"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Guu bøo hiafmzhao bøe puii | If a person doesn't encounter difficulties in his life he won't be a success. (Lit. If a cow doesn't eat coarse grass it won't get fat.) | 牛無吃險草不肥。
akpuii | apply fertilizer; water plants with liquidized night soil | 施肥; 沃肥; 澆肥
aupuii | compost | 漚肥; 堆肥
ciah-bøexpuii | eat without getting fat; eats but doesn't grow or put on weight | 吃無肥
efpuii | short and stout | 矮胖
erngpuii | to apply fertilizer | 施肥; 壅肥; 掏肥
exng puii | fertilize | 壅肥
hexpuii | manure | 施肥; 下肥
hoarpuii | chemical fertilizer | 化肥
iaxpuii | apply fertilizer | 施肥; 撒肥
iuopuii | young manure | 幼肥
jinzø-puiliau | chemical fertilizer | 人造肥料
kao pui høefchiaf | worthless (Lit. Dog barks at train.) | 狗吠火車; 無濟於事
kao-pui | the bark of a dog, to bark | 狗吠
kaopuii | too fat | 夠肥
kauhpuii | make compost for fertilizer | 𩛩肥
khauqkhauqpui | bark without stopping | 愕愕吠; 吠個無停
kiafmpuii | reduce weight | 減肥
kipuii | main periodic fertilization; fertilizers applied to soil before planting | 機肥
kongpui | to bark wildly; to utter wild words; to yell like a mad dog; to yell nonsense | 狂吠
legpuii | green manure | 綠肥
linpuii | phosphate fertilizer | 燐肥
linsngf puiliau | phosphatic manure; phosphate | 燐酸肥料
liogpuii | green manure | 綠肥
løqpuii | spread fertilizer | 下肥; 落肥; 施肥
oefpuii | short and fat | 矮肥
oepuih | shoehorn | 鞋拔
oepuiqar | shoehorn | 鞋拔仔
pui zhadar | bark at a thief | 吠小偷
pui | dogs bark; to bark at | 吠
pui'ag | rich soil | 肥沃
pui'nngr | soft and chubby; meaty and tender; fleshy and delicate; fat and plump (man or animal) | 肥軟; 肥嫩
pui'øea | short and stout | 肥矮; 矮胖
puibaq | fat; fat meat | 肥肉
puie'ar | prickly heat rash | 痱仔; 痱子
puie'ar-hurn | talcum powder | 痱仔粉; 痱子粉
puieafhurn | talcum powder baby powder; prickly heat powder | 痱子粉; 爽身粉
puiear | prickly heat; heat rash; heat spots | 痱子
puih | pull up; uproot; draw; unsheathe (sward; knife) | 拔
puih-hofchiw | lotto | 拔虎鬚; 抽籤
puih`tør | pull up | 拔倒; 拉倒
puihiakhok'ar | gourd shell ladle | 瓠桸觳仔
puii | fat | 肥
puii-lutlud | very fat | 胖嘟嘟
puii-zutzud | fatty dripping | 肥朒朒
puii`khylaai | become fat; put on weight | 胖起來
puiie'puipuii | so fat | 肥肥肥
puiiuu | fat oil | 肥油
puiliau | fertilizer; fertilizer in general | 肥料
puiliauxchviuo | fertilizer plant | 肥料廠
puilutlud | plump | 肥朒朒
puinngfafpuinngr | plump | 肥軟仔肥軟
puinngfar | plump | 肥軟仔
puinngr | meaty and tender, fleshy and delicate, fat and plump (man or animal) | 肥軟
puipeh | chubby and white; fat and fair (infants or women) | 肥白; 白胖
puiphaxng | fat | 肥胖
puipuii | chubby | 肥肥
puipuxn | rich manure | 肥糞
puiqkiaxm | take the sword | 拿劍
puiqtøf | take the knife | 拔刀
puisarn | fat and skinny | 肥瘦
puisuie | pleasingly plump | 肥美
puisyn | fat body | 肥身; 肥胖
puitai | corpulence, hypertrophy | 肥大
puite | rich; fertile soil | 肥地
puitea | describe people with fat gene | 肥底
puithoo | rich soil | 肥土
puithurn | short and fat | 肥碩
puitibah'ar | fat pork | 肥豬肉仔
puitoa | corpulence, hypertrophy | 肥大
puitoea | describe people with fat gene | 肥底
puity | fat pig; fat pig; fat pig like fellow (said in scolding) | 肥豬
puitøe | rich soil | 肥地
puix | boil; heat rashes | 沸; 痱
puizhaan | piece of fertile land; rich rice fields | 肥田
puizuie | fertilize water | 肥水
puizutzud | plump | 肥朒朒
puq puiear | break out in prickly heat | 生痱子
pvoarcviapuii | half fat; half lean | 半成肥; 瘦參半
sipuii | apply fertilizer | 施肥
sviupuii | obesity | 過肥
tithaupuii | mumps; parotitis inflammation of a parotid | 腮腺腫; 豬頭肥; 腮腺炎; 耳下腺炎
toaxpuii | feces; stool; shit | 大肥; 糞
tuipuii | compost; dunghill; compost ─ an organic fertilizer (manure) | 堆肥
tuthaupuii | pig head fat | 豬頭肥
tvapuii | carry (on both ends of shoulder pole) fertilizer; manure | 挑肥
tvapuii`ee | carrier of the (on both ends of shoulder pole) fertilizer; manure | 打肥的
viwpuii | pour shit | 舀肥
zhopuii | having big body and fatty | 粗肥
zuypuichiaf | sewerage removal tank truck | 水肥車
zuypuii | collected human body waste; night soil | 水肥
øefpuii | rotund | 矮肥

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