"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: pøx

Og iuo okpøx | Evil has an evil recompense | 惡有惡報。
Serngbør niafpøx | annunciation (Catholic) | 聖母領報
Taioanbinpøx | Taiwan People's Daily | 台灣民報
Tiong'iofng Jidpøx | Central Daily News | 中央日報
armpøx | evening paper; evening paper | 晚報
befnghofng pøxuo | fierce wind violent rain; a storm | 猛風暴雨
boafnpøx | evening paper; afternoon paper | 晚報
busvoax tiexnpøx | radiogram; wireless telegram | 無線電報
bøsvoax tiexnpøx | radiogram; wireless telegram | 無線電報
chixpøx | city newspaper | 市報
ciedpøx | report of success in examination; war bulletin announcing victory | 捷報
ciernpøx | war report; war bulletins; reports from the battle front | 戰報
ciupøx | weekly paper | 週報
goanheeng pøxlo | completely unmasked or exposed; reveal the true nature or colors (of a person) completely | 原形暴露
goeqpøx | monthly report; monthly journal | 月報
goxpøx | report incorrectly | 誤報
hagpøx | an academic journal | 學報
haypøx | poster | 海報
hepøx | return favor | 回報
hiexnpøx | retribution in one's own life; retribution in present life | 現報; 立時報應
hiongpøx | bad announcement on one's death | 凶報
hipøx | false report; to report falsely | 虛報
hoafnpøx | to opposite the news | 反報
hoarn-zengpøx | counter intelligence | 反情報
hoatpøx | to transmit messages | 發報
hoatpøx-ky | radio transmitter | 發報機
hoatpøx-taai | radio transmission station | 發報台; 發報臺
hoepøx | to repay; to bring back a report; repay a favor or an injury | 回報
hoexpøx | official publication of an association | 會報
hupøx | a false report | 虛報
hypøx | happy news announcement | 喜報
høefsvoaf pøxhoad | a volcanic eruption | 火山爆發
iedpøx | read the newspaper | 閱報
ixpøx | forecast; advance notice or announcement | 預報
jidpøx | daily newspaper; daily paper | 日報
kafm'wn-topøx | grateful for kindness and seeking a way to recompense it | 感恩圖報
kafnpøx | briefing | 簡報
kefngpøx | warning message; alarm; alert; alarm; warning; warning signal | 警報
kerngpøx | an alarm, signal | 警報
khax tiexnpøx | telegraph | 打電報
khiesiong-uxpøx | meteorological forecasts | 氣象預報
khoaepøx | dispatch | 快報
kikoanpøx | government party paper; paper published by an organization | 機關報
kippøx | a urgent report | 急報
kofngpøx | telecast; to broadcast; to telecast; broadcast | 廣播
kofngpøx-cietbok | radio program; a broadcast; television program; a telecast | 廣播節目
kofngpøx-tiexntaai | broadcasting station; radio station | 廣播電台
konghofngpøxuo | violent wind and rain; violent storm | 狂風暴雨
kongpøx | an official bulletin; gazette; communique | 公報; 公佈
kongpøx-susiuu | take private revenge under guise of public justice | 公報私仇
koxng-tiexnpøx | send a telegram | 摃電報
kvoapøx | official newspaper; a government journal | 官報
laijidtopøx | return favor in the future | 來日圖報
lauxpøx | fail to include something in a report intentionally or unintentionally; evade declaration of dutiable goods | 漏報
liabpøx | present a false petition or report; fabricate a report or charge | 捏報
liappøx | to fabricate a report or charge | 捏報
lienhap kongpøx | joint communique | 聯合公報
lienhap-kongpøx | joint communique | 聯合公報
lienpøx | to broadcast over a network | 聯播
luixpøx | to make a collective report | 類報
nipøx | annual report | 年報
oan'oafn siongpøx | feud continued by mutual revenges and injuries | 冤冤相報
oexpøx | pictorial magazine | 畫報
ok'iwokpøx | retribution | 惡有惡報
okpøx | proper retribution for sin; deserved punishment for evil done; evil's recompense | 惡報
paxnpøx | to run a newspaper, to publish a newspaper | 辦報
phaq tiexnpøx | telegraph; send a telegram | 打電報
phaq-tiexnpøx | send a telegram | 打電報
piahpøx | bulletins or posters on a wall; wall paper; wall poster; wall newspaper; bulletins | 壁報
pofpøx | additional statement; report; account; supplement the one submitted previously | 補報
pynpøx | report to a superior | 稟報
pøx kaym | carol; caroling; caroling; report good news | 報佳音
pøx laang zay | inform a man | 告人知
pøx niawchyafoafn | take a petty vengeance on another | 報小仇
pøx oansiuu | take revenge; avenge (a grievance) | 報冤仇
pøx zhanle'afoafn | seize opportunity to retaliation; revenge on account of a grudge | 乘機報小恨
pøx | sow; scatter; disperse; to spread; propagate; publish; make known; remove; cast aside | 播; 報
pøx-ka'ym | sing carols in Christmas evening | 報佳音
pøx-oansiuu | take revenge, take vengeance | 報冤仇; 報冤讎
pøxbiin | mobs; mobsters | 暴民
pøxcirn-thienbut | wasted, spoil merchandise | 暴賑天物
pøxgek | cruel; tyrannical | 暴虐
pøxgieen | abusive or violent language | 暴言; 狂言
pøxgiok | brutal; cruel; tyrannical | 暴虐
pøxheeng | act of violence; an outrage; an assault; violent conduct; savage act; atrocities | 暴行
pøxhoad | violent eruption; sudden flare up; become rich; attain high position all of a sudden | 暴發; 爆發
pøxhoat'ho | an upstart; the new-rich | 暴發戶
pøxhofng | fierce wind; tempest | 暴風
pøxhofng-poarnkexng | radius of a typhoon; hurricane | 暴風半徑
pøxhong'uo | a rainstorm; a tempest | 暴風雨
pøxhux | sudden wealth; rise in power | 暴富
pøxirm | excessive drinking; intemperance; drink too much | 暴飲
pøxjiok | insult | 暴辱; 羞辱
pøxkijieen | suddenly; abruptly | 暴其然; 突然
pøxkwn | tyrant; despot | 暴君
pøxlek | violence; brute force; naked force | 暴力
pøxlek-hoaxnzoe | violent crime | 暴力犯罪
pøxlek-uxntong | violent movement | 暴力運動
pøxli | profiteering; undue profits | 暴利
pøxlioong | tyrannosaurus | 霸龍; 暴龍
pøxlo | expose; disclose; bring a matter to light; debunk | 暴露; 暴怒
pøxloan | a riot; a rebellion; a revolt | 暴亂
pøxlok | to drop suddenly | 暴落
pøxluii | thunder storm | 暴雷
pøxno | rage; violent anger; furious | 暴怒
pøxog | cruel and evil | 暴惡
pøxpek | to insult; to humiliate | 侮辱
pøxpiin | suddenly; abruptly | 步頻; 突然; 暴憑; 初次相見
pøxpvi | sudden attack of a serious illness, sudden illness | 暴病
pøxsexng | violent temper; hot temper | 暴性
pøxsie | to meet sudden death | 暴死
pøxsøx | irritable, irascible | 暴躁
pøxthiaux-juluii | stamp with fury; rampage; frenzy | 暴跳如雷
pøxthiern | to misuse things | 暴殄
pøxtioxng | to rise sharply and quickly | 暴殄; 暴漲
pøxtong | insurgent; riot; outbreak; sedition | 暴動
pøxtoo | mob; mobster; rioter; gangster | 暴徒
pøxuo | downpour, heavy rain | 暴雨
pøxzexng | oppressive rule; tyranny of the government | 暴政
pøxzud | a sudden (or a violent) death | 暴卒
sengkii-pøx | weekly newspaper | 星期報; 週報
sidpøx | be reimbursed for what one spends | 實報
sinbinpøx | new citizen newspaper | 新民報
sinpøx hoxkhao | report one's address for the domiciliary register | 申報戶口
sinpøx | to report to a superior or to higher authorities | 申報
siongpøx | mutually recompense | 相報
sipøx | Times | 時報
siupøx | requite; to reward | 酬報
siøpøx | word of mouth | 相報
soanpøx | proclaim, promulgate | 宣佈; 宣?
supøx | reading materials, book and magazine | 書報
sviwpøx | reward | 賞報
svoarpøx | wire report | 線報
tappøx | answer | 答報
tegpøx | special edition of a paper; an extra | 特報
tengpøx sengbeeng | make the matter widely known through the press; clarify or announce by a newspaper advertisement | 登報聲明
tengpøx | published on the paper; make an announcement in the newspaper | 登報
texngpøx | subscribe to a newspaper) | 訂報
thefngpøx | report to | 呈報
thengpøx | to (submit a) report | 呈報
thepøx | report | 提報
thoanpøx | broadcast | 傳播
thongpøx | to notify; circular; inform | 通報
thvikhix uxpøx | weather forecast | 天氣預報
thvite bøo pøx | Heaven and Earth allowing wickedness to go unpunished | 天地無報
tiabpøx | spy and report | 諜報
tiafmpøx | on demand for broadcast | 點播
tidpøx | live streaming | 直播
tiexnpøx | telegram; a cable; to wire | 電報
tiwn-pitpøx | conscious of a kindness and acknowledging a duty to repay it | 知恩必報
topøx | try to repay an obligation or grace | 圖報
unciongsiupøx | grace and revenge | 恩將仇報
uxpøx | forecast; advance notice or announcement | 預報
wn ciofng kiuu pøx | return evil for good; ungrateful | 恩將仇報
wn ciofng siuu pøx | return evil for good | 恩將仇報
zafpøx | morning paper | 早報
zeapøx | broadcast production | 製播
zengpøx | information; intelligence; information; intelligence reports | 情報
zengpøx-bang | an information system | 情報網
zengpøx-kiok | the intelligence bureau | 情報局
zengpøx-oaan | an intelligence officer, a secret agent | 情報員
zhahpøx | advertisements during the program | 插播
zwpøx | anchor | 主播

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