Auxpiaq | a small town in Tainan; Tailaam County | 後壁
Kaokhw-taixpiawhoe | Diocesan Councils | 教區代表會
Koktai-taixpiao | member of the national assembly; national assemblyman | 國大代表
auxpiahsvoaf kia | said of a person with strong backing or powerful connections | 後壁山在; 靠山大
auxpiahsvoaf | background; said of powerful influence assisting a man | 後壁山; 後背景; 靠山; 後盾
auxpiahtviaa | back yard | 後壁埕
auxpiaq | back in location | 後壁
auxpiaq-tviaa | back yard | 後壁埕; 後院
behpiaq | next door, adjacent to | 隔壁
bin'ix taixpiao | people's representatives | 民意代表
boahpiaq | paint wall; plaster a wall | 抹壁; 塗牆
bogpiaw | target | 目標
chimpiao tongzeeng | express deep sympathy | 深表同情
chviu'ar-piaq | wall of fence | 牆仔壁
chviupiaq | wall | 牆壁
ciøqpiaq | a rocky cliff; stone wall | 石壁
cypiaw | an indication, a quota, a target | 指標
gampiaq | a cliff; a dike | 岩壁
giefnkiux hoatpiawhoe | meeting for the presentation of the results of study | 研究發表會
gipiao | manners; meters; appearance and deportment a rule | 儀表
goaxpiao | appearance; exterior; outside; surface; mien; outward; outward appearance | 外表
gvexpiarngpiaxng | hard and firm; rigid and inflexible; stiff | 硬幫幫
gvi-piarngpiaxng | stark | 硬爆爆
gympiaw | championship, trophy | 錦標
hiexntai-impiaw | modern phonetics | 現代音標
hiexntviuu piawiern | re-enact a crime at the scene; a live show | 現場表演
hoatpiao | publication; to make known; give forth; announce something | 發表
hongpiaq | barrier, bulwark, wall of defence | 防壁; 障礙
huisiaam-zawpiaq | thief (climb over eaves and walls) | 飛簷走壁
hwnpiaq | white wall | 白壁; 粉壁
hy-goaxpiao | veneer | 虛外表
iahpiaq | make a hole in a wall | 挖牆
impiaw | a phonetic sign, phonetic symbol | 音標
ipiao | relatives on mother's side | 姨表
ipiao-cymoe | female maternal cousins | 姨表姊妹
ipiao-hviati | male maternal cousins | 姨表兄弟
itlafmpiao | chart; table; brief list of contents | 一覽表
itpiao jinzaai | handsome or dashing | 一表人才
itpiao | striking appearance | 一表
joaqpiarngpiaxng | very hot (weather) | 熱烘烘; 熱極了
kehpiahkefng | next room; next door | 隔壁間; 隔壁房間
kehpiaq | neighbor; next door (house) | 隔壁
kehpiaq-zngf | neighboring village | 隔壁莊
khuipiaw | to announce the result of bidding in an open tender | 開標
kokbiin taixhoe-taixpiao | member of the National Assembly; National Assemblyman | 國民大會代表; 國代
kongpiao | make public, announce, proclaim | 公表; 表明
kopiao | cousin | 姑表
kopiao-cymoe | paternal female cousins; a-ko's daughters | 姑表姊妹
kopiao-hviati | paternal male cousins; a-ko's sons | 姑表兄弟
kuxpiao | maternal uncle and cousin | 舅表
kympiaw | trophy (for a sports champion); championship (in a tournament) | 錦標
lauxpiao | old cousin; old buddy | 老表
lienpiao | chronicle of events of a country or of person's life year by year | 年表
loxpiaw | landmark | 路標
løfpiao | old cousin | 老表
mohpiahkuie | eavesdropper | 貼牆鬼; 竊聽者
oafpiaq | near the wall; leaning on the wall of a room (e g; an article of furniture) | 靠牆
pang'afpiaq | wooden partition | 板仔壁
pangpiaq | wooden wall; valley; dale; ravine; gorge; glen | 山谷; 木板壁
phaix taixpiao | send a delegate; dispatch a representative | 派代表
phexngpiaq | lean on wall | 並壁; 靠牆壁
phiaupiao | visit prostitutes | 嫖婊; 嫖妓
phinpiarng-kiuu | ping-pong ball, table tennis | 乒乓球
phoarpiao | bad woman; hussy (scolding) | 臭婊; (罵女人)
phofpiao | a staff in music | 譜表
phynpiarng-kiuu | ping-pong | 乒乓球
piafng | sharp nose | 乓
piafng`cidsviaf | one sharp nose | 乓一聲
piag ciawafpaf | dehydrate a bird over a slow fire | 烤鳥
piag | burst open; fry food (so as to preserve it); to break with a crack; to burst and fall to pieces | 爆; 煏; 繃裂; 爆炸; 熯; 脹裂
piag`phoax | burst open; broken | 爆破
piagpiag'ar | snap | 擗擗仔
piah'oe | a mural; a wall-painting; fresco; mural painting | 壁畫
piah'ui | a mural; a fresco; a wall-painting | 壁畫
piahbin | wall surface | 壁面
piahhor | a house lizard; gecko; house lizard; sian-lang-a | 壁虎; 守宮
piahkag | a corner formed by two walls; corner between two inner walls | 壁角; 牆角
piahkhaf | corner of a wall | 壁邊; 牆角
piahkhaf-pvy | corner of a wall | 牆角邊
piahkhafng | holes on the wall; hole in the wall | 壁孔; 壁空; 牆洞; 壁洞
piahkviax | wall mirror | 壁鏡
piahlai | intramural | 壁內
piahloo | a fireplace | 壁爐
piahluii | barrier | 壁壘
piahpafng | wooden wall | 壁枋
piahpvy | beside to the wall | 牆邊
piahpøx | bulletins or posters on a wall; wall paper; wall poster; wall newspaper; bulletins | 壁報
piahsorngphaxn | be cheated, someone played a trick on you | 被耍, 被騙
piahtefng | a wall lamp; a bracket lamp; lamps hung on a screen wall | 壁燈
piahterng | ceiling | 壁頂
piahtharn | carpet for the wall | 壁毯
piahthoo | picture on the wall | 壁土
piahtofterng | wall plugging | 壁堵頂
piahtor | wall partition | 牆壁; 牆
piahtulai | in the closet | 壁櫥內
piahtuo | resist | 壁抵
piahtuu | a built-in cabinet; closet; wall chest; cupboard or press in a wall | 壁櫥
piahzefng | wall clock | 壁鐘
piahzoar | wallpaper | 壁紙
piak | fried | 爆; 啪一聲打下
piak'høea | slap fire | 啪火
piak'iuu | make oil from fat meat | 煏油
piak`cide | fried | 啪一下
piakkhafng | (of a plot; etc.) fall through and stand exposed; reveal; lay bare | 爆空; 出紕漏; 敗露; 事情暴露
piakkhuy | burst; crack; burst; to crack; to split up and fall apart (e.g.; things that had been glued or joined together) | 逼開; 爆裂; 裂開; 迸開
piakkofti | drumsticks | 煏鼓箸
piakkor | drum | 煏鼓
piaklih | split open | 破裂; 裂開
piakpaf | dry (food so as to preserve it) | 焙乾
piakphoax | burst; crack; break (a pot; glass) by cracking | 爆破; 裂破; 破裂; 繃裂; 爆裂
piakpiag | like to burst open, open with sounds | 壁角
piaktøq | too many guests show up in a dinner party | 煏桌
piao | to show; a prostitute; outside; external; apparent; obvious; superficial; announce; to manifest; to show or exhibit; relatives on the side of one's mother and father's sisters; table; index; schedule; chart | 表; 婊
piao-cybe | female cousins | 表姐妹; 表姊妹
piao-cymoe | female first cousins of another surname; daughters of maternal uncles and aunts and of father's sisters | 表姐妹; 表姊妹
piao-hviati | male cousins | 表兄弟
piao-kerng'ix | show respect | 表敬意
piao-siøfbe | younger female cousin | 表小妹; 表妹
piao-siøfmoe | younger female cousin | 表小妹
piao-siøfti | younger male cousin | 表小弟; 表弟
piao-tidswn | nice and nephew | 表姪孫
piao-toaxcie | female cousin on the mother side | 表大姐
piao-toaxhviaf | male cousin on the mother side | 表大兄
piao`ee | relative on the mother's side; relatives of father's sister | 表親; 表的
piaq sorngphaxn | cheat; take in; play a trick on; to swindle money out of others; commit fraud | 詐騙
piaq u hvi'ar | Beware of eavesdropping! Even the walls have ears | 牆有耳仔
piaq | wall; partition wall; walls of a house or room; cliff | 壁; 牆
piarngphoax | burst; fracture; burst; crack; splitting (with a headache); be punctured; to burst up | 爆破; 繃破
piarngpiarnghao | loud noise of heavy steps; sound of steps on an unsteady floor; noise of carrying heavy things | 砰砰響
piarngpiarngkiøx | loud noise of heavy steps | 爆爆叫
piarngsviaf | explosion noise | 爆聲
piaubeeng | to clearly mark or indicate | 標明
piauchiafm | label; tag; tally | 標籤
piauchviw | javelin | 標槍
piaucix | a symbol; a sign | 標誌
piauguo | catchword; poster; slogan | 標語
piaukex | the marked price; the posted price; the sticker price | 標價
piaukix | a sign; a mark | 標記
piaupefng | a pace-setter | 標兵
piaupurn | sample; specimen | 標本
piausi | mark | 標示
piautee | heading; title; headline | 標題
piautiarm | punctuation; point | 標點
piautix | good-looking; handsome; beautiful; pretty; pretty (only of persons) | 標緻
piautoee | title | 標題
piauym | transcription | 標音
piauzurn | standard; criteria; measure | 標準
piauzwnbea | standard code | 標準碼
piauzwnkiok | Bureau of Standards | 標準局
piaw | javelin; dart; harpoon; to catch with a harpoon; target | 鏢; 標
piaw'iern | act, acting, role-playing | 表演
piaw'ioong | to praise, to commend | 表揚
piawbeeng | express; show forth; illustrate; show forth; to manifest | 表明
piawbien | surface, external appearance | 表面
piawbin tviulek | surface tension (physics) | 表面張力
piawbin | surface; external appearance; on the surface; externally; outwardly | 表面
piawbixnhoax | come to the surface; come out into the open (said of a relationship; dispute; secret) | 表面化
piawbixnsiong ee koanhe | external relations | 表面上的關係
piawbixnsiong | outwardly; superficially; externally | 表面上
piawchyn | relatives; relatives on the side of one's mother and father's sisters | 表親
piawcie | elder female cousin | 表姊
piawciofng | award; give a commendation; commendation; show forth clearly; reward (a person in recognition of his service); to honor | 表彰
piawcymoe | cousin | 表姊妹
piawhien | express; present; expression; presentation; appear; reveal; to exhibit; perform a task; the way one does something | 表現
piawhiexnzhud | behave | 表現出
piawhiexnzhutlaai | behave | 表現出來
piawhviaf | male cousin of different surname | 表兄; 表哥
piawhviamoe | cousin | 表兄妹
piawhviati | male first cousins of another surname | 表兄弟
piawiefnciar | performer | 表演者
piawiern | act; performance; show; perform; demonstrate; demonstration | 表演
piawioong siexnheeng | publish a man's good deeds | 表揚善行
piawioong | to commend; to praise; to cite; praise in public; to cite for all to know | 表揚
piawkefng | brothel; whorehouse | 婊間; 妓女戶; 妓院
piawkeq | form or blank (for filling); table or chart | 表格
piawkix | mark | 表記
piawkoad | decide by vote; put to a vote | 表決
piawkoatkoaan | the franchise; the right to vote | 表決權
piawkviar | You son of a harlot! You whoreson! (slang) | 婊囝; (罵人); 私生子
piawkøf | male cousin of different surname | 表兄; 表哥
piawlie ittix | honest and sincere | 表裏一致
piawlie | outside and inside | 表裏
piawlo | make plain; to express; expose | 表露
piawmoe | daughter of father's sister; of mother's brother or sister; who is younger than oneself | 表妹
piawpeh | show plainly, vindicate, defense, to clear up, vindication | 表白
piawpek | express or state clearly; explain; clear up; defend; clarify | 表白
piawpeq | express or state clearly | 表白
piawphoee | epidermis; the cuticle (of plants) | 表皮
piawphøee | the outer skin; the surface | 表皮
piawsi boafn'ix | express or indicate satisfaction | 表示滿意
piawsi hoafntuix | express or indicate one's opposition | 表示反對
piawsi iekiexn | express an opinion | 表示意見
piawsi kerng'ix | show respect; pay respects | 表示敬意
piawsi khernghø | express one's congratulations | 表示慶賀
piawsi siaxix | show one's thanks or appreciation; express one's gratitude | 表示謝意
piawsi tong'ix | an expression of unanimity; indicate; show one's concurrence; approval | 表示同意
piawsi | express; indicate; expression; indication; express; show; indicate; superscription; signify | 表示
piawsiong | presentative | 表象
piawsiøfbe | younger female cousin | 表小妹
piawsiøfmoe | daughter of father's sister; of mother's brother or sister; who is younger than oneself | 表小妹
piawsiøfti | a son of father's sister; of mother's brother or sister; who is younger than oneself | 表小弟
piawsiøftixaq | younger male cousin | 表小弟啊
piawtadzhud | explain | 表達出
piawtat | express; convey; convey; transmit (ones feelings; meaning); make known | 表達
piawte | a son of father's sister; of mother's brother or sister; who is younger than oneself | 表弟
piawthaau | the madam or master of a brothel; brothel keeper | 鴇母; 婊頭; 龜公
piawthaix | stance | 表態
piawtit | grandsons of paternal aunts; son of cousin of different surname | 表姪
piawtux | show | 表著
piawviu | moral example (good or bad); a model | 表樣; 榜樣
piawzaan | surface layer | 表層
piawzea | daughter of father's sister; or mother's brother or sister; who is older than oneself | 表姊
piawzeeng | emotional expression; expression of emotion; facial expression | 表情
piawzeg | son of grandfather's sister; son of grandmother's brother or sister; father's younger male cousin | 表叔
piaxng | collapse; fall into ruins; burst (e.g.; a tire); explode | 繃; 崩; 破裂
piaxng`løqlaai | explosion | 爆落來
piaxng`phoax | explore and break through | 爆破
piay | lament, sorrow, grief | 悲哀
pirnpiarnghao | loud noise of heavy steps; of steps on an unsteady floor | 砰砰哮
pirnpiaxng | burst | 砰裂
poeapiaq | paste (wallpaper) on the wall | 褙壁; 裱糊牆壁
poesiaam zawpiaq | fly on eaves and walk on walls acrobatic feats | 飛簷走壁
poxngpiaq | run into a wall; face an obstacle; run into a blank wall; meet rejection; encounter difficulties; come to a deadlock; reach an impasse; become penniless; go clean broke | 碰壁
put'hap-piauzurn | below the mark, not to the standard | 無合標準; 不合標準
puun-piar | to blow a whistle | 吹哨仔
pøeapiaq | to wallpaper | 褙壁; 貼壁紙
pøqpiaq | thin wall | 薄壁
seapiao | model | 世表
simlaixpiaq | inner wall of the heart | 心內壁
siwsek taixpiao | chief delegate | 首席代表
sixhoan piawiern | demonstration (of a skill) | 示範表演
siør-piautøee | a subheading | 小標題
songpiahpiaq | rube; hick | 倯壁壁
supiao | paragon or model worthy of emulation | 師表
sviapiaq | city wall | 城壁; 城牆
svoapiaq | hogback | 山壁
sørpiagpiak | love deeply | 愛極了
tahlitahpiaq | build the fence and wall | 搭籬搭壁
tahpiaq | build the wall | 搭壁
taixpiao | elect or recommend representatives to.. | 推派; (代表)
taixpiawkoaan | right of representation | 代表權
taixpiawmiq | representative | 代表物
taixpiawsexng | representative | 代表性
taixpiawthoaan | representative body; delegation (to a conference) | 代表團
taixpiawtui | representative team | 代表隊
taixpiawzog | representative works (of art; literature) | 代表作
tangchviuu thihpiaq | extremely sturdy structure; tight (siege); strong (fortress; defense); impregnable; like walls of brass and iron | 銅牆鐵壁
taq piahzoar | to paste on the wall | 貼壁紙
tauphiøx piawkoad | decide by voting | 投票表決
texpiao | surface | 地表
texpiaw | surface | 地標
thiaozuie piawiern | diving exhibition | 跳水表演
thopiahzhux | house made of soil blocks | 塗壁厝
thopiaq | soil blocks wall | 塗壁
tiejiputpiao | to not show | 致而無表
tixpiaw | to cope with the symptoms only; therapy | 治標
toaxngaai zoadpiaq | broken ridges and steep cliffs | 斷崖絕壁
toexpiao | surface | 地表
toexpiaw | landmark | 地標
twpiaq | prop up a partition | 抵壁; 頂壁; 囤牆
tøexpiao | surface of the earth | 地表
uijiin supiao | be a model of virtue for others | 為人師表
uipiao | legacy | 遺表
uxpiao | presage, prefigure | 預表; 預兆
zhuiphaix taixpiao | elect representatives | 推派代表
zhuopvikehpiaq | neighbor | 厝邊隔壁
zhuozeeng'auxpiaq | the front and back of the house | 厝前後壁
zhuozeng'auxpiaq | the front and back of the house | 住家的前後
zhvepiarngpiaxng | greenish | 青迸迸
zng'afpiaq | brick wall | 磚仔壁
zoadpiaq | cliff; precipice; cliffs | 絕壁
zoankoaan-taixpiao | representative vested with full authority | 全權代表
zorng taixpiao | chief delegate | 總代表; 主席代表
zuykauafpiaq | ditch walls | 水溝仔壁
zøxpiauhe | coordinate system | 座標系
zøxpiaw | coordinates (math.) | 座標
øh hør kw pehpiaq | hard to learn good things and easier to learn bad things | 學好龜爬壁; 學壞容易
The following example will get all the words start with a
Checking Back button will show all the vocabularies that end with "zab" such as "apzab".
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If you want to get either "r" and "f" in a word, you may put down [fr]. (eg. "bo[fr]ng").
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Less popular words/phrases are marked with [*]