"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: piern

be piernseg | color will not change or fade | 無變色; 不褪色
budlie piernhoax | physical changes | 物理變化
bøo piernliern | out of tricks | 無變輾; 無知變通
bøo piernpo | impossible to execute; has no good way to do | 無變步; 沒有好方法; 無法可施
bøo piernthofng | stubborn | 沒變通; 無變通
hoarhak piernhoax | chemical change | 化學變化
hvoaipiern | horizontal tablet over door | 匾額; 橫扁
koarpiern | to hang up a (wooden) tablet | 掛匾
limsii piernthofng | adapting oneself to circumstances; versatile | 臨時變通
paipiern | shop signboard; lintel; plaque; signboard | 牌匾; 招牌
piern laang ee cvii | cheat people out of money | 騙人的錢
piern | flat; thin; flattened | 扁; 匾; 騙,; 詐欺; 貶; 諞
piern'aang | turned into red | 變紅
piern'apkhix | transformer | 變壓器
piern'ee | changing | 變的
piern'i | mutations | 變異
piern'ii | alter, change | 變移; 更改
piern'iuu | travel all over | 變遊; 遍遊
piern'ix | change mind | 變意
piern'ngg | turned into yellow | 變黃
piern'of | turned into black | 變黑
piern'ui | displacement, change position | 變位
piern'voa | vary; alternate | 變換
piern'ym | umlaut (in phonetics); change voice | 變音
piern`laang | cheap on someone | 變人
piernbe | sell (a possession) to meet an immediate financial need; to transfer; convey | 變賣
piernbi | tastes unpleasant to the palate (stale food; drink) | 變味
piernbofng | feel all round | 變摸; 遍摸
piernbøe | to sell one's possession to meet urgent need | 變賣
piernbøliern | run out of tricks | 變無輪; 無法可變
piernbølo | run out of tricks | 變無路; 無法可變
piernchiefn | a change; a transition; changes; evolution; transition; to change and pass away | 變遷
piernchvy | become pale | 變青
piernciaw | burnt | 變焦
pierncid | change in quality; change in quality or objectives; degenerate; deteriorate | 變質
pierncied | apostasy; defective; renegade; treachery; desert a cause or principle; to defect; to reform; condescend to an inferior; apostasy | 變節
piernciøx | shine all ground | 變照; 遍照
pierncviaa | to become; to turn into; to change into | 變成
piernheeng | to change shape; to become deformed; transfigure; transform; deformation | 變形
piernhoad | change method or role | 變化; 變法
piernhoarbaxnchiefn | change a lot | 變化萬千
piernhoarzhud | change out | 變化出
piernhoax tøtoafn | changeable | 變化多端
piernhoax | change; conversion; transformation; variation; transform; transmute; evolution; metamorphosis | 變化
piernhoaxn | phantasmagoric; illusions; to change | 變幻
piernhør | become fine (of weather); clear up; (of a person) to reform; become good | 變好
piernkefng | alter; change; modify; change (plans; methods) | 變更
piernkeg | to transform; to change; to reform | 變革
piernkhiaux | adapt to circumstances | 變竅
piernkhoarn | change (one's character or conduct) for the worse | 變款; 變樣子; 變壞
piernkiok | situation has changed; change in the state of affairs; critical situation; crisis | 變局
piernkoax | to change plan originally pledged or known; break one's promise; change one's mind | 變卦
piernkox | unexpected; unforeseen happenings; accident; misfortune; mishap | 變故
piernkviaa | walk all over | 遍行
piernliao | changed | 變了
piernliern | work around | 變撚
piernloan | a turmoil; rebellion; revolt; upheaval; chaos | 變亂
piernmau | change the countenance, be transfigured | 變貌; 改變容貌
piernmiaa | assumed name; change one's name | 改名
piernmoar | extend all over | 變滿; 遍滿
piernpeh | turned into white | 變白
piernphvae | get worse (illness); become bad (a person; weather) | 變壞
piernpiexn | everywhere | 變變; 遍
piernpo | change a plan; try a new plan when the first has failed; use some artifice; intrigue; cunning scheme | 變步; 改變方法; 改變計畫
piernpox | spread wide and far | 遍布; 遍佈
piernpurn kale | push it to an extreme; get worse; worsening | 變本加厲
piernseeng | to become; to turn into; become; change into; convert into | 變成
piernseg | to change color; to become angry; change color; fading; turn white (from fear); turn red (from anger) | 變色
piernsexng | denaturation; change sex by surgical means | 變性
piernsiong | in a different (mostly disguise) form | 變相
piernsioxng | in a different (mostly disguise) form; changed only in appearance; disguised; in disguise; metamorphosis | 變相
piernsog | change gears (as in a car) | 變速
piernsokkhix | gear shift | 變速器; 變速機
piernsokky | gear shift | 變速器; 變速機
piernsox | a variable (mathematics) | 變數
piernsui | paralysis of one side of the body | 半遂; 癱瘓; 罵人愚笨
piernsuun | become pure | 變純; 遍巡
piernsviaf | change of voice (of a person at puberty) | 變聲
piernsym | to cease to be faithful; change in faith or loyalty; turn traitor; jilt a lover | 變心
piernsyn | (adv); all over the body | 遍身
piernte | be a mass of; everywhere; everywhere; throughout the land | 遍地
piernthai | abnormal | 變態
piernthaix serng'iok | sexual aberration | 變態性慾
piernthaix simlyhak | abnormal psychology | 變態心理學
piernthaix | abnormality; metamorphosis (zoology) | 變態
piernthaothaux | transparency | 變透透
piernthea | all over the body | 遍體
pierntheflinsiofng | bruised all over | 遍體鱗傷
piernthiefn | change dynasty | 變天
piernthoaan | proclaim everywhere | 遍揚; 遍傳
piernthofng paxnlie | handle something without rigid application of rules | 變通辦理
piernthofng | to become flexible; accommodate to circumstances | 變通
piernthvy | suddenly changed weather | 變天
pierntiau | change the tune; melody; variation | 變調
pierntiexnsor | power substation | 變電所
pierntong | change; fluctuation; upheaval; change (organization; arrangements); to reshuffle; reorganize; alter; to move | 變動
pierntøe | be a mass of; everywhere | 遍地
piernvi | change, vary | 變異
piernviu | to alter; change (in design; pattern; style; appearance) | 變樣
piernvoa | vary; alternate; exchange | 變換
piernzerng | extraordinary variety (of something); mutant; mutation; variation | 變種
piernzhud | change out | 變出
piernzoex | turn into | 變做
piernzofng | disguise; disguise oneself | 變裝; 喬裝改扮
piernzø | become | 變做
piernzøex | change and become | 變做; 變成
piernzøx | become; to change into; to assume the form; shape; state; nature; character of | 變成; 變做
pixpiern | be demoted | 被貶; 被眨
pudjieen piernseg | sudden change of countenance; to show sudden displeasure or anger | 勃然變色
pøpiern | bouquets and brickbats | 褒貶
sexng piernthaix | sex perversion; sexual aberration | 性變態
simlie piernthaix | sexual deviate; sexual deviation; a pervert | 心理變態
siuxpiern | be degraded, demoted | 受貶; 被貶
tepiern | write an inscription for a tablet | 題匾
texkhag pierntong | earth's crust change | 地殼變動
zoafnpiernzøx | change to | 轉變做
zørkuypiern'ar | do it for a few times | 做幾遍仔

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