has no cludes of a precious thing | 毋識寶
mxciaqpng | won't eat | 毋食飯
mxkvar køphafn | I cannot venture to equal you | 毋敢高攀
mxzay høfphvae | not to know good from bad | 毋知好歹
mypor | compensate | 彌補
na'afpvy | a city in Pingtung County | 林仔邊
naafput | guava | 林仔菝
nafafpoat | guava | 林仔菝
nafpadar | Common guava | 番石榴
nafpan | to arrest and punish | 拿辦; 逮捕和懲罰
nafpat | guava | 林菝; 番石榴
nafphvax | even if | 哪怕
nafpoadar | guava | 林菝仔
nafpoat | Common guava | 林菝; 番石榴
nahphvi | flat nose; snub-nosed | 塌鼻; 凹鼻
naihphvi | snub-nosed | 扁鼻; 獅子鼻
naixpo | tasty and savory | 耐嚼
naixpvi | leprosy, Hansen's disease | 漢森氏病; 痲瘋病
nao-phinhied | anemic of brain | 腦貧血
nao-pinhied | cerebral anemia | 腦貧血
naparn | backboard | 籃板
napeqseg | light blue | 藍白色
naphøesw | blue-book | 藍皮書
napid | blue pen | 藍筆
napoah | cymbals | 鐃鈸
napoat | cymbal | 鐃鈸; 林菝; 番石榴
napox | blue cloth | 藍布
napurn | model-book; the original; blueprint | 藍本
napøfciøh | sapphire | 藍寶石
napør | sapphire | 藍寶
nau toxngpaang | rough horseplay at a wedding; to play practical jokes on the newlyweds in the bridal chamber | 鬧洞房
nau toxngpoong | custom at marriages ─ to tease the new bride (generally takes place at night; just before the bride enters her bridal chamber with her husband for the first time) to make her laugh | 鬧新娘; 鬧洞房
nau-toxngpoong | teasing during wedding night | 鬧洞房
nauxpaang | teasing during wedding night | 鬧房
nauxpvi | get sick | 鬧病
nawphøf | brain wave; brain wave | 腦波
nawphøf-too | electroencephalogram | 腦波圖
nawpinhied | cerebral anemia | 腦貧血
nawpo | brain (as a part of the body) | 腦部
nawpve | brain-trouble; disease of the brain | 腦病
nawpvi | brain disease | 腦病
nawseapaw | brain cells | 腦細胞
nawtiexnphøtoo | electroencephalogram | 腦電波圖
nehkhapo | tiptoe | 躡跤步
neqphoax | break by squeezing | 捏破
ng'guphiøx | scalped tickets | 黃牛票
ng'iøphafng | yellow hornet | 黃腰蜂
ng'ng'iap'iab | furtively, stealthily, surreptitiously (to do something in this manner) | 掩掩揜揜
ng'ngf iap'iab | furtively; stealthily; surreptitiously (to do something in this manner) | 掩掩揜揜; 偷偷摸摸
ng'otiap | yellow butterfly | 黃蝴蝶
ngf phvixkhafng | cover or close the nostrils | 掩鼻孔
ngjiet-pvi | yellow fever | 黃熱病
ngpafn | macula lutea | 黃斑
ngpeq | Taiwan cork tree | 黃柏
ngphafng | yellow bee | 黃蜂
ngphvi | cover one's nose; hold the nose (to avoid a bad smell) | 掩鼻
ngphøee | yellow skin | 黃皮; 黃枇
ngphøesw | international health card | 黃皮書
ngrpag | facing north | 朝北; 向北
ngrthvy pøfiu | look forward to the help (protection) of the heaven | 望天保祐
ngsekphvix | pornography | 黃色片
ngsoapof | huangshapu | 黃砂埔
ngtvar-pvi | yellow-jaundice, icterus | 黃膽病; 黃疸病
ngx laang ee pangzo | idlers rely on other's help | 依賴他人幫助
ngx lauxpe ee cvii | rely on father's wealth | 依賴父親的錢
ni'afphex | bra | 奶仔帕
ni'afpox | cloth of wool flannel | 哖仔布; 呢仔布
niafpaai | get license plate | 領牌
niafpafn | leader of a team; headman; foreman | 領班
niafpefng | lead troops; military officer | 領兵
niafpiøf | lead the bid | 領標
niafpoadar | guava | 林菝仔
niafpoat | guava | 菝仔; 林菝; 番石榴; 芭樂
niafpox | amice (Catholic) | 領布; 領披布
niaopear | mole; spy | 抓扒仔
niar pvexlaang huoiuu Serngsu | receive Extreme Unction (the new Catholic term for this Sacrament is Anointing of the Sick; but you may still hear the term; Extreme Unction) | 領臨終聖事
niaupax | clouded leopard | 貓豹; 雲豹
niauphvixthaau | cat nose | 貓鼻頭
niaupiepax | very pock-marked face | 滿臉斑點
niawchyphiag'ar | mousetrap | 鳥鼠擗仔
niawzhwphiag'ar | mousetrap | 鳥鼠擗仔
nih`phoax | grasp to break it | 掐破
nipaang | breast, nipple, udder | 乳房
nipeh | milk-white | 乳白
niphax | | 奶帕
niphea'ar | bra | 奶帕仔
niphor | year by year chronicle of a person's history from birth to death; biography arranged according to chronological order | 年譜
nipiør | chronicle | 年表
nipoex | seniority according to age | 年輩
nipviar | cheese cheesecake | 乳餅; 奶餅
nipøx | annual report | 年報
niupaa | father | 娘爸
niupe | father | 乳爹; 父親
niupiør | graduated table | 量表
niupoef | graduated cup | 量杯
niuu jip uii zhud | regulate expenses according to income | 量入為出
niuxlaang phvy | very good-tempered in bearing insult or scolding; very easy in money matters; letting others get the better of us | 讓人偏; 讓人佔便宜
niuxpo | make a concession; yield to; give in; give way; make a concession; back down | 讓步
nngfkhaf-pvi | beri-beri | 軟腳病; 腳氣病
nngfkud-pvi | osteomalacia | 軟骨病
nngfkutpve | rickets | 軟骨病
nngfphafngpharng | extremely soft | 軟紡紡
nngfphvix | film; film (for a camera) | 軟片
nngfphøee | soft skin | 軟皮
nngfpng | soft-cooked rice; soft diet; easy life with other's supply; live on the earnings of a woman; parasite | 軟飯
nngfpo | conciliatory measure; appeasement policy | 軟計; 柔策
nngfpof | conciliatory measure, appeasement policy | 軟晡
nngrjip | go into | 穿入
nngxliap | two(count of something round) | 兩粒
nngxpahthorng | rather more than 200 | 兩百多一點
nngxpaupng | rice covered with flat eggs | 卵包飯
nngxpaw | sunset egg; fry egg | 卵包; 荷包蛋
nngxpeeng | two slices | 兩爿
nngxpefar | two bunches | 兩把仔
nngxpeh | white of eggs; albumen | 蛋白
nngxpeh-cid | protein | 蛋白質; 卵白質
nngxpeh-jiø | albuminuria | 蛋白尿
nngxpeqcid | protein | 蛋白質
nngxpeqciøh | egg white | 卵白石
nngxphuiear | small egg not developed completely or missing something | 發育不全的小蛋
nngxpo'ar | skillful | 兩步仔
nngxpoear | two cup | 兩杯仔
nngxpoxchid | skillful | 兩步七
nngxpoxchit'ar | skillful person | 兩步七仔
nofpvi | a chronic ailment | 老病
nor-cienpoex | one's senior in age or position | 老前輩
nypaang | dye factory | 染房
nyphvixaukhøf | otorhinolaryngology (ear; nose and throat) | 耳鼻喉科
nyphvixkhøf | otorhinology (ears and nose) | 耳鼻科
nypor | make up | 彌補
nypox | dye cloth | 染布
o'afpefng | ice cream made of taro | 芋仔冰; 芋冰淇淋
o'ar-pefng | taro icecream | 芋仔冰; 芋冰淇淋
o'hap-cy-cioxng | undisciplined mob (Lit. people assembled like crows) | 烏合之眾
o'khapve | black foot disease; an endemic ailment in southern Taiwan | 烏腳病
oad citpeeng | take the road turning off on this side | 轉這爿; 轉這邊
oadpefng | review troops | 閱兵
oadphoad | lively; active; energetic | 活潑
oafnchyn putjuu kixnliin | A neighbor at hand is better than a relative far off | 遠親無如近鄰
oafnpiet | long separation | 遠別
oafnpox | spread to far place | 遠播
oafnsiap | distant and hard to get to | 遠涉; 遙遠艱難
oafpheng | to lean on; to rely on | 倚並; 倚靠
oafpiaq | near the wall; leaning on the wall of a room (e g; an article of furniture) | 靠牆
oafpvy | lean on side | 倚邊
oaiphiefn | crooked, unfair | 歪偏
oaiphvi | crooked ears | 歪耳
oan'oafn siongpøx | feud continued by mutual revenges and injuries | 冤冤相報
oancip | to die (Buddhist monk or nun) | 完寂
oankietphvy | end of article | 完結篇
oanlap | pay in full | 完納
oanpheg kuy Tiø | return something intact to its owner; repay debts in full | 完璧歸趙
oanphexng | engage; complete betrothal ceremonies | 完聘
oanphuun | end the grave | 完墳
oanpi | perfect; complete; be fully equipped (furnished); fully prepared | 完備
oanpid | be completed; is finished | 完畢
oanzoaan toglip | complete autonomy | 完全獨立
oaqjixparn | live word board | 活字板
oaqlek chiongphaix | brimming with energy or vitality | 活力充沛
oaqoaqbea pak ti sie-zhengchiu | A live horse tied to a dead banyan tree--to tie up resources and (personnel) in a useless project | 活馬綁在死榕樹; 埋沒人才
oaqparn | printing (movable type); typography | 活版
oaqput | living Buddha--powerful Lamas who are supposed to be light emanations or incarnations of Buddha (They wield temporal power in Tibet.) | 活佛
oaqpør | living treasure | 活寶; 搖錢樹
oar svazap | nearly (almost) thirty | 將近三十
oar toaxpeeng | choose the best cuts; align oneself with the strongest or biggest group | 依靠勢力大的一邊
oaxnpefng cy kex | strategy of delaying the approach of the enemy--to gain by the delay; delaying tactics | 緩兵之計
oaxnpefng | rescue troops; reinforcements | 援兵; 授兵
oaxnpid | help and rescue in writing | 援筆
oay cidpeeng | one side projecting more than the other; tend (slant) toward one side | 歪一邊; 斜一邊
oay cidphea | having one side (or one cheek) projecting more than the other; either naturally or from an accident; an article originally made with the two sides different | 歪一邊
obixnlaxpoef | Black-faced Spoonbill in Tainan | 烏面抐桮
ociapciab | balck juice | 烏汁汁
oea phvixsae | pick one's nose | 挖鼻屎
oefpuii | short and fat | 矮肥
oepoeh | shoehorn | 鞋拔
oepoeqar | shoehorn | 鞋拔仔
oepuih | shoehorn | 鞋拔
oepuiqar | shoehorn | 鞋拔仔
oepvy | shoe side | 鞋揙
oeqpoaq | allocate | 劃撥
oexof zhatpeh | scrawl about (on walls); said also of a child's dirty face; scribbling | 亂塗; 畫花臉
oexof-zhatpeh | write in careless manner | 畫黑塗白; 胡亂塗抹
oexpafng | a drawing board | 畫板; 畫枋
oexpefng | (body) guard); sentry; a (military) guard | 衛兵
oexpexng | material for gossip, cause for talk | 話柄
oexphang | slip of the tongue; faulty wording | 話縫; 話中的缺點; 失言
oexphor | drawing book | 畫譜
oexphvix | picture card, picture postcard | 畫片
oexpid | painting brush | 畫筆
oexpoaq | transfer funds pay out | 劃撥
oexpox | canvas (for painting) | 畫布
oexpvex | target or material for gossip; subject for ridicule; pretext for attack | 話柄
oexpviar chiongky | try to satisfy hunger by drawing cakes--to value empty names; empty solace | 畫餅充飢
oexpvix | target or material for gossip | 話柄
oexpøx | pictorial magazine | 畫報
oexsefng sietpi | sanitary facilities | 衛生設備
oexsud poxtui | garrison troops | 衛戌部隊
oexsud sulexngpo | garrison headquarters | 衛戌司令部
of-mixpaw | brown bread | 黑麵包
of-poe'of | vega herring gull | 黑鯡鷗; 黑脊鷗
ofnghogphiøx | return ticket | 來回票
ofphoax | to break by scooping | 挖破
ohap cy-cioxng | a rabble, a mob | 烏合之眾
ohap | random gathering | 烏合
ohap-cicioxng | a rabble, a mob | 烏合之眾
ohipiø | mullet swim bladder | 烏魚鰾
ohupiø | mullet swim bladder | 烏魚鰾
ojiedpve | kalaazar; dumdum fever (a chronic; usually fatal disease occurring in tropical areas of Asia | 黑熱病
ok'iwokpøx | retribution | 惡有惡報
okapy | black coffee | 烏咖啡
okhaf-pvi | Blackfoot disease is an endemic peripheral vascular disease found among the inhabitants of a limited area on the southwest coast of Taiwan; where artesian well water with a high concentration of arsenic has been used for more than eighty years. | 黑腳病; 烏跤病; 烏腳病
okhapve | ulie's disease | 烏跤病
okpax | rude and unreasonable; powerful bully; local bandit leader | 惡霸; 蠻橫
okpheeng | defamation, censure | 惡行; 惡評
okpor | unhealthy cram sessions (at school) | 惡補
okpøx | proper retribution for sin; deserved punishment for evil done; evil's recompense | 惡報
oksexng pofsip | unhealthy cram sessions (at school) | 惡性補習
oksexng tøfpix | fraudulent bankruptcy | 惡性倒閉
oksip | bad habit, teaching outside the school | 惡習
oktogpo | vicious step | 惡毒步
oliab-peqliab | chatter at random; speak recklessly; fabricate slanders | 烏捏白捏; 亂講; 捏造
omoaafpafn | black sesame spot | 烏麻仔斑
onggiap | royal affair | 王業
ongpaai | trump card | 王牌
opaai | smuggled goods | 黑牌; (走私貨)
opafn | freckle; dark spots; black specks | 黑斑; 烏斑
opafng | blackboard | 黑板; 烏枋
opafnzhad | chalkboard eraser | 烏板擦
opangchit'ar | chalkboard eraser | 烏枋拭仔
opeh | black and white; carelessly; thoughtlessly; right and wrong; good and bad | 黑白; 烏白
opeh-korng | talk nonsense; drivel; (adj) babbling; (n) nonsense; blather; guff; waffle; (vi) blather; haver | 亂講話
opeh-put'hwn | no black no white | 黑白無分
opeqbuo | do things without rules | 烏白舞
opeqchied | randomly cut of Taiwanese food | 烏白切
opeqjie | chess-man, black and white chess discs | 黑白子; 圍棋子
opeqkorng | say any old thing | 黑白講
opeqlaai | do things without rules | 烏白來
opeqoe | paint or talk at random | 烏白畫; 胡扯
opeqphvix | black and white photos or films | 黑白片
opeqput'hwn | who's fault is not clear | 黑白無分
opeqsaf | snatch or grasp things indiscriminately (as a thief in the darkness or as a drowning man) | 烏白捎; 亂抓
opeqtvoa | say what should not be said; fire (shoot) at random; take a pot shot | 烏白彈; 亂說; 亂打
opeqzø | some kind of soap | 烏白皂
opeqzøx | do any old thing | 黑白做
ophoee | dark skin | 烏皮
ophuo | dark gray | 黑灰
ophwkym | gray gold | 烏殕金
ophwophuo | dark grey | 烏殕烏殕
ophwseg | dark gray | 烏殕色
ophøee | black marlin, marlin spike fish, Eumakaira nigra | 黑皮; 烏皮; 黑皮旗魚
opox | black cloth | 黑布
opvy | by the side of a lake; lakeside | 湖邊
opy | Formosan black bulbul | 黑碑; 紅嘴黑鴨; 夜鶯
opyn | lakeside | 湖濱
osie-pvi | the black death | 黑死病; 烏死病
osypve | black death; pest | 黑死病
otiap | butterfly | 蝴蝶
otiap-hoef | the iris | 蝴蝶花
otiap-laan | butterfly orchid | 蝴蝶蘭
otiap-poex | pearl oyster | 黑蝶貝
oxpefng | taro ice-cream | 芋冰
ozhuiepit'ar | black pencil | 烏喙筆仔
pa | stop; cease; discontinue; to finish; worn out; fatigued; exhausted; a sign of the imperative; final particle of emphasis; sometimes interrogative; implying probability | 罷
pa`liao | to forget it; to drop it | 罷了; 算了吧
paa | papa | 爸
paai hviutøq | set out the incense table | 排香案
paai pøehji | combine the 8 letters of the horoscope (as the geomancer does when telling fortunes) | 排八字
paai texkuie? | What is your seniority among your brothers ? | 排行第幾?
paai zøx cidliet | line up to form one line of (people) | 排成一列
paai | arrange in order; line up; line; row; platoon; row; a line; a rank; place in order; arrange; expel; exclude; push open; make a show | 排; 牌; 擺
paai-kea'ar | a street vendor | 攤販仔
paai-zenglie | to mediate with reasoning | 排情理
paai`koex | arranged | 排過
paan | jar; pitcher; vase; bottle; pot; pitcher; jug; bottle; vase | 瓶
paang liwafkhafng | hemstitch a buttonhole | 縫紉扣子孔
paang | house; building; room; chamber; wife; concubine | 房; 縫
paau | long gown; robe | 袍
paciausvix | large leaf-shaped fan (used by the ancients and the genie) | 芭蕉扇
paciaw | plantains; banana | 芭蕉
paciøf | plantains; banana | 芭蕉
paciøhiøh | banana leaf | 芭蕉葉
pacviuo | hand with open fingers; a palm; a slap | 巴掌
pad | eight; eighth | 八
padafphiøx | returned check | 菝仔票
padafsae | miser; skinflint | 吝嗇鬼
padar | guava; guava (fruit) | 芭樂; 番石榴
padciorng | other kind; different kind | 別種
padee | other one; else; another; another one; distinct from the one named | 別的; 別个
padhang | different sorts; some other kinds | 別項
padhø | different number | 別號
padjidar | some other day; in the future | 別日仔; 改天; 將來
padjit | some other day; in the future; some other day; another day | 別日; 改天
padkef | different family | 別家
padkefng | different room; different store | 別間
padkhafng | extra fortune | 別孔; 另外之財路
padkhoarn | other kinds | 別款; 別種
padkhoaxn | another kind | 別種
padkog | other countries | 別國
padlaang | somebody else; anybody else; different person; another man; others; outsiders; people who do not belong to one's own circle; organization or family | 別人
padlidar | some other days | 別日仔
padlit | another day | 別日
padliuu | different style | 別流
padlui | different kine | 別類
padmiaa | different name | 別名
padmih | other thing | 別物
padmiq | besides; separately | 別物
padni'ar | some other year | 別年仔
padnii | different year | 別年
padpaai | other brand | 別牌
padphaix | different style | 別派
padpurn | different book | 別本
padseg | different color | 別色
padsofzai | different place | 別所在
padtaq | other deck | 別搭
padtex | different piece | 別塊
padtiaau | different song | 別條
padtoo | another work | 別途; 另一種工作
padtui | different team | 別隊
padui | another person (polite), other place | 別位; 別地方; 別處,別位
padui'ar | other place | 別位仔
padviu | another fashion; another sort | 別樣
padzerng | different species | 別種
pae | (a measure word for matters or actions) a time; to circle; to go back; to turn around; to answer; to return; to revolve; Islam; drag; throw; drag; turn; time; occasion | 跛; 擺; 回; 次
pae'ied | to pay a courtesy visit, have an audience | 拜謁
pae'kuie? | which day of the week | 拜幾
paebiø | worship in the temple | 拜廟
paebong | to visit a grave; worship at the graves; visit ancestral tomb | 拜墓
paechviar | give a ceremonial invitation; invite | 拜請
paecviaf | worship at New Year; visit at New Year Day; to celebrate new year | 拜正; 拜年; 賀正
paego | Friday | 拜五
paehau | make a ceremonial visit to elders; call on; to visit; go to visit a superior | 拜候; 請教
paehoe | a courtesy call; pay a visit; make a call | 拜會
paehok | greeting | 拜福
paehorng | to visit; to call on; look-in; pay a visit (a polite term) | 拜訪
paehut | worship Buddha | 拜佛
paehø | to congratulate | 拜賀
paeid | Monday | 拜一
paeji | Tuesday | 拜二
paejit | Sunday | 拜日
paekexng | pay respect | 拜敬
paekheq | greetings to customers | 拜客
paekiexn | to pay a formal visit; to pay one's respects; pay a visit; have the honor of seeing; have a look at | 拜見
paekoex`ee | worshiped | 拜過的
paekongmar | worship ancients | 拜公媽
paekui | kneel and worship or venerate | 拜跪; 跪見
paekuie | Which day of the week? | 拜幾
paekvix | to pay a formal visit; to pay one's respects | 拜見
paekym zwgi | worship of Mammon; pae'kMammonism | 拜金主義
paelaglefpaix | weekend | 拜六禮拜
paelak | Saturday | 拜六
paeleeng | to make a courtesy call to the body or memorial service with respect | 拜靈
paelerng | accepted with thanks | 拜領
paeli | Tuesday | 拜二
paeniar | to accept respectfully | 拜領
paenii | make a ceremonial visit at New Year Day; make a New Year's call | 拜年
paepaix | join the hands together and bow; worship gods or idols; a worshipping festival in Taiwan | 拜拜
paephiøx | polite expression in asking another's vote | 拜票
paepiet | to say goodbye or farewell; farewell visit; go to say goodbye; take leave | 拜別
paeput | to worship Buddha | 拜佛
paesia | to express one's thanks; visit for the purpose of showing one's gratitude | 拜謝
paesii | to say goodbye or farewell; take leave; pay a farewell visit | 拜辭
paesiin | worship the Gods | 拜神
paesioxng | to take the post of a prime minister (in feudal China) | 拜相; 擔任宰相
paesiu | to offer birthday felicitations to an elder; make a congratulatory visit to a man on his birthday | 拜壽
paesix | Thursday | 拜四
paesoaq | finishing worship | 拜煞
paesuhagge | apprenticeship | 拜師學藝
paesvaf | Wednesday | 拜三
paesw | to become a pupil or apprentice to a master in a solemn ceremony | 拜師
paetao | worship the Dipper | 拜斗
paethaxm | to visit; to pay a visit | 拜探; 拜訪; 探訪
paethiab | visiting card | 拜帖
paethog | ask for a favor; Please! If you please!; courteously ask someone a favor | 拜託
paethok | to read with respect; read with respect (a polite expression) | 拜讀
paetngg | cathedral, chapel, church, gospel hall | 拜堂; 教堂
paetør | to prostrate oneself | 拜堂; 拜倒
paezex | to offer sacrifice to | 拜祭
paezor | worship ancestors | 祭祖; 拜祖
paf | papa | 爸; 摑
pafag | seize; take hold of; ability; capacity; to be confident; something one holds in hand; sure; confident; have absolute confidence; have a firm grasp of the situation | 把握
pafah'niq | stomach full | 飽矣呢
pafbie | fully ripened grains; full-eared rice plants | 飽米; 飽滿; 穀物熟滿; 飽穗; 飽穀
pafbiin | to have a plentiful of sleep; adequate sleep | 飽眠; 睡足; 睡得足
pafchii | to control; to monopolize; use undue influence; to control; monopolize; able and confident in one's powers | 把持
pafchiuo | knob, handle, grip | 飽手; 把手
pafciog | To satisfy (an appetite or desire) fully; fully satisfied | 飽足; 充足
pafeq | hiccup | 飽呃
pafhak | well-versed; learned | 飽學
pafhix | jugglery; sleight of hand; idle play; trick; scheme; acrobatics; conjuring trick; sleight of hand | 把戲
pafhofng | a person posted as a lookout; especially; in a robbery or other criminal acts | 把風
pafhofng`ee | a person posted as a lookout; especially; in a robbery or other criminal acts | 把風的
pafiax | bored, tired of | 飽厭; 討厭
pafjiin | a solid and full kernel; full kernel | 飽粒; 飽仁; 飽滿的仁; 內身結滿
pafkui | fully ripened grains | 飽櫃; 穀物熟飽
pafkuy | fowl's crop very full | 飽規; 滿膆囊
paflaa | obese | 吃膩; 肥胖
paflat | stout | 強力; 飽力
pafliin | plump beans | 飽仁
pafmoar | full (of); full-(faced); inclusive; complete; well-stacked; plump | 飽滿
pafn | pull; hold to; drag down; hold on for support; class | 攀; 扳; 頒; 拉; 班
pafn'aftiaxm | coffin shop | 棺木店
pafn'afzuun | banzai boat | 板仔船
pafn'aq | salted duck pressed and stretched like a plate (a specialty in Nanjing) | 板鴨
pafn'ar | a bamboo or a birch for corporal punishment; a coffin usually made of wood; coffin | 板仔; 棺柩; 棺木
pafn'ie | bench | 板椅
pafn'oe | block print; woodcut; woodprint | 版畫
pafn`nih | inside the class | 班內
pafnbin | layout | 版面
pafnboo | a mold for setting up the page layouts before the printing | 版模
pafnchiaf | kind of hand pulled cart for transporting heavy objects | 板車
pafnchiuo | wrench | 扳手
pafng cidkhiaq | part having fallen or have been washed away | 崩一缺口
pafng | fall into ruins; to slide down (e.g.; the earth of a dike; dam); to collapse (like a wall); wood | 崩; 幫; 板; 回; 次,; 木板; 枋
pafng`khix | to collapse | 崩去; 倒毀
pafnghuie | kidnaper | 綁匪; 綁徒
pafngkax | kidnap for ransom | 綁架
pafngpafngthngg | lollipop | 棒棒糖
pafngphiørhoan | brigands | 綁票犯
pafngphiøx huytoo | brigands | 綁票匪徒
pafngphiøx | to kidnap for ransom | 綁票
pafngtoo | kidnaper | 綁匪; 綁徒
pafnhii | golden-skinned pargo | 板魚; 血鯛
pafnkheg | to engrave, to carve | 板刻; 版刻
pafnkhoaan | copy right | 版權
pafnkhoaix | plate | 板塊
pafnkoaan chimhai | infringement of copyright; literary piracy | 版權侵害
pafnkoaan sofiuo | own the copyright; All rights reserved | 版權所有
pafnkoaan swioxnghuix | royalties on books | 版權使用費
pafnkoaan | copyright | 版權
pafnkor | a small drum | 板鼓
pafnkym | gold plated; body work (automobile) | 鈑金; 板金
pafnlaa | suet | 板膋
pafnliaau | the rest and beat of music; orderliness | 拍子; 板眼
pafnparn | expressionless; boring | 板板; 無生氣
pafnpurn | edition; version | 版本
pafnsoex | royalties | 版稅
pafnsøex | publication loyalty | 版稅
pafntexng | wooden stool, wooden bench | 板凳
pafntiaxm | coffin shop | 板店; 棺木店
pafntoo | the territory; the domain; dominion; map; household registers and maps; population and territory | 版圖; 領地
pafnzek | a register for publication | 版籍
pafnzhux | print order of edition | 板次; 版次
pafpafpar | stomach extremely full | 飽飽飽
pafpag | full (of learning) | 飽腹; 飽學
pafpar | full and satisfied; stuffed with food; glutted; surfeited | 飽飽
pafpexng | a handle; a mistake or fault that can be taken advantage of by others | 把柄
pafpii | full; surfeited | 飽脾; 吃得很飽
pafsiuo | to defend, to guard, to watch over | 飽守; 把守
pafsui | solid kernel; large full ear of grain | 飽穗; 飽滿的穗; 穀物豐穗
paftitw | full; satiated | 飽抵抵; 形容吃得很飽
pafto | poorly | 飽肚
paftongtofng | quite enough | 飽冬冬; 很飽
paftuxtu | stomach full | 飽嘟嘟
paftvi | surfeited; stuffed full | 飽滿
paftviux | full; surfeited; swollen; a sense of distension; glutted; surfeited | 飽脹; 飽漲
paftø | to hold the helm, to steer the rudder, to keep the direction | 把舵
pafzuie | the fully ripened crop; filled (fruit or grain) | 飽水; (水果; 穀類); 豐富; 成熟飽滿
pag | argue; contradict; annul; reverse a decision; rebut; to dispute; refute | 駁; 腹; 北; 剝; 幅
pag'aan | tie securely; bind it tightly; tie it tightly | 綁緊; 縛緊
pag'iap'au | hands tied behind the back | 綁隱後
pag-kaq kngkngf | strip a man quite naked | 剝得光光的
pag-pvoarkiuu | the Northern Hemisphere | 北半球
pagbøea | a business contractor | 包買
pagho | a tenant farmer | 佃戶; 租戶
paghør | tied well | 縛好
pagkefng | tenant; to tenant farmer | 租耕; 租地耕種
pagkengkoaan | rights of tenant farmer | 租耕權
pagkhaf | wrap u p one's foot; foot-binding; bound (compressed) feet; bind women's feet | 縛腳; 纏足
pagkhaf-øee | foot-binding shes | 綁跤鞋
pagkhapagchiuo | get in the way- hands and feet are tied | 縛跤縛手
pagkhapox | feet bondage | 縛跤布
paglak | size and bind | 綁聯; 逮捕
paglieen | bind together | 綁聯; 結連
pagpak | tight | 緊緊; 無寬鬆
pagsoaq | tied | 縛煞
pagsog | enslave | 綁束; 束縛
pagsyn | to become a prostitute; to prostitute | 緊身; 賣身; 縛身
pagsysie | restrain; control very tight | 綁死死
pagthaau | to tie up hairs | 縛頭
pagtiaau | to tie; to bind; tied firmly; bound fast | 綁住; 綁緊; 縛住
pagtiautiaau | restrain; control very tight | 綁牢牢
pagtien | to lease to a tenant farmer | 綁佃; 租給佃戶
pagtiøh | tied | 縛著
pagtvii | bind, entwine | 綁纏; 纏繞
pagzaxng | to prepare a pyramid-shaped mass of glutinous rice wrapped in leaves; wrap glutinous rice in bamboo or palm leaves | 綁粽; 包粽子
pagzhaa | tied material | 綁材
pagzhaan | to assume as a tenant farmer | 瞨田; 包田耕作
pagzuun | charter a vessel | 租船
pagzøx | tied as | 縛做
pah'eg | ten billion | 百億
pah'erng | a kind of cotton cloth | 布名; 百永
pah'høex | grocery | 北貨
pah'iap | one hundred leaves | 百葉
pah'iap-thafng | venetian blind | 百葉窗
pah'id | hundread and ten | 百一
pah'viu | all kinds; all sorts | 百樣
pahban huo'ofng | millionaire | 百萬富翁
pahban | million | 百萬
pahbin | hundred faces | 百面
pahbytoo | picture showing large numbers of beautiful women | 百美圖
pahchid | one seventy | 百七
pahchiøq kanthaau | the highest achievement (Lit. top of a hundred-foot pole) | 百尺竿頭
pahciokthioong | a centipede | 百足蟲
pahciqciao | to shriek | 百舌鳥
pahgo | hundred and fifty | 百五
pahgoa | over one hundred | 百餘
pahgoaxciorng | more than one hundred species | 百多種
pahhang | one hundred kind | 百項
pahheanilau | live long and die well | 百歲年老
pahhex kongsy | department store | 百貨公司
pahhex | department store | 百貨
pahhiøqthafng | Venetian blind; Venetian shutters | 百葉窗
pahhoeanilau | after one is dead | 百歲年老
pahhoeatiaxm | department store | 百貨店
pahhoef | hundred flowers | 百花
pahhoex kongsy | department store | 百貨公司
pahhoex liawau | after death (Lit. after a hundred years of age) | 百歲之後; 身後
pahhoex nilau | to an advanced age (Lit. to a hundred years of age) | 百歲年老; 臨終
pahhoex siongtviuu | emporium | 百貨商場
pahhoex | department store | 百貨
pahhog | hundred luck | 百福
pahhuncipaq | 100% | 百分之百
pahhunhoad | percentage; statement or expression in percentage | 百分法
pahhunlut | percentage; percentage | 百分率
pahhunpie | percentage | 百分比
pahhunsox | percentage | 百分比
pahhutviuo | centurion (of the Roman Empire); low-ranking military officer (in old China) | 百夫長
pahhwn cy paq | one hundred percent | 百分之百
pahhwn | one hundred point; perfect; full mark; full marks | 百分
pahhwn-hoad | a grade of a hundred | 百分法
pahhøex | variety merchandise | 百貨
pahhøex-kongsy | department store | 百貨公司
pahji | one hundred twenty | 百二
pahjidaang | crape myrtle | 百日紅
pahjidchvy | Nakai podocarp (tree) | 百日青; 桃板松
pahjidhoong | lagerstroemia | 百日紅
pahjidsaux | whooping cough | 百日咳; 百日嗽
pahjidzhao | zinnia (a type of plant or grass); youth and old age | 百日草; 百日菊
pahjit | one hundred days; the hundredth day after one's death | 百日
pahkefngkuun | pleated skirt | 百襉裙; 百摺裙
pahkerng-kuun | pleated skirt | 百葉裙; 百襇裙; 百襉裙; 百摺裙
pahkex | all plans; all sorts of schemes | 百計
pahkhøf zoansw | encyclopedia | 百科全書
pahkhøf | encyclopedia | 百科
pahkiab | a calamity | 百劫
pahkog | grains of all kinds | 百穀
pahkuie | hundred and ? | 百幾
pahkvoaf | all kind of government officials; all officials; rulers generally | 百官
pahkøfsafn | baiguoshan | 百果山
pahkør | all kinds of fruit | 百果
pahli | 120 | 百二
pahlidaang | crape myrtle | 百日紅
pahlidsaux | pertussis | 百日嗽
pahlit | 100 days’ ceremony after death | 百日
pahni'au | after death | 百年後
pahnihoea'au | after one is dead | 百年身後
pahnii høfhap | harmonious union lasting a hundred years (a conventional congratulatory message on a wedding) | 百年好合
pahnii taixkex | great plan covering a very long period; a long-range program | 百年大計
pahnii | one hundred years | 百年
pahpah'viu | all kinds and shapes | 百百樣
pahpahciorng | varieties over 100 kinds | 百百種
pahpahhaang | all kinds of business | 百百行
pahpahkhafng | lots of loopholes | 百百空
pahpahkhoarn | all kinds and shapes | 百百款
pahpeq | one eighty | 百八
pahphiøx | one hundred dollar bill | 百票
pahpoe | hundred-fold; one hundred times | 百倍
pahpoxzoaa | Hundred-pacer Snake | 百步蛇
pahpvoaf | by every means; in numerous ways; all kinds; all sorts; every kind | 百般
pahsex | period of a hundred generations; very long period of time | 百世
pahsiefn | hundred of angels | 百仙
pahsiux | all animals | 百獸
pahsu suxnli | May you prosper in everything! | 百事順利
pahsu | all sorts of things | 百事
pahsuxthofng | expert in everything; Jack-of-all-trades | 百事通
pahthorng | one hundred barrels | 百捅
pahtoafn | all matters | 百端
pahuun | scar | 疤痕
pahzexng | many illnesses | 百症
pai mnghofng | disgrace the good name of the family; tarnish the good name of one's family | 敗門風
pai texlie | disturb the good luck of a place | 敗地理; 敗風水
pai | be defeated; go wrong; be ruined; ruin; decline (power); defeat an army; destroy; to ruin; to spoil; be defeated; go bad (meat); rotten; decayed destroyed; spoiled; beaten | 敗
pai'afthaau | pier | 棑仔頭
pai'ar | small tablet; signboard; playing card; bus stop; card; tag; playing cards | 牌仔; 牌子
pai'iern | rehearsal; to rehearse; direct | 排演
pai'iu'ienky | exhaust fan above a gas stove or range | 排油煙機
pai'iw | variety show; vaudeville act; player in such show; actor; actress | 明星; 演員; 戲子
pai'ixn | set type and print | 排印
pai'nng | ovulate | 排卵
pai'nngxkii | monthly fertile period | 排卵期
pai'ui | memorial tablet, ancestral tablet | 牌位
pai-miasviaf | to discredit one's reputation | 敗名聲
pai-mnghofng | to discredit one's family name | 敗門風
paibin zengkhia | put on an appearance of diligence; obedience; or very good behavior in the presence of a master or of someone whom we wish to please | 表面裝好
paibun | to kill time | 排悶
paichiaang | cut quite a figure | 表裝; 排場; 出風頭
paiciaux | tag; license plate; business license | 牌照
paicie | to be indulgent in luxurious and expensive habits | 華奢; 擺闊
paiciøx | license | 牌照; 報照
paigoa uxntong | anti-foreign agitation or movement | 排外運動
paigoa zwgi | anti-foreignism; anti-foreign policy | 排外主義
paigoa | parochial, insular, anti-foreign, chauvinistic | 排外
paihaang | the ranking of brothers; or of sisters; one's seniority among brothers | 排行
paihangpngr | the billboard; the charts | 排行榜
paihix | to put on a play; arrange or rehearse; rehearse for a show | 排戲
paihoaai | to wander; cruise; hang round; prowl; to loiter; to walk to and fro; to move around without purpose; hesitate; be irresolute | 徘徊
paihoee kitoo | linger in the wrong (evil) path | 徘徊歧途
paihoee koanbong | take an observer's seat; see but cannot make up one's mind; wait and see; wait for the dust to settle | 徘徊觀望
paihoee liulieen | walk to and fro hesitatingly with a reluctance to leave | 徘徊流連
paihoee | to wander; cruise; hang round; prowl; linger; walk to and fro; move around without purpose; wander about; hesitating; irresolute | 徘徊
paihoex | arrange; display goods; to lay out; display merchandize; boycott; to boycott | 排貨
paihofng | exhaust | 排風; 牌坊
paihoxng | to discharge | 排放
paihø | a shop sign; a trademark | 牌號
paiiern | rehearse for a show | 排演
paiiw | variety show, vaudeville act, player in such show, actor, actress | 明星, 戲子
paiji | set up type; type-setting | 排字
paijixky | linotype | 排字機
paijiø | urinate | 排尿
paikae | untangle; adjust a dispute; to mediate; to resolve; adjust affairs; to mediate; make peace; reconcile; clear up a misunderstanding between parties | 排解
paikar | holiday | 排假
paikhay | to spread out | 排開
paikhiekorng | exhaust pipe | 排氣管
paikhieky | exhaust; air-pump | 排氣機
paikhiern | to dispatch; to divert | 排遣
paikhix | to exhaust; exhaust; ventilation | 排氣
paikhix-kngr | exhaust pipe | 排氣管
paikhix-korng | exhaust pipe | 排氣管
paikhuy | to arrange or put in order | 排開
paikhøx | work out a teaching schedule (at school) | 排課
paikiok | gambling gamel | 牌局
paikiusaix | volleyball game | 排球賽
paikiuu | volleyball | 排球
paikud | ribs | 肋骨; 排骨
paikut'aftui | skinny team | 排骨仔隊
paikutpng | ribs with rice | 排骨飯
paikutsof | crispy spare rib | 排骨酥; 炸過的小排
paikux | haiku | 俳句
paiky | cards | 牌支
pailaau | celebration arch | 排樓
pailie | rules of a card game | 牌理
pailien | to rehearse; rehearse for a show; rehearsal | 排練
pailiet | to line up; to arrange in order; arrange in series; rows; stand in lines or ranks; line up (at a bus or train station); place in line; to form in a row; permutation; arrangement | 排列
pailiet-zohap | permutation and combination | 排列組合
pailoarn | ovulate | 排卵
pailoarn-kii | the period of ovulation | 排卵期
pailoo | a monumental or decorated archway | 牌樓
paimiaa | ranking | 排名
painngxjit | the period of ovulation | 排卵日
paioaan | Paiwan tribe | 排灣
paipaai | lineup | 排排
paipafn | arrange working shift; arrange team of work | 排班
paiparn | typesetting; set (printing) type | 排版
paipefng | a team in a army | 排兵
paipeh | be bound to; be sure to | 排白; 必定
paiphiøx | a registration plate | 牌票; 牌照單
paipi | arrange in beforehand, prepare, put in order | 排排; 排備; 安排
paipie | arrange in beforehand; prepare; put in order; to equip; to configure | 排比; 安排; 配置
paipien | have a bowel movement, defecate | 排便
paipiern | shop signboard; lintel; plaque; signboard | 牌匾; 招牌
paipiet | to arrange separately for | 排別
paipngr | bulletin board | 排榜; 牌榜
paipox | to handle, to manipulate, to arrange | 排佈; 排布
paipuxn | evacuate the bowels | 排糞; 解大便
paisafn-tørhae | overthrow a mountain and upset the sea ─ of great ability; over-helming or sweeping | 排山倒海
paiseeng | arranged | 排成
paisi | public notice; bulletin | 牌示
paisiap | excretion | 排洩
paisiaw | a large flute with 16 tubes | 排簫
paisied | excretion; ejectable; take vent; excrete; elimination; excretion; excrete; to discharge | 排泄; 排設; 佈置
paisied-zok'iong | excretory functions | 排泄作用
paisietbut | output; excreta; excrement | 排泄物
paisietkoarn | discharge tube | 排泄瓶; 排泄管
paisietpaan | drainage bottle | 排泄瓶
paisu | an epitaph | 牌序; 墓標上記人事
paisvoax | align | 排線
paitat | reed (wind instrument) | 排笛; 蘆笛
paitea | part of the deck remaining after the hands are dealt; a hand held by a player | 牌底
paithaf zwgi | exclusive; exclusionism | 排他主義
paithaf | exclusive | 排他
paithaulaai | according to the order | 排頭來
paitheg | proscribe; supplant; rejection; exclusion; boycott; expel; reject; ostracize | 排斥
paithiap | pile up, set in order | 排疊
paithvaf | parochial | 排他
paithvaf-sym | parochial attitude | 排他心
paitiau | excretion | 排掉
paitii baxnlaan | overcome all difficulties | 排除萬難
paitii | exclusion; removal; exclude; remove; eliminate; put out of the way | 排除
paitin | battle array; draw up in battle array; deploy troops | 排陣; 佈陣
paitiøh | line up | 排著
paito | to ferry | 排渡; 擺渡
paitoxng | gear of a car | 排擋; 排檔
paitui iuheeng | parade in demonstration; form a procession | 排隊遊行
paitui | stand in line; line up; form a line; form a queue; fall into line or formation; line up (as when buying train or bus tickets); stand in a queue | 排隊
paitui`laq | line up | 排隊啦
paituu | eliminate; exclude; remove | 排除
paitvarar | selling stuff on the street using a stand or on the floor | 排擔仔
paitvax | to keep a stall | 擺攤
paitviuo | a platoon leader; lieutenant; platoon leader | 排長
paitviuu | display | 排場
paitvoaa | to set up an altar; set up a temporary shrine with a great many ornaments | 排壇; 設壇
paitøea | the end result | 牌底
paitøq | arrange the table; card table; set the table for a meal | 排桌; 排桌,擺桌宴客; 擺桌宴客; 牌桌
paix Serngthea | adore the Blessed Sacrament; make a visit to the Blessed Sacrament (Catholic) | 拜聖體
paix Sioxngtex | adore God (old protestant term for Christianity) | 拜上帝
paix Thienzuo | worship God; adore God (Catholic) | 拜天主
paix goeqniuu | worship the moon | 拜月亮
paix gvofsiong | worship idols; idol worship | 拜偶像
paix khoflo | make the Way of Cross (Catholic) | 拜苦路
paix khofsiong | veneration of the Cross (Catholic) | 拜苦像
paix kongmar | worship ancestors, reverence, honor the ancestors | 拜公媽
paix pudar | worship idols | 拜偶像
paix siasiin | worship false gods | 拜邪神
paix siensvy | study under the guidance of a preceptor; teacher; special instructor | 拜先生; 拜師
paix thvite | worship Heaven and Earth | 拜天地
paix thvitøe | wedding ceremony | 拜天地; 結婚
paix zofkofng | worship ancestors | 拜祖宗; 拜祖先
paix zofsiefn | worship ancestors | 拜祖宗; 拜祖先
paix | bow in veneration; pay respect to; perform ceremonial acts of warship; bow the head to the ground; make a bow; to worship; to visit; to honor; to reverence; to salute; pay one's respects to; venerate; salute; obeisance | 拜
paix-gvofsiong | worship images | 拜偶像
paixbea | lost in race; horses (stumble); (trains) jump the rails;) (logs; bok-be) slip out of their tracks | 敗馬; 脫線而敗; 失蹄; 出軌
paixboong | suffer defeat, suffer reversal, be routed | 敗亡
paixbun | to kill times | 敗悶
paixbøo | come to total ruin | 敗無; 一敗塗地
paixchi | depression; a recession; a slump; ruinous market; poor sales; market failure | 敗市; 無景氣; 銷售量差
paixchiuo | to be defeated | 敗手; 手無靈而敗
paixciernkog | defeated or vanquished country; the vanquished | 戰敗國
paixciexn | defeated in battle | 敗戰; 敗陣
paixcin | ruined; destroyed | 敗盡
paixcioxng | defeated enemy general; a loser in a contest | 敗將
paixhai | harm; harmfulness; damned; ruined and destroyed; corrupted; rotten; decomposition; corruption | 害處; 敗害; 敗壞
paixham | weak and degenerate | 衰頹; 敗陷
paixhexng | to feel disappointed; to have one's spirits dampened | 掃興; 敗興
paixhietzexng | blood poisoning; septicemia; scurvy | 敗血症
paixhoai hongsiok | demoralize; to corrupt; undermine the morals of | 敗壞風俗
paixhoai jinsym | demoralize; corrupt people's hearts; perversion of one's mind | 敗壞人心
paixhoai | defile; ruin; subvert; corrupt; be corrupted; to ruin; be ruined | 敗壞
paixhoehzexng | septicemia | 敗血症
paixhuihpvi | septicemia, blood poisoning | 敗壞病; 敗血病
paixhuihzexng | septicemia | 敗血症
paixkaf toxngsarn | squander a patrimony and ruin the family | 敗家蕩產
paixkaf | ruin a family | 敗家
paixkazuo | a prodigal person who grew up in a rich family | 敗家子
paixkef | a prodigal; ruin a family (as does a wicked son or bad wife) | 敗家
paixkex | to fall in prices; to depreciate | 跌價
paixkog | a defeated nation; ruined country; ruin a nation | 敗國
paixkwn | defeated troops; defeated army | 敗軍
paixkyn | rotten root (basic; foundation) | 敗根
paixliao | to lose one's family possessions completely | 敗了
paixliawliao | lost | 敗了了
paixlo | disclosure; to fall through and be exposed (crime; polt; etc.); be ruined by discovery (of a plot); fail and be exposed (said of a crime; plot) | 敗露
paixlui | the scum; the dregs; the degenerate; ruin; corrupt one's fellows; corrupted people; dregs of society; a bad class | 敗類
paixmiaa | to bring ruin and shame upon oneself; tarnish one's reputation; disgrace oneself | 敗名
paixpai | decline (family) | 敗敗
paixparn | failure; loss | 失敗
paixpefng | to be defeated; to lose a battle; defeated troops; conquered troops; disorganized; scattered soldiers | 敗兵
paixpid | a flaw in a piece of writing | 敗筆
paixpog | to be defeated; to lose a battle | 敗北
paixsin | nervous breakdown; weak in health; debilitated | 敗腎; 神經衰弱
paixsiok | immoral | 敗俗
paixsoarn | lost election | 敗選
paixsox | to lose a lawsuit; lose a case at law; a lost case; lose a lawsuit | 敗訴
paixthøex | retreat after defeat; be defeated | 敗退
paixtin | to lose the field; to be beaten in a contest; defeat in battle | 敗陣
paixtoee | weak and degenerate | 衰頹; 敗頹
paixyn | cause of defeat | 敗因
paixzaang | rotten | 敗欉; 樹開始腐壞
paixzao | to be defeated; flee in defeat; be defeated; demoralized; routed; be put to rout; take to flight | 敗走
paixzhøx | to suffer a setback | 敗挫
paixzuo | a prodigal | 敗子
paizee | all arranged in order | 排齊
paizex | to expel | 排濟
paizhud | eject; exhaust; discharge | 排出
paizuie | to drain off water; drainage; draining; pump out | 排水
paizuie-kaw | drainage ditch | 排水溝
paizuie-korng | drainage pipeline | 排水管
paizuie-liong | displacement | 排水量
paizuie-turnsox | displacement; in tons | 排水噸數
paizuo | a brand name; a trademark; label | 牌子
paizuykaw | drain; a ditch; drainage ditch | 排水溝
paizuykhao | drainage outlet | 排水口
paizuykorng | drainpipe | 排水管
paizuyliong | displacement of a ship; displacement of water; tonnage of a vessel | 排水量
paizuyzøo | drainage channels | 排水槽
paizøee | to order evenly | 排齊
paizøx | line up | 排做
pak zaxng | making rice balls | 縛粽
pak zhanhngg | hold a field by lease | 租田地
pak | tie; to bind | 綁; 贌; 縛; 包租
pak'Taai | northern Taiwan | 北臺
pak'aw | (n) Scandinavia; Northern Europe | 北歐
pak'hayhvoa | northern seashore | 北海岸
pak'hieen | northern string | 北絃
pak'hngf | the North; in the north; northern regions | 北方
pak'hoat | the Northern Expedition | 北伐
pak'hoee | North-link line | 北迴
pak'hofng | north; the northern part a country; northern regions | 北風
pak'hui | north latitudes; northern latitude | 北緯
pak'hvoa | northern shore | 北岸
pak'hvoaai | North cross | 北橫
pak'hvoaikonglo | North Cross Highway in Northern Taiwan | 北橫公路
pak'høex | grocery | 北貨
pak'untaix | north temperate zone | 北溫帶
pak'viuu | northern sea | 北洋
pak'ym | northern tunes | 北音
pak-kikud | to setup the frame | 綁肢骨
pak`khylaai | tube ligation | 綁起來
pak`laang | to contract out | 綁人
pak`zhutkhix | to contract out | 包出去; 包給人家
pakbin | North | 北面
pakbykoarn | North America Pavilion | 北美館
pakied | flatter; insinuate; ingratiate oneself; aggressive; curry favor; to toady; exert oneself for advancement; ingratiate oneself with a superior by flattery | 巴結
pakkaw | north outskirts | 北郊
pakkeghiim | polar bear | 北極熊
pakkegkngf | northern lights; the aurora borealis | 北極光
pakkeglaang | Arctic people | 北極人
pakkek | North Pole; arctic | 北極
pakkek-chvy | Polaris; the North Star | 北極星
pakkhag | to shell; to shuck | 剝殼
pakkheq | guests from the north | 北客
pakkhuy | strip; flay | 剝開; 拆開
pakkhw | northern district | 北區
pakkiarm | northern District Prosecutor | 北檢
pakkngf | to strip | 剝光
pakkoafnthoaan | a Taiwaneseorthern wind instruments group that influenced Taiwan in a big wave | 北管團
pakkoarlo | a meaze | 八卦路; 迷陣
pakkoarn | northern wind instruments; northern style orchestration | 北管; 北管曲
pakkoax | the Eight Diagrams in Chinese mythology | 八卦
pakkoef | northern squash | 北瓜
pakkud | to remove bones | 剝骨
pakkviagie | mandarine | 北京語
pakkviaoe | mandarine | 北京話
paklai | inside the belly; entrails; viscera; the interior; abdomen; used in many figurative senses (as for everything on the inside of one; in the esophagus region; guts; entrails) | 腹內; 內臟
paklaixbøkøf | lack of knowledge | 腹內無膏
paklengciao | lark | 百靈鳥
pakløh | to come off; to peel off | 剝落
pakmngg | NorthGate | 北門
pakmoh | the peritoneum | 腹膜
pakpag`leq | peal all off, tear off | 綁綁咧
pakpee | a plucked string instrument with a fretted fingerboard | 北琶; 北管用琵琶
pakpeeng | northward | 北邊
pakperng | turn the stomach; upset stomach; feel like vomiting | 嘔吐; 反胃
pakphee | peel | 剝皮
pakphoee | skin; to rind; pare; flay; peel off the skin | 剝皮
pakphøee | to peel off the skin; flay | 剝皮
pakpo | northern area; northern regions | 北部
pakpvy | northern Side | 北邊
paksiab | fleece employees, empty and uncomfortable stomach, poor and wretched | 剝涉; 剝削
paksiaq | squeeze; exploit; fleece; cut down (wages); exploit (people); squeeze money out of a person | 剝削
paksiax | have diarrhoea, have dysentery | 腹瀉
paksiong | proceed northward; go north | 北上
paksit | to erode; o corrode; to wear away | 剝蝕
paksix | the northern region; on the north | 北方
paksvaf | take off the clothes; peel off one's garments; to strip and plunder of garments | 剝衫; 脫衣服
paktao | the Big Dipper (constellation) | 北斗
paktao-chvy | the Big Dipper; the Plough | 北斗星
paktek | the wild tribes of the north | 北狄
pakthaau | the North | 北頭; 北方
pakthee | north embankment | 北堤
paktiau | peeled off | 剝掉
paktngg | inside the belly; entrails; viscera; disposition of the heart (good-hearted or bad-hearted) | 腹腸; 度量
pakto | the range; a breadth; a margin | 幅度
paktoat kongkoaan | deprive of civil rights | 剝奪公權
paktoat | to deprive of; deprive or strip one of (rights; property) divest | 剝奪
paktofbea | lower abdomen | 腹肚尾
paktofboea | lower abdomen | 腹肚尾
paktofiaw | hungry | 腹肚枵
paktofkuy | stomach | 腹肚胿
paktoflai | in the stomach | 腹肚內
paktoflai`loq | in the stomach | 腹肚內囉
paktofphoee | belly | 腹肚皮
paktofpvy | soft part of the side below the ribs | 腹肚邊
paktoftea | in the stomach | 腹肚底
paktofthafng'ar | stomach | 腹肚桶仔
paktoftharng | stomach | 腹肚桶
paktofthviax | stomachache | 腹肚疼
paktor iaw | empty stomach; hungry; get hungry | 肚子餓
paktor khuikhoaq | be large-minded; be generous; be magnanimous | 有度量
paktor leksuun | the abdomen flabby and flapped | 肚子皺紋
paktor pehchiaq-pehchiaq | feel unpleasant in the stomach | 肚子悶澀; 反胃
paktor thviax | belly ache; stomach pain; colic | 肚子痛
paktor tioxng | abdominal swelling | 肚子脹大
paktor tuhtuq | lie heavy on one's stomach; feel heavy in the stomach | 肚子脹脹的
paktor tviuotviux | belly overloaded or swollen; bloated (intestinal gas) | 肚子脹脹的
paktor tviux | feel heavy in the stomach | 肚子脹氣
paktor | belly; abdomen; inside; inner | 腹肚; 肚子
paktor-tharng | big belly | 腹肚桶; 大肚皮
paktor-tngg | intestines, bowels | 腹肚腸; 腸子
paktor-toax | belly band, girdle | 腹肚大; 腰帶
paktor-zuie | ascitic fluid | 腹斗水; 腹水
paktøexphøee | heavy tax | 剝地皮; 惡官; 課重
pakzaai | umbilical | 腹臍
pakzao | take off and carry it away | 剝走; 拆走
pakzuun | stripping ship | 剝船
palafng | horse mackerel | 巴郎
palasofng | parathion (insecticide) | 巴拉松
palea | ballet | 芭蕾
palea-buo | the ballet; ballet dancing | 芭蕾舞
palea-bwluo | ballerina | 芭蕾舞女
palea-mngg | folding door | 芭蕾門; 雙扇門
palee | Paris | 芭蕾
palefbuo | ballet | 芭蕾舞
paloong | amberfish, blue mackerel scad | 琥珀; 銅鏡鰺
palorng | scad, amberfish, big eyed scad, goggle eyes | 琥珀; 紅帶鰺
paluie-buo | ballet | 芭蕾舞
palwn | whole | 囫圇
palwn-thwn | bolt one's' food, swallow without chewing | 巴囫圇; 急吃(不加咀嚼)
pan konghoea'ar | play house; playing at house keeping | 辦公夥仔; 辦家家酒
pan kørkae | to make a confession | 辦告解
pan | a section or lobe of a fruit like an orange; pomelo or lime; handle; take care | 瓣; 辦; 辨
pan'ar | jar, pitcher, vase | 瓶仔; 瓶子; 罐仔
pan'gii | cheap; conveniency; advantageous, fitting, inexpensive, low priced | 便宜
pan'ie | bench, trestle | 板椅
pan'oaan | class member | 班員
pan'oar | to pull closer | 拉近
pan'ofng | Siberian flycatcher | 捕蠅器; 西伯利亞灰斑鶲
pan'un | to carry, transport, move | 搬動; 搬運
pan'un-huix | freight, transportation charge, moving charge | 搬運費
pan'un-kanglaang | porter, docker | 搬運工人
pan-bøexkaux | unable to accomplish or manage; impossible to accomplish or manage | 辦無到
pan-bøexkhix | too much for anyone to handle | 辦無了
pan-bøexlaai | too difficult for me (you; him) to handle; beyond one's ability | 辦無來
pan-bøexliao | too much for one to finish or accomplish | 辦無完
pan-bøexoaan | too much for one to finish (of work) | 辦無完
pan-bøexseeng | unable to be accomplished | 辦無成
pan-bøextit | cannot be managed (too complicated) | 辦未得; 處理無了
pan-chiørbin | pretending to be smiling | 扮笑面; 賠笑臉
pan-konghøea | [[paxnkonghøefar]]; play house (children) | 辦公夥; 扮公伙; 家家酒
pan-konghøea'ar | play | 辦公夥仔; 辦家家酒
panbea | zebra; pinto | 斑馬
panbea-svoax | pedestrian crosswalk | 斑馬線
panbefsvoax | pedestrian crossing (marked with stripes); zebra stripe crossing | 斑馬線
panbunciao | Chinesemunia | 斑紋鳥; 斑文鳥
panbuun loxnghuo | wield an axe before Lo Pan; the God of carpenters ─ be conceited; show off one's talent or skill before an expert | 班門弄斧
panbuun | stripes; striped | 斑紋
panbuun-loxnghuo | to show off in front of experts | 班門弄斧
panchiaf | run; trip (of bus; train) | 班車
panchiuo | wrench | 扳手
panciaux | to proclaim an emperor's edict; imperial proclamation; edict published by ruler; emperor; king; publish an imperial decree | 頒詔
panciorng | give a prize or a reward; distribute | 頒獎
pancirn | type of carbuncle | 斑疹; 瘢疹
pancirn-sionghaan | typhus | 斑疹傷寒
pang | oysters; mussels; club; stick; truncheon; bat; to hit with a club; bat; good; strong; wonderful | 蚌; 棒
pang'aflai | of the same clan members (relatives) | 房仔內; 同宗族人
pang'afpiaq | wooden partition | 板仔壁
pang'afterng | wood top | 枋仔頂
pang'afzhux | wooden house | 枋仔厝
pang'afzuun | Fangzi Boat | 枋仔船
pang'ar | blocks engraved for printing | 板仔; 枋仔; 房子
pang'iofng | helper, assistant, helpmate | 幫傭
pang'og | house; house | 房屋
pang'okkoafn | house tax | 房屋捐 (稅)
pang'oksoex | house tax | 房屋捐; (稅)
pangbaang | aid; help; assist; help; assistance; to help or assist | 幫忙
pangboo | shuttering; formwork (building); pattern plate (machine) | 模板
pangchi | housing market | 房市
pangchiuo | helping hand; assistant; helper | 幫手
pangchyn | agnates; primary division of a family or clan | 房親
pangham | to fall in; to cave in; to collapse | 崩陷
panghiofng | accomplice in a crime or a condemnable act | 幫兇; 幫凶
panghoai | to collapse | 崩壞; 崩垮
panghoe | a secret society; an underworld gang | 幫會
panghø | room number | 房號
pangii | cheap; conveniency; advantageous; fitting; cheap; inexpensive; low priced | 便宜
pangkae | disintegrate | 崩解
pangkag | corner of a room | 房角
pangkaw | diplomatic recognition; exchange of diplomatic representatives; friendly intercourse between nations; international relations; diplomatic ties | 邦交
pangkefng | bedroom | 臥房; 房間
pangkeng'aflai | in the bedroom | 房間仔內
pangkeng'ar | bedroom | 房間仔
pangkenggoa | outside of bedroom | 房間外
pangkengkhao | in front of bedroom | 房間口
pangkenglai | in the bedroom | 房間內
pangkengmngg | bedroom door | 房間門
pangkhaq | room key | 房卡
pangkhaxm | steep cliff; overhanging cliff; precipice | 山崖; 斷崖
pangkheq | a tenant; a lodger; tenant (of a house); guest (at a hotel) | 房客
pangkhex | house ownership certificate; title deeds for a house | 房契
pangkhix | be crumbled; be chipped; (part of the embankment) has washed away | 崩了
pangkhøex | title deed for a house | 房契
pangkiuu tui | a baseball team | 棒球隊
pangkiuu | baseball | 棒球
pangkoafn | house tax | 房捐
pangkoafn-soex | property tax | 房捐稅
pangkoansoex | house tax | 房捐稅
pangkoansøex | house tax | 房捐稅
pangkog | countries that have formal relationships | 邦國
pangkuy | gang regulations | 幫規
panglai | in the bedroom | 房內
panglie | help | 幫理
panglih | split open and slide | 崩裂
pangløqlaai | crashing | 崩落來
pangmngg | door of a room | 房門
pangmngkhao | bedroom door | 房門口
pangpai | be defeated; decay; collapse; crumble; fall apart; be ruined | 崩敗; 家勢衰敗; 敗事有餘
pangpan | helper; assist in managing; assistant manager | 幫辦; 助手
pangpangkhix | crashed | 崩崩去
pangphaix | gang; faction | 幫派
pangpiaq | wooden wall; valley; dale; ravine; gorge; glen | 山谷; 木板壁
pangpoo | hem a piece of cloth | 縫布; 縫邊
pangpvii | wooden flour | 板平; 木檯子
pangpvoaa | crashed | 崩盤
pangsarn | real estate | 房產
pangsef | zala; borax | 硼砂
pangseq | snow slide; avalanche of snow | 雪崩
pangsngf | boric acid | 硼酸
pangsoex | rent | 房租; 房稅
pangsu | sexual activity; lovemaking; sexual act; love making | 房事
pangsvaf | sew clothes | 縫衫
pangsvoaf | a landslide; a landslip; landslip; landslide | 崩山; 山崩
pangsøeq | an avalanche (of snow); a snowslide | 崩雪
pangtexsarn | real estate | 房地產
pangthaau | sect; household; clan; family tribe or clan | 房頭; 黃錫鯛; 家族; 家脈; 戶
pangthauar | same clan (family) | 房頭仔; 同一家族的人
pangthiab | to give financial assistance to | 資助; 津貼; 幫貼
pangthvi | sewing | 縫綴
pangtiofng | inside the room | 房中
pangtiongsut | art of love making | 房中術
pangtoexsarn | real estate | 房地產
pangtofng | landlord | 房東
pangtor | Santalum album; wooden partition; stop up; wooden partition; wooden panel | 板堵; 板格
pangtviuo | head of a barracks or dormitory | 房長; 室長
pangtøexsarn | real estate | 房地產
pangzan | aid; help; assist; assistance; help; to assist; to aid | 幫贊; 幫助
pangzhux | wooden house | 板厝
pangzo | aid; help; help; to assist; to aid; lend a hand | 幫助
pangzof | rent; house rent | 房租
pangzuo | gang master | 幫主
pangzøex | make by sewing | 斑做; 縫做; 縫製
panheeng | to issue for enforcement | 頒行
panhoad | to award; to confer; to issue; make known to subordinates; issue orders; award or distribute (prizes) | 頒發
panhoe | class meeting (at school) | 級會; 班會
panhuun | stripes; streaky marks; marks left by beating; scar | 斑痕; 瘢痕
pankaq | turtledove; culver; wild pigeon; ringdove; wood pigeon | 斑鳩; 斑鴿
pankefng | to shoot | 拉弓
pankeng-khiw | Formosan spotted-neck dove | 斑頸鳩; 斑鴿
pankex | with resolute persistence in price | 舉價; 固執於價格
pankhao | mouth of a jar, pitcher or vase | 斑口; 瓶口
pankhiw | turtledove, wood pigeon, cushat | 斑鴿; 班鳩
pankhuy | to pull open | 扳開; 搬開
pankib | class in school; grade; class | 班級
pankw | Chinese land-tortoise | 斑龜
panky | a flight; airliner on scheduled flight | 班機; 扳機
panliet | order, rank | 班列; 行列
panliuu | to detain | 攀留
panlong | to show off, to display, to move about, to fiddle with | 班弄; 扳弄
panmafsvoax | pedestrian crossing (marked with stripes); zebra stripe crossing | 斑馬線
panmar | zebra | 斑馬
panpafn | full of stains or spots, spotted, mottled | 斑斑
panpefng | to return in triumph | 班兵; 凱旋
panpeh | gray | 斑白
panpox | decree; enact; proclaim; promulgate; to issue; bestow; distribute; publish by imperial decree; proclaim or promulgate (laws or regulations; orders) | 頒佈
pansiong | in the class | 班上
pansox | number of classes | 班數; 斑數
pansux | confer upon (by authority) | 頒賜
pansviuo | give rewards; bounties | 頒賞
pansvoax | a kind of carp | 斑腺; 斑線; [*]
pansw | to withdraw the troops after a victorious campaign | 班師
pantai | class representative | 班代
pantea | bit players (in operatic companies); (in politics) loyal supporters; hardcore followers | 班底
panteg | mottled bamboo | 斑竹
panteng hiernhoad | promulgate the constitution | 頒定憲法
panthaau | head; chief; boss | 班頭
pantiarm | fleck; mottle; spot; pock-mark; spotted; slightly pockmarked; specks; mottles | 斑點
pantong | to move | 搬動
pantviuo | class leader; monitor | 級長; 班長
pantvoa | idle; remiss; slack; laziness | 怠惰
pantvoaar | lazy | 貧惰
pantvoaxkud | lazy bone | 貧惰骨
pantvoaxkuie | lazy ghost | 貧惰鬼
pantøea | the key cadre members an organization can depend on | 班底
panzat'hee | monodonshrimp | 斑節蝦
panzhuix-aq | eastern spot-billed duck | 斑喙鴨
panzhux | the number of runs of scheduled buses; trains; flights; flight number of an airliner; designated number of a scheduled train | 班次
panzoarn | (idiomatic) to turn around (an undesirable situation); to turn around; to turn the side; to tip the scale | 篷轉; 扳轉
panzuo | manager of a band of actors | 班主
pao | full of food; satiated; satisfied; gratified; eat enough | 飽
paohaw | to bawl, roar, growl, rage, a roar, a growl | 咆哮
papaf | daddy; papa; dad | 爸爸
papazeq | father's day | 爸爸節
paporsatzok | | 巴布薩族
paq | hundred; many; numerous; all; every | 百
par kab zuix | having drunk and eaten to one's heart's content | 酒醉飯飽
par | full of food; satiated; satisfied; gratified; eat enough | 飽
parbuun | leopard crest | 豹紋
parciaxm thofte | infringe on territory; occupy territory; encroach | 霸佔土地
parciaxm | take possession by force; to seize; to forcibly occupy; usurp by force; intrude; infringe on; occupy or take by violence | 霸佔; 霸占
pargiap | imperialism; achievement; career of a powerful head of feudal lords | 霸業
parkaw | tier-shark | 虎鯊; 豹鮫
parkhix | to dominate; to lord over; audacity; fearless disregard of right; aggressiveness | 霸氣
parkhoaan | hegemony | 霸權
parkoaan | hegemony; tyranny; authority of a powerful feudal prince; hegemony | 霸權; 篡奪別人的職權
parkog | the domination of one nation over its allies | 霸國
parky | target plane, drone | 霸機; 靶機
parn | to turn over; a hillside; a board; an edition; the boss; board; plank; plate (of tin; aluminum); slab; printing blocks; rigid; stiff; immovable; coffin | 反; 阪; 板; 版; 闆
parng | to tie | 綁
parng'ienhea | firework | 放煙火
parng'ienhoea | to set firework; set off fireworks | 放煙火
parng'viuu | let the sheep go to pasture; to pasture goats and sheep | 放羊; 放洋
parng'øh | to come home from school; after school; after school hours; terminate class; release from school; return home from school at the end of the day's classes | 放學
parng`aang | bloody dysentery | 赤痢
parngbak | close one's eyes to; feign stupidity or ignorance; pretend didn't see someone doing something wrong | 無看; 放目; 裝傻; 睜一隻眼閉一隻眼
parngbit | extract honey; make or store honey (as the bee does) | 放蜜
parngboexkieeq | forget; let go | 放袂記得
parngbok | grazing | 放牧
parngchi | to put (fish etc.) in a suitable place to breed | 放飼; 放養
parngchiuo | relinquish; loosen the grasp or hold; let go; let go from one's hand; relinquish | 放手; 放棄
parngchiuo`aq | let go | 放手啦
parngcixnpong | do it all the way; use all the force | 放盡磅
parngcvix | to shoot an arrow | 放箭
parnggiøxkhorar | diaper pants | 放尿褲仔
parnggoaxgoa | brush-off; never be concerned about | 放外外; 無理不管; 毫不關心
parnggupafn | class with students that don't plan to attend middle high school | 放牛班
parngguu | graze cattle | 放牛
parngguu-ciaqzaho | dismissed a class; a term that was used to those students that do not plan for further education | 放牛吃草
parnghe | lay down; put down; let go; release | 放下
parnghea | arson | 放火
parnghied | to discard | 丟掉
parnghiettiau | let go one's hold; desert (somebody) | 放丟掉; 丟棄
parnghii | let fish lose in a pond or river; stock a river or pond; fish breeding; pisciculture | 放魚
parnghiw | to give up; stop; discontinue | 放休; 中途看破
parnghoea siøf | burn it | 放火燒; 縱火
parnghoea | set fire; inflame; commit arson | 放火
parnghoeq | to let blood; blood letting | 放血; 拉血糞 (尿)
parnghofng | to release gas | 放氣
parnghongsviaf | spread the news | 放風聲
parnghongzhoef | fly a kite | 放風箏
parnghoxpeh | raining with signs of typhoon | 放雨白
parnghuar | a superstitious behavior to purse something | 使咒符; 放符
parnghuiq | having blood in one's stool | 放血; 便血
parnghuu | make charm (magic incantations) | 放符
parnghviesag | get rid of; throw away | 放擲棄
parnghwnciao | set a pigeon free to fly with whistle attached; send off carrier pigeons; break appointment | 放鴿子
parnghøea | to set fire | 放火
parnghøeflong | to set fire work | 放煙火
parngjiet | radiate heat, give off heat | 放熱; 散熱
parngjiø | urine; take a piss; urinate; pass water; to piss | 小便; 放尿; 撒尿
parngjoah | summer break | 放熱; 暑假
parngkafjit | holiday | 放假日
parngkafng | to come or go off work | 下工; 放工
parngkar | to be on holiday; have day off; have or be on holiday (vacation) | 放假
parngkarng | pilot (harbor) | 放港; 領港
parngke | low key | 放低
parngkex | price reduction | 放價; 降價
parngkhafng | to create a hole | 放空; 弄一個洞; 沒人看管; 放孔
parngkhang'viaa | no one takes care of home | 放空營; 無人顧家
parngkhangsviaa | empty city | 放空城
parngkhehkheq | closed eyes? | 放瞌瞌
parngkhoafn | to make wider | 放寬
parngkhoarn | to loan money; to make loans | 放款
parngkhuilaq | let go | 放開啦
parngkhuy | relax; loosen (a grasp) | 放開
parngkhvoax | relax (regulation, discipline) | 放看; 放寬
parngkhøeq | close eyes | 閉眼; 放瞌; 闔眼
parngkhøx | after class | 放課
parngkoaan | decentralization | 放權
parngkof | scatter caltrops; thistle on the road or field so that thieves will injure their bare feet | 佈鐵蒺藜
parngkurn | fishing line with many fish hooks attached | 放蚓; 一條長繩綁許多魚鉤而放入水中來捉魚
parngkviar | abandon (forsake) one's children (Lit. hen won't care for chicks anymore) | 打囝; 父母親無要孩子; 母雞不再帶小雞 (因為小雞長大了)
parngkøex | to let off; to let slip; to let go | 放過
parnglaang | release a person; set free | 放人
parnglaau | release | 放流
parnglai | lend money in order to earn interest | 放利
parngleeng jibhae | release a dragon into the sea ─ give a man an opportunity to show what he can do | 放龍入海
parngleng | to make loose; loosen; slacken | 放寬; 放冗; 放鬆
parngleng'ar | use one kind of long net to surrounding fish | 放鈴仔; 用一種長網圍魚仔
parngli | give up; quit; abandon; forsake (wife; child) | 遣離; 放棄; 離棄
parnglixseg | lend money for interest | 放利息
parngnng | to lay egg; lay great quantities of eggs at one time (butterflies; fish) | 下蛋; 放卵; 生蛋; 產卵
parngnngr | to make softer; relax (muscles); let go limp | 放軟
parngparngtiau | released | 放放掉
parngpeh | be frank; straightforward | 放白; 講白話
parngphao'ar | blaster | 放炮仔
parngphaux | to start fire work; set off firecrackers | 放炮; 放鞭炮
parngphuietau | bean caused fart | 放屁豆
parngphuix afn kawsym | make empty promises; offer empty consolation | 說假話以安撫之; 空虛的許諾
parngphuix | break wind; fart; break wind; pass gas; to boast; to brag; talk big; Stuff and nonsense! What rot! | 放屁
parngphvoa | by turn; alternately; in turn | 輪流
parngpoo | loose the thread of the border of a dress | 放裒
parngpøef | let go (fly away) | 放飛
parngsad | give up; quit; abandon; forsake (wife; child) | 拋棄
parngsae | excrement; shit; stool; defecate; evacuate the bowels; have a bowel movement; go to the toilet | 大便; 放屎
parngsafng | relax one's attention; to ease; loosen | 放鬆
parngsag | give up; quit; abandon; forsake (wife; child); cast away; throw away; forsake; give up; to abandon | 放棄; 放捒
parngsaux | to keep guard; to set up patrols | 放哨
parngsayjiø | poop | 放屎尿
parngsefng | free living creatures | 放生
parngsiaux | give credit; sell on credit | 放數; 貸款
parngsoaq | no-fault; make an end of a matter | 罷休; 放著算了; 放過; 無追究
parngsoee | let hand down | 放垂
parngsuii | let hand down | 放垂; 放下
parngsvef | free living creatures (as a means of gaining merit) | 放生
parngsviaf | send word or warn through a third person | 放聲; 放言
parngsvoax | to take out stitches; remove sutures; take out the stitches | 拆線; (開刀後)
parngsvy | to free or release a captured animal (out of pity) | 放生
parngsym | to take it easy | 放心
parngsytuaflaau | dump dead pigs to the river | 放死豬仔流
parngtaxnglai | lend money at high interest; practice usury | 放重利
parngthaothaux | let it go | 放透透
parngthiab | to send an invitation card | 放帖; 發帖子
parngthiap'ar | sent invitation | 放帖仔
parngthientefng | put sky lanterns | 放天燈
parngtiau | to threat; throw away; give up; to abandon | 放刁; 放棄
parngtiaw | threaten; intimidate; threaten; intimidate | 放刁; 威脅; 恐嚇; 放言威脅
parngtien | to discharge electricity | 放電
parngtiok | to send into exile | 放逐
parngtit | to unbend | 放直
parngtiøx | fishing with hook and line | 放釣; 放線
parngtngg | lengthen | 放長
parngtngtngg | lengthen | 放長長
parngtoa | enlarge, set free to become large | 放大
parngtok | to poison; put poison in food or drink; to poison; infect with poison; to taint | 放毒
parngtvar | boldly and confidently | 放膽
parngtøx | down | 放倒
parngzao | release; set free; let go | 放走
parngzerng | stock for breeding, bleed indiscriminately | 放種
parngzex | write it off | 放債; 放置債務
parngzhaophuix | boast; brag; talk big | 放臭屁; 吹牛
parngzhexng | fire a gun; release a tile that enables any one of the other three players to complete his winning pattern (in mahjong game) | 放銃; 開槍
parngzhud | let out; emission; throw off | 放出
parngzoafhor | black letters or use slanderous flyers | 放紙虎
parngzuie | to let water out; to discharge water; let water out; let the other side win (a game; contest) purposely; sell a match or game; take a dive (boxing) | 放水
parngzuun | launch a boat or ship, set sail | 放船; 下水
parngzuylaau | water flow | 放水流
parngzuytefng | light and release floating lanterns | 放水燈
paronghix | watching a show without paying | 霸王戲
paroong | an overlord; .the supreme chief or leader; one who rules by force; the chief among several princes; despotic ruler; autocrat; usurper | 霸王; 暴君
parpax | rude and unreasonable; arbitrary; peremptory; outrageous | 霸霸; 蠻橫
parphøee | leopard fur | 豹皮
parsexng | bad-tempered, violent | 霸性; 性情殘暴
partea | rude temperament personality | 壩底
partviuu | shooting range; firing range | 靶場
partø | arbitrariness; violent; oppression; act unreasonably or violently; intimidate; the way of might (as contrasted with the way of right); fierce; strong or heavy dosage; violent and oppressive | 霸道
parzuo | dictator | 霸主
pasafm | a ginseng | 巴參; 白色人參
pasethihchiu | Brazil iron tree | 巴西鐵樹
pasofm | ginseng | 巴參; 人參
pat | other; another | 別
pat'hex | knowledge of merchandise | 捌貨
pat'hoad | eight basic rules for writing Chinese | 八法
pat'hoex | knowledge of merchandise | 捌貨
pat'hofng | in all directions; on all sides; all around | 八方
pat'hog | the Beatitudes | 八福
pat'imkhiim | octaorgan | 八音琴
pat'sviu | had thought about .. | 捌想
pat'ym | Chinese musical sounds from eight materials | 八音
pataai | bar counter | 吧台
patau | an old world tropical evergreen shrub; croton-oil bean | 巴豆
patauxiuu | croton oil | 巴豆油
patbien uihofng | awe inspiring reputation extending in every direction; influential in every quarter | 八面威風
patciafngkhef | Bazhang River which is in Taiwan | 八掌溪
patcied | eight solar terms of the lunar calendar: beginning spring; spring equinox; beginning summer; summer solstice; beginning autumn; autumn equinox; beginning winter; and winter solstice | 八節
patgvofcied | fifteen percent discount | 八五折
pathionglui | reptiles; Reptilian | 爬蟲類
pathiongluixhak | Herpetology | 爬蟲類學
pathioong | reptile | 爬蟲
patji | able to read | 捌字
patji-heeng | figure eight | 八字形
patji-khaf | a splayfoot | 八字腳; 八字跤
patjixbaai | sloping eyebrows | 八字眉
patjixkhaf | walk inside or outside horoscopes | 八字跤
patjixsafm | Aug. 23, 1966 | 八二三
patkacioxng | Taiwanese religion with 8 generals in the front of parade | 八家將
patkaix | first eight of the Ten commandment (Buddhism) | 八戒
patkoarsvoakhaf | bottom of Bagua Mountain in Taiwan | 八卦山跤
patkoarsvoameh | Bagua Mountain in Taiwan | 八卦山脈
patkoarsvoaterng | top of Bagua Mountain in Taiwan | 八卦山頂
patkoax | the eight diagrams in Chinese mythology; Ba-kua; the EIGHT DIAGRAMS; consisting of an arrangement of single and divided lines in eight groups of three lines; used as an amulet | 八卦; 椰子蟹
patkor | old fashioned, corny, trite | 八哥; 八古; 八股
patkøf | Formosan crested myna, Acridotheres cristatellus formosanus | 八哥
patlaang | know someone | 捌人
patli | able to read | 捌字
patlixkhaf | splayed feet | 八字跤
patpøfpng | rice cooked with eight ingredients | 八寶飯
patpør | eight treasures (choice ingredients of certain special dishes); the Eight Treasures (carried in the hands of the Eight Immortals) | 八寶
patsiefn | the Eight Immortals; the eight Taoist immortals; the eight genii or fairies | 八仙
patsientøq | table for eight persons; square dining table for eight | 八仙桌
patsienzhae | red curtain | 八仙綵
patsviu | had thought about . | 捌想
pattor | stomach | 腹肚
pattyn | not a decent woman (un-regular channels) | 八津
pau | sudden and violent; an abalone | 暴; 鮑
pau'ar | Chinese hamburger; meat patty or dumpling; steamed pie | 包仔; 小包
pau'ar-øee | booties, shows with soft soles | 包仔鞋
pau'eng | guarantee for use | 包用
pau'iong | guaranteed suitable; guarantee serviceability (of an article) | 包用
pau'ioong | be patient; to bear patiently | 包容; 寬容
pau'uii | surround; envelop; besiege; envelopment | 包圍
pau'urn | assure; guarantee; assuredly; it is certain; surely; certainly; be bound to; to insure | 包穩; 保證; 准保; 管保
pau'y | placenta; guarantee a cure: people often hire a physician for so much; and he guarantees a complete cure for the fixed fee | 胞衣; 包醫; 胎盤; 胎座
pauafee | soft cloth shoes | 包鞋, 軟布鞋
pauafkoea | bun kuih | 包仔粿
pauaføee | soft cloth shoes | 軟布鞋; 包鞋
pauar | meat patty or dumpling, steamed pie | 包仔
paubat | wrap up well, wrap up completely | 包密; 包緊
paubøe | sell in full | 包賣
paubøea | buy in full | 包買
pauchi | keep a mistress; concubine | 包市; 養情婦
pauchi`ee | mistress | 包飼的
pauchiaf | a chartered coach; car engaged for one's own use; chartered bus | 包車
paucie | sister | 胞姊
pauciofngtee | half fermented tea | 包種茶
pauciorng-tee | a kind of tea | 包種茶
paucvii | tipping; give money as a gift | 包錢; 包紅包
pauh'vie | budding; to bud | 發芽
pauhaam baxn'iuo | embracing all things | 包含萬有
pauhaam zaixlai | be included in | 包含在內
pauhaam | inclusion; including; containment; contain; comprise; include; contain | 包含
pauhaw | to bawl | 咆哮
pauhefng | elder brother by same father | 胞兄
pauhengte | brothers by the same parents | 胞兄弟
pauhgee | germination; sprouting; budding; germinate; to sprout; to bud | 發芽
pauhii | abalone; sea-ear; abalone | 鮑魚
pauhkhie | buck teeth | 凸牙; 暴牙
pauhofng | packing; casing; close; paste or seal up carefully (a parcel; letter) | 包封; 包裝
pauhog'ar | cloth wrapper; package wrapped in cloth | 包袱仔
pauhogkin'ar | furoshiki | 包袱巾仔
pauhogkwn | wrap | 包袱巾
pauhogkyn | a cloth wrapper; cloth wrapper; wrapping cloth | 包袱巾; 包巾
pauhok | baggage; bundle of clothes; burden; encumbrance | 包袱
pauhut | contain a seed, contain meat (of nut, etc) | 包核; 帶核
pauhuu | abalone | 鮑魚
pauhviaf | brother | 胞兄
pauioong | be patient, to bear patiently | 包容
paukafng | contract work; job work; job or project awarded a contractor; job for which payment is calculated on the amount of work done (instead of on hourly or daily basis) | 包工
paukangzex | piece work system | 包工制
paukhoad | include, cover | 包缺; 包括
paukhofng | to sell short (cf [[khangthaau]]); to shell short | 包空; 拋空
paukhurn | to wrap and bundle up | 包綑
paukhylaai | wrap | 包起來
paukoad zaixlai | include in it | 包括在內
paukoad | include; cover; embody; add in; contain; include; comprise; contain; to cover; to embrace; take in; be covered; stipulated or contained in a contract or agreement | 包括
paukoarn | take care; manage | 包管
paukog | corn | 包穀
paukwn boafn'ix | let everyone satisfied (pleased) | 包君滿意
paukwn | to assure you | 包君; 包巾; 包您
pauky | a chartered flight; chartered airplane | 包機
paukym | to plate with gold; cover or plate with gold; gild with gold | 包金; 鍍金
paukyn | a scarf | 包巾
paukør | to wrap up; to bind up; a parcel; a package; parcel; package | 包裹
paulam | contract | 包攬
paularm itzhex | make an entire monopoly of | 包攬一切
paularm | to take everything into one's hands | 包攬; 包攬,總攬
paulea | gifts | 包禮
pauløo baxnsiong | all embracing; inclusive of everything | 包羅萬象
paumoe | sister | 胞妹
paumoh | encapsulated aberdeen | 包膜
paumoqar | encapsulated aberdeen | 包膜仔
pauniar | guarantee; stand security for | 保證; 包領
paupak | business undertaking; long term business renting | 包贌
paupan ciwsek | contract for feasts | 包辦酒席
paupan | be the whole show; manage by contract; undertake; to guarantee; assume full responsibility for | 包辦
paupauthngg | wrap with sugar | 包包糖
paupaw | wrap | 包包
paupex | in faults | 包弊; 內含弊端
pauphee | foreskin | 包皮
pauphoee | covering; the wrapping; prepuce | 包皮
pauphøee | a wrapper; a covering; the foreskin | 包皮
paupix | shield; harbor; cover up; screen; to harbor; to shelter; to countenance; defend someone who does not deserve defense | 包庇
paupng | to receive or provide meals (for a period of time) at a fixed price; to board; to provide; contract to supply food at a fixed price; supply board | 包飯; 負責伙食
paupør | to discipline; to teach | 包保; 保證; 准保; 管教
pauq | to send out; shoot up; to rise; to issue | 發; 暴出
pausiaux | loan | 包數
pausiaw | monopoly of sales; assume the responsibility for the sale (of a certain commodity) | 包銷
pausid | bid a contract | 包事; 包工
pausie | certain to die | 包死
pausimpeh | white inside | 包心白
pausimpeqzhaix | Chinese cabbage | 包心白菜
pausimzhaix | cabbage | 包心菜
pausiofng | contractor | 包商
pausiofng-pox | bandage | 包傷布; 繃帶
pausitthaau | bidding a task or contract | 包事頭
pausuy | prepuce | 包蓑; 包皮過長
pausvef | guaranteed to be able to give birth (said of a woman about to be married) | 包生
pausviw | a box in a theatre; box (in theater) | 包廂
pausw | certain to lose | 定輸; 包輸
pautaang | copper facing; copper plating | 包銅; 鍍銅
paute | younger brother; younger brother by same father and mother | 胞弟
pauthaau | contractor (for work) | 包頭; 包裹; 包商
pauthaupeh | wear a white cloth on the head (in deepest mourning for parents or superior) | 包頭白; 喪事
pauthaxm | a contracted detective | 包探
pauthay | embryo in the womb; womb; caul of the womb | 胞胎
pauthef | embryo in the womb | 胞胎
pautiaau | wrap tight | 包牢
pautiautiaau | wrap tightly | 包牢牢
pautiøh | wrap | 包著
pautor | gambling | 包賭
pauuii | surround, envelop, besiege, envelopment | 包圍
pauva | a barn contains some special ingredients; enclose minced stuffing | 包餡
pauviaa | guarantee to win; certain to win | 包贏
pauvoa | guarantee for exchange; guarantee to change (unsuitable goods); to guarantee replacement (of unsatisfactory goods) | 包換
paux | to shave; a bud | 刨; 苞
pauzad | to wrap; to pack up; wrap; to bandage; to pack | 包紮
pauzaixlai | included | 包在內
pauzhafm | wrap up together | 包參; 包在一起
pauzhafng | prostitute | 包娼
pauzngf | packing; to pack; package; encase | 包裝
pauzoar | wrapped with paper | 包紙
pauzofng | packing; to pack; package; encase | 包裝
pauzonghuix | handling charge | 包裝費
pauzongzoar | packing (wrapping) paper | 包裝紙
pauzoong | conceal; store up | 包藏
pauzuun | engage a boat for one's own use | 包船
paw lie bøo taixcix | guarantee your immunity; guarantee that there will be no trouble | 保證你沒事
paw | parcel; children of the same parents; a bud; an abalone; parcel; wrapper; bale; wrap up; place in a package; put up; to envelop; include; undertake; to contract; to guarantee | 包; 胞; 苞; 鮑
paw`khylaai | wrap it up | 包起來
pawboarn | replete; satiation | 飽滿
pawhak | well learned, scholarly | 飽和; 飽學
pawhøo | saturation; be saturated | 飽和
pawhøtiarm | point of saturation (chemistry.) | 飽和點
pawloarn sw im'iok | lewd thoughts arise from fullness of food and the comfort of warm clothing; i.e.; from easy living | 飽暖思淫慾
pawloarn | well-fed and well-clad | 飽暖
pawmoar | full, fat | 飽滿
pawsiu | have one's fill of something | 飽受
pax | leopard; panther; type of wild cat | 豹; 霸; 壩; 豹子; 靶
paxbiefnkoaan | right of recalling (incompetent officials) enjoyed by the people specified in the Three principles of the People | 罷免權
paxbiern | to recall; to cancel; to withdraw; to take back; remove from office; recall (officials) | 罷免
paxbiern-koaan | the right of recall | 罷免權
paxchi | shopkeeper's strike; refuse to do business; market strike; boycott by merchants; close shops (in protest) | 罷市
paxchiuo | to give up; stop; discontinue; cease; discontinue an action; to stop; to pause | 罷手
paxcid | fire; lay of; retire from office | 罷職
paxciexn | withdraw soldiers and stop fighting | 罷戰
paxgi | disagree | 罷議
paxgiap | boycott | 罷業
paxhiw | give up; abandon (a goal; etc); let it go; forget it; let matter drop | 罷休
paxiern | boycott (actor; actress) | 罷演
paxkafng | walkout; go on strike (worker); go on strike; stop labor; stage a strike; labor strike | 罷工
paxkhør | walkout an examine | 罷考
paxkhøx | go on strike (student); to boycott classes; student strike | 罷課
paxkoafn | quit | 罷官
paxkvoaf | dismiss from office | 罷官
paxlun | quit arguing | 停論; 罷論
paxn | to deal with; to do or to handle something | 辦
paxn'axn | deal with lawsuits; handle a (legal or business) case | 辦案
paxn'iern | impersonate; playing; represent | 扮演
paxnchiuo | handle | 辦手
paxnchiørbin | make up for the smile | 扮笑面
paxnciwtøq | having a banquet | 辦酒席
paxnciwzhaix | prepare a feast | 辦酒菜
paxng bøe løqchiuo | cannot (or unwilling to) stop doing something | 放無下手
paxng bøe løqsym | cannot stop worrying | 放無下心; 放心不下
paxng bøexli | inseparable (one person with another); unwilling to leave one's wife and children | 放無開
paxng bøiaux-bøkirn | Let it go as if of no importance; give no notice to something; to disregard; treat a matter as of no consequence | 漠無關心
paxng bøo khvoax`kvix | pretend not to see; let it go | 假裝看無見
paxng bøo thviaf`kvix | pretend not to hear | 假裝聽無到
paxng cidpvy | lay aside for the present | 擱在一邊
paxng ho goar | leave (it) to me | 留給我
paxng hoxpeqar | drizzle | 下很細的毛毛雨
paxng kawphuix | Nonsense! Rubbish! Baloney! | 放狗屁
paxng khakyn | cut the tendon of a man's heel | 放腳筋; 斷人腳筋
paxng khangzhexng | fire blanks; fire blank cartridges | 放空鎗
paxng khaq-nngr | relax restrictions; ease; let out (personality or price) | 放軟一點; (個性或價錢)
paxng kuozai y khix | let him alone; let him go his own way | 放任他; 任由他去
paxng taxnglai | lend at usury | 放重利; 高利貸
paxng thiap'ar | distribute invitation cards | 發帖仔
paxng y kanhiw | to give up; bring to an end; not to look for revenge or to get even | 放他干休
paxng y | let the quarrel come to an end; let him (you) go | 放過他; (你)
paxng | let go; to release; to free; liberate; loosen; relax; to put; to place; dissipate; debauch; indulge | 放
paxng-bøexkhuy | inseparable (one person with another); unwilling to leave one's wife and children | 放無開
paxng-cixnpong | use full force | 放盡磅; 到最大力氣; 最大
paxng-goaxgoa | oblivious | 放外外
paxng-hietkak | discard | 丟擲棄
paxng-kawphuix | to fart; Utter rubbish; Talk nonsense | 放狗屁
paxng-khang'viaa | empty house | 放空營
paxng-lixseg | lend money to make high interest | 放利息
paxng-taxnglai | lend money at heavy interest | 放重利; 放高利貸
paxng-zhaophuix | to fart; Utter rubbish; Talk nonsense | 放臭屁
paxng`khuy | let go | 放開
paxngkhag | clam shell | 蚌殼
paxngkiubee | baseball fan | 棒球迷
paxngkiusaix | baseball game | 棒球賽; 棒球比賽
paxngkiutui | baseball team | 棒球隊
paxngkiutviuu | baseball diamond; baseball stadium | 棒球場
paxngkiuu pysaix | baseball game | 棒球賽; 棒球比賽
paxngkiuu soafnchiuo | baseball player | 棒球選手
paxngkiuu | baseball | 野球; 棒球
paxngkiuu-tviuu | baseball field | 棒球場
paxngtvar | hit with a bat | 棒打
paxnhak | run a school | 辦學
paxnhex | handle goods | 辦貨
paxnhoad | plan of management; method; way; means measure; method of transacting business; way to manage; conditions; schemes | 辦法
paxnhoex | buy or import goods; handle the purchase of goods | 辦貨
paxnhysu | host a party on a joyous occasion (especially a wedding); organize a wedding | 辦喜事
paxnhøex | to purchase goods; to handle the purchase of goods; buying spree | 辦貨
paxnhør | run it well | 辦好
paxnkeazngf | dowry | 辦嫁粧
paxnkehoefar | play house; playing at house keeping | 辦家家酒
paxnkoex | done | 辦過
paxnkofng sikafn | office hours | 辦公時間
paxnkofng | work for public office; do business with the public; transact official business; do office work; attend to business | 辦公
paxnkofng-seg | office, department room | 辦公室
paxnkofng-tøq | office desk | 辦公桌
paxnkonghefar | child's play | 扮公伙仔
paxnkonghoefar | child's play | 扮公伙仔
paxnkonghuix | special administration allowances (paid to the head of an office in addition to the regular salary) | 辦公費
paxnkongkehoea | child's play | 扮公家伙
paxnkongkehoefar | child's play | 扮公家伙仔
paxnkongseg | office; office space | 辦公室
paxnkongthviaf | place for transaction of public business | 辦公廳
paxnkongtøhterng | office desk | 辦公桌頂
paxnkongzhux | office | 辦公處
paxnkør | to draft a document | 辦稿; 起草文件
paxnliao | done | 辦了
paxnlie | manage an affair; to conduct; to transact; undertake; do; handle | 辦理
paxnmoh | valve of heart | 瓣膜
paxnphoe | conjecture, calculate beforehand | 辦稿; 推測
paxnphoee | surmise; think; believe; consider erroneously | 以為
paxnpvoaa | preparing wedding materials | 辦盤; 準備婚禮用品
paxnpøx | to run a newspaper, to publish a newspaper | 辦報
paxnsex | condition; situation; case; situation; circumstance; trend of events | 情勢; 情形
paxnsied | setup | 辦設
paxnsiefn | preliminary performance before a play; in honor of the genii | 扮仙; 開場戲
paxnsoaq | done | 辦煞
paxnsu | to manage an affair; to handle business; to work; manage an affair; transact business | 辦事
paxnsu-oaan | office worker, staffer | 辦事員
paxnsuxoaan | staff of a concern; clerk; office clerk | 辦事員
paxnsuxzhux | agency; branch office (of an organization) | 辦事處
paxnthøx | to complete, to finish work | 辦妥
paxntvoa | lazy | 貧惰
paxntvoaxkud | lazy bone | 貧惰骨
paxntøq | to serve with a dinner party; entertain guest at a feast; prepare a feast | 宴請; 辦桌; 辦酒席; 設宴
paxnzhaix | to serve with a dinner party; entertain guest at a feast | 辦菜; 準備宴席
paxnzoe | condemn a crime | 辦罪; 治罪
paxnzøx | pretend to be | 扮做
paxthud | to fire, to reject, to discharge from the office | 罷搓; 罷黜
paxøh | boycott | 罷學; 罷課
paykhaee | lame person, cripple | 跛子
paykhaf | lame; lameness; crippled; walk lamely; deformed foot; leg; walk with a limp | 跛腳; 跛跤
paykhaf`ee | lame person; cripple | 跛腳的
paypeeng | to put down something, to make someone satisfied | 擺平
paypoaq | swing | 擺撥
paypox | to be trapped; to be victimized by a scheme; to fall into a trap | 中計; 擺布
paysied | to furnish and decorate, articles for interior decoration | 擺設
paythoad | to get rid of; to free oneself from; to shake off; get rid of; free oneself from | 擺脫
paytong | to sway; to swing; to oscillate | 擺動
pe | father | 父; 爸
pe'afkviar | father and child | 父仔囝; 爸仔囝; 父子
pe'ar | a rabble; a rake | 耙仔; 耙子
pea | handful; sheaf (of corn); bundle (of vine shoots; twigs); a grasp; to guard; watch over | 把
pea'axn | a case of corruption | 弊案
pea`leq | block or hinder | 攔住
peaaxn | scandal | 弊案
peacix | my (humble) opinion | 陛志; 拙見
peafbuo | parents | 爸仔母
peafkviar | father and kids | 爸仔囝
peaha | Your Majesty; His (Her) Majesty | 陛下
peahai | injurious practices; harm; damage; harmful effect | 弊害
peahau | my (self-depreciatory term); our school | 敝校
peakog | my (self-depreciatory term); our country | 敝國
pear | rake, harrow | 耙仔
peasex | defile, bring disgrace on | 敝小; 沾污
peasia | my (humble) home | 敝舍
peasiax | my house (self-depreciatory term) | 敝舍
peasvix | my (humble) name | 敝姓
peatit | valuta; purchasing power of a currency | 幣值
peatoafn | fault; error; abuses; corrupt practices | 弊端
peazeakiok | early republican government agency in charge of the minting of coins; issuance of banknotes and other related matters | 幣制局
peazex buxntøee | currency question | 幣制問題
peazex kaykeg | currency reform | 幣制改革
peazex | monetary system | 幣制
peazexng | misrule; mal-administration | 幣政
peazhux | my place (self-depreciatory term) my place | 敝處; 寒舍
pecvii | compensation money. | 賠錢
pecviu | to scratch an itchy part; scratch an itchy spot | 抓癢; 爬上; 扒癢
pee | compensate; indemnify; make up for a loss due to one's fault; offer an apology; lose money; crawl; row | 賠; 耙; 扒; 划; 爬
pee-lengzuun | row a dragon boat; used on the 5th of the 5th lunar month for races | 扒龍船; 划龍船
pee-liongzhuun | row a dragon boat; used on the 5th of the 5th lunar month for races | 扒龍船; 划龍船
pee`phoax | scratch to break | 扒破; 抓破
peea'peqpeh | snow white | 白白白
peeng thienha | tranquilize the empire | 平天下
peeng | level; even; equal; equity; equality; peaceful; satisfactory; amity; conquer; quell; calm down; to control; regulate; (prices) go back to normal after sharp rises | 平l 爿
peeng-sirntoo | layman (compared to clergy) | 平信徒; 普通信徒
pef | be fastidious about food; finicky eater; picky eater | 挑食者
pefkoafn | guard a gate in a pass | 把關
pefng | soldier, military man | 兵; 冰
pefngbin | to turn hostile suddenly; turn over; invert; turn down | 翻面; 翻臉; 反面
pefngchiaf | overturn car | 翻車
pefngchiuo | flip hands over | 翻手
pefngchiøx | to lie face up; turn face up | 仰躺; 翻正面睡
pefngkalafnphag | sleep on one's stomach | 反佳懶伏; 伏臥
pefngkawar | to turn a somersault | 翻跟斗
pefngkhab | to turn the face down; invert (a bowl); turn upside down | 反蓋; 翻反面
pefngkhie-pefngtør | shilly-shally; sometime good sometime bad | 出爾反爾; 時好時壞
pefngkhvoax | turn over and look | 反看; 翻看
pefngkhypefngtør | shilly-shally; sometime good sometime bad | 出爾反爾; 時好時壞
pefngkoex | turn upside down | 翻過
pefngkofng zhwlie | act strictly according to official procedures or rules | 秉公處理
pefngkofng | act justly | 秉公; 秉公處理
pefngkøeapeeng | to trun over | 反過爿; 反過來
pefnglaai pefngkhix | say yes and no at different times; saying contradictory things to different men or at different times; now one thing; now another | 翻來翻去
pefnglaai-pefngkhix | to turn over and over; to roll about; to toss from side to side | 翻來翻去
pefnglaipefngkhix | back and forth | 反來反去
pefnglaixlie | to turn inside out | 翻內裡
pefngliao | inverted | 反了
pefnglie | to turn inside out | 翻裡
pefngliernkawar | turn a somersault | 翻輾狗仔
pefnglierntngr | to flip; turn over; subversion; invert; turn upside down; turn over (in bed) | 翻過來; 顛覆; 翻轉
pefnglirntngr | to flip; turn over; subversion | 翻輾轉
pefngpaai | reverse hand | 反牌
pefngpag | turn the stomach; upset stomach; feel like vomiting | 嘔吐; 反胃
pefngpeeng | to flip over; turn inside out; turn upside down | 翻邊; 反爿; 翻面; 翻轉
pefngpefngzhutlaai | inverted | 反反出來
pefngpeh | fish dies (Lit. a fish goes belly up) | 翻肚; 翻白
pefngpengbin | reverse | 反爿面
pefngpeqkvaai | whites of one's eyes showing as from death; in pain or disappointment | 翻白個; 眼珠翻白; 形容沒希望
pefngperng | turning over, seem to turn | 反反
pefngphag | to turn into a prostrate position; upset; to invert with mouth down; to turn on the face or belly | 俯臥; 反覆; 伏臥; 翻反面
pefngpoe | flip a comfort | 翻歪
pefngpvix | vary; alternate; to convert; find some new way of living when the old way fails; do what one can to earn a living | 反變; 張羅; 變換; 變通營生
pefngsexng | natural disposition; natural temperament; inherent disposition | 稟性
pefngsykawafzay | reflexive | 反死狗仔栽
pefngsykawar | reflexive | 反死狗仔
pefngsyn | reflexive | 反身
pefngthafnphag | to upset; invert with mouth down | 翻躺伏; 翻身伏臥
pefngthaothaux | completely opposite | 反透透
pefngtharn-chiøx | to lie face up | 翻躺笑
pefngtharn-khab | to turn into a prostrate position | 翻躺磕; 反過來蓋伏
pefngtharn-phag | to turn into a prostrate position | 俯躺伏
pefngtharn-tør | to turn over from a prostrate position | 俯躺倒; 倒下成橫
pefngtit | act straightforwardly | 俯直; 秉公處理
pefngto | fish dies (Lit. a fish goes belly up) | 翻肚; 翻白
pefngtoxsoaf | abdominal cramps | 反肚痧
pefngtøq | turntable upside down to express one's anger | 翻桌
pefngtør | to subvert; to overthrow; turn upside down | 顛覆; 顛倒; 翻倒
pefngtørtngr | turn upside down or wrong side up; to invert; turn back into original position | 翻過來
pefngzexng | justice; right | 公正; 秉正
pefngzheg | to turn to the side | 側翻
pefngzhud | turn inside out | 翻出; 翻出來
pefngzuun | to turn over a boat; overturn boat | 翻船
pefpak | bind, enslave, bound | 把縛; 捆綁
pefsiuo | stop; to guard; hold fast | 把守
peftoo | target map | 靶圖
peg buu itsid | There is not a single miss in a hundred tries ─ never a failure in many trials | 百無一失
peg buu ittioong | skilled in nothing; good for nothing | 百無一長
peg buu khøfuii | nothing can be done | 百無可為
peg buu kirmkhi | nothing to be superstitious about ─ no restrictions of any kind here by way of taboo | 百無禁忌
peg hor siongjiin | tiger when pressed will injure a person ─ harass a man until he turns on his persecutor | 迫虎傷人
peg | dry (sthg) at a fire; bake; roast; urgent | 逼; 煏; 急; 迫; 烤
peg`laang | overawe | 逼人
peg`sie | hound somebody to death; constantly aggravate | 逼死
peg`tiøh | under compelled | 逼到; 逼著; 不得已
peg`zhutkhix | to force someone out; to compel someone out | 逼出去
pegbak | idiot; dull looking; stupid | 白癡
pegchiwkhykef | started business from empty hands | 白手起家
peggarn | whites of the eyes, scorn, contempt, disdain | 白眼
peghoatzhongzhofng | gray-haired | 白髮蒼蒼
pegjit | broad daylight | 白日
peglaiphirn | imported goods; foreign goods | 舶來品
pegsiuo kailør | grow old together; (of a married couple) to stick to each other till old age | 白首偕老
pegsiuo | hairy head ─ old age | 白首
pegthiøo | white hair | 白頭
peh kiok'hoef | feverfew | 白菊花
peh phutøciuo | white wine | 白葡萄酒
peh tid`tiøh | got it for nothing | 平白得到; 無勞而獲
peh zao cidzoa | make a futile trip | 白跑一趟
peh | pure white; spotless | 白
peh'mr | uncle and aunt | 伯姆; 伯母
peh-bagbaai | white eyebrow- person who invite himself or herself to a party | 白目眉
peh-boftafn | white peony | 白牡丹
peh-bognie | tremella | 白木耳
peh-bongboong | vast expanse of white (snow, mist, etc.) | 白茫茫
peh-hietkiuu | white blood corpuscle, phagocyte, leucocyte | 白血球
peh-hociøf | white pepper powder | 白胡椒; 秦椒
peh-hoehkiuu | white blood corpuscle, phagocyte, leucocyte | 白血球
peh-holii | white fox | 白狐狸
peh-huihkiuu | white blood corpuscle, phagocyte, leucocyte | 白血球
peh-siaksiag | glittering white | 白爍爍
peh-so'efng | mountain jasmine | 白蘇英
peh-soatsoad | as white as snow | 白雪雪
peh-sviusy | white popinac; Leucaena glauca | 白相思
peh-thaumngg | white hairs | 白頭髮
peh-zhangzhafng | pale | 白蔥蔥
pehcviu | to mount | 爬上
pehcviuxthvy | spoil somebody; fast advancement in one's career | 爬上天
pehha | to yawn | 打呵欠
pehhaf | to yawn | 打呵欠
pehhah | yawn | 打呵欠
pehji bøexhah | horoscopes do not agree | 八字無合
pehji tang | horoscope very good; no grounds for fear | 八字重
pehji | eight words of a man's horoscope: year; month; day; and hour of birth; each one of them determines a man's fate through life | 八字
pehjit kernglea | octave (Catholic) | 八日敬禮
pehkag | octagonal; eight corners | 八角
pehkak'heeng | octagonal (figure) | 八角形
pehkhag | peel off or open the nutshells with the hands | 剝殼
pehkhuikhuy | open up | 擘開開
pehkhuy | open; break open; break open with the hands; to peel (an orange) | 擘開; 剝開; 張開
pehkia | an uphill climb; go uphill | 爬坡; 上坡
pehkimkym | open up eyes | 擘金金
pehkoaan-pehke | climb about everywhere (like overactive child) | 爬上爬下
pehkoanpehke | up and down | 𬦰懸𬦰低
pehkofng | the father of an elder uncle; paternal grandfather's elder brother | 伯公; 伯祖父
pehkongzor | elder brother of great-grandpa | 父公祖; 曾伯祖父
pehkym | open eyes | 剝金; 眼睛張開
pehliao | wasted | 白了
pehpag | anxious; grieved state of mind | 焦慮; 悲傷
pehpeq`ee | tear to break it | 剝剝的
pehphoax | tear to break it | 剝破; 掰開; 剝開
pehphøee | skin; to rind (strip off) the bark of a tree; to bark (a tree); peel (an orange); peel off with the hand without a knife | 剝皮
pehpviar | break bread | 剝餅; 掰餅
pehpvii | barely to survive | 拼平; 手頭緊; 勉強拼湊
pehsafm | Taiwan armand pine | 百松; 華山松
pehsef | unravel; endless put out thread from the garment | 走紗
pehsvex | one hundred clan names; common people | 百姓
pehsviaa | eight-tenths; 80% | 八成
pehsvix | populace | 百姓
pehsvoaf | mountain climbing; hill-climbing; climb or go up into the mountains | 爬山; 登山
pehthiaq | tear to pieces, naughty (child) | 白拆; 拆碎
pehtiafmtorng | TV primtime 8pm program | 八點檔
pehtiafmtoxng | TV primtime 8pm program | 八點檔
pehtiau | tear apart | 擘掉
pehtor | a town in Northern Taiwan | 八堵
pehturnchiaf | eight-ton freight car | 八噸車
pehzap | eigthy | 八十
pehzeg | uncle | 伯叔; 叔伯
pejip | clim in | 扒入
pek | white; clear; clean; bright; pure; plain; futile; fruitless; empty | 白
pek'aan | to pursue; press very urgently (for payment) | 逼緊; 迫緊
pek'hab'of | black-headed gull | 百合黑; 紅嘴鷗
pek'habhoef | lily | 百合花
pek'hai | persecute; oppress; oppress cruelly | 迫害
pek'hap | lily; lily bulb | 百合
pek'heeng | torture | 迫刑
pek'hiap | to coerce; to force; to threaten with force | 脅迫
pek'hoad pektioxng | hit the mark every time; hit the target with every shot | 百發百中
pek'hoaf zehoxng | All flowers are in bloom | 百花齊放
pek'hviw-chiu | cedar (of Lebanon) | 柏香樹
pek'hwn | force somebody to marry | 迫婚
pek'iulo | asphalt pavement; macadam | 柏油路
pek'iuu | pitch; asphalt | 柏油
pek'oadzok | Baiyue | 百越族
pek'oar | impend; come near (place; time) urgently; press near | 迫近; 迫倚; 逼近
pek'y peksun | assent to every proposal | 百依百順
pekbuun putjuu itkiexn | hear about a thing many times is not equal to a single look at it ─ Seeing is believing | 百聞無如一見
pekchiamsy | soul-clearing lot | 逼籤詩
pekchied su'iaux | urgent need | 迫切需要
pekchied | earnest; urgent; imminence; urgent; pressing | 迫切
pekchiet'sexng | urgent | 迫切性
pekchietsexng | urgent | 迫切性
pekchiog | to pursue; urgent; pressed for time | 迫促
pekchviar | urge an invitation on | 迫請; 逼請
pekcied putlao | unmoved by a hundred difficulties; unflinching; unbending | 百折無撓
pekciexn peksexng | ever victorious | 百戰百勝
pekciog hujiin | countess | 伯爵夫人
pekciog | a count; rank of nobility; count | 伯爵
pekcyn | true to nature; fidelity; vivid; real; realistic; life-like; almost real (acting; performance) | 逼真
pekjidhoong | crape myrtle | 百日紅
pekjiet | sunstroke; heatstroke | 迫熱; 煏熱; 中暑
pekjiin thaesim | drive to desperation; push someone too hard | 逼人太甚
pekkaf-svix | Book of Family Names | 百家姓
pekkafn | rape | 逼姦
pekkafng | press or urge work | 逼工; 強迫工作
pekkarm kaucip | hundred emotions crowd into the heart | 百感交集
pekkasvex | Book of Family Names | 百家姓
pekkaux | push to the limit | 百教; 迫到
pekkekphaux | mortar (short barreled cannon) | 迫擊砲
pekkex | force a woman to marry | 逼嫁
pekkhix | forced to go | 逼去
pekkhøf zoansw | encyclopedia | 百科全書
pekkin | impend; march on; come near (place; time) urgently; bordering on; close in; draw near; press near | 逼近; 迫近
pekkiofng | to extort a confession or evidence; extort evidence; exact confession by means of torture | 逼供; 逼宮
pekkirn | impend; march on; come near (place; time) urgently | 迫緊; 逼緊
pekkun | approaching | 逼近
pekky | serge | 嗶嘰
pekleeng-ciao | Formosan skylark | 百靈鳥
peklengciao | a lark having a sustained; melodious song | 百靈鳥
peklie | thyme | 百里
peklieen chiuxjiin | Education of the people takes a hundred years to bear fruit | 百年樹人
peklieen suxjiin | Education of the people takes a hundred years to bear fruit | 百年樹人
peklieen taixkex | great plan covering a very long period; long range program | 百年大計
peklieen | a hundred years; a century; one's lifetime | 百年
peklien sengkngx | Mastery comes from long training Expertise is the result of long and hard practice | 百練成鋼
peklioong uichiofng | force good women to be a prostitute | 逼良為娼
pekløo | shrike (bird) | 伯勞
pekmng | interrogate; demand an answer | 逼問
pekpeg | urgent, compelling | 逼逼
pekpo-zoaa | Hundred Pacer (also called Five Pacer Snake of One Hundred Designs), Agkistrodon acutus (produces hemotoxic venom) | 百步蛇
pekputtit'ie | compelled | 逼無得已
peksiaux | to press for collecting debts | 逼數; 逼脹
peksie | be so hard-pressed that one has to commit suicide as an escape; to ill-use so as to force suicide | 逼死
peksiedniao | a woodchat | 百舌鳥
peksien haux uisiefn | of all virtues filial piety is chief | 百善孝為先
peksiu-too | hundred animals picture | 百獸圖
peksoex | one hundred years old; centenarian | 百歲
peksuo | push | 逼使
pekthok put'iax | not boring even after repeated readings; very interesting (book) | 百讀無厭
pekthør | press for payment | 逼討; 逼債
pektiong cy kafn | nearly equal; be fifty-fifty | 伯仲之間
pektiong | brothers | 伯仲
pektiøh | be compelled or forced to; couldn't help but; have no alternative | 迫到; 無得已
pekzao | force to leave | 逼走
pekzex | to pursue for collecting debts; strongly demand payment of a debt | 逼債
pekzheg kanthiøo | at the top of a hundred foot pole ─ at the highest point | 百尺竿頭
pekzheg | to pursue | 逼促
pekzhud | push out | 逼出
pekzuo chienswn | May you have descendants abundantly! ─ exceedingly happy lot | 百子千孫
peleeng | spinach | 菠薐
peleng'afzhaix | spinach | 菠薐仔菜
peleng'ar | spinach | 菠薐仔
pelengzhaix | spinach | 菠薐菜
pelengzuun | dragon boat | 扒龍船
pelip | craw in | 扒入
peng | sickness; illness; disease; fault; defect; vice; injure; to harm; incapable weak | 病
peng'afkag | ice cube | 冰仔角; 冰塊; 冰仔塊
peng'afn busu | perfect tranquility; in peace; freedom from anxiety; safe and without any mishaps | 平安無事
peng'afn toxjit | lead a peaceful life | 平安度日
peng'afn | peaceful; peace; a greeting | 平安
peng'afn-huo | in peace | 平安撫
peng'afn-zex | peace offering | 平安祭
peng'afsvaf | soldier shirt | 兵仔衫
peng'afviaa | barracks | 兵仔營
peng'afzuie | carbonated cold drink | 冰仔水; 汽水
peng'anciøx | rites to ward off calamity and get prosperity | 平安蘸
peng'anhiarm | safety insurance | 平安險
peng'anhuu | peace sign | 平安符
peng'ar | soldier | 兵仔
peng'ee | skates | 冰鞋
peng'ek | military service | 兵役
peng'iah | military service | 兵役
peng'ioong | mediocre; indifferent; commonplace | 平庸
peng'iuo | friends | 朋友
peng'iwlagzap | all the friends | 朋友六十
peng'oaan | military personnel | 兵員
peng'urn | calm; quiet; tranquil; steady and smooth (bus ride; driving) | 平穩
peng'vi | calm | 平易
peng'vi-kixnjiin | easy to approach; easy to get along with (said of one's personality) | 平易近人
peng'viaa | a military camp | 兵營
peng'viuu | a plain; an open country | 平原
peng'ym | phonetical spelling of words | 拼音
peng'ym-hoax | alphabetization | 拼音化
peng'øee | ice skate | 冰鞋
pengbea | warriors and horses; soldiers and their horses; troops | 兵馬
pengbiin zerngti | popular government; democracy | 平民政治
pengbiin | civilian; the common people; commoner; plebeian; common people; civilian | 平民
pengbiin-zerngti | democracy | 平民政治
pengbin kyhøo | plane geometry | 平面幾何
pengbin svakag | plane trigonometry | 平面三角
pengbin | plane; plane surface | 平面
pengbin-kyhøo | plane geometry | 平面幾何
pengbin-too | a plain chart, a plane figure | 平面圖
pengbixnkviax | plane mirror | 平面鏡
pengbixntoo | floor plan; two dimensional plan | 平面圖
pengchiaf | sleigh on snow, soldier's vehicle | 冰車; 雪撬
pengchiuo | tie another (in competition); come out with even scores | 平手
pengchviuo | ice plant | 冰廠
pengciorng | intra-service classification of military units according to their equipment and functions | 兵種
pengcioxng | a protective screen; a shield; a shelter; a barrier | 屏障; 兵將
pengcirm | cold pack; ice pillow | 冰枕
penggoaan | moor; plain; prairie; manpower as a source of conscription | 平原; 兵源
penghaang | ice store | 冰行
penghak | military science | 兵學
pengheeng siepviheeng | parallelogram | 平行四邊形
pengheeng | balanced; equalized; equilibrium; parallel; run parallel; on the same footing | 平衡; 平行
pengheeng-svoax | parallel lines | 平行線
pengheengg-svoax | parallel lines | 平形線
penghenglek | equilibrant | 平衡力
penghengsvoax | parallel lines | 平行線
penghia | a soldier ant | 兵蟻
penghii | frozen fish | 冰魚
penghioxng | the pay for soldiers | 兵餉
penghoaan | ordinary; routine; commonplace; common; ordinary; usual; not outstanding or remarkable | 平凡
penghoad | military strategy | 兵法
penghoarn | redress; rehabilitate (a mishandled case) | 平反
penghoatzexng | a complication | 併發症
penghofng englie | square miles | 平方英里
penghofng | square; square of a number; square (meter) | 平方
penghok | to return to normal; subjugate; reduce to order; peaceful; steady; tranquil | 平復; 平服
penghongkwn | square root | 平方根
penghongkyn | square root | 平方根
penghwn chiuseg | two sides share (top honors; fame); equal each other in (achievement; scores) | 平分秋色
penghwn | to divide equally; equal distribution; equal share; divide equally; bisect; equinox | 平分
penghøkii | ice age | 冰河期
penghøo sitai | glacial period; ice age | 冰河時代
penghøo | gentle; glacier; peace, harmony, peaceful, mild, harmonious, mildly | 平和; 冰河
pengji | spelling, word of spelling | 拼字
pengjit Misad | Daily Mass (Catholic) | 平日彌撒
pengjit | everyday; usually; daily; ordinarily; constantly; commonly; on usual days | 平日
pengkae | to bring to an end by or as if by breaking up; erminate | 冰解
pengkaf | a military strategist; a military commander; person specialized in military operations | 兵家
pengkafng | military ordnance | 兵工
pengkag | ice cube; lumps of ice | 冰塊; 冰角
pengkangchviuo | arsenal | 兵工廠
pengkaq | military armor | 兵甲
pengkar | ice twist | 冰絞
pengkautø | railway crossing; level crossing; the intersection between a railroad and a roadway; grade crossing | 平交道
pengkek | Beijing Opera; Peking Opera; Chinese Opera | 平劇
pengkex | sell price; fair price; par | 平價
pengkhiaw | ice sledge | 冰橇
pengkhix | weapons; armament; military weapons; arms | 兵器
pengkhoaix | ordinary express | 平快; 平快車
pengkhox | icehouse; ice box | 冰庫
pengkhylaai | ice up | 冰起來
pengkiliim | icecream | 冰淇淋
pengkiliin | icecream; ice cream | 冰淇淋
pengkinsox | the mean; average; average number | 平均數
pengkinzhea | on an average | 平均制
pengkiok | Beijing Opera; Peking Opera; Chinese Opera | 平劇
pengkoaan | military leadership; military power; authority to make military decisions | 兵權; 平權
pengkofng-bagkviax | flat light glasses | 平光目鏡
pengkongkviax | flat light mirror | 平光鏡
pengkui | freezer | 冰櫃
pengkut | level and smooth | 平滑
pengkwn | an average; find the average; on an average | 平均
pengkwn-sox | average, mean, average value | 平均數
pengky | popsicle | 冰枝
pengkyn hoeasiu | life expectancy | 平均歲壽
pengkyn keasoaxn | general average; on the average | 平均計算
pengkyn sokto | average speed; mean velocity | 平均速度
pengkyn texkoaan | equalization of land rights (envisaged by Dr Sun Yat-sen; with a three-fold measure ─ purchase of private land at the values declared; levy of land tax at the land value assessed and government takeover of increment of land value) | 平均地權
pengkyn | an average; find the average; on an average | 平均
pengkøfseg | ice store | 冰果室
pengkøftiaxm | Ice fruit shop | 冰果店
penglat | military strength; armed forces | 兵力
penglaxmgiaam | warship rock | 兵艦岩
penglek | military strength; military force | 兵力
penglerng | icy cold; cold as ice | 冰冷
penglerng`ee | iced; ice-cold; frozen; icy | 冰冷的
pengliaang | icy cold | 冰涼
pengliok | military strategy and tactics | 兵略
penglit | usually | 平日
pengloan | use military force to keep in peace; suppress a rebellion; revolt | 平亂; 兵亂
penglok | peace and joy | 平樂
pengmar | warriors and horses; military resources | 兵馬
pengniuu | military food supply; soldiers rations | 兵糧
pengpaang | ice room; military camps | 冰房; 兵房
pengpeeng | sure and steady; average; mediocre; very so-so (in answer to a question as to one's health) | 平平; 馬馬虎虎
pengpefng | cold fish; cool; detached | 冰冰
pengpeh | plain | 平白
pengpeng'an'afn | safe and sound | 平平安安
pengpeng'ar | so so | 平平仔; 馬馬虎虎
pengpengliangliaang | icy cold | 冰冰涼涼
pengpengphengphefng | bing bang- kind of rush | 兵兵砰砰
pengphauh | hail (storm) | 冰雹
pengphaux | hail; hailstone | 冰雹
pengphvix | borneol | 冰片
pengpiexn | mutiny; troops in mutiny | 兵變
pengpo | troops | 兵部
pengpoex | of the same generation | 平輩
pengpoxzwsu | chief of war department | 兵部主事
pengsef | borax; borax from Tibet; borax powder | 硼砂
pengsefng | in all one's life; usually; ordinarily; during one's whole past life; in all one's life; throughout one's life; life long | 平生
pengseg honglong | quiet the strong wind and waves | 平息風浪
pengseg | to quell, to calm down, peaceful, quiet, make quiet | 平息
pengsex | military strengh | 兵勢
pengsi'ar | usually | 平時仔
pengsiaw | to melt away | 冰消
pengsii | usually; peacetime; at ordinary times; in time of peace; ordinarily | 平時
pengsiongsi'ar | usually | 平常時仔
pengsiongsii | usually | 平常時
pengsiongsym | ordinary heart | 平常心
pengsioong | ordinarily; usually; common; ordinal; at ordinary times; always; daily; commonly; constantly; normal; as usual | 平常
pengsioong-laang | the average people | 平常人
pengsixn | surface mail; ordinary mail | 平信
pengsngf | icy and frosty | 冰霜
pengsorsii | usually | 平素時
pengsox | ordinarily; usually; military number | 平素; 兵數
pengsu | a soldier; an ordinary soldier; foot soldier | 兵士
pengsun | smooth-going; plain sailing; smooth and orderly | 平順
pengsut | generalship | 兵術
pengsviaf | (of Chinese phonetics) the 1st and 2nd tones taken together as a single category in | 平聲
pengsviumngg | refrigerator door | 冰箱門
pengsviw | refrigerator; ice box | 冰箱
pengsvoaf | an iceberg; iceberg | 冰山
pengsw | a book on the art of war; a book on military strategy; books on tactics | 兵書
pengsym | calm of mind | 冰心
pengsyn | stand up after kneeling | 平身
pengtaai | flat-top building; stadium-like building; balcony; open porch; portico | 平台; 平臺
pengtaiterng | platform top | 平台頂
pengtam | plain | 平淡
pengte | level ground; cold pack; ice-bag | 平地; 冰袋
pengteng | to calm down; to suppress; to put down; subjugate; conquer; quell; to arrive at a just settlement; settled | 平定
pengterng hoxhui | reciprocal favored treatment | 平等互惠
pengterng thaixgu | equal treatment | 平等待遇
pengterng zwgi | egalitarianism | 平等主義
pengterng | equal; equality; without difference; equality; of equal rank; equally; evenly | 平等
pengtex | a lump of ice; an ice cube; an ice block | 冰塊
pengthaau | commander, commanding officer | 兵頭; 指揮官
pengtharn | even, level, plain, flat | 平躺
pengthiefn | icy weather | 冰天
pengthiefn-soatte | land of ice and snow; a frozen land | 冰天雪地
pengthngg | crystal sugar; rock candy; crystal sugar in lumps of irregular size and shape | 冰糖
pengthngzuie | sweet ice water | 冰糖水
pengthoaan | regulars and militia | 兵團
pengthwn | annex; mediatize | 併吞
pengtiarm | freezing point; zero | 冰點
pengtiaxm | a store that sells ice; ice shop | 冰店
pengtixn | a city in Taoyuan County | 平鎮
pengtoafn | hostilities; beginning of hostilities | 兵端
pengtoo | jigsaw puzzle | 拼圖
pengtoong | equanimity | 平同
pengtoxng | frozen; to freeze; frozen hard | 冰凍
pengtui | troop | 兵隊; 軍隊
pengtulai | in the refrigerator | 冰櫥內
pengtuu | a refrigerator | 冰廚; 冰箱
pengtvax | a streetcar that sells ice | 冰擔; 賣冰的
pengtvia | peaceful | 平定
pengtviuu | soldier's parade ground | 兵場; 閱兵場
pengtvoaf | draft soldier list | 兵單
pengtøe | ice bag | 冰袋; 平地
pengzam | a military depot; an army service station | 兵站
pengzay | suffering caused by soldiers | 兵災
pengzek | military register | 兵籍
pengzeng | quiet; equanimity; tranquil; calm; tranquility; serenity; equable | 平靜
pengzex | military service system | 兵制
pengzhefng giogkied | incorruptible (said of one's character) | 冰清玉潔
pengzhngg | permafrost | 冰床
pengzhoaq | ice shaving machine | 冰刨; 冰礤; 刨冰機
pengzud | soldiers | 兵卒
pengzuie | ice water | 冰水
pengzuun | warship | 兵船; 軍艦
pepef | rake | 扒扒
pephoax | scratch open | 扒破
pepng | rake rice into one's mouth; gather all the rice remaining in a bowl together in order to put it into the mouth | 扒飯
pepud | rake | 耙扒
peput'ar | large toothless rake for spreading rice in the sun | 耙扒仔; 穀把
peq goeqjit | eight months | 八個月
peq lauthuy | climb stairs | 爬樓梯
peq | father's elder brothers; uncle | 伯; 擘; 扒; 掰
peq`khylaai | to get up out of bed | 爬起來
peqaau | diphtheria | 白喉; 白喉(症)
peqar | Formosan breynia | 臺灣山漆莖
peqauciao | white seagull | 白鷗鳥
peqaukhurn | diphtheria bacillus | 白喉菌
peqbaai | A small European duck having a conspicuous white stripe over each eye | 白眉
peqbaai-aq | garganey teal, Anas querquedula | 白眉鴨
peqbagbaai | white eyebrow | 白目眉
peqbagkaau | white eyes monkey | 白目猴
peqbah'iu | white-fresh pomelo | 白肉柚
peqbahpeqbaq | light skin | 白肉白肉
peqbahphof | white-fresh stingray | 白肉埔; 黃土魟
peqbahtau | hyacinth bean | 白肉豆; 扁豆
peqbahtea | light complexion | 膚色白
peqbahzheeng | white fig (tree) | 白肉榕
peqbak | be undiscriminating; idiot | 白目; 看無懂好壞; 白癡
peqbangbaang | vast expanse of white (snow, mist, etc.) | 白茫茫
peqbaq | plain boiled pork | 白肉
peqbea | white horse | 白馬
peqbie | white polished rice | 白米
peqbin | white face | 白面
peqbin-susefng | fair complexioned young scholar; inexperienced young scholar; callow student | 白面書生
peqbixn'ar | prostitute; hooker | 白面仔; 妓女
peqboftafn | white peony | 白牡丹
peqbognie | type of white edible tree fungus | 白木耳
peqbongboong | vast expanse of white (snow, mist, etc.) | 白茫茫
peqbu | fog | 白霧
peqbut'ar | small edible fishes | 白物仔; 小銀魚
peqbuun | white bird | 白文
peqbypng | white rice | 白米飯
peqbøea-ciu | white-tailed sea eagle | 白尾雕; 白尾鵰; 白尾海鵰
peqbøeeng | busy oneself to no purpose | 白無忙
peqchi | bring up in vain | 白養
peqchiahsoaf | white sugar | 白赤砂
peqchiu | Formosan snow-bell, Taiwan reevesia | 白樹; 鈴木紅皮
peqchiuo sengkaf | built up fortune from scratch | 白手成家
peqchiuo | empty hands- no background | 白手
peqchiw | white beard | 白鬚
peqchviu | whiate oak tree | 白橡
peqchviw | white pomfret, white butterfish | 白菖; 白鯧
peqchy | idiot; dull looking; stupid | 白癡
peqciah | free lunch; free meal; eat without payment | 白吃; 白食
peqciao | white bird | 白鳥
peqciog | (peeled) root of herbaceous peony | 白芍; 芍藥
peqciuo | white wine | 白酒
peqciøh | white stone | 白石; 石灰石
peqciøqefng | marble | 白石英; 大理石
peqcviafbøbi | plain and tasteless | 白汫無味
peqcviar | tasteless | 白淡; 淡味
peqcviar-bøbi | tasteless (food); insipid | 淡而無味
peqee | white | 白的
peqgee | white bud | 白芽
peqgek | white jade | 白玉
peqgiin | silver | 白銀
peqgoo | dolphin | 白鯃; 海豚
peqguun | silver | 白銀
peqhaythuun | white dolphin | 白海豚
peqhayti'ar | white dolphin | 白海豬仔
peqhia | termite; white ant | 白蟻; 臺灣白蟻
peqhia-iuu | oil for terminating termite | 白蟻油
peqhiaxsiu | nest of white ants | 白蟻巢
peqhietkiuu koeatøf | leukemia | 白血球過多
peqhietkiuu | white blood cells; leucocytes; white corpuscles in the blood | 白血球
peqhietkiuzexng | mononucleosis | 白血球症
peqhii | Taiwan white fish, carp, silver-eel, cutlass fish, hair-fish | 白魚
peqhiim | polar bear | 白熊; 北極熊
peqhoaan | alum | 白礬
peqhoef | white flowers | 白花
peqhoehkiuu | white blood cells; leucocytes; white corpuscles in the blood | 白血球
peqhoehpve | leukemia | 白血病
peqhoehpvi | leukemia | 白血病
peqhor | white tiger | 白虎
peqhuihkiuu | a white blood cell | 白血球
peqhuihpvi | leukemia | 白血病
peqhuix | to waste; to be in vain; use up or spend without profit | 白費
peqhurn | white powder | 白粉
peqhuun | white cloud | 白雲
peqhvoar-seg | clay color | 白幻色
peqhøef | white flowers | 白花; 白灰
peqhøh | crane (bird) | 白鶴; 丹頂鶴
peqiaam | refined salt | 白鹽; 精製鹽
peqieen | zinc | 白鉛; 鋅
peqiefn | white smoke | 白煙
peqiu | white pomelo; pomelo | 白柚
peqiuoiux | white and dedicate | 白幼幼
peqiøh | white medicine | 白藥; 奎寧
peqji | mispronounced or wrongly written character | 別字
peqjidbang | daydream; reverie | 白日夢
peqjie | white chess piece | 白子
peqjiedhoax | reach the white-hot point (of a contest; movement); reach the climax | 白熱化
peqjiin | many-petaled cape jasmine; sclera; white of the eye | 白仁; 重瓣黃梔花; 白眼珠; 蛋白; 鞏膜; 白眼; 眼白
peqjim | a sharp knife | 白刃
peqjit | broad daylight | 白日; 白日,白天
peqjit-bang | daydream, reverie | 白日夢
peqkalai | Gingo fish | 白銀杏魚; 白臘
peqkalek | Gingo fish | 白加力; 白臘; 白銀杏魚
peqkamciax | white sugar cane | 白甘蔗
peqkef | white chicken | 白雞
peqkefar | maidenhair tree | 白果仔
peqkexng'of | collared crow | 白烏鴉; 玉頸鴉
peqkhag | white grain shell; type of yeast; made of grain | 白麴
peqkhak'ar | white hulled rice | 白殼仔; 在來米(白殼); 白糙米
peqkhao | white mouth croaker | 白花魚; 白米魚
peqkhatee | flat feet | 白跤蹄
peqkheng | Taiwan sapium | 白樁; 白無花果
peqkii | white flag ─ for surrender | 白旗
peqkiofng | the White House | 白宮
peqkiok'hoef | a flower head of an ornamental chrysanthemum | 白菊花
peqkiøo | white eggplant | 白茄
peqkngx | blank test paper | 白卷
peqkoaxn | eastern white stork | 白卷; 白鸛
peqkof | white mold | 白黴; 白霉
peqkofng | albino | 白公; (患皮膚色素缺乏症之人)
peqkorng | to waste one's breath; to speak in vain; might as well not have said it at all | 白說; 白講
peqkud | bones of the dead | 白骨
peqkvaai | show whites of one's eyes (as from die) | 白眼
peqkvax | baking powder | 白酵
peqkviaa | worthless effort | 白走
peqkwnzuie | plain boiled water | 白開水; 白滾水
peqkwzhaix | white chive | 白韭菜
peqkym | platinum | 白金
peqlaai | wasted one's time in coming | 白來
peqlaang | white people; white man; Caucasian; white race | 白人
peqlah | white wax; insect wax; type of insect secretion | 白蠟; 白臘
peqlaixciaxng | eye cataract | 白內障
peqlaixcioxng | cataract | 白內障
peqleeng | wagtail | 白靈
peqlek | white herring | 白鰳; 長鰳
peqlengsy | egret; egret; white heron | 白鷺鷥
peqlexngsy | white ling | 白翎鷥
peqliaksiag | very white | 白皚皚
peqliao | waste; all lost or spent uselessly | 白費; 白白損失
peqliawkafng | waste time | 白了工
peqlieen | silver carp | 白鯉; 白鰱
peqliin | protein; sclera | 白仁
peqlo | egret | 白鷺
peqlok | white deer | 白鹿
peqloxsy | white screw | 白螺絲
peqly'ofng | Formosan little forktail | 白里翁; 白里鶲
peqlym | drink for nothing | 白飲
peqmimii | white and soft | 白綿綿
peqmngg | white hair | 白毛; 白髮
peqmoa'ar | white sesame | 白麻仔; 白芝麻
peqmoa'iuu | white sesame oil | 白麻油
peqmoaa | sesame; Sesamum orientale; white eel | 白麻; 白鰻
peqmoaiuu | white sesame oil | 白麻油
peqmoee | flowering apricot | 白梅
peqmoh | albuginea | 白膜
peqmoqar | albuginea | 白膜仔
peqmuii | white coal | 白煤; 白梅
peqniar-kaikib | white-collar class | 白領階級
peqniawchie | white rats | 白鳥鼠
peqniawzhuo | white rats | 白鳥鼠
peqo | white taro | 白芋; 土芝
peqoe siawsoad | novels in vernacular Chinese | 白話小說
peqoe | colloquial language, vernacular | 白話
peqoexbuun | writing in vernacular Chinese | 白話文
peqoexji | Romanized colloquial language | 白話字
peqoexym | colloquial tone | 白話音
peqpafn | white specks; white spots | 白斑
peqpag | spinous country-rat | 白腹; 刺鼠
peqpak'ar | empty stomach | 白腹仔
peqparn | white panel | 白板
peqpaw | white envelope gift- funeral | 白包
peqpeh | white; pale; without reward (to give); in vain; to no purpose; without monetary profit (implies unwillingness or complaint) | 白白; 白白的
peqpeh-pox nie-kaq of | bear false witness against the innocent (Lit. dye a snow white cloth into a black one) | 硬將白布染成黑; 無中生有; 加罪於人
peqpeqpox | white clothes | 白白布
peqpha | water blister (skin disease) | 白皰; 水泡
peqphaf | white blister (disease) | 白脬
peqphoef | white embryo | 白胚
peqphoeqnoa | white frothy saliva at the mouth | 口涎沫
peqphuo | colored; ash-colored; gray; ashy; pessimistic; gloomy; obscure; ambiguous | 白昲; 灰白; 灰色
peqphvixsym | Paguma larvata taivana | 白鼻心
peqphwpeqphuo | light gray | 白殕白殕
peqphwseg | white gray | 白灰色
peqphøesw | White Paper (in the sense of an official government report) | 白皮書
peqphøf | white froth; foam | 白沫
peqphønoa | frothy saliva | 白口沫
peqphøphøf | white wave | 白波波
peqpng | rice; cooked white rice (especially if not mixed with any other food) | 白飯
peqpox | white calico | 白布
peqput'ar-hii | minute edible fishes the little silverfish | 白物仔魚
peqsah | cook in a boiling water | 白煮
peqsan'oo | white mountain lake | 白山湖
peqsaxng | give away; five gratis; send (a gift) with nothing in return | 白送
peqseg | white; white color | 白色
peqsehseq | as white as snow | 白雪雪
peqsekseg | white | 白皙皙
peqsesef | white | 白疏疏
peqsiaksiag | brilliantly white | 白皚皚
peqsie | wasted (life) | 白死
peqsiern | white moe; favus; honey-comb ringworm | 白癬
peqsinlaang | man with no official standing | 平身人
peqsoaf | sand shark; sand tiger; ragged-tooth shark; smooth dog-fish; white sand | 白砂; 白鯊; 白沙; 戟齒砂鮫
peqsoaxn | white garlic | 白蒜
peqsui | white ear of grain; rice plants become white (as a result of wind or worms) | 白穗
peqsutsud | white like snow (praise) | 白如雪; (讚美詞)
peqsvaf | white cloth | 白衣; 白衫
peqswnsurn | pale | 白恂恂
peqsyngr | pale; pallid; wan | 白死軟; 臉無血色
peqsysad | pale; bleak; pallor; paleness; sallow and unhealthy looking | 白死殺
peqtaang | white copper | 白銅
peqtaix | white flow ─ leucorrhoea; leukorrhea | 白帶
peqtarn | wait in vain | 白等
peqtau | soya bean | 白豆
peqtaux | day time | 白晝
peqtee | white tea | 白茶
peqthaau-ofng | Chinese bulbul, gray starling | 白頭翁
peqthau'ofng | grackle (bird); gray starling | 白頭翁
peqthaukhok'ar | grackle (bird); gray starling | 白頭酷仔; 白頭翁
peqthaxn | earn with little or no effort | 白趁; 白賺
peqthiab | funeral invitation card | 白帖
peqthiap'ar | funeral announcement card or letter | 白帖仔
peqthih'ar | stainless steel; galvanized iron; tin plate | 白鐵仔; 無銹鋼
peqthihlo'ar | stainless steel stove | 白鐵爐仔
peqthiq | stainless steel | 白鐵; 無銹鋼
peqthngg | white sugar; refined sugar | 白糖; 精製糖
peqthngkøf | white sugar paste | 白糖膏
peqthngzhafng | sticky sugar candy | 白糖蔥
peqthoo | white soil | 白土
peqthorar | white rabbit | 白兔仔
peqthorkviar | white baby rabbit; white kittens | 白兔囝
peqthvoax | diphtheria | 白炭; 白喉
peqthwn | swallow (something) without any impact | 白吞
peqthy | idiot, idiocy, foolishness | 白癜; 白痴
peqtit | very simple and straightforward | 憨直
peqtiø | vitiligo | 白癬; 白癜; 白斑
peqtiøx | white hairtail | 白癜
peqtoarhii | ribbon fish | 白帶魚
peqtoarhuu | white hairtail fish | 白帶魚
peqtoax | white hairtail | 白帶
peqtoax-hii | white hairtail | 白帶魚
peqtoong | paulownia tree | 白桐
peqtøea | white bottom | 白底
peqtøhii | some type of fish | 白刀魚
peqy thiensaix | angels in white ─ nurses | 白衣天使
peqy | white knight; white clothed | 白衣
peqy-ciernsu | warrior in white; medical worker | 白衣戰士
peqy-thiensaix | angels in white ─ nurses | 白衣天使
peqzao | worthless effort | 白走
peqzaxmkef | white chicken meat | 白鏨雞
peqzaxmkoef | white chicken meat | 白鏨雞
peqzerng | white race | 白種
peqzerng-laang | caucasian | 白種人
peqzhadchid | liar | 白賊七
peqzhadchid`ar | lier | 白賊七仔
peqzhadoe | lies | 白賊話
peqzhaelor | cabbage marinade | 白菜滷
peqzhaethaau | daikon | 白菜頭
peqzhaix | cabbage; napa; Chinese cabbage | 白菜; 結球白菜
peqzhangzhafng | very white | 白蔥蔥
peqzhat | lie | 謊言; 白賊; 謊話
peqzhat-chit'ar | lier | 白賊七仔
peqzheeng | white fig tree | 白榕
peqzhox | white vinegar | 白醋
peqzhuiekhie | white teeth | 白嘴齒
peqzoaa | white snake | 白蛇
peqzoafoji | black words on white paper- imply it was written clearly | 白紙烏字
peqzoar | white paper | 白紙
peqzud | white soldier | 白卒
peqzuie | plain water | 白水
peqzøx | did it for nothing | 白做
peqzøx`ee | work without attaining good or desired results | 白做的
perng jixtiern | look it up in the dictionary | 查字典
perng | inverted; jolt; top; turn over; turn down; invert; be upset | 反; 翻; 顛
perng'iong | apply with | 並用
perng-lirntngr | turn over, capsize, turn completely around | 翻輾轉; 反輾轉; 反轉
perng-peqbak | look askance at; look cold at; frown upon; turns the supercilious look | 翻白眼; 反白目
perng-tøftngr | turn upside down | 反倒轉
perng-tørtngr | turn upside down | 翻倒轉
perng`køex | overturn | 反過
perngbøe | it has nothing to do | 並未
perngbøo | to have no (complaint), nothing (good or bad) | 並無; ...
perngchviar | moreover; furthermore; and; in addition; to boot | 並且; 幷且
perngcixn | hand-in-hand | 並進
perngcviaa | to combine into | 併成
pernghap | combine; annex(treatment); handle several cases in one | 併合
perngheeng | go side by side; go abreast of; keep pace with; in parallel with; to walk abreast | 並行
pernghoad | break out at the same time; have complications; begin; explode; erupt; attack at the same time; accompany another disease | 併發
pernghoatzexng | complications (medical) | 併發症
pernghuy | not as said | 並非
perngkiefn jii heeng | walk abreast | 並肩而行
perngkiefn | shoulder to shoulder; side by side | 並肩
perngkøex | overturn, be overturned | 翻過
perngliet | to put close together | 併列
pernglip | to stand side by side | 併立
perngpaai | alongside; side by side | 並排
perngpud | not at all, by no means | 並立; 併不
perngthwn | annex; take over; swallow up; swallow up entirely | 併吞
perngtuu | discard | 摒除
perngzø | to sit side by side | 並坐; 併坐
pesioong | claim compensation (reparation, recompense) | 賠償
pethanglui | reptile | 爬蟲類
pethiøo kailør | grow old together; (of a married couple) to stick to each other till old age | 白首偕老
pex | cash; distressed; corrupt; vicious; tricky; bad; harmful; abuses; corruption; fraud; evil practice; malpractice; dishonest; improper; exhausted; tired; worn out | 幣; 弊
pexafkviar | fathers and sons; master | 爸仔仔; 爺兒
pexbuo | parents | 爸母; 父母
pexbuo-lat | natural strength by birth | 爸母力; 天生的力氣
pexbwhoe | parents meeting | 爸母會
pexbwkvoaf | officers who care of people (like parents) | 爸母官; 縣官
pexbwoe | parents' words | 爸母話
pexbwsym | parents' hearts | 爸母心
pexbøfkvoaf | magistrate (popular term for); local official | 爸母官
pexbør svecviaa`ee | I was born so; be born (a cripple; blind) | 爸母生成
pexbør | father and mother; parents | 爸母; 父母
pexchyn | father | 爸親; 父親
pexha | majesty; under the steps ─ the emperor; Your Majesty; His Majesty | 陛下
pexhviaf | guardians, Fathers and Brethren! | 爸兄; 監護人
pexkofng tie'ixm`ee | obtained by inheritance | 受祖蔭的
pexkongsarn | ancestral estate | 爸公產; 祖產
pexkongzor | legacy; inheritance | 爸公產; 祖產
pexkviar | father and child | 爸囝; 父子
pexlau-kviafiux | an old man that has kid in late age | 爸老囝幼
pexlauxkviafiux | an old man that has kid in late age | 爸老囝幼
pexng mxsi | be not; not by any means | 並無是
pexng | handle; haft; hilt | 柄; 並
pexng'yn | cause of a disease | 病因
pexngbøo | there is really no...; not anything; no; not so; never | 並無
pexngchviar | and; both | 並且
pexngheeng | in parallel [development; implementation; etc] | 並行
pexnghuy | not so | 並非
pexngkhøf-hoadkym | fine; forfeit | 併科罰金
pexngkiefn | shoulder by shoulder (together) | 並肩
pexngliet | stand side by side; be juxtaposed | 並列
pexnglip | exist side by side; exist simultaneously | 並立
pexnglun | comment | 並論
pexngthaix | patient's condition | 病態; 病況
pexngthwn | absorb a smaller nation | 並吞; 併吞
pexngzofng | assemble; put together | 併裝
pexngzong | symptom of a disease | 病狀
pexpeng | blemish, fault | 缺陷; 弊病
pexphixbaa | white nose owl | 白鼻猫
pexthaukheg | hite-headed owl | 白頭鵠
pexthaukhiet'ar | hite-headed owl | 白頭鵠仔
pexthih'ar | while iron panel | 白鐵仔
pezhao | rake weeds; to harrow weeds; to hackele herbs or corn | 耙草
pezhud | climb out | 爬出
pezuie | Squeeze water | 耙水
pezuun | paddle a boat | 耙船; 扒船; 划船
pezøx | rake | 耙做
pha | blister | 皰; 疱; 泡
phaang laang ee pngxvoar | be a wife; be in another's house (either for protection or as a dependent) | 寄人籬下; 當人家的媳婦
phaang | a sail; to hold up or carry in both hands; a covering; sail; to sail | 帆; 捀; 捧; 端; 篷
phaarng'phangphafng | extreamly sweet odor | 香香香
phaau | gown; cope; aba | 袍
phabang | cast a net; net; throw or cast a fishing net | 拋網; 撒網
phachialiefn | tumbling | 拋捙輪
phachialyn | somersault; turn a somersault | 翻觔斗
phae'e | decedents from one and the same tribe; family; or root; cliques; branch of a clan; direct posterity in relation to their ancestor | 派下
phae'oaan | appoint a delegate, to dispatch a representative | 派員
phaeha | decedents from one and the same tribe; family; or root; cliques; branch of a clan; direct posterity in relation to their ancestor | 派下
phaehe | a particular group; factions | 派系
phaekhiern | dispatch; dispatch | 派遣
phaekhix | sent | 派去
phaelaai | sent | 派來
phaeleng | deputed; order of appointment in written form | 派令
phaeoaan | send or depute and officer | 派員
phaepefng | dispatch troops | 派兵
phaepiet | different group; factions; schools (of thought) | 派別
phaethaau | overbearing manner; manner; air; the way one acts and speaks | 派頭
phaetuix | party (loanword) | 派對
phaezhud | expedite; depute; send; appoint; dispatch | 派出
phaezhutsor | police station; police station; police substations | 派出所
phaezu | appoint to | 派駐
phaezux | stationed | 派駐
phaf bang | spread out the fishing net | 拋網
phaf | throw; throw away; to cast; to abandon; to eject; give up | 拋; 葩; 盞; 条; 束; 條,
phaf-chialiern | the wheel turns; forward roll; rolls; turns the somersault; turns the somersault | 拋車輪; 前滾翻; 滾翻; 翻觔斗; 翻筋斗
phafn | pull; hold to; drag down; hold on for support | 攀; 扳
phafng texng`tiøh | bee sting | 蜂螫到
phafng | bees; hornets; wasps | 蜂; 芳; 香,
phafng-korngkoxng | smelling fresh | 香貢貢; 芳絳絳
phafngchiaf | spinning wheel; spinning wheel; spinning machine | 紡車
phafngcid kangchviuo | textile factory | 紡織工廠
phafngcid kongsy | spinning and weaving mill; textile company | 紡織公司
phafngcid | textile; spin and weave; spinning and weaving | 紡織
phafngcid-chviuo | textile mill, weaving mill | 紡織廠
phafngcid-giap | textile industry | 紡織業
phafngcit-giap | business of textile | 紡織業
phafngcitchviuo | spinning and weaving mill; textile mill | 紡織廠
phafngcitgiap | textile industry | 紡織業
phafngcitkafng | textile factory worker | 紡織工
phafngcitky | looms; spinning and weaving machines | 紡織機
phafngkafng | worker who spins thread | 紡工
phafngkoex | spinned | 紡過
phafngmii | spin cotton threads | 紡綿
phafngse'ar | spinner | 紡紗仔
phafngsechiaf | spinner | 紡紗車
phafngsef | spin thread | 紡線; 紡紗
phafngsef-citpox | spin and weave | 紡紗織布
phafngseky | spinning jenny | 紡紗機
phafngsvoax | spin thread | 紡線; 紡紗
phafngsy | spin silk threads; spin silk | 紡絲
phafngtiaxm | pastry shop | 麭店
phafngzeq | spin | 紡績
phag | to fall forward; a Chinese hackberry; simple; to cover; fall down; fall prostrate; bend as a suppliant; to overturn; to upset; to invert | 仆; 朴; 樸; 覆; 伏
phag'iaam | sun dry salts | 晒鹽
phag'of | to tun, sunburned | 晒黑; 曝烏
phag-løqkhix thokhaf | fallen to the ground; to fall prostrate | 仆倒在地上
phag-teq khuxn | sleep face down | 俯著睡; 伏著睡
phag-teq paix | kneel and bow very low | 伏著拜
phag-teq thviaf | listen secretly (with head bent down close to a door) | 伏著聽
phaggidthaau | sun exposure | 曝日頭
phaghør | exposed | 曝好
phagjidthaau | sun exposure | 曝日頭
phagjit | getting tanned; expose in the sun; to air or dry in the sun; let the sun shine on; take the sun; bask (laze) in the sunshine | 晒日; 曝日; 晒太陽
phagkoex | exposed to the sun | 曝過
phagkvoaf | dry (eatables) in the sun | 打乾; 曝乾; 曬乾; 食物晒成干
phaglidthaau | sun exposure | 曝日頭
phaglit | sun exposure | 曝日
phagphak | expose | 曝曝
phagphak`leq | dry them in the sun | 晒晒咧
phagpox | dry clothes | 晒布
phagsie | die of scorching heat (men; rice plants etc.) | 晒死
phagsvaf | sun dry cloth; to air clothing | 晒衫; 晒衣服
phagtaf | dry in the sun | 晒乾; 曝焦
phagtiøh | expose | 曝著
phagzheg | sun or dry rice; place unhulled rice in the sun to dry before storage | 晒穀; 晒稻米
phagzøx | exposed as | 曝做
phah'axn | to pound the table, a gesture of anger or surprise | 打案; 拍案
phah'eh | belch | 打呃
phah'eq | belch | 打呃; 拍呃
phah'ex | belch | 拍呃
phah'iog | sign a contract | 打約
phah'ixn | affix a seal | 打印; 蓋印
phah'mm | put forth flower buds; produce flower buds; to bud | 發萼; 結蕾
phah'mxkvix | lose something | 打無見; 丟掉; 遺失
phah'oaqkad | tie a slipknot | 打活結
phah'oay | deflect | 打歪
phah'of | blacken, stain | 打黑; 弄黑
phah'uh'ar | belch | 打嗝仔
phah'viaa | win in a combat or fight; win (a game); conquer; gain the victory | 打贏
phahbachiog | play mahjong | 拍麻雀
phahbaq | span the meat | 拍肉
phahbarng | to swat a mosquito | 打蚊; 拍蠓
phahbe | sell by auction; auction | 拍賣
phahbiet | distinguish | 打滅; 撲滅
phahbixntøh'ar | play mahjong | 拍面桌仔
phahboachiog | play mahjong | 拍麻雀
phahboe | on sale | 拍賣
phahbofzhaix | a Taiwanese vegetable | 拍某菜
phahboo | mould; make a model of | 打模
phahbøe | sell by auction | 拍賣
phahbøkhix | lost | 拍無去
phahbøkvix | lost | 拍無見
phahbøo | lost | 打無
phahbøo`khix | lose, let be lost | 打無去; 拍無去; 遺失; 掉了,
phahchiaotaam | joking | 拍笑談
phahchirnkvoa | getting chilled | 打凊汗; 惡寒
phahchiuo | hired thugs; clap the hands | 打手; 拍手; 保鏢
phahchiwzhexng | masturbate | 打手銃; 手淫
phahchiørkhoef | joking | 拍笑詼
phahchvie | wake up | 打醒; 拍醒; 吵醒
phahchvikviaf | scare; shocked | 拍生驚
phahchviuo | plunder | 掠奪; 搶
phahciao | shoot birds | 打鳥
phahciaw'ar | shoot birds | 打鳥仔
phahciawbø | shoot birds | 打鳥無
phahciawbør | shoot birds | 打鳥母
phahciawkeng'ar | birdbow | 拍鳥弓仔
phahcied | discount; discount; reduce; minimize | 打折
phahcih | fracture; break something flexible; to snap; break off | 打斷
phahciøh | cut; carve stone; to work in stone; quarrying; cutting; drill a stone | 鑿石
phahciøh`ee | stone mason | 打石的; 石匠
phahciøhof | greeting | 拍招呼
phahciøqsay | sculpture artist | 拍石師
phahcviaa | make by beating (metal) | 打成; 打叉仔
phahhai | wreck; break; destroy; spoil; to break; destroy; demolish; to smash; to damage; put out of order; to ruin; injure (one's health) | 拍壞; 打壞; 破壞
phahhea | extinguish | 拍火
phahheeng | mating; copulation; mating; a service; to mate; copulate; to pair | 交配; 受精; 鳥類交尾
phahhefchiaf | fire truck | 拍火車
phahhefng | hitting one's chest to guarantee something | 打胸; 保證
phahhiarng | beat | 拍響
phahhix | filming | 拍戲
phahhoaf | put out the fire (with an extinguisher or water) | 打熄; 熄滅
phahhoea | extinguish a fire; put out a fire; beat out a fire | 打火; 滅火
phahhoefchiaf | fire truck | 拍火車
phahhoefhviati | firefighters | 拍火兄弟
phahhofng | pump up a tire | 打風; 打氣
phahhor | kill tiger | 打虎
phahhor-liaqzhat iaxtiøh chyn-hviati | strike a tiger; to catch a thief; you should have your own brother to help you In emergencies only a brother will help | 打虎捉賊須靠親兄弟。
phahhøea | extinguish | 打火; 拍火
phahhøefky | cigarette lighter | 打火機
phahii | fish by casting the net into the water | 拋魚; 撒網捉魚; 灑網捕魚
phahji | to type; to typewrite; typewrite; do typing work | 打字
phahjiaau | wrinkle | 打皺; 弄皺
phahjiaq | mark | 打跡
phahjip | put in | 打入
phahjixky | typewriter | 打字機; 拍字機
phahjixoaan | typist | 打字員
phahkachviux | sneezes; sternutation | 打噴嚏
phahkad | to tie a knot; knot | 打結; 拍結
phahkafng | (going to) work | 打工
phahkalauh | (v) lose due to carelessness; demolish; let fall | 拍交落; 弄丟; 遺失; 掉下去; 丟掉
phahkalauqsyn | cause a miscarriage | 打弄丟身; 小產; 流產
phahkaqlauh | loss | 打交落; 遺失
phahkasoaf | lose; scatter; penny pincher | 小氣鬼; 弄散; 弄丟
phahkatkhiuu | knot | 拍結毬
phahkatkiuu | to get entangled | 打糾纏; 糾纏而亂
phahkeg | to strike, to lap | 打擊
phahkex | discount | 打價
phahkhachviux | sneeze | 打噴嚏
phahkhafng | drill a hole; make a hole; pierce; drill a hole | 打孔; 打洞; 穿孔
phahkhar-oaan | a clerk who use card puncher | 拍卡員
phahkhay | open | 拍開
phahkhazhngf | spaking | 拍尻川
phahkhie | beginning; make a beginning | 拍起; 從頭算起; 開頭
phahkhiq | chip (a pot; bottle; bowl) | 弄損; 打缺角
phahkho'ar | draw circle; make small circle to note perusal | 打箍仔
phahkhopoef | gliding | 拍箍飛
phahkhuy | open settle | 打開
phahkiab | plunder | 打劫
phahkiusvaf | sports shirt | 拍球衫
phahkiuu | to bounce a ball; play ball | 打球; 拍球
phahkoealaai | hit it back | 拍過來
phahkoex | hit | 拍過
phahkogkef | cackling of a hen (as after laying an egg) | 喀喀啼; 母雞下蛋後的叫聲
phahkokkef | a groaning sound made by a hen after laying an egg | 拍咯雞
phahkor | beat a drum; to drum | 打鼓
phahkuun | boxing (sport); practice boxing | 打拳; 拍拳
phahkviaf | horrify; terrify; frighten; give a fright; give a start; to scare | 拍驚; 驚嚇; 驚嚇到
phahkvoaa-phahjiet | malaria; have a fever and ague fits; alternate fever and chills | 害冷熱病; 寒熱症
phahkvoar | beat to make move (more quickly) | 拍趕; 趕路
phahkvoasy | sue; take to court; litigate; plead; have a lawsuit | 打官司; 訴訟
phahkvy | making stew | 打羹
phahkym | make an object made by gold | 打金; 作金工
phahkør | draft (a bill); draw up (plans) | 拍稿; 起草
phahlaan | scaling a fish; scale a fish; take off fish scales | 打鱗; 刮魚鱗
phahlaang | hit people; hit someone | 打人
phahlah | hunt; hunting; rub or treat with wax; to wax | 打蠟; 拍獵; 打獵
phahlahsab | cause something to get dirty; to dirty; to spoil; to stain | 打垃圾; 弄髒
phahlaliaang | say irresponsible and sarcastic remark | 拍拉涼; 閒扯; 講風涼話
phahlaqliaang | say irresponsible and sarcastic remarks | 打抐涼; 說風涼話
phahlaxliaang | make fun of | 打抐涼; 無為閒談
phahliao | hit | 拍了
phahliuosog | make a noose | 打鈕束; 套結
phahliuosok'ar | make a running noose (lasso) | 打套結
phahlixky | typewriter | 拍字機
phahloan | confuse | 打亂; 弄亂
phahlofmi | southern Taiwan noodle stew | 打滷麵
phahlofngthofng | make it through | 打曠通; 前後全打通
phahlud`khix | let something slip out of place | 搓脫去; 弄脫掉
phahluii | to thunder | 打雷; 拍雷
phahluitaai | join a contest in feats of prowess on stage (said of Chinese pugilists) | 打擂台
phahløh | shot | 拍落; 打下; 擊落
phahløkor | play gongs and drums | 打鑼鼓; 敲鑼鼓
phahløo | to hit a gong; strike a gong; beat a gong | 打鑼
phahløqkofng | confiscate | 打落公; 充公
phahma | scold | 打罵
phahme | scold | 打罵
phahmi | make a preparation of dough; make noodles; macaroni | 打麵; (以製成麵條)
phahmi'ar | fluff cotton wool with a bow-like tool | 拍棉仔; 彈棉仔
phahmiphøe | make a cotton quilt; beat or flock cotton in order to make a coverlet or mattress | 打棉被; 製造棉被
phahmng | interrogate by beating | 拍問; 拷問
phahmngg | knock; beat on a door | 敲門
phahmoachiog | play mahjong | 打麻將
phahnakiuu | play basketball | 打籃球
phahngf | be laid waste; go to ruin (decay) | 荒廢; 拋荒; 荒蕪
phahnngxky | egg beater | 打蛋機
phahnoar | handle roughly | 打揉; 莽手莽腳; 粗略處理
phahpaai | to play mahjong or cards; play cards | 打牌
phahpai | to overpower; to suffer a defeat; to be defeated | 打輸; 拍敗; 打敗
phahpeeng | even | 打平
phahphae | break | 拍歹
phahphafng | hit bees | 拍蜂
phahphaix | assign, direct | 拍派
phahphaq | hit | 拍拍
phahphaq`leq | beat, strike | 打打咧
phahphaux | fire a gun; imply sexsual activity | 打炮
phahpheg | beat | 打拍
phahphiexn | deceive, cheat | 打騙; 欺騙
phahphitphok'ar | clap | 拍匹噗仔
phahphiøx | buy tickets | 買票
phahphoax cienle | depart from precedent | 打破前例
phahphoax kieliok | break the record; set a new record; rewrite the record | 打破記錄
phahphoax | break; shatter; break something with a blow; beat the record; break a (sports) record | 打破; 拍破
phahphog'ar hoangeeng | receive a person with applause; clap one's hands in applause | 打拍仔; 手歡迎
phahphog'ar | clapping of hands; hand clapping; applaud | 打拍仔; 鼓掌
phahphok | clap | 拍噗
phahphok'ar | clapping of hands; hand clapping; applaud | 打拍仔; 鼓掌
phahphoxngsiuu | fetching water while swimming | 拍滂泅
phahphuo-kngf | dawn (daybreak) | 拍灰光; 破曉
phahphurn | carelessly waste or spoil; squander; struggle to get away; flap to throw off; to kick chaos; to kick with legs or foot in disorder | 打噴; 拍翸; 以腳踢亂; 浪費
phahphvae | damage; destroy; spoit; spoil; mutilate; to mangle; destroy; to smash | 打壞; 拍歹; 弄壞
phahphvayliawliao | damaged completely | 拍歹了了
phahphviar | to spoil, to injure | 打壞
phahphvix | make a movie; film | 拍片
phahphwafkngf | gets busy just after dawn | 拍殕仔光
phahphwkngf | at daybreak; toward daylight; early dawn | 拍灰光; 黎明
phahpoxngsiuu | swim; lead vagrant life | 打磅泅; 游泳; 遊蕩
phahputbok | help victims of injustice; fall out; suddenly turn hostile | 抱無目; 翻臉
phahpvee | even | 拍平
phahpviarsioxng | hard working | 拍拚相
phahpviax | fight for life or death; risk everything; diligent; ; work hard; try as hard as one can; with great energy and expedition; diligent; industrious | 打拚; 拍拚; 努力; 拼命
phahpvii | even | 打平; 沒輸贏
phahpøh | make it thin | 拍薄
phahpøq | take a chance; take a risk | 冒險; 碰碰運氣
phahsafng | make it softer and less condensed | 打鬆
phahsaxm | put in disorder (tangled hair); disheveled | 打散; 弄亂; (頭髮)
phahsiaq | tin | 打錫
phahsiaw | dispel (doubts; misgivings; etc.); give up on | 打消
phahsiax | have loose bowels | 打瀉; 使瀉
phahsid | extinguish | 熄滅
phahsie | shoot to death; strike dead; beat to death | 打死; 擊斃
phahsiofng | bruise; injure; wound; to hurt; injured by a blow | 打傷
phahsit | food hunting | 打食
phahsitløh | hit down | 打失落
phahsiøthaux | open communication (between two rooms); take out the partition | 打相透; 打通; (房子)
phahsngr | waste; waste; squander; to spoil; it is a pity; it is too bad | 浪費; 拍損; 可惜
phahsngrpvoaa | calculate; to reckon on the abacus; be economical | 打算盤
phahsngx | prepare to do; to plan; supposedly; perhaps; suppose; probably | 打算; 拍算; 大概; 計劃
phahsoaq | finish | 打完
phahsog | speed up | 拍速
phahsurn | insert a seam to a furniture | 裝榫
phahsviaa | made it | 打成
phahsvoax | to break up (a marriage; family; etc.); scatter; to separate (other persons); to dishevel | 打散; 拆散
phahsw | to defeat; to overpower; to beat; to suffer a defeat; to be defeated; be overcome in boxing or fighting; to lose a bout | 打輸
phahsyzuo | leftovers after dividing costs | 打死主; 平分後剩下的
phahsøex | tax | 打稅; 拍稅; 課稅
phahsøh'ar | make rope | 製繩仔
phahsøq | make a rope | 打繩
phahtaam | make it wet | 弄濕
phahtaang | making something with copper | 打銅
phahtawsix | to divide costs pro rata | 打斗勢; 費用平均分擔
phahtea | lay a foundation; to base; apply an undercoating; paint the first coat | 打底; 打基礎
phahteksoef | unlucky words | 打竹衰; 無吉的話
phahthaux | make it through | 打透
phahthex | shoot back | 拍退
phahthih'afkhox | jean | 拍鐵仔褲
phahthih'afsaihu | black smith | 拍鐵仔師父
phahthih'afsay | black smith | 拍鐵仔師
phahthih'aftiaxm | blacksmith's shop | 打鐵仔店
phahthih'ar | blacksmith | 拍鐵仔
phahthihsaihu | black smith | 拍鐵師父
phahthihsay | black smith | 拍鐵師
phahthihtiaxm | black smith shop | 拍鐵店
phahthiq | making something with steel; work iron | 打鐵
phahthiq`ee | blacksmith | 打鐵的; 鐵匠
phahthofng | make it through; open a connecting road; establish a connection | 打通
phahthongkoafn | pass the customs | 拍通關
phahthongthaux | conspire each other | 打通透; 彼此有密謀
phahthut | slip out of gear or out of joint | 打搓; 使脫離
phahthøex | defeat | 打退; 拍退
phahtiarm | taking care; well-thoughtful; proactive | 打點
phahtiexn'oe | make a phone call | 拍電話
phahtiexntong | play video game | 拍電動
phahtit | make it straight | 打直
phahtiøh | hit | 拍著
phahtng chiwkud tientøx iorng | turn a misfortune into a blessing; to profit from a misfortune; After a storm; comes calm. (Lit. After a broken arm has been cured; it is stronger than before.) | 因禍得福
phahtng laang ee oexpvex | cut short a man's talk; so that he does not gain his end | 插嘴; 打斷人的話
phahtng | fracture; break something flexible; to snap; break off | 打斷; 拍斷
phahtngg | make it longer | 打長
phahtong | to perforate | 打孔; 拍洞
phahtoo | create a picture | 打圖
phahtvia | confirmed | 拍定
phahtvoaf | buy a ticket | 買票
phahtwtit | make it straight | 打拄直
phahtøea | make it as a bottom | 打底
phahtøf | make a knife | 鑄刀
phahtøq | prepare a table for a banquet | 打桌
phahtør | flatten; knock down | 打倒
phahuu | spread out the fishing ne | 拋魚
phahzao | dispel | 打走
phahzengsiin | woke up | 拍精神
phahzerng | mating; copulation | 打種; 動物交尾
phahzhear | mark with a diagonal cross (x) | 打叉仔
phahzhef | cross | 打叉
phahzheg | removing grain shell | 打穀
phahzheksoef | unlucky words | 打穀衰; 無吉的話
phahzherng | mating | 打種; 動物交尾
phahzhexng | fire a gun | 打鎗; 開槍
phahzhoaq | to tremble, to shudder | 怕抖; 拍掣
phahzhud | shoot out | 拍出
phahzhuiekor | gossip; | 拍喙鼓
phahzhuix | smash; knapp; blow to pieces; smash; break into pieces | 打碎
phahzhutlarng | be eliminated from the basket (e.g.; rotten fruit) ─ omit; be left out; count for nothing | 被淘汰; 無中用之人
phahzhvea | awaken a person unintentionally | 吵醒
phahzhvef | eat raw (vegetables; seafood) | 打生; 生吃
phahzhvekviaf | to be frightened | 打青驚; 受驚
phahzngx | drill | 打鑽; 鑿子; 鑽洞
phahzuaftaai | Pachinko | 拍珠仔台
phahzuyphiag'ar | stir up water | 拍水擗仔
phaix taixpiao | send a delegate; dispatch a representative | 派代表
phaix | division; school (of philosophy; a branch; art); group; faction of; clique; assign; send; branch off; faction; dispatch; depute; tributary | 派; 幫派
phak iaam | expose to sunlight to obtain salt | 曝鹽
phak of`khix | get browned; tanned; blackened by the sun | 晒黑去
phak zheg | un drying millet | 曝粟
phak | dry in the sun; expose to sunlight; to sun | 曬; 曝
phak'voar | flip a bowl | 覆碗
phak-hof taf | dry in the sun | 晒乾
phakboo | the 40th radical | 漢字部首之一
phakchiøx | a bending or lifting of the head; a simple move or action | 覆笑; 俯仰
phakhix | abandon | 拋棄
phakiliin | lateral somersault | 拋麒麟
phakixnlo | take a shortcut | 拋近路
phakpaix | rotate oneself in worship or adoration | 趴拜; 膜拜
phakphag | head down | 趴趴
phakphakphag | head down completely | 覆覆覆
phakte | lie down with face down | 趴地
phaktviar | flip a wok | 俯鼎; 將炒鍋反扣
phakuxnlo | take a shortcut | 拋近路
phakzhaeaq | duck meat with vegetable | 覆菜鴨
phakzhaix | pickled vegetable | 覆菜
phakzuysiuu | freestyle; Front Crawl | 覆水泅
phakzøo | head down | 俯嘈
phalaai-phakhix | toss about in one's sleep | 翻來覆去; 輾轉難眠
phalierntao | somersault | 拋輾斗
phalirnkao | somersault | 拋輾狗
phalirntao | somersault; turn a somersault | 翻觔斗
phalirntngr | turn a somersault | 翻觔斗; 翻跟斗
phalyntao | somersault | 拋輦斗
phan'gaam | rock climbing | 攀岩
phan'giaam | rock climbing | 攀岩
phan'un | to transport, to convey | 盤運; convey; of; to; from; Mandarin); be; (reading; might
phan'øf | whirlpool (reading of 盤 may be from Mandarin) | 盤渦
phanchyn | to claim kinship, to arrange a match | 攀親
phang | crevice; crack; gap; chink; aperture; suture; fissure; cleft; space | 縫
phang'afphaux | firework | 蜂仔炮
phang'ar | chink, crack, opening | 縫仔; 縫口
phang'iah | bee and butterfly | 蜂蝶
phang'iuu | sesame oil; fragrant; aromatic oils | 香油; 芳油; 髮油
phang'onglefng | queen bee honey | 蜂王乳; (漿)
phang'oong | a queen bee | 蜂王
phang'øf | bee hive | 蜂窩
phangbi | fragrance; sweet odor; aromatic flavors; sweet and aromatic odor; smell; spicy taste | 香味; 芳味
phangbit | bee's honey | 蜂蜜
phangchix | bee's sting | 蜂刺
phangciafm | bee's sting | 蜂針
phangciao | bee bird | 蜂鳥
phangcviw | mountain litsea | 香薑; 山胡椒
phanghee | bee; wasp larva | 蜂蝦; 蜂之幼蟲; 蜂幼蟲
phanghii | sail-fish | 帆魚; 雨傘旗魚
phanghiofng | accomplice, accessory of criminal | 幫凶
phanghiøh-chiu | Chinese spice bush | 香葉樹
phanghiøqchiu | Chinese spice bush | 香葉樹; 芳葉樹
phanghoef | fragrant flower | 香花
phanghor | wasp | 黃虎; 黃蜂
phanghurn | cosmetic powder; aromatic powder; perfumed powder | 香粉; 芳粉
phanghurn-zoar | perfumed paperc | 香粉紙
phanghviw | incense | 香香
phangkex | sail frame | 帆架
phangkhaf | webspinners, embrids (insect) | 香香; 紡足目
phangkhix | fragrance | 香氣
phangkhuix | fragrance | 芳氣
phangkoear | cantaloupe | 芳瓜仔
phangkoef | musk melon; cantaloupe | 香瓜; 芳瓜
phangkorngkoxng | sweet smelling; savory; appetizing | 香噴噴
phangkuix | Chinese cryptocarya | 香桂; 攀桂
phangkuun | swarm of bees; wasps | 蜂群
phangkuy | fragrant boudoir | 香閨
phangkøf | yard-arm of a ship | 帆戈; 桅桿
phanglah | bees wax | 蜂蠟; 蜂臘
phangliau | spices | 香料; 芳料
phangpaang | honeycomb | 蜂房
phangpag | to split one's side, to hold one's side with laughter | 捧腹; 笑腹
phangphafng | fragrant; scented; perfume | 香香; 香香的
phangphaix | rich; sumptuous food (dish) | 蓬派; 豐沛; 豐盛的菜
phangpng | holding rice bowl with rice | 捀飯
phangporee | canvas shoes | 帆布鞋
phangporøee | canvas shoes | 帆布鞋
phangpox | canvas; canvas; sail cloth | 帆布
phangsapbuun | soap | 芳雪文
phangsiu | beehive; bees nest; bees'; wasps nest | 蜂巢; 蜂岫
phangsiuxefng | large boil or carbuncle with several heads | 蜂房癰
phangsviw | beehive | 蜂箱
phangsøq | canvas rope | 帆索
phangtao | the chief mourner carrying the spirit tablet in a rice measure | 捀斗
phangtawee | eldest son or grandson carrying a rice measure containing the ancestor tablet in his father's funeral procession, eldest son (slang) | 捧神主牌位的長男或長孫
phangtee | bring tea for guests | 端茶
phangtekhof | perfumed soap; toilet soap | 香肥皂
phangthaau | spice; food's fragrance (aroma) | 芳頭; 香料; 食物的香氣
phangtuu | colony of bees; beehive | 蜂櫥; 蜂房
phangtviuu | to support; render support or assistance; by one's presence; endorsement | 捧場; 捀場
phangtvy | sweet | 芳甜
phangzhaa | aromatic treescented wood | 芳木; 芳柴
phangzhaix | present; bring food to the table | 端菜
phangzhao | fragrant grass, Japanese eupatorium | 香草
phangzhaux | fragrant and stinking; good and bad | 香臭; 善惡
phangzhud | bring it ou | 捀出
phangzoar | paper soaked with perfumes | 香紙
phangzuie | cologne; perfume; toilet water; perfume; scent | 香水; 芳水
phangzuun | sailboat; sailing vessel; sailing vessel | 帆船
phangzuybi | fragrant water | 芳水味
phangzøo | perfumed soap | 香皂
phanhoaf cietliuo | injure flowers and willows ─ lead a life of debauchery | 攀花折柳
phanhuix | traveling expense | 盤費
phanhux | to hold on to | 盤據; 攀附
phankefng | to give a false testimony | 盤供
phankux | to occupy, to hold a place illegally | 盤據; 盤踞; of; to; illegally; place; hold; from; may; Mandarin); be; a; (reading
phankw | to occupy illegally | 盤居; 攀居; 盤踞
phanlieen | involve; implicate | 攀連
phanlioong huohong | hang on a dragon and stick to a phoenix ─ establish oneself by riding on the coat-tail of a brilliant master | 攀龍附鳳
phanlong | to tamper with (reading of 盤 may be from Mandarin); to temper with | 攀龍; 盤弄
phansiaux | to make an audit, to examine the account | 盤數; of; to; the; may; from; Mandarin); be; (reading; examine; account
phansoaan | to fly around, to hover over | 盤旋; of; to; from; may; Mandarin); be; (reading; hover; over
phansoaxn | to figure out to oneself | 盤算
phantefng | climb; to scale; scramble up | 攀登
phanthuie | to sit with legs crossed, to squat | 盤腿; squat; of; to; from; may; Mandarin); be; (reading
phantvii | to hang on persistently | 攀纏
phanzaf | to investigate | 盤查
phanzhea | to involve, to implicate, to drag into matter | 攀扯
phao | gallop; run fast; race; run; to gallop; to hurry; ride fast | 跑
phao'afkorng | cannon | 炮仔管
phao'afsviaf | sound of firework | 炮仔聲
phao'ar | firecracker | 炮仔; 爆竹
phao'ui | run pit | 跑坑; 炮位
phao'viar | the shadow of bubbles; unreality; visionary hope | 泡影
phaochiaf | gun carriage | 砲車
phaochiuo | artillery soldier; gunner | 炮手
phaochviuu | artillery wall | 炮墻
phaocie | cannon ball, artillery shell | 砲子; 炮彈
phaocierntiofng | in the artillery battle | 炮戰中
phaociexn | artillery duel | 砲戰
phaocirn | small blister; herpes | 皰疹
phaociuo | treat with hot spirits (medicinally) | 泡酒
phaohoad | artillery methodology | 泡法; 砲法
phaohoea | artillery fire; gunfire | 砲火
phaohofng | to bombard, to shell | 炮轟
phaohuu | puffs | 泡芙
phaohøea | gun fire; artillery fire | 砲火
phaohøef | debris and death caused by gunfire | 砲灰; 炮灰
phaoiøh | gunfire | 炮藥
phaokeg | cannonade; bombardment; bombard with artillery fire | 砲擊
phaokek | to shell, to bombard, shelling attack | 砲擊
phaokex | gun carriage | 炮架; 砲架
phaolam | gunboat | 砲艦
phaoluii | cannon mine | 砲雷
phaomi | cup of noodle | 泡麵
phaomii | foam rubber | 泡棉
phaomoh | foam, froth | 泡沫; of; from; Mandarin?); is; (maybe; froth; reading
phaopefng poxtui | artillery units | 砲兵部隊
phaopefng | artillery man; gunner; artillery | 炮兵; 砲兵
phaophaothngg | bubble gum; chewing gum | 泡泡糖
phaosiofng | hurt by bomb | 炮傷
phaosiuo | gunner | 炮手; 砲手
phaosiuu | sell off | 拋售
phaosviaa | artillery castle | 炮城; 炮打襄陽(花炮臺)
phaosviaf | roaring of artillery pieces; thunder of a cannonade | 砲聲
phaosyn | gun barrel | 炮身; 砲身
phaotaai | battery; fort; gun emplacement; fort; fortification | 炮台; 炮臺
phaotaan | cannon balls; projectiles | 砲彈
phaotee | brewing tea; preparing tea | 泡茶
phaoteg | firecracker | 炮竹
phaothaq | turret | 炮塔
phaotherng | gunboat | 炮艇; 砲艇
phaothøx | gun holster | 炮套
phaotui | a team of artillery soldiers | 炮隊
phaotvafhurn | baking powder | 泡打粉
phaotvoaa | shell | 炮彈
phaotø | artillery path | 炮道
phaoviar | the shadow of bubbles, unreality, visionary hope | 泡影
phaozhaix | Chinese pickled vegetables; pickled vegetables (Chinese style) | 泡菜
phaozhngf | shot through | 炮穿
phaozuie | soak in water | 泡水; 泡水(攙水)
phaozuun | ship with cannon | 炮船; 砲艦
phaozø | gun platform; barbette; gun pit; bulwark | 砲座
phapha'zao | go about idly | 拋拋走
phaphaf-zao | to chase about | 拋拋跑
phaphazao | go about idly | 拋拋走; 到處亂跑
phaq armhø | give a pre-arranged signal; give a cue | 打暗號
phaq baxngkiuu | play tennis | 打網球
phaq bor tikawguu | man beat his wife be like a beast | 打老婆者如禽獸
phaq boxngpaai | engrave a tomb stone | 刻墓碑
phaq bøo`khix | lose; make something vanish | 失無去; 遺失
phaq cidky ho y kaux | lay down a card (a piece) in order to make him win; to get a person into trouble | 打一枝乎伊夠; 想法子讓他受罪
phaq hengkharm | pound one's chest (to show confidence; defiance; acceptance of a challenge or responsibility) | 拍胸脯; 保證
phaq hunsox | grade (student papers); to grade (performance) | 打分數
phaq kao khvoax zwlaang | forgive someone for the sake of a related person (Lit. Consider its master before beating a dog.) | 打狗看主人
phaq kim'ar saihu | goldsmith | 打金仔; 金匠
phaq kim'ar | create a gold jewelry | 拍金仔
phaq kizhor | lay a foundation; to base; do spade work; prepare oneself for bigger tasks ahead | 打基礎
phaq kunthaau | practice shadow boxing | 打拳
phaq lasaam | soil; defile | 沾污
phaq paxngkiuu | play baseball | 打棒球
phaq sirnhø | communicate by signals | 打信號
phaq sykad | tie a square knot | 打死結
phaq texky | lay the foundation for a building | 打地基
phaq tiexn'oe | telephone; to speak by telephone | 打電話
phaq tiexn'viar | film; shoot a movie; to photograph with a movie camera; make a movie | 拍電影
phaq tiexnpøx | telegraph; send a telegram | 打電報
phaq tøhkiuu | play ping pong | 打桌球; 打乒乓球
phaq wmokiuu | play badminton | 打羽毛球
phaq zao`khix | drive away; put to flight | 打走去
phaq zhaekor | make the slightly higher ridges in a vegetable garden for planting vegetables | 造菜圃種菜
phaq zhao kviaf zoaa | beat the grass and startle the snake ─ frighten out of cover; cause undesired agitation | 打草驚蛇
phaq zhawchiøh | to weave a straw mat | 製草蓆
phaq zhawee | made straw sandals | 製草鞋
phaq zhuiekor | talk about unimportant matters; engage in idle talk | 聊天
phaq zhvekviaf | frighten people; startle; to scare | 驚嚇到
phaq | strike; to beat; to hit; smash; to attack; to fight; to knock; to play; to shoot; to cause (use as an auxiliary); copulate; to mate | 打; 拍
phaq-auxphaux | after the fact | 打後炮
phaq-bachiog | to play mahjong | 打麻將
phaq-bexkhuy | cannot be opened; try in vain to open | 打無開
phaq-bexthofng | can't get through | 打無通
phaq-binzhngg | make a bed | 打眠床; 舖床
phaq-boexsie | still alive after a hard beating; try in vain to beat to death; invulnerable | 打無死
phaq-bøextit | in debt | 打無直; 收支不平衡
phaq-bøgii | to act when one is off guard | 打無疑; 乘虛
phaq-bømngg | failed to hit | 打無門
phaq-bøtiøh | failed to hit an object | 沒打中
phaq-chimchiern | check deep or shallow | 打深淺
phaq-chiuhofng | autumn breeze | 打秋風; 拍秋風
phaq-chiwsex | to beckon, to gesture, gesticulation | 打手勢
phaq-chiwzhexng | masturbate; masturbation | 拍手銃; 手淫; 打手鎗
phaq-chvikviaf | to be frightened | 打青驚; 受驚
phaq-chvybiin | wake up | 打青眠; 吵醒
phaq-ciauhof | greeting | 打招呼
phaq-cietkhaux | to give a discount | 拍折扣
phaq-ciuhofng | to send a goodwill, to seek financial help | 打秋風
phaq-ciøhof | to greet, to nod | 打招呼; 拍招呼
phaq-ho`laang | sells; transfer | 打給人; 出讓
phaq-iukeg | to fight a guerrilla war | 打游擊; 拍游擊
phaq-jixhø | typing | 打字號
phaq-kachviux | sneeze | 打噴嚏; 拍咳啾
phaq-kanlok | to play a whipping top | 打陀螺
phaq-katkiuu | tangled | 打結球; 拍結毬; 糾纏不清
phaq-khachviux | to sneeze | 打噴嚏; 拍咳啾
phaq-khihkag | break | 打缺角
phaq-khøea'iog | make a contract | 打契約; 拍契約; 合約
phaq-kizhor | to do the groundwork | 打基礎; 拍基礎
phaq-kogkef | hen cry; cluck-cluck cries | 咯咯啼; 母雞叫聲
phaq-kongkef | share the cost | 打公家; 共同出錢
phaq-kunthaau | to do shadow boxing | 拍拳頭; 打把勢; 打拳
phaq-kvoasy | to litigate; to go to court | 打官司; 拍官司
phaq-mxkvix | lose | 打無見; 拍毋見; 遺失; 掉了; 丟掉
phaq-nakiuu | to play basketball | 打籃球; 拍籃球
phaq-phog'ar | to applaud; clapping of hands, hand clapping | 打拍仔; 拍噗仔; 鼓掌
phaq-pvoarsie | beating to half death | 打半死
phaq-sngrpvoaa | to operate; use; work an abacus | 打算盤; 拍算盤
phaq-sykad | tightly bound, tied firmly | 打死結; 拍死結
phaq-taotøea | to fight to a finish | 打到底; 拍到底
phaq-tengbi | holding a riddle competition event | 打燈謎
phaq-texky | to set the foundation | 打地基
phaq-tiexn'oe | make a telephone call | 打電話
phaq-tiexn'viar | to shoot a film | 打電影; 拍電影
phaq-tiexnpøx | send a telegram | 打電報
phaq-tørtngr | return | 打回去; 回手
phaq-zengsiin | wake (someone) up | 打精醒; 叫醒
phaq-zhawchiøh | make a grass | 打草席; 織草席
phaq-zhear | mark with "X", mark as "wrong" | 打叉仔
phaq-zhuiekor | to engage in chitchat | 打手鼓; 閒聊
phaq`cide | hit once | 打一下
pharn'ar | fool | 呆仔
pharnbong | expect eagerly; long for; hope for; long for; to wish; expect eagerly | 盼望
pharng | bread; reel; to spin; to twist | 麵包; 紡; 源自日語パン(pafn)
pharngkvix | lose something | 丟掉; 不見了; 遺失
pharngphuq | pump | 幫浦
pharnliam | think of longingly | 盼念; 想念
pharzheg | empty grain | 打穀
phatchiøh | making a mat | 打蓆
phatiin | spread out suckers or trailing shoots | 打藤; 藤蔓延
phatvia | anchorage; mooring (of a ship) | 拋碇; 停泊
phatviax | anchorage; mooring (of a ship); cast anchor | 拋碇; 停泊; 拋錨; 下碇
phau koatsym | hold on to one's determination; determined | 抱決心
phau | embrace; enfold; hold in the arms | 抱
phau-putpeeng | speak up for the injustice | 抱無平
phaubiaau | cast anchor; develop engine trouble and become stuck mid-way | 拋錨
phauboat | bubble, foam, froth | 泡沫
phaubudsvoax | parabola; geometric parabola | 拋物線
phaubut-svoax | parabola | 拋物線
phaubut-thea | paraboloid | 拋物體
phauh | blister | 皰; 雹
phaukhix | to reject; to cast aside; to throw away; to forsake; to abandon; to give away; jilt; abandon; throw away; give up | 拋棄
phaukhuy | to throw off | 拋弄; 拋開
phaulong | throw | 拋弄
phauloong | scrotum | 陰囊
phauqzay | calamity of hail | 雹災
phausia | projectile | 拋洩; 拋射
phausiaxthea | projectile | 拋洩體; 拋射體
phausiuu | to put on sales; dump large stocks of merchandise on the market in order to force down prices | 拋售
phausvoax | to spread | 拋線; 拋散
phaux kapy | make coffee; prepare coffee from coffee powder or in a dripolator | 泡咖啡
phaux tee | make tea | 泡茶
phaux | long warm coat; cloak; long gown; robe | 袍; 炮; 泡
phauxhin ciongsyn | feel remorse for the rest of one's life | 抱恨終身
phauxhin | bear a grudge against; complain | 抱恨
phauxhu | aspiration; ambition | 抱負
phauxhudkhaf | clasp the feet of Buddha ─ when in distress (used to illustrate getting into difficulties through lack of due preparation and then seeking help at the critical moment) | 抱佛腳
phauxhun | regret | 抱恨
phauxkhiafm | apologetic, sorry for | 抱歉
phauxkhiarm | regret; deplore; be ashamed | 抱歉
phauxkhud | feel wrong | 抱屈
phauxkhuix | feel shame | 抱愧
phauxoaxn | bear a grudge against; complain | 抱怨
phauxputpeeng | bear a grudge for a wrong; indignant at injustice | 抱無平
phauxpve | indisposed; sick or ill; do something in spite of one's sickness | 抱病
phauxpvi | sick | 抱病
phauxtvia | set aside | 拋定
phauzhef-lixzuo | abandon wife and kids | 拋妻離子
phauzhud | to throw out | 拋出
phauzngf-yngiok | offer banal remarks to spark abler talk by others (Lit. to throw a brick and to get a gem in return) | 拋磚引玉
phaw siuokiuu | throw an embroidered ball (in order to choose a husband ─ an ancient custom) | 拋繡球
phaw | throw; throw away; to cast; to abandon; to eject; give up | 拋
phaw'øee | running shoes, track shoes | 跑鞋
phaw-siuokiuu | throw embroidery ball to select a bridegroom | 拋繡球
phawar | firecracker | 炮仔
phawbea | horse race | 跑馬
phawbea-pof | racecourse | 跑馬埔; 跑馬場
phawbea-tviuu | a race course | 跑馬場; 賽馬場
phawbeftefng | marquee | 跑馬燈
phawbeftviuu | hippodrome; racecourse (for horse racing); racetrack | 跑馬場
phawchiaf | racing car; racing bicycle; car; bicycle for races; sports car | 跑車
phawkhuy | to leave, to get out the way; horse racing | 拋開; 跑開
phawkoex | ran | 跑過
phawlaai-phawkhix | run to-and-fro | 跑來跑去
phawlo | to travel on foot, on runaway | 跑路
phawmafpiør | stopwatch | 跑馬表
phawmar | house racing | 跑馬
phawmar-tviuu | race course, turf | 跑馬場
phawpo | to run | 跑步
phawthuie | to run errands | 跑腿
phawtø | athletic track; runaway; track; track (in a racecourse; stadium); runway (on an airfield) | 跑道
phawzao | run, run a race | 跑走; 賽跑
phax | veil; turban; handkerchief; to wrap and bind | 撂
phaxn | look; to request; rely upon; to hope; expect | 望; 盼
phaxng | corpulent; fat | 胖
phaybin | evil face | 歹面
phaybixnsiøkhvoax | evil face | 歹面相看
phaygyn'ar | bad kid | 歹囡仔
phayix | bad intention | 歹意
phaykex | bad price | 歹價
phaykhix | rotten; broke | 歹去
phaykhuxn | unable to sleep | 歹睏
phaykhvoarbin | grumpy | 歹看面
phaykiettiau | bad sign | 歹吉兆
phaykorng | hard to say | 歹講
phaykviafzexng | delinquency | 歹囝症
phaylit | bad day | 歹日
phaypharng | bad spinning | 歹紡
phaysex | timid | 歹勢
phaysviasaux | bad coughing | 歹聲嗽
phaytangkuxsiaq | used copper and old tin- for recycle | 歹銅舊錫
phaythvisii | bad weather | 歹天時
phazuun | anchor a ship; boat | 泊船; 泊碇
phe | cover oneself with quilt or comforter | 被
phe'ar | barnyard | 稗仔
phe'nisylirn | penicillin | 盤尼西林; (外來語)
phea | bucca | 頰
phea'ar | tares; weeds; darnels | 稗仔; 帕仔; 手帕
pheafzhao | barnyardgrass | 稗仔草
pheagak | soundtrack | 配樂
pheagiah | quota | 配額
pheahap | Cooperate | 配合
pheahngf | formula | 配方
pheahoad | allotment | 配發
pheakag | assistant actor/actress | 配角
pheakib | quota | 配給
pheakor | allotment | 配股
pheakvia | accessories | 配件
phealiau | ingredients | 配料
pheapi | equipped | 配備
phear | tares, weeds, darnels | 稗仔
pheasaxng | delivery | 配送
pheaseg | color matching | 配色
pheathaau | with head | 配頭
pheathøx | matching | 配套
pheatix | configuration | 配置
pheatuix | pair | 配對
pheaym | dubbing | 配音
phebeeng | put marginal notes in a book or letter; write a postscript; to comment on; give clear instructions | 批明
phee | skin; leather; fur; bark; peel; outer covering; wrapping | 皮
pheeng | longevity; big; a surname; proud | 彭
phef | criticize; to comment; to judge; endorse a petition; reply officially to an inferior; a whole batch (of things or people); large quantity or number; sell wholesale | 批; 胚
phefng | fall into ruins; to slide down (e.g.; the earth of a dike; dam); to collapse (like a wall) | 崩
phefsviux | criticize maliciously | 批癖; 惡意批評
pheg | split open; to rend; to rive | 劈
pheh | foam; spume; froth; scum | 沬
phehoad | wholesale | 批發
phehoatkex | wholesale price | 批發價
phehoatsiofng | wholesale dealer; wholesaler | 批發商
phehog | reply (to a message from a subordinate) by writing on the paper carrying the subordinate's message | 批覆
phehw | skin | 皮膚
pheie | leather chair | 皮椅
pheiet | read (a message from a subordinate) and write down comments or instructions | 批閱
phek | brick | 甓
phek'hae zhengthiefn | blue ocean under a blue sky | 碧海青天
phek'hae | blue ocean | 碧海
phek'hap | perfect match | 璧合
phek'hied boafnte | dark blood covered the ground | 碧血滿地
phek'hied | blood shed for patriotism or loyalty; loyalty to the death | 碧血
phek'hoaan | return a gift; present | 璧還
phek'huiq | bloodshed in the war for justice | 碧血
phek'huun | cloud | 碧雲
phekae | correct (student papers) | 批改
phekauhix | shadow play | 皮猴戲
phekgarn | blue green eyes ─ said of foreigners | 碧眼
phekgiok | jaspis; jasperite; green jade; jasper; emerald | 碧玉; 璧玉
phekhag | envelope | 信封
phekkhofng | blue sky | 碧空
pheklek | verve; the ability to make decision; guts; courage to plunge ahead in big endeavors; power | 魄力
pheklip | stand up perpendicularly | 壁立
pheklok | a person who is good at locating talented people | 伯樂
phekparn | clinch | 拍板
pheksiaa | an animal that is used to be a talismanic symbol; remove such effects; monsters; evil spirits | 避邪
pheksoaf | green sand | 碧砂
pheksuie | green water | 碧水
phektok | remove posi | 除毒; 辟毒
phekvia | leather goods | 皮件
phekzeng | quiet; out of the way; secluded; lonely | 僻靜
pheleng | instructions (usually given in reply to inquiries) | 批令
pheloong | envelope | 信封
pheng khvoarbai | compare; make a comparison | 比比看
pheng | limb; and; to combine; compare; liken; to compete | 并; 並; 併; 比
pheng'iet | review | 評閱
pheng'ym | phonetical spelling of words | 拼音
pheng'ym-hoax | alphabetization | 拼音化
phenggi | deliberation; deliberate; discuss; judge the right or wrong of a matter; arbitrate | 評議
phenggie | critical comment; remarks | 評語
phenggixhoe | Senate of a University; arbitration board; tribunal of censors | 評議會
phenggixoaan | officers in an organization responsible for discussing and drafting the rules and operations of the organization | 評議員
phengguo | a statement of judgment | 評語
phenghoad | spelling | 拼法
phenghoai | molder | 崩壞
phenghuix | collapse; break down; fall to pieces; cave in | 崩潰
phenghwn | to grade (students papers); to score; marks or points given by a judge | 評分
phengji | spelling, word of spelling | 拼字
phengjirm | cuisine; culinary; cooking; to cook | 烹飪
phengjymhoad | culinary art; cookery; recipe | 烹飪法
phengjympafn | cooking class | 烹飪班
phengkae | disintegrate, disintegration | 崩解
phengkaw | scale hook | 秤鉤
phengkaxm | evaluation | 評鑑
phengkex | to evaluate; to assess; appraise; evaluate; to estimate; assess; an objective assessment of the worth; merit (of a person; writing) | 評價
phengkor | estimate; evaluate | 評估
phenglie | ask a third party to judge which side is right | 評理
phenglioong | evaluation | 評量
phenglun | comment; criticise; criticism; comment; deliberate on | 評論
phengluxnciar | critic | 評論者
phengluxnkaf | critic | 評論家
phengphenglie | comment | 評評理
phengphvoaroaan | judge or umpire in a debate or contest; juror | 評判員
phengphvoax teksid | critically decide the merits and demerits of a case | 評判得失
phengphvoax | to judge; criticize; to judge; decide (in a beauty contest) | 評判
phengpie | appraisal | 評比
phengsef | zala; borax | 硼砂
phengsirm | review | 評審
phengsoarn | selection | 評選
phengtaix | bandage | 繃帶
phengtang | judge | 評重
phengteng | to pass judgment on; to appraise; examine; judge and decide; to deliberate | 評定
phengtheeng baxnlie | the ROC's journey of 10,000 li ─ said of those who early attain office; years of great promise | 鵬程萬里
phengthuii | weight | 秤錘
phengtiaw | cook; prepare (food); cooking | 烹調
phengtiornglek | power of expansion | 膨脹力
phengtioxng hexsox | coefficient of expansion | 膨脹係數
phengtoax | bandage | 繃帶
phengtoaxn | decide; arbitrate | 評斷
phengtoo | jigsaw puzzle | 拼圖
phengzhøx | misspelled | 拼錯
phengzuie cy kaw | short acquaintanceship | 萍水之交
phengzuie sionghoong | patches of duckweed meeting ─ unexpected meeting of friends abroad; to meet by accident | 萍水相逢
phengzux | annotate; annotation; commentary; remark | 評註
phenisylirn | penicillin | 盤尼西林 (外來語)
pheoee | shoes | 皮鞋
phepauar | leather bag | 皮包仔
phepheeng | criticisms; critique; criticize; to censure | 批評
phephengkaf | critics; censors | 批評家
phephvoax | appraise; to judge | 批判
phepog | answer the petition unfavorably; turn down (an appeal or request); reverse (the decision of a subordinate) usually by writing on the paper carrying the message | 批駁
pherng'iog | appointment | 聘約
pherng'iong | to employ; to engage | 聘用
pherngchviar | to engage; to invite; to employ; invite for service; invite by sending presents; engage (a teacher) | 聘請
pherngjim | to employ; to engage; engage for a post | 聘任
pherngkox | hire | 聘僱
pherngkym | money sent by bridegroom on betrothal; money sent at betrothal by the bridegroom's parents to the parents of the bride | 聘金
phernglea | money and presents sent by bridegroom at betrothal; gift for inviting one to a post; betrothal presents sent to the girl's family | 聘禮
phernglim | appointment | 聘任
pherngsw | formal letter of employment; letter of appointment | 聘書
pherngsy | formal letter of employment; letter of appointment | 聘書
pherngtvia | employment confirmation | 聘定
phesi | instruct or direct (usually by writing on the paper carrying a message from a subordinate) | 批示
phesixn | letter | 書信
phesviw | suitcase | 皮箱
phetaang | mailboxes (on the street) | 信筒; 郵筒
phethay | embryo | 胚胎
phethay-kii | embryonic period, gestation period | 胚胎期
phetoax | belt | 皮帶
phetoaxn | appraise; to judge | 批斷
phex | veil; turban; handkerchief; to wrap and bind | 撂; 帕
phex`khylaai | carry objects or keep them from falling (by spreading a cloth or catching them in the lap of one's dress) | 撂起來
phexloong | quilt cover | 被囊
phexng | run against; collide; to bump; meet unexpectedly | 撞; 碰
phexng'oar | compare who is closer | 並倚
phexng'voax | compete; or compare who arrives the last | 比晚
phexnggaau | compare one's ability | 並賢; 比能力
phexngkhvoax | compare | 比看
phexnglaang | compare one's moral character | 並人
phexnglat | compare one's muscle | 並力; 較力氣
phexngpiaq | lean on wall | 並壁; 靠牆壁
phexngsuie | compre who is prettier; beauty contest (rivalry); very beautiful | 比美; 很美麗
phexngzar | compete or compare who arrives the earliest | 比早
phextvoaf | bed sheet | 被單
phezoar | letter paper; stationery | 信紙; 信箋
phezurn | give official approval or permission for; rectify; ratification | 批准
phezux | write commentaries | 批註
phi | coverlet; quilt; scarf | 被
phi'ar | coverlet | 披仔
phi'ied | review | 批閱
phi'iet | review | 披閱; 批閱
phi'y | to throw on clothes | 批衣; 披衣
phiaau tor | prostitution and gambling ─ profligacy; patronize whore and gambling houses; indulge in fast women and slow horses | 嫖賭
phiaau | prostitution; a ladle made from a dried gourd; visit prostitutes; patronize whorehouses; commit with a harlot; whoredom | 嫖; 瓢
phiaau-tor-irm | prostitution, gamble, and drinking alcohol | 嫖賭飲
phiafng | high tone noise of hitting something | 乓
phiag | bang | 擗
phiag'ar | catapult; slingshot | 彈仔
phiagphiak thiaux | leap up and down frantically (e.g | 跳動無停
phiagphiak tvoa | palpitate | 跳個無停
phiagzhud | kock out | 擗出
phiah | red measles; addiction (to); pustules; rash; eruption; measles | 疹; 癖
phiah'oe | avoid | 避會
phiahbat | secluded | 僻密; 藏密
phiahbiern | avoid; keep from; escape; avoid; forestall; prevent something from happening | 避免
phiahhang | hidden alley | 僻巷
phiahkag | (adj) far from the city; remote | 僻角; 背旭旯兒; 偏僻
phiahkhuy | make way for other person; avoid; get out of the way; to keep away from | 避開; 闢開
phiahkvix | prejudice | 僻見
phiahpi | get out of the way; conceal one's self for a short time | 躲避
phiahsexng | disposition; temper | 癖性
phiahzao | to dodge quickly; to duck; get out of the way; to keep away from | 避走; 避開
phiahzeng | retired and quiet | 僻靜
phiahzexng | idiosyncras; measles | 癖症; 痲疹
phiak | dash on a wall; hit | 抨; 擗; 炸起來; 劈; 射(打)
phiak`cide | hit | 擊一下
phiak`laang | hit someone | 擊人
phiang | huge | 棒; 大塊頭
phiao | rob | 剽
phiaq | mean; low; rustic; out of the way; secluded; avoid by going out of the way | 僻; 癖; 遠
phiau'iaau | rocking in the wind; drifting about | 飄搖
phiau'ioong | blown into the air; to waft; to flutter | 飄揚
phiau'ut | eastern knot (bird) | 飄鷸; 漂鷸
phiaubeeng | mark; indicate; label; mark clearly | 標明
phiaubiao | misty | 飄渺
phiaubuo | wave | 飄舞
phiaubøe | mark to sell | 標賣
phiauchiaf | drag racing | 飆車
phiauchiafm | label; price tag | 標籤
phiauchiofng | visit prostitutes | 嫖娼
phiauchix | mark; label; sign; distinguishing sign | 標幟
phiauchviw | javelin | 標槍
phiauciofng | badge | 標章
phiaucix | sign; mark; symbol; symbolize; to indicate; to mark | 標誌
phiaugie | slogan; motto; notice | 標語
phiauguo | motto; slogan | 標語
phiauioong | blown into the air, to waft, to flutter | 飄揚
phiaujip | drift in | 飄入
phiaukafn | measuring pole or stick, pole for pole-vaulting | 標竿
phiaukex | mark a price; marked price | 標價
phiaukheq | customer of prostitute; patron of brothel; frequenter of brothels; whoremonger | 嫖客
phiaukix | sign; mark; symbol; to mark up; landmarks for navigating; distinguishing marks; signs; indication | 標記
phiauky | visit prostitutes | 嫖妓
phiaukøf | elevation; the vertical distance between the top of an object and the ground surface | 標高
phiaulaai phiaukhix | tossed about at the mercy of winds and waves (e.g.; disabled vessel) | 飄來飄去
phiaulaai | drift in | 飄來
phiauliang | beautiful; handsome; beautiful; remarkable; brilliant; splendid | 漂亮
phiauliubok | driftwood | 漂流木
phiauliubut | flotsam | 漂流物
phiauliulaai | drift in | 漂流來
phiauliuu buteng | drift about; wander aimlessly | 漂流無定
phiauliuu | float; be carried away by water; to drift; carried away (by a flood) | 飄流; 漂流
phiaulok | prostitute | 嫖樂
phiaulong | drifting | 漂浪
phiauløh | falling | 飄落
phiaupeh | bleaching | 漂白
phiaupeh-hurn | bleaching powder | 漂白粉
phiaupheg | drift | 漂泊
phiauphiaw iogsiefn | light; airy; comfortable; complacent | 飄飄欲仙
phiauphiaw | lightly; airily; wind blowing | 飄飄
phiauphied | dapper; natty; spruced up; well-dressed; luxury; extravagance; having an animated or intelligent appearance; sumptuous; to live high; self confident | 瀟洒; 飄撇; 標緻; 瀟灑; 漂撇; 豪華
phiauphietlaq | fluttering | 飄撇啦
phiauphuu | float; floatation; swim | 漂浮
phiaupiao | visit prostitutes | 嫖婊; 嫖妓
phiaupok | wandering | 飄泊
phiauporng | to advertize, to brag | 標榜
phiaupurn | specimen; specimens; samples; model; pattern | 標本
phiausaxng | float | 飄送
phiausi | use symbols (as on a map) to indicate various ideas | 標示
phiausiuu | sell by tender | 標售
phiausvoax | float | 飄散
phiautee | heading; title; headline | 標題
phiauthaau | label; trade-mark; trademark; label | 商標; 標頭; 標籤
phiautiarm huhø | punctuation marks | 標點符號
phiautiarm | a punctuation mark; to punctuate; point; punctuation | 標點
phiautix | handsome; handsome; beautiful; pretty; good looking | 標緻; 標致; 漂亮
phiautoee | title; heading; headline; caption; subject | 標題
phiautor | gamble | 嫖賭
phiautøee | title; heading; headline; caption; subject | 標題
phiauviuu koeahae | sail across an ocean | 漂洋過海
phiauviuu | be tossed on the ocean | 漂洋; 飄洋
phiaux | bill; bank note; ticket; certificate; warrant | 票
phiauzhud | to designate | 標出
phiauzu | annotation | 標註
phiauzurn kokgie | Mandarin Chinese; Mandarin | 標準國語
phiauzurn sikafn | standard time | 標準時間
phiauzurn | criteria; model; norm; standard; standard; criterion; typical | 標準
phiauzurn-hoax | to standardize, standardization | 標準化
phiauzux | annotation | 標註
phiauzwn'ym | standard pronunciation | 標準音
phiauzwnhoax | standardize | 標準化
phiaw | mark; sign; symbol; label; topmost branch; spear; to show; indicate; to mark; to display; symbolize | 標; 漂; 飄
phibii | to scatter, to disperse | 披靡
phicid | cortex | 披質; 皮質
phid | bolt (cloth); whole piece of cloth; one horse; sum of; roll (of cloth); bolt (of cloth); classifier for bolts of cloth | 匹; 疋
phie kek thaix laai | all things are smooth after hardship | 否極泰來
phie | to negate; a lump in the abdomen; to despise; scab over a sore | 否; 疕; 痂; 鄙; 痞; 創口上所結的疤
phied cviarpeeng | stroke to the left and another to the right | 撇正爿; 撇右
phied tørpeeng | stroke to the left and another to the right | 撇左爿
phied | lame | 拐; 漂亮; 瘸
phiedphiedkiøx | sound of flapping or flipping | 撲翼聲
phiedsit | wing beat; flap; flutter; to flap (beat) the wings | 撲翼; (禽類)
phieen | to stagger; to stumble; stagger; totter; reel | 踉
phiefn | numerical adjunct for compositions; poems; chapter; section; book; part; classifier for essays | 篇; 編; 偏
phiefnbien | one-sided | 片面
phiefnthoo | scratch on the ground (as fowl do with bill; feet; and feathers) | 翻土
phieju | illustrate; illustration; parable; simile; for instance; metaphor | 譬諭; 譬喻; 譬如
phiejuu | for example | 譬如
phielu | metaphor | 譬喻
phielun | analogy; instance; comparison; for example; suppose that... | 譬論; 譬如; 例如; 譬喻
phieluu | for example | 譬如
phieluxnkorng | for example | 譬論講
phieluxnzøx | for example | 譬論做
phien'aix | love someone; something in particular; personal favorites; hobbies; favoritism | 偏愛
phien'ek | translate and compile; translator | 編譯
phien'iaux | to be bent on, to insist on | 編要; 偏要
phien'ixn | edit and print | 編印
phien'ngx | inclined toward, have a propensity | 偏望; 偏向
phien'oar | tend to support one side | 偏倚
phien'oarn | remote; faraway | 偏遠
phien'oay | turn aside from the right way | 偏歪
phienchib | edit; editor | 編輯
phienchip | edit | 編輯
phienchip-po | editorial department | 編輯部
phienchip-seg | editorial room | 編輯室
phienchipciar | editor | 編輯者; 人
phienchippo | editorial department | 編輯部
phienciar | editor; compiler | 編者
phiencib | edit; editor | 編輯
phiencid | knit | 編織
phienciofng | chapter | 篇章
phiencip | pertinacious | 編輯; 偏執
phiencippo | editorial department | 編輯部
phiencitky | knitting machine | 編織機
phienciw | partial boat | 偏舟
phienhiofng | rural | 偏鄉
phienhioxng | (v) biased toward; (n) bad tendency; lean; be inclined toward | 偏向
phienhngf | remote region | 偏方
phienhoex | discard | 偏癈; 偏廢
phienhog | a chapter; a section | 篇幅
phienhø | number; serial number; arrange under numbers | 編號; 偏號; 綽號
phienjip | include (in a budget); enlist; to recruit | 編入
phienkag | an end | 一端
phienkefng | imperial concubine | 偏間; 嬪妃
phienkeg | prejudice and fiercely | 偏激
phienkek | to go to extreme | 偏極
phienkheg | compose | 編曲
phienkiexn | prejudice; prejudice; bias; partial view | 偏見
phienkiogciar | playwright; scenario writer | 編劇者; (家)
phienkiogkaf | playwright; scenario writer | 編劇者; (家)
phienkiok | write plays; write a play; playwright; dramatist | 編劇
phienkoeakhix | fooling people | 蹁過去
phienkoealaai | fooling people | 蹁過來
phienli | turn aside | 偏離
phienliet | arrange | 編列
phienlo | shortcut | 偏路; 斜路; 捷徑; 歧途; 旁道; 偏道
phienmiaa | nickname | 偏名; 別名; 俗名; 綽號
phienmngg | side door; non-traditional | 偏門
phienpaai | arrange; weave; arrange in order; write and present (a play) | 編排
phienpaang | second wife; concubine; wife of second rank | 偏房; 姘婦; 妾室
phienpafn | forming a class; team; formation of classes (at school); assign (students) to the various classes | 編班
phienpag | inclined north; turned northward | 偏北; 篇幅
phienphaw | partial throw | 偏拋
phienphiaq | out-of-the-way; remote; seclude; out of the way; not easily accessible; secluded | 偏僻
phienphiaq-ji | words rarely used | 罕用字; 偏僻字
phienphiaq-lo | rarely used street | 偏僻路
phienphiaq-zngf | out-of-the-way village | 偏僻庄
phienphiefn boeq | bent on having (in disregard of difficulties involved or other's opposition); choose; take positively; wish and desire obstinately | 偏偏要; 硬要
phienphiefn | doggedly; obstinately; like or not; unfortunately it happened that...; used before a verb to show contrariness; determination; on purpose | 偏偏
phienphien'ar m | doggedly determined to oppose; refuse what is proposed | 偏偏仔無; 硬不
phienphien'ar | doggedly; obstinately; like or not | 偏偏仔
phienphienkhybuo | dance to tune | 翩翩起舞
phienpoong | mistress | 偏房
phienpvy | (n) the side | 偏邊; 側面; 旁邊
phienseeng | became; compile; compose; to form; organize | 編成
phienseg | side room | 偏室
phiensiaa | not straight | 偏斜
phiensirm | read and edit; copy editor | 編審
phiensit | picky eating; eat certain dishes only; have an unbalanced diet | 偏食
phiensoaxn | budgeting | 編算
phiensw | partial; unfair; unjust; biased; prejudiced; favoritism | 偏私
phiensym | one-sided; partial; partiality; bias; partial; favoritism | 偏心
phiensym-luun | eccentric wheel | 偏心輪
phientharn | partial; unfair; partiality; unfairness; favouritism; be partial; give improper protection to; to screen | 偏袒; 偏坦
phientiong | lay stress on | 偏重
phiento | declination (physics) | 偏度
phientoaxn | an unjust decision, a partial judgment | 偏斷
phientoo | wrong way | 偏途
phientui | form into columns; organize into teams; formation (of ships or aircraft); formation (of aircraft); organize into groups | 編隊
phientux | partial | 偏著
phienzaai | sometimes it means a fortunate gain; also can mean ill-gotten gains | 偏財
phienzaiun | money making luck | 偏財運
phienzeeng | passions | 偏情
phienzex | system; codify; compile; devise plans; organic structure; organization | 編制; 編裝
phienzhaf | a deviation; an error | 偏差
phienzheq | edit; compile books | 編冊; 編書
phienzhoah | urn aside | 偏斜; 編斜
phienzhoarnciar | compiler; editor | 編纂者
phienzhoaxn | compile; edit | 編纂
phienzof | organize into groups | 編組
phienzø | compile; draw up; work out; fabricate; invent; concoct; make up; cook up; create out of the imagination; write a book; compose | 編造
phiern jixtiern | look up (a word) in a dictionary; consult (refer to) a dictionary | 查字典
phiern | ransack; seek; to search; find out; to scratch on the ground (as fowl do with bill; feet; and feathers) | 翻; 搜查,; 翻,; 找; 攪亂
phiern'ar | deceiver | 騙仔
phiern'axn | case of fraud (legal); scandal | 騙案
phiern'gyn'ar | deceive | 騙囡仔
phiern'iar | everywhere | 遍野
phiernbien | unilateral; one sided | 片面; 片面,一方面,單方面
phiernbin | one sided; unilateral | 片面
phiernchviar haixgø | deceitfully invite someone so as to starve him ─ deceitfully breaking a promise | 騙請害餓
phiernciah | retiring and modest when describing one's life skills; or commenting on someone's skills that are overrated | 騙吃
phiernciaqpo | cheating tricks | 騙食步
phierncix | tool ranch | 鉗子
phierncvii | cheat for money; cheat a person out of money; get money by fraud | 騙錢
phierngieen | word from a few words | 片言
phiernguo | a phrase | 片語
phiernkahputliuu | army is completely wiped out | 片甲不留, 落花流水
phiernkaq putliuu | army is completely wiped out | 片甲無留; 落花流水
phiernkex | plan to deceive | 騙計
phiernkheg | half a tick; awhile; for a moment; little while; brief space of time | 片刻
phiernkiok | a fraud; a con game; cheating trick | 騙局
phiernkuie | fool a ghost ( imply unbelievable); Do you think you can thus deceive me? Nonsense! | 騙鬼; 鬼話連篇; 鬼才相信
phiernkviaa | walk all over | 遍走
phiernlaang | to deceive people; to cheat others; swindle; cheat another | 騙人
phiernliawliao | cheated | 騙了了
phiernpo | deceiving method | 騙步; 詭計
phiernsiafng | movie producer | 片商, 電影商人
phiernsiao | don't be ridicules (slang); no kidding? You expect me to believe that? | 騙人; 騙鬼; 鬼相信
phiernsiao`ee | are you kidding? | 騙痟的
phiernsien'ar | swindler; a cheat | 騙仙仔
phiernsiofng | movie producer | 片商; 電影商人
phiernsiuu | remuneration for a movie actor or actress for starring in a film | 片酬
phiernsut | deceiving act; tricks; wiles; ruse; swindles; stratagem | 騙術
phiernte | all around; all over the place; everywhere on earth | 遍地
phierntheflinsiofng | injuries that all over the body | 遍體麟傷
phierntoan | segment; snatch | 片段; 片斷
phierntoo | con man; swindler; cheater; phony; cheater; impostor | 騙徒
phiernzaai | get money by fraud; trickery | 騙財
phiernzhuix | food to treat guest | 騙嘴
phiernzhuo | obtain by fraud | 騙取
phiernzuo | swindler; cheater; swindler; cheat; confidence man; racketeer; impostor | 騙子
phiesiaa | ward off evil | 避邪
phiesviux | irony; satire | 譬相; 挖苦; 奚落; 鄙視; 褒貶; 諷刺
phiet | flap; flip around | 撲; 鼓翼
phiet'ar | saucer; plate; dish | 碟仔; 𥐵仔; 盤子
phietphied | elegant | 撇撇
phietpo | main point; essentials; gist; masterstroke | 高招; 好手段; 好辦法
phietzhef | pen got damaged | 撇叉; 筆頭分叉
phiexn | piece; slice; fragment; chip; classifier of clouds or regions of country; a stretch of a number of level fields | 片; 騙
phiexn`laang | fool people | 騙人
phiha | subcutaneous | 皮下
phihoad | wholesale | 批發
phihoatkex | wholesale price | 批發價
phihoee | to reply officially | 批回
phihofng | a cloak | 披風
phihok | to reply officially | 批服; 批復; 批覆
phihphag | lie down with face down | 趴伏
phihphag-vax | turn one's face downward | 趴伏俯; 躄覆向
phihphak'vax | turn one's face downward | 趴伏俯; 躄覆向
phihøee | to reply officially | 批回
phii | skin; leather; fur; bark; peel; outer covering; wrapping | 皮
phiin | to stagger; to stumble | 蹁; 踉蹌; 蹣跚
phikaq | armed and protected | 披甲
phikefng | a cape, a shawl, a scarf | 披肩
phikeg | leather | 皮革
phikhiefn | shawl | 披栓; 披肩
phikhix | temper; moods; temper; disposition | 脾氣
phikhud | humble | 卑屈
phikhuy | open up; spread out (in the sun); unroll (as a bolt of cloth) | 披開
phikiefn | shawl | 披肩
phikym | draped | 披襟
philo | pull the plug on; show | 披露
philøo | tired; exhausted; utterly weary in body and spirits; exhaustion; fatigue; weariness | 疲勞
phimoaa taehaux | wear hemp garment in mourning | 披麻帶孝
phimof | superficial opinion | 皮毛
phimoo | superficial opinion | 皮毛
phin'ar | winged insect always in foods | 蹁仔; 𥰔仔; 常在食物上的小飛蟲仔; 笛子
phinkhofng | make it up | 憑空
phinphiin | unstable on feet | 偏偏
phinphiøx | receipt | 憑票
phinphorng | ping-pong; table tennis | 乒乓
phinphorng-kiuu | ping-pong ball, table tennis | 乒乓球
phinpiarng-kiuu | ping-pong ball, table tennis | 乒乓球
phinthiaux | observe | 憑眺
phintiaux | observe | 憑弔
phintvoaf | receipt | 憑單
phinzexng | badge | 憑證
phiphak | expose | 披曝
phiphii | un-concern; naughty; mean and despicable; be shameless; thick skinned | 皮皮; 厚臉皮
phiphy | spread out | 披披
phipog | to refute, to rebut, to turn down | 反駁; 批駁
phiq khazhngf | sodomy; buggery | 男色; 難姦
phiq | commit impurity (word used in vile scolding meaning kan) | 肏
phiqphiqzhoaq | tremble or shake (with the cold; a fever or fear) | 慄慄抖; 戰慄; 戰抖
phiqphiqzuxn | tremble or shake (with the cold; a fever or fear) | 慄慄抖; 戰慄; 戰抖
phiqphiqzwn | tremble or shake (with the cold, a fever or fear) | 戰慄, 戰抖
phiqphogkiøx | nervously screaming | 咇噗叫
phiqphogthiaux | faster heartbeat | 咇噗跳
phiqphogtiøo | nervously jumping | 咇噗趒
phiqphok | heartbeat | 咇噗
phirn | compare; measure strength | 比; 品; 自誇
phisefng taegoat | travel by night; toil night and day | 披星戴月
phisi | comments and instructions on an official paper | 批示
phisiefn | draped | 披身
phisiong | to clothe, to throw on | 披上; 皮上
phisngf | arsenic acid | 砒酸
phisvaf | spread out clothes to dry | 批衫; 晾衫
phit'hw | ordinary man; rustic man | 匹夫
phitaxn | preserved duck egg by alkaline liquid; duck's eggs preserved in lime | 皮蛋
phitciao | Mandarin duck | 匹鳥; 鴛鴦
phitgvor | puppet | 匹偶
phitmar | horse | 匹馬
phitpeh | white silk for offering to Confucious | 匹白; 絲帛
phitphoex | pair up; join in pairs; joined as a pair by betrothal; marriage; two things making a suitable pair | 匹配
phitphøex | pair up | 匹配
phitsox | number of pieces | 疋數
phiuokhix | be missed; be disconnected | 溜去
phiux | miss, to fail, glance off | 溜手, 溜滑掉
phix | analogy | 譬
phixnphoxngsiuu | swiming continuously | 乒乓泅
phixphiedkiøx | sound of flapping (flipping) | 撲撇叫; 翼之聲
phixsngf | arsenic | 砒霜; 砒酸
phixtok | arsenic | 砒毒
phizaan | cortex | 皮層
phizurn | to approve, to sanction, to ratify, sanction, ratification | 批准
phizux | to comment on, comments | 批注
phizuyphy | small flat stones thrown by children to skim along the water surface | 漂石子
phiø'nng | an aquatic plant | 漂卵; 無根萍
phiøar | an aquatic plant | 薸仔
phiøo | a ladle made from a dried gourd; great duckweed; duckweed; spirodela polyrhiza | 瓢; 萍,; 青萍; 水萍; 滿江紅; 紫萍,
phiørbin keakeg | face value (of a stock) | 票面價格
phiørbin | on the face of a check; ticket; face value of a note; bond | 票面
phiørgiah | sum stated on check or certificate | 票額
phiørhurn | bleaching powder | 漂白; 漂白粉
phiøriuo | fancier | 票友
phiøriøh | bleaching medicine | 漂藥
phiørkex | ticket price | 票價; 漂價
phiørkiehoad | Law of Negotiable Instruments | 票據法
phiørkix | certificate; negotiable instruments | 票據
phiørkngx | tickets | 票券
phiørkoad | decide by casting ballots | 票決
phiørkoaxn | ticket | 票券
phiørkoex | be bleached | 漂過
phiørkux | receipt | 票據
phiørkyn | check stub; ticket stub | 票根
phiørlo | bleach | 漂露
phiørpaang | box office; box office; ticket window | 票房
phiørpauar | wallet | 皮包仔
phiørpeh | bleach; decolor | 漂白
phiørpeh-hurn | bleaching powder | 漂白粉
phiørpeqhurn | bleaching powder; bleaching powder; chlorine powder | 漂白粉
phiørpeqzef | bleaching agent; decolorant | 漂白劑
phiørpox | bleached cloth; bleach linen | 漂布
phiørsoarn | elect by casting ballots | 票選
phiørsox | number of votes; ballots | 票數
phiørsviw | ballot box | 票箱
phiøx | bill; bank note; ticket; certificate; warrant | 票; 漂
phngr | scold | 罵; 叱
phngx | scold | 罵
pho | foil; notebook; books (accounting; memo; registration); blank book for writing exercises | 箔; 廍; 坊; 簿
pho'afpafng | bed board | 箔仔板; 舖板
pho'aftea | back cover of the node book | 簿仔底
pho'afterng | front cover of the node book | 簿仔頂
pho'afzoar | notebook paper | 簿仔紙
pho'ar | notebook | 簿仔; 鋪仔; 簡單的床舖; 本子
pho'ar-siaux | ledger | 簿仔數; 記載的賬
pho-zheq | notebooks and books | 簿冊
phoaan | plate; dish; tray; calculate; discuss | 盤
phoad | lame | 拐; 瘸
phoafn | fan | 藩
phoah toax kengthaau | hang on the shoulder | 披在肩上
phoah | spread out (cloth); hang on a pole or rope (clothing); suspend; throw loosely over one's shoulders; lay loosely over a railing; on the back of a chair | 披; 袚; 搭; 擱; 懸掛
phoah'ag | sprinkle | 潑沃
phoah`jiblaai | be dashed in (e.g.; rain or waves) | 濺進來
phoahho | get spattered by rain | 濺雨
phoahhoaf | extinguish by throwing water | 潑熄
phoahhøea | distinguish the fire (with water) | 潑火; 滅火
phoahkhuy | cut open | 剖開
phoahsid | extinguish by throwing water | 潑熄
phoahtaam | wet; moisten with splashed in water | 潑濕; 濺濕
phoahzhaan | farming | 施肥; 潑田
phoahzuie lansiw | Spilled water cannot be retrieved (literally) ─ One cannot undo an accomplished fact | 潑水難收
phoahzuie | spread water; dash or throw water with force; throw out water; splash | 潑水
phoan | accompany; mutual | 伴
phoanbun | interrogate | 盤問
phoanhuix | traveling expenses | 盤費
phoankied | question closely | 盤結; 盤詰
phoankor | P'an-Ku, originator of heaven and earth | 盤古
phoankud | pelvis | 骨盤
phoanmng | interrogate | 盤問
phoansoaan | make a circuit (cf.; seh) | 盤旋
phoaq lefngzuie | pour cold water on the idea | 潑冷水
phoaq | lively; active | 潑
phoaqkhaf | have one leg on top of the other; sit with the legs crossed | 潑腳; 腳交叉
phoaqlien | necklace; necklace | 項鍊; 袚鍊; 項鏈
phoaqphoah | abnormal | 潑潑; 無正常
phoaqsvaf | lay clothes loosely over a railing; on the back of a chair | 披衣
phoaqtit | make it straight | 打直
phoaraxn | crack a criminal case; distinguishing the truth of a case by minute examination | 破案
phoarbaa | words of scolding woman | 破痲; 罵壞女人之詞
phoarbang | broken net | 破網
phoarbih | split bamboo into thin strips | 破篾; 破竹條
phoargoaxlo | distance from end of journey still far off; a long way to travel yet | 破外路; 還差很遠
phoarhex | sell goods | 販貨
phoarhiuu | rotten clothes; broken cotton padded; quilted jacket | 破裘; 破棉襖
phoarhoai | destroy, ruin | 破壞
phoarhoex | merchandising | 販貨
phoarhuix | lost money | 破費
phoariog | break a promise | 破約
phoarkaix | make a exception; break a vow; break the rules (usually said of monks; nuns) | 破戒
phoarkef | injure the fortune of family | 破家; 敗家
phoarkehciao | magpie | 破格鳥
phoarkehzhuix | magpie beak | 破格喙
phoarkeq | inauspicious; ominous; exception to a rule; practice; make an exception; abnormal; describing bad habits that make others feel uncomfortable; such as talking in loud; unpleasant voice | 破格; 違背常習的; 凶兆; 怪習使人無適的
phoarkezherng | reams of rubbish | 破雞筅; 嘴巴吱吱喳喳講無完
phoarkhafng | break open a hole; tear a hole; reveal a secret; wound; cut; hole; opening; slit | 破洞; 破空; 開孔
phoarkhiaq | breach (in a wall; fence) | 缺口; 破隙
phoarkhix | broken | 破去
phoarkhuy | cut to open; split open (with a hatchet) | 劈開; 破開; 剖開
phoarkoafn | broken coffin | 破棺
phoarkoef | reaching 16 years of age (said of a girl); deflower a virgin | 破瓜
phoarkokoo | ragged (clothes); smashed to smithereens | 破糊糊
phoarkor | broken drum | 破鼓
phoarku | old, worn out | 破舊
phoarkvaf | run away from jail | 逃獄
phoarkviax tiong'vii | reunion and reconciliation (said of a divorced or separated couple; Lit. broken mirror is round again) | 破鏡重圓
phoarlau | leak (roof, etc.) | 破漏
phoarle | break a precedent or a custom; break a precedent; make an exception (to a rule; common practices) | 破例
phoarliern | flat tire | 破輪
phoarliet | rupture | 破裂
phoarlih | tear, lip | 破裂
phoarmih | broken object | 破物
phoarnkiofng | outermost courts of Congucian temple | 破宮; 泮宮; 孔古寺
phoarnoa | (adj) sloppy | 破爛; 廢品; 邋遢
phoarnoaxsvef | untidy; slipshod | 邋遢 [*]
phoarnpiet | distinguish | 判別
phoarpag giaxmsy | post-mortem examination; an autopsy | 剖腹驗屍
phoarpag | make an incision in the belly; tell everything one knows; cut the belly open; Caesarian operation | 剖腹; 破腹
phoarpai | decline (in wealth and position) | 破敗
phoarpeeng | cut to half-and-half; cut; split into two halves | 剖爿; 剖成兩半; 劈成兩半
phoarpengzuun | an icebreaker; a boat of ship that busts the surface ice so other ships can pass | 破冰船
phoarphaang | broken canvas | 破帆
phoarphang | broken seam | 破縫
phoarphaq | fault, blemish | 破陷; 無處
phoarphee | broken skin | 破皮
phoarphoax | broken | 破破
phoarphoee | broken skin; break the skin | 破皮
phoarphvix | fragment | 破片
phoarphøee | break the skin, broken skin | 破皮
phoarpiao | bad woman; hussy (scolding) | 臭婊; (罵女人)
phoarporcie | Sebastian plum cordia | 破脯子; 破布子
phoarporof | Ehretia Acuminata | 破布烏
phoarpox | a piece of cloth or rag to wipe with; rags | 抹布; 破布
phoarpve | fall sick; become ill | 生病
phoarpvi | become ill; illness | 生病; 破病
phoarsarn | become bankrupt | 破產
phoarsaxm | greatly decayed; worn out | 襤褸; 破散
phoarsiaolieen | weak young man | 破少年
phoarsionghofng | tetanus | 破傷風
phoarsngr | break damage, breakage | 破損; 破壞
phoarsu | cause trouble | 破事
phoarsurn | be damaged | 破損
phoarsvaf | ragged clothes | 破衣; 破杉
phoarsviaa | broken castle | 破城; 荒城
phoarsviux | be deformed; be maimed; deformity; maimed; greatly deformed | 破相; 殘廢
phoarsvix irn zhenghofng | broken fan can make a cool breeze ─ everything has a use | 破扇引清風; 各有所用
phoarsy | hold a post-mortem examination | 剖屍
phoartaang | broken copper | 破銅
phoarteg | roken bamboo | 破竹
phoarthoo | break the ground | 破土
phoarthor | break the ground (for a building); break a bit of plaster; break ground (for a building project); break a bit of the plaster of a house to be repaired | 破土
phoartii | eliminate, get rid of | 破除
phoartin | break a strategy | 破陣
phoarto | (of a plot; etc.) fall through and stand exposed | 破肚; 破裂; 敗露
phoartuu | eliminate, get rid of | 破除
phoartvar | scare; scared; be astounded; lose courage; be frightened out of one's wits; become terrified | 破贍; 破膽; 喪膽
phoartviar | broken vessel; wok; broken pot | 破鼎; 破鍋
phoartøee | analyze | 破題
phoarym-ji | broken sound word | 破音字
phoarzaai | waste wealth; lose money | 破財
phoarzhaa | wood cutting; split firewood | 劈柴; 破柴; 劈材
phoarzheh | broken sound | 破裂
phoarzhex | (adj) hoarse; rough; unclear and unshaped (of sound) | 破脆; 聲音破破; 聲音欠清脆
phoarzhuix | broken; to break; smashed; broken to shivers | 破碎
phoarzhuo'ar | broken house | 破厝仔
phoarzhux thafng'ar | small; poor house; hovel | 破厝仔; 草茅
phoarzhux | brken house; ruined house | 破屋; 破房子
phoarzuie imzhaan | let water into a field | 引水灌溉
phoarzuie | break water | 破水
phoarzuun | broken down ship | 破船
phoarzøx | broken | 破做
phoat'hu | virago; a shrew; a termagant; a woman that hard to deal | 潑婦
phoatchix | splash | 潑刺
phoatkaau | naughty monkey | 潑猴
phoatkhaf | pigeon-toed | 拐腳
phoatlah | pungent | 潑辣
phoatphii | gangster | 潑皮
phoatzhef | wife that is hard to deal | 潑妻
phoauxkhaf | pull hind legs; make obstacles to slow down | 扶後跤
phoax cidlih | seek or be in the limelight; presumptuous; smug; tacky; vain; focus on one's appearance; meddlesome; officious | 破一個裂縫
phoax kielok | break a record; record shattering; record breaking | 破記錄
phoax zhaa | split wood | 破柴
phoax zøx nngxpeeng | cut; split into two halves | 劈成兩爿; 劈成兩半
phoax | break; shatter; broken; shattered; ruined; split open; to rend; to rive | 劈; 破
phoax`khix | broken | 破去
phoax`khuy | split | 破開
phoaxlien | [[phoaqlien]]; necklace | 項鍊; 袚鍊
phoaxn | to accompany; to sentence; rock | 伴; 判; 磐
phobin | put the best articles on the top | 舖面
phobixnthafn | facade, ostentation | 鋪面蟶
phociøh | pave with stones | 舖石
phoe | coverlet; quilt; scarf | 被
phoe'ar | barnyard | 稗仔
phoe'axn | approval | 批案
phoe'ea | barnyard | 稗
phoe'etiaxm | shoes store | 皮鞋店
phoe'te'ar | leather bag | 皮袋仔; 革囊
phoea | face | 頰; 臀
phoea'afng | marry to a man | 配夫
phoea'exkoex | suitable worthy of | 配得過; 配得上
phoea'iøh | dispense (drugs); prescribe | 配藥
phoea'ui-hoarhabbut | complex compound | 配位化合物
phoea'uixky | complexing group | 配位居
phoeabexkhie | it does not match; unsuitable | 配無上
phoeachiaf | allocation of cars; allocate cars | 配車
phoeachyn | marry | 配親
phoeaciuo | eat food; peanuts along with liquor | 下酒
phoeaexkoex | suitable worthy of | 配得過, 配得上
phoeagak | soundtrack | 配樂
phoeagiah | quota | 配額
phoeagu | a mate, spouse | 配偶
phoeagvor | spouse; spouse | 配偶
phoeahap | to co-operate; put together; accompany each other; to mate; to pair; be in tune with; be adapted to; to match; to fit; to coordinate with | 配合
phoeahngf | dispense prescriptions | 配方
phoeahoad | allotment | 配發
phoeahoeatvoaf | invoice | 配貨單
phoeahok | admire | 佩服
phoeahwn | arranged marriage | 配婚
phoeahøex | to allocate goods | 配貨
phoeakag | a supporting role; supporting role (in a drama or movie); supporting actor or actress; supporting player | 配角
phoeakerng | decorate; decoration; decorative; ornamental | 配景; 裝飾
phoeakib | to ration; to allocate; distribution ratios | 配給
phoeakipbie | rationed rice | 配給米
phoeakipphirn | rationed goods | 配給品
phoeakipzexng | ration cards; ration coupons | 配給證
phoeakor | allotment | 配股
phoeakvia | fittings; mountings; replacement (parts); accessories; accessories | 配件
phoealap | pay | 配納
phoealiau | ingredients | 配料
phoealiong | formula | 配量
phoeang'ar | puppet | 皮尪仔
phoeaoe | talk a lot during eating (drinking) | 吃飯; (喝酒)中愛講話
phoeapi | to equip with; to fit out; outfit; equipment | 配備
phoeapng | eat with rice; eat as a condiment along with rice; be used as a condiment with rice; eat some other food along with rice | 佐飯; 配飯; 下飯吃
phoeapurn | a complete book with different edition | 配本
phoear | tares | 稗仔
phoeasaxng | delivery | 配送
phoeaseg | make it more colorful; blend colors; match colors | 配色
phoeasiausor | place of exile | 配銷所
phoeasiong | to match | 配上
phoeasvoax | wiring; wire (a house) | 配線
phoeataq | (vt) redeploy | 配搭; 配置; 搭配
phoeatat | send; distribute; delivery; deliver; distribution; distribute; dispatch the mail | 配達; 分送; 送達; 送 (貨)信等
phoeatee | take something (like cookies) with tea | 配茶
phoeathaau | ingredients | 配頭
phoeathvite | long life as heaven and earth | 配天地; 與天地同久
phoeathøx | matching; to manufacture a complete set, accompanied set | 配套
phoeatien | supply of electric power; power distribution; supply electricity; distribute power | 配電
phoeatiexnky | distributor (automotive) | 配電機; 配電盤
phoeatiexnpvoaa | distributor (automotive) | 配電機; 配電盤
phoeatix | to deploy; to equip; station (troops); equip (troops with weapons); arrange; dispose; to post | 配置
phoeatiøh | match | 配著
phoeatofng | allot shares | 配當; 分紅
phoeatongkym | stock dividend | 配動金; 股息
phoeatuix | pair up; make a pair; to mate | 配對
phoeatøex | to match | 陪隨
phoeaym | dub in (a movie) sound track; synchronize; dubbing | 配音
phoeazerng | mating | 配種
phoeazex | allocated manufacturing | 配製
phoeazhaix | accompany food (rice generally understood) with vegetable dishes; eat some food along with rice or liquor | 配菜; 吃飯佐菜
phoeazhaq | mating | 配插
phoeazuun | shipping by ships | 海運
phoebaq | skin and flesh | 皮肉
phoebeeng | make it clear | 批明; 註明
phoeboo | scale; scope; extent; pattern | 模子
phoecvii | approve money | 批錢
phoee pvef khaq-aan`leq | tighten your skin in preparation for a beating | 準備挨打
phoee teq cviu | need to be disciplined (Lit. skin is itching) | 皮在癢; (形容欠人打)
phoee | skin; leather; fur; bark; peel; outer covering; wrapping | 皮
phoeea'ar | barnyard | 稗仔
phoeee | leather shoes | 皮鞋
phoef sveamia | risk one's life | 拼命
phoef | letter; criticize; to comment; to judge; a whole batch (of things or people); large quantity or number; sell wholesale | 批; 信
phoeguo | criticism | 批語; 批判語
phoeh | tiny bubbles on the surface of water; froth; suds; foam; saliva | 沫
phoeha zuosia | hypodermic injection; subcutaneous injection | 皮下注射
phoehaam | mail | 信函
phoehiaf | leather shoes | 皮鞋
phoehoad | wholesale | 批發
phoehu'iam | dermatitis | 皮膚炎
phoehuhak | dermatology | 皮膚學
phoehukhøf ivi | dermatological clinic | 皮膚科醫院
phoehupve | skin disease; skin problem | 皮膚病
phoehuseg | skin color | 皮膚色
phoehw chiegiam | skin test | 皮膚試驗
phoehw isit | skin graft | 皮膚移植
phoehw | skin | 皮膚
phoeie | leather chair | 皮椅
phoekae | to mark corrections on | 批改
phoekauhix | puppet shadow show | 皮猴戲
phoekeg | leather | 皮革
phoekhag | an envelope | 信封
phoekvia | leather goods | 皮件
phoelai | letter | 批內
phoeliau | leather | 皮料
phoelofng | an envelope | 批囊
phoelog | an envelope | 信囊; 批囊
phoelok'ar | an envelope | 信橐仔; 信盒
phoelong'ar | an envelope | 批囊仔
phoeloong | an envelope | 信封; 郵筒
phoemoo | superficial | 皮毛
phoepauar | leather bag | 皮包仔
phoepaw | bag; sack; handbag; valise | 皮包
phoepheeng | to criticize | 批評
phoephoe'ar korng | allude to a matter without giving much explanation; give only a hint | 皮皮仔講; 說點皮毛
phoephoe'ar | (adv) a little bit; slightly | 皮皮仔; 皮毛; 稍微; 約略; 略微
phoephvoarciar | critic | 批判者
phoephvoax | to criticize | 批判
phoepog | rebuttal | 批駁
phoepvoaa | germinal disk; blastoderm | 胚盤
phoesixn | mail | 信函; 書翰
phoesvaf | a leather clothing; fur coat; fur gown; fur clothing | 皮衣; 皮衫
phoesviw | a leather suitcase; suitcase; valise | 皮箱
phoetaang | old mailbox | 信筒
phoetab | letter answer | 信答
phoete | eather bag | 皮袋
phoete'ar | leather bag; purse | 皮袋仔; 皮包
phoetharng | mailbox (those on the street) | 郵筒
phoethay | embryo; originate; arise from; the beginning of things; embryo | 胚胎
phoetiaau | comments sheet | 批條; 批語條
phoetiaw | leather carving | 皮雕
phoetiofng | in the letter | 信中
phoetoax | leather belt; belting for machinery | 皮帶
phoex bagkviax | get the right lenses for eyeglasses; be fitted for eyeglasses | 配目鏡; 配眼鏡
phoex hoefchiaf | send by rail | 托火車運
phoex | to wear; to become untwisted; to match; chip; pair; to mate; to match; to fit; to fit; to suit; be a match for; to equal; dispense (medicines); prepare (according to a demand); to exile; spouse; partner; subordinate; supplementary; supporting; attached; be eaten along with (as a condiment) | 佩; 紕; 配; 碎片; 薄麻皮
phoex-thautuix | match 1st pair | 配頭對
phoexlai | inside comfort | 被內
phoexlofng | envelope | 批囊
phoexloong | envelope | 批囊
phoextvoaf | quilt cover; cotton cover for the coverlet | 被單
phoezad | letter | 信節
phoezng | criticism document | 批狀
phoezoar | letter paper; heavy wrapping paper | 信紙; 皮紙
phoezurn | to approve | 批准
phof binzhngg | make the bed | 舖床
phof bixnthafn | putting on the appearance of diligence; goodness when observed; eye serving | 裝表面
phof ciøqar | pave with stones; lay flagstones; stone pavement | 舖石子
phof zng'ar | pave with bricks; brick pavement | 舖磚仔
phof | a plain; the sacred tree of the Buddhists; to pave; a store; lay in order; to spread; arrange; spread out level; lay tiles; pavement even; to pave; make (a bridge) | 埔; 菩; 鋪; 舖
phof-mihiuu | comfort | 舖綿裘
phofciaux | illuminate all things; shed light on; shine upon all (said of sunshine; God's grace) | 普照
phofciorng | general award | 普獎
phofciøx | shine everywhere | 波照; 普照
phofkip kaoiok | universal education; compulsory; mandatory education | 普及教育
phofkip | widespread; universal; available to all; widespread | 普及
phofliok | approximately, about, nearly, not all, some | 普略; 大約
phofløbinjiasviaa | | 普羅民遮城
phofmeqar | slightly; rather | 頗脈仔; 大概; 稍微
phofng | heavy fall of rain | 雱
phofngkhix | hold | 捧去
phofngphuar | pump | 磅浦仔
phofngphuqar | pump | 磅浦仔
phofngphwar | pump | 幫浦仔
phofngsae boahbin | put shit on face; humiliation | 捧屎抹面
phofngzuie lym | drink water out of the hands | 捧水喝
phofphiernsexng | universality | 普遍性
phofphiexn | universal; widespread; universal; general; everywhere; all | 普遍
phofphofar zaiviar | almost know it; know a bit | 略知
phofphofar | slightly; about; almost; nearly; for the most part | 普普仔; 一點點; 略微
phofphor | so so | 普普; 略具能力
phofpiao | a staff in music | 譜表
phofpiør | a music score | 樂譜; 譜表
phofsex | wold, universal | 普世
phofsiar | compose | 譜寫
phofsoarn | a general election; universal suffrage | 普選
phofsy | disburse to all; liberal gifts; give contributions to charity in every direction | 普施
phofthiefn tongkhexng | whole world joins in congratulation; celebration; rejoicing | 普天同慶
phofthienha | in all parts of the world; extended all over the whole world; all the world over; throughout the world | 普天下
phofthoaan thienha | proclaim to all the world | 普傳天下
phofthofng Misad | Low Mass (Catholic; no longer used) | 普通彌撒
phofthofng hoexoaan | ordinary member of a society | 普通會員
phofthofng kaoiok | general education | 普通教育
phofthofng khøfchix | junior grade civil service examination | 普通考試
phofthofng pien | ordinary mail | 普通便; 平信
phofthofng tieseg | general knowledge | 普通知識
phofthofng | common; ordinary; common; plain; average | 普通
phofthofng-chiaf | local train, ordinary train | 普通車
phofthofng-khøf | general courses, regular courses | 普通科
phofthofng-phøef | ordinary letter | 普通批; 平信
phofthofng-sii | ordinary time, generally, ordinarily | 普通時; 平時
phofthongchiaf | slow train; ordinary train; local (train) schedule | 普通車
phofthongjit | week day | 普通日
phofthonglaang | ordinary individual; ordinary people; the hoi polloi | 普通人
phofthonglangtaw | ordinary house | 普通人兜
phofthongphofthofng | ordinary | 普通普通
phofthongsi'ar | normal time | 普通時仔
phofthongsii | normal time | 普通時
phofthvi'e | in all parts of the world; extended all over the whole world; all the world over; throughout the world | 普天下
phofthvy e | all over the word | 普天下
phofto ciorngsefng | deliver (Buddhism); save all beings | 普渡眾生
phofto | birthday cereblation of a local god; large scale Buddhist rites for the dead | 普渡
phoftosi | Putuo Temple | 普陀寺
phofty itji | know one or two things (about it) ─ know it rather well | 略知一二
phofzaf | investigate on a wide scale; universal investigation; census; general survey | 普查
phofzay | know a little bit | 頗知; 略知之
phofzex | general charity | 普濟
phofzhaa | a general investigation | 普查
phofzøee | rescue all beings | 普濟
phofzøx | cut as | 剖做
phog | welt caused by an insect bite | 疙瘩; 噗; 突出
phog'afsviaf | clapping sound | 噗仔聲
phog'ar | clap | 拍仔; 掌聲
phog`khylaai | projecting forth; coming out; rise in large blisters (e.g.; plaster on a wall bulging out and ready to fall; ill fitting wall paper) | 凸起來
phog`zhutlaai | protuberant; bulging out; jutting out | 凸出來
phogkngf | expose to light | 暴光
phogkofng | exposure (in photography) | 曝光
phogkofng-piør | photometer, exposure-meter | 曝光錶; 曝光表
phogphogkiøx | puff puff | 噗噗叫
phogphogthiaux | palpitate | 卜卜跳; 砰砰跳
phogphogtiøo | dance with emotion (rage or delight); palpitate | 蹦蹦跳
phogphogtvoa | palpitate | 砰砰跳
phogphogzherng | palpitate | 卜卜跳; 砰砰跳
phogpox | waterfall; chute; fall; niagara; waterfall; cascade | 瀑布
phogzax | to explode, explosion | 爆炸
phok | dry in the sun; expose to sunlight; to sun | 曬; 曝
phok'aezø | fraternity seat | 博愛座
phok'afsviaf | clapping sound | 噗仔聲
phok'aix zwgi | philanthropy | 博愛主義
phok'aix | philanthropy; charity | 博愛
phok'ar | bubbles | 泡仔; 泡(沫)兒
phok'hak | well-read; erudite; well read; erudite; well versed in a wide range of learning; erudition; deep and wide education | 博學
phokaix | simple bed and bedding | 撲蓋; 舖蓋
phokbiet | (v) stamp out; dampen out | 撲滅
phokboarn | cover completely | 撲滿
phokbudhak | natural history; natural science | 博物學
phokbudkoarn | museum | 博物館; 博物院
phokbudvi | museum | 博物館; 博物院
phokbut | nature; natural sciences | 博物
phokbuun | knowledgeable | 博聞
phokciøh | stone with jade | 璞石
phokgvar | knowledgeable and elegant | 博雅
phokhaf | lay hold of a man's leg in order to throw him down | 抬腳; 鋪腳; 扶跤; 床下; 扶腳
phokhaf-phochiuo | flattering someone; special treatments | 抬腳抬手
phokhazhngf | fltter | 扶尻川
phokhylaai | pave up | 鋪起來
phokiøo | pave a bridge; make a wooden bridge | 鋪橋; 造橋
phokkheg | poker | 撲克
phokkheg-paai | playing card, poker card | 撲克牌
phokkhekpaai | playing cards | 撲克牌
phokkheq | blog | 博客
phokkhofng | to come to nought | 撲空
phokkngf | expose to light | 撲光
phokkor-thongkym | be well informed in things past and present; be well versed in ancient and modern learning | 博古通今
phokkor-thongkyn | knowledgeable | 博古通今
phokkorng | full of air and protrude | 凸管; 凸起而內包空氣
phokkw | convex | 凸起
phoklafmhoe | an exposition; fair (trade); exhibition | 博覽會
phoklarm | to be well-read; read extensively | 博覽
phokong'efng | dandelion; cow weed | 蒲公英
phokphaf | skin bubble | 起泡
phokphog | protruding; bulging; bulging; swollen; puffy | 凸凸
phokphvi | to excite the nose (with a smell) | 撲鼻
phoksad | kill | 撲殺
phokseg | knowledge | 博識
phoksit | sparingly; simple minded; honest; sincere | 樸實; 誠實
phoksorng | surplus | 多餘
phoksox | homeliness; austerity; artlessness; simplicity; quiet; simple; plain (dress) not gaudy; simple and quiet in taste and manner (man not given to display or vanity) | 樸素
phoksu | Phd; doctor (of science); doctoral degree | 博士
phoksu-luxnbuun | dissertation, doctorate thesis | 博士論文
phoksuxphog | a person who claims that he/she knows everything | 博士博
phokthofng | knowledgeable | 博通
phokthor | PhD | 博土
phoktit | simple and straightforward | 扶直; 樸直
phoktox | to wrestle | 搏鬥
phokym | pave with gold | 鋪金
phokzefng | a large bronze bell for religious ceremony | 博鐘; 鎛鐘
phokzhuo | to gain, to obtain, to seize, to catch | 博取
pholaarnphaf | flatter | 扶𡳞脬
pholaxnphaf | flatter; curry favor with; fawn upon | 拍馬屁; 諂媚
pholo | pave road; surface a road; pave a road; pave the way | 鋪路
phomihiuu | padded jacket; quilted coat | 鋪棉襖
phomii | line a garment or quilt with cotton wool | 舖棉
phomoar | cover completely | 舖滿; 鋪滿
phong | dirty and dusty | 蓬*
phongkofng | bladder (physiology) | 膀胱
phongkøfsvoai | mango | 蘋果檨
phongkør | apple | 蘋果
phongphaix | at hack and monger; flourishing; prosperous or abundant | 蓬派; 豐盛
phongphongphaephaix | aundant | 蓬蓬沛沛
phoo auxkhaf | criticize and destroy behind one's back | 扯後腿
phoo | to support with the hand; the sacred tree of the Buddhists; a cattail; lift up; raise up; to support; prop up a weight with both hands; to flatter; curry favor with; fawn; to flatter obsequiously | 扶; 菩; 蒲; 拍馬屁
phoo-laxnphaf | to curry favor with | 拍馬尼; 扶脬
phoo`khylaai | lift up | 抬起來
phoong | fluffy | 蓬
phopaai | furnish and decorate (a room); adorn or embellish for the sake of face; arrange | 舖排; 鋪排; 借用; 舖張; 諂媚; 安排; 擺設
phopafng | wooden floor, boards supporting tatami mats, to fashion a bed platform of boards | 鋪板
phophoo | flattering | 扶扶; ,拍馬屁
phophothvafthvar | flatter | 扶扶挺挺
phopvee | smooth out; spread out and make smooth | 舖平
phopvii | spread out (material); pave (the way; a road; etc.) | 鋪平
phoq | worthless | 粕
phor | about; almost; nearly; for the most part | 頗; 譜; 普
phor-thvi'e | everywhere, throughout the world | 普天下
phorlo | traveling distance; a journey | 路程
phorng | scoop up in both hands | 凸; 捧; 掬,; 拿
phorng'ie | sofa | 凸床; 膨椅; 沙發; 沙發椅
phorng'vii | balloon-shaped | 凸圓; 圓圓的
phorng'ykhaf | under the sofa | 膨椅跤
phorng'yterng | on the sofa | 膨椅頂
phorngbie | puffed rice | 膨米
phorngbin | convex (face), mad | 凸面
phorngbixnkviax | a convex mirror | 凸面鏡
phorngboea | the amount budgeted over and above what is actually needed to purchase an item to make sure expenses can be covered; also refers to the number of things budgeted | 膨尾; 較實際寬鬆之數目
phorngchie | squirrel | 松鼠
phornghofng | to brag; to talk big; flatulence; belly slightly swollen; to boast; to brag; talk big | 凸風; 膨風; 脹氣; 吹牛; 肚子脹氣
phornghong'aftee | bragging tea | 膨風仔茶
phornghongkw | braggart; boaster | 誇張者; 吹牛者
phornghurn | face power; face powder (in a round cake) | 撲粉; 膨粉; 化妝用圓盒的白撲粉
phorngji | raised letters for the blind, braille | 凸字; 點字
phorngkafm | large tangerine; type of tangerine | 凸柑; 椪柑; 橘子
phorngkhylaai | puff up | 膨起來
phorngkied | small orange | 凸柑; 椪橘
phorngkorng | convex tube | 凸管
phorngkviax | a magnifying glass | 凸鏡
phornglab | concave | 凸凹
phorngmngg | convex | 凸門
phorngnaq | concave | 凸凹; 凹凸的
phorngpha | skin bubbles; become blistered; get a blister | 起泡; 膨疱; 燙傷起泡
phorngphee | puffed | 膨皮
phorngphoee | fleshy; plump; well filled out | 蓬皮; 白白胖胖的
phorngphoephorngphoee | puffy | 膨皮膨皮
phorngphorngphoxng | extremely puffed | 膨膨膨
phorngphorngtoa | puffed | 膨膨大
phorngphoxng | bulging; concave | 凸凸
phorngphux | pump | 幫浦; 手動抽水機; 源自日語ポンプ(pompu)
phorngphøe | a quilt with cotton | 棉被
phorngphøee | plentiful; chubbiness; fulness; plim; well-developed | 豐滿; 凸皮
phorngpviar | muffin; bell shaped cakes | 膨餅; 鬆餅; 凸餅
phorngsaisay | puffed | 膨獅獅
phorngsebø | woolen had | 膨紗帽
phorngsef | woolen yarn | 毛線; 膨紗
phorngsef-svaf | sweater, knitted dress | 毛線衣; 膨紗衫
phorngsesvaf | knitted woolen garment; sweater | 毛線衣
phorngsesvoax | woolen yarn | 蓬梳線; 毛線
phorngsvoax | woolen yarn | 毛線
phorngtaixhae | some type of medicine; one kind of medicinal herbs it help hoarse | 膨大海
phorngtefng | affairs run into obstruction | 膨釘; 碰釘; 比喻事情遇到阻礙; 碰釘(子)
phorngthaau | bulge | 膨頭
phorngthab | concave and convex | 膨蹋; 凹凸
phorngtioxng | to swell; to expand; to inflated; inflation | 膨脹
phorngto tefmia | curse; used by a woman toward a man | 短命鬼; (罵人)
phorngto | swollen stomach; imply dead fish; belly swollen (of a corpse) | 凸肚; 肚脹
phorngtoa | swollen; expand; distend | 頭大; 妄自尊大; 脹大; 膨脹
phorngtoortefmia | big belly short life | 膨肚短命
phorngtor | embossed panel | 凸翹
phorngtoxtefmia | big belly short life | 膨肚短命
phorngtøee | knuckles | 凸蹄
phorngzhngg | spring bed | 凸床; 彈簧床
phorngzhuo | a squirrel | 松鼠; 膨鼠
phorngzuie | pump water | 膨水
phorpør | guarantee (for a person's reliability) given by a shopkeeper | 舖保; 店保
phorsarn | to go bankrupt | 破產
phorseg | dissecting room | 解剖室
phortøf | scalpel, dissecting knife | 解剖刀
phosad | Buddha | 菩薩
phosatniuniuu | kind goddess | 菩薩娘娘
phosied | build (roads); setup | 舖設; 佈置
phosoafui | move to another place | 鋪徙位; 移動位置
phosvaf | spread out cloths | 舖衫; 鋪衣
photextharn | spread carpet | 舖地毯
phothaothaux | spread through | 鋪透透
phothechiu | pipal; tree of Buddha; banyan; linden tree; bo tree; (Buddhism) bodhidruma; the wisdom tree under which Sakyamuni attained his enlightenment and became Buddha | 菩提樹
phothee | tree of Buddha; banyan; linden tree; Bo-tree; bodhi; knowledge; understanding; perfect wisdom; the illuminated; enlightened mind; Bodhisattva | 菩提
phothee-chiu | tree of Buddha; banyan; linden tree; Bo-tree | 菩提樹
phothvar | to flatter; adulation; flatter; soothe; flatter and fawn upon | 諂媚; 扶挺; 扶撐; 拍馬屁
photiofng | make an elaborate display; elaborate; extravagant; exaggerate | 舖張; 鋪張
photviw | make an elaborate display, elaborate, extravagant | 舖張; 鋪張
phox | split; cut open; asunder; lay open; disclose; decide; explain; analyze; to judge | 剖; 舖; 十里
phoxhun | to cherish hatred to feel regret | 珍恨
phoxkiehak | bookkeeping (as a course of study) | 簿記學
phoxkieoaan | bookkeeper; ledger clerk | 簿記員
phoxkix | bookkeeping | 簿記
phoxng | raised; to bump; to come across; swollen; bell shaped; convex; embossed; puffed out | 凸; 膨; 碰; 掽; 鬆凸
phoxng-saisay | puffy | 膨獅獅
phoxng`khylaai | project; jut out; to swell; expand | 凸起來; 膨脹
phoxng`tiøh | bulk | 膨到
phoxngkofng | a bladder | 膀胱
phoxngkøfphaix | apple pie | 蘋果派
phoxngkøfsvoai | mango | 蘋果檨
phoxngkør | an apple | 蘋果
phoxngloxngsofng | fluffy | 蓬曠鬆; 如綿蓬鬆
phoxngphong | smoke | 茫茫
phoxngphoxng'efng | dusty | 蓬蓬揚; 灰塵飛揚
phoxngphoxngsongsofng | puffy (hair | 疏疏鬆鬆
phoxngsafng | loose and bulky (parcel; dress) | 蓬鬆
phoxngsofng | loose and bulky (parcel; dress) | 蓬鬆
phoxngsongphoxngsofng | puffy | 蓬鬆蓬鬆
phoxngsym | indignant; furious | 蓬心; 蘿蔔空心
phoxtang | move | 廍動
phoxtexzngf | lay tiles | 舖地磚
phozheq | notebooks and books | 簿冊
phozngf | lay tiles | 舖磚; 鋪磚
phu | spurt; blow; snort; puff out; spray | 浮; 浡; 沸騰; 噴; 吹
phu'iongciao | ricebird | 芙蓉鳥
phu'ioong zhutzuie | hibiscus rising out of water (descriptive of the gracefulness of a piece of writing; a woman) | 芙蓉出水
phu'ioong | hibiscus flower; crossostephium chinense | 芙蓉
phu'iuu sengbut | plankton | 浮游生物
phu'iuu | a thin layer of oil | 浮油
phu`zhutlaai | boil over; burst out | 舖出來
phubin | above water level; float on the surface | 浮面; 浮出表面
phuciw | land above water | 浮洲
phucixm | float | 浮浸
phuciøh | stone above water; pumice stone | 浮石
phud chiuxoef | cut off twigs; lop off branches | 砍樹枝
phud | to berate; to cut with a sword or to prune with a knife; cut with a sword or knife; to prune (branches); to chop; to hack | 咄; 刜; 砍
phud`løqlaai | chop; cut down | 砍下來
phud`tør | cut down | 砍倒
phuee | emerged | 浮的
phuh | thin; flimsy | 薄
phuhieen | suspended, in suspension | 暫停; 懸
phuhien | emerge | 浮現
phuhiexn | emerge | 浮現
phuhiexnzhud | emerged | 浮現出
phuhlofphehlar | propeller (of a ship; plane) | 推進機
phuhuun | floating cloud | 浮雲
phuhzhexng | like to seek or be in the limelight | 冒衝; 愛出風頭
phuie | spit | 呸; 表唾棄或斥責嘆
phuie'aang | spit blood | 吐血
phuiebin | angry; unrationale; refuse to acknowledge one's defeat; poor loser | 屁面; 呸面; 翻臉; 反臉; 輸無起; 不認帳
phuiehietkak | spit | 呸㧒捔
phuiehoeq | spit blood | 吐血; 呸血
phuiehuiq | hemoptysis; spit blood | 唾血; 呸血; 咯血
phuiekw | seek or be in the limelight | 愛出風頭
phuieliao | pooh | 呸了
phuienoa | to spit (in contempt); spit; expectorate | 呸瀾; 吐痰; 呸; 吐口水
phuiephuix | cheeky, uppity | 呸呸
phuiesag | spit out | 呸棄; 吐棄
phuiethaam | spit out phlegm; expectorate | 吐痰
phuiethaau-phuiebin | high temper; unapproachable | 傲氣無恥
phuiethat'ar | fart | 屁窒仔
phuietiau | spit | 呸掉
phuiezhuienoa | spit | 呸喙瀾
phuix zhuienoa | spit saliva; expectorate | 吐唾沫; 吐口水
phuix | intestinal gas (say a person so exaggerated in talking) | 屁; 呸; 臭屁; 睡
phuix-hietkak | spit it out | 吐擲棄
phuix-zhuienoa | spurned | 呸嘴瀾; 吐痰; 唾棄
phuji | embossed text | 浮字; 浮彫文字
phukhakyn | varicose veins | 靜脈瘤
phukhie | float | 浮起
phukiøo | pontoon bridge | 浮橋
phulat | buoyancy | 浮力
phulek | buoyancy | 浮力
phuli | drift away | 浮離
phuloong | floating bag | 浮囊
phuloxngciar | surfer | 浮浪者
phuloxngkoxng | float | 浮浪貢
phulun | sandbar | 浮崙
phumiaa | float, unreal fame | 浮名
phun'aflai | pots | 盆仔內
phun'ar | pots | 盆仔
phun'arm | water in which rice has been washed just before cooking (generally fed to pigs) | 餿仔
phun'ek | tub bath | 浮浴; 盆浴
phunbong | grave | 墳墓
phunhorng | scoop up | 浮凸
phunkerng | bonsai; potted plant; arrangement of flowers and flowers pots so as to look well; dwarf tree | 盆景
phunkhakud | pubic | 盆跤骨
phunkngf | swill tab | 浮光; 泔水缸
phunliuu | rush | 奔流
phunphøf løkhor | the toil and anxiety of life | 奔波勞苦
phunphøf lølok | the cares and toils of life | 奔波勞碌
phunphøf | work very hard; to toil; traveling about in search of employment; be on the run constantly | 奔波
phunsofng | hasten home upon the death of one's parents | 奔喪
phunte | a basin; basin (geology) | 盆地
phuntharng | barbell for leftover; tub install leftovers (of food) | 餿桶; 潘桶; 泔水桶
phuntii | basin | 盆池
phunzao | travel quickly; to hasten; run errands | 奔走
phunzay | bonsai; potted plant; plant in a pot | 盆栽
phunzuie | spoil water | 餿水
phunzø | base for a flower-pot | 盆座
phuo | gray; grizzle; obscure; dim; indistinct; faint; grayish | 灰色; 殕; 霉; 淺灰色; 朦朧的
phuohiøf | duckweed | 浮薸
phupheeng | duckweed | 浮萍
phuphiaw | a buoy | 浮標
phuphiøo | duckweed | 浮萍; 浮薸
phuphiøx | undependable, unstable | 浮萍; 漂浮不定
phuphutimtiim | ups and downs | 浮浮沉沉
phuphuu | floating | 浮浮; 腳踏無穩
phuphvax | empty | 浮冇
phuq | to blow; to emit | 吹; 噴
phurn | to muss up; to tumble; to spray | 噴; 翸; 抖掉; 翻滾; 弄亂
phurn'iuu | spay oil | 噴油
phurn'iøqar | spray chemical | 噴藥仔
phurn'oo | a sprinkler, a watering pot | 噴壺
phurnbak | ink jet | 噴墨
phurnbu | atomization, to atomize | 噴霧
phurnbu-khix | vaporizer (spray) | 噴霧器
phurnbuxchiaf | spray car | 噴霧車
phurnbuxkhix | atomizer; spray gun; vaporizer | 濆霧器
phurnbuxky | fog machines | 噴霧機
phurnho | wet with some drops of rain; be spattered with rain | 濺雨
phurnhoefkhix | flame thrower | 濆火器
phurnhoefsvoaf | volcano | 濆火山
phurnhoxtiarm | get sprinkled with rain; sprinkled | 下小雨
phurnkhakhefng | run hurriedly | 噴腳框; 急逃
phurnkhefng | run hurriedly | 急跑
phurnkhix | to snort, to puff | 噴去; 噴氣
phurnphafng | to diffuse fragrance | 噴香; 噴芳
phurnphuxn`leq | sprinkle, spout | 噴噴咧
phurnsia cierntorky | jet fighter bomber plane | 濆射戰鬥機
phurnsia | shoot out; eject from a jet; shoot out (gas or liquid); to jet | 噴射
phurnsia-ky | jet airplane | 噴射機
phurnsiaxky | jet; jet airplane | 噴射機
phurntaam | get wet (from rain) | 濆濕; 濺濕
phurntaang | a flamethrower | 噴灶; 噴筒
phurntharng | watering bucket | 噴桶; 撒水桶
phurntiarm | to puff; to spout; to spray; to spurt; ; fragrant | 噴點; 果料兒; 長斑點; 斑點
phurntiøh | sprayed | 噴著
phurnzef | spray (medical) | 濆劑
phurnzhad | spray paint; paint with a spray gun | 噴漆
phurnzhexng | spout water | 噴槍
phurnzhud | to jet, to spurt out | 噴出
phurnzoaan | ornamental fountain | 噴泉
phurnzuie | spray water; spurt water out of; to water in small quantities; a few drops at a time; fountain; jet | 噴水
phurnzuie-khix | water sprayer | 噴水池; 噴水器
phurnzuie-tii | ornamental fountain | 噴水池
phurnzuykhao | spout | 噴水口
phurnzuytii | a fountain; fountain; pond with a fountain in the center | 噴水池
phurnzvoaa | ornamental fountain; a fountain; a geyser; fountain; geyser | 濆泉; 噴泉
phusoaf | floating sand | 浮砂; 流沙
phusvoax | floating thread | 浮線; 浮在布面上之
phusy | floating corpse | 浮屍
phut'siofng | wound | 刜傷
phut`tør | to cut something down | 斬倒
phutang | float (for fishing); buoy | 浮標; 浮子
phuthaau | to raise one's head; to gain ground; make good or to succeed (said of people of humble origin) | 浮頭; 浮出頭部; 出頭天
phutiaw | relief | 浮雕
phutiim | buoy; floating and sinking; bobbing on the water; unsettled; ups and downs; going with the times | 浮沉; 浮標
phutin'ar | leaf-hoppers | 浮藤仔; 浮塵子
phutliawliao | cut and pulled | 刜了了
phutong | (v) float and drift; (v) be unstable | 浮動
phutphud`leq | cut them with swords | 砍砍咧
phutphutthiaux | jump up and down with happiness or anger; leap about (for joy); to hop | 怫怫跳; 雀躍
phutphuttiøo | jump chiuo up and down with happiness or anger; leap about (in rage or like child urgently asking something) | 怫怫趒; 雀躍
phutsag | cut and removed | 砍棄
phutsie | kill with a sword; hack to death | 砍死; 刜死
phutsiofng | wound | 刜傷
phuttiau | cut and remove | 砍掉
phuttng | cut in half; chop in two | 砍斷
phutzhaa | cutting wood | 砍柴; 劈柴
phutø'hngg | vineyard | 葡萄園
phutøchiu | grapevine | 葡萄樹
phutøciab | grape juice | 葡萄汁
phutøciuo | vinous liquor; grape wine | 葡萄酒
phutøhngg | vineyard | 葡萄園
phutøiu | grapefruit | 葡萄柚
phutøkvoaf | raisin; raisins | 葡萄干; 葡萄乾
phutøo | grapes | 葡萄
phutøo-kvoaf | raisins | 葡萄干; 葡萄乾
phutøo-tngg | glucose | 葡萄糖
phutøthngg | dextrose | 葡萄糖
phutøzaang | grapevine | 葡萄樹
phuu iuciaqkoea | deep fried twisted dough sticks | 炸油條
phuu khok'aftef | deep fried foodstuff | 油炸的食品
phuu zai gafncieen | floating before the eyes | 砍眼前
phuu | a hibiscus; to float; a grape; float; to drift; waft; to overflow; exceed; empty; unsubstantial; unfounded; groundless | 芙; 浮; 葡
phuun | grave; mound | 墳; 盆
phuxhoeq | spit; cough up blood; vomit blood | 濆血; 吐血
phuxn | to instruct; to spray; ; sprinkle; spatter; be spattered | 吩; 噴; 濆; 潑
phuxnoa | making bubbles with mouth | 噴瀾; 用口水吹泡
phuxphuxkurn | rush | 浡浡滾
phuxphuxpoef | to fly (like a mosquito; fly or insect) | 浮浮飛
phuxzhexng | floatation | 浮症
phuxzhud | rush out | 浡出
phuxzuie | blow or spray water with the mouth when ironing clothes; watering house plants; to spray water or insecticide | 濆水
phuzerng | edema, dropsy | 浮種; 浮腫
phuzhud | come to the surface | 浮出
phuzhutlaai | rush out | 浮出來
phuzuie | floating on top of water; float; waft; to swim | 浮水; 浮在水面; 浮在水上
phva | dress graceful; vogue; streamlined; dapper; chic (slang) | 泡; 穿著鮮麗; 時髦; 流線; 帥; 罩馬子
phvae | bad; wicked; depraved; vicious; defect; difficult | 歹; 壞; 惡
phvae-bixnchviw | annoyed; serious face; frowning; supercilious look; malicious face; grim; gruff | 歹面腔; 臉色難看
phvae-bixnseg | bad face; imply pale or angry | 歹面色; 臉色無佳
phvae-chiwsex | bad gesture | 歹手勢
phvae-ciwphiaq | be quarrelsome in one's cups; ugly drunkenness | 酒癖壞
phvae-heng'uii | bad behavior | 歹行為
phvae-iøchi | difficult to raise | 歹育養; 歹育飼; 難帶
phvae-jidcie | bad time | 歹日子
phvae-kanghw | bad workmanship | 歹工夫
phvae-kekaux | badly brought up | 歹家教; 欠教養
phvae-khasiaux | bad worker | 歹腳數; 歹角色
phvae-khiaxkhie | stumped; hard to come by | 歹豎起; 難住
phvae-khoafnthai | treat badly; maltreat; hard to please; difficult to bargain or deal with; hard to persuade; be peevish; be fastidious; difficult to please; give poor service (to guests) | 難侍候
phvae-khvoarsviux | badly behave | 歹看相
phvae-kofng'oe | difficult to bargain or deal with; hard to persuade; not easy to communicate | 歹講話; 難開口,; 難說服; 無好說話
phvae-kviafswn | bad descendants | 歹子孫
phvae-køeajit | badly off, having little to live on | 歹過日
phvae-miasviaf | bad reputation | 歹名譽
phvae-nitafng | bad harvest | 歹年冬
phvae-paktor | have a stomach disorder; have a weak digestive system; diarrhea | 拉肚子; 消化無好
phvae-phiahkhix | bad habit | 歹癖氣
phvae-phikhix | ill tempered; difficult to get on with | 壞脾氣
phvae-phoebaq | skin's resistance very weak; poor condition skin and flesh (easily infected; hard to heal) | 歹皮肉
phvae-phynheng | bad moral character | 歹品行
phvae-seabin | disadvantageous | 歹勢面; 情況無好
phvae-sengkhix | feeling of awkwardness and shame (as at being rebuked by a superior; or having to speak against a relative; friend; benefactor) | 歹成器; 無好意思
phvae-serngte | bad tempered | 壞脾氣
phvae-simkvoaf | the heart is not good; evilly reads; bad mind; evil heart | 壞心腸; 歹念; 壞心眼; 心地無良
phvae-simtngg | evil heart | 歹心腸
phvae-sinkhix | situation so awkward as to make one feel ashamed | 歹身氣; 羞恥感; 無好意思
phvae-siuseeng | bad cropping | 歹收成
phvae-sviasaux | angry voice, unpleasant talks | 歹聲嗽; 歹口氣; 厲聲
phvae-thauzhae | bad omen; augury of evil | 壞預兆; 凶兆
phvae-thiethaau | hard to cut the hair; hard to handle | 歹頭剃; 無容易理髮; 很難對付
phvae-thvinii | bad harvest | 歹天年
phvae-uxntoo | downs on one's luck | 歹運途
phvae-zekteg | no good deeds | 做壞事; 歹積德; 沒有好的積德
phvae-zerngthaau | dangerous disease, serious illness, plague | 歹症頭; 惡症
phvae-zhaythaau | a bad sign | 壞預兆
phvae-zhoaxthaau | a person who leads in doing bad things | 歹帶頭; 帶頭做壞事
phvae-zhuietao | picky about what one eats | 歹嘴斗; 歹喙斗; 挑食
phvae`aq | rottone | 歹矣
phvae`ee | unlucky, in a bad state | 歹的
phvae`khix | rotton | 壞去; 壞了
phvai henglie | carry baggage on the back | 背行李
phvai sibjixkex | carry the cross | 背十字架
phvai | carry on the back; carry over shoulders; carry over the shoulder and hanging on the back; to bear | 背; 揹; 負
phvai'aflai | in the back | 揹仔內
phvai'ar | package carried on back | 揹仔; 背包
phvai`teq | carrying on the back | 背得
phvaixkor | carrying a drum | 揹鼓
phvaixmih | carrying stuff | 背物
phvaixtiautiaau | hold something on the back tightly | 揹牢牢
phvaixtiøh | carried | 揹著
phvaixtoax | suspenders | 揹帶
phvaixzhehpaw | backpack | 揹冊包
phvaixzupaw | backpack | 揹書包
phvaixzøx | carry | 揹做
phvalirntao | summer saw flip | 拋輾斗
phvarchiuo | generous; generous; elegant and composed in good taste | 大方; 用錢大方
phvarciim | crab with no roe | 冇蟳
phvarciøh | porous type of stone | 鬆石; 鬆石頭; 多孔石
phvarciøqar | porous type of stone | 鬆石仔
phvarkheng | Taiwan sapium | 冇臼; 無花果
phvarkhor | to fear hardship | 怕苦
phvarkor | incredible; empty; baseless stories | 荒謬; 虛構的故事; 無實之事
phvarkuix | Chinese cryptocaryac | 冇桂
phvarlerng | to dread cold | 怕冷
phvarnng | empty egg; sterile egg; barren | 冇蛋; 無精蛋
phvaroe | malicious remarks; malediction | 壞話
phvarphvax | not solid; soft fruit (nothing in middle) | 帕帕; 無結實; 不結實
phvarsefng | to be shy with strangers | 怕生
phvarsiaux | bad debt | 呆數
phvarsie | to fear death | 怕死
phvarsiw | to be shy | 怕羞
phvarsu | shy away; timid; lukewarm; passive; timid; take no initiative; lack enthusiasm; nervous of what might happen | 怕事
phvarsuo | to be afraid of death, to be much scaredx | 怕死
phvarsym | hollow; devoid of content; hollow; nothing in mind | 空心; 中心鬆而無實
phvarsyn | hollow body | 空心; 不結實
phvarte | sandy soil | 冇地
phvarthvoax | coal | 冇炭
phvartøe | fluffy soil | 鬆地
phvarzha'ar | fluffy wood | 冇柴仔
phvarzhaa | fluffy wood; soft or porous wood | 脆木; 無硬實之柴
phvarzheg | blighted grain; defective rice; unsold rice; empty rice chaff | 打穀; 空穀子; 無實之穀; 無米粒的稻榖
phvax | fear; to dread; be afraid of; apprehend; maybe; perhaps | 怕; 冇; 不飽滿
phvax`ee | fanacy | 奅的
phvay'e | unlucky, in a bad state | 歹的; 不幸的
phvay'eng | inconvenient to use, not useful | 歹用; 不好用
phvay'ix | wicked intention | 歹意; 惡意
phvay'oe | bad language, gossip | 歹話; 壞話
phvay'un | unlucky, bad luck | 歹運; 惡運
phvayafng | bad husband | 惡夫
phvaybak | roving eye; a lustful look | 歹目; 邪眼; 色瞇瞇的眼
phvaybaktor | stomachache | 歹腹肚
phvaybang | bad dream | 歹夢
phvaybattor | stomachache | 歹腹肚
phvaybi | bad taste; bad odor | 難聞; 味道無好; 壞味道
phvaybin | bad face; angry | 惡臉
phvaybixnchviw | bad face | 歹面腔
phvaybixnsiøkhvoax | look bad | 歹面相看
phvaybor | bad wife | 惡妻
phvaychi | hard to raise; hard to raise; finicky | 無易; 銷售成績不佳; 難養; 挑食
phvaychiuo | bad hand | 歹手
phvaychiwjiao | have light fingers | 有盜癖
phvaychiwniao | bad hand claw | 歹手爪
phvaychvy | bad stars | 歹星
phvayciah | taste bad; taste bad; not good to eat; unpalatable | 難吃; 無好吃
phvayciaqkhoarn | bad food; bad eating gesture | 歹食款
phvayciuo | bad wine | 歹酒
phvaycvii | evil money | 歹錢
phvayeng | hard to use; not suitable for use | 歹用; 無好用
phvayguun | counterfeit coin | 歹銀; 假幣
phvayhix | bad show | 歹戲
phvayhoex | good (bad) merchandise | 好 (壞)貨
phvayhofng | ill trend | 歹風
phvayhun | bad share | 歹份
phvayhøex | bad merchandise | 歹貨
phvayiong | hard to use (apply; employ) | 難用; 無好用
phvayix | malice; ill will; malicious intent; evil intention | 惡意
phvayiøchi | hard to breed | 歹育飼
phvayiøf | finicky; difficult to raise; sickly (child) | 歹育; 小孩多病難養
phvayjit | bad day; unlucky day; day of ill omen; day of bad augury | 凶日; 壞日子
phvayjixun | bad destiny (fate; lot) | 歹字運; 無幸的命運
phvaykao | villain | 惡狗; 無賴漢
phvaykawlaang | villain | 無賴漢
phvaykex | bad price; low price (said by the seller) | 賤價; 價錢無好
phvaykhaf | person who is difficult to get along with | 歹跤; 很難合作的人
phvaykhafng | bad thing; evil deed; misdoing; uncanny; haunted; jinxed; tricky | 歹孔; 無祥; 壞事
phvaykheq | bad customer | 歹客
phvaykhia | hard to live | 歹豎; 難住
phvaykhix`aq | went bad; rotten | 歹去矣
phvaykhoarn | bad table manner; bad example; bad pattern; bad manners; ill-behaved (cf.; ho-khoan) | 歹款; 壞習慣; 壞榜樣; 壞樣子; 無像樣
phvaykhoeq | poorly paid job; a lack | 歹缺; 無好的缺; (工作)
phvaykhuxn | unable to sleep; be restless in sleep; uncomfortable to sleep in or on | 歹睡; 翻覆難以沈; 無好睡; 難以入眠
phvaykhvoarbin | look bad; embarrassed | 歹看面
phvaykhvoarsviux | appearance bad looking | 歹看肖; 樣子難看
phvaykhvoax | ugly; distressing to look at; not worth seeing; ugly; bad looking | 歹看; 不好看; 難看; 無好看
phvaykhvoax`laq | look bad | 歹看啦
phvaykiettiau | bad omen; augury of evil | 壞預兆; 凶兆
phvaykiok | bad game | 歹局
phvaykoex | hard to get by | 歹過
phvaykorng | hard to say; hard to speak (out); not suitable to talk about; hard to explain | 難講; 無好講; 說不定
phvaykuie | malicious demon; evil spirit; devil | 惡鬼
phvaykuie-zhothaau | bad leader who showed bad sample | 歹鬼帶頭; 作惡的頭子
phvaykviaa | difficult to walk upon; not safe for traveling | 難行; 不好走
phvaykviafzexng | illow disease | 歹囝症
phvaykviar | a gangster; a rascal; young person keeping company with rogues; vagabonds; Juvenile Delinquent | 流氓; 壞人; 無良少年; 惡少
phvaykviar-kefng | brothel | 歹囝間; 妓院
phvaykvoaf | bad officer | 歹官
phvaylaang | miscreant; vermin; gangster; bad man; evil persons | 歹人; 壞人
phvaylangkheq | bad customer | 歹人客
phvayliawliao | completely broken | 歹了了
phvayliwlak | hard to cope | 歹扭搦
phvaylo | bad road | 歹路
phvaylym | drink bad | 歹啉
phvaymia | bad life; difficult situation; bad fortune (e.g.; a man who earns a poor living) | 歹命; 苦名; 命無好; 苦命
phvaymiaa | disreputable; disgraceful; dishonor; disgrace; shame | 歹名; 惡名; 無名譽
phvaymiaxkviar | bad luck kid | 歹命囝
phvaymiaxlaang | bad luck person | 歹命人
phvaymih | bad egg; scoundrel; bastard | 歹物; 妖物; 壞東西; 壞蛋
phvaymih'ar | bad stuff | 歹物仔
phvaymiqar | monster; goblin; demon; foul disease | 歹物仔; 妖怪; 暗疾
phvaymngh | ominous; disease | 歹物
phvaynitafng | tough winter | 歹年冬
phvayoe | unpleasant words; bad language; ill-omened language | 壞話
phvaypaktor | running stomach ache | 歹腹肚
phvaypan | thorny (problem); intractable; awkward; embarrassed; hard to handle | 難辦; 無好處理
phvaypharng | hard to handle; hard to deal with | 歹紡; 很難辦; 很難應付
phvayphiaq | bad tempered; hard; cursed; stubborn; finicky | 歹癖; 壞脾氣
phvayphirn | bad quality | 歹品
phvayphvae | bad bad | 歹歹; 凶凶的
phvayphvaykiøx | bad temper | 歹歹叫
phvaypvi | bad disease | 歹病
phvayseaafphvaysex | a little bit emarassed, and timid | 歹勢仔歹勢
phvayseaphvaysex | a little bit emarassed, and timid | 歹勢歹勢
phvayserngte | bad temper | 歹性地
phvayserngtoe | bad temper | 歹性地
phvaysex | not proper; unsuitable; feel embarrassed | 歹適; 歹勢; 不好意思; 不舒適; 無好意思
phvaysex-eng | excuse me | 歹舒用; 無好意思
phvaysex-korng | excuse me | 歹舒講; 無好意思
phvaysex`laq | sorry | 歹勢啦
phvaysex`oq | sorry | 歹勢喔
phvaysie | atrocity; ferociousness; nefariousness; vicious or depraved death; painful death; atrocious; brutal; wicked | 歹死; 兇惡; 無好死; 乖戾; 兇
phvaysimheng | evil spirits | 歹心行
phvaysioxng | bad face; ill mannered; unmannerly | 惡態; 面相無佳
phvaysiux | fierce animal | 壞獸; 野獸
phvaysu | a bad or evil thing | 壞事; 歹事; 惡事
phvaysviasaux | angry and unpleasant sound or tone of voice (as in beginning a quarrel); speak arrogantly | 歹聲嗽; 無高興的語氣
phvaysym togheng | wicked; cruel; injurious heart and conduct | 壞心毒行; 狼心狗肺
phvaysym | ill-intentioned; wicked; evil minded | 歹心; 壞心眼
phvaysysie | fierce | 歹死死
phvaytaang kuxsiaq | old; broken brass or pewter articles; junk | 破銅爛鐵
phvaytaang-kuxsiaq | scrap copper rotten iron; scrap copper and iron | 破銅爛鐵; 廢銅爛鐵
phvaytafng | disastrous year | 凶年
phvaytai | a bad or evil thing; wickedness; death; great calamity | 壞事; 歹代; 惡事; 凶事
phvaytangkofng'ar | bad copper tube | 歹銅管仔
phvaytangkuxsiaq | bad copper and used tin- for recycle | 歹銅舊錫
phvaytea | have previous criminal record | 歹底; 有前科者
phvaytee | bad tea | 粗茶
phvayteg zhud høfsurn | Ugly bamboo produces tasty bamboo shoots. Bad parents have good children | 壞竹出好筍; 烏鴉生鳳凰
phvaythaang | bad worm | 歹蟲
phvaythak | hard to read; hard to study | 難讀
phvaythauzhae | bad omen; augury of evil | 歹頭采; 壞預兆
phvaythaxn | unprofitable | 歹趁; 不好賺; 歹賺
phvaythiethaau | hard to dlea | 歹剃頭
phvaythih'ar | bad steel | 歹鐵仔
phvaythviaf | unpleasant to listen to | 難聽; 無好聽
phvaythviaf`ee | hard to listen | 歹聽的
phvaythviaoe | bad talk | 歹聽話
phvaythvikhix | bad weather | 歹天氣
phvaythvy | bad weather; bad weather; inconvenient weather; rainy day | 歹天; 天氣不好
phvaytiarm | bad points | 難點
phvaytiau | bad omen; augury of evil | 凶兆; 壞預兆
phvaytoo | hoodlums; bad guys; evil fellows | 歹徒
phvaytorng | bad group, evil gang | 歹黨; 惡黨
phvaytøea | bottom is a rotten character | 歹底; 本性無佳
phvayun | bad life; difficult situation; poor fortune; bad fortune; bad luck; misfortune; unfortunately | 歹運; 運氣無佳; 不幸
phvayun'ar | bad luck | 歹運仔
phvayviu | bad example | 歹樣; 壞榜樣
phvayzekteg | having much demerit; do bad deeds (one's past that will affect descendants) | 品德壞; 失德
phvayzerng | bad breed | 壞種
phvayzerngthaau | hard to cure disease | 歹症頭
phvayzexng | hard to plant | 惡疾
phvayzhao | weeds | 歹草; 野草; 壞
phvayzhaythaau | not auspicious (propitious) | 無吉祥
phvayzherngzhexng | bad temper and unease | 歹衝衝
phvayzhoaxthaau | lead by giving bad example | 壞榜樣; 帶壞
phvayzhuietao | hard to please with food; finicky | 歹嘴斗; 挑嘴; 偏食; 挑食
phvayzhuix | bad mouth; vicious tongue; foul mouthed; dirty language | 髒嘴; 歹喙; 口出無遜; 髒話; 不會說好話; 惡言
phvayzhux | bad points; shortcomings; defects | 壞處
phvayzhvef | bad star | 歹星
phvayzuun | bad ship | 歹船
phvayzøx | difficult to do or make | 難做
phve | thumping | 怦
phveaphveazhoarn | pant hard like when running or carrying a heavy load | 急喘, 呼呼的喘
phvee | longevity; big; a surname; proud | 彭; 坪
phvef chirnthaau | short weight a customer | 偷秤頭
phvef zøx goxhun | divide into five portions | 分成五份
phvef | divide proportionally; divide a quantity into certain shares; to share | 分; 伻; 劃分
phveheeng | pay by installments; to return in portions; installment plan | 攤還
phveolaang | Penghuer | 澎湖人
phvepurn | win money back; to recover the capital | 扳本
phvesox | area (divided by 3.30579 meter square) | 坪數
phvexphvexzhoarn | breathe very hard; pant | 怦怦喘
phvi bexzhud | cannot make out by smell what the thing is | 聞無出
phvi toktog | term used to describe the shape of the nose of Occidental people | 鼻子高高的
phvi | mucus; snivel | 鼻; 鼻子; 嗅; 鼻,; 鼻涕; 聞
phvi'aflai | inside nose | 鼻仔內
phvi'afterng | top of nose | 鼻仔頂
phvi'ar | nose | 鼻仔
phvi'oo | islands to the west of Taiwan; Pescadores | 澎湖
phvi`kvix | perceived by smell | 鼻見; 聞見
phviaa | remain attached to an opinion; insist; stubborn; obstinate; naughty; disobedient | 頑固; 坪; 頑皮
phviaf | throw away | 拋
phviafkikud | throw bone away | 拋筋骨
phviakikud | rib cage | 骿支骨
phviakud | rib cage | 骿骨
phvialaai-phviakhix | throw around indiscriminately | 丟來丟去; 丟這丟那
phvialiaau | mid-section of an animal (exclusive of front and hind quarters) butchered for food | 背料; 背脊肉; (豬)
phvialiaubaq | meat on the ribs of an animal; flesh on the back | 背脊肉
phvialiaukud | pig's backbone | 背脊骨; (豬)
phvialøh | throw away | 抨落
phviaphviaf | throw away | 抨抨
phviaphviatiau | throw away | 抨抨掉
phviar | splinter; strip; flake; large thick slice or cut (of meat; cake); thick flattish piece | 片; 鉼; 皮; 塊
phviaterng | on the shore; on the bank | 岸上; 灘上
phviatiau | throw away | 甩掉
phviavoar siakti | throw down bowls and chopsticks in a sulk; pet; or rage | 丟碗丟筷; 發怒; 使性子。
phvieboea | end of film | 片尾
phviechviuo | studio | 片廠
phviemiaa | movie title | 片名
phviesiofng | movie distributor | 片商
phviethaau | first part of movie; giving name of product | 片頭
phvii | longevity; big; a surname; proud | 彭; 坪; 平
phvii`khuy | evenly spread | 平開; 均開
phvikhaxm | evenly cover | 平蓋
phvikhuy | evenly spread | 平開
phvilaang | overreach; defraud of small sums by overcharging | 摒人; 佔人便宜
phvithaau | get the better of, get advantage of | 偏頭
phvix | piece; slice; fragment; chip; classifier of clouds or regions of country; a stretch of a number of level fields | 片
phvixaxng | the nasal cavity | 鼻腔
phvixbagphang | nostril seam | 鼻目縫
phvixbagzhuix | one's appearance; facial features (in general) | 鼻目嘴; 臉貌; 面貌; 面孔
phvixbak | nose and eyes | 鼻眼
phvixbi | smell | 聞味
phvixchiw | nasal whiskers | 鼻鬚
phvixciafm | point of the nose, tip of the nose | 鼻尖
phvixgaam | nasopharyngeal cancer | 鼻癌
phvixhoeq | nosebleed; nasal hemorrhage | 鼻血
phvixhuiq | nose bleeding | 鼻血
phvixiam | nasal catarrh | 鼻炎
phvixiefn | snuff | 鼻煙
phvixiøf | nose curve | 鼻彎
phvixkag | sense of smell | 嗅覺; 噢覺
phvixkhafng | nostril; nasal chamber | 鼻孔; 鼻空
phvixkhanghoeq | nose bleeds | 鼻空血
phvixkhanghofng | nasal wind- don't care, not important | 鼻空風
phvixkhangkhao | apertures of the nostrils | 鼻孔口
phvixkhanglai | inside the nose | 鼻空內
phvixkhangmngg | hair in the nostrils | 鼻孔毛
phvixkhoaan | nose ring | 鼻環
phvixkhylaai | smelled | 鼻起來
phvixkoex | smelled | 鼻過
phvixkorng | nasal cavity; nasal passages | 鼻管; 鼻孔; 鼻腔; 鼻樑
phvixkud | nasal bone | 鼻骨
phvixkyn | forehead (between two eyes) | 鼻根; 鼻子上部; 在兩眼之間
phvixleeng | ridge of the nose; sinusitis | 鼻龍; 鼻樑; 鼻竇炎
phvixlioong | nasal polyps | 鼻龍
phvixniuu | ridge of the nose | 鼻樑
phvixphafng | (v) enhance; beautify; embellish; adorn; do sth only for sake of show; smell; perceive the aroma of perfume; smell odors | 鼻芳; 品味; 聞香; 嚐嚐味道; 嚐鮮; 點綴
phvixphang | (n) trace; clue | 鼻縫; 端緒
phvixphangcide | scent your nose | 鼻芳一下
phvixphvaxzhoarn | asthma | 怦怦喘
phvixphvexzhoarn | hard to breath | 忐忑喘; 很喘
phvixphvixzhoarn | hard to breath | 噓噓喘
phvixsae | nasal discharge; mucus in the nose | 鼻屎
phvixsaykøf | booger | 鼻屎膏
phvixsit | the parts on both sides of the tip of the nose | 鼻翼
phvixthaau | tip of nose; point of nose | 鼻頭
phvixthaukag | tip of nose | 鼻頭角
phvixthauluxnkhaf | a hiking track in northern Taipei | 鼻頭崙跤
phvixti | nasal hemorrhoids | 鼻痔; 鼻茸
phvixtiøh | have heard or smelled | 嗅到; 聞到
phvixto-iam | nasosinusitis, sinusitis | 鼻竇炎
phvixtoxiam | sinusitis | 鼻竇炎
phvixtøf | bridge of the nose when high and sharp | 鼻樑
phvixuixkorng | nasogastric tube | 鼻胃管
phvixvoaf | bridge of the nose | 鼻鞍
phvixym | nasal tone, nasal sound | 鼻音
phvixzor | founder, originator | 鼻祖
phvixzuie | nasal mucus; water or liquid mucus from nose; snivel | 鼻水
phvixøo | nasal mucus; snivel | 鼻蚝; 鼻涕
phvoa kviafsaix | men and women who accompany the bridegroom to the bride's home | 伴新郎
phvoa langkheq | entertain guests | 陪客
phvoa sinniuu | men and women who accompany the bride to the bridegroom's home | 伴新娘
phvoa | accompany; mutual | 伴
phvoaf | a Chinese family name; a vassal state | 潘; 籓
phvoaraxn | legal case; judge a lawsuit; case in court; pronounce sentence | 判案
phvoarbøe | vendition; cadge; huckster; monger | 販賣
phvoarheeng | to pass sentence on someone | 判刑
phvoarhex | merchandising | 販貨
phvoarhoex | merchandising | 販貨
phvoarhøex | products of vendition | 販貨
phvoarjim | judge | 判認
phvoarkoad | pronounce judgment; legal decision; legal judgment; verdict; sentence; to hand down a sentence; to judge | 判決
phvoarkoad-buun | written legal sentence or judgment | 判決文
phvoarkoatsw | verdict; sentence in writing | 判決書
phvoarkvoaf | judge; a judge in Hades; fierce looking judge in the afterlife court of law | 判官; 法官
phvoarle | a legal precedent; a test case; legal precedents; precedent (said of court decisions) | 判例
phvoarpiet | distinguish; divide; to tell apart | 判別
phvoarsuu | legal decision, sentence | 判詞
phvoarteng | decide judgment | 判定
phvoartoarnlek | power of judgment | 判斷力
phvoartoaxn | adjudicate; make a decision; adjudication; judgment; decision; to judge; decide; give sentence; conclude; judgment; decision; conclusion | 判斷
phvoartoaxn-lek | discernment, ability to judge | 判斷力
phvoartvar | scare | 破膽
phvoartvia | to determine; to decide | 判定
phvoarun | judgment | 判論
phvoarzoe | to declare guilty | 判罪
phvoax | give a legal decision; to buy and to resell; judge; hand down a sentence; decision; decide; conclude; cut in two; to divide | 判; 販
phvoaxbuo | be a dancing partner | 伴舞
phvoaxchiuo | a present or a gift for the visit; small gift (bring gift to visit friends) | 伴手; 隨手帶的禮物; 小禮物 (拜訪人家或親友所帶的)
phvoaxchiwlea | gift | 伴手禮
phvoaxchviuoky | audio-video amplifier for sing along activities | 伴唱機
phvoaxchviuotoax | audio-video sing along tape | 伴唱帶
phvoaxchviux | accompany singing | 伴唱
phvoaxciah | companion food | 伴食; 陪食
phvoaxkax | escort | 伴駕
phvoaxkex | a bridesmaid; accompany (escort) a bride to her future home (usually in a company of six or a dozen people) | 伴嫁
phvoaxkhuxn | accompany | 伴睏
phvoaxkviaa | accompany | 伴行
phvoaxlaang | accompany laang | 伴人
phvoaxlu | companion; pal; buddy; chum | 伴侶
phvoaxniuu | bridesmaid | 伴娘
phvoaxtiøh | accompany | 伴著
phvoaxzaux | accompany (music); accompaniment; accompany (a soloist); play an accompaniment | 伴奏
phvoaxze | sitting companion | 伴坐
phvoaxzhoa | accompany the bridegroom to the bride's home | 伴娶
phvoaxzhoa`ee | best man | 伴娶的
phvy chirnthaau | take advantage of a scales weighing in my favor | 偏秤頭; 在秤上佔便宜
phvy | measure word for article; slant | 篇; 偏; 伻; 佔…便宜; 劃分
phvy-chirnthaau | steals the weight | 偏秤頭
phvy`laang | one-sided; to lean; to slant; prejudiced; inclined to one side | 偏人; 佔人便宜; 偏
phwafkngf | dawn; the dawn of a new epoch (metaphor) | 昲仔光; 曙光
phwkngf | daybreak; dawn | 拂曉; 拂曉,; 黎明
phwn | to instruct; to run quickly; ; water in which rice has been washed; slop; swill for pigs | 吩; 潘; 滔米水; 奔; 餿水; 泔水
phwnliawliao | distributed | 翸了了
phwoseg | gray | 殕烏色
phwpeh | light gray | 殕白
phwphuo | off-white; obscurely; dimly; indistinctly; faintly | 沈色; 殕殕; 朦朧的; 帶灰色
phwphwphuo | gray | 殕殕殕
phwseg | gray; gloomy; ash color; gray; grayish | 灰色; 殕色
phy | criticize; to comment; to judge; endorse a petition; reply officially to an inferior; a whole batch (of things or people); large quantity or number; sell wholesale | 批; 披; 攤開
phyar | scab | 瘡痂; 瘡口的皮乾了
phychiaux | sneer | 鄙笑
phygan | Inferior proverb | 鄙諺
phyhw | your humble servant | 鄙夫
phyjiin | I, me (polite form) | 鄙人
phyju korng | for an example (e.g.) | 譬喻講
phykegthaelaai | from; after deep misfortune comes bliss | 否極泰來
phykiexn | my humble opinion | 鄙見
phylin | vulgar | 鄙吝
phylo | shallow | 鄙陋
phyn'ar | flute; pipes; flute (musical instrument) | 笛仔; 𥰔仔; 橫笛
phyn'ui | product quality | 品位
phynbak | items | 品目
phynbeeng | promise formally; make an agreement | 約明
phyncid iulioong | of sound quality | 品質優良
phyncid | quality; character; condition | 品質
phynciorng | species or variety of plants or animals | 品種
phyncitpwn'ui | quality first | 品質本位
phynhak kiam'iw | excel in moral as well as academic performances; excellent not only morally but also academically | 品學兼優
phynhe | strain | 品系
phynheng toanzexng | correct conduct; well behaved; walk the straight and narrow | 品行端正
phynheng | behavior; conduct; moral character; one's moral character and performance; disposition; conduct | 品行
phynkeq | character (of people); personality; one's moral character; manners; bearing | 品格
phynkib | a grade; a class; rating; rank; status; titular rank | 品級
phynkoarn | quality control; relationship somewhat like that of godparents When a child is born under bad luck or has the fate of being given as an adopted child; according to fortune-tellers; his parents ask someone to be formally the adoptive parents of the child. Then the kh | 品管
phynliau | product materials | 品料; 材料; 菜料
phynlui | product type; classes | 品類
phynmau | countenance; expression; character and appearance | 品貌
phynmiaa | name and description of articles | 品名
phynpaai | brand name | 品牌
phynpheeng | determine the quality or worth of; appraise; to rate; criticize | 品評
phynphenghoe | competitive show; exhibition; a fair | 品評會
phynphorng-kiuu | ping-pong ball, table tennis | 乒乓球
phynpiarng-kiuu | ping-pong | 乒乓球
phynsexng liongsien | good character | 品性良善
phynsexng | the moral character; moral character; disposition | 品性
phynteg | good character; good behavior | 品德
phynzerng | species or variety of plants or animals | 品種
phyphyar | small; little | 庀庀仔; 小無點兒; 庀; 星星; 微小
phypok | speak jestingly of a person's manner or appearance | 批判; 打趣
physiok | despicable | 卑鄙; 鄙俗
physviux | talk in a jesting way of another's looks; ridicule another's appearance | 譏笑; 誹謗; 譏辱
phyuie | mean | 卑鄙
phø gyn'ar | carry a child in the arms | 抱囡仔; 抱小孩
phø | embrace; enfold; hold in the arms | 抱; 部
phø'ar | bubble | 泡仔
phø'erng | wave | 波湧
phø'hog | amplitude | 波幅
phø'nng | waves | 波浪
phø-pudkhaf | clasp Buddha's feet- profess devotion only when in trouble; make a hasty last-minute effort | 抱佛腳
phø-tiautiaau | hold tightly in one's arms | 抱牢牢
phø`leq | hold in one's arms; to embrace; holding in one's arms | 抱著
phøbin | a deck | 甲板
phøbuun | ripple; corrugation | 波紋
phøcied | shemozzle; difficulty; twists and turns of a matter; obstruction; obstacles | 波折
phøe | quilt; quilt-cover | 被
phøe'ie | leather chair | 皮椅
phøe'øee | leather shoes | 皮鞋
phøea | jowl; bucca | 頰
phøea'iøh | dose; dispense; prepare a prescription | 配藥
phøea'ui-hoarhabbut | complex compound | 配位化合物
phøea'uixky | complexing group | 配位基
phøea'ym | dub | 配音
phøeachyn | become betrothed, appointed marriage | 配親
phøeaciorng | artificial insemination | 配種; 人工授精
phøeaciuo | blend alcohol; wine | 配酒
phøeagak | to accompany music | 配樂
phøeagu | a mate, spouse | 配偶; 配耦
phøeagvor | consort, spouse | 配偶
phøeahap | matchup; cooperate; coordination; team up; join together | 配合
phøeahngf | to dispense prescriptions | 皮方; 配方
phøeakag | a minor role, a supporting actor or actress | 配角
phøeakib | allocation; allotment; ration | 配給
phøeakib-zeato | ration system | 配給制度
phøeakvia | accessories | 配件
phøealiau | trimmings for food | 配料
phøeaphøex`leq | mate, dispatch, send | 配配咧
phøeapi | equip; outfit | 配備
phøeasiong | to match | 配上
phøeatat | deliver | 配達; 送遞
phøeatee | drinking tea during meal | 配茶
phøeathaau | condiments | 配頭; 調味品; 配料
phøeathøx | to manufacture a complete set | 配套
phøeatix | dispose; layout; configuration | 配置
phøebaq | skin | 皮肉; 皮膚
phøebeeng | write an additional clause or explanation | 批明; 註明
phøebin | leather cover | 皮面
phøee | skin, bark, cover, peel, rind | 皮
phøef | letter | 信; 批
phøeh | spume; foam; froth | 泡沫
phøehiaf | boot | 皮靴; 長筒靴
phøehiuu | fur coat, leather coat | 皮裘
phøehix | shadow play; shadowgraph | 皮戲
phøehoad | wholesale | 批發
phøehoad-kex | wholesale price | 批發價
phøehukhøf | dermatology clinic | 皮膚科
phøehw | skin | 皮膚
phøehw-khøf | the dermatology department; the skin department | 皮膚科
phøehw-pvi | skin disease | 皮膚病
phøekaau | pimp | 皮偶; 皮條客
phøekae | correct | 批改
phøekafng | leather task | 皮工
phøekhag | envelope | 信封; 批殼
phøeloong | envelope | 信封; 皮囊; 批囊
phøemia | risk one's life | 胚命
phøepaai | a skin raft | 皮筏
phøepaw | leather bag | 皮包
phøephaux | long leather coat or dress | 皮袍
phøepheeng | criticize; criticism | 批評
phøephvoax | comment on, criticize, comment, criticism | 批判
phøephøe'ar | only the outside, only the beginning | 皮皮仔
phøephøee | only the outside, only the beginning | 皮皮
phøepiefn | leather rope | 皮鞭
phøepvy | leather whip | 信邊; 皮鞭
phøesixn | letter | 批信; 書信
phøesvaf | a leather clothing | 皮衣; 皮衫
phøesviemia | risk one's life | 胚性命
phøesviw | leather suitcase | 皮箱
phøete | leather bag | 皮袋
phøete'ar | leather pouch | 皮袋仔
phøetharn | leather blanket | 皮毯
phøetharng | letter-box, mail-box | 批桶; 郵筒
phøetiam | seat cushion made by leather | 皮墊
phøetoax | leather belt; leather lace | 皮帶
phøetøf | moonfish | 批刀; 皮刀; 眼眶魚
phøex | a handkerchief; to match | 帕; 杮; 配
phøexchiøh | bedding (including grass mat) | 被蓆
phøexchiøq | bedding (including grass mat) | 被蓆
phøexkhafng | bed cloths like bed bag | 被孔; 被空; 被窩裏
phøexkhaxm | bedspread, coverlet | 被蓋; 被崁
phøexphof | bed and bedding | 被鋪
phøexpof | bed and bedding | 被甫
phøexthaau | condiments | 被頭
phøextuu | storing place for bedding | 被櫥
phøextvoaf | quilt-cover; sheet | 被單
phøezad | letter | 信節; 批札; 信札
phøezhao | fur | 皮草
phøezoaa | a skin disease; shingles | 皮蛇
phøezoar | letter paper, writing paper | 批紙
phøezurn | approve; assent to; sanction | 批准
phøezuun | mail steamer | 批船
phøeøee | leather shoes | 皮鞋
phøf | a slope; wave; a grape; considerably; waved; breakers; ripples; billows; a glance of the eye; undulations; fluctuations; affect; involve; entangle | 坡; 波; 葡; 頗
phøf-hamsox | wave function | 波函數
phøfliog'ar | approximately | 頗略仔
phøfliok | approximately, about, nearly, not all, some | 頗略
phøfphøfar | approximately; about | 頗頗仔; 差強人意
phøfzheg | unfathomable, unexpectable, impossible to understand | 普測; 叵測
phøh'afchiu | a tropical tree | 朴仔樹
phøh'afcie | a tropical tree seed | 朴仔子
phøh'afkhaf | under a tropical tree | 朴仔跤
phøh'ar | small evergreen shrub | 榎仔
phøhcyn | simple and sincere | 樸真
phøhhvoa | slope protection | 駁岸
phøhofng | crest | 波峰
phøhphøq | dry and tasteless; fruit has little juice; very dry | 滓滓; 乾而無味; 汁液很少; (蔬果)
phøhsit | (adj) simple; unadorned; (adj) honest; plain speaking; honest; straightforward; simple in tastes; unsophisticated | 樸實; 誠實
phøhtit | simple minded; honest; sincerity | 樸直
phøkip | extend over | 波及
phøkofng | the glisten of waves | 蒲公; 波光
phølaan | great waves; billows | 波瀾
phølong | waves; waves; billows; breakers | 波浪
phøløbit | jackfruit | 波羅蜜
phøløo | pineapple | 波羅
phøq | refuse; lees; dregs; sediment in liquor; grains in distilled liquor | 粕; 渣
phør | about; almost; nearly; for the most part | 頗
phøraxn | crack a criminal case; distinguishing the truth of a case by minute examination | 破案
phørbiet | shattered | 破滅
phørgiam | to hold inquest | 剖驗
phørhai beng'u | ruin one's reputation; to slander | 破壞名譽
phørhai kauthofng | disrupt communications; block traffic | 破壞交通
phørhai tiedsu | cause damage or disruption to the social order; violation of the social order | 破壞秩序
phørhai tionglip | violation of neutrality | 破壞中立
phørhai | spoilt by a rent; to ruin; destroy; disrupt | 破壞
phørhaixlek | destructive power | 破壞力
phørheg | to break; solve a criminal case | 破獲
phørhied | bleeding | 破血
phørhoai | spoilt by a rent; to ruin; destroy; disrupt | 破壞
phørhoai-ciar | destroyer | 破壞者
phørhoaixliawliao | completely broken | 破壞了了
phørhoaixtiøh | broken; damaged | 破壞著
phørhuix | waste money; spend recklessly | 破費
phørhuo timciw | smash the cooking vessels and sink the boats ─ as 項羽 ordered his men to do; after crossing the river; indicates determination to succeed; cutting off all retreat; no turning back; determined; resolved | 破釜沉舟; 必死的決心
phørimji | read character with different pronunciation; representing different word | 破音字
phøriog | to break an agreement | 破約
phørkae | untie; unbind | 破解
phørkaix | to break a solemn promise; break religious precept; break vow of abstinence | 破戒
phørkhao | a crevice | 破口
phørkoea | some kind of rice cake | 泡粿
phørkofng | in vain; useless | 破功
phørlan | tattered and torn | 破爛
phørle | exception; break a precedent; make an exception (to a rule; common practices) | 破例
phørliet | burst; explode; erupt; rupture; cracked; torn; split; to end in a rupture; break off | 破裂
phørphiah | break habit | 破癖
phørphøx | hollow | 空脆; 濕韌
phørsafnciar | bankrupt; insolvent debtor; man of straw; lame duck | 破產者
phørsarn | become bankrupt; bankruptcy; go bankrupt | 破產
phørsiaw | report something as worthless; discard as useless | 報銷
phørsiofng | injury, wound | 破傷
phørsionghofng | tetanus | 破傷風
phørsurn | breakage; damage; disrepair; broken or damaged; ruined | 破損
phørtau | arrogant; conceited; full of oneself; expression; manner; spirited; vigorous; to chat; to gossip; idle talk; to chat | 聊天; 聊論時事; 內鬆豆
phørthienhofng | very first time; something never happened before; never before ─ for the first times; unprecedented; history making; break the record | 破天荒
phørthor tiefnlea | ground breaking ceremony | 破土典禮
phørtii | eliminate; remove | 破除
phørtiog | broken bamboo | 破竹
phørtuu besixn | break down superstitions; get rid of superstition | 破除迷信
phørtuu | (v) get rid of; discard | 破除
phørzaai | waste wealth; lose money | 破財
phørzhaxn | a flaw in argument | 破綻
phørzhuix | broken (hearted; hope); to come to pieces; shattered | 破碎; 打碎
phøsox | wave-number | 波數
phøsukiog | | 波斯菊
phøte | slope | 坡地
phøthaw | breakers, billows, great waves | 波瀾; 波?
phøtiofng | in the wave | 波中
phøtioong | wavelength | 波長
phøtngg | wave length | 波長
phøto | grade (slope); grade percentage of a slope | 坡度
phøtong | undulate; fluctuate; wave motion; undulating movements (of a field of grain in the wind); fluctuations | 波動
phøtong-hamsox | wave function | 波動函數
phøtong-hongthengseg | wave equation | 波動方程式
phøtong-leghak | wave mechanics | 波動力學
phøtøciab | grape juice | 葡萄汁
phøtøciuo | wine; port wine | 葡萄酒
phøtøhngg | vineyard | 葡萄園
phøtøiu | grapefruit | 葡萄柚
phøtøkiukhurn | staphylococcus | 葡萄球菌
phøtøkvoaf | raisins; sultanas | 葡萄干; 葡萄乾
phøtøo | grapes | 葡萄
phøtøpvee | grapevine trellis | 葡萄棚
phøtøthngg | grape sugar; glucose | 葡萄糖
phøtøtiin | grapevine | 葡萄藤
phøtøzaang | grape tree | 葡萄欉
phøx | break; to split; to ruin; defeat; conquer; discover; expose; to tear; broken; ruined; injured; destroyed | 破; 泡; 脆
phøx-liamthie | shamelessness, infamy | 抱廉恥; 寡廉鮮恥
phøxaan | to hold tightly in one's arms | 抱緊; 抱絚
phøxchiuo | fold the arms | 抱手
phøxhefng | fold arms over the chest | 抱胸
phøxhin | have gnawing regret | 抱恨
phøxhu | ambition, aspiration | 抱負
phøxhudkhaf | clasp the feet of Buddha ─ when in distress (used to illustrate getting into difficulties through lack of due preparation and then seeking help at the critical moment) | 抱佛腳
phøxhun | to cherish hatred | 抱恨
phøxiorng | to adopt and raise (a child) | 抱養
phøxjip | hold in | 抱入
phøxkhiafm | sorry; regret; excuse me | 抱歉
phøxkhiarm | be sorry; apologetic | 抱歉
phøxkhiaxm | be sorry, apologetic | 抱歉
phøxkhiim | lyre | 抱琴
phøxkhix | hold out | 抱去
phøxkhud | to bear a grudge, to harbor resentment | 抱屈
phøxlarm | embrace | 抱摟
phøxoaxn | complain; grumble | 抱怨
phøxphø | embrace | 抱抱
phøxputpeeng | be outraged by an injustice (done to somebody else) | 抱無平
phøxpvi | to be in bad health, in illnessin sickness | 抱病
phøxsimpeeng | 61st radical; written at the side | 漢字部首之一
phøxsym | palpitations | 抱心; 心悸
phøxsym-soaf | angina | 抱心砂; 狹心症; 腦貧血
phøxtvia | make a decision | 抱定
phøxurn | expert in; good at | 抱穩; 顧安全
phøxzu | to hold on to, to hold in one's arms | 抱住
pi ciafng'ag | in one's grasp; within one's power; at the mercy of (used in passive voice with pi) | 掌握
pi gegthaixkoong | masochism | 逆待狂; 虐待狂
pi iwhek | be deceived; be tempted | 被誘惑
pi kiapchii | be held as a hostage | 被劫持
pi laang khihu | be bullied by others | 被人欺負
pi pøfhoxkog | protectorate | 被保護國
pi | be done; arrange beforehand, prepare, put in order | 備
pi'afpvy | pond side | 埤仔邊
pi'afsviaf | ,whsitle sound | 觱仔聲
pi'ar | a whistle ; pool; marish; a whistle | 哨仔; 觱仔; 水塘; 哨子; 埤仔; 沼地
pi'ay | grieved; sorrowful; lament; sorrow | 悲哀
pi'ha | base; mean; humble; depreciate oneself; humble oneself | 卑下
pi'hie kaucip | grief and joy intermingled; intermingling of sorrow and joy | 悲喜交集
pi'hoafn lixhap | sorrows of parting and the joys of reunion that life has | 悲歡離合
pi'hoafn | grief and joy | 悲歡
pi'hykiok | tragicomedy | 悲喜劇
pi'iuu | castor oil | 蓖油; 蓖麻油
pi'ui | spleen and stomach | 脾胃
piafng | sharp nose | 乓
piafng`cidsviaf | one sharp nose | 乓一聲
piag ciawafpaf | dehydrate a bird over a slow fire | 烤鳥
piag | burst open; fry food (so as to preserve it); to break with a crack; to burst and fall to pieces | 爆; 煏; 繃裂; 爆炸; 熯; 脹裂
piag`phoax | burst open; broken | 爆破
piagpiag'ar | snap | 擗擗仔
piah'oe | a mural; a wall-painting; fresco; mural painting | 壁畫
piah'ui | a mural; a fresco; a wall-painting | 壁畫
piahbin | wall surface | 壁面
piahhor | a house lizard; gecko; house lizard; sian-lang-a | 壁虎; 守宮
piahkag | a corner formed by two walls; corner between two inner walls | 壁角; 牆角
piahkhaf | corner of a wall | 壁邊; 牆角
piahkhaf-pvy | corner of a wall | 牆角邊
piahkhafng | holes on the wall; hole in the wall | 壁孔; 壁空; 牆洞; 壁洞
piahkviax | wall mirror | 壁鏡
piahlai | intramural | 壁內
piahloo | a fireplace | 壁爐
piahluii | barrier | 壁壘
piahpafng | wooden wall | 壁枋
piahpvy | beside to the wall | 牆邊
piahpøx | bulletins or posters on a wall; wall paper; wall poster; wall newspaper; bulletins | 壁報
piahsorngphaxn | be cheated, someone played a trick on you | 被耍, 被騙
piahtefng | a wall lamp; a bracket lamp; lamps hung on a screen wall | 壁燈
piahterng | ceiling | 壁頂
piahtharn | carpet for the wall | 壁毯
piahthoo | picture on the wall | 壁土
piahtofterng | wall plugging | 壁堵頂
piahtor | wall partition | 牆壁; 牆
piahtulai | in the closet | 壁櫥內
piahtuo | resist | 壁抵
piahtuu | a built-in cabinet; closet; wall chest; cupboard or press in a wall | 壁櫥
piahzefng | wall clock | 壁鐘
piahzoar | wallpaper | 壁紙
piak | fried | 爆; 啪一聲打下
piak'høea | slap fire | 啪火
piak'iuu | make oil from fat meat | 煏油
piak`cide | fried | 啪一下
piakkhafng | (of a plot; etc.) fall through and stand exposed; reveal; lay bare | 爆空; 出紕漏; 敗露; 事情暴露
piakkhuy | burst; crack; burst; to crack; to split up and fall apart (e.g.; things that had been glued or joined together) | 逼開; 爆裂; 裂開; 迸開
piakkofti | drumsticks | 煏鼓箸
piakkor | drum | 煏鼓
piaklih | split open | 破裂; 裂開
piakpaf | dry (food so as to preserve it) | 焙乾
piakphoax | burst; crack; break (a pot; glass) by cracking | 爆破; 裂破; 破裂; 繃裂; 爆裂
piakpiag | like to burst open, open with sounds | 壁角
piaktøq | too many guests show up in a dinner party | 煏桌
piao | to show; a prostitute; outside; external; apparent; obvious; superficial; announce; to manifest; to show or exhibit; relatives on the side of one's mother and father's sisters; table; index; schedule; chart | 表; 婊
piao-cybe | female cousins | 表姐妹; 表姊妹
piao-cymoe | female first cousins of another surname; daughters of maternal uncles and aunts and of father's sisters | 表姐妹; 表姊妹
piao-hviati | male cousins | 表兄弟
piao-kerng'ix | show respect | 表敬意
piao-siøfbe | younger female cousin | 表小妹; 表妹
piao-siøfmoe | younger female cousin | 表小妹
piao-siøfti | younger male cousin | 表小弟; 表弟
piao-tidswn | nice and nephew | 表姪孫
piao-toaxcie | female cousin on the mother side | 表大姐
piao-toaxhviaf | male cousin on the mother side | 表大兄
piao`ee | relative on the mother's side; relatives of father's sister | 表親; 表的
piaq sorngphaxn | cheat; take in; play a trick on; to swindle money out of others; commit fraud | 詐騙
piaq u hvi'ar | Beware of eavesdropping! Even the walls have ears | 牆有耳仔
piaq | wall; partition wall; walls of a house or room; cliff | 壁; 牆
piarngphoax | burst; fracture; burst; crack; splitting (with a headache); be punctured; to burst up | 爆破; 繃破
piarngpiarnghao | loud noise of heavy steps; sound of steps on an unsteady floor; noise of carrying heavy things | 砰砰響
piarngpiarngkiøx | loud noise of heavy steps | 爆爆叫
piarngsviaf | explosion noise | 爆聲
piaubeeng | to clearly mark or indicate | 標明
piauchiafm | label; tag; tally | 標籤
piauchviw | javelin | 標槍
piaucix | a symbol; a sign | 標誌
piauguo | catchword; poster; slogan | 標語
piaukex | the marked price; the posted price; the sticker price | 標價
piaukix | a sign; a mark | 標記
piaupefng | a pace-setter | 標兵
piaupurn | sample; specimen | 標本
piausi | mark | 標示
piautee | heading; title; headline | 標題
piautiarm | punctuation; point | 標點
piautix | good-looking; handsome; beautiful; pretty; pretty (only of persons) | 標緻
piautoee | title | 標題
piauym | transcription | 標音
piauzurn | standard; criteria; measure | 標準
piauzwnbea | standard code | 標準碼
piauzwnkiok | Bureau of Standards | 標準局
piaw | javelin; dart; harpoon; to catch with a harpoon; target | 鏢; 標
piaw'iern | act, acting, role-playing | 表演
piaw'ioong | to praise, to commend | 表揚
piawbeeng | express; show forth; illustrate; show forth; to manifest | 表明
piawbien | surface, external appearance | 表面
piawbin tviulek | surface tension (physics) | 表面張力
piawbin | surface; external appearance; on the surface; externally; outwardly | 表面
piawbixnhoax | come to the surface; come out into the open (said of a relationship; dispute; secret) | 表面化
piawbixnsiong ee koanhe | external relations | 表面上的關係
piawbixnsiong | outwardly; superficially; externally | 表面上
piawchyn | relatives; relatives on the side of one's mother and father's sisters | 表親
piawcie | elder female cousin | 表姊
piawciofng | award; give a commendation; commendation; show forth clearly; reward (a person in recognition of his service); to honor | 表彰
piawcymoe | cousin | 表姊妹
piawhien | express; present; expression; presentation; appear; reveal; to exhibit; perform a task; the way one does something | 表現
piawhiexnzhud | behave | 表現出
piawhiexnzhutlaai | behave | 表現出來
piawhviaf | male cousin of different surname | 表兄; 表哥
piawhviamoe | cousin | 表兄妹
piawhviati | male first cousins of another surname | 表兄弟
piawiefnciar | performer | 表演者
piawiern | act; performance; show; perform; demonstrate; demonstration | 表演
piawioong siexnheeng | publish a man's good deeds | 表揚善行
piawioong | to commend; to praise; to cite; praise in public; to cite for all to know | 表揚
piawkefng | brothel; whorehouse | 婊間; 妓女戶; 妓院
piawkeq | form or blank (for filling); table or chart | 表格
piawkix | mark | 表記
piawkoad | decide by vote; put to a vote | 表決
piawkoatkoaan | the franchise; the right to vote | 表決權
piawkviar | You son of a harlot! You whoreson! (slang) | 婊囝; (罵人); 私生子
piawkøf | male cousin of different surname | 表兄; 表哥
piawlie ittix | honest and sincere | 表裏一致
piawlie | outside and inside | 表裏
piawlo | make plain; to express; expose | 表露
piawmoe | daughter of father's sister; of mother's brother or sister; who is younger than oneself | 表妹
piawpeh | show plainly, vindicate, defense, to clear up, vindication | 表白
piawpek | express or state clearly; explain; clear up; defend; clarify | 表白
piawpeq | express or state clearly | 表白
piawphoee | epidermis; the cuticle (of plants) | 表皮
piawphøee | the outer skin; the surface | 表皮
piawsi boafn'ix | express or indicate satisfaction | 表示滿意
piawsi hoafntuix | express or indicate one's opposition | 表示反對
piawsi iekiexn | express an opinion | 表示意見
piawsi kerng'ix | show respect; pay respects | 表示敬意
piawsi khernghø | express one's congratulations | 表示慶賀
piawsi siaxix | show one's thanks or appreciation; express one's gratitude | 表示謝意
piawsi tong'ix | an expression of unanimity; indicate; show one's concurrence; approval | 表示同意
piawsi | express; indicate; expression; indication; express; show; indicate; superscription; signify | 表示
piawsiong | presentative | 表象
piawsiøfbe | younger female cousin | 表小妹
piawsiøfmoe | daughter of father's sister; of mother's brother or sister; who is younger than oneself | 表小妹
piawsiøfti | a son of father's sister; of mother's brother or sister; who is younger than oneself | 表小弟
piawsiøftixaq | younger male cousin | 表小弟啊
piawtadzhud | explain | 表達出
piawtat | express; convey; convey; transmit (ones feelings; meaning); make known | 表達
piawte | a son of father's sister; of mother's brother or sister; who is younger than oneself | 表弟
piawthaau | the madam or master of a brothel; brothel keeper | 鴇母; 婊頭; 龜公
piawthaix | stance | 表態
piawtit | grandsons of paternal aunts; son of cousin of different surname | 表姪
piawtux | show | 表著
piawviu | moral example (good or bad); a model | 表樣; 榜樣
piawzaan | surface layer | 表層
piawzea | daughter of father's sister; or mother's brother or sister; who is older than oneself | 表姊
piawzeeng | emotional expression; expression of emotion; facial expression | 表情
piawzeg | son of grandfather's sister; son of grandmother's brother or sister; father's younger male cousin | 表叔
piaxng | collapse; fall into ruins; burst (e.g.; a tire); explode | 繃; 崩; 破裂
piaxng`løqlaai | explosion | 爆落來
piaxng`phoax | explore and break through | 爆破
piay | lament, sorrow, grief | 悲哀
pibeeng | inscriptional writing on a monument or tombstone | 碑銘
pibii | humble; simple; petty and low; lowly; humble; obscurity; humble | 卑微
pibirn | to have sympathy for | 悲憫
pibuun | inscription on a stone tablet; the inscription on a monument; epitaph; inscriptional writing | 碑文
pichiuu | melancholy; sad; grievous; pensive | 悲愁
picid | humble job | 卑職
picien | base; humble; mean; low; inferior | 卑賤
piciuo | beer, ale | 啤酒
piciuo-tiaxm | a beer house | 啤酒店
picix | humble will | 卑志
piciøh | stele | 碑石
pid hoarn | As soon as a thing reaches one extremity; it reverses its course. (Lit. The pendulum swings both ways.) | 物極則反; 物極必反
pid | complete; to finish; bring to an end; to close; whole; total; complete; pen | 畢; 必; 裂; 筆
pid`khuy | split | 必開
pidgiap | to graduate. Some people read 'pit' in the 4th tone. | 畢業
pie khvoarbai | make a comparison | 比比看
pie kunthaau | engage in a physical exercise similar to shadow boxing | 練拳
pie | compare; gesticulate; signal with hands; compared with; deceased mother | 妣; 比
pie'hngf | secret recipe | 秘方; 祕方
pie'iu | divine protection; protect by God | 庇佑
pie'ixm | overshadow, protect | 庇蔭; 庇護
pie'mngg | to shut the door | 祕門; 閉門
pie-bøexcin | too many to compare | 比無盡
pie-putterng | unequal | 比無等
piebidseg | secret room | 祕密室
piebie | to compare favorably with | 媲美
piebit bunkvia | secret document; classified papers; confidential document | 秘密文件
piebit goaxkaw | secret diplomacy | 秘密外交
piebit hoexgi | secret conference; closed door meeting; conclave; clandestine meeting | 秘密會議
piebit kefngzhad | secret police | 秘密警察
piebit kiet'hwn | secret wedding; clandestine marriage | 秘密結婚
piebit kietsia | form a secret society | 秘密結社
piebit tauphiøx | secret ballot | 秘密投票
piebit tiauiog | secret treaty | 秘密條約
piebit | secret; secret; confidential; hidden secrecy | 秘密; 祕密
piebo tiefnlea | closing ceremony | 閉幕典禮
piebo | drop the curtain (after drama play); ending ceremony; close; conclude (shows; meeting); drop the curtain ─ the thing is ended | 閉幕
piebok iofngsiin | close the eyes and give the mind a brief rest | 閉目養神
piebuun siaxkheq | close the door to visitors; to refuse visitors; to lead a retiring life | 閉門謝客
pied | turtle; freshwater turtle | 虌; 鱉
piedau | after leaving | 別後
piedhø | an alternative given name; style of a man; the name by which he is generally known | 別號
piedji | an alternative word | 別字
piedkhay sengbien | introduce a novelty or novel feature | 別開生面
piedli | parting; separation; to leave; depart from | 別離
piedmiaa | an alias; alias; a second name | 別名
piedphau pipee | carrying her guitar to another boat ─ said of a widow or a concubine who remarries | 別抱琵琶
piedsex | pass away; die | 別世; 逝世
piedsu | don't go | 別緒
piedsuo | name given to histories reckoned as inferior to the dynastic histories but superior to the historical romances | 別史
piedtix | an alternative setup | 別置
piedzhud simzhaai | ingenious; original (said of art or literary works; craftsmanship) | 別出心裁
piedzofng | any house serving as a second home in the countryside; mountains or a resort area; villa; cottage; country villa; summer house | 別墅; 別莊
pieen | calluses; a pair of horses | 胼; 駢
piefn høxthaau | mark (houses; volumes; applications) with a series number to aid identification | 編號
piefn | pull out (a stiff peg or drawer); to grasp with the hand (as in climbing a wall or mountain) | 攀; 鞭; 扳; 拉
piefn'ar | plaque; tablet; swindler; a cheat | 匾仔; 騙人者
piefn`kealaai | turn over | 扳過來
piefn`khylaai | draw out with the hand (a peg); pull off with some force (a tight lid; cover) | 扳起來
piefn`koealaai | turn over | 扳過來
piefn`zhutlaai | draw out (a stiff drawer) | 扳出來
piefncid | demotion; remove from the office | 貶職
piefnhog | bat (the animal) | 蝙蝠
piefnsidphoee | thin sheet of dough for wrapping minced meat | 餛飩皮
piefnsidthngf | wongtong soup | 扁食湯
piefnsiefn | imposter; swindler; deceiver | 騙子; 諞仙; 大騙子
piefnsien'ar | swindler; a cheat | 貶仙仔
piefnsit | small boiled dumpling; thin cake of flour inclosing minced meat; dumpling; ravioli | 扁食; 餛飩
piefnthiøf | tick clover | 蜱挑; 篇蓄; 丁香
piefnthøsvox | the tonsil | 扁桃腺
piefntit | depreciate; devaluation; devaluate (especially referring to currency | 貶值
piehngf | secret remedy; secret formula (for a medicine); secret prescription; nostrum | 秘方
pieho | shelter; pius; give refuge to; shield; give protection to; secretly to help | 庇護
piehoad | secret methods | 秘法
piehoe | to end a meeting; close a session; adjourn; close a meeting; adjournment | 閉會
piehoxsor | sanctuary; asylum | 庇護所
pieiu | bless; protect; give divine assistance to a mortal | 庇佑; 保佑
pieixm | to give shade; to shelter; give protection to; secretly help | 庇蔭; 蔭
piejiø | urology | 泌尿
piejiøxhak | urology | 泌尿學
piejiøxkhix | urinary organs | 泌尿器
piejiøxkhøf | urology | 泌尿科
piejiøxkngr | urinary passage; urinary canal | 泌尿管
piekefng | stoppage of the menses | 閉經
piekhao bugieen | remain silent; confute; contradict | 閉口無言
piekhao | to shut one's mouth, to shut up | 閉口
piekhiør | to shut one's mouth | 閉口
piekied | constipation | 便祕; 祕結; 便秘; 秘結
piekip | secret | 祕笈
piekoad | secret method; secrets of an art; a key to | 密訣; 祕訣; 竅門; 秘訣
piekoafn sitai | period of isolationism | 閉關時代
piekoafn | to shut the entry, shut the gate | 閉關
pielat | secret power | 秘力
pielieen | to border on; to be adjacent to | 毗連
pielo | secret road | 秘路
pielo-tiexnsi | closed circuit TV; cable TV | 閉路電視
piemia | die; lose one's life | 斃命
piemngkefng | secret room | 秘門間
pien lauxpe | stepfather | 現成的父親
pien | to try very hard to; handy; to differentiate; to argue; ; expedient; convenient; handy; fitting; appropriate; then; in that case; even if; cheap; inexpensive; advantageous; excrement and urine | 辯; 便; 辨; 準備
pien'egkoarn | compilation library | 編譯館
pien'ek | to translate and edit | 編譯
pien'ieen | border; edge; side; lip; brink; hem; outskirts; edge; fringe; brink; margin; borderline | 邊緣
pien'oarn | remote | 邊遠
pienbea | coding | 編碼
pienbuo | choreographer | 編舞
pienciar | editor; compiler | 編者
piencib | compile; edit; editor | 編輯
piencibseg | editing room | 編輯室
piencid | change in quality or objectives, degenerate, deteriorate | 編織
piencied | trochanter | 鞭節
piencip | to compile; edit; editor | 編輯
piencittiøh | editor | 編織著
piengii | advantage, convenience | 便宜
pienheeng | flogging | 鞭刑
pienhoong | frontier defenses or garrisons; border defense | 邊防
pienhvi | pull ears | 扳耳
pienhø | to assign numbers to | 編號
pienjip | include (in a budget); enlist; recruit | 編入
pienkaix | border; frontier; border; national boundary | 邊界
pienkek | to write a play | 編劇
pienkerng | the border; the frontier | 邊境
pienkheg | compose a song | 編曲
pienkhexng | stone chime | 石鐘; 編磬
pienkhuy | to pull open; pull open with force (a stiff door or drawer) | 扳開; 攀開
pienkiofng | borderland; frontier; borderland; frontier | 邊疆
pienkiok | write a play; playwright | 編劇
pienkoaf | compose a song | 編歌
pienkoafn | border | 邊關
pienkor | make up a story | 編古; 編故事
pienlaai | edit | 編來
pienliet | arrange | 編列
pienmar | coding | 編碼
pienmiaa | make a name | 編名
pienmoo | flagellum | 鞭毛
pienpaai | arrange | 編排
pienphao'ar | firecrackers; banger | 鞭炮仔
pienphaux | firecrackers | 鞭炮
piensaix | frontier fortress | 邊塞
piensiar | to write; to compose | 編寫
piente | the borderland; the frontier | 邊地
pienthad | spur on, urge | 鞭撻
pientioong bogkip | beyond one's influence; beyond one's reach; out of range | 鞭長莫及
pientvar | flog with a whip; flagellate | 鞭打
pienzad | trochanter | 鞭節
pienzaf | edit | 編查
pienzefng | bell chime | 鞭鐘; 編鐘
pienzex | organization; a boundary | 編制; 邊際
pienzheg | challenge; put spurs to; spur on | 鞭策
pienzheq | edit; compile books | 編冊
pienzhud | make up | 編出
pienzøx | make up | 編做
piern laang ee cvii | cheat people out of money | 騙人的錢
piern | flat; thin; flattened | 扁; 匾; 騙,; 詐欺; 貶; 諞
piern'aang | turned into red | 變紅
piern'apkhix | transformer | 變壓器
piern'ee | changing | 變的
piern'i | mutations | 變異
piern'ii | alter, change | 變移; 更改
piern'iuu | travel all over | 變遊; 遍遊
piern'ix | change mind | 變意
piern'ngg | turned into yellow | 變黃
piern'of | turned into black | 變黑
piern'ui | displacement, change position | 變位
piern'voa | vary; alternate | 變換
piern'ym | umlaut (in phonetics); change voice | 變音
piern`laang | cheap on someone | 變人
piernbe | sell (a possession) to meet an immediate financial need; to transfer; convey | 變賣
piernbi | tastes unpleasant to the palate (stale food; drink) | 變味
piernbofng | feel all round | 變摸; 遍摸
piernbøe | to sell one's possession to meet urgent need | 變賣
piernbøliern | run out of tricks | 變無輪; 無法可變
piernbølo | run out of tricks | 變無路; 無法可變
piernchiefn | a change; a transition; changes; evolution; transition; to change and pass away | 變遷
piernchvy | become pale | 變青
piernciaw | burnt | 變焦
pierncid | change in quality; change in quality or objectives; degenerate; deteriorate | 變質
pierncied | apostasy; defective; renegade; treachery; desert a cause or principle; to defect; to reform; condescend to an inferior; apostasy | 變節
piernciøx | shine all ground | 變照; 遍照
pierncviaa | to become; to turn into; to change into | 變成
piernheeng | to change shape; to become deformed; transfigure; transform; deformation | 變形
piernhoad | change method or role | 變化; 變法
piernhoarbaxnchiefn | change a lot | 變化萬千
piernhoarzhud | change out | 變化出
piernhoax tøtoafn | changeable | 變化多端
piernhoax | change; conversion; transformation; variation; transform; transmute; evolution; metamorphosis | 變化
piernhoaxn | phantasmagoric; illusions; to change | 變幻
piernhør | become fine (of weather); clear up; (of a person) to reform; become good | 變好
piernkefng | alter; change; modify; change (plans; methods) | 變更
piernkeg | to transform; to change; to reform | 變革
piernkhiaux | adapt to circumstances | 變竅
piernkhoarn | change (one's character or conduct) for the worse | 變款; 變樣子; 變壞
piernkiok | situation has changed; change in the state of affairs; critical situation; crisis | 變局
piernkoax | to change plan originally pledged or known; break one's promise; change one's mind | 變卦
piernkox | unexpected; unforeseen happenings; accident; misfortune; mishap | 變故
piernkviaa | walk all over | 遍行
piernliao | changed | 變了
piernliern | work around | 變撚
piernloan | a turmoil; rebellion; revolt; upheaval; chaos | 變亂
piernmau | change the countenance, be transfigured | 變貌; 改變容貌
piernmiaa | assumed name; change one's name | 改名
piernmoar | extend all over | 變滿; 遍滿
piernpeh | turned into white | 變白
piernphvae | get worse (illness); become bad (a person; weather) | 變壞
piernpiexn | everywhere | 變變; 遍
piernpo | change a plan; try a new plan when the first has failed; use some artifice; intrigue; cunning scheme | 變步; 改變方法; 改變計畫
piernpox | spread wide and far | 遍布; 遍佈
piernpurn kale | push it to an extreme; get worse; worsening | 變本加厲
piernseeng | to become; to turn into; become; change into; convert into | 變成
piernseg | to change color; to become angry; change color; fading; turn white (from fear); turn red (from anger) | 變色
piernsexng | denaturation; change sex by surgical means | 變性
piernsiong | in a different (mostly disguise) form | 變相
piernsioxng | in a different (mostly disguise) form; changed only in appearance; disguised; in disguise; metamorphosis | 變相
piernsog | change gears (as in a car) | 變速
piernsokkhix | gear shift | 變速器; 變速機
piernsokky | gear shift | 變速器; 變速機
piernsox | a variable (mathematics) | 變數
piernsui | paralysis of one side of the body | 半遂; 癱瘓; 罵人愚笨
piernsuun | become pure | 變純; 遍巡
piernsviaf | change of voice (of a person at puberty) | 變聲
piernsym | to cease to be faithful; change in faith or loyalty; turn traitor; jilt a lover | 變心
piernsyn | (adv); all over the body | 遍身
piernte | be a mass of; everywhere; everywhere; throughout the land | 遍地
piernthai | abnormal | 變態
piernthaix serng'iok | sexual aberration | 變態性慾
piernthaix simlyhak | abnormal psychology | 變態心理學
piernthaix | abnormality; metamorphosis (zoology) | 變態
piernthaothaux | transparency | 變透透
piernthea | all over the body | 遍體
pierntheflinsiofng | bruised all over | 遍體鱗傷
piernthiefn | change dynasty | 變天
piernthoaan | proclaim everywhere | 遍揚; 遍傳
piernthofng paxnlie | handle something without rigid application of rules | 變通辦理
piernthofng | to become flexible; accommodate to circumstances | 變通
piernthvy | suddenly changed weather | 變天
pierntiau | change the tune; melody; variation | 變調
pierntiexnsor | power substation | 變電所
pierntong | change; fluctuation; upheaval; change (organization; arrangements); to reshuffle; reorganize; alter; to move | 變動
pierntøe | be a mass of; everywhere | 遍地
piernvi | change, vary | 變異
piernviu | to alter; change (in design; pattern; style; appearance) | 變樣
piernvoa | vary; alternate; exchange | 變換
piernzerng | extraordinary variety (of something); mutant; mutation; variation | 變種
piernzhud | change out | 變出
piernzoex | turn into | 變做
piernzofng | disguise; disguise oneself | 變裝; 喬裝改扮
piernzø | become | 變做
piernzøex | change and become | 變做; 變成
piernzøx | become; to change into; to assume the form; shape; state; nature; character of | 變成; 變做
piesaix | to block up, to stop | 閉塞
piesut | occult | 秘術
piesutviuo | secretary general | 秘書長
piesux | to be shy with strangers; shy; bashful | 怕生; 怕羞
piesuzhux | secretariat | 秘書處
piesw | secretary; secretary | 秘書; 祕書
piesy | secteary | 祕書
piesyn | secret | 秘辛
piesør | close up, lock out | 閉鎖; 關閉
piet iuo ioxngsym | have a hidden purpose (in so doing or speaking) | 別有用心
piet iuo thiente | another state of existence altogether; a different world (of delight) | 別有天地
piet sefng kicied | have new complications | 別生枝節
piet | apart | 別
pietchiamsy | explain drawing with poems | 逼籤詩
piethoaan | transmit from generation to generation exclusively inside a family; tradition transmitted or handed down in secret | 秘傳
piexn bøo liern | no way | 沒辦法使
piexn goanheeng | change back to original form; shape or face | 變原形
piexn pafhix | juggle; do a conjuring trick; play a trick on | 變把戲; 變魔術
piexn | change; alter; to convert; transform; to shift; to switch | 變; 遍
piexn'iøqar | stool medicine boy | 便藥仔
piexn'oo | a chamber pot, a urine pot | 便壺
piexn'u | there is | 便有
piexn'y | informal dress; ordinary clothes; mufti; plainclothes (police) man | 便衣
piexn'y-tui | non-uniform | 便衣隊
piexn-pafhix | play a cheap trick | 變把戲
piexn-thvi'e | the whole earth | 遍天下
piexnbeeng | explanation; show a matter clearly; show a thing in the right light | 辯明
piexnbiin | offer greater convenience to the people (by reducing red tape) | 便民
piexnchiaf | private car | 便車
piexnciet | conveninent and fast | 便捷
piexnho | defence; defend; plead for; defend verbally; to advocate; speak in defense of; defend a case as a barrister | 辯護; 護
piexnhok | mufti; casual dress; ordinary clothing; everyday dress | 便服
piexnhoxjiin | defender | 辯護人
piexnhoxsu | a lawyer; barrister | 辯護士; 律師
piexnjim | distinguish; recognize | 辨認
piexnjin | distinguish; recognize | 辨認
piexnkae | to try to defend oneself or one's position; palliate; make excuses for; answer in self defense | 辯解
piexnkhix | a commode; urinal; toilet bowl; bed pan | 便器
piexnkhvoax | make a decision depend on condition | 便看; 看情形而決定
piexnlarm | a brief guide book | 便覽
piexnli | convenient; handy; suitable; serviceable; profitable; expedient; expediency | 便利
piexnli-siongtiaxm | convenience store | 便利商店
piexnlin | identify | 辨認
piexnlixpaw | convenience bag | 便利包
piexnlun | debate; discuss; argue; plead; discussion; plea | 辯論
piexnluxnhoe | speech contest; debating team | 辯論會
piexnluxnkaf | apologist; controversialist; polemist | 辯論家
piexnluxnteeng | debate court | 辯論庭
piexnmih | feces | 便物
piexnmngg | private entrance | 便門
piexnmoelaang | be a matchmaker after bridegroom and bride decide to marry | 便媒人; 形式上的媒人
piexnmuilaang | handy matchmaker | 便媒人
piexnpa | give up; relinquish | 則已; 作罷
piexnpag | contradict; disprove; refute | 辯駁
piexnpek | to justify; verbally or in writing | 辯白
piexnphirn | concubine | 便品
piexnphuun | bed pan | 便盆
piexnpien | ready-made; prepared; be ready for | 便便; 現成的
piexnpiet | to differentiate; discriminate; see the differences between; identify | 辨別
piexnpix | be constipated; constipation | 便秘
piexnpng | common food; ordinary food; potluck; ordinary; plain meal | 便飯
piexnpog | contradict; disprove; defend and refute; to debate | 辯駁
piexnseg | Identify | 辨識
piexnsekzhud | Identified | 辨識出
piexnsi | just so; that is it; just the thing | 便是; 就是
piexnsofkhafng | toilet | 便所空
piexnsofthaang | toilet bug | 便所蟲
piexnsor | WC; toilet; a privy | 廁所; 便所
piexnsu | someone who is good at debate | 辯士
piexnsvaf | everyday clothes; informal dress; civilian clothes | 便衣
piexnsw | lose a discussion; be crushed in debate | 辯輸
piexntharng | a commode | 便桶
piexnthøx | toilet equipments | 便套
piexntiaau | a note paper; a scratch paper; note; memo; informal letter | 便條
piexntofng | lunch (prepared beforehand); lunchbox; bento box; lunch box | 便當
piexntofng-ah | lunch box; bento box | 便當盒; 飯盒
piexntok | bubo | 便毒
piexntong'ab'ar | bento box | 便當盒仔
piexntong'aqar | bento box | 便當盒仔
piexntongcvii | bento money | 便當錢
piexntongkheh'ar | bento box | 便當篋仔
piexntongkhok'ar | bento box | 便當觳仔
piexntongkoax | bento box cover | 便當蓋
piexntongzhaix | bento food | 便當菜
piexntø | service road; detour | 便道
piexntør | defeat by argument | 辯倒; 辯贏
piexnviaa | gain a point in an argument; overcome in argument | 辯贏
piexnzaai | eloquence in argument | 辯才
piexnzexng | demonstrate; prove | 辯證; 證實
piexnzexng-hoad | dialectics | 辯證法
piexnzhaepng | a simple meal; a common meal | 便菜飯; 家常飯菜
piexnzhafn | potluck; ordinary meal (as distinguished from a feast) | 便餐
piexnzhaix | common food; ordinary food; pot-luck; simple food; ordinary meal; potluck; everyday fare | 便菜; 便飯
piexnzhux | convenient house | 便厝
piexnzuun | convenient boat | 便船
pigoan | being framed | 被冤
pihchiwngr | rolling the sleeves | 撆手䘼
pihcviaf | tortoise | 鱉精
pihhoeq | tortoise's blood | 鱉血
pihie | grief and joy | 悲喜
pihkhag | turtle shell | 鱉甲
pihkhorkhaf | squeeze up trousers | 撆褲跤
pihkhylaai | squeeze up | 撆起來
pihoaai | sorrow | 悲懷
pihpiq | fold | 摺摺
pihsuun | cracks | 摺痕; 翻折的紋路
pihthngf | turtle soup | 鱉湯
pihun | grief | 悲恨
pihuxn | grief and indignation, to lament and resent | 悲憤
pihzaq | wear clothes fitting to the occasion | 彼束; 衣著合身
pii hy | weak stomach | 脾虛
pii | spleen; harp | 脾; 枇; 琵
piin hokkhix | trusting to his own good luck | 憑福氣
piin liongsym | as one's conscience dictates; fair in dealing | 憑良心
piin pwnsu | by virtue of sheer competence; talent (as distinct from pure luck or chance) | 憑本事
piin symmih | on what basis; why; on what grounds? | 憑甚麼
piin | to hold; poor; to lean on; repeatedly; poverty; poor; destitute; impoverished; deficiency; deficient; lack | 屏; 貧; 屏風; 憑; 頻
pikarm | sadness, melancholy | 悲感
pike | humble oneself, speak meanly of oneself | 悲低; 卑下
pikefng | spleen meridian | 脾經
pikek | tragedy | 悲劇
pikhib | to weep with grief; to sob sorrowfully | 悲泣
pikhix | disposition, temper | 悲氣; 脾氣
pikhor | miserable, sorrowful | 悲苦
pikhud | humble, servile | 悲屈; 卑屈
pikiok | a tragedy; tragedy | 悲劇
pikoaf | song of lament; elegy | 悲歌
pikoafn zwgi | pessimism | 悲觀主義; 厭世主義
pikoafn | disappointed; pessimistic; pessimism; to look on the dark side of; in despair | 悲觀
pikoafn-ciar | a pessimist | 悲觀者
pikoafn-zwgi | pessimism | 悲觀主義
pikøf | elegy, song of lament, a threnody | 悲歌
piliaang | desolate | 悲涼
piload | poor; mean; sleazy; mean; depraved | 卑劣
piloan | sad love | 悲戀
pimoa'iuu | castor oil | 蓖麻油
pimoaa | castor-oil plant | 蓖麻
pimoaa-zaang | caster oil tree | 蓖麻欉; 蓖麻叢
pimoacie | castor bean plant | 蓖麻子
pin | a court lady | 嬪
pin'gikoarn | funeral parlor; cemetery | 殯儀館
pin'nngchiu | areca; betel nut palm tree | 檳榔樹
pin'nngcie | betel nut | 檳榔子
pin'nngg | areca palm; betel nut; nut of the areca palm; a betel nut; a betel palm | 檳榔; 檳榔子
pin'nngg-sesy | betel nut salesgirl | 檳榔西施
pin'nngtvarar | betel nut peddler | 檳榔攤子
pin'nngzhve'ar | betel nut; areca nut | 檳榔果仔
pin'ut | Pacific dunlin | 濱鷸
pinbiin | poor people; poor man | 貧民
pinbiin-khud | slum | 貧民窟
pinbinkhud | slum area; shantytown | 貧民窟
pinbuun | verdict | 憑文
pincien | poor and lowly; in humble and destitute circumstances | 貧賤
pinciofng | barrier | 屏障
pinciøx | certificate | 憑照
pingikoarn | a funeral parlor | 殯儀館
pinguo | verdict | 憑語
pinhaan | poor; very poor | 貧寒
pinhae konglo | highway along the sea | 濱海公路
pinhae texkhw | area of border on sea | 濱海地區
pinhae | seaward | 濱海
pinhied | anemia | 貧血; 貧血(症)
pinhietzexng | anemia | 貧血症
pinho | poor family; destitute household; family | 貧戶
pinhoaan | frequent; incessant; heavy (traffic) | 頻繁
pinhoat | poor; meager; wanting; destitute; insufficient; deficient; in tight straits | 貧乏
pinhoeq | anemia | 貧血
pinhofng | standing screen; wooden partition; movable door screen; fixed wooden partition across a central hall | 屏風
pinhuiq-zexng | anemia | 貧血症
pinhux putkyn | disparity between the rich and the poor; unequal distribution of wealth | 貧富無均
pinhux | the poor and the rich; poverty and wealth; relative wealth; rich and poor | 貧富
pinkeq | objective case (grammar) | 賓格; 受詞
pinkheg | guest | 賓客
pinkheq | company; guest; guests and visitors | 賓客
pinkhoafn | bandwidth | 頻寬
pinkhofng liapzø | without substantial support or proof | 憑空捏造
pinkhofng | without evidence, without proof | 憑空
pinkhor | poor; in hardship; poverty and hardship; poor; destitute | 貧苦
pinkhuxn | poor; impoverished; in distressed circumstance; impoverished | 貧困
pinkioong | poor; poverty; impoverishment; penury; destitution | 貧窮
pinkix | proof; testimony; evidence | 憑據
pinkoarn | guest-house; inn; hotel | 賓館
pinkux | evidence; confirmation; proof | 憑據
pinkøfciab | apple juice | 蘋果汁
pinkøfciuo | cider | 蘋果酒
pinkøfsngf | malic acid; (pertaining to or derived from apples) | 蘋果酸
pinkør | bingo | 賓果; 蘋果
pinlea | guest ceremony | 賓禮
pinliim taixhae | on the brink of the sea | 濱臨大海
pinliim | on the verge of | 瀕臨
pinliongsym | honestly | 憑良心
pinlut | frequency | 頻率
pinnngciab | beetlejuice | 檳榔汁
pinnngg | betel nut, areca palm, areca, betel nut | 檳榔
pinnngtvax | betel stand | 檳榔擔
pinoaa | pond bar | 埤攔
pinpaai | stand side by side; be juxtaposed; side by side; abreast | 屏牌; 盾牌
pinpaang | guest house | 屏房; 賓房; 客房
pinpafng | wooden partition or screen | 屏板; 屏風(木)
pinpex | shield | 屏蔽
pinphiøx jibzø | gain admission by showing tickets; admission by ticket | 憑票入座
pinphiøx | by showing tickets | 憑票
pinpiin | frequently | 頻頻
pinpyn iwlea | refined; courteous; dignified (gentleman) | 彬彬有禮
pinpyn | politely | 彬彬
pinpøo | noble bottle-tree, ping-pong | 屏婆; 鳳眼果
pinseg | to hold one's breath | 屏息
pinsixn | credibility; trustworthiness; sufficient proof; rely upon; accept as well founded | 信用; 憑信
pinsud | frequency (radio) | 頻率
pinsym | by heart | 憑心
pinthaau | (adv) in correct order; one by one; (adv) anew; de novo | 憑頭; 從頭依次
pintiaw | a kind of snapper | 屏雕; 濱鯛
pintor | wooden partition | 隔板
pintvaf | wooden or bamboo carrying pole (used by one man over the shoulder) | 扁擔
pintvoa | lazy; indolent | 懶惰; 貧惰
pintvoaf | certificate; receipt; on the evidence of a receipt or such document | 憑單
pintvoaxkud | lazybones; a lazy person | 懶骨頭
pintvoaxsiefn | lazy bone | 貧惰仙
pintvoaxthaang | lazy bug; a lazy person | 懶惰蟲
pintø | frequency; (television) channel; your humble servant; I; your humble servant; a term used by Buddhist and Taoist priests and religious to refer to oneself instead of goa | 頻道; 貧道 (僧道自稱)
pinzefng | poor humble monk | 貧僧
pinzexng | evidence; proof; guarantee | 憑證
pinzuo cixnhoafn | Both the guest and the host are having a great time | 賓主盡歡
pinzuo | guests and hosts | 賓主
pinzurn | (an official) standard; norm; criterion; standard; criterion | 憑準; 依據; 憑證; 準繩; 標準
pipaa | the loquat tree or its fruit | 枇杷; 琵琶
pipee piedphau | carrying her guitar to another boat ─ said of a widow or a concubine who remarries | 琵琶別抱
pipee | loquat | 枇杷
pipehii | anglerfish | 琵琶魚
pipekøf | condensed loquat extract (used as a medicine) | 枇杷膏
pipelo | diluted loquat extract (used as a medicine) | 枇杷露
piphie | beastly; grubby; low; baseness; mean; vulgar; humble; base; depraved; inferior | 卑鄙
piq | turtle; freshwater turtle | 虌; 撆; 鱉; 捲; 鼈
pirn | a stitch; to appeal; to arrange; report to a superior; one's seniors; to petition; to appeal; receive commands; one's natural endowments; gifts (arch.) | 針; 稟; 編
pirngii-koarn | a funeral home | 殯儀館
pirngikoarn | funeral parlor | 殯儀館
pirnhu | married man's love or paramour | 情婦; 姘婦
pirnhuy | concubine | 妾妃
pirnhw | married woman's lover or paramour | 情夫; 姘夫
pirnkag | temples; hair on the temples; temples (physiology) | 鬢角; 太陽穴; 額角
pirnkhaf | temples; hair on the temples; lower part of the temple (physiology) | 鬢角; 鬢腳
pirnkhix | to reject | 駁棄; 擯棄; 拒絕
pirnkud | patella, knee cap | 髕骨; 膝蓋骨
pirnpiarnghao | loud noise of heavy steps; of steps on an unsteady floor | 砰砰哮
pirnpiaxng | burst | 砰裂
pirnpvy | temple (side of the forehead); temple(s) (physiology) | 鬢邊; 鬢角; 太陽穴
pirnsioxng | best man and bride's maid | 儐相
pirnsuy | hair on the temples | 鬢蓑; 鬢毛; 鬢髮
pirnthaau | sideburn | 鬢頭
pirntheg | to dismiss, to reject, to expel | 驅逐; 擯斥
pirntiok | to expel, to oust | 驅逐; 擯逐
pirntuu | to expel, to oust | 驅逐; 擯除
pirnzoat | to get rid of | 驅逐; 擯絕
pirnzoxng | burial; funeral; bury | 殯葬
pisiao | inferior; low; insignificant | 卑小
pisiofng | lament; sad; sorrowful | 悲傷
pisu | an inscription on a stele; an epitaph | 碑文; 碑序
pit | complete; to finish; bring to an end; to close; whole; total; complete | 畢
pit'ar | pen | 筆仔
pit'ek | written translation | 筆譯
pit'ha liuzeeng | have some restraint when attacking others in writing; be merciful in writing | 筆下留情
pit'hoad | technique of writing; calligraphy or drawing; penmanship; style of handwriting; calligraphic style | 筆法
pit'hoe | P. E. N. (the International Association of Poets Playwrights; Editors; Essayists; and Novelists) | 筆會
pit'hofng | the pen point; the tip of a writing brush | 筆鋒
pit'huun | a crack; a fissure; a rift; flaw | 裂痕; 必痕
pit'iaosexng | necessity | 必要性
pit'iaux | necessary; essential; need; requirement | 必要
pit'iaux-sexng | inevitability | 必要性
pit'iaux-sii | if necessary, in time of need, in case of necessity | 必要時
pit'iaux-tiaukvia | a prerequisite | 必要條件
pit'ieen | pencil lead | 筆鉛; 筆心
pit'iuo | pen pals; friends among fellow writers | 筆友
pit'oeh | writing and painting trace; style; number of strokes (in a character) | 筆畫; 筆劃
pit'siw | compulsory | 必修
pit'suiaux | necessary | 必需要
pit'ui | strokes | 筆畫
pit'uih | pen strokes | 筆畫; 筆劃
pitbak | pen and ink; words; writing; pen and ink ─ stationery | 筆墨
pitbeng | strokes | 筆畫
pitbiet | must die | 必滅
pitboea | tip of writing brush or pencil; nib; tip; pen point | 筆尖
pitbøea | the tip of a writing brush; vigor of style in writing; stroke | 筆鋒; 筆尾; 筆尖; 詞鋒
pitchix | written examination | 筆試
pitciafm | the tip of a brush-pen or pencil; pen point; point of a writing brush | 筆尖
pitciar | author; writer; present writer; this author | 筆者
pitciexn | a paper battle; a war of words | 筆戰
pitgiab'ee | graduated | 畢業的
pitgiabpafn | graduating class | 畢業班
pitgiabsefng | graduate | 畢業生
pitgiabseg | commencement exercises; commencement | 畢業式
pitgiabzeeng | before graduation | 畢業前
pitgiap bunpiin | diploma | 畢業文憑
pitgiap khøfchix | graduation examination | 畢業考試
pitgiap luxnbuun | thesis | 畢業論文
pitgiap siorngphvix | graduation day (group) picture | 畢業相片
pitgiap tiefnlea | commencement exercises; commencement; graduation ceremony | 畢業典禮
pitgiap zerngbengsw | certificate of graduation; diploma | 畢業證明書
pitgiap zerngsw | diploma; certificate (of the completion of a school course) | 畢業證書
pitgiap | be graduated, to graduate, graduation | 畢業
pitgiap-khør | graduation examination | 畢業考
pitgiap-pafn | graduating class | 畢業班
pitgiap-sefng | graduate | 畢業生
pitgiap-seg | commencement exercises | 畢業式
pitgo | slip of the pen | 筆誤
pithaau | lower wall; part of the embankment at a dam; weir | 埤頭
pithaxn | sigh with sadness; deplore; to sigh over | 悲嘆
pithiab | inscription | 碑帖
pithienbynjiin | compassionate | 悲天憫人
pithor | appetite; condition of the stomach; the appetite | 脾土; 脾胃
pithoxng | painfully sad | 悲痛
pitiau | mournful tune | 悲調
pitjiaq | handwriting (style) | 筆跡
pitjieen | certainly; has (have) to be (like this); inevitable; certainly; most surely | 必然
pitjienlun | inevitable | 必然論
pitjiensexng | certainty; inevitability | 必然性
pitjun | remuneration for writing, payment for a writer | 筆酬; 筆潤
pitkex | a rack used to hold brush-pens; a pen holder | 筆架
pitkexng | finally; in the end | 畢竟
pitkhafng | crack; crevice; fracture | 裂縫
pitkhix | cracked (wall; wood; pot; furniture) | 裂了
pitkhui'aq | cracked | 裂開矣
pitkhuy | to rend; to split open; to cleave; crack open | 裂開
pitkieheeng tiexnnao | notebook computer; laptop computer | 筆記型電腦
pitkiepho | notebook | 筆記簿
pitkiepurn | notebook | 筆記本
pitkiofng pitkexng | extremely deferential | 必恭必敬; 恭恭敬敬
pitkix | notes; notes taken; take down in writing; notes taken (of lectures; speeches) | 筆記
pitkoax | pen cap | 筆蓋
pitkorng | pen tube | 筆管
pitleh | cracked, crack, fissure, line of cleavage | 龜裂, 裂痕
pitlek | pen power | 筆力
pitliawliao | cracked completely | 裂了了
pitlieen | inevitable | 必然
pitliet | pen crack | 筆裂
pitlih | cracked; crack; fissure; line of cleavage | 龜裂; 裂開; 裂痕
pitliok | take down a record in the police station or in the court; deposition; written record | 筆錄
pitlo | technique of writing; calligraphy; or drawing | 筆路
pitlok | take down a record in the police station or in the court, deposition, written record | 筆錄
pitløar | Shrike | 伯勞仔
pitmiaa | a pen-name; pen name; nom de plume | 筆名
pitpai | will certainly be defeated; will certainly fail | 必敗
pitpeeng | crack into multi (2) pices | 裂爿
pitphang | a fissure; a crevice; a break; split; let out a matter; crack; chink | 裂縫
pitphoax | crack open, split | 裂破; 必破
pitphoee | rough; cracked skin | 裂皮
pitpid | a little crack | 裂裂
pitsefng | in one's whole life; lifelong; in one's whole life; lifelong; throughout one's lifetime | 畢生
pitsex | in one's whole life; the way holding a pen | 畢世; 筆勢
pitsexng | will most certainly win; cannot fail or be defeated | 必勝
pitsi | look down upon | 鄙視
pitsiaw | stem of a Chinese pen | 筆梢; 筆桿
pitsie | certainly (surely) die | 必死
pitsied | required | 必設
pitsiukhøf | compulsory course (in a curriculum); required course in the college curriculum; requirement | 必修科
pitsiw | compulsory | 必修
pitsiw-khøx | a required course | 必修課
pitsngx | arithmetic worked out on paper | 筆算
pitsoaxn | arithmetic worked out on paper | 筆算
pitsox | number of strokes | 筆數
pitsuiaux | necessary | 必需要
pitsun | order of strokes observed in calligraphy | 筆順
pitsuo | must die | 必死
pitsuphirn | daily necessities; consumer goods | 必需品
pitsut | required | 必需
pitsuun | crack; lines of a crack; lines of cleavage; required patrol | 裂紋; 必巡
pitsw | must; it is necessary to; what is essential; indispensable; necessary incidentals; outlays | 必須; 必需
pitsym | pencil lead | 筆心
pittaam | communicate by writing | 筆談
pittaang | pencil vase; cylindrical vessel for holding pens or pencils | 筆筒
pittab | answer in writing | 筆答
pitteg | must have it | 必得
pitteng | most certainly; must | 必定
pitthaau | point of a pen or pencil | 筆頭
pittherng | (of dress) smooth ironed, spick-and-span | 筆艇; 筆挺
pitthøx | cap of a pen or writing brush | 筆套
pittiau | (of writing) tone, style | 筆調
pittiaxm | laptop; pen store | 筆店
pittien | laptop | 筆電
pittit | perfectly straight, bolt upright, straight as ramrod | 筆直
pittvia | certainly | 必定
pitzaai | literary talent | 筆才; 文才
pitzeg | one's handwriting | 筆跡
pitzhef | cracked and crossed | 裂叉
pitzhngf | very small rift; crevice; crack; fissure | 裂瘡; 很小的裂縫
pitzhuix | harelip; cleft lip; chapped lips | 裂口; 嘴唇裂開
pitzøx | must | 必做
piuhor | fierce tiger | 彪虎
piui | stomach and the pancreas -- the stomach in relation to appetite | 脾胃
piukhix | run away in great haste; let (an opportunity) slip; to miss | 失去了; 落空了
piupøo | a fooling around teen age girl | 彪婆; 游手好閒少女
piuzao | escape | 溜走
piw | husky; small tiger; stripes or streaks of a tiger; a fierce animal like the hyena | 彪
pix | to protect; costive; to close; lame; an arm; secret; mysterious; abstruse; hidden; confidential; unknown; private | 庇; 秘; 閉; 痺; 臂; 祕
pixaxn | to serve as a record; to keep on record; serve as a record; keep on record; file an application and go ahead with a project before formal approval is granted | 備案
pixbiern | to avoid; to shun; to keep off; avoid; to escape from; get clear; prevent something from happening; avert | 避免
pixbongliok | memorandum (book) | 備忘錄
pixbonglok | a memorandum | 備忘錄
pixboong-lok | memo, reminders, tickler, memorandum | 備忘錄
pixchiab | be victimized by burglary | 被竊
pixchix | be assassinated | 被刺
pixchviar | be invited | 被請
pixciexn | prepare for action; prepare for war | 備戰
pixcynkhix | shock absorber | 避震器
pixek | run away from disease | 避疫
pixgegkoong | masochism | 被虐狂
pixgek-koong | masochism | 被虐狂
pixhai boxngsiofngkoong | persecution mania | 被害妄想狂
pixhai boxngsiofngzexng | persecution complex (psychology); paranoia | 被害妄想症
pixhai | the victim; injured; be killed or murdered; damage; injury | 被害
pixhaixciar | injured or wronged party; victim | 被害者
pixhaixjiin | injured person; victim | 被害人
pixhaixkhw | stricken district; affected area; disaster area | 被害區
pixhaixliin | victim | 被害人
pixhiaam | to avoid anything that may bring aspersion | 避嫌
pixhoarn | [take] refuge; seek (political; etc) asylum | 避反; 避難
pixhofng | to take shelter from the wind | 避風
pixhuix | taboo | 避諱
pixhun | backup | 備份
pixhø | to escape disaster; to run away from calamity | 避禍
pixin | contraception; avoid conception; prevent conception; birth control | 避孕
pixiong | backup; spare; for use | 備用
pixixn'iøh | contraceptives; the pill | 避孕藥
pixjim | contraception | 避妊; 避孕
pixjoah | avoid heat | 避熱
pixkhiim | be captured alive; be taken prisoner | 被擒
pixkhuxn | be surrounded | 被困
pixkhør | for reference; submit for investigation; appendix for reference; for reference | 備考
pixkiab | be robbed; be kidnapped | 被劫
pixkvoay`ee | pent-up | 被關的
pixkøx | defendant; accused (prisoner) | 被告
pixlan | to take refuge; escape calamity; avoid disaster; find refuge; keep out of the way of great calamities; war; rebellions | 避難
pixlaxnsor | refuge; haven; sanctuary; refugee center | 避難所
pixliah | be caught | 被捉
pixloan | avoid chaos | 避亂
pixlor | be captured | 被擄
pixlui | be involved | 被累
pixluiciafm | a lightning rod; needle gap arrester; lightning arrester | 避雷針
pixluii-ciafm | lightning rod | 避雷針
pixluo | female slave; maid servant | 婢女
pixn | to entertain guests; temples or hair on the temples; funeral; carry to burial; put a corpse in the coffin; conduct a funeral | 儐; 鬢; 殯
pixntvoa | lazy; idle | 懶惰
pixntvoaxkud | lazy bones | 懶骨頭
pixpan | prepare; make ready | 備辦; 準備
pixpeg karngløh | forced landing; be forced to land | 被迫降落
pixpeg | be compelled or forced to | 被迫
pixphiexn | be swindled; be fooled | 被騙
pixphirn | equipments, fixtures | 備品; 裝備
pixphvoax | sentenced | 被判
pixpiern | be demoted | 被貶; 被眨
pixpor | be arrested | 被補; 被捕
pixsad | be killed; assassinated | 被殺
pixseng-sox | multiplicand | 被乘數
pixsengsox | multiplicand (mathematics) | 被乘數
pixsex | to live as a recluse | 避世
pixsiaa | avoid evil spirits; influences | 避邪
pixsoafnkyjiin | eligible person | 被選舉人
pixsoafnkykoaan | eligibility for election | 被選舉權
pixsoarn | be chosen | 被選
pixsuo | summering; to go away for the summer | 避暑
pixswte | summer resort | 避暑地
pixtexng sibjixkex | be crucified | 被釘十字架
pixtexng | be nailed | 被釘
pixthaw | be robbed; be stolen | 被偷
pixthay | spare tire | 備胎
pixtiong ciuxkhefng | take the easier way out; choose the easier of two alternatives; dwell on the minor points but avoid touching the core of a matter | 避重就輕
pixtisox | dividend | 被除數
pixtong | passive; to act on orders; passivity | 被動
pixtong-seg | passive form | 被動式
pixtong-sexng | passive nature | 被動性
pixtuu-sox | dividend | 被除數
pixtø | have been robbed | 被盜
pixtøxkefng | preparation room | 備道間
pixzaf | keep for future reference | 備查
pixzeng | retire to a quiet place; a spiritual retreat | 避靜
pixzhuo | to be on the waiting list (for admission to a school); candidates on the waiting list | 備取
pixzuolaan | remarks column | 備註欄
pixzux | appendix; note; remarks; remarks; footnote; space reserved for such | 備註
pixzø | being created | 備作; 被造
pizeeng | sadness | 悲情
pizeg | sorrow | 悲戚
pizharm | miserable; dismal; tragic; grievous; tragic; pathetic; miserable; wretched | 悲慘
pizhøeq | sorrow | 悲慼
pizong | spleen | 脾臟
pizoxng | solemn and stirring; tragically heroic | 悲壯
pizoxng'iam | inflammation of the spleen | 脾臟炎
pizuxn | irrigation ditch | 埤圳
piø | isinglass from the intestines of the fish; air bladder or scrotum of a fish; spermary of a fish | 鰾
piøar | javelin | 標仔; 標槍
piøchiøx | joke; jest; sign; to signal; to fall | 標笑; 說玩笑
piøchviw | javelin; spear; lance; throw a javelin | 標槍
piøf | isinglass from the intestines of the fish; air bladder or scrotum of a fish; spermary of a fish | 鰾; 鏢
piøfafciafm | hand of a watch | 錶仔針
piøfafkhag | watchcase | 錶仔殼
piøfaflien | watch chain | 錶仔鏈
piøfaftoax | wrist watch band | 錶仔帶
piøfar | watch; watch | 錶仔; 錶
piøfciofng | rubber stamp | 表章
piøfid | table one | 表一
piøfkeq | form or blank (for filling); table or chart | 表格
piøfkhag | watch case | 錶殼
piøfkoad | to put to vote | 錶蓋; 表決
piøhe'ar | Taiwanese community loan club | 標會仔
piøhear | private economic mutual aid | 標會仔
piøhii | some kind of fish | 標魚
piøhoe | make bids or draw lots to determine who should get the loan from the private loan association | 標會
piøhoe'ar | make bids or draw lots to determine who should get the loan from the private loan association | 標會仔
piøhoear | Taiwanese community loan club | 標會仔
piøkex | price tag; listed price; indicate the price of a commodity on a tag | 標價
piøkheq | hired escort for traveling merchants (in former times) (obsolete) | 鏢客
piøkiok | dart like weapon office | 鏢局
piør | report card; transcript of a student's scholastic record | 表; 錶
piøsiuu | sell by tender | 標售
piøsw | bid | 鏢書
piøthaau | the person in charge of project bid rigging | 標頭
piøtiøh | make a successful bid; be knocked down to | 得標
piøtvoaf | bid | 標單
piøzuie | small flat stones thrown by children to skim along the water surface | 漂水; 漂石子
png y ee sex | take undue advantage of his power; influence; make use of his influence | 靠他的勢力
png | cooked rice; cooked rice; food; a meal; provisions | 飯
png'aang | maple red | 楓紅
png'afchiu | maple; maple tree | 楓仔樹
png'afhiøh | maple leaves | 楓仔葉
png'ar | maple | 楓仔
pngchiu | maple; Formosan sweet gum tree | 楓樹
pngf | to lay a stake or wager on someone else in gambling; maple tree | 楓; 釣魚
pngfsi | show | 榜示
pngfsiong bøo miaa | fail in an examination | 榜上無名
pngfsiuo | top successful candidate in an examination | 榜首
pngfthiab | add post | 補帖
pnggrsizhexng | rattle snake | 飯匙銃
pngpor | make up a shortage | 彌補; 貼補
pngr | notice; placard; list of successful candidates in the examinations | 榜
pngx | to depend on | 傍
pngxab'ar | lunch box; rice container | 飯盒仔
pngxah | lunch box | 飯盒
pngxaqar | lunch box | 飯盒仔
pngxau | after a meal | 飯後
pngxauxciuo | wine after meal | 飯後酒
pngxkheh'ar | lunch box | 飯篋仔
pngxkhok'ar | lunch box; rice container | 飯盒仔
pngxkhva'ar | rice crucible | 飯坩仔
pngxkhvaf | earthen pot for cooked rice | 飯鍋; 飯坩
pngxkvoakhørsex | Clinging to the power of others | 傍官靠勢
pngxkvoakhørsix | Clinging to the power of others | 傍官靠勢
pngxle | drainer for rice | 飯隸
pngxliab'ar | grain of cooked rice | 飯粒仔
pngxliap | grain of cooked rice | 飯粒
pngxloe | rice | 飯鑢
pngxlui | rice | 飯類
pngxoaan | rice ball; balls of rice sometimes with things enclosed | 飯丸; 飯糰
pngxpaw | lunch box; packaged lunch for traveling | 飯包; 便當
pngxphie | the hard rind formed on the inside of a kettle when cooking rice (pngxphie is more common to use) | 飯疕; 鍋巴
pngxphiøx | food coupon | 飯票
pngxphyar | the hard rind formed on the inside of a kettle when cooking rice (pngxphie is more common to use) | 飯疕仔; 鍋巴
pngxsiah | rice scoop | 飯杓
pngxsigøo | spoon goose | 飯匙鵝
pngxsii | serving spoon for rice; rice scoop; rice spoon; rice spatula | 飯匙
pngxsikud | shoulder blade | 肩胛骨; 飯匙骨
pngxsisoaf | guitar shark; a kind of guitarfish, Rhinobatos schlegelii | 飯匙鯊; 琵琶魚
pngxsizhexng | cobra; cobra; very venomous snake found in the mountains of Taiwan | 飯匙倩; 飯匙銃; 眼鏡蛇
pngxtao | large rice pod; stupid | 飯斗; 飯桶
pngxtharng | large rice bucket; good-for-nothing; stupid; tub for storing cooked rice; a good for nothing; stupid; clumsy fellow | 飯桶
pngxthngf | rice and vegetable-meat soup | 飯湯; 菜粥
pngxthviaf | dining room; mess hall | 飯廳
pngxtiaxm | restaurant; hotel | 飯店; 飯館
pngxtngx | meal; regular meals | 飯頓; 餐; 三餐
pngxtøq | dinner table | 飯桌; 餐桌
pngxvoar | rice bowl | 飯碗
pngxzeeng | before the meal; before a meal | 飯前
pngxzengciuo | pre-dinner wine | 飯前酒
pngxzhaix | a meal; dishes to go with rice | 飯菜
po laang hiøxtiin | follow another's footsteps | 步人後塵
po | step; chew; catch; port; administrative division; step; pace; contrivance; resource; plot; to walk; on foot | 步; 哺; 埠; 部; 嚼; 捕
po'efng | dandelion | 蒲英
poa | fell | 跋
poaan | bend the feet under one; to scale (a wall); climb over; cross over | 盤; 翻
poad | limp | 跛
poadafcie | guava seed | 菝仔子
poadar | guava | 菝仔; 番石榴
poadbuun | postscript | 跋文
poadgie | postscript | 跋語
poadho | domineer over; rampancy | 跋扈
poadhoo | domineering | 跋扈
poadhøo | tug-o-war | 拔河
poadkoafn | pull off | 拔關
poadkuun | outstanding | 拔群
poadsiab | travel over land and water | 跋涉
poadsiap løkhor | hardships of travel | 跋涉勞苦
poadsiap | to travel over land and water; to trudge; travel over land and sea | 跋涉
poadsiok | far above the common standard; not at all vulgar or trite; outstanding and unique | 拔俗
poadsyn | extricate yourself | 拔身
poadto | escape | 拔逃
poadtuu | uproot; eradicate | 拔除
poadtør | fell | 跋倒
poadzok | promote | 拔擢
poadzui jinzaai | man of outstanding talents | 拔萃人才
poadzui | excerpt, quotation, selection | 拔萃
poafn | move; remove; shift; transport | 搬
poafngoat | half moon, crescent moon | 半月
poafngoat-heeng | crescent-shaped | 半月型
poafnha | a medicinal herb | 半夏
poafnsox | half | 半數
poafnsui | half-side paralyzed | 半遂
poafntoo | mid-point, uncompleted work | 半途
poafntorng | group of rebels, insurgent organization | 半黨
poafntør | peninsula | 半途
poah cidtør | have a fall; fall down | 跌一跤
poah suoseg | bet or gamble with four colored cards | 賭四色牌
poah supaai | bet or gamble with four colored cards | 賭四色牌
poah | gamble; to bet; play a game of chance; to risk; to stake | 賭; 跋; 跌; 鈸
poah'ar | shallow earthen dish or basin | 淺仔; 缽; 淺土盤
poah-chitthøo | play a game of chance for amusement or for very small stakes | 賭拭桃
poah-simseg | play for fun | 賭心適
poah-suviaa | loses ying | 賭輸贏
poah-tau'ar | gamble with dice | 賭骰仔
poah`løqkhix | fall down from a place somewhat higher | 跌落去
poahcide | dial | 撥一下
poahcviax | to set correct | 撥正
poahcvii heeng laang | make an effort to get money to pay a debt; e.g.; taking money that was set aside for some less urgent purpose | 撥款還人
poahcvii | allocate funds; appropriation; appropriate a certain quantity of money for a special purpose | 撥錢; 融通; 撥款
poahhux | to make payment | 撥付
poahkafng | take time during the work; suspend work for a little so as to attend to something else; take the trouble to | 專程; 撥工; 撥時間; 抽空
poahkax | take the trouble to come | 撥駕; 駕臨
poahkhoarn | to allot or appropriate funds; appropriate a fund | 撥款
poahkhuy | to push aside; lay; set something aside; open a space; clear a way through a multitude of people; to separate (especially by moving one's hands apart without violence); to separate combatants | 推開; 撥開
poahkhvoar | to allocate or appropriate funds, appropriation | 撥款
poahkib | to assign, to appropriate | 撥給
poahlaang | accommodate a person; e.g.; by lending money; things | 撥人
poahlong | to stir up, to move to and fro, to fiddle with, to toy with | 撥弄
poahpefng | set ice | 撥冰
poahsag | dump | 撥棄; 打走
poahsui | tassel | 撥穗
poahsvoax | winnow (grain) | 簸散
poahzhud | to allot; distribute; allot | 撥出
poahzvoax | winnow (frain) | 簸閂
poan | revolt; the boundary; rebel; to revolt; to rise up against the government | 叛; 畔
poanbun | cross-question; interrogate | 盤問
poanlong | fiddle | 搬弄
poansoaan | hovering over a place | 盤旋
poansøf | money for the journey | 盤纏
poanthiøf | create conflict by false or exaggerated reports | 撥挑; 挑撥
poantieen | viaticum; Supplies for a journey | 盤纏
poanzaux | accompany (music); accompaniment | 伴奏
poaq cidpvy | put it aside | 擺一邊
poaq sofzai | allot places | 撥地方
poaq | spread; remove (person or things); distribute (persons by placing them in different places); allot; disperse; to transfer (money) | 撥
poaq`khuy | poke | 撥開
poaqbea | fall off a horse; train derailment | 跋馬; 火車脫軌
poaqcih | fall and break into twos | 半子; 跌折
poaqcvii | gamble for money | 賭錢
poaqgoxngkiao | unskilled in gambling, gamble foolishly (as a victim does) | 傻賭
poaqjibkhix | fell into | 跋入去
poaqkafmzeeng | emotions | 跋感情
poaqkex | cut prices; price drop; the price has fallen | 跌價
poaqkiao | gamble | 賭博; 跋筊
poaqkiao-siefn | a reckless gambler | 好賭者; 賭博仙
poaqkoax | divine with turtle shells; to divine by the Eight Diagrams | 卜卦
poaqliawliao | lost all- gamble | 跋了了
poaqløh | fell | 跋落
poaqløqbea | fell from riding horse | 跋落馬; 跌落馬
poaqløqkhieaq | fell | 跋落去矣
poaqløqkhix | fell | 跋落去
poaqløqlaai | fell | 跋落來
poaqløqlailaq | fell down | 跋落來啦
poaqmachiog | play mahjong | 打麻將
poaqmia | gamble with life and death | 跋命
poaqmoachiog | mahjong | 跋麻雀
poaqpai'ar | play cards; to gamble with cards | 打牌仔
poaqpoah | easy to fall | 跋跋
poaqpoef | The act or practice of foretelling the future by casting lots; cast two wooden pieces of poe to seek an answer from the spirits; to divine with bamboo roots | 跋桮; 擲杯筊
poaqsibpad | gamble with 3 dice (the highest throw is 18) | 賭骰子
poaqsie | fall to death; die of a fall; to drop dead; slip and get killed | 跌死
poaqsiøfkiao | gamble for small stakes | 小賭
poaqsukiao | lose at gambling; lose a wager | 賭輸賭
poaqsw | lose at gambling; lose a wager | 賭輸
poaqtau'ar | throw dice; gamble with dice | 賭骰仔
poaqthafng'ar | water bucket | 拔桶仔
poaqtharng | water bucket | 跋桶; 拔桶; 打水用桶
poaqtng | fall and break ... | 跋斷
poaqtoaxkiao | gamble for large stakes | 賭大注, 大賭
poaqtør | fall down (while walking); fall; make fall | 跌倒; 跋倒
poaqviaa | win in gambling | 賭贏
poarbie | separate rice from chaff | 撥米; 揚米(去糠)
poarkikaq | a dustpan | 簸箕甲
poarky | a container for dust; a dustpan | 簸箕; 篩子
poarn'ia | midnight | 半夜
poarnbeeng poarn'axm | half bright and half shadowy; not very bright | 半明半暗
poarngoat | half moon, crescent moon | 半月
poarngoat-heeng | half moon shape | 半月形
poarnha | a medicinal herb | 半夏
poarnkexng | radius (of a circle) | 半徑
poarnkhaf | stumbling; obstacle; holdback | 絆腳
poarnkhongtiofng | in mid-heaven | 半空中
poarnkii | flag at half mast | 半旗
poarnkiuu | half of the globe; hemisphere | 半球
poarnkofng poarnthok | work half a day; study half a day; to work one's way through school; a self supporting (working) student | 半工半讀
poarnkuikoarn | semicircular canal | 半規管
poarnlefpeeng | the 113th radical (written at the side) | 示; (部首)
poarnpengsafn | banping mountain | 半屏山
poarnpvi'ar | half sick | 半病仔
poarnsiefn | a person who is part mortal and part god; demigod; fortune tellers or medical quacks (who claim the ability to work wonders as immortals are supposed to be able to do) | 半仙
poarnsirnpoarn'gii | doubtful | 半信半疑
poarnsox | half | 半數
poarnsui | hemiplegia; paralysis of half of one's body | 半遂
poarnsyn putsui | hemiplegia ─ paralysis of half of one's body | 半身無遂
poarnsyn | half body | 半身
poarntefng | half person | 半丁
poarnthiefn | half-day- hanging in the sky | 半天
poarnthien'giaam | stone hanging in the sky | 半天岩
poarnthiensurn | baboo roots hanging in the sky | 半天筍
poarntiarm | half an hour | 半點
poarntoo | midway; halfway | 半途
poarntør | peninsula | 半島
poarntøxthea | semiconductor | 半導體
poarnzhuy poarnciu | to be half willing (at heart) and half unwilling (in appearance) ─ often referring to price haggling or girls being seduced; between refusal and consent | 半推半就
poarnzuo | Son-in-law | 半子
poat | spread out (cloth); hang on a pole or rope (clothing); suspend; throw loosely over one's shoulders; lay loosely over a railing; on the back of a chair | 披; 懸掛; 擱
poat'hu | shrew | 潑婦
poat'hø | to dial a number | 撥號
poatchix | poke | 撥刺
poatjiorng | to set aside a little time out of a tight schedule | 撥冗
poatkhuy | to push open aside | 撥開
poatkhvoar | to appropriate money | 撥款
poatlong | fiddle | 撥弄
poattong | to move, to turn | 撥動
poax | a shellfish; to sift; to winnow; winnow; to fan; to rock; throw away (with a slight shake of the wicker tray) the light rice and chaff which has already been separated | 貝; 簸; 簸揚
poaxn | half of, mid- | 半
poaxn-thunthox | unwilling to speak up | 半吞吐
poaxnbeng | defy an order | 叛命; 抗命
poaxnbøe | betray (person, secret) | 叛賣; 出賣
poaxncioxng | turncoat general; mutinous general | 叛將
poaxngek | to revolt against; revolt; sedition; rebellion; one who rebels against his country or superiors; mutineer | 叛逆
poaxngek-ciar | rebel | 叛逆者
poaxnhuie | rebels; insurgents; mutineers; revolutionaries; rioters | 叛匪
poaxnkaux | repudiate a religion; renounce a religion | 叛教
poaxnkog | treasonable; treachery; commit high treason; sedition | 叛國
poaxnkokloo | traitor (to one's country) | 叛國奴; 賣國賊
poaxnkud | rebellion | 叛骨
poaxnkwn | rebellious army; rebels; rebellious troops | 叛軍
poaxnloan | sedition; rebellion; revolt | 叛亂
poaxnpefng | soldiers in mutiny | 叛兵
poaxnpiexn | to revolt against; mutiny; insurrection; uprising | 叛變
poaxnsiin | rebellious subordinate | 叛臣
poaxnsym | rebellious | 叛心
poaxntoo | a traitor | 叛徒
poaxntorng | insurgent | 叛黨
poaxnzhat | rebel | 叛賊
poaxpoef | throw a pair of object for asking god about yes or no | 跋杯
poaxtør | fell | 跋倒
poe hancileeng | set up potato beds with the plough | 培蕃薯畦
poe hun'ar | cure (tea; tobacco leaves) | 烘熏仔; 烘乾菸葉
poe kamciarleeng | set up sugarcane beds with the plough | 培甘蔗畦
poe laang ee yn | act ungratefully towards a person | 背負人的恩惠
poe sibjixkex | carry the cross | 背十字架
poe | times; double; to double; (joined to a numeral) ─ times; fold | 倍; 背
poe'ar | cup | 杯仔; 杯子
poe'iok | to cultivate, to nourish, to rear | 培育
poe'iorng | to cultivate; to bring up; to train up; to nurture | 培養
poea | to brush; to drive away; ward off with the hand; open out to separate | 拂; 撥
poea`zao | poke aside; spread out | 撥走; 撥開
poeabin | reverse side; back side | 背面
poeabør | fritillary (used as herbal medicine) | 貝母
poeafterng | top of the cup | 杯仔頂
poeahok | admire | 佩服
poeahun | one's position in the family tree; lifetime; a very long time | 輩分; 輩份
poeajixpeeng | the 154th radical at the bottom | 貝; 部首
poeako'ar | plaster paste | 塗糊仔
poealui | shellfish | 貝類
poeapaw | knapsack | 背包
poeapiaq | paste (wallpaper) on the wall | 褙壁; 裱糊牆壁
poeapo | back area, back region | 背部
poear | cup | 杯仔
poeasym | vest; waistcoat; sleeveless jacket | 背心
poeazhud | all appear | 輩出; 一一出現
poeazoar | paste paper together | 裱紙; 褙紙
poebuo | flying dance | 飛舞
poechie | flying squirrel | 飛鼠
poechiøx | to put up a smiling face in order to please or placate someone | 陪笑
poeciah | accompany (meal) | 陪食
poeciao | flying birds | 飛鳥
poeciuo | accompany (drinking alcohol); accompanies a patron in drinking (a prostitute or bargirl) | 陪酒
poecvii | suffer in one's pocket; out of pocket; make monetary restitution | 賠錢
poecvii-høex | the goods that will suffer loss in sale | 賠錢貨
poecvix | flying arrow | 飛矢; 飛箭
poee jinbeng | make restitution for a murder; pay compensation for a death | 賠人命
poee langkheq | sit with guests; keep visitors company | 陪客
poee | compensate; indemnify; make up for a loss due to one's fault; offer an apology; lose money | 賠; 陪
poee-bexkhie | cannot afford to pay (for the loss); unable to pay compensation | 賠無起
poee-putsi | apologize for a fault | 賠無是
poef | fly; quickly; rapidly; cup | 飛; 杯
poef-thohurn | push, set aside the dust | 撥土粉
poefchiuo | ward off with the hands; use the hands to push or strike lightly (at the beginning of a quarrel) | 撥手
poefchiwbin | quarrel | 掰手面
poefhoe | make (something) clear; put (something) straight | 掰會; 弄清; 講明白
poefkhuy | ward off with the hands; to open out with hands; to separate | 撥開
poeh hofchiw | draw lots on who will pay how much money | 捉大頭
poeh | pull out; uproot; draw out | 拔
poeh`zhutlaai | pluck up; draw out; to extract (a thorn) | 拔出來
poehhoex | eight years old | 八歲
poehhwn-tvi | 80 percent full | 八分滿
poehii | flying fish; flying fish; skipjac | 飛魚
poehji | eight words of a man's horoscope: year; month; day; and hour of birth; each one of them determines a man's fate through life | 八字
poehkag | star anise fruit for seasoning | 八角
poehli | 8 words used for horoscope | 八字
poehuxn | to cultivate; to train | 培訓
poehzap | eighty | 八十
poehzhefng | eight thousands | 八千
poeiofngseklai | training room | 培養室內
poeiofngzhud | trained | 培養出
poeiok | to nurture; to rear; cherish; cultivate and grow; raise; nourish | 培育
poeiorng | to train; culture; to bring up; to groom (for a position); do a bacterial culture; cultivate; to grow (plants); raise (children); cultivate (one's mind); invigorate | 培養
poejip | fly into | 飛入
poekaux | fly to | 飛到
poeke | fly low | 飛低
poekex | fly over | 飛過
poekheq | a guest invited to help entertain the guest of honor at a dinner party; guests invited to keep the guest of honor company; receive guests; keep guests company; entertain visitors | 陪客
poekhiim zawsiux | birds and beasts | 飛禽走獸
poekhix | flown; fly away | 飛去
poekhoarn | indemnity; compensation for damages | 賠款
poekhypoeløh | fly off | 飛起飛落
poekhør | parent accompany students to entrance examination | 陪考
poekiofng sia'erng | he sees the reflection of a bow as a snake's shadow in the cup ─ said of a very suspicious person (from a famous story); false alarm | 杯弓蛇影
poekoaan | fly high | 飛懸
poekoex | fly over | 飛過
poelaai | fly over | 飛來
poelaang | compensate; pay for; stand a loss | 賠人
poelaipoekhix | flying around | 飛來飛去
poelea | express regret; ask for forgiveness; make apologies; do something to appease another | 賠禮
poeleeng | spinach | 菠菱; 培靈
poeleng'afzhaix | spinach | 菠薐仔菜
poeleng'ar | spinach | 菠薐仔
poelengky | plane | 飛行機
poelengzhaix | spinach | 菠薐菜
poeliao | flied away | 飛了
poeliawliao | flied away | 飛了了
poemia | make satisfaction for a death by another death | 賠命; 償命
poeof | flying bird | 飛烏
poeozex | flying bird ceremony | 飛烏祭
poephvoa | accompany; companion; keep company | 陪伴
poephvoax | accompany, keep company | 陪伴
poephvoaxkoex | accompanied | 陪伴過
poepoef | unstable | 筊筊; 無穩定
poepor | make up a loss; supply a want | 賠補
poepurn | to lose money in doing business; lose money in business; lose one's outlay | 賠本
poepvoaa | cups and plates | 杯盤
poepyn | entertain a visitor; guests invited to keep the guest of honor company | 陪賓; 陪客
poeq | eight; eighth | 八
poeqbong | grave fiesta | 培墓
poeqhofchiw | draw lots or draw straws to see how much each will pay | 抓大頭; 抽籤
poeqkiaxm | draw a sword | 抽劍; 拔劍
poeqkud | pull the bon | 拔骨
poeqlexngsy | white feathers | 白翎鷥
poeqtng | unplug | 拔斷
poeqtoaxsøq | the tug-o-war | 拔大繩
poeqtøf | draw a sword | 拔刀
poesiaam zawpiaq | fly on eaves and walk on walls acrobatic feats | 飛簷走壁
poesiin | accompanying minister | 陪臣
poesioong beng'u | indemnity for defamation | 賠償名譽
poesioong swnsid | indemnity for damage or loss; make good a loss due to one's own fault | 賠償損失
poesioong | compensate; indemnify; recompense; recompense | 賠償
poesiorng | compensate; indemnify; recompense | 賠償
poesirm zeato | jury system | 陪審制度
poesirm | jury | 陪審
poesit | to grow; to cultivate; to rear; plant; grow (plants); educate; train | 培植
poesoazawciøh | flying dust and rocks | 飛沙走石
poesy | fragments of cobwebs floating in the air (injurious to the eyes) | 飛絲
poesym'oaan | jurymen | 陪審員
poesymthoaan | jury | 陪審團
poetea | cup bottom | 杯底
poetex | accompany | 陪綴
poethvy | flying Apsaras (deities; divas); means good ability talent | 飛天; (形容有大能)
poetngflai`laq | fly back | 飛轉來啦
poetngr | fly around | 飛轉
poetoex | give gifts as at a wedding; birthday or funeral social life expenses ─ gifts given at a wedding; birthday or funeral | 陪隨; 應付紅白帖子
poetøex | exchange gifts between friends and relatives | 陪綴; 饋儀; 白帖子
poex | a shellfish; a generation; barium; Buddhist chanting of prayers; shells (formerly used as currency); cowries; thus: valuables; precious | 貝; 輩; 鋇; 唄
poexau | behind one's back; back-side; in the rear; at the back; behind one's back; on the back side (of one's body) | 背後
poexbeng | disobey orders | 背命
poexbin | back side, reverse side | 背面
poexbiu | fallacy | 背謬
poexbo | visit the grave | 培墓
poexbong | to pay respects to a dead person at his tomb; clean or repair a grave at the time of chheng-beng; and pay respects to one's ancestors at the grave | 培墓; 掃墓
poexgek | disobedient; unruly; rebellious; refractory; to rebel; to revolt; disobey a sovereign or good doctrine | 悖逆; 背逆
poexhoarn | to revolt against | 背反
poexhok | respect, have confidence | 背負; 佩服
poexhu | carry on the back (Lit) ─ betray; be disloyal or ungrateful to | 背負
poexhwn | baked | 焙薰
poexiog | break an agreement, break a promise | 背約; 爽約
poexkaf | to double | 倍加
poexkaux | go against what one is taught; renege; apostatize | 背教
poexkerng | background; backdrop; moral support; financial backing | 背景
poexkhix | turn one's back on; renounce; betray | 背棄
poexkiaxm | back sword | 背劍
poexkngf | back the light, reject a truth, refuse to do the right thing | 背光
poexkud | to revolt against | 反骨; 謀逆相
poexkutgyn'ar | betray child | 背骨囡仔
poexkutlo | spine | 背骨路
poexliam | recite | 背念
poexlie | offensive to good taste | 背理
poexluun | against logic | 背倫
poexpaw | a knapsack | 背包
poexpoan | to betray, to rebel, to forsake | 背叛
poexsiong | recitation | 背誦
poexsixn | a breach of faith; breach of trust (confidence); betrayal | 背信
poexsox | multiple | 倍數
poexsuie-tin | backwater | 背水陣
poexsw | endorse; recite a lesson; commit a lesson to memory | 背書
poexsym | vest, waistcoat, sleeveless garment | 背心
poextaf | dry by a fire | 焙乾
poextee | roast tea leaves | 焙茶
poexteg | immoral | 背德
poextii | run away | 背馳
poextiøh | carried | 背著
poextø | apostatize | 背道
poextøf | wear a sword | 背刀
poexun | to be out of luck, unlucky, unfortunate | 背運
poexviar | sight of one's back | 背影
poexzheq | memorize book | 背冊
poexzor | defame one's ancestor; transgress and abandon ancestral customs | 背祖
poexzvea lixhiofng | turn one's back on one's native place | 背井離鄉
poezao | flying away | 飛走
poeze | acompany | 陪坐
poezex | acompany to a funeral | 陪祭
poezhoa | marry | 陪娶
poezhud | fly out | 飛出
poezhuo | a flying squirrel | 飛鼠
poezhutlaai | fly out | 飛出來
poezoaa | type of ulcer, any ulcer that spreads over the body, tetter, ringworm, serpigo, an eruption in lines of small pustules | 皮膚病之一種, 俗稱飛蛇
poezoe | apologize; ask for forgiveness | 陪罪; 賠罪
poezoxng | bury (a person or things) along with the deceased | 陪葬
poezuun | airplane | 飛船
poezvoar | bowl | 杯碗; 盞
poezøx | fly to do | 飛做
pof | a man; a plain; a port; afternoon; plain; arena; meadow; level (or gently sloping) piece of ground | 甫; 枯; 埔; 晡; 埠
pof`khix | withered; decayed consumed with dry rot | 枯去
pofbang | mending a fishing net; repair nets | 補網
pofbat | close up a hole, repair | 補密; 補修
pofbiin | sleep supplement | 補眠
pofbut | health supplements | 補物; 營養物
pofchiofng | complement; supplement; supplement; to recruit; replenish | 補充
pofchiog | to catch | 捕捉
pofchiongpefng | territorial forces; replacements (military) | 補充兵
pofchiuo | catcher | 捕手
pofciog | to make up a deficiency; fill up; fulfill; make up a deficiency; supply a want; make up in full | 補足
pofee | mend; repair; fix shoes | 補鞋
pofeng | supplement | 補用
pofgiah | fill a position as a substitute; make up for loss of money or damage of goods | 補缺; (額)頂缺
pofhau | night school | 補校
pofhek | to catch; to seize; to capture | 捕獲
pofhied | enrich the blood; build up one's blood count | 補血
pofhoaan | make good; restore; compensate | 補還
pofhoad | supply again (sth lost); reissue; pay retroactively; issue; distribute behind schedule; issue; distribute the balance; remaining portion | 補發
pofhoeq | enrich the blood; build up one's blood count | 補血
pofhoex | replenishment | 補貨
pofhofng chiok'erng | chase the wind and catch the shadow ─ talk that is not substantiated by any evidence or proof; to grasp at shadows; trump up a story | 補風捉影
pofhuii | porcelain | 補瓷
pofhuiq | reinforce blood | 補血
pofhør | repair completely | 捕好; 補好
pofiah | policeman | 捕吏; 捕役
pofioong | supplement for male | 補陽
pofiorng | nourish | 補養
pofiuo | to bless and protect | 保佑
pofiux | repair carefully, make a fine repair | 補幼; 精修
pofiøh | tonic; tonics; any kind of medicine used for the purpose of producing more energy in the body | 補藥
pofiøh-ciuo | wine tonic | 補藥酒; 藥酒
pofiøqciuo | wine tonic | 補藥酒
pofjim | assume a position | 補任
pofkag | a supplementary angle; an auxiliary angle; a supplement | 補角
pofkhiaxm | to make up for the loss | 補欠
pofkhix | Invigorate | 補氣
pofkhoad | to make up for the difference; supply a vacancy; fill a post | 補缺; 補闕
pofkhøeq | fill a vacancy | 補缺
pofkhør | make up examination; make up test; examination held for students who failed to take part in the regular one for legitimate reasons | 補考
pofkhøx | private tutoring to supplement regular schooling; (students or teachers) make up for classes missed | 補課
pofkiao | make up | 補繳
pofkib | supply; replenish; provisions; (military) supplies; replenish | 補給
pofkioong | reinforcement | 補強
pofkipphirn | supplies | 補給品
pofkipsvoax | line of logistic support; supply line | 補給線
pofkipzam | supply depot | 補給站
pofkiux paxnhoad | measures to save the situation; corrective means | 補救辦法
pofkiux | to remedy; to redeem; rectify shortcomings and reform abuses; save the situation | 補救
pofkix | write additional details | 補記
pofkøx | make up for a mistake; fault | 補過
poflau | to stop the leakage; stop leaks; plug the leaks | 補漏
pofliao | made up | 補了
poflo | repair the road | 補路
pofmih | nourishing food | 補物; 補品
pofmoar | make up a full amount, supplement | 補滿; 充滿
pofng'viu | an example | 榜樣
pofnggarn | the second best of the successful examinees in the imperial examination | 榜眼
pofngsiaux | make up | 補數
pofngsiong bubeeng | fail in an examination | 榜上無名
pofngsiuo | top candidate in an examination; first in the list of new graduates in any degree | 榜首
pofniar | receive anew (a lost document; salary overdue) | 補領
pofphirn | a tonic; highly nutritious foods or medicines; tonics | 補品; 滋補品
pofphiøree | ticket replacement | 補票的
pofphoarbang | mending the broken net | 補破網
pofpii lixsuie | tonic; diuretic | 補脾利水
pofpii | tonic; assisting digestion | 補脾
pofpor | dried-up; dry; deficient; moisture; empty | 乾涸; 補補; 空無一物; 乾乾癟癟的; 脯脯
pofpøx | additional statement; report; account; supplement the one submitted previously | 補報
pofsaxng | add a bonus or a tip | 補送
pofsibhuix | tuition fee | 補習費
pofsibpafn | class for supplementary schooling; supplementary school to take care of dropouts or those who cannot make the entrance exams of regular schools; extension school | 補習班
pofsin | strengthening the kidneys | 補腎
pofsiogkefng | penance at confession (Catholic) | 補贖經
pofsiok | satisfaction for an offence; penance (Catholic) | 補贖
pofsiongkym | compensation | 補償金
pofsioong swnsid | compensate for damage; loss | 補償損失
pofsioong | compensation | 補償
pofsiorng | compensation; atone | 補償; 贖罪
pofsip haghau | extension schools; preparatory school | 補習學校
pofsip | to take lessons after school or work; private tutoring to supplement regular schooling; review one's studies in preparation for an exam; give; receive supplementary lessons | 補習
pofsiw haghwn | catch up with the credit requirements; study courses in order to get the minimum credits required for college graduation | 補修學分
pofsiw | patch; to mend; (college students) study for a second time courses one has flunked | 補修
pofsoarn | by-election | 補選
pofsor | replenishment | 補所
pofsvaf | mending clothes; patch; mend clothes | 補衫
poftafng | a tonic food Chinese use at the beginning winter season; take nourishing food and medicine against the winter | 補冬; 立冬藥補
poftaq | mend | 填貼; 補搭
pofthaau | ax; axe | 斧頭
pofthab | fill a vacancy; supply a deficiency; fill a vacancy in an office force | 填塞; 補洞; 補缺
pofthad | (v) fill in a gap or omission | 補塞; 填補
pofthag | make up | 補剔; 修補衣壁
pofthauar | axe | 斧頭仔
pofthaubaq | ax head | 斧頭肉 [*]
pofthaucvi'ar | axe wedge | 斧頭楔仔
pofthaukhefng | back of an axe | 斧頭框
pofthaupvex | axe handle | 斧頭柄
pofthay | fix a flat tire | 補胎
pofthiab | a subsidy; a subvention; an allowance | 補貼
pofthiafm | fill; to supply (a deficiency); to make good; make up for | 補添
pofthvi | to stitch and mend | 縫補; 補紩; 彌補缺陷
pofthvy | fill (up); replenish; to replenish; to supplement; to; add some so as to make up a deficiency | 補添
pofthøex | replace | 補替
poftviar | repair a wok; repair broken pot | 補鍋; 修補破鍋
poftøea | repair bottom | 補底
pofui | tonic for stomach | 補胃
pofun | fixing one's destiny; improve one's destiny | 補運; 補運氣
pofuxncvii | replenishment money | 補運錢
pofzexng | fix it; correct it; errata (of printed materials) | 補正
pofzhof | repair roughly | 補粗; 粗修
pofzhuiekhafng | filling mouth holes- meaning eating snacks | 補喙空
pofzhuiekhie | have the teeth repaired; have the teeth filled | 補喙齒; 鑲牙
pofzo hoeapex | coins (one or five kak) | 補助貨幣
pofzo tiaukvia | supplementary items; clauses | 補助條件
pofzo | make up a deficiency; subsidize; assist; subsidize; to help (financially; economically) | 補助
pofzoxhuix | subsidy; bounty | 補助費
pofzoxkym | bursary; financial assistance; subsidy; subsidy; grant in aid; bounty | 補助金
pofzoxpex | coinage (one or five kak) | 補助幣
pog | argue; contradict; annul; reverse a decision; rebut; to dispute; refute | 駁
pog'iah | servant in general | 僕役
pog-tørtngr | return; turn down | 駁倒轉
pog`tør | rebut; contradict | 駁倒
pog`zhutlaai | to bulge | 補出來; 鼓出來
pogbeng | ill-fated; short-lived; star crossed; ill fated (usually referring to young and beautiful girls); unfortunate in life | 薄命
pogbo | sunset | 薄暮
pogheng | inconstant in love; fickle; heartlessness (especially concerning love) | 薄倖; 薄情; 薄幸
poghoad | explode, explosion | 爆發
poghoatlek | explosive force | 爆發力
poghofng | bomb blast; blast from an explosion | 爆風
poghog | flimsy luck | 薄福
poghong | low salary | 薄俸
poghøhiøh | mint leaf | 薄荷葉
poghøiuu | mint oil | 薄荷油
poghøo | mint; peppermint | 薄荷
poghøo-iuu | peppermint oil | 薄荷油
poghøpviar | peppermint cake | 薄荷餅
poghøthngg | peppermint candy | 薄荷糖
pogjiin | servant; menial; I (a modest term referring to oneself) | 僕人
pogjiok | weak; frail; weak; fragile; slight (influence); unstable (business); weak in health | 薄弱
pogkeg | bombing; bombardment; to bomb; drop bombs | 炸彈攻擊
pogkekky | bomber (aircraft) | 爆擊機
pogkwn | tyrant | 暴君
poglea | a small present to express politeness | 薄禮
poglek | violence; brute force; naked force | 暴力
poglek-uxntong | violent movement | 暴力運動
pogli | narrow margin (on profit) | 薄利
pogliedtaan | bomb | 爆裂彈
pogliedtvoaa | bomb | 爆裂彈
pogliet | burst; erupt; pop open | 爆裂
poglo | disclosure; exposure; reveal; disclose; bring to light; debunk; expose; be discovered; be disclosed; be exposed | 曝露; 暴露
pogphoax | blow up; to blast; demolish with explosives | 爆破
pogpi | male and female servants | 僕婢
pogpogthiaux | bouncing and vivacious; stamp with fury; rampage; frenzy | 蹦蹦跳; 暴跳如雷
pogpogzherng | palpitate very fast | 形容心臟跳得很快
pogpox | a waterfall; falls | 瀑布
pogsexng | quick tempered, hot tempered | 爆性
pogsia | a small present to express gratitude | 薄謝; 薄禮
pogteeng | light punishment | 薄懲
pogtefng | light punishment | 薄釘
pogthai | flimsy treat | 薄待
pogtong | revolt, riot, uprising | 爆動; 暴動
pogzarbut | an explosive | 爆炸物
pogzarlek | explosive force; impact of explosion | 爆炸力
pogzarsviaf | explosion | 爆炸聲
pogzax | explode; blow up; explosion; blast | 爆炸
pogzeeng | unfaithful (in love); heartless; heartless; ungrateful; no sense of gratitude; destitute of right feelings; ungrateful to a friend; grown cold in friendship | 薄情
pogzengloong | heartless lover; unfaithful husband; man who abandons a woman with whom he has cohabited | 薄情郎
pojiok | insult by abusive language | 駁辱; 辱罵
pok | yin; thin, light, slight, despise, slight, disdain, barren, not fertile, ungenerous, stingy, contemptuous, careless | 鑮
pok'hee | turn down | 駁回
pok'hoee | refusal to grant permission | 駁回
pok'hwn | to smoke a cigarette; smoke | 抽煙; 吸煙
pok'høee | to turn down, to refute, to reject (a request) | 駁回
pok'vie | sprouting | 長芽
pok`cide | quick smoke | 泊一下; 吸煙
pok`cidee | quick smoke | 吸一下
pokbaq | fried meat | 爆肉
pokbuun | refutation | 駁文
pokchiamsy | divination poem | 卜籤詩
pokciawkoax | divine by having a bird pick out one lot from several | 卜鳥卦
pokgee | sprouting; tooth convex; sprout (lit; fig) | 冒芽; 暴牙; 萌芽
pokgi | refute | 駁義
pokhix | withered, decayed consumed with dry rot | 枯了
pokkex | barge price | 駁價
pokkhafng | something fall through and stand exposed (of plot) | 爆孔; 事情敗露
pokkhie | tooth that stick out | 暴牙
pokkhied | disposition; temperament; temper | 駁揭; 性情怪異; 令人覺得有趣
pokkied | disposition, temperament, temper | 性情怪異, 令人覺得有趣
pokkoax sngrmia | tell one's fortune by divination | 占卦算命
pokkoax | divine; tell fortunes by means of the eight diagrams | 占卦; 卜卦
pokkox | refute | 駁顧
pokmng | dispute, contradict | 駁問; 駁斥
pokong'efng | dandelion | 蒲公英
pokongzhao | dandelion | 蒲公草
pokphaf | refute | 駁翻
poksw | refute | 駁輸; 論輸
poktheg | polemic; refute; disputation | 駁斥
poktør | to devastatingly refute and disprove | 駁倒
poktørtngr | refusal to grant permission | 駁倒轉; 駁回
pokuichiu | palmetto tree | 蒲葵樹
pokuii | Chinese fan palm | 蒲葵
pokviw | vines grew from seaside sand | 埔姜
pokzeg | polemic; refute; disputation | 駁斥
pokzexng | to correct by argument | 駁正
pokzhud | divination | 卜出
pokzuun | barge | 駁船
pong tiøqsiofng | be injured or damaged after being hit by something | 碰傷; 撞傷
pong | run against; collide; to bump; meet unexpectedly; pounds | 撞; 碰; 磅
pong'afterng | on the scale | 磅仔頂
pong'ar | scales (give weight in pounds avoirdupois) | 磅仔; 秤
pongboarn | evening; dusk; nightfall | 傍晚
ponghe | blood relatives not in the direct lineal line: uncles, nephews, nieces, collateral descent | 旁系
pongjiin | a bystander, an outsider | 傍人
pongkoafn | to be on the sidelines; to observe from the sidelines; stand by; remain a spectator | 旁觀
pongkoafn`ciar zhefng | The on looker is clear headed because he can see what's going on with detachment); the mind of the on looker is clear | 旁觀者清
pongkoanciar zhefng | The on looker is clear headed because he can see what's going on with detachment); the mind of the on looker is clear | 旁觀者清
pongkoanciar | on looker; bystander | 旁觀者
pongkofng kietciøh | calculus of the bladder; bladder stone | 膀胱結石
pongkofng | bladder (physiology) | 膀胱
pongkofng-iam | cystitis | 膀胱炎
pongkong'iam | inflammation of the bladder; cystitis | 膀胱炎
pongpiefn | at the side | 旁邊
pongpvy | bystander | 旁邊
pongthefng | audit (a college course) | 旁聽
pongtherngciar | audience | 旁聽者
pongtherngjiin | listeners in the law courts; the public | 旁聽人
pongtherngsefng | voluntary students; audit student; preparatory student | 旁聽生
pongtherngsek | seats reserved for visitors; visitors seats | 旁聽席
pongthexng | audit (a college course) | 旁聽
pongthexng-sefng | auditor, no-credit student | 旁聽生
pongthexng-seg | visitors' seat | 旁聽室
pongthviaf | audit a course | 旁聽
pongthviaf-seg | visitors' seat | 旁聽室
pongthviasefng | a listener, an auditor | 旁聽生
pongtut | come suddenly and unexpectedly | 碰突; 唐突
pongzexng | circumstantial evidence | 旁證
poo | sew; to hem; a hem; border of a dress | 衣服邊緣; 裒; 縫
poong jiok buu jiin | act audaciously or uninhibitedly; as if there were no other persons around | 旁若無人
poong | house; building; room; chamber; wife; concubine | 房
poorng'ar | scale | 磅仔
poq | turnip; ; to divine; foretell | 卜
por hoxsvoax | repair an umbrella | 補雨傘
por phoarbang | mend fishnet | 修補魚網
por y ee khoeq | fill up the vacancy left by him | 補他的缺
por zhuiekhie | denture | 補喙齒
por | to repair; to patch; to mend; to make up for; to fill (a vacancy); to supplement; repair; to patch; to mend; to supplement; add; fill a vacancy; to help; to aid | 補; 脯; 晡
porang'afhix | puppet show | 布尪仔戲
porang'ar | puppet | 布尪仔
porar | clothes | 布仔
porbak | squares between the longitude and latitude lines of the cloth | 布目
porbin | cloth top | 布面
porbo | screen | 布幕
porboarn | full of | 佈滿
porchi'ar | clothes market | 布市仔
porchiefn | removal, to move to a place | 佈遷; 播遷
porchiøq | ruler used to measure cloth | 布尺; 皮尺
porcid | the quality of textile | 布質
porciorng-kii | seedtime | 播種期
poree | cloth shoes | 布鞋
porhaang | cloth store | 布行; 布店
porhiim | cloth bear | 布熊
porhoxng | play; broadcast | 播放
porhuun | cloth mark | 布痕
porim'oaan | broadcaster; announcer | 播音員
porioong | proclaim; disseminate; to make known | 播揚
poriuo'ar | many pieces of cloth | 碎布仔
poriux | rag | 碎布
porkaux | preaching | 佈教
porkerng | scene; arranged scenery; sets; scenery (in motion picture production; stage shows) | 佈景; 布景
porkii | cloth flag | 布旗
porkin'ar | cloth towel | 布巾仔
porkiok | an overall arrangement; layout (of a literary writing; painting) | 佈局
porkog | eastern cuckoo | 布穀; 杜鵑
porkog-ciao | the cuckoo | 布穀鳥
porkui | loom | 布櫃; 布織機
porkuy | cloth machine | 布機; 織布機
porky | cloth machine | 布機
porkyn | cloth towel | 布巾
porkørbuun | report | 報告文
porkørlaan | bulletin board | 佈告欄
porkøx | to make known to the public; a publicly posted notice or announcement; announce; declare; make public; disseminate information; bulletin | 佈告
porkøx-paai | a notice-board, a bulletin | 佈告牌
porleng | burling | 布令; 修布
porli'ar | cloth curtain | 布簾仔
porliaau | narrow cloth strip | 布條
porliau | fabric; material used to make a cloth | 布料
porliau'ar | narrow strip of cloth | 布條仔
porliauar | narrow strip of cloth | 布條子
porlie | lining material; cotton lining | 布裡; 布裏襯
porlii | woven blinds; cloth curtains; door curtain made of cloth; screen | 布簾
porliuo | bottoms made of cloth; knot of cotton cord used as a button | 布鈕; 布鈕扣
porlong | to sow discord | 播弄
porluar | mop | 布攄仔
porlui | cloth | 布類
porluii | lay mines (in the sea or river) | 佈雷
pormoar | besprinkle; bestrew; bestrid | 布滿
porng | calamus | 菶
porng'oe | slander | 誹謗
pornghoong bukex | agitated; not knowing what to do | 徬徨無計
pornghoong | agitated; not knowing what to do | 徬徨
pornghuie | slander | 謗誹; 誹謗
porngr | sowing seedlings | 播秧
porngtok | blaspheme, blasphemy | 謗瀆; 褻瀆
poroee | sneakers made of cloth | 布鞋
porphaang | awning; tent | 布帆; 布篷; 帳篷
porphid | cloth; piece goods; piece goods; bolt of cloth | 布匹; 布匹,布疋
porphvai'ar | cloth back | 布揹仔
porpit | cloth | 布帛
porpvii | tent | 布棚
porpvy | edge of the cloth | 布邊
porsaxn iaugieen | spread evil rumors | 散佈謠言
porsaxn | spread, diffuse | 播送
porsaxng | broadcast (radio; television); transmit by radio | 播送
porsef | cloth | 布梳; 布紗
porsiofng | piece good merchants; dry goods dealers | 布商
porsvaf | cloth | 布衫
porsy | make contribution to a relief fund; give money or materials to the poor | 佈施
porsyn | woven material; stuff from which the cloth is made | 布料; 布身; 布質
portaq | arrangement | 布搭; 配置
portat | distribute | 佈達
porte | jute-bag (to contain rice etc); gunny sack | 麻袋; 布袋
porte'ar | cloth purse, money bag | 布袋仔; 小布袋
portea | cloth material | 布料
portear | cloth bag | 布袋仔
portefng | pudding | 布丁
portexhiekoarn | puppet show theater | 布袋戲館
portexhiethoaan | puppet show | 布袋戲團
portexhix | puppet theatre; glove puppetry; puppet show typical of Taiwan | 布袋戲; 掌上木偶; 掌中劇
portexhix-ang'ar | puppet show figures | 布袋戲尪仔
portexlyn | cloth bag | 布袋乳
portexzhuix | puppet show | 布袋喙
porthaau | the beginning part of a piece of cloth | 布頭
porthauporbea | remaining pieces of clothes after making a dress | 布頭布尾
porthauporboea | remaining pieces of clothes after making a dress | 布頭布尾
porti | arrange; put in order | 佈置
portiaau | cloth strips | 布條
portiaxm | fabrics store; dry goods store; cloth shop | 布店
portin | embattle; arrange troops in ranks for battle | 佈陣
portiu | sowing | 播稻
portiuar | transplant young rice plants | 播稻仔; 插秧
portix | arrange; put in order; arrange; put in order; decorate (a living room; convention hall) | 布置; 佈置
portoax | lace | 布帶
portø | to preach a sermon; to evangelize; preach the Gospel; evangelize | 佈道
portøe | bag | 布袋
portøea | woven material | 布底; 質料
portøxhoe | evangelistic society ─ generally; home mission; evangelistic meeting | 佈道會
portøxkaf | evangelist | 佈道家
portøxlun | theory of evangelism, evangelistic writings | 佈道論
portøxoaan | member of an evangelistic team, ordinary, usual, commonly, ordinarily, usually | 佈道員; 佈道具
portøxseg | sermon room | 佈道室
portøxseklai | inside sermon room | 佈道室內
portøxsor | mission, preaching station | 佈道所
portøxthoaan | evangelistic team | 佈道團
poruii | curtain, drapes | 布圍; 布縵
pory | commoner | 布衣
porym | broadcast; broadcasting; make broadcasts; go on the air | 播音; 音
porym-seg | a studio | 播音室
porzerng | sow; to seed; to sow seed | 播種
porzexng | sow | 播種
porzhaan | sowing; transplant rice | 播田; 佈田; 插秧
porzhanhw | farmer | 佈田夫
porzhankorng | farming tube | 佈田管
porzhud | broadcast | 播出
porzhuiear | many pieces of cloth | 布碎仔; 碎布
porzhuix | rags | 布碎
porzngf | large store for sale of cloth | 布莊
porzu | covering cloth, hot pad | 布墊; 尿片
posym | dried up from the core | 埔心; 中心枯萎
pothaau | port, wharf, jetty, landing quay, town, village | 莆頭; 埠頭; 港埠
potiu'ar | sowing rice | 播稻仔
pox | sow; scatter; disperse; to spread; propagate; publish; make known; remove; cast aside | 播; 布
poxbuun | class; section; department | 部門
poxchiog | catch; seize | 捕捉
poxchiuo | catcher (baseball) | 捕手
poxcih | tell a lie; tell a cock and bull story | 嚼舌; 說謊; 空口說白話
poxcioxng | general | 部將
poxha | subordinate; those under a certain command; a subordinate; persons subject to authority | 部下
poxheeng | to walk; to go on foot | 步行
poxhegbut | prize in warfare | 捕獲物
poxhek | arrest; take prisoner; to capture | 捕獲
poxhoat | steps | 步伐
poxhoe | every part of cabinet | 部會; 內閣的各部會
poxhun | part of; a part; part; section; portion; division | 部份; 部分
poxhvoa | port | 埠岸
poxiah | constable for catching criminals | 捕快; 捕役
poxiok | to feed; to suckle; to nurture; to nurse | 哺育
poxiorng | to feed | 哺養
poxjip | step into | 步入
poxjuo | to suckle, to nurse | 哺乳
poxjuo-seg | a nursing room | 哺乳室
poxjuo-toxngbut | mammal | 哺乳動物
poxjwlui | mammals; mammalian | 哺乳類
poxkengzuun | whale boat | 捕鯨船
poxkhoaix | constables or policemen (in old China) | 捕快
poxkiok | department | 部局; 部門
poxkongtaqtao | don't have money | 步光踏斗; 形容一毛錢也沒有
poxkviaa | walk on foot | 步行; 徒步
poxkvoaf | an officer | 部官
poxliern | on foot; go on foot | 徒步; 步輦; 步行
poxlip | step into | 步入
poxlok | a tribal unit; a tribe; aboriginal tribes; village; hamlet; tribal settlement | 部落
poxlui | division; category | 部類
poxmngg | section; department | 部門
poxng | agitated and indecisive; to slander; speak ill of; to slander; detract; injure another's reputation; defame | 徬; 謗; 誹謗
poxng'ar | scale (weighing) | 磅仔
poxngbie | make puffed rice | 磅米; 爆米
poxngbyphafng | puffed rice | 磅米芳; 磅; 爆米花
poxngciafm | thermometer | 磅針
poxngcie | standard weights; legal weights; dynamite stick; means no money on pocket; standard weight(s); legal weight(s) | 磅子; 形容口袋空空; 法碼; 磅錘; 炸藥
poxngciøh | dynamite | 炸藥
poxngcym | thermometer | 磅針
poxngkhafng | tunnel | 隧道; 磅空; 墜道
poxngkhanglai | in the tunnel | 磅空內
poxngkiuu | baseball | 棒球
poxngkofng | the bladder | 膀胱
poxngliao | weighted | 磅了
poxngphee | deep fried pork skin | 磅皮; 膨皮
poxngphoee | deep fried pigskin | 磅皮; 炸豬皮
poxngphøee | pork rind | 磅皮; 炸豬皮
poxngpiaq | run into a wall; face an obstacle; run into a blank wall; meet rejection; encounter difficulties; come to a deadlock; reach an impasse; become penniless; go clean broke | 碰壁
poxngpiør | meter; meter for measuring electricity | 電錶; 計量器
poxngpoxnghao | dull heavy sound; making a loud noise | 砰砰哮
poxngsofng | loose and bulky | 磅鬆; 蓬蓬鬆鬆的
poxngsym | hollow | 蓬心
poxngtang | weigh | 磅重
poxngthiw | pump | 磅抽
poxngtiøh | hit; ran into; collide; to bump | 撞到
poxngtør | fall down after being hit by something | 碰倒; 撞倒
poxngzafm | thermometer | 磅針
poxoaan | staff | 部員
poxpefng | infantry; an infantryman; infantry; foot soldiers | 步兵
poxphiøx | warrant for arrest | 捕票
poxpiin | usually, always, customarily; suddenly | 步頻; 從來; 突然
poxpin | usually, always, customarily | 一向
poxpo koarnsw | instill | 步步灌輸
poxpo | every step; everything; each time; always | 步步; 事事; 每次; 常常
poxpvoaa | lower abdomen | 部盤; 下腹
poxsad | catch and kill (wild; unlicensed dogs) | 捕殺
poxsaux | sentry | 步哨
poxsex | a posture | 步勢; 姿勢
poxsiok | one's subordinate | 屬下; 部屬
poxsiuo | catcher; traditionally recognized components (or radicals) of Chinese characters; Chinese characters radicals; one of the radicals | 捕手; 部首
poxsox | scheme; plan; contrivance; plot for managing a matter; or for boxing; method; way; plan; means; (boxing) strategy | 步數; 手段; 方法; 步驟
poxsu | subordinate posts on a board; arrange; distribute appointments; make preparation; arrangements; make military deployments | 部署
poxsuo | allocate; deployment; plan out | 部署
poxtiau | cadence; pace; step; acting in unison | 步調
poxtiaw ittix | be united in action; act in union; be in step | 步調一致
poxtiaw | marching orders; gait; pace; step | 步調
poxtui | detachment; squad; unit; troops; (army) corps; military unit | 部隊
poxtuixtviuo | commanding officer; CO | 部隊長
poxtvia | stepping | 步定
poxtviuo | ministry; chairman of a committee; head of a board; head of a department; cabinet minister | 部長
poxtø | path; trail; sidewalk; road go up step by step | 步道
poxui | part (of body), region | 部位
poxun | steps of movement | 步韻; 踏韻
poxzhao | chew the cud or grass | 嚼草; 咀草
poxzhexng | rifle; rifl | 步鎗
poxzo | procedure; sequence of doing something; measures; steps taken | 步驟
poxzud | pawn | 步卒
pozhao | rush | 蒲草
pu keafkviar | sit on eggs; incubate | 孵小雞
pu | women; hatch; expand; incubate; broad; hatch; sit on eggs or chicks | 婦; 孵; 膨; 菢
pu'aang | heat iron until red | 烤紅; 燒紅
pu'ar | bottle gourd | 瓠仔; 匏仔; 壺盧
puaang | heat until white hot; make white hot | 燒紅; 烘紅
puafbin | bottle gourd face | 匏仔面
puar | squash; gourd; describe person's belly is big | 瓠瓜; 匏瓜; 形容人的肚子大
pud bongpurn | not to forget the origin | 無忘本
pud ie uii jieen | come to a different conclusion; disagree | 無以為然
pud ju'ix | not to one's liking; dissatisfied; frustration | 無如意
pud kefngkhix | depression | 無景氣
pud khysox | non-prosecution; non-indictment | 無起訴
pud kiemiaa tauphiøx | secret ballots | 無記名投票
pud kim'ar | said of making great gain | 逐金仔; 大獲利益
pud kiujiin | no need to ask for help | 無求人
pud naixhoaan | impatient of; cannot be bothered with | 無耐煩
pud penghoaan | uncommon | 無平凡
pud pengterng tiauiog | unequal treaties | 無平等條約
pud senglip | failure; miscarriage; fail; fall through | 無成立
pud sexngsoaxn | low down; mean; obscene; dirty | 不成算; 下流
pud siongtoong | different; not the same | 無相同
pud suxngarn | incurring dislike; disagreeable; an eye sore; vexatious | 無順眼
pud teg iaolerng | (In speaking or doing things) not to come to the point | (講話; 做事)不得要領
pud ticiog | discontented; dissatisfied; insatiable; greedy beyond measure | 無知足
pud tiorng'iong | useless; not useful for the purpose | 無中用
pud tiorng'ix | not quite up to one's ideal (expectations); not desirable; not suitable | 不中意
pud tithie | no sense of shame | 不知恥
pud | no or not; to gather up; negative | 無; 抔; 扒
pud`zhutkhix | to cast out | 逐出去
pudar | idol; idols; small idol | 佛仔; 神像; 偶像; 佛像
pudbiø | temple | 佛廟
pudhoad | Buddhist doctrine | 佛法
pudjieen piernseg | sudden change of countenance; to show sudden displeasure or anger | 勃然變色
pudjieen | no so | 無然
pudkaux | Buddhism | 佛教
pudkefng | the Buddhist Scripture; the sutra | 佛經
pudkhafm | Buddhist altar; niche for the figure of the Buddha | 佛龕
pudkhef | Buddhism | 佛家
pudkhu | Buddha tools | 佛具
pudkiø | sedan chair for Buddha | 佛轎
pudkofng | Buddha | 佛公
pudkud | Buddhist relics | 佛骨
pudoe | Buddhism | 佛話
pudput | Buddhist objects | 佛物
pudsi | Buddhist monastery | 佛寺
pudsiong | a Buddhist image; a Buddhist statue; image or picture of an idol (properly Buddhist) | 佛像
pudsu | a Buddhist ceremony | 佛事; 法會
pudthaq | a pagoda | 佛塔
pudtien | a Buddhist temple | 佛殿
pudtngg | a family hall for worshipping Buddha | 佛堂
pudtngzeeng | In front of the Buddha hall | 佛堂前
pudtoo | buddhist followers | 佛徒
pudtvoaa | a buddhist estrade | 佛壇
pudtøq | a table used in Buddhist meditation | 佛桌
pudzhad | scroll of Buddha's image | 佛漆; 一幅佛像
pudzor | respectful address of Buddha | 佛祖
pudzw | buddha beads | 佛珠
pudzø | seat of Buddha | 佛座
puh'mm | sprout flower bud | 萌萼; 發萼
puh'vie | sprout; put forth buds; bud at the side | 萌芽; 發芽
puhgee | budding; sprout; put forth buds | 萌芽; 發芽
puhiaf | calabash; wooden scoop or bowl made of one piece of wood; (said in jest) a sun helmet; ladle made of dry gourd | 匏杓; 匏桸; 葫蘆瓢
puhiakhog | wooden scoop shell | 瓠桸觳
puhlaang | pus | 暴膿
puhliap | germination | 萌粒
puhpha | blister; rise in blisters | 暴泡; 生水泡; 起泡
puhphaf | get a blister | 暴泡
puhphang | blistering | 暴縫
puhphøeh | blistering | 暴泡; 起泡
puhphøf | bubble; froth; lather | 暴波; 起泡沫
puhzhutlaai | erupted | 暴出來
pui zhadar | bark at a thief | 吠小偷
pui | dogs bark; to bark at | 吠
pui'ag | rich soil | 肥沃
pui'nngr | soft and chubby; meaty and tender; fleshy and delicate; fat and plump (man or animal) | 肥軟; 肥嫩
pui'øea | short and stout | 肥矮; 矮胖
puibaq | fat; fat meat | 肥肉
puie'ar | prickly heat rash | 痱仔; 痱子
puie'ar-hurn | talcum powder | 痱仔粉; 痱子粉
puieafhurn | talcum powder baby powder; prickly heat powder | 痱子粉; 爽身粉
puiear | prickly heat; heat rash; heat spots | 痱子
puih | pull up; uproot; draw; unsheathe (sward; knife) | 拔
puih-hofchiw | lotto | 拔虎鬚; 抽籤
puih`tør | pull up | 拔倒; 拉倒
puihiakhok'ar | gourd shell ladle | 瓠桸觳仔
puii | fat | 肥
puii-lutlud | very fat | 胖嘟嘟
puii-zutzud | fatty dripping | 肥朒朒
puii`khylaai | become fat; put on weight | 胖起來
puiie'puipuii | so fat | 肥肥肥
puiiuu | fat oil | 肥油
puiliau | fertilizer; fertilizer in general | 肥料
puiliauxchviuo | fertilizer plant | 肥料廠
puilutlud | plump | 肥朒朒
puinngfafpuinngr | plump | 肥軟仔肥軟
puinngfar | plump | 肥軟仔
puinngr | meaty and tender, fleshy and delicate, fat and plump (man or animal) | 肥軟
puipeh | chubby and white; fat and fair (infants or women) | 肥白; 白胖
puiphaxng | fat | 肥胖
puipuii | chubby | 肥肥
puipuxn | rich manure | 肥糞
puiqkiaxm | take the sword | 拿劍
puiqtøf | take the knife | 拔刀
puisarn | fat and skinny | 肥瘦
puisuie | pleasingly plump | 肥美
puisyn | fat body | 肥身; 肥胖
puitai | corpulence, hypertrophy | 肥大
puite | rich; fertile soil | 肥地
puitea | describe people with fat gene | 肥底
puithoo | rich soil | 肥土
puithurn | short and fat | 肥碩
puitibah'ar | fat pork | 肥豬肉仔
puitoa | corpulence, hypertrophy | 肥大
puitoea | describe people with fat gene | 肥底
puity | fat pig; fat pig; fat pig like fellow (said in scolding) | 肥豬
puitøe | rich soil | 肥地
puix | boil; heat rashes | 沸; 痱
puizhaan | piece of fertile land; rich rice fields | 肥田
puizuie | fertilize water | 肥水
puizutzud | plump | 肥朒朒
pukongzhaix | kale | 羽衣甘藍; 芥藍
pulawkhok'ar | | 瓠佬觳仔
pun | awkward; clumsy; slow; clumsy; awkward; stupid; dull; slow; ungainly (man with too many clothes; vessel too heavily laden) | 笨
pun'aang | distribute bonus | 分紅; 紅利
pun'ar | large cupboard for storing rice | 古時之穀倉仔
pun'ee | divided | 分的
pun'nngg | areca palm; nut of areca palm; a betel nut; a betel palm | 檳榔
pun'oef | tree branch; ramification outgrowth | 分枝
punciah | to separate (married couple); (n) divide; beg (for food or money); divide family property (so as to set up separate fraternal household); be a beggar (ask for food) | 分食; 分家; 討飯
puncvii | begging for money; distribute money; divide money | 乞錢; 分錢; 發錢
pungiap | divide property, distribute an inheritance | 分業; 分產業
punhea | blow fire | 歕火
punhoaf | blow off the flame | 吹熄
punhoea | blow fire | 歕火
punhofng | blow air; inflate with wind or air; blow into; breathe in | 吹風; 歕風; 口吹氣
punhøea | blow the flame | 吹火; 歕火; 吹熄
punkag | blow a horn | 吹螺; 吹號
punkef | divide the family | 分家
punkekui'ar | blow balloon- imply making up stories | 歕雞胿仔
punkekuy | boasting; bragging | 吹氣球; 吹牛
punkeq | partition off | 分格; 分隔
punkhuiciah | (n) divide; separate | 分開食; 分家
punkhuix | exhalation; expiration; exhale | 呼氣; 吹氣,呼氣
punkhuy | separate; go apart; separate; set apart; isolate | 分開
punkngr | blow-pipe | 吹管
punkoekui'ar | blow balloon- imply making up stories | 歕雞胿仔
punkoekuy | blow balloon- imply making up stories | 歕雞胿
punkuilui | separate by category | 分歸類
punkviar | adopt a child | 分囝; 領養孩子
punlee | blow a wailing sound as a signal or warning. | 吹螺; 吹螺(賣肉的)
punli | separate from | 分離; 分攤
punlih | break up, dismember, disintegrate | 分裂
punlii | separate | 分離
punliuu | rush | 奔流
punlo | separate roads; branch roads; go different ways; to part company (at a fork in the road) | 分路
punng | hatch | 孵卵
punpafn | divided classes | 分班
punpeeng | divided into half; divide into two parts | 分邊; 分割成半
punphoef | deliver mail | 送批; 送信
punphvef | divide so that each gets some part; to share with others | 分施; 分攤
punphvy | sharing by dividing things equally | 分攤; 分偏 平分
punpi'ar | whistle | 歕觱仔
punpipi'ar | whistle | 歕觱觱仔
punpuun`leq | blow slightly | 吹吹咧
punpviar | distribute cookies | 分餅
punpvii | dividing things equally | 分平
punpwn`leq | distribute, divide them, give a share of | 分分咧
punsaxng | distribute freely | 分送
punsiaw | play the flute | 吹簫
punsid | blow out | 吹熄
punsvoax | disperse; scatter; decentralize | 分散
puntaqty | boast | 吹喇叭; 吹牛
puntaxpi'ar | musician who play Taiwanese trumpet | 歕咑觱仔
punthiaq | to part; to separate; to divide; disunion | 分拆; 拆夥
puntii | gallop | 奔馳
puntiøh | split | 分著
puntoxngsiaw | play Chinese flute | 歕洞簫
puntui | divide into groups | 分隊
puntvaf | wooden or bamboo carrying pole (used by one man over the shoulder) | 扁擔
puntviw | liberal; generous (children) | 慷慨; 分張
puntvoa | idle; sluggard; lazy; mike | 怠惰
puntvoaf | distribute flyer; distribute; hand out; issue handbill | 分單; 分發傳單
puntvoaxkud | lazy bone | 貧惰骨
puntø | dividing point | 分道; 分歧點
puntøee | cloven hoof | 分蹄; 偶蹄的
punzaang | clustering | 分叢
punzhef | fork of a tree or a road | 分叉; (分岔); (分歧)
punzhoef | play the Chinese trumpet; play a wind instrument | 歕吹; 喇叭
punzhud | blew | 歕出
punzhuiepy | blow mouth side | 歕喙觱
punzngf | divide stolen goods | 分裝; 分贓
punzuie | a divide | 分水
punzuyniar | watershed | 分水嶺
punzøx | divide into | 分做
puo | ax | 斧
puo'u | rich | 冒有; 富有; 意外之財
puolaang | pus | 冒膿
puosie | good fortune; good luck | 幸運
pupukiøx | some noise | 哹哹叫
pupw | some noise | 哹哹
puq liab'ar | have boils | 冒粒仔; 生瘡
puq puiear | break out in prickly heat | 生痱子
puq | bubble up; gush; boil | 冒; 發; 起泡
purn | benzene; root; origin; source; basis; capital; foundation; volume; native; I; my; our; this | 本
purn'mngg | dun gate | 糞門
purn-sengkii | this week | 本星期
purnchviar | dust-pan | 糞車; 畚箕
purnkhao | anus; anus | 糞口; 肛門
purnkhao-thaang | pinworm | 糞口蟲; 白血蟲
purnkhawthaang | pin worms | 糞口蟲
purnkhud | cesspool | 糞池
purnki'ar | dustpan | 畚箕仔
purnky | a bamboo or wicker scoop; a dust basket; a dustpan; bamboo hod for collecting household garbage; dust; two handled bamboo basket scoop | 畚箕; 簸箕
purnsørchi'ar | dung market | 糞埽市仔
purnsørchiaf | garbage truck; Department of Sanitation truck | 垃圾車
purnsørchixtviuu | dung market | 糞埽市場
purnsørlarng | garbage can | 垃圾桶
purnsørtexar | trash bag | 糞埽袋仔
purnsørtharng | dust bin | 垃圾桶
purnsørtharng`lie | inside garbage can | 糞埽桶裡
purnsørtuy | piles of garbage | 垃圾堆
purnsørtviulie | in the dung yard | 糞埽場裡
purnsøx hunhoarloo | waste incinerator | 垃圾焚化爐
purnsøx | garbage; dirt; refuse; trash; dust; rubbish | 垃圾; 糞埽
purnsøx-chiaf | garbage track | 垃圾車; 糞埽車
purnsøx-tharng | garbage can | 垃圾桶; 糞埽桶; 垃圾箱
purnsøx-tuy | garbage heap | 垃圾堆
purntao | dust-pan; dust pan; scoop for dust and sweepings | 糞斗; 畚斗
purnthoo | dung and earth; something of little value; things of not much value (Lit. manure or dirt) | 糞土
purntuy | a rubbish dump; dunghill | 糞堆; 垃圾堆
purnzhaan | compost field | 糞田
pusek | roast until done | 焚熟; 烤熱
put | Buddha; Buddhist idol; Buddhism | 佛
put'af | not inferior | 無亞; 不輸於
put'afn uu seg | having extramarital affairs (a woman) | 無安於室
put'afn | anxious; insecure; unease | 無安; 不安
put'anteng | lack of stability; instability; unstable; insecure; shaky; precarious | 無安定; 不安定
put'beng'u | disgraceful, disreputable | 無明譽; 不名譽
put'bengkhag | indefinite, unclear | 無明確; 不明確
put'bengty | unwise, ill-advised | 無明知; 不明知
put'engkay | should not | 無應該
put'giamtiong | not serious | 無嚴重; 不嚴重
put'gvafkoafn | awkward, ugly | 無雅觀; 不雅觀
put'habgii | inappropriate | 無合宜
put'habhoad | illegal | 無合法; 不合法
put'habkeq | not up to the standard; fail to pass (examinations); disqualified | 無合格; 不合格
put'hablie | unreasonable | 無合理; 不合理
put'habseg | unsuitable, unfit | 無合式; 不合適
put'habzog | non cooperation | 無合作; 不合作
put'hah | unsuitable; misbecome | 無合
put'hamhoo | really good, not ordinary, unambiguous, unequivocal, explicit | 無含糊; 不含糊
put'haozuo | unfilial son | 無孝子
put'hap sigii | untimely | 無合時宜
put'hap | unsuitable, discordant, disagreeing, not conform to | 無合; 不合
put'hap-kuiteng | not conform to the rules | 無合規定; 不合規定
put'hap-løcip | illogical | 無合邏輯; 不合邏輯
put'hap-piauzurn | below the mark, not to the standard | 無合標準; 不合標準
put'hap-sigii | out of fashion | 無合時宜; 不合時宜
put'haux | unfilial; undutiful; want of filial piety; unfilial; undutiful; disobedient to parents | 無孝; 不孝
put'heeng | impracticable, no good | 無幸
put'heng ee laang | misfortune people | 無幸的人
put'heng suxkvia | unfortunate incident | 無幸事件
put'heng | unfortunately; misfortune; unhappiness | 無幸; 不幸
put'hie | disallow | 無許
put'hieen | incompetent | 無賢
put'hiexnsit | unrealistic | 無現實; 不現實
put'hiuo | immortal | 無朽; 不朽
put'hoaan | uncommon; unusual; uncommon; not mortal; extraordinary; outstanding | 不凡; 無凡
put'hoad | illegal; unlawful | 不法; 無法
put'hoad`ee | unlawful; illegal | 不法的; 無法的
put'hoafntuix | no objection | 不反對; 無反對;
put'hoattat | underdeveloped | 不發達; 無發達
put'hofng-putbaang | leisurely; unhurried; with full composure | 無慌不忙
put'hok | to refuse to obey; object; disagree; dislike; disobey; resist | 不服; 無服
put'hongpien | inconvenient, inconvenience | 不方便; 無方便
put'hoong | might as well; may well; no harm in trying... | 不妨; 無妨
put'horngsym | to feel uneasy | 不放心; 無放心
put'huu | do nor agree with, to be inconsistent with | 無符
put'huxthea | not attached | 無附體
put'hvor | not good, bad | 無恍; 不好
put'hw | not enough | 無敷
put'hwn serngpai | toss up (battle or game); a draw (athletics) | 無分勝敗
put'hwn sioxngha | about the same (in strength; quality); equal | 無分上下
put'høo | discord; trouble; strife; be at strife with; be on bad terms with; be in discord with; have a quarrel with; fall out with; become estranged from; not on good terms; at loggerheads | 無和; 不(和)
put'iaux | don't want to | 無要
put'iaxsviaa | big city with gay night life; no night quarters (Lit. city with lights turned on all night) | 無夜城
put'id | phrase used at the end of letters indicating that many things have been left unsaid; not a few; unlike; varied | 無一; 不一
put'ie | ceaselessly; continuously | 無已
put'iekafn | accidentally | 無意間
put'ietiofng | accidentally | 無意中
put'ii | unmovable | 無移; 不惟
put'in | iInfertility | 無孕
put'iog | inexplicably missing; stolen | 無翼
put'iong | need not; disuse | 無用
put'ioong | not to tolerate; not to allow | 無容
put'ioxngsym | inattentive | 無用心; 不用心
put'iuteg | can't help but | 無由得
put'iwhvor | unfriendly | 無友好; 不友好
put'ix | accidentally | 無意
put'ixnzexng | sterility | 無孕症
put'jintø | inhuman | 無仁道; 不人道
put'jukhoaix | unhappy | 無如快; 不愉快
put'jymsym | could not bear to, to be soft-hearted to | 無忍心
put'kae'ix | be indifferent to, do not mind | 無介意; 不介意
put'kafmsym | unwilling, not reconciled to | 無感心
put'kafmtofng | You flatter me! I don't really deserve this | 無感動; 不敢當
put'kafnglie | unreasonable | 無講理; 不講理
put'kafntafn | not simple, marvellous, That's tough | 無簡單; 不簡單
put'kamsym | unwilling | 不甘心
put'kan'u | not to intervene | 無干預; 不干預
put'kansiap | nonintervention, noninterference | 無干涉; 不干涉
put'kefngkhix | depression, hard times | 無景氣; 不景氣
put'khehkhix | impolite, You are welcome | 無客氣; 不客氣
put'khienseeng | ungodly | 無虔誠; 不虔誠
put'khøfkhøx | unreliable | 無可靠; 不可靠
put'khøfleeng | impossible | 無可能; 不可能
put'khøftix-lun | agnosticism | 無可知論; 不可知論
put'kibkeq | not qualified, below standard, to frank a course, to fail to pass | 無及格; 不及格
put'kienteng | unsteady | 無堅定; 不堅定
put'kietbeeng | nonalignment | 無結盟; 不結盟
put'kiexnzoaan | unsound | 無健全; 不健全
put'koansym | indifferent, indifference | 無關心; 不關心
put'kuikie | misbehaved | 無規矩; 不規矩
put'kuizeg | irregular | 無規則; 不規則
put'liawkae | not to understand, not to be understood | 無了解; 不了解
put'liuheeng | not in fashion | 無流行; 不流行
put'lixheeng | to breach, a breach | 無厲行; 不厲行
put'lykae | not to understand | 無理解; 不理解
put'pengheeng | unbalanced, out of equilibrium | 無平行; 不平衡
put'pengsioong | unusual, extraordinary | 無平常; 不平常
put'pengterng | unequal, inequality | 無平等; 不平等
put'pit'iaux | unnecessary | 無必要; 不必要
put'samsii | frequently | 無三時
put'seglien | unskilled | 無成年; 不熟練
put'sek'exng | to be unaccustomed to | 無適應; 不適應
put'sektofng | improper; unfitting; unsuitable | 無適當; 不適當
put'sengjim | to deny, to refuse to acknowledge | 無成認; 不勝任
put'sengkhix | worthless, good-for-nothing, cannot grow to become a person | 無成器; 不成器
put'sien`w | not good at | 不善於
put'sii | do not hesitate | 無時; 無辭
put'sin | carelessly | 無慎
put'siong'ioong | incompatible | 無相容; 不相容
put'siongkafn | to have nothing to do with, to be irrelevant | 無相干; 不相干
put'siongzhefng | unsuitable, do not match, disproportionate | 無相爭; 不相稱
put'sirnsit | dishonest | 無信實; 不信實
put'siuokngx | stainless steel | 無鏽鋼
put'siøfsym | careless | 無小心; 不小心
put'sui | fail | 無遂
put'suxn | rude | 無遜
put'swkuie | undead | 無死鬼
put'tek'ix | disappointed | 無得已; 不得已
put'teksii | out of season | 無得時; 不逢時
put'terng'ix | not desirable, not suitable, not to one's liking | 無等意; 不中意
put'thaobeeng | opaque | 無透明; 不透明
put'thaohofng | airtight, stuffy | 無透風; 不透風
put'thaokhix | airtight, hermetic | 無透氣; 不透氣
put'thaozuie | waterproof, watertight, impermeable | 無透水; 不透水
put'thefbien | dishonor, dishonorable, disgrace, disgraceful | 無體面; 不體面
put'thoankied | disunity, disunion | 無團結; 不團結
put'thørhiap | uncompromising | 無妥協; 不妥協
put'tiorng'iong | useless, awkward, dull, stupid | 無中用; 不中用
put'tioxng'iaux | unimportant, of no consequence | 無中要; 不重要
put'tioxngsi | to despise, to neglect | 無重視; 不重視
put'tong'ix | to disagree | 無同意; 不同意
put'toxng'iaau | unswerving, firm, steadfast | 無動搖; 不動搖
put'toxngsym | unaffected | 無動心; 不動心
put'tykhoxng | non-resistance | 無抵抗; 不抵抗
put'tøxteg | immoral, unethical | 無道德; 不道德
put'uii ulek | spare no efforts | 無遺餘力
put'urn | unstable | 無穩
put'zaixhof | do not mind, do not care | 無在乎; 不在乎
put'zaixix | negligent, careless, to pay no attention, do not mind | 無在意; 不在意
put'zerngkhag | incorrect | 無正確; 不正確
put'zerngsioong | abnormal | 無正常; 不正常
put'zerngtofng | dishonest, illegal, unjust, improper | 無正當; 不正當
put'zesu | ineffective, useless | 無齊事; 不濟事
put'zuo'ix | careless, to overlook, inadvertently | 無注意; 不注意
put'zuxkag | unconscious | 無自覺; 不自覺
putbeeng putpek | be obscure; lack clearness | 無明不白
putbeeng | not clear; unknown; make neither head nor tail of; not clear; nebulous | 無明; 不明
putbeeng-putpek | not clear; unknown | 無明不白
putbeng'u | dishonor; disreputable; scandalous | 無名譽
putbengsox | unclear variable | 無明數; 不明素
putbiau | something is wrong or going badly | 無妙
putbiern | unavoidable | 無免
putbiet | immortality; immortal; eternal; everlasting | 無滅; 不滅
putbiin-put'hiw | without rest; tireless; indefatigable | 無眠不休
putboarn | discontent; dissatisfaction | 無滿; 不滿
putbok | unfriendly; at enmity; at variance; not on good terms | 無睦; 不睦
putbu zernggiap | do not have a legitimate business or profession (said of a playboy) | 不務正業
putbu-zernggiap | to ignore one's proper occupation | 不務正業
putbun | ignoring, not looking into | 無聞
putbuu sinkhor | it was very difficult; takes a lot of trouble | 無無辛苦
putbuun-putbun | care nothing about; an a ttitude of indifference; cut off all communications | 無聞不問
putchied sidzex | impractical | 無切實際
putchied-sidzex | impracticable, unpractical, unrealistic | 不切實際
putchiern | not shallow | 無淺
putchix | as in | 無啻
putciap'id | intermittent; off and on; successive | 無接一; 斷斷續續
putcie | unusual; extraordinary; extreme; very; exceptional; continuously; endlessly; not only; not to stop at | 非常; 不止; 無止; 不只; 相當的
putcie`uu | not so ___ as to ___ | 無止有; 不止於
putcin | phrase used at the end of a letter indicating that there are many more things to be said which must be taken for granted; inexhaustible; limitless; unlimited | 無盡; 不盡
putciog uikii | nothing strange; extraordinary or remarkable about it | 無足為奇
putciog | shortage of materials | 無足; 不足; 物資缺乏
putcioktø | not worth mentioning | 無足道; 不足道
putcirn | dullness; inactivity; be dull; be inactive; be slack; be in a slump; be out of form | 不振; 無振
putciw | not considerate | 無周
putcixn zeg thøex | either advance or retreat | 無進則退
putcy | untenable; unable to hang on; exhausted | 無支
putcyafhør | pretty good, not bad | 頗好
putcyar | more than | 無止仔
putgi cy zaai | ill gotten goods | 無義之財
putgi | unjust | 無義; 不義
putgii | unsuitable; not appropriate; do not fit in well | 無宜; 不宜
putgo | without fail | 無誤
putgoa | but | 無外
putgoan | unwilling | 無願; 不願; 不愿; 不甘心
putgu | unexpected | 無遇
putguu | unexpected | 無虞
putgvar | ungraceful; inelegant; ungraceful; ill mannered | 無雅; 不雅
putjieen | not so; if otherwise | 無然; 不然
putjiin | heartless, inhuman | 無仁; 不仁
putjiin-putgi | irreligious and unjust | 無仁不義
putjikøx | but | 無而過
putjinputgi | irreligious and unjust | 不仁不義
putjirm | cannot bear to do; not have the heart (courage) to do | 無忍; 不忍
putjit | soon, in a few days | 無日
putjixkex | a uniform price; uniform prices; fixed price; no haggling | 無二價
putjixkøx | however, nevertheless, merely, only | 無二故; 不過
putju'ix | waywardness | 無如意
putjuu | there is no better way than to...; cannot be better than; not equal to; would rather... than.. | 無如; 不如
putjymsym | could not bear to, to be soft-hearted to | 無忍心
putkae | unable to understand; inconceivable | 無解; 不解
putkafm sixjiok | unwilling to let the other fellow hold the center stage | 無甘示弱
putkafmtofng | I really don't deserve this; don't deserve it; you flatter me | 無敢當
putkag | unaware of; inadvertently | 無覺; 不覺
putkar | have no time for, too busy to do | 無假; 不假
putkar-susøq | without thinking, without hesitation | 無假思索; 不假思索
putkarm | dare not | 無感
putkay | improper; ought not | 無該; 不該
putkefngkhix | recession | 無景氣
putkex kii sox | numberless; countless; innumerable | 無計其數
putkexng | disrespectful to superiors | 無敬; 不敬
putkhafm | unbearable; idol niche | 無堪; 不堪; 佛龕
putkhag | uncertain, indecisive | 無確; 不確
putkhamsiet'siorng | unimaginable | 無堪設想
putkhamsietsiorng | unimaginable | 無堪設想
putkheg | immediately | 無刻
putkherng | won't | 無肯
putkhiao | unfortunately, by mischance | 無巧; 不巧
putkhie | unable to | 無起
putkhieen | irreligious | 無虔; 不虔誠
putkhix | don't give up | 無棄
putkhor | not allow, must not | 無可; 不許
putkhud putlao | not to be bent or cowed; unswerving; fight to the very end; not to give up | 無屈不撓
putkhud | inflexible, unbending, persistent | 無屈
putkhuix | be unashamed | 無屈; 不愧
putkhw | whatever; regardless of | 無拘
putkhøfiog hunsox | irreducible fraction (mathematics) | 無可約分數
putkhøfkhoad | indispensable; essential | 無可缺
putkhøfleeng | impossible | 無可能
putkhøfsugi | unbelievable | 不可思議
putkhøfty-lun | agnosticism | 無可知論
putkhør khornglek | irresistible force; act of God | 無可抗力
putkhør siusip | pandemonium; wild disorder or confusion; hopeless (situation); out of control | 無可收拾
putkhør sugi | enigmatic; inconceivable; uncanny; mysterious; unimaginable; beyond comprehension | 無可思議
putkhør | not permitted to; not allowed to; should not; ought not | 無可; 不可
putkiarm | undisciplined, unrestrained | 無檢; 不檢
putkibbut | intransitive | 無及物
putkibsii | untimely | 無及時; 不及時
putkied | ill-omened; ominous; unlucky; foreboding | 無吉; 不吉; 不潔
putkiexn | unseen | 無見
putkiexn-teg | not likely, not necessarily | 無見得
putkii jigu | meet by chance; encounter someone unexpectedly | 無期而遇
putkin jinzeeng | unreasonable; inconsiderate; disregarding others feelings | 無近人情
putkin | no only | 無僅
putkiong-taethiefn | will not live under the same sky (with the man who slew his father); inveterate hatred | 無共戴天
putkioxngtaethiefn | will not live under the same sky (with the man who slew his father), inveterate hatred | 不共戴天
putkip | be inferior to; unequal to | 無及; 不及
putkiujiin | as one wishes; itching device | 不求人
putkiuliin | as one wishes in mahjong; itching device | 不求人
putkiuo | before long | 無久; 不久
putkixm | to be unaware to, cannot help to | 無禁
putkoad | irresolute, undetermined | 無決
putkoafnsii | anytime | 無管時
putkoarn thvaf | paying no regard to any consideration; will accept no further responsibility | 無管他
putkoarn | to disregard; disregard; neglect; let it be as it is; no matter which... | 無管; 不管
putkoaxn | unaccustomed to | 無慣; 不慣
putkofng | unjust, unfair | 無公
putkox | disregard | 無顧; 不顧; 不夠
putkuie-putkoaix | dress; make up ugly; unsightly | 無鬼不怪; 打扮得很難看
putkuilo | no return | 無歸路
putkuy | no return | 無歸
putkøx jii khix | left without announcing his departure | 無告而去
putkøx jii piet | depart without saying goodbye | 無告而別
putkøx | however; nevertheless; merely; no more than | 無過; 不過
putkøx-juzhuo | so-so, barely acceptable | 無過如此; 不過如此
putlaam putlie | neither a male nor a female (a disapproving description of someone's manner; dress; make up); grotesque | 無男不女
putlaam-putluo | gender-bender | 無男不女
putlaan | not difficult, easy | 無難; 不難
putlai | not bad | 無賴
putleeng jintø | impotence (male) | 無能人道
putleeng zuxpoat | cannot free oneself from evil or a bad habit | 無能自拔
putleeng | unable | 無能; 不能
putli | disadvantageous; disadvantage; unfavorable; be against one's interests | 無利; 不利
putliaam | not cheap | 無廉
putliam kuxog | forget past grudges; let bygones be bygones | 無念舊惡
putliau | unexpectedly; unexpectedly | 無料; 不料
putliausefng | unable to survive | 無聊生
putlie | to ignore, to disregard | 無理
putlie-putzhae | to brush off | 無理不睬
putliin | heartless | 無仁
putliofnglip | incompatible | 無兩立
putlioong tøxthea | non-conductor (physics) | 無良導體
putlioong zok'iong | bad effect | 無良作用
putlioong | unhealthy; unwholesome; bad; poor; inferior; wicked; depraved | 無良; 不良
putlioong-siaolieen | juvenile delinquent | 無良少年; 不良少年
putlioxnglek | underestimate | 無量力
putliuu ute | without leaving leeway or elbow room | 無留餘地
putlun | no matter whether; no matter what | 無論; 不論
putluu | not as good as | 不如
putluun | immorality; immoral; illicit | 無倫
putløo jitid | obtained without labor | 無勞而得; (獲)
putlør tiongsefng | perennial youth and longevity | 長生無老
putlør | immortal | 無老
putmoar | discontented, displeased, unsatisfied, resentful | 無滿; 不滿
putmoo cy te | sterile (barren; waste) land | 無毛之地
putmoo | sterile; poor; unfruitful; barren | 無毛
putnaixhoaan | impatient | 無耐煩; 不耐煩
putpeeng | discontented; dissatisfied; complaint; indignant at injustice done to another; complaint; grievance; grumble; complain | 無平; 不平
putpek cy oafn | false charge which has not been righted | 無白之冤
putphoex | unworthy; unfit; incongruous | 無配
putphvax | fearless; not to be afraid of | 無怕
putpi | unprepared, off guard, by surprise | 無備; 不備
putpid | unnecessary to, needless | 無必; 不必
putpie | cannot compare with; incomparable; not so good as...; not equal to... | 無比; 不比
putpien | inconvenient; inconvenience; inconvenient; unhandy | 無便; 不便
putpiexn | unchangeable; invariable | 無變; 不變
putpud`leq | scrape up, rake together, gather up | 耙起來
putpvii | not level or smooth, not equal, unfair | 無平; 不平
putsad | not killing, to forbid from death penalty | 無殺; 不殺
putsafm-putsux | dubious; indecent | 無三不四
putsafmsii | anytime | 無三時; 無論何時
putsamputsux | not serious | 不三不四
putsamsii | frequently | 無三時
putseeng-buxntee | out of the question | 無成問題
putseeng-thefthorng | wildly (acting or talking); without regard to common practice or propriety | 無成體統
putsefng-hauxlek | invalid | 無生效力
putseg thaesafn | fail to recognize a famous personage when meeting him face to face | 無識泰山
putseg | unwell, indisposed, out of sorts | 無息
putsengbut | nothing | 無成物
putsengjiin | under age | 無成人
putsengkhix | without promise of achievement, good-for-nothing | 無成器
putsengsoaxn | not count | 無成算
putserng-jinsu | to lose consciousness; to be unconscious | 無醒人事; 不省人事
putsi | fault; mistake | 過錯
putsiao | quite a few; not few; many | 無少; 不少
putsiao`w | no less than | 不少於
putsiaokviar | disobedient son | 無肖子
putsiar | unable to relinquish, so much as to be | 無捨; 捨不得
putsiaux cy too | worthless rascals | 無肖之徒
putsiaux | unfilial; disobedient to parents; ill-behaved | 無肖; 不肖
putsiaw | unworthy, degenerate | 無消
putsien | not good at | 無善; 不善; 不倦; 不𤺪
putsii jii piet | leave without bidding goodbye; take French leave | 無辭而別
putsii løkhor | not shirking any trouble or inconvenience | 無辭勞苦
putsii sinkhor | work with all out effort; leave no stone unturned | 無辭辛苦
putsii | day to; always; ordinarily; usually; habitually; customarily; all the time; constantly; incessantly; continually | 無時; 不時; 常常; 經常
putsin | carelessly | 無慎
putsiofng sioxngha | about the same (in strength; quality); equal | 無相上下
putsiog | discontinue | 無續
putsiok | above average, superior | 無俗; 不俗
putsiongkafn | irrelevant | 無相干
putsiongtoong | different | 無相同
putsioong cy tiau | Handwriting on the wall | 無祥之兆
putsioong | ominous; unlucky | 無祥; 不詳; 不祥
putsit | false | 不實
putsiu hoangeeng ee laang | unwelcome visitor; persona non grata | 無受歡迎的人
putsiuokngx | stainless steel | 無銹鋼; 不銹鋼
putsiw-pienhog | to be slovenly, not caring one's appearance | 無修編服; 不修邊幅
putsixn | to disbelieve, to distrust | 無信; 不信
putsiøq | not to spare, to be ready to | 無惜; 不惜
putsog cy-kheq | uninvited guest; unwelcome visit | 無速之客
putsog-cikheq | uninvited guest, unexpected guest | 不速之客
putsui | fail | 無遂
putsun | unsmooth | 無順
putsuo | immoral | 無死
putsuo-kuie | dirty, immoral person | 無死鬼; 不死鬼; 卑鄙的人
putsuun | impure | 無純; 不純; 精
putsuxn | rude | 無遜
putswkuie | a licentious guy; bawdy (said of a man); lecherous; shameless | 風流鬼; 變態性格者; 無要臉; 好色
puttab-putchid | inconsistent; incoherent; vague; ambiguous; non-committal; evasive; nothing to the point; in a hopeless mess | 不得要領; 一團糟
puttan afnnef | not merely thus | 無但如此
puttan juzhuo | not only so.. | 無但如此
puttan | not only | 無止; 不但
puttapputchid | not decent | 無答不七
puttat | not worth a penny; worthless | 無值
putte | unbrotherly | 不悌
puttefng-hø | unequal number | 無等號
putteg iaolerng | nothing to the point | 不得要領
putteg | unavoidable | 無得; 不得; 不德
putteg-iaolerng | pointless, vague | 不得要領; 不得要領
puttegchiwtvoa | play hard | 無擇手段
puttek | to fight against hopeless odds; no match for; not equal to | 無敵
puttek'ie | no alternative, wish to or not, unavoidably | 無得已; 不得已
puttekliao | startling; wonderful; it's no go; My goodness!; cannot be stopped; Good heavens! It's serious! | 無得了; 不得了
puttekpud | cannot help but | 無得不; 不得不
puttekputsid | doesn't want to offend people | 無得罪人; 持中庸之態度
putteng | uncertain; uncertain; not yet settled | 無定; 不定
putterng | unequal | 無等; 不等
putterng-seg | inequality (math), infinitive (grammar) | 無等式
putthaixgieen | needless to say | 無待言
puttheeng | incessantly; unceasingly; without stop | 無停
puttherng | unsupported | 無挺
putthofng | impassable, illogical, to be blocked up, poor (writing) | 無通
putthoo | scrape earth together | 鏟土
putthøx | unsettled; unsatisfactory; not right; unsafe | 無妥; 不妥
putti cy zexng | incurable disease | 無治之症
putti | incurable | 無治
puttie | not worth | 無抵
puttienputkaix | not serious | 無癲不界; 不正經
puttii`w | not later than | 不遲於
puttiofng | treachery; disloyal; unfaithful | 無忠; 不忠
puttiofng-putgi | disloyal and unfaithful | 無忠不義
puttiofngcixn | not make progress | 無長進
puttiorng'iong | useless | 無中用
puttiputkag | unconsciously | 不知不覺
puttiputkaktiofng | unconsciously | 無知不覺中
puttit | injustice | 無直; 不公正
puttix | it will not have any injurious effect; not so as to.. | 無致
putto | not crossing; over drafting checks | 無渡
puttoafn | not correct in conduct; e.g.; given over to gambling; lust; drink; wickedness | 無端
puttoan | constantly; continuously; unceasingly; unbroken; unceasing; continually; without interruption | 無斷; 不斷
puttofng | improper; unfair; unbecoming | 無當; 不當
puttok | not only ... but | 無獨
puttong sampør | a very fortunate person (Lit. hands don't need to move) | 無必勞動的富家人
puttong uthiofng | unmoved; flinty hearted; callous | 無動於衷
puttong | stand still; firm; motionless | 無動; 不動
puttong-sviaseg | with composure, do not turn a hair | 無動聲式; 不動聲色
puttongtø | different way | 無同道
puttoong hoanhiarng | extraordinary; remarkable | 無同凡響
puttoong | different; dissimilar; unlike; differ; dissimilar; unequal; unlike; not the same; different way | 無同; 不同
puttorng | unable to understand; dumb | 無懂; 愚純
puttoxng | improper; unfair; unbecoming | 無當
puttoxngsarn | real estate; immovable property; real estate; immovable assets | 無動產; 不動產
puttuix | not right; wrong | 無對
puttvar | no fight | 無打
putty hexløh | do not know their location | 無知下落
putty jinsu | insensible; unconscious | 無知人事
putty khiehioxng | gone to nobody knows where | 無知去向
putty seakox | ignorant of the world | 無知世故
putty | unknowingly | 無知; 不知
putty-ciog | insatiable | 無知足; 不知足
putty-lun | agnosticism | 無知論; 不知論
putty-putkag | inadvertently | 無知不覺
puttøf | little, few, not much, not many | 無多; 不多
puttøfofng | round bottomed roly-poly doll | 無倒翁
puttør | does not fall | 無倒
puttør-ofng | tumbler, roly-poly | 無倒翁; 不倒翁
puttøx | not arrive | 無到
puttøxthea | non-conducting body (physics) | 無導體
putzaai | be modest; without capability (usually a polite; self depreciative term referring to oneself) | 無才; 不才; 自謙詞
putzai zhwhan | not subject to restrictions; do not apply | 無在此限
putzai | absent, absence | 無在
putzaix | no longer, no more | 無再
putzaixlai | won't come | 無再來
putzarnseeng | to disapprove; disapproval | 無贊成; 不贊成
putzeasu | irrelevant | 無濟事
putzee | uneven | 無濟
putzeeng | feelingless, unreasonable | 無情
putzerng | irregular | 無整
putzexng heng'uii | wrong action | 無正行為
putzexng | dishonest; illegal; unjust; improper; injustice; iniquity; unfairness; wrong; unjust; unfair; unlawful; incorrect; awry | 無正; 不正; 不正當
putzhefng | unsuitable, do not match | 無稱; 不稱; 不清; 不相稱
putzheg cy zay | unforeseen disaster; unexpected calamity | 無測之災
putzheg | unexpectedly; unfathomable; unexpected (death; disaster) | 無測; 突然
putzhengzai | not always this way | 不是常這樣
putzherng | irregular | 無整
putzhud sor liau | it turned out as expected | 無出所料
putzhud | not go beyond, not exceed | 無出; 不出
putzhøx | be right; not bad | 無錯
putzoaan | incomplete | 無全
putzoat | endless | 無絕
putzu | continually; complement; not firmly; not securely | 無住
putzunzai | non existence | 無存在
putzurn | will not permit | 無准; 不准
putzuu | inferior to; unequal to | 無及
putzuxiuu | no freedom | 無自由
putzuxjieen | unnature | 無自然
putzuxjuu | uncomforatble | 無自如
putzuxliong | no self-esteem | 無自量
putzøee | not even | 無齊
puu thotau | roast peanuts in ashes | 炮花生
puu | bake or roast in hot ashes (potatoes or taro); forge (iron) in fire; treat (drugs) with fire (archaic); cook rice gruel in a small earthen pot (archaic) | 炰; 匏; 燒; 炮
puun kekui'ar | blow up a toy balloon | 吹雞規仔; 吹氣球
puun kekuy | boast; brag; draw a long bow | 吹牛
puun koekui'ar | blow a balloon | 歕雞胿仔
puun lapaf | blow the trumpet; play the trumpet | 吹喇叭
puun lapaq | blow the trumpet; play the trumpet | 吹喇叭
puun phyn'ar | play the flute | 吹笛仔
puun pi'ar | blow a whistle | 吹哨仔
puun pipi'ar | blow a whistle | 吹哨仔
puun | blow; blow with the mouth; breathe out; blow out | 吹; 歕
puun-hof sid | blow out (a candle) | 吹熄
puun-køekuy | boast | 吹氣球; 歕雞胿; 吹牛
puun-piar | to blow a whistle | 吹哨仔
pux | wealth; wealthy; rich; opulent; enriched; abundant; affluent | 富
puxhoax | spawn or hatch from eggs | 孵化
puxkoex | hatched | 孵過
puxlaang | to fester; to suppurate; suppurate; form pus; come to a head (e.g.; a boil) | 化膿; 孵膿; 化濃; 腫膿
puxn | manure; dung; excrement; night soil; compost; refuse | 糞; 糞肥; 堆肥
puxn-chiachiaf | clumsy in movement due to being overweight | 笨車車; 臃腫難以行動
puxnchiaang | clumsy in movement due to being overweight; unwieldy (man too fat or wearing too many clothes); slow; heavy; graceless (walking) | 肥鈍; 笨重; 肥胖難動
puxnkhaf-puxnchiuo | clumsy-handed; awkward | 笨手笨腳
puxnkhapuxnchiuo | clumsy | 笨手笨腳
puxnng | to incubate an egg; sit on eggs; to hatch eggs; incubate | 孵蛋; 孵卵
puxnpun | clumsy in movement | 笨笨
puxntang | heavy; cumbersome; unwieldy | 笨重
puxntharng | bear; bonehead; chump; goosey; donkey | 笨蛋
puxntun | dull; unskillful; awkward; clumsy | 遲鈍
puxnui | hedging | 孵卵
puxsiu | hatch | 孵岫
puyafhurn | baby powder | 痱仔粉
puyar | prickly heat rash | 痱仔
pvae | a word to express the number of times in doing something | 次; 次(量詞); 遍
pvaixtoax | suspenders | 吊帶
pvay | beat; strike; knock; hit; give a blow; slap with the hand | 打; 掌擊
pvaykhaf | lame | 跛跤
pve cioong khiør jip | diseases enter by the mouth (Therefore; one should be careful in his diet or eating habits) | 病從口入
pve jip køboong | disease has entered the vital region ─ there is little hope for recovery | 病入膏盲
pve | sickness; illness; disease; fault; defect; vice; injure; to harm; incapable weak | 病
pve'aan | stretch tight; to stretch by applying more tension; to stretch with force in order to make tight | 拉緊; 張緊
pveaan | stretch tight, to stretch by applying more tension, to stretch with force in order to make tight | 拉緊, 張緊
pvear | shed; shack; plank use for drama's canopy | 棚子
pvebin kyhøo | plane geometry | 平面幾何
pvebin svakag | plane trigonometry | 平面三角
pvebin | plane (surface) | 平面
pvebixntoo | floor plan | 平面圖
pvechiuo | tie another (in competition); come out with even scores | 平手
pvecviax | just; fair; impartial | 公平; 公正
pvee zøexhoex | same age (persons that are) | 同年; 同歲
pvee | level; even; equal; equity; equality; peaceful; satisfactory; amity; conquer; quell; calm down; to control; regulate; (prices) go back to normal after sharp rises | 平
pveea'pvepvee | very flat | 平平平
pvef | pull out (a stiff peg or drawer); to grasp with the hand (as in climbing a wall or mountain) | 攀; 繃; 扳; 拉
pvehoex | same age | 同年; 同歲數
pvekay | level | 平階
pvekex | of equal price; the same value | 同價
pvekhaf | foot of a stage | 棚跤; 戲台下
pvekhuy | spread; open | 扳開; 強拉開
pvelo | even road; without up and downs; good road | 平路; 坦途
pvepaang | level roof; one story house | 平房
pvepafng | canopy; shed; shack; build one tent for show | 棚板; 戲棚的木板
pvepang | smooth and orderly; steady; even | 平均; 平坦
pvepangterng | top shed | 棚枋頂
pveparn | photogravure printing plates | 平版
pvepeng'an'afn | peaceful | 平平安安
pvephvi | snub nose | 扁鼻
pvephøphøf | level; even and smooth like a road; very flat | 很平坦
pvepo'afhoafn | Taiwanese aboriginal | 平埔仔番
pvepo'ar | Taiwanese aboriginal | 平埔仔
pvepoex | of the same generation | 平輩
pvepof | plains; level ground; prairie; vast tract of level land | 平埔
pvepohoafn | Taiwanese aboriginal | 平埔番
pvepolaang | Taiwanese aboriginal | 平埔人
pvepozoghoax | Taiwanese aboriginalized | 平埔族化
pvepozok | plains aboriginal tribes | 平埔族
pvepvear | flat | 平平仔
pvepvee | flat; perfectly level, very level, in the same plain, equal, equally, simple, plain | 平平
pvepvef | stretch | 繃繃
pvepwn | divide equally | 平分
pvesox | area (divided by 3.30579 meter square); level piece of ground | 坪數
pvetaai | platform | 平台
pvete hongphøf | unexpected turn of event; troubles that arise all of a sudden; unexpected disturbance | 平地風波
pvete | plains; piece of level ground | 平地
pvete'ar | flat land people (vs. people who in the the mountain) | 平地仔
pvetea | low heeled shoe | 平底
pvetea-øee | low heeled shoe | 平底鞋
pvetefzuun | punt | 平底船
pveterng | an outdoor stage | 棚頂; 戲台上
pvetexlaang | people who live in the plains | 平地人
pvethaau | crew cut | 平頭
pvethiau | shed post | 棚柱
pvethvafthvar | level (road) | 平坦坦
pvethvar | level (road) | 平坦
pvetit | straight | 平直
pvetoa | of equal size | 平大
pveviuu | vast level plain | 平原
pvex | handle; haft; hilt | 柄
pvexau | after an illness; during convalescence | 病後
pvexbør | long term effects; owing to incomplete cure | 病根
pvexgoaan | cause of a disease; origin of a disease | 病原
pvexgoanlun | etiology | 病原論
pvexgoanthea | virus | 病原體
pvexguii | dying of illness; about to die of an illness | 病危
pvexhoan | patient | 病患
pvexhorng | condition of a patient | 病況
pvexiuo | patient | 病友
pvexjuo | recover from illness; get well | 病癒
pvexkar | sick leave | 病假
pvexkhor | illness | 病苦
pvexkhurn | germ; bacteria; virus | 病菌
pvexkox | die of illness | 病故
pvexkviar | morning sickness; sickness in pregnancy | 害喜
pvexkyn | long term effects; owing to incomplete cure; root or cause of a disease | 病根
pvexlaang | sick man; patient | 病人
pvexle | incidence of a particular disease | 病例
pvexlegpiør | chart | 病歷表
pvexlek | chart; (medical) history | 病歷
pvexlie | pathology | 病理
pvexlyhak | pathology | 病理學
pvexmoo | demon of ill health; curse of disease | 病魔
pvexpaang | sickroom; ward | 病房
pvexpiexn | medical situation changes | 病變
pvexpurn | power of resistance; money for treat illness | 病本; 身體的抗病力
pvexpve | sick | 病病
pvexseg | hospital ward; sickroom | 病室
pvexsex | aspect of a case of sickness | 病勢
pvexsie | die from disease | 病死
pvexsuo | medical history | 病史
pvexsviusy | lovesickness | 相思病
pvexthaix | sickly appearance; symptom; abnormal | 病態
pvexthanghai | blight | 病蟲害
pvexthea | patient's body | 病體
pvexthviax | suffering; illness | 病痛
pvextok | virus | 病毒
pvexvi | hospital | 醫院
pvexyn | cause of a disease; origin of a disease | 病因
pvexzeeng | patient's condition | 病情
pvexzexng | disease; ailment; name of the disease determined by diagnosis | 病症
pvexzhngg | sickbed | 病床
pvexzhngpvy | hospital bedside | 病床邊
pvexzhngterng | hospital bed | 病床頂
pvezhuo'ar | flat roof house | 平厝仔
pvi søh'ar | make a rope by hand | 編繩仔
pvi thauzafng | braid the hair; plait the hair; braid the queue | 辮頭髮
pvi | sickness; illness; disease; fault; defect; vice; injure; to harm; incapable weak | 病; 辮
pvi'aan | to tighten | 繃緊
pvi'afkag | corner | 邊仔角
pvi'afmngg | side door, frontier pass | 邊門, 側門
pvi'afthaau | at the side | 邊仔頭
pvi'ar ee laang | bystanders | 邊仔的人; 旁人
pvi'ar | side; at the side | 邊仔; 旁邊
pvi'oar | lean closer | 拼倚; 拉來
pvi'uun | even | 平勻
pvi-thauzafng | braid the hair; plait the hair; braid the queue | 辮頭鬃
pvi`ee | flat | 扁的
pviaa | copy | 抄
pviaf | throw away | 拋; 抨; 丟擲
pviaf`khix | throw over | 丟去
pviaf`leq | no more use; put away | 丟置
pviafab'ar | cookie; box; case | 餅盒仔
pviafah | a case of cookies | 餅盒
pviafar | cookies | 餅仔
pviafiuo'ar | crumbs | 餅幼仔
pviafiux | cake crumbs | 餅屑; 餅渣
pviafkauq | Taiwanese crepe | 餅𩛩
pviafkheh'ar | Taiwanese crepe | 餅篋仔
pviafkib | 3rd class | 丙級
pviafkvoaf | biscuit; biscuit; cracker; cookie | 餅乾
pviaflo | cakes; pastry | 餅路; 餅餌
pviafloo | furnace for making cookies | 餅爐; 烤箱; 煎餅爐
pviafmngg | side door; frontier pass | 邊門; 側門
pviafphirn | pastry | 餅品
pviafphox | pastry shop | 餅舖
pviafpvoaa | plate for serving biscuits | 餅盤
pviafsab | cake crumbs | 餅屑
pviafsap'ar | scraps of cake | 餅屑仔
pviafsud | crumbs, fragment of biscuit | 餅屑
pviafsut'ar | small crumbs of bread or cake | 餅屑仔
pviafterng | roughly equivalent to the C grade (in grading) | 丙等
pviaftiaxm | bakery; cake shop | 餅店
pviafva | pastry stuffing | 餅餡
pviafzhuix | cookie crumbs | 餅碎; 餅渣
pviafzof | high school class category which matches with the 3rd college entrance examins category | 丙組
pviahviesak | throw away | 拚擲棄
pvialaai-pviakhix | throw around indiscriminately | 丟來丟去; 丟這丟那
pviar | biscuit; cookie; cracker; biscuits; pastries | 餅
pviarchirnkvoa | sweating | 拚凊汗
pviarheatoea | clearance | 摒貨底
pviarhied | fight fiercely | 拚血
pviarhoeatea | settle goods in stock; existing stock | 拚貨底; 清理存貨
pviarhoeq | fight fiercely | 拚血
pviarhuiq | fight fiercely | 拚血
pviarjip | to burst into; to intrude | 倒入; 闖入
pviarkex | cut the price for fast sell; undersell | 傾價; 廉售; 拋售
pviarkhafng | empty out | 傾空
pviarkhix | steal or take away | 偷去
pviarkoex | overcame | 拚過
pviarkvoa | try to the extent of sweating | 傾汗
pviarlat | make one's effort (power; strength) | 拼力; 用力
pviarlo | to hurry on one's way | 趕路
pviarmekafng | overtime | 拚暝工
pviarmia | with all one's might; risk one's life | 拼命; 拚命
pviarmikafng | overtime | 拚暝工
pviarpaang | arrange a room, clean the room | 拚房; 整理房間
pviarpurn | clearance sale | 傾本
pviarpviax | clean up | 摒摒
pviarpviax`leq | clean up (room) | 拼拼咧
pviarsag | throw away | 拋棄; 丟棄
pviarsaux | to sweep; to clean; to clear; clean; sweep; clean out; make tidy (a room); spring cleaning | 清掃; 摒掃; 打掃
pviarsenglie | compete business | 拚生理
pviarsex | industrious; diligent; hardworking; work diligently | 努力; 拚勢; 發奮; 勤勉
pviarsie | fight to the death | 拚死
pviarsiok | sell cheap | 拼俗; 賣便宜
pviarsix | industrious; diligent; hardworking; work diligently | 努力; 拚勢; 發奮; 勤勉
pviarsuviaa | win or lose | 拚輸贏
pviarsveamia | desperately | 拚性命
pviarsvesie | desperately | 拚生死
pviarsviemia | fight for life | 拼生命
pviarsvisie | fight for life | 拼生死
pviarsw | loss of a fight | 拚輸
pviarsypviaroah | desperately | 拚死拚活
pviartiau | throw away | 傾丟
pviartin | final match; championship; battle raging fiercely (in a general engagement) | 火拼; 決勝負; 拼場子
pviartiøh | struggle | 拚著
pviartng | to clear away; to brush aside | 掃除
pviartuu | to abandon, to clear away | 掃除; 摒除
pviartux | bid | 拚注
pviartviuu | fight | 拚場
pviarviaa | fight to win | 拚贏
pviarzhefng | to get rid of; to clean away; to sweep away | 清除
pviarzhud | fight | 拚出
pviarzhutthaau | fight and ahead | 拚出頭
pviarzuie | dump water | 傾水; 倒水; 放掉水
pviarzøx | put it as | 拚做
pviasviaf | (phonetics) level tone (one of the four tones in Middle Chinese) | 平聲
pviatiau | throw away | 丟掉
pviavoar-pviati | throw down bowls and chopsticks in a sulk; pet; or rage | 拋碗拋箸; 發怒; 使性子。
pviax mekafng | do night work | 拼夜工
pviax sveamia | risk one's life; make death defying effort | 拼命
pviax svesie | risk one's life; do at the risk of one's life; place on the same plane; life and death; to struggle for life | 拼生死
pviax svisie | risk one's life; do at the risk of one's life; place on the same plane; life and death; to struggle for life | 拼生死
pviax | work hard | 拚; 摒; 拼; 倒
pviax-hietkak | clear out useless things; to throw away; to cast off | 拼擲棄; 倒掉; 丟掉
pviax-hof taf | pour out till quite empty | 拼乎乾
pviax-hof zhengkhix | clean up (a room; house) | 拼乎清氣; 打掃乾淨
pviax-kaoui | just managed to arrive in time | 拼到位
pviax-siogbøe | undersell | 拼俗賣; 摒俗賣; 廉售
pviax-sioghøex | clearance sale | 拼俗貨; 廉價傾銷
pviax`jiblaai | rush in | 拼進來
pviax`khix | dash to fight | 拼去; 打勝
pviax`zhutkhix | rush out | 拼出去
pviazeq | the four tones in old Chinese phonetics (the first tone belongs to ? While the remaining three tones belong to ?) | 平仄
pviazheq | Chinese tones 'ping' and 'zoh | 平
pvibin | a flat; a flat surface | 平面
pvichiuo | tie | 平手
pvicviax | (n) justice; ; (adj) fair; equitable | 平正; 持平; 公正; 公平; 公道
pvie | flat; thin; flattened | 扁
pviebae | become bad, become worse | 變壞; 變䆀
pviebarng | messing around; beginning a bad course of life; use finesse; devise schemes | 搞鬼; 搞小花樣
pviebin | frown; show anger of displeasure in the face; become angry; put on a long face; change countenance; to sulk; to frown; become angry, put on a long face, change countenance, to sulk, to frown | 翻臉; 變面; 變臉
pviebøbarng | ran out of tricks | 變無魍
pviebøliern | can't juggle; can't play tricks | 變無輪; 弄無出花樣
pviebøo | ran out of tricks | 變無
pvieciah | prepare food | 變食
pviecviaa | change to; become | 變成
pviehør | weather become fine; clear up; (person) to reform; become good | 變好
pviekangge | articraft | 變工藝
pviekaulang | playing tricks | 變猴弄
pviekaulaxnglaq | playing a monkey trick | 變猴弄啦
pviekerng | change | 變景
pviekhachiuo | playing tricks | 變跤手
pviekhafng | play tricks; trap somebody; to plot; to plan a practical joke | 搞鬼; 搗蛋; 搞小花樣
pviekhoarn | change (one's character or conduct) for the worse | 變壞; 變款; 變樣子
pviekoaix | to do mischief; to cause trouble | 作怪
pviekoong | become mad | 變狂; 發瘋
pviekuie pviekoaix | crafty and injurious | 裝鬼作怪
pviekuie | to do mischief; to cause trouble; play tricks | 搞鬼; 搞花樣
pviekuie-pviekoaix | crafty and injurious | 變鬼變怪
pviekw-pviepiq | do a trifle or trivial piece of work; do handiwork; use finesse | 柄鬼柄怪; 變鬼變怪
pvielang | annoy; fool; make fun of | 變弄; 戲弄
pviepeh | pele | 變白
pviephvae | degenerate | 變壞
pvieseg | change color, fade | 變色
pviesngr | make for fun | 變玩; 做著玩的
pviesvafbarng | what's up | 變啥魍
pviesviafbarng | what's up | 變啥魍
pviesviux | change appearance | 變相
pviesym | change mind | 變心
pvietangpviesay | making things | 變東變西
pviethienlagkoaix | playing cool | 變顛搦怪
pvievoa | change, exchange | 變換
pviezheng | change dress | 變穿
pviezhud | to change and become | 變出
pviezoex | change to; become | 變做
pviezøex | change to, become | 變做; 變成
pviezøx | become; change into; convert into | 變成
pvihofng | square, square of a number | 平方
pvihwn | evenly divided | 平分
pvihøex | same age | 平歲
pvii | level; even; equal; equity; equality; peaceful; satisfactory; amity; conquer; quell; calm down; to control; regulate; (prices) go back to normal after sharp rises | 平; 棚
pvii`khylaai | even | 平起來; 排平
pviie'pvipvi | very flat | 平平平
pvikag | corner | 邊角; 角隅
pvikaix | border, frontier | 邊界
pvikay | level | 平階
pvikefng | side room | 邊間
pvikhaf | under the shed | 棚腳
pvikhia | shed cover | 棚瓦
pvikut | level and smooth | 平滑
pvikviax | a plane mirror | 平鏡; 平面鏡
pvipaang | ranch (house) | 平房
pvipafng | shed wood | 棚板
pvipang | equally divided | 平棒
pviparn | flat panel | 平板
pviphaq | scourge | 鞭打
pviphøf | side slope | 邊坡
pvipoex | same generation | 平輩
pvipof | a plain | 平埔; 平原
pvipof-lo | smooth road | 平埔路
pvipohoafn | Taiwanese plains aborigines | 平埔番
pvipozok | plains aboriginal tribes | 平埔族
pvipviar | flat | 平平仔
pvipvii tør`teq | prostration | 平平倒著; 平臥
pvipvii | flat | 平平
pvipwn | equally divided | 平分
pvisox | number of square meters | 坪數
pvitaai | platform | 平台
pviterng | equality | 平等
pvithaau | side | 平頭; 邊頭
pvithvar | even, flat, level | 平娗; 平坦
pvitit | smooth and straight | 平直
pvitoe | flat ground | 平地
pvituo`køex | even out | 平抵過
pvitvia | wind and waves subsided; everything goes very smoothly | 平定
pvitøe | plain; level ground | 平地
pvitøea-øee | low-heeled shoe | 平底鞋
pviviuu | ocean; plain | 平洋; 平原
pvix pafhix | idle play; (a child) idle and full of sport | 變把戲
pvix | change; alter; to convert; transform; to shift; to switch | 變; 柄
pvix-bøbarng | cannot be obtained; cannot be done; impracticable; at one's wit's end; in a dilemma | 變無蚊; 搞無出名堂
pvix-bøloxlaai | can not do it; unable to accomplish | 變無路來; 做無來
pvix-chvibin | change one's countenance | 變青面
pvix-kaulang | play a trick | 變猴弄; 變戲法
pvix-pafhix | to perform magic | 變把戲
pvixar | braid; braids | 辮子
pvixau | after sickness | 病後
pvixbuo | ill mother | 病母
pvixeq | doom for sickness | 病厄
pvixgoaan | source of a disease | 病源
pvixgoanthea | virus, germ | 病源體
pvixguu | sick cow | 病牛
pvixhoan | disease, illness, patient, ill person | 病患
pvixhorng | conditional of a disease | 病況
pvixjiok | weak, delicate, infirm | 病弱; 體弱
pvixkar | sick leave | 病假
pvixkhurn | germ; virus; bacterium | 病菌
pvixkii | duration of illness | 病期
pvixkox | to die of a disease | 病故
pvixkviar | morning sickness | 害喜
pvixkwn | root of the sickness | 病根
pvixlaang | patient; sick person | 病人
pvixlan | sickness and trials | 病難
pvixle | a case of disease | 病例
pvixlek | patient's medical history | 病歷
pvixlek-piør | patient's case history | 病歷表; 病歷單
pvixlie | pathology | 病理
pvixmoo | the devil of sickness | 病魔
pvixpaang | hospital room | 病房
pvixphiaq | a distinguishing feature of sickness | 病癖
pvixpiexn | medical changes | 病變
pvixpvi | sick, ill, weak | 病病
pvixseg | hospital room | 病室
pvixsex | condition of the sickness | 病勢
pvixsuo | medical history | 病史
pvixsviusy | lovesick | 病相思
pvixthaang | parasitic insect, intestinal parasite | 病蟲
pvixthaang-hai | insect damage | 病蟲害
pvixthaix | patient's condition | 病態
pvixthea | sick body | 病體
pvixthviax | sickness and pains | 病痛; 病疼
pvixtok | germ, virus | 病毒
pvixtoxng | hospital ward | 病動; 病室
pvixvi | a hospital, a clinic | 病院; 醫院
pvixyn | cause of illness | 病因
pvixzeeng | patient's condition | 病情
pvixzexng | type of sickness; characteristic of sickness | 病症
pvixzhngg | sick bed; patient's bed | 病床
pvixzhud | braid out | 辮出
pvixzong | symptom of a disease | 病狀
pvizøe | as much as, same in number | 平多; 平濟; 一樣多
pvizøee | neat and straight | 平齊
pviezhud | to change and become | 變出
pvoa bafng'ar | swat away mosquitoes | 拌蠓仔
pvoa hosiin | brush (drive) away flies | 趕蒼蠅
pvoa sengkhw | whisk or shake one's clothes gently to remove the dust | 拂身體
pvoa | accompany; mutual | 伴; 拌; 拂
pvoa'aftea | bottom of a plate | 盤仔底
pvoa'ar | dish; plate; tray | 盤仔; 盤子
pvoa'ar-hii | golden-skinned pargo (fish) | 盤仔魚; 血鯛
pvoa'oe | quarrel | 盤話; 鬥嘴; 爭論
pvoa'un | transport | 搬運; 運搬
pvoa'uxnhuix | moving or transportation charge; freight; carriage expenses | 搬運費
pvoaa | bend the feet under one; to scale (a wall); climb over; cross over | 盤; 越; 翻
pvoaa`jibkhix | climb in | 攀進去; 翻進去
pvoaa`køex | to pass over | 盤過; 移換過
pvoaa`tør | stumble | 絆倒
pvoachiaf | transfer to another vehicle; to stir up trouble; change trains or cars | 換車; 盤車; 移來移去; 亂翻東西
pvoachviar | invite | 邀請; 搬請; 接(父母)同位
pvoachviuu | to climb over the wall; climb a wall; go in and out by climbing a wall or fence | 越牆; 翻牆
pvoaciøh | great rock; massive rock | 磐石
pvoaf portexhix | have puppet shows | 演布袋戲
pvoaf toaxhix | put on a play (Taiwanese opera) | 演歌仔戲
pvoaf | move; remove; shift; transport | 搬; 演
pvoaf-kalea | put on a puppet show | 演傀儡; 演傀儡戲
pvoaf-korsu | act out a story | 演故事; 演劇
pvoaf`khix | to carry away; move out | 搬去; 搬走
pvoafhii | manfish | 魬魚
pvoafhuu | manfish | 魬魚
pvoahii | golden-skinned pargo (fish) | 盤魚; 血鯛
pvoahix | acting; put on a play; a stage play | 演戲; 搬戲
pvoahoex | remove goods | 搬貨
pvoahør | move well | 搬好
pvoaiern | rehearsal | 搬演
pvoajip | move in | 搬入; 越過牆而進入
pvoakhafng | move everything out | 搬空
pvoakhie | move up | 搬起
pvoakoex | climb over | 翻過
pvoakvii | pan qian | 盤墘
pvoalaai | move in | 搬來
pvoalaai-pvoakhix | carry hither and thither; carry; move here and there | 搬來搬去
pvoaliao | moved | 搬了
pvoaløh | move down | 搬落
pvoaløqlaai | move down | 搬落來
pvoanoar | socializing | 盤撋; 交際應酬
pvoaoe | pass misinformation | 搬話
pvoaphof | after patient die move his body to the parlor | 盤鋪; 病人斷氣後將他移至大廳
pvoapvoaa | every dish or plate (of meal) | 盤盤
pvoapvoaf | move | 搬搬
pvoapvoakhix | move | 搬搬去
pvoapvoazhutkhix | move out | 搬搬出去
pvoaqtharng | change barrel | 拔桶
pvoarbag'ar | make believe you don't notice something (Lit. one eye open and one closed) | 半目仔; 睜一眼閉一眼仔
pvoarbe-pvoarsaxng | sell goods at rock bottom prices (said by shop owners as a sales gimmick) | 半買半送
pvoarbin | half face; half side | 半面
pvoarbin-siongsek | slightly acquainted with a man | 半面常適; 有點認識
pvoarbixnsek | sounds like met somewhere | 半面熟
pvoarchiaa-goat | half-reclining moon | 半斜月
pvoarchiagoat | half moon | 半斜月
pvoarchvie | half awake | 半醒
pvoarchvisek | half-cooked | 半生熟; 半熟
pvoarciaqgø | starve; hungry | 吃無飽; 半吃半餓
pvoarciøzhoa | seek son-in-law who will live in wife's family and his son have same surname as wife's family | 半招娶; 生兒須繼承女家的姓
pvoarcviapeh | half fat; half lean | 半成白; 肥瘦參半
pvoarcviapuii | half fat; half lean | 半成肥; 瘦參半
pvoarcviu-løqe | give up halfway; leave something unfinished | 半上落下; 半途而廢
pvoaree | half (of a thing) | 半個
pvoargiah | half amount | 半額
pvoargoadheeng | half moon shape | 半月型
pvoargvexnngr | between too much firmness and too much yielding; half threatening and half pacifying | 半硬軟; 軟硬兼施
pvoargøeh | half moon | 半月
pvoargøeqjit | half month | 半個月
pvoarhae | in the middle of an ocean | 半海; 大洋中
pvoarhang | half item | 半項
pvoarhofng'ar | child of mixed descent; mixed blood; child of an inter-racial marriage; half-breed | 半荒仔; 混血兒; 混種
pvoariafmmng'ar | un authorized prostitutes (not legally open for business) | 半野門仔; 私娼仔
pvoariammui'ar | half-yin and yang | 半陰陽仔
pvoariamviuar | half-yin and yang | 半陰陽仔
pvoariamviuee | half-yin and yang person | 半陰陽的
pvoariamviuu | hermaphrodite; (slang) | 陰陽人
pvoariaupar | half full | 半飢飽
pvoarim'ioong | androgynous; Having both female and male characteristics; hermaphrodite | 陰陽人
pvoarimkay | chromatic scale (music) | 半音階
pvoariøf | mid waist; the waist | 半腰; 半截腰
pvoarji | half word | 半字
pvoarjit | half-day; half a day | 半日; 半天
pvoarkafng | half-day; half a day | 半天; 半天工夫
pvoarkafng-pvoarthak | work while studying at school | 半工半讀
pvoarkangbøfar | hermaphrodite (slang) | 半公母仔; 陰陽人
pvoarkantiofng | of very doubtful fidelity | 騎牆派; 兩面討好
pvoarkausiaf | buy; sell on one half cash and one half credit | 半刨賒; 一半現款一半賒帳
pvoarkex | half price; fifty per cent discount | 半價
pvoarkexng | radius | 半徑
pvoarkhaihoax | semi-civilized | 半開化
pvoarkheg | half of a quarter | 半刻
pvoarkhoaan | semi-circle, semi-circular | 半環
pvoarkhongtiofng | open air; sky; aerial; overhead | 半空中
pvoarkhuy | half opened | 半開
pvoarkiamtvy | neither salty nor sweet; between salty and sweet | 半鹹甜
pvoarkii | flag at half mast | 半旗
pvoarkiuu | hemisphere | 半球
pvoarku | half new | 半舊
pvoarkui | neal down in one foot | 半跪; 單腳跪
pvoarkuo'oe | half sentence; barely speak up | 半句話
pvoarkuxløh | half worn out; worn; but still quite usable | 中古的; 半新無舊
pvoarkviaa-pvoarzao | trot along | 邊走邊跑; 疾走
pvoarkviazao | foot race | 半行走; 競走
pvoarkyn | half kilo | 半斤
pvoarkyn-pøehniuo | eight ounces and half a catty ─ six of one and half a dozen of the other; half and half; equal; no difference | 半斤八兩
pvoarkynii | half year | 半紀年
pvoarlaau | medium sized tide (around the 7th or 8th of the lunar month) | 半潮; 頂樓
pvoarlafngsay | learn a thing only half well | 半調子
pvoarlamhaa | hung up unfinished (an affair); before one is through with one's work; do (a thing) by halves | 半罩圍; 半途 (做事)
pvoarlamhvaa | hung up unfinished (an affair), before one is through with one's work, do (a thing) by halves | 一半, 半途 (做事)
pvoarlamniu'ar | a bisexual person | 半陰陽仔
pvoarlamviuu | a bisexual person; doubtful sex; hermaphrodite | 陰陽人; 無男不女; 半
pvoarlauafterng | high rise | 半樓仔頂
pvoarlauar | house with high ceiling- so upper area can be another floor | 半樓仔
pvoarlauxlaang | half old people | 半老人
pvoarlauzuie | medium sized tide (around the 7th or 8th of the lunar month) | 半潮水
pvoarlit | half day | 半日
pvoarlo huzhef | cohabit | 半路夫妻; 露水夫妻
pvoarlo zhutkef | switch to a new profession one knows little about; change professions when one is no longer young; to start midway | 半路出家
pvoarlo | half-way; half of the way; half of the road; at the middle of a journey; on the way; on the road | 半路
pvoarlo'ar | half way | 半路仔
pvoarloxsay | amaeture | 半路師
pvoarløflau | middle aged | 半老老; 中年老
pvoarmear | midnight | 半暝仔
pvoarmee | midnight | 半夜
pvoarmesi'ar | midnight | 半暝時仔
pvoarmesvakvef | midnight | 半暝三更
pvoarmi'ar | midnight | 半暝仔
pvoarmia | half alive; exceedingly serious; as good as dead | 半命; 半死
pvoarmii | midnight | 半夜; 半暝
pvoarmoar | half-filled | 半滿
pvoarnii | half a year | 半年
pvoarnikafn | within half year | 半年間
pvoarnizeeng | half year ago | 半年前
pvoaroah | barely alive; half alive | 半活
pvoarpaq | fifty years of age; fifty; half a hundred (years of age) | 半百
pvoarpeeng | half side | 半爿; 半邊
pvoarpengsvoaf | banyan mountain | 半爿山
pvoarphiøx | a half-fare ticket; half fare ticket | 半票
pvoarphvix | half piece | 半片
pvoarpo'ar | half afternoon | 半晡仔
pvoarpof | half of morning; afternoon; half day; one morning; one afternoon | 半埔; 上午九時或下午三時
pvoarsek | cooked; half done | 半熟
pvoarsie | half-dead; half dead and half alive; neither dead or alive; half dead; almost dead | 半死
pvoarsielaang | half of one's life; half a lifetime; very long time | 半輩子; 半生
pvoarsii | half an hour | 半時; 一小時
pvoarsirn'gi'ar | half faith | 半信疑仔
pvoarsiu-kii | half-life | 半壽期
pvoarsixn | half believing and half doubting; doubtful; suspicious | 半信
pvoarsixn-pvoargii | between believing and suspicion; half believing and half doubting; doubtful; suspicious | 半信半疑
pvoarsiøfsie | half-dead; half dead | 半小死; 半死
pvoarsiøfsii | half an hour | 半小時
pvoarsiølerng | tepid (water); lukewarm (food water etc) | 半燒冷; 微溫; 溫的; 半冷半熱
pvoarsoef-kii | half-life | 半衰期
pvoarsox | half | 半數
pvoarsui | half-side paralyzed | 半遂
pvoarsveseeng | born; inborn; innate | 天生的
pvoarsvoa'ar | kids with parents from China and local Taiwanese | 半山仔
pvoarsvoaf | half way up a mountain | 半山
pvoarsvoaf`ee | Taiwanese who has lived in mainland for a long time | 半山的; 住過內地的臺灣人
pvoarsy | half of a thread; very small amount | 半絲
pvoarsyn | half of the body; used (articles); second hand | 半身; 半新
pvoarsøq | an obstacle | 絆索
pvoartafng | half a year | 半年
pvoartaux | half noon | 半晝
pvoartefar | half piece | 半塊仔
pvoartefng | the poll tax; (cf.; teng) | 半丁; (人頭稅)
pvoarthafngsae | half bucket of shit | 半桶屎
pvoarthafngsai'ar | half-bucket apprentice, imply the student is not there yet | 半桶師仔
pvoarthafngsay | learn a thing only half well | 半調子
pvoarthafngzuie | one who makes great display of little knowledge dabbler; only know a little but say a lot; ignorant | 半桶水; 形容只懂得一半
pvoarthauzhvef | light headed; harebrained; versatile; a madcap (slang) | 半頭青; 刁蠻
pvoarthef | sit in a inclining position | 半躺
pvoarthetør | sit in a inclining position | 半躺倒
pvoarthvetør | recline | 半躺倒
pvoarthvy | mid sky; up in the air; up in the sky | 半天; 半空中
pvoarthwn-pvoarthox | hem and haw; telling only part of what one knows | 欲言又止
pvoartiafmzefng | half an hour | 半點鐘
pvoartiarm | half an hour | 半點
pvoartiaumia | almost die | 半條命
pvoartiong'ngf | half way; in the middle; halfway; midway | 半中央; 中間; 中途
pvoartiongzam | one half; in part | 半中站; 半途
pvoartoo | halfway | 半途
pvoartvar | half a dozen; six | 半打
pvoartøq | half table | 半桌
pvoartør | half fell; a peninsula; to fall by an obstruction; half collapsed | 半倒; 半島; 絆倒
pvoartøxthea | semiconductor | 半導體
pvoartøxthefkaix | semiconductor world | 半導體界
pvoarvii | a semicircle; half circle; semicircle | 半圓
pvoarym | semitones | 半音
pvoarzad | half section | 半節
pvoarzaix | half a year | 半載
pvoarzam | midway | 中途
pvoarzhngg | half bed | 半床
pvoarzhuix | half a mouth; a small amount | 半口; 半嘴
pvoarzhuy pvoarciu | be half willing (at heart) and half unwilling (in appearance) ─ often referring to price haggling or girls being seduced | 半推半就
pvoarzhvea pvoarkhuxn | half awake and half asleep; slumbering | 半醒半睡
pvoarzhvesek | half cooked; half raw; half green; half ripe | 半青熟
pvoarzuix | half drunk; half drunk; half tipsy; inebriated | 半醉
pvoasiaux | transfer the account entries; copy an account; transfer accounts from one book to another | 盤數; 抄賬簿
pvoasiofng | dealer | 盤商
pvoasngx | plan | 盤算
pvoasoafui | move or remove (one's dwelling or things) to another place | 半搬移
pvoasoaq | moved | 搬煞
pvoasoar | move; remove things to another place; (persons) change their residence | 搬移; 搬徙; 遷移
pvoasvoaf koeaniar | cross mountains | 翻山越嶺
pvoasvoaf | cross the mountain; climb over a mountain; cross over a mountain | 越山; 翻山; 攀山
pvoasvoakeaniar | long journey | 盤山過嶺
pvoasvoakoeaniar | over the ridge | 盤山過嶺
pvoatiarm | make an inventory; check | 盤點; 清點
pvoatngr | move and turn | 搬轉
pvoatviuu | making appearance in different events | 搬場; 趕場
pvoaun | transport | 搬運
pvoauxnchiaf | van or truck for moving stuff | 搬運車
pvoauxnky | handling machine | 搬運機
pvoavoa | move and change | 搬換
pvoax geqlit | half month | 半月日
pvoax goeqjit | half month | 半月日
pvoax kofgoeh | half a month | 半個月
pvoax kongkhay | semi-open | 半公開
pvoax kørgoeh | half a month | 半個月
pvoax sengphirn | semi-finished products; half-finished products | 半成品
pvoax sidbinte | country nominally independent (whose sovereignty is often infringed upon by great powers) | 半殖民地
pvoax thaobengthea | translucent; partially transparent | 半透明體
pvoax tiafmzefng | half an hour | 半小時
pvoax | half | 半; 絆
pvoax-chviuar | lower wall | 半牆仔
pvoax-cviapeh | half fat and half lean meat | 五花肉; 半肥半瘦
pvoax-khafm'ar | half of a storefront | 半坎仔; 半間的門面
pvoax-løflau | middle-aged | 半老老
pvoax-tamtaf | demp | 半濕乾
pvoax-tiongtngg | mid-point | 半中長; 半路
pvoax-tiongtoo | mid-point of the trip | 半中途
pvoax`tør | to fall by an obstruction | 絆倒
pvoaxbarng | drive out mosquitoes | 拂蚊
pvoaxhi | shake the ears (dog, cow, etc.) | 拂耳; 拌耳
pvoaxhvi | shake the ears (dog, cow, etc.) | 拂耳
pvoaxkhuy | brush off, get free from | 拂門; 拌開; 推開
pvoaxmngg | shake feathers, shake hair | 拌毛
pvoaxnoar | come into contact with; have dealing with; communication; social intercourse | 交友
pvoaxpvoa`leq | whisk; flick | 拂一拂
pvoaxsaxm | dishevel (hair) | 半亂; 拌鬖; 蓬亂
pvoaxtiau | shake off dust; brush off dirt | 拂掉
pvoazao | move away; take away; remove; move | 搬走
pvoazay | transplant (plants) | 移苗; 移植
pvoazhaa | move firewood | 搬柴
pvoazhud | to move out | 搬出
pvoazhuix | wrangle; quarrel; bickering | 搬嘴; 抬槓
pvoazhutthviaf | remove a dying person from the bedroom to the hall | 搬出廳; 將臨死的人移到廳堂
pvoazhux | to move; to move house; move from one dwelling to another; change residence | 搬厝; 搬家
pvoazuun | transfer to a boat; transship merchandise; change ships; transshipment; reshipment | 換船
pvui | meal; repast | 飯
pvuixsizhexng | cobra | 飯匙銃
pvuy | maple | 楓
pvy porphaang | set up a tent | 撐開布篷
pvy | stretch, pull out straight and tight | 撐; 邊; 鞭; 拉; 繃
pvy-chiwbøea | quarrel | 扁手尾
pvy`ar | side | 旁邊
pvyhii | arrow-touched flounder; flounder (fish); brill; a type of sea roach; the sea bream | 扁魚; 大口鰈
pvyhuu | flounder | 扁魚
pvykhoaan | wrist jewlry | 扁環; 扁手環
pvykøo | flat and twisted | 壓歪
pvyliuo | flat button | 扁鈕
pvynaa | flat basket | 扁籃
pvypeq | cedar; ornamental dwarf tree | 扁柏
pvyphvi | flat nose | 扁鼻
pvypvie | very flat; thin and flat | 扁扁; 扁扁的
pvypvykhiaxkhia | flat and niche | 扁扁徛徛
pvypvypvie | very flat | 扁扁扁
pvysex | falt | 扁勢; 扁平的
pvysyn | thin, and flat body | 扁身
pvytau | Lima bean | 扁豆
pvytauar | lentils | 扁豆仔
pvythaau | flat head (the back part of the head); flat head; flat headed; worried; person with a flat forehead | 扁頭; 扁平的頭
pvythøo-svoax | tonsil | 扁桃腺
pvythøsvoax | tonsillitis | 扁桃腺
pvythøsvoax-iam | tonsillitis | 扁桃腺炎
pvytvaf | a flat carrying pole | 扁擔
pvytvax | a carrying pole; a shoulder pole | 扁擔
pvyzhuix | beaklike mouth; having a flat bill (like a duck's) | 扁嘴
pvyzngx | A flat steel tool with cutting ridges for forming; smoothing; or reducing especially metallic surfaces; flat awl; short pointed dagger; an instrument like a flat-headed drill used by robbers for making holes in walls or as a weapon | 扁鑽
pw | stertor | 呼
pwn kehoea | divide family possessions; apportion; divide the goods of a family; split the family and divide the property | 分財產
pwn suilaang | divide family property to set up separate fraternal households | 分隨人; 分家
pwn zaisarn | divide property; distribute an inheritance | 分財產
pwn | divide; part; share; distribute; distinguish; to separate; adopt (a child) | 分
pwn'axn | the case under consideration; this case | 本案
pwn'giap | one's own occupation | 本業
pwn'ix | original idea; original intention; primary intention; one's original purpose (intention); one's real will; motive | 本意
pwn'ui | basis; one's proper duty | 本位
pwn'ym | original tone | 本音
pwn-bøexpvii | can't distribute fair | 分無平
pwn-kehøea | divide the estate | 分家產
pwn`ee | adopted | 分的; 收養的
pwn`laang | distribute to people, give a child for adoption | 本人; 分給人
pwnboat | first and last; essential and nonessential | 本末
pwnbuun | This article; main body of a writing | 本文
pwnchi | this city; our city | 本市
pwncid | essence; intrinsic quality; essential qualities; essential characteristics; intrinsic nature | 本質
pwncie | basic purpose; original purpose | 本旨
pwncied | this section | 本節
pwnciw | our state | 本州
pwncviaa | originally; originally; from the first; in itself; essentially | 本成; 本來
pwncvii | capital for business; capital funds; capital in trade | 本錢
pwngiap | primary business or profession; one's own occupation | 本業
pwngiin | capital; principal | 本金; 本銀
pwngoaan | origin; fountainhead; source; cause; ultimate | 本源; 原本
pwngoan | one's real wish; long cherished desire | 本願
pwngoat | thyis month | 本月
pwngoeh | the present month; the current month; this month | 本月
pwnguun | original capital | 本銀
pwngøeh | this month | 本月
pwnhaang | one's own profession; line; trade; shop; normal action; profession; one's specialty; one's regular occupation; this bank; our bank; this shop | 本行
pwnhau | our (this) school | 本校
pwnhiofng | our village | 本鄉
pwnhong | basic salary (exclusive of various additional allowances) | 本俸
pwnhun | one's duty; one's role; one's duty; obligation; one's part | 本分; 本份
pwnhuxnkefng | prayer of obligation (Catholic); breviary | 本份經
pwnjieen | originally | 本然
pwnjit | today | 本日
pwnkaf | a person of the same family name related or not | 本家; 此家
pwnkaix | this class (for periodic events) | 本屆
pwnkef | original home; the head family; one's own family | 本家
pwnkhøf | main (academic) course (as distinct from preparatory courses) | 本科
pwnkii | this term; the current season; the present class (of students; cadets) | 本期
pwnkog | one's own country; one's home country; native country; this country; one's home country; one's mother country | 本國
pwnkokguo | vernacular | 本國語
pwnkoklaang | fellow countryman; compatriot | 本國人
pwnkongsy | our company | 本公司
pwnku | originally | 本舊; 本來
pwnkutøe | primary residence | 本居地
pwnkvoaf | this officer | 本官
pwnkw | primary residence | 本居
pwnkym | principal (as distinct from interest) | 本金
pwnlaai biexnbok | the true look; the color | 本來面目
pwnlaai | originally; from the first; in itself; essentially | 本來
pwnlaang | personal; one's own self; the man himself; I; me; himself; herself; yourself; personally | 本人
pwnlai | initially | 本來
pwnleeng | instinct; faculty; innate powers | 本能
pwnlerng | ability; skill; talent; capacity; skill; talent | 本領
pwnlerng`loq | ability | 本領囉
pwnluie | home base (baseball) | 本壘
pwnlun | main discourse, this subject, body | 本論; 本題
pwnmia | one's fate | 本命
pwnmiaa | original name; one's formal name (as distinct from pen name; nicknames or other aliases) | 本名
pwnmiaxcvii | life saving | 本命錢
pwnna | initially | 本若
pwnnii | the present year; this year | 本年
pwnpaang | a person of the same family name related or not; one's own profession; specialty | 本房; 本家; 最專門的工作
pwnpafn | our class | 本班
pwnpafng | fresh-water trout | 本; 櫻花鉤吻鮭
pwnphiøx | A cashier's check; promissory note | 本票
pwnphox | our shop | 本舖
pwnpo | headquarters; one's own department; head office | 本部
pwnpof | our shop | 本埔; 本埠
pwnsefnglaang | native of this province | 本省人
pwnseg | principal and interest | 本色; 本息
pwnserng | this province; our province | 本省
pwnserng-laang | this province people | 本省人
pwnsexng | inborn nature; true (original) character; inherent properties or qualities | 本性
pwnsi | originally | 本是
pwnsia | home chapter | 本社
pwnsioxng | real character; original nature; real picture of an event | 本相; 本性
pwnsu | abilities; skills; talent; ability | 本事
pwnsvex | one's own surname | 本姓
pwnsvix | one's last name | 本姓
pwnsyn | one's self; oneself | 本身
pwnte | native; local | 本地
pwntea | originally | 本來
pwntee | main subject; main issue; main question; major theme | 本題
pwnterng | ability; capacity; skill; talent | 本領; 本等; 能幹
pwntexhoax | go native | 本地化
pwntexlaang | native | 本地人
pwnthea | thing in itself; substance | 本體
pwnthea-lun | ontology | 本體論
pwntheflun | ontology | 本體論
pwnthofbi | local flavor | 本土味
pwnthofhoax | localization | 本土化
pwnthor gygieen | native language | 本土語言
pwnthor | native | 本土
pwntiaau | original dynasty | 本朝
pwntiaxm | home store | 本店
pwntngg sinhu | Parish priest; Local priest; pastor | 本堂神父
pwntngg zwpør | patron Saint of a parish (Catholic) | 本堂主保
pwntngg | one's own church; one's own parish church | 本堂
pwntoan | biography | 本傳; 傳記
pwntoe | local | 本地
pwntoea | initially | 本底
pwntofbie | the customary rice | 在來米; 本島米
pwntoo | this way | 本途
pwntor | this island | 本島
pwntorng | our party; this party | 本黨
pwntvaf | a rod for carrying things over a shoulder | 扁擔
pwntøe | local; native | 本地
pwntøea | originally | 本來; 本底
pwntøee | main topic | 本題
pwntør | main island | 本島
pwnviaa | headquarter | 本營
pwnzaxn | our shop | 本棧; 本店
pwnzek | native origin; one's original domicile; one's permanent home address | 本籍
pwnzhwn | our village | 本村
pwnzhør | a book on Chinese (herbal) medicine | 本草
pwnzngf | our village | 本庄
pwnzok | one's own clan | 本族
pwnzwn | deity; some people call him/herself as a great person as deity | 本尊
pwnzø | this seat- imply | 本座
py | small dried shrimp | 蝦米; 鵯; 埤; 塘; 碑
py'mng | ask with hand gestures | 比問; 以手勢發問
pybaghii | flatfish, flounder | 比目魚
pybok-hii | one species of halibut | 比目魚
pybuo | Chinese martial art competition; demonstrate fighting skills in a tournament; engage in a contest of physical prowess | 比武
pychiuo oexkhaf | gesticulate; use sign language | 比手畫腳
pychiuo | to signal with hands; gesture with the hands; indicate or point out with the finger; gesticulate | 比手; 做手勢
pychiwoexkhaf | expressed with hands and feet | 比手畫跤
pyciab | negotiate | 比接; 交涉
pyciaux | handle according to set case law; contrasting; according to; analogous | 比照
pyciøx | handle according to set case law | 比照
pyegniao | spoonbill; loving couple | 比翼鳥
pygan | the other shore; the other side; paradise | 彼岸
pygie | to compare to; o liken; to draw a parallel | 比擬
pygvor | you and me | 彼我
pyjiet | specific heat | 比熱
pyju korng | for instance; take an illustration; for example; figuratively speaking | 比喻說
pyju | a metaphor; a simile; an analogy; a figure of speech; comparison; example as; such as; like; for instance; metaphor; analogy; image; simile; comparison; allegory; for example | 比喻
pyjuu | for example; for instance; let us suppose; such as; like | 比如
pykaokib | comparative degree | 比較級
pykaopiør | comparative chart; table | 比較表
pykaux | compare; compared with; comparative; compare | 比較
pykex | compare prices; bids | 比價
pykhaf oexchiuo | gesticulate; use sign language | 比手畫腳
pykhaf taxngchiuo | move about one's arms and legs in a boisterous; troublesome manner | 動手動腳
pykhaoexchiuo | expressed with hands and feet | 比跤畫手
pykhie | compare to | 比起
pykhiunii | Buddhist nun, Bhiksuni | 比丘尼
pykhvoax | compare | 比看
pykiaxm | competing with sword | 比劍
pykuun | Chinese boxing bout | 比拳
pylaxnsor | refuge | 避難所
pyle | a ratio; ratio; parallel; proportion | 比例
pylexchiøq | scale (of a map; model) | 比例尺
pyli | separate; separation | 仳離
pylieen | neighboring | 比連; 此連; 比鄰
pyliin | neighboring | 比鄰
pylu | metaphore | 比喻
pylun korng | for instance; for example | 比如說
pylun | for example; comparison; suppose that... | 比論; 譬如; 比如
pylut | a ratio; a rate; proportion | 比率
pyluu | for example | 比如
pyluxnkorng | for example | 比論講
pyn cix jukuy | visitors came as if they were returning home ─ feel at home in a place | 賓至如歸
pyn | graceful; guest; The slope of land adjoining a body of water; especially adjoining a river; guest; visitor; submit; entertain; obey | 彬; 賓; 濱; 檳
pyn'afkud | a rib | 肋仔骨; 箅仔骨; 助骨
pyn'afmngg | sidedoor | 邊仔門
pyn'ar | screen made of thin; flat slips of bamboo; small hanging bamboo screen; a room divider made of bamboo screen | 屏仔; 箅仔; 竹簾
pyn'ar-kud | a rib | 肋仔骨
pynbeeng | to explain to a superior or elder; state clearly | 稟明
pynciafm | a brooch; a pin | 別針; 鉼針
pynhog | to make (a verbal or written) reply to a superior | 稟覆
pynhux | natural endowment; gift; be endowed by nature | 稟賦
pynkiuu | to petition; to present a petition | 稟求; 祈求; 請願
pynkvix | visit a superior officer on business | 稟見; 晉見
pynkøx | to report to one's superior; petition | 稟告
pynphongkiuu | pingpong | 乒乓球
pynpvy | temples or hair on the temples | 鬢邊
pynpøx | report to a superior | 稟報
pynsexng | natural disposition; natural temperament | 稟性
pynsvaf | cloth with needle and thread | 針衫
pynsvoax | needle and thread | 針線
pynthiab | official report to a superior | 稟報; 陳情書
pyntvaf | a rod for carrying things over a shoulder | 扁擔
pynzherng | apply for | 稟請; 請求
pyoeh | gesture | 比劃
pypan | handle according to set case law | 比辦; 比照辦理
pypheng | compare; liken; compare; liken | 比並; 比對; 比較; 相比
pypie | signaled with hands | 比比
pypo | on guard position before a fight | 比步; 擺出打拳姿勢
pysaix | competition; compete; competence; contest; game; match | 比賽
pysex | show a gesture | 比勢
pysii | at that time | 比時; 彼時; 那時
pysiuo | dagger, stiletto | 比首; 匕首
pysoaq | finish competition | 比煞
pysox | compare the scores | 比數
pysuviaa | compete | 比輸贏
pytang | specific gravity; specific gravity | 比重
pytiong | specific gravity, density | 比重
pytiong-kex | measuring rod for density | 比重計
pytiøh | compare to | 比著
pytngg-luxntea | criticize | 比長論短
pytuix | rival | 比對
pyviu | compare with protocol | 比樣
pyzhuo cy kafn | between this one and that one; between you and me; among them | 彼此之間
pyzhuo siong'aix | love one another; love each other | 彼此相愛
pyzhuo thuijiong | yielding to one another | 彼此推讓
pyzhuo | you and I; both parties; each other; mutual | 彼此
pyzhux | there, yonder | 比超; 彼處
pyzurn | aim, measure accurately | 比準; 對準
pyzøx | compare to | 比做
pø'ar | old lady | 婆仔
pøciar | appraiser | 褒者
pøciarng | to commend and award | 褒獎
pøciorng | award; accolade; praise and encourage (an inferior) | 褒獎
pøe | to carry on the back | 背; 倍; 焙; 負
pøe'of | flying bird | 飛烏; 花翅文鰩魚
pøea | to push away; ward off; driving away (dust; fly) | 拂; 掰; 擋開
pøea`køex | to push aside | 拂掉
pøeapiaq | to wallpaper | 褙壁; 貼壁紙
pøeazoar | to cover with paper | 褙紙
pøechvy | meteor | 流星; 飛星
pøeciao | birds of the air | 飛鳥
pøecvii | make restitution with money | 賠錢
pøecviu | fly upward | 飛上
pøecvix | flying arrow | 飛箭
pøee | make restitution; pay compensation; repay | 賠
pøee`jibkhix | got in with loss | 賠進去
pøef | to fly | 飛
pøef`khix | flew away | 飛去
pøefchiuo | to push aside someone's hand | 拂手
pøefkhuy | to push aside | 拂開; 推開
pøefpøea | driving away (fly, dust) | 拂拂; 掰掰
pøefpøea`leq | drive away (fly, dust) | 拂拂咧; 掰掰咧
pøefzhao | to push aside the grass | 扒草
pøefzhøe | to search | 扒找; 掰揣; 翻找
pøeh | pull out, unseethe (sward, knife) | 扒; 拔
pøeh'ee | eight number of (things) | 八個
pøeh'iaa | native Taiwanese god (The eighth father god) | 八爺
pøehbøea | eight number of (fish) | 八尾
pøehciaq | eight number of (animal) | 八隻
pøehgøeh | August | 八月
pøehhngf | cover eight sides (all over the place) | 八方
pøehhøex | eight years old | 八歲
pøehia | flying ant; termite | 飛蟻
pøehii | flying fish | 飛魚
pøehji | the eight characters (of the horoscope of two persons considering marriage; for the year; month; day; and hour of the birth of each); eight zodiac character times used to determine one's fortune | 八字
pøehjixmia | eight words of a man's horoscope: year; month; day | 八字命
pøehjixthiab | document containing eight zodiac character times; often exchanged before marriage | 八字帖
pøehkag | eighty cents; an herb with eight petals | 八角
pøehkhof | eight dollars | 八元
pøehkor | eight threads entwined together | 八股
pøehliap | eight number of (circular objects) | 八粒
pøehpaq | eight hundred | 八百
pøehpo | eight steps patterns (in Chinese opera) | 八步; 搞小花樣
pøehsviaa | 80 percent, almost | 八成
pøehtex | eight pieces | 八塊
pøehzap | eighty | 八十
pøehzøeq | eight seasonal festivals | 八節
pøekhiim | birds | 飛禽
pøekhoarn | indemnity | 賠款
pøeleeng-zhaix | spinach | 菠苓菜; 菠薐菜; 波菜
pøelengzhaix | spinach | 菠苓菜
pøemia | pay compensation for accidental manslaughter with another life; compensate with your life | 賠命
pøepor | to recompense | 賠補
pøepør | make restitution | 賠補; 賠?; 賠償
pøeq | eight | 八
pøeq`gøeh | August | 八月
pøesioong | to pay back | 賠償
pøesioong-huix | compensation, indemnity | 賠償費
pøesiorng | indemnity | 賠償
pøesit | to support, to cultivate | 培育; 培植
pøesoad | flying snow | 飛雪
pøesoaf | dust | 飛砂
pøesy | flying spider | 飛絲; 飛著的蛛絲
pøethaang | flying insects | 飛蟲
pøex | treasure | 貝; 背
pøexau | behind | 背後
pøexbiu | offend against, apostatize | 背謬
pøexbong | beautify a grave (at [[Zhengbeeng]]); visit tomb | 培墓; 掃墓
pøexgek | rebel | 背逆; 悖逆
pøexgoan | break a vow | 背願; 背誓
pøexkerng | environment | 背景
pøexkog | back country | 背國
pøexleeng | retreat | 培靈
pøexleeng-hoe | revival meeting; retreat | 培靈會
pøexloo | oven for making tea leaves | 焙爐; 乾燥機; 焙茶之爐
pøexpøe`leq | toast in a pan | 賠賠咧; 焙焙咧
pøexsixn | break a promise | 背信
pøexsw | to promise in writing | 背書
pøextaf | to bake dry | 焙乾; 焙焦; 烘乾
pøextee | to make tea leaves | 焙茶
pøextoax | to wear | 背帶
pøextvax | bear a yoke, bear a burden | 背擔
pøextøf | wear a sword, gird on a sword, wearing sward | 背刀; 佩刀
pøexzaix | carry (a burden) on one's back | 背載; 背負
pøexzex | clean the tombs and make offering | 培祭; 掃墓
pøexzoa | reject one's oath, break a vow | 背誓
pøezhafn | participate in the Lord's Supper | 陪餐
pøezhuo | flying mouse | 飛鼠; 鼯鼠
pøezoaa | a skin disease; shingle | 飛蛇; 飛蛇(皮膚病)
pøezoe | beg one's pardon | 陪罪; 賠罪
pøezuun | airship | 飛船; 飛行船
pøf | praise too much; flatter; encourage with favorable; but sometimes unfounded; representations; to treat with flattery; to praise; to cite; to flatter | 褒
pøfafn kefngzhad | public security policemen | 保安警察
pøfafn | security; preserve peace and safety | 保安
pøfafn-jin'oaan | security personnel | 保安人員
pøfafn-kefngzhad | security police | 保安警察
pøfafn-liim | protection forest | 保安林
pøfafn-sietsy | security measure | 保安設施
pøfafn-tui | public security corps, public security policemen, security force | 保安隊
pøfafn-zhwhwn | Peace Preservation Measures | 保安處分
pøfah | jewel box | 寶盒
pøfankiofng | | 保安宮
pøfanliim | security forest; protected (national) forests | 保安林
pøfantui | public security corps; a unit of public security policemen | 保安隊
pøfap | jewel box | 寶盒
pøfaq | jewel box, jewel casket | 寶盒
pøfbea | valuable horse | 寶馬
pøfbek | valuable ink | 寶墨
pøfbit | to maintain secrecy; to keep something secret; to keep a secret; keep secret | 保密
pøfbuo | nanny | 褓母
pøfbut | precious things | 寶物
pøfbør | kindergarten teacher children's nurse; housekeeper; protector; nurse who looks after small children; a kindergarten teacher | 保姆; 褓姆
pøfchii kiexnkhofng | maintain good health | 保持健康
pøfchii kuxli | keep at a safe distance | 保持距離
pøfchii tiedsu | maintain order | 保持秩序
pøfchii | maintain; keep up; to preserve | 保持
pøfchikiok | maintain dept. | 保持局
pøfchvy | keep it fresh | 保鮮
pøfciexn | recommends; recommend (somebody for a job) and stand guarantee (cf.; thui-chian; ki-chian) | 保薦
pøfciofng | guarantee; security; to safeguard; protect; for the preservation of | 保障
pøfcioxng løkafng ee seng'oah | safeguard the livelihood of the workers | 保障勞工的生活
pøfcioxng | guarantee; security; to safeguard; protect; for the preservation of | 保障
pøfciøh | jewel; gem; precious stone; gem | 寶石
pøfciøqar | gemstone | 寶石仔
pøfciøqlaam | sapphire blue | 寶石藍
pøfcviax | police (in the old day); head of a neighborhood of families; precinct head | 保正; (現在的村里長)
pøfgek | precious jade | 寶玉
pøfgiah | insured amount; fill a position as a substitute, make up for loss of money or damage of goods | 保額
pøfgiok | precious jade | 寶玉
pøfhiafmhuix | premium on an insurance policy; insurance fees | 保險費
pøfhiafmjiin | underwriter; person covered by an insurance policy; policyholder | 保險人
pøfhiafmkvoae | bumper | 保險桿
pøfhiafmkym | insurance | 保險金
pøfhiafmsviw | a safety box; x; bank vault | 保險箱
pøfhiafmthøx | male contraceptive | 保險套
pøfhiafmtoax | safety belt | 保險帶
pøfhiafmtvoaf | insurance policy | 保險單
pøfhiarm kikafn | period of insurance | 保險期間
pøfhiarm kimgiah | sum for which the subject is insured; insured value | 保險金額
pøfhiarm kongsy | insurance company | 保險公司
pøfhiarm | insurance; insurance; insure; to guarantee; insure against risk; dangers | 保險
pøfhiarm-huix | insurance premium | 保險費
pøfhiarm-kym | insured amount | 保險金
pøfhiarm-sviw | safe, safety box | 保險箱
pøfhiarm-thøx | condom | 保險套
pøfhiarm-tvoaf | insurance policy | 保險單
pøfhiet | treasure hole | 寶穴
pøfho tixafn | preserve the peace | 保護治安
pøfho | to protect; defend; protection; to guard | 保護
pøfho-kex | bed cradle | 保護架
pøfho-kog | protectorate | 保護國
pøfhoxciar | guardian | 保護者
pøfhoxhoad | protection law | 保護法
pøfhoxhuix | protection fees | 保護費
pøfhoxjiin | guardian | 保護人
pøfhoxkhw | protection area | 保護區
pøfhoxkog | protectorate | 保護國
pøfhoxliim | forest preservation; conservation | 保護林
pøfhoxseg | protective coloration | 保護色
pøfhoxte | protectorate | 保護地
pøfhuix | insurance premium | 保費
pøfhø | precious title | 寶號
pøfiofngphirn | are products | 保養品
pøfiofngtviuu | maintenance yard | 保養場
pøfiog'vi | nursery; orphanage | 保育院; 育幼院
pøfioglui | conservation | 保育類
pøfiok | to protect; educate; raise (child); nourish and care for | 保育
pøfiorng | to protect; maintain; maintenance (of a car; ship); take care (of health) | 保養
pøfiu | to ask god for protection; protect; bless (usually used in prayers) | 保佑
pøfiuo | to ask god for protection | 保佑
pøfji | promissory note | 保字; 保證書
pøfjiin | stand security for, countersign, a guarantor | 保人
pøfjin | to pledge as a collateral; stand security; be responsible for a man | 保認; 擔保; 保證
pøfjixnlaang | guarantor | 保證人
pøfkaix | complement | 補界
pøfkaq | a sub-division of a city or town; it usually consists of ten households | 保甲
pøfkar | compensatory leave | 補假
pøfkaxm | valuable reference | 寶鑑
pøfkef | person who serves as a reference (for a loan; background check; etc.) | 保家; 保證人
pøfkexng | unit of public security policeman | 保警
pøfkhix | precious vessel | 寶器
pøfkhox | vault (for storing valuables); treasury | 寶庫
pøfkiaxm | precious sword; magic sword | 寶劍
pøfkied | to serve as a reference (for background check) | 保結; 保證身世
pøfkien | health protection; health care; health plan; to take care of one's health | 保健
pøfkietzng | a document that serves as a reference (for background check) | 保結狀
pøfkiexnseg | infirmary | 保健室
pøfkiexnzof | health group | 保健組
pøfkiux | save from danger | 補救; 保救
pøfkoafnhuix | storage fee | 保管費
pøfkoafnjiin | custodian | 保管人
pøfkoafnliau | storage fee | 保管費
pøfkoarn | have in custody; manage property; take care of; have a thing in one's charge; safekeeping | 保管
pøfkog | protect country | 保國
pøfkox | guarantee delivery in good shape within time limit | 保固
pøfkuix | precious; valuable; valuable; precious | 寶貴
pøfkuo | kep forever | 保久; 保舉
pøfkviax | treasure mirror | 寶鏡
pøfkvoaf | keeper of a gambling house | 補官; 睹場老闆
pøfleeng kiutviuu | bowling alley | 保齡球場
pøfleeng | bowling | 保齡
pøfleeng-kiutviuu | bowling alley | 保齡球場
pøflengkiuu | bowling ball; bowling | 保齡球
pøflexlioong | styrofoam | 保麗龍
pøflinkiuu | bowling ball | 保齡球
pøfliongkiok | protecting people bureau | 保良局
pøfliuløqlaai | save it; keep it | 保留落來
pøfliute | land reserved for a certain purpose; territory set apart for a certain class of people | 保留地
pøfliuu ee zoe | reserved sin (Catholic) | 保留的罪
pøfliuu | defer; preserving; retain; reservation; preserve; retain (officials); to reserve (a decision) | 保留
pøfloarn | keep warm | 保遠; 保暖
pøfluie | earthwork for defense; fortress | 堡壘
pøfluii | fortress | 堡壘
pøfmia | save life | 保命
pøfmih | precious, valuable thing | 寶物
pøfnaseg | royal blue | 寶藍色
pøfniar | set as guarantor; guarantee; stand security for | 保證; 保領; 擔保
pøfoe | guard; protect; protect; to guard | 保衛
pøfoe-kwn | military guard (squad) | 保衛軍; 警衛
pøfpix | protection by God; protect; to help (used in the sense of guard against); defend | 保庇; 庇佑; 保佑
pøfpiøf | bodyguard; armed escort (for passengers; cargo; bank messenger); act as a bodyguard | 保鏢; 保鑣
pøfpoea'afkao | baby dog | 寶貝仔狗
pøfpoea'ar | baby | 寶貝仔
pøfpoeaafkviar | baby | 寶貝仔囝
pøfpoex | precious; valuable; treasure; precious things; treasures; cherished object; darling | 寶貝
pøfsaxng | send a student (or a group of students) to school or college without entrance examination; usually in view of their high scholastic qualifications | 保送
pøfseg | bail; release on bail; get a man out on bail | 保釋
pøfsekjiin | one who is out on bail | 保釋人
pøfsengtaixtex | a respectful Dr. who became a god | 保生大帝
pøfsinhuu | charm; talisman for protection; charm for self-protection | 保身符; 護身符
pøfsiuo kaoiuo | catechumen (Catholic) | 保守教友
pøfsiuo | conserve; maintain; preserve; conservative; maintain; keep watch over | 保守
pøfsiuo-phaix | conservative party | 保守派
pøfsiuo-zwgi | conservatism | 保守主義
pøfsiwphaix | conservative party | 保守派
pøfsiwsor | catechumenate (Catholic) | 保守所
pøfsiwtorng | Conservative Party | 保守黨
pøfsiøq | cherish; love; take care of; love and cherish (a treasure); take great care of | 保惜; 寶惜; 愛惜
pøfsvoaf | treasure mountain, Golconda', source of great wealth | 寶山
pøfsyn | take care of oneself; save one's own skin; self-defense; protect oneself | 保身
pøftafn | precious pill | 寶丹
pøftao | treasure place | 寶斗
pøfte | treasure land | 寶地
pøfthaq | precious shrine; pagoda | 寶塔
pøftiern | precious book; valuable book | 寶典
pøftiong sinthea | take care of the health | 保重身體
pøftiong | take care of oneself; take good care of | 保重
pøftit | to preserve the value | 保值
pøftor | treasure island - Taiwan | 寶島
pøftvoaf | formal note; document of guaranty | 保單
pøftøf | precious knife; treasured sword; magic sword | 寶刀
pøftøf-hii | long-tailed anchovy, wolf herring, silver-bar fish | 寶刀魚
pøftør | treasure island | 寶島
pøfui | imperial throne, royal throne | 寶位
pøfuixtui | guard | 保衛隊
pøfunkoaxn | thermal bottle; thermos flask | 保溫罐
pøfunpaan | vacuum thermos bottle; jug | 保溫瓶
pøfunpoef | thermos cup | 保溫杯
pøfunsviw | incubator | 保溫箱
pøfviuo | look after, care for, maintain | 保養
pøfwn | keep warm | 保溫
pøfwn-koaxn | thermos bottle | 保溫罐; 熱水瓶
pøfzerngjiin | guarantor; surety; voucher | 保證人
pøfzerngkym | security deposit; money paid as guarantee or bail | 保證金
pøfzerngliin | guarantor | 保證人
pøfzerngsw | deed of security; letter of guaranty | 保證書
pøfzexng | certify; guarantee; give a security; certification; ; guaranty; security; assurance; to guarantee; assure; to warrant; ensure | 保證
pøfzexng-jiin | bondsman, guarantor | 保證人
pøfzexng-kym | bond, deposit, security money | 保證金
pøfzng | document for certification | 保狀
pøfzo | make up a deficiency, subsidize | 補助
pøfzoaan lefngthor | preserve territorial integrity | 保全領土
pøfzoaan | protect to make whole; assure the safety of; protect or guard; keep intact; preserve intact | 保全
pøfzong | treasure | 寶藏
pøfzoong | keep safely; protect; storehouse; treasury; treasure house; collection of treasures | 寶藏; 保藏
pøfzoxngsi | treasure temple | 寶藏寺
pøfzunciar | keeper | 保存者
pøfzuun sveamia | preserve one's life | 保存生命
pøfzuun | keep; conservation; conserve; maintain; preserve; store; maintain; safeguard; safekeeping | 保存
pøfzw | precious pearl; pearl; precious beads | 寶珠
pøfzø | imperial throne; royal throne; throne | 寶座
pøh | thin; foil; gilt; curtain; frame for raising silkworms | 薄; 箔
pøh-lielix | very thin | 極薄的
pøh-sisy | very thin (like a thread) | 薄絲絲
pøhbin | surface | 卜面
pøhhvoa | revetment | 駁岸
pøhhvoaxgoa | outside revetment | 駁岸外
pøhhvoaxkhaf | revetment | 駁岸跤
pøhhvoaxlai | inside revetment | 駁岸內
pøhhvoaxpvy | revetment | 駁岸邊
pøhhvoaxterng | revetment | 駁岸頂
pøhkhaxm | refute | 駁崁
pøhkhvoarbai | take a chance; have a try at; risk it; chance it | 試試看; 碰碰運氣
pøhtvia | maybe | 或許
pøhzhuix | (n) altercation; spat; wrangle; bicker; squabble; quarrel; to argue; to debate; to contend; argument; contention; controversy; debate | 駁嘴
pøhøo | mint | 薄荷
pøioong | praising | 褒揚
pøkoaf | serenade | 唱情歌
pøle'aw | glass cup | 玻璃甌
pølee kan'ar | glass bottle | 玻璃矸仔
pølee | glass | 玻璃
pøleiuo'ar | tiny pieces glass | 玻璃幼仔
pølekafn | glass bottle | 玻璃瓶
pølekhix | glassware | 玻璃器; 玻璃器皿
pølekoaxn | glass tubing | 玻璃管
pølekviax | mirror | 玻璃鏡
pølepaan | glass bottle | 玻璃瓶
pølephoex | glass crumbs | 玻璃杮
pølephviear | glass pieces | 玻璃片仔
pølephvix | glass panel | 玻璃片
pølepoear | glass cup | 玻璃杯仔
pølepoef | glass; tumbler | 玻璃杯
pølethafng | glass window | 玻璃窗
pøletuu | glass cabinet; show case | 玻璃櫥
pølezhaix | cabbage | 玻璃菜; 高麗菜
pølezoar | cellophane | 玻璃紙
pølezw | glass beads | 玻璃珠; 玻璃球
pøløbit | pineapple | 婆羅蜜
pøløbuun-kaux | Brahmanism | 婆羅門教
pøløchiu | pineapple tree | 婆羅樹
pøløsøf | to commend and to appease | 褒囉唆; 褒獎安撫
pøo | old woman | 婆
pøor'pøqpøh | very thin | 薄薄薄
pøpiern | bouquets and brickbats | 褒貶
pøpvy | skinned; very sensitive to pain; crying readily when scolded | 薄皮; 嬌嫩
pøq | make a venture; take chance; to risk | 卜; 冒
pøqbixnphoee | thin skin | 薄面皮
pøqciuo | light wine; light wine; insipid wine; diluted wine (polite expression used by the host) | 薄酒
pøqhog | not very lucky; evil fate; unlucky | 薄福
pøqhwn | thin smoke | 薄煙
pøqhøiuu | mint oil; peppermint oil | 薄荷油
pøqhøo | mint; peppermint | 薄荷
pøqjiok | weak; fragile | 薄弱
pøqlea | cheap gift; shabby presents; a meager present; my humble gift (a polite usage) | 薄禮
pøqli tøsiaw | small profits and quick returns (S P Q R); quick turnover | 薄利多銷
pøqli | a narrow margin of profit; small profits; little advantage | 薄利
pøqlisy | very thin; thin; light; slight | 薄如絲; 薄薄的
pøqlo | expose; detect; bring to light; bring out | 暴露
pøqmoh | thin membrane | 薄膜
pøqpafn'ar | thin wood panel | 薄板仔
pøqpafng | thin planks; lath | 薄板
pøqpang'ar | thin planks; lath | 薄板仔
pøqparn | thin wood; skeleton | 薄板; 很瘦
pøqphoear | thin skin | 薄皮仔
pøqphoee | thin layer | 薄皮
pøqphøe | thin blanket | 薄被
pøqphøee | thin skin | 薄皮
pøqpiaq | thin wall | 薄壁
pøqpviafkauq | thin wrap | 薄餅捲
pøqpviar | thin wrap | 薄餅
pøqpøh | thin | 薄薄
pøqpøqar | thin | 薄薄仔
pøqtee | light tea | 薄茶
pøqzhuix | bland | 薄嘴; 味道無夠
pøqzoar | thin paper; fine; very thin paper; tissue paper | 薄紙
pør | preserve; fortress; treasure; treasure; coin; jewel; gem; precious; valuable; honorable; respectable | 保; 堡; 寶
pør`zhutlaai | bail out (of custody) | 保出來
pørar | messenger | 報子; 傳令使
pøraxn | give information about a case to police office; report a case (theft; missing person; murder) to the police | 報案
pørbea | an informer | 報馬
pørbeeng | to report; state clearly to a higher authority | 報明
pørbefar | an informer; scout; spy; detective | 報馬仔; 探子; 打小報告
pørbøea | an informer | 報馬
pørciet | to report a victory; to announce a success | 報捷
pørciofng | newspaper | 報章
pørciuo | a banquet to announce the new birth | 報酒; 報產喜酒
pørernglaq | retribution | 報應啦
pørexng | retribution; payment; rebound; reckoning; wage; retribution (especially in the Buddhist concept that one inevitably reaps what he sows); reward or punish; to recompense justly | 報應
pørgee | the cry of insects or birds in cluster | 播牙; 成群而鳴; (蚊子)[*]
pørgiap | newspaper business | 布業; 報業
pørhiao | to announce the arrival of dawn | 報曉
pørhie | announce good news | 報業; 報喜
pørhoeatvoaf | application to pass goods through the customs | 報貨單
pørhok | take revenge | 復仇; 報復
pørhoxkhao | census report | 報戶口
pørhoxng | play; broadcast | 播放
pørhuix | newspaper subscription bill | 報費
pørhysu | announce good news; announce good news (such as births; marriages) | 報喜事
pørioong | declare, proclaim, spread abroad | 播揚; 宣揚
pørkaix | press circle; journalist circle | 報界; 新聞界
pørkerng | report to the police; sound; raise; beat an alarm | 報警
pørkex | quotation | 報價
pørkexng | report to the police; sound; raise; beat an alarm | 報警
pørkhafn | newspaper and magazine | 報刊
pørkhix | wrinkled | 襞去
pørkhør | participate in a entrance examination; enter one's name in an examination | 報考
pørkib | to report the urgency of | 報急
pørkoafn | to apply to the customs; declare at the customs | 報關
pørkoafn-haang | customs service department; customs broker | 報關行
pørkoafn-tvoaf | customs declaration | 報關單
pørkoanhaang | customs service department; customs broker | 報關行
pørkoantvoaf | bill of entry | 報關單
pørkoarn | newspaper office | 報館
pørkoex | reported | 報過
pørkog | serve one's country; devote oneself to the national cause | 報國
pørkuo | recommend for employment | 保舉; 推薦就業
pørkvoathviaf | newsroom | 報官廳
pørkvy | retribution | 報更
pørkørpafng | bulletin board | 佈告欄
pørkørsw | written report | 報告書
pørkøx | report; make an announcement; report; information; memoir; to report; to inform | 報告
pørkøx-sw | written report | 報告書
pørkøx`aq | reported | 報告矣
pørlo | report the way | 報路
pørloxlaq | report the way | 報路啦
pørmiaa | enroll; report for duty; register; enlist; enter one's name (in an examination; competition) | 報名
pørmiaa-zhux | registration office | 報名處
pørniawchyafoafn | revenged | 報鳥鼠仔冤
pørniawzhwafoafn | revenged | 報鳥鼠仔冤
pøroafn | to seek or take vengeance for injuries or wrongs; take vengeance for a murder or great injury; retaliate | 報冤
pøroaxn | to complain; requite an injury | 報怨
pørpaang | report | 報房
pørpeh | the announcement of death | 報白; 死亡通知
pørpeng'afn | report safety | 報平安
pørphexng | to announce the acceptance of a position | 報聘
pørpiør | report | 報表
pørsarngtiøh | broadcast | 播送著
pørsex | file return | 報稅
pørsia | a newspaper office | 報社
pørsiaux | to record the accounts and transactions of a business; present a bill of expenses (to the employer or the accountant) | 報數
pørsiaw | gone; out of order; out of service; send in accounts; something is spoiled or broken (slang); to report to one's superior on a useless article to be removed from the inventory | 報銷
pørsid | register loss | 報失
pørsie | announce a death | 報喪
pørsiuu soat'hin | wipe out a grievance | 報仇雪恨
pørsiuu | avenge a grievance; take revenge | 報仇; 報酬; 酬報
pørsixn | give news; give information | 報信
pørsoex | declare goods (at customs); report tax returns | 報稅
pørsofng | bereavement notice; announce a death | 報喪
pørsoxng | bereavement notice | 報喪
pørsviuo | to give a reward to or for; reward | 報賞
pørsøeq | telegraph | 通知; 報說
pørsøex | to file a report on one's liable taxation | 報稅; 報歲
pørtab | reward; give a return for; repay another's kindness; to recompense | 報答
pørteg | repay another's kindness; show gratitude | 報德
pørthaau | low pressure | 播頭; 低氣壓
pørthauhofng | the blast of wind precedes a typhoon | 播頭風; 颱風前奏風
pørthoaan | proclaim | 報傳; 宣布; 報導
pørtvoaf | an entry; an application to pass goods through the customs | 報單
pørty | inform | 報知
pørtø | to report (news); to cover | 報導
pørtøx | enroll; register; report one's arrival | 報到
pørwn | to pay a debt of gratitude; to repay another's kindness | 報恩
pørzay | to inform | 報知
pørzhud | broadcast | 播出
pørzhunlaan | primrose | 報春蘭
pørzoafsiang | in the newspaper | 報紙上
pørzoafsiong | in the newspaper | 報紙上
pørzoar | newspaper; newsprint; newsprint | 報紙
pøsiorng | reward (for a praiseworthy act); to reward; to give as a mark of favor | 褒賞
pøsviuo | reward (for a praiseworthy act); to reward; to give as a mark of favor | 褒賞
pøsym | patience | 婆心
pøsøf | to flatter; flatter; cajole as obsequious man | 奉承; 褒嗦; 諂媚; 褒獎善誘
pøx kaym | carol; caroling; caroling; report good news | 報佳音
pøx laang zay | inform a man | 告人知
pøx niawchyafoafn | take a petty vengeance on another | 報小仇
pøx oansiuu | take revenge; avenge (a grievance) | 報冤仇
pøx zhanle'afoafn | seize opportunity to retaliation; revenge on account of a grudge | 乘機報小恨
pøx | sow; scatter; disperse; to spread; propagate; publish; make known; remove; cast aside | 播; 報
pøx-ka'ym | sing carols in Christmas evening | 報佳音
pøx-oansiuu | take revenge, take vengeance | 報冤仇; 報冤讎
pøxbiin | mobs; mobsters | 暴民
pøxcirn-thienbut | wasted, spoil merchandise | 暴賑天物
pøxgek | cruel; tyrannical | 暴虐
pøxgieen | abusive or violent language | 暴言; 狂言
pøxgiok | brutal; cruel; tyrannical | 暴虐
pøxheeng | act of violence; an outrage; an assault; violent conduct; savage act; atrocities | 暴行
pøxhoad | violent eruption; sudden flare up; become rich; attain high position all of a sudden | 暴發; 爆發
pøxhoat'ho | an upstart; the new-rich | 暴發戶
pøxhofng | fierce wind; tempest | 暴風
pøxhofng-poarnkexng | radius of a typhoon; hurricane | 暴風半徑
pøxhong'uo | a rainstorm; a tempest | 暴風雨
pøxhux | sudden wealth; rise in power | 暴富
pøxirm | excessive drinking; intemperance; drink too much | 暴飲
pøxjiok | insult | 暴辱; 羞辱
pøxkijieen | suddenly; abruptly | 暴其然; 突然
pøxkwn | tyrant; despot | 暴君
pøxlek | violence; brute force; naked force | 暴力
pøxlek-hoaxnzoe | violent crime | 暴力犯罪
pøxlek-uxntong | violent movement | 暴力運動
pøxli | profiteering; undue profits | 暴利
pøxlioong | tyrannosaurus | 霸龍; 暴龍
pøxlo | expose; disclose; bring a matter to light; debunk | 暴露; 暴怒
pøxloan | a riot; a rebellion; a revolt | 暴亂
pøxlok | to drop suddenly | 暴落
pøxluii | thunder storm | 暴雷
pøxno | rage; violent anger; furious | 暴怒
pøxog | cruel and evil | 暴惡
pøxpek | to insult; to humiliate | 侮辱
pøxpiin | suddenly; abruptly | 步頻; 突然; 暴憑; 初次相見
pøxpvi | sudden attack of a serious illness, sudden illness | 暴病
pøxsexng | violent temper; hot temper | 暴性
pøxsie | to meet sudden death | 暴死
pøxsøx | irritable, irascible | 暴躁
pøxthiaux-juluii | stamp with fury; rampage; frenzy | 暴跳如雷
pøxthiern | to misuse things | 暴殄
pøxtioxng | to rise sharply and quickly | 暴殄; 暴漲
pøxtong | insurgent; riot; outbreak; sedition | 暴動
pøxtoo | mob; mobster; rioter; gangster | 暴徒
pøxuo | downpour, heavy rain | 暴雨
pøxzexng | oppressive rule; tyranny of the government | 暴政
pøxzud | a sudden (or a violent) death | 暴卒
pøzng | a certificate of merit; a certificate of award | 褒狀; 獎狀
sae armpo | injure a man through secret plots (archaic) | 使詭計
saephao | run a race; foot racing | 賽跑
safm put'heng | three greatest misfortunes in youth to lose one's father; in middle age to lose one's wife; in old age to have no son | 三無幸; 少年喪父; 中年喪妻; 晚年無子
safn'giap | industry, property, estate | 產業
safnbut pøfhiarm kongsy | property insurance company | 產物保險公司
safngiap kekbeng | Industrial Revolution | 產業革命
safngiap zerngzheg | industrial policy (archaic) | 產業政策
safngiap | estate; property; industry; industry; property; estate | 產業
safnpaang | lying-in room; maternity room; delivery room | 產房
safnphirn | products; manufactures | 產品
safnphyphie | skinny | 瘦疕疕
safnpipaf | skinny | 瘦卑巴
safnpøo | midwife | 產婆; 接生婆
safnsiaupafn | production and sales team | 產銷班
sag`jip | push in | 推入
sai'afphvi | short; flat nose; pug nose | 獅子鼻
saikong'afsixnpoef | bodies who drink together all the time | 司公仔象桮
saikong'afsviuxpoef | bodies who drink together all the time | 司公仔象桮
saipag | northwest; north-west | 西北
saipag-ho | afternoon shower | 西北雨; 午後陣雨
saipak'ho | heavy shower; sudden rain shower | 西北雨; 陣雨
saipak'hofng | northwestern wind | 西北風
saipakpeeng | northwestern side | 西北爿
saipakphaix | northwestern group | 西北派
saipakpo | northwestern | 西北部
saipe | teacher's father | 師爸
saipeeng | west-side; west (Lit. west side) | 西旁; 西爿; 西邊; 西方
saipengbin | west side | 西爿面
saipenghvoa | west coast | 西爿岸
saipeq | teacher's uncle | 師伯
saipvoarkiuu | western hemisphere | 西半球
saipør | western treasure | 西寶
salongpasuq | Sharon Bass | 沙龍巴斯
sam'afpafng | cedar panel | 杉仔枋
samciafm-paxn | tricuspid valve | 三尖瓣; 三尖?
samhunliogpheg | souls | 三魂六魄
samhuun chitpheg | three spirits and seven animal souls which a human possesses | 三魂七魄
samkiapparn | plywood | 三夾板; 三夾板,合板
samkoaan hunlip | separation of the legislative; executive and judicial functions of a government | 三權分立
samkux putli pwnhaang | talk shop frequently when conversing with people outside the talker's own profession; talking about one's own trade | 三句無離本行
sampad | ridiculous (woman); silly; impudent and talkative (woman); dumb broad | 三八; 十三點
sampafn'ar | sampan | 舢舨仔
samparn | sampan; junk; barge | 舢板
sampat'oe | nonsese talk | 三八話
sampatcied | women's Day; March the 8th | 三八節; 婦女節
sampatkhuix | nonsense | 三八氣
sampoekef | popular chicken dish in Taiwan | 三杯雞
sampud | three No's | 三無
sampud-goxsii | once in a while | 三無五時
samputgoxsi'ar | once in a while | 三無五時仔
samputgoxsii | once in a long while; at long intervals; occasionally; every little once in a while | 三無五時
samputkoarn | referring to a lazy man who does not look after his own and his family's clothing; food and housing | 三無管; 三不管
samputpien | Some times a person is short of money. (Lit. Money has three inconvenient times, when you haven't received it yet, when you don't have any, and when you have spent it all.) | 金錢三不便, 手頭緊
samputterng | uneven | 三不等
samputty | know neither the beginning; the middle nor the end of a matter; complete ignorance (sometimes pretended) | 三無知; 三不知
sampøfhut | three perfect Buddha Shakyamuni; Amida Buddha; and Maitreya Buddha | 三寶佛
sampøftyn | three treasures | 三寶珍
sampør | the three jewels of Buddha | 三寶
sampør-tien | three treasures temple | 三寶殿
samsip jii lip | thirty years of age; when a man should stand on his own two feet | 三十而立
samthiøo-liogpix | resourceful person | 三頭六臂
sanpaw | mountain people | 山胞
sanphek'engtaai | | 山伯英台
sanphøf | mountain side; mountain slope; hillside; hillside | 山坡
sanzexparn | pilot version | 山寨版
saociwpvex | broom handle | 掃帚柄
saopefng | guard; sentinel; sentry | 哨兵
saophvae | be blasted by the wind, be broken by the wind | 掃壞; 吹毀
saopvii | swinger | 掃平
sap | suddenly | 霎
sap'ar | sediment; mean person; worthless fellow | 屑仔; 渣仔
sapbunhurn | soap powder | 肥皂粉
sapbunphoeh | soap bubbles | 雪文沫
sapbunphøf | soap bubbles | 雪文波
sapbuun | soap (from Portuguese: sabao) | 肥皂; 雪文
sapmuii | soap | 雪文
sapmuipheh | soap bubbles | 雪文沫
sapmuiphøf | soap bubbles | 雪文波
sapsab | drizzling (rain) | 屑屑; 霎霎; 細雨霏霏; 毛毛雨
sapsap'afho | drizzling rain | 屑屑仔雨; 毛毛雨
sapsap'ar | drizzle | 屑屑仔; 霎霎仔; 毛毛仔雨; 細雨霏霏
sarmpo | take a stroll; walk; promenade | 散步
sarn-pipaf | very lean (thin) | 瘦卑巴; 皮包骨
sarngjip | send in | 送入
sarngphøef | to carry letters | 送批; 送信
sarngpiedhoe | farewell party | 歡送會
sarngpiet | see a person off | 送別
sarngpiet-hoe | a farewell gathering | 送別會; 惜別會
sarngpng | bring meal for somebody | 送飯
sarnpaang | poor branch of a family | 窮房; 混的不好的一房
sarnpefng | paratroopers | 傘兵
sarnpengsvoax | open skirmish line (military) | 散兵線
sarnpo | take a stroll; walk; promenade | 散步
sarnpox iaugieen | spread evil rumors | 散佈謠言
sarnpox | scatter; dispersion; spread; spread; disseminate; to scatter | 散布; 散佈; 散播
sarnsarnpo | taking a stroll | 散散步
sat'id kerngpeg | kill one as a warning for a hundred | 殺一警百
satbuun-phøf | soap bubble | 肥皂波; 肥皂泡
satjiin putkiexn hied | able to kill without bloodshed (said of a devious act) | 殺人無見血
satphvi | nose stuffed up with a cold | 鼻塞; 塞鼻; 鼻阻塞
satpixn | fine-toothed comb | 撒鬢; 蝨篦; 細齒梳; 虱篦
saxng-chiuphøf | amorous glance | 送秋波
say zhuiephøea | slap one's cheeks | 賞嘴頰; 賞耳光
say-pvoarkiuu | Western Hemisphere | 西半球
sayauxphaux | take advantage of a man behind his back | 偷偷的; 背地裏的
sayhag'afpaang | shit hole room | 屎礐仔枋
saypef | shit rake | 屎桮
sayphaix | vent anger overbearingly | 撒嬌; 使性子
sayphiaq | show temper | 使癖; 使性子
saypoekhie | front teeth | 屎桮齒
saypøef | use bamboo leaf for toilet paper | 屎批; 小竹片用於擦屁股
se'afpox | gauze | 紗仔布; 紗布
se'iøh-paang | drugstore, pharmacy | 西藥房
seakaepoef | world cup | 世界杯
seakaix høpeeng | world peace | 世界和平
sealiap | little one | 細粒
seamoapox | fine linen | 細麻布
seapauek | cell fluid; cytoplasm | 細胞液
seapauhak | cytology | 細胞學
seapaw hunliet | cell division | 細胞分裂
seapaw zocid | cellular tissue | 細胞組織
seapaw | a cell | 細胞
seapeq | uncle | 世伯
seapheeng | world Review | 世評
seaphor | world spectrum | 世譜
seapiao | model | 世表
seapo | short step | 小步
seapoex | younger generation in a family or clan | 小輩
seapurn | small book | 小書本
seaputliofnglip | enemy; swear not to stand side by side with the enemy between heaven and earth | 誓不兩立
seasip | hereditary; heredity | 世襲
sef-pvoarkiuu | western hemisphere | 西半球
sefbixnphuun | washbasin | 洗臉盆; 臉盆
sefegphuun | bathtub | 洗澡盆; 浴盆
sefipo | laundry department | 洗衣部
sefnglip haghau | school chartered by the provincial government | 省立學校
sefnglip | provincial; established by the provincial government | 省立
sefngpurn tøli | making large profits with small capital | 省本多利
sefngpurn | save cost | 省本
sefngtofngpo | provincial headquarters of a political party | 省黨部
sefpaai | shuffle playing cards or mahjong pieces | 洗牌
sefsvapafng | washboard | 洗衣板
segpaix | worship at sunset | 熟拜; 夕陽禮拜
segphøee | cooked skin | 熟皮
segsip | familiar | 熟習
segsuxpafn | master class | 碩士班
sehchiwphang | too little to sastify | 楔手縫
sehjip | wedged | 楔入
sehphang | fill up a crevice (gap) | 塞縫
sehphvix | snowflakes | 雪片
seiøqpaang | western drug store | 西藥房
sek'hap sisex | adapted to present conditions | 適合時勢
sek'hap | to fit; to suit; suitable for | 適合
sekphirn | accessories | 飾品
sekphor | chromatography | 色譜
sekphøx | see through; be fully aware of | 識破
sekpid | color pencil; color pen | 色筆
sekpiet | be unwilling to part with | 惜別; 識別
sekpox | color cloth | 色布
sektvar pauthiefn | extremely daring in lewdness | 色膽包天
selampeeng | southwest side | 西南爿
selampo | southwest | 西南部
seng'oah pitsuphirn | necessaries of life | 生活必需品
senggiap | accomplishment | 成業
senghy jii jip | gain an advantage over somebody through his inattention; to catch someone napping | 乘虛而入
sengkaf libgiap | get married and start a business (said of a man reaching adulthood) | 成家立業
sengkhw bøo pvoarsiern | I have not a bit of a cash on me | 身上一毛錢也沒有。
sengkhw tngxpvoarsiern | I have not a bit of a cash on me | 身上一毛錢也沒有。
sengkhw-pvy | body side | 身軀邊
sengkii-pøx | weekly newspaper | 星期報; 週報
senglii-swpiet | separation in life and parting at death ─ the bitterest of sorrows to man | 生離死別
senglip taixhoe | inaugural meeting (of an organization) | 成立大會
senglip | establish; found; establish; found; come into existence (e.g.; an organization or society) | 成立
sengpai | success or failure | 成敗
sengpan | handle (a case); be responsible for (a task) | 承辦
sengpaw | undertake to do a job; undertake a construction job under contract | 承包
sengpaxnjiin | officials in charge of a specific task | 承辦人
sengpeeng | one's brief biographical sketch; in one's course of life | 生平
sengphirn | finished products | 成品
sengpurn koeakex | cost accounting | 成本會計
sengpurn | capitalized cost; wholesale price | 成本
sengsengput'seg | endless | 生生無息
sengsengputseg | endless | 生生無息
sengsit seapaw | generative cell | 生殖細胞
sengzekpiør | reported card | 成績表
sepeeng | west side | 西爿
sepo | west; westward | 西部
sepox | gauze; lint; bandage | 紗布
sepoxphvix | cowboy movie | 西部片
sepvoarkiuu | Western Hemisphere | 西半球
seq chiwphang | too little to satisfy | 楔手縫; 塞手縫
seqpvoaa | go round in the air | 踅盤
serng-tofngpo | Provincial Party Headquarters | 省黨部
serngpaai | religious medal; holy medal (Catholic) | 聖牌
serngpai bixteng | uncertain issue of the battle or game | 勝敗未定
serngpai pengkaf cy sioong | alternate victory and defeat is the common lot of soldiers; win one; lose one | 勝敗兵家之常
serngpai | victory and defeat; win or lose; succeed or fail | 勝敗
serngphiaq | disposition; temper | 癖性; 性癖; 脾氣
serngpiet | set apart as sacred; sanctify; sex; sex (male or female) | 性別; 聖別; 分別為聖
serngpoglek | sex violent | 性暴力
serngpve | venereal diseases | 性病
serngpvi | venereal diseases | 性病
serngpviar | communion bread | 聖餅
serngtaxn kharphvix | Christmas card | 聖誕卡片
serngte tiaupaix | pilgrimage to a holy land | 巡禮; (聖地朝拜)
seviuphor | western music | 西洋譜
sex juu phørteg | Lit. their strength is like splitting bamboo ─ to advance with irresistible force; to push onward with overwhelming momentum (said of a victorious army) | 勢如破竹
sex pud liofnglip | to vow to fight till oneself or the other party falls | 誓無兩立
sex pud uii jiin | swear to fight to finish | 誓無為人
sex sie putkhud | vow that one would rather die than yield | 誓死無屈
sexng piernthaix | sex perversion; sexual aberration | 性變態
sexngphvae | fortunately | 倖歹
sezngtvafpan | dressing up | 梳妝打扮
si juu putkiexn | look at but not pay attention to | 視如無見
si'afpox | silk cloth | 絲仔布
sia'phøf | slope | 斜坡
siaa pud sexng zexng | evil will not triumph over the virtuous | 邪無勝正
siab chiwphang | a few | 屧手縫
siab khyphang | little food only can stuff in chink between teeth | 塞牙縫; 比喻食物很少
siab zhuiekhyphang | lodge between the teeth | 塞牙縫; 比喻食物很少
siabkip | extend over; concern; deal with; refer to; touch on | 涉及
siablau piebit | leak a secret | 洩漏秘密
siafcincip | photo album | 寫真集
siafjip | wrote in | 寫入
siafmjip | flash in | 閃入
siafmphiaq | get out of the way when wanted; be on the run | 閃避; 藏匿
siafmpi | to dodge quickly; to duck; avoid; get out of the way | 閃避
siafmpixkiuu | dodge | 閃避球
siafmpvy | flash edge | 閃邊
siafphef | write a letter | 寫信
siafphoef | write letter | 寫批
siafphøef | write a letter | 寫信; 寫批
siafpurn | manuscript | 寫本
siag`phoax | dash to pieces, throw down and smash | 摔破
siahphøee | peel (vegetables) | 削皮
siahpid | sharpen a pencil | 削筆
siahpvii | pare until level or flat | 削平
siahpøh | thin | 削薄
siakphoax | dash to pieces (a dish); break something by dashing it on the ground | 摔破
siangjinpaang | twin bed room | 雙人房
sianglangpaai | two people brand | 雙人牌
siangpag | cloth of double standard width | 雙幅
siangpauthay | twins | 雙胞胎
siangpaw | twins | 雙胞
siangpeeng | both sides | 雙爿; 雙邊; 雙方; 雙旁
siangphaotaai | three castle | 雙砲台; ( 英國菸)
siangphvoa | companion | 雙伴
siangpiefn | bilateral | 雙邊
siangpoe | twofold; twice the amount or number | 雙倍
siangpvetaux | wrestle each other | 雙棚鬥
siangpvitaux | wrestle each other | 雙棚鬥
siangpvy hiabteng | bilateral agreement | 雙邊協定
siangpvy | both sides | 雙邊
siaolienpoex | young generation | 少年輩
siaopaang | cashier's office; treasurer | 賬房; 數房
siaopang | Little league baseball team for primary school students | 少棒
siaopaxngsaix | little league | 少棒賽
siaopaxngtui | little league baseball team | 少棒隊
siaopefng | sentinel | 哨兵
siaopho | account books; account books | 帳簿; 數簿; 賬簿
siap | drain; to vent; let out; leak out | 洩; 泄
siap'auxchiuo | bribe | 塞後手; 賄賂
siap'id | forty-one | 四十一
siap`zhutlaai | ooze or leak out in small quantities (through a crack) | 洩出來
siapbi | astringency | 澀味
siapgoa | drain out | 洩外
siaphiaq | lasciviousness, licentiousness | 斜僻; 邪癖
siapji | forty-two | 四十二
siapkhi | hard persimmon | 澀柿
siapkixkvoai | very astringent | 澀執拗
siaplaai | Formosan crabapple | 澀梨
siaplai | Formosan crabapple | 澀內; 海棠
siapphang | fill up a crack or gap | 塞縫; 填空
siapsiab | astringent taste | 澀澀
siapsiapsiab | very astringency | 澀澀澀
siapthiab | Put neatly and densely | 屧貼
siaptiap | closely; tightly; neatly tied or packed up; neatly arranged; so as to take up little room; containing much with little bulk | 精巧; 精緻
siarbixnphee | lost face | 卸面皮
siarbixnphoee | lost face | 卸面皮
siarm hoxphang | take advantage of a break in the rain | 趁雨隙; 趁雨停
siarpaang | dormitory | 舍房
siarpai | disgrace (one's family) | 丟敗; 玷辱
siau'iaxmphvix | anti-inflammation pills | 消炎片
siauhoax putlioong | indigestion; dyspepsia | 消化無良
siauhuiephirn | consumer goods; expendable materials | 消費品
siaulap | digest | 消納; 消化
siaumophirn | expendable goods | 消耗品
siauphii | nifty | 俏皮
siauphviaf | deformed in back or side | 挺無起腰
siauxkaephoef | recommendation letter | 紹介批
siawjii bapix | polio | 小兒麻痺
siawjip | makes money but very slow to spend it | 小入; 只收入無支出
siawkawpve | hydrophobia; rabies | 恐水症; 狂犬病
siawkawpvi | rabies; crazy dog disease | 痟狗病
siawphygiern | despicably mean and miserly in dealings; holding to the last farthing | 痟痂輾; 貪小便宜
siawphyiern | despicably mean and miserly in dealings; holding to the last farthing | 痟痂輾
siawphyliern | despicably mean and miserly in dealings; holding to the last farthing | 痟痂輾
siawpien | pass water; urination; urine | 小便
siawpve | psychiatric disease | 痟病
siawpvexvi | psychiatric hospital | 痟病院
siawpøo | crazy lady | 痟婆
siax ho padlaang | relieve oneself of responsibility; spread infectious diseases | 推給他人
siaxhoe hokli suxgiap | social welfare work | 社會福利事業
siaxhoe suxgiap | social work; social service; public welfare projects | 社會事業
siaxhoexparn | social edition | 社會版
siaxngpafn | same class | 同班
siaxngpe | same father | 同父
siaxngpoex | same generation | 同輩
siaxpaix | worship with appreciation | 謝拜
siaxpea | shoot at the target | 射把; 打靶
siaxpeng'afn | thanksgiving | 謝平安
siaxpiet | take leave | 謝別
sib'okput'siax | heinous; unforgivable | 十惡無赦
sib'okputsiax | heinous; unforgivable | 十惡無赦
sibkym putmui | pick up a piece of lost gold or money and return it to the owner | 拾金無昧
sibpat'ar | dice | 十八仔
sibpattauar | dice | 十八骰仔
sicip | poetry; collection of poems | 詩集
sicitpiør | written resignation | 辭職表; 辭職書
sid-pwnhun | fail in one's duty | 實本份; 不盡責
sidbut phiaupurn | botanical specimen; herbarium | 植物標本
sidbut phoeakib | food rationing | 食物配給
sidbut pvexlyhak | phytopathology | 植物病理學
sidbut seapaw | vegetable cells | 植物細胞
sidgiap thoanthea | business corporation | 實業團體
sidgiap | business; industry | 實業
sidgiap-kaix | business circle, business world, industrial circle, industrial world | 實業界
sidgiap-po | the Ministry of Industry | 實業部
sidhorng zoafnpox | on-the-spot broadcasting | 實況轉播
sidiok putcirn | poor appetite | 食慾無振
sidioxngphirn | food; foodstuffs; provisions; groceries | 食用品; 食品
sidphirn | foods; foodstuffs; edibles | 食物; 食品
sidphirn-tiaxm | food store, grocery store | 食品店
sidphor | recipe; cookbook; cook book; collection of recipes; diet formula | 食譜
sidphyngiap | food | 食品業
sidphynhaang | food line | 食品行
sidphynkaix | food industry | 食品界
sidphyntiaxm | grocery (store); food store | 食品店
sidphyntiern | food exhibition | 食品展
sidpor | food supplement | 食補
sidpøx | be reimbursed for what one spends | 實報
sidsip isefng | an intern | 實習醫生
sidsip | practice; practice what one has been taught (said of students or trainees shortly before or immediately after graduation) | 實習
sidsip-isefng | medical intern | 實習醫生
sie pud bengbok | be unwilling to die (because of some unfinished tasks; unfulfilled wishes; intensive grudge) | 死無瞑目
sie-kaq tngxpvoaree | all dead; none left alive | 死光了
siebixnpat'hofng | all sides; | 四面八方
siedphoad | quarrelsome | 吵架; 長舌的
sieliap | four pieces | 四粒
sienjip-zuo | preconception, prejudice | 先入厝; 先入主
sienpaang | monastic room | 禪房
sienpie | my deceased mother | 先妣
sienpoex | senior in age; standing or length of service | 前輩; 先輩
sienput | fairy buddha | 仙佛
sienpviarsiefn | fierce competition | 仙拚仙
sienzhao-pefng | ice with black jelly (Mesona procumbens); plant from which a cooling jelly is made | 仙草冰
siepafng | well proportioned (body) | 四邦; 四方; 勻稱
siepaq | four hundred | 四百
siepaq-khof | four-hundred dollars | 四百元
siepauthay | quadruplets | 四胞胎
siepeeng | 4 sides | 四爿
siephoarhii | horse mackerel | 四破魚
siephvie'ar | 4 pieces | 四片仔
siephviear | thin coffin | 四片仔
siepo habchviux | vocal quartet | 四部合唱
siepoe | quadruple | 四倍
siepviheeng | 4 sides | 四邊形
siepvy | all sides; on four sides; nearby; neighboring | 四邊; 附近
siepøe | quadruple | 四倍
siernzhuiephoea | slap face | 搧喙頰
siesiar goxjip | even odd numbers in arithmetic: if the decimal is less than 05; disregard it; if 05 or more; even off to the next integer | 四捨五入
sietlip | to establish; erect; establish (a school; society); to set up | 設立
sietpefng | post soldiers, post guards | 設兵; 駐兵
sietpi | equipment; equipment; arrangements; fixtures; accommodation; facilities; equip with; furnish with requisites | 設備
siexn zhuiephea | slap one's cheek | 打耳光
siezap siøfsii bengkiofng Serngthea | forty hours devotion (Catholic) | 四十小時明供聖體
sikanpiør | time table; schedule | 時間表
sikoef oar toaxpeeng | people like the larger half of a watermelon ─ favor the winning side; be on the stronger side | 趨炎附勢; 勢利眼
sikoephoee | watermelon rind | 西瓜皮
simkvoaf parngkhuy | keep one's mind at ease | 心情放鬆
simkvoaf phuphuu | unsettled and inattentive | 心猿意馬
simlaixpiaq | inner wall of the heart | 心內壁
simlie piernthaix | sexual deviate; sexual deviation; a pervert | 心理變態
simpaang | atrium; auricle; the atria of the heart; ventricles | 心房; 心室
simpag cy hoan | the threat from within (the organization; nation); the fifth column | 心腹之患
simpag ee laang | trusted person; very intimate friend; confidential adviser | 心腹之人
simpag ee peng'iuo | trustworthy friend | 心腹之朋友
simpag | loyal and trustworthy subordinate; a confidential; an intimate frient; a henchman; one's innermost secrets; a confidant; trusted subordinate | 心腹
simphog | heart-beat | 心博
simphok | heart-beat | 心噗; 心跳
simpii | heart and spleen | 心脾
simpoong | atrium; auricle | 心房
simpu | Daughter-in-law | 新婦; 媳婦
simpu'ar | adopted girl as a future daughter-in-law | 媳婦仔; 新婦仔; 童養媳
simpuaflee | depressed; withdrawn; remote; conduct of one with an inferiority complex | 媳婦仔螺; 孤伶; 羞澀; 愕呆狀
simpuar | little girl taken into the family in order to become daughter-in-law afterwards; sometimes a girl to be trained as a maid or for improper purposes | 新婦仔; 童養媳
simpve | heart disease; broken heart | 心病
simpvi | heat-sickness | 心病
simpvy | by one's side | 身邊
simzong bapix | heart failure | 心臟麻痺
simzong-pvi | heart disease, heart attack | 心臟病
simzoxngpve | heart disease (trouble) | 心臟病
simzoxngpvi | heart attack | 心臟病
sinbinpøx | new citizen newspaper | 新民報
sinbuun kofngpox | news broadcast | 新聞廣播
sincix putzhefng | unconscious; in a state of coma | 神志無清
singiap | open for business | 新業
sinhak phoksu | doctor of divinity (DD) | 神學博士
sinhefng suxgiap | Modern; current; or novel occupations arising from social and technological changes | 新興事業
sinkaf lanpør | live in great danger; no safety for oneself and dependents | 身家難保
sinkaf zhengpek | of respectable descent or parentage | 身家清白
sinkefng koanlengpve | neurosis | 神經官能病
sinkefng seapaw | nerve cells | 神經細胞
sinkengpvi | mental disease | 神經病
sinkex pahpoe | receive a tremendous boost in one's position or prestige | 身價百倍
sinkhofpvexthviax | pains | 辛苦病疼
sinkhofpvixthviax | pains | 辛苦病疼
sinkhupvi'ar | body side | 身軀邊仔
sinkhupvikoex | passing by | 身軀邊過
sinkhupvy | lizard | 身軀邊
sinku putciab | previous (harvest) used up before the new (crop) is in | 新舊無接; 青黃不接
sinniupaang | bride chamber | 新娘房
sinniupanglai | in the bridal room | 新娘房內
sinniuu-paang | bridal chamber | 新娘房; 新房
sinpakchi | New Taipei City | 新北市
sinpakchixtiorng | New Taiepe City Mayor | 新北市長
sinpaktaau | a town in northern Taipei | 新北投
sinpan | bid | 申辦
sinparn | new edition (of a book) | 新版; 鋅版; 新出版
sinpefng | divine troops; marvelous soldiers | 神兵; 新兵
sinphaq | newly forged metal object | 新打; 新造
sinphiefn | newly compiled; new version; newly organized | 新編
sinphirn | new products | 新品; 神品
sinphvix uxkøx | notice announcing films to be shown | 新片預告
sinpien | explain; defend; vindicate | 申辯
sinpiesinpix | mystery | 神祕神祕
sinpiexnsw | written vindication | 申辯書
sinpiin | poverty of spirit (Catholic) | 神貧
sinpix | mysterious; mystical | 神秘; 神祕
sinpok | servant of god | 新僕; 神僕
sinpu | newly married woman | 新婦
sinpu`laq | bride | 新婦啦
sinpuar | child bride | 新婦仔
sinput'iukie | involuntary | 身無由己
sinpuxafiøf | newly married woman | 新婦仔育
sinpvy | one's side; near to the side; beside one; one's side; one's immediate surroundings | 身邊
sinpøx hoxkhao | report one's address for the domiciliary register | 申報戶口
sinpøx | to report to a superior or to higher authorities | 申報
sinsinpiepix | mystery | 神神祕祕
sintaipex | NT | 新台幣
sintaiphiøx | NT | 新台票
sintix putzhefng | incapable of clear thinking; muddle headed | 神智無清
sinzuo-pai'ar | tablet | 神主牌仔
sinzwpaai | wooden tablet used as a symbol of the deceased | 神主牌
sinzwpai'ar | worship wooden person object | 神主牌仔
siofngphirn | prizes | 賞品; 獎品
siofngpngf | maple appreciation | 賞楓
siogcip | continuation; second part of a long movie; second volume (of a book) | 續集
sioggiap | redeem an inheritance | 贖業; 贖回家業
siogpharng | toast | 吐司; 白麵包; 源自日語しょくパン(shokupan); 日語漢字為「食パン」
siogphexng | continue to employ (teacher; professor; adviser); renew the contract with an employee | 續聘
siogphiefn | continuation | 續編
sioklip | come to attention; stand upright in respectful attention | 肅立
siokparn | pocket size edition (of a book) | 縮版
siokpharng | toast | 俗麭
siokpurn | pocket size edition (of a book) | 縮本
siong-pvoargøeh | first half of a month | 上半月
siong-pvoaria | before midnight | 上半夜
sionggiap ginhaang | commercial bank | 商業銀行
sionggiap haghau | commercial school | 商業學校
sionggiap tengkix | commercial registration | 商業登記
sionggiap zoankhøf haghau | junior college of commerce | 商業專科學校; 商專
sionggiap | commerce; profit-seeking business | 商業
sionggiap-khw | commercial district | 商業區
sionghofng paixsiok | ruin the morals of a place; act immorally; breach of morality | 傷風敗俗
sionghongpaixsiok | immoral | 傷風敗俗
siongkexng juu pyn | married couple respect each other as if the other were a guest | 相敬如賓
siongpefng | wounded soldiers | 傷兵
siongpeg | pine; fir; conifers | 松柏
siongphex | match | 相配
siongphiaw | brand; trademark; nameplate; logo; label; trademark | 商標
siongphirn tiefnlafmhoe | trade fair | 商品展覽會; 商展
siongphirn tinliedseg | showroom | 商品陳列室
siongphirn | commodity; goods; merchandise; ware; commodity; merchandise | 商品
siongphoex | to mate; pair off; match each other; compatible | 相配
siongphøex | match; well matched | 相配
siongpi-kwn | the standing army | 常備軍
siongpie | to compare | 相比
siongpiet | apart | 相別
siongpii | give one indigestion, disagreement with the stomach | 相脾; 傷胃
siongpixkwn | standing army | 常備軍
siongpixpefng | regulars | 常備兵
siongpof | commercial port | 商埔; 商埠
siongpurn | high cost; large expense; costing too much money | 傷本; 花費大
siongpve | Injury | 傷病
siongpy | sad, sadness | 傷悲
siongpøx | mutually recompense | 相報
siongsefng ee pinkux | pledge of Everlasting Life | 常生的憑據
siorngphang | aiming at the opening | 相縫
siorngpho | album | 相簿
siorngphvie'lai | in the photo | 相片內
siorngphvix | photograph; photo | 相片
sioxng-hoxphang | take advantage of a break in the rain | 趁雨隙
sioxngcip | last episode | 上集
sioxnghaxpafn | go on or come off duty respectively | 上下班
sioxngpafn sikafn | business (office) hours; on duty | 上班時間
sioxngpafn | go to the office; go on duty; check in | 上班
sioxngpanzok | office worker | 上班族
sioxngpefng | private first class | 上兵
sioxngphirn | goods of superior quality | 上品
sioxngphvix | photograph | 照片; 像片
sioxngpix | upper-arm | 上臂
sioxngpo | upper portion; first part; the first volume (of a two volume book) | 上部
sioxngpyn | guest of honor; distinguished guest; important guests | 上賓
sioxngtefngpefng | private first class; PFC | 上等兵
sip | ten; the tenth; complete; perfect | 十
sip`cide | to sip | 拭一下; 小飲一下
sipcirn | eczema; tette | 濕疹; 溼疹
siphiefn | psalm; psalter; psalm book; Book of Psalms (Protestant) | 詩篇
siphor | poetry | 詩譜
sipiet | adieu; adios; take leave of; bid farewell | 辭別
sipiøfkhag | watch case | 時錶殼
sipiør | watch (for telling time) | 時錶
sipiørar | watch (for telling time) | 時錶仔
sipkhix | moisture; humidity; humid air; dampness | 濕氣
sipkøo-sipkøo | careless; casual; negligent | 拭黏拭黏; 無關緊要的樣子
sipliamthoo | wet stick coating | 溼黏塗
sipox | cloth with silk and cotton yarns as warp and woof respectively | 絲布
sipsib | moist | 濕濕
sipsiern | moist eczema | 濕疹; 濕癬
sipsip'afkvoa | light sweat | 濕濕仔汗; 一點點汗
sipsip'ar-zuie | small quantity of water | 濕濕仔水; 一點點水
sipsipkiamkiaam | damp and salty | 溼溼鹹鹹
siptaam | moist, wet | 濕濕; 潮濕
sipte | wetlands | 溼地
sipthaux | wet right through | 濕透
sipto | humidity; moisture; degree of humidity | 濕度; 溼度
siptoe | wetlands | 溼地
siptoxpiør | hygrometer | 濕度表
siptøe | swampy land; damp place; marsh; swamp | 濕地
sipuii | apply fertilizer | 施肥
sipøx | Times | 時報
siqpurn | disinvestment; suffer in one's pocket; lose money doing business; enfeeble; deficit; general debility | 蝕本; 虧損; 損失
sirn'giorng-kørpek | confession of faith | 信仰告白
sirngiorng puttoong | disparity of cult | 信仰無同
sirngiorng-kørpek | confession of faith | 信仰告白
sirnput | rely on image, rely on Buddhism | 信佛
sisu phenglun | editorial commentary; news analysis | 時事評論
sit'huun logpheg | despondent; listless; dejection | 失魂落魄
sitgiap buxntøee | unemployment problem | 失業問題
sitgiap pøfhiarm | unemployment insurance | 失業保險
sitgiap tinthiab | unemployment allowance | 失業津貼
sitgiap | unemployed; out of work; lose one's job; jobless; unemployment | 失業
sitgiap-ciar | unemployed person | 失業者
sithea kayphøx | postmortem (examination) | 屍體解剖
sitpai | fail; failure; loss; unsuccessful; defeat | 失敗
sitpai-zwgixciar | defeatist | 失敗主義者
sitpaixciar | loser | 失敗者
sitpid | failed in writing | 失筆
sitpoee | Please excuse me for not being able to keep you company for the moment; excuse me (said on leaving company); pardon me (said on refusing to eat something offered) | 失陪
sitpurn | lost capital cost | 失本
siu liongsym ee zekpi | suffer remorse | 受良心的責備
siu pie Lamsafn | May your life be as lofty as the Southern Mountain Ranges. ─ a greeting for a person on his birthday | 壽比南山
siucip iuphiøx | collect stamps | 收集郵票; 集郵
siucip | to collect (materials for research); to gather; a collectioin; collect; garner; pack; collection; get together | 收集
siucipho | cash book | 收支簿
siucy pengheeng | accounts are balanced | 收支平衡
siugiap | study at school; pursue academic studies | 修業
siujip | income; receipt; revenue; earning; take in; income; earnings; revenue | 收入
siukiøo poflo | Lit. repair or build bridges and mend roads ─ works of merit | 修橋補路
siulap | accept (something); adopt | 收納
siulip | income | 收入
siuo khangpaang | widow remaining unmarried | 守空閨
siuo piebit | keep a secret | 守秘密
siuo pwnhun | attend to one's duty; keep one's place | 自份; 守本份
siuo tionglip | observe neutrality; keep away from disputes or conflicts | 守中立
siuopaang | young lady's chamber | 繡房
siuophuun | show basin | 秀盆
siuophøee | animal skin or hide; a fur | 獸皮
siuopor | patch with silk thread; darn | 繡補
siupefng | draw off the troops (for temporary truce) | 收兵
siuphiørkhao | ticket office; box office | 售票處; 售票口
siuphiøroaan | ticket collector | 收票員
siuphiørzhux | ticket office; box office | 售票處; 售票口
siuphiøx | to collect tickets ( from passengers at the end of a trip ); sell tickets | 售票; 收票
siuphoef | accept | 收批
siupor | patch; renewal; tinker; repair; to mend | 修補
siupvii | make (a road) level | 修平
siupvoaa | closing quotation (of a stock or commodity) for the day | 收盤
siupørky | telegraph receiving set | 收報機
siupøx | requite; to reward | 酬報
siusip henglie | make preparations for a trip; get the baggage ready | 收拾行李
siusip | trim; pack; settle with; clear away; gather up and put in order; to tidy; kill (a person) | 收拾
siuterngparn | revised edition | 修訂版
siuterngpurn | revised edition | 修訂本
siuxgiap | by profession | 受業
siuxlap | be accepted | 受納
siuxpafng | coffin | 壽枋
siuxparn | coffin | 壽板; 棺木
siuxphaix | be appointed, be despatched | 受派; 被派
siuxphaq | be beaten, be struck | 受打; 挨打
siuxphexng | accept a job offer | 受聘
siuxphiexn | be cheated or swindled; be fooled | 受騙
siuxphiøx | ticket counter | 售票
siuxpiern | be degraded, demoted | 受貶; 被貶
siuxsiuo-pongkoafn | look on without even lifting a finger (to help); to watch with folded arms | 袖手旁觀
siuxsiuxputchyn | Incomparable- mainly about male and female should not be alone | 授受無親
siuxtinpurn | poket edition | 袖珍本
siuxtongputkhie | cannot bear it; cannot accept it | 受當無起
siwkhao juu paan | Lit. keep the mouth closed like a bottle ─ refuse to talk | 守口如瓶
siwkhao juu piin | Lit. keep the mouth closed like a bottle ─ refuse to talk | 守口如瓶
siwkiu-phaix | conservative party | 守祈派; 守舊派
siwkuxphaix | conservative party | 守舊派
siwpefng | guards | 守兵
siwpi | defense; garrison; to defend; to guard; (in baseball) take the field | 守備
siwpixpefng | garrison; guards (archaic) | 守備兵
siwsek taixpiao | chief delegate | 首席代表
sixhoan piawiern | demonstration (of a skill) | 示範表演
sixlegpiør | sight testing chart; visual acuity chart | 視力表
sixnpoef | letter | 信批
siøciapkhaf | continuation; come one by one | 相接跤; 接踵
siøf-bahpaw | roast pork bun | 燒肉包
siøf-pangzo | help each other | 相幫助
siøf-parngphvoa | number of men uniting to help one another in turn; to help mutually | 相放伴; 輪流幫忙
siøfciaqpo | finger food area | 小食部
siøfjibapiezexng | polio | 小兒麻痺症
siøfjibapix | polio | 小兒麻痺
siøfjii bapix | polio; infantile paralysis | 小兒麻痺
siøfkhapøo | small feet old lady | 小跤婆
siøflibapix | polio | 小兒麻痺
siøfpafn | lowest of the three grades of kindergarten children | 小班
siøfpan'gii | small advantage | 小便宜
siøfpanzex | small class | 小班制
siøfparoong | little overlord; bully | 小霸王
siøfpaw | packet; pouch; parcel | 小包; 包裏
siøfpeeng | left side, less honorable side | 小平; 左邊
siøfpefng | little soldier, unimportant soldier | 小兵
siøfpeqthox | little rabbit | 小白兔
siøfpeqzhaix | cabbage | 小白菜
siøfphirn | an essay | 小品
siøfphiøx | little paper money | 小票
siøfphor | the lesser rites | 小拜拜
siøfpid | small amount of | 小筆
siøfpien | pass water; urination; urine | 小便
siøfpiet | part for a short while; brief separation | 小別
siøfpiexnkhix | urinal | 小便器; 尿壺
siøfpoaxn | a portion smaller than a half; the lesser part; the smaller part; little half | 小半
siøfpoex | members of the younger generation in a family or clan | 小輩
siøfposimkhw | | 小埔心區
siøfpoxhun | small part; small portion; the minority | 小部份
siøfpurn senglie | business with a small capital | 小本生意
siøfpurn tøli | small capital and great profits | 小本多利
siøfpurn | small capital | 小本
siøfpux | little wealthy | 小富
siøfpve | aliment | 小病
siøfpvi | an indisposition, slight illness | 小病
siøfpvoaa senglie | retail business | 小盤生意; 零售
siøfpvoax | minority | 小半
siøfpør | little treasure | 小寶
siøfseeng-pudkaux | Theravada Buddhism | 小乘佛教
siøhap | contribute jointly; bear the expenses mutually | 相合
siøhphee | taking good care for oneself | 惜皮
siøhphoee | taking good care for oneself | 惜皮
siøhphøee | be careful of one's skin; be afraid of beating; be afraid of getting sick | 惜皮; 怕打; 怕病
siøhpiet | be unwilling to part with | 惜別
siømexpurn | reserved for used in scolding | 相罵本
siøoafpng | rely on each other | 相倚傍
siøpaai | phase arrangement | 相排
siøpaan | vacuum flask | 燒瓶; 保溫瓶
siøpad | know eacher | 相捌
siøparngphvoa | take turn to help each other in farming | 相放伴
siøphahkear | street fighter | 相拍雞仔
siøphahkef | fighting cock | 相打雞
siøphahkoear | street fighter | 相拍雞仔
siøphahkoef | street fighter | 相拍雞
siøphahtien | short circuit | 相拍電
siøphaq | fight; fray; passage of arms | 打架; 相拍; 相打
siøphiexn | deceive | 相騙
siøphnghphngq | very hot | 燒嗙嗙
siøphoah | crossed or interlaced; e.g.; legs crossed; arms on each other's arms; arms over another's shoulders | 交纏
siøphoax | burned | 燒破
siøphoex | make a suitable pair; (things) fit well together; be betrothed; become man and wife | 相配
siøphud | cut off | 相砍
siøphuxn | scream at each other | 相噴
siøphvae | damage by fire | 燒壞
siøphvef | overreach or get the better of (in trade or in dividing money) | 相摒; 佔便宜
siøphvoa | two or more people doing something together | 相伴
siøpie | compare | 相比
siøpng | join together and assist each other | 相靠; 相托福
siøpoefhoe | mutually explain; clarify; expound; to clear away a misunderstanding; explanation; clarification; exposition; statement; interpretation of the constitution | 相拂會; 互相解釋誤會
siøpong | collide | 相撞; 相碰
siøpor | compliments | 相補
siøpviar | hot cake; type of baked cake; to bake cakes | 燒餅
siøpviax | contest; to compete; mutually lay the blame on one another | 相拚; 競爭; 互相歸罪於他人
siøpwn | divide among one another | 分施
siøpypheng | compare | 相比並
siøpøf | praise and award each other | 相褒
siøpøkoaf | compliment song | 相褒歌
siøpøx | word of mouth | 相報
siøq bixnphee | cherish one’s reputation | 惜面皮
siøq bixnphoee | be careful of one's reputation, be afraid of losing face | 惜面皮
siøq bixnphøee | be careful of one's reputation; be afraid of losing face | 顧面子
siøq pwnhun | attend to one's duty | 惜本份
siør-peng'iuo | little friends; children (a term expressing goodwill) | 小朋友
siør-piautøee | a subheading | 小標題
siør-poxhun | a small part | 小部分
siøsym bøo siqpurn | be careful; you can't be too careful | 小心無蝕本; 小心不吃虧
siøzuypaan | a thermos bottle | 燒水瓶; 熱水瓶
sngpaang | cold storage room | 冰房; 冷藏室
sngpefng | frost | 霜冰
sngphvi | sad | 酸鼻
sngpy | sad | 酸悲
sngrbøpvoaa | not worthy to make a deal | 算無盤
sngrphi | sneeze | 擤鼻
sngrpvoaa phvai toax kahciahphviaf | stingy; of calculating disposition | 算盤背在背上; 小氣
sngrpvoaa | abacus | 算盤
sngrpvoajie | abacus beads | 算盤只
soafncip | anthology | 選集
soafnpaxhoad | elect | 選拔法
soafnphaix | nominate or designate; appoint to a post | 選派
soafnphiøx | ballot | 選票
soafnpoadsaix | tryout (for athletes) | 選拔賽
soafnpoat | choose, select, pick out | 選拔
soafphof | resettlement shop | 徙鋪
soafpo | move steps | 徙步
soahiphoee | shark skin | 鯊魚皮
soahphaq | eloquent; fluent | 流打
soahøpvy | shahe side | 沙河邊
soaliap | sand grains | 沙粒
soanphvoax syheeng | sentence to death | 宣判死刑
soanphvoax | to sentence, to pass judgement, to render | 宣判
soanpox toglip | declaration of independence | 宣佈獨立
soanpox | announce; declare; blaze; proclaim; announce | 宣佈
soanpøx | proclaim, promulgate | 宣佈
soanthoaan-po | a publicity department | 宣傳部
soanthoanphirn | propaganda material; promotion material | 宣傳品
soapaw | sandbags | 沙包
soapee | sand rake | 沙耙
soaphof | sandy slope | 沙埔
soaphøf | sandy slope | 沙坡
soapof | sandy plain | 沙埔地
soapox | emery cloth | 紗布
soapvoaa | sandy area, sandy space | 沙盤
soarn'afpeh | garlic root and the white part of the stalk; cut down small | 蒜仔白
soarnpan | quarters of a head of garlic | 蒜瓣
soasoaf-sapsab | picayune; inconsequential; minute details | 零零碎碎; 囉囉嗦嗦
soasoasapsab | picayune, inconsequential, minute details | 零零碎碎, 囉囉嗦嗦
soatparsvoaf | a mountain in Sinteg | 雪霸山
soatpeh | snow white; snowy | 雪白
soatpek | snow white; snowy | 雪白
soaxnpid | pen | 鑽筆
socip | collect or gather; collection; collect (postage stamps); glean | 蒐集; 搜集; 收集
soeajip | revenue | 歲入
soeapaw | cell | 細胞
soeapo | details | 細部
soefpaai | shuffle | 洗牌
soefsvapafng | laundry room | 洗衫枋
soezngtvafpan | dressing up | 梳妝打扮
sof jii putlau | is loose but never misses ─ (justice) is slow but inexorable; The mills of the gods grind exceedingly slow but they grind exceedingly fine | 疏而無漏
sokchiuo pongkoafn | fold the arms and look on; stand by and observe | 束手旁觀
sokchiuo thaixpex | wait for one's death with hands tied ─ be a sitting duck | 束手待斃
sokkaphvix | plastic sheet | 塑膠片
sokkapox | plastic cloth | 塑膠布
sokpak | tie; bind up; bondage; bound; imprison; bind; to tie; to control; restraints; restrictions; bondage | 束縛; 束縳
sokpiefn | drawdown | 縮編
soksengpafn | training class for quick mastery of a subject; course; a crash course | 速成班
soktoxpiør | tachometer | 速度表
songpiahpiaq | rube; hick | 倯壁壁
sopo | to round up | 搜捕; 四捨五入
sopviar | type of crisp biscuit or shortcake | 酥餅
sorngphaxn | stupid fellow; an ass; bonehead | 傻瓜; 土驢
sorngphaxn`ee | dumbo | 宋盼的
sorngpiet | see (a person) off; give a send off | 送別
sorngpiet-hoe | farewell meeting | 送別會
sorpae | many times | 數次
sorpaq | hundreds | 數百
sorpoe | manifold; several times | 數倍
sorput'sekbin | never met | 素無識面
sorputcin | countless | 數無盡
sorputsekbin | never met | 素無識面
sorzap | tens | 數十
sox pud siongseg | have never met or seen before; total stranger | 素無相識
sozaphiøx | search warrant | 搜查票 (狀)
su ie paixlo | story is out | 事已敗露
su poaxn kofng poe | If your method is good you can do twice the work with half the effort | 事半功倍
su'iok phienzeeng | passion and concupiscence | 私慾偏情
sucip | books | 書集
sud auxphaux | act in an underhanded manner; act behind a man's back | 乘人無備; 暗中搶先
suhiongpve | homesickness; nostalgia | 思鄉病
suhoad hengzerngpo | the Ministry of Justice | 司法行政部
suhoad toglip | independence of the judiciary | 司法獨立
suhoaxnpo | Teacher Department | 師範部
suiaophirn | necessities; essentials | 需要品
suihofng sayphaang | sail with the wind ─ follow the line of least resistance | 隨風使帆
suikierngpiexn | adapt to changing circumstances | 隨機應變
suiky erngpiexn | adapt oneself quickly to changing circumstances | 隨機應變
suiliab'afsuiliap | one at a time | 隨粒仔隨粒
suiphviear | movie stars appear on stage in person at the premiere of a movi | 隨片仔
suiphvix tengtaai | movie stars appear on stage in person at the premiere of a movie | 隨片登台
suiphøf tiogliuu | follow the current ─ do as others; time-server; speak and behave as others do without views of his own; a yes-man | 隨波逐流
suipid | an essay, sketch | 隨筆
suipien ciah | eat anything at all ─ not choosy | 隨便吃
suipien korng | talk at random; extempore speech | 隨便說
suipien | casual; as you like; as you see fit; as you please; careless | 隨便
suisinpør | some article counted very precious and always carried with one; e.g.; some rare and valuable ornament; a charm; a keepsake | 隨身寶
suisintiap | flash drive | 隨身碟
suisuii-piexnpien | easy going; casual; sloppy; inattentive | 隨隨便便
suixbiin putciog | want of sleep; insufficient sleep | 睡眠無足
suixput'habgarn | sleep with eyes open | 睡無闔眼
sujibphirn | an importation; imported goods | 輸入品
sujiin khiegiap | private enterprises | 私人企業
sujiin piesw | personal secretary; private secretary | 私人秘書
sujip chiaukøex | excess importation | 輸入超過
sujip goaxzw | introduce foreign capital | 輸入外資
sujip soealut | import tariff | 輸入稅率
sujip zeahan | import restriction | 輸入限制
sujip | input; import; import | 輸入
sulexngpo | headquarters | 司令部
sulip haghau | Private School | 私立學校
sulip | private; established by a person; established by a private; private operated or established by private funds (usually said of schools; hospitals) | 私立
sun'afpoex | grandchildren | 孫仔輩
sunhoee zhaiphvoarsor | circuit court | 巡迴裁判所
sunpeh | pure white | 純白
sunpeqseg | pure white | 純白色
sunphirn | of the purest quality; completely unmixed; unadulterated | 純品
sunphog | pure and honest; simple and sincere | 純樸; 淳樸
sunpo | a policeman, a watchman | 巡捕
sunpoex | grandchildren | 孫輩
sunsimpu | granddaughter-in-law | 孫媳婦; 孫媳婦.侄媳婦
sunsinpu | granddaughter-in-law | 孫新婦
sunzwpenghoad | The Art of War | 孫子兵法
suo pud bengbok | be unwilling to die (because of some unfinished tasks; unfulfilled wishes; intensive grudge) | 死無瞑目
suobixnpat'hofng | in all directions | 四面八方
suokøfpefng | assortment of chilled fruit similar to fruit cocktail | 四果冰
suopauthay | quadruplets | 四胎胞
suophex | match | 四配
suophiøx | vote for | 賜票
suophoex | matched (as in colors; clothing); well proportioned; well fitting; well matched | 四配; 勻稱; 相配; 相稱; 相襯; 般配; 登對; 搭調; 合適 (指人)
suophøex | well matched, fitting, well proportioned | 適配; 四配; 相稱
suopienheeng | a quadrilateral | 四邊行
suopud-oafnsaxng | Excuse me for not accompanying you farther | 恕無遠送
suosekpaai | pack of 112 cards; consisting of seven suits in four colors; four of each | 四色牌
suosiar gvofjip | round off (a number); (in arithmetic) to count one-half and higher fractions as units and disregard the rest | 四捨五入
suosip | forty | 四十
suothofng-pattat | communication network leading everywhere | 四通八達
suothongpattat | convenient transportation | 四通八達
supaai | private card | 私牌
supaang | study room; study room; a small private school in former times | 書房
supaw | satchel | 書包
supheeng | book review | 書評
suphiefn | selfish; partial | 私偏
suphiøx | tear up the ticket- killed kidnapped victim | 撕票
suphoex | private match | 私配
suphvoax | peddler | 私販
suphwn | elope; elopement | 私奔
supiao | paragon or model worthy of emulation | 師表
supiin | word frequency | 詞頻
supo | to strol, to walk slowly | 輸步; 徐步; 慢慢地走
suputty | Who knows that...; Who would have thought that.. | 殊無知; 想不到
supwlynguq | springs in a easy chair or sofa; bed springs | 彈簧
supøx | reading materials, book and magazine | 書報
suq aphiexn | suck opium | 吸鴉片
susymphvoax | particular judgment (Catholic) | 私審判
sut'auxphaux | take advantage of a man behind his back | 摔後炮; 偷偷的; 背地裏的
suu puttat ix | the sentence does not fully convey the idea | 詞無達意
suu-putty | unexpectedly | 辭無知; 殊不知; 出乎意料
suxgiap | business; enterprise; piece of work; enterprise; undertaking; industry | 事業
suxgiap-kaf | businessman, entrepreneur, industrialist | 事業家; 企業家
suxhiø pørkøx | an ex post facto report | 事後報告
suxlip | erect; implant | 豎立
suxnphang | take advantage of the chance | 順縫; 乘機
suxnpid | add a postscript | 順筆; 附筆
suxnpien | do also if convenient; take advantage of the opportunity to do something without extra trouble | 順便
suxpefng | soldier; soldiers; enlisted men | 士兵
suxpiexn | accident; emergency; mishap; emergency; disturbance; incident | 事變
suxputgitii | without delay | 事無宜遲
suxsit put'huu | facts did not tally | 事實無符
suypan | pretty gesture | 媠扮; 媠範
suzhutphirn | exported goods; exportation | 輸出品
sva'afphøex | apron or skirt turned up to hold thing | 衫仔配; 衫仔帕; 衣服兜
svaahpeq | very rough cloth or hands | 三百捌
svaf-lixpiet | take leave of one another | 相離別; 相別
svaf-pangzan | help each other | 相幫贊
svaf-tuiepie | compare | 相對比; 相比
svahap | be joined together, be united | 相合; 聯合
svakakpafng | plywood | 三角板
svakhap | knock against one another | 三磕; 相毆打
svakvef-pvoarmee | late at night (usually after midnight) | 三更半夜
svakvemepvoax | midnight | 三更暝半
svakvepvoarmee | midnight | 三更半暝
svakvipvoarmee | midnight | 三更半暝
svakvipvoarmii | midnight | 三更半暝
svakvy-pvoarmii | late at night (usually after midnight) | 三更半夜
svaliap | three | 三粒
svapaang | third son's branch of family | 三房
svapae | three times | 三次; 三擺
svapangzan | help each other | 相幫贊
svapaq | three hundreds | 三百
svaphaq | fight one another | 相打; 相拍
svaphiexn | deceive one another | 相騙
svaphoex | go together; match; well matched | 相配
svaphorlo | thirty li equals ten miles | 三舖路, 三十里路
svaphø | embrace each other | 相抱
svapie | compare with one another | 相比
svapiet | leave one another | 相別
svapng | join together and assist each other | 相飯; 互相托福
svapo-kheg | trilogy | 三部曲
svapoe | three times, threefold, triple | 三倍
svapoee | accompany each other | 相陪
svapor | supplement each other | 相補
svapviax | be at variance; quarrel | 相拚; 互爭
svatiafmpvoax | 3:30pm that Taiwan's bank close time | 三點半
svazap | thirty | 三十
sveamia kab y teq phahpøq | engage in mortal combat with him; do or die; risk one's life | 冒生命之險; 賭命
svef phvixleeng | have a sinus condition | 生鼻龍; 鼻竇炎
svekolarngphuo | mold and rotten | 生菇閬殕
svepe | one's real father | 生父
svephuo | mildewed; become moldy; become slightly moldy | 生霉
svepurn | originally | 生本
svesipehji | date and time of birth | 生時八字
svialap | sonar | 聲納
sviaphøf | sound wave | 聲波
sviapiaq | city wall | 城壁; 城牆
sviapvoax | fifteen percent | 成半; 一成半
sviapøflai | inside castle | 城堡內
sviapør | castle | 城堡
sviliap | grow grain | 生粒
svipe | actual father, real father | 生父
sviphuo | grow mold | 生黴
svipurn | originally; it was like that | 生本
svipvi | become sick, become ill | 生病
sviu-bøpo | run out of idea | 想無步; 想不出辦法
sviu-paxnhoad | devise means; think up a scheme | 想法子
sviu-poxsox | scheme; plan; contrivance; plot for managing a matte | 想步數
sviuo kimpaai | award a gold medal | 賞金牌
sviupak | too tight (e.g.; a dress) | 太緊
sviupuii | obesity | 過肥
sviusipvi | lovesickness | 相思病
sviuxbøpo | cannot think of a method or plan | 想無步
sviuxkhafng-sviuxphang | try every possible means (as to injure another or get money out of people) | 想孔想縫; 想盡歪主意
sviuxkhangsviuxphang | looking for holes and seems- try every means to accomplish bad intention | 想空想縫
sviuxpaxnhoad | to find ways to | 想辦法
sviuxphiefn | confused or twisted thinking; devious; crooked (words; thoughts) | 想偏
sviuxphoax | given up | 想破
sviuxpo | think of what's next steps | 想步
sviuxpoef | bean shaped pieces of bamboo root used for divining before idols | 杯筊; 象桮; 順卦
sviwpaai | award plate | 賞牌
sviwphirn | prize, reward | 賞品; 獎品
sviwpøx | reward | 賞報
svoaf pafng te lih | mountains collapsing and the earth cracking up (descriptive of sound) | 山崩地裂
svoaf-gipee | Taiwan loquat | 山枇杷
svoaf-pankhiw | Formosan turtle-dove | 山斑鳩
svoaf-peqzhaix | Blumea lacera | 山白菜
svoaf-phu'ioong | Taiwan cotton-rose, mountain rose mallow | 山芙蓉
svoaf-phutøo | porcelain ampelopsis, wildgrape | 山葡萄
svoaf-porcie | Cuming cordia | 山布子
svoaf-pun'nngg | Formosan beauty-berry | 杜虹花
svoafphiøx | small change | 散票
svoalip | black-capped kingfisher | 黑頭翡翠
svoaloxpvy | mountain roadside | 山路邊
svoapafng | landslide | 山崩
svoapag | mountainside | 山腹
svoapaw | aboriginal | 山胞
svoaphang | crevice or cleft in a mountain | 山縫
svoaphutøo | mountain grapes | 山葡萄
svoaphviaa | sidehill; hillslope; brae; mountain side; hillside; mountain slope | 山坡; 山坪; 山坡地
svoaphøf | mountain side; mountain slope; hillside; hillside | 山坡
svoaphøte | slope of a hill | 山坡地
svoaphøterng | hillside top | 山坡頂
svoaphøtoe | hillside | 山坡地
svoapiaq | hogback | 山壁
svoapoadar | mountain guava | 山菝仔
svoapof | gently sloping or level grassy place on a hill | 山埔; 山坡
svoapof-kviw | Ziaparas (Paiwan), fine-leaved chaste-tree | 山埔薑; 山埔姜
svoapvy | mountainside | 山邊
svoarpafn | dismiss a crew or gang | 散班; 下班
svoarpefng | paratroopers | 傘兵
svoarphiøx | change | 零錢; 散票
svoarphofngphorng | in disorder; in a mess | 散凸凸; 凌亂; 四散紛飛
svoarpoo | sew | 線裒
svoarpøx | wire report | 線報
svoasafnphirn | mountain grown agricultural products | 山產品; 山產物; 山產
svoatangpeh | superior type of cabbage | 山東白
svoatangpeqar | napa | 山東白仔
svoax-seapaw | gland cell | 腺細胞
svoax-søeapaw | gland cell | 腺細胞
svoaxphiøx | scattered votes | 散票
swn-simpu | grand daughter-in-law | 孫媳婦
swnhai poesioong | compensation for damages | 損害賠償
swnhai pøfhiarm | insurance against loss | 損害保險
swnphvix | bamboo shoots sliced into thin pieces | 筍片
syaq gve zhuiephoea | be unwilling to admit one's defeat; yield with bad grace; be a poor loser | 死鴉子硬嘴巴; 嘴硬
sygiap | dead karma | 死業
sygvixphaix | gvixphaix | 死硬派
sygyn'afpor | dead kid; bad kid | 死囡仔脯
sykw zvex-kaq piexn oaqpiq | resort to sophistry | 將死龜強辯成活虌; 比喻強詞奪理
syloxpoong | dead | 死路旁
sym peeng khix høo | be in a calm mood | 心平氣和
sym pud iukie | cannot control one's mind or emotion; cannot help but.. | 心無由主; 心不由己
sym pud iuzuo | cannot control one's mind or emotion; cannot help but.. | 心無由主; 心不由己
sym putzai iexn | absent minded; the mind running on other things | 心無在焉
sym taau ix hap | be in perfect agreement or harmony (usually said of intimate friends or lovers) | 心投意合
symkex-po | audit department | 審計部
symphvoarsy | trial division | 審判司
symphvoartaai | judge's bench | 審判台
symphvoartviuo | chief justice; presiding judge | 審判長
symphvoax | judge; judgment; try (a case or person in court); a trial | 審判
symphvoax-kvoaf | judge | 審判官
symphvoax-thviaf | courtroom | 審判廳
syn pai beeng liet | lose both fortune and honor | 身敗名裂
syn put'iuu zuo | unable to act according to one's own will | 身無由主
syn tiauphaix | avant garde school | 新潮派
syn zhutparn | new edition (of a book) | 新出版; 新版
syn-simpu | new daughter-in-law | 新媳婦
syparn | inflexible; wooden of a person; wooden (person); rigid (Regulations); fixed and unchangeable (methods); monotonous (work; life) | 死板
sypeh | pale; pallid (of face) | 死白
syphoee | paralytic skin | 死皮膚, 無感覺的皮膚
sypng | only eat but doesn't to do any work | 白飯
sypvi | terminal illness | 死病; 絕症
sypviax | desperately | 死拚
syzhadafpor | dead thief | 死賊仔脯
søeajip | revenue | 歲入
søealiap | little round object | 細粒
søeapaw | cell, cytological | 細胞
søeapaw-cid | cytoplasm | 細胞質
søeapaw-hak | cytology | 細胞學
søeapo | details | 細部
søeapurn | small book | 細本
søefsvaf-paang | laundry room | 洗衣店; 洗衫房; 洗衣房
søehpeh | be frank | 說白; 說實話
søehphang | small gap | 細縫
søehphoax | tear apart | 說破
søehphvix | snowflake | 雪片
søjip | snek in | 趖入
søpøo | Saha | 娑婆
sørpiagpiak | love deeply | 愛極了
sørpø | of violet temper | 燥暴
tabjip | step in | 踏入
tabtap-tihtiq | minute details | 零零碎碎; 囉囉嗦嗦
taepo | slughup; arrest; gather up; pullin | 逮捕
taepve | ill | 帶病
taepvi | ill | 帶病
tafng-pvoarkiuu | eastern hemisphere | 東半球
tafng-say-laam-pag | all directions | 東西南北
tafnpan | wait for one's turn | 等辦; 等順序
tag sngrpvoaa | calculate (on abacus); be calculating | 打算盤
tag'lefpaix | every week | 逐禮拜
tag-sngrpvoaa | count with abacus | 打算盤; 觸算盤
taglefpaelak | every Saturday | 每星期六; 每週六
taglefpaix | every week | 逐禮拜
tagliap | every particle, every ball, etc | 逐粒
tagpae | every time; each time; always; often | 每次; 逐擺
tagpafn | every class (school) | 每班; 逐班
tagpafng | every trip on the schedule table | 每班; 逐幫
tagpaw | every package, every pack, every parcel | 每包; 逐包
tagpeeng | everey direction | 每邊; 逐爿
tagpiexn | every occasion, every time | 每遍; 逐遍
tagpo | every step, every method | 每部; 逐步
tagpoef | every cup of | 每杯; 逐杯
tagput'sii | from time to time | 逐無時
tagputsii | from time to time | 逐無時
tah-khapo | stumbling step | 踏跤步
tahchittahpeq | stick everywhere | 貼七貼八
tahlitahpiaq | build the fence and wall | 搭籬搭壁
tahphøex | to match (colors) to mate; (animals) copulate | 搭配
tahpiaq | build the wall | 搭壁
tahpvee | put up a shed; awning; shelf; trellis | 搭棚
tahpvii | erect a theatrical stage | 搭棚
tai iuo hunpiet | poles apart; entirely different | 大有分別
tai-putliao | the worst case | 大無了
tai-puttoong | very different | 大無同; 大不同
taigyphvix | Taiwanese episode | 台語片
taiparn | woodenness; primness; stiffness | 呆板
taipaw | Taiwanese | 台胞
taixgiap | great cause | 代業; 大業
taixhagpo | university department | 大學部
taixiong-phirn | substituting article | 代用品
taixlap | take the place of payment | 代繳
taixpafn | substitute | 代班
taixpai | overpower completely; defeat utterly; completely overthrow; complete defeat | 大敗
taixpan | manage on behalf of another; to act for another | 代辦
taixphengciao | an enormous (legendary) bird | 大鵬鳥
taixphexng | hire on behalf of | 代聘
taixphoax | big break; defeat | 大破
taixpiao | elect or recommend representatives to.. | 推派; (代表)
taixpiawkoaan | right of representation | 代表權
taixpiawmiq | representative | 代表物
taixpiawsexng | representative | 代表性
taixpiawthoaan | representative body; delegation (to a conference) | 代表團
taixpiawtui | representative team | 代表隊
taixpiawzog | representative works (of art; literature) | 代表作
taixpid | write for another; be a ghost writer | 代筆
taixpien putthofng | constipation | 大便無通
taixpien | stool; shit; excrement; night soil; feces; stool; excrement; have a bowel movement | 大便
taixpiexnkhix | bedpan | 大便器
taixpo | arrest; pullin; substitute for walking ─ as a horse; vehicle; means of transportation | 逮捕; 代步
taixpor | slugh up; arrest; gather up; pull in | 逮捕
taixpoxhun | the greater part; majority | 大部份; 大部分
taixput | big buddha | 大佛
taixputliao | at the worst; alarming; serious | 大無了
taixputsiongtoong | entirely; totally different | 大無相同
taixpwn'viaa | military headquarters | 大本營
taixsanpoex | big mountain back | 大山背
taixsiawpien | defecate and urinate, feces and irome | 大小便
takef-simpu | mother-in-law and daughter-in-law | 乾家媳婦; 婆媳
taksngrpvoaa | use abacus- well calculated with plan | 擉算盤
taktiøh ciøqthaau poaqtør | stumble over a stone | 踢到石頭跌倒
tamphoax | confer, discuss, negotiate, conference, discussion, negotiation | 談判
tamphvoax | negotiation; negotiate; treat; negotiation; decide by informal talks | 談判
tampøfphirn | article given as security; collateral | 擔保品; 抵押品
tampør | guarantee; ensure; guaranty; warrant; to pledge; insure; stand security; be responsible for | 擔保
tan'gafnphøee | oriental eyelids; which do not have a distinct fold along the edges | 單眼皮
tanchviw-phitmar | single handed alone | 單槍匹馬
tangchviuu thihpiaq | extremely sturdy structure; tight (siege); strong (fortress; defense); impregnable; like walls of brass and iron | 銅牆鐵壁
tanglaam saipag | east; south; west and north ─ all directions | 東南西北
tanglampeeng | southeast side | 東南爿
tanglampo | southeast | 東南部
tangpaai | bronze medal | 銅牌
tangpaang | have sexual intercourse | 同房
tangpafn | classmate | 同班
tangpag | northeast ward; northeast; Manchuria | 東北
tangpak'hofng | northeast wind | 東北風
tangpakkag | northeast corner | 東北角
tangpakpeeng | northeast side | 東北爿
tangpakpo | northeast | 東北部
tangpaksix | northeast | 東北勢
tangparn | copper plate (in printing); printing from metal type | 銅版
tangpaw | compatriot, fellow countryman | 同胞
tangpeeng | east; eastern; eastern side | 東邊; 東爿; 東方
tangpex | copper coin | 銅幣
tangphuun | bronze laver | 銅盆
tangphviar | bronze metal | 銅餅
tangphvoa | company; companion | 同伴
tangphøee thihkud | brass and iron constitution ─ a strong man | 銅皮鐵骨; 強健
tangpo | east | 東部
tangpoex | the same generation | 銅輩
tangpvoaa | brass bowl; lamp | 銅盤
tangsailampag | all directions | 東西南北
tangsailampaklo | | 東西南北路
tangsaipo | westeastern | 東西部
tangsay-lampag | all directions | 東西南北
tangsepo | westeastern | 東西部
tanheeng-purn | a separate volume; in book form | 單行本
tanhengpurn | books published singly ─ as opposed to those published in sets; a separate volume | 單行本
tanjiin-paang | single bed room (in a hotel) | 單人房
tanphvix | a splinter | 單片; 彈片
tanpyle | simple proportion (Math) | 單比例
tanpøh | thin, weak | 單薄
tanpør | to guarantee, to ensure | 擔保
tanseapaw | unicellular | 單細胞
tansyn-phitmar | alone; single | 單身匹馬
tantøf tidjip | straightforward (action; statement); direct; right to the point | 單刀直入
taopangbaang | help | 鬥幫忙
taopangzan | help | 鬥幫贊; 協助
taophao | compete in running | 鬥跑; 賽跑
taophvoa | join together in a company | 鬥伴; 湊個伴兒
tap | to tread on | 蹋
tap'axn | answer; key; answers (to examination questions; puzzles) | 答案
tap'exng | make a promise; agreement; grant | 答應
tap'hog | reply-to; respond to; in answer to; give a reply; to respond; answer (an inquiry) | 答覆
tap'hok | reply-to; respond to; in answer to; give a reply | 答復; 答覆
tap'wn | thank somebody for favor; kindness | 謝恩
tapgoan | reply to a wish | 答願
taplea | reciprocate another's courtesy; return a salute; to reciprocate presents | 答禮
tapof | male; man; johnny | 查埔; 男人
tapofpor | dried out | 焦脯脯
tapogyn'ar | boy | 查埔囡仔
tapokviar | girl | 查埔囝
tapolaang | men | 查埔人
taposwn | male grandchild | 查埔孫
tapox | dry cloth | 乾布; 焦布
tappien | to reply (to a verbal attack); to speak in self-defense; to defend oneself; to refute; to rebut; to put in a defense to an accusation | 答辯
tappiexnsw | a written answer; reply; or refutation (to a verbal attack or charge) | 答辯書
tappøx | answer | 答報
tapsab | small amount | 答屑; 量少
tapsia | return thanks; take a bow; acknowledge; return a kindness; repay with gratitude; give thanks for a favor | 答謝
tapsiin | return thanks to a god, thank-offering | 答神; 還願
tapsuu | acknowledgement; an address in reply; a reply returning thanks | 答辭; 答詞
taptøee | answer a question | 答題
tapviar | dry biscuit, cracker | 乾餅; 餅乾
tapy | dry pond | 乾餅
tapzhuiekor | debate; quarrel | 搭嘴股
taq iuphiøx | put a stamp on an envelope | 貼郵票
taq piahzoar | to paste on the wall | 貼壁紙
taq porphaang | pitch (strike) a tent; put up an awning | 搭帳篷
taqjip | step into; become involved in | 踏入
taqlip | step in | 踏入
taqpafng | footboard; footrest; foothold; treadle | 踏板
taqparn | treadle | 踏板
taqphoax thih'øee | wear out iron shoes ─ search painstakingly everywhere | 踏破鐵鞋
taqphoax | to break by stepping on | 踏破
taqphvae | damage by stepping on it | 踏歹
taqpvie | flatten | 踏平
taqpvie`khix | to flatten by treading on | 踩扁去
taqpvii | flatten | 踏平
taqpvykhix | to flatten by treading on | 踩扁去
tarnphoax | threw to break it | 擲破
tarphex | wear a veil | 帳撂; 罩紗
tarpvii | camp; pavilion | 帳棚
tauafphøq | beans in distilled liquor | 豆仔滓
tauhap | see eye to eye; in rapport | 投合
taujip | devotion | 投入
tauky suxgiap | speculative enterprise | 投機事業
taulip | participate | 投入
tauphiørhoad | laws and regulations governing balloting | 投票法
tauphiørjiin | voter | 投票人
tauphiørjit | voting day | 投票日
tauphiørkoaan | the right to vote; the franchise | 投票權
tauphiørsor | polling place; place where voters cast their ballots | 投票所
tauphiørsviw | ballot box | 投票箱
tauphiørzhux | the polls, a voting booth | 投票處
tauphiøx piawkoad | decide by voting | 投票表決
tauphiøx soafnkie | elect by ballot; elections | 投票選舉
tauphiøx | voting; vote; ballot; poll; cast a vote; to ballot | 投票; 投標
tauphiøx-koaan | voting right | 投票權
tauphiøx-sviw | a ballot-box | 投票箱
tauphwn | flee (to freedom); seek employment or protection; to fly to for refuge | 投奔
taupid ciongjioong | throw away the pen and follow the battle ─ give up literature for a military career | 投筆從戎
taupiøf | to tender for a contract; to bid in public tender | 投標
taupøfjiin | policy holder | 投保人
taupør | take out an insurance policy | 投保
tauviafphvix | slideshow | 投影片
taux-pangzan | assistant | 鬥幫贊
tauxcviuopoo | beans boiled into a mass and kept till moldy | 豆醬渣
tauxhuxphøee | bean curd; thin tofu sheet | 豆腐皮
tauxpaxncviux | spicy soy bean paste | 豆瓣醬
tauxphee | bean curd | 豆皮
tauxphoee | bean curd | 豆皮
tauxphøee | dried beancurd made into thin sheets | 豆皮
tauxphøq | bean dregs | 豆渣; (豆類榨油後剩下之廢物)
tauxpoo | beans boiled into a mass | 豆渣; 豆酺; 豆豉
tauxpviar | large round bean cake from which oil has been extracted; used as feed or fertilizer | 豆餅
tauxsvixphøq | salted and pickled peas; broken down small; after soy has been made from them | 豆鼓滓
tauxsvixpoo | black beans boiled; dried; and kept till moldy; for making soy | 豆鼓渣
tauzw suxgiap | invest in business | 投資事業
tawphaang | a cloak, a mantle, a blouse | 斗帆; 斗篷
tawphoong | a cloak, a mantle, a blouse | 斗篷
taxmpok | without ambition | 淡泊
taxmpøh | thin; dim; weak; thin; weak; light; deficient; insipid; just a little; a tiny bit; small in quantity | 淡薄; 一點點
taxmpøqar | a few; a little; meager | 一點兒; 淡薄仔; 小量; 一點點; 少許; 微薄
taxmzuyhøpvy | Tamsui riverside | 淡水河邊
taxngkhipeeng | unbalance; two sides are different weight | 一邊重; 一邊輕; 無平衡
taxngpan | deal with severely | 重辦; 嚴懲
taxngpid | start writing | 動筆
taxngpurn | business requiring a great deal of capital; plenty of capital funds | 重本
taxngputtang | at every turn | 動無動
taxngpve | seriously ill | 重病
taxngpvi | serious illness | 重病
taxngtaxmpøqar | just a little bit | 重淡薄仔
taxnpeh-cid | albumen, protein | 蛋白質
taxnpeqjiø-zexng | proteinuria | 蛋白質症; 蛋白尿症
te'afpox | emery cloth | 袋仔布
teafpox | hemp cloth, linen cloth | 苧布, 麻布
tebyphøq | used tea leaves | 茶滓子
teeng-phahkhie | start all over | 重拍起
tefaq-phirn | security, mortgage, pledge | 抵押品
tefnglefpaix | last week | 頂禮拜
tefngpae | last time; some time ago; previously; last time | 上次; 頂擺; 前次
tefngpafn | previous train or car | 上班; 頂班
tefngpafng | on the former occasion | 上次; 頂幫; 上一次
tefngpakkoax | chest | 頂腹蓋
tefngphof | topshop | 頂鋪
tefngpiexn | last time | 頂遍
tefngpoex | seniority; eldership; parents and their equals in genealogical rank | 長輩; 頂輩; 上輩
tefngpof | the morning; first half of the day; forenoon | 頂晡; 上午
tefngpvoaa | wholesale agent | 上盤
tefngpvoarmee | upper midnight | 頂半暝
tefngpvoarmii | upper midnight tefngpvoarsyn | 頂半年
tefngpvoarsyn | upper body | 頂半身
tefngpvoax | upper half | 上半
tefngpvy svakak'heeng | equilateral triangle | 等邊三角形
tefpaai | cards in one's hand; unknown background (of a person) | 底牌; 底細
tefphvix | photographic negative | 底片
tefphøf | short wave (radio) | 短波
tefpng | put rice in a bowl | 盛飯
tefpo | bottom | 底部
tefpurn | few capital | 短本
tefpvoaa | chassis | 底盤
tefpvui | put rice in a bowl | 貯飯
teg pud sioong sid | what one gains cannot offset the losses ─ not worth the effort | 得無償失
tegciorng enggiap | special business operations (such as cabarets; bars; wine houses) | 特種營業
tegcip | special edition | 特集; 特刊
tegiap | tea industry; the tea trade | 茶業
tegpefng | enemy soldier | 敵兵
tegphaeoaan | correspondent (of a news agency; newspaper); special commissioner | 特派員
tegphaix | specially dispatched or appointed; commission specially | 特派
tegpiedhoad | special law | 特別法
tegpiet ee serngcid | distinctive nature; individuality | 特別的性質
tegpiet khaicy | special expense | 特別開支
tegpiet khoaechiaf | special express train | 特別快車; 特快
tegpiet khoafnthai | give special treatment | 特別款待
tegpiet khuhek | special administrative districts | 特別區域
tegpiet lyiuu | special reasons | 特別理由
tegpiet pvexpaang | hospital private room | 特別病房; 特等病房
tegpiet thaixgu | special treatment; special behavior towards | 特別待遇
tegpiet uxsoaxn | extraordinary budget | 特別預算
tegpiet zengheeng | special conditions | 特別情形
tegpiet zuoix | special notice | 特別注意
tegpiet | outstanding; particular; unusual; extraordinary; exclusive; unique; different from the ordinary; distinctive; peculiar; special | 特別
tegpøx | special edition of a paper; an extra | 特報
tegterng pvexpaang | hospital private room | 特別病房; 特等病房
tegzeaphirn | specially made | 特製品
tehiøqphafng | tea fragrant | 茶葉芳
tehphoax | to break by crushing | 壓破
tehpvie | flaser; mashup; stave; squash; press flat | 壓扁
tehpøq | still hoping; be on the brink of; in the key position | 硩卜; 最後一線希望
tek'afphvix | bamboo slices | 竹仔片
tek'hvoaxkiøpvy | bamboo shore bridge | 竹岸橋邊
tekkofng'afpng | bamboo tube rice | 竹管仔飯
teklipaf | fence | 竹籬笆
tekofpvy | teapot | 茶鈷邊
tekpaai | raft made of bamboo poles | 竹筏; 竹棑
tekpai'ar | rows of bamboos | 竹棑仔
tekparn | bamboo strip | 竹板
tekpee | bamboo rake | 竹耙
tekphi'ar | a sheet of bamboos | 竹披仔
tekphiørlut | voting rate | 得票率
tekphiøx | got votes | 得票
tekphvix | bamboo strip | 竹片
tekphø | bamboo grove | 竹部
tekpiin | screen made of thin; flat strips of bamboo | 竹屏
tekpoo | bamboo clump crowd together | 竹叢
tekthafng'afpng | bamboo tube | 竹桶仔飯
teng pangkefng | make a room reservation | 訂房間
tengbuun paehorng | make a special call on another; at his home | 登門拜訪
tengbuun tapsia | make a special call on another at his home to express gratitude | 登門答謝
tengcip | collect, gather together | 登集; 徵集
tengjip | login | 登入
tengkiepho | registration book | 登記簿
tengkix-pho | book for registration | 登記簿
tengkix-piør | registration table | 登記表
tengliogpoxtui | assault troops; amphibious military forces | 登陸部隊
tengpefng | draft able-bodied male citizens for military service; enlist under conscription | 徵兵
tengpengzex | conscription system (as distinct from the volunteer system) | 徵兵制
tengphahkhie | begin again; start again | 重打始
tengpoe | twofold; twice the amount or number | 雙倍
tengpox | repetition of a television news item; repetition of a television commercial; instant replay | 重播
tengpvii | lighthouse | 燈棚
tengpøe | twice, twice as much, in double | 重倍; 雙倍
tengpøx sengbeeng | make the matter widely known through the press; clarify or announce by a newspaper advertisement | 登報聲明
tengpøx | published on the paper; make an announcement in the newspaper | 登報
tengteeng gioglip | slim and graceful (said of women; especially young women) | 亭亭玉立
tengteeng tiabtiap | piled on one another; crowded together densely | 重重疊疊; 累累
tengthaau phahkhie | do it all over again from the beginning | 從頭做起
tengthiap | to overlap | 重疊
tepaan | tea pot | 茶壺
tepaang | waiter | 茶房
tepanzhuix | spout of a teapot | 茶壺嘴
tepaw | tea bag | 茶包
tephøq | used tea leaves | 茶渣; 茶葉渣子
tepiern | write an inscription for a tablet | 題匾
tepoear | tea cup | 茶杯仔
tepoef | tea cup | 茶杯
tepviafhoe | tea party; tea reception | 茶餅會; 茶話會
tepviar | cakes for eating with tea; refreshments | 茶點
tepvoaa | tea tray; tea tray; salver for a tea pot | 茶盤
teq liefnpør | to gamble with the lian-po ─ a kind of dice | 押輾骰
terng-lefpaix | last week; a former week | 上星期
terng-pvoarmee | before midnight | 上半夜
terng-pvoarpof | forenoon | 上半晡; 上午
terng-pvoartafng | first six months of a year | 上半年
tesimphøq | used tea leaves | 茶心渣; 茶心粕; 茶葉粕
texkhag pierntong | earth's crust change | 地殼變動
texluii høefphaux | military mines | 地雷火炮
texngkex-piør | list of fixed prices | 定價表
texngkii chiaphiøx | commuter ticket (archaic) | 定期車票
texnglip | to fix on; draw up; conclude or sign (a contract; agreement; treaty) | 訂立
texngphvax | solid and soft | 鬆硬
texngphøee | scleroderma; hard skin; in crystate | 硬皮
texngpii | cirrhosis of the spleen; also used to describe anorexia in a child; stingy; miserly | 小氣; 脾臟硬化; 吝嗇; 小孩發育無良
texngpo | careful and deliberate in action | 穩重; 穩定
texngpøx | subscribe to a newspaper) | 訂報
texngzeaphirn | article made to order; custom made article | 定製品
texparn | wood flooring; a floor; boarded floor | 地板
texpengsvoax | horizon | 地平線
texphiaw | landmark | 地標
texphoee | land for building houses, house site, building site | 地皮
texphøee | land for building houses; house site; building site | 地皮
texpiao | surface | 地表
texpiaw | surface | 地標
texpiexn | earth change | 地變
texpo | a situation; position; condition; predicament | 地步
texpong | weighbridge | 地磅
texpox | white linen, lamie-fiber fabric | 地布
texpvoaa | territory; place or territory occupied by usurpation (force); region under one's sphere of influence; foundation of a building or house | 地盤
thaai-pvoarsie | almost got killed | 殺半死
thaau phephef | the head is inclined | 斜著頭
thaau-cidpae | first time; on the first occasion | 頭一次
thad phe | kicked blanket during sleep | 踢被
thad phoe | kicked blanket during sleep | 踢被
thaepeeng | peace; peaceful | 太平
thaepeeng-kefng | morgue, mortuary | 太平間
thaepegchvy | Venus | 太白星; 金星
thaepegzhvef | the evening star; Venus | 太白星
thaepeng'mngg | an exit | 太平門
thaepeng'viuterng | on the Pacific Ocean | 太平洋頂
thaepengkefng | morgue | 太平間
thaepengmngg | exit; exit in public buildings; especially those leading to fire escapes | 太平門
thaepengsvoaf | peaceful mountain | 太平山
thaepeqciuo | sorghum liquor | 太白酒
thaepeqhurn | potato powder; cornstarch | 太白粉
thaepør | a very high official in ancient China; juvenile delinquents | 太保
thafngpvoaa | tray | 托盤; 桶盤; 請客用的大盤子
thafnpeh | honest; frank; make a confession | 坦白
thafnpek | frank; honest; tell the truth | 坦白
thafnpeqkorng | to be honest | 坦白講
thafnphag | turned with face down; inverted so as to have the bowl or cup concave side down; inverted position | 顛倒; 坦覆; 覆臥; 俯臥
thafnpvee | lying level (e.g.; on the ground); open and level | 坦平
thafnpvie | flatten | 坦扁
thafnpvii | lying level (e.g.; on the ground); open and level | 坦平
thafnpvy syn | in profile | 側面
thafnpvy | sideways; in profile | 旁邊; 側面
thagzhehpaang | study room | 讀書房
thagzheq-paang | study | 讀冊書房
thagzw-paang | study | 讀冊房; 書房
thailaang poemia | pay damages; make reparations for killing a man | 殺人賠命
thailangparnghoea | killing and robbing | 刣人放火
thaipvoaa | placenta | 胎盤
thaixgu ee zhapiet | unequal treatment; discrimination | 差別待遇
thaixjiin ciapbut | the way one treats people; one's personality | 待人接物
thaixkheq putciutøx | treat a visitor improperly | 待客無周到
thaixpor | make an arrest | 逮捕
thaksngrpvoaa | caculated move | 擉算盤
thampan'gii | have a strong desire for (usually very small) gains (often at the expense of quality or at the price of big losses) | 貪便宜
thampoef | sputum cup | 痰杯
thamsefng phvarsuo | clinging to life; cowardly; cowardice | 貪生怕死
thang'afmngpvy | window side | 窗仔門邊
thang'afphang | window seam | 窗仔縫
thang'afpox | window curtain | 窗仔布; 窗簾
thang'afpvy | window side | 窗仔邊
thangpvy | window side | 窗邊
thaojip | to penetrate | 透入
thaopof | entire half-day kerchief, turban | 透甫; 整個半天
thap'ham | dent | 塌陷
thap'øf | cave | 塌窩
thapbak | sunken eyes | 塌目; 凹眼
thapcvii | make up the money to meet the needs | 補錢
thapgiah | fill a position as a substitute; make up for loss of money or damage of goods | 補缺; (額)頂缺
thapkhaf | fill a vacancy | 塌跤
thapkhafng | fill the hole | 塌空
thaplaai-thapkhix | arrange things well in packing; so as to fit well into each other and take up as little room as possible; cut cloth carefully so that there is no waste; by arranging the patterns to fit well; to rob Peter to pay Paul | 補來補去; 東挪西借
thapphang | fill the hole | 塌縫
thappurn | make up the money for the needed capital | 補本
thapthab | concave, sunken | 凹凹; 塌的
thaptor | concave or depressed panel | 塞肚
tharmpaang | marriage custom in which the younger brother of the bride goes to the bridal chamber on the third day to call on and inquire about his older sister | 探房; (新娘過門後第三日; 其弟到姊姊房中探問)
tharmpvi | visit the sick | 探病
tharnciaqpo | mechanism of making money | 賺食步
thatjip | kick in | 窒入
thatphoax | kick through | 踢破
thatphvi | stuffing nose | 窒鼻
thauciaqpo | cheat; cheating; perverse ways; ways which are not normally or ordinarily followed; artful device; trap | 偷食步; 詭計; 不當方法
thaucidpae | the first time | 頭一次
thaukhag thviax cidpeeng | migraine headache | 偏頭痛
thaukhak'voar phoax`khix | skull fracture | 頭蓋碗破去
thaukhakphoee | scalp | 頭殼皮
thaukhakphøee | scalp | 頭殼皮; 頭皮
thaumngg pvoarpeh | hair gray; about half white | 頭髮半白
thaumnggiap'ar | hair pin | 頭毛鋏仔
thaupae | fist time, first occasion | 頭拜; 頭擺; 頭次
thaupafn | 1st schedule | 頭幫
thaupafng | the first train; bus | 頭班
thaupangchiaf | 1st bus schedule | 頭幫車
thauparn | front page | 頭版
thaupeh | wear a white clothe on the head (in deepest mourning for parents or superior) | 頭帛
thaupeqar | cap made of coarse white cloth; worn by relatives of the deceased at a funeral | 白蓋頭; (喪服)
thauphaang | mainsail | 頭帆; 主帆
thauphee | scalp | 頭皮
thauphoea'ar | 1st run | 頭杮仔
thauphoee | skin from a pig's head | 頭皮
thauphoefar | dandruff; scales on the scalp | 頭皮屑
thauphof | dandruff; scales on the scalp | 頭麩; 頭皮屑; 皮屑
thauphvy | 1st article | 頭篇
thauphøf | dandruff | 頭麩
thaupiexn | 1st time | 頭擺
thaupo | the part of head | 頭部; 頭步; 第一步
thaupurn | 1st book | 頭本
thausip | make a surprise attack, attack without warning | 偷襲
thaux khaq-pøh | to dilute | 沖淡一點
thauzengpaai | front row | 頭前排
thawpak | untie | 敨縛
thawpaxng | free; liberate; liberation; disengage | 解放; 敨放
thaykøf pvixvi | leprosarium; skin clinic; Hansen's disease hospital | 癩膏病院; 痲瘋院
thaykøf-pvixvi | lepel hospital | 癩膏病院; 癩𰣻醫院; 痲瘋醫院; 痲瘋病
thaykøpve | dirty disease- virus | 癩哥病
thaykøpvi | leprosy; Hansen's disease | 痲瘋病; 癩病
theagvofpefng | discharged soldier; veterans | 退伍兵
theapefng | withdraw troops; repel enemy troops | 退兵
theaphiøx | to refund; return the ticket and get the money back; (of checks) to be dishonored; to bounce | 退票
theapi samsiax | literally to retreat ninety li ─ to retreat as far as possible in the face of a strong adversary or contestant | 退避三舍
theapi | retire and hide; keep one's distance | 退避
theapo | regress; retrogress; to fall backwards; suffer a relapse | 退步
theapuq | plaster; adhesive tape | 膠布
theapvy`ar | to step aside | 退邊仔
theapør | return a bond; cease to be a guarantor; cancel an insurance policy | 退保
theeng-khapo | stop walking | 停腳步; 止步
thefladputcy | lack of energy | 體力無支
thefnglip | to stand stiff, to stand straight | 挺立
thefngpøx | report to | 呈報
thefpax | a dam, an embankment | 堤壩
thefunpiør | temperature chart (medical) | 體溫表
thekip | to mention, to speak of | 提及
thengcie paxnkofng | suspend public business on an occasion of celebration | 停止辦公
thengcie-putcieen | stagnant | 停止無前
thenggiap | give up a business | 停業
thengpan | suspend (business or school); suspend handling something | 停辦
thengparn | suspend publication | 停版
thengpid | stop writing | 停筆
thengpo | stop | 停步
thengpok | berth; moor; cast anchor; in port | 停泊
thengpox | close down | 停播
thengpurn | tenor; transcript; copy; official copy of a document | 謄本
thengpøx | to (submit a) report | 呈報
thengsiafparn | duplicator, silk screen duplicator | 謄寫板; 油印機
thepaw | a handbag | 提包
thepax | a dam | 堤壩
thepoad | to promote, to advance | 提拔
thepoaq | referral | 提撥
thepoat | exalt; elevate; to raise up; promote; assist a man to get employment | 提拔
thepvoaa | placenta | 胎盤
thepøx | report | 提報
theqphoeaoaan | home delivery staff | 宅配員
theqphoeciao | mailbird | 提批鳥
theqphøef | mailperson | 提批
theqphøef`ee | mailman; postman | 提批的; 郵差
thiab taxmpøh | give a small tip; make up a little deficiency | 貼淡薄; 貼一點
thiahciah løqpag | tear or rip body to pieces to eat | 碎屍而吞食
thiahciaqjibpag | ear or rip body to pieces to eat | 拆食入腹
thiahciaqløqpag | ear or rip body to pieces to eat | 拆食落腹
thiahpeh korng | speak plainly; the fact is.. | 坦白說
thiahpeh | frank | 坦白
thiahpeqkorng | frankly speaking | 拆白講
thiahphiøx | buy a ticket | 拆票; 買票
thiahphoarbin | face torn, negotiation broke | 拆破面
thiahphoax | rip; tear; break or destroy by tearing; tear into pieces; pull to pieces | 撕破; 拆破; 扯破
thiahphoef | to open a letter | 拆信
thiahphøef | open a letter | 拆信
thiahpurn | separate volumes of a book | 拆本; 分冊
thiahzun'giap | shipbreaking industry | 拆船業
thiamjip | to fill in | 添入
thiampor | add an amendment, to make up a deficiency | 添補
thiampvii | to level off | 添平
thiaobwphvoa | dancing partner | 跳舞伴
thiaokøf pysaix | high jump contest | 跳高比賽
thiaopafng | springboard | 跳板
thiaoparn | gangboard; springboard; a stepping stone; gangplank; diving board | 跳板
thiaophiexn | jump all over the place | 跳遍
thiaophiøx | bounce check | 跳票
thiaozuie piawiern | diving exhibition | 跳水表演
thiap zng'ar | lay bricks | 疊磚仔
thiap | to pile up; to fold up; pile up bricks | 疊; 堆疊
thiap'ar | invitation; card; notepaper | 帖仔; 請帖
thiap'hien phiørkix | discount on checks | 貼現票據
thiap'hien | bank discount | 貼現
thiap'hiexnlut | discount rate | 貼現率
thiap-zørhøea | to overlap, pile up together | 疊做伙
thiap`khylaai | pile up; books; bricks | 疊起來
thiapchied | proper; appropriate; suitable; close-fitting | 貼切
thiapciah | pay board (to a family or a restaurant) on a monthly basis | 搭伙
thiapcvii | give monetary assistance; to pay out of one's own pocket ─ especially when one is not required to; as in performing an official duty; replace goods by additional cost | 貼錢
thiapkin | get closer | 貼近
thiaplangciah | pay someone to cook for you | 貼人食
thiappor | to make up a deficiency; to help financially; supplement; to help with money; subsidize | 貼補
thiappurn | lose money in business | 貼本; 虧本
thiaupoad | to provoke; to cause disputes; to arouse | 挑撥
thiaupoaq lixkafn | stir up ill-will or bad feelings; sow discord | 挑撥離間
thiaupoaq | provoke or arouse (ill-will); cause disputes; sow discord | 挑撥
thiaux pheng koaan | try who can jump highest | 比跳高
thiauxpeeng | pilaster, half-pillar | 柱半; 捱壁柱
thiaxmpurn | pull more capital in | 填本
thien'iefn cy piet | the difference is like the sky and the bottom of a pit | 天淵之別
thienha thaepeeng | universal peace | 天下太平
thienhoaparn | ceiling | 天花板
thienjienseg ee nngfphvix | Technicolor film | 天然軟片
thienjiorng cy piet | as different as heaven and earth; vastly different; poles apart | 天壤之別
thienkiwpaai | gambling card game | 天九牌
thienkofng pud zokbie | Heaven is not cooperative ─ Weather turns foul when some activity requiring fine weather is scheduled | 天公無作美
thienky putkhør lauxsied | Heaven's secret must not be let out ─ said by a fortune teller when he is asked to explain minutely what he has said vaguely; said jokingly of a man who will not tell a secret | 天機無可洩漏
thienlaam texpag | poles apart; be far apart; (to chat or talk casually about) anything and everything under the sun | 天南地北
thienparoong | jumbo | 天霸王
thienpeeng | balance; scale; forehead | 天平; 前額
thienpefng | invincible army; heavenly host | 天兵
thienpengzhvehø | Libra asterisk | 天秤星號
thienpheeng | scales such as are used for weighing gold; silver | 天秤
thienphoong | canopy | 天篷
thienpiefn | the world's end, the horizon | 天邊
thienpiør | sill out a form; fill a blank | 填表
thienpoong | ceiling | 天房; 天篷; 天花板
thienpor | padded; fill up; make up; fill vacancies; make up a deficiency | 填補
thienpvee | fill up the depressions or holes in the ground | 填平
thienpvii | fill up the depressions or holes in the ground | 填平
thiensii putjuu texli | advantages of time are not equal to those of situation | 天時無如地利
thienzog cy hap | match made by heaven; a match blessed by God (used in congratulatory messages or greetings to a couple on their wedding) | 天作之合
thiethaupøar | female barber | 剃頭婆仔
thietpefng | withdraw troops | 撤兵
thihkiloxpvy | railway side | 鐵枝路邊
thihloxpo | rail road breau | 鐵路部
thihloxpvy | railway side | 鐵路邊
thihmngpvy | iron gate side | 鐵門邊
thihpaan | iron jar | 鐵瓶
thihpafng | sheet iron | 鐵板
thihpang'ar | sheet iron | 鐵枋仔
thihparn | sheet iron | 鐵板
thihpe'ar | type of iron harrow | 鐵耙仔
thihpear | type of iron harrow | 鐵耙子
thihpee | iron harrow | 鐵皮; 鐵耙
thihphoee | Iron sheet | 鐵皮
thihphorng | steel bed springs | 鐵凸; 彈簧床
thihphviar | steel plate | 鐵片
thihphvix | steel layered | 鐵片
thihpid | burin; stylus | 鐵筆
thihpviar | discus | 鐵餅
thihpvoaa | steel tray | 鐵盤
thihpvy | square iron rod used as a weapon in war | 鐵鞭
thihtøxpo | railroad department | 鐵道部
thiofng'afpof | cemetery | 墳仔埔; 墓地
thiofng'afpvy | cemetery | 塚仔邊
thiokbok-giap | animal husbandry (industry) | 畜牧業
thiorngphutphud | extremely happy | 暢怫怫
thiq pngxvoar | iron rice bowl ─ very secure job | 鐵飯碗
thiupefng | conscript for a military duty | 抽兵; 徵兵
thiusioxngphaix | abstractionism; abstractionist school | 抽象派
thiøchiwpeeng | the 64th radical (the hand); written at the side | 提手旁; (部首)
thiørzhud tiaqjip | sell and buy grain | 糶出糴入
thng'afpviafzhux | candy shop; sweets shop | 糖仔餅厝
thng'afpviar | candies and cookies | 糖仔餅
thnggiap | the sugar industry | 糖業
thngjiøxpve | diabetes | 糖尿病
thngjiøxpvi | diabetes; diabetic; glycosuria | 糖尿病
thngliøxpvi | diabetes | 糖尿病
thngpafng | sugar bar | 糖枋
thngpaw | sugar bag | 糖包
thngpho | primitive sugar crushing establishment | 糖部
thngrpaktheq | nudity; unclothe; bareness; naked to the waist; topless; shirtless | 褪剝裼; 赤裸; 袒胸露背
thngrpattheq | naked | 褪腹裼
thngrphattheq | naked | 褪腹裼
thngrphee | peeling | 褪皮
thngrphoartheq | peeling | 褪破裼
thngrphoee | skin peeled | 褪皮
thngrphøee | to shed the skin; as a snake does | 脫皮
thngx-phorngpha | scalded and blistered | 燙成泡
thoaan ipoad | hand one's trade on to disciples; teach one's students all one knows (especially about academic endeavors and the fine arts) | 傳衣缽
thoahpafng | tart | 挩坊
thoahpang'ar | tart | 挩坊仔
thoajip | to drag into | 拖入
thoancip | meet together, gather together | 傳集; 團集
thoanjiafmpve | an infectious (contagious) disease | 傳染病
thoanjiafmpvi | an infectious (contagious) disease | 傳染病
thoanjiarm-pvi | an infectious or contagious disease | 傳染病
thoanjip | enter, come in (from outer culture, etc.) | 傳入
thoankapør | family treasure; heirloom | 傳家寶
thoankokpør | country treasure | 傳國寶
thoanlexngpefng | soldier messenger; a courier | 傳令兵
thoanpaix | mass greetings (as on New Year's Day); mass congratulations (on auspicious occasions) | 團拜
thoanphiexn | preach everywhere | 傳遍
thoanphiøx | a summons for appearance in court; voucher; voucher; summons for appearance in court; a note from one department to another (in a bank) | 傳票
thoanpox iaugieen | spread rumors | 傳播謠言
thoanpox | to spread; to disseminate information; disseminate (news; information); dissemination | 傳播; 傳布
thoanpox-seg | communication center | 傳播室
thoanpøx | broadcast | 傳播
thoanthefphiøx | group ticket | 團體票
thoantø-po | evangelistic committee | 傳道部
thoanzofng ciaptai | continue the family line by producing a male heir | 傳宗接代
thoapee | harrow in the field | 拖耙
thoapoah | pull something over, upset | 拖跌; 拉倒
thoapvee | dragging- a bad prolong task | 拖棚
thoapvi | work in illness | 拖平; 拖病; 抱病工作
thoapvii | pull something flat or even | 拖平; 拉平
thoatli sokpak | escape from bonds | 脫離束縛
thoatliap | to husk, to shell | 脫攝; 脫粒
thoatphii | to slough, ecdysis | 脫皮
thoatphøee | shed skin | 脫皮
thoaxphvae | to be gide to the wrong way; lead others into evil by example and companionship | 導歹; 學壞; 帶壞
thoeapiexn | metamorphosis; spallation; decay | 蛻變
thofhuypefng | bandit soldier | 土匪兵
thofng'id hoatphiøx | uniform invoice | 統一發票
thofnghap | combine | 統合
thofngkeapiør | statistical table; chart; graph | 統計表
thofngkex-piør | statistical table | 統計表
thofngzeaphirn | controlled articles (archaic) | 統制品
thofpadar | organic guava | 土菝仔
thofpau'ar | a country bumpkin | 土包仔; 土包子
thofpauar | rustic or countrified person; hillbilly; country pumpkin | 土包子
thofpax | local bully | 土霸
thofpoadar | organic guava | 土菝仔
thofpox | hard-woven cloth | 土布
thofpux | rich; but ignorant; without culture or rank | 土富; 暴發戶
thofsafntiarmpvy | native products store side | 土產店邊
thog`phoax | break through | 突破
thogpurn | reader (for a language course); textbook | 讀本
thogsw pørkøx | book report | 讀書報告
thogsw-pørkøx | book report | 讀書報告
thoiøpvy | kiln | 塗窯邊
thokhaf-pox | floor mop | 土跤布; 拖把
thokhapafng | floor mat | 塗跤枋
thokphoax | reveal somebody's secret of success | 拓破
thokpoad | beg for alms | 托砵
thokpvoaa | a tray | 托盤
thongchip'hoan | criminal wanted by the law | 通緝犯
thongchipleng | warrant for the arrest of a criminal | 通緝令
thongcip | order the arrest of (a criminal) by circular order; issue a warrant for arrest | 通緝
thongheeng hoeapex | current currency | 通行貨幣
thonghoex phengtioxng | inflation (in economics) | 通貨膨脹
thongphoef | write letter | 通批
thongphøef | send information by letter | 通信; 通批
thongpien | facilitate a bowel movement; have bowel movement | 通便
thongpiexnzef | laxative | 通便劑
thongpvi | common abuse, common evil, common failing | 通病
thongpvoaa kea'oe | draw up a complete scheme; overall plan | 全盤計劃
thongpvoaa khøflu | consider every possible angle; take into consideration every aspect of matter | 全盤考慮
thongpvoaa | all of the same sort; (goods) all alike; every aspect (of a matter) | 全盤
thongpøx | to notify; circular; inform | 通報
thongsirnpefng | Signal Corps; member or the Signal Corps | 通信兵
thongthiefn ee pwnsu | divinely endowed; exceptional ability | 通天的本事
thongtiap | diplomatic communications or messages | 通牒
thopax | Japanese dessert, an earth dum | 土壩; 塗霸; 鵟
thopee | dig tool; instrument | 土耙
thophaang | cement slurry on small platform | 塗捀
thophviaa | mud bank on the seashore | 土灘
thophøee | clods of surface soil in ploughed fields | 表土
thopiahzhux | house made of soil blocks | 塗壁厝
thopiaq | soil blocks wall | 塗壁
thopipw | ocarina | 土嗶垺; 陶笛
thopo | hard-woven cloth | 土步
thopuxn | manure; compost | 土糞; 堆肥
thorafphoee | rabbit fur | 兔皮
thorpurn | sustain losses in business | 賠本
thosip | sneak attack | 偷襲
thotauxpeeng | peanut | 塗豆爿
thuhphoax | expose a man's pretensions; to break with the end of a pole or bamboo | 刺破
thuipaai | arrange (a matter), assign (a person), arrangement, ordering | 推排; 安排
thuiphaix | elect or recommend representatives to.. | 推派; 推銷
thuipurn sokgoaan | investigate origins; ascertain the causes; trace the origins | 推本溯源
thun paktor | do with difficulty in order to warm dressed and well fed | 填飽肚子
thunpexng | annex | 吞併
thunphiexn | usurp by deceit | 吞騙; 騙取
thuolip | stand | 佇立
thupi | savings; reserves; stockpile; repertory | 儲備
thupixkym | reserve fund | 儲備金
thuxnpor | make up a deficiency | 儲補; 坉補; 填補
thuxnpurn | investment; invest money in business; invest capital in | 填本; 坉本; 下資本; 投資
thuxnpvee | fill up to become flat | 坉平
thuxnpvii | fill up ground till it is level | 填平
thviaf-bøe bengpek | I don't quite understand; I did not hear clearly; cannot understand (what the other is talking about); cannot hear well or comprehend | 聽無明白
thviasviaf-liap'viar | make groundless accusations | 捕風捉影
thvikhix uxpøx | weather forecast | 天氣預報
thvipe | Heavenly Father | 天爸
thvipefng | heavenly host, heavenly army | 添兵; 天兵
thvipng | put rice in a bowl; fill the bowl with boiled rice; have another helping (bowl) of rice | 添飯; 盛飯
thvipor | expletive; supply; padded | 填補
thvipvii | fill in | 填平
thvipvy haykag | remote regions | 天崖海角
thvipvy | horizon | 天邊
thvite bøo pøx | Heaven and Earth allowing wickedness to go unpunished | 天地無報
thvithaau-thiapboea | get more family livelihood | 貼補家計
thvoafpvee | to level slightly and smooth down the surface of a piece of ground; filling up slight depressions with its own earth | 鋤平
thvoafpvii | to spread out even; go snacks | 攤平
thvoalap | pay by installments | 攤還; 分期繳納
thvoaphaix | allot, distribute (in equal shares) | 攤派; 分配
thvoarpid | charcoal pencil for drawing | 炭筆
thvy phahphuo | dawn; daybreak | 天剛亮
thvy phwkngf | at daybreak; toward daylight; early dawn | 天拂曉; 黎明
thvy taxmpøqar | add a little; give or put in a little more | 添淡薄仔; 加一點
thvy-phwkngf | dawn | 天拂曉; 破曉; 黎明
thyphoax | rend apart; tear apart; rip to pieces | 撕破
thøciaplie | graft a plum on a peach | 桃接李; 改良的李子
thøeapefng | retreat | 退兵
thøeapo | back slide; to regress; set back; retrogression | 退步
thøfhiap | compromise with; accommodation; come to terms | 妥協
thøfkiuopefng | ask for reinforcement | 請救兵
thøfphethviax | asking for trouble | 討皮疼
thøfphoethviax | asking for trouble | 討皮疼
thøfphvii | get even, take revenge | 討平
thøfpng | beg for food | 討飯; 要飯
thøfpøee | ask for damages | 討賠; 要求賠償
thør kiuopefng | request relief troops; seek reinforcements | 討救兵
thør phoee thviax | ask for trouble; bring trouble upon self | 自討苦吃
thør phøee thviax | ask for trouble | 討皮疼
thørhiap | compromise; understanding; reconciliation; come to terms; reach a reconciliation | 妥協
thørpaang | suite; flatlet; suite of rooms | 套房
thørpiexnpien | rehearsed; all ready; prepared | 套好了
thøx phvaylaang | engage a bold; bad man to assist in some wickedness; e.g.; robbery; false lawsuits | 套歹人; 串通壞人
ti'iuu-phøh'ar | browned residue from rendered fat; cracklings | 豬油粕仔
tiabpøx | spy and report | 諜報
tiabtiap laai | coming over and over again | 常常來
tiabtiap | talkative; chatter; to rattle | 喋喋
tiafm phøeøee | mend leather shoes | 修補皮鞋
tiafmmiapho | roll (of names) | 點名簿
tiafmpefng | mark those present at muster; muster troops; mark the roll of soldiers | 點兵
tiafmphoax | give a hint to a man so that he may understand; especially; some secret plot or unseen danger; explain something difficult to understand; to unravel (a mystery) | 點破
tiafmpox | on demand for broadcast | 點播
tiafmpvoarzefng | an hour and a half | 點半鐘
tiafmpvoax | an hour and a half | 點半
tiafmpøx | on demand for broadcast | 點播
tiag sngrpvoaa | use an abacus; reckon on the abacus | 打算盤
tiagsngrpvoaa | abacus | 擉算盤
tiak sngrpvoaa | do abacus - budget wisely | 擉算盤
tiaksngrpvoaa | abacus | 擉算盤
tiampheoee | shoe repairment | 砧皮鞋
tiamphoeee | shoe repairment | 砧皮鞋
tiaocip | to convene; to call to arms; muster up; convene (a meeting); summon (a council); to call to arms | 召集
tiaopaai | hanging tablet | 吊牌; 掛招牌
tiaopefng | move troops | 調兵
tiaophaix | dispatch | 調派
tiaophvix | card of condolence, sympathy card | 弔片; 弔唁卡
tiaosiaw cipciaux | revoke a license | 吊銷執照
tiap | pile up; repeat; pile things one on top of another; build up a house one story higher; laid or put on in addition | 疊
tiap'afkuo | a while; a moment; for some time; in just a moment | 摺仔久; 一會兒
tiap'ar-kuo | a moment, a short time | 摺仔久; 一會兒
tiarm'afpvy | shop side | 店仔邊
tiarmphof | a shop; a store | 店舖
tiarmphor | store; shop | 店舖
tiarmphox | store; shop | 店舖
tiarmpør | guarantee (for a person's reliability) given by a shopkeeper | 舖保; 店保
tiaubi-phirn | seasoning | 調味品
tiaubixphirn | seasoning; spice; dressing material | 調味品
tiauhap | mix; compound | 調合
tiaupag | fixed in memory; retain in the stomach | 上胃; 牢腹; 銘記,生效
tiaupaix | reverence; venerate; do homage to; adore; to have an audience with the sovereign | 朝拜
tiauphaix | trendy | 潮派
tiauphex | deployment | 調配
tiauphii | mink; marten | 貂皮
tiauphoex | deployment | 調配
tiauphøee | sable skin (fur); mink; marten's fur | 貂皮
tiauphøee-toaxy | mink coat | 貂皮大衣
tiaupiin | FM | 調頻
tiaupox | planting in rows | 貂部; 條播
tiaupøflai | inside the bunker | 碉堡內
tiaupør | bunker | 碉堡
tiausekpvoaa | palette | 調色盤
tiauzapiør | record of investigation | 調查表
tiaw putpør sek | morning cannot guarantee the evening ─ in imminent danger of death; precarious; in constant fear | 朝無保夕
tiaxmtiam'ar jip`khix | in silently; steal into; enter without knocking | 恬恬仔進去; 偷偷地進去
tidciab kausiap | direct negotiation | 直接交涉
tidciapsøex | direct taxation | 直接稅
tidjip | go right in | 直入
tidpafn | on watch; on duty; take a turn on duty; be on duty; have this shift | 值班
tidpox | live streaming | 直播
tidpøx | live streaming | 直播
tiefnlafmphirn | exhibit | 展覽品
tiefnpør | boast and brag; to show one's cherish thing | 誇耀; 示寶貝
tiejiputpiao | to not show | 致而無表
tienpor | make up a deficiency, make up a debt | 殿補; 填補
tientørperng | turn inside out, turn upside down | 顛倒反; 反過來
tientørpvae | opposite | 顛倒反
tiepve | causing sickness, grow unwell, catch a disease | 致病
tiepvi | causing sickness; grow unwell; catch a disease | 致病
tiern-pwnsu | boast of or display one's own skill; ability | 炫本事
tiet'hak phoksu | Doctor of Philosophy; PhD | 哲學博士
tiexn'apkex | voltmeter | 電壓計
tiexn'oe ciapsvoarsefng | telephone operator | 電話接線生
tiexn'oe-pho | telephone directory, yellow book | 電話簿; 電話薄
tiexn'oexpho | telephone directory | 電話簿
tiexn'oexpvy | phone side | 電話邊
tiexnhefphog'ar | light ball | 電火泡仔
tiexnhefpox | electric fire cloth wrapping around wire | 電火布
tiexnhoefphog'ar | light ball | 電火泡仔
tiexnhoefpox | electric fire cloth wrapping around wire | 電火布
tiexnkhix ioxngphirn | electric appliances | 電氣用品
tiexnkhix tiaukhekparn | glyphograph; electronically designed and produced printing plate | 電氣雕刻版
tiexnkongphvix | electro-optic film | 電光片
tiexnpaan | battery | 電瓶
tiexnpengsviw | refrigerator | 電冰箱
tiexnphøf | electric waves | 電波
tiexnpiør | electric meter; electrometer | 電表; 電錶
tiexnpo | buttocks (body) | 殿部; 腎部
tiexnpørhuix | cable charge; telegram fee | 電報費
tiexnpøx | telegram; a cable; to wire | 電報
tiexnsi pørsarngky | television transmitter | 電視播送機
tiexnsixgiap | TV industry | 電視業
tiexnviafphiøx | movie ticket | 電影票
tiexnzwphoef | email | 電子批
tiexnzwpiør | digital watch | 電子錶
tiiuphøh'ar | crunchy pork crackling | 豬油粕仔
tikie ee peng'iuo | very intimate friends | 知己的朋友
tim pvoarciwzuie | wine and water each in part | 酒水各一半來燉
timbee putzhvea | coma; apoplexy; deeply addicted to; infatuated with (vice; sinful ways) | 沉迷無醒
timphuu | ups and downs | 沉浮
timtimputguo | not making a sound | 沉沉無語
tinliedphirn | articles on display; curiosa; exhibits | 陳列品
tinpaai | rattan-shield | 藤排; 藤牌
tinpefng | draft able-bodied male citizens for military service; enlist under conscription | 徵兵
tinpengzex | conscription system (as distinct from the volunteer system) | 徵兵制
tinphii | dried orange peel | 陳皮
tinphirn | curiosities, precious objects | 珍品
tinpurn | a rare book | 珍本
tinpvy | rattan whip | 藤鞭
tinpør | jewerlry and valuable; preciousness | 珍寶
tinzengpiør | sentiment table | 陳情表
tiofngpaang | elder's room | 長房
tiofngpoex | the senior generation; seniority; eldership; senior generation; an elder; elder brothers and persons of the same generation with our parents or higher | 長輩
tiogpo | step by step, from the first step | 逐步
tiokpax | raised levee; build a dam | 築壩
tiong'iap | the middle period; the middle decades of a century | 中葉
tiong'ipo | department of Chinese medicine | 中醫部
tiong'iøqpaang | Chinese medicine store | 中藥房
tiong'iøqpaw | Chinese medicine package | 中藥包
tiongchiupviar | moon cakes; autumnal equinox cakes | 中秋餅; 中秋月餅
tiongkanphaix | middle-of-the roaders; neutral faction; the fence straddlers; fence sitters | 中間派
tiongkexhaypoat | middle and low altitude | 中低海拔
tiongkwn-pørkog | loyal to the sovereign and dynasty | 忠君報國
tionglampo | central south | 中南部
tionglibphaix | neutral party | 中立派
tionglip koanboxngciar | neutral onlooker | 中立觀望者
tionglip textaix | neutral zone | 中立地帶
tionglip zernghuo | neutral government | 中立政府
tionglip | neutrally; neutrality; neutralism; neutral | 中立
tiongpafn | mid-class | 中班
tiongpan | medium quality | 中等
tiongpaxntiongpan | right size | 中範中範
tiongphang | space of center | 中縫; 中央位子
tiongphiefn siawsoad | long story; a novel | 長篇小說
tiongphiefn | long piece (story, poem, etc.) | 長篇
tiongpo | the central part; the middle part; center section; middle section | 中部
tiongpok | faithful servant | 忠僕
tiongpox | repetition of a television news item; repetition of a television commercial; instant replay | 重播
tiongpvoaa | wholesale trade | 中盤; 批發商
tiongpvoasiofng | mid-market; middle man | 中盤商
tiongpør | middleman who stands security; advocate (Catholic) | 中保; 擔保人
tiongsefng-punlør | longevity without being old; immortality | 長生無老
tiongsefng-putnør-iøh | elixir | 長生無老藥
tiongsyn hunphoex | distribute anew; reallocate | 重新分配
tiongsyn zongpi | refit | 重新裝備
tiongtaopng | midday meal; lunch; luncheon | 中晝飯
tiongthiap | duplicated, piled one on another | 重疊
tioxngkanggiap | heavy industry | 重工業
tioxngkym lefphexng | employ with a high pay | 重金禮聘
tipaai | pork chop | 豬排
tipatkaix | fictionary pig character | 豬八戒
tiphef | young pig | 豬胚
tiphoear | piglet | 豬胚仔
tiphoef | pig not full grown; piglet; shoat | 幼豬
tiphof | price of live pig | 豬麩; 毛豬的價錢
tiphøef | young pig, 40~80 [[kyn]] | 豬胚
tipve | get rid of a disease or a bad habit; practice | 除病
tipvoaa | delay, hold back | 遲盤
tipvoax | to delay | 纏絆
tipvy | edge of a pool | 池邊
tithaupeeng | mumps | 腮腺炎
tithauphoee | skin from a pig's head | 豬頭皮
tithauphøee | skin from a pig's head | 豬頭皮
tithaupuii | mumps; parotitis inflammation of a parotid | 腮腺腫; 豬頭肥; 腮腺炎; 耳下腺炎
tithaupvex | handle of a hoe | 鋤頭柄
titphiørlut | voting rate | 得票率
titphiøx | got votes | 得票
titpvi | to get ill, to become sick | 得病
tiuafphafng | rice smell | 稻仔芳
tiuafpox | silk cloth | 綢仔布
tiujip | to throw in | 丟入
tiuo'ia penghwn | equinox | 晝夜平分
tiuo'ia putseg | never ceasing; day nor night; (to work) day and night without rest or stop | 晝夜無息
tiupan | plan and sponsor (a show; sports event; school); make plans to start | 籌辦
tiupi siøfzof | ad hoc committee | 籌備小組
tiupi uyoaan | members on an ad hoc or preparatory committee | 籌備委員
tiupi | to prepare and plan; to arrange; make arrangements | 籌備
tiupixhoe | preparatory meeting; committee | 籌備會
tiupixtiofng | in the course of preparation; in hand | 籌備中
tiupixzhux | preparatory office; Bureau of Preparation | 籌備處
tiuxjiedpve | rice blast; rice plant mold | 稻熱病
tiuxpea | sheaf of rice | 稻把
tiuxpi | to plan, to prepare | 籌備
tiwn-pitpøx | conscious of a kindness and acknowledging a duty to repay it | 知恩必報
tiwn-pørpurn | recompense the favors of those from whom we spring (our parents) | 知恩報本
tix cy putbun | to treat with indifference; not to bother asking | 置之無問
tix cy putlie | disregard it totally | 置之無理
tixmpor | prepare food or medicine of high nutritious value in a double boiler | 燉補
tixnboong ciorngsu kyliaxmpy | monument in honor of servicemen killed in action | 陣亡將士紀念碑
tixpiaw | to cope with the symptoms only; therapy | 治標
tixpurn | deal with or cure a trouble at the source; treat a matter thoroughly | 治本
tixpve | treat a disease or ailment | 治病
tixpvi | treat a disease or ailment | 治病
tiøh chiørpii | always laugh much | 易笑的; 笑個無停
tiøh toaxpvi | got sick seriously | 中大病
tiøqpiøf | got venereal disease; got VD | 中嫖; 染到性病
tiøqpve | have a disease; stupid; clumsy | 生病; 笨
tiøqpvi | illness; sicken; sickness | 得病; 著病; 生病
tng'ar siøphoah | intestinal malfunctions | 腸仔相纏; 腸纏住
tngfpeh | turn white | 轉白
tngfpurn | recover the capital | 轉本; 扳回本錢
tngpefng | to be soldier; to serve in the army; uniform; military service; serve in the army; be a soldier | 當兵
tngphao | long run | 長跑
tngphaux | robe; long gown | 長袍
tngphvix | long-playing movie | 長片
tngphøf-tefphøf | long and short waves | 長波短波
tngpvextok | enterovirus | 腸病毒
tngpvixtok | enterovirus | 腸病毒
tngrlapze | fall on one's buttocks (seat); totter backwards | 跌凹坐
tngrphiøx | pawn ticket | 當票
tngrphor | pawnshop | 當舖
tngthaau-peqjit | in broad daylight | 光天化日
tngthaupeqjit | day time | 當頭白日
tngthaupeqlit | day time | 當頭白日
tngxphvix | fragment; piecemeal; discontinue playing movie; disruption of a movie show caused by mechanical trouble in the projector | 斷片
tngxpvoartiq | not half a drop (of rain or water) | 斷半滴
to-zhuiepar | live from hands to mouth | 度喙飽
toa paktor-thafng'ar | a woman's stomach protrudes either before or after pregnancy; a man or woman has dropsy; undernourished or starving child with big belly | 大肚仔 (病態的); 小腹大
toa-phaethaau | overbearing manner | 大派頭
toa-pngxtiaxm | hotel (with a large building) | 大飯店
toa-poxhun | majority, greater part | 大部份
toa-pwn'viaa | national military headquarters | 大本營
toa-pwnsu | talent | 大本事
toa-zupwnkaf | great capitalists | 大資本家
toadkymphiaw | win the first prize (in a race or game) | 奪錦標
toadphiaw | grasp the sign | 奪標
toadpvex | seize the handle | 奪柄
toafnpefng | short pawn | 短兵
toafnpefng-siongciab | fight at close quarters; hand-to-hand combat | 短兵相接
toafnphao | short distance race; sprint | 短跑
toarpefng | lead or have charge of troops | 帶兵
toarpve | while quite unwell, said of exerting one's self notwithstanding sickness | 帶病, 抱病
toarpvi | while quite unwell; said of exerting one's self notwithstanding sickness | 帶病; 抱病
toaxchiwpid | generous | 大手筆
toaxcympøar | big aunty | 大嬸婆仔
toaxcympøo | big aunty | 大嬸婆
toaxhør toaxpai | results maybe very good possibly very bad; uncertain results | 大好大壞
toaxiøtoaxpae | swagger | 大搖大擺
toaxkhapøo | bigfoot lady | 大跤婆
toaxkhopea | stout | 大箍把; 肥胖; 粗壯
toaxkipaai | big-name (actors or actresses); leading (movie stars or other performing artists); noted person; influential | 大枝牌; 紅人
toaxkiøpvy | big bridge side | 大橋邊
toaxlaxnphaf | big penis | 大𡳞脬
toaxloxpvy | big roadside | 大路邊
toaxnao bapix | cerebral palsy | 大腦痲痺
toaxngaai zoadpiaq | broken ridges and steep cliffs | 斷崖絕壁
toaxnphiexn | fragment | 斷片
toaxnzoat pangkaw | sever diplomatic ties (relations) | 斷絕邦交
toaxpaai | important card, VIP, man of success | 大牌; 王牌
toaxpaang | eldest son's branch of family | 長房
toaxpaepaix | big celebration event | 大拜拜
toaxpafn | big class; Beijing Opera | 大班; 大戲; 京戲
toaxpag | big size; large size; large amount | 大幅
toaxpahcvii | large sum of money | 大把錢; 鉅款
toaxpai | an utter defeat | 大敗
toaxpaktor | pregnant; be pregnant; be (big) with child | 大肚子; (懷孕)
toaxpan | generous; elegant and composed; profuseness; in good taste; elegant and composed; proud; haughty; arrogant | 大範; 大方; 擺架子
toaxpan'aftoaxpan | generous | 大範仔大範
toaxparn | elegant and composed | 大板
toaxpaw | large package, large parcel | 大包
toaxpeeng | side of honor; the right hand side; the larger half | 大邊; 大爿; 右邊
toaxpefng | soldier | 大兵
toaxpeh'ar | eldest uncle on the father side | 大伯仔
toaxpehkofng | eldest grand uncle on the father side | 大伯公
toaxpeq | husband's eldest brother | 大伯; 大伯父
toaxpeqzhaix | napa | 大白菜
toaxphahbe | big sale | 大拍賣
toaxphaix | generous; elegant and composed; in good taste | 大方
toaxphaux | cannon; ordnance; bulla; artillery; artillery shell; firecracker | 大炮; 巨砲; 大型爆竹
toaxphef | large batch of, a good deal of | 大批
toaxphiang | huge (guy) | 大龐
toaxphiexn | big piece | 大片
toaxphiøo | water hyacinth | 大瓢; 布袋蓮
toaxpho | account book | 大簿
toaxphoax | to destroy in a big way, to defeat utterly | 大破
toaxphoef | in great numbers, a large number of | 大批
toaxphvartau | large soft earthnuts | 大粒脆花生
toaxphvaylaang | big bad guy | 大歹人
toaxphøef | large batch of; a good deal of | 大批
toaxphøf | big slope | 大坡
toaxpid | large sum | 大筆
toaxpien | stool, shit, excrement | 大便
toaxpngxtiaxm | hotel with restaurant | 大飯店
toaxpo | long steps or strides; good; fast pace | 大步
toaxpoah | large cymbals | 大鈸
toaxpoxhun | major part; largely; the greater part; majority | 大部份
toaxpoxkviaa | walk with long steps | 大步走
toaxpuii | feces; stool; shit | 大肥; 糞
toaxpuoho | big wealthy family | 大富戶
toaxpuoofng | monopoly; wealthy person | 大富翁
toaxpurn | large volume (book); large amount (capital); large size (plant); large capital | 大本
toaxput | Buddha | 大佛
toaxpux | very rich | 大富; 富豪
toaxpuxbør | the thumb; the big toe | 大頭拇; 大姆指
toaxpuxofng | the thumb; the big toe | 大拇公; 大拇指
toaxpve | serious illness | 大病
toaxpvi | serious illness or ailment | 大病
toaxpviar | large cooky | 大餅
toaxpviarsaux | tidying tasks | 大摒掃
toaxpvix | shaft of a rudder | 舵柄
toaxpvoaa | a wholesaler | 大盤
toaxpvoaa-senglie | wholesale business | 大盤生意; 批發生意
toaxpvoax | the bulk of; major part; largely | 大半
toaxpwnviaa | headquarter | 大本營
toaxthaupefng | soldier | 大頭兵
toaxthaupve | wish to be a great man (influential man) | 大頭病
toaxtviapvy | big plaza side | 大埕邊
tochixpvi | endemic disease among city dwellers | 都市病
toefphvix | negatives | 底片
toefpng | put rice into a bowl | 貯飯
toefpnggr | add rice | 貯飯
toefpo | bottom | 底部
toefpvoaa | chassis | 底盤
toexparn | floor | 地板
toexphee | land | 地皮
toexphiaw | landmark | 地標
toexpiao | surface | 地表
toexpiaw | landmark | 地標
toexpo | situation | 地步
toexpvoaa | territory | 地盤
tofngphaix buxntøee | problem of parties | 黨派問題
tofngphaix | parties; factions; cliques; cliques; parties in politics | 黨派
tofngpo | the headquarters of a political party; Local Councils of the Nationalist party | 黨部
tofphog | to gamble; gambling; wager; gamble; gambling | 賭博
tofphoktviuu | gambling house, gambling den | 賭博場
toglip kaophaix | independent sects; Congregationalists | 獨立教派
toglip kikoafn | independent organ or institution (political or social) | 獨立機關
toglip kyliaxmjit | Independence Day; national day | 獨立紀念日
toglip soangieen | Declaration of Independence of the USA | 獨立宣言
toglip zengsiin | spirit of independence; independent minded | 獨立精神
toglip | independence; independent; self-contained; independence; independent | 獨立
togpe | kill by poisoning | 毒斃
togphirn | narcotics drugs; narcotic; hard drug | 毒品
togpo | pace | 踱步; 毒計
togpvi | malignant disease | 毒病
tohap | situation; the status of affairs; circumstances; occasion; opportunity | 都合; (安排); 時間; 情況; 場合; 時間(安排)
tohapsiong | on the circumstances | 場合上
tokpan | oversee management | 獨辦; 督辦
tokphoax | smash, break by smashing | 剁破; 啄破
tokphvi | pointed nose | 大鼻
tokphvi'ar | person with an aquiline (hook) nose ─ foreigner | 大鼻仔; 洋人
tokphvixsvoaf | pointed nose | 篤鼻山
tongcioxng soanpox | announce before a crowd; announce publicly | 當眾宣佈
tonggiap konghoe | guild; trade union | 同業公會
tonggiap | people of the same occupation; profession; same trade; same trade; person of same business | 同業
tongpaang | in the same room; sexual intercourse | 同房
tongpafn | a classmate; same class | 同班
tongpaw | a compatriot; a fellow countryman; uterine brothers; compatriots | 同胞
tongphvoa | accompany | 同伴
tongpo | same footsteps; synchro step; synchronization | 同步
tongpoex | same generation | 同輩
tongpoong | bridal chamber, cohabit, marriage room, live as a husband and a wife | 同旁; 同房
tongpvi | suffering the same disease | 同病
tongpvi-siongliin | fellow sufferers have mutual sympathy; misery loves company | 同病相憐
tongthiøpaxnghad | a wake-up call | 當頭棒喝
topax | plot and encroach upon | 圖罷; 謀圖
tophvix | picture, illustration, print | 圖片
topiør | chart; diagram | 圖表
topo | to go on foot, to walk | 步行
topøx | try to repay an obligation or grace | 圖報
torngphoear | disc brake pads | 擋皮仔
torngputzu | can't stop | 擋無住
toxngbut phiaupurn | zoological specimens | 動物標本
toxngpaang | an inner chamber; the bedroom for new couple | 洞房
toxngpefng | start the war | 動兵
toxngphoax | poke a hole; break through (with a finger) | 撞破; 刺破
toxngponghoaciog | bridal anthurium | 洞房花燭
toxngpoong hoaciok'ia | wedding night; the first night | 洞房花燭夜
toxngpoong | the bedroom for new couple; innermost chambers; nuptial chamber; consummate a marriage | 洞房
toxpar | make a living | 渡飽; 餬口; 糊口
toxpefar | brown cricket | 土蟋蟀
toxpeh'ar | cricket | 土爬仔; 杜伯仔; 蟋蟀
toxpit'ar | cricket | 土裂仔; 蟋蟀
tudphoarsexng | breakthrough | 突破性
tudphoax | breakthrough | 突破
tudpiexn | mutate; unexpected change; sudden political upheaval; unforeseen disaster | 突變
tuieciaopiør | contrastive or comparative table | 對照表
tuieciørpiør | synopsis, table for comparison | 對照表
tuielip | to be opposed to each other; opposite; opposition; opposed to each other; in opposition to each other | 對立
tuiepaix | bride and bridegroom saluting each other | 對拜
tuiepeeng | opposite side | 對反
tuiepeh | a dialogue | 對白
tuieperng | adverse; contrary; comverse; inverse; reverse | 對反; 相反
tuiephaq | fight each other; exchange blows | 對打
tuiepie | contrast, compare | 對比
tuieputkhie | I am sorry. I apologize | 對無起; 對不起
tuieputzu | pardon me; excuse me; sorry; I beg your pardon; I am sorry. I apologize. | 對無住; 對不住; 對不起
tuieputzux | sorry | 對無住
tuiepvoarpwn | divide in equal shares; divide equally | 對半分
tuiepvoarthaxn | make 100 percent profit | 賺一倍
tuiepvoax | a half; one half; dimidiate; half-and-half; half each | 對半
tuiepwn | divide equally (between two persons) | 平分; 對分
tuiepør | investigate and verify the credit rating of a guarantor | 對保
tuii khaciahphviaf | massage the back by light pounding with fists | 搥背
tuipefng | soldiers in pursuit | 追兵
tuipeg | pursue hotly | 追逼; 緊追
tuipo | to hunt down | 追步
tuipor | hunt down | 追捕
tuipuii | compost; dunghill; compost ─ an organic fertilizer (manure) | 堆肥
tuipvie | beat flat (with hammer or fist) | 鎚扁
tuipvii | poound flat, pound level | 追平; 搥平
tuisw-lefpaix | Requiem Service (Protestant) | 追思禮拜
tuiuphøh'ar | lard | 豬油粕仔
tuix pitzeg | analyze a handwriting (in an effort to ascertain its author) | 對筆跡
tuixpo | team | 隊部
tunpefng | garrison | 屯兵
tunpo | buttock; hip; breech | 臀部
tupaang | kitchen; cookroom; kitchen; cook | 廚房; 廚子
tuphe'ar | pig embryo | 豬胚仔
tuphear | piglet | 豬胚仔
tuphef | pig embryo | 豬胚
tuphof | pig shop | 豬鋪
tupø-anlioong | drive out the rascals and protect the people | 除暴安良
tuqphoax | pierce and burst open | 刺破
tuthaupeeng | pig head | 豬頭爿
tuthauphee | pig scalp | 豬頭皮
tuthaupuii | pig head fat | 豬頭肥
tuxnpefng | station troops | 屯兵
tuxnpor | stew tonic | 燉補
tvafciab-pvi | biliousness (sickness) | 膽汁病
tvafciøh-pvi | chololithiasis | 膽石病
tvafpai | defeat; to suffer a defeat; be defeated in battle | 打敗
tvafpan | dress up; make up; titivate; to make up (said of a woman; actor or actress); dressed like | 打扮
tvafpax | target practice | 打靶
tvafpaxnzøx | dress up as | 打扮做
tvafphau putpeeng | help victims of injustice; try to redress an injustice to the weak | 打抱無平
tvafphoax | break | 打破
tvaftiap | maltreat (as a woman does to a female slave); to torture | 虐待; 打揲; 整人
tvafzap | to do odd jobs | 打雜
tvapuii | carry (on both ends of shoulder pole) fertilizer; manure | 挑肥
tvapuii`ee | carrier of the (on both ends of shoulder pole) fertilizer; manure | 打肥的
tvar toa paw thvy | extremely audacious; recklessly bold | 膽大包天
tveasipsib | assume an unconcerned air; be indifferent to | 裝濕濕; 裝蒜
tvex-phoarpvi | pretend to be ill; malinger | 裝破病
tvexpvie | crushed | 捏扁
tviafphie | the hard rind formed on the inside of a kettle when cooking rice (pngxphie is more common to use) | 鼎疕; 鍋巴; 鍋粑
tviafphyar | the hard rind formed on the inside of a kettle when cooking rice (pngxphie is more common to use) | 鼎疕仔; 鍋巴
tviafpvisøo | a southern Taiwanese dish | 鼎邊趖
tviafpvy | ding pot side | 鼎邊
tviepvi | pretend sickness | 佯病
tvikhapox | foot binding clothes | 纏跤布
tvikhapvoarchiuo | got in a way | 纏跤絆手
tvipvoaa | hinder someone | 纏盤
tvipvoax | stumbling | 纏絆; 糾纏
tviuhap | an occasion; a situation; a condition; occasion; situation; case; condition | 場合
tviuopaang | tent | 帳蓬
tviuopag | curtain | 脹縛; 帷幕
tviuopar | full-stomached | 脹飽
tviuophaang | tent | 脹篷
tviuopho | an account book | 帳簿
tviuophoax | inflate; distend | 脹破
tviuopvii | tent | 帳幕; 帳棚
tviuxlaang-paa`ar | father-in-law; wife's father | 丈人爸仔; 岳父
tviuxlangpaa | father-in-law | 丈人爸
tviuxlangpeq | elder brother of wife's father | 丈人伯; 妻之伯父
tviuxmfpøo | mother-in-law | 丈姆婆
tvix-sampad | play silly | 裝三八
tvoaa`phoax | break it | 彈破
tvoapurn | single volume | 單本; 單行本
tvoapvy | side of an alter | 單邊; 壇邊
twhap | fit exactly, suit exactly | 剛合
twnpaai | shield; shield; buckler | 盾牌
twnthiap | stacking up | 囤疊
twpiaq | prop up a partition | 抵壁; 頂壁; 囤牆
ty køx pid kae | one should correct his faults once he is aware of them | 知過必改
ty'aq-phirn | article given as security | 抵押品
tyahphirn | collateral; securities; articles given in pledge | 抵押品
tyzex-phirn | boycotted article | 抵制品; 抵押品
tøe-id pae | first time | 第一次
tøeapaix | accompany to worship | 隨拜
tøefphvix | negatives | 底片
tøefphvy | short (novel, story) | 短篇
tøefphøf | short wave | 短波
tøefpng | add rice | 添飯
tøefpurn | short of capital | 短本
tøexkutphii | Chinese matrimony vine (tree) | 地骨皮
tøexparn | flooring; boarding; floor | 地板
tøexpengsvoax | the horizon | 地平線
tøexphøee | land; land-estate | 地皮
tøexpiao | surface of the earth | 地表
tøexpo | situation; condition | 地步
tøexpor | make up | 遞補
tøexpox | white linen, ramie-fiber fabric | 苧布
tøexpvoaa | one's turf; one's territory under control | 地盤
tøexsym-khiplat | gravity | 地心吸力
tøfpaang | branch of a family become extinct; a ruined family | 絕嗣
tøfpe | fall down dead | 倒斃
tøfpix | bankruptcy; close down shop; go bankrupt or insolvent | 倒閉
tøfpixkiuu | dodge ball (a kind of ball game played by children) | 躲避球
tøh'afpvy | table side | 桌仔邊
tøh'ar-pvy | side of a desk or table | 桌仔邊
tøhbixnparn | desktop board | 桌面板
tøhkuixpvy | table cabinet | 桌櫃邊
tøhoaan siawpor | return the overcharge and demand payment of the shortage; if any (The expression is used when money is paid in advance for a specific use; the cost of which is unknown beforehand) | 多退少補; 多還少補
tøhpox | table cloth; cloth for wiping the table; dust cloth; duster; wash rag | 桌布; 抹布; 檯布
tøhpvy | edge of a table | 桌邊
tøjip | escape into | 逃入
tøpefng | deserter; deserter | 逃兵
tøphiaq | to run away from; to dodge; get temporarily out of the way of danger | 逃避
tøphvix | a razor blade | 刀片
tøpi | avoid, escape from | 逃避
tøpiexn | changeful | 多變
tøpvex | knife handle | 刀柄
tøpvi | sickly | 多病
tøpvix | knife-handle | 刀柄
tøpvoax | assumedly; as like as not; for the most part | 多半
tøpvy-heeng | a polygon | 多邊形
tørchiuo-peeng | left side | 左手邊; 倒手爿; 左邊
tørchiwparn | lefty | 倒手板
tørchiwpeeng | left hand side | 倒手邊
tørpaw | upside down | 倒包
tørpaw`laai | upside down | 倒包來
tørpeeng | left hand side | 左邊; 倒爿
tørperng | inverted; reversed; to turn inside out; to wear inside out; on the other hand | 反面; 倒反; 翻過來
tørphag | face down | 倒覆
tørpiin | left side | 左爿
tørthaqpvee | shield | 倒疊棚
tørtheapo | go backwards; retrogress (as in studying) | 倒退步
tøthex siawpor | return the overcharge and demand payment of the shortage; if any (The expression is used when money is paid in advance for a specific use; the cost of which is unknown beforehand) | 多退少補; 多還少補
tøtøf pauhaam | understanding | 多多包涵
tøxhak-phoksu | doctor of divinity (D.D.), doctor of theology (Th.D.) | 道學博士
tøxparn | piracy | 盜版
tøxsu-phaux | Taoism | 道術袍
tøxteg paixhoai | moral decadence; demoralization | 道德敗壞
tøxteg-phaix | moralist school | 道德派
u jixpoxchid | have some ability | 有兩下子
u phvithaau | get the better of a man; in a dispute or quarrel; get things very cheap or get large wages; advantageous (trade); yielding good profits | 佔便宜
u puntviw | generous; fond of making presents to others | 慷慨
u pwnsu | skillful; wise | 有本事
u sviafpo | what can be done? | 有什麼好法子
u zhutjip | uneven; not uniform (prices) | 有出入
u-pafag | capable, believe to be able to handle | 有把握
u-poxtiau | methodically, step by step | 有步調
ud hof pvii | smooth with an iron | 熨平
ugieen putcin | I have not been able to say all that I would like (conventional at the close of a letter) | 餘言無盡
uigiap | property left by the deceased, business left after death | 遺業
uihiap | threaten; intimidate; threat; intimidation | 威脅; 威嚇
uihuizørphvae | do evil | 為非做歹
uii lipaf | put a fence around property | 圍籬笆
uijiin supiao | be a model of virtue for others | 為人師表
uikirmphirn | contraband | 違禁品
uipeg | besiege and compel | 圍逼; 圍迫
uipiao | legacy | 遺表
uipiin | use as proof; use as evidence | 為憑; 幃; 為據
uipiøf | sell a bidding; illegal bidding--receiving money from a person to make him a successful bidder | 圍標; 搓圓仔湯
uipoe liongsym | betray one's conscience | 違背良心
uipoe | to disobey; to go against; defy; to disregard | 違背
uipoexciar | violators | 違背者
uipoextiøh | violate | 違背著
uipor | round up | 圍捕
uiqphoax | inscribe or scratch so deep to ruin the material | 畫破; 劃破
uithoanpve | hereditary disease | 遺傳病
uithoanpvi | hereditary disease | 遺傳病
uixpafng | sketchpad | 畫板
uixphoarkhafng | stomach rupture | 胃破空
uixpiin | painted screen | 畫屏
uixpo | the part of stomach | 胃部
uixpve | stomach ailment or complaint | 胃病
uixpvi | stomach ailment or complaint | 胃病
uixsioxng-phøf | phase wave | 畫相波
uixtngg-pvi | gastroenteric disease | 胃腸病
uixtngpvi | digestive ailment; disease of stomach and bowels | 胃腸病
unciongsiupøx | grace and revenge | 恩將仇報
unhøphaix | moderate faction | 溫和派
unpaan | thermos bottle | 溫瓶; 熱水瓶
unpar | adequate food and clothing | 溫飽
unsip | review a lesson; review (what has been learned) | 溫習
unto-piør | clinical thermometer, temperature chart | 溫度表
untoxpiør | temperature chart | 溫度表
uopefng | chill with ice; apply an ice pack | 冰敷; 以冰敷
uopox | apply a compress | 敷布
uphøf | aftermath | 餘波
usu-bupor | of no help; doesn't help for a solution to a problem | 於事無補
uxn'iong zupurn | functioning capital | 運用資本
uxnhøpvy | by the canal | 運河邊
uxnjip | import | 運入
uxnpefng | shipping workers | 運兵
uxnpid | last words in writing prior to death | 運筆
uxnpvoaf | transport | 搬運; 運搬
uxntoxngtviapvy | sports field side | 運動埕邊
uxpan | good gesture | 有範
uxparn | capable; skillful | 有板; 有辦法
uxphirn | has good taste | 有品
uxphvoa | have a companion or associate | 有伴
uxpi | prepared for in advance | 預備
uxpi-hoexgi | preparatory meeting or conference | 預備會議
uxpi-khøf | preparative course | 預備科
uxpi-kunkvoaf | reserve officer; officer on the reserve list | 預備軍官
uxpiao | presage, prefigure | 預表; 預兆
uxpien | had free time | 有便
uxpiin-uxkix | well founded | 有憑有據
uxpixek | reserves (military) | 預備役
uxpixiah | reserves (military) | 預備役
uxpixkwn | reserve forces | 預備軍
uxpixkym | reserve (emergency) fund; contingency funds | 預備金
uxpixpefng | ROTC | 預備兵
uxpvi | unwell | 有病
uxpvoaa | have a plan | 有盤
uxpøx | forecast; advance notice or announcement | 預報
uxsip | prepare lessons before class | 預習
uxsngx-piør | budget table | 預算表
uxsoarnpiør | budget | 預算表
uxsoaxn-piør | budget table | 預算表
uxzhud-bøjip | having expenses but no income | 有出無入
uygiap | great career | 偉業
uypan | missionary | 委辦
uyphaix | appoint; send one in charge of | 委派
uythokphirn | consignment goods | 委託品
vai pvixlaang | carry a sick person piggyback | 背病人
vaxpharng | bread with filling | 餡麭
vaxpviar | pasty; pie | 餡餅
viafcip | TV serial programs and sit-coms | 影集
viafirnpurn | photolithographic edition or copy | 影印本
viafpheeng | film criticism or evaluation; movie reviews | 影評
viafphvix | movie film; movie; cinema film | 影片
viafpiin | projection screen | 影屏; 銀幕
viafpurn | copy | 影本
viapaang | barracks | 營房
viapefng | battalion soldiers | 營兵
viapvoaa | military base | 營盤
viaxviaxpoef | floating (as dust in the air) | 飛揚的
viliap | pellets | 圓粒
vipvoa'ar | round plate | 圓盤仔
vipvoaa | a disk | 圓盤
viupaai | mutton chops, lamb chops | 羊排
viupaang | western housing | 洋房
viuphirn | foreign goods | 洋品; 洋貨
viuphyntiaxm | a foreign goods shop (store) | 洋貨店
viuphøee | sheepskin | 羊皮
viuphøezoar | vellum | 羊皮紙
viuu jip hofkhao | hopeless perilous situation (Lit. sheep in a tiger's mouth) | 羊入虎口
viuu jip longkuun | perilous (Lit. sheep entering a pack of wolves) | 羊入狼群
viuxparn | templete | 樣版; 樣板
viuxphirn | sample (of a commodity) | 樣品
viuxpurn | sample (of a commodity) | 樣本
viwpe | foster father | 養父; 養爸
viwpuii | pour shit | 舀肥
vixpafng | Gentile nations | 異邦
vixpafng-laang | gentile person, foreigner | 異邦人
vixpanglaang | Gentiles | 異邦人
vixpirn | Intrinsic differences | 異稟
voa thngf bøo voa liap | change form but not content (essence) | 換湯無換粒; 換湯無換藥
voafphied | bowls and plates | 碗碟; 碗盤
voafpox | a piece of cloth for cleaning dishes | 碗布
voafpvoaa | dishes; china | 碗盤
voaxpafn | change shifts; to change to another class; take turns | 換班
voaxpan | change sponsoring | 換辦
voaxparn | change edition | 換版
voaxpeeng | change sides, turn inside out | 換爿; 換邊
voaxphof | change shop | 換舖
wlioxngpiør | rain gauge | 雨量表
wn ciofng kiuu pøx | return evil for good; ungrateful | 恩將仇報
wn ciofng siuu pøx | return evil for good | 恩將仇報
wnpien | reliable and convenient | 穩便
ybut uii piin | take something as a pledge or proof | 以物為憑
yciorngputtoong | different from other people, extraordinary, unlike others | 與眾不同
ycioxng puttoong | different from other people; extraordinary; unlike others | 與眾無同
ykip | and; also; with; in addition; and; as well as; both…and | 以及
yliaupvy | bench side | 椅條邊
ymphirn | soft drink | 飲品
yn kuie jip theh | invite ghosts into one's home--employ a person who afterwards proves very injurious | 引狼入室
ynjip | to lead the way for | 引入
ynlip | introduce | 引入
ynpok | set off an explosion or blast | 引爆
yoaxn-pørteg | bite the hand that feeds | 以怨報德
ypi baxn'id | provide against any contingency | 以備萬一
ypi | to be ready | 以備
ypien | so as to; in order to; for the convenience of | 以便
ypoex | back of a chair | 椅背
ypø-ixpø | displace violence with violence; replace evil with evil | 以暴易暴
ysi kongpeeng | show fairness or impartiality | 以示公平
yteg pøroaxn | return good for evil; repay injury with kindness; kill'em with kindness | 以德報怨
yteg pørteg | return good for good | 以德報德
za'expof | yesterday afternoon | 昨下埔
zaai køf pattao | exceedingly talented or brilliant | 才高八斗
zaan jii put'hoex | disabled but useful; crippled but leading an active life | 殘而無廢
zabgøeh zhøezap | October 10; the Double Tenth; the National Day of the Republic of China | 十月初十
zabkiepho | notebook | 雜記簿; 筆記簿
zabliap | ten granular pieces | 十粒
zabliaxmpøo | critical woman | 雜唸婆; 發牢騷的女人
zabofpeng'iuo | girl friend | 查某朋友
zabofphvoa | female accompany | 查某伴
zabor-peng'iuo | lady friend; girl friend | 查某朋友
zabpaai | something assembled from various manufacturers | 雜牌
zabpai'ar | less known and inferior brand | 雜牌仔
zabpehpiexn | things change | 十八變
zabphiøx | ten dollar bill | 十票; 十元鈔
zabpoehpiexn | change a great deal when a girl turn into 18 years old | 十八變
zabpøe | ten fold | 十倍
zabpøeq | eighteen | 十八
zabpøeq-koniuu | pretty teens (female) | 十八姑娘
zabpøeq-løhaxn | the eighteen saints or disciples of Buddha | 十八羅漢
zabpøeq-texgak | the eighteen hells where the souls of evil persons are tortured (Buddhism) | 十八地獄
zadpag | have substance; substantial; compact; solid; compressed | 實腹; 實心
zadphvi | nose stuffed up with a cold | 鼻塞; 實鼻
zaejip | loading | 載入
zaelip | loading | 載入
zaepaix | workship again | 再拜
zaeparn | republish; republication; reprint; reproduce; second printing or edition of a book | 再版
zaeputjieen | otherwise | 再無然
zaesengphirn | reproduction; reclamation | 再生品
zaexpof | yesterday afternoon | 昨天下午
zafkhie-png | breakfast | 早起飯
zafkhypof | moring | 早起晡
zafpafn | morning shift | 早班
zafpafng | morning shift | 早幫
zafpanchiaf | morning bus | 早班車
zafpangchiaf | morning bus | 早班車
zafpng | breakfast | 早飯
zafpof | morning | 早晡
zafpøx | morning paper | 早報
zafsiap | premature ejaculation | 早洩
zafzuxsip | early self-study | 早自習
zahpox | bandage | 紮布
zai sor putsii | will not hesitate to; won't refuse | 在所無辭
zaipaw | victims | 災胞
zaipid | fortune | 財帛
zaipiexn | disaster; calamity | 災變
zaipoee | tend plants or children; bring up and train; cultivate; care for; culture growth; plantation; planting | 栽培
zaipor | treasure | 財寶
zaipør | treasure; treasures of all sorts | 財寶
zaiteg kiampi | have both talent and virtue | 才德兼備
zaixpoong | by, alongside | 在旁
zakefng-pafn | Bible class | 查經班
zakengpafn | Bible class | 查經班
zang'epof | yesterday afternoon | 昨下埔
zang'expof | yesterday afternoon | 昨下埔
zanhoaf paixliuo | prostitutes (Lit. faded flowers and withered willows) | 殘花敗柳
zanpefng | defeated troops | 殘兵
zanpo | remnant | 殘部
zanpø | cruel; vindictive | 殘暴
zantiap | overlapping | 層疊
zaopurn | music | 奏本
zap | ten; the tenth; complete; perfect | 十; 咂; 雜; 嘖喳; 拾
zap`gøeh | Oct. | 十月
zapan | examine or look into and deal with accordingly | 查辦
zaphiøx | check tickets | 查票
zapjiblaai | pierce in | 紮入來
zapo'ee | male shoes | 查埔鞋
zapof gyn'ar | boy | 查埔囡仔
zapof | male; man; male | 查哺; 查埔; 男子; 男
zapof-gyn'ar | boy | 查哺囝仔; 查埔囡仔; 男孩子
zapof-laang | man | 查哺人; 查埔人; 男人
zapof-sun'ar | nephew | 查哺甥仔; 外甥兒
zapof`ee | male person; masculine | 查哺的; 男的
zapogyn'ar | boy | 查埔囡仔
zapokafn'ar | male servant | 查埔𡢃仔
zapokafng | male worker | 查埔工
zapokhoarn | tomboy | 查哺款
zapokviar | son | 查哺囡; 兒子
zapolaang | man; male | 查哺人; 男人
zapolanghii | mermaid | 查埔人魚
zapopeng'iuo | male friend | 查埔朋友
zaposun'ar | nephew | 姪兒, 外甥兒
zaposwn | grandson | 查哺孫; 男孫
zapozor | male ancient | 查埔祖
zaq-sinpvy | bring | 紮身邊
zaqhoxpvee | sluice canopy | 閘雨棚
zaqhoxpvii | sluice canopy | 閘雨棚
zaqpiin | partition wall | 遮屏; 閘屏; 屏風
zaqzuypax | sluice dam | 閘水壩
zarmkhapo | stumbling step | 蹔跤步
zarmphoax | break by trampling | 踩破
zarnpaang | warehouse | 棧房; 倉庫
zarnpafng | duckboards; pallet | 棧板
zarnpangkhaf | duckboards bottom | 棧枋跤
zarnpangterng | duckboards top | 棧枋頂
zarnpoe | think highly of; to esteem; admire | 讚佩
zarnsengphaix | pros | 贊成派
zarpai | feign defeat | 詐敗
zarphaux | bombing | 炸砲
zarphiexn | grift; false pretences; chicane; chouse; crook; swindle | 詐騙
zarpvi | pretend to be ill | 詐病
zaupeeng | succeed in suppressing a rebellion | 剿平
zauphoq | residue after extraction | 剿粕
zauphøq | residue after extraction | 糟粕
zaux phvayoe | tattle to superiors about someone's faults | 打小報告
zawjip | run into | 走入; 跑進
zawpan | out of shape | 走辦; 走樣
zawphiaq | make an effort to avoid or hide | 走避
zawphiexn | go to round of; make the round of | 走遍
zawpi | get out of the way; to run away | 走避; 逃避
zawpiøf | run a race; foot racing | 走標; 賽跑
zaxhngf-epof | yesterday afternoon | 昨昏下哺
zeagiap | manufacturing | 製業
zeapafn | system | 制頒
zeapaix | worship | 祭拜
zeaparn | setup (printing) plates; make a printing plate | 製版
zeapefng | ice manufacturing; to make or manufacture ice | 製冰
zeaphirn | product; manufactured goods | 製品; 祭品
zeaphviechviuo | movie studio | 製片廠
zeaphviejiin | movie producer | 製片人
zeaphvix | film production | 製片
zeapi | be prepared | 製備
zeapiin | aid or relieve the poor | 濟貧
zeapox | broadcast production | 製播
zeapviar | altar bread | 祭餅
zeapøx | broadcast production | 製播
zeataai-pox | altar cloth | 祭台布; 祭臺幃(布)
zeazøxgiap | manufacturing industry | 製造業
zeazøxphirn | manufactured articles | 製造品
zecip | come together; aggregate; collect; convene; all assembled; assemble in full number | 齊集
zeeng pud zuxkixm | seized with an impulse; feel an irresistible impulse | 情無自禁
zeeng taau ix hap | be congenial; agree in tastes and temperament | 情投意合
zeeng-lefpaix | last week | 前禮拜
zefnghap | to conform; to integrate | 整合
zefngpe | assing Father's Temperament | 種父; 傳父氣質
zefngphiefn | to reorganize, reorganization | 整編
zefngpi | to prepare | 整備; 裝備
zefngpiet | species; kinds; genus; category; classify; classification | 種別
zefngpurn | invest capital | 增本; 墊本錢
zefngzok pengterng | equality of all races | 種族平等
zefngzok zhapiet | racial discrimination | 種族差別
zek'hunpiør | points table | 積分表
zekpeh'ahviaf | uncle brother | 叔伯阿兄
zekpeh'asør | uncle aunty | 叔伯阿嫂
zekpehcybe | uncle sister | 叔伯姊妹
zekpehcymoai | uncle sister | 叔伯姊妹
zekpehcymoe | uncle sister | 叔伯姊妹
zekpehhviati | father side’s cousins | 叔伯兄弟
zekpehhviati'ar | uncle brother | 叔伯兄弟仔
zekpehsiøfti | uncle young brother | 叔伯小弟
zekpehtoaxhviaf | uncle older brother | 叔伯大兄
zekpeq | cousins on father's side; paternal uncles in general and all cousins of father having the same surname | 叔伯; 伯叔
zekpeq-cymoe | female cousins of same surname | 叔伯姐妹; 堂姊妹
zekpeq-hviati | male cousins; male cousins of same surname | 叔伯兄弟
zekpeq`ee | father side’s relatives | 叔伯的
zekpi | assail; rebuke | 責備
zekpien | even if | 即便
zeksip | accumulated habits | 積習
zengbit kanggiap | precision manufacture | 精密工業
zengpaai | front row | 前排
zengpae | last time; on a former occasion; last time | 前次; 上一次
zengpafng | last time | 前幫; 前次; 前回
zengpan | investigation | 偵辦
zengpax | vie; stack up against; compete for hegemony among states | 爭霸
zengpefng | high quality soldier; reinforcements | 精兵; 徵兵; 增兵
zengpefng-leng | draft call | 征兵令; 徵兵令
zengpefng-zex | military conscription system | 征兵制; 徵兵制
zengpeh | pure and clean | 精白
zengphexng | to give public notice of vacancies to be filled | 徵聘
zengphirn | exquisite article; article of top quality | 精品
zengphoax | break through | 衝破
zengphoef | love letter | 情批
zengphoex | former wife | 前配
zengphvix | chip | 晶片
zengphvoa | love partner | 情伴
zengphvy | previour article | 前篇
zengphøef | previous letter; love letter | 前批; 情書
zengpien | argue; to debate; to dispute | 爭辯
zengpiet | farewell | 贈別
zengpiøftiaxm | watchmaker's shop | 鐘錶店
zengpiør | clock | 鐘錶
zengpiør-tiam | clock and watch shop | 鐘錶店
zengpo | front part, first part | 前部
zengpoex | a senior; a superior; an elder; an older graduate; elder; senior; eldership; antecessor | 前輩
zengpor | subjoin; enlargement; fill out; supplement; supplementation | 增補
zengputtek'ie | have no alternative | 情無得已
zengpviax | fight for, struggle for, struggle, conflict | 爭拼; 爭奪
zengpvoarjit | forenoon; morning | 前半天
zengpvoarsefng | first half of life | 前半生
zengpvoax | front half, first half | 前半
zengpørkiok | Department of Information | 情報局
zengpøroaan | secret agent | 情報員
zengpøx | information; intelligence; information; intelligence reports | 情報
zengpøx-bang | an information system | 情報網
zengpøx-kiok | the intelligence bureau | 情報局
zengpøx-oaan | an intelligence officer, a secret agent | 情報員
zengsiin koanlengpvi | neurosis | 精神官能病
zengsiin pafmoar | in high spirit; vigorous and energetic; full of spirit and energy | 精神飽滿
zengsiin putsorng | out of sorts; not well | 精神無爽
zengsiin pvixvi | mental hospital; insane asylum | 精神醫院
zengsinpve | mental disorder | 精神病
zengsinpvi | mental disease | 精神病
zengsinpvi-hak | psychiatry | 精神病學
zengsinpvixhak | psychiatry | 精神病學
zengsinpvixkhøf | psychiatry | 精神病科
zengsoafnphirn | choice goods | 精選品
zengterngpurn | revised and enlarged edition | 增訂本
zengtiofng pørkog | serve one's fatherland with unreserved loyalty | 精忠報國
zengzeaphirn | refined article | 精製品
zengzhar put'hiw | quarrel endlessly | 爭吵無休
zengzhuo pofzoxkym | endeavor to get a subsidy | 爭取補助金
zepi | everything complete; everything ready | 齊備
zepo | navel | 臍部
zepoat | a kind of cymbal | 齊拔; 齊鈸
zepvoaf-zepvoaf | and so on | 這般這般
zernggiap | respectable job; one's main job as contrasted to his side jobs | 正業
zernggo-piør | corrigenda, errata | 正誤表
zernghuo pofzoxkym | government subsidies | 政府補助金
zerngphaix ee laang | virtuous person | 正派的人
zerngphaix | upright and honest; political faction; honest; proper and straightforward; virtuous | 正派; 政派; 正式
zerngphiefn | to reorganize, reorganization | 正編
zerngpie | direct proportion | 正比; 正比例
zerngpiexn | a coup; political change; change of government; overthrow of the administration | 政變
zerngseg tamphvoax | formal discussion | 正式談判
zerngseg tap'hok | formal discussion | 正式答覆
zerngthofngphaix | orthodox school of thought | 正統派
zerngti texui pengterng | equal standing in politics | 政治地位平等
zerngtixsiong pengterng | political equality | 政治上平等
zerngtofng ee suxgiap | legitimate business | 正當的事業
zexng-pehsvix | the common people | 眾百姓
zexng-pyle | direct proportion | 正比例; 正比
zexngcip | whist; quieting; peace; silence | 靜寂
zexngphirn | bonus item; gift; a present | 贈品
zexngpor | to supplement | 增補
zexpag | face north | 坐北
zexpag-hiornglaam | house facing the south most ideal situation in Taiwan because it's warm in winter and cool in summer | 坐北朝南
zexpag-ngrlaam | house facing the south most ideal situation in Taiwan because it's warm in winter and cool in summer | 坐北向南
zexput'si | sit down unease | 坐無是
zexputsi | sit down unease | 坐無是
zhab-pai'ar | shuffle cards | 插牌仔; 洗牌
zhabzhap | blinking | 眨眨
zhadafpof | thief | 賊仔埔
zhadafpor | thief | 賊仔脯
zhadpefng | rebel soldiers; enemy troops | 賊兵; 盜匪
zhadphvoa | companion in robbery or theft | 賊伴; 把風的
zhadpøo | a woman thief; female thief | 賊婆; 女賊
zhaechi'afpvy | traditional market side | 菜市仔邊
zhaekapbak | dumbo | 菜鴿目; 痴鈍的人
zhaekoepoo | snake melon | 菜瓜蒲
zhaekoepox | skeletal fibers of the dried squash used as a scrubbing sponge | 菜瓜布; 絲瓜布
zhaekoepvear | snake melon | 菜瓜棚仔
zhaekoepvii | dishcloth gourd trellis | 菜瓜棚; 絲瓜棚
zhaepaw | steamed stuff with vegetable and meat; bun stuffed with vegetables | 菜包; 菜包子
zhaepea | a bunch of vegetables | 菜把
zhaephex | dishes | 菜配
zhaephoex | vegetables (or side dishes) to accompany rice and wine | 菜配; 伴飯伴酒的菜
zhaepng | rice with some vegetables | 菜飯
zhaepofafnng | dried radish egg dish | 菜脯仔卵
zhaepofar | dried radish | 菜脯仔
zhaepofbie | dry shredded radish | 菜脯米
zhaepofchiafm | dry shredded radish | 菜脯簽
zhaepofkin'ar | dry shredded radish | 菜脯根仔
zhaepofkyn borng ka kiaam | make do; put up with | 菜脯根罔咬鹹; 姑且將就
zhaepofkyn | dried vegetables | 菜脯筋
zhaepofnng | stir fried egg mixed with dry radish | 菜脯卵
zhaepor | long turnip sliced (salted and dried); dried radish | 菜脯; 蘿蔔乾
zhaepveafterng | vegetable shed top | 菜棚仔頂
zhaepvoaa | dish | 菜盤
zhafkofphiøx | speculate in stocks | 炒股票
zhafmpai | crushing defeat; serious crushing; heavy defeat | 慘敗
zhafmpeh | pale | 慘白
zhafnngxpng | fried rice with egg | 炒卵飯
zhafphafng | seasoning | 炒芳
zhafpng | fry rice; fried rice | 炒飯
zhaftexphøee | engage in land speculation | 炒地皮
zhafzap | noisy, confused | 吵雜
zhagphoax | pierce; puncture | 刺破
zhagtiøh kutphang | offend a man by speaking so as to reveal his wrong doing; touch on a sore point | 刺到骨縫; 說到癢處
zhahjip | to inset, to put into, an insertion | 插入
zhahpafn | transfer study; place a student from another school according to his grade; enter another school according to one's grade | 插班
zhahpansefng | student from another school placed in another school according to his grade; student who enters another school according to his grade | 插班生
zhahpøx | advertisements during the program | 插播
zhahsit laan poef | completely surrounded (Lit. Even if you were given wings; you couldn't fly away.) | 插翅難飛
zhai pudar | set up and idol; have an idol in the house | 豎佛仔; 立神像
zhaihoong pofsibpafn | training class for tailoring | 裁縫補習班
zhailap | receive and adopt | 裁納
zhaipefng | reduce the number of troops | 裁兵
zhaiperngtiau | cut and drop | 裁併掉
zhaipexng | cut down and merge | 裁併
zhaiphoax | penetrate the meaning; to guess the meaning | 猜破
zhaiphvoarkoaan | jurisdiction | 裁判權
zhaiphvoarkvoaf | judge | 裁判官
zhaiphvoarsor | court of justice | 裁判所
zhaiphvoaruyoaan | member of a panel of judges or referees | 裁判委員
zhaiphvoax | to judge; a verdict; a judge; a referee; an umpire; verdict or judgment by law | 裁判
zhaiphøx | penetrate the meaning; to guess the meaning | 猜破
zhaixlip | pillar; to set; to place; to plant | 豎立
zhak`phoax | gouge | 鑿破
zhamgiap | sericulture | 蠶業
zhamhap | mix; blend with other materials | 攙合
zhamjip | add in; interpolate | 摻入; 參入
zhampaix | worship; call on formally; pay a courtesy call | 參拜
zhampeh | mix white | 參白
zhampvoax | half and half | 參半
zhamzap | mix; mixed; mixed up; complicated | 摻雜; 參雜; 複雜
zhamzhaf-putzee | uneven | 參差無齊
zhang'afpviar | scallions cooky | 蔥仔餅
zhangiap | farm estate | 田業; 田產
zhangpeh | scallion white stem | 蔥白
zhanhngpvy | farm side | 田園邊
zhanhvoaxpvy | rice farm pathway | 田岸邊
zhankap'afkviar | baby frog | 田蛤仔囝
zhankap'afsiuu | breaststroke | 田蛤仔泅
zhankap'ar | small land frog | 田蛤仔; 田雞; 虎皮蛙; 青蛙
zhanpvy | farm side | 田邊
zhanpvy-zhao | farm side grass | 田邊草
zhanzhawpof | rice farm grass | 田草埔
zhaojiøxphoax | foul smell of urine | 尿臭味; 臭尿破
zhaokhaphvixliaam | having a sore or ulcer on the shinbone | 臭腳鼻黏; 脛骨瘡
zhaophiøo | tiny water fern | 臭薸; 慢江紅
zhaophoarpox-bi | stingy | 臭破布味
zhaophuiesiefn | arrogant | 臭屁仙
zhaophuiethaang | arrogant | 臭屁蟲
zhaophuix | intestinal gas (say a person so exaggerated in talking) | 臭屁; 屁
zhaophuo | smell of food after expiration date; molded; has a moldy smell or taste like food; cloths or a place | 臭黴; 臭殕; 黴臭味; 發霉
zhaophwbi | smelly | 臭黴味
zhaophwkhix | burnt | 臭殕去
zhaosngpo | bad old tricks | 臭酸步; 慣用毒法
zhaotaf por bøsek | add insult to injury (Lit. substitute uncooked food for burnt food offered to someone to eat) | 截長補短
zhaotaphie | burnt | 臭焦疕
zhaotapng | burnt rice | 臭乾飯
zhaotapof | slut | 臭查埔
zhaothauphie | brat | 臭頭痞
zhaozapof | slut | 臭查埔
zhap'engsu | be a busybody; meddle in others affairs | 管閒事
zhapaai | wooden cards | 柴牌
zhapaang | firewood room | 柴房
zhapafng | boards; planks | 柴板
zhapan | investigate | 查辦
zhapang'afzhngg | firewood room bad | 柴枋仔床
zhapang'ar | firewood room | 柴枋仔
zhapchiuo | interfere; meddle officiously; want a share in | 插手
zhapcidkhaf | get involve | 插一跤
zhapea | bundle of wood | 柴把; 捆柴
zhapee | wooden rake; one's wife; repining wife; a wooden rake; a termagant | 柴耙; 木耙; 木耙子; 悍婦
zhapeeng | wooden panel | 柴爿
zhaphea'ar | woodend panels | 柴杮仔
zhaphiøx | check ticket, punch ticket | 查票
zhaphiøx-oaan | conductor in the train | 查票員
zhaphoea'ar | chips of wood | 柴片仔
zhaphoee | bark of a tree | 木皮
zhaphuun | a wooden tub | 柴盆
zhaphvie'ar | panel of wood | 柴片仔
zhaphøee | bark of a tree | 柴皮
zhapiet thaixgu | unequal treatment; discrimination | 差別待遇
zhapiet | difference; discrepancy; distinction; to make discrimination | 差別
zhapkhaf-zhapchiuo | get involved | 插腳插手
zhaplam | indiscriminately | 插濫
zhapoef | wooden dividing blocks | 柴批; 杯笈
zhappaai | shuffle | 插牌
zhapseg | mix color | 混色
zhapsiaau | have to do with (vulgar) | 插迢; 管它的
zhapsu | meddle | 管事; 插事; 干涉事; 管閑事
zhapudar | wooden idol | 柴佛仔; 木雕神像
zhaput | wooden Budda | 柴佛
zhaputtøf | almost; approximately; just about; differs only by a little bit; almost; nearly | 差無多; 差不多
zhapvoa'ar | wooden plate | 柴盤仔
zhapzap | mixed up; confusion | 混雜; 插雜; 複雜
zhapzhab | get involved | 插插
zhapzhuiezhapcih | get involved | 插喙插舌
zhapzhuix | interrupt the conversation; butt in | 插嘴; 插喙
zharm putjirm tor | so tragic that one cannot bear to look at it | 慘無忍睹
zharngjip | hide in | 藏入
zharngpøfsviw | treasure chest | 藏寶箱
zhasap'ar | chips of wood | 柴屑仔
zhataxmpøqar | (adv) almost; just about to | 差淡薄仔; 差點兒
zhatpan | investigate a case and determine how to handle it | 察辦
zhatpeh | paint white | 漆白
zhatuipvy | firewood side | 柴堆邊
zhaupefng | train soldiers; exercise soldiers; to drill troops | 操兵; 練兵
zhauphiøx | banknote; money bill | 鈔票
zhaupurn | hand-written copy; manuscript | 抄本
zhaupvoaa | trader | 操盤
zhausimpehpag | anxious | 操心擘腹
zhausip | crib; plagiarism | 抄襲
zhausym pehpag | anxious grieved state of mind | 操心煩惱
zhawafpof | grass ground | 草仔埔
zhawafpoterng | grass ground | 草仔埔頂
zhawparoong | bully | 草霸王
zhawpaw | jerk; grass bag | 草包
zhawphie | small sod of turf | 草皮
zhawphoe | small sod of turf | 草皮
zhawphoeafterng | turf | 草皮仔頂
zhawphviar | a sod of turf | 草皮; (塊)
zhawpo'afpvy | turf side | 草埔仔邊
zhawpo'afterng | turf top | 草埔仔頂
zhawpo'ar | grassy plain; meadow; pasture ground | 草埔仔; 草坪
zhawpof | grassy plain; meadow; pasture ground | 草埔; 草地
zhawpokvii | turf edge | 草埔墘
zhawpolai | inside turf | 草埔內
zhawpopvy | turf edge | 草埔邊
zhawpurn | herbaceous | 草本
zhawpuu | rice straw pile | 草瓠; 草垺; 草堆
zhawpvii | rice straw pile | 草平
zhawzap | noise | 吵雜
zhaycip | collect; gather materials or specimens together | 採集
zhayhoephafng | men who have always had sex with women and then abandoned them | 採花蜂
zhaylap | adopt; naturalize; adoption; accept or adopt an idea; opinion or proposal | 採納
zhaypaai | dress rehearsal | 彩排
zhaypan | to buy | 採港; 採辦
zhayphiøx | lottery | 彩票
zhayphvoax | judgement; judge | 裁判
zhaypiin | ornamental screens; multicolored screens | 彩屏
zhaysekparn | chromolithograph printing | 彩色版
zheaphoax | to tear to pieces | 扯破; 撕成碎片
zheaphoee | crisp | 脆皮
zheaphøe'aq | roasted Peking duck | 脆皮鴨
zheaphøee | fragile | 慷慨; 皮層薄弱
zheapviar | shortbread | 脆餅
zhefng-purnsøx | dung cleaning | 清糞埽
zhefngkiuopefng | ask for reinforcement | 請救兵
zhefphoax | to tear to pieces | 扯破
zhehpaang | private study or library, book store | 冊房; 書房
zhehparn | book edition | 冊版
zhehpauar | booklet | 冊包仔
zhehpauhok | booklet | 冊包袱
zhehpaw | satchel; book bag | 書包
zhehphoee | cover or back of a book | 書皮; 封面
zhehphvai'aftea | backpack bottom | 冊揹仔底
zhehphvai'ar | satchel | 冊揹仔
zhehphøee | book cover | 書皮
zhehpiin | grid screen | 柵屏
zhehpurn | books | 冊本
zhehtøh'afpvy | desk side | 冊桌仔邊
zhekliap | rice grain | 稻粒
zhekpeq | Chinese arbor vitae | 測柏; 側柏; 喬木簡歷
zhekpiin | abject poverty | 赤貧
zhengpang | Little league baseball team for upper middle school students | 青棒
zhengpax | become the most powerful nation in the world or part of the world; hold an undisputed position of strength; occupy the leading position in certain field of sports | 稱霸
zhengpeeng | peace and justice; (said of disposition) pure; honest and peace loving | 清平
zhengpefng | fresh clean scraped ice | 清清; 清冰
zhengpeh | clean; innocence; pure; unblemished | 清白
zhengpeh'afchiu | banyan | 榕柏仔樹
zhengpeh'ar | pine tree | 松柏仔
zhengpehniar | pine; fir; | 松柏嶺
zhengpek | said of a person's character or family background; clean; unsoiled; innocent; unimpeachable | 清白
zhengpeq | pine; fir; conifers | 松柏
zhengphafng | refreshing fragrance; gently and pleasantly fragrant; not too strong | 清香
zhengphiin | poor | 清貧
zhengpiin | poor and virtuous | 清貧
zhengpng | rice | 清飯
zhengsiaopang | Little league baseball team for lower middle school students | 青少棒
zhengthiefn pheklek | sudden and unexpected (Lit. a bolt from the blue) | 青天霹靂
zhengthienpegjidkii | Chinese National flag (Lit. flag of blue sky and bright sun) | 青天白日旗
zhengzhengpeqpeh | innocent | 清清白白
zhephaix | send; to depute | 差派
zherng pvixkar | ask for sick leave | 請病假
zherngpe | kill | 銃斃
zherngphutphud | arrogant | 衝怫怫
zherngphvi koo`ee | said of articles badly made; easily coming to pieces | 無堅牢的
zherngphvi | blow the nose | 醒鼻; 醒鼻涕
zhexputsi | find out | 找無是
zhngpafng | headboard | 床枋
zhngphang | pass through a very narrow slit | 穿縫; 穿過細縫
zhngphof | bed and bedding | 床鋪; 床舖
zhngpvitøq | bedside table | 床邊桌; 床旁桌
zhngpvy | bedside | 床邊
zhngrphang | manage to go through a difficult situation | 鑽營; 鑽縫
zhngrphi | sneeze | 擤鼻
zhngrphvi | sneeze | 擤鼻
zhoa simpu | get a daughter in law | 娶媳婦
zhoaan-hof pien | get materials or people ready | 預備好
zhoaan-piexnpien | be ready for; make all necessary preparations | 備齊了; 備好
zhoafnphvexphve | wheezing | 喘怦怦
zhoafnphvixphve | breathe heavily; gasp pant; puff | 喘忐忑; 喘得要命
zhoafnpvi | athema | 喘病
zhoahpefng | a dessert of shaved ice | 刨冰; 礤冰
zhoahpengki'ar | ice crusher | 礤冰機仔
zhoanliuu putseg | constant flow; an incessant flow; continuous flow of traffic; people or conversation | 川流無息
zhoanpafng | let slip something which one has tried to conceal | 穿幫
zhoanpan | prepare and get ready | 拴辦; 準備
zhoanpien | prepare and get ready | 拴便; 備妥
zhoanpiexnpien | prepare in advance | 攢便便
zhoanpng | prepare rice | 拴飯
zhoanpoex | fritillary | 川貝
zhoarnjip | intrude | 竄入
zhoarnlip | become an unlawful ruler | 篡立
zhoarnphiexn | swindle; to collaborate in a swindle | 串騙
zhoarnthofng zokpex | join together in practicing fraud | 串通作弊
zhoat'hap | match | 撮合
zhoaxsinpu | get married | 娶新婦
zhochiuo puxnkhaf | awkward; maladroit; clumsy | 粗手笨腳
zhoe laang ee khangphang | find fault with others; look for defects in others; watch for a chance | 找人孔縫; 別人的缺點
zhoejip | blow in | 吹入
zhoepng | steam rice | 蒸飯
zhoexkhafng-zhoexphang | look for an opportunity to extort money or to slander or injure others; look for trouble (Lit. Look for opportunities and place.) | 找孔找隙; 找麻煩
zhoexkhangzhoexphang | seeking for any short coming; picky | 揣空揣縫
zhof-bypng | rough rice meal | 粗米飯
zhof-zhaepng | coarse meal | 粗菜飯
zhofngpong | rash; hurried; careless; run against; spoil or break things | 鹵莽; 匆忙
zhofngzhofngpoxngpong | in a hurry; bump | 衝衝碰碰
zhok'hap | make a match | 撮合
zhokippafn | first grade class | 初級班
zhongpong | careless; hurried; rash | 倉惶; 匆忙
zhongzap | conglomerated | 叢雜
zhopalihvay | very rough cloth or hands | 粗巴離哼; 很粗糙
zhopar | eat plenty; fill stomach; satisfy hunger | 粗飽; 只求填飽之食物
zhoparn | initial edition; first edition | 初版
zhoparn`ee | initial edition; first edition | 初版
zhopeapex | coarse; rough surface | 粗刺刺; 粗糙的
zhopepee | very rough | 粗耙耙
zhophef | rough | 粗坯
zhophiang | rough and big | 粗龐
zhophiefn | first issue of a compilation | 初編
zhophirn | coarse products | 粗品
zhophoee | rough skin of fruit or vegetable | 粗皮
zhophoef | first product; first painting on the wall | 初坯; 第一次生產之物; 第一次粉刷牆壁
zhophøee | rough skin | 粗皮
zhophøq | stout; muscular | 粗壯
zhopo | elemental; elementary; preliminary; first step; elementary steps; a primer | 初步
zhoporar | coarse cloth | 粗布仔
zhoporsvaf | coarse shirt | 粗布衫
zhopox | coarse clothes | 粗布
zhopuii | having big body and fatty | 粗肥
zhopun | having big body and stupid | 粗笨
zhopurn | large capital business | 粗本; 大資本
zhopvoaa | rough plate- rough dishes | 粗盤
zhopø | rude; rough; crude | 粗暴
zhorchiuo putkip | be caught unawares or unprepared; be taken by surprise | 措手無及
zhorhae sengphøf | disturbance due to jealousy; martial trouble arising from infidelity | 醋海生波
zhornggiap | star new business; be the founder of a business; start a business | 創業
zhornglip | foundation; organization; establishment; found; set up; establish | 創立; 創辦
zhornglip-uyoaan | organizing committee | 創立委員
zhorngpan | foundation; organization; establishment; found; set up; establish | 創立; 創辦
zhorngpaxnciar | founder; organizer | 創辦者
zhorngpaxnjiin | founder; organizer | 創辦人
zhorngphvae | damaged | 創歹
zhorngpien | woud | 創便
zhotiongpo | junior high school | 初中部
zhozeaphirn | intermediary product that requires further processing; product of low quality; crude or coarse product | 粗製品
zhozhaix piexnpng | rough meal as a humble way expressing to guests | 粗菜便飯
zhozhaix-piexnpng | common everyday dinner; pot luck | 粗菜便飯
zhozhaix-pøqciuo | ordinary food and weak wine | 粗菜淡酒
zhu-poaqtør | slip and fall | 趄跌倒; 滑倒
zhuhpuxn | thrust in a little manure beside the rice plant | 撒糞; 撒一點糞肥
zhuiehiøqchiuxpvy | broken leaf tree edge | 碎葉樹邊
zhuiekhie-phang | mouth gap | 嘴齒縫
zhuiekhyphang | tooth gap | 喙齒縫
zhuiepef | bird's bill; beak | 嘴扒; 鳥類的嘴
zhuiepeh | white beak | 喙白
zhuiephea | the cheek | 嘴巴
zhuiephoea | facial skin | 嘴頰; 臉頰
zhuiephoef | the cheek | 嘴巴
zhuiephoefbaq | cheek | 喙䫌肉
zhuiephoefkud | cheek bone | 嘴頰骨
zhuiephoefpvy | mouth side | 喙䫌邊
zhuiephvix | small broken pieces; fragments; splinters; shreds; chips | 碎片
zhuiephøea | cheek | 嘴巴; 喙䫌; 面頰
zhuiepox | left-over cloth (used to make patchwork); small cloth pieces; rags | 碎布
zhuiepvy | the sides of mouth | 嘴邊
zhuietunphee | lips | 喙脣皮
zhuietunphoee | lips | 喙脣皮
zhuietunphøee | lips | 嘴唇皮
zhuimafkapiefn | rush | 催馬加鞭
zhuipaai | arrange, assign | 推排; 安排
zhuipeg | hasten; to press | 催迫; 催促
zhuiphaix taixpiao | elect representatives | 推派代表
zhuiphaix | delegate someone (after consultation) | 推派
zhuix pehkhuy | open the mouth | 嘴張開
zhun'auxpo | leave ground for retreat; not to press one's advantage | 存後步; 留後步
zhunpan | without any previous thought about it, as something coming unexpectedly | 存範
zhunpaxnsie | prepare for death; go on an expedition that may prove fatal; take unnecessary chances; at the risk of one's life | 存範死; 孤注一擲
zhunpng | leftover food | 春飯; 剩飯
zhunpun | dull, silly, stupid | 蠢的
zhuo lo putthofng | road closed to vehicle or pedestrian | 此路無通
zhuokhapvy | neighborhood | 厝跤邊
zhuopafn | house shape | 厝辨; 房子形態
zhuophirn | second-rate, seconds | 次品
zhuopvi'ar | neighbor | 厝邊仔
zhuopvikehpiaq | neighbor | 厝邊隔壁
zhuopvilaang | neighbor | 厝邊人
zhuopvitaw | neighbor | 厝邊兜
zhuopvithaubea | neighbor | 厝邊頭尾
zhuopvithauboea | neighbor | 厝邊頭尾
zhuopvithauboefar | neighboor | 厝邊頭尾仔
zhuopvy | neighbor; neighborhood | 厝邊; 鄰居; 隔壁
zhuozeeng'auxpiaq | the front and back of the house | 厝前後壁
zhuozeng'auxpiaq | the front and back of the house | 住家的前後
zhupafnchiaf | tendency car | 趨板車
zhupafng | lay down boards so as to make a level surface | 敷板; 舖木板
zhupefng | ice skating | 趨冰
zhuphe | comfort | 舒被
zhuphoe | make the bed, spread out the coverlet ready for use, mattress | 舒被
zhuphøe | spread out the coverlet ready for use; make up the bed; a mattress | 舖被
zhuphøe-hipnoa | bed sore | 褥瘡
zhurnpeqthaang | inchworm | 寸白蟲
zhurnpo lan'ii | hard to walk even an inch | 寸步難移
zhurnpo lanheeng | difficult to advance even an inch | 寸步難行
zhurnpo putli | follow closely without allowing the distance to widen more than an inch | 寸步無離
zhurnpo | tiny step | 寸步
zhurnpun | stupid | 蠢笨; 粗俗
zhurnthor pitzefng | Even an inch of land has to be fought for | 寸土必爭
zhurnzhør-putliuu | leave not even a blade of grass; destroy completely | 寸草無留
zhutgiap | graduate | 畢業; 出業
zhutgieen putsuxn | utter insulting remarks; to insult | 出言無遜
zhutjip | to come and go; discrepancy; inconsistency; incoming and outgoing; receipt and expense; difference; come in and go out; inconsistency | 出入
zhutlap | a cashier; a treasurer; a teller; a pay clerk | 出納
zhutlip | in and out | 出入
zhutpafn | graduate | 出班
zhutpafn'ee | published | 出版的
zhutpafn'giap | publisher | 出版業
zhutpafnbut | publications | 出版物
zhutpafngiap | publishing business | 出版業
zhutpafnhoad | publication law | 出版法
zhutpafnkoaan | literary property; copyright | 出版權
zhutpafnsia | publisher | 出版社
zhutpafnsiofng | publisher | 出版商
zhutpan | distinguish | 出辨
zhutparn zuxiuu | freedom of the press | 出版自由
zhutparn | publish; publication | 出版
zhutparn-siofng | publisher | 出版商
zhutparn-soex | publication royalties | 出版稅
zhutpefng | sending out troop to fight; send forth soldiers | 出兵
zhutphaang | setting out to sail; sail | 出帆; 揚帆; 船開航
zhutphia'ar | measles | 出癖仔
zhutphiah | bleak out with measles; have measles | 出疹; 出癖; 出麻疹
zhutphiaqar | measles | 出癖仔
zhutphirn | manufacture products; products of company; manufactured things; produce; to send an article to an exhibition | 出品
zhutphoax | reveal a secret; become known like a secret; to leak out a secret | 顯露; 出破; 洩露; 露出破綻
zhutphwn | escape; flee one's home and live in exile | 出奔
zhutpixn | carry a coffin to the grave; funeral procession | 出殯
zhutpngr | out of the list; notice | 出榜; 告示
zhutpurn | lay out money; invest capital | 出資
zhutsegpho | roll book; attendance record book | 出席簿
zhutzhud-jibjip | constantly going in and out | 進進出出
zhutzhutjibjip | in and out | 出出入入
zhuun-auxpo | see zhun'auxpo | 存後步
zhuun-phvayix | bad intension | 存歹意
zhuxnpan | make example | 存範
zhve'ngg putciab | The old grain is used up before the harvest of the new crop A period of insufficiency to tide over | 青黃無接
zhvebie zwcviaa png`ar | fait accompli; What is done cannot be undone (Lit. The rice has been cooked.) | 生米煮成飯
zhvemfpøo | mother-in-law | 親姆婆
zhvepeh | pale and sickly | 青白; 蒼白
zhvephøee | rawhide; untanned hide | 生皮
zhvepiarngpiaxng | greenish | 青迸迸
zhvepo'afterng | top of the grass field | 青埔仔頂
zhvepoxngpeqpong | rush; careless | 青磅白磅
zhvezharm-logpheg | very miserable | 悽慘落泊; 慘透了
zhwnpun | dull | 蠢笨
zhwpoex | gang | 鼠輩
zhwpør | take treasure | 取寶
zhøepng | cook rice | 炊飯
zhøexphang | seeking seams; find shortcomings | 尋縫; 找缺點
zhøfbok kaipefng | grass and trees were all troops imaginary fears of a routed army | 草木皆兵
zhøfpurn | herbaceous | 草本
zhørgo pekzhud | full of mistakes | 錯誤百出
zhørhap | complex (chemistry) | 措合; 錯合; 複雜的
zhørhap-lixzuo | complex ion (chemistry) | 措合離子; 錯合離子; 絡離子
zhørpai | frustrate; foil; defeat | 挫敗
zhørzap | complicated and confused | 錯雜
zng'afpiaq | brick wall | 磚仔壁
zng'afpvy | brick side | 磚仔邊
zngpag | north of the village | 庄北
zngpan | adornment; make up; to dress or doll up; attire; to disguise | 裝扮
zngput | make and decorate an image | 妝佛; 妝塑佛像
zngpvear | brick shed | 磚棚仔
zngpvee | balcony, flat roof, veranda | 妝棚; 磚棚; 陽臺
zngpvi | feign illness; malinger; to goldbrick | 裝病
zngpvii | flat tiled roof or terrace | 磚棚; 陽臺
zngrjip | pierce into | 鑽入
zngrphang | make a hole; penetrate | 鑽縫
zo itpix-cy-lek | lend a hand | 助一臂之力
zoadparn | out of print; out of print books | 絕版
zoadpiaq | cliff; precipice; cliffs | 絕壁
zoadpid | one's last writing; cease writing at the death of the writer | 絕筆
zoadpo | the cruelest way | 絕步; 最惡毒的手段
zoafap | paper case | 紙盒
zoafgiap kongsy | pulp and paper mill | 紙業公司
zoafgiap | paper industry or enterprise | 紙業
zoafngiap | change one's trade; change one's career | 轉業
zoafnjip | to turn into | 轉入
zoafnlip | transfer in | 轉入
zoafnpiernzøx | change to | 轉變做
zoafnpiexn | change; transform; undergo change; a change or shift of attitude or thinking | 轉變
zoafnporzam | relay station | 轉播站
zoafnpox | relay a broadcast or telecast | 轉播
zoafnpvoaa | turntable | 轉盤
zoafpaai | playing cards | 紙牌
zoafpafng | cardboard; pasteboard; cardboard | 紙板; 紙枋
zoafpai'ar | playing cards | 紙牌仔
zoafpang'ar | pper factory | 紙枋仔
zoafpaw | package wrapped in paper | 轉包; 紙包
zoafpex | paper money; notes | 紙幣
zoafphef | paper letter | 紙坯
zoafphiøx | paper currency; banknotes | 紙鈔; 紙票; 鈔票; 銀票
zoafphoef | paper letter | 紙坯
zoafphvix | scrap of paper | 紙片
zoafphøee | paper cover (of a book) | 紙皮
zoafpid | pen and paper | 紙筆
zoafpoef | paper cup | 紙杯
zoafsiong taam pefng | impractical schemes; theoretical; empty talk; academic talk | 紙上談兵
zoan'giabparn | professional edition | 專業版
zoan'giap | special or principal occupation | 專業
zoanbiin kiexnpør | National Health Insurance | 全民健保
zoanbuun siulie phahjixky | typewriter repair specialist | 專門修理打字機
zoancip | entire set of books; complete works of Shakespeare | 全集
zoangiap | speciality; professional; special or principal occupation | 專業
zoangiap-hurnlien | training in a specialty | 專業訓練
zoangiap-jin'oaan | a professional staff | 專業人員
zoangiap-tieseg | professional knowledge, a thesis | 專業智識; 專業知識
zoangiap-zengsiin | dedication to a job | 專業精神
zoankoaan-taixpiao | representative vested with full authority | 全權代表
zoanlixphirn | patented articles | 專利品
zoanpaang | private room | 專房
zoanpafn | entire class; the whole class; the whole squad | 全班
zoanpan | specifically devoted to deal | 專辦
zoanphvy | whole | 全篇
zoanphøf | All wave (radio) | 全波
zoanpi | everything is prepared; all is ready | 全備; 備齊
zoanpiin | all wave (TV) | 全頻
zoanpo | entirely; wholly; the whole; completely; fully | 全部
zoanpvoaa keaoe | overall program or plan | 全盤計劃
zoanpvoaa | overall (plan); whole (affair); whole matter | 全盤
zoaphøee | snake skin | 蛇皮
zoaphøesiern | pityriasis; skin disease marked by the shedding of bran-like scales of epidermis | 蛇皮癬
zoarn pai uii sexng | turn defeat into victory | 轉敗為勝
zoarn-padtoo | change one's trade or profession | 轉別途; 轉行
zoatpun | unwise | 拙笨
zoea'au-thongtiap | ultimatum | 最後通牒
zoeabahpviar | make meatloaf | 做肉餅
zoeapaxng | diarrhea | 做放; 下痢
zoeapefng | being a soldier | 當兵
zoeaphvae | to do bad things | 做歹
zoeaphvoa | accompany someone | 做伴
zoeapien | ready-made | 做便; 現成的
zoeapurn | as capital | 做本
zoeasioxngphirn | prime quality | 最上品
zoeasiør kongpoexsox | least common multiple | 最小公倍數
zoex-kopøo | be an aunt | 做姑婆
zoex-phofphiexn | most widespread | 最普遍
zoexgiap | sin | 罪業
zofgiap | a business handed down by ancestors; ancestral property; trade or business inherited from one's ancestors | 祖業
zofngcip | the complete works of one or more authors | 總集
zofngcyhuipo | headquarters of a high command | 總指揮部
zofnghap | conglomeration; assemblage | 總合
zofngpan | general office | 總辦
zofngpaw | total package | 總包
zofngpaxkafng | general strike | 總罷工
zofngpefng | total soldiers | 總兵
zofngpengkyn | overall average | 總平均
zofngpho | general ledger; general directory; ledger | 總簿; 總帳簿
zofngphoehoad | equipment or outfit (especially of a soldier) | 總批發
zofngphof | large wooden bed for at least five persons; bed platform on which tatami's are laid in a Japanese home | 通舖; 總鋪; 大臥舖; 大木板床; 床鋪
zofngphorsay | chef | 總舖師
zofngphox | chef; cook (polite term) | 廚師; 總舖
zofngpo | general headquarters | 總部
zofngpvexvi | general hospital | 總病院
zofngsulexngpo | general headquarters (military) | 總司令部
zofngthofnghuo piesutviuo | Presidential Secretary General | 總統府秘書長
zofngzwpid | chief editorial writer | 總主筆
zofpaai | ancestral tablet | 祖排; 靈牌
zofpie | deceased grandparents | 祖妣
zofpøo | grand grand mom | 祖婆
zofthoaan ee piehngf | formula handed down from generation to generation | 祖傳秘方
zofthoaan piehngf | ancestral secret recipe | 祖傳祕方
zofthoanpiehngf | ancestral secret recipe | 祖傳祕方
zogphaix | cliques within same ancestors; division of a clan | 族派
zogphor | genealogy; family tree; genealogical table; family register; pedigree of a clan | 族譜
zohap | company; organized; consolidate; unite; combinations (math); association | 公司; 組合
zok'hap | cooperation | 作合; 使結合
zokgiabpho | workbook | 作業簿
zokgiabpho'ar | workbook | 作業簿仔
zokgiap | homework; exercises; firm's main fields of operation | 作業
zokpex | cheating; cheat; cheat in an examination; indulge in corrupt practices | 作弊
zokphirn | opus; work; handicraft; work of a writer or artist | 作品
zolip | establish | 組立; 組織
zonghabparn | comprehensive | 綜合版
zonghap gexsut | art which requires both visual sense and hearing to appreciate (such as performing arts) | 綜合藝術
zonghap pvexvi | polyclinic hospital; general hospital | 綜合醫院
zonghap | put together; include; inclusive; synthesis; gather together; collective (news reporting); synthesize | 綜合
zongkahpefng | armed forces | 裝甲兵
zongkaq-poxtui | armored troops or units | 裝甲部隊
zongkaux zhaiphvoarsor | The Holy Office or tribunal established during the period of the Inquisition | 宗教裁判所
zonglamzawpag | go south and north | 傱南走北
zongpaix | worship; admire; idolize; adore | 崇拜
zongpan | attired; impersonation; playact; pretend | 裝扮
zongphaix | a clique; branches of a clan or religion; school of philosophy or academic learning | 宗派
zongphaix`ee | schismatic | 宗派的
zongphoeasvoax | general wholesale distribution (of commodities in a given area) | 裝配線
zongphoex | to decorate; assembly line (factory) | 裝配
zongphoex-chviuo | an assembly plant | 裝配廠
zongphoex-kafng | a fitter, an assembler | 裝配工
zongphøex | assembly; fabricate; put together; assemble | 裝配
zongphøex-chviuo | an assembly plant | 裝配廠
zongphøex-kafng | a fitter, an assembler | 裝配工
zongpi | equipments (portable); equipment or outfit (especially of a soldier) | 裝備
zongpurn | an edition for library purposes; to be kept as a specimen; not for general use | 藏本
zongpøftoo | treasure map | 藏寶圖
zongseg-phirn | article of ornament or decoration | 裝飾品
zongsekphirn | ornamental item; decorative article | 裝飾品
zongzhutzongjip | in and out | 傱出傱入
zopiet | group | 組別
zorng paularm | make an entire monopoly of | 包攬一切
zorng phiencib | editor in chief | 總編輯
zorng taixpiao | chief delegate | 總代表; 主席代表
zorng-paularm | make an entire monopoly of | 總包攬
zoxjiin uii khoaelok-cy-purn | Happiness lies in rendering help to others. Service begets happiness | 助人為快樂之本。
zoxpiin | help the poor | 助貧
zoxsafnpøo | midwife | 助產士
zu pud lioxnglek | not to recognize one's own limited strength or resources; do something beyond one's ability | 自無量力
zu'iofngphirn | nourishing food; nutritive food | 滋養品
zudbie-png | glutinous rice | 糯米飯
zudbypng | sticky rice | 糯米飯
zuie pangsvoaf | mud slide | 水崩山; 土石流
zuie sied putthofng | so crowded (or so carefully guarded) that it is impossible even for water to seep through | 水泄無通
zuiupafn | gifted class | 資優班
zulegpiør | qualification form | 資歷表
zun'afpvy | boat side | 船仔邊
zun'giap | ship industry | 船業
zunhoeapho | stock book | 存貨簿
zunkiepho | record book | 存記簿
zunpaai | ship license | 船牌
zunpafng | boat gang | 船幫
zunpan | manage according to instructions (execute) | 遵辦; 遵照辦理
zunpek | vessel(s); boat(s); craft(s); ship(s) | 船舶
zunphaang | sail of a boat; sail | 船帆
zunphiøx | ticket (ship); boat ticket | 船票
zunpoef | paddle | 船桮
zunpvy | boat side | 船邊
zunpy | high and low (in rank) | 尊卑
zunpøq | barge | 船駁
zunsym putlioong | cherish an evil intention | 存心無良
zuojip | pour into; inject into | 注入
zuopai | predestined failure | 註敗
zuoparn | cast a plate (e.g.; for printing) | 鑄版
zuozheq siongphiaw | registered trade mark | 註冊商標
zupaang | study; private library; small private school (in ancient times) | 書房
zupaw | book pack | 書包
zuphvix | diskettes (computer) | 磁片
zuphøee | book cover | 書皮
zupisym | compassion | 慈悲心
zupithea | compassion | 慈悲體
zupoex | pearl shellfish | 珠貝
zupor | nourish; nutritious | 滋補
zupurn kaikib | capitalist class | 資本階級
zupurn zwgi | capitalism | 資本主義
zupurn | capital; capital for a business | 資本
zupurn-kaf | financier, capitalist | 資本家
zupwnkaf | capitalist | 資本家
zupwnkym | capital for a business enterprise | 資本金
zupwnlun | Capital (Das Kapital) (by Karl Marx) | 資本論
zupy | merciful; benevolent; compassionate; mercy; merciful; compassionate | 慈悲
zupy-uihoaai | merciful; clemency; mercy | 慈悲為懷
zupøfap | jewelry case; jewel box | 珠寶盒
zupøftiaxm | jeweler's shop | 珠寶店
zupør | jewelry; jewellery; gem; jewelry; peals and valuables; gems | 珠寶
zurnkaupvy | ditch side | 圳溝邊
zurnpvy | canal side | 圳邊
zusarn huxzeapiør | statement of assets and liabilities | 資產負債表
zusien pvexvi | charity hospital | 慈善醫院
zusien suxgiap | charitable enterprise; philanthropic undertaking | 慈善事業
zusien-suxgiap | charitable work, philanthropic work | 慈善事業
zutgiap | graduate | 卒業
zuxcip | aggregate; gathering; group; crowd; assemble | 聚集
zuxgvor phoepheeng | self criticism; criticize oneself | 自我批評
zuxhap | polymerism; polymerize; polymerization; gather; assemble; come together | 聚合
zuxiuu citgiap | professions that do not require fixed office hours (such as doctors; writers; lawyers) | 自由職業
zuxjienphaix | naturalist | 自然派
zuxkhiaam-zuxpy | be modest; complex; inferiority; gesture of humility | 自謙自卑
zuxkie piexnho | self justification; an excuse | 自己辯護
zuxkie pøfzuun | self preservation | 自己保存
zuxkioong putseg | strive hard without stopping; continuous self renewal | 自強無息
zuxlaizuypid | fountain pen | 自來水筆, 鋼筆
zuxlaizuypiør | water meter | 自來水錶; 水錶
zuxlip | independent, self supporting | 自立
zuxnpef | screwdriver | 鏇扒; 螺絲起子
zuxpaai | automatic transmission | 自排
zuxpak | silkworm to be imprisoned by its cocoon, to tie one's own hands, to get into trouble by one's own schemes | 自縛
zuxpan | have one's mind made up, be determined | 決意
zuxpefng | to station troops | 駐兵
zuxpegsw | written confession | 自白書
zuxpek | confession, confess | 自白
zuxpex | destroy oneself; self destruction | 自斃
zuxphøf | standing wave | 自波; 駐波
zuxpi | self provided, provide oneself | 自備
zuxpikarm | self-humiliation; self-abasement; inferiority complex | 自卑感
zuxpurn | from the beginning; originally | 原本; 自本; 本來
zuxpy | despise oneself, underestimate oneself | 自卑
zuxpy-karm | inferiority complex | 自卑感
zuxpø-zuxkhix | abandon oneself to a dissipated life; have no ambition at all; give oneself over to vice | 自暴自棄
zuxpør | protect oneself | 自保
zuxsip | study by oneself; learn and practice by oneself | 自習
zuxsyn lanpør | unable even to protect oneself | 自身難保
zuxthaxn-putjuu | admit with regret that one is not so great; concede that the other fellow is better qualified | 自歎無如
zuxtong poxzhexng | automatic rifle | 自動步槍
zuyapky | hydraulic press | 水壓機
zuyappiør | hydraulic gauge | 水壓計
zuychia'iap | vanes (leaves) of a water wheel | 水車葉
zuychiaiap | leaves of a water-wheel | 水車輪葉
zuygupeq | uncle water buffalo | 水牛伯
zuyhoea put'ioong | Water and fire do not mix | 水火無容
zuykauafpiaq | ditch walls | 水溝仔壁
zuykaupvy | dutch side | 水溝邊
zuykhorpvy | by the reservoir | 水庫邊
zuylegpiør | hydraulic gauge | 水力表
zuypaan | ewer; pitcher; water jug; pitcher | 水瓶
zuypax | dam | 水壩
zuypeeng | estate; horizontal; level | 水平
zuypefng | military sailor; (old name for) navy | 水兵
zuypengbin | level surface | 水平面
zuypenggii | leveling instrument | 水平儀
zuypengsvoax | horizontal line | 水平線
zuypengtø | stabilizer | 水平舵
zuypha | blister | 水泡; 水疱
zuyphaf | blister; bubble | 水泡
zuyphauh | water blister | 水泡
zuyphi'ar | water cape | 水披仔
zuyphiaw | float | 水薸; 浮萍
zuyphiøo | floating weed like duckweed (eaten by ducks) | 水薸; 水萍
zuyphoe | white cloth over the dead body in the coffin | 水被; 蓋在屍體上的被單
zuyphog | water blister | 水噗; 水泡
zuyphuphiøo | floating weed like duck weed (eaten by ducks) | 水浮薸
zuyphuun | basin | 水盆
zuyphø | water riddle | 水泡
zuyphøafsviaf | blister sound | 水泡仔聲
zuyphøar | blister | 水泡仔
zuyphøciøh | type of decorative porous stone | 水波石
zuyphøeh | water foam | 水沫
zuyphøf | water bubble; foam; a bubble | 水泡; 波紋; 水泡沫; 水波
zuypid | fountain pen | 水筆; 毛筆
zuypit'ar | water pen | 水筆仔
zuypiør | water meter; water gage; water meter; water gauge | 水錶
zuypuichiaf | sewerage removal tank truck | 水肥車
zuypuii | collected human body waste; night soil | 水肥
zuypvi'ar | water side | 水邊仔
zuypvii | elevation | 水平
zuypvy | water's edge; shore | 水邊
zuypøq | water barge | 水駁
zuysafngiap | fishing industry | 水產業
zuysokpiør | tachometer | 水速表
zuythor pøfchii | soil conservation | 水土保持
zuyti'afpvy | pool side | 水池仔邊
zuytipvy | pool side | 水池邊
zuyzhanpvy | farm side | 水田邊
zuyzvoaa-pvy | beside spring | 水泉邊
zvefzuie put'hoan høzuie | not to interfere in the affairs of another | 井水無犯河水
zvoaf kapy | brew coffee | 煮咖啡
zwhøphaix | the doves | 主和派
zwkiongpvi | uterine diseases | 子宮病
zwkiparn | motherboard | 主機板
zwkoafn ee phøepheeng | subjective criticism | 主觀的批評
zwnpi | prepare in beforehand; get ready; prepare; get ready; preparation | 準備
zwnpi-kym | reserve fund | 準備金
zwnpixkym | preparatory funds, (in banking) reserve, contingency fund | 準備金
zwpan | manage an affair; hold; a sponsor; an auspice; sponsor; take charge of | 主辦
zwphiefn | senior editor who edits a specific page or section of a newspaper | 主編
zwpid | editor in chief | 主筆
zwpiefn | senior editor who edits a specific page or section of a newspaper | 主編
zwpng | prepare meal; cook rice; cook meals | 煮飯
zwpng`ee | cook | 燒飯的; 廚師
zwpngxee | cook | 燒飯的, 廚師
zwpngxpøo | cook lady | 煮飯婆
zwpok | master and slave; master and servant | 主僕
zwpoong | ovary (botany) | 子房
zwpox | anchor | 主播
zwpyn | guest of honor | 主賓; 主客
zwpør ciamlea | feast of one's patron saint (Catholic) | 主保瞻禮
zwpør serngjiin | one's patron saint | 主保聖人
zwpør | patron Saint (Catholic) | 主保
zwpøx | anchor | 主播
zø ie thai pe | waiting for death like troops in desperate condition or a hopelessly poor man | 坐以待斃
zøe-simpu gøxsie takef | when there are many daughters in law the mother in law starves to death | 濟新婦餓死乾家; 媳婦濟餓死婆婆
zøeaphvae | act wickedly, behave badly | 做壞; 做歹; 做惡
zøeaphvoa | accompany someone | 做伴
zøeapien | ready made | 做便
zøeapurn | use money as capital | 做手; 做本; 本錢
zøecip | get together; collect | 齊集; 聚集
zøex-lefpaix | worship, go to church | 做禮拜
zøexguu tah-bøo puxn | Many bulls don't make any dung to step in; If there are too many workers nothing gets done | 濟牛踏無糞; 人濟反而成事難
zøexpae | many times | 濟次
zøfphaix | left party; leftist | 左派
zøfpiefn | on the left, the left side | 左邊
zøfpix | left arm | 左臂
zøfsimpaang | left auricle | 左心房
zøhpwn | divide the harvest of a field between landlord and tenant | 租耕; (收成後分成)
zøhsitphvoa | worker accompany | 作穡伴
zørbahpviar | make meatloaf | 做肉餅
zørkhongsip | air raid | 做空襲
zørkuypiern'ar | do it for a few times | 做幾遍仔
zørlaang cinphvae | behave wickedly or cruelly | 做人很壞
zørpai | to frustrate, to thwart, to defeat, to crush | 做敗
zørpeeng | divide in half | 做爿; 成半
zørpefng | be a soldier | 做兵
zørpeng'afphvoa | comrade in military | 做兵仔伴
zørpex | cheat on test, exam | 作弊
zørphae | leftist | 做歹
zørphvae | act wickedly; behave badly; do evil | 做歹; 做惡; (惡)
zørphvoa | be a companion | 作伴; 做伴
zørpien | ready made | 作便; 做便
zørpoee | accompany, to escort, be invited to a reception as company to the guest of honor | 作陪
zørpurn | capital | 做本; 做本錢
zøx phvaybang | have a nightmare | 做惡夢
zøx pofsiok | do penance | 做補贖
zøx pøfzerngjiin | stand surety or guarantee for someone or something | 做保證人
zøx-kapzøq | be a carpenter | 做木工
zøx-lefpaix | attend Sunday services (Protestant) | 做禮拜
zøxlip | sitting and standing | 坐立
zøxpax | raised levee, build a dam | 築壩
zøxpeachviuo | mint money | 造幣廠
zøxphiaw | coordinates (math) | 座標
zøxpiauhe | coordinate system | 座標系
zøxpiaw | coordinates (math.) | 座標
zøxsi putkiux | stand by without helping | 坐視無救
zøxsit sanphefng | by idleness and eating; business or wealth (Lit the mountain) dwindles away | 坐食山崩
zøzap | noisy and confused | 嘈齪; 嘈雜
øefpuii | rotund | 矮肥
øh hør kw pehpiaq | hard to learn good things and easier to learn bad things | 學好龜爬壁; 學壞容易
øh-phvae zuie pafng svoaf | hard to learn good thingsd and easier to learn bad things | 學歹水崩山
øqpaang | Chinese drug store | 學房; 教室
øqpee | learn to crawl | 學爬
øqphvae | being influenced to behave badly; follow the bad example of another | 學壞
ørpix | subtle; hidden (secret); mystery | 奧秘
The following example will get all the words start with a
Checking Back button will show all the vocabularies that end with "zab" such as "apzab".
If you are unsure of any letter, put a . (period) in place of it (eg. "").
If you want to get either "r" and "f" in a word, you may put down [fr]. (eg. "bo[fr]ng").
You may also use spelling match position for exact match, or front match, or center match or
back match.
Less popular words/phrases are marked with [*]