khisien-phvarog | oppress the good and timid and fear the wicked | 欺善怕惡
phvarchiuo | generous; generous; elegant and composed in good taste | 大方; 用錢大方
phvarciim | crab with no roe | 冇蟳
phvarciøh | porous type of stone | 鬆石; 鬆石頭; 多孔石
phvarciøqar | porous type of stone | 鬆石仔
phvarkheng | Taiwan sapium | 無花果; 冇臼
phvarkhor | to fear hardship | 怕苦
phvarkor | incredible; empty; baseless stories | 荒謬; 虛構的故事; 無實之事
phvarkuix | Chinese cryptocaryac | 冇桂
phvarlerng | to dread cold | 怕冷
phvarnng | empty egg; sterile egg; barren | 冇蛋; 無精蛋
phvaroe | malicious remarks; malediction | 壞話
phvarphvax | not solid; soft fruit (nothing in middle) | 帕帕; 無結實; 不結實
phvarsefng | to be shy with strangers | 怕生
phvarsiaux | bad debt | 呆數
phvarsie | to fear death | 怕死
phvarsiw | to be shy | 怕羞
phvarsu | shy away; timid; lukewarm; passive; timid; take no initiative; lack enthusiasm; nervous of what might happen | 怕事
phvarsuo | to be afraid of death, to be much scaredx | 怕死
phvarsym | hollow; devoid of content; hollow; nothing in mind | 空心; 中心鬆而無實
phvarsyn | hollow body | 空心; 不結實
phvarte | sandy soil | 冇地
phvarthvoax | coal | 冇炭
phvartøe | fluffy soil | 鬆地
phvarzha'ar | fluffy wood | 冇柴仔
phvarzhaa | fluffy wood; soft or porous wood | 脆木; 無硬實之柴
phvarzheg | blighted grain; defective rice; unsold rice; empty rice chaff | 打穀; 空穀子; 無實之穀; 無米粒的稻榖
thamsefng phvarsuo | clinging to life; cowardly; cowardice | 貪生怕死
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