"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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gymphiausaix | sports tournament | 錦標賽
hong'uo-phiau'iaau | be tossed about in wind or rain | 風雨飄搖
honglo phiaukix | route marker for ships; etc | 航路標記
kymphiausaix | championship tournament | 錦標賽
phiau'iaau | rocking in the wind; drifting about | 飄搖
phiau'ioong | blown into the air; to waft; to flutter | 飄揚
phiau'ut | eastern knot (bird) | 飄鷸; 漂鷸
phiaubeeng | mark; indicate; label; mark clearly | 標明
phiaubiao | misty | 飄渺
phiaubuo | wave | 飄舞
phiaubøe | mark to sell | 標賣
phiauchiaf | drag racing | 飆車
phiauchiafm | label; price tag | 標籤
phiauchiofng | visit prostitutes | 嫖娼
phiauchix | mark; label; sign; distinguishing sign | 標幟
phiauchviw | javelin | 標槍
phiauciofng | badge | 標章
phiaucix | sign; mark; symbol; symbolize; to indicate; to mark | 標誌
phiaugie | slogan; motto; notice | 標語
phiauguo | motto; slogan | 標語
phiauioong | blown into the air, to waft, to flutter | 飄揚
phiaujip | drift in | 飄入
phiaukafn | measuring pole or stick, pole for pole-vaulting | 標竿
phiaukex | mark a price; marked price | 標價
phiaukheq | customer of prostitute; patron of brothel; frequenter of brothels; whoremonger | 嫖客
phiaukix | sign; mark; symbol; to mark up; landmarks for navigating; distinguishing marks; signs; indication | 標記
phiauky | visit prostitutes | 嫖妓
phiaukøf | elevation; the vertical distance between the top of an object and the ground surface | 標高
phiaulaai phiaukhix | tossed about at the mercy of winds and waves (e.g.; disabled vessel) | 飄來飄去
phiaulaai | drift in | 飄來
phiauliang | beautiful; handsome; beautiful; remarkable; brilliant; splendid | 漂亮
phiauliubok | driftwood | 漂流木
phiauliubut | flotsam | 漂流物
phiauliulaai | drift in | 漂流來
phiauliuu buteng | drift about; wander aimlessly | 漂流無定
phiauliuu | float; be carried away by water; to drift; carried away (by a flood) | 飄流; 漂流
phiaulok | prostitute | 嫖樂
phiaulong | drifting | 漂浪
phiauløh | falling | 飄落
phiaupeh | bleaching | 漂白
phiaupeh-hurn | bleaching powder | 漂白粉
phiaupheg | drift | 漂泊
phiauphiaw iogsiefn | light; airy; comfortable; complacent | 飄飄欲仙
phiauphiaw | lightly; airily; wind blowing | 飄飄
phiauphied | dapper; natty; spruced up; well-dressed; luxury; extravagance; having an animated or intelligent appearance; sumptuous; to live high; self confident | 瀟洒; 飄撇; 標緻; 瀟灑; 漂撇; 豪華
phiauphietlaq | fluttering | 飄撇啦
phiauphuu | float; floatation; swim | 漂浮
phiaupiao | visit prostitutes | 嫖婊; 嫖妓
phiaupok | wandering | 飄泊
phiauporng | to advertize, to brag | 標榜
phiaupurn | specimen; specimens; samples; model; pattern | 標本
phiausaxng | float | 飄送
phiausi | use symbols (as on a map) to indicate various ideas | 標示
phiausiuu | sell by tender | 標售
phiausvoax | float | 飄散
phiautee | heading; title; headline | 標題
phiauthaau | label; trade-mark; trademark; label | 商標; 標頭; 標籤
phiautiarm huhø | punctuation marks | 標點符號
phiautiarm | a punctuation mark; to punctuate; point; punctuation | 標點
phiautix | handsome; handsome; beautiful; pretty; good looking | 標緻; 標致; 漂亮
phiautoee | title; heading; headline; caption; subject | 標題
phiautor | gamble | 嫖賭
phiautøee | title; heading; headline; caption; subject | 標題
phiauviuu koeahae | sail across an ocean | 漂洋過海
phiauviuu | be tossed on the ocean | 漂洋; 飄洋
phiaux | bill; bank note; ticket; certificate; warrant | 票
phiauzhud | to designate | 標出
phiauzu | annotation | 標註
phiauzurn kokgie | Mandarin Chinese; Mandarin | 標準國語
phiauzurn sikafn | standard time | 標準時間
phiauzurn | criteria; model; norm; standard; standard; criterion; typical | 標準
phiauzurn-hoax | to standardize, standardization | 標準化
phiauzux | annotation | 標註
phiauzwn'ym | standard pronunciation | 標準音
phiauzwnhoax | standardize | 標準化
sidbut phiaupurn | botanical specimen; herbarium | 植物標本
toxngbut phiaupurn | zoological specimens | 動物標本

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