"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: piet

Siøfpiet sexng sinhwn | Absence makes the heart grow fonder | 小別勝新婚
aipiet | depart sadly | 哀別
akpiet | shake hands at parting; shake hands in parting; say goodbye | 握別
bwnpiet | kiss goodbye | 吻別
ciaxmpiet | short separation; to part for a short time | 暫別
ciefnpiet | a dinner party for saying goodby; give a farewell party; a parting farewell gift | 餞別; 餞行
ciofngpiet | classify; classification | 種別
efngpiet | to separate forever; eternal separation--death | 永別
hunpiet | to part; to leave each other; difference; distinction; distinguish; to part from a person; separately; to separate | 分別
jinciorng ee zhapiet thaixgu | racial discrimination | 人種的差別待遇
jinciorng ee zhapiet | racial segregation; apartheid | 人種的差別
karmpiet | distinguish (the genuine from the imitation); judge or identify something by carefully examining it; discriminate; exercise discrimination | 鑑別
khengpiet | despise, disdain, contempt | 輕別; 輕視
khinpiet | despise, to look down on | 輕別; 輕視
khupiet | differentiation; difference; distinction; distinguish | 區別
khøpiet | for each subject, subject-wise | 科人; 科別
kiwpiet | long separation; long separated | 久別
koatpiet | farewell before die | 訣別
koatpiet-suu | farewell address | 訣別辭; 臨別贈言
kokpiet | individual; isolated (case); separate; individually | 各別
kørpiet | say good-by; bid farewell | 告別; 個別
kørpiet-kaoiok | individual teaching; teach separately | 個別教育
kørpiet-seg | farewell service, funeral service | 告別室; 告別式
kørpiet-suu | a parting speech, a farewell speech | 告別辭; 告別詞
limpiet | at the time of taking leave; on the point of departure; at the time of parting | 臨別
lixpiet | leave; bid farewell; part from; bid goodbye; to separate | 離別
luipiet | category | 類別
luixpiet | category | 類別
oafnpiet | long separation | 遠別
paepiet | to say goodbye or farewell; farewell visit; go to say goodbye; take leave | 拜別
paipiet | to arrange separately for | 排別
phaepiet | different group; factions; schools (of thought) | 派別
phoarnpiet | distinguish | 判別
phvoarpiet | distinguish; divide; to tell apart | 判別
piet iuo ioxngsym | have a hidden purpose (in so doing or speaking) | 別有用心
piet iuo thiente | another state of existence altogether; a different world (of delight) | 別有天地
piet sefng kicied | have new complications | 別生枝節
piet | apart | 別
pietchiamsy | explain drawing with poems | 逼籤詩
piethoaan | transmit from generation to generation exclusively inside a family; tradition transmitted or handed down in secret | 秘傳
piexnpiet | to differentiate; discriminate; see the differences between; identify | 辨別
putkøx jii piet | depart without saying goodbye | 無告而別
putsii jii piet | leave without bidding goodbye; take French leave | 無辭而別
sarngpiet | see a person off | 送別
sarngpiet-hoe | a farewell gathering | 送別會; 惜別會
sekpiet | be unwilling to part with | 惜別; 識別
senglii-swpiet | separation in life and parting at death ─ the bitterest of sorrows to man | 生離死別
serngpiet | set apart as sacred; sanctify; sex; sex (male or female) | 性別; 聖別; 分別為聖
siaxpiet | take leave | 謝別
siongpiet | apart | 相別
sipiet | adieu; adios; take leave of; bid farewell | 辭別
siøfpiet | part for a short while; brief separation | 小別
siøhpiet | be unwilling to part with | 惜別
sorngpiet | see (a person) off; give a send off | 送別
sorngpiet-hoe | farewell meeting | 送別會
svaf-lixpiet | take leave of one another | 相離別; 相別
svapiet | leave one another | 相別
tai iuo hunpiet | poles apart; entirely different | 大有分別
tegpiet ee serngcid | distinctive nature; individuality | 特別的性質
tegpiet khaicy | special expense | 特別開支
tegpiet khoaechiaf | special express train | 特別快車; 特快
tegpiet khoafnthai | give special treatment | 特別款待
tegpiet khuhek | special administrative districts | 特別區域
tegpiet lyiuu | special reasons | 特別理由
tegpiet pvexpaang | hospital private room | 特別病房; 特等病房
tegpiet thaixgu | special treatment; special behavior towards | 特別待遇
tegpiet uxsoaxn | extraordinary budget | 特別預算
tegpiet zengheeng | special conditions | 特別情形
tegpiet zuoix | special notice | 特別注意
tegpiet | outstanding; particular; unusual; extraordinary; exclusive; unique; different from the ordinary; distinctive; peculiar; special | 特別
thaixgu ee zhapiet | unequal treatment; discrimination | 差別待遇
thien'iefn cy piet | the difference is like the sky and the bottom of a pit | 天淵之別
thienjiorng cy piet | as different as heaven and earth; vastly different; poles apart | 天壤之別
zefngpiet | species; kinds; genus; category; classify; classification | 種別
zefngzok zhapiet | racial discrimination | 種族差別
zengpiet | farewell | 贈別
zhapiet thaixgu | unequal treatment; discrimination | 差別待遇
zhapiet | difference; discrepancy; distinction; to make discrimination | 差別
zopiet | group | 組別

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