"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: phurn

hamhied phurnjiin | make false accusations against others | 含血噴人
phahphurn | carelessly waste or spoil; squander; struggle to get away; flap to throw off; to kick chaos; to kick with legs or foot in disorder | 打噴; 拍翸; 以腳踢亂; 浪費
phurn | to muss up; to tumble; to spray | 噴; 翸; 抖掉; 翻滾; 弄亂
phurn'iuu | spay oil | 噴油
phurn'iøqar | spray chemical | 噴藥仔
phurn'oo | a sprinkler, a watering pot | 噴壺
phurnbak | ink jet | 噴墨
phurnbu | atomization, to atomize | 噴霧
phurnbu-khix | vaporizer (spray) | 噴霧器
phurnbuxchiaf | spray car | 噴霧車
phurnbuxkhix | atomizer; spray gun; vaporizer | 濆霧器
phurnbuxky | fog machines | 噴霧機
phurnho | wet with some drops of rain; be spattered with rain | 濺雨
phurnhoefkhix | flame thrower | 濆火器
phurnhoefsvoaf | volcano | 濆火山
phurnhoxtiarm | get sprinkled with rain; sprinkled | 下小雨
phurnkhakhefng | run hurriedly | 噴腳框; 急逃
phurnkhefng | run hurriedly | 急跑
phurnkhix | to snort, to puff | 噴去; 噴氣
phurnphafng | to diffuse fragrance | 噴香; 噴芳
phurnphuxn`leq | sprinkle, spout | 噴噴咧
phurnsia cierntorky | jet fighter bomber plane | 濆射戰鬥機
phurnsia | shoot out; eject from a jet; shoot out (gas or liquid); to jet | 噴射
phurnsia-ky | jet airplane | 噴射機
phurnsiaxky | jet; jet airplane | 噴射機
phurntaam | get wet (from rain) | 濆濕; 濺濕
phurntaang | a flamethrower | 噴灶; 噴筒
phurntharng | watering bucket | 噴桶; 撒水桶
phurntiarm | to puff; to spout; to spray; to spurt; ; fragrant | 噴點; 果料兒; 長斑點; 斑點
phurntiøh | sprayed | 噴著
phurnzef | spray (medical) | 濆劑
phurnzhad | spray paint; paint with a spray gun | 噴漆
phurnzhexng | spout water | 噴槍
phurnzhud | to jet, to spurt out | 噴出
phurnzoaan | ornamental fountain | 噴泉
phurnzuie | spray water; spurt water out of; to water in small quantities; a few drops at a time; fountain; jet | 噴水
phurnzuie-khix | water sprayer | 噴水池; 噴水器
phurnzuie-tii | ornamental fountain | 噴水池
phurnzuykhao | spout | 噴水口
phurnzuytii | a fountain; fountain; pond with a fountain in the center | 噴水池
phurnzvoaa | ornamental fountain; a fountain; a geyser; fountain; geyser | 濆泉; 噴泉

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