"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Aphøløo | Apollo | 阿波羅
Baxnkog imphiaw | International Phonetic Alphabet | 萬國音標
Chienkimphor | book’s name | 千金譜
Gøloanphvi | Eluanbi; Goran (a place at the southern tip of Taiwan) | 鵝鑾鼻
Hurntøxphiefn | Ecclesiastes (Catholic) | 訓道篇
Ke'nng badbat tøf uxphang | The closest affair has some hole in it | 雞蛋密密也有縫; 紙包無住火
Koan'ym-phosad | the Goddess of Mercy Buddha | 觀音菩薩
Korkiofng-phokbudvi | National Palace Museum (housing China's art treasures) | 故宮博物院
Lengphøf | Ningpo; a port city in Chekiang Province | 寧波
Nipheknie | Nepal or Nepaul | 尼泊爾 (國名)
Sae kirn khortoax phaq-sykad | Something always happens when you are in a hurry; haste makes waste (Lit. rushed to the toilet; but the drawstring fastening the pants was knotted) | 欲速則無達。
Sinkaphøf | Singapore | 新加坡
Sinphirn | Holy Orders (Catholic) | 神品
Siphiefn | Psalms | 詩篇
Suhoad zhaiphvoarsor | Court of Justice | 司法裁判所
Symphvoax ee jidcie | the Day of Judgment | 審判的日子
Taiphiøx | Taiwan currency | 台幣; 臺票; 臺幣
Tek'hurnphiefn | Ecclesiasticus (Catholic) | 德訓篇; (德)
Tiehuixphiefn | Book of Wisdom (Catholic) | 智慧篇
Zhvekoong lorngphoax voar | things done in a hurry cannot be done well; fail in goal by being hasty (Lit. If a dog eats to fast there is nothing to turn to excrement.) | 欲速則無達。
a'ienphviar | galvanized metal sheeting | 亞鉛板; 白鐵皮
afmphoeh | bubbles of the rice gruel | 粥沫; 米湯膜
aienphviar | galvanized iron sheet | 亞鉛鉼
ang'afphiaw | playing cards; the Jack; Queen and King in a deck of cards | 尪仔標; 紙牌; 玩的紙牌
angphaux | red cannon | 紅炮
angphoesw | red book; a term indicating a diplomatic document | 紅皮書
angphoezhaix | eggplant | 紅皮菜; 紅 茄子
angphvi | red nose | 紅鼻
angphøezhaix | egg-plant | 紅花菜; 紅皮菜; 茄
aphiernhunzhoef | opium pipe | 鴉片煙管
aphiernhwn | opium prepared for smoking | 鴉片煙
aphiernkuie | opium fiend | 鴉片鬼
aphiernsiefn | opium addict | 鴉片仙
aphiexn | opium; opium | 鴉片
apphoax | crush to pieces | 壓破
apphvae | crush | 壓壞
armphef | letter in closed envelope | 暗信; 密封的信
arngphvi | nose stuffiness; stuffy nose; adenoidal speech | 甕鼻; 鼻塞; 重鼻音
arngphvixsviaf | nasal voice; talk nasally and indistinctly | 甕鼻聲; 塞鼻聲
aswphylirn | aspirin, acetylsalicylic acid | 阿斯匹靈
bad høfphvae | know the difference between good and evil | 識好歹; 識善惡
bagciuphee | eyeskin | 目睭皮
bagciuphoee | eyelid | 目睭皮
bagciuphøee | eyelid | 目睭皮; 眼皮子
bagciw-phøee | upper eye-lid | 目睭皮; 眼皮
bagphuun | a wood tub | 木棚; 木盆
bagphøee | upper eye-lid | 目皮; 眼皮
bahphee | meat skin | 肉皮
bahphirn | meat | 肉品
bahphiøx | hostage kidnapped for ransom | 肉票
bahphoee | pork rind | 肉皮
bahphvix | slice of meat; sliced meat; meat cut in small pieces; squares or bits | 肉片
bahphøee | skin of meat | 肉皮; 豬皮
banphee | stubborn | 蠻皮
banphesiern | stubborn ringworm | 蠻皮癬
banphoee | thick skinned; incorrigible; unruly; naughty; a whippersnapper; incorrigible, clow to respond to correction | 蠻皮; 很皮; 蹭著
banphoesiern | stubborn ringworm | 蠻皮癬
banphøee | sluggish to response; incorrigible | 蠻皮; 頑皮
baxnleeng phoksu | Mr. know-it-all | 萬能博士
baxnlie phengtheeng | an expression used to congratulate someone or give him your best wishes; (Lit. very promising; future unlimited) | 萬里鵬程
baxnphao | jog | 慢跑
baxnpheeng | rambling comments | 漫評
baxnsafn phiern'iar | found everywhere (Lit. so numerous it covers the mountains and the plains) | 漫山遍野
befphid | horses | 馬匹
befphiøx | pari-mutuel ticket | 馬票
beng'mvoaa armphiexn | deceive and cheat | 明瞞暗騙
beng'uu-phoksu | honorary doctor | 名譽博士
bengphaux | set off firecrackers; fire cannons | 鳴炮
bengphiexn | calling card | 名片
bengphirn | state explicitly; promise plainly; to make a verbal bargain | 明約; 明品; 明言; 明白口約
bengphvix | business card; name card | 名片
bengsirnphiexn | postal card | 明信片
bengsirnphvix | postcard; postal card | 明信片
bengsixn phiexn | post-card | 明信片
beqphof | bran | 麥麩
beqphvix | corn flakes; oatmeal | 麥片
beqphøf | wheat bran | 麥麩
bexphiørzhux | box office; ticket window | 賣票處; 售票處
bexphiøx | sell tickets | 賣票; 售票
biauphor | nursery for young plants; a rice nursery; seedbed | 苗圃
bidphafng | honey bee; honey bee | 蜜蜂
biefnphiøx | free ticket; free pass; complimentary ticket | 免票
biefnsøeaphirn | tax-free goods | 免稅品
biexnpheg | to face the wall and meditate (Zen Buddhist) | 面壁
binzhngphof | bed; berth | 眠床舖
binzok ee phienkiexn | racial prejudice | 民族的偏見
biphøf | microwave | 微波
biphøloo | microwave oven | 微波爐
bixlaiphaix | futurists; futurism | 未來派
bixnphee | face | 面皮
bixnphex | veil | 面紗; 面罩
bixnphoee jiaau | wrinkled face | 臉皮皺
bixnphoee kau | brazen faced; shameless; impudent; cheeky | 臉皮厚
bixnphoee | facial skin | 面皮; 臉皮
bixnphuun | washing basin; basin for washing hands and face; wash basin | 面盆; 臉盆
bixnphøee | feelings; emotions; facial features | 面皮; 臉皮; 面子
bixnthefphee | emotional sensitivity, respectability | 面體皮
boefphiøx | buy votes | 買票
bogphiaw | goal; objective; purpose; objective; target; aim | 目標
bogphu'ioong | a cotton rose | 木芙蓉
bongphiexn | blindfold; fakement | 矇騙
budkex phøtong | price fluctuations | 物價波動
budphirn | commodity; article of trade; article; goods; commodities | 物品
budphynsoex | commodity tax | 物品稅
bunge zokphirn | literary works or productions | 文藝作品
bunhak phoksu | Doctor of Literature | 文學博士
bunpheeng | literary criticism | 文評
buphid | without equal; incomparably | 無匹
buphiin | no guarantee; no binding force | 無憑
butorng buphaix | without party affiliation of any sort; non-partisan | 無黨無派
bwkiapphvix | motion pictures depicting the chivalry and prowess of ancient swordsmen | 武俠片
bwphafng | queen bee | 母蜂; 女王蜂; 蜂王
bwphvoa | dancing partner | 舞伴
byphafng | puffed rice; rice crispy; confection made from puffed rice; rolls made of puffed rice sweeten with sugar | 米香; 米芳; 米花餅; 爆米花
byphwn | water in which rice has been washed and is fed to pigs | 米餿; 米潘; 洗米水; 淘米水
bysudphirn | a work of art | 美術品
bøhoebøphoef | didn't communicate by letter, didn't correspond | 沒來信
bøhoee bøphoef | didn't communicate by letter; didn't correspond | 沒回沒信
bøkox bixnphoee | shameless; doesn't guard her (his) reputation; has no self-respect | 無顧臉皮
bøo kiemiaa tauphiøx | secret ballot | 無記名投票
bøo phahsngx | not expect; unexpectedly; coincidentally | 無打算; 沒想要
bøo phiensym | impartial | 無偏心
bøo pvoarphied | do not have a single skill or merit | 無半撇; 一無所長
bøo siøphvef | equal; even; fifty and fifty; half and half | 無相摒; 互無佔便宜
bøo tofngphaix | non-partisan | 無黨派
bøphvoa | without a companion; alone | 無伴; 沒有伴侶
bøphvy | not succeeding in a dispute; lawsuit; or quarrel; not managing to get a thing cheap; not profitable; advantageous | 無摒; 沒佔便宜
bøpvoarphied | useless | 無半撇
bøsinphaix | atheists | 無神派
bøsiøphvy | equal; even; fifty and fifty; half and half | 無相摒; 互無佔便宜; 相等的
bøtorng bøphaix | impartial; without party affiliation of any sort; non-partisan | 無黨無派
chi phafng | keep bees | 養蜂
chiachie-phirn | a luxury | 奢侈品
chiachyphirn | luxury goods; luxury articles | 奢侈品
chiahphorngsef | knitting yarn | 刺膨紗
chiahphøee | red-bark oak; Cyclobalanopsis gilva; red dark oak | 赤皮
chiammiapho | an autograph book | 簽名簿
chiamtørpho | attendance book | 簽到簿
chiaphaf-liefntao | to turn a somersault | 車拋輪斗; 翻跟斗
chiaphiaam | suspicion | 竊嫌
chiaphiøx | bus or train ticket; train or bus ticket | 車票
chiaphøf | slope | 斜坡
chiaq phorngsef | weaves the yarn | 刺凸紗; 織毛線
chiarngphiøx | count votes aloud | 唱票
chiauimphøf | ultrasound | 超音波
chiaxngtiøh phoarpve | hindered by sickness | 湊巧生病
chiekekphirn | stimulant | 刺激品
chienphiefn itlut | harp on a single theme; without change; dull; monotonous (said of literary compositions) | 千篇一律
chienphiefn | all sentences or books or sayings | 千篇
chienphiefn-itlut | following the same pattern; thousand pieces of the same tune | 千篇一律
chiephex | thorny bush | 刺撂; 荊棘; [*]
chiephøf | strawberry | 刺波
chietphvix kiafmzaf | microscopic examination of affected tissue cut into very thin pieces; biopsy | 切片檢查
chietphvix | to slice | 切片
chinpid ee phoef | letter in one's own handwriting | 親筆的信
chiofng tefphvix | develop film | 沖底片
chiongphaix | high spirited; brimming with energy or vitality | 充沛
chiongphiexn | to swindle | 充遍; 充騙
chiongphoax | (n) quickly break through an obstacle | 衝破; 沖破
chiongthiefn-phaux | firework | 沖天炮
chiorngphvix | disc; record; phonogram | 唱片
chiphiørjiin | bearer of a check or bill | 持票人
chitpheg | seven inferior souls (Taoism) | 七魄
chitphirn | seventh grade; seventh step in schema of (Catholic) Holy Orders; a deacon | 七品
chiuo phex`leq | arm in a sling | 手臂著
chiuphøf | bright eyes of a beautiful woman; bewitching eyes of a woman | 秋波
chiuxlefng phiag'ar | slingshot | 樹乳甓仔; 彈弓
chiuxphoee | bark of a tree | 樹皮
chiuxphøee | rind; bark | 樹皮
chiwcie pho'ar | small notebook; memo book | 手指簿仔; 小筆記本
chiwcihpho'ar | bank passbook | 手摺簿仔
chiwkangge-phirn | handicraft articles | 手工藝品
chiwkanggexphirn | handicraft articles | 手工藝品
chiwphang lafng | one who is not thrifty (Lit. the spaces between the fingers are wide) | 手縫鬆; 手指縫寬; 流財
chiwphang | spaces between the fingers | 手縫; 手指縫
chiwphax | handkerchief | 手帕
chixphafng | raise bees | 養蜂
chizhafmlogpheg | miserable and desolate | 飼查某
chiørphoax laang ee zhuix | be overwhelmed with laughter; to roll with laughter | 笑破人的嘴
chiørphoax paktofphoee | overwhelmed with laughter; rock with laughter | 笑破腹肚皮
chvihiphvix | sashimi | 生魚片
chviphiøo | an aquatic herb; duckweed | 青萍; 青浮萍
chviuophiøx | count votes | 唱票
chviuophvix | disc; record; phonogram; phonograph record | 唱片
chviuphøee | elephant's skin | 象皮
chviuphøee-zexng | elephantiasis | 象皮症
chviuxphoepox | rubberized fabric | 象皮布
chviuxphoepve | elephantiasis | 象皮病
chviuxphoezoar | thick and strong paper for drawing | 象皮紙
chviuxphuo | become slightly moldy | 發霉
chviuxphvi | a trunk of an elephant; trunk of an elephant | 象鼻
chviuxphvixthaang | curculio | 象鼻蟲
chviuxphøee | elephant's skin | 象皮
chviuxphøee-zexng | elephantiasis | 象皮症
chvizharm-logpheg | wretched; miserable | 悽慘落魄
ciafngphirn | prize; award; spoil | 獎品
ciah-kirn lorngphoax voar | Haste makes waste | 吃緊撞破碗; 欲速則無達
ciah-phorngpviar | to be scolded | 吃凸餅; 挨罵
ciah-phorngtefng | provoke the displeasure of one's master or superior; be blamed by one's superior | 吃凸釘; 挨罵
ciamphvi | pinhole; eye of a needle | 針孔; 針鼻; 針眼
ciaociah-ciaophaq | go Dutch | 照吃照打; 各付各的
ciaociaqciaophaq | go Dutch | 公吃公付錢, 各付各的
ciaophoex | mixed in proper proportions | 照配; 平均分配
ciaophvix | a photo, a photograph, a picture | 照片
ciaosiong-pho | an album | 照像簿; 相簿
ciaqphiaq | be determined to; insist on | 食癖; 任性; 固執; 執意
ciaqphorngpviar | be scolded; slapped by parents | 吃凸餅; 受責罵
ciariong-phirn | borrowed goods | 借用品
ciarphøq | refuse left after sugar is extracted from cane | 蔗渣
ciau'iaau toxngphiexn | swindle or cheat by posing as a VIP or claiming to be related to a VIP | 招搖撞騙
ciauphexng | advertise for office vacancies | 招聘; 聘請
ciawphiag'ar | slingshot | 鳥擗仔
cidee cvii phaq jixsix kad | cheapskate; tight fisted; has to untie knots before he will spend a dollar. (Lit. One dollar is tied up by twenty-four knots.) | 一個錢打二四結; 吝嗇鬼
cidphang | one crack | 一縫
cidphid | one (stock; cloth) | 一匹
cidphiexn | piece (of land); a lot (of land) | 一遍; 一片
cidphog | one bump | 一突
cidphorlo | ten 'lie' | 十里
cidphvie'ar | small piece | 一片仔; 一小片
cidphvix | a piece, a slice | 一片
cidphvy | one chapter | 一篇
cidphvyar | a tiny bit | 一疕仔
cidphy | a batch, a lot, a group | 一批
cidphyafkviar | very small (stature) | 一痞仔囝; 人很小
cidphyar | a bit; a little | 一疕仔; 一點兒
cidphøef | passel; a crop of; a set of; batch | 一批
ciefnphiøx | punch the ticket | 剪票
ciernlixphirn | spoils, booty gained in the war | 戰利品
ciernphaau | combat uniform | 戰袍
ciernphaux | battle dress in former times | 戰甲; 甲冑; 戰袍
ciernphoef | letter of recommendation | 薦批; 推薦信
ciernphøef | letter of recommendation | 薦信
cietphang | crease | 折縫; 摺痕
cietphaq | rhythm | 節拍
cihphoe | fold the quilt | 摺被
cihphøef | receive letter | 接信
cihøeapho | inventory bookkeeping records | 支貨簿
cili phørzhuix | completely disintegrated | 支離破碎
cinkhongkoarn kiafmphøkhix | vacuum valve detector | 真空管檢波器
cinkym putphvax høea | men of abilities fear nothing; Truth is ultimately louder than lies or slanders. True loyalty can stand the test of adversity. (Lit. Pure gold is not afraid of being heated.) | 真金無怕火
cinphvae | very bad, very difficult to, very hard to | 真歹
cinphøee | real leather, dermis, corium | 真皮
cinzw phoaqlien | pearl necklace | 真珠項鍊
ciofngphirn | prize; award; spoil; trophy; prizes or rewards | 獎品
ciog phahpviax | very hard; struggled; make an effort to | 足打拚
cip iuphiøx | stamp collection | 集郵票
ciphaix | to order; to send; to dispatch; subdivision; branch of a school of thought; division of a clan | 支派
ciphex | dominate | 支配
ciphiørpho | check book | 支票簿
ciphiøx | a check; check | 支票
ciphiøx-pho | cheque book | 支票簿
ciphoeajiin | manager, director | 支配人
ciphoex | control; superintend; direct; control; dominate; manage; administer | 支配
ciphøeajiin | manager, director | 支配人
ciphøex | to control, to manipulate, to dominate, to superintend, direct | 支配
cipphiaq | obstinate; stubborn; headstrong; die-hard | 執癖; 頑固
citpharng | weave and spin | 織紡; 紡織
citphog | simple and unadorned | 質樸
ciuophvi | flat nose | 蛀鼻
ciuphøf | cycles (radio) | 週波
ciwphex | appetizers | 酒配
ciwphiaq bae | be quarrelsome in one's cups; ugly drunkenness | 酒癖壞
ciwphiaq | alcoholophilia | 酒癖
ciwphoex | food to go with wine; liquor | 守配; 配酒菜
ciwphvoa | drinking buddy | 酒伴
ciwphøq | distillers grains | 酒粕
ciøphexng | advertise for office vacancies | 招聘
ciøqphang | interstice in stone, crack in stone | 石縫
ciøqphviaa | gently sloping large rock with little or no soil on it | 石灘
ciøqphviar | flat-faced rock | 石片; 石鉼
ciøqphvix | stone slabs | 石片
ciøqthauphang | crevice between rocks | 石頭縫
ciøqthauphviaa | beach full of stones | 石子埔
cviafphiqphuh | tasteless (food); insipid | 淡噗薄; 淡而無味
cviaphvae | very cruel, very wicked | 成歹; 誠歹; 很歹
cviar phiqphuh | very insipid | 淡極了
cviarphaix | formal; formal manner; decent; honest; decency | 正派; 正式
cviarphaq | in tennis; ping pong; to hit the ball overhand | 正拍
cviuxpho | to login; to register | 登錄; 上簿
cviuxphuo | grow mold or mildew | 發黴; 上黴
cybeafphvoa | female friends who are very close | 姊妹仔伴
cyloxphiaw | signpost | 指路標
cymoeafphvoa | female close friends | 姊妹仔伴
cymoexphiefn | twin literary products usually by the same author that run in the same vein | 姊妹篇
cyn-phahpviax | do one's best; work hard | 真打拚
cyphaix | appoint; assign | 指派
cyphiaw | landmark | 指標
cyphiøo | violet duckweed | 紫萍
cyphvax | to be afraid of only one thing | 只怕
efng'iorng-phirn | sustenance | 營養品
efngphaang | fill away | 揚帆
efphiqphih | very short (in stature) | 矮擗擗
egphaux | bathrobe | 浴袍
egphuun | bathtub | 浴盆; 洗澡盆
eng'afphvi | hawk-nosed | 鷹仔鼻
eng'iofngphirn | nutriment; nutritious food | 營養品
eng'u phoksu | honorary doctor (PhD) | 榮譽博士
engkøf-phvi | a parrot's like protruded nose | 鸚哥鼻; 高突的鼻子
engkøphvi | hawk-nosed | 鸚哥鼻
engphoxngphong | dirty and dusty | 塵蓬蓬; 灰塵滿天飛
erng'ioxngphirn | necessities; consumer goods | 應用品
erngphexng | accept an offer of employment | 應聘
exphviaa | lower part of a slope (hill) | 下坡
gaau phahphaix | skillful at managing (affairs; things) | 會打派; 善於安排; 差遣別人
gafnphøee | eyelid | 眼皮
gagphor | notes in music; music score | 音譜; 樂譜
gek-phoaxlien | jade necklace | 玉項鍊
gexphirn | artifacts | 藝品
gexsudphirn | art piece; work of art | 藝術品
gexsut-phirn | object d'art | 藝術品
giahphoax | break the skin (as to discharge the matter of a boil) with a needle, break (the skin with a needle to open a boil) | 挑破
giaq`phoax | puncture; pierce through; leak a secret | 戳破
giefnphvoax | research and judge | 研發
ginhaang ciphiøx | bank draft | 銀行支票
ginhaang pwnphiøx | promissory note | 銀行本票
ginphiøx | banknote; silver certificate; bill; bank notes | 銀票; 紙幣; 鈔票
giwphiøx | solicit votes | 拉票
goadtaai-phiøx | platform ticket | 月台票; 月臺票
goadtaiphiøx | a platform ticket | 月臺票
goanphii | mischievous | 頑皮
goanphoex | the first wife; first wife | 元配; 原配
goanphøex | original legal wife | 元配; 原配
goanzongphirn | article assembled by the original manufacturer | 原裝品
goanzwphaux | launcher firing atomic-tipped missiles | 原子炮
goaxphaux | long quilted outer coat | 外袍
goaxphoee | outer skin; appearance; surface; exterior; outside; external | 外皮; 外表; 表皮; 表面; 外面
goaxphøee | outer skin; surface; husk; cortical; cuticle; epidermis | 外皮
goeqphiøx | monthly ticket | 月票
goeqtaiphiøx | platform ticket | 月台票
goghiphøee | alligator leather | 鱷魚皮
goxsvoarphor | music score sheet; the musical score with five lines; staff (in music) | 五線譜
gulaxnphasvoai | mango | 牛𡳞脬檨
gunphiøx | bill; cash | 銀票
guphafng | hornet | 牛蜂
guphoee | ox hide; cowhide | 牛皮
guphoekaf | glue made from cow-hide | 牛皮膠
guphoesiern | psoriasis | 牛皮癬
guphoezoar | thick packing paper | 牛皮紙
guphvi | ox-nose; cow's nose; cattle's nose; nose of a cow | 牛鼻
guphvixkhiefn | bull nose ring | 牛鼻圈
guphøee | ox hide; leather | 牛皮
guphøekaf | glue | 牛皮腳; 牛皮膠
guphøezoar | brown paper, craft paper | 牛皮紙
gve-zhuiephøea | stiff jaw | 硬嘴頰; 硬喙䫌
gvexphaix | diehard; stubborn; intransigent; irreconcilable; stiff and unbending | 硬派
gvexphiaq | tough; hard; hard disposition | 硬癖
gvexphvi | dogged, obstinate | 硬頑; 頑固
gvexphøee | stubborn; intransigent; irreconcilable; stiff and unbending | 硬皮
gvi-zhuiephøea | stiff jaw | 硬嘴頰; 硬喙䫌
gvixphaix | diehard; stubborn; intransigent; irreconcilable; stiff and unbending | 硬派
gvixphiaq | tough; hard; hard disposition | 硬癖
gvixphvi | dogged, obstinate | 硬鼻; 頑固
gvixphøee | stubborn; intransigent; irreconcilable; stiff and unbending | 硬皮
gvofkaphii | medicated millet liquor | 五加皮
gymphiausaix | sports tournament | 錦標賽
gymphiaw | championship; pennant | 錦標
gyn'afphie | very young child | 囝仔痞; 小鬼
gyn'afphvoa | children companions | 囝仔伴; 玩伴
gyn'ar-phvoa | a companion or friend of a child | 囡仔伴; 玩伴; 童伴; 兒伴
gyym texngphiøx | phone call to make reservation for train ticket | 語音訂票
gøeqtaai-phiøx | platform ticket | 月台票; 月臺票
gøeqtaiphiøx | a platform ticket | 月臺票
hafngphiexn | to defraud; to swindle; to cheat | 哄騙
hag'ioxngphirn | school supplies, student's personal equipment | 學用品
hagkiuophaix | pedants | 學究派
hagphaix | a school (of thought); school of thought | 學派
haixphvax | to fear, to be afraid of, frightened | 害怕
hamhied phurnjiin | make false accusations against others | 含血噴人
hangkhofng-phøef | air mail | 航空批
harm`phoax | hammer to crash | 打破; 撼破
harmphuh | swollen with a disease | 浮腫; 譀浡; 癡肥; 水腫
harngphøee | swelling skin | 腫肥; 肥胖
haxnsiphøef | special delivery (in Chinese postal service) | 限時信
haxphexng | to present betrothal gifts | 下娉
haxphirn | low-grade | 下品
haxphøf | to be on the downgrade, go downhill, declivous | 下坡
haxtefngphirn | inferior article | 下等品
hayphaix | generous | 海派; 花錢很大方
hayphid | red-breasted merganser | 海流; 海秋沙
hayphvi | sea shaping as a nose | 海鼻
hayphviaa | sandy area of the beach; portion of shore left dry at low tide | 海坪; 沙灘
hayphøf | sea waves | 海波
hekophiag'ar | fam shrimp | 蝦蛄擗仔
henglyphiøx | ticket for baggage transportation | 行李票
hengphiexn | to cheat; to deceive | 行騙
hengsu zhaiphvoax | criminal trial | 刑事裁判
hephoef | reply | 回批
hiarmphaq | shout; Beat him up! | 喊打; 叫打
hiauhphie | ruffian; bully | 剝痞
hiauhphoee | slough off dead skin | 脫皮
hiauhphøee | to peel off the skin; skin peel off; the shedding of shell; to come off or fall off | 剝皮; 脫皮; 脫殼; 脫落
hiaxphea'ar | broken tiles | 瓦杮仔
hiaxphoea'ar | broken tiles | 瓦杮仔
hiaxphoex | a tile tablet; chip | 瓦片; 瓦屑
hiaxphvix | shard of a roof-tile | 瓦片
hiephaux | alveoli, lung sacs | 肺苞; 肺泡
hiephiøx | ticket; admission ticket for a play | 戲票
hiexnphirn | goods on hand; stock goods | 現貨; 現品
hiexntai-phengji | modern spelling, modern spelling system | 現代拼字
himphøee | bear skin | 熊皮
hiongphvix | jasmine tea | 香片
hiphiaw | swimming bladder | 魚鰾
hiphvix | fillets, slices of fish meat | 魚片
hisengphirn | bargain items; goods sold at sacrifice; a very low price | 犧牲品
hiux phangzuie | spray air refresher | 灑香水
hoad phikhix | fly into a rage; get mad | 發脾氣
hoad-phikhix | display temper, get angry | 發脾氣
hoadphoad | activity; briskness; active; brisk; vigorous | 活潑
hoafnphaix | opposition faction | 反派; 反對派
hoafntoxngphaix | reactionary party | 反動派
hoaiphau | bosom; to embrace; to hold in the arms; nurse in the arms | 懷抱
hoan'ar-phiaq | quick tempered; quick temper | 番仔癖; 急性子
hoanphak | turn-over to expose to sunlight | 翻曝; 翻曬
hoaphuxn | gorgeous | 華噴; 花俏; 浮華; 華麗
hoarhagphirn | chemicals | 化學品
hoarntefng-phvix | slides for projection | 幻燈片
hoarzongphirn | cosmetic; cosmetics | 化粧品; 化妝品
hoat'hak phoksu | Doctor of Law | 法學博士
hoatludphang | loop holes in the law | 法律縫
hoatphiøx | a bill of sale; an invoice | 發票
hoatphoex | to banish to a frontier garrison; to sort and deliver | 發配
hoeaphirn | commodities; goods | 貨品
hoeaphiøx | inefficacious votes; invalidated ballot | 廢票
hoefcviephaux | bazooka; rocket launcher | 火箭砲
hoephaux | a firework; a sparkler | 花炮; 煙火
hoephef | answer a letter | 回信
hoephex | handkerchief with flower pattern | 花帕; 繡花包布
hoephiøx | money order; a draft; bill of exchange; a check | 匯票
hoepho | booklet of flower patterns for embroidery | 花簿; 繡花圖本
hoephoef | reply | 回批
hoephuun | flower pot | 花盆
hoephuxn | flower pot; flower arrangement plate | 花噴; 洒水罐
hoephvix | fallen petals | 花片
hoephøef | write back; reply | 回信
hoexoaan miapho | list of members | 會員名簿
hoexphiøx | money order; a draft; bill of exchange; a check | 匯票
hofngzøxphirn | an imitation, a counterfeit | 仿製品; 仿造品
hofphee | tiger’s skin | 虎皮
hofpheg | amber; electroum; chrysophoron | 琥珀
hofphoee | tiger skin | 虎皮
hofphøee | tiger fur | 虎皮
hofphøee-tharn | tiger fur carpet | 虎皮毯
hofthaau-phafng | hornet | 虎頭蜂; 黃蜂
hofthauphafng | wasp | 虎頭蜂
hogpheg | to restore to the throne, restoration | 復位
hokzeaphirn | reproduction of the original, replica | 複製品
hong'uo-phiau'iaau | be tossed about in wind or rain | 風雨飄搖
honglo phiaukix | route marker for ships; etc | 航路標記
hongphaix | abundant | 豐沛; 豐盛
hongpheeng | what people judged; reputation | 風評; 諷
hongphef | seal a letter; a sealed letter | 封信
hongphoef | seal a letter; a sealed letter | 封批; 封信
hongphøf | "discord; quarrel (literally; ""tempest"" or ""squall""; between lovers; husband and wife; business associates; etc)"; disturbances; disputes; quarrels; restlessness | 風波
hongphøthee | breakwater | 防波堤
hophiøo | duckweed; harvest duckweed with a strainer | 浮萍; 撈浮萍
hosiin-phaq | fly-swatter | 胡蠅打; 蒼蠅拍
hosinphah'ar | fly swatter | 胡蠅拍仔
hoxkhao miapho | household identification folder | 戶口名簿
hoxkhao-miapho | a booklet of each registered residence | 戶口名簿
hoxkhao-pho | a houshold register | 戶口簿
hoxkhao-phofzaf | census taking | 戶口普查
hoxkhawpho | resident registered document | 戶口簿
hoxngphaix | be assigned to a job or post | 奉派
hoxngphiexn | to mislead, cheat | 欺騙; 哄騙
hoxphaang | oilcloth; water-proof | 雨帆布
hoxphang | rain stop in between two; pause in the rain | 雨縫; 雨停之間
hoxphiefn | next page | 後篇
hoxzek-pho | a household registry | 戶籍簿
huhegphirn | booty taken in war | 俘獲品
huibe-phirn | non-sale article | 非賣品
huibexphirn | not for sale | 非賣品
huibøe-phirn | non-sale article | 非賣品
huibøexphirn | not-for-sale item | 非賣品
huiephaux | alveoli | 肺泡
huikipheeng | hangar | 飛機棚
huikiphiøx | airplane ticket | 飛機票
huiphaux | to run quickly | 飛砲; 飛跑
hunhuy pheksaxn | frightened out of one's wits; as good as dead | 魂飛魄散
hunkhw-tauphiøx | voting according to districts | 分區投票
hunlixphaix | secessionists | 分離派
hunphaix | allocate; appoint; to allot; assign; allot; apportion; depute; divide into parties; cliques | 分派
hunphang | a crack of cloud | 雲縫
hunphef | separate into lots; batches; shipments or groups | 分批
hunpheg | soul | 魂魄; 魂魄,靈魂; 靈魂
hunphex | distribute | 分配
hunphoex | repartition; distribute; to allot; matrimony (Catholic); get married; marriage | 分配; 婚配
hunphøef | separate into lots; batches; shipments or groups | 分批
hunphøex | to give in marriage | 婚配; 分配
huosafnphirn | by products | 副產品
huosiogphirn | accessories; fittings | 附屬品
huosiok-phirn | accessory, subsidiary, appendix, attachment | 附屬品
hvi'ar phakphag | ears standing out so much as almost to cover the opening (like a pig's) | 耳仔趴趴; 垂耳
hviuphafng | small bag of incense worn as a talisman on the 5th of the 5th month | 香包; 香香
hvixphvixaau-khøf | otorhinolaryngology (eyes; ears; nose and throat) | 耳鼻喉科
hvixphvixaukhøf | otorhinolaryngology (eyes, ears, nose and throat) | 耳鼻咽喉科
hvixphvixkhøf | EN dept., ear-nose department | 耳鼻科
hvorkied-sengpheg | morbid preoccupation with cleanliness | 好潔成癖
hvorphiaau | fond of visiting prostitutes; frequent brothels; given to whoring | 好嫖
hwn høfphvae | differentiate between good and evil | 分好歹
hwn tofngphaix | divide into parties or factions | 分黨派
hwnphaq | a powder-puff | 粉打; 粉拍
hwphex | subsidiary coins | 輔幣
hwphoex | to match someone for marriage | 許配
hyphoex | to match someone for marriage; be betrothed girl; be affianced | 許配
høefchiaphiøx | train ticket | 火車票
høefphaux | sparkler (fireworks) | 火炮; 鞭炮
høephøef | to reply a letter | 回批; 回信
høfphaix | good appearance | 好派; 好容姿
høfpheeng | favorable comment; high opinion | 好評; 好聲譽
høfphiaq | good tempered | 好癖; 癖性好
høfphoan | good partner | 好伴; 好夥伴
høfphvae zhampoaxn | good and bad about half-and-half | 好壞參半
høfphvae | good or bad | 好歹; 好壞
høfphvaysu | death; birth; marriage and such ceremonies | 好歹事; 喪喜事
høfphvixsay | person with a keen sense of smell | 好鼻獅; 嗅覺好
høfphøebaq | good condition of skin and flesh; heals quickly | 好皮肉; 皮膚好
hør-phaethaau | style of person; big show of skill | 好派頭; 派頭大
hør-phvixsay | good sense of smell | 好鼻獅; 嗅覺好
hør-phynheng | correct conduct; | 好品行
hør-phøebaq | nice appearance | 好皮肉; 皮膚好(健康)
høxniphvix | greeting card for New Year | 賀年片
høxphaux | artillery fire as a signal | 號炮; 信號槍; 信號炮
høxphvix | greeting card | 賀片; 賀年片
iafciernphaux | fieldpiece; field artillery | 野戰砲
iafphafng | wild bees | 野蜂
iarmseaphaix | pessimists | 厭世派
ibudphaix | materialists | 唯物派
iedphirn | aloof | 逸品
iegoa-hongphøf | unforeseen trouble | 意外風波
ienphexng | hire (polite expression) | 延聘
ienphog | profound | 淵博
ienphviar | a lead plate; sheet iron; galvanized iron sheeting | 鉛片; 鉛鉼; 鉛版; 鉛板
ihak-phoksu | Doctor of Medicine; M.D | 醫學博士
iliaau-ioxngphirn | medical materials | 醫療用品
iliauphirn | medical supplies | 醫療品
imgagphor | musical notation | 音樂師; 樂譜
imphiaw | phonetic symbol; phonetic signs | 音標
imphiaw-bunji | phonetic transcription | 音標文字
imphor | notes in music; music score | 音譜; 樂譜
imphoxngphong | being flooded; submerged | 淹滿水; 積滿水
imphoxngphoong | being flooded, submerged | 淹滿水, 積滿水
imphynphorng | being flooded; submerged | 淹滿水; 積滿水
imphøf | sound-waves | 音波
iofngphau | embrace | 擁抱
iorng phafng | keep bees | 養蜂
ioxngphirn | articles for use; appliances; article; necessaries; supplies | 用品
iphølaf pvixtok | ebola virus | 伊波拉病毒
irnsioxngphaix | impressionist school (art) | 印象派
irnsoatphirn | printed matter | 印刷品
isimphaix | idealists | 唯心派
isinphaix | reformers | 維新派
itphaang-hongsun | May you have favorable winds in your sails!--greeting written on a farewell present | 一帆風順
itphaix-hogieen | complete nonsense | 一派胡言
itpheg-zek'hap | become good friend or partners after brief contact | 一拍即合
itphied | a glance | 一瞥
itphiexn | stretch, field of view | 一片
itphiexn-høfix | an atmosphere of goodwill | 一片好意
itphirn | first or the highest rank; ranking first; top quality | 一品
itphirn-hujiin | highest ranking madam; the wife of the highest ranking official | 一品夫人
itphy | a batch, a lot, a group | 一批
itphøf bixpeeng itphøf iuxkhie | one trouble after another | 一波未平一波又起
itphøf-samcied | meeting repeated difficulties; hitting one snag after another | 一波三折
iukiok-hoephiøx | postal money-order | 郵局匯票
iuliongphirn | choice (superior) goods | 優良品
iuliphiøx | swing votes | 游離票
iuophøee | smooth | 細皮; 幼皮
iuphiøx | stamp; postal stamps | 郵票
iuphvoa | playmate; travel company | 遊伴
iuphøq | browned residue from rendered fat; cracklings | 油粕; 豬油粕
iwphaix | the Right | 右派
iwphaix-hunzuo | Rightists | 右派分子
iwphiexn | induce by deceit; beguile | 誘騙
ixkørphvix | preview of coming attractions (cinema) | 預告片
iøqphirn | pharmaceutical products; drug; medicines; chemicals | 藥品
iøqphvix | a medicinal tablet; medicine tablets | 藥片
iøqphøq | solid refuse of medicinal herbs after brewing | 藥渣
jiafmtiøh phvae-sibkoaxn | infected by bad habits | 染到壞習慣
jiaophoarbin | to come to an open break in friendship with each other | 撕破臉; 抓破面
jiaophoax | injure the skin by scratching; damage tissue by scratching | 抓破
jiauphefphea | wrinkled | 皺襞襞
jiauphiephex | crumpled; wrinkled | 皺皺的; 皺痞帕
jiauphoee | shriveled skin | 皺皮; 皮膚皺皺的
jiauphøee | wrinkled skin | 皺皮
jibtviuphiøx | ticket of admission | 入場票
jidioxngphirn | daily necessaries | 日用品
jidkiepho | diary | 日記簿
jiedphauh | fever blister | 熱泡
jih`phoax | broken by applying pressure; crush to pieces | 壓破
jinciorng ee phienkiexn | racial prejudice | 人種的偏見
jinkhao phorngtioxng | population explosion | 人口膨脹
jinphirn | conduct; manner; behavior; character; man's disposition; his moral or intellectual standing; character (of a person); personality | 人品
jinthea kayphøx | human anatomy | 人體解剖
jinthea-kayphørhak | study of human anatomy; anthropometry | 人體解剖學
jiogphog | hand-to-hand combat | 肉博
jipheaphex | topsy-turvy, in complete disarray, drunkenly confused | 亂糟糟, 糾纏不清
jiqphoax | break something by applying pressure; broken by high pressure | 壓破
jixphirn | order of lector (Catholic) | 二品
jixpho | note-book for practicing the writing of letters | 字簿; 習字簿
jiøxphea'ar | diapers | 尿帕仔
jiøxphex | a diaper; a nappy | 尿帕; 尿布
juhoad phaozex | do things according to an approved routine methods; do something exactly as others have done | 如法泡製
jupheaphex | topsy-turvy; in complete disarray; drunkenly confused | 亂糟糟; 糾纏無清
juxnphøee | naughty | 韌皮; 頑皮
juxnpviar-phøee | the Taiwanese spring roll skin to wrap meat; vegetable in | 潤餅皮
ka`phoax | damage by biting (as clothing damaged by moths; dogs) | 咬破
kaciahphviaf | back; part of the back between the shoulders | 尻脊背; 尻脊骿
kaciahphviar | the back, the upper-back of the body | 尻脊背
kae phikhix | change one's disposition | 改脾氣
kaephiaw | landmark | 界標
kaf phøx jiin boong | home in ruins and family members dead or scattered (referring to situations resulting from great disasters) | 家破人亡
kafmzeeng phørliet | fall out (said of friends; married couple) | 感情破裂
kafngpheeng | review (a literary work; a game; especially in speech); make critical comments on some performance | 講評
kafnphor | simple musical notation | 簡譜
kahphe | cover with comfort | 蓋被
kahphoe | cover with quilt or comforter | 蓋被
kahphøe | cover oneself with quilt or comforter | 蓋被
kakafng-phirn | finished material, processing, processed product | 加工品
kakangphirn | processed goods | 加工品
kakeapho | household account book | 家計簿
kalafnphag | put a thing upside down; lie face downward | 伏臥趴; 倒放
kalongphaux | cannon | 加農砲; 大砲
kamciarphøq | remains of pressed sugarcane; pulp; fibers | 甘蔗渣
kamhoeq-phuqthvy | make false accusations against others (Lit. spit blood at Heaven) | 含血噴天; 含血噴人
kamliim-phofkaxng | Seasonable rain has fallen everywhere | 甘霖普降
kangge-phirn | handicraft articles or object | 工藝品
kanggexphirn | industrial product; manufactured article | 工藝品
kanghak-phoksu | Doctor of Engineering; D. Eng | 工學博士
kanphii | mesothelium | 間皮
kaophaix hunliet | schism | 教派分裂
kaophaix | sect; religious sect | 教派
kaphirn | good quality | 佳品
kaphor | family tree; genealogy | 家譜
kaphøef | home letter | 家信; 家書
kapiphøq | coffee grounds. | 咖啡粕
kapphang | space between things | 合縫; 縫合處
karmphiørjiin | ballot supervisor; scrutator | 監票人
karmphiøx | watch for irregularities in a voting (in election) | 監票
karphefng | pass away (said of the emperor) | 駕崩
karphvae | bad influence; teach wrong things (usually to children) | 教壞
kateeng-ioxngphirn | household furnishings; appliances; utensils | 家庭用品
kau-bixnphøee | brazen-faced | 厚面皮; 厚臉皮
kauphoax | tear with a hook; nail; thorn | 鉤破
kauphoex | mate (said of animals); to crossbreed (animals or plants) | 交配
kauphøex | cross-breed, cross-fertilize | 交配
kauxbixnphee | shameless | 厚面皮
kauxbixnphoee | bold, shameless, impudent | 厚面皮
kauxbixnphøee | bold; shameless; impudent | 厚臉皮
kauxphiaq | many special liking | 多癖; 厚癖
kauxphøee | thick-skinned | 皮厚; 厚皮
kauxzoafphef | cardboard | 厚紙坯
kauxzoafphoef | cardboard | 厚紙坯
kaw`phoax | things damaged by a hook | 勾破
kawphuix | nonsense | 狗屁
kaxngphvoa | companion | 同伴
kaxphoax | break by the teeth; bite through | 咬破
kayphexng | relieve one of his duties; dismiss or discharge a person from his post | 解聘
kayphiefn | revise (a book); reorganize (a military unit); (said of a movie; stage play) adapted from; based on (a book; novel) | 改編
kayphor | dissect; autopsy; analyze (a problem) | 解剖
kayphorsut | dissection | 解剖術
kayphox | dissect, perform an autopsy | 解剖
kayphvoax | amended judgment; change a sentence (meted out by a lower court) | 改判
kayphørhak | anatomy | 解剖學
kayphørsut | anatomy | 解剖術
kayphøx | dissect; autopsy; analyze (a problem) | 解剖
keaphoex | step wife | 繼配; 後妻
kebwphoee | goose flesh (skin); goose-pimples | 雞母皮; 雞皮疙瘩
kebwphøee | goose bumps | 雞母皮; 雞皮疙瘩
kebøfphoee | goose flesh (skin); goose-pimples | 雞母皮; 雞皮疙瘩
kefginphiøx | false bank note | 假銀票; 偽鈔
kefgunphiøx | counterfeit banknotes | 假銀票
kefkofphog | pretend to be knowledgeable | 假古博
kefngphirn | scenery | 景品
kefphog | pretend to be a learned person | 假博; 假裝有學問
kefphvae | reform a bad character, change a bad habit | 假歹; 改除惡習
kefphøee | imitation leather | 假皮
kefphøef | fake mail | 假信; 偽函
keg-høfgiaqlaang-phaix | take on the airs and appearance of a wealthy man when really not so | 假好額人派; 裝有錢人的派頭
keg-phiphii | feign tiredness | 裝疲疲
kegphirn | the best of its kind | 極品
kekphaethaau | put on airs | 激派頭
kekphaix | radical | 激派
kekphii | pretend tiresome; ignore | 裝疲
kekphiphii | pretend not to pay attention to | 裝疲疲; 裝無理會
kekphoax | defeat | 擊破
kekphvi | irritated nose | 激鼻
kekphøx | to crush, to rout | 擊破
keksinphaix | reformist group | 革新派
kengsym-toxngpheg | heart-shaking; soul-stirring | 驚心動魄
kephøex | add | 加配
kerngphoex | to admire | 敬佩
khabphoax | knock out | 磕破
khachiwbaq phiqphiqzhoaq | body all trembling with terror | 手腳顫抖; 腳手肉皮皮掣
khaciahphviaf | the back of the human body | 腳脊骿; 尻脊骿; 背部; 背脊
khaciahphviar | the back of body | 尻脊背; 背脊
khaf phuphuu | unsteady gait | 腳飄浮無力; 腳浮浮
khahphvix | a card | 卡片
khaiphoax | break | 開破
khangkhakciphiøx | bounced check | 空殼支票
khangphang | gap; hole; holes and crevices; a flaw; opportunity for finding fault or getting money out of people | 孔縫; 空縫; 空隙
khangphvax | empty; hollow | 空虛; 空帕
khangthaau-ciphiøx | rubber check; worthless check | 空頭支票
khaphang | between the thighs; space between the legs | 腳縫; 胯下; 腿間
khaphoea | thighs | 腳頰
khaphuhseflux | medicine capsule | 膠囊
khaphvixliaam | having a sore or ulcer on the shinbone | 跤鼻臁
khaq-phvithaau | getting rather more than one's share | 較摒頭; 較佔便宜
kharngphie | pick off scabs | 揭痂
kharphoax | to break by striking or knocking | 砍敲; 敲破
kharphvix | card | 卡片
khauphoee | scrape off the skin with a scraper | 刨皮; 刮皮; 剝皮
khauphøee | peeling | 刨皮; 刮皮; 剝皮
khaw phe'ar | pull up darnell from rice fields | 拔稗仔
khaw phee | peel off the skin | 剾皮
khaw phoee | peel off the skin | 剾皮
khaxng laang ee liab'afphie | put a man to shame by telling his secrets | 揭人瘡疤; 揭人的粒仔痞
khaxng laang ee zhaothauphie | put a man to shame by telling his secrets | 揭人瘡疤; 揭人的臭頭痞
khaxng liab'afphie | pick the scab off a boil | 揭瘡疤; 揭粒仔痞
khazhngphea | buttocks; rump | 尻川臀; 臀部; 屁股
khazhngphoea | buttocks, rump | 尻川䫌
khazhngphøea | buttocks; rump | 尻川臀; 臀部; 屁股
khazngfthau'afphang | interstices between the toes | 腳指頭仔縫
khazngfthauafphang | interstices between the toes | 腳指縫
khekphor | music scores | 曲譜
khekphvix | (vinyl) record; LP | 曲片; 唱片
khengphiaw | buoyant | 輕飄
khengphuu | flippant; frivolous; playful | 輕浮
khengphuun | overturn a bowl | 傾盆
khiakhafng-khiaphang | create difficulties | 騎孔騎縫; 諸多刁難
khiaxmphog | plain, simple, frugal | 省樸; 儉樸
khiaxphiøx | standing ticket | 徛票
khie cidphaf | formed a blister | 起了一個水泡; 起一皰
khie kebøfphøee | go all goose-fleshy (as from terror) | 起雞毛疙瘩; 起雞母皮
khiefnphaix | send forward; dispatch; mission; assignment | 派遣; 遣派
khiephaix | style of (dress; behavior); dignified air; impressive style or manner | 氣派
khiephaux | air bubble | 氣泡
khiephaxn | expect or hope with eagerness | 企望; 企盼
khiepheg | (n) bold vision; enterprising outlook; (n) imposing attitude; spirit; vigor; moral strength; broadness of mind | 氣魄
khiephutphud | very angry | 氣怫怫
khiephøf | air bubble | 氣波; 氣泡
khiernphafng | frying; flavor with onion or mushroom before frying (something) | 譴芳; 芡芳; 爆香
khihphøex | scrap | 缺紕; 破片
khimphoex | admire, respect, admiration | 欽佩
khimphor | score for lute; guitar; piano; other stringed instruments | 琴譜
khiofngphvax | I fear that; I am afraid of that. Probably; perhaps | 恐怕
khiphiexn | deceit; deception; fraud; deceive; to swindle | 欺騙
khiphiin | not straight | 敧蹁; 壁肩等傾斜
khisien-phvarog | oppress the good and timid and fear the wicked | 欺善怕惡
khiøhphiaq | to feel enraged | 嘔氣; 鬧彆扭; 拾癖
khoaephao | to run fast | 快炮; 快跑
khoekhaf-phoarsviux | maimed; greatly deformed | 瘸腳瘸手; 殘障
khofphoe'ar | epidermis | 苦皮仔; 表皮
khofphøee | bitter skin | 苦皮
khuiphaang | to start sail; set out; start on sailing (boat; ship; junk); start journey | 開帆
khuiphaux | open fire | 開砲
khuiphiørsor | place for counting ballots | 開票所
khuiphiøx | to count ballots or votes; count ballots or votes; write a check | 開票
khuiphoax | clarify; explain clearly; explain why and how | 開破; 啟發; 開導; 解說; 說明; 誘發; 誘導; 點化; 勸導; 闡明
khuphiøo | tiny water fern | 昆瓢; 滿江紅
khuphiøx | a warrant for arrest | 拘票
khuphvax | to fear; to be afraid of; to be scared; fear greatly | 懼怕
khuxn kannafphag | sleep with one's face downward | 俯著睡; 睡矸仔仆
khuxn-thafnphag | sleep in a prone position; lie on one's face | 睡袒腹; 伏臥
khuy ciphiøx | draw a check | 開支票
khuy hoatphiøx | write an (uniform) invoice | 開發票
khuypien-hagphaix | the school of sacrums | 鬼辯學拜; 詭辯學派
khvoarhofng-sayphaang | adapt oneself to circumstances | 看風駛帆
khvoarphoax | see through a thing; to be resigned to what is inevitable; see through (trick; falseness); decide to quit (after seeing through); discern | 看破; 看開
khykebøfphoee | goosebumps | 起雞母皮
khyphaang | hoist sail; start a sea voyage; start sail | 起帆; 揚帆; 要出海
khyphaf | blister | 起泡
khyphang | space between the teeth; interstices between the teeth | 牙縫; 齒縫
khyphauh | raise blisters; to bubble | 起泡
khyphaxn | get angry | 生氣; 起盼
khyphiaq | to get angry | 起癖
khyphuiebin | fall out | 起呸面
khyphvae | go bad | 反臉; 起歹
khyphøeh | blister | 起沫; 起泡沫
khyphøf | raise blisters; to bubble | 起泡
khøfphax | horrify | 可怕
khøfphie | despicable, contemptible | 可鄙
khøfphvax | terribleness; fearfulness; dreadful; fearsome; frightening; terrible | 可怕
kiamphafng | salty and sweet-smelling; salty and delicious at the same time | 鹹香
kiarkimpho'ar | bankbook; passbook | 寄金簿仔; 存摺
kiarphef | send a letter; mail (post) a letter | 寄信
kiarphoef | send a letter | 寄批
kiarphøef | to send or mail a letter | 寄信; 寄批
kiauxphuu | raise up with a lever | 撬浮
kiawphvoa | fellow-gambler | 賭伴
kieliaxmphirn | keepsake; souvenir; remembrance | 紀念品; 記念品
kieliogpho | minutes-book | 記錄簿
kieliogphvix | documentary film | 記錄片
kielogphvix | a documentary, a documentary film, news reel | 記錄片
kiemiaa-tauphiøx | vote with signed ballots; open balloting | 記名投票
kienphie | to form a scab over a sore; scab (as a wound) | 堅疕; 結痂; 結疤
kienphoee | dry skin i.e. fruit | 水果表皮乾乾的
kienphøee | dry skin i.e. fruit | 凝皮
kiernpheeng | floor space of a building measured in ping (equivalent to 36 square feet); floorage | 建坪
kiernphvee | floor space of a building in ping (equivalent to 36 square feet) | 建坪
kiesuxpho | memo book | 記敘簿; 記事簿
kiexnkhofng-sidphirn | health foods | 健康食品
kikoanphaux | rapid-fire gun; machine gun | 機關砲
kimphex | gold coin | 金幣
kimphoaqlien | gold necklace | 金項鍊
kimphvix | gold ingot | 金片; 金塊
kiofngphirn | offering | 供品
kipcirnphaix | radical; extremist faction | 急進派
kiphaux | cheongsam; all-purpose long gown with a high stiff collar worn by modern Chinese women | 旗袍
kiphiøx | air ticket; passenger ticket | 機票
kiphor | a manual on chess; a collection of records of famous chess-plays between experts; contemporary and ancient | 棋譜
kipphwn | to walk hurriedly | 急奔
kirmphirn | prohibited article | 禁品
kirmzeaphirn | prohibited goods | 禁制品
kirmzex-phirn | prohibited goods, contraband | 禁制品
kiuozex-phirn | relief goods | 救濟品
kiuphaq | rackets (for tennis; etc.); bat; racquet | 球拍
kiupheg | racket | 球拍
kiwphirn | former official grades or ranks | 九品
kiwphirn-thiensiin | nine choirs of angels (Catholic) | 九品天神
kixphiaq | to avoid, to shun | 忌僻
kngphøf | light wave | 光波
kngrkhiim-phvoaxzaux | piano accompaniment | 鋼琴伴奏
kngrphvi | to pierce through the nose; nose paracentesis; make a hole in the nose (of an ox) in order to put in a ring | 穿鼻
koaepheg | unreasonable; eccentric; perverse | 乖僻
koaephiaq | eccentric; strange-acting; eccentricity; strange habit; odd behavior | 怪僻; 怪癖
koaixphiaq | contrary, perverse | 執拗
koapho | a book of songs | 歌簿
koaphor | music scores | 歌譜
koaq pauphøee | circumcise | 割損; 割包皮
koarhø-phøe | registered letter | 掛號信
koarhø-phøef | registered letter | 掛號批
koarhøxphøef | registered letter | 掛號信
koarnchviuophvix | to cut a phonograph record | 灌唱片
koarphaang | to hang up a sail (of a boat) | 掛帆
koatzhuiephea | slap the cheek | 打耳光; 打嘴巴
koayphiexn | to abduct; to kidnap; swindle; allure into running away | 拐騙
koeaphiøx | be bleached | 過漂
koeaphoee | be covered with new skin or be healed | 長新皮 (傷口)
koeaphof | change bed | 過鋪; 換床睡
koeaphøee | be covered with new skin or be healed | 過皮; 長新皮; (傷口)
koebøfphee | goosebumps | 雞母皮
koefcyphøee | the skin of a fruit | 果子皮
kofngphexngzøe | talk too much | 講比多; 說太多了
kofngphoax | tell the main point; give the answer; disclose the secret; reveal the trick | 講破; 揭穿; 說破
kofngphog | wide; extensive | 廣博
kofngsiaau-kofngphvi | scold someone criticize behind him (slang) | 講迢講鼻; 罵他人在背後批評; (粗話)
kofphaix | The Conservative Party | 舊派; 古派
kofphiøx chixtviuu | stock market | 股票市場
kofphiøx | stocks; shares; stock certificate | 股票
kofphog | simple and unsophisticated | 古樸
kog phøx kaf boong | country defeated and home lost | 國破家亡
kokbiin tauphiøx | plebiscite; referendum | 國民自決; 國民投票
kokphvix | state movies | 國片
koksafnphirn | national products | 國產品; 國產
kokzex imphiaw | the International Phonetic Alphabet | 國際音標
kongbiin tauphiøx | plebiscite | 公民投票
kongbiin-tauphiøx | all the citizens decide by voting | 公民投票
kongphaq | attack, assault | 攻打
kongpheeng | open comment; public comment; to criticize in public | 公評
kongphoax | to attack and conquer | 攻破
kongphvoax | to judge in public; public trial; bring (a case; person) to trial | 公判
kongsymphvoax | general judgment (Catholic) | 公審判
kongtiabphvix | CD-ROMs | 光碟片
kophiaq | (of a person's disposition) eccentric; or idiosyncratic; holding oneself aloof; disinclined to associate with others | 孤僻; 孤癖
korngphirn | articles of tribute | 貢品
korngphoax | to break; to smash; to break with a blow; to shatter | 敲破; 打破
kox bixnphøee | take care of one's reputation; have a sense of honor | 顧面子
kuietioxngphirn | articles of value; valuables | 貴重品
kuipha | the whole (blister) | 整皰
kuiphaang | the whole set; whole | 整組; 全部
kuiphiaq | to evade (obligations or duties); to shun or avoid | 規避
kuiphid | the whole (piece of cloth) | 整匹
kuiphiexn | whole region | 一大片
kuiphviar | the whole thick slice; over a considerable surface (e.g.; a skin disease) | 整片
kuiphvix | the whole piece | 整片
kuiphvy | whole chapter | 整篇
kuisvoaphviaa | all over the mountains and plains | 規山坪
kuixphag | to kneel down and to fall flat on the ground; kneel and prostrate one's self | 跪伏
kun'iong-phirn | military supplies | 軍用品; 軍需品
kun'ioxngphirn | military supplies and equipment; war materials; materiel; articles for use of the army; military stores | 軍用品
kunhoad-symphvoax | trial by court-martial | 軍法審判
kunhoad-zhaiphvoax | court martial | 軍法裁判; 軍法庭
kunphvoax | military sentence | 軍判
kunsuphirn | military supplies and equipment; war materials | 軍需品
kupheeng | according to | 據憑
kuphviaf | woven bamboo raincoat that looks like a turtle shell | 龜背; 龜形雨衣; (竹片和竹葉編成的龜形雨具)
kutphang | the crack between the bones; a fissure or an opening between the bones | 骨縫
kutphuun | pelvic bones | 骨盆
kviaf-phvaysex | embarrassed | 驚歹勢
kviaphvae | do evil | 行歹; 作惡
kviarphvix | lens | 鏡片
kviasym-taxngpheg | alarmed; scared | 驚心動魄
kviuxphiaq | contrary minded, obstinate in opposing | 樣壁; 乖戾; 背道而馳,固執地反對
kvoaphaix | to assign by government; to send by government; appoint (name; designate) by an official | 官派; 官府指派的
kvoaphirn | grade or rank ( in the nine-grad system for government officials in former times) | 官品
kyliam iuphiøx | commemorative stamp | 紀念郵票
kyliaxmphirn | keepsake; souvenir; remembrance | 紀念品
kymphiausaix | championship tournament | 錦標賽
kymphiaw | championship; trophy | 錦標
køeapheeng | weigh | 過秤
køeaphiøf | drift | 過漂
køfphøee | fruit skin | 果皮
køkipphirn | first-class article | 高級品
køphafn | climb high; cultivate friendship with the socially elevated | 高攀
køsiaxphaux | ack-ack; anti aircraft gun; anti-aircraft gun | 高射炮
laau bixnphøee | guard someone's good name; protect the reputation of someone | 給面子
laau phvixhoeq | bloody nose | 流鼻血
laau phvixhuiq | bloody nose | 流鼻血
laau phvixzuie | snivel; snot nose | 流鼻水
lab`phoax | crush under foot | 踏破
lafmphø | embrace | 攬抱
lagphirn | order of deacon (Catholic) | 六品; (執事)
laihoee-phiøx | round-trip ticket | 來回票
laihoephiøx | return ticket | 來回票
laihøee-phiøx | round-trip ticket | 來回票
laixphaux | long inner robe | 內袍; 襯袍
lakphie | shed off dry skin; scabs falling off (after smallpox) | 脫痂; 結痂脫落
lamphøesw | blue-book | 藍皮書
langmiapho | person's name list | 人名簿
langphang | (n) crack; gap between two persons | 人隙
langphoef | human embryo | 人胚
lanphor | books on orchids or the painting of orchids | 蘭譜
laophaau | to run away; to flee; to escape | 落跑; 逃跑; 開溜; 落荒而逃
laophviaa | to rid of roof shingles | 漏坪; 除屋頂瓦
lapphvi | snub-nose | 塌鼻
larngphang | an interval of space or time; leave a space (as in writing); take the opportunity to make off | 曠縫; 間隔; 乘隙
lauphvi | running nose | 流鼻
lauphvixlautiq | unny nose and dripping | 流鼻流滴
lauxlangphiøx | elderly ticket | 老人票
lauxphoee | old skin; old guy | 老皮
lauxphoksu | old Phd | 老博士
lauxphvoa | one's spouse in old age; one's dear old companion ─ one's spouse in old age | 老伴; 老伴兒
lawphiernsut | old tricks | 老騙術
lawphiexn | deceive | 老騙; 拐騙
laxng-hoxphang | lull (letup) in the rain | 曠雨縫; 趁雨停
laxnphaf | scrotum | 陰囊; 𡳞脬
lefngpheg | lonely; deserted; obsolete; a big or hard (word) | 冷僻
lefngsu-zhaiphvoax-koaan | consular jurisdiction | 領事裁判權
lefngtoxng sidphirn | frozen foods | 冷凍食品
lefphaux | a gun salute (e.g.1-gun salute); rocket salute | 禮炮
lefphexng | to cordially invite the service of; to enlist the service of someone with handsome gifts | 禮聘
lefphirn | a gift; a present | 禮品
legtauxphoxng | green bean pastry | 綠豆膨
lekphvi | wrinkled nose | 慄鼻; 皺鼻頭
lengphaux | imperial robe | 龍袍
lengphea'ar | brassiere; bra | 胸罩仔
li phøq | strain off the sediment | 濾渣; 去渣
liab'afphie | scab on a boil | 粒仔痂
liab'ar-phie | scab | 粒仔痂
liah laang ee oexphang | take advantage of what a man says to confute him | 挑人言語上的毛病
liah oexphang | catch a person in his own words; trip a person up | 挑語病
liahphoarbin | break out and furious | 裂破面
liahphoax | to tear up; to rip up; too shred | 裂破; 撕破; 撕毀
liapphoaan | Nirvana; completion of life; nirvana; as a human aim | 涅槃
liapphvi | cover noze | 捏鼻
liaqphang | to find fault | 掠縫; 找到缺點
liaqphoax | break it | 掠破
liaqphor | guess; conjecture; surmise; catch the meaning without understanding all the words | 掠譜; 猜取大意; 猜測
liauphefphea | wrinkle | 皺襞襞
liaupheg | beat | 嘹拍
liaxm zhuiephøea | pinch the cheek (when a child tells a lie) | 擰嘴頰
liaxmphor | read spectrum | 念譜
libphirn | to cultivate one's moral character | 立品
liedjip serngphirn | canonize (Catholic) | 列入聖品
lienlogpho'ar | contact book | 聯絡簿仔
lienphiøx | bills in set; an interinline ticket | 聯票
lienphor | year by year chronicle of a person's history from birth to death | 年譜
lienphoxngthaau | fluffy hair | 蓮蓬頭
liephoax | to tear up; to rip up; too shred; tear and destroy (as clothes; papers) | 裂破; 剺破; 撕破; 撕毀
liephoee | flay, to skin | 撕皮, 剝皮
liephøee | flay; to skin | 撕皮; 剝皮
liexnsibpho | exercise book | 練習簿
limphuun | about to deliver a child (of expecting mother); near child birth; parturition | 臨盆
limsii phø hudkhaf | expect impossible immediate effect; do something too late and without preparation | 臨時抱佛腳
linphea'ar | bra | 奶帕仔
liogtoadphirn | spoils; prey; prize; booty | 掠奪品
lionghong siongphoex | union of a dragon and a phoenix (congratulatory phrase on the occasion of a wedding) | 龍鳳相配
liongphvi | plastic surgery of the nose; rhinoplasty | 隆鼻
liongphvoa | good companion | 良伴
liongsimphiøx | conscious vote | 良心票
liqphang | a crack or cleavage | 裂縫
liqphoax | tear up | 裂破; 撕破
liuophee | skin peeling | 遛皮
liuophie | dried scab comes off; become penniless | 脫痂; 倒霉
liuophoee | skin peeling | 遛皮
liuophyar | last part of wounded skip peeled off | 遛疕仔
liuophøee | graze the skin; skin comes off; shed skin | 脫皮; 遛皮
liuphaix | branch; division; school | 流派
liuphaux | howitzer | 榴砲
liuphex | malpractice; shortcoming; failure arising out of system | 流弊
lixphor | ridiculous; absurd; nonsense; too far away from what is normal or acceptable; far off the beam | 離譜
liøxphea'ar | diaper | 尿帕仔
loatphirn | inferior grade | 劣品
loattefngphirn | lowest quality goods | 劣等品
loexphi | endothelium | 內皮; 內胚
logpheg | jobless and listless; down and out; down on one's luck | 落魄
logphoee | deerskin | 鹿皮
logphor | loop; contraceptive device; an IUD | 樂普
logphøee | deerskin | 鹿皮
logthienphaix | optimist; easygoing person | 樂天派
longsafnphirn | agricultural products | 農產品
lorngphoarkhafng | beak with a hole | 弄破孔; 撞破
lorngphoartong | beak with a hole | 弄破孔; 撞破
lorngphoartviar | break the pan | 挵破鼎
lorngphoax | to hurt by bumping; to break; break with a blow; break open | 撞破; 挵破; 弄破; 摔破
lorngphvae | damaged | 挵歹
loxphiaw | a road sign; landmark; signpost | 路標
luie ciphiøx | give a check in exchange for money | 調支票
luii`phoax | break it | 褸破
luiphuun | a mortar | 擂盆; 研缽
luixphiefn | concordance, a collection of writings | 類編; 索引
luophoax phøee | abrasion; scrape | 擦傷; 擦破皮
luophoax | rub to break | 鑢破
lutphiexn | deceive; commit fraud | 甪騙; 詐騙
luxnpviar-phøee | skin of vegetable roll | 潤餅皮
lwheeng-ciphiøx | a traveler's check | 旅行支票
lwphvoa | a lady companion | 女伴
lyhak phoksu | Doctor of Science (D. Sc.) | 理學博士
lyhak-phoksu | Doctor of Science | 理學博士
lyheeng ciphiøx | traveler's check | 旅行支票
lyoong phafng | queen bee | 女王蜂
lyphex | a principle; a sense; reason; logic; a truth | 道理
lyphvoa | female inmates; female companion | 女伴
løfphox | old shop | 老舖
løqphaang | putting down sail (on the boat); let down the sail; pull down the sail of a ship or boat | 落帆; 收帆; 下帆
løqphauh | hail | 下雹
løqpheg | down in one's luck | 落魄
mafphid | horses | 馬匹
meqphog | pulse | 脈搏
miapho | list of names; roll of names; a register | 名冊; 名簿
miaphvix | calling card | 名片
miasviaf cinphafng | good reputation | 名譽很好
miciøhphe | cotton comfort | 棉襀被
miciøhphoe | cotton comfort | 棉襀被
miciøhphoexterng | on cotton padded quilt | 棉襀被頂
miciøhphøe | cotton padded quilt | 棉績被; 棉襀被; 棉被
miciøq-phøe | comforter; quilt | 棉績被; 棉襀被; 棉被
miphahjit | day and night | 暝打日; 夜以繼日
miphang | to patch up, to make good | 暝縫; 彌縫
miphaux | long quilted dress | 棉袍
miphexlai | inside the quilt | 棉被內
miphoe | cotton padded quilt | 棉被
miphoextea | inside the quilt | 棉被底
miphøe | cotton padded quilt | 棉被
miqphoex | dishes during meals | 物配
miqphøex | accompanied food | 物配; 下飯的菜
mixphoee | dough | 麵皮
mixphøee | dough | 麵皮
mizeaphirn | cotton goods | 棉製品
mng'exphak | under the door | 門下栿
mngphang | crack in a door; interstice between doors or between the door and doorframe | 門縫
mngphiøx | admission ticket; entrance ticket | 門票
mngqphex | match | 物配
moafbixnphoee | full of skin | 滿面皮
moafsvoaphiern'iar | mountains and plains | 滿山遍野
moafsvoaphviaa | whole mountain area | 滿山坪
moape-phiernbør | deceive parents | 欺騙父母
moaphear | little blanket wrapping up baby for carrying | 幔被仔
moaphiexn | deceive; cheat; fool; deceive; lie; hide the truth | 欺騙; 瞞騙; 騙
moaphoe'ar | eel skin | 鰻皮仔
moaphoear | little blanket wrapping up baby for carrying | 幔被仔
moaphviaf | rainwear made of straw (rush) | 披背; 田間工作之防雨具
moaphøee | eel skin | 鰻皮
moathvy-phierntøe | deceive Heaven and Earth | 瞞天騙地
mocitphirn | woolen textiles; woolen goods; woolen fabrics | 毛織品
mohphvi | flat nose; low nasal bridge | 癟鼻
mxkvar køphafn | I cannot venture to equal you | 毋敢高攀
mxzay høfphvae | not to know good from bad | 毋知好歹
nafphvax | even if | 哪怕
nahphvi | flat nose; snub-nosed | 塌鼻; 凹鼻
naihphvi | snub-nosed | 扁鼻; 獅子鼻
nao-phinhied | anemic of brain | 腦貧血
naphøesw | blue-book | 藍皮書
nawphøf | brain wave; brain wave | 腦波
nawphøf-too | electroencephalogram | 腦波圖
nawtiexnphøtoo | electroencephalogram | 腦電波圖
neqphoax | break by squeezing | 捏破
ng'guphiøx | scalped tickets | 黃牛票
ng'iøphafng | yellow hornet | 黃腰蜂
ngf phvixkhafng | cover or close the nostrils | 掩鼻孔
ngphafng | yellow bee | 黃蜂
ngphvi | cover one's nose; hold the nose (to avoid a bad smell) | 掩鼻
ngphøee | yellow skin | 黃皮; 黃枇
ngphøesw | international health card | 黃皮書
ngsekphvix | pornography | 黃色片
ni'afphex | bra | 奶仔帕
niauphvixthaau | cat nose | 貓鼻頭
niawchyphiag'ar | mousetrap | 鳥鼠擗仔
niawzhwphiag'ar | mousetrap | 鳥鼠擗仔
nih`phoax | grasp to break it | 掐破
niphax | | 奶帕
niphea'ar | bra | 奶帕仔
niphor | year by year chronicle of a person's history from birth to death; biography arranged according to chronological order | 年譜
niuxlaang phvy | very good-tempered in bearing insult or scolding; very easy in money matters; letting others get the better of us | 讓人偏; 讓人佔便宜
nngfphafngpharng | extremely soft | 軟紡紡
nngfphvix | film; film (for a camera) | 軟片
nngfphøee | soft skin | 軟皮
nngxphuiear | small egg not developed completely or missing something | 發育不全的小蛋
nyphvixaukhøf | otorhinolaryngology (ear; nose and throat) | 耳鼻喉科
nyphvixkhøf | otorhinology (ears and nose) | 耳鼻科
oadphoad | lively; active; energetic | 活潑
oafpheng | to lean on; to rely on | 倚並; 倚靠
oaiphiefn | crooked, unfair | 歪偏
oaiphvi | crooked ears | 歪耳
oankietphvy | end of article | 完結篇
oanpheg kuy Tiø | return something intact to its owner; repay debts in full | 完璧歸趙
oanphexng | engage; complete betrothal ceremonies | 完聘
oanphuun | end the grave | 完墳
oaqlek chiongphaix | brimming with energy or vitality | 活力充沛
oay cidphea | having one side (or one cheek) projecting more than the other; either naturally or from an accident; an article originally made with the two sides different | 歪一邊
oea phvixsae | pick one's nose | 挖鼻屎
oexphang | slip of the tongue; faulty wording | 話縫; 話中的缺點; 失言
oexphor | drawing book | 畫譜
oexphvix | picture card, picture postcard | 畫片
ofnghogphiøx | return ticket | 來回票
ofphoax | to break by scooping | 挖破
okpheeng | defamation, censure | 惡行; 惡評
opeqphvix | black and white photos or films | 黑白片
ophoee | dark skin | 烏皮
ophuo | dark gray | 黑灰
ophwkym | gray gold | 烏殕金
ophwophuo | dark grey | 烏殕烏殕
ophwseg | dark gray | 烏殕色
ophøee | black marlin, marlin spike fish, Eumakaira nigra | 黑皮; 烏皮; 黑皮旗魚
padafphiøx | returned check | 菝仔票
padphaix | different style | 別派
paephiøx | polite expression in asking another's vote | 拜票
pafngphiørhoan | brigands | 綁票犯
pafngphiøx huytoo | brigands | 綁票匪徒
pafngphiøx | to kidnap for ransom | 綁票
pahphiøx | one hundred dollar bill | 百票
paiphiøx | a registration plate | 牌票; 牌照單
pakphee | peel | 剝皮
pakphoee | skin; to rind; pare; flay; peel off the skin | 剝皮
pakphøee | to peel off the skin; flay | 剝皮
paktofphoee | belly | 腹肚皮
paktøexphøee | heavy tax | 剝地皮; 惡官; 課重
pangphaix | gang; faction | 幫派
parngphao'ar | blaster | 放炮仔
parngphaux | to start fire work; set off firecrackers | 放炮; 放鞭炮
parngphuietau | bean caused fart | 放屁豆
parngphuix afn kawsym | make empty promises; offer empty consolation | 說假話以安撫之; 空虛的許諾
parngphuix | break wind; fart; break wind; pass gas; to boast; to brag; talk big; Stuff and nonsense! What rot! | 放屁
parngphvoa | by turn; alternately; in turn | 輪流
parngzhaophuix | boast; brag; talk big | 放臭屁; 吹牛
parphøee | leopard fur | 豹皮
pauphee | foreskin | 包皮
pauphoee | covering; the wrapping; prepuce | 包皮
pauphøee | a wrapper; a covering; the foreskin | 包皮
paxng kawphuix | Nonsense! Rubbish! Baloney! | 放狗屁
paxng-kawphuix | to fart; Utter rubbish; Talk nonsense | 放狗屁
paxng-zhaophuix | to fart; Utter rubbish; Talk nonsense | 放臭屁
paxnphoe | conjecture, calculate beforehand | 辦稿; 推測
paxnphoee | surmise; think; believe; consider erroneously | 以為
pee`phoax | scratch to break | 扒破; 抓破
pefngkalafnphag | sleep on one's stomach | 反佳懶伏; 伏臥
pefngphag | to turn into a prostrate position; upset; to invert with mouth down; to turn on the face or belly | 俯臥; 反覆; 伏臥; 翻反面
pefngthafnphag | to upset; invert with mouth down | 翻躺伏; 翻身伏臥
pefngtharn-phag | to turn into a prostrate position | 俯躺伏
peglaiphirn | imported goods; foreign goods | 舶來品
peh phutøciuo | white wine | 白葡萄酒
pehphoax | tear to break it | 剝破; 掰開; 剝開
pehphøee | skin; to rind (strip off) the bark of a tree; to bark (a tree); peel (an orange); peel off with the hand without a knife | 剝皮
pekkekphaux | mortar (short barreled cannon) | 迫擊砲
pengpengphengphefng | bing bang- kind of rush | 兵兵砰砰
pengphauh | hail (storm) | 冰雹
pengphaux | hail; hailstone | 冰雹
pengphvix | borneol | 冰片
pephoax | scratch open | 扒破
peqbahphof | white-fresh stingray | 白肉埔; 黃土魟
peqpha | water blister (skin disease) | 白皰; 水泡
peqphaf | white blister (disease) | 白脬
peqphoef | white embryo | 白胚
peqphoeqnoa | white frothy saliva at the mouth | 口涎沫
peqphuo | colored; ash-colored; gray; ashy; pessimistic; gloomy; obscure; ambiguous | 白昲; 灰白; 灰色
peqphvixsym | Paguma larvata taivana | 白鼻心
peqphwpeqphuo | light gray | 白殕白殕
peqphwseg | white gray | 白灰色
peqphøesw | White Paper (in the sense of an official government report) | 白皮書
peqphøf | white froth; foam | 白沫
peqphønoa | frothy saliva | 白口沫
peqphøphøf | white wave | 白波波
pexphixbaa | white nose owl | 白鼻猫
pha | blister | 皰; 疱; 泡
phaang laang ee pngxvoar | be a wife; be in another's house (either for protection or as a dependent) | 寄人籬下; 當人家的媳婦
phaang | a sail; to hold up or carry in both hands; a covering; sail; to sail | 帆; 捀; 捧; 端; 篷
phaarng'phangphafng | extreamly sweet odor | 香香香
phaau | gown; cope; aba | 袍
phabang | cast a net; net; throw or cast a fishing net | 拋網; 撒網
phachialiefn | tumbling | 拋捙輪
phachialyn | somersault; turn a somersault | 翻觔斗
phae'e | decedents from one and the same tribe; family; or root; cliques; branch of a clan; direct posterity in relation to their ancestor | 派下
phae'oaan | appoint a delegate, to dispatch a representative | 派員
phaeha | decedents from one and the same tribe; family; or root; cliques; branch of a clan; direct posterity in relation to their ancestor | 派下
phaehe | a particular group; factions | 派系
phaekhiern | dispatch; dispatch | 派遣
phaekhix | sent | 派去
phaelaai | sent | 派來
phaeleng | deputed; order of appointment in written form | 派令
phaeoaan | send or depute and officer | 派員
phaepefng | dispatch troops | 派兵
phaepiet | different group; factions; schools (of thought) | 派別
phaethaau | overbearing manner; manner; air; the way one acts and speaks | 派頭
phaetuix | party (loanword) | 派對
phaezhud | expedite; depute; send; appoint; dispatch | 派出
phaezhutsor | police station; police station; police substations | 派出所
phaezu | appoint to | 派駐
phaezux | stationed | 派駐
phaf bang | spread out the fishing net | 拋網
phaf | throw; throw away; to cast; to abandon; to eject; give up | 拋; 葩; 盞; 条; 束; 條,
phaf-chialiern | the wheel turns; forward roll; rolls; turns the somersault; turns the somersault | 拋車輪; 前滾翻; 滾翻; 翻觔斗; 翻筋斗
phafn | pull; hold to; drag down; hold on for support | 攀; 扳
phafng texng`tiøh | bee sting | 蜂螫到
phafng | bees; hornets; wasps | 蜂; 芳; 香,
phafng-korngkoxng | smelling fresh | 香貢貢; 芳絳絳
phafngchiaf | spinning wheel; spinning wheel; spinning machine | 紡車
phafngcid kangchviuo | textile factory | 紡織工廠
phafngcid kongsy | spinning and weaving mill; textile company | 紡織公司
phafngcid | textile; spin and weave; spinning and weaving | 紡織
phafngcid-chviuo | textile mill, weaving mill | 紡織廠
phafngcid-giap | textile industry | 紡織業
phafngcit-giap | business of textile | 紡織業
phafngcitchviuo | spinning and weaving mill; textile mill | 紡織廠
phafngcitgiap | textile industry | 紡織業
phafngcitkafng | textile factory worker | 紡織工
phafngcitky | looms; spinning and weaving machines | 紡織機
phafngkafng | worker who spins thread | 紡工
phafngkoex | spinned | 紡過
phafngmii | spin cotton threads | 紡綿
phafngse'ar | spinner | 紡紗仔
phafngsechiaf | spinner | 紡紗車
phafngsef | spin thread | 紡線; 紡紗
phafngsef-citpox | spin and weave | 紡紗織布
phafngseky | spinning jenny | 紡紗機
phafngsvoax | spin thread | 紡線; 紡紗
phafngsy | spin silk threads; spin silk | 紡絲
phafngtiaxm | pastry shop | 麭店
phafngzeq | spin | 紡績
phag | to fall forward; a Chinese hackberry; simple; to cover; fall down; fall prostrate; bend as a suppliant; to overturn; to upset; to invert | 仆; 朴; 樸; 覆; 伏
phag'iaam | sun dry salts | 晒鹽
phag'of | to tun, sunburned | 晒黑; 曝烏
phag-løqkhix thokhaf | fallen to the ground; to fall prostrate | 仆倒在地上
phag-teq khuxn | sleep face down | 俯著睡; 伏著睡
phag-teq paix | kneel and bow very low | 伏著拜
phag-teq thviaf | listen secretly (with head bent down close to a door) | 伏著聽
phaggidthaau | sun exposure | 曝日頭
phaghør | exposed | 曝好
phagjidthaau | sun exposure | 曝日頭
phagjit | getting tanned; expose in the sun; to air or dry in the sun; let the sun shine on; take the sun; bask (laze) in the sunshine | 晒日; 曝日; 晒太陽
phagkoex | exposed to the sun | 曝過
phagkvoaf | dry (eatables) in the sun | 打乾; 曝乾; 曬乾; 食物晒成干
phaglidthaau | sun exposure | 曝日頭
phaglit | sun exposure | 曝日
phagphak | expose | 曝曝
phagphak`leq | dry them in the sun | 晒晒咧
phagpox | dry clothes | 晒布
phagsie | die of scorching heat (men; rice plants etc.) | 晒死
phagsvaf | sun dry cloth; to air clothing | 晒衫; 晒衣服
phagtaf | dry in the sun | 晒乾; 曝焦
phagtiøh | expose | 曝著
phagzheg | sun or dry rice; place unhulled rice in the sun to dry before storage | 晒穀; 晒稻米
phagzøx | exposed as | 曝做
phah'axn | to pound the table, a gesture of anger or surprise | 打案; 拍案
phah'eh | belch | 打呃
phah'eq | belch | 打呃; 拍呃
phah'ex | belch | 拍呃
phah'iog | sign a contract | 打約
phah'ixn | affix a seal | 打印; 蓋印
phah'mm | put forth flower buds; produce flower buds; to bud | 發萼; 結蕾
phah'mxkvix | lose something | 打無見; 丟掉; 遺失
phah'oaqkad | tie a slipknot | 打活結
phah'oay | deflect | 打歪
phah'of | blacken, stain | 打黑; 弄黑
phah'uh'ar | belch | 打嗝仔
phah'viaa | win in a combat or fight; win (a game); conquer; gain the victory | 打贏
phahbachiog | play mahjong | 拍麻雀
phahbaq | span the meat | 拍肉
phahbarng | to swat a mosquito | 打蚊; 拍蠓
phahbe | sell by auction; auction | 拍賣
phahbiet | distinguish | 打滅; 撲滅
phahbixntøh'ar | play mahjong | 拍面桌仔
phahboachiog | play mahjong | 拍麻雀
phahboe | on sale | 拍賣
phahbofzhaix | a Taiwanese vegetable | 拍某菜
phahboo | mould; make a model of | 打模
phahbøe | sell by auction | 拍賣
phahbøkhix | lost | 拍無去
phahbøkvix | lost | 拍無見
phahbøo | lost | 打無
phahbøo`khix | lose, let be lost | 打無去; 拍無去; 遺失; 掉了,
phahchiaotaam | joking | 拍笑談
phahchirnkvoa | getting chilled | 打凊汗; 惡寒
phahchiuo | hired thugs; clap the hands | 打手; 拍手; 保鏢
phahchiwzhexng | masturbate | 打手銃; 手淫
phahchiørkhoef | joking | 拍笑詼
phahchvie | wake up | 打醒; 拍醒; 吵醒
phahchvikviaf | scare; shocked | 拍生驚
phahchviuo | plunder | 掠奪; 搶
phahciao | shoot birds | 打鳥
phahciaw'ar | shoot birds | 打鳥仔
phahciawbø | shoot birds | 打鳥無
phahciawbør | shoot birds | 打鳥母
phahciawkeng'ar | birdbow | 拍鳥弓仔
phahcied | discount; discount; reduce; minimize | 打折
phahcih | fracture; break something flexible; to snap; break off | 打斷
phahciøh | cut; carve stone; to work in stone; quarrying; cutting; drill a stone | 鑿石
phahciøh`ee | stone mason | 打石的; 石匠
phahciøhof | greeting | 拍招呼
phahciøqsay | sculpture artist | 拍石師
phahcviaa | make by beating (metal) | 打成; 打叉仔
phahhai | wreck; break; destroy; spoil; to break; destroy; demolish; to smash; to damage; put out of order; to ruin; injure (one's health) | 拍壞; 打壞; 破壞
phahhea | extinguish | 拍火
phahheeng | mating; copulation; mating; a service; to mate; copulate; to pair | 交配; 受精; 鳥類交尾
phahhefchiaf | fire truck | 拍火車
phahhefng | hitting one's chest to guarantee something | 打胸; 保證
phahhiarng | beat | 拍響
phahhix | filming | 拍戲
phahhoaf | put out the fire (with an extinguisher or water) | 打熄; 熄滅
phahhoea | extinguish a fire; put out a fire; beat out a fire | 打火; 滅火
phahhoefchiaf | fire truck | 拍火車
phahhoefhviati | firefighters | 拍火兄弟
phahhofng | pump up a tire | 打風; 打氣
phahhor | kill tiger | 打虎
phahhor-liaqzhat iaxtiøh chyn-hviati | strike a tiger; to catch a thief; you should have your own brother to help you In emergencies only a brother will help | 打虎捉賊須靠親兄弟。
phahhøea | extinguish | 打火; 拍火
phahhøefky | cigarette lighter | 打火機
phahii | fish by casting the net into the water | 拋魚; 撒網捉魚; 灑網捕魚
phahji | to type; to typewrite; typewrite; do typing work | 打字
phahjiaau | wrinkle | 打皺; 弄皺
phahjiaq | mark | 打跡
phahjip | put in | 打入
phahjixky | typewriter | 打字機; 拍字機
phahjixoaan | typist | 打字員
phahkachviux | sneezes; sternutation | 打噴嚏
phahkad | to tie a knot; knot | 打結; 拍結
phahkafng | (going to) work | 打工
phahkalauh | (v) lose due to carelessness; demolish; let fall | 拍交落; 弄丟; 遺失; 掉下去; 丟掉
phahkalauqsyn | cause a miscarriage | 打弄丟身; 小產; 流產
phahkaqlauh | loss | 打交落; 遺失
phahkasoaf | lose; scatter; penny pincher | 小氣鬼; 弄散; 弄丟
phahkatkhiuu | knot | 拍結毬
phahkatkiuu | to get entangled | 打糾纏; 糾纏而亂
phahkeg | to strike, to lap | 打擊
phahkex | discount | 打價
phahkhachviux | sneeze | 打噴嚏
phahkhafng | drill a hole; make a hole; pierce; drill a hole | 打孔; 打洞; 穿孔
phahkhar-oaan | a clerk who use card puncher | 拍卡員
phahkhay | open | 拍開
phahkhazhngf | spaking | 拍尻川
phahkhie | beginning; make a beginning | 拍起; 從頭算起; 開頭
phahkhiq | chip (a pot; bottle; bowl) | 弄損; 打缺角
phahkho'ar | draw circle; make small circle to note perusal | 打箍仔
phahkhopoef | gliding | 拍箍飛
phahkhuy | open settle | 打開
phahkiab | plunder | 打劫
phahkiusvaf | sports shirt | 拍球衫
phahkiuu | to bounce a ball; play ball | 打球; 拍球
phahkoealaai | hit it back | 拍過來
phahkoex | hit | 拍過
phahkogkef | cackling of a hen (as after laying an egg) | 喀喀啼; 母雞下蛋後的叫聲
phahkokkef | a groaning sound made by a hen after laying an egg | 拍咯雞
phahkor | beat a drum; to drum | 打鼓
phahkuun | boxing (sport); practice boxing | 打拳; 拍拳
phahkviaf | horrify; terrify; frighten; give a fright; give a start; to scare | 拍驚; 驚嚇; 驚嚇到
phahkvoaa-phahjiet | malaria; have a fever and ague fits; alternate fever and chills | 害冷熱病; 寒熱症
phahkvoar | beat to make move (more quickly) | 拍趕; 趕路
phahkvoasy | sue; take to court; litigate; plead; have a lawsuit | 打官司; 訴訟
phahkvy | making stew | 打羹
phahkym | make an object made by gold | 打金; 作金工
phahkør | draft (a bill); draw up (plans) | 拍稿; 起草
phahlaan | scaling a fish; scale a fish; take off fish scales | 打鱗; 刮魚鱗
phahlaang | hit people; hit someone | 打人
phahlah | hunt; hunting; rub or treat with wax; to wax | 打蠟; 拍獵; 打獵
phahlahsab | cause something to get dirty; to dirty; to spoil; to stain | 打垃圾; 弄髒
phahlaliaang | say irresponsible and sarcastic remark | 拍拉涼; 閒扯; 講風涼話
phahlaqliaang | say irresponsible and sarcastic remarks | 打抐涼; 說風涼話
phahlaxliaang | make fun of | 打抐涼; 無為閒談
phahliao | hit | 拍了
phahliuosog | make a noose | 打鈕束; 套結
phahliuosok'ar | make a running noose (lasso) | 打套結
phahlixky | typewriter | 拍字機
phahloan | confuse | 打亂; 弄亂
phahlofmi | southern Taiwan noodle stew | 打滷麵
phahlofngthofng | make it through | 打曠通; 前後全打通
phahlud`khix | let something slip out of place | 搓脫去; 弄脫掉
phahluii | to thunder | 打雷; 拍雷
phahluitaai | join a contest in feats of prowess on stage (said of Chinese pugilists) | 打擂台
phahløh | shot | 拍落; 打下; 擊落
phahløkor | play gongs and drums | 打鑼鼓; 敲鑼鼓
phahløo | to hit a gong; strike a gong; beat a gong | 打鑼
phahløqkofng | confiscate | 打落公; 充公
phahma | scold | 打罵
phahme | scold | 打罵
phahmi | make a preparation of dough; make noodles; macaroni | 打麵; (以製成麵條)
phahmi'ar | fluff cotton wool with a bow-like tool | 拍棉仔; 彈棉仔
phahmiphøe | make a cotton quilt; beat or flock cotton in order to make a coverlet or mattress | 打棉被; 製造棉被
phahmng | interrogate by beating | 拍問; 拷問
phahmngg | knock; beat on a door | 敲門
phahmoachiog | play mahjong | 打麻將
phahnakiuu | play basketball | 打籃球
phahngf | be laid waste; go to ruin (decay) | 荒廢; 拋荒; 荒蕪
phahnngxky | egg beater | 打蛋機
phahnoar | handle roughly | 打揉; 莽手莽腳; 粗略處理
phahpaai | to play mahjong or cards; play cards | 打牌
phahpai | to overpower; to suffer a defeat; to be defeated | 打輸; 拍敗; 打敗
phahpeeng | even | 打平
phahphae | break | 拍歹
phahphafng | hit bees | 拍蜂
phahphaix | assign, direct | 拍派
phahphaq | hit | 拍拍
phahphaq`leq | beat, strike | 打打咧
phahphaux | fire a gun; imply sexsual activity | 打炮
phahpheg | beat | 打拍
phahphiexn | deceive, cheat | 打騙; 欺騙
phahphitphok'ar | clap | 拍匹噗仔
phahphiøx | buy tickets | 買票
phahphoax cienle | depart from precedent | 打破前例
phahphoax kieliok | break the record; set a new record; rewrite the record | 打破記錄
phahphoax | break; shatter; break something with a blow; beat the record; break a (sports) record | 打破; 拍破
phahphog'ar hoangeeng | receive a person with applause; clap one's hands in applause | 打拍仔; 手歡迎
phahphog'ar | clapping of hands; hand clapping; applaud | 打拍仔; 鼓掌
phahphok | clap | 拍噗
phahphok'ar | clapping of hands; hand clapping; applaud | 打拍仔; 鼓掌
phahphoxngsiuu | fetching water while swimming | 拍滂泅
phahphuo-kngf | dawn (daybreak) | 拍灰光; 破曉
phahphurn | carelessly waste or spoil; squander; struggle to get away; flap to throw off; to kick chaos; to kick with legs or foot in disorder | 打噴; 拍翸; 以腳踢亂; 浪費
phahphvae | damage; destroy; spoit; spoil; mutilate; to mangle; destroy; to smash | 打壞; 拍歹; 弄壞
phahphvayliawliao | damaged completely | 拍歹了了
phahphviar | to spoil, to injure | 打壞
phahphvix | make a movie; film | 拍片
phahphwafkngf | gets busy just after dawn | 拍殕仔光
phahphwkngf | at daybreak; toward daylight; early dawn | 拍灰光; 黎明
phahpoxngsiuu | swim; lead vagrant life | 打磅泅; 游泳; 遊蕩
phahputbok | help victims of injustice; fall out; suddenly turn hostile | 抱無目; 翻臉
phahpvee | even | 拍平
phahpviarsioxng | hard working | 拍拚相
phahpviax | fight for life or death; risk everything; diligent; ; work hard; try as hard as one can; with great energy and expedition; diligent; industrious | 打拚; 拍拚; 努力; 拼命
phahpvii | even | 打平; 沒輸贏
phahpøh | make it thin | 拍薄
phahpøq | take a chance; take a risk | 冒險; 碰碰運氣
phahsafng | make it softer and less condensed | 打鬆
phahsaxm | put in disorder (tangled hair); disheveled | 打散; 弄亂; (頭髮)
phahsiaq | tin | 打錫
phahsiaw | dispel (doubts; misgivings; etc.); give up on | 打消
phahsiax | have loose bowels | 打瀉; 使瀉
phahsid | extinguish | 熄滅
phahsie | shoot to death; strike dead; beat to death | 打死; 擊斃
phahsiofng | bruise; injure; wound; to hurt; injured by a blow | 打傷
phahsit | food hunting | 打食
phahsitløh | hit down | 打失落
phahsiøthaux | open communication (between two rooms); take out the partition | 打相透; 打通; (房子)
phahsngr | waste; waste; squander; to spoil; it is a pity; it is too bad | 浪費; 拍損; 可惜
phahsngrpvoaa | calculate; to reckon on the abacus; be economical | 打算盤
phahsngx | prepare to do; to plan; supposedly; perhaps; suppose; probably | 打算; 拍算; 大概; 計劃
phahsoaq | finish | 打完
phahsog | speed up | 拍速
phahsurn | insert a seam to a furniture | 裝榫
phahsviaa | made it | 打成
phahsvoax | to break up (a marriage; family; etc.); scatter; to separate (other persons); to dishevel | 打散; 拆散
phahsw | to defeat; to overpower; to beat; to suffer a defeat; to be defeated; be overcome in boxing or fighting; to lose a bout | 打輸
phahsyzuo | leftovers after dividing costs | 打死主; 平分後剩下的
phahsøex | tax | 打稅; 拍稅; 課稅
phahsøh'ar | make rope | 製繩仔
phahsøq | make a rope | 打繩
phahtaam | make it wet | 弄濕
phahtaang | making something with copper | 打銅
phahtawsix | to divide costs pro rata | 打斗勢; 費用平均分擔
phahtea | lay a foundation; to base; apply an undercoating; paint the first coat | 打底; 打基礎
phahteksoef | unlucky words | 打竹衰; 無吉的話
phahthaux | make it through | 打透
phahthex | shoot back | 拍退
phahthih'afkhox | jean | 拍鐵仔褲
phahthih'afsaihu | black smith | 拍鐵仔師父
phahthih'afsay | black smith | 拍鐵仔師
phahthih'aftiaxm | blacksmith's shop | 打鐵仔店
phahthih'ar | blacksmith | 拍鐵仔
phahthihsaihu | black smith | 拍鐵師父
phahthihsay | black smith | 拍鐵師
phahthihtiaxm | black smith shop | 拍鐵店
phahthiq | making something with steel; work iron | 打鐵
phahthiq`ee | blacksmith | 打鐵的; 鐵匠
phahthofng | make it through; open a connecting road; establish a connection | 打通
phahthongkoafn | pass the customs | 拍通關
phahthongthaux | conspire each other | 打通透; 彼此有密謀
phahthut | slip out of gear or out of joint | 打搓; 使脫離
phahthøex | defeat | 打退; 拍退
phahtiarm | taking care; well-thoughtful; proactive | 打點
phahtiexn'oe | make a phone call | 拍電話
phahtiexntong | play video game | 拍電動
phahtit | make it straight | 打直
phahtiøh | hit | 拍著
phahtng chiwkud tientøx iorng | turn a misfortune into a blessing; to profit from a misfortune; After a storm; comes calm. (Lit. After a broken arm has been cured; it is stronger than before.) | 因禍得福
phahtng laang ee oexpvex | cut short a man's talk; so that he does not gain his end | 插嘴; 打斷人的話
phahtng | fracture; break something flexible; to snap; break off | 打斷; 拍斷
phahtngg | make it longer | 打長
phahtong | to perforate | 打孔; 拍洞
phahtoo | create a picture | 打圖
phahtvia | confirmed | 拍定
phahtvoaf | buy a ticket | 買票
phahtwtit | make it straight | 打拄直
phahtøea | make it as a bottom | 打底
phahtøf | make a knife | 鑄刀
phahtøq | prepare a table for a banquet | 打桌
phahtør | flatten; knock down | 打倒
phahuu | spread out the fishing ne | 拋魚
phahzao | dispel | 打走
phahzengsiin | woke up | 拍精神
phahzerng | mating; copulation | 打種; 動物交尾
phahzhear | mark with a diagonal cross (x) | 打叉仔
phahzhef | cross | 打叉
phahzheg | removing grain shell | 打穀
phahzheksoef | unlucky words | 打穀衰; 無吉的話
phahzherng | mating | 打種; 動物交尾
phahzhexng | fire a gun | 打鎗; 開槍
phahzhoaq | to tremble, to shudder | 怕抖; 拍掣
phahzhud | shoot out | 拍出
phahzhuiekor | gossip; | 拍喙鼓
phahzhuix | smash; knapp; blow to pieces; smash; break into pieces | 打碎
phahzhutlarng | be eliminated from the basket (e.g.; rotten fruit) ─ omit; be left out; count for nothing | 被淘汰; 無中用之人
phahzhvea | awaken a person unintentionally | 吵醒
phahzhvef | eat raw (vegetables; seafood) | 打生; 生吃
phahzhvekviaf | to be frightened | 打青驚; 受驚
phahzngx | drill | 打鑽; 鑿子; 鑽洞
phahzuaftaai | Pachinko | 拍珠仔台
phahzuyphiag'ar | stir up water | 拍水擗仔
phaix taixpiao | send a delegate; dispatch a representative | 派代表
phaix | division; school (of philosophy; a branch; art); group; faction of; clique; assign; send; branch off; faction; dispatch; depute; tributary | 派; 幫派
phak iaam | expose to sunlight to obtain salt | 曝鹽
phak of`khix | get browned; tanned; blackened by the sun | 晒黑去
phak zheg | un drying millet | 曝粟
phak | dry in the sun; expose to sunlight; to sun | 曬; 曝
phak'voar | flip a bowl | 覆碗
phak-hof taf | dry in the sun | 晒乾
phakboo | the 40th radical | 漢字部首之一
phakchiøx | a bending or lifting of the head; a simple move or action | 覆笑; 俯仰
phakhix | abandon | 拋棄
phakiliin | lateral somersault | 拋麒麟
phakixnlo | take a shortcut | 拋近路
phakpaix | rotate oneself in worship or adoration | 趴拜; 膜拜
phakphag | head down | 趴趴
phakphakphag | head down completely | 覆覆覆
phakte | lie down with face down | 趴地
phaktviar | flip a wok | 俯鼎; 將炒鍋反扣
phakuxnlo | take a shortcut | 拋近路
phakzhaeaq | duck meat with vegetable | 覆菜鴨
phakzhaix | pickled vegetable | 覆菜
phakzuysiuu | freestyle; Front Crawl | 覆水泅
phakzøo | head down | 俯嘈
phalaai-phakhix | toss about in one's sleep | 翻來覆去; 輾轉難眠
phalierntao | somersault | 拋輾斗
phalirnkao | somersault | 拋輾狗
phalirntao | somersault; turn a somersault | 翻觔斗
phalirntngr | turn a somersault | 翻觔斗; 翻跟斗
phalyntao | somersault | 拋輦斗
phan'gaam | rock climbing | 攀岩
phan'giaam | rock climbing | 攀岩
phan'un | to transport, to convey | 盤運; convey; of; to; from; Mandarin); be; (reading; might
phan'øf | whirlpool (reading of 盤 may be from Mandarin) | 盤渦
phanchyn | to claim kinship, to arrange a match | 攀親
phang | crevice; crack; gap; chink; aperture; suture; fissure; cleft; space | 縫
phang'afphaux | firework | 蜂仔炮
phang'ar | chink, crack, opening | 縫仔; 縫口
phang'iah | bee and butterfly | 蜂蝶
phang'iuu | sesame oil; fragrant; aromatic oils | 香油; 芳油; 髮油
phang'onglefng | queen bee honey | 蜂王乳; (漿)
phang'oong | a queen bee | 蜂王
phang'øf | bee hive | 蜂窩
phangbi | fragrance; sweet odor; aromatic flavors; sweet and aromatic odor; smell; spicy taste | 香味; 芳味
phangbit | bee's honey | 蜂蜜
phangchix | bee's sting | 蜂刺
phangciafm | bee's sting | 蜂針
phangciao | bee bird | 蜂鳥
phangcviw | mountain litsea | 香薑; 山胡椒
phanghee | bee; wasp larva | 蜂之幼蟲; 蜂蝦; 蜂幼蟲
phanghii | sail-fish | 帆魚; 雨傘旗魚
phanghiofng | accomplice, accessory of criminal | 幫凶
phanghiøh-chiu | Chinese spice bush | 香葉樹
phanghiøqchiu | Chinese spice bush | 香葉樹; 芳葉樹
phanghoef | fragrant flower | 香花
phanghor | wasp | 黃虎; 黃蜂
phanghurn | cosmetic powder; aromatic powder; perfumed powder | 香粉; 芳粉
phanghurn-zoar | perfumed paperc | 香粉紙
phanghviw | incense | 香香
phangkex | sail frame | 帆架
phangkhaf | webspinners, embrids (insect) | 香香; 紡足目
phangkhix | fragrance | 香氣
phangkhuix | fragrance | 芳氣
phangkoear | cantaloupe | 芳瓜仔
phangkoef | musk melon; cantaloupe | 香瓜; 芳瓜
phangkorngkoxng | sweet smelling; savory; appetizing | 香噴噴
phangkuix | Chinese cryptocarya | 香桂; 攀桂
phangkuun | swarm of bees; wasps | 蜂群
phangkuy | fragrant boudoir | 香閨
phangkøf | yard-arm of a ship | 帆戈; 桅桿
phanglah | bees wax | 蜂蠟; 蜂臘
phangliau | spices | 香料; 芳料
phangpaang | honeycomb | 蜂房
phangpag | to split one's side, to hold one's side with laughter | 捧腹; 笑腹
phangphafng | fragrant; scented; perfume | 香香; 香香的
phangphaix | rich; sumptuous food (dish) | 蓬派; 豐沛; 豐盛的菜
phangpng | holding rice bowl with rice | 捀飯
phangporee | canvas shoes | 帆布鞋
phangporøee | canvas shoes | 帆布鞋
phangpox | canvas; canvas; sail cloth | 帆布
phangsapbuun | soap | 芳雪文
phangsiu | beehive; bees nest; bees'; wasps nest | 蜂巢; 蜂岫
phangsiuxefng | large boil or carbuncle with several heads | 蜂房癰
phangsviw | beehive | 蜂箱
phangsøq | canvas rope | 帆索
phangtao | the chief mourner carrying the spirit tablet in a rice measure | 捀斗
phangtawee | eldest son or grandson carrying a rice measure containing the ancestor tablet in his father's funeral procession, eldest son (slang) | 捧神主牌位的長男或長孫
phangtee | bring tea for guests | 端茶
phangtekhof | perfumed soap; toilet soap | 香肥皂
phangthaau | spice; food's fragrance (aroma) | 芳頭; 香料; 食物的香氣
phangtuu | colony of bees; beehive | 蜂櫥; 蜂房
phangtviuu | to support; render support or assistance; by one's presence; endorsement | 捧場; 捀場
phangtvy | sweet | 芳甜
phangzhaa | aromatic treescented wood | 芳木; 芳柴
phangzhaix | present; bring food to the table | 端菜
phangzhao | fragrant grass, Japanese eupatorium | 香草
phangzhaux | fragrant and stinking; good and bad | 香臭; 善惡
phangzhud | bring it ou | 捀出
phangzoar | paper soaked with perfumes | 香紙
phangzuie | cologne; perfume; toilet water; perfume; scent | 香水; 芳水
phangzuun | sailboat; sailing vessel; sailing vessel | 帆船
phangzuybi | fragrant water | 芳水味
phangzøo | perfumed soap | 香皂
phanhoaf cietliuo | injure flowers and willows ─ lead a life of debauchery | 攀花折柳
phanhuix | traveling expense | 盤費
phanhux | to hold on to | 盤據; 攀附
phankefng | to give a false testimony | 盤供
phankux | to occupy, to hold a place illegally | 盤據; 盤踞; of; to; illegally; place; hold; from; may; Mandarin); be; a; (reading
phankw | to occupy illegally | 盤居; 攀居; 盤踞
phanlieen | involve; implicate | 攀連
phanlioong huohong | hang on a dragon and stick to a phoenix ─ establish oneself by riding on the coat-tail of a brilliant master | 攀龍附鳳
phanlong | to tamper with (reading of 盤 may be from Mandarin); to temper with | 攀龍; 盤弄
phansiaux | to make an audit, to examine the account | 盤數; of; to; the; may; from; Mandarin); be; (reading; examine; account
phansoaan | to fly around, to hover over | 盤旋; of; to; from; may; Mandarin); be; (reading; hover; over
phansoaxn | to figure out to oneself | 盤算
phantefng | climb; to scale; scramble up | 攀登
phanthuie | to sit with legs crossed, to squat | 盤腿; squat; of; to; from; may; Mandarin); be; (reading
phantvii | to hang on persistently | 攀纏
phanzaf | to investigate | 盤查
phanzhea | to involve, to implicate, to drag into matter | 攀扯
phao | gallop; run fast; race; run; to gallop; to hurry; ride fast | 跑
phao'afkorng | cannon | 炮仔管
phao'afsviaf | sound of firework | 炮仔聲
phao'ar | firecracker | 炮仔; 爆竹
phao'ui | run pit | 跑坑; 炮位
phao'viar | the shadow of bubbles; unreality; visionary hope | 泡影
phaochiaf | gun carriage | 砲車
phaochiuo | artillery soldier; gunner | 炮手
phaochviuu | artillery wall | 炮墻
phaocie | cannon ball, artillery shell | 砲子; 炮彈
phaocierntiofng | in the artillery battle | 炮戰中
phaociexn | artillery duel | 砲戰
phaocirn | small blister; herpes | 皰疹
phaociuo | treat with hot spirits (medicinally) | 泡酒
phaohoad | artillery methodology | 泡法; 砲法
phaohoea | artillery fire; gunfire | 砲火
phaohofng | to bombard, to shell | 炮轟
phaohuu | puffs | 泡芙
phaohøea | gun fire; artillery fire | 砲火
phaohøef | debris and death caused by gunfire | 砲灰; 炮灰
phaoiøh | gunfire | 炮藥
phaokeg | cannonade; bombardment; bombard with artillery fire | 砲擊
phaokek | to shell, to bombard, shelling attack | 砲擊
phaokex | gun carriage | 炮架; 砲架
phaolam | gunboat | 砲艦
phaoluii | cannon mine | 砲雷
phaomi | cup of noodle | 泡麵
phaomii | foam rubber | 泡棉
phaomoh | foam, froth | 泡沫; of; from; Mandarin?); is; (maybe; froth; reading
phaopefng poxtui | artillery units | 砲兵部隊
phaopefng | artillery man; gunner; artillery | 炮兵; 砲兵
phaophaothngg | bubble gum; chewing gum | 泡泡糖
phaosiofng | hurt by bomb | 炮傷
phaosiuo | gunner | 炮手; 砲手
phaosiuu | sell off | 拋售
phaosviaa | artillery castle | 炮城; 炮打襄陽(花炮臺)
phaosviaf | roaring of artillery pieces; thunder of a cannonade | 砲聲
phaosyn | gun barrel | 炮身; 砲身
phaotaai | battery; fort; gun emplacement; fort; fortification | 炮台; 炮臺
phaotaan | cannon balls; projectiles | 砲彈
phaotee | brewing tea; preparing tea | 泡茶
phaoteg | firecracker | 炮竹
phaothaq | turret | 炮塔
phaotherng | gunboat | 炮艇; 砲艇
phaothøx | gun holster | 炮套
phaotui | a team of artillery soldiers | 炮隊
phaotvafhurn | baking powder | 泡打粉
phaotvoaa | shell | 炮彈
phaotø | artillery path | 炮道
phaoviar | the shadow of bubbles, unreality, visionary hope | 泡影
phaozhaix | Chinese pickled vegetables; pickled vegetables (Chinese style) | 泡菜
phaozhngf | shot through | 炮穿
phaozuie | soak in water | 泡水; 泡水(攙水)
phaozuun | ship with cannon | 炮船; 砲艦
phaozø | gun platform; barbette; gun pit; bulwark | 砲座
phapha'zao | go about idly | 拋拋走
phaphaf-zao | to chase about | 拋拋跑
phaphazao | go about idly | 拋拋走; 到處亂跑
phaq armhø | give a pre-arranged signal; give a cue | 打暗號
phaq baxngkiuu | play tennis | 打網球
phaq bor tikawguu | man beat his wife be like a beast | 打老婆者如禽獸
phaq boxngpaai | engrave a tomb stone | 刻墓碑
phaq bøo`khix | lose; make something vanish | 失無去; 遺失
phaq cidky ho y kaux | lay down a card (a piece) in order to make him win; to get a person into trouble | 打一枝乎伊夠; 想法子讓他受罪
phaq hengkharm | pound one's chest (to show confidence; defiance; acceptance of a challenge or responsibility) | 拍胸脯; 保證
phaq hunsox | grade (student papers); to grade (performance) | 打分數
phaq kao khvoax zwlaang | forgive someone for the sake of a related person (Lit. Consider its master before beating a dog.) | 打狗看主人
phaq kim'ar saihu | goldsmith | 打金仔; 金匠
phaq kim'ar | create a gold jewelry | 拍金仔
phaq kizhor | lay a foundation; to base; do spade work; prepare oneself for bigger tasks ahead | 打基礎
phaq kunthaau | practice shadow boxing | 打拳
phaq lasaam | soil; defile | 沾污
phaq paxngkiuu | play baseball | 打棒球
phaq sirnhø | communicate by signals | 打信號
phaq sykad | tie a square knot | 打死結
phaq texky | lay the foundation for a building | 打地基
phaq tiexn'oe | telephone; to speak by telephone | 打電話
phaq tiexn'viar | film; shoot a movie; to photograph with a movie camera; make a movie | 拍電影
phaq tiexnpøx | telegraph; send a telegram | 打電報
phaq tøhkiuu | play ping pong | 打桌球; 打乒乓球
phaq wmokiuu | play badminton | 打羽毛球
phaq zao`khix | drive away; put to flight | 打走去
phaq zhaekor | make the slightly higher ridges in a vegetable garden for planting vegetables | 造菜圃種菜
phaq zhao kviaf zoaa | beat the grass and startle the snake ─ frighten out of cover; cause undesired agitation | 打草驚蛇
phaq zhawchiøh | to weave a straw mat | 製草蓆
phaq zhawee | made straw sandals | 製草鞋
phaq zhuiekor | talk about unimportant matters; engage in idle talk | 聊天
phaq zhvekviaf | frighten people; startle; to scare | 驚嚇到
phaq | strike; to beat; to hit; smash; to attack; to fight; to knock; to play; to shoot; to cause (use as an auxiliary); copulate; to mate | 打; 拍
phaq-auxphaux | after the fact | 打後炮
phaq-bachiog | to play mahjong | 打麻將
phaq-bexkhuy | cannot be opened; try in vain to open | 打無開
phaq-bexthofng | can't get through | 打無通
phaq-binzhngg | make a bed | 打眠床; 舖床
phaq-boexsie | still alive after a hard beating; try in vain to beat to death; invulnerable | 打無死
phaq-bøextit | in debt | 打無直; 收支不平衡
phaq-bøgii | to act when one is off guard | 打無疑; 乘虛
phaq-bømngg | failed to hit | 打無門
phaq-bøtiøh | failed to hit an object | 沒打中
phaq-chimchiern | check deep or shallow | 打深淺
phaq-chiuhofng | autumn breeze | 打秋風; 拍秋風
phaq-chiwsex | to beckon, to gesture, gesticulation | 打手勢
phaq-chiwzhexng | masturbate; masturbation | 拍手銃; 手淫; 打手鎗
phaq-chvikviaf | to be frightened | 打青驚; 受驚
phaq-chvybiin | wake up | 打青眠; 吵醒
phaq-ciauhof | greeting | 打招呼
phaq-cietkhaux | to give a discount | 拍折扣
phaq-ciuhofng | to send a goodwill, to seek financial help | 打秋風
phaq-ciøhof | to greet, to nod | 打招呼; 拍招呼
phaq-ho`laang | sells; transfer | 打給人; 出讓
phaq-iukeg | to fight a guerrilla war | 打游擊; 拍游擊
phaq-jixhø | typing | 打字號
phaq-kachviux | sneeze | 打噴嚏; 拍咳啾
phaq-kanlok | to play a whipping top | 打陀螺
phaq-katkiuu | tangled | 打結球; 拍結毬; 糾纏不清
phaq-khachviux | to sneeze | 打噴嚏; 拍咳啾
phaq-khihkag | break | 打缺角
phaq-khøea'iog | make a contract | 打契約; 拍契約; 合約
phaq-kizhor | to do the groundwork | 打基礎; 拍基礎
phaq-kogkef | hen cry; cluck-cluck cries | 咯咯啼; 母雞叫聲
phaq-kongkef | share the cost | 打公家; 共同出錢
phaq-kunthaau | to do shadow boxing | 拍拳頭; 打把勢; 打拳
phaq-kvoasy | to litigate; to go to court | 打官司; 拍官司
phaq-mxkvix | lose | 打無見; 拍毋見; 遺失; 掉了; 丟掉
phaq-nakiuu | to play basketball | 打籃球; 拍籃球
phaq-phog'ar | to applaud; clapping of hands, hand clapping | 打拍仔; 拍噗仔; 鼓掌
phaq-pvoarsie | beating to half death | 打半死
phaq-sngrpvoaa | to operate; use; work an abacus | 打算盤; 拍算盤
phaq-sykad | tightly bound, tied firmly | 打死結; 拍死結
phaq-taotøea | to fight to a finish | 打到底; 拍到底
phaq-tengbi | holding a riddle competition event | 打燈謎
phaq-texky | to set the foundation | 打地基
phaq-tiexn'oe | make a telephone call | 打電話
phaq-tiexn'viar | to shoot a film | 打電影; 拍電影
phaq-tiexnpøx | send a telegram | 打電報
phaq-tørtngr | return | 打回去; 回手
phaq-zengsiin | wake (someone) up | 打精醒; 叫醒
phaq-zhawchiøh | make a grass | 打草席; 織草席
phaq-zhear | mark with "X", mark as "wrong" | 打叉仔
phaq-zhuiekor | to engage in chitchat | 打手鼓; 閒聊
phaq`cide | hit once | 打一下
pharn'ar | fool | 呆仔
pharnbong | expect eagerly; long for; hope for; long for; to wish; expect eagerly | 盼望
pharng | bread; reel; to spin; to twist | 麵包; 紡; 源自日語パン(pafn)
pharngkvix | lose something | 丟掉; 不見了; 遺失
pharngphuq | pump | 幫浦
pharnliam | think of longingly | 盼念; 想念
pharzheg | empty grain | 打穀
phatchiøh | making a mat | 打蓆
phatiin | spread out suckers or trailing shoots | 打藤; 藤蔓延
phatvia | anchorage; mooring (of a ship) | 拋碇; 停泊
phatviax | anchorage; mooring (of a ship); cast anchor | 拋碇; 停泊; 拋錨; 下碇
phau koatsym | hold on to one's determination; determined | 抱決心
phau | embrace; enfold; hold in the arms | 抱
phau-putpeeng | speak up for the injustice | 抱無平
phaubiaau | cast anchor; develop engine trouble and become stuck mid-way | 拋錨
phauboat | bubble, foam, froth | 泡沫
phaubudsvoax | parabola; geometric parabola | 拋物線
phaubut-svoax | parabola | 拋物線
phaubut-thea | paraboloid | 拋物體
phauh | blister | 皰; 雹
phaukhix | to reject; to cast aside; to throw away; to forsake; to abandon; to give away; jilt; abandon; throw away; give up | 拋棄
phaukhuy | to throw off | 拋弄; 拋開
phaulong | throw | 拋弄
phauloong | scrotum | 陰囊
phauqzay | calamity of hail | 雹災
phausia | projectile | 拋洩; 拋射
phausiaxthea | projectile | 拋洩體; 拋射體
phausiuu | to put on sales; dump large stocks of merchandise on the market in order to force down prices | 拋售
phausvoax | to spread | 拋線; 拋散
phaux kapy | make coffee; prepare coffee from coffee powder or in a dripolator | 泡咖啡
phaux tee | make tea | 泡茶
phaux | long warm coat; cloak; long gown; robe | 袍; 炮; 泡
phauxhin ciongsyn | feel remorse for the rest of one's life | 抱恨終身
phauxhin | bear a grudge against; complain | 抱恨
phauxhu | aspiration; ambition | 抱負
phauxhudkhaf | clasp the feet of Buddha ─ when in distress (used to illustrate getting into difficulties through lack of due preparation and then seeking help at the critical moment) | 抱佛腳
phauxhun | regret | 抱恨
phauxkhiafm | apologetic, sorry for | 抱歉
phauxkhiarm | regret; deplore; be ashamed | 抱歉
phauxkhud | feel wrong | 抱屈
phauxkhuix | feel shame | 抱愧
phauxoaxn | bear a grudge against; complain | 抱怨
phauxputpeeng | bear a grudge for a wrong; indignant at injustice | 抱無平
phauxpve | indisposed; sick or ill; do something in spite of one's sickness | 抱病
phauxpvi | sick | 抱病
phauxtvia | set aside | 拋定
phauzhef-lixzuo | abandon wife and kids | 拋妻離子
phauzhud | to throw out | 拋出
phauzngf-yngiok | offer banal remarks to spark abler talk by others (Lit. to throw a brick and to get a gem in return) | 拋磚引玉
phaw siuokiuu | throw an embroidered ball (in order to choose a husband ─ an ancient custom) | 拋繡球
phaw | throw; throw away; to cast; to abandon; to eject; give up | 拋
phaw'øee | running shoes, track shoes | 跑鞋
phaw-siuokiuu | throw embroidery ball to select a bridegroom | 拋繡球
phawar | firecracker | 炮仔
phawbea | horse race | 跑馬
phawbea-pof | racecourse | 跑馬埔; 跑馬場
phawbea-tviuu | a race course | 跑馬場; 賽馬場
phawbeftefng | marquee | 跑馬燈
phawbeftviuu | hippodrome; racecourse (for horse racing); racetrack | 跑馬場
phawchiaf | racing car; racing bicycle; car; bicycle for races; sports car | 跑車
phawkhuy | to leave, to get out the way; horse racing | 拋開; 跑開
phawkoex | ran | 跑過
phawlaai-phawkhix | run to-and-fro | 跑來跑去
phawlo | to travel on foot, on runaway | 跑路
phawmafpiør | stopwatch | 跑馬表
phawmar | house racing | 跑馬
phawmar-tviuu | race course, turf | 跑馬場
phawpo | to run | 跑步
phawthuie | to run errands | 跑腿
phawtø | athletic track; runaway; track; track (in a racecourse; stadium); runway (on an airfield) | 跑道
phawzao | run, run a race | 跑走; 賽跑
phax | veil; turban; handkerchief; to wrap and bind | 撂
phaxn | look; to request; rely upon; to hope; expect | 望; 盼
phaxng | corpulent; fat | 胖
phaybin | evil face | 歹面
phaybixnsiøkhvoax | evil face | 歹面相看
phaygyn'ar | bad kid | 歹囡仔
phayix | bad intention | 歹意
phaykex | bad price | 歹價
phaykhix | rotten; broke | 歹去
phaykhuxn | unable to sleep | 歹睏
phaykhvoarbin | grumpy | 歹看面
phaykiettiau | bad sign | 歹吉兆
phaykorng | hard to say | 歹講
phaykviafzexng | delinquency | 歹囝症
phaylit | bad day | 歹日
phaypharng | bad spinning | 歹紡
phaysex | timid | 歹勢
phaysviasaux | bad coughing | 歹聲嗽
phaytangkuxsiaq | used copper and old tin- for recycle | 歹銅舊錫
phaythvisii | bad weather | 歹天時
phazuun | anchor a ship; boat | 泊船; 泊碇
phe | cover oneself with quilt or comforter | 被
phe'ar | barnyard | 稗仔
phe'nisylirn | penicillin | 盤尼西林; (外來語)
phea | bucca | 頰
phea'ar | tares; weeds; darnels | 稗仔; 帕仔; 手帕
pheafzhao | barnyardgrass | 稗仔草
pheagak | soundtrack | 配樂
pheagiah | quota | 配額
pheahap | Cooperate | 配合
pheahngf | formula | 配方
pheahoad | allotment | 配發
pheakag | assistant actor/actress | 配角
pheakib | quota | 配給
pheakor | allotment | 配股
pheakvia | accessories | 配件
phealiau | ingredients | 配料
pheapi | equipped | 配備
phear | tares, weeds, darnels | 稗仔
pheasaxng | delivery | 配送
pheaseg | color matching | 配色
pheathaau | with head | 配頭
pheathøx | matching | 配套
pheatix | configuration | 配置
pheatuix | pair | 配對
pheaym | dubbing | 配音
phebeeng | put marginal notes in a book or letter; write a postscript; to comment on; give clear instructions | 批明
phee | skin; leather; fur; bark; peel; outer covering; wrapping | 皮
pheeng | longevity; big; a surname; proud | 彭
phef | criticize; to comment; to judge; endorse a petition; reply officially to an inferior; a whole batch (of things or people); large quantity or number; sell wholesale | 批; 胚
phefng | fall into ruins; to slide down (e.g.; the earth of a dike; dam); to collapse (like a wall) | 崩
phefsviux | criticize maliciously | 批癖; 惡意批評
pheg | split open; to rend; to rive | 劈
pheh | foam; spume; froth; scum | 沬
phehoad | wholesale | 批發
phehoatkex | wholesale price | 批發價
phehoatsiofng | wholesale dealer; wholesaler | 批發商
phehog | reply (to a message from a subordinate) by writing on the paper carrying the subordinate's message | 批覆
phehw | skin | 皮膚
pheie | leather chair | 皮椅
pheiet | read (a message from a subordinate) and write down comments or instructions | 批閱
phek | brick | 甓
phek'hae zhengthiefn | blue ocean under a blue sky | 碧海青天
phek'hae | blue ocean | 碧海
phek'hap | perfect match | 璧合
phek'hied boafnte | dark blood covered the ground | 碧血滿地
phek'hied | blood shed for patriotism or loyalty; loyalty to the death | 碧血
phek'hoaan | return a gift; present | 璧還
phek'huiq | bloodshed in the war for justice | 碧血
phek'huun | cloud | 碧雲
phekae | correct (student papers) | 批改
phekauhix | shadow play | 皮猴戲
phekgarn | blue green eyes ─ said of foreigners | 碧眼
phekgiok | jaspis; jasperite; green jade; jasper; emerald | 碧玉; 璧玉
phekhag | envelope | 信封
phekkhofng | blue sky | 碧空
pheklek | verve; the ability to make decision; guts; courage to plunge ahead in big endeavors; power | 魄力
pheklip | stand up perpendicularly | 壁立
pheklok | a person who is good at locating talented people | 伯樂
phekparn | clinch | 拍板
pheksiaa | an animal that is used to be a talismanic symbol; remove such effects; monsters; evil spirits | 避邪
pheksoaf | green sand | 碧砂
pheksuie | green water | 碧水
phektok | remove posi | 除毒; 辟毒
phekvia | leather goods | 皮件
phekzeng | quiet; out of the way; secluded; lonely | 僻靜
pheleng | instructions (usually given in reply to inquiries) | 批令
pheloong | envelope | 信封
pheng khvoarbai | compare; make a comparison | 比比看
pheng | limb; and; to combine; compare; liken; to compete | 并; 並; 併; 比
pheng'iet | review | 評閱
pheng'ym | phonetical spelling of words | 拼音
pheng'ym-hoax | alphabetization | 拼音化
phenggi | deliberation; deliberate; discuss; judge the right or wrong of a matter; arbitrate | 評議
phenggie | critical comment; remarks | 評語
phenggixhoe | Senate of a University; arbitration board; tribunal of censors | 評議會
phenggixoaan | officers in an organization responsible for discussing and drafting the rules and operations of the organization | 評議員
phengguo | a statement of judgment | 評語
phenghoad | spelling | 拼法
phenghoai | molder | 崩壞
phenghuix | collapse; break down; fall to pieces; cave in | 崩潰
phenghwn | to grade (students papers); to score; marks or points given by a judge | 評分
phengji | spelling, word of spelling | 拼字
phengjirm | cuisine; culinary; cooking; to cook | 烹飪
phengjymhoad | culinary art; cookery; recipe | 烹飪法
phengjympafn | cooking class | 烹飪班
phengkae | disintegrate, disintegration | 崩解
phengkaw | scale hook | 秤鉤
phengkaxm | evaluation | 評鑑
phengkex | to evaluate; to assess; appraise; evaluate; to estimate; assess; an objective assessment of the worth; merit (of a person; writing) | 評價
phengkor | estimate; evaluate | 評估
phenglie | ask a third party to judge which side is right | 評理
phenglioong | evaluation | 評量
phenglun | comment; criticise; criticism; comment; deliberate on | 評論
phengluxnciar | critic | 評論者
phengluxnkaf | critic | 評論家
phengphenglie | comment | 評評理
phengphvoaroaan | judge or umpire in a debate or contest; juror | 評判員
phengphvoax teksid | critically decide the merits and demerits of a case | 評判得失
phengphvoax | to judge; criticize; to judge; decide (in a beauty contest) | 評判
phengpie | appraisal | 評比
phengsef | zala; borax | 硼砂
phengsirm | review | 評審
phengsoarn | selection | 評選
phengtaix | bandage | 繃帶
phengtang | judge | 評重
phengteng | to pass judgment on; to appraise; examine; judge and decide; to deliberate | 評定
phengtheeng baxnlie | the ROC's journey of 10,000 li ─ said of those who early attain office; years of great promise | 鵬程萬里
phengthuii | weight | 秤錘
phengtiaw | cook; prepare (food); cooking | 烹調
phengtiornglek | power of expansion | 膨脹力
phengtioxng hexsox | coefficient of expansion | 膨脹係數
phengtoax | bandage | 繃帶
phengtoaxn | decide; arbitrate | 評斷
phengtoo | jigsaw puzzle | 拼圖
phengzhøx | misspelled | 拼錯
phengzuie cy kaw | short acquaintanceship | 萍水之交
phengzuie sionghoong | patches of duckweed meeting ─ unexpected meeting of friends abroad; to meet by accident | 萍水相逢
phengzux | annotate; annotation; commentary; remark | 評註
phenisylirn | penicillin | 盤尼西林 (外來語)
pheoee | shoes | 皮鞋
phepauar | leather bag | 皮包仔
phepheeng | criticisms; critique; criticize; to censure | 批評
phephengkaf | critics; censors | 批評家
phephvoax | appraise; to judge | 批判
phepog | answer the petition unfavorably; turn down (an appeal or request); reverse (the decision of a subordinate) usually by writing on the paper carrying the message | 批駁
pherng'iog | appointment | 聘約
pherng'iong | to employ; to engage | 聘用
pherngchviar | to engage; to invite; to employ; invite for service; invite by sending presents; engage (a teacher) | 聘請
pherngjim | to employ; to engage; engage for a post | 聘任
pherngkox | hire | 聘僱
pherngkym | money sent by bridegroom on betrothal; money sent at betrothal by the bridegroom's parents to the parents of the bride | 聘金
phernglea | money and presents sent by bridegroom at betrothal; gift for inviting one to a post; betrothal presents sent to the girl's family | 聘禮
phernglim | appointment | 聘任
pherngsw | formal letter of employment; letter of appointment | 聘書
pherngsy | formal letter of employment; letter of appointment | 聘書
pherngtvia | employment confirmation | 聘定
phesi | instruct or direct (usually by writing on the paper carrying a message from a subordinate) | 批示
phesixn | letter | 書信
phesviw | suitcase | 皮箱
phetaang | mailboxes (on the street) | 信筒; 郵筒
phethay | embryo | 胚胎
phethay-kii | embryonic period, gestation period | 胚胎期
phetoax | belt | 皮帶
phetoaxn | appraise; to judge | 批斷
phex | veil; turban; handkerchief; to wrap and bind | 撂; 帕
phex`khylaai | carry objects or keep them from falling (by spreading a cloth or catching them in the lap of one's dress) | 撂起來
phexloong | quilt cover | 被囊
phexng | run against; collide; to bump; meet unexpectedly | 撞; 碰
phexng'oar | compare who is closer | 並倚
phexng'voax | compete; or compare who arrives the last | 比晚
phexnggaau | compare one's ability | 並賢; 比能力
phexngkhvoax | compare | 比看
phexnglaang | compare one's moral character | 並人
phexnglat | compare one's muscle | 並力; 較力氣
phexngpiaq | lean on wall | 並壁; 靠牆壁
phexngsuie | compre who is prettier; beauty contest (rivalry); very beautiful | 比美; 很美麗
phexngzar | compete or compare who arrives the earliest | 比早
phextvoaf | bed sheet | 被單
phezoar | letter paper; stationery | 信紙; 信箋
phezurn | give official approval or permission for; rectify; ratification | 批准
phezux | write commentaries | 批註
phi | coverlet; quilt; scarf | 被
phi'ar | coverlet | 披仔
phi'ied | review | 批閱
phi'iet | review | 披閱; 批閱
phi'y | to throw on clothes | 批衣; 披衣
phiaau tor | prostitution and gambling ─ profligacy; patronize whore and gambling houses; indulge in fast women and slow horses | 嫖賭
phiaau | prostitution; a ladle made from a dried gourd; visit prostitutes; patronize whorehouses; commit with a harlot; whoredom | 嫖; 瓢
phiaau-tor-irm | prostitution, gamble, and drinking alcohol | 嫖賭飲
phiafng | high tone noise of hitting something | 乓
phiag | bang | 擗
phiag'ar | catapult; slingshot | 彈仔
phiagphiak thiaux | leap up and down frantically (e.g | 跳動無停
phiagphiak tvoa | palpitate | 跳個無停
phiagzhud | kock out | 擗出
phiah | red measles; addiction (to); pustules; rash; eruption; measles | 疹; 癖
phiah'oe | avoid | 避會
phiahbat | secluded | 僻密; 藏密
phiahbiern | avoid; keep from; escape; avoid; forestall; prevent something from happening | 避免
phiahhang | hidden alley | 僻巷
phiahkag | (adj) far from the city; remote | 僻角; 背旭旯兒; 偏僻
phiahkhuy | make way for other person; avoid; get out of the way; to keep away from | 避開; 闢開
phiahkvix | prejudice | 僻見
phiahpi | get out of the way; conceal one's self for a short time | 躲避
phiahsexng | disposition; temper | 癖性
phiahzao | to dodge quickly; to duck; get out of the way; to keep away from | 避走; 避開
phiahzeng | retired and quiet | 僻靜
phiahzexng | idiosyncras; measles | 癖症; 痲疹
phiak | dash on a wall; hit | 抨; 擗; 炸起來; 劈; 射(打)
phiak`cide | hit | 擊一下
phiak`laang | hit someone | 擊人
phiang | huge | 棒; 大塊頭
phiao | rob | 剽
phiaq | mean; low; rustic; out of the way; secluded; avoid by going out of the way | 僻; 癖; 遠
phiau'iaau | rocking in the wind; drifting about | 飄搖
phiau'ioong | blown into the air; to waft; to flutter | 飄揚
phiau'ut | eastern knot (bird) | 飄鷸; 漂鷸
phiaubeeng | mark; indicate; label; mark clearly | 標明
phiaubiao | misty | 飄渺
phiaubuo | wave | 飄舞
phiaubøe | mark to sell | 標賣
phiauchiaf | drag racing | 飆車
phiauchiafm | label; price tag | 標籤
phiauchiofng | visit prostitutes | 嫖娼
phiauchix | mark; label; sign; distinguishing sign | 標幟
phiauchviw | javelin | 標槍
phiauciofng | badge | 標章
phiaucix | sign; mark; symbol; symbolize; to indicate; to mark | 標誌
phiaugie | slogan; motto; notice | 標語
phiauguo | motto; slogan | 標語
phiauioong | blown into the air, to waft, to flutter | 飄揚
phiaujip | drift in | 飄入
phiaukafn | measuring pole or stick, pole for pole-vaulting | 標竿
phiaukex | mark a price; marked price | 標價
phiaukheq | customer of prostitute; patron of brothel; frequenter of brothels; whoremonger | 嫖客
phiaukix | sign; mark; symbol; to mark up; landmarks for navigating; distinguishing marks; signs; indication | 標記
phiauky | visit prostitutes | 嫖妓
phiaukøf | elevation; the vertical distance between the top of an object and the ground surface | 標高
phiaulaai phiaukhix | tossed about at the mercy of winds and waves (e.g.; disabled vessel) | 飄來飄去
phiaulaai | drift in | 飄來
phiauliang | beautiful; handsome; beautiful; remarkable; brilliant; splendid | 漂亮
phiauliubok | driftwood | 漂流木
phiauliubut | flotsam | 漂流物
phiauliulaai | drift in | 漂流來
phiauliuu buteng | drift about; wander aimlessly | 漂流無定
phiauliuu | float; be carried away by water; to drift; carried away (by a flood) | 飄流; 漂流
phiaulok | prostitute | 嫖樂
phiaulong | drifting | 漂浪
phiauløh | falling | 飄落
phiaupeh | bleaching | 漂白
phiaupeh-hurn | bleaching powder | 漂白粉
phiaupheg | drift | 漂泊
phiauphiaw iogsiefn | light; airy; comfortable; complacent | 飄飄欲仙
phiauphiaw | lightly; airily; wind blowing | 飄飄
phiauphied | dapper; natty; spruced up; well-dressed; luxury; extravagance; having an animated or intelligent appearance; sumptuous; to live high; self confident | 瀟洒; 飄撇; 標緻; 瀟灑; 漂撇; 豪華
phiauphietlaq | fluttering | 飄撇啦
phiauphuu | float; floatation; swim | 漂浮
phiaupiao | visit prostitutes | 嫖婊; 嫖妓
phiaupok | wandering | 飄泊
phiauporng | to advertize, to brag | 標榜
phiaupurn | specimen; specimens; samples; model; pattern | 標本
phiausaxng | float | 飄送
phiausi | use symbols (as on a map) to indicate various ideas | 標示
phiausiuu | sell by tender | 標售
phiausvoax | float | 飄散
phiautee | heading; title; headline | 標題
phiauthaau | label; trade-mark; trademark; label | 商標; 標頭; 標籤
phiautiarm huhø | punctuation marks | 標點符號
phiautiarm | a punctuation mark; to punctuate; point; punctuation | 標點
phiautix | handsome; handsome; beautiful; pretty; good looking | 標緻; 標致; 漂亮
phiautoee | title; heading; headline; caption; subject | 標題
phiautor | gamble | 嫖賭
phiautøee | title; heading; headline; caption; subject | 標題
phiauviuu koeahae | sail across an ocean | 漂洋過海
phiauviuu | be tossed on the ocean | 漂洋; 飄洋
phiaux | bill; bank note; ticket; certificate; warrant | 票
phiauzhud | to designate | 標出
phiauzu | annotation | 標註
phiauzurn kokgie | Mandarin Chinese; Mandarin | 標準國語
phiauzurn sikafn | standard time | 標準時間
phiauzurn | criteria; model; norm; standard; standard; criterion; typical | 標準
phiauzurn-hoax | to standardize, standardization | 標準化
phiauzux | annotation | 標註
phiauzwn'ym | standard pronunciation | 標準音
phiauzwnhoax | standardize | 標準化
phiaw | mark; sign; symbol; label; topmost branch; spear; to show; indicate; to mark; to display; symbolize | 標; 漂; 飄
phibii | to scatter, to disperse | 披靡
phicid | cortex | 披質; 皮質
phid | bolt (cloth); whole piece of cloth; one horse; sum of; roll (of cloth); bolt (of cloth); classifier for bolts of cloth | 匹; 疋
phie kek thaix laai | all things are smooth after hardship | 否極泰來
phie | to negate; a lump in the abdomen; to despise; scab over a sore | 否; 疕; 痂; 鄙; 痞; 創口上所結的疤
phied cviarpeeng | stroke to the left and another to the right | 撇正爿; 撇右
phied tørpeeng | stroke to the left and another to the right | 撇左爿
phied | lame | 拐; 漂亮; 瘸
phiedphiedkiøx | sound of flapping or flipping | 撲翼聲
phiedsit | wing beat; flap; flutter; to flap (beat) the wings | 撲翼; (禽類)
phieen | to stagger; to stumble; stagger; totter; reel | 踉
phiefn | numerical adjunct for compositions; poems; chapter; section; book; part; classifier for essays | 篇; 編; 偏
phiefnbien | one-sided | 片面
phiefnthoo | scratch on the ground (as fowl do with bill; feet; and feathers) | 翻土
phieju | illustrate; illustration; parable; simile; for instance; metaphor | 譬諭; 譬喻; 譬如
phiejuu | for example | 譬如
phielu | metaphor | 譬喻
phielun | analogy; instance; comparison; for example; suppose that... | 譬論; 譬如; 例如; 譬喻
phieluu | for example | 譬如
phieluxnkorng | for example | 譬論講
phieluxnzøx | for example | 譬論做
phien'aix | love someone; something in particular; personal favorites; hobbies; favoritism | 偏愛
phien'ek | translate and compile; translator | 編譯
phien'iaux | to be bent on, to insist on | 編要; 偏要
phien'ixn | edit and print | 編印
phien'ngx | inclined toward, have a propensity | 偏望; 偏向
phien'oar | tend to support one side | 偏倚
phien'oarn | remote; faraway | 偏遠
phien'oay | turn aside from the right way | 偏歪
phienchib | edit; editor | 編輯
phienchip | edit | 編輯
phienchip-po | editorial department | 編輯部
phienchip-seg | editorial room | 編輯室
phienchipciar | editor | 編輯者; 人
phienchippo | editorial department | 編輯部
phienciar | editor; compiler | 編者
phiencib | edit; editor | 編輯
phiencid | knit | 編織
phienciofng | chapter | 篇章
phiencip | pertinacious | 編輯; 偏執
phiencippo | editorial department | 編輯部
phiencitky | knitting machine | 編織機
phienciw | partial boat | 偏舟
phienhiofng | rural | 偏鄉
phienhioxng | (v) biased toward; (n) bad tendency; lean; be inclined toward | 偏向
phienhngf | remote region | 偏方
phienhoex | discard | 偏癈; 偏廢
phienhog | a chapter; a section | 篇幅
phienhø | number; serial number; arrange under numbers | 編號; 偏號; 綽號
phienjip | include (in a budget); enlist; to recruit | 編入
phienkag | an end | 一端
phienkefng | imperial concubine | 偏間; 嬪妃
phienkeg | prejudice and fiercely | 偏激
phienkek | to go to extreme | 偏極
phienkheg | compose | 編曲
phienkiexn | prejudice; prejudice; bias; partial view | 偏見
phienkiogciar | playwright; scenario writer | 編劇者; (家)
phienkiogkaf | playwright; scenario writer | 編劇者; (家)
phienkiok | write plays; write a play; playwright; dramatist | 編劇
phienkoeakhix | fooling people | 蹁過去
phienkoealaai | fooling people | 蹁過來
phienli | turn aside | 偏離
phienliet | arrange | 編列
phienlo | shortcut | 偏路; 斜路; 捷徑; 歧途; 旁道; 偏道
phienmiaa | nickname | 偏名; 別名; 俗名; 綽號
phienmngg | side door; non-traditional | 偏門
phienpaai | arrange; weave; arrange in order; write and present (a play) | 編排
phienpaang | second wife; concubine; wife of second rank | 偏房; 姘婦; 妾室
phienpafn | forming a class; team; formation of classes (at school); assign (students) to the various classes | 編班
phienpag | inclined north; turned northward | 偏北; 篇幅
phienphaw | partial throw | 偏拋
phienphiaq | out-of-the-way; remote; seclude; out of the way; not easily accessible; secluded | 偏僻
phienphiaq-ji | words rarely used | 罕用字; 偏僻字
phienphiaq-lo | rarely used street | 偏僻路
phienphiaq-zngf | out-of-the-way village | 偏僻庄
phienphiefn boeq | bent on having (in disregard of difficulties involved or other's opposition); choose; take positively; wish and desire obstinately | 偏偏要; 硬要
phienphiefn | doggedly; obstinately; like or not; unfortunately it happened that...; used before a verb to show contrariness; determination; on purpose | 偏偏
phienphien'ar m | doggedly determined to oppose; refuse what is proposed | 偏偏仔無; 硬不
phienphien'ar | doggedly; obstinately; like or not | 偏偏仔
phienphienkhybuo | dance to tune | 翩翩起舞
phienpoong | mistress | 偏房
phienpvy | (n) the side | 偏邊; 側面; 旁邊
phienseeng | became; compile; compose; to form; organize | 編成
phienseg | side room | 偏室
phiensiaa | not straight | 偏斜
phiensirm | read and edit; copy editor | 編審
phiensit | picky eating; eat certain dishes only; have an unbalanced diet | 偏食
phiensoaxn | budgeting | 編算
phiensw | partial; unfair; unjust; biased; prejudiced; favoritism | 偏私
phiensym | one-sided; partial; partiality; bias; partial; favoritism | 偏心
phiensym-luun | eccentric wheel | 偏心輪
phientharn | partial; unfair; partiality; unfairness; favouritism; be partial; give improper protection to; to screen | 偏袒; 偏坦
phientiong | lay stress on | 偏重
phiento | declination (physics) | 偏度
phientoaxn | an unjust decision, a partial judgment | 偏斷
phientoo | wrong way | 偏途
phientui | form into columns; organize into teams; formation (of ships or aircraft); formation (of aircraft); organize into groups | 編隊
phientux | partial | 偏著
phienzaai | sometimes it means a fortunate gain; also can mean ill-gotten gains | 偏財
phienzaiun | money making luck | 偏財運
phienzeeng | passions | 偏情
phienzex | system; codify; compile; devise plans; organic structure; organization | 編制; 編裝
phienzhaf | a deviation; an error | 偏差
phienzheq | edit; compile books | 編冊; 編書
phienzhoah | urn aside | 偏斜; 編斜
phienzhoarnciar | compiler; editor | 編纂者
phienzhoaxn | compile; edit | 編纂
phienzof | organize into groups | 編組
phienzø | compile; draw up; work out; fabricate; invent; concoct; make up; cook up; create out of the imagination; write a book; compose | 編造
phiern jixtiern | look up (a word) in a dictionary; consult (refer to) a dictionary | 查字典
phiern | ransack; seek; to search; find out; to scratch on the ground (as fowl do with bill; feet; and feathers) | 翻; 搜查,; 翻,; 找; 攪亂
phiern'ar | deceiver | 騙仔
phiern'axn | case of fraud (legal); scandal | 騙案
phiern'gyn'ar | deceive | 騙囡仔
phiern'iar | everywhere | 遍野
phiernbien | unilateral; one sided | 片面; 片面,一方面,單方面
phiernbin | one sided; unilateral | 片面
phiernchviar haixgø | deceitfully invite someone so as to starve him ─ deceitfully breaking a promise | 騙請害餓
phiernciah | retiring and modest when describing one's life skills; or commenting on someone's skills that are overrated | 騙吃
phiernciaqpo | cheating tricks | 騙食步
phierncix | tool ranch | 鉗子
phierncvii | cheat for money; cheat a person out of money; get money by fraud | 騙錢
phierngieen | word from a few words | 片言
phiernguo | a phrase | 片語
phiernkahputliuu | army is completely wiped out | 片甲不留, 落花流水
phiernkaq putliuu | army is completely wiped out | 片甲無留; 落花流水
phiernkex | plan to deceive | 騙計
phiernkheg | half a tick; awhile; for a moment; little while; brief space of time | 片刻
phiernkiok | a fraud; a con game; cheating trick | 騙局
phiernkuie | fool a ghost ( imply unbelievable); Do you think you can thus deceive me? Nonsense! | 騙鬼; 鬼話連篇; 鬼才相信
phiernkviaa | walk all over | 遍走
phiernlaang | to deceive people; to cheat others; swindle; cheat another | 騙人
phiernliawliao | cheated | 騙了了
phiernpo | deceiving method | 騙步; 詭計
phiernsiafng | movie producer | 片商, 電影商人
phiernsiao | don't be ridicules (slang); no kidding? You expect me to believe that? | 騙人; 騙鬼; 鬼相信
phiernsiao`ee | are you kidding? | 騙痟的
phiernsien'ar | swindler; a cheat | 騙仙仔
phiernsiofng | movie producer | 片商; 電影商人
phiernsiuu | remuneration for a movie actor or actress for starring in a film | 片酬
phiernsut | deceiving act; tricks; wiles; ruse; swindles; stratagem | 騙術
phiernte | all around; all over the place; everywhere on earth | 遍地
phierntheflinsiofng | injuries that all over the body | 遍體麟傷
phierntoan | segment; snatch | 片段; 片斷
phierntoo | con man; swindler; cheater; phony; cheater; impostor | 騙徒
phiernzaai | get money by fraud; trickery | 騙財
phiernzhuix | food to treat guest | 騙嘴
phiernzhuo | obtain by fraud | 騙取
phiernzuo | swindler; cheater; swindler; cheat; confidence man; racketeer; impostor | 騙子
phiesiaa | ward off evil | 避邪
phiesviux | irony; satire | 譬相; 挖苦; 奚落; 鄙視; 褒貶; 諷刺
phiet | flap; flip around | 撲; 鼓翼
phiet'ar | saucer; plate; dish | 碟仔; 𥐵仔; 盤子
phietphied | elegant | 撇撇
phietpo | main point; essentials; gist; masterstroke | 高招; 好手段; 好辦法
phietzhef | pen got damaged | 撇叉; 筆頭分叉
phiexn | piece; slice; fragment; chip; classifier of clouds or regions of country; a stretch of a number of level fields | 片; 騙
phiexn`laang | fool people | 騙人
phiha | subcutaneous | 皮下
phihoad | wholesale | 批發
phihoatkex | wholesale price | 批發價
phihoee | to reply officially | 批回
phihofng | a cloak | 披風
phihok | to reply officially | 批服; 批復; 批覆
phihphag | lie down with face down | 趴伏
phihphag-vax | turn one's face downward | 趴伏俯; 躄覆向
phihphak'vax | turn one's face downward | 趴伏俯; 躄覆向
phihøee | to reply officially | 批回
phii | skin; leather; fur; bark; peel; outer covering; wrapping | 皮
phiin | to stagger; to stumble | 蹁; 踉蹌; 蹣跚
phikaq | armed and protected | 披甲
phikefng | a cape, a shawl, a scarf | 披肩
phikeg | leather | 皮革
phikhiefn | shawl | 披肩; 披?
phikhix | temper; moods; temper; disposition | 脾氣
phikhud | humble | 卑屈
phikhuy | open up; spread out (in the sun); unroll (as a bolt of cloth) | 披開
phikiefn | shawl | 披肩
phikym | draped | 披襟
philo | pull the plug on; show | 披露
philøo | tired; exhausted; utterly weary in body and spirits; exhaustion; fatigue; weariness | 疲勞
phimoaa taehaux | wear hemp garment in mourning | 披麻帶孝
phimof | superficial opinion | 皮毛
phimoo | superficial opinion | 皮毛
phin'ar | winged insect always in foods | 蹁仔; 𥰔仔; 常在食物上的小飛蟲仔; 笛子
phinkhofng | make it up | 憑空
phinphiin | unstable on feet | 偏偏
phinphiøx | receipt | 憑票
phinphorng | ping-pong; table tennis | 乒乓
phinphorng-kiuu | ping-pong ball, table tennis | 乒乓球
phinpiarng-kiuu | ping-pong ball, table tennis | 乒乓球
phinthiaux | observe | 憑眺
phintiaux | observe | 憑弔
phintvoaf | receipt | 憑單
phinzexng | badge | 憑證
phiphak | expose | 披曝
phiphii | un-concern; naughty; mean and despicable; be shameless; thick skinned | 皮皮; 厚臉皮
phiphy | spread out | 披披
phipog | to refute, to rebut, to turn down | 反駁; 批駁
phiq khazhngf | sodomy; buggery | 男色; 難姦
phiq | commit impurity (word used in vile scolding meaning kan) | 肏
phiqphiqzhoaq | tremble or shake (with the cold; a fever or fear) | 慄慄抖; 戰慄; 戰抖
phiqphiqzuxn | tremble or shake (with the cold; a fever or fear) | 慄慄抖; 戰慄; 戰抖
phiqphiqzwn | tremble or shake (with the cold, a fever or fear) | 戰慄, 戰抖
phiqphogkiøx | nervously screaming | 咇噗叫
phiqphogthiaux | faster heartbeat | 咇噗跳
phiqphogtiøo | nervously jumping | 咇噗趒
phiqphok | heartbeat | 咇噗
phirn | compare; measure strength | 比; 品; 自誇
phisefng taegoat | travel by night; toil night and day | 披星戴月
phisi | comments and instructions on an official paper | 批示
phisiefn | draped | 披身
phisiong | to clothe, to throw on | 披上; 皮上
phisngf | arsenic acid | 砒酸
phisvaf | spread out clothes to dry | 批衫; 晾衫
phit'hw | ordinary man; rustic man | 匹夫
phitaxn | preserved duck egg by alkaline liquid; duck's eggs preserved in lime | 皮蛋
phitciao | Mandarin duck | 匹鳥; 鴛鴦
phitgvor | puppet | 匹偶
phitmar | horse | 匹馬
phitpeh | white silk for offering to Confucious | 匹白; 絲帛
phitphoex | pair up; join in pairs; joined as a pair by betrothal; marriage; two things making a suitable pair | 匹配
phitphøex | pair up | 匹配
phitsox | number of pieces | 疋數
phiuokhix | be missed; be disconnected | 溜去
phiux | miss, to fail, glance off | 溜手, 溜滑掉
phix | analogy | 譬
phixnphoxngsiuu | swiming continuously | 乒乓泅
phixphiedkiøx | sound of flapping (flipping) | 撲撇叫; 翼之聲
phixsngf | arsenic | 砒霜; 砒酸
phixtok | arsenic | 砒毒
phizaan | cortex | 皮層
phizurn | to approve, to sanction, to ratify, sanction, ratification | 批准
phizux | to comment on, comments | 批注
phizuyphy | small flat stones thrown by children to skim along the water surface | 漂石子
phiø'nng | an aquatic plant | 漂卵; 無根萍
phiøar | an aquatic plant | 薸仔
phiøo | a ladle made from a dried gourd; great duckweed; duckweed; spirodela polyrhiza | 瓢; 萍,; 青萍; 水萍; 滿江紅; 紫萍,
phiørbin keakeg | face value (of a stock) | 票面價格
phiørbin | on the face of a check; ticket; face value of a note; bond | 票面
phiørgiah | sum stated on check or certificate | 票額
phiørhurn | bleaching powder | 漂白; 漂白粉
phiøriuo | fancier | 票友
phiøriøh | bleaching medicine | 漂藥
phiørkex | ticket price | 票價; 漂價
phiørkiehoad | Law of Negotiable Instruments | 票據法
phiørkix | certificate; negotiable instruments | 票據
phiørkngx | tickets | 票券
phiørkoad | decide by casting ballots | 票決
phiørkoaxn | ticket | 票券
phiørkoex | be bleached | 漂過
phiørkux | receipt | 票據
phiørkyn | check stub; ticket stub | 票根
phiørlo | bleach | 漂露
phiørpaang | box office; box office; ticket window | 票房
phiørpauar | wallet | 皮包仔
phiørpeh | bleach; decolor | 漂白
phiørpeh-hurn | bleaching powder | 漂白粉
phiørpeqhurn | bleaching powder; bleaching powder; chlorine powder | 漂白粉
phiørpeqzef | bleaching agent; decolorant | 漂白劑
phiørpox | bleached cloth; bleach linen | 漂布
phiørsoarn | elect by casting ballots | 票選
phiørsox | number of votes; ballots | 票數
phiørsviw | ballot box | 票箱
phiøx | bill; bank note; ticket; certificate; warrant | 票; 漂
phngr | scold | 罵; 叱
phngx | scold | 罵
pho | foil; notebook; books (accounting; memo; registration); blank book for writing exercises | 箔; 廍; 坊; 簿
pho'afpafng | bed board | 箔仔板; 舖板
pho'aftea | back cover of the node book | 簿仔底
pho'afterng | front cover of the node book | 簿仔頂
pho'afzoar | notebook paper | 簿仔紙
pho'ar | notebook | 簿仔; 鋪仔; 簡單的床舖; 本子
pho'ar-siaux | ledger | 簿仔數; 記載的賬
pho-zheq | notebooks and books | 簿冊
phoaan | plate; dish; tray; calculate; discuss | 盤
phoad | lame | 拐; 瘸
phoafn | fan | 藩
phoah toax kengthaau | hang on the shoulder | 披在肩上
phoah | spread out (cloth); hang on a pole or rope (clothing); suspend; throw loosely over one's shoulders; lay loosely over a railing; on the back of a chair | 披; 袚; 搭; 擱; 懸掛
phoah'ag | sprinkle | 潑沃
phoah`jiblaai | be dashed in (e.g.; rain or waves) | 濺進來
phoahho | get spattered by rain | 濺雨
phoahhoaf | extinguish by throwing water | 潑熄
phoahhøea | distinguish the fire (with water) | 潑火; 滅火
phoahkhuy | cut open | 剖開
phoahsid | extinguish by throwing water | 潑熄
phoahtaam | wet; moisten with splashed in water | 潑濕; 濺濕
phoahzhaan | farming | 施肥; 潑田
phoahzuie lansiw | Spilled water cannot be retrieved (literally) ─ One cannot undo an accomplished fact | 潑水難收
phoahzuie | spread water; dash or throw water with force; throw out water; splash | 潑水
phoan | accompany; mutual | 伴
phoanbun | interrogate | 盤問
phoanhuix | traveling expenses | 盤費
phoankied | question closely | 盤結; 盤詰
phoankor | P'an-Ku, originator of heaven and earth | 盤古
phoankud | pelvis | 骨盤
phoanmng | interrogate | 盤問
phoansoaan | make a circuit (cf.; seh) | 盤旋
phoaq lefngzuie | pour cold water on the idea | 潑冷水
phoaq | lively; active | 潑
phoaqkhaf | have one leg on top of the other; sit with the legs crossed | 潑腳; 腳交叉
phoaqlien | necklace; necklace | 項鍊; 袚鍊; 項鏈
phoaqphoah | abnormal | 潑潑; 無正常
phoaqsvaf | lay clothes loosely over a railing; on the back of a chair | 披衣
phoaqtit | make it straight | 打直
phoaraxn | crack a criminal case; distinguishing the truth of a case by minute examination | 破案
phoarbaa | words of scolding woman | 破痲; 罵壞女人之詞
phoarbang | broken net | 破網
phoarbih | split bamboo into thin strips | 破篾; 破竹條
phoargoaxlo | distance from end of journey still far off; a long way to travel yet | 破外路; 還差很遠
phoarhex | sell goods | 販貨
phoarhiuu | rotten clothes; broken cotton padded; quilted jacket | 破裘; 破棉襖
phoarhoai | destroy, ruin | 破壞
phoarhoex | merchandising | 販貨
phoarhuix | lost money | 破費
phoariog | break a promise | 破約
phoarkaix | make a exception; break a vow; break the rules (usually said of monks; nuns) | 破戒
phoarkef | injure the fortune of family | 破家; 敗家
phoarkehciao | magpie | 破格鳥
phoarkehzhuix | magpie beak | 破格喙
phoarkeq | inauspicious; ominous; exception to a rule; practice; make an exception; abnormal; describing bad habits that make others feel uncomfortable; such as talking in loud; unpleasant voice | 破格; 違背常習的; 凶兆; 怪習使人無適的
phoarkezherng | reams of rubbish | 破雞筅; 嘴巴吱吱喳喳講無完
phoarkhafng | break open a hole; tear a hole; reveal a secret; wound; cut; hole; opening; slit | 破洞; 破空; 開孔
phoarkhiaq | breach (in a wall; fence) | 缺口; 破隙
phoarkhix | broken | 破去
phoarkhuy | cut to open; split open (with a hatchet) | 劈開; 破開; 剖開
phoarkoafn | broken coffin | 破棺
phoarkoef | reaching 16 years of age (said of a girl); deflower a virgin | 破瓜
phoarkokoo | ragged (clothes); smashed to smithereens | 破糊糊
phoarkor | broken drum | 破鼓
phoarku | old, worn out | 破舊
phoarkvaf | run away from jail | 逃獄
phoarkviax tiong'vii | reunion and reconciliation (said of a divorced or separated couple; Lit. broken mirror is round again) | 破鏡重圓
phoarlau | leak (roof, etc.) | 破漏
phoarle | break a precedent or a custom; break a precedent; make an exception (to a rule; common practices) | 破例
phoarliern | flat tire | 破輪
phoarliet | rupture | 破裂
phoarlih | tear, lip | 破裂
phoarmih | broken object | 破物
phoarnkiofng | outermost courts of Congucian temple | 破宮; 泮宮; 孔古寺
phoarnoa | (adj) sloppy | 破爛; 廢品; 邋遢
phoarnoaxsvef | untidy; slipshod | 邋遢 [*]
phoarnpiet | distinguish | 判別
phoarpag giaxmsy | post-mortem examination; an autopsy | 剖腹驗屍
phoarpag | make an incision in the belly; tell everything one knows; cut the belly open; Caesarian operation | 剖腹; 破腹
phoarpai | decline (in wealth and position) | 破敗
phoarpeeng | cut to half-and-half; cut; split into two halves | 剖爿; 剖成兩半; 劈成兩半
phoarpengzuun | an icebreaker; a boat of ship that busts the surface ice so other ships can pass | 破冰船
phoarphaang | broken canvas | 破帆
phoarphang | broken seam | 破縫
phoarphaq | fault, blemish | 破陷; 無處
phoarphee | broken skin | 破皮
phoarphoax | broken | 破破
phoarphoee | broken skin; break the skin | 破皮
phoarphvix | fragment | 破片
phoarphøee | break the skin, broken skin | 破皮
phoarpiao | bad woman; hussy (scolding) | 臭婊; (罵女人)
phoarporcie | Sebastian plum cordia | 破脯子; 破布子
phoarporof | Ehretia Acuminata | 破布烏
phoarpox | a piece of cloth or rag to wipe with; rags | 抹布; 破布
phoarpve | fall sick; become ill | 生病
phoarpvi | become ill; illness | 生病; 破病
phoarsarn | become bankrupt | 破產
phoarsaxm | greatly decayed; worn out | 襤褸; 破散
phoarsiaolieen | weak young man | 破少年
phoarsionghofng | tetanus | 破傷風
phoarsngr | break damage, breakage | 破損; 破壞
phoarsu | cause trouble | 破事
phoarsurn | be damaged | 破損
phoarsvaf | ragged clothes | 破衣; 破杉
phoarsviaa | broken castle | 破城; 荒城
phoarsviux | be deformed; be maimed; deformity; maimed; greatly deformed | 破相; 殘廢
phoarsvix irn zhenghofng | broken fan can make a cool breeze ─ everything has a use | 破扇引清風; 各有所用
phoarsy | hold a post-mortem examination | 剖屍
phoartaang | broken copper | 破銅
phoarteg | roken bamboo | 破竹
phoarthoo | break the ground | 破土
phoarthor | break the ground (for a building); break a bit of plaster; break ground (for a building project); break a bit of the plaster of a house to be repaired | 破土
phoartii | eliminate, get rid of | 破除
phoartin | break a strategy | 破陣
phoarto | (of a plot; etc.) fall through and stand exposed | 破肚; 破裂; 敗露
phoartuu | eliminate, get rid of | 破除
phoartvar | scare; scared; be astounded; lose courage; be frightened out of one's wits; become terrified | 破贍; 破膽; 喪膽
phoartviar | broken vessel; wok; broken pot | 破鼎; 破鍋
phoartøee | analyze | 破題
phoarym-ji | broken sound word | 破音字
phoarzaai | waste wealth; lose money | 破財
phoarzhaa | wood cutting; split firewood | 劈柴; 破柴; 劈材
phoarzheh | broken sound | 破裂
phoarzhex | (adj) hoarse; rough; unclear and unshaped (of sound) | 破脆; 聲音破破; 聲音欠清脆
phoarzhuix | broken; to break; smashed; broken to shivers | 破碎
phoarzhuo'ar | broken house | 破厝仔
phoarzhux thafng'ar | small; poor house; hovel | 破厝仔; 草茅
phoarzhux | brken house; ruined house | 破屋; 破房子
phoarzuie imzhaan | let water into a field | 引水灌溉
phoarzuie | break water | 破水
phoarzuun | broken down ship | 破船
phoarzøx | broken | 破做
phoat'hu | virago; a shrew; a termagant; a woman that hard to deal | 潑婦
phoatchix | splash | 潑刺
phoatkaau | naughty monkey | 潑猴
phoatkhaf | pigeon-toed | 拐腳
phoatlah | pungent | 潑辣
phoatphii | gangster | 潑皮
phoatzhef | wife that is hard to deal | 潑妻
phoauxkhaf | pull hind legs; make obstacles to slow down | 扶後跤
phoax cidlih | seek or be in the limelight; presumptuous; smug; tacky; vain; focus on one's appearance; meddlesome; officious | 破一個裂縫
phoax kielok | break a record; record shattering; record breaking | 破記錄
phoax zhaa | split wood | 破柴
phoax zøx nngxpeeng | cut; split into two halves | 劈成兩爿; 劈成兩半
phoax | break; shatter; broken; shattered; ruined; split open; to rend; to rive | 劈; 破
phoax`khix | broken | 破去
phoax`khuy | split | 破開
phoaxlien | [[phoaqlien]]; necklace | 項鍊; 袚鍊
phoaxn | to accompany; to sentence; rock | 伴; 判; 磐
phobin | put the best articles on the top | 舖面
phobixnthafn | facade, ostentation | 鋪面蟶
phociøh | pave with stones | 舖石
phoe | coverlet; quilt; scarf | 被
phoe'ar | barnyard | 稗仔
phoe'axn | approval | 批案
phoe'ea | barnyard | 稗
phoe'etiaxm | shoes store | 皮鞋店
phoe'te'ar | leather bag | 皮袋仔; 革囊
phoea | face | 頰; 臀
phoea'afng | marry to a man | 配夫
phoea'exkoex | suitable worthy of | 配得過; 配得上
phoea'iøh | dispense (drugs); prescribe | 配藥
phoea'ui-hoarhabbut | complex compound | 配位化合物
phoea'uixky | complexing group | 配位居
phoeabexkhie | it does not match; unsuitable | 配無上
phoeachiaf | allocation of cars; allocate cars | 配車
phoeachyn | marry | 配親
phoeaciuo | eat food; peanuts along with liquor | 下酒
phoeaexkoex | suitable worthy of | 配得過, 配得上
phoeagak | soundtrack | 配樂
phoeagiah | quota | 配額
phoeagu | a mate, spouse | 配偶
phoeagvor | spouse; spouse | 配偶
phoeahap | to co-operate; put together; accompany each other; to mate; to pair; be in tune with; be adapted to; to match; to fit; to coordinate with | 配合
phoeahngf | dispense prescriptions | 配方
phoeahoad | allotment | 配發
phoeahoeatvoaf | invoice | 配貨單
phoeahok | admire | 佩服
phoeahwn | arranged marriage | 配婚
phoeahøex | to allocate goods | 配貨
phoeakag | a supporting role; supporting role (in a drama or movie); supporting actor or actress; supporting player | 配角
phoeakerng | decorate; decoration; decorative; ornamental | 配景; 裝飾
phoeakib | to ration; to allocate; distribution ratios | 配給
phoeakipbie | rationed rice | 配給米
phoeakipphirn | rationed goods | 配給品
phoeakipzexng | ration cards; ration coupons | 配給證
phoeakor | allotment | 配股
phoeakvia | fittings; mountings; replacement (parts); accessories; accessories | 配件
phoealap | pay | 配納
phoealiau | ingredients | 配料
phoealiong | formula | 配量
phoeang'ar | puppet | 皮尪仔
phoeaoe | talk a lot during eating (drinking) | 吃飯; (喝酒)中愛講話
phoeapi | to equip with; to fit out; outfit; equipment | 配備
phoeapng | eat with rice; eat as a condiment along with rice; be used as a condiment with rice; eat some other food along with rice | 佐飯; 配飯; 下飯吃
phoeapurn | a complete book with different edition | 配本
phoear | tares | 稗仔
phoeasaxng | delivery | 配送
phoeaseg | make it more colorful; blend colors; match colors | 配色
phoeasiausor | place of exile | 配銷所
phoeasiong | to match | 配上
phoeasvoax | wiring; wire (a house) | 配線
phoeataq | (vt) redeploy | 配搭; 配置; 搭配
phoeatat | send; distribute; delivery; deliver; distribution; distribute; dispatch the mail | 配達; 分送; 送達; 送 (貨)信等
phoeatee | take something (like cookies) with tea | 配茶
phoeathaau | ingredients | 配頭
phoeathvite | long life as heaven and earth | 配天地; 與天地同久
phoeathøx | matching; to manufacture a complete set, accompanied set | 配套
phoeatien | supply of electric power; power distribution; supply electricity; distribute power | 配電
phoeatiexnky | distributor (automotive) | 配電機; 配電盤
phoeatiexnpvoaa | distributor (automotive) | 配電機; 配電盤
phoeatix | to deploy; to equip; station (troops); equip (troops with weapons); arrange; dispose; to post | 配置
phoeatiøh | match | 配著
phoeatofng | allot shares | 配當; 分紅
phoeatongkym | stock dividend | 配動金; 股息
phoeatuix | pair up; make a pair; to mate | 配對
phoeatøex | to match | 陪隨
phoeaym | dub in (a movie) sound track; synchronize; dubbing | 配音
phoeazerng | mating | 配種
phoeazex | allocated manufacturing | 配製
phoeazhaix | accompany food (rice generally understood) with vegetable dishes; eat some food along with rice or liquor | 配菜; 吃飯佐菜
phoeazhaq | mating | 配插
phoeazuun | shipping by ships | 海運
phoebaq | skin and flesh | 皮肉
phoebeeng | make it clear | 批明; 註明
phoeboo | scale; scope; extent; pattern | 模子
phoecvii | approve money | 批錢
phoee pvef khaq-aan`leq | tighten your skin in preparation for a beating | 準備挨打
phoee teq cviu | need to be disciplined (Lit. skin is itching) | 皮在癢; (形容欠人打)
phoee | skin; leather; fur; bark; peel; outer covering; wrapping | 皮
phoeea'ar | barnyard | 稗仔
phoeee | leather shoes | 皮鞋
phoef sveamia | risk one's life | 拼命
phoef | letter; criticize; to comment; to judge; a whole batch (of things or people); large quantity or number; sell wholesale | 批; 信
phoeguo | criticism | 批語; 批判語
phoeh | tiny bubbles on the surface of water; froth; suds; foam; saliva | 沫
phoeha zuosia | hypodermic injection; subcutaneous injection | 皮下注射
phoehaam | mail | 信函
phoehiaf | leather shoes | 皮鞋
phoehoad | wholesale | 批發
phoehu'iam | dermatitis | 皮膚炎
phoehuhak | dermatology | 皮膚學
phoehukhøf ivi | dermatological clinic | 皮膚科醫院
phoehupve | skin disease; skin problem | 皮膚病
phoehuseg | skin color | 皮膚色
phoehw chiegiam | skin test | 皮膚試驗
phoehw isit | skin graft | 皮膚移植
phoehw | skin | 皮膚
phoeie | leather chair | 皮椅
phoekae | to mark corrections on | 批改
phoekauhix | puppet shadow show | 皮猴戲
phoekeg | leather | 皮革
phoekhag | an envelope | 信封
phoekvia | leather goods | 皮件
phoelai | letter | 批內
phoeliau | leather | 皮料
phoelofng | an envelope | 批囊
phoelog | an envelope | 信囊; 批囊
phoelok'ar | an envelope | 信橐仔; 信盒
phoelong'ar | an envelope | 批囊仔
phoeloong | an envelope | 信封; 郵筒
phoemoo | superficial | 皮毛
phoepauar | leather bag | 皮包仔
phoepaw | bag; sack; handbag; valise | 皮包
phoepheeng | to criticize | 批評
phoephoe'ar korng | allude to a matter without giving much explanation; give only a hint | 皮皮仔講; 說點皮毛
phoephoe'ar | (adv) a little bit; slightly | 皮皮仔; 皮毛; 稍微; 約略; 略微
phoephvoarciar | critic | 批判者
phoephvoax | to criticize | 批判
phoepog | rebuttal | 批駁
phoepvoaa | germinal disk; blastoderm | 胚盤
phoesixn | mail | 信函; 書翰
phoesvaf | a leather clothing; fur coat; fur gown; fur clothing | 皮衣; 皮衫
phoesviw | a leather suitcase; suitcase; valise | 皮箱
phoetaang | old mailbox | 信筒
phoetab | letter answer | 信答
phoete | eather bag | 皮袋
phoete'ar | leather bag; purse | 皮袋仔; 皮包
phoetharng | mailbox (those on the street) | 郵筒
phoethay | embryo; originate; arise from; the beginning of things; embryo | 胚胎
phoetiaau | comments sheet | 批條; 批語條
phoetiaw | leather carving | 皮雕
phoetiofng | in the letter | 信中
phoetoax | leather belt; belting for machinery | 皮帶
phoex bagkviax | get the right lenses for eyeglasses; be fitted for eyeglasses | 配目鏡; 配眼鏡
phoex hoefchiaf | send by rail | 托火車運
phoex | to wear; to become untwisted; to match; chip; pair; to mate; to match; to fit; to fit; to suit; be a match for; to equal; dispense (medicines); prepare (according to a demand); to exile; spouse; partner; subordinate; supplementary; supporting; attached; be eaten along with (as a condiment) | 佩; 紕; 配; 碎片; 薄麻皮
phoex-thautuix | match 1st pair | 配頭對
phoexlai | inside comfort | 被內
phoexlofng | envelope | 批囊
phoexloong | envelope | 批囊
phoextvoaf | quilt cover; cotton cover for the coverlet | 被單
phoezad | letter | 信節
phoezng | criticism document | 批狀
phoezoar | letter paper; heavy wrapping paper | 信紙; 皮紙
phoezurn | to approve | 批准
phof binzhngg | make the bed | 舖床
phof bixnthafn | putting on the appearance of diligence; goodness when observed; eye serving | 裝表面
phof ciøqar | pave with stones; lay flagstones; stone pavement | 舖石子
phof zng'ar | pave with bricks; brick pavement | 舖磚仔
phof | a plain; the sacred tree of the Buddhists; to pave; a store; lay in order; to spread; arrange; spread out level; lay tiles; pavement even; to pave; make (a bridge) | 埔; 菩; 鋪; 舖
phof-mihiuu | comfort | 舖綿裘
phofciaux | illuminate all things; shed light on; shine upon all (said of sunshine; God's grace) | 普照
phofciorng | general award | 普獎
phofciøx | shine everywhere | 波照; 普照
phofkip kaoiok | universal education; compulsory; mandatory education | 普及教育
phofkip | widespread; universal; available to all; widespread | 普及
phofliok | approximately, about, nearly, not all, some | 普略; 大約
phofløbinjiasviaa | | 普羅民遮城
phofmeqar | slightly; rather | 頗脈仔; 大概; 稍微
phofng | heavy fall of rain | 雱
phofngkhix | hold | 捧去
phofngphuar | pump | 磅浦仔
phofngphuqar | pump | 磅浦仔
phofngphwar | pump | 幫浦仔
phofngsae boahbin | put shit on face; humiliation | 捧屎抹面
phofngzuie lym | drink water out of the hands | 捧水喝
phofphiernsexng | universality | 普遍性
phofphiexn | universal; widespread; universal; general; everywhere; all | 普遍
phofphofar zaiviar | almost know it; know a bit | 略知
phofphofar | slightly; about; almost; nearly; for the most part | 普普仔; 一點點; 略微
phofphor | so so | 普普; 略具能力
phofpiao | a staff in music | 譜表
phofpiør | a music score | 樂譜; 譜表
phofsex | wold, universal | 普世
phofsiar | compose | 譜寫
phofsoarn | a general election; universal suffrage | 普選
phofsy | disburse to all; liberal gifts; give contributions to charity in every direction | 普施
phofthiefn tongkhexng | whole world joins in congratulation; celebration; rejoicing | 普天同慶
phofthienha | in all parts of the world; extended all over the whole world; all the world over; throughout the world | 普天下
phofthoaan thienha | proclaim to all the world | 普傳天下
phofthofng Misad | Low Mass (Catholic; no longer used) | 普通彌撒
phofthofng hoexoaan | ordinary member of a society | 普通會員
phofthofng kaoiok | general education | 普通教育
phofthofng khøfchix | junior grade civil service examination | 普通考試
phofthofng pien | ordinary mail | 普通便; 平信
phofthofng tieseg | general knowledge | 普通知識
phofthofng | common; ordinary; common; plain; average | 普通
phofthofng-chiaf | local train, ordinary train | 普通車
phofthofng-khøf | general courses, regular courses | 普通科
phofthofng-phøef | ordinary letter | 普通批; 平信
phofthofng-sii | ordinary time, generally, ordinarily | 普通時; 平時
phofthongchiaf | slow train; ordinary train; local (train) schedule | 普通車
phofthongjit | week day | 普通日
phofthonglaang | ordinary individual; ordinary people; the hoi polloi | 普通人
phofthonglangtaw | ordinary house | 普通人兜
phofthongphofthofng | ordinary | 普通普通
phofthongsi'ar | normal time | 普通時仔
phofthongsii | normal time | 普通時
phofthvi'e | in all parts of the world; extended all over the whole world; all the world over; throughout the world | 普天下
phofthvy e | all over the word | 普天下
phofto ciorngsefng | deliver (Buddhism); save all beings | 普渡眾生
phofto | birthday cereblation of a local god; large scale Buddhist rites for the dead | 普渡
phoftosi | Putuo Temple | 普陀寺
phofty itji | know one or two things (about it) ─ know it rather well | 略知一二
phofzaf | investigate on a wide scale; universal investigation; census; general survey | 普查
phofzay | know a little bit | 頗知; 略知之
phofzex | general charity | 普濟
phofzhaa | a general investigation | 普查
phofzøee | rescue all beings | 普濟
phofzøx | cut as | 剖做
phog | welt caused by an insect bite | 疙瘩; 噗; 突出
phog'afsviaf | clapping sound | 噗仔聲
phog'ar | clap | 拍仔; 掌聲
phog`khylaai | projecting forth; coming out; rise in large blisters (e.g.; plaster on a wall bulging out and ready to fall; ill fitting wall paper) | 凸起來
phog`zhutlaai | protuberant; bulging out; jutting out | 凸出來
phogkngf | expose to light | 暴光
phogkofng | exposure (in photography) | 曝光
phogkofng-piør | photometer, exposure-meter | 曝光錶; 曝光表
phogphogkiøx | puff puff | 噗噗叫
phogphogthiaux | palpitate | 卜卜跳; 砰砰跳
phogphogtiøo | dance with emotion (rage or delight); palpitate | 蹦蹦跳
phogphogtvoa | palpitate | 砰砰跳
phogphogzherng | palpitate | 卜卜跳; 砰砰跳
phogpox | waterfall; chute; fall; niagara; waterfall; cascade | 瀑布
phogzax | to explode, explosion | 爆炸
phok | dry in the sun; expose to sunlight; to sun | 曬; 曝
phok'aezø | fraternity seat | 博愛座
phok'afsviaf | clapping sound | 噗仔聲
phok'aix zwgi | philanthropy | 博愛主義
phok'aix | philanthropy; charity | 博愛
phok'ar | bubbles | 泡仔; 泡(沫)兒
phok'hak | well-read; erudite; well read; erudite; well versed in a wide range of learning; erudition; deep and wide education | 博學
phokaix | simple bed and bedding | 撲蓋; 舖蓋
phokbiet | (v) stamp out; dampen out | 撲滅
phokboarn | cover completely | 撲滿
phokbudhak | natural history; natural science | 博物學
phokbudkoarn | museum | 博物館; 博物院
phokbudvi | museum | 博物館; 博物院
phokbut | nature; natural sciences | 博物
phokbuun | knowledgeable | 博聞
phokciøh | stone with jade | 璞石
phokgvar | knowledgeable and elegant | 博雅
phokhaf | lay hold of a man's leg in order to throw him down | 抬腳; 鋪腳; 扶跤; 床下; 扶腳
phokhaf-phochiuo | flattering someone; special treatments | 抬腳抬手
phokhazhngf | fltter | 扶尻川
phokhylaai | pave up | 鋪起來
phokiøo | pave a bridge; make a wooden bridge | 鋪橋; 造橋
phokkheg | poker | 撲克
phokkheg-paai | playing card, poker card | 撲克牌
phokkhekpaai | playing cards | 撲克牌
phokkheq | blog | 博客
phokkhofng | to come to nought | 撲空
phokkngf | expose to light | 撲光
phokkor-thongkym | be well informed in things past and present; be well versed in ancient and modern learning | 博古通今
phokkor-thongkyn | knowledgeable | 博古通今
phokkorng | full of air and protrude | 凸管; 凸起而內包空氣
phokkw | convex | 凸起
phoklafmhoe | an exposition; fair (trade); exhibition | 博覽會
phoklarm | to be well-read; read extensively | 博覽
phokong'efng | dandelion; cow weed | 蒲公英
phokphaf | skin bubble | 起泡
phokphog | protruding; bulging; bulging; swollen; puffy | 凸凸
phokphvi | to excite the nose (with a smell) | 撲鼻
phoksad | kill | 撲殺
phokseg | knowledge | 博識
phoksit | sparingly; simple minded; honest; sincere | 樸實; 誠實
phoksorng | surplus | 多餘
phoksox | homeliness; austerity; artlessness; simplicity; quiet; simple; plain (dress) not gaudy; simple and quiet in taste and manner (man not given to display or vanity) | 樸素
phoksu | Phd; doctor (of science); doctoral degree | 博士
phoksu-luxnbuun | dissertation, doctorate thesis | 博士論文
phoksuxphog | a person who claims that he/she knows everything | 博士博
phokthofng | knowledgeable | 博通
phokthor | PhD | 博土
phoktit | simple and straightforward | 扶直; 樸直
phoktox | to wrestle | 搏鬥
phokym | pave with gold | 鋪金
phokzefng | a large bronze bell for religious ceremony | 博鐘; 鎛鐘
phokzhuo | to gain, to obtain, to seize, to catch | 博取
pholaarnphaf | flatter | 扶𡳞脬
pholaxnphaf | flatter; curry favor with; fawn upon | 拍馬屁; 諂媚
pholo | pave road; surface a road; pave a road; pave the way | 鋪路
phomihiuu | padded jacket; quilted coat | 鋪棉襖
phomii | line a garment or quilt with cotton wool | 舖棉
phomoar | cover completely | 舖滿; 鋪滿
phong | dirty and dusty | 蓬*
phongkofng | bladder (physiology) | 膀胱
phongkøfsvoai | mango | 蘋果檨
phongkør | apple | 蘋果
phongphaix | at hack and monger; flourishing; prosperous or abundant | 蓬派; 豐盛
phongphongphaephaix | aundant | 蓬蓬沛沛
phoo auxkhaf | criticize and destroy behind one's back | 扯後腿
phoo | to support with the hand; the sacred tree of the Buddhists; a cattail; lift up; raise up; to support; prop up a weight with both hands; to flatter; curry favor with; fawn; to flatter obsequiously | 扶; 菩; 蒲; 拍馬屁
phoo-laxnphaf | to curry favor with | 拍馬尼; 扶脬
phoo`khylaai | lift up | 抬起來
phoong | fluffy | 蓬
phopaai | furnish and decorate (a room); adorn or embellish for the sake of face; arrange | 舖排; 鋪排; 借用; 舖張; 諂媚; 安排; 擺設
phopafng | wooden floor, boards supporting tatami mats, to fashion a bed platform of boards | 鋪板
phophoo | flattering | 扶扶; ,拍馬屁
phophothvafthvar | flatter | 扶扶挺挺
phopvee | smooth out; spread out and make smooth | 舖平
phopvii | spread out (material); pave (the way; a road; etc.) | 鋪平
phoq | worthless | 粕
phor | about; almost; nearly; for the most part | 頗; 譜; 普
phor-thvi'e | everywhere, throughout the world | 普天下
phorlo | traveling distance; a journey | 路程
phorng | scoop up in both hands | 凸; 捧; 掬,; 拿
phorng'ie | sofa | 凸床; 膨椅; 沙發; 沙發椅
phorng'vii | balloon-shaped | 凸圓; 圓圓的
phorng'ykhaf | under the sofa | 膨椅跤
phorng'yterng | on the sofa | 膨椅頂
phorngbie | puffed rice | 膨米
phorngbin | convex (face), mad | 凸面
phorngbixnkviax | a convex mirror | 凸面鏡
phorngboea | the amount budgeted over and above what is actually needed to purchase an item to make sure expenses can be covered; also refers to the number of things budgeted | 膨尾; 較實際寬鬆之數目
phorngchie | squirrel | 松鼠
phornghofng | to brag; to talk big; flatulence; belly slightly swollen; to boast; to brag; talk big | 凸風; 膨風; 脹氣; 吹牛; 肚子脹氣
phornghong'aftee | bragging tea | 膨風仔茶
phornghongkw | braggart; boaster | 誇張者; 吹牛者
phornghurn | face power; face powder (in a round cake) | 撲粉; 膨粉; 化妝用圓盒的白撲粉
phorngji | raised letters for the blind, braille | 凸字; 點字
phorngkafm | large tangerine; type of tangerine | 凸柑; 椪柑; 橘子
phorngkhylaai | puff up | 膨起來
phorngkied | small orange | 凸柑; 椪橘
phorngkorng | convex tube | 凸管
phorngkviax | a magnifying glass | 凸鏡
phornglab | concave | 凸凹
phorngmngg | convex | 凸門
phorngnaq | concave | 凸凹; 凹凸的
phorngpha | skin bubbles; become blistered; get a blister | 起泡; 膨疱; 燙傷起泡
phorngphee | puffed | 膨皮
phorngphoee | fleshy; plump; well filled out | 蓬皮; 白白胖胖的
phorngphoephorngphoee | puffy | 膨皮膨皮
phorngphorngphoxng | extremely puffed | 膨膨膨
phorngphorngtoa | puffed | 膨膨大
phorngphoxng | bulging; concave | 凸凸
phorngphux | pump | 幫浦; 手動抽水機; 源自日語ポンプ(pompu)
phorngphøe | a quilt with cotton | 棉被
phorngphøee | plentiful; chubbiness; fulness; plim; well-developed | 豐滿; 凸皮
phorngpviar | muffin; bell shaped cakes | 膨餅; 鬆餅; 凸餅
phorngsaisay | puffed | 膨獅獅
phorngsebø | woolen had | 膨紗帽
phorngsef | woolen yarn | 毛線; 膨紗
phorngsef-svaf | sweater, knitted dress | 毛線衣; 膨紗衫
phorngsesvaf | knitted woolen garment; sweater | 毛線衣
phorngsesvoax | woolen yarn | 蓬梳線; 毛線
phorngsvoax | woolen yarn | 毛線
phorngtaixhae | some type of medicine; one kind of medicinal herbs it help hoarse | 膨大海
phorngtefng | affairs run into obstruction | 膨釘; 碰釘; 比喻事情遇到阻礙; 碰釘(子)
phorngthaau | bulge | 膨頭
phorngthab | concave and convex | 膨蹋; 凹凸
phorngtioxng | to swell; to expand; to inflated; inflation | 膨脹
phorngto tefmia | curse; used by a woman toward a man | 短命鬼; (罵人)
phorngto | swollen stomach; imply dead fish; belly swollen (of a corpse) | 凸肚; 肚脹
phorngtoa | swollen; expand; distend | 頭大; 妄自尊大; 脹大; 膨脹
phorngtoortefmia | big belly short life | 膨肚短命
phorngtor | embossed panel | 凸翹
phorngtoxtefmia | big belly short life | 膨肚短命
phorngtøee | knuckles | 凸蹄
phorngzhngg | spring bed | 凸床; 彈簧床
phorngzhuo | a squirrel | 松鼠; 膨鼠
phorngzuie | pump water | 膨水
phorpør | guarantee (for a person's reliability) given by a shopkeeper | 舖保; 店保
phorsarn | to go bankrupt | 破產
phorseg | dissecting room | 解剖室
phortøf | scalpel, dissecting knife | 解剖刀
phosad | Buddha | 菩薩
phosatniuniuu | kind goddess | 菩薩娘娘
phosied | build (roads); setup | 舖設; 佈置
phosoafui | move to another place | 鋪徙位; 移動位置
phosvaf | spread out cloths | 舖衫; 鋪衣
photextharn | spread carpet | 舖地毯
phothaothaux | spread through | 鋪透透
phothechiu | pipal; tree of Buddha; banyan; linden tree; bo tree; (Buddhism) bodhidruma; the wisdom tree under which Sakyamuni attained his enlightenment and became Buddha | 菩提樹
phothee | tree of Buddha; banyan; linden tree; Bo-tree; bodhi; knowledge; understanding; perfect wisdom; the illuminated; enlightened mind; Bodhisattva | 菩提
phothee-chiu | tree of Buddha; banyan; linden tree; Bo-tree | 菩提樹
phothvar | to flatter; adulation; flatter; soothe; flatter and fawn upon | 諂媚; 扶挺; 扶撐; 拍馬屁
photiofng | make an elaborate display; elaborate; extravagant; exaggerate | 舖張; 鋪張
photviw | make an elaborate display, elaborate, extravagant | 舖張; 鋪張
phox | split; cut open; asunder; lay open; disclose; decide; explain; analyze; to judge | 剖; 舖; 十里
phoxhun | to cherish hatred to feel regret | 珍恨
phoxkiehak | bookkeeping (as a course of study) | 簿記學
phoxkieoaan | bookkeeper; ledger clerk | 簿記員
phoxkix | bookkeeping | 簿記
phoxng | raised; to bump; to come across; swollen; bell shaped; convex; embossed; puffed out | 凸; 膨; 碰; 掽; 鬆凸
phoxng-saisay | puffy | 膨獅獅
phoxng`khylaai | project; jut out; to swell; expand | 凸起來; 膨脹
phoxng`tiøh | bulk | 膨到
phoxngkofng | a bladder | 膀胱
phoxngkøfphaix | apple pie | 蘋果派
phoxngkøfsvoai | mango | 蘋果檨
phoxngkør | an apple | 蘋果
phoxngloxngsofng | fluffy | 蓬曠鬆; 如綿蓬鬆
phoxngphong | smoke | 茫茫
phoxngphoxng'efng | dusty | 蓬蓬揚; 灰塵飛揚
phoxngphoxngsongsofng | puffy (hair | 疏疏鬆鬆
phoxngsafng | loose and bulky (parcel; dress) | 蓬鬆
phoxngsofng | loose and bulky (parcel; dress) | 蓬鬆
phoxngsongphoxngsofng | puffy | 蓬鬆蓬鬆
phoxngsym | indignant; furious | 蓬心; 蘿蔔空心
phoxtang | move | 廍動
phoxtexzngf | lay tiles | 舖地磚
phozheq | notebooks and books | 簿冊
phozngf | lay tiles | 舖磚; 鋪磚
phu | spurt; blow; snort; puff out; spray | 浮; 浡; 沸騰; 噴; 吹
phu'iongciao | ricebird | 芙蓉鳥
phu'ioong zhutzuie | hibiscus rising out of water (descriptive of the gracefulness of a piece of writing; a woman) | 芙蓉出水
phu'ioong | hibiscus flower; crossostephium chinense | 芙蓉
phu'iuu sengbut | plankton | 浮游生物
phu'iuu | a thin layer of oil | 浮油
phu`zhutlaai | boil over; burst out | 舖出來
phubin | above water level; float on the surface | 浮面; 浮出表面
phuciw | land above water | 浮洲
phucixm | float | 浮浸
phuciøh | stone above water; pumice stone | 浮石
phud chiuxoef | cut off twigs; lop off branches | 砍樹枝
phud | to berate; to cut with a sword or to prune with a knife; cut with a sword or knife; to prune (branches); to chop; to hack | 咄; 刜; 砍
phud`løqlaai | chop; cut down | 砍下來
phud`tør | cut down | 砍倒
phuee | emerged | 浮的
phuh | thin; flimsy | 薄
phuhieen | suspended, in suspension | 暫停; 懸
phuhien | emerge | 浮現
phuhiexn | emerge | 浮現
phuhiexnzhud | emerged | 浮現出
phuhlofphehlar | propeller (of a ship; plane) | 推進機
phuhuun | floating cloud | 浮雲
phuhzhexng | like to seek or be in the limelight | 冒衝; 愛出風頭
phuie | spit | 呸; 表唾棄或斥責嘆
phuie'aang | spit blood | 吐血
phuiebin | angry; unrationale; refuse to acknowledge one's defeat; poor loser | 屁面; 呸面; 翻臉; 反臉; 輸無起; 不認帳
phuiehietkak | spit | 呸㧒捔
phuiehoeq | spit blood | 吐血; 呸血
phuiehuiq | hemoptysis; spit blood | 唾血; 呸血; 咯血
phuiekw | seek or be in the limelight | 愛出風頭
phuieliao | pooh | 呸了
phuienoa | to spit (in contempt); spit; expectorate | 呸瀾; 吐痰; 呸; 吐口水
phuiephuix | cheeky, uppity | 呸呸
phuiesag | spit out | 呸棄; 吐棄
phuiethaam | spit out phlegm; expectorate | 吐痰
phuiethaau-phuiebin | high temper; unapproachable | 傲氣無恥
phuiethat'ar | fart | 屁窒仔
phuietiau | spit | 呸掉
phuiezhuienoa | spit | 呸喙瀾
phuix zhuienoa | spit saliva; expectorate | 吐唾沫; 吐口水
phuix | intestinal gas (say a person so exaggerated in talking) | 屁; 呸; 臭屁; 睡
phuix-hietkak | spit it out | 吐擲棄
phuix-zhuienoa | spurned | 呸嘴瀾; 吐痰; 唾棄
phuji | embossed text | 浮字; 浮彫文字
phukhakyn | varicose veins | 靜脈瘤
phukhie | float | 浮起
phukiøo | pontoon bridge | 浮橋
phulat | buoyancy | 浮力
phulek | buoyancy | 浮力
phuli | drift away | 浮離
phuloong | floating bag | 浮囊
phuloxngciar | surfer | 浮浪者
phuloxngkoxng | float | 浮浪貢
phulun | sandbar | 浮崙
phumiaa | float, unreal fame | 浮名
phun'aflai | pots | 盆仔內
phun'ar | pots | 盆仔
phun'arm | water in which rice has been washed just before cooking (generally fed to pigs) | 餿仔
phun'ek | tub bath | 浮浴; 盆浴
phunbong | grave | 墳墓
phunhorng | scoop up | 浮凸
phunkerng | bonsai; potted plant; arrangement of flowers and flowers pots so as to look well; dwarf tree | 盆景
phunkhakud | pubic | 盆跤骨
phunkngf | swill tab | 浮光; 泔水缸
phunliuu | rush | 奔流
phunphøf løkhor | the toil and anxiety of life | 奔波勞苦
phunphøf lølok | the cares and toils of life | 奔波勞碌
phunphøf | work very hard; to toil; traveling about in search of employment; be on the run constantly | 奔波
phunsofng | hasten home upon the death of one's parents | 奔喪
phunte | a basin; basin (geology) | 盆地
phuntharng | barbell for leftover; tub install leftovers (of food) | 餿桶; 潘桶; 泔水桶
phuntii | basin | 盆池
phunzao | travel quickly; to hasten; run errands | 奔走
phunzay | bonsai; potted plant; plant in a pot | 盆栽
phunzuie | spoil water | 餿水
phunzø | base for a flower-pot | 盆座
phuo | gray; grizzle; obscure; dim; indistinct; faint; grayish | 灰色; 殕; 霉; 淺灰色; 朦朧的
phuohiøf | duckweed | 浮薸
phupheeng | duckweed | 浮萍
phuphiaw | a buoy | 浮標
phuphiøo | duckweed | 浮萍; 浮薸
phuphiøx | undependable, unstable | 浮萍; 漂浮不定
phuphutimtiim | ups and downs | 浮浮沉沉
phuphuu | floating | 浮浮; 腳踏無穩
phuphvax | empty | 浮冇
phuq | to blow; to emit | 吹; 噴
phurn | to muss up; to tumble; to spray | 噴; 翸; 抖掉; 翻滾; 弄亂
phurn'iuu | spay oil | 噴油
phurn'iøqar | spray chemical | 噴藥仔
phurn'oo | a sprinkler, a watering pot | 噴壺
phurnbak | ink jet | 噴墨
phurnbu | atomization, to atomize | 噴霧
phurnbu-khix | vaporizer (spray) | 噴霧器
phurnbuxchiaf | spray car | 噴霧車
phurnbuxkhix | atomizer; spray gun; vaporizer | 濆霧器
phurnbuxky | fog machines | 噴霧機
phurnho | wet with some drops of rain; be spattered with rain | 濺雨
phurnhoefkhix | flame thrower | 濆火器
phurnhoefsvoaf | volcano | 濆火山
phurnhoxtiarm | get sprinkled with rain; sprinkled | 下小雨
phurnkhakhefng | run hurriedly | 噴腳框; 急逃
phurnkhefng | run hurriedly | 急跑
phurnkhix | to snort, to puff | 噴去; 噴氣
phurnphafng | to diffuse fragrance | 噴香; 噴芳
phurnphuxn`leq | sprinkle, spout | 噴噴咧
phurnsia cierntorky | jet fighter bomber plane | 濆射戰鬥機
phurnsia | shoot out; eject from a jet; shoot out (gas or liquid); to jet | 噴射
phurnsia-ky | jet airplane | 噴射機
phurnsiaxky | jet; jet airplane | 噴射機
phurntaam | get wet (from rain) | 濆濕; 濺濕
phurntaang | a flamethrower | 噴灶; 噴筒
phurntharng | watering bucket | 噴桶; 撒水桶
phurntiarm | to puff; to spout; to spray; to spurt; ; fragrant | 噴點; 果料兒; 長斑點; 斑點
phurntiøh | sprayed | 噴著
phurnzef | spray (medical) | 濆劑
phurnzhad | spray paint; paint with a spray gun | 噴漆
phurnzhexng | spout water | 噴槍
phurnzhud | to jet, to spurt out | 噴出
phurnzoaan | ornamental fountain | 噴泉
phurnzuie | spray water; spurt water out of; to water in small quantities; a few drops at a time; fountain; jet | 噴水
phurnzuie-khix | water sprayer | 噴水池; 噴水器
phurnzuie-tii | ornamental fountain | 噴水池
phurnzuykhao | spout | 噴水口
phurnzuytii | a fountain; fountain; pond with a fountain in the center | 噴水池
phurnzvoaa | ornamental fountain; a fountain; a geyser; fountain; geyser | 濆泉; 噴泉
phusoaf | floating sand | 浮砂; 流沙
phusvoax | floating thread | 浮線; 浮在布面上之
phusy | floating corpse | 浮屍
phut'siofng | wound | 刜傷
phut`tør | to cut something down | 斬倒
phutang | float (for fishing); buoy | 浮標; 浮子
phuthaau | to raise one's head; to gain ground; make good or to succeed (said of people of humble origin) | 浮頭; 浮出頭部; 出頭天
phutiaw | relief | 浮雕
phutiim | buoy; floating and sinking; bobbing on the water; unsettled; ups and downs; going with the times | 浮沉; 浮標
phutin'ar | leaf-hoppers | 浮藤仔; 浮塵子
phutliawliao | cut and pulled | 刜了了
phutong | (v) float and drift; (v) be unstable | 浮動
phutphud`leq | cut them with swords | 砍砍咧
phutphutthiaux | jump up and down with happiness or anger; leap about (for joy); to hop | 怫怫跳; 雀躍
phutphuttiøo | jump chiuo up and down with happiness or anger; leap about (in rage or like child urgently asking something) | 怫怫趒; 雀躍
phutsag | cut and removed | 砍棄
phutsie | kill with a sword; hack to death | 砍死; 刜死
phutsiofng | wound | 刜傷
phuttiau | cut and remove | 砍掉
phuttng | cut in half; chop in two | 砍斷
phutzhaa | cutting wood | 砍柴; 劈柴
phutø'hngg | vineyard | 葡萄園
phutøchiu | grapevine | 葡萄樹
phutøciab | grape juice | 葡萄汁
phutøciuo | vinous liquor; grape wine | 葡萄酒
phutøhngg | vineyard | 葡萄園
phutøiu | grapefruit | 葡萄柚
phutøkvoaf | raisin; raisins | 葡萄干; 葡萄乾
phutøo | grapes | 葡萄
phutøo-kvoaf | raisins | 葡萄干; 葡萄乾
phutøo-tngg | glucose | 葡萄糖
phutøthngg | dextrose | 葡萄糖
phutøzaang | grapevine | 葡萄樹
phuu iuciaqkoea | deep fried twisted dough sticks | 炸油條
phuu khok'aftef | deep fried foodstuff | 油炸的食品
phuu zai gafncieen | floating before the eyes | 砍眼前
phuu | a hibiscus; to float; a grape; float; to drift; waft; to overflow; exceed; empty; unsubstantial; unfounded; groundless | 芙; 浮; 葡
phuun | grave; mound | 墳; 盆
phuxhoeq | spit; cough up blood; vomit blood | 濆血; 吐血
phuxn | to instruct; to spray; ; sprinkle; spatter; be spattered | 吩; 噴; 濆; 潑
phuxnoa | making bubbles with mouth | 噴瀾; 用口水吹泡
phuxphuxkurn | rush | 浡浡滾
phuxphuxpoef | to fly (like a mosquito; fly or insect) | 浮浮飛
phuxzhexng | floatation | 浮症
phuxzhud | rush out | 浡出
phuxzuie | blow or spray water with the mouth when ironing clothes; watering house plants; to spray water or insecticide | 濆水
phuzerng | edema, dropsy | 浮種; 浮腫
phuzhud | come to the surface | 浮出
phuzhutlaai | rush out | 浮出來
phuzuie | floating on top of water; float; waft; to swim | 浮水; 浮在水面; 浮在水上
phva | dress graceful; vogue; streamlined; dapper; chic (slang) | 泡; 穿著鮮麗; 時髦; 流線; 帥; 罩馬子
phvae | bad; wicked; depraved; vicious; defect; difficult | 歹; 壞; 惡
phvae-bixnchviw | annoyed; serious face; frowning; supercilious look; malicious face; grim; gruff | 歹面腔; 臉色難看
phvae-bixnseg | bad face; imply pale or angry | 歹面色; 臉色無佳
phvae-chiwsex | bad gesture | 歹手勢
phvae-ciwphiaq | be quarrelsome in one's cups; ugly drunkenness | 酒癖壞
phvae-heng'uii | bad behavior | 歹行為
phvae-iøchi | difficult to raise | 歹育養; 歹育飼; 難帶
phvae-jidcie | bad time | 歹日子
phvae-kanghw | bad workmanship | 歹工夫
phvae-kekaux | badly brought up | 歹家教; 欠教養
phvae-khasiaux | bad worker | 歹腳數; 歹角色
phvae-khiaxkhie | stumped; hard to come by | 歹豎起; 難住
phvae-khoafnthai | treat badly; maltreat; hard to please; difficult to bargain or deal with; hard to persuade; be peevish; be fastidious; difficult to please; give poor service (to guests) | 難侍候
phvae-khvoarsviux | badly behave | 歹看相
phvae-kofng'oe | difficult to bargain or deal with; hard to persuade; not easy to communicate | 歹講話; 難開口,; 難說服; 無好說話
phvae-kviafswn | bad descendants | 歹子孫
phvae-køeajit | badly off, having little to live on | 歹過日
phvae-miasviaf | bad reputation | 歹名譽
phvae-nitafng | bad harvest | 歹年冬
phvae-paktor | have a stomach disorder; have a weak digestive system; diarrhea | 拉肚子; 消化無好
phvae-phiahkhix | bad habit | 歹癖氣
phvae-phikhix | ill tempered; difficult to get on with | 壞脾氣
phvae-phoebaq | skin's resistance very weak; poor condition skin and flesh (easily infected; hard to heal) | 歹皮肉
phvae-phynheng | bad moral character | 歹品行
phvae-seabin | disadvantageous | 歹勢面; 情況無好
phvae-sengkhix | feeling of awkwardness and shame (as at being rebuked by a superior; or having to speak against a relative; friend; benefactor) | 歹成器; 無好意思
phvae-serngte | bad tempered | 壞脾氣
phvae-simkvoaf | the heart is not good; evilly reads; bad mind; evil heart | 壞心腸; 歹念; 壞心眼; 心地無良
phvae-simtngg | evil heart | 歹心腸
phvae-sinkhix | situation so awkward as to make one feel ashamed | 歹身氣; 羞恥感; 無好意思
phvae-siuseeng | bad cropping | 歹收成
phvae-sviasaux | angry voice, unpleasant talks | 歹聲嗽; 歹口氣; 厲聲
phvae-thauzhae | bad omen; augury of evil | 壞預兆; 凶兆
phvae-thiethaau | hard to cut the hair; hard to handle | 歹頭剃; 無容易理髮; 很難對付
phvae-thvinii | bad harvest | 歹天年
phvae-uxntoo | downs on one's luck | 歹運途
phvae-zekteg | no good deeds | 做壞事; 歹積德; 沒有好的積德
phvae-zerngthaau | dangerous disease, serious illness, plague | 歹症頭; 惡症
phvae-zhaythaau | a bad sign | 壞預兆
phvae-zhoaxthaau | a person who leads in doing bad things | 歹帶頭; 帶頭做壞事
phvae-zhuietao | picky about what one eats | 歹嘴斗; 歹喙斗; 挑食
phvae`aq | rottone | 歹矣
phvae`ee | unlucky, in a bad state | 歹的
phvae`khix | rotton | 壞去; 壞了
phvai henglie | carry baggage on the back | 背行李
phvai sibjixkex | carry the cross | 背十字架
phvai | carry on the back; carry over shoulders; carry over the shoulder and hanging on the back; to bear | 背; 揹; 負
phvai'aflai | in the back | 揹仔內
phvai'ar | package carried on back | 揹仔; 背包
phvai`teq | carrying on the back | 背得
phvaixkor | carrying a drum | 揹鼓
phvaixmih | carrying stuff | 背物
phvaixtiautiaau | hold something on the back tightly | 揹牢牢
phvaixtiøh | carried | 揹著
phvaixtoax | suspenders | 揹帶
phvaixzhehpaw | backpack | 揹冊包
phvaixzupaw | backpack | 揹書包
phvaixzøx | carry | 揹做
phvalirntao | summer saw flip | 拋輾斗
phvarchiuo | generous; generous; elegant and composed in good taste | 大方; 用錢大方
phvarciim | crab with no roe | 冇蟳
phvarciøh | porous type of stone | 鬆石; 鬆石頭; 多孔石
phvarciøqar | porous type of stone | 鬆石仔
phvarkheng | Taiwan sapium | 無花果; 冇臼
phvarkhor | to fear hardship | 怕苦
phvarkor | incredible; empty; baseless stories | 荒謬; 虛構的故事; 無實之事
phvarkuix | Chinese cryptocaryac | 冇桂
phvarlerng | to dread cold | 怕冷
phvarnng | empty egg; sterile egg; barren | 冇蛋; 無精蛋
phvaroe | malicious remarks; malediction | 壞話
phvarphvax | not solid; soft fruit (nothing in middle) | 帕帕; 無結實; 不結實
phvarsefng | to be shy with strangers | 怕生
phvarsiaux | bad debt | 呆數
phvarsie | to fear death | 怕死
phvarsiw | to be shy | 怕羞
phvarsu | shy away; timid; lukewarm; passive; timid; take no initiative; lack enthusiasm; nervous of what might happen | 怕事
phvarsuo | to be afraid of death, to be much scaredx | 怕死
phvarsym | hollow; devoid of content; hollow; nothing in mind | 空心; 中心鬆而無實
phvarsyn | hollow body | 空心; 不結實
phvarte | sandy soil | 冇地
phvarthvoax | coal | 冇炭
phvartøe | fluffy soil | 鬆地
phvarzha'ar | fluffy wood | 冇柴仔
phvarzhaa | fluffy wood; soft or porous wood | 脆木; 無硬實之柴
phvarzheg | blighted grain; defective rice; unsold rice; empty rice chaff | 打穀; 空穀子; 無實之穀; 無米粒的稻榖
phvax | fear; to dread; be afraid of; apprehend; maybe; perhaps | 怕; 冇; 不飽滿
phvax`ee | fanacy | 奅的
phvay'e | unlucky, in a bad state | 歹的; 不幸的
phvay'eng | inconvenient to use, not useful | 歹用; 不好用
phvay'ix | wicked intention | 歹意; 惡意
phvay'oe | bad language, gossip | 歹話; 壞話
phvay'un | unlucky, bad luck | 歹運; 惡運
phvayafng | bad husband | 惡夫
phvaybak | roving eye; a lustful look | 歹目; 邪眼; 色瞇瞇的眼
phvaybaktor | stomachache | 歹腹肚
phvaybang | bad dream | 歹夢
phvaybattor | stomachache | 歹腹肚
phvaybi | bad taste; bad odor | 難聞; 味道無好; 壞味道
phvaybin | bad face; angry | 惡臉
phvaybixnchviw | bad face | 歹面腔
phvaybixnsiøkhvoax | look bad | 歹面相看
phvaybor | bad wife | 惡妻
phvaychi | hard to raise; hard to raise; finicky | 無易; 銷售成績不佳; 難養; 挑食
phvaychiuo | bad hand | 歹手
phvaychiwjiao | have light fingers | 有盜癖
phvaychiwniao | bad hand claw | 歹手爪
phvaychvy | bad stars | 歹星
phvayciah | taste bad; taste bad; not good to eat; unpalatable | 難吃; 無好吃
phvayciaqkhoarn | bad food; bad eating gesture | 歹食款
phvayciuo | bad wine | 歹酒
phvaycvii | evil money | 歹錢
phvayeng | hard to use; not suitable for use | 歹用; 無好用
phvayguun | counterfeit coin | 歹銀; 假幣
phvayhix | bad show | 歹戲
phvayhoex | good (bad) merchandise | 好 (壞)貨
phvayhofng | ill trend | 歹風
phvayhun | bad share | 歹份
phvayhøex | bad merchandise | 歹貨
phvayiong | hard to use (apply; employ) | 難用; 無好用
phvayix | malice; ill will; malicious intent; evil intention | 惡意
phvayiøchi | hard to breed | 歹育飼
phvayiøf | finicky; difficult to raise; sickly (child) | 歹育; 小孩多病難養
phvayjit | bad day; unlucky day; day of ill omen; day of bad augury | 凶日; 壞日子
phvayjixun | bad destiny (fate; lot) | 歹字運; 無幸的命運
phvaykao | villain | 惡狗; 無賴漢
phvaykawlaang | villain | 無賴漢
phvaykex | bad price; low price (said by the seller) | 賤價; 價錢無好
phvaykhaf | person who is difficult to get along with | 歹跤; 很難合作的人
phvaykhafng | bad thing; evil deed; misdoing; uncanny; haunted; jinxed; tricky | 歹孔; 無祥; 壞事
phvaykheq | bad customer | 歹客
phvaykhia | hard to live | 歹豎; 難住
phvaykhix`aq | went bad; rotten | 歹去矣
phvaykhoarn | bad table manner; bad example; bad pattern; bad manners; ill-behaved (cf.; ho-khoan) | 歹款; 壞習慣; 壞榜樣; 壞樣子; 無像樣
phvaykhoeq | poorly paid job; a lack | 歹缺; 無好的缺; (工作)
phvaykhuxn | unable to sleep; be restless in sleep; uncomfortable to sleep in or on | 歹睡; 翻覆難以沈; 無好睡; 難以入眠
phvaykhvoarbin | look bad; embarrassed | 歹看面
phvaykhvoarsviux | appearance bad looking | 歹看肖; 樣子難看
phvaykhvoax | ugly; distressing to look at; not worth seeing; ugly; bad looking | 歹看; 不好看; 難看; 無好看
phvaykhvoax`laq | look bad | 歹看啦
phvaykiettiau | bad omen; augury of evil | 壞預兆; 凶兆
phvaykiok | bad game | 歹局
phvaykoex | hard to get by | 歹過
phvaykorng | hard to say; hard to speak (out); not suitable to talk about; hard to explain | 難講; 無好講; 說不定
phvaykuie | malicious demon; evil spirit; devil | 惡鬼
phvaykuie-zhothaau | bad leader who showed bad sample | 歹鬼帶頭; 作惡的頭子
phvaykviaa | difficult to walk upon; not safe for traveling | 難行; 不好走
phvaykviafzexng | illow disease | 歹囝症
phvaykviar | a gangster; a rascal; young person keeping company with rogues; vagabonds; Juvenile Delinquent | 流氓; 壞人; 無良少年; 惡少
phvaykviar-kefng | brothel | 歹囝間; 妓院
phvaykvoaf | bad officer | 歹官
phvaylaang | miscreant; vermin; gangster; bad man; evil persons | 歹人; 壞人
phvaylangkheq | bad customer | 歹人客
phvayliawliao | completely broken | 歹了了
phvayliwlak | hard to cope | 歹扭搦
phvaylo | bad road | 歹路
phvaylym | drink bad | 歹啉
phvaymia | bad life; difficult situation; bad fortune (e.g.; a man who earns a poor living) | 歹命; 苦名; 命無好; 苦命
phvaymiaa | disreputable; disgraceful; dishonor; disgrace; shame | 歹名; 惡名; 無名譽
phvaymiaxkviar | bad luck kid | 歹命囝
phvaymiaxlaang | bad luck person | 歹命人
phvaymih | bad egg; scoundrel; bastard | 歹物; 妖物; 壞東西; 壞蛋
phvaymih'ar | bad stuff | 歹物仔
phvaymiqar | monster; goblin; demon; foul disease | 歹物仔; 妖怪; 暗疾
phvaymngh | ominous; disease | 歹物
phvaynitafng | tough winter | 歹年冬
phvayoe | unpleasant words; bad language; ill-omened language | 壞話
phvaypaktor | running stomach ache | 歹腹肚
phvaypan | thorny (problem); intractable; awkward; embarrassed; hard to handle | 難辦; 無好處理
phvaypharng | hard to handle; hard to deal with | 歹紡; 很難辦; 很難應付
phvayphiaq | bad tempered; hard; cursed; stubborn; finicky | 歹癖; 壞脾氣
phvayphirn | bad quality | 歹品
phvayphvae | bad bad | 歹歹; 凶凶的
phvayphvaykiøx | bad temper | 歹歹叫
phvaypvi | bad disease | 歹病
phvayseaafphvaysex | a little bit emarassed, and timid | 歹勢仔歹勢
phvayseaphvaysex | a little bit emarassed, and timid | 歹勢歹勢
phvayserngte | bad temper | 歹性地
phvayserngtoe | bad temper | 歹性地
phvaysex | not proper; unsuitable; feel embarrassed | 歹適; 歹勢; 不好意思; 不舒適; 無好意思
phvaysex-eng | excuse me | 歹舒用; 無好意思
phvaysex-korng | excuse me | 歹舒講; 無好意思
phvaysex`laq | sorry | 歹勢啦
phvaysex`oq | sorry | 歹勢喔
phvaysie | atrocity; ferociousness; nefariousness; vicious or depraved death; painful death; atrocious; brutal; wicked | 歹死; 兇惡; 無好死; 乖戾; 兇
phvaysimheng | evil spirits | 歹心行
phvaysioxng | bad face; ill mannered; unmannerly | 惡態; 面相無佳
phvaysiux | fierce animal | 壞獸; 野獸
phvaysu | a bad or evil thing | 壞事; 歹事; 惡事
phvaysviasaux | angry and unpleasant sound or tone of voice (as in beginning a quarrel); speak arrogantly | 歹聲嗽; 無高興的語氣
phvaysym togheng | wicked; cruel; injurious heart and conduct | 壞心毒行; 狼心狗肺
phvaysym | ill-intentioned; wicked; evil minded | 歹心; 壞心眼
phvaysysie | fierce | 歹死死
phvaytaang kuxsiaq | old; broken brass or pewter articles; junk | 破銅爛鐵
phvaytaang-kuxsiaq | scrap copper rotten iron; scrap copper and iron | 破銅爛鐵; 廢銅爛鐵
phvaytafng | disastrous year | 凶年
phvaytai | a bad or evil thing; wickedness; death; great calamity | 壞事; 歹代; 惡事; 凶事
phvaytangkofng'ar | bad copper tube | 歹銅管仔
phvaytangkuxsiaq | bad copper and used tin- for recycle | 歹銅舊錫
phvaytea | have previous criminal record | 歹底; 有前科者
phvaytee | bad tea | 粗茶
phvayteg zhud høfsurn | Ugly bamboo produces tasty bamboo shoots. Bad parents have good children | 壞竹出好筍; 烏鴉生鳳凰
phvaythaang | bad worm | 歹蟲
phvaythak | hard to read; hard to study | 難讀
phvaythauzhae | bad omen; augury of evil | 歹頭采; 壞預兆
phvaythaxn | unprofitable | 歹趁; 不好賺; 歹賺
phvaythiethaau | hard to dlea | 歹剃頭
phvaythih'ar | bad steel | 歹鐵仔
phvaythviaf | unpleasant to listen to | 難聽; 無好聽
phvaythviaf`ee | hard to listen | 歹聽的
phvaythviaoe | bad talk | 歹聽話
phvaythvikhix | bad weather | 歹天氣
phvaythvy | bad weather; bad weather; inconvenient weather; rainy day | 歹天; 天氣不好
phvaytiarm | bad points | 難點
phvaytiau | bad omen; augury of evil | 凶兆; 壞預兆
phvaytoo | hoodlums; bad guys; evil fellows | 歹徒
phvaytorng | bad group, evil gang | 歹黨; 惡黨
phvaytøea | bottom is a rotten character | 歹底; 本性無佳
phvayun | bad life; difficult situation; poor fortune; bad fortune; bad luck; misfortune; unfortunately | 歹運; 運氣無佳; 不幸
phvayun'ar | bad luck | 歹運仔
phvayviu | bad example | 歹樣; 壞榜樣
phvayzekteg | having much demerit; do bad deeds (one's past that will affect descendants) | 品德壞; 失德
phvayzerng | bad breed | 壞種
phvayzerngthaau | hard to cure disease | 歹症頭
phvayzexng | hard to plant | 惡疾
phvayzhao | weeds | 歹草; 野草; 壞
phvayzhaythaau | not auspicious (propitious) | 無吉祥
phvayzherngzhexng | bad temper and unease | 歹衝衝
phvayzhoaxthaau | lead by giving bad example | 壞榜樣; 帶壞
phvayzhuietao | hard to please with food; finicky | 歹嘴斗; 挑嘴; 偏食; 挑食
phvayzhuix | bad mouth; vicious tongue; foul mouthed; dirty language | 髒嘴; 歹喙; 口出無遜; 髒話; 不會說好話; 惡言
phvayzhux | bad points; shortcomings; defects | 壞處
phvayzhvef | bad star | 歹星
phvayzuun | bad ship | 歹船
phvayzøx | difficult to do or make | 難做
phve | thumping | 怦
phveaphveazhoarn | pant hard like when running or carrying a heavy load | 急喘, 呼呼的喘
phvee | longevity; big; a surname; proud | 彭; 坪
phvef chirnthaau | short weight a customer | 偷秤頭
phvef zøx goxhun | divide into five portions | 分成五份
phvef | divide proportionally; divide a quantity into certain shares; to share | 分; 伻; 劃分
phveheeng | pay by installments; to return in portions; installment plan | 攤還
phveolaang | Penghuer | 澎湖人
phvepurn | win money back; to recover the capital | 扳本
phvesox | area (divided by 3.30579 meter square) | 坪數
phvexphvexzhoarn | breathe very hard; pant | 怦怦喘
phvi bexzhud | cannot make out by smell what the thing is | 聞無出
phvi toktog | term used to describe the shape of the nose of Occidental people | 鼻子高高的
phvi | mucus; snivel | 鼻; 鼻子; 嗅; 鼻,; 鼻涕; 聞
phvi'aflai | inside nose | 鼻仔內
phvi'afterng | top of nose | 鼻仔頂
phvi'ar | nose | 鼻仔
phvi'oo | islands to the west of Taiwan; Pescadores | 澎湖
phvi`kvix | perceived by smell | 鼻見; 聞見
phviaa | remain attached to an opinion; insist; stubborn; obstinate; naughty; disobedient | 頑固; 坪; 頑皮
phviaf | throw away | 拋
phviafkikud | throw bone away | 拋筋骨
phviakikud | rib cage | 骿支骨
phviakud | rib cage | 骿骨
phvialaai-phviakhix | throw around indiscriminately | 丟來丟去; 丟這丟那
phvialiaau | mid-section of an animal (exclusive of front and hind quarters) butchered for food | 背料; 背脊肉; (豬)
phvialiaubaq | meat on the ribs of an animal; flesh on the back | 背脊肉
phvialiaukud | pig's backbone | 背脊骨; (豬)
phvialøh | throw away | 抨落
phviaphviaf | throw away | 抨抨
phviaphviatiau | throw away | 抨抨掉
phviar | splinter; strip; flake; large thick slice or cut (of meat; cake); thick flattish piece | 片; 鉼; 皮; 塊
phviaterng | on the shore; on the bank | 岸上; 灘上
phviatiau | throw away | 甩掉
phviavoar siakti | throw down bowls and chopsticks in a sulk; pet; or rage | 丟碗丟筷; 發怒; 使性子。
phvieboea | end of film | 片尾
phviechviuo | studio | 片廠
phviemiaa | movie title | 片名
phviesiofng | movie distributor | 片商
phviethaau | first part of movie; giving name of product | 片頭
phvii | longevity; big; a surname; proud | 彭; 坪; 平
phvii`khuy | evenly spread | 平開; 均開
phvikhaxm | evenly cover | 平蓋
phvikhuy | evenly spread | 平開
phvilaang | overreach; defraud of small sums by overcharging | 摒人; 佔人便宜
phvithaau | get the better of, get advantage of | 偏頭
phvix | piece; slice; fragment; chip; classifier of clouds or regions of country; a stretch of a number of level fields | 片
phvixaxng | the nasal cavity | 鼻腔
phvixbagphang | nostril seam | 鼻目縫
phvixbagzhuix | one's appearance; facial features (in general) | 鼻目嘴; 臉貌; 面貌; 面孔
phvixbak | nose and eyes | 鼻眼
phvixbi | smell | 聞味
phvixchiw | nasal whiskers | 鼻鬚
phvixciafm | point of the nose, tip of the nose | 鼻尖
phvixgaam | nasopharyngeal cancer | 鼻癌
phvixhoeq | nosebleed; nasal hemorrhage | 鼻血
phvixhuiq | nose bleeding | 鼻血
phvixiam | nasal catarrh | 鼻炎
phvixiefn | snuff | 鼻煙
phvixiøf | nose curve | 鼻彎
phvixkag | sense of smell | 嗅覺; 噢覺
phvixkhafng | nostril; nasal chamber | 鼻孔; 鼻空
phvixkhanghoeq | nose bleeds | 鼻空血
phvixkhanghofng | nasal wind- don't care, not important | 鼻空風
phvixkhangkhao | apertures of the nostrils | 鼻孔口
phvixkhanglai | inside the nose | 鼻空內
phvixkhangmngg | hair in the nostrils | 鼻孔毛
phvixkhoaan | nose ring | 鼻環
phvixkhylaai | smelled | 鼻起來
phvixkoex | smelled | 鼻過
phvixkorng | nasal cavity; nasal passages | 鼻管; 鼻孔; 鼻腔; 鼻樑
phvixkud | nasal bone | 鼻骨
phvixkyn | forehead (between two eyes) | 鼻根; 鼻子上部; 在兩眼之間
phvixleeng | ridge of the nose; sinusitis | 鼻龍; 鼻樑; 鼻竇炎
phvixlioong | nasal polyps | 鼻龍
phvixniuu | ridge of the nose | 鼻樑
phvixphafng | (v) enhance; beautify; embellish; adorn; do sth only for sake of show; smell; perceive the aroma of perfume; smell odors | 鼻芳; 品味; 聞香; 嚐嚐味道; 嚐鮮; 點綴
phvixphang | (n) trace; clue | 鼻縫; 端緒
phvixphangcide | scent your nose | 鼻芳一下
phvixphvaxzhoarn | asthma | 怦怦喘
phvixphvexzhoarn | hard to breath | 忐忑喘; 很喘
phvixphvixzhoarn | hard to breath | 噓噓喘
phvixsae | nasal discharge; mucus in the nose | 鼻屎
phvixsaykøf | booger | 鼻屎膏
phvixsit | the parts on both sides of the tip of the nose | 鼻翼
phvixthaau | tip of nose; point of nose | 鼻頭
phvixthaukag | tip of nose | 鼻頭角
phvixthauluxnkhaf | a hiking track in northern Taipei | 鼻頭崙跤
phvixti | nasal hemorrhoids | 鼻痔; 鼻茸
phvixtiøh | have heard or smelled | 嗅到; 聞到
phvixto-iam | nasosinusitis, sinusitis | 鼻竇炎
phvixtoxiam | sinusitis | 鼻竇炎
phvixtøf | bridge of the nose when high and sharp | 鼻樑
phvixuixkorng | nasogastric tube | 鼻胃管
phvixvoaf | bridge of the nose | 鼻鞍
phvixym | nasal tone, nasal sound | 鼻音
phvixzor | founder, originator | 鼻祖
phvixzuie | nasal mucus; water or liquid mucus from nose; snivel | 鼻水
phvixøo | nasal mucus; snivel | 鼻蚝; 鼻涕
phvoa kviafsaix | men and women who accompany the bridegroom to the bride's home | 伴新郎
phvoa langkheq | entertain guests | 陪客
phvoa sinniuu | men and women who accompany the bride to the bridegroom's home | 伴新娘
phvoa | accompany; mutual | 伴
phvoaf | a Chinese family name; a vassal state | 潘; 籓
phvoaraxn | legal case; judge a lawsuit; case in court; pronounce sentence | 判案
phvoarbøe | vendition; cadge; huckster; monger | 販賣
phvoarheeng | to pass sentence on someone | 判刑
phvoarhex | merchandising | 販貨
phvoarhoex | merchandising | 販貨
phvoarhøex | products of vendition | 販貨
phvoarjim | judge | 判認
phvoarkoad | pronounce judgment; legal decision; legal judgment; verdict; sentence; to hand down a sentence; to judge | 判決
phvoarkoad-buun | written legal sentence or judgment | 判決文
phvoarkoatsw | verdict; sentence in writing | 判決書
phvoarkvoaf | judge; a judge in Hades; fierce looking judge in the afterlife court of law | 判官; 法官
phvoarle | a legal precedent; a test case; legal precedents; precedent (said of court decisions) | 判例
phvoarpiet | distinguish; divide; to tell apart | 判別
phvoarsuu | legal decision, sentence | 判詞
phvoarteng | decide judgment | 判定
phvoartoarnlek | power of judgment | 判斷力
phvoartoaxn | adjudicate; make a decision; adjudication; judgment; decision; to judge; decide; give sentence; conclude; judgment; decision; conclusion | 判斷
phvoartoaxn-lek | discernment, ability to judge | 判斷力
phvoartvar | scare | 破膽
phvoartvia | to determine; to decide | 判定
phvoarun | judgment | 判論
phvoarzoe | to declare guilty | 判罪
phvoax | give a legal decision; to buy and to resell; judge; hand down a sentence; decision; decide; conclude; cut in two; to divide | 判; 販
phvoaxbuo | be a dancing partner | 伴舞
phvoaxchiuo | a present or a gift for the visit; small gift (bring gift to visit friends) | 伴手; 隨手帶的禮物; 小禮物 (拜訪人家或親友所帶的)
phvoaxchiwlea | gift | 伴手禮
phvoaxchviuoky | audio-video amplifier for sing along activities | 伴唱機
phvoaxchviuotoax | audio-video sing along tape | 伴唱帶
phvoaxchviux | accompany singing | 伴唱
phvoaxciah | companion food | 伴食; 陪食
phvoaxkax | escort | 伴駕
phvoaxkex | a bridesmaid; accompany (escort) a bride to her future home (usually in a company of six or a dozen people) | 伴嫁
phvoaxkhuxn | accompany | 伴睏
phvoaxkviaa | accompany | 伴行
phvoaxlaang | accompany laang | 伴人
phvoaxlu | companion; pal; buddy; chum | 伴侶
phvoaxniuu | bridesmaid | 伴娘
phvoaxtiøh | accompany | 伴著
phvoaxzaux | accompany (music); accompaniment; accompany (a soloist); play an accompaniment | 伴奏
phvoaxze | sitting companion | 伴坐
phvoaxzhoa | accompany the bridegroom to the bride's home | 伴娶
phvoaxzhoa`ee | best man | 伴娶的
phvy chirnthaau | take advantage of a scales weighing in my favor | 偏秤頭; 在秤上佔便宜
phvy | measure word for article; slant | 篇; 偏; 伻; 佔…便宜; 劃分
phvy-chirnthaau | steals the weight | 偏秤頭
phvy`laang | one-sided; to lean; to slant; prejudiced; inclined to one side | 偏人; 佔人便宜; 偏
phwafkngf | dawn; the dawn of a new epoch (metaphor) | 昲仔光; 曙光
phwkngf | daybreak; dawn | 拂曉; 拂曉,; 黎明
phwn | to instruct; to run quickly; ; water in which rice has been washed; slop; swill for pigs | 吩; 潘; 滔米水; 奔; 餿水; 泔水
phwnliawliao | distributed | 翸了了
phwoseg | gray | 殕烏色
phwpeh | light gray | 殕白
phwphuo | off-white; obscurely; dimly; indistinctly; faintly | 沈色; 殕殕; 朦朧的; 帶灰色
phwphwphuo | gray | 殕殕殕
phwseg | gray; gloomy; ash color; gray; grayish | 灰色; 殕色
phy | criticize; to comment; to judge; endorse a petition; reply officially to an inferior; a whole batch (of things or people); large quantity or number; sell wholesale | 批; 披; 攤開
phyar | scab | 瘡痂; 瘡口的皮乾了
phychiaux | sneer | 鄙笑
phygan | Inferior proverb | 鄙諺
phyhw | your humble servant | 鄙夫
phyjiin | I, me (polite form) | 鄙人
phyju korng | for an example (e.g.) | 譬喻講
phykegthaelaai | from; after deep misfortune comes bliss | 否極泰來
phykiexn | my humble opinion | 鄙見
phylin | vulgar | 鄙吝
phylo | shallow | 鄙陋
phyn'ar | flute; pipes; flute (musical instrument) | 笛仔; 𥰔仔; 橫笛
phyn'ui | product quality | 品位
phynbak | items | 品目
phynbeeng | promise formally; make an agreement | 約明
phyncid iulioong | of sound quality | 品質優良
phyncid | quality; character; condition | 品質
phynciorng | species or variety of plants or animals | 品種
phyncitpwn'ui | quality first | 品質本位
phynhak kiam'iw | excel in moral as well as academic performances; excellent not only morally but also academically | 品學兼優
phynhe | strain | 品系
phynheng toanzexng | correct conduct; well behaved; walk the straight and narrow | 品行端正
phynheng | behavior; conduct; moral character; one's moral character and performance; disposition; conduct | 品行
phynkeq | character (of people); personality; one's moral character; manners; bearing | 品格
phynkib | a grade; a class; rating; rank; status; titular rank | 品級
phynkoarn | quality control; relationship somewhat like that of godparents When a child is born under bad luck or has the fate of being given as an adopted child; according to fortune-tellers; his parents ask someone to be formally the adoptive parents of the child. Then the kh | 品管
phynliau | product materials | 品料; 材料; 菜料
phynlui | product type; classes | 品類
phynmau | countenance; expression; character and appearance | 品貌
phynmiaa | name and description of articles | 品名
phynpaai | brand name | 品牌
phynpheeng | determine the quality or worth of; appraise; to rate; criticize | 品評
phynphenghoe | competitive show; exhibition; a fair | 品評會
phynphorng-kiuu | ping-pong ball, table tennis | 乒乓球
phynpiarng-kiuu | ping-pong | 乒乓球
phynsexng liongsien | good character | 品性良善
phynsexng | the moral character; moral character; disposition | 品性
phynteg | good character; good behavior | 品德
phynzerng | species or variety of plants or animals | 品種
phyphyar | small; little | 庀庀仔; 小無點兒; 庀; 星星; 微小
phypok | speak jestingly of a person's manner or appearance | 批判; 打趣
physiok | despicable | 卑鄙; 鄙俗
physviux | talk in a jesting way of another's looks; ridicule another's appearance | 譏笑; 誹謗; 譏辱
phyuie | mean | 卑鄙
phø gyn'ar | carry a child in the arms | 抱囡仔; 抱小孩
phø | embrace; enfold; hold in the arms | 抱; 部
phø'ar | bubble | 泡仔
phø'erng | wave | 波湧
phø'hog | amplitude | 波幅
phø'nng | waves | 波浪
phø-pudkhaf | clasp Buddha's feet- profess devotion only when in trouble; make a hasty last-minute effort | 抱佛腳
phø-tiautiaau | hold tightly in one's arms | 抱牢牢
phø`leq | hold in one's arms; to embrace; holding in one's arms | 抱著
phøbin | a deck | 甲板
phøbuun | ripple; corrugation | 波紋
phøcied | shemozzle; difficulty; twists and turns of a matter; obstruction; obstacles | 波折
phøe | quilt; quilt-cover | 被
phøe'ie | leather chair | 皮椅
phøe'øee | leather shoes | 皮鞋
phøea | jowl; bucca | 頰
phøea'iøh | dose; dispense; prepare a prescription | 配藥
phøea'ui-hoarhabbut | complex compound | 配位化合物
phøea'uixky | complexing group | 配位基
phøea'ym | dub | 配音
phøeachyn | become betrothed, appointed marriage | 配親
phøeaciorng | artificial insemination | 配種; 人工授精
phøeaciuo | blend alcohol; wine | 配酒
phøeagak | to accompany music | 配樂
phøeagu | a mate, spouse | 配偶; 配耦
phøeagvor | consort, spouse | 配偶
phøeahap | matchup; cooperate; coordination; team up; join together | 配合
phøeahngf | to dispense prescriptions | 皮方; 配方
phøeakag | a minor role, a supporting actor or actress | 配角
phøeakib | allocation; allotment; ration | 配給
phøeakib-zeato | ration system | 配給制度
phøeakvia | accessories | 配件
phøealiau | trimmings for food | 配料
phøeaphøex`leq | mate, dispatch, send | 配配咧
phøeapi | equip; outfit | 配備
phøeasiong | to match | 配上
phøeatat | deliver | 配達; 送遞
phøeatee | drinking tea during meal | 配茶
phøeathaau | condiments | 配頭; 調味品; 配料
phøeathøx | to manufacture a complete set | 配套
phøeatix | dispose; layout; configuration | 配置
phøebaq | skin | 皮肉; 皮膚
phøebeeng | write an additional clause or explanation | 批明; 註明
phøebin | leather cover | 皮面
phøee | skin, bark, cover, peel, rind | 皮
phøef | letter | 信; 批
phøeh | spume; foam; froth | 泡沫
phøehiaf | boot | 皮靴; 長筒靴
phøehiuu | fur coat, leather coat | 皮裘
phøehix | shadow play; shadowgraph | 皮戲
phøehoad | wholesale | 批發
phøehoad-kex | wholesale price | 批發價
phøehukhøf | dermatology clinic | 皮膚科
phøehw | skin | 皮膚
phøehw-khøf | the dermatology department; the skin department | 皮膚科
phøehw-pvi | skin disease | 皮膚病
phøekaau | pimp | 皮偶; 皮條客
phøekae | correct | 批改
phøekafng | leather task | 皮工
phøekhag | envelope | 信封; 批殼
phøeloong | envelope | 信封; 皮囊; 批囊
phøemia | risk one's life | 胚命
phøepaai | a skin raft | 皮筏
phøepaw | leather bag | 皮包
phøephaux | long leather coat or dress | 皮袍
phøepheeng | criticize; criticism | 批評
phøephvoax | comment on, criticize, comment, criticism | 批判
phøephøe'ar | only the outside, only the beginning | 皮皮仔
phøephøee | only the outside, only the beginning | 皮皮
phøepiefn | leather rope | 皮鞭
phøepvy | leather whip | 信邊; 皮鞭
phøesixn | letter | 批信; 書信
phøesvaf | a leather clothing | 皮衣; 皮衫
phøesviemia | risk one's life | 胚性命
phøesviw | leather suitcase | 皮箱
phøete | leather bag | 皮袋
phøete'ar | leather pouch | 皮袋仔
phøetharn | leather blanket | 皮毯
phøetharng | letter-box, mail-box | 批桶; 郵筒
phøetiam | seat cushion made by leather | 皮墊
phøetoax | leather belt; leather lace | 皮帶
phøetøf | moonfish | 批刀; 皮刀; 眼眶魚
phøex | a handkerchief; to match | 帕; 杮; 配
phøexchiøh | bedding (including grass mat) | 被蓆
phøexchiøq | bedding (including grass mat) | 被蓆
phøexkhafng | bed cloths like bed bag | 被孔; 被空; 被窩裏
phøexkhaxm | bedspread, coverlet | 被蓋; 被崁
phøexphof | bed and bedding | 被鋪
phøexpof | bed and bedding | 被甫
phøexthaau | condiments | 被頭
phøextuu | storing place for bedding | 被櫥
phøextvoaf | quilt-cover; sheet | 被單
phøezad | letter | 信節; 批札; 信札
phøezhao | fur | 皮草
phøezoaa | a skin disease; shingles | 皮蛇
phøezoar | letter paper, writing paper | 批紙
phøezurn | approve; assent to; sanction | 批准
phøezuun | mail steamer | 批船
phøeøee | leather shoes | 皮鞋
phøf | a slope; wave; a grape; considerably; waved; breakers; ripples; billows; a glance of the eye; undulations; fluctuations; affect; involve; entangle | 坡; 波; 葡; 頗
phøf-hamsox | wave function | 波函數
phøfliog'ar | approximately | 頗略仔
phøfliok | approximately, about, nearly, not all, some | 頗略
phøfphøfar | approximately; about | 頗頗仔; 差強人意
phøfzheg | unfathomable, unexpectable, impossible to understand | 普測; 叵測
phøh'afchiu | a tropical tree | 朴仔樹
phøh'afcie | a tropical tree seed | 朴仔子
phøh'afkhaf | under a tropical tree | 朴仔跤
phøh'ar | small evergreen shrub | 榎仔
phøhcyn | simple and sincere | 樸真
phøhhvoa | slope protection | 駁岸
phøhofng | crest | 波峰
phøhphøq | dry and tasteless; fruit has little juice; very dry | 滓滓; 乾而無味; 汁液很少; (蔬果)
phøhsit | (adj) simple; unadorned; (adj) honest; plain speaking; honest; straightforward; simple in tastes; unsophisticated | 樸實; 誠實
phøhtit | simple minded; honest; sincerity | 樸直
phøkip | extend over | 波及
phøkofng | the glisten of waves | 蒲公; 波光
phølaan | great waves; billows | 波瀾
phølong | waves; waves; billows; breakers | 波浪
phøløbit | jackfruit | 波羅蜜
phøløo | pineapple | 波羅
phøq | refuse; lees; dregs; sediment in liquor; grains in distilled liquor | 粕; 渣
phør | about; almost; nearly; for the most part | 頗
phøraxn | crack a criminal case; distinguishing the truth of a case by minute examination | 破案
phørbiet | shattered | 破滅
phørgiam | to hold inquest | 剖驗
phørhai beng'u | ruin one's reputation; to slander | 破壞名譽
phørhai kauthofng | disrupt communications; block traffic | 破壞交通
phørhai tiedsu | cause damage or disruption to the social order; violation of the social order | 破壞秩序
phørhai tionglip | violation of neutrality | 破壞中立
phørhai | spoilt by a rent; to ruin; destroy; disrupt | 破壞
phørhaixlek | destructive power | 破壞力
phørheg | to break; solve a criminal case | 破獲
phørhied | bleeding | 破血
phørhoai | spoilt by a rent; to ruin; destroy; disrupt | 破壞
phørhoai-ciar | destroyer | 破壞者
phørhoaixliawliao | completely broken | 破壞了了
phørhoaixtiøh | broken; damaged | 破壞著
phørhuix | waste money; spend recklessly | 破費
phørhuo timciw | smash the cooking vessels and sink the boats ─ as 項羽 ordered his men to do; after crossing the river; indicates determination to succeed; cutting off all retreat; no turning back; determined; resolved | 破釜沉舟; 必死的決心
phørimji | read character with different pronunciation; representing different word | 破音字
phøriog | to break an agreement | 破約
phørkae | untie; unbind | 破解
phørkaix | to break a solemn promise; break religious precept; break vow of abstinence | 破戒
phørkhao | a crevice | 破口
phørkoea | some kind of rice cake | 泡粿
phørkofng | in vain; useless | 破功
phørlan | tattered and torn | 破爛
phørle | exception; break a precedent; make an exception (to a rule; common practices) | 破例
phørliet | burst; explode; erupt; rupture; cracked; torn; split; to end in a rupture; break off | 破裂
phørphiah | break habit | 破癖
phørphøx | hollow | 空脆; 濕韌
phørsafnciar | bankrupt; insolvent debtor; man of straw; lame duck | 破產者
phørsarn | become bankrupt; bankruptcy; go bankrupt | 破產
phørsiaw | report something as worthless; discard as useless | 報銷
phørsiofng | injury, wound | 破傷
phørsionghofng | tetanus | 破傷風
phørsurn | breakage; damage; disrepair; broken or damaged; ruined | 破損
phørtau | arrogant; conceited; full of oneself; expression; manner; spirited; vigorous; to chat; to gossip; idle talk; to chat | 聊天; 聊論時事; 內鬆豆
phørthienhofng | very first time; something never happened before; never before ─ for the first times; unprecedented; history making; break the record | 破天荒
phørthor tiefnlea | ground breaking ceremony | 破土典禮
phørtii | eliminate; remove | 破除
phørtiog | broken bamboo | 破竹
phørtuu besixn | break down superstitions; get rid of superstition | 破除迷信
phørtuu | (v) get rid of; discard | 破除
phørzaai | waste wealth; lose money | 破財
phørzhaxn | a flaw in argument | 破綻
phørzhuix | broken (hearted; hope); to come to pieces; shattered | 破碎; 打碎
phøsox | wave-number | 波數
phøsukiog | | 波斯菊
phøte | slope | 坡地
phøthaw | breakers, billows, great waves | 波瀾; 波?
phøtiofng | in the wave | 波中
phøtioong | wavelength | 波長
phøtngg | wave length | 波長
phøto | grade (slope); grade percentage of a slope | 坡度
phøtong | undulate; fluctuate; wave motion; undulating movements (of a field of grain in the wind); fluctuations | 波動
phøtong-hamsox | wave function | 波動函數
phøtong-hongthengseg | wave equation | 波動方程式
phøtong-leghak | wave mechanics | 波動力學
phøtøciab | grape juice | 葡萄汁
phøtøciuo | wine; port wine | 葡萄酒
phøtøhngg | vineyard | 葡萄園
phøtøiu | grapefruit | 葡萄柚
phøtøkiukhurn | staphylococcus | 葡萄球菌
phøtøkvoaf | raisins; sultanas | 葡萄干; 葡萄乾
phøtøo | grapes | 葡萄
phøtøpvee | grapevine trellis | 葡萄棚
phøtøthngg | grape sugar; glucose | 葡萄糖
phøtøtiin | grapevine | 葡萄藤
phøtøzaang | grape tree | 葡萄欉
phøx | break; to split; to ruin; defeat; conquer; discover; expose; to tear; broken; ruined; injured; destroyed | 破; 泡; 脆
phøx-liamthie | shamelessness, infamy | 抱廉恥; 寡廉鮮恥
phøxaan | to hold tightly in one's arms | 抱緊; 抱絚
phøxchiuo | fold the arms | 抱手
phøxhefng | fold arms over the chest | 抱胸
phøxhin | have gnawing regret | 抱恨
phøxhu | ambition, aspiration | 抱負
phøxhudkhaf | clasp the feet of Buddha ─ when in distress (used to illustrate getting into difficulties through lack of due preparation and then seeking help at the critical moment) | 抱佛腳
phøxhun | to cherish hatred | 抱恨
phøxiorng | to adopt and raise (a child) | 抱養
phøxjip | hold in | 抱入
phøxkhiafm | sorry; regret; excuse me | 抱歉
phøxkhiarm | be sorry; apologetic | 抱歉
phøxkhiaxm | be sorry, apologetic | 抱歉
phøxkhiim | lyre | 抱琴
phøxkhix | hold out | 抱去
phøxkhud | to bear a grudge, to harbor resentment | 抱屈
phøxlarm | embrace | 抱摟
phøxoaxn | complain; grumble | 抱怨
phøxphø | embrace | 抱抱
phøxputpeeng | be outraged by an injustice (done to somebody else) | 抱無平
phøxpvi | to be in bad health, in illnessin sickness | 抱病
phøxsimpeeng | 61st radical; written at the side | 漢字部首之一
phøxsym | palpitations | 抱心; 心悸
phøxsym-soaf | angina | 抱心砂; 狹心症; 腦貧血
phøxtvia | make a decision | 抱定
phøxurn | expert in; good at | 抱穩; 顧安全
phøxzu | to hold on to, to hold in one's arms | 抱住
piag`phoax | burst open; broken | 爆破
piahsorngphaxn | be cheated, someone played a trick on you | 被耍, 被騙
piakphoax | burst; crack; break (a pot; glass) by cracking | 爆破; 裂破; 破裂; 繃裂; 爆裂
piaq sorngphaxn | cheat; take in; play a trick on; to swindle money out of others; commit fraud | 詐騙
piarngphoax | burst; fracture; burst; crack; splitting (with a headache); be punctured; to burst up | 爆破; 繃破
piawphoee | epidermis; the cuticle (of plants) | 表皮
piawphøee | the outer skin; the surface | 表皮
piaxng`phoax | explore and break through | 爆破
piebit tauphiøx | secret ballot | 秘密投票
piedphau pipee | carrying her guitar to another boat ─ said of a widow or a concubine who remarries | 別抱琵琶
piefnsidphoee | thin sheet of dough for wrapping minced meat | 餛飩皮
pienphao'ar | firecrackers; banger | 鞭炮仔
pienphaux | firecrackers | 鞭炮
piernphvae | get worse (illness); become bad (a person; weather) | 變壞
piexnphirn | concubine | 便品
piexnphuun | bed pan | 便盆
pinphiøx jibzø | gain admission by showing tickets; admission by ticket | 憑票入座
pinphiøx | by showing tickets | 憑票
pipee piedphau | carrying her guitar to another boat ─ said of a widow or a concubine who remarries | 琵琶別抱
piphie | beastly; grubby; low; baseness; mean; vulgar; humble; base; depraved; inferior | 卑鄙
pitgiap siorngphvix | graduation day (group) picture | 畢業相片
pitkiepho | notebook | 筆記簿
pitphang | a fissure; a crevice; a break; split; let out a matter; crack; chink | 裂縫
pitphoax | crack open, split | 裂破; 必破
pitphoee | rough; cracked skin | 裂皮
pitsuphirn | daily necessities; consumer goods | 必需品
pixphiexn | be swindled; be fooled | 被騙
pixphirn | equipments, fixtures | 備品; 裝備
pixphvoax | sentenced | 被判
pngxphie | the hard rind formed on the inside of a kettle when cooking rice (pngxphie is more common to use) | 飯疕; 鍋巴
pngxphiøx | food coupon | 飯票
pngxphyar | the hard rind formed on the inside of a kettle when cooking rice (pngxphie is more common to use) | 飯疕仔; 鍋巴
poephvoa | accompany; companion; keep company | 陪伴
poephvoax | accompany, keep company | 陪伴
poephvoaxkoex | accompanied | 陪伴過
pofkipphirn | supplies | 補給品
pofphirn | a tonic; highly nutritious foods or medicines; tonics | 補品; 滋補品
pofphiøree | ticket replacement | 補票的
pofphoarbang | mending the broken net | 補破網
pogphoax | blow up; to blast; demolish with explosives | 爆破
pokphaf | refute | 駁翻
por phoarbang | mend fishnet | 修補魚網
porphaang | awning; tent | 布帆; 布篷; 帳篷
porphid | cloth; piece goods; piece goods; bolt of cloth | 布匹; 布匹,布疋
porphvai'ar | cloth back | 布揹仔
poxngbyphafng | puffed rice | 磅米芳; 磅; 爆米花
poxngphee | deep fried pork skin | 磅皮; 膨皮
poxngphoee | deep fried pigskin | 磅皮; 炸豬皮
poxngphøee | pork rind | 磅皮; 炸豬皮
poxphiøx | warrant for arrest | 捕票
pud kiemiaa tauphiøx | secret ballots | 無記名投票
puhpha | blister; rise in blisters | 暴泡; 生水泡; 起泡
puhphaf | get a blister | 暴泡
puhphang | blistering | 暴縫
puhphøeh | blistering | 暴泡; 起泡
puhphøf | bubble; froth; lather | 暴波; 起泡沫
puiphaxng | fat | 肥胖
punphoef | deliver mail | 送批; 送信
punphvef | divide so that each gets some part; to share with others | 分施; 分攤
punphvy | sharing by dividing things equally | 分偏 平分; 分攤
putphoex | unworthy; unfit; incongruous | 無配
putphvax | fearless; not to be afraid of | 無怕
puun phyn'ar | play the flute | 吹笛仔
pvephvi | snub nose | 扁鼻
pvephøphøf | level; even and smooth like a road; very flat | 很平坦
pvete hongphøf | unexpected turn of event; troubles that arise all of a sudden; unexpected disturbance | 平地風波
pviafphirn | pastry | 餅品
pviafphox | pastry shop | 餅舖
pviephvae | degenerate | 變壞
pviphaq | scourge | 鞭打
pviphøf | side slope | 邊坡
pvixphiaq | a distinguishing feature of sickness | 病癖
pvoaphof | after patient die move his body to the parlor | 盤鋪; 病人斷氣後將他移至大廳
pvoarphiøx | a half-fare ticket; half fare ticket | 半票
pvoarphvix | half piece | 半片
pvoax sengphirn | semi-finished products; half-finished products | 半成品
pvy porphaang | set up a tent | 撐開布篷
pvyphvi | flat nose | 扁鼻
pwnphiøx | A cashier's check; promissory note | 本票
pwnphox | our shop | 本舖
pynphongkiuu | pingpong | 乒乓球
pypheng | compare; liken; compare; liken | 比並; 比對; 比較; 相比
pøfiofngphirn | are products | 保養品
pøfsiuo-phaix | conservative party | 保守派
pøfsiwphaix | conservative party | 保守派
pølephoex | glass crumbs | 玻璃杮
pølephviear | glass pieces | 玻璃片仔
pølephvix | glass panel | 玻璃片
pøqbixnphoee | thin skin | 薄面皮
pøqphoear | thin skin | 薄皮仔
pøqphoee | thin layer | 薄皮
pøqphøe | thin blanket | 薄被
pøqphøee | thin skin | 薄皮
pørphexng | to announce the acceptance of a position | 報聘
saephao | run a race; foot racing | 賽跑
safnphirn | products; manufactures | 產品
safnphyphie | skinny | 瘦疕疕
sai'afphvi | short; flat nose; pug nose | 獅子鼻
saipakphaix | northwestern group | 西北派
samhunliogpheg | souls | 三魂六魄
samhuun chitpheg | three spirits and seven animal souls which a human possesses | 三魂七魄
sanphek'engtaai | | 山伯英台
sanphøf | mountain side; mountain slope; hillside; hillside | 山坡
saophvae | be blasted by the wind, be broken by the wind | 掃壞; 吹毀
sapbunphoeh | soap bubbles | 雪文沫
sapbunphøf | soap bubbles | 雪文波
sapmuipheh | soap bubbles | 雪文沫
sapmuiphøf | soap bubbles | 雪文波
sarngphøef | to carry letters | 送批; 送信
satbuun-phøf | soap bubble | 肥皂波; 肥皂泡
satphvi | nose stuffed up with a cold | 鼻塞; 塞鼻; 鼻阻塞
saxng-chiuphøf | amorous glance | 送秋波
say zhuiephøea | slap one's cheeks | 賞嘴頰; 賞耳光
sayauxphaux | take advantage of a man behind his back | 偷偷的; 背地裏的
sayphaix | vent anger overbearingly | 撒嬌; 使性子
sayphiaq | show temper | 使癖; 使性子
seapheeng | world Review | 世評
seaphor | world spectrum | 世譜
sefbixnphuun | washbasin | 洗臉盆; 臉盆
sefegphuun | bathtub | 洗澡盆; 浴盆
segphøee | cooked skin | 熟皮
sehchiwphang | too little to sastify | 楔手縫
sehphang | fill up a crevice (gap) | 塞縫
sehphvix | snowflakes | 雪片
sekphirn | accessories | 飾品
sekphor | chromatography | 色譜
sekphøx | see through; be fully aware of | 識破
seng'oah pitsuphirn | necessaries of life | 生活必需品
sengphirn | finished products | 成品
sepoxphvix | cowboy movie | 西部片
seq chiwphang | too little to satisfy | 楔手縫; 塞手縫
serngphiaq | disposition; temper | 癖性; 性癖; 脾氣
serngtaxn kharphvix | Christmas card | 聖誕卡片
seviuphor | western music | 西洋譜
sex juu phørteg | Lit. their strength is like splitting bamboo ─ to advance with irresistible force; to push onward with overwhelming momentum (said of a victorious army) | 勢如破竹
sexngphvae | fortunately | 倖歹
sia'phøf | slope | 斜坡
siab chiwphang | a few | 屧手縫
siab khyphang | little food only can stuff in chink between teeth | 塞牙縫; 比喻食物很少
siab zhuiekhyphang | lodge between the teeth | 塞牙縫; 比喻食物很少
siafmphiaq | get out of the way when wanted; be on the run | 閃避; 藏匿
siafphef | write a letter | 寫信
siafphoef | write letter | 寫批
siafphøef | write a letter | 寫信; 寫批
siag`phoax | dash to pieces, throw down and smash | 摔破
siahphøee | peel (vegetables) | 削皮
siakphoax | dash to pieces (a dish); break something by dashing it on the ground | 摔破
siangphaotaai | three castle | 雙砲台; ( 英國菸)
siangphvoa | companion | 雙伴
siaopho | account books; account books | 帳簿; 數簿; 賬簿
siaphiaq | lasciviousness, licentiousness | 斜僻; 邪癖
siapphang | fill up a crack or gap | 塞縫; 填空
siarbixnphee | lost face | 卸面皮
siarbixnphoee | lost face | 卸面皮
siarm hoxphang | take advantage of a break in the rain | 趁雨隙; 趁雨停
siau'iaxmphvix | anti-inflammation pills | 消炎片
siauhuiephirn | consumer goods; expendable materials | 消費品
siaumophirn | expendable goods | 消耗品
siauphii | nifty | 俏皮
siauphviaf | deformed in back or side | 挺無起腰
siauxkaephoef | recommendation letter | 紹介批
siawphygiern | despicably mean and miserly in dealings; holding to the last farthing | 痟痂輾; 貪小便宜
siawphyiern | despicably mean and miserly in dealings; holding to the last farthing | 痟痂輾
siawphyliern | despicably mean and miserly in dealings; holding to the last farthing | 痟痂輾
sidbut phiaupurn | botanical specimen; herbarium | 植物標本
sidbut phoeakib | food rationing | 食物配給
sidioxngphirn | food; foodstuffs; provisions; groceries | 食用品; 食品
sidphirn | foods; foodstuffs; edibles | 食物; 食品
sidphirn-tiaxm | food store, grocery store | 食品店
sidphor | recipe; cookbook; cook book; collection of recipes; diet formula | 食譜
sidphyngiap | food | 食品業
sidphynhaang | food line | 食品行
sidphynkaix | food industry | 食品界
sidphyntiaxm | grocery (store); food store | 食品店
sidphyntiern | food exhibition | 食品展
siedphoad | quarrelsome | 吵架; 長舌的
siephoarhii | horse mackerel | 四破魚
siephvie'ar | 4 pieces | 四片仔
siephviear | thin coffin | 四片仔
siernzhuiephoea | slap face | 搧喙頰
siexn zhuiephea | slap one's cheek | 打耳光
sikoephoee | watermelon rind | 西瓜皮
simkvoaf phuphuu | unsettled and inattentive | 心猿意馬
simphog | heart-beat | 心博
simphok | heart-beat | 心噗; 心跳
sinhak phoksu | doctor of divinity (DD) | 神學博士
sinphaq | newly forged metal object | 新打; 新造
sinphiefn | newly compiled; new version; newly organized | 新編
sinphirn | new products | 新品; 神品
sinphvix uxkøx | notice announcing films to be shown | 新片預告
sintaiphiøx | NT | 新台票
siofngphirn | prizes | 賞品; 獎品
siogpharng | toast | 吐司; 白麵包; 源自日語しょくパン(shokupan); 日語漢字為「食パン」
siogphexng | continue to employ (teacher; professor; adviser); renew the contract with an employee | 續聘
siogphiefn | continuation | 續編
siokpharng | toast | 俗麭
siongphex | match | 相配
siongphiaw | brand; trademark; nameplate; logo; label; trademark | 商標
siongphirn tiefnlafmhoe | trade fair | 商品展覽會; 商展
siongphirn tinliedseg | showroom | 商品陳列室
siongphirn | commodity; goods; merchandise; ware; commodity; merchandise | 商品
siongphoex | to mate; pair off; match each other; compatible | 相配
siongphøex | match; well matched | 相配
siorngphang | aiming at the opening | 相縫
siorngpho | album | 相簿
siorngphvie'lai | in the photo | 相片內
siorngphvix | photograph; photo | 相片
sioxng-hoxphang | take advantage of a break in the rain | 趁雨隙
sioxngphirn | goods of superior quality | 上品
sioxngphvix | photograph | 照片; 像片
siphiefn | psalm; psalter; psalm book; Book of Psalms (Protestant) | 詩篇
siphor | poetry | 詩譜
sisu phenglun | editorial commentary; news analysis | 時事評論
sit'huun logpheg | despondent; listless; dejection | 失魂落魄
sithea kayphøx | postmortem (examination) | 屍體解剖
siucip iuphiøx | collect stamps | 收集郵票; 集郵
siucipho | cash book | 收支簿
siuophuun | show basin | 秀盆
siuophøee | animal skin or hide; a fur | 獸皮
siuphiørkhao | ticket office; box office | 售票處; 售票口
siuphiøroaan | ticket collector | 收票員
siuphiørzhux | ticket office; box office | 售票處; 售票口
siuphiøx | to collect tickets ( from passengers at the end of a trip ); sell tickets | 售票; 收票
siuphoef | accept | 收批
siuxphaix | be appointed, be despatched | 受派; 被派
siuxphaq | be beaten, be struck | 受打; 挨打
siuxphexng | accept a job offer | 受聘
siuxphiexn | be cheated or swindled; be fooled | 受騙
siuxphiøx | ticket counter | 售票
siwkiu-phaix | conservative party | 守祈派; 守舊派
siwkuxphaix | conservative party | 守舊派
siøf-parngphvoa | number of men uniting to help one another in turn; to help mutually | 相放伴; 輪流幫忙
siøfphirn | an essay | 小品
siøfphiøx | little paper money | 小票
siøfphor | the lesser rites | 小拜拜
siøhphee | taking good care for oneself | 惜皮
siøhphoee | taking good care for oneself | 惜皮
siøhphøee | be careful of one's skin; be afraid of beating; be afraid of getting sick | 惜皮; 怕打; 怕病
siøparngphvoa | take turn to help each other in farming | 相放伴
siøphahkear | street fighter | 相拍雞仔
siøphahkef | fighting cock | 相打雞
siøphahkoear | street fighter | 相拍雞仔
siøphahkoef | street fighter | 相拍雞
siøphahtien | short circuit | 相拍電
siøphaq | fight; fray; passage of arms | 打架; 相拍; 相打
siøphiexn | deceive | 相騙
siøphnghphngq | very hot | 燒嗙嗙
siøphoah | crossed or interlaced; e.g.; legs crossed; arms on each other's arms; arms over another's shoulders | 交纏
siøphoax | burned | 燒破
siøphoex | make a suitable pair; (things) fit well together; be betrothed; become man and wife | 相配
siøphud | cut off | 相砍
siøphuxn | scream at each other | 相噴
siøphvae | damage by fire | 燒壞
siøphvef | overreach or get the better of (in trade or in dividing money) | 相摒; 佔便宜
siøphvoa | two or more people doing something together | 相伴
siøpypheng | compare | 相比並
siøq bixnphee | cherish one’s reputation | 惜面皮
siøq bixnphoee | be careful of one's reputation, be afraid of losing face | 惜面皮
siøq bixnphøee | be careful of one's reputation; be afraid of losing face | 顧面子
sngphvi | sad | 酸鼻
sngrphi | sneeze | 擤鼻
sngrpvoaa phvai toax kahciahphviaf | stingy; of calculating disposition | 算盤背在背上; 小氣
soafnphaix | nominate or designate; appoint to a post | 選派
soafnphiøx | ballot | 選票
soafphof | resettlement shop | 徙鋪
soahiphoee | shark skin | 鯊魚皮
soahphaq | eloquent; fluent | 流打
soanphvoax syheeng | sentence to death | 宣判死刑
soanphvoax | to sentence, to pass judgement, to render | 宣判
soanthoanphirn | propaganda material; promotion material | 宣傳品
soaphof | sandy slope | 沙埔
soaphøf | sandy slope | 沙坡
sokkaphvix | plastic sheet | 塑膠片
sorngphaxn | stupid fellow; an ass; bonehead | 傻瓜; 土驢
sorngphaxn`ee | dumbo | 宋盼的
sozaphiøx | search warrant | 搜查票 (狀)
su'iok phienzeeng | passion and concupiscence | 私慾偏情
sud auxphaux | act in an underhanded manner; act behind a man's back | 乘人無備; 暗中搶先
suiaophirn | necessities; essentials | 需要品
suihofng sayphaang | sail with the wind ─ follow the line of least resistance | 隨風使帆
suiphviear | movie stars appear on stage in person at the premiere of a movi | 隨片仔
suiphvix tengtaai | movie stars appear on stage in person at the premiere of a movie | 隨片登台
suiphøf tiogliuu | follow the current ─ do as others; time-server; speak and behave as others do without views of his own; a yes-man | 隨波逐流
sujibphirn | an importation; imported goods | 輸入品
sunhoee zhaiphvoarsor | circuit court | 巡迴裁判所
sunphirn | of the purest quality; completely unmixed; unadulterated | 純品
sunphog | pure and honest; simple and sincere | 純樸; 淳樸
suophex | match | 四配
suophiøx | vote for | 賜票
suophoex | matched (as in colors; clothing); well proportioned; well fitting; well matched | 四配; 勻稱; 相配; 相稱; 相襯; 般配; 登對; 搭調; 合適 (指人)
suophøex | well matched, fitting, well proportioned | 適配; 四配; 相稱
supheeng | book review | 書評
suphiefn | selfish; partial | 私偏
suphiøx | tear up the ticket- killed kidnapped victim | 撕票
suphoex | private match | 私配
suphvoax | peddler | 私販
suphwn | elope; elopement | 私奔
suq aphiexn | suck opium | 吸鴉片
susymphvoax | particular judgment (Catholic) | 私審判
sut'auxphaux | take advantage of a man behind his back | 摔後炮; 偷偷的; 背地裏的
suxnphang | take advantage of the chance | 順縫; 乘機
suzhutphirn | exported goods; exportation | 輸出品
sva'afphøex | apron or skirt turned up to hold thing | 衫仔配; 衫仔帕; 衣服兜
svaphaq | fight one another | 相打; 相拍
svaphiexn | deceive one another | 相騙
svaphoex | go together; match; well matched | 相配
svaphorlo | thirty li equals ten miles | 三舖路, 三十里路
svaphø | embrace each other | 相抱
sveamia kab y teq phahpøq | engage in mortal combat with him; do or die; risk one's life | 冒生命之險; 賭命
svef phvixleeng | have a sinus condition | 生鼻龍; 鼻竇炎
svekolarngphuo | mold and rotten | 生菇閬殕
svephuo | mildewed; become moldy; become slightly moldy | 生霉
sviaphøf | sound wave | 聲波
sviphuo | grow mold | 生黴
sviuxkhafng-sviuxphang | try every possible means (as to injure another or get money out of people) | 想孔想縫; 想盡歪主意
sviuxkhangsviuxphang | looking for holes and seems- try every means to accomplish bad intention | 想空想縫
sviuxphiefn | confused or twisted thinking; devious; crooked (words; thoughts) | 想偏
sviuxphoax | given up | 想破
sviwphirn | prize, reward | 賞品; 獎品
svoaf-phu'ioong | Taiwan cotton-rose, mountain rose mallow | 山芙蓉
svoaf-phutøo | porcelain ampelopsis, wildgrape | 山葡萄
svoafphiøx | small change | 散票
svoaphang | crevice or cleft in a mountain | 山縫
svoaphutøo | mountain grapes | 山葡萄
svoaphviaa | sidehill; hillslope; brae; mountain side; hillside; mountain slope | 山坡; 山坪; 山坡地
svoaphøf | mountain side; mountain slope; hillside; hillside | 山坡
svoaphøte | slope of a hill | 山坡地
svoaphøterng | hillside top | 山坡頂
svoaphøtoe | hillside | 山坡地
svoarphiøx | change | 零錢; 散票
svoarphofngphorng | in disorder; in a mess | 散凸凸; 凌亂; 四散紛飛
svoasafnphirn | mountain grown agricultural products | 山產品; 山產物; 山產
svoaxphiøx | scattered votes | 散票
swnphvix | bamboo shoots sliced into thin pieces | 筍片
syaq gve zhuiephoea | be unwilling to admit one's defeat; yield with bad grace; be a poor loser | 死鴉子硬嘴巴; 嘴硬
sygvixphaix | gvixphaix | 死硬派
symphvoarsy | trial division | 審判司
symphvoartaai | judge's bench | 審判台
symphvoartviuo | chief justice; presiding judge | 審判長
symphvoax | judge; judgment; try (a case or person in court); a trial | 審判
symphvoax-kvoaf | judge | 審判官
symphvoax-thviaf | courtroom | 審判廳
syn tiauphaix | avant garde school | 新潮派
syphoee | paralytic skin | 死皮膚, 無感覺的皮膚
søehphang | small gap | 細縫
søehphoax | tear apart | 說破
søehphvix | snowflake | 雪片
tahphøex | to match (colors) to mate; (animals) copulate | 搭配
taigyphvix | Taiwanese episode | 台語片
taixiong-phirn | substituting article | 代用品
taixphengciao | an enormous (legendary) bird | 大鵬鳥
taixphexng | hire on behalf of | 代聘
taixphoax | big break; defeat | 大破
tamphoax | confer, discuss, negotiate, conference, discussion, negotiation | 談判
tamphvoax | negotiation; negotiate; treat; negotiation; decide by informal talks | 談判
tampøfphirn | article given as security; collateral | 擔保品; 抵押品
tan'gafnphøee | oriental eyelids; which do not have a distinct fold along the edges | 單眼皮
tanchviw-phitmar | single handed alone | 單槍匹馬
tangphuun | bronze laver | 銅盆
tangphviar | bronze metal | 銅餅
tangphvoa | company; companion | 同伴
tangphøee thihkud | brass and iron constitution ─ a strong man | 銅皮鐵骨; 強健
tanphvix | a splinter | 單片; 彈片
tansyn-phitmar | alone; single | 單身匹馬
taophao | compete in running | 鬥跑; 賽跑
taophvoa | join together in a company | 鬥伴; 湊個伴兒
taq iuphiøx | put a stamp on an envelope | 貼郵票
taq porphaang | pitch (strike) a tent; put up an awning | 搭帳篷
taqphoax thih'øee | wear out iron shoes ─ search painstakingly everywhere | 踏破鐵鞋
taqphoax | to break by stepping on | 踏破
taqphvae | damage by stepping on it | 踏歹
tarnphoax | threw to break it | 擲破
tarphex | wear a veil | 帳撂; 罩紗
tauafphøq | beans in distilled liquor | 豆仔滓
tauphiørhoad | laws and regulations governing balloting | 投票法
tauphiørjiin | voter | 投票人
tauphiørjit | voting day | 投票日
tauphiørkoaan | the right to vote; the franchise | 投票權
tauphiørsor | polling place; place where voters cast their ballots | 投票所
tauphiørsviw | ballot box | 投票箱
tauphiørzhux | the polls, a voting booth | 投票處
tauphiøx piawkoad | decide by voting | 投票表決
tauphiøx soafnkie | elect by ballot; elections | 投票選舉
tauphiøx | voting; vote; ballot; poll; cast a vote; to ballot | 投票; 投標
tauphiøx-koaan | voting right | 投票權
tauphiøx-sviw | a ballot-box | 投票箱
tauphwn | flee (to freedom); seek employment or protection; to fly to for refuge | 投奔
tauviafphvix | slideshow | 投影片
tauxhuxphøee | bean curd; thin tofu sheet | 豆腐皮
tauxphee | bean curd | 豆皮
tauxphoee | bean curd | 豆皮
tauxphøee | dried beancurd made into thin sheets | 豆皮
tauxphøq | bean dregs | 豆渣; (豆類榨油後剩下之廢物)
tauxsvixphøq | salted and pickled peas; broken down small; after soy has been made from them | 豆鼓滓
tawphaang | a cloak, a mantle, a blouse | 斗帆; 斗篷
tawphoong | a cloak, a mantle, a blouse | 斗篷
tebyphøq | used tea leaves | 茶滓子
teeng-phahkhie | start all over | 重拍起
tefaq-phirn | security, mortgage, pledge | 抵押品
tefngphof | topshop | 頂鋪
tefphvix | photographic negative | 底片
tefphøf | short wave (radio) | 短波
tegphaeoaan | correspondent (of a news agency; newspaper); special commissioner | 特派員
tegphaix | specially dispatched or appointed; commission specially | 特派
tegzeaphirn | specially made | 特製品
tehiøqphafng | tea fragrant | 茶葉芳
tehphoax | to break by crushing | 壓破
tek'afphvix | bamboo slices | 竹仔片
tekphi'ar | a sheet of bamboos | 竹披仔
tekphiørlut | voting rate | 得票率
tekphiøx | got votes | 得票
tekphvix | bamboo strip | 竹片
tekphø | bamboo grove | 竹部
tengkiepho | registration book | 登記簿
tengkix-pho | book for registration | 登記簿
tengphahkhie | begin again; start again | 重打始
tengthaau phahkhie | do it all over again from the beginning | 從頭做起
tephøq | used tea leaves | 茶渣; 茶葉渣子
tesimphøq | used tea leaves | 茶心渣; 茶心粕; 茶葉粕
texluii høefphaux | military mines | 地雷火炮
texngkii chiaphiøx | commuter ticket (archaic) | 定期車票
texngphvax | solid and soft | 鬆硬
texngphøee | scleroderma; hard skin; in crystate | 硬皮
texngzeaphirn | article made to order; custom made article | 定製品
texphiaw | landmark | 地標
texphoee | land for building houses, house site, building site | 地皮
texphøee | land for building houses; house site; building site | 地皮
thaau phephef | the head is inclined | 斜著頭
thad phe | kicked blanket during sleep | 踢被
thad phoe | kicked blanket during sleep | 踢被
thafnphag | turned with face down; inverted so as to have the bowl or cup concave side down; inverted position | 顛倒; 坦覆; 覆臥; 俯臥
thamsefng phvarsuo | clinging to life; cowardly; cowardice | 貪生怕死
thang'afphang | window seam | 窗仔縫
thapphang | fill the hole | 塌縫
thatphoax | kick through | 踢破
thatphvi | stuffing nose | 窒鼻
thaukhak'voar phoax`khix | skull fracture | 頭蓋碗破去
thaukhakphoee | scalp | 頭殼皮
thaukhakphøee | scalp | 頭殼皮; 頭皮
thauphaang | mainsail | 頭帆; 主帆
thauphee | scalp | 頭皮
thauphoea'ar | 1st run | 頭杮仔
thauphoee | skin from a pig's head | 頭皮
thauphoefar | dandruff; scales on the scalp | 頭皮屑
thauphof | dandruff; scales on the scalp | 頭麩; 頭皮屑; 皮屑
thauphvy | 1st article | 頭篇
thauphøf | dandruff | 頭麩
theaphiøx | to refund; return the ticket and get the money back; (of checks) to be dishonored; to bounce | 退票
theqphoeaoaan | home delivery staff | 宅配員
theqphoeciao | mailbird | 提批鳥
theqphøef | mailperson | 提批
theqphøef`ee | mailman; postman | 提批的; 郵差
thiahphiøx | buy a ticket | 拆票; 買票
thiahphoarbin | face torn, negotiation broke | 拆破面
thiahphoax | rip; tear; break or destroy by tearing; tear into pieces; pull to pieces | 撕破; 拆破; 扯破
thiahphoef | to open a letter | 拆信
thiahphøef | open a letter | 拆信
thiaobwphvoa | dancing partner | 跳舞伴
thiaophiexn | jump all over the place | 跳遍
thiaophiøx | bounce check | 跳票
thiap'hien phiørkix | discount on checks | 貼現票據
thiaux pheng koaan | try who can jump highest | 比跳高
thienjienseg ee nngfphvix | Technicolor film | 天然軟片
thienpheeng | scales such as are used for weighing gold; silver | 天秤
thienphoong | canopy | 天篷
thihphoee | Iron sheet | 鐵皮
thihphorng | steel bed springs | 鐵凸; 彈簧床
thihphviar | steel plate | 鐵片
thihphvix | steel layered | 鐵片
thiorngphutphud | extremely happy | 暢怫怫
thiusioxngphaix | abstractionism; abstractionist school | 抽象派
thngpho | primitive sugar crushing establishment | 糖部
thngrphattheq | naked | 褪腹裼
thngrphee | peeling | 褪皮
thngrphoartheq | peeling | 褪破裼
thngrphoee | skin peeled | 褪皮
thngrphøee | to shed the skin; as a snake does | 脫皮
thngx-phorngpha | scalded and blistered | 燙成泡
thoanphiexn | preach everywhere | 傳遍
thoanphiøx | a summons for appearance in court; voucher; voucher; summons for appearance in court; a note from one department to another (in a bank) | 傳票
thoanthefphiøx | group ticket | 團體票
thoatphii | to slough, ecdysis | 脫皮
thoatphøee | shed skin | 脫皮
thoaxphvae | to be gide to the wrong way; lead others into evil by example and companionship | 導歹; 學壞; 帶壞
thofng'id hoatphiøx | uniform invoice | 統一發票
thofngzeaphirn | controlled articles (archaic) | 統制品
thog`phoax | break through | 突破
thokphoax | reveal somebody's secret of success | 拓破
thonghoex phengtioxng | inflation (in economics) | 通貨膨脹
thongphoef | write letter | 通批
thongphøef | send information by letter | 通信; 通批
thophaang | cement slurry on small platform | 塗捀
thophviaa | mud bank on the seashore | 土灘
thophøee | clods of surface soil in ploughed fields | 表土
thorafphoee | rabbit fur | 兔皮
thuhphoax | expose a man's pretensions; to break with the end of a pole or bamboo | 刺破
thuiphaix | elect or recommend representatives to.. | 推派; 推銷
thunphiexn | usurp by deceit | 吞騙; 騙取
thvoaphaix | allot, distribute (in equal shares) | 攤派; 分配
thvy phahphuo | dawn; daybreak | 天剛亮
thvy phwkngf | at daybreak; toward daylight; early dawn | 天拂曉; 黎明
thvy-phwkngf | dawn | 天拂曉; 破曉; 黎明
thyphoax | rend apart; tear apart; rip to pieces | 撕破
thøfphethviax | asking for trouble | 討皮疼
thøfphoethviax | asking for trouble | 討皮疼
thøfphvii | get even, take revenge | 討平
thør phoee thviax | ask for trouble; bring trouble upon self | 自討苦吃
thør phøee thviax | ask for trouble | 討皮疼
thøx phvaylaang | engage a bold; bad man to assist in some wickedness; e.g.; robbery; false lawsuits | 套歹人; 串通壞人
ti'iuu-phøh'ar | browned residue from rendered fat; cracklings | 豬油粕仔
tiafm phøeøee | mend leather shoes | 修補皮鞋
tiafmmiapho | roll (of names) | 點名簿
tiafmphoax | give a hint to a man so that he may understand; especially; some secret plot or unseen danger; explain something difficult to understand; to unravel (a mystery) | 點破
tiampheoee | shoe repairment | 砧皮鞋
tiamphoeee | shoe repairment | 砧皮鞋
tiaophaix | dispatch | 調派
tiaophvix | card of condolence, sympathy card | 弔片; 弔唁卡
tiarmphof | a shop; a store | 店舖
tiarmphor | store; shop | 店舖
tiarmphox | store; shop | 店舖
tiaubi-phirn | seasoning | 調味品
tiaubixphirn | seasoning; spice; dressing material | 調味品
tiauphaix | trendy | 潮派
tiauphex | deployment | 調配
tiauphii | mink; marten | 貂皮
tiauphoex | deployment | 調配
tiauphøee | sable skin (fur); mink; marten's fur | 貂皮
tiauphøee-toaxy | mink coat | 貂皮大衣
tiefnlafmphirn | exhibit | 展覽品
tiet'hak phoksu | Doctor of Philosophy; PhD | 哲學博士
tiexn'oe-pho | telephone directory, yellow book | 電話簿; 電話薄
tiexn'oexpho | telephone directory | 電話簿
tiexnhefphog'ar | light ball | 電火泡仔
tiexnhoefphog'ar | light ball | 電火泡仔
tiexnkhix ioxngphirn | electric appliances | 電氣用品
tiexnkongphvix | electro-optic film | 電光片
tiexnphøf | electric waves | 電波
tiexnviafphiøx | movie ticket | 電影票
tiexnzwphoef | email | 電子批
tiiuphøh'ar | crunchy pork crackling | 豬油粕仔
timphuu | ups and downs | 沉浮
tinliedphirn | articles on display; curiosa; exhibits | 陳列品
tinphii | dried orange peel | 陳皮
tinphirn | curiosities, precious objects | 珍品
tiongkanphaix | middle-of-the roaders; neutral faction; the fence straddlers; fence sitters | 中間派
tionglibphaix | neutral party | 中立派
tiongphang | space of center | 中縫; 中央位子
tiongphiefn siawsoad | long story; a novel | 長篇小說
tiongphiefn | long piece (story, poem, etc.) | 長篇
tiongsyn hunphoex | distribute anew; reallocate | 重新分配
tioxngkym lefphexng | employ with a high pay | 重金禮聘
tiphef | young pig | 豬胚
tiphoear | piglet | 豬胚仔
tiphoef | pig not full grown; piglet; shoat | 幼豬
tiphof | price of live pig | 豬麩; 毛豬的價錢
tiphøef | young pig, 40~80 [[kyn]] | 豬胚
tithauphoee | skin from a pig's head | 豬頭皮
tithauphøee | skin from a pig's head | 豬頭皮
titphiørlut | voting rate | 得票率
titphiøx | got votes | 得票
tiuafphafng | rice smell | 稻仔芳
tng'ar siøphoah | intestinal malfunctions | 腸仔相纏; 腸纏住
tngphao | long run | 長跑
tngphaux | robe; long gown | 長袍
tngphvix | long-playing movie | 長片
tngphøf-tefphøf | long and short waves | 長波短波
tngrphiøx | pawn ticket | 當票
tngrphor | pawnshop | 當舖
tngxphvix | fragment; piecemeal; discontinue playing movie; disruption of a movie show caused by mechanical trouble in the projector | 斷片
toa-phaethaau | overbearing manner | 大派頭
toadkymphiaw | win the first prize (in a race or game) | 奪錦標
toadphiaw | grasp the sign | 奪標
toafnphao | short distance race; sprint | 短跑
toaxlaxnphaf | big penis | 大𡳞脬
toaxnphiexn | fragment | 斷片
toaxphahbe | big sale | 大拍賣
toaxphaix | generous; elegant and composed; in good taste | 大方
toaxphaux | cannon; ordnance; bulla; artillery; artillery shell; firecracker | 大炮; 巨砲; 大型爆竹
toaxphef | large batch of, a good deal of | 大批
toaxphiang | huge (guy) | 大龐
toaxphiexn | big piece | 大片
toaxphiøo | water hyacinth | 大瓢; 布袋蓮
toaxpho | account book | 大簿
toaxphoax | to destroy in a big way, to defeat utterly | 大破
toaxphoef | in great numbers, a large number of | 大批
toaxphvartau | large soft earthnuts | 大粒脆花生
toaxphvaylaang | big bad guy | 大歹人
toaxphøef | large batch of; a good deal of | 大批
toaxphøf | big slope | 大坡
toefphvix | negatives | 底片
toexphee | land | 地皮
toexphiaw | landmark | 地標
tofngphaix buxntøee | problem of parties | 黨派問題
tofngphaix | parties; factions; cliques; cliques; parties in politics | 黨派
tofphog | to gamble; gambling; wager; gamble; gambling | 賭博
tofphoktviuu | gambling house, gambling den | 賭博場
toglip kaophaix | independent sects; Congregationalists | 獨立教派
togphirn | narcotics drugs; narcotic; hard drug | 毒品
tokphoax | smash, break by smashing | 剁破; 啄破
tokphvi | pointed nose | 大鼻
tokphvi'ar | person with an aquiline (hook) nose ─ foreigner | 大鼻仔; 洋人
tokphvixsvoaf | pointed nose | 篤鼻山
tongphvoa | accompany | 同伴
tophvix | picture, illustration, print | 圖片
torngphoear | disc brake pads | 擋皮仔
toxngbut phiaupurn | zoological specimens | 動物標本
toxngphoax | poke a hole; break through (with a finger) | 撞破; 刺破
tudphoarsexng | breakthrough | 突破性
tudphoax | breakthrough | 突破
tuiephaq | fight each other; exchange blows | 對打
tuii khaciahphviaf | massage the back by light pounding with fists | 搥背
tuiuphøh'ar | lard | 豬油粕仔
tuphe'ar | pig embryo | 豬胚仔
tuphear | piglet | 豬胚仔
tuphef | pig embryo | 豬胚
tuphof | pig shop | 豬鋪
tuqphoax | pierce and burst open | 刺破
tuthauphee | pig scalp | 豬頭皮
tvafphau putpeeng | help victims of injustice; try to redress an injustice to the weak | 打抱無平
tvafphoax | break | 打破
tvex-phoarpvi | pretend to be ill; malinger | 裝破病
tviafphie | the hard rind formed on the inside of a kettle when cooking rice (pngxphie is more common to use) | 鼎疕; 鍋巴; 鍋粑
tviafphyar | the hard rind formed on the inside of a kettle when cooking rice (pngxphie is more common to use) | 鼎疕仔; 鍋巴
tviuophaang | tent | 脹篷
tviuopho | an account book | 帳簿
tviuophoax | inflate; distend | 脹破
tvoaa`phoax | break it | 彈破
ty'aq-phirn | article given as security | 抵押品
tyahphirn | collateral; securities; articles given in pledge | 抵押品
tyzex-phirn | boycotted article | 抵制品; 抵押品
tøefphvix | negatives | 底片
tøefphvy | short (novel, story) | 短篇
tøefphøf | short wave | 短波
tøexkutphii | Chinese matrimony vine (tree) | 地骨皮
tøexphøee | land; land-estate | 地皮
tøphiaq | to run away from; to dodge; get temporarily out of the way of danger | 逃避
tøphvix | a razor blade | 刀片
tørphag | face down | 倒覆
tøxhak-phoksu | doctor of divinity (D.D.), doctor of theology (Th.D.) | 道學博士
tøxsu-phaux | Taoism | 道術袍
tøxteg-phaix | moralist school | 道德派
u phvithaau | get the better of a man; in a dispute or quarrel; get things very cheap or get large wages; advantageous (trade); yielding good profits | 佔便宜
uihuizørphvae | do evil | 為非做歹
uikirmphirm | contraband | 違禁品
uikirmphirn | contraband | 違禁品
uiqphoax | inscribe or scratch so deep to ruin the material | 畫破; 劃破
uixphoarkhafng | stomach rupture | 胃破空
uixsioxng-phøf | phase wave | 畫相波
unhøphaix | moderate faction | 溫和派
uphøf | aftermath | 餘波
uxphirn | has good taste | 有品
uxphvoa | have a companion or associate | 有伴
uyphaix | appoint; send one in charge of | 委派
uythokphirn | consignment goods | 委託品
vaxpharng | bread with filling | 餡麭
viafpheeng | film criticism or evaluation; movie reviews | 影評
viafphvix | movie film; movie; cinema film | 影片
viuphirn | foreign goods | 洋品; 洋貨
viuphyntiaxm | a foreign goods shop (store) | 洋貨店
viuphøee | sheepskin | 羊皮
viuphøezoar | vellum | 羊皮紙
viuxphirn | sample (of a commodity) | 樣品
voafphied | bowls and plates | 碗碟; 碗盤
voaxphof | change shop | 換舖
ymphirn | soft drink | 飲品
zabkiepho | notebook | 雜記簿; 筆記簿
zabofphvoa | female accompany | 查某伴
zabphiøx | ten dollar bill | 十票; 十元鈔
zadphvi | nose stuffed up with a cold | 鼻塞; 實鼻
zaesengphirn | reproduction; reclamation | 再生品
zaphiøx | check tickets | 查票
zarmphoax | break by trampling | 踩破
zarnsengphaix | pros | 贊成派
zarphaux | bombing | 炸砲
zarphiexn | grift; false pretences; chicane; chouse; crook; swindle | 詐騙
zauphoq | residue after extraction | 剿粕
zauphøq | residue after extraction | 糟粕
zaux phvayoe | tattle to superiors about someone's faults | 打小報告
zawphiaq | make an effort to avoid or hide | 走避
zawphiexn | go to round of; make the round of | 走遍
zeaphirn | product; manufactured goods | 製品; 祭品
zeaphviechviuo | movie studio | 製片廠
zeaphviejiin | movie producer | 製片人
zeaphvix | film production | 製片
zeazøxphirn | manufactured articles | 製造品
zefngphiefn | to reorganize, reorganization | 整編
zengphexng | to give public notice of vacancies to be filled | 徵聘
zengphirn | exquisite article; article of top quality | 精品
zengphoax | break through | 衝破
zengphoef | love letter | 情批
zengphoex | former wife | 前配
zengphvix | chip | 晶片
zengphvoa | love partner | 情伴
zengphvy | previour article | 前篇
zengphøef | previous letter; love letter | 前批; 情書
zengsoafnphirn | choice goods | 精選品
zengzeaphirn | refined article | 精製品
zerngphaix ee laang | virtuous person | 正派的人
zerngphaix | upright and honest; political faction; honest; proper and straightforward; virtuous | 正派; 政派; 正式
zerngphiefn | to reorganize, reorganization | 正編
zerngseg tamphvoax | formal discussion | 正式談判
zerngthofngphaix | orthodox school of thought | 正統派
zexngphirn | bonus item; gift; a present | 贈品
zhadphvoa | companion in robbery or theft | 賊伴; 把風的
zhaephex | dishes | 菜配
zhaephoex | vegetables (or side dishes) to accompany rice and wine | 菜配; 伴飯伴酒的菜
zhafkofphiøx | speculate in stocks | 炒股票
zhafphafng | seasoning | 炒芳
zhaftexphøee | engage in land speculation | 炒地皮
zhagphoax | pierce; puncture | 刺破
zhagtiøh kutphang | offend a man by speaking so as to reveal his wrong doing; touch on a sore point | 刺到骨縫; 說到癢處
zhaiphoax | penetrate the meaning; to guess the meaning | 猜破
zhaiphvoarkoaan | jurisdiction | 裁判權
zhaiphvoarkvoaf | judge | 裁判官
zhaiphvoarsor | court of justice | 裁判所
zhaiphvoaruyoaan | member of a panel of judges or referees | 裁判委員
zhaiphvoax | to judge; a verdict; a judge; a referee; an umpire; verdict or judgment by law | 裁判
zhaiphøx | penetrate the meaning; to guess the meaning | 猜破
zhak`phoax | gouge | 鑿破
zhaojiøxphoax | foul smell of urine | 尿臭味; 臭尿破
zhaokhaphvixliaam | having a sore or ulcer on the shinbone | 臭腳鼻黏; 脛骨瘡
zhaophiøo | tiny water fern | 臭薸; 慢江紅
zhaophoarpox-bi | stingy | 臭破布味
zhaophuiesiefn | arrogant | 臭屁仙
zhaophuiethaang | arrogant | 臭屁蟲
zhaophuix | intestinal gas (say a person so exaggerated in talking) | 臭屁; 屁
zhaophuo | smell of food after expiration date; molded; has a moldy smell or taste like food; cloths or a place | 臭黴; 臭殕; 黴臭味; 發霉
zhaophwbi | smelly | 臭黴味
zhaophwkhix | burnt | 臭殕去
zhaotaphie | burnt | 臭焦疕
zhaothauphie | brat | 臭頭痞
zhaphea'ar | woodend panels | 柴杮仔
zhaphiøx | check ticket, punch ticket | 查票
zhaphiøx-oaan | conductor in the train | 查票員
zhaphoea'ar | chips of wood | 柴片仔
zhaphoee | bark of a tree | 木皮
zhaphuun | a wooden tub | 柴盆
zhaphvie'ar | panel of wood | 柴片仔
zhaphøee | bark of a tree | 柴皮
zhauphiøx | banknote; money bill | 鈔票
zhawphie | small sod of turf | 草皮
zhawphoe | small sod of turf | 草皮
zhawphoeafterng | turf | 草皮仔頂
zhawphviar | a sod of turf | 草皮; (塊)
zhayhoephafng | men who have always had sex with women and then abandoned them | 採花蜂
zhayphiøx | lottery | 彩票
zhayphvoax | judgement; judge | 裁判
zheaphoax | to tear to pieces | 扯破; 撕成碎片
zheaphoee | crisp | 脆皮
zheaphøe'aq | roasted Peking duck | 脆皮鴨
zheaphøee | fragile | 慷慨; 皮層薄弱
zhefphoax | to tear to pieces | 扯破
zhehphoee | cover or back of a book | 書皮; 封面
zhehphvai'aftea | backpack bottom | 冊揹仔底
zhehphvai'ar | satchel | 冊揹仔
zhehphøee | book cover | 書皮
zhengphafng | refreshing fragrance; gently and pleasantly fragrant; not too strong | 清香
zhengphiin | poor | 清貧
zhengthiefn pheklek | sudden and unexpected (Lit. a bolt from the blue) | 青天霹靂
zhephaix | send; to depute | 差派
zherngphvi koo`ee | said of articles badly made; easily coming to pieces | 無堅牢的
zherngphvi | blow the nose | 醒鼻; 醒鼻涕
zhngphang | pass through a very narrow slit | 穿縫; 穿過細縫
zhngphof | bed and bedding | 床鋪; 床舖
zhngrphang | manage to go through a difficult situation | 鑽營; 鑽縫
zhngrphi | sneeze | 擤鼻
zhngrphvi | sneeze | 擤鼻
zhoafnphvexphve | wheezing | 喘怦怦
zhoafnphvixphve | breathe heavily; gasp pant; puff | 喘忐忑; 喘得要命
zhoarnphiexn | swindle; to collaborate in a swindle | 串騙
zhoe laang ee khangphang | find fault with others; look for defects in others; watch for a chance | 找人孔縫; 別人的缺點
zhoexkhafng-zhoexphang | look for an opportunity to extort money or to slander or injure others; look for trouble (Lit. Look for opportunities and place.) | 找孔找隙; 找麻煩
zhoexkhangzhoexphang | seeking for any short coming; picky | 揣空揣縫
zhophef | rough | 粗坯
zhophiang | rough and big | 粗龐
zhophiefn | first issue of a compilation | 初編
zhophirn | coarse products | 粗品
zhophoee | rough skin of fruit or vegetable | 粗皮
zhophoef | first product; first painting on the wall | 初坯; 第一次生產之物; 第一次粉刷牆壁
zhophøee | rough skin | 粗皮
zhophøq | stout; muscular | 粗壯
zhorhae sengphøf | disturbance due to jealousy; martial trouble arising from infidelity | 醋海生波
zhorngphvae | damaged | 創歹
zhozeaphirn | intermediary product that requires further processing; product of low quality; crude or coarse product | 粗製品
zhuiekhie-phang | mouth gap | 嘴齒縫
zhuiekhyphang | tooth gap | 喙齒縫
zhuiephea | the cheek | 嘴巴
zhuiephoea | facial skin | 嘴頰; 臉頰
zhuiephoef | the cheek | 嘴巴
zhuiephoefbaq | cheek | 喙䫌肉
zhuiephoefkud | cheek bone | 嘴頰骨
zhuiephoefpvy | mouth side | 喙䫌邊
zhuiephvix | small broken pieces; fragments; splinters; shreds; chips | 碎片
zhuiephøea | cheek | 嘴巴; 喙䫌; 面頰
zhuietunphee | lips | 喙脣皮
zhuietunphoee | lips | 喙脣皮
zhuietunphøee | lips | 嘴唇皮
zhuiphaix taixpiao | elect representatives | 推派代表
zhuiphaix | delegate someone (after consultation) | 推派
zhuophirn | second-rate, seconds | 次品
zhuphe | comfort | 舒被
zhuphoe | make the bed, spread out the coverlet ready for use, mattress | 舒被
zhuphøe | spread out the coverlet ready for use; make up the bed; a mattress | 舖被
zhuphøe-hipnoa | bed sore | 褥瘡
zhutphaang | setting out to sail; sail | 出帆; 揚帆; 船開航
zhutphia'ar | measles | 出癖仔
zhutphiah | bleak out with measles; have measles | 出疹; 出癖; 出麻疹
zhutphiaqar | measles | 出癖仔
zhutphirn | manufacture products; products of company; manufactured things; produce; to send an article to an exhibition | 出品
zhutphoax | reveal a secret; become known like a secret; to leak out a secret | 顯露; 出破; 洩露; 露出破綻
zhutphwn | escape; flee one's home and live in exile | 出奔
zhutsegpho | roll book; attendance record book | 出席簿
zhuun-phvayix | bad intension | 存歹意
zhvephøee | rawhide; untanned hide | 生皮
zhvezharm-logpheg | very miserable | 悽慘落泊; 慘透了
zhøexphang | seeking seams; find shortcomings | 尋縫; 找缺點
zngrphang | make a hole; penetrate | 鑽縫
zoafphef | paper letter | 紙坯
zoafphiøx | paper currency; banknotes | 紙鈔; 紙票; 鈔票; 銀票
zoafphoef | paper letter | 紙坯
zoafphvix | scrap of paper | 紙片
zoafphøee | paper cover (of a book) | 紙皮
zoanbuun siulie phahjixky | typewriter repair specialist | 專門修理打字機
zoanlixphirn | patented articles | 專利品
zoanphvy | whole | 全篇
zoanphøf | All wave (radio) | 全波
zoaphøee | snake skin | 蛇皮
zoaphøesiern | pityriasis; skin disease marked by the shedding of bran-like scales of epidermis | 蛇皮癬
zoeaphvae | to do bad things | 做歹
zoeaphvoa | accompany someone | 做伴
zoeasioxngphirn | prime quality | 最上品
zoex-phofphiexn | most widespread | 最普遍
zofngpho | general ledger; general directory; ledger | 總簿; 總帳簿
zofngphoehoad | equipment or outfit (especially of a soldier) | 總批發
zofngphof | large wooden bed for at least five persons; bed platform on which tatami's are laid in a Japanese home | 通舖; 總鋪; 大臥舖; 大木板床; 床鋪
zofngphorsay | chef | 總舖師
zofngphox | chef; cook (polite term) | 廚師; 總舖
zogphaix | cliques within same ancestors; division of a clan | 族派
zogphor | genealogy; family tree; genealogical table; family register; pedigree of a clan | 族譜
zokgiabpho | workbook | 作業簿
zokgiabpho'ar | workbook | 作業簿仔
zokphirn | opus; work; handicraft; work of a writer or artist | 作品
zongkaux zhaiphvoarsor | The Holy Office or tribunal established during the period of the Inquisition | 宗教裁判所
zongphaix | a clique; branches of a clan or religion; school of philosophy or academic learning | 宗派
zongphaix`ee | schismatic | 宗派的
zongphoeasvoax | general wholesale distribution (of commodities in a given area) | 裝配線
zongphoex | to decorate; assembly line (factory) | 裝配
zongphoex-chviuo | an assembly plant | 裝配廠
zongphoex-kafng | a fitter, an assembler | 裝配工
zongphøex | assembly; fabricate; put together; assemble | 裝配
zongphøex-chviuo | an assembly plant | 裝配廠
zongphøex-kafng | a fitter, an assembler | 裝配工
zongseg-phirn | article of ornament or decoration | 裝飾品
zongsekphirn | ornamental item; decorative article | 裝飾品
zorng phiencib | editor in chief | 總編輯
zu'iofngphirn | nourishing food; nutritive food | 滋養品
zunhoeapho | stock book | 存貨簿
zunkiepho | record book | 存記簿
zunphaang | sail of a boat; sail | 船帆
zunphiøx | ticket (ship); boat ticket | 船票
zuozheq siongphiaw | registered trade mark | 註冊商標
zuphvix | diskettes (computer) | 磁片
zuphøee | book cover | 書皮
zuxgvor phoepheeng | self criticism; criticize oneself | 自我批評
zuxjienphaix | naturalist | 自然派
zuxphøf | standing wave | 自波; 駐波
zuypha | blister | 水泡; 水疱
zuyphaf | blister; bubble | 水泡
zuyphauh | water blister | 水泡
zuyphi'ar | water cape | 水披仔
zuyphiaw | float | 水薸; 浮萍
zuyphiøo | floating weed like duckweed (eaten by ducks) | 水薸; 水萍
zuyphoe | white cloth over the dead body in the coffin | 水被; 蓋在屍體上的被單
zuyphog | water blister | 水噗; 水泡
zuyphuphiøo | floating weed like duck weed (eaten by ducks) | 水浮薸
zuyphuun | basin | 水盆
zuyphø | water riddle | 水泡
zuyphøafsviaf | blister sound | 水泡仔聲
zuyphøar | blister | 水泡仔
zuyphøciøh | type of decorative porous stone | 水波石
zuyphøeh | water foam | 水沫
zuyphøf | water bubble; foam; a bubble | 水泡; 波紋; 水泡沫; 水波
zwhøphaix | the doves | 主和派
zwkoafn ee phøepheeng | subjective criticism | 主觀的批評
zwphiefn | senior editor who edits a specific page or section of a newspaper | 主編
zøeaphvae | act wickedly, behave badly | 做壞; 做歹; 做惡
zøeaphvoa | accompany someone | 做伴
zøfphaix | left party; leftist | 左派
zøhsitphvoa | worker accompany | 作穡伴
zørlaang cinphvae | behave wickedly or cruelly | 做人很壞
zørpeng'afphvoa | comrade in military | 做兵仔伴
zørphae | leftist | 做歹
zørphvae | act wickedly; behave badly; do evil | 做歹; 做惡; (惡)
zørphvoa | be a companion | 作伴; 做伴
zøx phvaybang | have a nightmare | 做惡夢
zøxphiaw | coordinates (math) | 座標
zøxsit sanphefng | by idleness and eating; business or wealth (Lit the mountain) dwindles away | 坐食山崩
øh-phvae zuie pafng svoaf | hard to learn good thingsd and easier to learn bad things | 學歹水崩山
øqphvae | being influenced to behave badly; follow the bad example of another | 學壞

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