"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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byphwn | water in which rice has been washed and is fed to pigs | 米餿; 米潘; 洗米水; 淘米水
kipphwn | to walk hurriedly | 急奔
ophwkym | gray gold | 烏殕金
ophwophuo | dark grey | 烏殕烏殕
ophwseg | dark gray | 烏殕色
peqphwpeqphuo | light gray | 白殕白殕
peqphwseg | white gray | 白灰色
phahphwafkngf | gets busy just after dawn | 拍殕仔光
phahphwkngf | at daybreak; toward daylight; early dawn | 拍灰光; 黎明
phofngphwar | pump | 幫浦仔
phwafkngf | dawn; the dawn of a new epoch (metaphor) | 昲仔光; 曙光
phwkngf | daybreak; dawn | 拂曉; 拂曉,; 黎明
phwn | to instruct; to run quickly; ; water in which rice has been washed; slop; swill for pigs | 吩; 潘; 滔米水; 奔; 餿水; 泔水
phwnliawliao | distributed | 翸了了
phwoseg | gray | 殕烏色
phwpeh | light gray | 殕白
phwphuo | off-white; obscurely; dimly; indistinctly; faintly | 沈色; 殕殕; 朦朧的; 帶灰色
phwphwphuo | gray | 殕殕殕
phwseg | gray; gloomy; ash color; gray; grayish | 灰色; 殕色
suphwn | elope; elopement | 私奔
tauphwn | flee (to freedom); seek employment or protection; to fly to for refuge | 投奔
thvy phwkngf | at daybreak; toward daylight; early dawn | 天拂曉; 黎明
thvy-phwkngf | dawn | 天拂曉; 破曉; 黎明
zhaophwbi | smelly | 臭黴味
zhaophwkhix | burnt | 臭殕去
zhutphwn | escape; flee one's home and live in exile | 出奔

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