"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: phox

engphoxngphong | dirty and dusty | 塵蓬蓬; 灰塵滿天飛
imphoxngphong | being flooded; submerged | 淹滿水; 積滿水
kayphox | dissect, perform an autopsy | 解剖
legtauxphoxng | green bean pastry | 綠豆膨
lienphoxngthaau | fluffy hair | 蓮蓬頭
løfphox | old shop | 老舖
phahphoxngsiuu | fetching water while swimming | 拍滂泅
phixnphoxngsiuu | swiming continuously | 乒乓泅
phorngphorngphoxng | extremely puffed | 膨膨膨
phorngphoxng | bulging; concave | 凸凸
phox | split; cut open; asunder; lay open; disclose; decide; explain; analyze; to judge | 剖; 舖; 十里
phoxhun | to cherish hatred to feel regret | 珍恨
phoxkiehak | bookkeeping (as a course of study) | 簿記學
phoxkieoaan | bookkeeper; ledger clerk | 簿記員
phoxkix | bookkeeping | 簿記
phoxng | raised; to bump; to come across; swollen; bell shaped; convex; embossed; puffed out | 凸; 膨; 碰; 掽; 鬆凸
phoxng-saisay | puffy | 膨獅獅
phoxng`khylaai | project; jut out; to swell; expand | 凸起來; 膨脹
phoxng`tiøh | bulk | 膨到
phoxngkofng | a bladder | 膀胱
phoxngkøfphaix | apple pie | 蘋果派
phoxngkøfsvoai | mango | 蘋果檨
phoxngkør | an apple | 蘋果
phoxngloxngsofng | fluffy | 蓬曠鬆; 如綿蓬鬆
phoxngphong | smoke | 茫茫
phoxngphoxng'efng | dusty | 蓬蓬揚; 灰塵飛揚
phoxngphoxngsongsofng | puffy (hair | 疏疏鬆鬆
phoxngsafng | loose and bulky (parcel; dress) | 蓬鬆
phoxngsofng | loose and bulky (parcel; dress) | 蓬鬆
phoxngsongphoxngsofng | puffy | 蓬鬆蓬鬆
phoxngsym | indignant; furious | 蓬心; 蘿蔔空心
phoxtang | move | 廍動
phoxtexzngf | lay tiles | 舖地磚
pviafphox | pastry shop | 餅舖
pwnphox | our shop | 本舖
tiarmphox | store; shop | 店舖
zofngphox | chef; cook (polite term) | 廚師; 總舖

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