"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: pvia

Tiongchiupviar | moon cake | 中秋餅
ab'afpviar | Taiwanese engagement pastry | 盒仔餅
bahpviafbin | broad fat face not good-looking | 肉餅面; 大肥臉
bahpviar | sesame seed cake; cake stuffed with meat; meat-pie | 肉餅
bahpviar-bin | sesame seed cake face | 肉餅臉
bidpviar | honey wafer | 蜜餅
bukvax-pviar | unleavened bread | 無酵餅
bøkvarpviar | unleaved bread | 無酵餅
bøkvax-pviar | unleavened bread | 無酵餅
chiapviax | (athletic or other) competition; match; struggle | 車拼; 火拼; 血拼; 博鬥
ciah-phorngpviar | to be scolded | 吃凸餅; 挨罵
ciaqphorngpviar | be scolded; slapped by parents | 吃凸餅; 受責罵
cienpviar | griddle cake; pancake | 煎餅
ciog phahpviax | very hard; struggled; make an effort to | 足打拚
cviapviax | hard to complete | 很拚
cyn-phahpviax | do one's best; work hard | 真打拚
geqpviar | moon cake for the Mid-Autumn Festival | 月餅
goeqpviar | moon-cake | 月餅
guciqpviar | Taiwanese cookies shape like cow’s tongue | 牛舌餅
gulengpviar | biscuits | 牛乳餅; 牛奶餅乾
gunipviar | milk biscuit | 牛奶餅
gøeqpviar | moon-cake for the mid-Autumn festival | 月餅
haypviaa | seashore with sloping bank | 海坪
hexngpviar | When your daughter gets married you have to present cookies to relatives and friends | 還餅; 嫁女兒送餅給親友
hwnpviar | face powder | 粉餅
iupviar | oil-fried thin cake | 油餅
iusof-pviar | fried crisp pancakes | 油酥餅
juxnpviafkauq | Taiwanese egg roll | 潤餅𩛩
juxnpviar | Taiwanese pancake roll; Taiwanese spring roll | 潤餅; 春捲; 春餅
juxnpviar-kauq | Taiwanese pancake roll; Taiwanese spring roll | 潤餅捲; 春捲; 春餅
juxnpviar-phøee | the Taiwanese spring roll skin to wrap meat; vegetable in | 潤餅皮
jwpviar | cheesecake | 乳餅
khawsof-pviar | a kind of crisp biscuit; shortcakes | 口酥餅
khawsopviar | a kind of crisp biscuit; shortcakes | 口酥餅
khixpviar | cookies made of persimmon | 柿餅
kiet'afpviar | orange, sugar, and ginger mixed cooky | 桔仔餅
kietpviar | dry orange; flattened dried orange | 桔餅
kviupviar | gingerbread | 薑餅
kø'afpviar | engagement cake | 膏仔餅; 糕仔餅; 訂婚禮餅
køafpviar | cakes and biscuits | 糕仔餅
køpviar | cakes and biscuits | 糕餅; 糕點
lefpviar | delicious cake for wedding; cakes presented by the boy to the girl as a symbol of betrothal | 禮餅
legtau-pviar | green bean cake | 綠豆餅
legtauxpviar | type of pie made of lentil jam | 綠豆餅
lenghong-pviar | engagement-cake | 龍鳳餅; 訂婚禮餅
lenghoxngpviar | cakes used at betrothal (with figures of dragons and phoenixes) | 龍鳳餅
lionghong-pviar | cake presented to the bride's family by the bridegroom's; betrothal cake gift distributed to friends as announcement | 龍鳳餅
lionghoxngpviar | cake presented to the bride's family by the bridegroom's family | 龍鳳餅
luurnpviafkauq | Taiwanese crepe | 潤餅𩛩
luxnpviafkauq | Taiwanese vegetable roll | 潤餅捲
luxnpviar | vegetable roll; thin tough cakes like scones; spring rolls | 潤餅; 春捲
luxnpviar-phøee | skin of vegetable roll | 潤餅皮
m'afpviar | plum cooky | 梅仔餅
mixpviar | thin wheat wafer cakes; a host (Catholic) | 麵餅; 餅乾
moai'afpviar | plum cake | 梅仔餅
moeafpviar | plum cookies | 梅仔餅
mohoatpviar | magic cooky | 魔法餅
nipviar | cheese cheesecake | 乳餅; 奶餅
oexpviar chiongky | try to satisfy hunger by drawing cakes--to value empty names; empty solace | 畫餅充飢
pehpviar | break bread | 剝餅; 掰餅
phahpviarsioxng | hard working | 拍拚相
phahpviax | fight for life or death; risk everything; diligent; ; work hard; try as hard as one can; with great energy and expedition; diligent; industrious | 打拚; 拍拚; 努力; 拼命
phorngpviar | muffin; bell shaped cakes | 膨餅; 鬆餅; 凸餅
poghøpviar | peppermint cake | 薄荷餅
punpviar | distribute cookies | 分餅
pviaa | copy | 抄
pviaf | throw away | 拋; 抨; 丟擲
pviaf`khix | throw over | 丟去
pviaf`leq | no more use; put away | 丟置
pviafab'ar | cookie; box; case | 餅盒仔
pviafah | a case of cookies | 餅盒
pviafar | cookies | 餅仔
pviafiuo'ar | crumbs | 餅幼仔
pviafiux | cake crumbs | 餅屑; 餅渣
pviafkauq | Taiwanese crepe | 餅𩛩
pviafkheh'ar | Taiwanese crepe | 餅篋仔
pviafkib | 3rd class | 丙級
pviafkvoaf | biscuit; biscuit; cracker; cookie | 餅乾
pviaflo | cakes; pastry | 餅路; 餅餌
pviafloo | furnace for making cookies | 餅爐; 烤箱; 煎餅爐
pviafmngg | side door; frontier pass | 邊門; 側門
pviafphirn | pastry | 餅品
pviafphox | pastry shop | 餅舖
pviafpvoaa | plate for serving biscuits | 餅盤
pviafsab | cake crumbs | 餅屑
pviafsap'ar | scraps of cake | 餅屑仔
pviafsud | crumbs, fragment of biscuit | 餅屑
pviafsut'ar | small crumbs of bread or cake | 餅屑仔
pviafterng | roughly equivalent to the C grade (in grading) | 丙等
pviaftiaxm | bakery; cake shop | 餅店
pviafva | pastry stuffing | 餅餡
pviafzhuix | cookie crumbs | 餅碎; 餅渣
pviafzof | high school class category which matches with the 3rd college entrance examins category | 丙組
pviahviesak | throw away | 拚擲棄
pvialaai-pviakhix | throw around indiscriminately | 丟來丟去; 丟這丟那
pviar | biscuit; cookie; cracker; biscuits; pastries | 餅
pviarchirnkvoa | sweating | 拚凊汗
pviarheatoea | clearance | 摒貨底
pviarhied | fight fiercely | 拚血
pviarhoeatea | settle goods in stock; existing stock | 拚貨底; 清理存貨
pviarhoeq | fight fiercely | 拚血
pviarhuiq | fight fiercely | 拚血
pviarjip | to burst into; to intrude | 倒入; 闖入
pviarkex | cut the price for fast sell; undersell | 傾價; 廉售; 拋售
pviarkhafng | empty out | 傾空
pviarkhix | steal or take away | 偷去
pviarkoex | overcame | 拚過
pviarkvoa | try to the extent of sweating | 傾汗
pviarlat | make one's effort (power; strength) | 拼力; 用力
pviarlo | to hurry on one's way | 趕路
pviarmekafng | overtime | 拚暝工
pviarmia | with all one's might; risk one's life | 拼命; 拚命
pviarmikafng | overtime | 拚暝工
pviarpaang | arrange a room, clean the room | 拚房; 整理房間
pviarpurn | clearance sale | 傾本
pviarpviax | clean up | 摒摒
pviarpviax`leq | clean up (room) | 拼拼咧
pviarsag | throw away | 拋棄; 丟棄
pviarsaux | to sweep; to clean; to clear; clean; sweep; clean out; make tidy (a room); spring cleaning | 清掃; 摒掃; 打掃
pviarsenglie | compete business | 拚生理
pviarsex | industrious; diligent; hardworking; work diligently | 努力; 拚勢; 發奮; 勤勉
pviarsie | fight to the death | 拚死
pviarsiok | sell cheap | 拼俗; 賣便宜
pviarsix | industrious; diligent; hardworking; work diligently | 努力; 拚勢; 發奮; 勤勉
pviarsuviaa | win or lose | 拚輸贏
pviarsveamia | desperately | 拚性命
pviarsvesie | desperately | 拚生死
pviarsviemia | fight for life | 拼生命
pviarsvisie | fight for life | 拼生死
pviarsw | loss of a fight | 拚輸
pviarsypviaroah | desperately | 拚死拚活
pviartiau | throw away | 傾丟
pviartin | final match; championship; battle raging fiercely (in a general engagement) | 火拼; 決勝負; 拼場子
pviartiøh | struggle | 拚著
pviartng | to clear away; to brush aside | 掃除
pviartuu | to abandon, to clear away | 掃除; 摒除
pviartux | bid | 拚注
pviartviuu | fight | 拚場
pviarviaa | fight to win | 拚贏
pviarzhefng | to get rid of; to clean away; to sweep away | 清除
pviarzhud | fight | 拚出
pviarzhutthaau | fight and ahead | 拚出頭
pviarzuie | dump water | 傾水; 倒水; 放掉水
pviarzøx | put it as | 拚做
pviasviaf | (phonetics) level tone (one of the four tones in Middle Chinese) | 平聲
pviatiau | throw away | 丟掉
pviavoar-pviati | throw down bowls and chopsticks in a sulk; pet; or rage | 拋碗拋箸; 發怒; 使性子。
pviax mekafng | do night work | 拼夜工
pviax sveamia | risk one's life; make death defying effort | 拼命
pviax svesie | risk one's life; do at the risk of one's life; place on the same plane; life and death; to struggle for life | 拼生死
pviax svisie | risk one's life; do at the risk of one's life; place on the same plane; life and death; to struggle for life | 拼生死
pviax | work hard | 拚; 摒; 拼; 倒
pviax-hietkak | clear out useless things; to throw away; to cast off | 拼擲棄; 倒掉; 丟掉
pviax-hof taf | pour out till quite empty | 拼乎乾
pviax-hof zhengkhix | clean up (a room; house) | 拼乎清氣; 打掃乾淨
pviax-kaoui | just managed to arrive in time | 拼到位
pviax-siogbøe | undersell | 拼俗賣; 摒俗賣; 廉售
pviax-sioghøex | clearance sale | 拼俗貨; 廉價傾銷
pviax`jiblaai | rush in | 拼進來
pviax`khix | dash to fight | 拼去; 打勝
pviax`zhutkhix | rush out | 拼出去
pviazeq | the four tones in old Chinese phonetics (the first tone belongs to ? While the remaining three tones belong to ?) | 平仄
pviazheq | Chinese tones 'ping' and 'zoh | 平
pvipviar | flat | 平平仔
pøqpviafkauq | thin wrap | 薄餅捲
pøqpviar | thin wrap | 薄餅
serngpviar | communion bread | 聖餅
sienpviarsiefn | fierce competition | 仙拚仙
siøpviar | hot cake; type of baked cake; to bake cakes | 燒餅
siøpviax | contest; to compete; mutually lay the blame on one another | 相拚; 競爭; 互相歸罪於他人
sopviar | type of crisp biscuit or shortcake | 酥餅
svapviax | be at variance; quarrel | 相拚; 互爭
sypviax | desperately | 死拚
tapviar | dry biscuit, cracker | 乾餅; 餅乾
tauxpviar | large round bean cake from which oil has been extracted; used as feed or fertilizer | 豆餅
tepviafhoe | tea party; tea reception | 茶餅會; 茶話會
tepviar | cakes for eating with tea; refreshments | 茶點
thihpviar | discus | 鐵餅
thng'afpviafzhux | candy shop; sweets shop | 糖仔餅厝
thng'afpviar | candies and cookies | 糖仔餅
tiongchiupviar | moon cakes; autumnal equinox cakes | 中秋餅; 中秋月餅
toaxpviar | large cooky | 大餅
toaxpviarsaux | tidying tasks | 大摒掃
vaxpviar | pasty; pie | 餡餅
zeapviar | altar bread | 祭餅
zengpviax | fight for, struggle for, struggle, conflict | 爭拼; 爭奪
zhang'afpviar | scallions cooky | 蔥仔餅
zheapviar | shortbread | 脆餅
zoeabahpviar | make meatloaf | 做肉餅
zørbahpviar | make meatloaf | 做肉餅

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