"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: poaq

chiapoaqperng | repetitiousness; dacapo; redouble; toss restlessly from side to side; be constantly moving from one situation to another | 車跌並; 亂滾; 輾轉翻覆; 換來換去
chiaupoaq | (v) the exchange of money or items between groups and people; turnover | 移撥; 挪移; 商酌; 週轉
egpoaq | postal account (for remitting funds) | 譯撥; 劃撥
gefngpoaq | mortar | 研缽
hoefchiaf poaqløqbea | the train was derailed | 火車出軌
hunpoaq | to allot | 分撥
ipoaq | skill or teaching handed down from a master; teaching; skill handed down from master to pupil | 衣缽
luipoaq | beating bowl for tea | 擂缽
oeqpoaq | allocate | 劃撥
oexpoaq | transfer funds pay out | 劃撥
paypoaq | swing | 擺撥
poaq cidpvy | put it aside | 擺一邊
poaq sofzai | allot places | 撥地方
poaq | spread; remove (person or things); distribute (persons by placing them in different places); allot; disperse; to transfer (money) | 撥
poaq`khuy | poke | 撥開
poaqbea | fall off a horse; train derailment | 跋馬; 火車脫軌
poaqcih | fall and break into twos | 半子; 跌折
poaqcvii | gamble for money | 賭錢
poaqjibkhix | fell into | 跋入去
poaqkafmzeeng | emotions | 跋感情
poaqkex | cut prices; price drop; the price has fallen | 跌價
poaqkiao | gamble | 賭博; 跋筊
poaqkiao-siefn | a reckless gambler | 好賭者; 賭博仙
poaqkoax | divine with turtle shells; to divine by the Eight Diagrams | 卜卦
poaqliawliao | lost all- gamble | 跋了了
poaqløh | fell | 跋落
poaqløqbea | fell from riding horse | 跋落馬; 跌落馬
poaqløqkhieaq | fell | 跋落去矣
poaqløqkhix | fell | 跋落去
poaqløqlaai | fell | 跋落來
poaqløqlailaq | fell down | 跋落來啦
poaqmachiog | play mahjong | 打麻將
poaqmia | gamble with life and death | 跋命
poaqmoachiog | mahjong | 跋麻雀
poaqpai'ar | play cards; to gamble with cards | 打牌仔
poaqpoah | easy to fall | 跋跋
poaqpoef | The act or practice of foretelling the future by casting lots; cast two wooden pieces of poe to seek an answer from the spirits; to divine with bamboo roots | 擲杯筊; 跋桮; 卜杯筊; 摔神杯
poaqsibpad | gamble with 3 dice (the highest throw is 18) | 賭骰子
poaqsie | fall to death; die of a fall; to drop dead; slip and get killed | 跌死
poaqsukiao | lose at gambling; lose a wager | 賭輸賭
poaqsw | lose at gambling; lose a wager | 賭輸
poaqtau'ar | throw dice; gamble with dice | 賭骰仔
poaqthafng'ar | water bucket | 拔桶仔
poaqtharng | water bucket | 跋桶; 拔桶; 打水用桶
poaqtng | fall and break ... | 跋斷
poaqtør | fall down (while walking); fall; make fall | 跌倒; 跋倒
poaqviaa | win in gambling | 賭贏
taktiøh ciøqthaau poaqtør | stumble over a stone | 踢到石頭跌倒
thepoaq | referral | 提撥
thiaupoaq lixkafn | stir up ill-will or bad feelings; sow discord | 挑撥離間
thiaupoaq | provoke or arouse (ill-will); cause disputes; sow discord | 挑撥
zhu-poaqtør | slip and fall | 趄跌倒; 滑倒

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