"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: pex

Sintaipex | New Taiwan Dollar (NT$); the currency of the Republic of China since 1949 | 新台幣
Taipex | Taiwan currency | 台幣; 臺幣
aipexkiørbuo | screaming and shouting | 哀爸叫母
bongpex | becloud; hoodwink; dust the eyes of; deceive; swindle; hide truth from a superior | 蒙蔽
bwpex | fraud; corruption; manage a matter unfairly without the knowledge of a superior; indulge in malpractices especially officials | 舞弊
bøpexkviar | kid raised without a father | 無爸囝; 無父子
chiaopexng | a laughing stock | 笑柄
chinsvef pexbør | one's own parents as distinct from foster parents or step parents | 親生爸母
cvipex | a coin | 錢幣
ginpex | silver coin | 銀幣
gipex | Japanese medlar, loquat | 枇杷
guixpex | counterfeit coin | 偽幣
gvexpex | hard currency; subsidiary coin; minor coin | 硬幣
gvixpex | hard currency; subsidiary coin; minor coin | 硬幣
gvofgek pexbuo | disobedient to parents | 忤逆爸母
habpexng | annex; to merge; combine; combine(organization; property; nations) | 合併
heapex | currency | 貨幣
hoatteng hoeapex | legal tender | 法定貨幣
hoeapex | coin; currency | 貨幣
huopex | coins of small denomination | 輔幣
høeapex | money in circulation | 貨幣
høeapex-zeato | monetary system | 貨幣制度
iafmpex | to shelter, to cover up | 掩蔽
iwli pid iwpex | Advantages are inevitably accompanied by disadvantages.--you can't have your cake and eat it too | 有利必有弊
jiapex | obstruct | 遮蔽
jinzofng pexnghek | caught together with the goods (thief or robber) | 人贓並獲
kafngpex | Hong Kong money | 港幣
kaxngpexkøhbuo | half-mother | 仝爸各母
kheg pexbuo | One's nemesis (fate) brings misfortune to one's parents | 剋父母
khoanpex | spacious | 寬蔽
kimpex | gold currency | 金幣
koanpexng | authority; power; authority; power; legal competence | 權柄
kokpex | national currency | 國幣
korpexng | mergers and acquisitions | 購併
kuipexng | to merge with; to unite with; to put together | 歸併
lauxpexar | old dad | 老爸仔
liofnghioong putleeng pexnglip | Two heroes cannot stand side by side | 兩雄無能並立
liupex | current corruption | 流弊
lixpex | (n) pluses and minuses; advantages and disadvantages; advantage and disadvantage | 利弊
loxngpex | fraud; to cheat; to plagiarize | 弄弊; 作弊
oexpexng | material for gossip, cause for talk | 話柄
pafpexng | a handle; a mistake or fault that can be taken advantage of by others | 把柄
paupex | in faults | 包弊; 內含弊端
pex | cash; distressed; corrupt; vicious; tricky; bad; harmful; abuses; corruption; fraud; evil practice; malpractice; dishonest; improper; exhausted; tired; worn out | 幣; 弊
pexafkviar | fathers and sons; master | 爸仔仔; 爺兒
pexbuo | parents | 爸母; 父母
pexbuo-lat | natural strength by birth | 爸母力; 天生的力氣
pexbwhoe | parents meeting | 爸母會
pexbwkvoaf | officers who care of people (like parents) | 爸母官; 縣官
pexbwoe | parents' words | 爸母話
pexbwsym | parents' hearts | 爸母心
pexbøfkvoaf | magistrate (popular term for); local official | 爸母官
pexbør svecviaa`ee | I was born so; be born (a cripple; blind) | 爸母生成
pexbør | father and mother; parents | 爸母; 父母
pexchyn | father | 爸親; 父親
pexha | majesty; under the steps ─ the emperor; Your Majesty; His Majesty | 陛下
pexhviaf | guardians, Fathers and Brethren! | 爸兄; 監護人
pexkofng tie'ixm`ee | obtained by inheritance | 受祖蔭的
pexkongsarn | ancestral estate | 爸公產; 祖產
pexkongzor | legacy; inheritance | 爸公產; 祖產
pexkviar | father and child | 爸囝; 父子
pexlau-kviafiux | an old man that has kid in late age | 爸老囝幼
pexlauxkviafiux | an old man that has kid in late age | 爸老囝幼
pexng mxsi | be not; not by any means | 並無是
pexng | handle; haft; hilt | 柄; 並
pexng'yn | cause of a disease | 病因
pexngbøo | there is really no...; not anything; no; not so; never | 並無
pexngchviar | and; both | 並且
pexngheeng | in parallel [development; implementation; etc] | 並行
pexnghuy | not so | 並非
pexngkhøf-hoadkym | fine; forfeit | 併科罰金
pexngkiefn | shoulder by shoulder (together) | 並肩
pexngliet | stand side by side; be juxtaposed | 並列
pexnglip | exist side by side; exist simultaneously | 並立
pexnglun | comment | 並論
pexngthaix | patient's condition | 病態; 病況
pexngthwn | absorb a smaller nation | 並吞; 併吞
pexngzofng | assemble; put together | 併裝
pexngzong | symptom of a disease | 病狀
pexpeng | blemish, fault | 缺陷; 弊病
pexphixbaa | white nose owl | 白鼻猫
pexthaukheg | hite-headed owl | 白頭鵠
pexthaukhiet'ar | hite-headed owl | 白頭鵠仔
pexthih'ar | while iron panel | 白鐵仔
pinpex | shield | 屏蔽
pofzo hoeapex | coins (one or five kak) | 補助貨幣
pofzoxpex | coinage (one or five kak) | 補助幣
sintaipex | NT | 新台幣
sokchiuo thaixpex | wait for one's death with hands tied ─ be a sitting duck | 束手待斃
tangpex | copper coin | 銅幣
thongheeng hoeapex | current currency | 通行貨幣
thunpexng | annex | 吞併
zhaipexng | cut down and merge | 裁併
zhoarnthofng zokpex | join together in practicing fraud | 串通作弊
zhopeapex | coarse; rough surface | 粗刺刺; 粗糙的
zoafpex | paper money; notes | 紙幣
zokpex | cheating; cheat; cheat in an examination; indulge in corrupt practices | 作弊
zuxpex | destroy oneself; self destruction | 自斃
zørpex | cheat on test, exam | 作弊

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