"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: putki

kieorng-putkiu | Let bygones be bygones. No post-mortems! (not to access blame for past events) | 既往無咎; (究)
kieorng-putkiux | Let bygones be bygones. No post-mortems! (not to access blame for past events) | 既往無咎; (究)
kiernsie-putkiux | see someone in mortal danger without lifting a finger to save him | 見死無救
laai-putkip | too late; unable to make it in time; not enough time left to do it | 來無及
laiputkip | to be too late to | 來無急; 來不及
putkiarm | undisciplined, unrestrained | 無檢; 不檢
putkibbut | intransitive | 無及物
putkibsii | untimely | 無及時; 不及時
putkied | ill-omened; ominous; unlucky; foreboding | 無吉; 不吉; 不潔
putkiexn | unseen | 無見
putkiexn-teg | not likely, not necessarily | 無見得
putkii jigu | meet by chance; encounter someone unexpectedly | 無期而遇
putkin jinzeeng | unreasonable; inconsiderate; disregarding others feelings | 無近人情
putkin | no only | 無僅
putkiong-taethiefn | will not live under the same sky (with the man who slew his father); inveterate hatred | 無共戴天
putkip | be inferior to; unequal to | 無及; 不及
putkiujiin | as one wishes; itching device | 不求人
putkiuliin | as one wishes in mahjong; itching device | 不求人
putkiuo | before long | 無久; 不久
putkixm | to be unaware to, cannot help to | 無禁
satjiin putkiexn hied | able to kill without bloodshed (said of a devious act) | 殺人無見血
si juu putkiexn | look at but not pay attention to | 視如無見
zhorchiuo putkip | be caught unawares or unprepared; be taken by surprise | 措手無及
zøxsi putkiux | stand by without helping | 坐視無救

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