"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Zuo-pok | the master and his retinue | 主隨; 主僕
aang-løpok | carrot | 紅蘿蔔; 胡蘿蔔
angløpok | carrots | 紅蘿蔔
bipok | meager; slight; slender | 微薄
buxnpok | to consult fortune tellers | 問卜
chiefnpok | meager; shallow; superficial | 淺薄
chiepok | experimental explosion | 試爆
hegzuo texbin chiepok | nuclear experimental explosion on the surface of the earth; nuclear test | 核子地面試爆
hipok | thin and diluted | 稀薄
hoxpok | heavy or light; a kind and sincere servant | 厚薄
hudpok | nuclear blast or explosion | 核爆; 核子爆發
huypok | unworthy; small(gift) | 菲薄
iongpok | servant | 傭僕; 僕人
itpok-sibhaan | work by fits and starts | 一曝十寒
kapok | servant (in a family) | 家僕
khekpok | (adj) unkind; stingy; treat harshly; cold hearted; unfeeling | 刻薄
khengpok | take liberty with a girl; get fresh; fickle; flippant; disdain; contempt; frivolity; levity; frivolity; insincere; fickle | 輕薄
kongpok | public servant; government officials | 公僕
lampok | valet | 男僕
lopok | a servant, a slave | 奴僕
lwpok | a female servant; a maid | 女僕
lypok | female servant; maid | 女僕
løfpok | old servant | 老僕
phiaupok | wandering | 飄泊
phypok | speak jestingly of a person's manner or appearance | 批判; 打趣
pok | yin; thin, light, slight, despise, slight, disdain, barren, not fertile, ungenerous, stingy, contemptuous, careless | 鑮
pok'hee | turn down | 駁回
pok'hoee | refusal to grant permission | 駁回
pok'hwn | to smoke a cigarette; smoke | 抽煙; 吸煙
pok'høee | to turn down, to refute, to reject (a request) | 駁回
pok'vie | sprouting | 長芽
pok`cide | quick smoke | 泊一下; 吸煙
pok`cidee | quick smoke | 吸一下
pokbaq | fried meat | 爆肉
pokbuun | refutation | 駁文
pokchiamsy | divination poem | 卜籤詩
pokciawkoax | divine by having a bird pick out one lot from several | 卜鳥卦
pokgee | sprouting; tooth convex; sprout (lit; fig) | 冒芽; 暴牙; 萌芽
pokgi | refute | 駁義
pokkex | barge price | 駁價
pokkhafng | something fall through and stand exposed (of plot) | 爆孔; 事情敗露
pokkhie | tooth that stick out | 暴牙
pokkhied | disposition; temperament; temper | 駁揭; 性情怪異; 令人覺得有趣
pokkoax sngrmia | tell one's fortune by divination | 占卦算命
pokkoax | divine; tell fortunes by means of the eight diagrams | 占卦; 卜卦
pokkox | refute | 駁顧
pokmng | dispute, contradict | 駁問; 駁斥
pokong'efng | dandelion | 蒲公英
pokongzhao | dandelion | 蒲公草
pokphaf | refute | 駁翻
poksw | refute | 駁輸; 論輸
poktheg | polemic; refute; disputation | 駁斥
poktør | to devastatingly refute and disprove | 駁倒
poktørtngr | refusal to grant permission | 駁倒轉; 駁回
pokuichiu | palmetto tree | 蒲葵樹
pokuii | Chinese fan palm | 蒲葵
pokviw | vines grew from seaside sand | 埔姜
pokzeg | polemic; refute; disputation | 駁斥
pokzexng | to correct by argument | 駁正
pokzhud | divination | 卜出
pokzuun | barge | 駁船
sinpok | servant of god | 新僕; 神僕
tapokviar | girl | 查埔囝
taxmpok | without ambition | 淡泊
thengpok | berth; moor; cast anchor; in port | 停泊
tiongpok | faithful servant | 忠僕
ynpok | set off an explosion or blast | 引爆
zapokafn'ar | male servant | 查埔𡢃仔
zapokafng | male worker | 查埔工
zapokhoarn | tomboy | 查哺款
zapokviar | son | 查哺囡; 兒子
zhawpokvii | turf edge | 草埔墘
zwpok | master and slave; master and servant | 主僕

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