"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: piin

anpiin logtø | happy to lead a simple virtuous life | 安貧樂道
badpiin | closely woven bamboo partition | 密屏; 隔間板
bunpiin | diploma; diploma; certificate; documentation; credentials | 文憑
chiahpiin | the poorest | 赤貧
chiøx piin bøo chiøx chiofng | look down on the poor and look up to the rich no matter where their money come from | 笑貧無笑娼
cinpiin sidkix | concrete proof and genuine evidence; indisputable proof | 真憑實據
hag'ui-bunpiin | diploma for a degree | 學位文憑
itpiin-jusiern | poor as a church mouse; penniless | 一貧如洗
jixmpiin | despite; in spite of; regardless of | 任憑
kaf piin juu siern | be in extreme poverty | 家貧如洗
khawsoad-bupiin | Oral agreement cannot serve as evidence. Oral promise is not binding | 口說無憑
khiaxpiin | screen; standing screen (as at doorway) | 豎屏; 徛屏; 屏風
khiofngkhao-bupiin | word of mouth is no evidence or proof (of a transaction); word of mouth cannot be trusted ─ a written document is necessary | 恐口無憑
khipiin tioxnghux | cheat the poor and respect the rich | 欺貧重富
khoanpiin | broadband | 寬頻
khongkhao-bupiin | Mere verbal statement has no binding force (said of a promise or pledge) | 空口無憑
kiap'hux zoxpiin | plunder the rich and help the poor (like Robin Hood) | 劫富助貧
kiap'hux-zoxpiin | rob the wealth to help the poor | 劫富助貧
kopiin | lonely and poor | 孤貧
liaupiin | to relieve the poor | 療貧
mngpiin | screen for blocking the view from the gate | 門屏
piin hokkhix | trusting to his own good luck | 憑福氣
piin liongsym | as one's conscience dictates; fair in dealing | 憑良心
piin pwnsu | by virtue of sheer competence; talent (as distinct from pure luck or chance) | 憑本事
piin symmih | on what basis; why; on what grounds? | 憑甚麼
piin | to hold; poor; to lean on; repeatedly; poverty; poor; destitute; impoverished; deficiency; deficient; lack | 屏; 貧; 屏風; 憑; 頻
pinpiin | frequently | 頻頻
pitgiap bunpiin | diploma | 畢業文憑
poxpiin | usually, always, customarily; suddenly | 步頻; 從來; 突然
pøxpiin | suddenly; abruptly | 步頻; 突然; 暴憑; 初次相見
sinpiin | poverty of spirit (Catholic) | 神貧
siwkhao juu piin | Lit. keep the mouth closed like a bottle ─ refuse to talk | 守口如瓶
supiin | word frequency | 詞頻
tekpiin | screen made of thin; flat strips of bamboo | 竹屏
tiaupiin | FM | 調頻
tørpiin | left side | 左爿
uipiin | use as proof; use as evidence | 為憑; 幃; 為據
uixpiin | painted screen | 畫屏
uxpiin-uxkix | well founded | 有憑有據
viafpiin | projection screen | 影屏; 銀幕
ybut uii piin | take something as a pledge or proof | 以物為憑
zaqpiin | partition wall | 遮屏; 閘屏; 屏風
zeapiin | aid or relieve the poor | 濟貧
zhaypiin | ornamental screens; multicolored screens | 彩屏
zhehpiin | grid screen | 柵屏
zhekpiin | abject poverty | 赤貧
zhengpiin | poor and virtuous | 清貧
zoanpiin | all wave (TV) | 全頻
zoxpiin | help the poor | 助貧

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