"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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cili phørzhuix | completely disintegrated | 支離破碎
jinthea-kayphørhak | study of human anatomy; anthropometry | 人體解剖學
kafmzeeng phørliet | fall out (said of friends; married couple) | 感情破裂
kayphørhak | anatomy | 解剖學
kayphørsut | anatomy | 解剖術
phør | about; almost; nearly; for the most part | 頗
phøraxn | crack a criminal case; distinguishing the truth of a case by minute examination | 破案
phørbiet | shattered | 破滅
phørgiam | to hold inquest | 剖驗
phørhai beng'u | ruin one's reputation; to slander | 破壞名譽
phørhai kauthofng | disrupt communications; block traffic | 破壞交通
phørhai tiedsu | cause damage or disruption to the social order; violation of the social order | 破壞秩序
phørhai tionglip | violation of neutrality | 破壞中立
phørhai | spoilt by a rent; to ruin; destroy; disrupt | 破壞
phørhaixlek | destructive power | 破壞力
phørheg | to break; solve a criminal case | 破獲
phørhied | bleeding | 破血
phørhoai | spoilt by a rent; to ruin; destroy; disrupt | 破壞
phørhoai-ciar | destroyer | 破壞者
phørhoaixliawliao | completely broken | 破壞了了
phørhoaixtiøh | broken; damaged | 破壞著
phørhuix | waste money; spend recklessly | 破費
phørhuo timciw | smash the cooking vessels and sink the boats ─ as 項羽 ordered his men to do; after crossing the river; indicates determination to succeed; cutting off all retreat; no turning back; determined; resolved | 破釜沉舟; 必死的決心
phørimji | read character with different pronunciation; representing different word | 破音字
phøriog | to break an agreement | 破約
phørkae | untie; unbind | 破解
phørkaix | to break a solemn promise; break religious precept; break vow of abstinence | 破戒
phørkhao | a crevice | 破口
phørkoea | some kind of rice cake | 泡粿
phørkofng | in vain; useless | 破功
phørlan | tattered and torn | 破爛
phørle | exception; break a precedent; make an exception (to a rule; common practices) | 破例
phørliet | burst; explode; erupt; rupture; cracked; torn; split; to end in a rupture; break off | 破裂
phørphiah | break habit | 破癖
phørphøx | hollow | 空脆; 濕韌
phørsafnciar | bankrupt; insolvent debtor; man of straw; lame duck | 破產者
phørsarn | become bankrupt; bankruptcy; go bankrupt | 破產
phørsiaw | report something as worthless; discard as useless | 報銷
phørsiofng | injury, wound | 破傷
phørsionghofng | tetanus | 破傷風
phørsurn | breakage; damage; disrepair; broken or damaged; ruined | 破損
phørtau | arrogant; conceited; full of oneself; expression; manner; spirited; vigorous; to chat; to gossip; idle talk; to chat | 聊天; 聊論時事; 內鬆豆
phørthienhofng | very first time; something never happened before; never before ─ for the first times; unprecedented; history making; break the record | 破天荒
phørthor tiefnlea | ground breaking ceremony | 破土典禮
phørtii | eliminate; remove | 破除
phørtiog | broken bamboo | 破竹
phørtuu besixn | break down superstitions; get rid of superstition | 破除迷信
phørtuu | (v) get rid of; discard | 破除
phørzaai | waste wealth; lose money | 破財
phørzhaxn | a flaw in argument | 破綻
phørzhuix | broken (hearted; hope); to come to pieces; shattered | 破碎; 打碎
sex juu phørteg | Lit. their strength is like splitting bamboo ─ to advance with irresistible force; to push onward with overwhelming momentum (said of a victorious army) | 勢如破竹

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