"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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budphynsoex | commodity tax | 物品稅
hør-phynheng | correct conduct; | 好品行
imphynphorng | being flooded; submerged | 淹滿水; 積滿水
phvae-phynheng | bad moral character | 歹品行
phyn'ar | flute; pipes; flute (musical instrument) | 笛仔; 𥰔仔; 橫笛
phyn'ui | product quality | 品位
phynbak | items | 品目
phynbeeng | promise formally; make an agreement | 約明
phyncid iulioong | of sound quality | 品質優良
phyncid | quality; character; condition | 品質
phynciorng | species or variety of plants or animals | 品種
phyncitpwn'ui | quality first | 品質本位
phynhak kiam'iw | excel in moral as well as academic performances; excellent not only morally but also academically | 品學兼優
phynhe | strain | 品系
phynheng toanzexng | correct conduct; well behaved; walk the straight and narrow | 品行端正
phynheng | behavior; conduct; moral character; one's moral character and performance; disposition; conduct | 品行
phynkeq | character (of people); personality; one's moral character; manners; bearing | 品格
phynkib | a grade; a class; rating; rank; status; titular rank | 品級
phynkoarn | quality control; relationship somewhat like that of godparents When a child is born under bad luck or has the fate of being given as an adopted child; according to fortune-tellers; his parents ask someone to be formally the adoptive parents of the child. Then the kh | 品管
phynliau | product materials | 品料; 材料; 菜料
phynlui | product type; classes | 品類
phynmau | countenance; expression; character and appearance | 品貌
phynmiaa | name and description of articles | 品名
phynpaai | brand name | 品牌
phynpheeng | determine the quality or worth of; appraise; to rate; criticize | 品評
phynphenghoe | competitive show; exhibition; a fair | 品評會
phynphorng-kiuu | ping-pong ball, table tennis | 乒乓球
phynpiarng-kiuu | ping-pong | 乒乓球
phynsexng liongsien | good character | 品性良善
phynsexng | the moral character; moral character; disposition | 品性
phynteg | good character; good behavior | 品德
phynzerng | species or variety of plants or animals | 品種
puun phyn'ar | play the flute | 吹笛仔
sidphyngiap | food | 食品業
sidphynhaang | food line | 食品行
sidphynkaix | food industry | 食品界
sidphyntiaxm | grocery (store); food store | 食品店
sidphyntiern | food exhibition | 食品展
viuphyntiaxm | a foreign goods shop (store) | 洋貨店

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