"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: pefng

Ang'oexpefng | Red Guards | 紅衛兵
angpefng | red soldier | 紅兵
angtauxpefng | crushed ice with red bean | 紅豆冰
arnpefng puttong | refuse sending troops to relieve friendly forces in distress | 按兵無動
arnpefng | hold the troop | 按兵
befpefng | cavalry soldier; cavalry; mounted troops | 騎兵; 馬兵
binpefng | people's militia; militia; militiaman; militia | 民兵
boxpefng | enlist soldiers; to enlist troops | 募兵
ciegoaxnpefng | military volunteers | 志願兵
ciernpefng | a soldier; a man of arms; a combatant | 戰兵
cirnpefng | march troops forward; lead troops onward | 進兵
ciøpefng befbea | raise an army usually in preparation for an insurrection | 招兵買馬
ciøpefng | to recruit soldiers | 招兵
exngpefng | to make use of troops | 用兵
gipefng | a feint to mislead enemy | 疑兵
gixpefng | righteous soldier; volunteer soldier; militia for self-defense | 義兵
harnpefng | Chinese soldier | 漢兵
hengpefng | to despatch the arm force | 興兵
hiernpefng | mp; gendarme; redcap; military police | 憲兵
hiøxpixpefng | army reserves | 後備兵
hoaseg liupefng | figure skating | 花式溜冰
hoatpefng | to dispatch troops | 發兵
hoeapefng | disabled soldier or veteran | 廢兵; 老弱疾障
hogpefng | soldiers in ambush | 復兵; 伏兵
hong'oexpefng | Red Guard from Red China | 紅衛兵
huiepefng | disabled soldier or veteran | 廢兵
huokog-kiongpefng | enrich the nation; and increase its military power | 富國強兵
høxpefng | bugler in the army | 號兵
iedpefng | review troops; a review | 閱兵
iofngpefng | maintain and train soldiers (in preparation for war) | 養兵; 擁兵
ioxngpefng | launch troops; to make use of troops; manipulate troops; execute military operations | 用兵
itpefng-itzhud | one soldier or one servant | 一兵一卒
jinzøxpefng | artificial ice | 人造冰
jixtefngpefng | a private; the lowest rank soldier | 二等兵
kangpefng | engineer corps; engineering corps (in military); a sapper | 工兵
kanpefng | dry ice | 乾冰
kaupefng | fight (between nations); wage war | 交兵
ke'nngxpefng | custard ice cream | 雞蛋冰
kekpefng | freeze; manufacture ice | 結冰; 製冰
khiaxoexpefng | guards; male standing infront of female dooms waiting | 徛衛兵
khinbuxpefng | orderly | 勤務兵
khipefng | cavalry | 騎兵
khypefng | to rise in arms; to start military action; raise troops; go to war | 起兵
ki'afpefng | popsicles | 枝仔冰
kiaupefng | An army which is cocksure about its invincibility | 驕兵
kienpefng | frozen | 凝冰
kietpefng | to freeze; to form ice; to turn to ice; be frozen over | 結冰
kipefng | (in military) to attack by surprise; troops used for such purpose; a surprise attack | 奇兵
kiuopefng | relieving troops; reinforcements; reinforcements; relief troops | 救兵
kixn'oexpefng | the near by guards | 近衛兵
koanpefng-seg | a military parade before the commander-in-chief or commanding officer | 閱兵式; 觀兵式
kokbinpefng | militia; a militiaman; citizen soldier | 國民兵
kudpefng | to skate | 滑冰
kunpefng | military soldiers | 軍兵
kvoapefng | officers and men; government troops | 官兵
lauxpefng | an old soldier; veteran | 老兵
legtauxpefng | green bean ice | 綠豆冰
lexpefng | make army combat-ready | 厲兵
liexnpefng | to drill troops; to train an army; train troops | 練兵
liupefng | skate on ice | 溜冰
loaxnpefng | rebels | 亂兵
lypefng | to walk on ice- cautious | 履冰
niafpefng | lead troops; military officer | 領兵
o'afpefng | ice cream made of taro | 芋仔冰; 芋冰淇淋
o'ar-pefng | taro icecream | 芋仔冰; 芋冰淇淋
oadpefng | review troops | 閱兵
oaxnpefng cy kex | strategy of delaying the approach of the enemy--to gain by the delay; delaying tactics | 緩兵之計
oaxnpefng | rescue troops; reinforcements | 援兵; 授兵
oexpefng | (body) guard); sentry; a (military) guard | 衛兵
oxpefng | taro ice-cream | 芋冰
paipefng | a team in a army | 排兵
paixpefng | to be defeated; to lose a battle; defeated troops; conquered troops; disorganized; scattered soldiers | 敗兵
panpefng | to return in triumph | 班兵; 凱旋
pefng | soldier, military man | 兵; 冰
pefngbin | to turn hostile suddenly; turn over; invert; turn down | 翻面; 翻臉; 反面
pefngchiaf | overturn car | 翻車
pefngchiuo | flip hands over | 翻手
pefngchiøx | to lie face up; turn face up | 仰躺; 翻正面睡
pefngkalafnphag | sleep on one's stomach | 反佳懶伏; 伏臥
pefngkawar | to turn a somersault | 翻跟斗
pefngkhab | to turn the face down; invert (a bowl); turn upside down | 反蓋; 翻反面
pefngkhie-pefngtør | shilly-shally; sometime good sometime bad | 出爾反爾; 時好時壞
pefngkhvoax | turn over and look | 反看; 翻看
pefngkhypefngtør | shilly-shally; sometime good sometime bad | 出爾反爾; 時好時壞
pefngkoex | turn upside down | 翻過
pefngkofng zhwlie | act strictly according to official procedures or rules | 秉公處理
pefngkofng | act justly | 秉公; 秉公處理
pefngkøeapeeng | to trun over | 反過爿; 反過來
pefnglaai pefngkhix | say yes and no at different times; saying contradictory things to different men or at different times; now one thing; now another | 翻來翻去
pefnglaai-pefngkhix | to turn over and over; to roll about; to toss from side to side | 翻來翻去
pefnglaipefngkhix | back and forth | 反來反去
pefnglaixlie | to turn inside out | 翻內裡
pefngliao | inverted | 反了
pefnglie | to turn inside out | 翻裡
pefngliernkawar | turn a somersault | 翻輾狗仔
pefnglierntngr | to flip; turn over; subversion; invert; turn upside down; turn over (in bed) | 翻過來; 顛覆; 翻轉
pefnglirntngr | to flip; turn over; subversion | 翻輾轉
pefngpaai | reverse hand | 反牌
pefngpag | turn the stomach; upset stomach; feel like vomiting | 嘔吐; 反胃
pefngpeeng | to flip over; turn inside out; turn upside down | 翻邊; 反爿; 翻面; 翻轉
pefngpefngzhutlaai | inverted | 反反出來
pefngpeh | fish dies (Lit. a fish goes belly up) | 翻肚; 翻白
pefngpengbin | reverse | 反爿面
pefngpeqkvaai | whites of one's eyes showing as from death; in pain or disappointment | 翻白個; 眼珠翻白; 形容沒希望
pefngperng | turning over, seem to turn | 反反
pefngphag | to turn into a prostrate position; upset; to invert with mouth down; to turn on the face or belly | 俯臥; 反覆; 伏臥; 翻反面
pefngpoe | flip a comfort | 翻歪
pefngpvix | vary; alternate; to convert; find some new way of living when the old way fails; do what one can to earn a living | 反變; 張羅; 變換; 變通營生
pefngsexng | natural disposition; natural temperament; inherent disposition | 稟性
pefngsykawafzay | reflexive | 反死狗仔栽
pefngsykawar | reflexive | 反死狗仔
pefngsyn | reflexive | 反身
pefngthafnphag | to upset; invert with mouth down | 翻躺伏; 翻身伏臥
pefngthaothaux | completely opposite | 反透透
pefngtharn-chiøx | to lie face up | 翻躺笑
pefngtharn-khab | to turn into a prostrate position | 翻躺磕; 反過來蓋伏
pefngtharn-phag | to turn into a prostrate position | 俯躺伏
pefngtharn-tør | to turn over from a prostrate position | 俯躺倒; 倒下成橫
pefngtit | act straightforwardly | 俯直; 秉公處理
pefngto | fish dies (Lit. a fish goes belly up) | 翻肚; 翻白
pefngtoxsoaf | abdominal cramps | 反肚痧
pefngtøq | turntable upside down to express one's anger | 翻桌
pefngtør | to subvert; to overthrow; turn upside down | 顛覆; 顛倒; 翻倒
pefngtørtngr | turn upside down or wrong side up; to invert; turn back into original position | 翻過來
pefngzexng | justice; right | 公正; 秉正
pefngzheg | to turn to the side | 側翻
pefngzhud | turn inside out | 翻出; 翻出來
pefngzuun | to turn over a boat; overturn boat | 翻船
pengpefng | cold fish; cool; detached | 冰冰
phaepefng | dispatch troops | 派兵
phaopefng poxtui | artillery units | 砲兵部隊
phaopefng | artillery man; gunner; artillery | 炮兵; 砲兵
piaupefng | a pace-setter | 標兵
poahpefng | set ice | 撥冰
poaxnpefng | soldiers in mutiny | 叛兵
pofchiongpefng | territorial forces; replacements (military) | 補充兵
poxpefng | infantry; an infantryman; infantry; foot soldiers | 步兵
saopefng | guard; sentinel; sentry | 哨兵
sarnpefng | paratroopers | 傘兵
siaopefng | sentinel | 哨兵
sienzhao-pefng | ice with black jelly (Mesona procumbens); plant from which a cooling jelly is made | 仙草冰
sietpefng | post soldiers, post guards | 設兵; 駐兵
sinpefng | divine troops; marvelous soldiers | 神兵; 新兵
siongpefng | wounded soldiers | 傷兵
siongpixpefng | regulars | 常備兵
sioxngpefng | private first class | 上兵
sioxngtefngpefng | private first class; PFC | 上等兵
siupefng | draw off the troops (for temporary truce) | 收兵
siwpefng | guards | 守兵
siwpixpefng | garrison; guards (archaic) | 守備兵
siøfpefng | little soldier, unimportant soldier | 小兵
sngpefng | frost | 霜冰
suokøfpefng | assortment of chilled fruit similar to fruit cocktail | 四果冰
suxpefng | soldier; soldiers; enlisted men | 士兵
svoarpefng | paratroopers | 傘兵
tegpefng | enemy soldier | 敵兵
tengpefng | draft able-bodied male citizens for military service; enlist under conscription | 徵兵
theagvofpefng | discharged soldier; veterans | 退伍兵
theapefng | withdraw troops; repel enemy troops | 退兵
thienpefng | invincible army; heavenly host | 天兵
thietpefng | withdraw troops | 撤兵
thiupefng | conscript for a military duty | 抽兵; 徵兵
thoanlexngpefng | soldier messenger; a courier | 傳令兵
thofhuypefng | bandit soldier | 土匪兵
thongsirnpefng | Signal Corps; member or the Signal Corps | 通信兵
thvipefng | heavenly host, heavenly army | 添兵; 天兵
thøeapefng | retreat | 退兵
thøfkiuopefng | ask for reinforcement | 請救兵
thør kiuopefng | request relief troops; seek reinforcements | 討救兵
tiafmpefng | mark those present at muster; muster troops; mark the roll of soldiers | 點兵
tiaopefng | move troops | 調兵
tinpefng | draft able-bodied male citizens for military service; enlist under conscription | 徵兵
tngpefng | to be soldier; to serve in the army; uniform; military service; serve in the army; be a soldier | 當兵
toafnpefng | short pawn | 短兵
toafnpefng-siongciab | fight at close quarters; hand-to-hand combat | 短兵相接
toarpefng | lead or have charge of troops | 帶兵
toaxpefng | soldier | 大兵
toaxthaupefng | soldier | 大頭兵
toxngpefng | start the war | 動兵
tuipefng | soldiers in pursuit | 追兵
tunpefng | garrison | 屯兵
tuxnpefng | station troops | 屯兵
tøpefng | deserter; deserter | 逃兵
uopefng | chill with ice; apply an ice pack | 冰敷; 以冰敷
uxnpefng | shipping workers | 運兵
uxpixpefng | ROTC | 預備兵
viapefng | battalion soldiers | 營兵
zanpefng | defeated troops | 殘兵
zeapefng | ice manufacturing; to make or manufacture ice | 製冰
zengpefng | high quality soldier; reinforcements | 精兵; 徵兵; 增兵
zengpefng-leng | draft call | 征兵令; 徵兵令
zengpefng-zex | military conscription system | 征兵制; 徵兵制
zhadpefng | rebel soldiers; enemy troops | 賊兵; 盜匪
zhaipefng | reduce the number of troops | 裁兵
zhaupefng | train soldiers; exercise soldiers; to drill troops | 操兵; 練兵
zhefngkiuopefng | ask for reinforcement | 請救兵
zhengpefng | fresh clean scraped ice | 清清; 清冰
zhoahpefng | a dessert of shaved ice | 刨冰; 礤冰
zhupefng | ice skating | 趨冰
zhutpefng | sending out troop to fight; send forth soldiers | 出兵
zhøfbok kaipefng | grass and trees were all troops imaginary fears of a routed army | 草木皆兵
zoafsiong taam pefng | impractical schemes; theoretical; empty talk; academic talk | 紙上談兵
zoeapefng | being a soldier | 當兵
zofngpefng | total soldiers | 總兵
zongkahpefng | armed forces | 裝甲兵
zuxpefng | to station troops | 駐兵
zuypefng | military sailor; (old name for) navy | 水兵
zørpefng | be a soldier | 做兵

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