"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Ke'nng badbat tøf uxphang | The closest affair has some hole in it | 雞蛋密密也有縫; 紙包無住火
Sae kirn khortoax phaq-sykad | Something always happens when you are in a hurry; haste makes waste (Lit. rushed to the toilet; but the drawstring fastening the pants was knotted) | 欲速則無達。
angphaux | red cannon | 紅炮
baxnphao | jog | 慢跑
bengphaux | set off firecrackers; fire cannons | 鳴炮
bidphafng | honey bee; honey bee | 蜜蜂
bixlaiphaix | futurists; futurism | 未來派
butorng buphaix | without party affiliation of any sort; non-partisan | 無黨無派
bwphafng | queen bee | 母蜂; 女王蜂; 蜂王
byphafng | puffed rice; rice crispy; confection made from puffed rice; rolls made of puffed rice sweeten with sugar | 米香; 米芳; 米花餅; 爆米花
bøo phahsngx | not expect; unexpectedly; coincidentally | 無打算; 沒想要
bøo tofngphaix | non-partisan | 無黨派
bøsinphaix | atheists | 無神派
bøtorng bøphaix | impartial; without party affiliation of any sort; non-partisan | 無黨無派
chi phafng | keep bees | 養蜂
chiaphaf-liefntao | to turn a somersault | 車拋輪斗; 翻跟斗
chiongphaix | high spirited; brimming with energy or vitality | 充沛
chiongthiefn-phaux | firework | 沖天炮
chiwphang lafng | one who is not thrifty (Lit. the spaces between the fingers are wide) | 手縫鬆; 手指縫寬; 流財
chiwphang | spaces between the fingers | 手縫; 手指縫
chiwphax | handkerchief | 手帕
chixphafng | raise bees | 養蜂
ciaociah-ciaophaq | go Dutch | 照吃照打; 各付各的
cidee cvii phaq jixsix kad | cheapskate; tight fisted; has to untie knots before he will spend a dollar. (Lit. One dollar is tied up by twenty-four knots.) | 一個錢打二四結; 吝嗇鬼
cidphang | one crack | 一縫
ciernphaau | combat uniform | 戰袍
ciernphaux | battle dress in former times | 戰甲; 甲冑; 戰袍
cietphang | crease | 折縫; 摺痕
cietphaq | rhythm | 節拍
ciog phahpviax | very hard; struggled; make an effort to | 足打拚
ciphaix | to order; to send; to dispatch; subdivision; branch of a school of thought; division of a clan | 支派
citpharng | weave and spin | 織紡; 紡織
ciøqphang | interstice in stone, crack in stone | 石縫
ciøqthauphang | crevice between rocks | 石頭縫
cviarphaix | formal; formal manner; decent; honest; decency | 正派; 正式
cviarphaq | in tennis; ping pong; to hit the ball overhand | 正拍
cyn-phaqpviax | do one's best; work hard | 真打拚
cyphaix | appoint; assign | 指派
efngphaang | fill away | 揚帆
egphaux | bathrobe | 浴袍
gaau phahphaix | skillful at managing (affairs; things) | 會打派; 善於安排; 差遣別人
goanzwphaux | launcher firing atomic-tipped missiles | 原子炮
goaxphaux | long quilted outer coat | 外袍
gulaxnphasvoai | mango | 牛𡳞脬檨
guphafng | hornet | 牛蜂
gvexphaix | diehard; stubborn; intransigent; irreconcilable; stiff and unbending | 硬派
gvixphaix | diehard; stubborn; intransigent; irreconcilable; stiff and unbending | 硬派
hagkiuophaix | pedants | 學究派
hagphaix | a school (of thought); school of thought | 學派
hayphaix | generous | 海派; 花錢很大方
hiarmphaq | shout; Beat him up! | 喊打; 叫打
hiephaux | alveoli, lung sacs | 肺苞; 肺泡
hiux phangzuie | spray air refresher | 灑香水
hoafnphaix | opposition faction | 反派; 反對派
hoafntoxngphaix | reactionary party | 反動派
hoaiphau | bosom; to embrace; to hold in the arms; nurse in the arms | 懷抱
hoanphak | turn-over to expose to sunlight | 翻曝; 翻曬
hoatludphang | loop holes in the law | 法律縫
hoefcviephaux | bazooka; rocket launcher | 火箭砲
hoephaux | a firework; a sparkler | 花炮; 煙火
hofthaau-phafng | hornet | 虎頭蜂; 黃蜂
hofthauphafng | wasp | 虎頭蜂
hongphaix | abundant | 豐沛; 豐盛
hosiin-phaq | fly-swatter | 胡蠅打; 蒼蠅拍
hosinphah'ar | fly swatter | 胡蠅拍仔
hoxngphaix | be assigned to a job or post | 奉派
hoxphaang | oilcloth; water-proof | 雨帆布
hoxphang | rain stop in between two; pause in the rain | 雨縫; 雨停之間
huiephaux | alveoli | 肺泡
huiphaux | to run quickly | 飛砲; 飛跑
hunlixphaix | secessionists | 分離派
hunphaix | allocate; appoint; to allot; assign; allot; apportion; depute; divide into parties; cliques | 分派
hunphang | a crack of cloud | 雲縫
hvi'ar phakphag | ears standing out so much as almost to cover the opening (like a pig's) | 耳仔趴趴; 垂耳
hviuphafng | small bag of incense worn as a talisman on the 5th of the 5th month | 香包; 香香
hwn tofngphaix | divide into parties or factions | 分黨派
hwnphaq | a powder-puff | 粉打; 粉拍
høefphaux | sparkler (fireworks) | 火炮; 鞭炮
høfphaix | good appearance | 好派; 好容姿
hør-phaethaau | style of person; big show of skill | 好派頭; 派頭大
høxphaux | artillery fire as a signal | 號炮; 信號槍; 信號炮
iafciernphaux | fieldpiece; field artillery | 野戰砲
iafphafng | wild bees | 野蜂
ibudphaix | materialists | 唯物派
iofngphau | embrace | 擁抱
iorng phafng | keep bees | 養蜂
irnsioxngphaix | impressionist school (art) | 印象派
isimphaix | idealists | 唯心派
isinphaix | reformers | 維新派
itphaang-hongsun | May you have favorable winds in your sails!--greeting written on a farewell present | 一帆風順
itphaix-hogieen | complete nonsense | 一派胡言
iwphaix | the Right | 右派
iwphaix-hunzuo | Rightists | 右派分子
jiedphauh | fever blister | 熱泡
juhoad phaozex | do things according to an approved routine methods; do something exactly as others have done | 如法泡製
kalafnphag | put a thing upside down; lie face downward | 伏臥趴; 倒放
kalongphaux | cannon | 加農砲; 大砲
kaophaix hunliet | schism | 教派分裂
kaophaix | sect; religious sect | 教派
kapphang | space between things | 合縫; 縫合處
keg-høfgiaqlaang-phaix | take on the airs and appearance of a wealthy man when really not so | 假好額人派; 裝有錢人的派頭
kekphaethaau | put on airs | 激派頭
kekphaix | radical | 激派
keksinphaix | reformist group | 革新派
khangphang | gap; hole; holes and crevices; a flaw; opportunity for finding fault or getting money out of people | 孔縫; 空縫; 空隙
khaphang | between the thighs; space between the legs | 腳縫; 胯下; 腿間
khazngfthau'afphang | interstices between the toes | 腳指頭仔縫
khiakhafng-khiaphang | create difficulties | 騎孔騎縫; 諸多刁難
khie cidphaf | formed a blister | 起了一個水泡; 起一皰
khiefnphaix | send forward; dispatch; mission; assignment | 派遣; 遣派
khiephaix | style of (dress; behavior); dignified air; impressive style or manner | 氣派
khiephaux | air bubble | 氣泡
khiephaxn | expect or hope with eagerness | 企望; 企盼
khiernphafng | frying; flavor with onion or mushroom before frying (something) | 譴芳; 芡芳; 爆香
khoaephao | to run fast | 快炮; 快跑
khuiphaang | to start sail; set out; start on sailing (boat; ship; junk); start journey | 開帆
khuiphaux | open fire | 開砲
khuxn kannafphag | sleep with one's face downward | 俯著睡; 睡矸仔仆
khuxn-thafnphag | sleep in a prone position; lie on one's face | 睡袒腹; 伏臥
khuypien-hagphaix | the school of sacrums | 鬼辯學拜; 詭辯學派
khvoarhofng-sayphaang | adapt oneself to circumstances | 看風駛帆
khyphaang | hoist sail; start a sea voyage; start sail | 起帆; 揚帆; 要出海
khyphaf | blister | 起泡
khyphang | space between the teeth; interstices between the teeth | 牙縫; 齒縫
khyphauh | raise blisters; to bubble | 起泡
khyphaxn | get angry | 生氣; 起盼
khøfphax | horrify | 可怕
kiamphafng | salty and sweet-smelling; salty and delicious at the same time | 鹹香
kikoanphaux | rapid-fire gun; machine gun | 機關砲
kipcirnphaix | radical; extremist faction | 急進派
kiphaux | cheongsam; all-purpose long gown with a high stiff collar worn by modern Chinese women | 旗袍
kiuphaq | rackets (for tennis; etc.); bat; racquet | 球拍
koarphaang | to hang up a sail (of a boat) | 掛帆
kofphaix | The Conservative Party | 舊派; 古派
kongphaq | attack, assault | 攻打
kuipha | the whole (blister) | 整皰
kuiphaang | the whole set; whole | 整組; 全部
kuixphag | to kneel down and to fall flat on the ground; kneel and prostrate one's self | 跪伏
kutphang | the crack between the bones; a fissure or an opening between the bones | 骨縫
kvoaphaix | to assign by government; to send by government; appoint (name; designate) by an official | 官派; 官府指派的
køphafn | climb high; cultivate friendship with the socially elevated | 高攀
køsiaxphaux | ack-ack; anti aircraft gun; anti-aircraft gun | 高射炮
laixphaux | long inner robe | 內袍; 襯袍
langphang | (n) crack; gap between two persons | 人隙
laophaau | to run away; to flee; to escape | 落跑; 逃跑; 開溜; 落荒而逃
larngphang | an interval of space or time; leave a space (as in writing); take the opportunity to make off | 曠縫; 間隔; 乘隙
laxng-hoxphang | lull (letup) in the rain | 曠雨縫; 趁雨停
laxnphaf | scrotum | 陰囊; 𡳞脬
lefphaux | a gun salute (e.g.1-gun salute); rocket salute | 禮炮
lengphaux | imperial robe | 龍袍
liah laang ee oexphang | take advantage of what a man says to confute him | 挑人言語上的毛病
liah oexphang | catch a person in his own words; trip a person up | 挑語病
liaqphang | to find fault | 掠縫; 找到缺點
liqphang | a crack or cleavage | 裂縫
liuphaix | branch; division; school | 流派
liuphaux | howitzer | 榴砲
logthienphaix | optimist; easygoing person | 樂天派
lyoong phafng | queen bee | 女王蜂
løqphaang | putting down sail (on the boat); let down the sail; pull down the sail of a ship or boat | 落帆; 收帆; 下帆
løqphauh | hail | 下雹
miasviaf cinphafng | good reputation | 名譽很好
miphahjit | day and night | 暝打日; 夜以繼日
miphang | to patch up, to make good | 暝縫; 彌縫
miphaux | long quilted dress | 棉袍
mng'exphak | under the door | 門下栿
mngphang | crack in a door; interstice between doors or between the door and doorframe | 門縫
mxkvar køphafn | I cannot venture to equal you | 毋敢高攀
ng'iøphafng | yellow hornet | 黃腰蜂
ngphafng | yellow bee | 黃蜂
niphax | | 奶帕
nngfphafngpharng | extremely soft | 軟紡紡
oaqlek chiongphaix | brimming with energy or vitality | 活力充沛
oexphang | slip of the tongue; faulty wording | 話縫; 話中的缺點; 失言
padphaix | different style | 別派
pangphaix | gang; faction | 幫派
parngphao'ar | blaster | 放炮仔
parngphaux | to start fire work; set off firecrackers | 放炮; 放鞭炮
pefngkalafnphag | sleep on one's stomach | 反佳懶伏; 伏臥
pefngphag | to turn into a prostrate position; upset; to invert with mouth down; to turn on the face or belly | 俯臥; 反覆; 伏臥; 翻反面
pefngthafnphag | to upset; invert with mouth down | 翻躺伏; 翻身伏臥
pefngtharn-phag | to turn into a prostrate position | 俯躺伏
pekkekphaux | mortar (short barreled cannon) | 迫擊砲
pengphauh | hail (storm) | 冰雹
pengphaux | hail; hailstone | 冰雹
peqpha | water blister (skin disease) | 白皰; 水泡
peqphaf | white blister (disease) | 白脬
pha | blister | 皰; 疱; 泡
phaang laang ee pngxvoar | be a wife; be in another's house (either for protection or as a dependent) | 寄人籬下; 當人家的媳婦
phaang | a sail; to hold up or carry in both hands; a covering; sail; to sail | 帆; 捀; 捧; 端; 篷
phaarng'phangphafng | extreamly sweet odor | 香香香
phaau | gown; cope; aba | 袍
phabang | cast a net; net; throw or cast a fishing net | 拋網; 撒網
phachialiefn | tumbling | 拋捙輪
phachialyn | somersault; turn a somersault | 翻觔斗
phae'e | decedents from one and the same tribe; family; or root; cliques; branch of a clan; direct posterity in relation to their ancestor | 派下
phae'oaan | appoint a delegate, to dispatch a representative | 派員
phaeha | decedents from one and the same tribe; family; or root; cliques; branch of a clan; direct posterity in relation to their ancestor | 派下
phaehe | a particular group; factions | 派系
phaekhiern | dispatch; dispatch | 派遣
phaekhix | sent | 派去
phaelaai | sent | 派來
phaeleng | deputed; order of appointment in written form | 派令
phaeoaan | send or depute and officer | 派員
phaepefng | dispatch troops | 派兵
phaepiet | different group; factions; schools (of thought) | 派別
phaethaau | overbearing manner; manner; air; the way one acts and speaks | 派頭
phaetuix | party (loanword) | 派對
phaezhud | expedite; depute; send; appoint; dispatch | 派出
phaezhutsor | police station; police station; police substations | 派出所
phaezu | appoint to | 派駐
phaezux | stationed | 派駐
phaf bang | spread out the fishing net | 拋網
phaf | throw; throw away; to cast; to abandon; to eject; give up | 拋; 葩; 盞; 条; 束; 條,
phaf-chialiern | the wheel turns; forward roll; rolls; turns the somersault; turns the somersault | 拋車輪; 前滾翻; 滾翻; 翻觔斗; 翻筋斗
phafn | pull; hold to; drag down; hold on for support | 攀; 扳
phafng texng`tiøh | bee sting | 蜂螫到
phafng | bees; hornets; wasps | 蜂; 芳; 香,
phafng-korngkoxng | smelling fresh | 香貢貢; 芳絳絳
phafngchiaf | spinning wheel; spinning wheel; spinning machine | 紡車
phafngcid kangchviuo | textile factory | 紡織工廠
phafngcid kongsy | spinning and weaving mill; textile company | 紡織公司
phafngcid | textile; spin and weave; spinning and weaving | 紡織
phafngcid-chviuo | textile mill, weaving mill | 紡織廠
phafngcid-giap | textile industry | 紡織業
phafngcit-giap | business of textile | 紡織業
phafngcitchviuo | spinning and weaving mill; textile mill | 紡織廠
phafngcitgiap | textile industry | 紡織業
phafngcitkafng | textile factory worker | 紡織工
phafngcitky | looms; spinning and weaving machines | 紡織機
phafngkafng | worker who spins thread | 紡工
phafngkoex | spinned | 紡過
phafngmii | spin cotton threads | 紡綿
phafngse'ar | spinner | 紡紗仔
phafngsechiaf | spinner | 紡紗車
phafngsef | spin thread | 紡線; 紡紗
phafngsef-citpox | spin and weave | 紡紗織布
phafngseky | spinning jenny | 紡紗機
phafngsvoax | spin thread | 紡線; 紡紗
phafngsy | spin silk threads; spin silk | 紡絲
phafngtiaxm | pastry shop | 麭店
phafngzeq | spin | 紡績
phag | to fall forward; a Chinese hackberry; simple; to cover; fall down; fall prostrate; bend as a suppliant; to overturn; to upset; to invert | 仆; 朴; 樸; 覆; 伏
phag'iaam | sun dry salts | 晒鹽
phag'of | to tun, sunburned | 晒黑; 曝烏
phag-løqkhix thokhaf | fallen to the ground; to fall prostrate | 仆倒在地上
phag-teq khuxn | sleep face down | 俯著睡; 伏著睡
phag-teq paix | kneel and bow very low | 伏著拜
phag-teq thviaf | listen secretly (with head bent down close to a door) | 伏著聽
phaggidthaau | sun exposure | 曝日頭
phaghør | exposed | 曝好
phagjidthaau | sun exposure | 曝日頭
phagjit | getting tanned; expose in the sun; to air or dry in the sun; let the sun shine on; take the sun; bask (laze) in the sunshine | 晒日; 曝日; 晒太陽
phagkoex | exposed to the sun | 曝過
phagkvoaf | dry (eatables) in the sun | 打乾; 曝乾; 曬乾; 食物晒成干
phaglidthaau | sun exposure | 曝日頭
phaglit | sun exposure | 曝日
phagphak | expose | 曝曝
phagphak`leq | dry them in the sun | 晒晒咧
phagpox | dry clothes | 晒布
phagsie | die of scorching heat (men; rice plants etc.) | 晒死
phagsvaf | sun dry cloth; to air clothing | 晒衫; 晒衣服
phagtaf | dry in the sun | 晒乾; 曝焦
phagtiøh | expose | 曝著
phagzheg | sun or dry rice; place unhulled rice in the sun to dry before storage | 晒穀; 晒稻米
phagzøx | exposed as | 曝做
phah'axn | to pound the table, a gesture of anger or surprise | 打案; 拍案
phah'eh | belch | 打呃
phah'eq | belch | 打呃; 拍呃
phah'ex | belch | 拍呃
phah'iog | sign a contract | 打約
phah'ixn | affix a seal | 打印; 蓋印
phah'mm | put forth flower buds; produce flower buds; to bud | 發萼; 結蕾
phah'mxkvix | lose something | 打無見; 丟掉; 遺失
phah'oaqkad | tie a slipknot | 打活結
phah'oay | deflect | 打歪
phah'of | blacken, stain | 打黑; 弄黑
phah'uh'ar | belch | 打嗝仔
phah'viaa | win in a combat or fight; win (a game); conquer; gain the victory | 打贏
phahbachiog | play mahjong | 拍麻雀
phahbaq | span the meat | 拍肉
phahbarng | to swat a mosquito | 打蚊; 拍蠓
phahbe | sell by auction; auction | 拍賣
phahbiet | distinguish | 打滅; 撲滅
phahbixntøh'ar | play mahjong | 拍面桌仔
phahboachiog | play mahjong | 拍麻雀
phahboe | on sale | 拍賣
phahbofzhaix | a Taiwanese vegetable | 拍某菜
phahboo | mould; make a model of | 打模
phahbøe | sell by auction | 拍賣
phahbøkhix | lost | 拍無去
phahbøkvix | lost | 拍無見
phahbøo | lost | 打無
phahbøo`khix | lose, let be lost | 打無去; 拍無去; 遺失; 掉了,
phahchiaotaam | joking | 拍笑談
phahchirnkvoa | getting chilled | 打凊汗; 惡寒
phahchiuo | hired thugs; clap the hands | 打手; 拍手; 保鏢
phahchiwzhexng | masturbate | 打手銃; 手淫
phahchiørkhoef | joking | 拍笑詼
phahchvie | wake up | 打醒; 拍醒; 吵醒
phahchvikviaf | scare; shocked | 拍生驚
phahchviuo | plunder | 掠奪; 搶
phahciao | shoot birds | 打鳥
phahciaw'ar | shoot birds | 打鳥仔
phahciawbø | shoot birds | 打鳥無
phahciawbør | shoot birds | 打鳥母
phahciawkeng'ar | birdbow | 拍鳥弓仔
phahcied | discount; discount; reduce; minimize | 打折
phahcih | fracture; break something flexible; to snap; break off | 打斷
phahciøh | cut; carve stone; to work in stone; quarrying; cutting; drill a stone | 鑿石
phahciøh`ee | stone mason | 打石的; 石匠
phahciøhof | greeting | 拍招呼
phahciøqsay | sculpture artist | 拍石師
phahcviaa | make by beating (metal) | 打成; 打叉仔
phahhai | wreck; break; destroy; spoil; to break; destroy; demolish; to smash; to damage; put out of order; to ruin; injure (one's health) | 拍壞; 打壞; 破壞
phahhea | extinguish | 拍火
phahheeng | mating; copulation; mating; a service; to mate; copulate; to pair | 交配; 受精; 鳥類交尾
phahhefchiaf | fire truck | 拍火車
phahhefng | hitting one's chest to guarantee something | 打胸; 保證
phahhiarng | beat | 拍響
phahhix | filming | 拍戲
phahhoaf | put out the fire (with an extinguisher or water) | 打熄; 熄滅
phahhoea | extinguish a fire; put out a fire; beat out a fire | 打火; 滅火
phahhoefchiaf | fire truck | 拍火車
phahhoefhviati | firefighters | 拍火兄弟
phahhofng | pump up a tire | 打風; 打氣
phahhor | kill tiger | 打虎
phahhor-liaqzhat iaxtiøh chyn-hviati | strike a tiger; to catch a thief; you should have your own brother to help you In emergencies only a brother will help | 打虎捉賊須靠親兄弟。
phahhøea | extinguish | 打火; 拍火
phahhøefky | cigarette lighter | 打火機
phahii | fish by casting the net into the water | 拋魚; 撒網捉魚; 灑網捕魚
phahji | to type; to typewrite; typewrite; do typing work | 打字
phahjiaau | wrinkle | 打皺; 弄皺
phahjiaq | mark | 打跡
phahjip | put in | 打入
phahjixky | typewriter | 打字機; 拍字機
phahjixoaan | typist | 打字員
phahkachviux | sneezes; sternutation | 打噴嚏
phahkad | to tie a knot; knot | 打結; 拍結
phahkafng | (going to) work | 打工
phahkalauh | (v) lose due to carelessness; demolish; let fall | 拍交落; 弄丟; 遺失; 掉下去; 丟掉
phahkalauqsyn | cause a miscarriage | 打弄丟身; 小產; 流產
phahkaqlauh | loss | 打交落; 遺失
phahkasoaf | lose; scatter; penny pincher | 小氣鬼; 弄散; 弄丟
phahkatkhiuu | knot | 拍結毬
phahkatkiuu | to get entangled | 打糾纏; 糾纏而亂
phahkeg | to strike, to lap | 打擊
phahkex | discount | 打價
phahkhachviux | sneeze | 打噴嚏
phahkhafng | drill a hole; make a hole; pierce; drill a hole | 打孔; 打洞; 穿孔
phahkhar-oaan | a clerk who use card puncher | 拍卡員
phahkhay | open | 拍開
phahkhazhngf | spaking | 拍尻川
phahkhie | beginning; make a beginning | 拍起; 從頭算起; 開頭
phahkhiq | chip (a pot; bottle; bowl) | 弄損; 打缺角
phahkho'ar | draw circle; make small circle to note perusal | 打箍仔
phahkhopoef | gliding | 拍箍飛
phahkhuy | open settle | 打開
phahkiab | plunder | 打劫
phahkiusvaf | sports shirt | 拍球衫
phahkiuu | to bounce a ball; play ball | 打球; 拍球
phahkoealaai | hit it back | 拍過來
phahkoex | hit | 拍過
phahkogkef | cackling of a hen (as after laying an egg) | 喀喀啼; 母雞下蛋後的叫聲
phahkokkef | a groaning sound made by a hen after laying an egg | 拍咯雞
phahkor | beat a drum; to drum | 打鼓
phahkuun | boxing (sport); practice boxing | 打拳; 拍拳
phahkviaf | horrify; terrify; frighten; give a fright; give a start; to scare | 拍驚; 驚嚇; 驚嚇到
phahkvoaa-phahjiet | malaria; have a fever and ague fits; alternate fever and chills | 害冷熱病; 寒熱症
phahkvoar | beat to make move (more quickly) | 拍趕; 趕路
phahkvoasy | sue; take to court; litigate; plead; have a lawsuit | 打官司; 訴訟
phahkvy | making stew | 打羹
phahkym | make an object made by gold | 打金; 作金工
phahkør | draft (a bill); draw up (plans) | 拍稿; 起草
phahlaan | scaling a fish; scale a fish; take off fish scales | 打鱗; 刮魚鱗
phahlaang | hit people; hit someone | 打人
phahlah | hunt; hunting; rub or treat with wax; to wax | 打蠟; 拍獵; 打獵
phahlahsab | cause something to get dirty; to dirty; to spoil; to stain | 打垃圾; 弄髒
phahlaliaang | say irresponsible and sarcastic remark | 拍拉涼; 閒扯; 講風涼話
phahlaqliaang | say irresponsible and sarcastic remarks | 打抐涼; 說風涼話
phahlaxliaang | make fun of | 打抐涼; 無為閒談
phahliao | hit | 拍了
phahliuosog | make a noose | 打鈕束; 套結
phahlixky | typewriter | 拍字機
phahloan | confuse | 打亂; 弄亂
phahlofmi | southern Taiwan noodle stew | 打滷麵
phahlofngthofng | make it through | 打曠通; 前後全打通
phahlud`khix | let something slip out of place | 搓脫去; 弄脫掉
phahluii | to thunder | 打雷; 拍雷
phahluitaai | join a contest in feats of prowess on stage (said of Chinese pugilists) | 打擂台
phahløh | shot | 拍落; 打下; 擊落
phahløkor | play gongs and drums | 打鑼鼓; 敲鑼鼓
phahløo | to hit a gong; strike a gong; beat a gong | 打鑼
phahløqkofng | confiscate | 打落公; 充公
phahma | scold | 打罵
phahme | scold | 打罵
phahmi | make a preparation of dough; make noodles; macaroni | 打麵; (以製成麵條)
phahmi'ar | fluff cotton wool with a bow-like tool | 拍棉仔; 彈棉仔
phahmiphøe | make a cotton quilt; beat or flock cotton in order to make a coverlet or mattress | 打棉被; 製造棉被
phahmng | interrogate by beating | 拍問; 拷問
phahmngg | knock; beat on a door | 敲門
phahmoachiog | play mahjong | 打麻將
phahnakiuu | play basketball | 打籃球
phahngf | be laid waste; go to ruin (decay) | 荒廢; 拋荒; 荒蕪
phahnngxky | egg beater | 打蛋機
phahnoar | handle roughly | 打揉; 莽手莽腳; 粗略處理
phahpaai | to play mahjong or cards; play cards | 打牌
phahpai | to overpower; to suffer a defeat; to be defeated | 打輸; 拍敗; 打敗
phahpeeng | even | 打平
phahphae | break | 拍歹
phahphafng | hit bees | 拍蜂
phahphaix | assign, direct | 拍派
phahphaq | hit | 拍拍
phahphaq`leq | beat, strike | 打打咧
phahphaux | fire a gun; imply sexsual activity | 打炮
phahpheg | beat | 打拍
phahphiexn | deceive, cheat | 打騙; 欺騙
phahphitphok'ar | clap | 拍匹噗仔
phahphiøx | buy tickets | 買票
phahphoax cienle | depart from precedent | 打破前例
phahphoax kieliok | break the record; set a new record; rewrite the record | 打破記錄
phahphoax | break; shatter; break something with a blow; beat the record; break a (sports) record | 打破; 拍破
phahphog'ar hoangeeng | receive a person with applause; clap one's hands in applause | 打拍仔; 手歡迎
phahphog'ar | clapping of hands; hand clapping; applaud | 打拍仔; 鼓掌
phahphok | clap | 拍噗
phahphok'ar | clapping of hands; hand clapping; applaud | 打拍仔; 鼓掌
phahphoxngsiuu | fetching water while swimming | 拍滂泅
phahphuo-kngf | dawn (daybreak) | 拍灰光; 破曉
phahphurn | carelessly waste or spoil; squander; struggle to get away; flap to throw off; to kick chaos; to kick with legs or foot in disorder | 打噴; 拍翸; 以腳踢亂; 浪費
phahphvae | damage; destroy; spoit; spoil; mutilate; to mangle; destroy; to smash | 打壞; 拍歹; 弄壞
phahphvayliawliao | damaged completely | 拍歹了了
phahphviar | to spoil, to injure | 打壞
phahphvix | make a movie; film | 拍片
phahphwafkngf | gets busy just after dawn | 拍殕仔光
phahphwkngf | at daybreak; toward daylight; early dawn | 拍灰光; 黎明
phahpoxngsiuu | swim; lead vagrant life | 打磅泅; 游泳; 遊蕩
phahputbok | help victims of injustice; fall out; suddenly turn hostile | 抱無目; 翻臉
phahpvee | even | 拍平
phahpviarsioxng | hard working | 拍拚相
phahpviax | fight for life or death; risk everything; diligent; ; work hard; try as hard as one can; with great energy and expedition; diligent; industrious | 打拚; 拍拚; 努力; 拼命
phahpvii | even | 打平; 沒輸贏
phahpøh | make it thin | 拍薄
phahpøq | take a chance; take a risk | 冒險; 碰碰運氣
phahsafng | make it softer and less condensed | 打鬆
phahsaxm | put in disorder (tangled hair); disheveled | 打散; 弄亂; (頭髮)
phahsiaq | tin | 打錫
phahsiaw | dispel (doubts; misgivings; etc.); give up on | 打消
phahsiax | have loose bowels | 打瀉; 使瀉
phahsid | extinguish | 熄滅
phahsie | shoot to death; strike dead; beat to death | 打死; 擊斃
phahsiofng | bruise; injure; wound; to hurt; injured by a blow | 打傷
phahsit | food hunting | 打食
phahsitløh | hit down | 打失落
phahsiøthaux | open communication (between two rooms); take out the partition | 打相透; 打通; (房子)
phahsngr | waste; waste; squander; to spoil; it is a pity; it is too bad | 浪費; 拍損; 可惜
phahsngrpvoaa | calculate; to reckon on the abacus; be economical | 打算盤
phahsngx | prepare to do; to plan; supposedly; perhaps; suppose; probably | 打算; 拍算; 大概; 計劃
phahsoaq | finish | 打完
phahsog | speed up | 拍速
phahsurn | insert a seam to a furniture | 裝榫
phahsviaa | made it | 打成
phahsvoax | to break up (a marriage; family; etc.); scatter; to separate (other persons); to dishevel | 打散; 拆散
phahsw | to defeat; to overpower; to beat; to suffer a defeat; to be defeated; be overcome in boxing or fighting; to lose a bout | 打輸
phahsyzuo | leftovers after dividing costs | 打死主; 平分後剩下的
phahsøex | tax | 打稅; 拍稅; 課稅
phahsøh'ar | make rope | 製繩仔
phahsøq | make a rope | 打繩
phahtaam | make it wet | 弄濕
phahtaang | making something with copper | 打銅
phahtawsix | to divide costs pro rata | 打斗勢; 費用平均分擔
phahtea | lay a foundation; to base; apply an undercoating; paint the first coat | 打底; 打基礎
phahteksoef | unlucky words | 打竹衰; 無吉的話
phahthaux | make it through | 打透
phahthex | shoot back | 拍退
phahthih'afkhox | jean | 拍鐵仔褲
phahthih'afsaihu | black smith | 拍鐵仔師父
phahthih'afsay | black smith | 拍鐵仔師
phahthih'aftiaxm | blacksmith's shop | 打鐵仔店
phahthih'ar | blacksmith | 拍鐵仔
phahthihsaihu | black smith | 拍鐵師父
phahthihsay | black smith | 拍鐵師
phahthihtiaxm | black smith shop | 拍鐵店
phahthiq | making something with steel; work iron | 打鐵
phahthiq`ee | blacksmith | 打鐵的; 鐵匠
phahthofng | make it through; open a connecting road; establish a connection | 打通
phahthongkoafn | pass the customs | 拍通關
phahthongthaux | conspire each other | 打通透; 彼此有密謀
phahthut | slip out of gear or out of joint | 打搓; 使脫離
phahthøex | defeat | 打退; 拍退
phahtiarm | taking care; well-thoughtful; proactive | 打點
phahtiexn'oe | make a phone call | 拍電話
phahtiexntong | play video game | 拍電動
phahtit | make it straight | 打直
phahtiøh | hit | 拍著
phahtng chiwkud tientøx iorng | turn a misfortune into a blessing; to profit from a misfortune; After a storm; comes calm. (Lit. After a broken arm has been cured; it is stronger than before.) | 因禍得福
phahtng laang ee oexpvex | cut short a man's talk; so that he does not gain his end | 插嘴; 打斷人的話
phahtng | fracture; break something flexible; to snap; break off | 打斷; 拍斷
phahtngg | make it longer | 打長
phahtong | to perforate | 打孔; 拍洞
phahtoo | create a picture | 打圖
phahtvia | confirmed | 拍定
phahtvoaf | buy a ticket | 買票
phahtwtit | make it straight | 打拄直
phahtøea | make it as a bottom | 打底
phahtøf | make a knife | 鑄刀
phahtøq | prepare a table for a banquet | 打桌
phahtør | flatten; knock down | 打倒
phahuu | spread out the fishing ne | 拋魚
phahzao | dispel | 打走
phahzengsiin | woke up | 拍精神
phahzerng | mating; copulation | 打種; 動物交尾
phahzhear | mark with a diagonal cross (x) | 打叉仔
phahzhef | cross | 打叉
phahzheg | removing grain shell | 打穀
phahzheksoef | unlucky words | 打穀衰; 無吉的話
phahzherng | mating | 打種; 動物交尾
phahzhexng | fire a gun | 打鎗; 開槍
phahzhoaq | to tremble, to shudder | 怕抖; 拍掣
phahzhud | shoot out | 拍出
phahzhuiekor | gossip; | 拍喙鼓
phahzhuix | smash; knapp; blow to pieces; smash; break into pieces | 打碎
phahzhutlarng | be eliminated from the basket (e.g.; rotten fruit) ─ omit; be left out; count for nothing | 被淘汰; 無中用之人
phahzhvea | awaken a person unintentionally | 吵醒
phahzhvef | eat raw (vegetables; seafood) | 打生; 生吃
phahzhvekviaf | to be frightened | 打青驚; 受驚
phahzngx | drill | 打鑽; 鑿子; 鑽洞
phahzuaftaai | Pachinko | 拍珠仔台
phahzuyphiag'ar | stir up water | 拍水擗仔
phaix taixpiao | send a delegate; dispatch a representative | 派代表
phaix | division; school (of philosophy; a branch; art); group; faction of; clique; assign; send; branch off; faction; dispatch; depute; tributary | 派; 幫派
phak iaam | expose to sunlight to obtain salt | 曝鹽
phak of`khix | get browned; tanned; blackened by the sun | 晒黑去
phak zheg | un drying millet | 曝粟
phak | dry in the sun; expose to sunlight; to sun | 曬; 曝
phak'voar | flip a bowl | 覆碗
phak-hof taf | dry in the sun | 晒乾
phakboo | the 40th radical | 漢字部首之一
phakchiøx | a bending or lifting of the head; a simple move or action | 覆笑; 俯仰
phakhix | abandon | 拋棄
phakiliin | lateral somersault | 拋麒麟
phakixnlo | take a shortcut | 拋近路
phakpaix | rotate oneself in worship or adoration | 趴拜; 膜拜
phakphag | head down | 趴趴
phakphakphag | head down completely | 覆覆覆
phakte | lie down with face down | 趴地
phaktviar | flip a wok | 俯鼎; 將炒鍋反扣
phakuxnlo | take a shortcut | 拋近路
phakzhaeaq | duck meat with vegetable | 覆菜鴨
phakzhaix | pickled vegetable | 覆菜
phakzuysiuu | freestyle; Front Crawl | 覆水泅
phakzøo | head down | 俯嘈
phalaai-phakhix | toss about in one's sleep | 翻來覆去; 輾轉難眠
phalierntao | somersault | 拋輾斗
phalirnkao | somersault | 拋輾狗
phalirntao | somersault; turn a somersault | 翻觔斗
phalirntngr | turn a somersault | 翻觔斗; 翻跟斗
phalyntao | somersault | 拋輦斗
phan'gaam | rock climbing | 攀岩
phan'giaam | rock climbing | 攀岩
phan'un | to transport, to convey | 盤運; convey; of; to; from; Mandarin); be; (reading; might
phan'øf | whirlpool (reading of 盤 may be from Mandarin) | 盤渦
phanchyn | to claim kinship, to arrange a match | 攀親
phang | crevice; crack; gap; chink; aperture; suture; fissure; cleft; space | 縫
phang'afphaux | firework | 蜂仔炮
phang'ar | chink, crack, opening | 縫仔; 縫口
phang'iah | bee and butterfly | 蜂蝶
phang'iuu | sesame oil; fragrant; aromatic oils | 香油; 芳油; 髮油
phang'onglefng | queen bee honey | 蜂王乳; (漿)
phang'oong | a queen bee | 蜂王
phang'øf | bee hive | 蜂窩
phangbi | fragrance; sweet odor; aromatic flavors; sweet and aromatic odor; smell; spicy taste | 香味; 芳味
phangbit | bee's honey | 蜂蜜
phangchix | bee's sting | 蜂刺
phangciafm | bee's sting | 蜂針
phangciao | bee bird | 蜂鳥
phangcviw | mountain litsea | 香薑; 山胡椒
phanghee | bee; wasp larva | 蜂之幼蟲; 蜂蝦; 蜂幼蟲
phanghii | sail-fish | 帆魚; 雨傘旗魚
phanghiofng | accomplice, accessory of criminal | 幫凶
phanghiøh-chiu | Chinese spice bush | 香葉樹
phanghiøqchiu | Chinese spice bush | 香葉樹; 芳葉樹
phanghoef | fragrant flower | 香花
phanghor | wasp | 黃虎; 黃蜂
phanghurn | cosmetic powder; aromatic powder; perfumed powder | 香粉; 芳粉
phanghurn-zoar | perfumed paperc | 香粉紙
phanghviw | incense | 香香
phangkex | sail frame | 帆架
phangkhaf | webspinners, embrids (insect) | 香香; 紡足目
phangkhix | fragrance | 香氣
phangkhuix | fragrance | 芳氣
phangkoear | cantaloupe | 芳瓜仔
phangkoef | musk melon; cantaloupe | 香瓜; 芳瓜
phangkorngkoxng | sweet smelling; savory; appetizing | 香噴噴
phangkuix | Chinese cryptocarya | 香桂; 攀桂
phangkuun | swarm of bees; wasps | 蜂群
phangkuy | fragrant boudoir | 香閨
phangkøf | yard-arm of a ship | 帆戈; 桅桿
phanglah | bees wax | 蜂蠟; 蜂臘
phangliau | spices | 香料; 芳料
phangpaang | honeycomb | 蜂房
phangpag | to split one's side, to hold one's side with laughter | 捧腹; 笑腹
phangphafng | fragrant; scented; perfume | 香香; 香香的
phangphaix | rich; sumptuous food (dish) | 蓬派; 豐沛; 豐盛的菜
phangpng | holding rice bowl with rice | 捀飯
phangporee | canvas shoes | 帆布鞋
phangporøee | canvas shoes | 帆布鞋
phangpox | canvas; canvas; sail cloth | 帆布
phangsapbuun | soap | 芳雪文
phangsiu | beehive; bees nest; bees'; wasps nest | 蜂巢; 蜂岫
phangsiuxefng | large boil or carbuncle with several heads | 蜂房癰
phangsviw | beehive | 蜂箱
phangsøq | canvas rope | 帆索
phangtao | the chief mourner carrying the spirit tablet in a rice measure | 捀斗
phangtee | bring tea for guests | 端茶
phangtekhof | perfumed soap; toilet soap | 香肥皂
phangthaau | spice; food's fragrance (aroma) | 芳頭; 香料; 食物的香氣
phangtuu | colony of bees; beehive | 蜂櫥; 蜂房
phangtviuu | to support; render support or assistance; by one's presence; endorsement | 捧場; 捀場
phangtvy | sweet | 芳甜
phangzhaa | aromatic treescented wood | 芳木; 芳柴
phangzhaix | present; bring food to the table | 端菜
phangzhao | fragrant grass, Japanese eupatorium | 香草
phangzhaux | fragrant and stinking; good and bad | 香臭; 善惡
phangzhud | bring it ou | 捀出
phangzoar | paper soaked with perfumes | 香紙
phangzuie | cologne; perfume; toilet water; perfume; scent | 香水; 芳水
phangzuun | sailboat; sailing vessel; sailing vessel | 帆船
phangzuybi | fragrant water | 芳水味
phangzøo | perfumed soap | 香皂
phanhoaf cietliuo | injure flowers and willows ─ lead a life of debauchery | 攀花折柳
phanhuix | traveling expense | 盤費
phanhux | to hold on to | 盤據; 攀附
phankefng | to give a false testimony | 盤供
phankux | to occupy, to hold a place illegally | 盤據; 盤踞; of; to; illegally; place; hold; from; may; Mandarin); be; a; (reading
phankw | to occupy illegally | 盤居; 攀居; 盤踞
phanlieen | involve; implicate | 攀連
phanlioong huohong | hang on a dragon and stick to a phoenix ─ establish oneself by riding on the coat-tail of a brilliant master | 攀龍附鳳
phanlong | to tamper with (reading of 盤 may be from Mandarin); to temper with | 攀龍; 盤弄
phansiaux | to make an audit, to examine the account | 盤數; of; to; the; may; from; Mandarin); be; (reading; examine; account
phansoaan | to fly around, to hover over | 盤旋; of; to; from; may; Mandarin); be; (reading; hover; over
phansoaxn | to figure out to oneself | 盤算
phantefng | climb; to scale; scramble up | 攀登
phanthuie | to sit with legs crossed, to squat | 盤腿; squat; of; to; from; may; Mandarin); be; (reading
phantvii | to hang on persistently | 攀纏
phanzaf | to investigate | 盤查
phanzhea | to involve, to implicate, to drag into matter | 攀扯
phao | gallop; run fast; race; run; to gallop; to hurry; ride fast | 跑
phao'afkorng | cannon | 炮仔管
phao'afsviaf | sound of firework | 炮仔聲
phao'ar | firecracker | 炮仔; 爆竹
phao'ui | run pit | 跑坑; 炮位
phao'viar | the shadow of bubbles; unreality; visionary hope | 泡影
phaochiaf | gun carriage | 砲車
phaochiuo | artillery soldier; gunner | 炮手
phaochviuu | artillery wall | 炮墻
phaocie | cannon ball, artillery shell | 砲子; 炮彈
phaocierntiofng | in the artillery battle | 炮戰中
phaociexn | artillery duel | 砲戰
phaocirn | small blister; herpes | 皰疹
phaociuo | treat with hot spirits (medicinally) | 泡酒
phaohoad | artillery methodology | 泡法; 砲法
phaohoea | artillery fire; gunfire | 砲火
phaohofng | to bombard, to shell | 炮轟
phaohuu | puffs | 泡芙
phaohøea | gun fire; artillery fire | 砲火
phaohøef | debris and death caused by gunfire | 砲灰; 炮灰
phaoiøh | gunfire | 炮藥
phaokeg | cannonade; bombardment; bombard with artillery fire | 砲擊
phaokek | to shell, to bombard, shelling attack | 砲擊
phaokex | gun carriage | 炮架; 砲架
phaolam | gunboat | 砲艦
phaoluii | cannon mine | 砲雷
phaomi | cup of noodle | 泡麵
phaomii | foam rubber | 泡棉
phaomoh | foam, froth | 泡沫; of; from; Mandarin?); is; (maybe; froth; reading
phaopefng poxtui | artillery units | 砲兵部隊
phaopefng | artillery man; gunner; artillery | 炮兵; 砲兵
phaophaothngg | bubble gum; chewing gum | 泡泡糖
phaosiofng | hurt by bomb | 炮傷
phaosiuo | gunner | 炮手; 砲手
phaosiuu | sell off | 拋售
phaosviaa | artillery castle | 炮城; 炮打襄陽(花炮臺)
phaosviaf | roaring of artillery pieces; thunder of a cannonade | 砲聲
phaosyn | gun barrel | 炮身; 砲身
phaotaai | battery; fort; gun emplacement; fort; fortification | 炮台; 炮臺
phaotaan | cannon balls; projectiles | 砲彈
phaotee | brewing tea; preparing tea | 泡茶
phaoteg | firecracker | 炮竹
phaothaq | turret | 炮塔
phaotherng | gunboat | 炮艇; 砲艇
phaothøx | gun holster | 炮套
phaotui | a team of artillery soldiers | 炮隊
phaotvafhurn | baking powder | 泡打粉
phaotvoaa | shell | 炮彈
phaotø | artillery path | 炮道
phaoviar | the shadow of bubbles, unreality, visionary hope | 泡影
phaozhaix | Chinese pickled vegetables; pickled vegetables (Chinese style) | 泡菜
phaozhngf | shot through | 炮穿
phaozuie | soak in water | 泡水; 泡水(攙水)
phaozuun | ship with cannon | 炮船; 砲艦
phaozø | gun platform; barbette; gun pit; bulwark | 砲座
phapha'zao | go about idly | 拋拋走
phaphaf-zao | to chase about | 拋拋跑
phaphazao | go about idly | 拋拋走; 到處亂跑
phaq armhø | give a pre-arranged signal; give a cue | 打暗號
phaq baxngkiuu | play tennis | 打網球
phaq bor tikawguu | man beat his wife be like a beast | 打老婆者如禽獸
phaq boxngpaai | engrave a tomb stone | 刻墓碑
phaq bøo`khix | lose; make something vanish | 失無去; 遺失
phaq cidky ho y kaux | lay down a card (a piece) in order to make him win; to get a person into trouble | 打一枝乎伊夠; 想法子讓他受罪
phaq hengkharm | pound one's chest (to show confidence; defiance; acceptance of a challenge or responsibility) | 拍胸脯; 保證
phaq hunsox | grade (student papers); to grade (performance) | 打分數
phaq kao khvoax zwlaang | forgive someone for the sake of a related person (Lit. Consider its master before beating a dog.) | 打狗看主人
phaq kim'ar saihu | goldsmith | 打金仔; 金匠
phaq kim'ar | create a gold jewelry | 拍金仔
phaq kizhor | lay a foundation; to base; do spade work; prepare oneself for bigger tasks ahead | 打基礎
phaq kunthaau | practice shadow boxing | 打拳
phaq lasaam | soil; defile | 沾污
phaq paxngkiuu | play baseball | 打棒球
phaq sirnhø | communicate by signals | 打信號
phaq sykad | tie a square knot | 打死結
phaq texky | lay the foundation for a building | 打地基
phaq tiexn'oe | telephone; to speak by telephone | 打電話
phaq tiexn'viar | film; shoot a movie; to photograph with a movie camera; make a movie | 拍電影
phaq tiexnpøx | telegraph; send a telegram | 打電報
phaq tøhkiuu | play ping pong | 打桌球; 打乒乓球
phaq wmokiuu | play badminton | 打羽毛球
phaq zao`khix | drive away; put to flight | 打走去
phaq zhaekor | make the slightly higher ridges in a vegetable garden for planting vegetables | 造菜圃種菜
phaq zhao kviaf zoaa | beat the grass and startle the snake ─ frighten out of cover; cause undesired agitation | 打草驚蛇
phaq zhawchiøh | to weave a straw mat | 製草蓆
phaq zhawee | made straw sandals | 製草鞋
phaq zhuiekor | talk about unimportant matters; engage in idle talk | 聊天
phaq zhvekviaf | frighten people; startle; to scare | 驚嚇到
phaq | strike; to beat; to hit; smash; to attack; to fight; to knock; to play; to shoot; to cause (use as an auxiliary); copulate; to mate | 打; 拍
phaq-auxphaux | after the fact | 打後炮
phaq-bachiog | to play mahjong | 打麻將
phaq-bexkhuy | cannot be opened; try in vain to open | 打無開
phaq-bexthofng | can't get through | 打無通
phaq-binzhngg | make a bed | 打眠床; 舖床
phaq-boexsie | still alive after a hard beating; try in vain to beat to death; invulnerable | 打無死
phaq-bøextit | in debt | 打無直; 收支不平衡
phaq-bøgii | to act when one is off guard | 打無疑; 乘虛
phaq-bømngg | failed to hit | 打無門
phaq-bøtiøh | failed to hit an object | 沒打中
phaq-chimchiern | check deep or shallow | 打深淺
phaq-chiuhofng | autumn breeze | 打秋風; 拍秋風
phaq-chiwsex | to beckon, to gesture, gesticulation | 打手勢
phaq-chiwzhexng | masturbate; masturbation | 拍手銃; 手淫; 打手鎗
phaq-chvikviaf | to be frightened | 打青驚; 受驚
phaq-chvybiin | wake up | 打青眠; 吵醒
phaq-ciauhof | greeting | 打招呼
phaq-cietkhaux | to give a discount | 拍折扣
phaq-ciuhofng | to send a goodwill, to seek financial help | 打秋風
phaq-ciøhof | to greet, to nod | 打招呼; 拍招呼
phaq-ho`laang | sells; transfer | 打給人; 出讓
phaq-iukeg | to fight a guerrilla war | 打游擊; 拍游擊
phaq-jixhø | typing | 打字號
phaq-kachviux | sneeze | 打噴嚏; 拍咳啾
phaq-kanlok | to play a whipping top | 打陀螺
phaq-katkiuu | tangled | 打結球; 拍結毬; 糾纏不清
phaq-khachviux | to sneeze | 打噴嚏; 拍咳啾
phaq-khihkag | break | 打缺角
phaq-khøea'iog | make a contract | 打契約; 拍契約; 合約
phaq-kizhor | to do the groundwork | 打基礎; 拍基礎
phaq-kogkef | hen cry; cluck-cluck cries | 咯咯啼; 母雞叫聲
phaq-kongkef | share the cost | 打公家; 共同出錢
phaq-kunthaau | to do shadow boxing | 拍拳頭; 打把勢; 打拳
phaq-kvoasy | to litigate; to go to court | 打官司; 拍官司
phaq-mxkvix | lose | 打無見; 拍毋見; 遺失; 掉了; 丟掉
phaq-nakiuu | to play basketball | 打籃球; 拍籃球
phaq-phog'ar | to applaud; clapping of hands, hand clapping | 打拍仔; 拍噗仔; 鼓掌
phaq-pvoarsie | beating to half death | 打半死
phaq-sngrpvoaa | to operate; use; work an abacus | 打算盤; 拍算盤
phaq-sykad | tightly bound, tied firmly | 打死結; 拍死結
phaq-taotøea | to fight to a finish | 打到底; 拍到底
phaq-tengbi | holding a riddle competition event | 打燈謎
phaq-texky | to set the foundation | 打地基
phaq-tiexn'oe | make a telephone call | 打電話
phaq-tiexn'viar | to shoot a film | 打電影; 拍電影
phaq-tiexnpøx | send a telegram | 打電報
phaq-tørtngr | return | 打回去; 回手
phaq-zengsiin | wake (someone) up | 打精醒; 叫醒
phaq-zhawchiøh | make a grass | 打草席; 織草席
phaq-zhear | mark with "X", mark as "wrong" | 打叉仔
phaq-zhuiekor | to engage in chitchat | 打手鼓; 閒聊
phaq`cide | hit once | 打一下
pharn'ar | fool | 呆仔
pharnbong | expect eagerly; long for; hope for; long for; to wish; expect eagerly | 盼望
pharng | bread; reel; to spin; to twist | 麵包; 紡; 源自日語パン(pafn)
pharngkvix | lose something | 丟掉; 不見了; 遺失
pharngphuq | pump | 幫浦
pharnliam | think of longingly | 盼念; 想念
pharzheg | empty grain | 打穀
phatchiøh | making a mat | 打蓆
phatiin | spread out suckers or trailing shoots | 打藤; 藤蔓延
phatvia | anchorage; mooring (of a ship) | 拋碇; 停泊
phatviax | anchorage; mooring (of a ship); cast anchor | 拋碇; 停泊; 拋錨; 下碇
phau koatsym | hold on to one's determination; determined | 抱決心
phau | embrace; enfold; hold in the arms | 抱
phau-putpeeng | speak up for the injustice | 抱無平
phaubiaau | cast anchor; develop engine trouble and become stuck mid-way | 拋錨
phauboat | bubble, foam, froth | 泡沫
phaubudsvoax | parabola; geometric parabola | 拋物線
phaubut-svoax | parabola | 拋物線
phaubut-thea | paraboloid | 拋物體
phauh | blister | 皰; 雹
phaukhix | to reject; to cast aside; to throw away; to forsake; to abandon; to give away; jilt; abandon; throw away; give up | 拋棄
phaukhuy | to throw off | 拋弄; 拋開
phaulong | throw | 拋弄
phauloong | scrotum | 陰囊
phauqzay | calamity of hail | 雹災
phausia | projectile | 拋洩; 拋射
phausiaxthea | projectile | 拋洩體; 拋射體
phausiuu | to put on sales; dump large stocks of merchandise on the market in order to force down prices | 拋售
phausvoax | to spread | 拋線; 拋散
phaux kapy | make coffee; prepare coffee from coffee powder or in a dripolator | 泡咖啡
phaux tee | make tea | 泡茶
phaux | long warm coat; cloak; long gown; robe | 袍; 炮; 泡
phauxhin ciongsyn | feel remorse for the rest of one's life | 抱恨終身
phauxhin | bear a grudge against; complain | 抱恨
phauxhu | aspiration; ambition | 抱負
phauxhudkhaf | clasp the feet of Buddha ─ when in distress (used to illustrate getting into difficulties through lack of due preparation and then seeking help at the critical moment) | 抱佛腳
phauxhun | regret | 抱恨
phauxkhiafm | apologetic, sorry for | 抱歉
phauxkhiarm | regret; deplore; be ashamed | 抱歉
phauxkhud | feel wrong | 抱屈
phauxkhuix | feel shame | 抱愧
phauxoaxn | bear a grudge against; complain | 抱怨
phauxputpeeng | bear a grudge for a wrong; indignant at injustice | 抱無平
phauxpve | indisposed; sick or ill; do something in spite of one's sickness | 抱病
phauxpvi | sick | 抱病
phauxtvia | set aside | 拋定
phauzhef-lixzuo | abandon wife and kids | 拋妻離子
phauzhud | to throw out | 拋出
phauzngf-yngiok | offer banal remarks to spark abler talk by others (Lit. to throw a brick and to get a gem in return) | 拋磚引玉
phaw siuokiuu | throw an embroidered ball (in order to choose a husband ─ an ancient custom) | 拋繡球
phaw | throw; throw away; to cast; to abandon; to eject; give up | 拋
phaw'øee | running shoes, track shoes | 跑鞋
phaw-siuokiuu | throw embroidery ball to select a bridegroom | 拋繡球
phawar | firecracker | 炮仔
phawbea | horse race | 跑馬
phawbea-pof | racecourse | 跑馬埔; 跑馬場
phawbea-tviuu | a race course | 跑馬場; 賽馬場
phawbeftefng | marquee | 跑馬燈
phawbeftviuu | hippodrome; racecourse (for horse racing); racetrack | 跑馬場
phawchiaf | racing car; racing bicycle; car; bicycle for races; sports car | 跑車
phawkhuy | to leave, to get out the way; horse racing | 拋開; 跑開
phawkoex | ran | 跑過
phawlaai-phawkhix | run to-and-fro | 跑來跑去
phawlo | to travel on foot, on runaway | 跑路
phawmafpiør | stopwatch | 跑馬表
phawmar | house racing | 跑馬
phawmar-tviuu | race course, turf | 跑馬場
phawpo | to run | 跑步
phawthuie | to run errands | 跑腿
phawtø | athletic track; runaway; track; track (in a racecourse; stadium); runway (on an airfield) | 跑道
phawzao | run, run a race | 跑走; 賽跑
phax | veil; turban; handkerchief; to wrap and bind | 撂
phaxn | look; to request; rely upon; to hope; expect | 望; 盼
phaxng | corpulent; fat | 胖
phaybin | evil face | 歹面
phaybixnsiøkhvoax | evil face | 歹面相看
phaygyn'ar | bad kid | 歹囡仔
phayix | bad intention | 歹意
phaykex | bad price | 歹價
phaykhix | rotten; broke | 歹去
phaykhuxn | unable to sleep | 歹睏
phaykhvoarbin | grumpy | 歹看面
phaykiettiau | bad sign | 歹吉兆
phaykorng | hard to say | 歹講
phaykviafzexng | delinquency | 歹囝症
phaylit | bad day | 歹日
phaypharng | bad spinning | 歹紡
phaysex | timid | 歹勢
phaysviasaux | bad coughing | 歹聲嗽
phaytangkuxsiaq | used copper and old tin- for recycle | 歹銅舊錫
phaythvisii | bad weather | 歹天時
phazuun | anchor a ship; boat | 泊船; 泊碇
phienphaw | partial throw | 偏拋
phihphag | lie down with face down | 趴伏
phihphag-vax | turn one's face downward | 趴伏俯; 躄覆向
phihphak'vax | turn one's face downward | 趴伏俯; 躄覆向
phiphak | expose | 披曝
phoarphaang | broken canvas | 破帆
phoarphang | broken seam | 破縫
phoarphaq | fault, blemish | 破陷; 無處
phokphaf | skin bubble | 起泡
pholaarnphaf | flatter | 扶𡳞脬
pholaxnphaf | flatter; curry favor with; fawn upon | 拍馬屁; 諂媚
phongphaix | at hack and monger; flourishing; prosperous or abundant | 蓬派; 豐盛
phongphongphaephaix | aundant | 蓬蓬沛沛
phoo-laxnphaf | to curry favor with | 拍馬尼; 扶脬
phorngpha | skin bubbles; become blistered; get a blister | 起泡; 膨疱; 燙傷起泡
phoxngkøfphaix | apple pie | 蘋果派
phurnphafng | to diffuse fragrance | 噴香; 噴芳
phvaypharng | hard to handle; hard to deal with | 歹紡; 很難辦; 很難應付
phvixbagphang | nostril seam | 鼻目縫
phvixphafng | (v) enhance; beautify; embellish; adorn; do sth only for sake of show; smell; perceive the aroma of perfume; smell odors | 鼻芳; 品味; 聞香; 嚐嚐味道; 嚐鮮; 點綴
phvixphang | (n) trace; clue | 鼻縫; 端緒
phvixphangcide | scent your nose | 鼻芳一下
phøephaux | long leather coat or dress | 皮袍
piaq sorngphaxn | cheat; take in; play a trick on; to swindle money out of others; commit fraud | 詐騙
piedphau pipee | carrying her guitar to another boat ─ said of a widow or a concubine who remarries | 別抱琵琶
pienphao'ar | firecrackers; banger | 鞭炮仔
pienphaux | firecrackers | 鞭炮
pipee piedphau | carrying her guitar to another boat ─ said of a widow or a concubine who remarries | 琵琶別抱
pitphang | a fissure; a crevice; a break; split; let out a matter; crack; chink | 裂縫
pokphaf | refute | 駁翻
porphaang | awning; tent | 布帆; 布篷; 帳篷
poxngbyphafng | puffed rice | 磅米芳; 磅; 爆米花
puhpha | blister; rise in blisters | 暴泡; 生水泡; 起泡
puhphaf | get a blister | 暴泡
puhphang | blistering | 暴縫
puiphaxng | fat | 肥胖
pviphaq | scourge | 鞭打
pvy porphaang | set up a tent | 撐開布篷
pøfsiuo-phaix | conservative party | 保守派
pøfsiwphaix | conservative party | 保守派
saephao | run a race; foot racing | 賽跑
saipakphaix | northwestern group | 西北派
sayauxphaux | take advantage of a man behind his back | 偷偷的; 背地裏的
sayphaix | vent anger overbearingly | 撒嬌; 使性子
sehchiwphang | too little to sastify | 楔手縫
sehphang | fill up a crevice (gap) | 塞縫
seq chiwphang | too little to satisfy | 楔手縫; 塞手縫
siab chiwphang | a few | 屧手縫
siab khyphang | little food only can stuff in chink between teeth | 塞牙縫; 比喻食物很少
siab zhuiekhyphang | lodge between the teeth | 塞牙縫; 比喻食物很少
siangphaotaai | three castle | 雙砲台; ( 英國菸)
siapphang | fill up a crack or gap | 塞縫; 填空
siarm hoxphang | take advantage of a break in the rain | 趁雨隙; 趁雨停
sinphaq | newly forged metal object | 新打; 新造
siogpharng | toast | 吐司; 白麵包; 源自日語しょくパン(shokupan); 日語漢字為「食パン」
siokpharng | toast | 俗麭
siorngphang | aiming at the opening | 相縫
sioxng-hoxphang | take advantage of a break in the rain | 趁雨隙
siuxphaix | be appointed, be despatched | 受派; 被派
siuxphaq | be beaten, be struck | 受打; 挨打
siwkiu-phaix | conservative party | 守祈派; 守舊派
siwkuxphaix | conservative party | 守舊派
siøphahkear | street fighter | 相拍雞仔
siøphahkef | fighting cock | 相打雞
siøphahkoear | street fighter | 相拍雞仔
siøphahkoef | street fighter | 相拍雞
siøphahtien | short circuit | 相拍電
siøphaq | fight; fray; passage of arms | 打架; 相拍; 相打
soafnphaix | nominate or designate; appoint to a post | 選派
soahphaq | eloquent; fluent | 流打
sorngphaxn | stupid fellow; an ass; bonehead | 傻瓜; 土驢
sorngphaxn`ee | dumbo | 宋盼的
sud auxphaux | act in an underhanded manner; act behind a man's back | 乘人無備; 暗中搶先
suihofng sayphaang | sail with the wind ─ follow the line of least resistance | 隨風使帆
sut'auxphaux | take advantage of a man behind his back | 摔後炮; 偷偷的; 背地裏的
suxnphang | take advantage of the chance | 順縫; 乘機
svaphaq | fight one another | 相打; 相拍
sveamia kab y teq phahpøq | engage in mortal combat with him; do or die; risk one's life | 冒生命之險; 賭命
sviuxkhafng-sviuxphang | try every possible means (as to injure another or get money out of people) | 想孔想縫; 想盡歪主意
sviuxkhangsviuxphang | looking for holes and seems- try every means to accomplish bad intention | 想空想縫
svoaphang | crevice or cleft in a mountain | 山縫
sygvixphaix | gvixphaix | 死硬派
syn tiauphaix | avant garde school | 新潮派
søehphang | small gap | 細縫
taophao | compete in running | 鬥跑; 賽跑
taq porphaang | pitch (strike) a tent; put up an awning | 搭帳篷
tawphaang | a cloak, a mantle, a blouse | 斗帆; 斗篷
teeng-phahkhie | start all over | 重拍起
tegphaeoaan | correspondent (of a news agency; newspaper); special commissioner | 特派員
tegphaix | specially dispatched or appointed; commission specially | 特派
tehiøqphafng | tea fragrant | 茶葉芳
tengphahkhie | begin again; start again | 重打始
tengthaau phahkhie | do it all over again from the beginning | 從頭做起
texluii høefphaux | military mines | 地雷火炮
thafnphag | turned with face down; inverted so as to have the bowl or cup concave side down; inverted position | 顛倒; 坦覆; 覆臥; 俯臥
thang'afphang | window seam | 窗仔縫
thapphang | fill the hole | 塌縫
thauphaang | mainsail | 頭帆; 主帆
thiusioxngphaix | abstractionism; abstractionist school | 抽象派
thngrphattheq | naked | 褪腹裼
thngx-phorngpha | scalded and blistered | 燙成泡
thophaang | cement slurry on small platform | 塗捀
thuiphaix | elect or recommend representatives to.. | 推派; 推銷
thvoaphaix | allot, distribute (in equal shares) | 攤派; 分配
thvy phahphuo | dawn; daybreak | 天剛亮
tiaophaix | dispatch | 調派
tiauphaix | trendy | 潮派
tiongkanphaix | middle-of-the roaders; neutral faction; the fence straddlers; fence sitters | 中間派
tionglibphaix | neutral party | 中立派
tiongphang | space of center | 中縫; 中央位子
tiuafphafng | rice smell | 稻仔芳
tngphao | long run | 長跑
tngphaux | robe; long gown | 長袍
toa-phaethaau | overbearing manner | 大派頭
toafnphao | short distance race; sprint | 短跑
toaxlaxnphaf | big penis | 大𡳞脬
toaxphahbe | big sale | 大拍賣
toaxphaix | generous; elegant and composed; in good taste | 大方
toaxphaux | cannon; ordnance; bulla; artillery; artillery shell; firecracker | 大炮; 巨砲; 大型爆竹
tofngphaix buxntøee | problem of parties | 黨派問題
tofngphaix | parties; factions; cliques; cliques; parties in politics | 黨派
toglip kaophaix | independent sects; Congregationalists | 獨立教派
tuiephaq | fight each other; exchange blows | 對打
tvafphau putpeeng | help victims of injustice; try to redress an injustice to the weak | 打抱無平
tviuophaang | tent | 脹篷
tørphag | face down | 倒覆
tøxsu-phaux | Taoism | 道術袍
tøxteg-phaix | moralist school | 道德派
unhøphaix | moderate faction | 溫和派
uyphaix | appoint; send one in charge of | 委派
vaxpharng | bread with filling | 餡麭
zarnsengphaix | pros | 贊成派
zarphaux | bombing | 炸砲
zerngphaix ee laang | virtuous person | 正派的人
zerngphaix | upright and honest; political faction; honest; proper and straightforward; virtuous | 正派; 政派; 正式
zerngthofngphaix | orthodox school of thought | 正統派
zhafphafng | seasoning | 炒芳
zhagtiøh kutphang | offend a man by speaking so as to reveal his wrong doing; touch on a sore point | 刺到骨縫; 說到癢處
zhayhoephafng | men who have always had sex with women and then abandoned them | 採花蜂
zhengphafng | refreshing fragrance; gently and pleasantly fragrant; not too strong | 清香
zhephaix | send; to depute | 差派
zhngphang | pass through a very narrow slit | 穿縫; 穿過細縫
zhngrphang | manage to go through a difficult situation | 鑽營; 鑽縫
zhoe laang ee khangphang | find fault with others; look for defects in others; watch for a chance | 找人孔縫; 別人的缺點
zhoexkhafng-zhoexphang | look for an opportunity to extort money or to slander or injure others; look for trouble (Lit. Look for opportunities and place.) | 找孔找隙; 找麻煩
zhoexkhangzhoexphang | seeking for any short coming; picky | 揣空揣縫
zhuiekhie-phang | mouth gap | 嘴齒縫
zhuiekhyphang | tooth gap | 喙齒縫
zhuiphaix taixpiao | elect representatives | 推派代表
zhuiphaix | delegate someone (after consultation) | 推派
zhutphaang | setting out to sail; sail | 出帆; 揚帆; 船開航
zhøexphang | seeking seams; find shortcomings | 尋縫; 找缺點
zngrphang | make a hole; penetrate | 鑽縫
zoanbuun siulie phahjixky | typewriter repair specialist | 專門修理打字機
zogphaix | cliques within same ancestors; division of a clan | 族派
zongphaix | a clique; branches of a clan or religion; school of philosophy or academic learning | 宗派
zongphaix`ee | schismatic | 宗派的
zunphaang | sail of a boat; sail | 船帆
zuxjienphaix | naturalist | 自然派
zuypha | blister | 水泡; 水疱
zuyphaf | blister; bubble | 水泡
zuyphauh | water blister | 水泡
zwhøphaix | the doves | 主和派
zøfphaix | left party; leftist | 左派
zørphae | leftist | 做歹

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