"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: pvie

appvie | flatten by pressure | 壓扁
chiqpvie`khix | be crushed flat with the hand | 壓扁去
hafmpvie | hammer to flat | 撼扁; 打扁
jiqpvie | to press flat; to flatten; to squash; to squelch | 壓扁
pvie | flat; thin; flattened | 扁
pviebae | become bad, become worse | 變壞; 變䆀
pviebarng | messing around; beginning a bad course of life; use finesse; devise schemes | 搞鬼; 搞小花樣
pviebin | frown; show anger of displeasure in the face; become angry; put on a long face; change countenance; to sulk; to frown; become angry, put on a long face, change countenance, to sulk, to frown | 翻臉; 變面; 變臉
pviebøbarng | ran out of tricks | 變無魍
pviebøliern | can't juggle; can't play tricks | 變無輪; 弄無出花樣
pviebøo | ran out of tricks | 變無
pvieciah | prepare food | 變食
pviecviaa | change to; become | 變成
pviehør | weather become fine; clear up; (person) to reform; become good | 變好
pviekangge | articraft | 變工藝
pviekaulang | playing tricks | 變猴弄
pviekaulaxnglaq | playing a monkey trick | 變猴弄啦
pviekerng | change | 變景
pviekhachiuo | playing tricks | 變跤手
pviekhafng | play tricks; trap somebody; to plot; to plan a practical joke | 搞鬼; 搗蛋; 搞小花樣
pviekhoarn | change (one's character or conduct) for the worse | 變壞; 變款; 變樣子
pviekoaix | to do mischief; to cause trouble | 作怪
pviekoong | become mad | 變狂; 發瘋
pviekuie pviekoaix | crafty and injurious | 裝鬼作怪
pviekuie | to do mischief; to cause trouble; play tricks | 搞鬼; 搞花樣
pviekuie-pviekoaix | crafty and injurious | 變鬼變怪
pviekw-pviepiq | do a trifle or trivial piece of work; do handiwork; use finesse | 搞這搞那
pvielang | annoy; fool; make fun of | 變弄; 戲弄
pviepeh | pele | 變白
pviephvae | degenerate | 變壞
pvieseg | change color, fade | 變色
pviesngr | make for fun | 變玩; 做著玩的
pviesvafbarng | what's up | 變啥魍
pviesviafbarng | what's up | 變啥魍
pviesviux | change appearance | 變相
pviesym | change mind | 變心
pvietangpviesay | making things | 變東變西
pviethienlagkoaix | playing cool | 變顛搦怪
pvievoa | change, exchange | 變換
pviezheng | change dress | 變穿
pviezhud | to change and become | 變出
pviezoex | change to; become | 變做
pviezøex | change to, become | 變做; 變成
pviezøx | become; change into; convert into | 變成
pvypvie | very flat; thin and flat | 扁扁; 扁扁的
pvypvypvie | very flat | 扁扁扁
taqpvie | flatten | 踏平
taqpvie`khix | to flatten by treading on | 踩扁去
tehpvie | flaser; mashup; stave; squash; press flat | 壓扁
thafnpvie | flatten | 坦扁
tvexpvie | crushed | 捏扁

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