"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: paix

Ciah koefcie bøo paix chiuxthaau | ungrateful to the benefactors | 吃果子無拜樹頭; 忘本
au-lefpaix | next week | 後禮拜; 下禮拜
auxauxlefpaix | the week after next | 下下禮拜
auxlefpaix | next week | 下星期
chiwha paixcioxng | one who has suffered defeat at my or your hands | 手下敗將
cidlefpaix | one week | 一禮拜
ciernpaixciar | defeated person; loser | 戰敗者
ciernpaixkog | defeated or vanquished country; the vanquished | 戰敗國
cietcied paixthex | suffer one defeat after another | 節節敗退
cit'lefpaix | this week | 這禮拜
enghioong zongpaix | hero worship | 英雄崇拜
exexlefpaix | the week after next | 下下禮拜
exlefpaix | next week | 下禮拜
giaqhviw tøex paix | not whole heartedly do or believe in something (Lit. grab the incense and follow the line) | 拿香隨拜
haxpaix | to bow | 下拜
hoepaix | to pay a return visit; return a visit | 回拜
iaupaix | worship | 遙拜
kampaix-haxhofng | willing to take an inferior position; concede defeat willingly | 甘拜下風
kaupaix | exchange bows (esp. between bride and bridegroom at wedding) | 交拜
keaboo paixlo | scheme has been discovered | 計謀敗露
kehtngr-lefpaix | following week | 隔轉禮拜; 第二個禮拜
keq cidlefpaix | every other week; next week | 隔一禮拜
kerngpaix | reverence; to worship (used in a letter) | 敬拜
khabpaix | to do obeisance | 磕拜; 叩拜
khaopaix | bow in salute; kowtow; kowtow ─ kneel and touch the ground with the forehead to show great deference (practiced in old China as the highest form of salutation) | 叩拜
khogkhogpaix | bow low over and over | 酷酷拜; 拜個無停
khutzheg-tiaupaix | kneel down and worship | 屈膝朝拜
kietpaix | pledge in sworn brotherhood; sworn brothers or sisters | 結義; 結拜; 結義兄弟; 結拜兄弟
kietpaix-cymoe | sworn sisters; sometimes intimate friends form this relationship (Note: for sworn brothers only kiat-pai hia-ti is used; because khe-hia has another verbal association.) | 結拜姐妹
kietpaix-hviati | pledge in sworn brotherhood; sworn brothers or sisters | 結拜; 結義兄弟; 結義
kuixpaix | kowtow and worship on bended knees; kneel down and worship | 跪拜
lefpaix | week; Sunday; worship | 禮拜
lefpaix-giseg | liturgy | 禮拜儀式
lefpaix-jit | Sunday; the day of worship | 禮拜日
moeflefpaix | every week | 每禮拜
mopaix | worship | 膜拜
muy'lefpaix | every week | 每禮拜
paelaglefpaix | weekend | 拜六禮拜
paepaix | join the hands together and bow; worship gods or idols; a worshipping festival in Taiwan | 拜拜
paix Serngthea | adore the Blessed Sacrament; make a visit to the Blessed Sacrament (Catholic) | 拜聖體
paix Sioxngtex | adore God (old protestant term for Christianity) | 拜上帝
paix Thienzuo | worship God; adore God (Catholic) | 拜天主
paix goeqniuu | worship the moon | 拜月亮
paix gvofsiong | worship idols; idol worship | 拜偶像
paix khoflo | make the Way of Cross (Catholic) | 拜苦路
paix khofsiong | veneration of the Cross (Catholic) | 拜苦像
paix kongmar | worship ancestors, reverence, honor the ancestors | 拜公媽
paix pudar | worship idols | 拜偶像
paix siasiin | worship false gods | 拜邪神
paix siensvy | study under the guidance of a preceptor; teacher; special instructor | 拜先生; 拜師
paix thvite | worship Heaven and Earth | 拜天地
paix thvitøe | wedding ceremony | 拜天地; 結婚
paix zofkofng | worship ancestors | 拜祖宗; 拜祖先
paix zofsiefn | worship ancestors | 拜祖宗; 拜祖先
paix | bow in veneration; pay respect to; perform ceremonial acts of warship; bow the head to the ground; make a bow; to worship; to visit; to honor; to reverence; to salute; pay one's respects to; venerate; salute; obeisance | 拜
paix-gvofsiong | worship images | 拜偶像
paixbea | lost in race; horses (stumble); (trains) jump the rails;) (logs; bok-be) slip out of their tracks | 敗馬; 脫線而敗; 失蹄; 出軌
paixboong | suffer defeat, suffer reversal, be routed | 敗亡
paixbun | to kill times | 敗悶
paixbøo | come to total ruin | 敗無; 一敗塗地
paixchi | depression; a recession; a slump; ruinous market; poor sales; market failure | 敗市; 無景氣; 銷售量差
paixchiuo | to be defeated | 敗手; 手無靈而敗
paixciernkog | defeated or vanquished country; the vanquished | 戰敗國
paixciexn | defeated in battle | 敗戰; 敗陣
paixcin | ruined; destroyed | 敗盡
paixcioxng | defeated enemy general; a loser in a contest | 敗將
paixhai | harm; harmfulness; damned; ruined and destroyed; corrupted; rotten; decomposition; corruption | 害處; 敗害; 敗壞
paixham | weak and degenerate | 衰頹; 敗陷
paixhexng | to feel disappointed; to have one's spirits dampened | 掃興; 敗興
paixhietzexng | blood poisoning; septicemia; scurvy | 敗血症
paixhoai hongsiok | demoralize; to corrupt; undermine the morals of | 敗壞風俗
paixhoai jinsym | demoralize; corrupt people's hearts; perversion of one's mind | 敗壞人心
paixhoai | defile; ruin; subvert; corrupt; be corrupted; to ruin; be ruined | 敗壞
paixhoehzexng | septicemia | 敗血症
paixhuihpvi | septicemia, blood poisoning | 敗壞病; 敗血病
paixhuihzexng | septicemia | 敗血症
paixkaf toxngsarn | squander a patrimony and ruin the family | 敗家蕩產
paixkaf | ruin a family | 敗家
paixkazuo | a prodigal person who grew up in a rich family | 敗家子
paixkef | a prodigal; ruin a family (as does a wicked son or bad wife) | 敗家
paixkex | to fall in prices; to depreciate | 跌價
paixkog | a defeated nation; ruined country; ruin a nation | 敗國
paixkwn | defeated troops; defeated army | 敗軍
paixkyn | rotten root (basic; foundation) | 敗根
paixliao | to lose one's family possessions completely | 敗了
paixliawliao | lost | 敗了了
paixlo | disclosure; to fall through and be exposed (crime; polt; etc.); be ruined by discovery (of a plot); fail and be exposed (said of a crime; plot) | 敗露
paixlui | the scum; the dregs; the degenerate; ruin; corrupt one's fellows; corrupted people; dregs of society; a bad class | 敗類
paixmiaa | to bring ruin and shame upon oneself; tarnish one's reputation; disgrace oneself | 敗名
paixpai | decline (family) | 敗敗
paixparn | failure; loss | 失敗
paixpefng | to be defeated; to lose a battle; defeated troops; conquered troops; disorganized; scattered soldiers | 敗兵
paixpid | a flaw in a piece of writing | 敗筆
paixpog | to be defeated; to lose a battle | 敗北
paixsin | nervous breakdown; weak in health; debilitated | 敗腎; 神經衰弱
paixsiok | immoral | 敗俗
paixsoarn | lost election | 敗選
paixsox | to lose a lawsuit; lose a case at law; a lost case; lose a lawsuit | 敗訴
paixthøex | retreat after defeat; be defeated | 敗退
paixtin | to lose the field; to be beaten in a contest; defeat in battle | 敗陣
paixtoee | weak and degenerate | 衰頹; 敗頹
paixyn | cause of defeat | 敗因
paixzaang | rotten | 敗欉; 樹開始腐壞
paixzao | to be defeated; flee in defeat; be defeated; demoralized; routed; be put to rout; take to flight | 敗走
paixzhøx | to suffer a setback | 敗挫
paixzuo | a prodigal | 敗子
phag-teq paix | kneel and bow very low | 伏著拜
phakpaix | rotate oneself in worship or adoration | 趴拜; 膜拜
segpaix | worship at sunset | 熟拜; 夕陽禮拜
serngte tiaupaix | pilgrimage to a holy land | 巡禮; (聖地朝拜)
siaxpaix | worship with appreciation | 謝拜
sionghofng paixsiok | ruin the morals of a place; act immorally; breach of morality | 傷風敗俗
sionghongpaixsiok | immoral | 傷風敗俗
sitpaixciar | loser | 失敗者
su ie paixlo | story is out | 事已敗露
tag'lefpaix | every week | 逐禮拜
taglefpaix | every week | 逐禮拜
tefnglefpaix | last week | 頂禮拜
terng-lefpaix | last week; a former week | 上星期
thoanpaix | mass greetings (as on New Year's Day); mass congratulations (on auspicious occasions) | 團拜
tiaupaix | reverence; venerate; do homage to; adore; to have an audience with the sovereign | 朝拜
toaxpaepaix | big celebration event | 大拜拜
tuiepaix | bride and bridegroom saluting each other | 對拜
tuisw-lefpaix | Requiem Service (Protestant) | 追思禮拜
tøeapaix | accompany to worship | 隨拜
tøxteg paixhoai | moral decadence; demoralization | 道德敗壞
zaepaix | workship again | 再拜
zanhoaf paixliuo | prostitutes (Lit. faded flowers and withered willows) | 殘花敗柳
zeapaix | worship | 祭拜
zeeng-lefpaix | last week | 前禮拜
zhampaix | worship; call on formally; pay a courtesy call | 參拜
zongpaix | worship; admire; idolize; adore | 崇拜
zøex-lefpaix | worship, go to church | 做禮拜
zøx-lefpaix | attend Sunday services (Protestant) | 做禮拜

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