"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: pong

Engpong cibthoaan | sterling block | 英鎊集團
Engpong | British pound; pound sterling | 英鎊; 英磅
Huixzhvef pong Bogzhvef | Comet collides with Jupiter | 彗星撞木星
cidpong | one pound | 一磅
cixnpong | with all one's strength; to the utmost | 盡傍; 盡磅; 已到最後極限
cyhuy-pong | a baton | 指揮棒
engpong | pound sterling | 英鎊
keapong | ceeding basic quantities or provisions | 過磅
kimpong | pound sterling | 金磅; 金鎊
koeapong | weigh | 過磅
kuypong | how many | 幾磅
køeapong | weigh | 過磅
liedsek pongthefng | stand by and listen | 列席旁聽
mixpong | bread | 麵磅; 麵包
parngcixnpong | do it all the way; use all the force | 放盡磅
paxng-cixnpong | use full force | 放盡磅; 到最大力氣; 最大
pong tiøqsiofng | be injured or damaged after being hit by something | 碰傷; 撞傷
pong | run against; collide; to bump; meet unexpectedly; pounds | 撞; 碰; 磅
pong'afterng | on the scale | 磅仔頂
pong'ar | scales (give weight in pounds avoirdupois) | 磅仔; 秤
pongboarn | evening; dusk; nightfall | 傍晚
pongjiin | a bystander, an outsider | 傍人
pongkoafn | to be on the sidelines; to observe from the sidelines; stand by; remain a spectator | 旁觀
pongkoafn`ciar zhefng | The on looker is clear headed because he can see what's going on with detachment); the mind of the on looker is clear | 旁觀者清
pongkoanciar zhefng | The on looker is clear headed because he can see what's going on with detachment); the mind of the on looker is clear | 旁觀者清
pongkoanciar | on looker; bystander | 旁觀者
pongkofng kietciøh | calculus of the bladder; bladder stone | 膀胱結石
pongkofng | bladder (physiology) | 膀胱
pongkofng-iam | cystitis | 膀胱炎
pongkong'iam | inflammation of the bladder; cystitis | 膀胱炎
pongpiefn | at the side | 旁邊
pongpvy | bystander | 旁邊
pongthefng | audit (a college course) | 旁聽
pongtherngciar | audience | 旁聽者
pongtherngjiin | listeners in the law courts; the public | 旁聽人
pongtherngsefng | voluntary students; audit student; preparatory student | 旁聽生
pongtherngsek | seats reserved for visitors; visitors seats | 旁聽席
pongthexng | audit (a college course) | 旁聽
pongthexng-sefng | auditor, no-credit student | 旁聽生
pongthexng-seg | visitors' seat | 旁聽室
pongthviaf | audit a course | 旁聽
pongthviaf-seg | visitors' seat | 旁聽室
pongthviasefng | a listener, an auditor | 旁聽生
pongtut | come suddenly and unexpectedly | 碰突; 唐突
pongzexng | circumstantial evidence | 旁證
siuxsiuo-pongkoafn | look on without even lifting a finger (to help); to watch with folded arms | 袖手旁觀
siøpong | collide | 相撞; 相碰
sokchiuo pongkoafn | fold the arms and look on; stand by and observe | 束手旁觀
texpong | weighbridge | 地磅
toxngponghoaciog | bridal anthurium | 洞房花燭
zhofngpong | rash; hurried; careless; run against; spoil or break things | 鹵莽; 匆忙
zhofngzhofngpoxngpong | in a hurry; bump | 衝衝碰碰
zhongpong | careless; hurried; rash | 倉惶; 匆忙
zhvepoxngpeqpong | rush; careless | 青磅白磅

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