"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Tøpixatoan | Tobias (Catholic) | 多俾亞傳
auxpixkwn | the reserve force | 後備軍
bapix | numb; paralyzed; numb; paralysis | 痲痺; 麻痺
chiuo bapix | hand sleeping | 手痲痺
chiwpix | arm | 手臂
goa-hunpix | exocline (gland) | 外分泌
goaxhunpix | external secretion; (biol.) exocrine | 外分泌
hengzofngkuypix | secretive movements; said of a person of dubious background; of many secrets and of doubtful character | 形蹤詭秘
hiøxpixkunjiin | military reservists | 後備軍人
hiøxpixkwn | reserve forces | 後備軍
hiøxpixpefng | army reserves | 後備兵
hongpix | seal; close completely | 封閉
hoxpixkwn | the reserves; a reserve force | 後備軍
hunpix | secretion; excretion; secrete | 分泌
itpix-cy-lek | help; assistance | 一臂之力
jiøxpix | anuria | 尿秘; 尿閉
kamkhor-pixsioong | have tasted both sweetness and bitterness ─ have known both happiness and suffering | 甘苦備嘗
kankhor-pixsioong | have experienced all sorts of hardships | 艱苦備嘗
khaf pix | one's leg is asleep | 腳麻; 腳痺
kioxngtoong pixkøx | co-respondent in a suit | 共同被告
kirmpix | imprison; confine; lock up | 禁閉
koanpix | to close; to close down (as a store; plant; etc.) | 關閉
laixhunpix | glandular excretion | 內分泌
limsii tiupixzhux | temporary office for the arrangement of ways and means | 臨時籌備處
loexhunpix | endocrine gland | 內分泌
oksexng tøfpix | fraudulent bankruptcy | 惡性倒閉
paupix | shield; harbor; cover up; screen; to harbor; to shelter; to countenance; defend someone who does not deserve defense | 包庇
piexnpix | be constipated; constipation | 便秘
pix | to protect; costive; to close; lame; an arm; secret; mysterious; abstruse; hidden; confidential; unknown; private | 庇; 秘; 閉; 痺; 臂; 祕
pixaxn | to serve as a record; to keep on record; serve as a record; keep on record; file an application and go ahead with a project before formal approval is granted | 備案
pixbiern | to avoid; to shun; to keep off; avoid; to escape from; get clear; prevent something from happening; avert | 避免
pixbongliok | memorandum (book) | 備忘錄
pixbonglok | a memorandum | 備忘錄
pixboong-lok | memo, reminders, tickler, memorandum | 備忘錄
pixchiab | be victimized by burglary | 被竊
pixchix | be assassinated | 被刺
pixchviar | be invited | 被請
pixciexn | prepare for action; prepare for war | 備戰
pixcynkhix | shock absorber | 避震器
pixek | run away from disease | 避疫
pixgegkoong | masochism | 被虐狂
pixgek-koong | masochism | 被虐狂
pixhai boxngsiofngkoong | persecution mania | 被害妄想狂
pixhai boxngsiofngzexng | persecution complex (psychology); paranoia | 被害妄想症
pixhai | the victim; injured; be killed or murdered; damage; injury | 被害
pixhaixciar | injured or wronged party; victim | 被害者
pixhaixjiin | injured person; victim | 被害人
pixhaixkhw | stricken district; affected area; disaster area | 被害區
pixhaixliin | victim | 被害人
pixhiaam | to avoid anything that may bring aspersion | 避嫌
pixhoarn | [take] refuge; seek (political; etc) asylum | 避反; 避難
pixhofng | to take shelter from the wind | 避風
pixhuix | taboo | 避諱
pixhun | backup | 備份
pixhø | to escape disaster; to run away from calamity | 避禍
pixin | contraception; avoid conception; prevent conception; birth control | 避孕
pixiong | backup; spare; for use | 備用
pixixn'iøh | contraceptives; the pill | 避孕藥
pixjim | contraception | 避妊; 避孕
pixjoah | avoid heat | 避熱
pixkhiim | be captured alive; be taken prisoner | 被擒
pixkhuxn | be surrounded | 被困
pixkhør | for reference; submit for investigation; appendix for reference; for reference | 備考
pixkiab | be robbed; be kidnapped | 被劫
pixkvoay`ee | pent-up | 被關的
pixkøx | defendant; accused (prisoner) | 被告
pixlan | to take refuge; escape calamity; avoid disaster; find refuge; keep out of the way of great calamities; war; rebellions | 避難
pixlaxnsor | refuge; haven; sanctuary; refugee center | 避難所
pixliah | be caught | 被捉
pixloan | avoid chaos | 避亂
pixlui | be involved | 被累
pixluiciafm | a lightning rod; needle gap arrester; lightning arrester | 避雷針
pixluii-ciafm | lightning rod | 避雷針
pixluo | female slave; maid servant | 婢女
pixn | to entertain guests; temples or hair on the temples; funeral; carry to burial; put a corpse in the coffin; conduct a funeral | 儐; 鬢; 殯
pixntvoa | lazy; idle | 懶惰
pixntvoaxkud | lazy bones | 懶骨頭
pixpan | prepare; make ready | 備辦; 準備
pixpeg karngløh | forced landing; be forced to land | 被迫降落
pixpeg | be compelled or forced to | 被迫
pixphiexn | be swindled; be fooled | 被騙
pixphirn | equipments, fixtures | 備品; 裝備
pixphvoax | sentenced | 被判
pixpiern | be demoted | 被貶; 被眨
pixpor | be arrested | 被補; 被捕
pixsad | be killed; assassinated | 被殺
pixseng-sox | multiplicand | 被乘數
pixsengsox | multiplicand (mathematics) | 被乘數
pixsex | to live as a recluse | 避世
pixsiaa | avoid evil spirits; influences | 避邪
pixsoafnkyjiin | eligible person | 被選舉人
pixsoafnkykoaan | eligibility for election | 被選舉權
pixsoarn | be chosen | 被選
pixsuo | summering; to go away for the summer | 避暑
pixswte | summer resort | 避暑地
pixtexng sibjixkex | be crucified | 被釘十字架
pixtexng | be nailed | 被釘
pixthaw | be robbed; be stolen | 被偷
pixthay | spare tire | 備胎
pixtiong ciuxkhefng | take the easier way out; choose the easier of two alternatives; dwell on the minor points but avoid touching the core of a matter | 避重就輕
pixtisox | dividend | 被除數
pixtong | passive; to act on orders; passivity | 被動
pixtong-seg | passive form | 被動式
pixtong-sexng | passive nature | 被動性
pixtuu-sox | dividend | 被除數
pixtø | have been robbed | 被盜
pixtøxkefng | preparation room | 備道間
pixzaf | keep for future reference | 備查
pixzeng | retire to a quiet place; a spiritual retreat | 避靜
pixzhuo | to be on the waiting list (for admission to a school); candidates on the waiting list | 備取
pixzuolaan | remarks column | 備註欄
pixzux | appendix; note; remarks; remarks; footnote; space reserved for such | 備註
pixzø | being created | 備作; 被造
pøfpix | protection by God; protect; to help (used in the sense of guard against); defend | 保庇; 庇佑; 保佑
samthiøo-liogpix | resourceful person | 三頭六臂
satpixn | fine-toothed comb | 撒鬢; 蝨篦; 細齒梳; 虱篦
siafmpixkiuu | dodge | 閃避球
siawjii bapix | polio | 小兒麻痺
simzong bapix | heart failure | 心臟麻痺
sinpiesinpix | mystery | 神祕神祕
sinpix | mysterious; mystical | 神秘; 神祕
sinsinpiepix | mystery | 神神祕祕
siongpixkwn | standing army | 常備軍
siongpixpefng | regulars | 常備兵
sioxngpix | upper-arm | 上臂
siwpixpefng | garrison; guards (archaic) | 守備兵
siøfjibapix | polio | 小兒麻痺
siøfjii bapix | polio; infantile paralysis | 小兒麻痺
siøflibapix | polio | 小兒麻痺
thupixkym | reserve fund | 儲備金
tiupixhoe | preparatory meeting; committee | 籌備會
tiupixtiofng | in the course of preparation; in hand | 籌備中
tiupixzhux | preparatory office; Bureau of Preparation | 籌備處
toaxnao bapix | cerebral palsy | 大腦痲痺
tøfpix | bankruptcy; close down shop; go bankrupt or insolvent | 倒閉
uxpixek | reserves (military) | 預備役
uxpixiah | reserves (military) | 預備役
uxpixkwn | reserve forces | 預備軍
uxpixkym | reserve (emergency) fund; contingency funds | 預備金
uxpixpefng | ROTC | 預備兵
zhutpixn | carry a coffin to the grave; funeral procession | 出殯
zo itpix-cy-lek | lend a hand | 助一臂之力
zwnpixkym | preparatory funds, (in banking) reserve, contingency fund | 準備金
zøfpix | left arm | 左臂
ørpix | subtle; hidden (secret); mystery | 奧秘

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