"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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binzok ee phienkiexn | racial prejudice | 民族的偏見
bøo phiensym | impartial | 無偏心
jinciorng ee phienkiexn | racial prejudice | 人種的偏見
phien'aix | love someone; something in particular; personal favorites; hobbies; favoritism | 偏愛
phien'ek | translate and compile; translator | 編譯
phien'iaux | to be bent on, to insist on | 編要; 偏要
phien'ixn | edit and print | 編印
phien'ngx | inclined toward, have a propensity | 偏望; 偏向
phien'oar | tend to support one side | 偏倚
phien'oarn | remote; faraway | 偏遠
phien'oay | turn aside from the right way | 偏歪
phienchib | edit; editor | 編輯
phienchip | edit | 編輯
phienchip-po | editorial department | 編輯部
phienchip-seg | editorial room | 編輯室
phienchipciar | editor | 編輯者; 人
phienchippo | editorial department | 編輯部
phienciar | editor; compiler | 編者
phiencib | edit; editor | 編輯
phiencid | knit | 編織
phienciofng | chapter | 篇章
phiencip | pertinacious | 編輯; 偏執
phiencippo | editorial department | 編輯部
phiencitky | knitting machine | 編織機
phienciw | partial boat | 偏舟
phienhiofng | rural | 偏鄉
phienhioxng | (v) biased toward; (n) bad tendency; lean; be inclined toward | 偏向
phienhngf | remote region | 偏方
phienhoex | discard | 偏癈; 偏廢
phienhog | a chapter; a section | 篇幅
phienhø | number; serial number; arrange under numbers | 編號; 偏號; 綽號
phienjip | include (in a budget); enlist; to recruit | 編入
phienkag | an end | 一端
phienkefng | imperial concubine | 偏間; 嬪妃
phienkeg | prejudice and fiercely | 偏激
phienkek | to go to extreme | 偏極
phienkheg | compose | 編曲
phienkiexn | prejudice; prejudice; bias; partial view | 偏見
phienkiogciar | playwright; scenario writer | 編劇者; (家)
phienkiogkaf | playwright; scenario writer | 編劇者; (家)
phienkiok | write plays; write a play; playwright; dramatist | 編劇
phienkoeakhix | fooling people | 蹁過去
phienkoealaai | fooling people | 蹁過來
phienli | turn aside | 偏離
phienliet | arrange | 編列
phienlo | shortcut | 偏路; 斜路; 捷徑; 歧途; 旁道; 偏道
phienmiaa | nickname | 偏名; 別名; 俗名; 綽號
phienmngg | side door; non-traditional | 偏門
phienpaai | arrange; weave; arrange in order; write and present (a play) | 編排
phienpaang | second wife; concubine; wife of second rank | 偏房; 姘婦; 妾室
phienpafn | forming a class; team; formation of classes (at school); assign (students) to the various classes | 編班
phienpag | inclined north; turned northward | 偏北; 篇幅
phienphaw | partial throw | 偏拋
phienphiaq | out-of-the-way; remote; seclude; out of the way; not easily accessible; secluded | 偏僻
phienphiaq-ji | words rarely used | 罕用字; 偏僻字
phienphiaq-lo | rarely used street | 偏僻路
phienphiaq-zngf | out-of-the-way village | 偏僻庄
phienphiefn boeq | bent on having (in disregard of difficulties involved or other's opposition); choose; take positively; wish and desire obstinately | 偏偏要; 硬要
phienphiefn | doggedly; obstinately; like or not; unfortunately it happened that...; used before a verb to show contrariness; determination; on purpose | 偏偏
phienphien'ar m | doggedly determined to oppose; refuse what is proposed | 偏偏仔無; 硬不
phienphien'ar | doggedly; obstinately; like or not | 偏偏仔
phienphienkhybuo | dance to tune | 翩翩起舞
phienpoong | mistress | 偏房
phienpvy | (n) the side | 偏邊; 側面; 旁邊
phienseeng | became; compile; compose; to form; organize | 編成
phienseg | side room | 偏室
phiensiaa | not straight | 偏斜
phiensirm | read and edit; copy editor | 編審
phiensit | picky eating; eat certain dishes only; have an unbalanced diet | 偏食
phiensoaxn | budgeting | 編算
phiensw | partial; unfair; unjust; biased; prejudiced; favoritism | 偏私
phiensym | one-sided; partial; partiality; bias; partial; favoritism | 偏心
phiensym-luun | eccentric wheel | 偏心輪
phientharn | partial; unfair; partiality; unfairness; favouritism; be partial; give improper protection to; to screen | 偏袒; 偏坦
phientiong | lay stress on | 偏重
phiento | declination (physics) | 偏度
phientoaxn | an unjust decision, a partial judgment | 偏斷
phientoo | wrong way | 偏途
phientui | form into columns; organize into teams; formation (of ships or aircraft); formation (of aircraft); organize into groups | 編隊
phientux | partial | 偏著
phienzaai | sometimes it means a fortunate gain; also can mean ill-gotten gains | 偏財
phienzaiun | money making luck | 偏財運
phienzeeng | passions | 偏情
phienzex | system; codify; compile; devise plans; organic structure; organization | 編制; 編裝
phienzhaf | a deviation; an error | 偏差
phienzheq | edit; compile books | 編冊; 編書
phienzhoah | urn aside | 偏斜; 編斜
phienzhoarnciar | compiler; editor | 編纂者
phienzhoaxn | compile; edit | 編纂
phienzof | organize into groups | 編組
phienzø | compile; draw up; work out; fabricate; invent; concoct; make up; cook up; create out of the imagination; write a book; compose | 編造
su'iok phienzeeng | passion and concupiscence | 私慾偏情
zorng phiencib | editor in chief | 總編輯

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