"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: phiexn

aphiexn | opium; opium | 鴉片
beng'mvoaa armphiexn | deceive and cheat | 明瞞暗騙
bengphiexn | calling card | 名片
bengsirnphiexn | postal card | 明信片
bengsixn phiexn | post-card | 明信片
bongphiexn | blindfold; fakement | 矇騙
chiongphiexn | to swindle | 充遍; 充騙
ciau'iaau toxngphiexn | swindle or cheat by posing as a VIP or claiming to be related to a VIP | 招搖撞騙
cidphiexn | piece (of land); a lot (of land) | 一遍; 一片
hafngphiexn | to defraud; to swindle; to cheat | 哄騙
hengphiexn | to cheat; to deceive | 行騙
hoxngphiexn | to mislead, cheat | 欺騙; 哄騙
itphiexn | stretch, field of view | 一片
itphiexn-høfix | an atmosphere of goodwill | 一片好意
iwphiexn | induce by deceit; beguile | 誘騙
khiphiexn | deceit; deception; fraud; deceive; to swindle | 欺騙
koayphiexn | to abduct; to kidnap; swindle; allure into running away | 拐騙
lawphiexn | deceive | 老騙; 拐騙
lutphiexn | deceive; commit fraud | 甪騙; 詐騙
moaphiexn | deceive; cheat; fool; deceive; lie; hide the truth | 欺騙; 瞞騙; 騙
phahphiexn | deceive, cheat | 打騙; 欺騙
phiexn | piece; slice; fragment; chip; classifier of clouds or regions of country; a stretch of a number of level fields | 片; 騙
phiexn`laang | fool people | 騙人
phofphiexn | universal; widespread; universal; general; everywhere; all | 普遍
pixphiexn | be swindled; be fooled | 被騙
siuxphiexn | be cheated or swindled; be fooled | 受騙
siøphiexn | deceive | 相騙
suq aphiexn | suck opium | 吸鴉片
svaphiexn | deceive one another | 相騙
thiaophiexn | jump all over the place | 跳遍
thoanphiexn | preach everywhere | 傳遍
thunphiexn | usurp by deceit | 吞騙; 騙取
toaxnphiexn | fragment | 斷片
toaxphiexn | big piece | 大片
zarphiexn | grift; false pretences; chicane; chouse; crook; swindle | 詐騙
zawphiexn | go to round of; make the round of | 走遍
zhoarnphiexn | swindle; to collaborate in a swindle | 串騙
zoex-phofphiexn | most widespread | 最普遍

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