"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: phoex

ciaophoex | mixed in proper proportions | 照配; 平均分配
ciphoex | control; superintend; direct; control; dominate; manage; administer | 支配
ciwphoex | food to go with wine; liquor | 守配; 配酒菜
goanphoex | the first wife; first wife | 元配; 原配
hiaxphoex | a tile tablet; chip | 瓦片; 瓦屑
hoatphoex | to banish to a frontier garrison; to sort and deliver | 發配
hunphoex | repartition; distribute; to allot; matrimony (Catholic); get married; marriage | 分配; 婚配
hwphoex | to match someone for marriage | 許配
hyphoex | to match someone for marriage; be betrothed girl; be affianced | 許配
kauphoex | mate (said of animals); to crossbreed (animals or plants) | 交配
keaphoex | step wife | 繼配; 後妻
kerngphoex | to admire | 敬佩
khimphoex | admire, respect, admiration | 欽佩
lionghong siongphoex | union of a dragon and a phoenix (congratulatory phrase on the occasion of a wedding) | 龍鳳相配
miciøhphoexterng | on cotton padded quilt | 棉襀被頂
miphoextea | inside the quilt | 棉被底
miqphoex | dishes during meals | 物配
phitphoex | pair up; join in pairs; joined as a pair by betrothal; marriage; two things making a suitable pair | 匹配
phoex bagkviax | get the right lenses for eyeglasses; be fitted for eyeglasses | 配目鏡; 配眼鏡
phoex hoefchiaf | send by rail | 托火車運
phoex | to wear; to become untwisted; to match; chip; pair; to mate; to match; to fit; to fit; to suit; be a match for; to equal; dispense (medicines); prepare (according to a demand); to exile; spouse; partner; subordinate; supplementary; supporting; attached; be eaten along with (as a condiment) | 佩; 紕; 配; 碎片; 薄麻皮
phoex-thautuix | match 1st pair | 配頭對
phoexlai | inside comfort | 被內
phoexlofng | envelope | 批囊
phoexloong | envelope | 批囊
phoextvoaf | quilt cover; cotton cover for the coverlet | 被單
putphoex | unworthy; unfit; incongruous | 無配
pølephoex | glass crumbs | 玻璃杮
siongphoex | to mate; pair off; match each other; compatible | 相配
siøphoex | make a suitable pair; (things) fit well together; be betrothed; become man and wife | 相配
suophoex | matched (as in colors; clothing); well proportioned; well fitting; well matched | 四配; 勻稱; 相配; 相稱; 相襯; 般配; 登對; 搭調; 合適 (指人)
suphoex | private match | 私配
svaphoex | go together; match; well matched | 相配
tiauphoex | deployment | 調配
tiongsyn hunphoex | distribute anew; reallocate | 重新分配
zengphoex | former wife | 前配
zhaephoex | vegetables (or side dishes) to accompany rice and wine | 菜配; 伴飯伴酒的菜
zongphoex | to decorate; assembly line (factory) | 裝配
zongphoex-chviuo | an assembly plant | 裝配廠
zongphoex-kafng | a fitter, an assembler | 裝配工

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