Aeinsutharn | Albert Einstein (1879-1955), physicist and mathematician, noted for his Theory of Relativity | 愛因斯坦
Bahzarngzeq | rice ball festival | 肉粽節
Bahzarngzoeq | rice ball festival | 肉粽節
Baxnserngcied | All Saints Day, Nov. 1 | 萬聖節
Begnypurn | Melbourne | 墨爾本
Biexntiern | Burma | 緬甸
Bincirntorng | DPP (Democratic Progressive Party) | 民進黨
Binzwtorng | democratic party; the Democrats | 民主黨
Bongzerng | Grain in Ear (ninth solar term) 6th month 6th day in lunar calendar | 芒種
Bulurn-zok | Bunun tribe | 布農族; 布倫族
Bunkiernhoe | Council for Cultural Affairs | 文建會
Bunpoxserng | Ministry of Education | 文部省
Butiaxm Serngbør | the Immaculate Mother (Catholic) | 無玷聖母
Bykog Lampag Ciernzefng | U.S.A. Civil War; 1861-1865 | 美國南北戰爭
Bykog Toglip Ciernzefng | U.S.A. War of Independence | 美國獨力戰爭
Chienlygarn | supervision | 千里眼
Chinbintorng | People First Party | 親民黨
Cidpaq lurn ciaq e tittiøh kimturn | Forbear a hundred times; only then can you succeed | 吃得苦中苦; 方為人上人; 一百忍才會得著金盾
Ciernkog | the Warring States | 戰國
Ciernsiin | the God of War | 戰神
Cieserngsor | Most Holy Place | 至聖所
Cinzukarng | Pearl Harbor | 真珠港
Ciornggi-vi | the House of Representative, the House of Commons | 眾議院
Ciornggixvi | Lower House of a Parliament; House of Commons; the House | 眾議院
Cirmsirnhoe | Baptists | 浸信會
Cirntaikefng | Introit of the Mass | 進臺經
Cirntngg eng | Entrance Song of the Mass (Catholic) | 進堂詠
Cirntngseg | Introductory Rites of the Mass (Catholic) | 進堂式
Enghaxn jixtiern | English-Chinese dictionary | 英漢字典
Goanciorng | a city in Yunlin County of Taiwan | 元長
Gvaftiern | Athens; capital of Greece | 雅典
Harn'efng jixtiern | Chinese-English dictionary | 漢英字典
Harnbinzok | Chinese race | 漢民族
Harnbuun | Chinese written language and literature; written Chinese | 漢文
Harnguo | Chinese; Han language | 漢語
Harnhak | Chinese study; Chinese classics | 漢學
Harnji | Chinese characters | 漢字
Harnjiin | Chinese | 漢人
Harnliin | han people | 漢人
Harnpør | Hamburg (a city in Germany) | 漢堡
Harntiaau | Han dynasty | 漢朝
Harnzok | the Han race | 漢族
Haxn-Efng jixtiern | Chinese-English dictionary | 漢英字典
Hengzerng'vixtviuo | premier | 行政院長
Hengzex Siongtiern | Canon of Mass (Catholic) | 行祭常典
Hiangkarng | Hong Kong | 香港
Hiernlefkefng | Prayer over the Gifts at Mass (Catholic) | 獻禮經
Hiongkarng | Hong Kong | 香港
Hoalienkarng | Hualien port | 花蓮港
Hoarn Serng'efng | La Nina | 反聖嬰
Hoelienkarng | Hualien port | 花蓮港
Hongzex Serngbør Thoankaux Siulie Hoe | FMM: Franciscan Missionaries of Mary (Catholic) | 方濟聖母傳教修女會
Hor løh peng'viuu pi khiern khy | hero or brave man can be bullied by a bunch of weaklings when he is down on his luck. (A tiger out of his natural environment can be bullied by a dog.) | 虎落平陽被犬欺
Hoxnghiernkefng | offertory antiphon (Catholic) | 奉獻經
Hoxnghiernsiong | offertory of the Mass (Catholic) | 奉獻誦
Hudtarnjit | Buddha's birthday; 8th day of the 4th month | 佛誕日
Hudtiern | Buddhist classic | 佛典
Hurntøxphiefn | Ecclesiastes (Catholic) | 訓道篇
Ialoxsatlerng | Jerusalem | 耶路撒冷
Iasof Serngmiaa ciamlea | Feast of Holy Name (Catholic) | 耶穌聖名瞻禮
Irnnii | (abbreviation for) Indonesia; Indonesia | 印尼
Irntexafn | the original inhabitants of the US | 印第安
Irnto | India | 印度
Irntoxkaux | Hinduism | 印度教
Irntoxlaang | Indian | 印度人
Irntoxviuu | Indian Ocean | 印度洋
Itkoarntø | religious sect combining Confucian; Buddhist; Taoist features | 一貫道
Iwerngkofng | A lonely soul without a master | 有應公
Jidgvoo Ciernzefng | Russo-Japanese War | 日俄戰爭
Jidpurn | Japan; Nippon; Japan | 日本
Jidsarn | Nissan | 日產
Jinzuu Serngbør Thoankaux Hoe | MMB: Miss of O.L. of Mercy (Catholic) | 仁慈聖母傳教會
Kangtorng | Labor Party | 工黨
Kaoteeng-kongsaekoarn | Apostolic Delegation | 教廷公使館
Karn | a surname | 簡
Kerng | surname Gong; Kung | 龔
Khafmterng | a city in Pingtung County | 崁頂
Khofngzuo tarnsiin | birthday of Confucius ─ September 8 (also Kau-su-chiat 教師節) | 孔子誕辰
Khonghy-jixtiern | Kang Hsi Tzu Tien (a 42-volume dictionary compiled during the reign of Kang Hsi in the Qing Dynasty) | 康熙字典
Khorngbuxkiok | Bureau of Mines | 礦務局
Khorngciexn | War of Resistance, the war against Japan from 1937-1945 | 抗戰
Kiencirn zerngbengsw | Certificate of Confirmation (Catholic) | 堅振證明書
Kioxnghøtorng | Republican party | 共和黨
Kioxngsafntorng | Communist party | 共產黨
Kioxngsarn-torng | the Communist Party | 共產黨
Kokbintorng | National Party; K.M.T. in the Republic of China | 國民黨
Kokkherngjit | Anniversary of the Republic; National Day | 國慶日
Kokserng'iaa | Koxinga; the name of Cheng Cheng-Kung | 國姓爺; 鄭成功
Korng-tiexn'oe | making a phone call | 講電話
Korngliaau | a city in Taipei County | 貢寮
Laixzerngpo | the Ministry of Interior | 內政部
Lamkoarn | song of southern dialect | 南管
Lampag Ciernzefng | American Civil War of 1861-1865 | 南北戰爭
Legtorng | Green Party | 綠黨
Liautofng poarntør | the Liaotung Peninsula | 遼東半島
Lidsarn | Nissan | 日產
Lienhabkog hiernciofng | U.N. Charter | 聯合國憲章
Limciofng Serngthea | Sacrament of Holy Eucharist administered to dying or those in danger of death; Viaticum | 臨終聖體
Limsarn koafnlykiok | Taiwan Forestry Bureau | 林產管理局
Loafnloarn | a place in Koelaang Chi | 暖暖
Loexzerngpo | Ministry of the Interior | 內政部
Logkarng | a city in Changhua County | 鹿港
Lykarng | a city in Pingtung County | 里港
Lømar Serngpo | Roman Congregation (Catholic) | 羅馬聖部
Misad Kengpurn | Missal (Catholic) | 彌撒經本; (經書)
Misad Serngtiern | Canon of the Mass (Catholic) | 彌撒聖典
Misad Serngzex | Canon of the Mass (Catholic) | 彌撒聖祭
Osolaf Serngsym Hoe | OSC: Ursulines of the S. Heart (Catholic) | 烏蘇拉聖心會
Pakbykoarn | North America Pavilion | 北美館
Pakisutharn | Pakistan | 巴基斯坦
Pakkarng | a city in Yunlin County | 北港
Pakkegkhiern | Eskimo dogs | 北極犬
Palegsutharn | Palestine | 巴勒斯坦
Panykaxn poarntør | Balkan Peninsula | 巴爾幹半島
Peglerng Goaxhngf Thoankaohoe | SMB: Societas Miss de Bethlehem (Switz) | 白冷外方傳教會
Poxpienpurn | Ministry edition | 部編本
Sae kirn khortoax phaq-sykad | Something always happens when you are in a hurry; haste makes waste (Lit. rushed to the toilet; but the drawstring fastening the pants was knotted) | 欲速則無達。
Saikarng | a city in Tainan County | 西港
Samkiøh'erng | Santo Domingo; San Domingo | 三角湧
Seirnto | Western India | 西印度
Sekarng | a place in Tainan | 西港
Serng Oexsengzhux | Provincial Health Department | 省衛生處
Serng'efng | The Infant (Catholic) | 聖嬰
Serng'eng | Hymn (Catholic) | 聖詠
Serng'exngcip | Psalms (Catholic) | 聖詠集
Serng'y Hoe | OCD: Discalced Carmelites (Catholic) | 聖衣會
Serngbiør | Virgin Mary; Holy Mother | 聖母
Serngbuo | the Holy Mother | 聖母
Serngbøfgoeh | Month of Mary (Catholic) | 聖母月
Serngbøfkunkii | Banner of the Legion of Mary (Catholic) | 聖母軍旗
Serngbøfkwn Zofngpo | Concilium of the Legion of Mary (Catholic) | 聖母軍總部
Serngbøfkwn cithoaan | Praesidium of the legion of Mary (Catholic) | 聖母軍支團
Serngbøfkwn huozo-thoan'oaan | auxiliary member of the Legion of Mary (Catholic) | 聖母軍輔助團員
Serngbøfkwn kangzog-thoan'oaan | active Legion of Mary member (Catholic) | 聖母軍工作團員
Serngbøfkwn khuthoaan | Curia of the Legion of Mary (Catholic) | 聖母軍區團
Serngbøfkwn thoan'oaan | Legion of Mary member (Catholic) | 聖母軍團員
Serngbøfkwn | Legion of Mary (Catholic) | 聖母軍
Serngbøfsiong | the statue of the Virgin Mary; Madonna | 聖母像
Serngbøfvi | Notre Dame | 聖母院
Serngbør Bugoanzoe Siulyhoe | MIC: Miss Srs of the Immac Concept (Catholic) | 聖母無原罪修女會
Serngbør Bugoanzoe Thoankaux Siulyhoe | SMIC: Franc Miss Srs of the Imm Conc (Catholic) | 聖母無原罪傳教修女會。
Serngbør Hoe | Sodality of Blessed Mother (Catholic) | 聖母會
Serngbør Maflixaf | Virgin Mary | 聖母瑪利亞
Serngbør Serngsym Hoe | CICM: Cong Immac Cordis Mariae; Scheut (Catholic) | 聖母聖心會
Serngbør Serngsym Siulie Hoe | CSCM: Srs of the SH of Mary of Taichung (Catholic) | 聖母聖心修女會
Serngbør Sirnsimhoe | Children of Mary (Catholic) | 聖母信心會
Serngbør bongtiaux sengthiefn | Mary is assumed into Heaven (Catholic) | 聖母蒙召升天
Serngbør butiaxm cy sym | Immaculate Heart of Mary (Catholic) | 聖母無玷之心
Serngbør bøjiarm goanzoe | Immaculate Conception (Catholic) | 聖母無染原罪
Serngbør chitkhor | The Seven Dolors (Catholic) | 聖母七苦
Serngbør cirnkaux cy iu | Auxilium Christianorum (Catholic) | 聖母進教之佑
Serngbør niafpøx | annunciation (Catholic) | 聖母領報
Serngbør zhwkied ciamlea | Feast of the Purification (Catholic) | 聖母取潔瞻禮
Serngbør | Virgin Mary; Holy Mother | 聖母
Serngciw lefgii | Liturgy of Holy Week (Catholic) | 聖週禮儀
Sernggieen Hoe | SVD: Societas Verbi Divini (Catholic) | 聖言會
Sernghoe | the Holy Church, holy congregation | 聖會
Sernghoef lefgii | Ash Wednesday (Catholic) | 聖灰禮儀
Sernghu | God the Father | 聖父
Sernghø | Sign of the cross (Catholic) | 聖號
Serngjit | Sunday | 聖日
Serngkaf Hiernluo Thoantø Hoe | OSF: Catechist Srs of the Holy Family (Catholic) | 聖家獻女傳道會
Serngkaf | the Holy Family (Catholic) | 聖家
Serngkahoe | Confraternity of the Holy Family (Catholic) | 聖家會
Serngkaux Lefgii | the Liturgy (Catholic) | 聖教禮儀
Serngkaux Lefpo | Congregation of Rites (Catholic) | 聖教禮部
Serngkaux Suokuy | Commandments of Church (Catholic) | 聖教四規
Serngkaux hoattiern | Canon Law (Catholic) | 聖教法典
Serngkaux zornglea | ecclesiastical burial | 聖教葬禮
Serngkaux | Holy Religion | 聖教
Serngkef | the Holy Family (Catholic) | 聖家
Serngkefng zuokae | Commentaries on scripture | 聖經註解
Serngkefng | the Bible | 聖經
Serngkefng-konghoe | the Bible Society | 聖經公會
Serngkefng-suvi | Bible school | 聖經書院
Serngkoaf | hymn, chant | 聖歌
Serngkonghoe kaotoo | Anglicans | 聖公會教徒
Serngkonghoe | Church of England | 聖功會
Serngkviar | Holy Son, Jesus Christ | 聖囝; 聖子
Serngkøf | hymn, chant | 聖歌
Serngleeng karngliim | the coming of the Holy Spirit; Pentecost | 聖靈降臨; 聖神降臨
Serngleeng | the Holy Spirit; the Holy Ghost | 聖靈
Serngmiaa | Holy Name | 聖名
Serngnii | Jubilee (Holy Year) (Catholic) | 聖年
Serngpe | Holy Father | 聖父; 聖爸
Serngsafm Zwjit | Trinity Sunday (Catholic) | 聖三主日
Serngsiern | Baptism (Catholic) | 聖洗
Serngsii | Holy Hour (Catholic) | 聖時
Serngsiin Hoe | SSPS: Holy Ghost Srs | 聖神會
Serngsiin chit'wn | seven gifts of Holy Ghost (Catholic) | 聖神七恩
Serngsiin ee cyirn | direction of the Holy Ghost | 聖神的指引
Serngsiin ee kiongtien | temple of Holy Ghost (Catholic) | 聖神的宮殿
Serngsiin karngliim | the coming of the Holy Spirit; Pentecost | 聖靈降臨; 聖神降臨
Serngsiin siøfsiuvi | Holy Ghost Minor Seminary (Catholic) | 聖神會小修院
Serngsiin | Holy Ghost; the Holy Spirit (Catholic) | 聖神; 聖靈
Serngsimgoeh | Month of the Sacred Heart (Catholic) | 聖心月
Serngsimhoe | confraternity of the Sacred Heart (Catholic) | 聖心會
Serngsimkii | Banner of the Sacred Heart (Catholic) | 聖心旗
Serngsuo | evangelists (Catholic) | 聖使
Serngsy | Hymn; Psalm (Protestant) | 聖詩
Serngsym | His Majesty's heart; Sacred heart (Catholic) | 聖心
Serngtan | Christmas | 聖誕, 聖誕節
Serngtarncied | Christmas | 聖誕節; 聖誕
Serngtarnmee | Christmas Eve | 聖誕暝; 聖誕前夜
Serngtaxn zeng'ia | Christmas Eve | 聖誕夜; 聖誕前夜
Serngtaxn | Christmas | 聖誕
Serngtaxn-lauxlaang | Santa Claus | 聖誕老人
Serngthea Ciamlea | corpus Christi (Catholic) | 聖體瞻禮
Serngthea Taixhoe | Eucharistic Congress (Catholic) | 聖體大會
Serngthea høkofng | monstrance (Catholic) | 聖體豪光
Serngthea iuheeng | Procession of the Blessed Sacrament | 聖體遊行
Serngthea karnghog | Benediction (Catholic) | 聖體降福
Serngthea | Holy Eucharist (Catholic) | 聖體
Serngthefzay | Eucharistic fast (Catholic) | 聖體齋
Serngtngg | Catholic church building | 聖堂
Serngtø Lefgii | Liturgy of the Word in the Mass (Catholic) | 聖道禮儀
Serngzex Lefgii | Liturgy of the Eucharist (in the Mass) (Catholic) | 聖祭禮儀
Serngzhafn | the Lord's Supper (Catholic) | 聖餐
Serngzheq | the Bible | 聖冊; 聖書
Serngzuo | Lit. the Holy Son ─ the Son of God; Second Person of the Holy Trinity | 聖子; 聖主
Siaxkaokoarn | Social Education Center | 社教館
Sinkarng | a city in Chiayi County | 新港
Sinkorng | a city in Taichung County | 神岡
Sinphirn | Holy Orders (Catholic) | 神品
Sirngi | a city in Nantou County | 信義
Sirngixhoe | Norwegian Lutheran Mission | 信義會
Sirnkefng | Creed (Catholic) | 信經
Sirntekkefng | Act of Faith (Catholic) | 信德經
Sorngkangtin | Formations of folk martial arts performan | 宋江陣
Sorngsuu | poetry of the Sung Dynasty (characterized by lines of irregular length) | 宋詞
Sorngtai | Sung Dynasty | 宋代
Sorngthea | Song style; common square form of characters used in printing | 宋體
Sorngthefji | common square form of characters used in printing | 宋體字
Sorngtiaau | Sung-Dynasty (960-1279 A.D.) | 宋朝
Suixtiern | Sweden | 瑞典
Taai-Harn | Taiwanese-sino | 台漢
Taioanserng | the province of Taiwan | 台灣省
Taixparn | Osaka | 大阪
Tang'irn | a city in Lienchiang County | 東引
Tangkarng | a town in Pingtung | 東港
Tarng | surname Dong; Tung | 董
Tek'hurnphiefn | Ecclesiasticus (Catholic) | 德訓篇; (德)
Texzerngkiok | Bureau of Land Administration | 地政局
Thiensiong-Serngbør | a goddess | 天上聖母
Thienzuo Sernggieen | Word of God (Catholic) | 天主聖言
Thienzuo Serngsafm | The Holy Trinity (Catholic) | 天主聖三
Thienzuo Serngsiin | Holy Ghost; Holy Spirit (Catholic) | 天主聖神
Thoankaux Serngpo | Congregation of Propaganda (Catholic) | 傳教聖部
Thoansirnpo | Congregation of Propaganda (Catholic) | 傳信部
Thokkoarn lysuxhoe | The Trusteeship Council (of the United Nations) | 託管理事會
Thorngkhor Goxtoafn | Five Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary (Catholic) | 痛苦五端
Tiausiern | Korea | 朝鮮; 韓國
Tiong'iofng Zernghuo | the Central Government; the National Government | 中央政府
Tiong'iofng sirnthokkiok | Central Trust of China | 中央信託局
Tiong'iofng thongsirnsia | Central News Agency (CNA) | 中央通信社
Tionghoaa Serngbør Hoe | CMRS: Congregation of Our Lady of China (Catholic) | 中華聖母會
Tiongjit-ciernzefng | the Sino-Japanese War; 1937-1945 | 中日戰爭
Tiongkhernglamlo | street name | 重慶南路
Tionglaam Poarntor | Indo-China Peninsula | 中南半島
Tipurn | a hot spring tourist town in eastern Taiwan | 知本
Toaxharnkhef | a river in Taiwan | 大漢溪
Tong'erng | Tung Chung; Lantau Island; Hong Kong | 東涌
Tong'irn | a city in Lienchiang County | 東引
Tonghofng Zerngkaux | Greek Orthodox Church | 東方正教
Tongzerngkaux | Orthodox Church | 東正教
Zaizerngpo | Ministry of Finance | 財政部
Zaizerngpoxtviuo | Minister of Finance | 財政部長
Zaizerngthviaf | Provincial Department of Public Finance | 財政廳
Zaizerngthviatviuo | Director of the Provincial Department of Finance | 財政廳長
Zerngkaohoe | Orthodox Church | 正教會
Zerngkausor | stock exchange | 證交所
Zerngkaux | Orthodox Church | 正教
Zhorngseakie | Genesis (Catholic) | 創世紀; (創)
Zhorngseakix | Genesis (Protestant) | 創世記
Zhvekoong lorngphoax voar | things done in a hurry cannot be done well; fail in goal by being hasty (Lit. If a dog eats to fast there is nothing to turn to excrement.) | 欲速則無達。
Zokkiern-zuxpak | silkworm to be imprisoned by its cocoon; to tie one's own hands; to get into trouble by one's own schemes | 作繭自縛
Zongkaux-ciernzefng | Religious Wars | 宗教戰爭
Zorng'uii | a city in Yilan County | 壯圍
Zornghngg | a city in Yilan County | 壯園
Zuserngcied | All Saints; Nov.1 | 諸聖節
Zuxbintorng | the Liberal Democratic Party (Japan) | 自民黨
Zuxiutorng | Liberal Party (British) | 自由黨
aarn'an'aan | very very tight | 緊緊緊; 絚絚絚
aarn'an'afn | absolutely safe | 安安安
aarng'ang'aang | deep red; crimson | 紅紅紅
aekhiern | beloved dog(son) | 愛犬; 愛兒
aekhurn'iøqar | sleeping pills | 愛睏藥仔
afnglarng | obstinate, ill-tempered, grumpy | 頑固; 聬儱; 乖戾
ahciarng | duck feet | 鴨掌
ahciorng | duck feet | 鴨掌
ahkhoarn | a loan on security | 押款
aibiern | lament | 哀輓
aioarn | sedan | 哀怨
an'afn wn'urn | secure and stable | 安安穩穩
an'iorng | settle down peacefully; retire and enjoy the fruit of one's work in the past | 安養
an'urn | peaceful and steady; tranquility; peaceful; free from danger | 安穩
angkarngkaxng | reddish | 紅絳絳
angkorngkoxng | crimson; cardinal red | 紅貢貢; 深紅
angzerng | inflammation; swollen and inflamed | 紅種
angzerng-laang | redskin people | 紅種人
anhiarng boafnlieen | enjoy a happy time in old age | 安享晚年
ansarn | smooth delivery | 安產
antorngtoxng | very firm knot; very tight drawer; door or lid | 緊擋擋; 很緊
anzornglea | burial service; prayers at the grave (Catholic) | 安葬禮
aphiernhunzhoef | opium pipe | 鴉片煙管
aphiernhwn | opium prepared for smoking | 鴉片煙
aphiernkuie | opium fiend | 鴉片鬼
aphiernsiefn | opium addict | 鴉片仙
apkerng | press on to the border | 壓境
aptøfsexng ee serngli | overwhelming victory; landslide victory | 壓倒性的勝利
armhorng | make secret inquiries; investigate in secret | 暗訪
armkerng | night scene | 晚景
armsattorng | gang of assassins | 暗殺黨
armsorng | internally very happy about something but don't want to show it externally | 暗爽; 暗地高興
arn | mine; us | 俺
arn'giah | be put on rations; filled to capacity, places all taken | 按額; 按配額
arn'guo | a note, a comment | 案語; 按語
arn'iuu | details of a case | 案由
arnchiuo | press down with the hand; to impose the hands on the head of the ordained in an ordination ceremony (Catholic) | 按手
arnchiwlea | imposition of hands (Catholic) | 按手禮
arnciaf | from here, this way | 從這裏
arnciaux | according to | 按照
arng'ar | urn; earthen jar; small earthen jar | 甕仔
arng'axng | nasally | 甕甕; 鼻音無清
arngiah | according to the amount | 按額
arngkoax | urn cover | 甕蓋
arnglarng | secretly hate | 暗恨
arngoeh huokhoarn | monthly installment | 按月付款
arngphvi | nose stuffiness; stuffy nose; adenoidal speech | 甕鼻; 鼻塞; 重鼻音
arngphvixsviaf | nasal voice; talk nasally and indistinctly | 甕鼻聲; 塞鼻聲
arngsviaf | nasal tones caused by stuffing nose | 齆聲
arngtaxng | somber | 齆凍; 甕凍; 性格邪沈
arngto | cunning; crafty; deceitful | 齆肚; 甕肚; 陰險
arngtøea | urn bottom | 甕底
arngzhaix | a green vegetable | 甕菜
arngøeh | per month | 按月
arnha | put it aside; leave a thing as it is; suspending an affair and leaving it just as it is; not maintain something | 按下; 擺下; 無理; 擱下
arnhe | put it aside | 按下; 無理
arnho | door by door | 按戶
arnhoad | according to the law | 按法
arnhun | according to one's lot | 按份
arnjieen | peacefully; like new, very bright (usually used in phrase, 'hoan-jian-it-sin') | 晏然
arnjit | daily; every day; by day | 按日
arnkhvoarbai`leq | try to press | 試按一下
arnkii | on schedule; according to the dates or periods agreed upon or specified | 按期
arnkngx | records, files | 案卷
arnkoaxn | protocol | 案卷
arnkvia | law case; case at law | 案件
arnlai | press inside | 按內
arnlat | regulate one's strength | 量力
arnle | according to precedents | 案例
arnleeng | press the button of a buzzer | 按鈴
arnlie | according to common practice or simple reasoning | 按理
arnlip | ordain | 暗定; 任命(聖職)
arnliuo | press a button | 按鈕
arnlut | according to the law | 按律; 照法律
arnmeh | check the pulse | 把脈; 按脈; 按脈,把脈
arnmoo | massage | 按摩
arnmoo-sut | massage | 按摩術
arnmosut | massage | 按摩術
arnmosw | masseur; masseuse | 按摩師
arnnai | to guide; entertain (a guest); accompany | 招待; 引導; 源自日語あんない(annai); 日語漢字為「案內」
arnpefng puttong | refuse sending troops to relieve friendly forces in distress | 按兵無動
arnpefng | hold the troop | 按兵
arnpo | one by one; step by step | 按步
arnpvoaa | estimate | 按盤; 估計
arnsii | as scheduled; on time; on schedule; according to the time specified or agreed upon; on time; regularly | 按時
arnsiuo-lea | the etiquette of shaking hands | 按手禮
arnsiwlea | lay on hands | 按手禮
arnsngx | calculate; reckon; plan | 按算; 估算; 打算
arntea | have a criminal case against one | 案底
arnthaau | the head of a bed; on one's desk | 床頭; 案頭
arntoea | criminal record | 案底
arntvia | predetermine | 按定; 預定
arntøea | record | 案底; 記錄
arntøq | table | 案桌
arnzayviu | how about | 按怎樣; 怎麼樣; 如何
arnzeeng | circumstances of a lawsuit; law case; circumstances of a judicial case; details of a case | 案情
arnzhad | to investigate court cases | 按察
arnzhatsy | provincial judge 'arch' | 按察使
arnzvoafviu | how about; How? In what way or manner? What happened? | 按怎樣; 如何; 怎樣; 怎麼
arnzvoar | interrogative particle (same meaning as afnzvoar), Why? | 按怎; 怎樣
asarng | aunt (to call elderly lady); old lady | 阿桑; 老婆子
aswphylirn | aspirin, acetylsalicylic acid | 阿斯匹靈
augarn | sunken eyes | 凹眼
auxliern | back wheel | 後輪
auxturn | backing | 後盾
axm'afkurn | neck | 頷仔頸
axmkurn | neck | 頷頸; 脖子
baaikirn | bacteria | 黴菌; 細菌
baarn'banbaan | very insensible, dull | 悶悶悶; 蠻蠻蠻
baarn'baxnban | very very slow | 慢慢慢
baarng'bangbaang | quite vague | 茫茫茫
bacirn | measles | 麻疹
bafnbarn`leq | pluck (those flowers) | 拔起來
bahburn | give a wee smile | 肉刎; 微笑
bahburn-chiøx | give a wee smile | 含吻笑
bahkiern | meat roll | 肉繭; 肉捲子
bahphirn | meat | 肉品
bahzarngkag | concrete made for protecting seashore with shape like rice ball | 肉粽角
baikirn | virus; ばいきん | 細菌; 黴菌
baizornglea | funeral ceremony | 埋葬禮
ban'iern | tendril; vine | 蔓衍
bang'iorng | brave | 蠻勇
banphesiern | stubborn ringworm | 蠻皮癬
banphoesiern | stubborn ringworm | 蠻皮癬
barn hoef | defloration | 挽花
barn koefcie | pick fruits | 挽果子; 摘水果
barn onglaai | to pick pineapples | 摘鳳梨
barn tee | picking | 挽茶
barn zhaix | to pick vegetables | 摘菜
barn zhao | pulling grass | 挽草
barn zhuiekhie | extract a tooth | 挽嘴齒; 拔牙
barn | pluck; pick; clench; pull or draw out nail or tooth; pluck fruit or flower | 挽; 摘; 採; 拔
barn`khylaai | pull out | 拔起來
barng | mosquito; small boat; boa; python; mosquito | 蚊; 蠓; 蟒; 艋
barnggaq | comic strip; cartoons; the funnies; comic books | 卡通
batkorng | mentioned | 曾講
bauturn | inconsistency; self-contradiction; discrepancy | 矛盾
baxn'erngkøf | amazing medicine paste | 萬應膏
baxnchviafkorng | don't speak just now | 慢且講; 先別說
baxngkerng | dreamland | 夢境
baxngsiorng | dream of; hope for (something not attainable); to have vision of | 夢想
baxnjinthiorng | mass burial ground or grave | 萬人塚
baxnlieen kiwoarn | lasting very long; perpetual; eternal | 萬年久遠
baxnnikiwoarn | forever | 萬年久遠
baxnsafn phiern'iar | found everywhere (Lit. so numerous it covers the mountains and the plains) | 漫山遍野
baykhoarn | ugly; getting out of bounds; too awful; disreputable | 醜款; 外表難看; 無像樣
bayteg zhud høfsurn | Accomplishments of a child can be greater than his parents. (Lit. a bad bamboo tree produces good bamboo shoots.) | 壞竹出好筍
be arnsngx | unpredictable | 袂按算
be arnsngx`tid | beyond the realm of calculation; unexpected; can not be anticipated | 未按算得; 無能預料
be horngsym | heart or conscience filled with remorse or trouble; devoid of peace; uneasy; insecure; anxious | 無放心
be koarnsix | detest; to disdain | 未慣勢; 無習慣
be piernseg | color will not change or fade | 無變色; 不褪色
be pinzurn | groundless; improbable; unworthy of belief | 未憑准; 無能依據
beeng boarn thienha | enjoy a world-wide fame; be world-famous | 名滿天下
beeng cirn suohofng | His name was heard on all sides | 名震四方
beerng'bengbeeng | so | 明明明
befng'iorng | brave; intrepidity; valiance; valiancy; valor | 猛勇; 勇猛
befngterng | helplessly drunk | 酩酊
beftharng | toilet; stool; commode; night vessel; western-style toilet; commode | 馬桶
begsiorng | meditation; meditate | 默想
beng zai tarnsek | death may come to a person any minute; dying | 命在旦夕
bengbirn | agile; clever and nimble; sharp; smart | 明敏
benghiern | obvious; prominent; evident; clearly; manifest | 明顯
bengkiofng Serngthea | exposition of Blessed Sacrament (Catholic) | 明供聖體
bengkorng | states clearly; brings to light says | 明講
benglarng | bright and cheerful | 明朗
benglorng | distinct; bright and clear; bright and cheerful; sunny | 明朗
bengmoee zerngzhuo | formal wedding or marriage | 明媒正娶
bengphirn | state explicitly; promise plainly; to make a verbal bargain | 明約; 明品; 明言; 明白口約
bengsarn | specialty and famous product of the area; noted or special product of a place | 名產; 特產
bengsiorng | meditate, contemplate | 明思; 冥想; 默想
bengsirnphiexn | postal card | 明信片
bengsirnphvix | postcard; postal card | 明信片
bengzaf armhorng | investigate openly and secretly | 明查暗訪
beqhurn | flour | 麥粉; 麵粉
berng | fierce; shallow container; a surname; drunk; grasshopper; fierce; violent; courageous; cruel; inhuman; determined; brave | 猛; 蜢; 凶猛; 酩; 皿
bexarntid | cannot plan in advance | 不能意料
bexbiern`tid | inevitable; essential; can't be shunned or avoided | 未免得; 難免
bexcviuxgarn | not up to one's preference; detest; disdain | 未上眼
bexexngtid korng | must not be spoken; should not be said | 未用得講; 無可以講
bexkiernsiaux | shameless | 未見笑; 無要臉
bexkviezerngtid | not fit to be looked into (e.g., a matter that is shameful or has a serious flaw) | 見不得人
bexlurn`tid | impatient; cannot be borne | 未忍得; 忍無住
bexngtiorng | to hit (the target) | 命中
bexsaytid korng | must not be spoken; should not be said | 未使得講; 無可以講
bexserng`tid | unable to economize | 未省得; 省無得
bexsirnjim`tid | unreliable; untrustworthy; incredible | 未信任得; 無能信任的
bexsirnjixmtid | unreliable, untrustworthy, incredible | 不能信任的
bexsirntid | can not be believed, cannot believe, do not believe | 不能信的
bexsorng | unhappy | 袂爽
bexsukorng | as if | 袂輸講
biauzurn | aim at; take aim; collimation; take aim | 瞄準
biboarn | full of; impletion; spread all over; flood | 瀰漫
bidhorng | secret visit | 密訪
biedterng | be drowned | 滅頂; 沒頂
biedzerng | destroy a specie; genocide; exterminate entire race; exterminate an entire race or species; destruction of a whole race | 滅種
biefnkiorng | work hard; compel; under compulsion; forced; involuntarily; compel; constrain; forced (as an interpretation); to study; diligence; industry | 勉強
biefnkiorng`ee | loath | 勉強的
biefnkorng | not need to say; exempts discussed; indescribable; says nothing of; no need to speak; no need to talk about it; there is nothing that need be said; don't talk about it | 免講; 無用講; 不必說; 免談
biefnsøeaphirn | tax-free goods | 免稅品
bien'oarn | lasting, permanent | 綿遠; 永久
biern khix | no need to go | 免去
biern siaosviu | don’t ever think about it | 免數想
biern | dismiss, reject, unnecessary to | 免; 不必要
biern`khix | no need to go | 免去
biexnliim zoadzerng | extinction of species; i.e | 面臨絕種
bikhurn | fungus | 微菌; 黴菌狀腫
bin'eeng hoattiexnchiarng | privately owned power station | 民營發電廠
binsoarn | democratically elected; popular election; elected by the people | 民選
binsw boxngsiorng | think day and night | 眠思夢想
binzerngkhøx | civil affairs administration | 民政課 (科)
binzerngkiok | Civil Affairs Bureau | 微弱
binzerngthviaf | provincial department of civil affairs | 民政廳
binzerngthviatviuo | commissioner of the provincial department of civil affairs | 民政廳長
binzuo torng | a democratic party, the Democrats | 民主黨
binzuo zerngthea | democratic government | 民主政體
binzuo zerngti | democracy | 民主政治
binzwtorng | the Democratic Party | 民主黨
biqlarng | large bamboo basket for rice | 微薄; 篾籠; 竹籃
birn | to brush; active; clever; prompt; witty; smart; earnest; diligent; hasten | 刷; 抿; 敏
bisi-serngcid | microscopic property | 微小性質; 微視性質
bitafmirn | vitamin | 維他命
bitahbirn | vitamin | 維他命
bithabirn | vitamin | 維生素
bixbiern | unavoidable; rather; a bit too; truly; it must be admitted that; necessarily; unavoidably | 未免
bixnhurn | face powder; facial powder | 面粉
bixnkhoarn | appearance; face; features | 面款; 面貌
bixnkhorng | face | 臉孔
bixnterng | surface; face; outside; appearance; on the top | 面頂; 頂上; 上面; 上邊
bixnterng-høex | top merchandise | 面頂貨
bixnterng-svaf | exterior clothes | 面頂衫
bixntharng | washing basin; basin for washing hands and face; wash basin | 面桶; 面盆; 臉盆
bixsirnciar | one who is not yet a Christian | 不信者
bixsorhurn | flavor essence; condiments used in cooking | 味素粉
boafnboafnboarn | completely fill to overflow | 滿滿滿
boafnboarn | impletion; fullness | 滿滿
boafnkerng | a man's circumstances in old age | 晚景
boahhurn | apply make-up; powder; powder one's face | 抹粉
boaq serng'iuu | anointing | 抹聖油; 塗聖油
boarn thienha | all over the world; everywhere | 滿天下
boarn | fill to overflow, brimful | 滿
boe arnsngx | unexpected | 袂按算
boefciorng | last prize | 尾獎
boefkerng | the last setting for a dramatic production | 晚景
boexhiarng | unable to sound loud; ; will not; be unable to; be incapable to | 未響; 無會
boexkiernsiaux | shameless | 袂見笑; 不要臉
boexsorng | unhappy | 袂爽
boexsukorng | as if | 袂輸講
bofciorng | a kind of | 某種
bofngkorng | talk with some reservation; talk without purpose; just talk on and on with little purpose | 罔講; 姑妄言之; 隨便說說
bofnglurn | just bear it as well as you can | 罔忍; 姑且忍之
bofngtorng | hasty; rash; impetuous; coarse; rude; hurried; reckless; careless in action; rude in manner | 糊塗; 懵懂; 鹵莽
bofngtorng-haxn | recklessly fellow; dash or drive recklessly fellow | 莽撞漢
bofpurn | the expenses of man to marry wife; money necessary to marry a wife | 某本; 娶妻費用; 娶妻之本錢
bog'iorng | to herd or tend animals; raise ranch or farm animals | 牧養
bogbuu zuntiorng | contemptuous towards anthorities or superiors | 目無尊長
bogkirn | hibiscus | 木槿
bogparn | blocks engraved for printing | 木板
bogpurn | plants with stiff trunks | 木本
bogsukoarn | The Manse, The Parsonage, the pastor's residence | 牧師館
bogsw-koarn | pastor's residence. The Manse, the Personage | 牧師館; 牧師住宅
bogtiorng | church readers | 牧長
bohoarn | attempt rebellion; plan revolt | 謀反; 造反
bohorng | imitate; imitate; imitation | 模仿
bok buu zuntiorng | show no respect to elders and superiors | 目無尊長
bongpurn | forget one's place, forget one's origin | 忘本
bongthvichirnchixn | not to know any obstacles, not to be intimidated | 不知天高地厚
bongthvy chirnchixn | not to know any obstacles; not to be intimidated | 無知天高地厚
bongzerng | term in lunar calendar; about June 7 or 8 | 芒種
bongzerng-ho | East Asian rainy season | 芒種雨; 梅雨
boorng'bongboong | very dim, hazy | 茫茫茫; 矇矇矇
borng chi | feed for now | 罔飼
borng iøf | feed for now | 罔育
borng kviaa | tentatively | 罔行
borng to | barely getting by | 罔度
borng | barely; uncertain; with some reservation; reckless | 罔; 勉強; 莽
borngborngboxng | quite irresponsible, careless | 罔罔罔
borngboxng | irresponsible; careless; careless; paid it no attention; careless; irresponsible | 罔罔; 不負責任的馬虎; 漫無經心的; 做事滿不在乎
borngsiefn | fellow with careless attitude; people who are fond of playing and recreating | 罔仙; 漫無經心者; 無事過日者; 好玩的人
borngtvar | reckless | 罔膽
boxegkarng | trading port; commercial port | 貿易港
boxhorng | to imitate, to copy | 模仿; 摹倣
boxkhoarn | collect money; ask for donation | 募款
boxngkerng | dreamland | 夢境
boxngsiorng | day dream; an irrational attempt; daydreaming; a daydream; absurd desire; desire wildly | 妄想; 夢想
boxngsiorng-zexng | paranoia | 妄想症
boxngsorngkheq | local rich bourgeois without any eduction or knowledge | 妄宋客; 鄉下遊豪
boxpurn | a facsimile | 模本; 摹本; 傳真
bu'erng buzofng | not a trace left | 無影無蹤
bu'orng putli | lucky in every endeavor; successful in whatever one does | 無往無利
bucykerng | have no limit or boundary | 無止境
budcid kiernsied | physical development or progress of a community or country | 物質建設
budciorng | species | 物種
budlie piernhoax | physical changes | 物理變化
budphirn | commodity; article of trade; article; goods; commodities | 物品
budsarn | products; product; produce | 物產
bukhurn-seg | isolation ward; germ-free room | 無菌室
buncirn | clinical examination; outpatient services | 門診
bunge zokphirn | literary works or productions | 文藝作品
bunhoax zuyzurn | cultural standing or level | 文化水準
bunsoarn | anthology; selection of literary works | 文選
buntarn'iu | type of shaddock; a pomelo from Moa-tau | 文旦柚; 文旦
buntiern | literary model to be copied or followed | 文典
burn | cut one's throat; kiss; corners of the mouth; lips; to kiss | 刎; 吻; 含笑
burn`cide | give a soft smile | 吻一下; 莞爾而笑
burnchie | earth mouse or rat; mole | 瀵鼠; 地鼠
burnjip | crawl in | 瀵入; 湓入
burnkhafng | go into a hole | 瀵空; 穿洞
burnzhantw | Formosan Ferret-Badger; Melogale moschata subaurantiaca | 瀵田豬; 湓田豬; 鼬獾
burnzhanty | Formosan Ferret-Badger; Melogale moschata subaurantiaca | 瀵田豬; 湓田豬; 鼬獾
burnzhuo | marmot | 瀵鼠; 鼢鼠; 地鼠; 鼬鼠
busarn kaikib | proletariat | 無產階級
busarn-kaikib | proletariat | 無產階級
but kek zeg hoarn | As soon as a thing reaches one extremity; it reverses its course. (Lit. The pendulum swings both ways.) | 物極則反; 物極必反
butorng buphaix | without party affiliation of any sort; non-partisan | 無黨無派
buurn'bunbuun | gentle, scholarly | 文文文
buxnterng | inquire about the tripod; symbol of royal power-entertain ambition to be king | 問鼎
bw'iorng | nourish, nurture, take care of | 撫養
bwcirnsu | milltary official | 武進士
bwiarng | bring up; rear; bring to maturity; only about humans; raise children | 撫育; 撫養
bwiorng | martial spirit; bring to maturity; bring up to maturity | 武勇; 撫養
bwnburn | give a wee smile | 吻吻; 微笑; 笑笑的
bwturn bwturn | short and stout | 武頓武頓; 肥矮的
bwturn | short and stout | 武頓; 肥短
byarng'ar | rice jar | 米甕仔
byboarn | beautiful and harmonious | 美滿
byhurn | rice noodles; vermicelli made of rice; rice noodles | 米粉
bykerng | beauty-spot; fine view; beautiful scenery | 美景
bynbirn`leq | brush roughly | 刷刷咧
bysudkoarn | art gallery | 美術館
bysudphirn | a work of art | 美術品
bytharng | rice pail | 米桶
bø'iaux bøkirn | let it go; it doesn't matter; pay no attention; not be concerned | 無要無緊; 無重視; 不放在心上
bø'urn | insecure | 無穩
bøe-kiernsiaux | shameless | 未見笑; 袂見笑; 不要臉
bøefkerng | toward the end of life | 晚景; 尾景
bøexbiern`tid | hard to avoid | 未免得; 袂免得; 難免
bøexhiarng | unable to | 未響; 無會
bøexhuozhoarn | gasps for breath; urgent | 未赴喘; 喘無過氣來
bøexkiernsiaux | shame | 未見笑; 無要臉
bøexkorng`tid | cannot discuss | 講無得; 未講得
bøexlurn`tid | be unbearable (pain, cold, sorrow, etc) | 未忍的; 袂忍得; 受不住
bøfserng'aix | mother's love; maternal affection | 母性愛
bøherngzhux | disinterested, uninterested | 無興趣
bøkaopurn | loss of capital; under cost (a phrase common in commercial circles when a buyer or seller quotes a price that is under cost) | 無夠本
bøkhafng bøsurn | not important; of no consequence or significance | 無孔無榫; 無關緊要的
bøkhafng-bøsurn | is bored; no hole and tenon; useless | 無孔無榫; 無聊
bøkhoarn | absurd; ludicrous; conduct oneself badly | 無款; 無像話
bøkoarn | no matter whether | 無管; 不管
bøkorng-bøtva | silently | 一聲無響; 無講無錯
bølaang koarn | no one takes care | 無人管; 自由
bømauturn | self-consistent, not contradictory | 無矛盾
bøo hexthorng | unclassified; without system; disorder; unsystematic; uncontrolled | 無系統
bøo huozhoarn | unable to catch breath | 無赴喘
bøo iaokirn | unimportant; not serious; it doesn't matter; never mind | 無要緊
bøo larngtng | incessantly; unceasingly | 無曠斷; 沒有間斷
bøo oe korng kalør | chat | 無話講家惱; 閒話家常; 閑談
bøo oe thafng korng | having nothing to say; unable to say anything | 無話可講
bøo piernliern | out of tricks | 無變輾; 無知變通
bøo piernpo | impossible to execute; has no good way to do | 無變步; 沒有好方法; 無法可施
bøo piernthofng | stubborn | 沒變通; 無變通
bøo tharncvii | no profit; too small a profit | 無賺錢
bøo tvafkirn | unimportant; not serious; never mind | 無打緊
bøo zerngsioong | abnormal; unusual; uncommon | 無正常; 異常
bøo-tvafkirn | without too much importance | 無打緊
bøpurn | without capital | 無本
bøpvoarsiern | not a red cent | 一毛也沒有
bøqkorng | don't explain; don't discuss; don't speak; moreover; besides; in addition | 莫講; 何況; 況且
bøsiorng | gratis | 無賞; 無償
bøtorng bøphaix | impartial; without party affiliation of any sort; non-partisan | 無黨無派
bøtvafkirn | very affable; compliant; accommodating; not only but also | 無打緊
bøxhurn | grind | 磨粉
bøzerngkefng | not normal | 無正經
chi-zernghuo | city government | 市政府
chiaau khaq kirn | set forward or advance clock or watch | 調較快
chiachiakurn | bustling | 戕戕滾; 熙來攘往
chiachie-phirn | a luxury | 奢侈品
chiachyphirn | luxury goods; luxury articles | 奢侈品
chiaciarng | bus server | 車掌
chiaciorng | bus server; bus conductress or conductor | 車掌
chiaf-purntao | to suffer a setback | 車糞斗; 翻筋斗
chiafmkorng | instrument used for taking samples of rice out of unopened bags | 插管; 驗米器
chiagarn | strabismus, wall-eyed | 斜眼
chiahcirn | measles | 赤疹; 痲疹
chiahorng | vehicle condition | 車況
chiahphorngsef | knitting yarn | 刺膨紗
chiakhoarn | car model | 車款
chialiern | wheel; wheels of a vehicle | 車輪
chialierntao | somersault | 捙輾斗
chialiorng kiafmzaf | examination of motor vehicles | 車輛檢查
chialiorng | vehicle; vehicles | 車輛
chiangchiangkurn | popular and lively | 沖沖滾
chiapoaqperng | repetitiousness; dacapo; redouble; toss restlessly from side to side; be constantly moving from one situation to another | 車跌並; 亂滾; 輾轉翻覆; 換來換去
chiapurntao | turn a somersault | 車糞斗; 翻觔斗
chiaq phorngsef | weaves the yarn | 刺凸紗; 織毛線
chiarng | busy; to strike; plant; to startle; a long day; hop along; walk with much difficulty as with a lame or sore leg | 冗; 蹌; 獨腳跳; 廠; 昶; 聳; 跛行
chiarngchiarngzao | run very quickly | 䢢䢢走; 跑得很快
chiarngkex | bidding price | 唱價
chiarngkhaf | dance with one foot | 䢢腳; 單腳跳
chiarnglea | sing | 唱禮
chiarngmiaa | call name; call the roll loudly | 唱名
chiarngphiøx | count votes aloud | 唱票
chiarngsviaf | raise voice against | 試看覓
chiarngtø | advocate or lead with a new idea | 倡導
chiaterng | car roof | 車頂
chiatiern | auto show | 車展
chiausexng ee untiern | supernatural benefits | 超聖的恩典
chiauterng | surpass | 超等
chiaw mixhurn | knead wheat flour into dough | 拌麵粉
chiaxngchiaxng'kurn | turn white hot; boiling; ebullition; boil noisily (water); be in a hullabaloo; be in tumult (as a crowd in a market) | 熱滾滾; 喧騰; 沸騰; 翻騰
chiaxngchiaxngkurn | boil noisily (water), be in a hullabaloo, be in tumult (as a crowd in a market) | 沸騰, 嘈雜
chie'iern | dress rehearsal; a preview; have a dress rehearsal | 試演
chiefnchiern | shallow | 淺淺
chiefnhiern | plain and easy; simple and clear; obvious; easily understandable | 淺顯; 顯而易見
chiekekphirn | stimulant | 刺激品
chiekoarn engjii | test tube baby | 試管嬰兒
chiekoarn | test tube | 試管
chienkinterng | measure of weight equal to sixteen taels (兩); a catty; jack | 千斤頂
chienlygarn | a farsighted person; farsightedness; (in mythology) eyesight that can reach the sky | 千里眼
chiensw baxnsiorng | plan something over and over again; a million thoughts | 千思萬想
chienthiorng | move the tomb | 遷塚
chienzorng | leader of 1000 soldier | 千總; 千夫長
chiern | shallowness; money; to explain; ; shallow; superficial; simple and easy like a doctrine or instruction; a light color | 淺; 錢; 闡
chieteksurn | bamboo shoots | 刺竹筍
chijiin-boxngsiorng | to think idiotic nonsense | 痴人妄想
chim'oarn | deep and far; profundity; deep and far meaning or significance | 深遠
chimchiern | deep and shallow; deep or shallow; depth | 深淺; 深度
chimciaxm kongkhoarn | use official money for a purpose not originally intended | 侵佔公款; 挪用公款
chimkhoarn | to take illegally | 侵款
chimliok ciernzefng | war of aggression | 侵略戰爭
chimthwn-kongkhoarn | to graft, to misappropriate | 深吞公款; 侵吞公款
chingarn | with one's own eyes; personally | 親眼
chintiern | confidential | 親展
chintiorng | elders | 親長
chiokkerng sengzeeng | scenes or circumstances arouse a sense of joy or sorrow | 觸景生情
chiokkerng siongzeeng | see an object which brings a person to mind with sorrow | 觸景傷情
chiokkerng | in the scene | 觸景
chiongboarn | full | 充滿
chionghiern | a bivalve mollusk | 沖蜆; 雙殼類軟體動物; [*]
chiorng | to rob; a factory; lofty; a long day | 搶; 廠; 聳; 昶
chiorng'iuu | sing and play | 唱遊
chiornggi | propose | 倡議
chiorngheeng | be rampant and widespread; able to move unhindered | 縱橫; 橫行無阻
chiornghengkaf | a person able to move unhindered | 縱橫家
chiornghoefhoan | arsonist | 縱火犯
chiorngkoaxn | run lengthwise through | 縱貫
chiorngkoaxn-svoax | the railway or highway running the length of Taiwan | 縱橫線; 縱貫線
chiorngky | a gramophone, a phonograph, a record player | 唱機
chiorngpan | to establish | 倡辦
chiorngphvix | disc; record; phonogram | 唱片
chiorngpvix | a record | 唱片
chiorngsie | originate, initiate | 倡始; 唱始
chiorngsiuo | originate, start | 倡始; 首倡
chiorngsuo | even if; though | 縱使
chiorngtui | column of troops | 縱隊
chiorngtø | to take the initiative; lead; advocate; promote | 倡導
chirn'ar | a Chinese steelyard; steelyard; weighing scale | 秤仔; 秤
chirnbee | cold porridge | 凊糜
chirnbin | cool; fresh; to cool; sullen countenance | 凊面; 變臉; 冷漠的臉
chirnbøea | weighing tail | 秤尾
chirnchixn | chilly | 凊凊
chirnchixn`leq | take a weight | 秤秤咧
chirnchiøx | fake smiling | 假笑; 冷笑
chirnkvoa | cold sweat; cold sweat | 凊汗; 冷汗
chirnkvoae | weigh beam | 秤桿
chirnmoee | Cold porridge; overnight gruel | 凊粥; 冷稀飯
chirnmoq | urticaria | 蕁膜; 蕁麻疹
chirnnaq | hives | 凊若; 蕁麻疹
chirnpng | biedermeier meal; cold rice | 凊飯; 冷飯
chirnsvaf | shirts; blouses | 襯衫
chirnsym | deter; having lost heart about a matter; show coldness to; one's craze forswears off | 斷念; 凊心; 心灰; 灰心
chirntang | scale weight; weigh with a steelyard or scale | 衡量; 稱量; 秤重量
chirnthaau | weight; weight | 秤頭; 秤得的重量
chirnthog | foil; relieve; set off | 襯托
chirnthuii | weight; counter weight used with a steelyard | 秤槌; 秤錘
chirnzhae laang | any person | 凊彩人; 任何人
chirnzhae sofzai | any old place | 凊彩所在; 任何地方
chirnzhae ui | any old place | 凊彩位; 任何地方
chirnzhae | casualness; licentiousness; any old way; at random; in a haphazard way; anyhow; of no consequence; just as you please | 凊彩; 隨便; 任何
chirnzhaix | food which has gotten cold | 凊菜; 殘羹冷菜
chirnzhaysii | at any time; any day | 凊彩時; 任何時
chisw-boxngsiorng | to think idiotic nonsense | 痴思妄想
chisym boxngsiorng | silly and fantastic notions; daydreaming | 癡心妄想
chitkhorng | two eyes; two ear holes; two nostrils and one mouth in human face; the seven apertures in the human head; eyes; ears; nose and mouth | 七孔; 七竅
chitphirn | seventh grade; seventh step in schema of (Catholic) Holy Orders; a deacon | 七品
chitzarnthaq | seven storied pagoda | 七層塔
chiubii khofliern | sad look; distressed expression | 愁眉苦臉
chiubii puttiern | wear a sad or distressed expression | 愁眉無展
chiukerng | autumn scenery; prospects for the autumn harvest | 秋景
chiuo bøo zhurnthiq | totally unarmed (Lit. Hand does have an inch of iron.) | 手無寸鐵
chiutngg zhurntoan | gut-wrenching sadness | 愁腸寸斷
chiuxcihurn | cassava; tapioca | 樹薯粉
chiuxlengkorng | rubber tube | 樹乳管; 橡皮管
chiuxny-korng | rubber tube | 樹乳管; 橡皮管
chiuxny-liern | rubber tire | 樹乳輪; 輪胎
chiuxterng | top of a tree | 樹頂
chiw'oarn | ability or talent | 手腕
chiwbin tharnciah | be a worker | 手面賺食; 打零工
chiwkangge-phirn | handicraft articles | 手工藝品
chiwkanggexphirn | handicraft articles | 手工藝品
chiwoarn | finesse; a stratagem; craft; politics; ability; talent; capability | 手腕; 才能
chiwsiorngkaf | palmist | 手相家
chiwsiorngsut | palmistry | 手相術
chiwsirn'ar | small gift | 手信仔; 小禮物
chiwterng | on the hand | 手頂
chiwzhaupurn | hand written copy | 手抄本
chixbarng | feed mosquitoes, let mosquitoes bite | 飼蚊; 被蚊子咬; house; (imply; empty); a; leaving
chixiorng | live a comfortable well-fed life; to raise a child; rear | 養育
chixliau-lenghurn | milk for feeding animals | 飼料奶粉
chixzernghuo | city government | 市政府
chiøx bwnburn | be all smiles; beaming | 笑吻吻; 笑瞇瞇
chvia'iorng | foster; rear | 成養; 養育
chviaftarn | just a second | 且等
chviaiorng | nurture | 晟養
chvihurn | powder | 菁粉
chvikonggarn | glaucoma | 青光眼
chvilerng | chilly; cold | 生冷; 寒冷
chvilernglexng | green vegetation | 青蘢蘢
chviswnsurn | pale | 青恂恂
chvitharng | green bucket | 青桶
chvy-swnsurn | pale | 青恂恂
ciafng'ag zerngkoaan | hold the reins of government | 掌握政權
ciafngkoarn | to be in charge of; to administer; to command; control; oversee | 掌管
ciafngphirn | prize; award; spoil | 獎品
ciah-kirn lorngphoax voar | Haste makes waste | 吃緊撞破碗; 欲速則無達
ciah-phorngpviar | to be scolded | 吃凸餅; 挨罵
ciah-phorngtefng | provoke the displeasure of one's master or superior; be blamed by one's superior | 吃凸釘; 挨罵
ciam'iorng | armature-fish | 潛養; 針鯒; 電樞魚
ciamgarn | needle-eye | 尖眼; 針眼
ciamgiorng | to look respectfully; look up respectfully; pay respects to; admire | 瞻仰
ciamtherng | submarine | 潛艇; 潛水艇
ciamzuytherng | submarine | 潛水艇
ciaokhoarn | as before; (same) as usual | 照款; 照樣
ciaokoarn | take care of; certainly; surely; take care of; manage; keep safe | 照管; 管理
ciaokorng | in the ordinary course of events; ordinarily; normally; as a rule; ordinarily | 照講; 照理說
ciaolie korng | speak according to reason | 照理講
ciaopurn be | sell at cost | 照本賣
ciaopurn zhutsiuu | sell at cost price (a common sales slogan in a Chinese shop) | 照本出售
ciaopurn | at cost price, as priory decided | 照本
ciaosiong-koarn | a photo studio | 照像館; 照相館
ciaosiorngkoarn | photo studio | 照相館
ciaosiorngky | camera | 照相機
ciaosiorngsut | photography | 照相術
ciaosiorngsw | photographer | 照相師
ciaozurn | in accordance with the order; approve a request; give approval to a request | 照准
ciap'irn | lead the way for; serve as a guide; to conduct; to guide | 接引
ciapburn | kiss | 接吻
ciapciorng | one after another | 接踵
ciapkoarn | take over the management or administration; The government will take over the company. | 接管
ciapsurn | to connect a tenon | 接榫
ciaq laikorng | come to talk | 才來講
ciaqchirnthaau | cheat customer by inflating the merchant weight | 食秤頭
ciaqkirn | eat rapidly | 吃緊
ciaqphorngpviar | be scolded; slapped by parents | 吃凸餅; 受責罵
ciaqpurn | to lose money in business; live on one's capital | 吃本; 蝕本
ciariong-phirn | borrowed goods | 借用品
ciarm'urn | hold steady | 佔穩
ciarmlerng | occupancy; occupy; seize; occupy a foreign territory; capture or take an enemy position | 佔領
ciarngsii | this moment | 掌時; 這個時候
ciarngzun | this moment | 掌陣; 這個時候
ciarngzuun | steer the boat | 將船
ciarzerng | young sugar cane plants | 蔗種
ciarzherng | excuse | 藉稱
ciau'irn | invite troubles; incur; to cause | 招引
ciaulerng | advertise for claimant or legal owner of a lost article; public notice for lost and found | 招領
ciautiern | said of a banner; flowers or girl swaying and enticing | 招展
ciauzaai cirnpør | collect a fortune | 招財進寶
ciauzaai-cirnpør | to bring in wealth and treasure | 招財進寶
ciawlarng | a birdcage; birdcage | 鳥籠
ciaxmjip kakerng | to be better gradually | 漸入佳境
cibsarnte | commercial center; commercial port | 集散地
cidciarng | one palm (Lit. slap the face with the hand) | 一掌
cidciorng | a type of; a kind of; a sort of | 一種
cidkhaf larng | a basket | 一跤籃子
cidkhoarn | one kind, one sort, a style | 一款
cidkhurn | a bundle | 一綑; 一捆
cidkhurn'ar | in a little while | 一睡仔; 一下子
cidpaq khorng'id | 101 | 一百空一
cidpurn | a volume; a (book) | 一本
cidterng | one (hat) | 一頂
cidtorng | one gang; group | 一黨
cidzhurn'ar | an inch | 一寸仔
ciedtioong poftoarn | make up for deficiency in one part by great abundance or excellent in another part | 截長補短
cieen zofngthorng | ex-president | 前總統
ciefnciern`leq | make hair-cut as usual | 剪剪咧
cien'orng | go to a place; to visit | 前往
cienhiø mauturn | inconsistent; contradictory | 前後矛盾
cienkerng | foreground of a painting | 前景
ciensw hiøxsiorng | turn over a problem in one's mind; ponder | 前思後想
ciern chiuar | prune trees | 剪樹仔; 修剪樹木
ciern | to snip; to tread; to send off; cut or clip with scissors; to shear | 剪; 扒; 踐; 餞; 修剪
ciern'au | after the war; postwar | 戰後
ciern'ek | a battle; a campaign | 戰役
ciern'iah | a military campaign, a battle | 戰役
ciern'iuo | comrade in arms; fellow soldier | 戰友
ciern'viaa | victory on a combat | 戰贏; 戰營; 軍營
ciernbea | war horse | 戰馬
ciernchiaf | tank; military tank | 戰車; 坦克車
cierncioxng | a war general | 戰將
ciernhea | war | 戰火
ciernhoad | military tactics | 戰法
ciernhoan | a prisoner of war; war criminal | 戰犯
ciernhoea | war disasters | 戰火
ciernhorng | war situation; progress of a battle | 戰況
ciernhuun | battles | 戰雲
ciernhw | a prisoner of war; prisoners of war | 戰俘
ciernhø | war's havoc; the horrors; evils; ravages or disasters of war | 戰禍
ciernhøea | conflagration of war, flames of war | 戰火
ciernhøo | a trench; an entrenchment | 戰壕
ciernjim | recommended appointment rank; the third highest of four grades in the civil service of modern China | 薦任
ciernjixmkvoaf | official of recommended appointment rank | 薦任官
ciernkaq | armor | 戰甲; 盔甲
ciernkhix | weapons of war | 戰器; 武器
ciernkhw | a theatre of war; a war zone; a war area; war zone; war zone | 戰區
ciernkie | recommend a competent person for a post | 薦舉; 舉薦
ciernkii | battle banner | 戰旗; 旌旗
ciernkiok | war situation; war situation; state of the war | 戰局
ciernkoaf | a battle-march, a war song | 戰歌
ciernkofng | battle achievements; military exploits; distinguished service in war | 戰功
ciernkog | warring countries | 戰國
ciernkor | a war drum | 戰鼓
ciernky | fighter plane | 戰機
ciernkør | the fruit of the battle, the result of war | 戰果
ciernlam | battleship | 戰艦
ciernleg | to tremble, to shiver, to shudder | 顫抖; 戰慄
ciernlek | combat power | 戰力
ciernliok pogkekky | strategic bomber; long range bomber | 戰略爆擊機
ciernliok | strategy; ruses of war; military strategy | 戰略
ciernliok-kaf | a strategist | 戰略家
ciernlixphirn | spoils, booty gained in the war | 戰利品
ciernloan | in the turmoil of war; chaos and social upheaval brought about war | 戰亂; 戰爭
ciernpai | to be defeated; to lose (a battle or war) | 戰敗
ciernpaixciar | defeated person; loser | 戰敗者
ciernpaixkog | defeated or vanquished country; the vanquished | 戰敗國
ciernpefng | a soldier; a man of arms; a combatant | 戰兵
ciernphaau | combat uniform | 戰袍
ciernphaux | battle dress in former times | 戰甲; 甲冑; 戰袍
ciernphoef | letter of recommendation | 薦批; 推薦信
ciernphøef | letter of recommendation | 薦信
ciernpi | combat readiness; war preparations | 戰備
ciernpoat | recommendation | 薦拔
ciernpøx | war report; war bulletins; reports from the battle front | 戰報
ciernserngkog | victorious nation | 戰勝國
ciernsexng | win a victory | 戰勝
ciernsie | die in action; die in the dust; die in battle | 戰死
ciernsii kokzex konghoad | wartime international law | 戰時國際公法
ciernsii | wartime; wartime | 戰時
ciernsiin | war god | 戰神
ciernsu | a soldier; a man of arms; a combatant; war; hostilities; clash | 戰士; 戰事
ciernsudkaf | tactician; tactician | 戰術家
ciernsuo | war history; war history | 戰史
ciernsut | tactics; war; tactics; art of war | 戰術
ciernsvoax | the arena of war; line of battle | 戰線
ciernsw | a written declaration of war; written declaration of war | 戰書; 戰輸; 薦書; 推薦書
cierntaux | combat, to combat, to fight | 戰鬥
ciernte kieciar | war correspondent for mass communication media | 戰地記者
ciernte | battlefield | 戰地
cierntin | battle array; battlefield; battlefront | 戰陣
cierntoafn | the cause of war | 戰端
cierntoe | battlefield | 戰地
cierntorky | fighter plane | 戰鬥機
cierntorlek | fighting capability; combat strength | 戰鬥力
cierntoroaan | combatant | 戰鬥員
cierntox iefnsip | war games; military maneuvers | 戰鬥演習
cierntox pogkekky | fighter bomber | 戰鬥爆擊機
cierntox sunviulam | battle cruiser | 戰鬥巡洋艦
cierntox | warfare; battle; combat; fight; war | 戰鬥
cierntviuu | the arena of war; battleground; battle field; battlefield | 戰場
cierntøe | battlefield | 戰地
cierntørlam | battlship | 戰鬥艦
cierntøx | warfare; battle; combat; fight; war | 戰鬥
ciernzeeng | pre war; before the war; status of war | 戰前; 戰情
ciernzefng zoxngthaix | state of war; state of hostilities | 戰爭狀態
ciernzefng | war; warfare; hostilities; a war | 戰爭; 打仗
ciernzeg huihoong | brilliant combat performance; extraordinary battle achievement | 戰績輝煌
ciernzeg | war record | 戰績
ciernzheg | strategy; ruses of war | 戰策
ciernzheq | playbook for war | 戰冊
ciernzuun | military boat | 戰船; 軍艦
cietcied serngli | score one victory after another | 節節勝利
cietpurn | lose money in business | 折本
cietserng huieiong | cut down on expenses; practice economy; economize; be thrifty | 節省費用
cietserng sikafn | save time | 節省時間
cietserng | stint; save on; dispense; economize; go east with; economize; save; use with thrift | 節省
cihparn | receive the coffin | 摺枋; 迎靈; 接棺材
cihurn | rouge and powder; cosmetics | 脂粉
cimkorng | crab's pincer | 蟳管; 蟹鉗
cinkerng | real scene | 真景
cinkhongkoarn kiafmphøkhix | vacuum valve detector | 真空管檢波器
cinkhongkoarn | vacuum tube | 真空管
cinzw-hurn | tapioca | 珍珠粉
ciofngciorng | different kinds; many kinds; variedness; sundry; diverseness; various kinds; all sorts of; etcetera | 種種
ciofngkoarn | take charge of; supervise; manage | 掌管
ciofngphirn | prize; award; spoil; trophy; prizes or rewards | 獎品
ciofngsiorng | to reward | 獎賞
ciofngzok pengterng | racial equality | 種族平等
cioksexng serngtngg | consecration or dedication of a church (Catholic) | 祝聖聖堂
cioktiern | celebration | 祝典
cionghiern | manifest; to show forth; obvious | 彰顯
ciongkarn | simple ceremonies; forgo pageantry | 從簡
ciorng | the palm (of a human hand); swollen; a kind; an oar; an award; heel | 掌; 腫; 種; 槳; 獎; 踵
ciorng'viaa | commander camp | 將營
ciorngbok ciauciofng | stare or watchful eyes of the public | 眾目昭彰
ciorngbong sor kuy | enjoy public confidence; command public respect and support | 眾望所歸
ciorngbong | expectation of the public; public support or confidence; popularity of a leader | 眾望
ciorngbuun hofzuo | capable young man from a distinguished family | 將門虎子
ciornggai kexngzao | steeplechase | 障礙競走
ciornggai | obstruction; obstacles; obstructions | 障礙
ciornggaixbut | obstacle; obstruction; hindrance | 障礙物
ciornggarn | all eyes | 眾眼
ciornggi | public discussion; public opinion | 眾議
ciornghau | military officers | 將校
ciornghii | killifish | 鱂魚; 鏘魚
ciorngkhao | many speaker | 眾口
ciorngkhix | malaria | 瘴氣
ciorngkii | chess | 將棋
ciorngkvoaf | officer at the rank of admiral or general; military general | 將官
ciorngkvoar hiensuu | disparity of numerical strength is too great | 眾寡懸殊
ciorngkvoar puttek | One single person is no match for a crowd | 眾寡無敵
ciorngkwn | a general, an admiral | 眾軍; 將軍
ciorngleng | an order by a general; orders from the general (military) | 將令
ciornglerng | high ranking military officers | 將領
ciornglo lanhoan | It's dangerous to antagonize the masses | 眾怒難犯
ciornglun | public discussion | 眾論
ciorngsefng | all living creatures; all living creatures | 眾生
ciorngsiin | all Gods | 眾神
ciorngsoad put'id | there are many different versions of a story | 眾說無一
ciorngsoex | general in the military | 將帥
ciorngsu | officers and soldiers; leaders and petty officers | 將士
ciorngtøf | numerous; very many | 眾多
ciorngzaai | talent as a field commander | 將才
cipciarng | have authority; to manage; to superintend; to be in charge of; to control | 執掌
cipciorng | have authority; to manage; to superintend; to be in charge of; take full charge of; superintend | 執掌
cipzerngciar | administrator | 執政者
cipzerngtorng | the administration party; party in power | 執政黨
cipzexng-torng | the ruling party, the party in power | 執政黨
cirn | to save; to rise; a rash; to diagnose; to relieve; to the utmost; a boundary; the wooden bumper at the rear of a cart or carriage; shake; to tremor like an earthquake; excite; to shock; scared; terrified | 拯; 診; 震; 軫; 儘; 振; 賑; 畛; 診斷; 疹
cirn'eg | beneficiary improved | 進益
cirn'ied | call on a superior | 進謁
cirn'iong | enter into use | 進用
cirn'jibkhix | get in | 進入去
cirnciaxm | to enter and occupy | 進佔
cirncidpo | further | 進一步
cirngieen | to offer advices; offer advice | 進言
cirngoaan | epicenter | 震源
cirnhae | to be shattered | 震駭
cirnharm | to shock | 震撼
cirnheeng | be underway; be in progress; advance; progress; move onward; proceed | 進行
cirnhefng | revival; renaissance | 振興
cirnhengkheg | march; martial music | 進行曲
cirnhengseg | progressive tense (in grammar) | 進行式
cirnhengtiofng | progress; in operation; in action; be under way | 進行中
cirnhex | restock | 進貨
cirnhiern | shake; shaken | 震撼
cirnhiexn | to offer | 進獻
cirnhoad | set out; start | 進發
cirnhoan | invade, invasion | 進犯
cirnhoarlun | Theory of Evolution (Darwin) | 進化論
cirnhoax | evolve; evolution; evolve; evolution; to progress culturally | 進化
cirnhoex | replenish the stock of a shop | 進貨
cirnhog | amplitude | 振幅
cirnhviukheq | Buddhist pilgrim | 進香客
cirnhviw | to offer incense; offer incense; bring incense from a more sacred temple | 進香
cirnhøex | purchase | 進貨
cirnjip | pass into; go into; make admission to; enter | 進入
cirnkarng | make port; enter a harbor | 進港
cirnkay | advanced | 進階
cirnkhao boxek | import trade | 進口貿易
cirnkhao soealut | import tariff | 進口稅率
cirnkhao | import; entering gate; entrance; enter a port; imports | 進口
cirnkhao-hoex | imported goods | 進口貨
cirnkhao-siofng | importers | 進口商
cirnkhao-soex | import duty | 進口稅
cirnkhawsoex | import duty | 入口稅; 進口稅
cirnkhie | to rise | 振起
cirnkhvoar | relief fund | 賑款
cirnkib | to be promoted; get promoted in rank or grade | 晉級; 進級
cirnkiexn | call on a superior | 進見
cirnkiux | deliver, rescue, save | 振救
cirnkofng | make an assault; attack | 進攻
cirnkoxng | to pay tribute; offer tribute (said of a vassal state) | 進貢
cirnkviaf | to enter into the capital | 進京
cirnkwn | to march (troops to war); to advance; march troops to war; advance with military force | 進軍
cirnleg | shock | 震慄
cirnlek | the force in a earthquake | 震力
cirnlip | enter | 進入
cirnlo | to be in a rage | 震怒
cirnpaang | enter the nuptial chamber (said of the bride) | 進房; 進洞房
cirnpefng | march troops forward; lead troops onward | 進兵
cirnpo | progress; progressive; progress | 進步
cirnsiw | to pursue further education; advance in studies; to study; learn | 進修
cirnsiw-hoe | short refresher course | 進修會
cirnsiw-pafn | class of refresher course | 進修班
cirnsu | a scholar; successful candidate of the national civil service examination held at the imperial capital in former times | 進士
cirnteg | make progress in learning | 進德
cirntheeng | offer or present something to a superior or an elder | 進呈
cirnthex bogkoad | not knowing what course of action to take | 進退莫決
cirnthex liofnglaan | be in a dilemma (to have difficulty going either forward of backward) | 進退兩難
cirnthex ykiong | cast one's lot with another person | 進退與共
cirnthex | advance or withdraw; to stay or quit a job; employ or fire a person | 進退
cirnthoex | fluctuation | 進退
cirnthøex | to advance and retreat; a sense of propriety | 進退
cirntiern | progress, development | 進展
cirntioxng | to recruit; to enroll | 進中; 及第; 登科; 錄取
cirnto | degree of progress | 進度
cirntong | vibration; oscillation | 振動; 震盪; 震動
cirntoxpiør | work schedule | 進度表
cirntviuu | to march into the arena; go into an examination room; a theater Sports arena | 進場
cirnzaai | acquire riches; increase wealth | 進財
cirnzay | to relieve the people in stricken areas | 賑災; 震災
cirnzeeng | previously; in the old days; before; in the past; once; advance; go forward | 從前; 進前; 前進
cirnzhud | incoming and outgoing; get in and out; incoming and outgoing; (in Taiwanese) marching out; advance | 進出
cirnzhuo | aggressive; forge ahead with effort; be aggressive as in jockeying for position | 進取
cirnzhut'khao | import and export | 進出口
cirnzhutkhao | import and export | 進出口
cirnzhutkhawsiofng | import export business | 進出口商
cirnzhwsym | aggressiveness; desire to get ahead; enterprising spirit | 進取心
cirnzog | to lift up (or raise) one's head | 振作
cirnzu | march troops to a place and garrison it | 進駐
cirnzuie | water ingress | 進水
cirnzux | stationed | 進駐
citciarng | have charge of; direct; manage or supervise as part of one's official duties; functions and duties of an organization or official post | 職掌
citciorng laang | this kind of man | 這種人
citciorng | this kind of | 這種
citgiap hurnliexnsor | vocational bureau | 職業訓練所
citkhoarn | this; the style | 這款; 這種
citpharng | weave and spin | 織紡; 紡織
citpurnzheq | this book | 這本冊; 這本書
citzeeng hurnlien | pre-vocational training | 職前訓練
ciuxcirn | to be diagnosed | 就診
ciuxkirn | hurry; hasten; make haste | 就緊; 趕忙
ciuxte zernghoad | execute right on the spot | 就地正法
ciuzoarn | circumvolution; turnover; money circulation; sufficient to meet all needs | 周轉; 週轉
ciuzoarn-kym | money available for use | 周轉金; 週轉金
ciwkoarn | tavern | 酒館
ciwtharng | wine bucket; wine barrel or cask | 酒桶; 酒量大
ciwzefng tiorngtok | alcoholism | 酒精中毒
cixm soatbunhurn | soap in soap suds | 浸肥皂水
cixnkoarn | although; notwithstanding; in despite of; even if | 儘管
ciøh'oe-korng | suggest with hint, for instance | 借話講
ciøhhoef hiernput | get things from another person to entertain one's own guest (Lit. borrow flowers to offer to Buddha) | 借花獻佛
ciøhkhoarn | borrow money; a loan | 借款
ciøqhoehurn | lime powder | 石灰粉
ciøqhurn | stone powder | 石粉
ciøqliern | stone mill | 石碾
ciøqlurn | stone roller | 石輾; 石碖; 碾子
ciøqparn | slate; flagstone; slate; stone slabs | 石版; 石板
ciøqsurn | stonetenon | 石筍; 石榫
ciøqturn | block of stone as seat; stone pier | 石墩; 石櫈
ciørzurn | aim accurately | 照準
cviaa-hiharn | very rare, very few, very costly | 成稀罕; 誠稀罕; 很險
cviakhoarn | to become a presentable or decent person | 像樣
cviakirn | before long; soon; in no time | 很快
cviarkarng | authentic; real | 真港; 真正的
cviarparn | the original copy; original edition | 正版; 原稿
cviarpurn | official copy; original copy | 正本
cviarthorng | orthodox; legitimate; classical | 正統
cvitharn | a woolen blanket; a blanket | 毛毯; 氈毯
cviuxhurn | to put on makeup | 上粉
cviuxsoarn | be chosen or selected | 上選
cvygukarng | young bull | 幼公牛
cy'irn | to point, to guide, to show | 指引
cyirn | guidance; instruction; direct | 指引
cykerng | end; stop; limits | 止境
cykoarn | by all means; just | 只管
cyntoarnsw | medical certificate; written diagnosis | 診斷書
ee khoarn | seems; probably (can be used instead of tai-khai but always comes at the end of the sentence) | 的款; 的樣子; 似乎
eerng'eng'eeng | nothing to do at all, quite in leisure, free | 閑閑閑; 閒閒閒
ef mixhurn | mill flour | 碾麵粉
efng'erng | forever; permanently; at times; occasionally; sometimes; oftentimes; frequently | 往往; 永永; 永遠
efng'erng-putli | inseparable | 影影無離
efng'iorng-phirn | sustenance | 營養品
efng'oarn zociøq | perpetual leasehold | 永遠租借
efng'oarn | forever; eternally; perpetually | 永遠
efngbuu cykerng | forever and ever; have no limit or boundary | 永無止境
efnghiorng | affect; impact; enjoy forever | 影響; 永享
efnghiorng-lat | power of affect, power of influence | 影響力
egpurn | translated version (of a book) | 譯本
egtharng | wooden bath; bathtub | 浴桶; 浴盆
egzernghak | epidemiology | 疫症學
ekhoarn | seems, probably (can be used instead of 'tai7-khai3', but always comes at the end of the sentence.) | 的款; 樣子; 似乎
eksiorng | to remember, to think about | 憶想
eng'iofngphirn | nutriment; nutritious food | 營養品
eng'iorng liauhoad | dietary cure | 營養療法
eng'iorng putlioong | malnutrition; undernourishment | 營養無良
eng'iorng | brave; courageous; heroic; gallant | 英勇; 營養
enghiern | to manifest; honor and high position | 榮顯
engkoarnsix | idiomatical | 用慣勢; 用慣
engsviaf-iernguo | the pleasant effect of a woman's voice (Lit. like an oriole singing and a swallow talking) | 鶯聲燕語
engtiern | a ceremony for honorary award | 榮典
erng buu lengjit | We will never have peace | 永無寧日
erng | shadow; image; reflection in water or mirror | 影; 湧; 穎; 泳; 永; 浪
erng'iaw | at the invitation of | 應邀
erng'iong | utilize; make use of; for practical application; applied | 應用
erng'iong-buxntøee | an applied question | 應用問題
erng'iong-hoarhak | applied chemistry (science) | 應用化學; (科學)
erng'iong-khøhak | applied science | 應用科學
erng'ioxnghoarhak | applied chemistry (science) | 應用化學 (科學)
erng'ioxngphirn | necessities; consumer goods | 應用品
erng'oan | win competition | 應援; 支援
erng'u-cixn'u | Everything necessary is available.--nothing is wanting; complete with everything | 應有盡有
erng'urn | grant; consent; assent | 應允
erngbo | enlist in; enlist | 應募
erngchi | go on the market; be put on the market; be offered for sale | 應市
erngchix | participate in an examination; sit for an examination | 應試; 應考
erngciab | response to; receive (visitors or customers) | 應接
erngciexn | to accept a challenge; to take up the challenge; to accept a battle; accept a challenge; meet the enemy on the battlefield | 應戰
ernggiah | the amount of a dower | 應額
ernggiam | to come true; come true (prophecies | 應驗
ernghau | effect; response; effective | 應效; 效果; 有效
erngheeng | reciprocal | 應行
ernghie | assent; to promise | 應許
ernghu ee zekjim | inescapable responsibility | 應負的責任
ernghun | one's inherited share | 應份; 應得之分
ernghuo | to promise, to consent | 應付; 應許
ernghux | at grips with; cope with; manipulate; cope with | 應付
ernghux-bøexliao | can not take action about; can not deal with | 應付無了
ernghwn | dower | 應分
ernghwn-giah | the amount of a dower | 應分額
erngkay | ought; ought to be | 應該
erngkhør | participate in an examination; sit for an examination | 應試; 應考
erngkhør-jinsox | number of exam participants | 應考人數
erngkib | meet an emergency; for use in time of emergency | 應急
erngkib-zhorsy | an emergency measure; a temporary expedient | 應急措施
erngkong'ar | unowned ashes | 應公仔
erngky-libtoaxn | make quick decisions as the occasion demands | 當機立斷
ernglap | taxable | 應納
ernglok | to consent; to promise; to assent | 應諾
erngpan | that should be handled (said of tasks; business; etc) | 應辦
erngphexng | accept an offer of employment | 應聘
erngpiexn | to deal with a contingency or emergency; adapt oneself to changes | 應變
erngpuii | to apply fertilizer | 施肥; 壅肥; 掏肥
erngseeng | to assent; to consent | 應承; 承諾
erngsii | seasonal (e.g. fruit) | 應時
erngsii-ernghau | in time | 應時應候
erngsii-erngjit | seasonal (e.g. fruit) | 應時應日
erngsiuu | intercommunicate; association; social intercourse | 應酬
erngsviaf jii khie | raise as soon as the voice was heard | 應聲而起
erngsviaf jii tør | dead on the spot at the first shot | 應聲而倒
erngtab | to answer readily; to respond | 應答
erngtefng | respond to a want; respond to a want advertisement | 應徵
erngtek | respond to an enemy | 應敵
erngtiaozam | house for call girls | 應召站
erngtiaux jibgvor | be drafted (for military service) | 應召入伍
erngtiaux lyloong | call girl | 應召女郎
erngtiaux | respond to a call or summons | 應召
erngtid | deserved; due; entitled to; deserving | 應得
erngtofng | should; must | 應當
erngtuix juliuu | field questions ably | 應對如流
erngtuix | answer questions | 應對
erngtyn | answer to calls or requests; to collect taxes | 應徵
erngzhaix | water spinach; water celery; water spinach | 甕菜; 蕹菜; 空心菜
excviuxgarn | to look at and find pleasing | 看上眼
exhiarng | to be able to; to be capable of | 會響; 能夠; 會曉
exkarng | southern Taiwan | 下港
exngtharntiau | aria | 詠歎調
expvoarnii | latter six months of a year | 下半年
exserng`tid | economize | 能省得
gaau kiernkor | very superstitious and observant of old rites; believe in omens | 會見古; 禁忌多; 易責怪人; 很會見茍
gagkerng | prison police; prison guards | 獄警
gagtiern | musicological works | 樂典
gai laan ciaozurn | It is impossible for this office to grant the permission. (conventional phrase in official communications) | 礙難照準
garn zefng chiuo khoaix | sharp of sight and quick of hand; see things clearly and act speedily | 眼清手快
garn | eye; tiny hole | 眼
garngaxn | to feel cold | 彥彥; (覺得冷冷的)
garnkngx | to temper (iron | 研鋼; 以水冷卻燒紅的鋼; 焠火; 冶煉金屬之冷卻法
garnthiq | to temper (iron | 研鐵; 以水冷卻燒紅的鐵; 淬火; 焠火
garnzuie | cool something in cold water | 冷卻
gaukurn | fond of making a racket; fond of making practical jokes or playing tricks | 會滾
gefnghurn | pulverize | 研粉
gegkerng | adverse circumstances; bad fortune; adversity | 逆境
gegthorng | a rebel party or group | 逆黨
gegzoarn | deteriorate; turn for the worse | 逆轉
genggerng | longan | 龍眼
gengsyn sarngku | usher in the new and send off the old; (a dinner party held) to greet a new boss; fellow students; etc and bid good-bye to those departing | 迎新送舊
gerng | grind; to crush | 研; 研磨; 磨; 壓碎
gexoarn | artistic or literary salon; art gallery | 藝苑
gexphirn | artifacts | 藝品
gexsudphirn | art piece; work of art | 藝術品
gexsut-koarn | art museum | 藝術館
gexsut-phirn | object d'art | 藝術品
giabsarn | realty; property; industry property | 業產; 產業
giamkirn | rigorous; strict; careful; cautious; compact; well-knit | 嚴謹
giarnggee | to gnash the teeth; provide an explanation; try to defend oneself | 齜牙; 齴牙
giarnggiaxng | uneven; irregular; prominent; give prominence to | 齴齴; 參差突出的樣子; 參差無齊
giarngkhie | projecting tooth | 暴牙; 齴齒
giedzerng | bad seed; bastard; child of non-virtuous parents (also used to scold a person) | 孽種
gieen kuy zerngtoan | Let's resume the narration Let's go back to the main topic | 言歸正傳
giern | to grind; the face; go to the very source | 研; 臉
giernsienkøf | crave | 癮仙膏; 渴望
giernthaau | foolish; stupid | 愚笨; 癮頭
ginhaang zunkhoarn | bank deposit | 銀行存款
ginhurn | silver powder; lightish grey | 銀粉
ginturn | silver plaque | 銀盾
giofng'erng | backstroke (swim) | 仰臥; 仰泳
giogbie-hurn | cornflour | 玉米粉
giorng putkhuix thiefn | feel no shame before God | 仰無愧天
giorng | to look up to; to cup one hand in the other in greeting; first person; high-price; adore | 仰; 拱; 卬
girn | a child | 囝
gixcirn | to treat sick people without taking money | 義診
gixiern | performance for some public charity; charity performance | 義演
gixiorng | volunteer for public service; righteous and courageous | 義勇; 義勇兵
gixkhiern | loyal; faithful dog | 義犬
goafnsiorng | enjoy or appreciate the beauty of something | 玩賞
goanparn | original or the first edition of books | 原版
goanpurn | originally; origin (of something) | 原本; 原來
goansiern | ringworm skin disease | 元癬; 乾癬
goantiern | original document, original manuscript | 原展; 原始文件
goanzongphirn | article assembled by the original manufacturer | 原裝品
goarn | we (not including the listeners); us; my (as my parents; home; brothers; sisters; wife; etc) | 我們; 阮
goaxkarng | outer harbor | 外港
goaxkaw zerngzheg | foreign policy | 外交政策
goaxkerng | outside scene; outdoor scene | 外景
goaxkhoarn | exterior condition; exterior shape; exterior appearance | 外款; 外形; 外觀
goaxserng | other province; another province; other provinces | 外省
goaxserng-laang | person from another province | 外省人
goaxzoarn | supination | 外旋; 外轉
goxterng-chyn | distant relative; distant in relationship | 五等親; 遠親
goxzarnthaq | five stories tower or pagoda | 五層塔
gubiin zerngzheg | policy of keeping the people in ignorance under a dictatorship; obscurantism | 愚民政策
gui zerngkoaan | usurped authority | 偽政權
guihiarm sirnhø | danger signal | 危險信號
guihiarm susiorng | dangerous thoughts | 危險思想
guii zai tarnsek | city under enemy attack that may fall at any moment; a patient critically ill and may die soon; dying | 危在旦夕
guixzernghuo | bogus government; government dominated by a usurper or traitor | 偽政府
guixzerngzoe | perjury (law) | 偽證罪
gukarng | bull | 公牛; 牛犅
gulenghurn | powdered milk | 牛乳粉; 奶粉
gulengkoarn'ar | baby's (nursing) bottle | 牛乳罐仔; 奶瓶
gunihurn | powdered cow's milk | 牛奶粉
guphoesiern | psoriasis | 牛皮癬
gurn | we (not including the listeners); us; my (as my parents; home; brothers; sisters; wife; etc) | 阮; 我們
guthurn | stupid, foolish, stupidity, foolishness | 牛碩; 愚蠢
guturnzhao | some type of grass | 牛頓草
guzerng | cattle's breed; cattle's strain | 牛種
guzhurn | stupid; foolish; folly; stupidity | 愚蠢
gvafkerng | a lovely view; a graceful scenery; a beautiful scene | 雅景
gvaftiern | elegant and classic; refined | 雅典; 典雅
gvauxhurn | flour of lotus root, arrowroot flour | 藕粉; 葛粉
gvayhurn | grind into flour or powder | 研粉
gvexkorng | strong to explain; strong to discuss; strong opinion | 硬講
gvexlurn | subdue; hard to swallow | 強忍; 硬忍
gvexpiarngpiaxng | hard and firm; rigid and inflexible; stiff | 硬幫幫
gvi-piarngpiaxng | stark | 硬爆爆
gvixkorng | strong to explain; strong to discuss; strong opinion | 硬講
gvixlurn | subdue; hard to swallow | 強忍; 硬忍
gvofkoaan-hiernhoad | the quintuple constitution--legislative, executive, judicial, examination, and oversight | 五權憲法
gvotorng | my political party; my faction | 吾黨
gyleeng sorngsitzexng | aphasia; impairment or loss of faculty of using or understanding spoken or written language | 語能喪失症
gyn'afkhoarn | childlike; childish | 囝仔款; 孩子氣
gyn'aftorng | kids gang | 囝仔黨
gyn'ar-khoarn | childishness; childish fun | 囡仔款; 孩子氣
gyn'ar-torng | a gang of children | 囡仔黨; 孩子群
gynnafkhoarn | childlike, childish | 像孩子, 孩子氣
gø sarn`khix | emaciated from hunger | 餓瘦去
habciorng | clap hands to praying position; clasp the hands like Buddhist priests do | 合掌
habciorngkog | federation of states | 合眾國
habparn | plywood | 合板; 三夾板
habpurn | pooled money | 合本; 合資
habterngpurn | bound volume | 合訂本
hafnharn | rarely | 罕罕; 稀罕
hag'ioxngphirn | school supplies, student's personal equipment | 學用品
hak buu cykerng | There is no limit to what we can learn. We can always learn. You never know enough | 學無止境
hak iuo zoantiorng | have acquired a specialty from study | 學有專長
ham'iorng | culture of a person; capability for kindness | 涵養
hamhied phurnjiin | make false accusations against others | 含血噴人
han'iorng | live in leisure | 閒養
hancihurn | sweet potato flour | 甘薯粉; 地瓜粉
hanlaai-sworng | change of seasons; lapse of time (The cold comes and the heat departs.) | 寒來暑往
hanlerng | bitterly cold; cold | 寒冷
hanloarn | take good care with weather temperature | 寒暖
hanzuhurn | yam stuch | 番薯粉
hanzuu-hurn | sweet-potato starch | 蕃薯粉
hao'iorng | treat parents with piety | 孝養
hao'orng | say masses with offerings for parents. | 孝往
haoiorng | care for parents | 孝養
hap ciorng | put your palms together | 合掌
haqkhoarn | suitable style | 合款; 款樣合適
harn | violent; fierce; termagant | 悍; 喊; 潑辣; 罕; 傳佈流言; 傳布消息
harn'iøh | Chinese herb medicine; Chinese medicine | 漢藥; 中藥
harn'iøqpaang | Chinese drug store | 漢藥房; 中藥房
harn'iøqtiaxm | Chinese medicine store | 漢藥店
harn'oe | Chinese painting | 漢畫
harn'ui | Chinese painting | 漢畫
harn'y | Chinese herb doctor; doctor of Chinese medicine | 漢醫; 中醫
harn'ym | the sound of Han | 漢音
harn'øqar | private school; hedge school; class conducted at a temple to learn Chinese | 漢學仔; 私塾
harn`khylaai | shut up | 悍起來
harn`tid | seldom | 罕得
harnbuun | Chinese | 漢文
harng | intimidate; browbeat; frighten; threaten; to bully | 哄; 威脅; 嚇唬; 威嚇
harngak | Chinese music | 漢樂
harnghah | be generous; vehement fervent liberal; unselfish | 腫合; 出手很大方; 很富裕
harngiok | Chinese jade | 漢玉
harnglefng | healthy baby; grown very fat on milk like an infant | 腫乳; 嬰兒胖大
harnglyn | swell with milk, develop (breasts), milk-fed | 腫乳; 肨奶; 漲奶
harngny | swell with milk, develop (breasts), milk-fed | 腫乳; 肨奶; 漲奶
harngphøee | swelling skin | 腫肥; 肥胖
harnguo | Chinese | 漢語
harngzerng | swell from infection | 腫脹; 感染腫脹
harnhoax | Han-civilize | 漢化
harnji | Chinese Character; Han Character | 漢字
harnjiin | Chinese; Han people | 漢人
harnkafn | traitor; a spy; one who betrayed China; traitor to China | 漢奸
harnli | Chinese character | 漢字
harnpefng | Chinese soldier | 漢兵
harnsefng | Chinese sound | 漢聲
harnsek | Chinese meat; Chinese food | 漢席; 中餐
harnzhao | physique | 漢草; 體
harnzok | the Han race | 漢族
harnzw | Chinese book | 漢書
hatbiern | to exempt from | 豁免
hauxcirn | to wait to see the doctor; to wait for medical advice; time waiting to see a doctor | 候診
hauxcirn-seg | a waiting room at the hospital or doctor's office | 候診室
hauxkerng | police guards at a school | 校警
hauxsoarn | candidacy; declare one's candidacy | 候選
hauxsoarn-jiin | election candidate | 候選人
hauxtarng | directors of a school | 校董
hauxzurn | to adjust, to calibrate | 校準
hauzhoarn | asthma | 哮喘
haxmjip zoadkerng | get into extreme difficulty; be drawn into a hopeless situation | 陷入絕境
haxphirn | low-grade | 下品
haxtefngphirn | inferior article | 下等品
haxterng thornghoex | imperfect contrition (Catholic) | 下等痛悔
haxterng | mean; depraved; lower class | 下等
hay'erng | ocean wave | 海浪; 海湧
hayerng | ocean surface wave; ocean waves | 海浪
hayhiern | a kind of shellfish | 海遣; 海蜆
haykarng | port; harbor; sea port | 海港
haykerng | seascape | 海景
haykwn-liogcierntui | marine corps | 海軍陸戰隊
haysarn | marine products | 海產
haysiong lwkoarn | floating hotel | 海上旅館
heakhoarn | payment | 貨款
hefkerng | fire alarm | 火警
hefngherng | happy | 悻悻; 興奮愉快
hefzerng | tinder | 火種
hegzuo hoafn'erngloo | nuke reactor | 核子反應爐
hegzuo-ciernzefng | nuclear war | 核子戰爭
hegzurn | approve; approval | 核准
hehiorng | echo | 回響
henghurnzef | stimulants; drugs; excitant | 興奮劑
hengkerng | police handling criminal matters | 刑警
hengkerng-toaxtui | the criminal police unit | 刑警大隊
hengkerng-tui | detective squad | 刑警隊
hengkhoarn | shape | 行款; 形像
hengkoarn | high official's home away from home | 行館
hengsarn | permanent property; immovable property | 恒產; 恆產
hengterng | always equal | 恆等
hengtiorng | a respectful form of address for an elder brother or a man friend; senior | 兄長
hengzerng'vi | the Executive or Administrative Yuan | 行政院
hengzernghoad | administrative law | 行政法
hengzerngkhuhek | political division of an area for administrative purposes | 行政區域
hengzerngkikoafn | administrative organizations | 行政機關
hengzerngkoaan | administrative power; executive authority | 行政權
hengzerngkvoaf | administrative officials | 行政官
hengzerngtviwkvoaf | top administrator in an area or region | 行政長官
hengzerngzhwhwn | disciplinary measures taken against an official guilty of abuse of administrative powers as opposed to punishment meted out by a court of law | 行政處分
herng | indignant; enraged | 悻
herngbi | interest | 興味; 趣味
herngchihchiq | animatedly; in high spirits; jubilant | 興𩑾𩑾; 興趣盎然
herngciuo | have fancy in liquors; be addicted to wine | 嗜酒; 興酒; 好喝酒
hernghexng | have a fancy for, joking | 興興
herngkøf-zhayliet | cheerful; in high spirits; elated; jubilant | 興高采烈
hernglym | fond of drinking | 喜歡喝
herngsngr | entertaining; playful; cute | 好玩; 興玩
herngsu | like to cause troubles | 興事; 好惹事
herngthaau | interest; hobby; be interested in | 興趣; 興頭
herngzhux | interest; hobby; be interested in | 興趣
hesiorng | recall | 回想
hexngbiern | to have escaped through good luck | 倖免
hexpurn | invest | 下本; 投下本錢
hextaxngpurn | invest a great deal of money | 下重本; 投下鉅資
hexthorng ee zerngbeeng | certificate of ancestry; pedigree | 系統的證明
hexthorng hunluixhak | phylogenetics; study of the evolution or development of a kind or type of animal or plant; racial history | 系統分類學
hexthorng | system; ancestry; lineage; geological formation | 系統
hiafmkerng | dangerous situation; precarious position | 險境
hiafnghiarng | resonating well | 響響
hiakorng | leg of the boots | 雨靴; 靴管
hiarng | enjoy; receive | 享; 響
hiarng'au | in the future; turn around | 向後
hiarng'eeng | on the road to prosperity; making progress | 向榮
hiarng'iaang | facing the south or the sunny side (said of a house) | 向陽; 採光好
hiarng'orng | admire and try to imitate a great person | 嚮往
hiarnggoa | turn outside | 向外
hiarngjidkuii | sunflower | 向日葵
hiarnglaai | hitherto; until now | 向來; 從來
hiarngsii | yore; once upon a time | 向時; 那當時
hiarngsimlek | centripetal force | 向心力
hiarngsiong | turned upward; strive upward; try to improve oneself | 向上
hiarngzeeng | go forward | 向前
hiauhoarn | rebel | 違背; 背叛; 僥反
hiaukharng | elope for love | 淫奔; 嬲夯
hiauzherng | to invite | 邀請
hiaxm-oan'orng | complain of being falsely charged | 喊冤枉
hiekoarn | theater | 戲館; 戲院
hielarng | case for carrying costumes for a play | 戲籠; 裝戲服的箱子
hiensiorng | offer a reward; offer a prize for | 懸賞
hientofsiern | tonsillitis | 扁桃腺發炎
hiern serng'ioong | Transfiguration | 顯聖容
hiern | falter; wave | 撼; 搟; 搖幌; 搖晃; 搖動; 顯
hiernbi | flatter | 獻媚
hiernchiuo | generous; vehement; fervent; giving; liberal | 獻醜
hiernciofng | charter; orders issued by the authorities | 憲章
hiernciuo | offer wine | 獻酒
hierncviw | a charter, constitutional visions | 憲章
hiernge | stage performance of special skills; appear on stage for a performance | 獻藝
hierngi | propose a motion | 獻議
hiernhefng | bare breast; bare one's breast | 露胸; 袒胸
hiernhoad tiaubuun | constitutional provisions | 憲法條文
hiernhoad | constitution; constitutional law | 憲法
hiernhoef | to present flowers; lay a wreath; present flowers or bouquets | 獻花
hiernhviw | offer incense | 獻香; 上香
hiernkafng | offer one's labor or time | 獻工; 奉獻(時間
hiernkaq | shoulderless | 露肩; 獻胛
hiernkex | present or offer a scheme or advice for adoption | 獻計
hiernkexng | offer goods for shrine | 獻敬; 奉獻供物
hiernkhuikhuy | open out like a dress; door or window | 獻開開; 袒開; 露開
hiernkhuy | open out like a dress; door or window | 袒開; 獻開; 露開
hiernkngf | exposure | 現光; 曝光
hiernkofng | to offer credit; give credit for some good work you did to someone else | 獻公; 獻功
hiernkvoaf | offer an official job | 獻官
hiernkym | donation; offer a cash contribution | 獻金
hiernkym-te | collection bag, offering bag | 獻金袋
hiernkør | fruits offered in a temple | 獻果
hiernlea | ceremony of offering presents | 獻禮
hiernpefng | mp; gendarme; redcap; military police | 憲兵
hiernpeh | to offer without hiding | 獻白
hiernpengtui | gendarmerie | 憲兵隊
hiernsviaa | to forward territory | 獻城
hiernsy | offer a musical selection | 獻詩
hiernsym | give one's heart, dedicate oneself | 獻心
hiernsyn | self-devotion; dedicate to; devotion; devote oneself to | 獻身
hierntao | to boast | 誇大
hiernthiuo | show one's defect | 獻醜
hierntngg | dedicate a Church | 獻堂
hiernzefng | contribution | 獻贈
hiernzex | dedication; offer sacrifices | 獻祭
hiernzexng | constitutional government | 憲政
hiernzhud | show | 現出
hietkhix-cy-iorng | foolhardiness; courage or bravery emanating from emotion not from cool judgment or the sense of righteousness | 血氣之勇
hietpurn | capital saving from life; net cost | 血本
hietsiøfparn | blood platelets or thrombocyte | 血小板
hietthorng zerngbengsw | certificate of pets | 血統證明書
hietthorng | blood relationship; family line; lineage | 血統
hiexnbarn`ee | produce; fresh fruits and vegetables | 現採的
hiexnhorng | face of life | 現況
hiexnkhoarn | cash | 現款
hiexnkorng | speak in person; explain clearly face to face | 現講; 當面說; 當面講明白
hiexnphirn | goods on hand; stock goods | 現貨; 現品
hiexntai susiorng | current thought | 現代思想
hiexntviuu piawiern | re-enact a crime at the scene; a live show | 現場表演
hiharn | rarity; rareness; rare | 稀罕
hiharn-mih | (n) curio | 稀罕物; 珍品
hihoarn'ar | fishmonger | 魚販仔
hikarng | fish village; fish port | 魚港; 漁港
hiluitherng | torpedo boat | 魚雷艇
himhym-hiorng'eeng | blooming like flowers in spring; (said of business; financial; situation prospering; flourishing | 欣欣向榮
himsiorng | enjoy; appreciate; appreciation | 欣賞
hiong'iorng | bluster; popple; surge | 洶湧
hiongberng | (adj) fierce | 兇猛; 兇惡
hiongharn | ferocious; cruel | 凶悍
hionghurn | cruel | 凶狠
hiongkarng-khaf | Hong Kong foot, athlete's foot | 香港腳; 香港跤
hiorng | enjoy; receive | 享; 鯙; 響; 饗
hiorng'au | turn around | 向後
hiorng'eeng | glory of a private home | 宅榮; 向榮
hiorng'ioong | facing the south; the sunny side (said of a house) | 向陽; 朝南
hiorng'orng | to yearn for; to look forward to; aspire; to long for | 向往; 嚮往
hiorng`ee | that kind of, that sort | 那樣; 那種
hiorngcieen | straight ahead | 向前
hiornggoa hoattiern | develop outward | 向外發展
hiornggoa | turn outside | 向外
hiorngguu | can not get; can not acquire | 向隅
hiorngguun | soldier's pay, civil servant's pay | 饗銀; 薪餉
hiornghak | study | 向學
hiorngjidkuii | sunflower; helianthus | 向日葵
hiorngjidkuix | sunflower | 向日葵
hiorngkngf | face in the direction of light (truth) | 向光
hiorngkoafn | tax office | 餉關
hiornglaai | since; from; hitherto | 向來
hiornglaam | face south | 向南
hiorngliong | vector | 向量
hiorngpag | facing the north | 向北
hiorngpoe | front and back | 向背
hiorngsay | facing the west | 向西
hiorngsien | do good turns | 向善
hiorngsii | previously; once upon a time | 向時
hiorngsimlek | centripetal force | 向心力
hiorngsiong | upward; uptilt; upswing; To aim | 向上
hiorngsiong-sym | ambition, desire to get ahead | 向上心
hiorngthiefn | face the sky | 向天; 朝天
hiorngthvy | (v) face upwards; the sky | 向天
hiorngtø | guide | 嚮導
hiorngzeeng | go forward | 向前
hipsiong-koarn | place for portrait taken | 照像館
hipsiorngkoarn | photo studio | 照相館
hipsiorngky | camera | 照相機
hipsiorngsut | photography | 照相術
hisarn | fishing industry | 漁產
hisengphirn | bargain items; goods sold at sacrifice; a very low price | 犧牲品
hitciorng | that kind of | 那種
hitkhoarn | that kind | 那款
hiu'iorng | recreation; relax; relaxation; rest; recuperate | 休養
hiucirn | doctor's office is closed for lunch or some other reason | 休診
hiukoarn | resting hotel | 休館
hixarng'ar | eustachian tube | 耳甕仔
hixnthvy-oarnte | bear a grudge against; complain | 恨天怨地
hiøhzhoarn | take a breath; take a break | 歇喘; 緩氣; 透口氣
hiøxturn | backing support | 後盾
hngkerng | garden scenery | 園景
ho laang khurnjiao | pester | 使人困擾
hoad serngte | get into a bad humor; become angry | 發脾氣
hoadkhoarn | fine; to fine | 罰款
hoafn-lirntngr | turn over | 倒轉身; 翻轉; 翻輾轉
hoafnhiorng | an echo, a response | 反響
hoafnhoarn | non-specific | 泛泛; 有若無
hoafnkhorngkii | opposition to authority phase of human development | 反抗期
hoafnkiong-khornggvoo | a KMT slogan against communist and Russia | 反共抗俄
hoafnkorng | reply to criticism | 反講
hoafnlierntngr | turn upside down; in a moment | 反輾轉; 一轉眼; 翻輾轉; 倒轉身
hoafnserng | introspection; examine oneself; self-reflection; self-questioning; meditate | 反省
hoafnsiorng | fantasy; illusion | 幻想
hoafntong susiorng | reactionary idea | 反動思想
hoafntuix-torng | opposition party | 反對黨
hoafnzerng | mutate like plants or animals; plant or animal mutation; hybrid | 突變; 變種; 反種
hoafnzoarn | to turn back; turn inside out | 反轉
hoaisiorng | to remember, to think of | 懷想
hoakerng | peduncle | 花梗
hoaky ciautiern | beautifully dressed women (a flowering branch attracting people's attention) | 花枝招展
hoan'egpurn | translation of a book; translated version | 翻譯本
hoan'iern | reproduce oneself; breed; propagate | 蕃衍
hoanbeh-hurn | corn meal | 番麥粉; 玉蜀黍粉
hoankerng | circumstances; environment | 環境
hoankhoarn | return money | 還款
hoanparn | image; reproduce; republication; duplication; reprint of a book with or without proper permission | 翻版
hoanpurn | pay the principal upon the maturity of bonds; loans; etc | 還本
hoansarnghoe | farewell party | 歡送會
hoanzoarn | to overturn | 翻轉
hoarhagphirn | chemicals | 化學品
hoarhak piernhoax | chemical change | 化學變化
hoarhak-serngcid | chemical property | 化學性質
hoarhurntii | cesspool | 化糞池
hoarkerng | unearthly atmosphere | 化景
hoarn kekbeng | counter revolution | 反革命
hoarn khawkefng | retract one's deposition | 反口供
hoarn pai uii sexng | turn the battle's tide; turn defeat into victory | 反敗為勝
hoarn | Opposite; come back; cooked rice; versa; anti-; reverse | 反; 返; 飯
hoarn'afkefng | cheap; low class lodging house; a flop house | 販仔間; 小旅館 (低級旅館)
hoarn'afpeh | the lingo used by businessmen when trading | 翻點
hoarn'ar | peddler | 販仔; 小販
hoarn'erng | a shadow; a vision; a phantom | 幻影
hoarn'viar | a phantom | 幻影
hoarn-pyle | be in inverse proportion | 反比例
hoarn-zengpøx | counter intelligence | 反情報
hoarn`cy | on the contrary, on the other hand | 反之
hoarnbe | sell; peddle | 販賣
hoarnbiet | to disillusion | 幻滅
hoarnboe | resell | 販賣
hoarnbøe jinkhao | deal in human beings; white slavery | 販賣人口
hoarnbøe | to sell; to peddle; monger; vend | 販賣
hoarnbøexky | vending machine | 販賣機
hoarnbøexpo | commissary (in school; barracks; a store | 販賣部
hoarnchvie | waken; wake-up; awoken; awaken; roust up | 喚醒
hoarnciw | float | 泛舟
hoarngieen | to speak in general term | 泛言
hoarnhoad | shine; shining | 煥發
hoarnhoaxn | a casual; commonly; commonness | 泛泛
hoarnjieen | bloom with; coruscate; like new | 煥然
hoarnjien'itsyn | brand new look, renovated from top to bottom, take on an entirely new look, aspect | 煥然一新
hoarnkag | an illusion; a pipe dream; hallucination; hallucination | 幻覺
hoarnkerng | an unreal image; mirage | 幻景
hoarnkhie | arouse to action; call; recall | 喚起
hoarnlam | spate; flooding; flowage; in full spate; overflow; spread over | 汎濫; 氾濫; 泛濫
hoarnlarm | to read extensively | 汎論; 泛覽
hoarnlun | widespread talking | 汎論
hoarnsiin-lun | pantheism | 汎神論
hoarnsinlun | pantheism | 汎神論
hoarnsiofngkheg | fantasia or fantasy | 幻想曲
hoarnsiong | mental image; vision; illusion | 幻象
hoarnsiorng | imagine; fancy; imagination; day-dream; delusion; maggot; be lost in reverie | 幻想
hoarnsut | magic arts, juggling | 幻術
hoarntefng | magic lantern; slide | 幻燈
hoarntefng-phvix | slides for projection | 幻燈片
hoarntengky | slide projector | 幻燈機
hoarnthok | to read widely | 汎讀; 泛讀
hoarntok | deal in narcotics | 販毒
hoarnviar | phantom; illusiveness; fantasy; apparition; ghost | 幻影
hoarnzhefng | names widely called | 汎稱
hoarnzhux | buy and sell a house or piece of reality | 販屋
hoarnzhvea | arouse; awaken; call up | 喚醒
hoarpurntii | septic tank | 化糞地
hoarzongphirn | cosmetic; cosmetics | 化粧品; 化妝品
hoat'hurn | baking powder | 發粉
hoat'urn | have the craving come upon one | 發癮
hoatberng | manifest brevity, manifest ferocity | 發猛; 顯示勇敢
hoatborng | a dragnet; the arms of law; the net of justice | 法網
hoatkerng | judicial police | 法警
hoatkhiern | to send away | 發遣
hoatliern | spirit showing its presence by shaking the sedan chair; become angry | 發撚; 神附身而發作
hoatserngte | angry | 發性地
hoatserngtoe | angry | 發性地
hoatthorng | system of justice | 法統
hoattiern | develop; to grow; to expand; code of laws | 發展
hoaxhoaxkurn | uproarious; tumultuous; bawling and making a great noise like a crowd | 譁譁滾
hoaxnpurn | a copy; a model for things like calligraphy; an original for pupil to copy | 範本
hociøhurn | ground pepper | 胡椒粉
hoeakhoarn | money for buying; selling goods | 貨款
hoeaparn | an abolished print; invalid or no longer useful(printing)plates | 廢版
hoeaphirn | commodities; goods | 貨品
hoeaserng | discard or abandon provincial government | 廢省
hoefkerng | fire alarm | 火警
hoefsoarn | bribery for ballots | 賄選
hoefzerng | embers kept for starting a new fire | 火種
hoefzorngloo | cremator | 火葬爐
hoefzorngtviuu | crematory; crematorium | 火葬場
hoehiorng | echo | 回響
hoehtarng | blood dregs | 血滓
hoehthorng | lineage, family line, pedigree | 血統
hoehurn | pollen | 花粉
hoehurn-jiet | hayfever | 花粉熱
hoekhoarn | remittance; remit money | 匯款
hoesiorng | to recollect; to look back upon; recollection | 回想
hoesym hiorngtø | turn the mind to the true path | 回心向道
hoetharn | a blanket with 9flower) design | 花毯
hoexcirn | consultation; examine a patient jointly | 會診
hoexkhoarn | remittance; remit money | 匯款
hoexkoarn | a club house; guild(of a clan | 會館
hoextorng | association people | 結黨; 會黨
hoezerng | flower seed, flower cutting | 花種
hoezoarn | to turn around | 迴轉
hofchirnthaau | cheating customers on merchant weight | 唬秤頭
hofnghorng | shaking | 晃晃
hofngzøxphirn | an imitation, a counterfeit | 仿製品; 仿造品
hofphøee-tharn | tiger fur carpet | 虎皮毯
hogcirn | subsequent visits to a doctor or hospital for the same complaint | 複診
hoggarn | compound eye (insect) | 複眼
hogsoarn | election by delegates; indirect election; run off in beauty contests; etc.; semi final | 覆選; 復選
hoharn | to shout, to cry, a shout | 呼喊
hokcirn | subsequent visits to a doctor or hospital for the same complaint | 複診
hokgerng | a longan tree or fruit | 福眼; 福龍眼
hoksoarn | election by delegates; indirect election; run off in beauty contests; etc.; semi final | 覆選; 復選; 複選
hokteg zerngsiin | god of the soil and graves | 福德正神; 土地公
hokzeaphirn | reproduction of the original, replica | 複製品
holwborng | hormones | 荷爾蒙; 源自日語ホルモン(horumon)
hong'erng | stormy waves | 風浪; 風湧
hongboarn | plentiful; well-rounded; describe woman's breast; rich | 豐滿
hongcirn | shock-resistant; quake-proof | 防震; 風疹
honggarn | beauty | 紅顏
honghiorngpvoaa | steering wheel | 方向盤
honghiorngtefng | automobile directional lights | 方向燈
honghurn kajiin | young beauty | 紅粉佳人
hongkarng | port; blockade a port | 封港
hongkerng | sights; view; scenery; landscape | 風景
hongkhiorng | terrified; frightened | 惶恐
hongkhofng iukarn | air letter form; air mail form | 航空郵簡
honglaai sienkerng | fairyland; paradise | 蓬萊仙境
hongsafn-khorng'iar | wilderness; open field | 荒山曠野
hongsirnkii | a wind flag | 風信旗
hongsviaf porng'viar | false or exaggerated reports going about against people | 惶聲凸影; 誇大無實
hongtarn | jaundice | 黃疸
hongtharn | jaundice | 黃疸
hongthorng | the imperial genealogical tree | 皇統
hongzheliern | windmill | 風吹輪
hongzhoeliern | winmill | 風吹輪
hongzhøeliern | windmill | 風吹輦; 風車
hor chirnthaau | cheat someone by rigged scales | 唬秤頭; 吃斤兩
horng | to imitate; to call on; to copy | 仿; 仿(倣); 訪; 況; 倣; 汞; 彷; 諷
horng'viafky | projector | 放影機
horng'viar | to project; video display | 放影; 放映
horng'viar-ky | a projector | 放影機
horng'viuu | to spend time abroad | 放洋
horngbiern | to give an excuse | 放免
horngbogte | pasture, grazing land | 放牧地
horngbok | pasturage; to pasture | 放牧
horngchioxng | set cock on the hoop; give loose to; to indulge; self indulgent | 放縱
horngchviar | furthermore | 況且
hornggieen | to leave a warning message | 放話; 放言
horngha | to put down; let go | 放下
horngheeng | let go; let pass | 放行
hornghengtvoaf | clearance permit | 放行單
hornghoxng | careless | 浮虛; 無專心; 放放; 不切實際
horngjiedkhix | radiator | 放熱器
horngjiet | release heat | 放熱
horngjim | indulge; noninterference | 放任
horngkar | give a vacation to; assign vacations; holidays; leaves; recess; furlough | 放假
horngkhix | give up; to abandon; disclaimer; renunciation; abandonment | 放棄
horngkhoafn | to loosen restrictions; relax rules | 放寬
horngkhoarn | loan; loan out | 放款
horngkhvoar | to make loans; to grant loans | 放款
horngkiafm | moreover; besides; in addition | 況兼; 況且
horngli | lend money in order to earn interest | 放利
hornglim | indulge | 放任
hornglong | dissolute; lax; unrestrained; debauch | 放浪
horngniar | to float (loans); distribute; to lease; to lease public land | 放領
horngpngr | announce or publish the result of a competitive examination | 放榜
horngporng | announce or publish the result of a competitive examination | 放榜
horngsarngthaau | loud-speaker | 放送頭; 擴音器
horngsaxn | scatter, diffuse | 放送; 分散
horngsaxng | to broadcast; announce by radio or loud speaker | 放送; 播送; 廣播
horngsefng | free living creatures (as a means of gaining merit) | 放生
horngsia liauhoad | radiotherapy; radiation therapy | 放射療法
horngsia | radiation; radiate; emission; emit | 放射
horngsiaxkhøf | department of radiology | 放射科
horngsiaxleeng ciernzefng | radioactive or radiological warfare | 放射能戰爭
horngsiaxleeng ciornghai | radiation sickness syndrome | 放射能障害
horngsiaxleeng ee efnghiorng | radiation effects from nuclear tests | 放射能的影響
horngsiaxleeng ee uojiarm | radioactive contamination | 放射能的污染
horngsiaxleeng | radioactivity | 放射能
horngsiaxsexng goansox | radioactive element | 放射性元素
horngsiaxsexng tong'uixsox | radioisotope | 放射性同位素
horngsiaxsexng | radioactive | 放射性
horngsiaxsvoax ciaosioxng | radio graph | 放射線照相
horngsiaxsvoax ihak | radiotherapeutics | 放射線醫學
horngsiaxsvoax liauhoad | radiotherapy | 放射線療法
horngsiaxsvoax | radioactive rays | 放射線
horngsiaxtiin | radioactive fallout | 放射塵
horngsofng | relax one's attention; to ease; loosen | 放鬆
horngsux | wanton | 放肆
horngsym | breathe freely; disburden; set one's heart at rest; feel easy | 放心
horngtarm | boldly and confidently | 放膽
horngti | place; let alone; leave as it is | 放置
horngtien | electric discharge | 放電
horngtiok | to exile; exile; cast off, oust, expel, expatriate | 放逐
horngtix | to lay, to put, to put | 放置
horngtoa | zoom out; enlarge; magnify; blowup; enlarge a photograph | 放大
horngtoaxkviax | magnifying-glass | 放大鏡
horngtong | profligate; debauched; to be easy in one's morals; dissipated | 放蕩
horngtvar | to get bold | 放膽
horngzhud | let out | 放出
horsuokorng | hose | 水管
hortharng | large basket for two men | 戽桶; 水桶
hosw loaxnsiorng | daydream; to give one's thoughts free rein | 胡思亂想
hoxkhao thengpurn | copy or abstract of one's census register | 戶口謄本
hoxkhao zhaupurn | copy or abstract of one's census register | 戶口謄本
hoxkhao-thengpurn | a copy of the registered residence | 戶口謄本
hoxkhao-zhaupurn | a written copy of the registered residence | 戶口抄本
hoxkhawzhaupurn | household registration transcript | 戶口抄本
hoxng'iorng | to take care of one's parents | 奉養
hoxsoarn | to vote for one another; election in which a voter may elect any other voter | 互選
hoxsvoarngr | shade from an umbrella | 雨傘影
hoxtoarn | cover one's defect | 護短
hoxturn | backer, backing | 後盾
hu'iern | to put off; to be perfunctory | 敷衍
hu'iorng ee gixbu | duty of supporting | 扶養的義務
hu'iorng kazok | dependent | 扶養家族
hu'iorng | to bring up; provide with means of livelihood; provide subsistence or sustenance for; to support | 扶養
hu-sengtiorng | negative grow | 負成長
huchiern | skin-deep | 膚淺
hudzuo ciamtherng | nuclear submarine | 核子潛艇
hudzuo ciernzefng | nuclear war | 核子戰爭
huhegphirn | booty taken in war | 俘獲品
huibe-phirn | non-sale article | 非賣品
huibexphirn | not for sale | 非賣品
huibøe-phirn | non-sale article | 非賣品
huibøexphirn | not-for-sale item | 非賣品
huihengkahparn | flight deck | 飛行甲板
huihtarng | blood sediment; blood lees | 血滓
huihthorng | lineage, family tree, pedigree | 血統
huihuy-cy-siorng | wishful thinking | 非非之想
huiorng | maintain, support (family) | 扶養
huitherng | air ship; flying boat | 飛艇
huixgarn seg enghioong | Discerning eyes can tell greatness from mediocrity | 慧眼識英雄
huixgarn | discerning eyes | 慧眼
hukarng | fishing port | 漁港
hunbarng | burn incense for driving away mosquitors; smoke out mosquitoes | 燻蚊; 燻蚊子
hunbiern | lie in; to give birth; childbirth; labor; obstetrics | 分娩
hunboarn | lie in; to give birth; childbirth; labor; obstetrics | 分娩
hunhiarng | share blessings or happiness | 分享; 同享
hunhiorng | share blessings or happiness | 分享; 同享
hunkoarn | to be put in charge of | 分管
hunsuylerng | watershed | 分水嶺
hunterng | sky; very high | 雲霄; 雲頂
huntorng | separate in factions | 分黨; 分派系
hunzuylerng | watershed | 分水嶺
huokhoarn tiaukvia | terms of payment | 付款條件
huokhoarn | pay out; payment; pay money | 付款
huopurn | duplication; copy; transcript | 副本
huosafnphirn | by products | 副產品
huosiern | administer baptism (Catholic) | 付洗
huosiogphirn | accessories; fittings | 附屬品
huosiok-phirn | accessory, subsidiary, appendix, attachment | 附屬品
huozofngthorng | vice president of a republic | 副總統
huozorng | vice-chairman; vice-chairwoman | 副總
hurn | dress up; disguise oneself; dress; ornament | 扮; 粉; 憤; 忿
hurn'iok | part of school education; moral education; educate and train | 訓育
hurn'iorng | (adv) using extreme force of will; without fear; courageously; bravely fighting enemy troops | 奮勇
hurn'oe | exhortation; to lecture; exhort | 訓話
hurnbiern | to give a homily; to urge to be good and brave; exhort and encourage | 訓勉
hurnciexn | (v) fight courageously; desperate fight | 奮戰
hurncix | pull oneself up by one's own | 奮志; 奮發
hurngieen | precepts; counsels | 訓言
hurnhefng | spiritually revive | 奮興; 振作
hurnhoad iwuii | hard working and promising young person | 奮發有為
hurnhoad tokioong | rejuvenate a nation by dedicated work | 奮發圖強
hurnhoad | stir oneself; exertion; endeavor; exert or strain oneself; make great effort; try one's best | 奮發
hurnhoex | advice; chiefly moral; teach and exhort the younger generation | 訓誨
hurnhun | hatred, malice | 憤憤; 憤恨
hurnhuxn | indigent, resentful | 憤憤
hurnhuxn-putpeeng | resentful or indignant because of injustice | 憤憤無平
hurnkaix | admonition; warn someone against | 訓戒
hurnkaux | to teach; to scold | 訓教
hurnkeg | excited | 奮激
hurnkek | excited. enraged | 奮極
hurnkhaix | indignation; resentment; soreness; resent; indignation; righteous indignation | 憤慨
hurnkhie | stir oneself; rouse; stirring up be stirred up; put a person on his mettle | 奮起
hurnlaang | internal bloody pus | 忿膿; 發膿
hurnle | try with great determination | 奮勵
hurnlek | put forth effort | 奮力
hurnleng | order; instruction; instructions from a superior office | 訓令
hurnlien | training; discipline; educate; exercise; practice; training; drill | 訓練
hurnliexnpafn | training class | 訓練班
hurnliexnsor | training institute | 訓練所
hurnlo | rage; exasperation; fury | 憤怒
hurnno | anger, wrath, rage, indignation | 憤怒
hurnpien | doodie; dejecta; stool; excrement; night soil | 糞便
hurnsi | to instruct (subordinate); instruction; deliver an address; an address | 訓示
hurnsuu | a public talk consisting of homilies; exhortation or admonition | 訓辭; 訓詞
hurntaux | struggle, fight, strive | 奮鬥
hurntoa | (v) expand one's power or influence | 楦大; 擴大; 擴張
hurntox | contend; buffet; combat; strive; struggle; hard struggle; desperate fight; to struggle; fight desperately; make an effort | 奮鬥
hurntø koan'uy | teaching and guiding authority | 訓導權威
hurntø | proggins; teach and guide | 訓導
hurntø-zwjim | Dean of Students | 訓導主任
hurntøxtviuo | dean of students at a university | 訓導長
hurntøxzhux | office of the dean of students | 訓導處
hurnzeg | to reprimand; rebuke sharply | 訓斥
hurnzexng sikii | period of political tutelage | 訓政時期
hurnzexng | political tutelage | 訓政
hut'hoad kisiorng | suddenly hit upon a wild idea; suddenly come upon a strange notion | 突發奇想
hutlerng-hutjiet | abrupt changes of temperature; sudden changes in one's affection; attitude or enthusiasm (now hot; now cold) | 忽冷忽熱
huun khay kiernjit | turn of fortune for the better (When the clouds part; the sun comes out.) | 雲開見日
hux-zofngthorng | vice president | 副總統
huxluo zhamzerngkoaan | the right for women to participate in public affairs; women's rights | 婦女參政權
huxsarn | maternity | 婦產
huxsarn-khøf | department of gynecology and obstetrics | 婦產科
huyporngciar | libeler; slander | 誹謗者
huyporngzoe | criminal offense of libel | 誹謗罪
huysurn | damage; injure | 毀損
huytorng | outlawed political party (In Taiwan the term usually applies to the Chinese Communist Party) | 匪黨
hviaa-hof kurn | boil | 燒開; 燒沸
hviuxhviuxzhoarn | wheeze | 哮哮喘
hvixarng'ar | eeating undercooked taro, radish, etc. | 耳甕仔
hvoa-zerngthaau | to diagnose | 按症頭; 診斷病情
hvoaipiern | horizontal tablet over door | 匾額; 橫扁
hvofkerng | thriving | 好景
hvofkøf-huxoarn | strive after; run after high position or far-off things; idealistic; flighty | 好高騖遠
hvoriorng | fond of some special duty; fight bravely | 好勇
hvorserngsym | loving to excel others; ambitious | 好勝心
hw'iorng | to foster, to rear | 輔養
hwn bøexzhud serngpai | unable to decide who won | 分無出勝敗
hwnhurn | powdered type | 粉粉
hwsoarn | auxiliary selection | 輔選
hwurn | grant your gracious permission | 俯允
høefciern | snuffer | 火剪; 鼻煙
høefkerng | fire alarm | 火警
høefzerng | a small fire to provide usable fire; tinder | 火種
høefzorngtviuu | crematorium | 火葬場
høehurn | dust; limewash | 石灰; 灰粉
høesiorng | to recollect, recollection, to recall | 回想
høfciuo tiim arngtea | keep the best till the last; The best is not always in front. The late comer ends up in front | 好酒沉甕底; 好的在後頭
høfkerng | good scenery | 好景
høfkhoarn | too presumptuous; could not help saying a word or two... (originally meaning "good table manners". see (‘phvaykhoarn') | 好款; 過份; 吃相良好; 無像樣
høfkorng | easy to speak; easy to bargain or deal with | 好講; 好商量
høfserngte | good temper | 好性地
høfserngtoe | good temper | 好性地
høfzerng | good breed | 好種
høfzoarn | lucrative; profitable; easy to make money | 好賺
høhorng | furthermore; besides; much less | 何況
høloarn | pleasantly warm; genial | 和暖
høpengciorng | Nobel peace prize | 和平獎
hør-kiernseg | good knowledge and experience | 好見識
hør-pwnlerng | ability; skill; talent | 好本領
hør-serngte | good temper | 好性地; 脾氣好
høsorng | generous; straightforward; offering freely money or service | 豪爽
høterng | what kind; how; How? | 何等
høxturn | backer, backing | 後盾
i juu hoafnciorng | easy as turning over the palm of one's hand--easy as falling off a log | 易如反掌
ia zhekzerng | to plant rice seed | 撒粟種; 播稻種
iafciernphaux | fieldpiece; field artillery | 野戰砲
iafzerng | illegitimate child | 野種
iam'arng'ar | salt urn | 鹽甕仔
iaokarng | principal port | 要港
iaokirn | essential; urgent; crucial; important; serious | 要緊
iaolerng | main points; important points; key point; crux of a matter; the point; the way of doing something; the gist | 要領
iarlarn | dreary; tired of | 厭懶; 疲倦; 厭倦
iau'oarn | remote; distant; long (time); faraway; distant; remote | 遙遠
iauhorng | shake | 搖晃
iauoarn | distant, remote | 遙遠
iauxgarn | dazzling | 耀眼
iaxkerng | night scenes; night scene (view | 夜景
iaxmhog putchiern | have a lot of good fortune or successes in love affairs; have a beautiful girl friend or wife | 豔福無淺
iaxzerng | seeding; to sow seeds | 撒種; 掖種
ibiin-zerngzheg | emigration-immigration policy; colonization policy | 移民政策
ibut-piexnzernghoad | dialectic materialism | 唯物辯證法
iedphirn | aloof | 逸品
iefnkarng pysaix | oratorical contest | 演講比賽
iefnkarng | oration; a lecture; give a lecture | 講演; 演講
iekiernsviw | suggestion box | 意見箱
iekiernsw | written opinions; proposals submitted in written form | 意見書
ien'urn | smoking addiction; opium or tobacco addiction; a craving for opium or tobacco | 煙癮
iencihurn | rouge powder; cosmetics | 胭脂粉
ienhurn | lead powder | 鉛粉
ienjirn | motor, engine | 引擎
ienkhoarn | donate | 捐款
ienkorng | lead pipe | 鉛管
ienparn | a lead plate used in printing; lead plate (in printing) | 鉛板; 鉛版
ienparn-ji | a lead type used in printing | 鉛版字
ientharng | metal bucket; galvanized bucket | 鉛桶; 白鐵桶
iern | act out a play | 演; 衍
iern'of | edible nest of cliff swallows; bird's nest (edible) | 燕窩
iern'øf | edible nest of cliff swallows; bird's nest (edible) | 燕窩
iern`tør | fall down | 偃倒
iernbeh | oats | 燕麥
iernboefhok | swallow-tailed coat; dress coat | 燕尾服
iernbyhok | tuxidoe | 燕尾服
iernchiog | chaffinch | 燕雀
iernchviar | to invite to a banquet, to entertain | 宴請
iernha | to swallow down | 吞下; 嚥下
iernhoe | a banquet; banquet; dinner party; a feast | 宴會
iernhoextviuu | banquet hall | 宴會場
iernkheg | entertain guests at a banquet | 宴客
iernkheq | to give a banquet; to entertain quests with a banquet | 宴客
iernkhix | disgraceful; to feel vexed; to be annoyed; embarrassed; lose face | 懨氣; 無光彩; 丟人; 窩囊; 難為情; 丟臉
iernkhix-ierntak | very embarrassed | 很難為情
iernlu | a happy couple | 燕侶
iernsek | dinner party; a banquet | 宴席
iernsiu | a city in Kaohsiung County | 燕巢
ierntøq | feast | 宴桌; 喜宴
iesiorng | imagination, to imagine | 意想
iezoarn-simhoee | change one's mind | 意轉心回
ikhiorng | to fair that, only to be afraid of | 一恐; 惟恐; 唯恐; 公平地說害怕
ikoarn | hospital | 醫館
iliaau-ioxngphirn | medical materials | 醫療用品
iliauphirn | medical supplies | 醫療品
imhiorng | (n) acoustics; sound; audio; sound field (i.e in a room or theater); (n) speakers (electric) | 音響
imhiorng-hauxkør | effects of sound vibrations (physics) | 音響效果
imlerng | gloomy and cold; somber (a person's appearance); cloudy and chilly | 陰冷
imphynphorng | being flooded; submerged | 淹滿水; 積滿水
iofng'iorng | healthy | 勇勇; 養養
iofng'orng | march fearlessly onward; go straight ahead | 勇往
iofng'orng-tidcieen | march fearlessly onward; go straight ahead | 勇往直前
iofng'orng-tidzeeng | march fearlessly onward; go straight ahead | 勇往直前
iofngberng | brave and fierce; fearless; intrepid | 勇猛
iokcirn | press forward, accelerate, promote, promotion | 約診
iong'irn | allow; permit | 容允
iong'urn | tolerate; condone; permit | 容允; 允許; 容忍
iongkhorngloo | smelting furnace | 鎔礦爐
iongkofng hoarnhoad | have a face radiant with well-being | 容光煥發
iorng phafng | keep bees | 養蜂
iorng | strong, healthy | 勇; 蛹; 壯; 氧
iorng'ong | strong | 勇旺
iorng-goansox | oxygen, oxygen element | 氧元素
iorng-goanzuo | oxygen atom | 氧原子
iorng-hunzuo | oxygen molecule | 氧分子
iorng-sinmia | in good health, healthy | 養身命; 強壯
iorng`ee | parents who raised kids | 養的
iorngho | protect, support | 擁護
iorngho-ciar | supporter, defender, protector | 擁護者
iornghoax | oxidation, oxidize | 氧化
ioxngbexkoarnsix | unaccustomed to the use of | 用不慣
ioxngbøexkoarnsix | unaccustomed to the use of | 用無慣勢
ioxngphirn | articles for use; appliances; article; necessaries; supplies | 用品
irn khangkhøex | try to find a job (as a workman) | 找工作
irn thaulo | seeking employment | 求職
irn | allow; to consent; to grant; to permit; to promise; appropriate; proper; sincere; loyal; faithful | 允; 引
irn'ah | case for seal | 印匣; 印盒
irn'ar | personal seal; private chop | 印仔; 圖章; 私章
irn'ixn`leq | answering or consenting only on the lips | 印印咧
irn'oe | retort; answer; reply defiantly; sass | 印話; 回嘴; 頂嘴; 應話
irn`laang | have promised others | 允人
irnboo | make something with a mold (as an artificial tooth) | 印模; 打模子
irnciofng | seal; a stamp; a chop | 圖章; 印章
irnciq | an inch (foreign) | 英寸(吋)
irngiam | to be fulfilled | 應驗
irnhoad | to print and distribute | 印發
irnhoaf | revenue stamps | 印花
irnhoasøex | money expended for revenue stamps | 印花稅
irnhoef | revenue stamps | 印花
irnhoef-pox | printed material (cloth) | 印花布
irnhoepox | printed calico; printed cloth; printed cottons | 印花布
irnhør | finish printing; commit | 印好; 應好
irnji | print | 印字
irnjiarm | printing and dying | 印染
irnjixky | printer | 印字機
irnkafng | printer, labor of printing | 印工; 印刷工人
irnkaxm | a signet or seal filed with official agencies; used principally in liue of signature; imprint or impression of one's chop filed with agencies concerned (especially banks) for checking purpose | 印鑑
irnkaxm-zerngbeeng | certificate for a seal impression | 印鑑証明
irnkix | an impression, an imprint, a mark | 印記
irnnii | ikpad | 印泥
irnparn | print | 印版; 印板
irnpiexn | adapt to changes | 應變
irnseg | an inkpad; ink used for seals (generally red); (ink) stamp pad | 印色; 印泥
irnsek'ab'ar | small box holding the ink for seals | 印色盒仔; 印泥盒子
irnsiong | impressions | 印象
irnsioxngphaix | impressionist school (art) | 印象派
irnsixn | official seals | 印信
irnsoad | printing and dying | 印刷
irnsoat'huix | printing expenses | 印刷費
irnsoatbut | printed matter | 印刷物
irnsoatchviuo | printing plant; printing house; printer; a press | 印刷廠
irnsoatciar | printer | 印刷者
irnsoatky | a printing machine; printing press (machine) | 印刷機
irnsoatphirn | printed matter | 印刷品
irnsoatsor | printer | 印刷所
irnsoatsut | printing (the art) | 印刷術
irnsoattiaxm | printing plant; printing house; printer; a press | 印刷店
irnsukiok | publishing house | 印書局
irnsviaf | an echo | 應聲; 回音; 回聲
irnsw | to print books | 印書
irntaai | stamp pad | 印台; 印臺
irntab | to answer; answer; to answer; response | 應答; 回答
irntoong | the forehead; glabellum; the flat area of bone between the eyebrows used as a craniometric point (anatomy) | 印堂; 前額; 兩眉中間處
irnzaai | material for engraving a seal | 印材
irnzexng | to prove; quote as proof | 印證
irnzheq | print books | 印冊; 印書
irnzhud | to run off, to print, to come out in print | 印出
irnzhuix | talk back; answer back; to retort | 應嘴; 應喙; 頂嘴
irnzhuix-irncih | answer back; to retort | 應嘴應舌; 還嘴; 頂嘴
isefng-koarn | private hospital; doctor's office; clinic | 醫生館; 醫院
isengkoarn | private hospital; doctor's office; clinic | 醫生館; 私人醫院; 診所
it'orng zeeng chym | fall deeply in love; head-over-heels in love | 一往情深
it'orng-tidcieen | go ahead bravely without looking back | 一往直前
itborng tvafcin | take the whole at one haul; e.g.; one man taking the whole of what should have been shared with others; make a wholesale arrest of | 一網打盡
itborng-tvafcin | to round up all | 一網打盡
itciafm-kiernhied | pungent; incisive; to the point | 一針見血
itciorng | category B | 乙種
itlaai-it'orng | come and go | 一來一往
itluii thienha hiarng | achieve enormous success at the very first try; become famous overnight | 一雷天下響
itphirn | first or the highest rank; ranking first; top quality | 一品
itphirn-hujiin | highest ranking madam; the wife of the highest ranking official | 一品夫人
itpiin-jusiern | poor as a church mouse; penniless | 一貧如洗
itpurn baxnli | gain enormous profit out of small capital invested | 一本萬利
itsurnkafn | a blink of time; very short time; a twinkle of time; twinkling of an eye; in an instant | 一瞬間
itterng sukiekvoaf | secretary first class (of the embassy) | 一等書記官
itterng | first-class; first rate; top-grade; top-notch; first prize; most | 一等; 第一等
itthorng | unification; unification; unity | 一統
ittiuu-bogtiern | knowing not what to do; at wit's end; helpless | 一籌莫展
itty poarnkae | smattering of knowledge; incomplete comprehension | 一知半解
itzarn | one (lamp) | 一盞
itzorng | all together | 一總
iu'erng | swim; swimming | 游泳
iu'irnpurn | mimeographed booklet; pamphlet | 油印本
iu'oarn | play (as a child, without concern or responsibility), have fun, have a pleasant time | 遊玩; 悠遠
iuerng | swim, swimming | 游泳
iukarn | mail | 郵簡; 油簡
iukoarnchiaf | tank truck | 油罐車
iukorng | oil pipe; oil pipeline | 油管
iuliongphirn | choice (superior) goods | 優良品
iulioong-ciorng | award for excellence | 優良獎
iuserngciar | winner; champion | 優勝者
iuserngkii | the championship flag; the pennant | 優勝旗
iuserngtui | the championship team | 優勝隊
iusiux-ciorng | outstanding award | 優秀獎
iusoarn | preferred | 優選
iuterng | top grade; excellent grade; highest class; excellent | 優等
iutharng | oil bucket; fuel tank (of motorcycle; automobile) | 油桶
iutherng | barge; yacht; pleasure boat for hire on lakes private yacht | 遊艇
iuu chiern jip chym | from shallow to profound--of progressive studies | 由淺入深
iuu zhuo cien'orng | go from here | 由此前往
iuxgarn | right eye | 右眼
iuxtharn | to bare the right shoulder (in punishment) | 右袒
iuxzoarn | turn right | 右轉
iuzerngkiok | the post office | 郵政局
iuzexng-sirnsviw | P.O. Box; post office box | 郵政信箱
iweg-busurn | wholly advantageous | 有益無損
iwgarn putseg Thaesafn | fail to recognize a great person | 有眼無識泰山
iwgarn-buzw | to have eyes but not see; lack discerning power; unable to discriminate (Lit. have eyes; no eyeballs) | 有眼無珠
iwiorng-buboo | foolhardy | 有勇無謀
iwiorng-bøboo | to have reckless courage | 有勇無謀
iwkhefng-susiorng | Rightist idea | 右傾思想
iwlaai-iworng | reciprocal | 有來有往
iwsarn-kaikib | propertied class; owner class; wealthy class; bourgeoisie | 有產階級
iwseg-jinciorng | colored race | 有色人種
iwsi-bukhiorng | There is no fear when one has something to fall back on | 有恃無恐
iwsid thefthorng | very disgraceful | 有失體統
iwsurn | has loss | 有損
iwsurn-bueg | There is only harm; no advantage | 有損無益; 有害無益
iwzengjiin ciongseeng koarnsiok | The lovers finally got married | 有情人終成眷屬。
ixkerng | inside diameter, caliber | 預警
ixpirn | unusual | 異稟
ixsiorng-thienkhay | have fantastic notions | 異想天開
izoarn | transfer (certain rights; holdings); remove | 移轉; 轉移
iøciorng | lottery; cast lots; draw a winner (Lit. to shake out the prize number) | 搖獎
iøkarn | a kind of jello cake | 羊羹
iøløfcirnkhiq | tincture of iodine | 碘酒
iøqhurn | medicinal powder; powdered medicine | 藥粉
iøqirn | efficacy-enhancer added to medicine | 藥引
iøqphirn | pharmaceutical products; drug; medicines; chemicals | 藥品
iøqsarn | powder medicine | 藥散
iøtharng | barrel for washing clothes | 腰桶
jiafngjiarng`leq | shout aloud | 嚷嚷咧
jiarng | yell; roar at | 嚷; 叱嚷
jibkarng | to enter a harbor; enter port | 入港
jibkerng | enter a country; cross the border; entry; cross the border | 入境
jibkerng-zexng | entry visa | 入境證
jibkhoarn | deposit money | 入款; 存款
jibpirn | submit a petition | 入稟; 請願
jibsoarn | to be chosen; to be selected; be placed on the selected list; be accepted | 入選
jibsurn | to fit mortise and tenon; to fit into one another | 入榫
jibtorng | join a party | 入黨
jidioxngphirn | daily necessaries | 日用品
jiernbax | jacket borrowed word from Japanese | 夾克; 源自日語ジャンパー
jiin kioong cix toarn | Poverty stifles ambition | 人窮志短
jiirn'jinjiin | every person | 人人人; 仁仁仁
jim tiong tø oarn | burden is heavy; and the road is long | 任重道遠
jinciorng buxntøee | racial problem | 人種問題
jinciorng ee phienkiexn | racial prejudice | 人種的偏見
jinciorng ee zhapiet thaixgu | racial discrimination | 人種的差別待遇
jinciorng ee zhapiet | racial segregation; apartheid | 人種的差別
jinciorng | an ethnic group; a human race; a race | 人種
jinhae-ciernsut | human-wave (military) tactics | 人海戰術
jinkhao phorngtioxng | population explosion | 人口膨脹
jinphirn | conduct; manner; behavior; character; man's disposition; his moral or intellectual standing; character (of a person); personality | 人品
jinsiornghak | physiognomy | 人相學
jinsoarn | person selected; choice of persons; candidates (for certain jobs); select a suitable person | 人選
jinzeeng lefngloarn | men's feelings are changeable | 人情冷暖
jinzerng | races of mankind | 人種
jiog'urn-jioghien | half-hidden; discernible for a moment at a time | 若隱若現
jioggarn | naked eye | 肉眼
jioggarn-buzw | eyes without pupils--stupid; shallow | 肉眼無珠
jiongtharn | woolen blanket or carpet | 絨毯
jiorng | yell; roar at | 嚷; 叱嚷
jiorngzø | brewing; brew; brewage | 釀造
jit toarn ia tioong | short days and long nights | 日短夜長
jiuloarn | soft and warm; soft | 柔暖; 柔軟
jiuloarn-thefzhaw | calisthenics | 柔軟體操
jiuloarn-uxntong | light exercise | 柔軟運動
jiutioong-zhurntoan | broken hearted | 柔腸寸斷
jixgarn | (n) wording; choice of words; literary phrase; a word; a character | 字眼
jixmlerng | identify and claim (a lost article; a child); (of a man) adopt a child born out of wedlock | 認領
jixn'iorng | adopt | 認養
jixphirn | order of lector (Catholic) | 二品
jixterng | the second order, second class | 二等
jixtiern | dictionary of characters; dictionary | 字典
jixzoaflarng | wastepaper basket | 字紙簍
jixzoar-larng | waste basket; trash basket, wastepaper basket | 字紙簍; 字紙籠
jizhafngzharng | mixed up, confused, in confusion | 很亂, 亂七八糟
jiøxkoarn | a ureter; a urinary canal | 尿管
jiøxtharng | a urinal; portable container for urine; urine bucket (pot) | 尿桶; 便壺
joaqpiarngpiaxng | very hot (weather) | 熱烘烘; 熱極了
joarn | rub with the fingers of one hand | 揉
joaxkirn | how fast, how quick | 多快; 偌緊
juerng-suiheeng | always go together (said of two persons); inseparable | 如影隨形
jujip bujiin-cy-kerng | like walking into a no man's land; encounter little resistance (usually said of a victorious army) | 如入無人之境
juo-kirn | become faster | 愈緊
juu bong zhof serng | as if awakened from dream--come to a sudden realization | 如夢初醒
juu luii koarnnie | like thunder roaring in one's ears (literally)--(your famous name) has long been known to me | 如雷貫耳
juzhafngzharng | chaotic; untidy; messy; in a mess | 亂糟糟; 亂七八糟
jymsiu thorngkhor | endure suffering patiently | 忍受痛苦
kabiern | approbation; encourage; coronation; to crown | 嘉勉; 加冕
kaciern | scissor | 鉸剪; 剪刀
kaciorng | praise or reward; commend or praise (in encouragement) | 嘉獎
kaeboarn | expire (of a term) | 屆滿
kaehorng | liberation, emancipate | 概況
kaeloaqhurn | powdered mustard | 芥子粉
kaeparn | revision, a new edition | 改版
kaesiern | ringworm | 芥癬; 疥癬
kaf piin juu siern | be in extreme poverty | 家貧如洗
kafm'erngkhix | induction apparatus | 感應器
kafm'erngkhoaan | induction coil | 感應圈
kafm'erngkhoafn | induction coil | 感應圈
kafm'erngtien | induced electricity | 感應電
kafmsiorng | sentiment; mental reaction; what one thinks about a thing; the way one feels about a thing; impression; opinion | 感想
kafmtharnhø | exclamation mark | 感嘆號
kafmtharnsuu | interjection | 感嘆詞
kafng'iern | oration; a lecture; give a lecture | 講演; 演講
kafngkerng | harbor police | 港警
kafnkhurn | bacillus (bacterium) | 桿菌
kafnserng | simple; brief; abridged; abbreviated; doing hurriedly or at less expense | 簡省; 簡單的; 省略; 簡略; 簡化
kafntoarn | short; terse; brief | 簡短
kafsiorng | imaginary | 假想
kahparn | deck (of a ship) | 甲板
kahterng | top level; grade-A (student papers scoring 80 points or more) | 甲等
kahzoxngsvoax zerng`khylaai | Basedow's disease; goiter | 甲狀腺腫起來
kakafng-phirn | finished material, processing, processed product | 加工品
kakangphirn | processed goods | 加工品
kakerng | family financial situation; domestic economy; financial condition of a family | 家境
kakoafn-cirnlok | may you rise to high rank | 加冠晉祿
kalea-zernghuo | puppet government | 傀儡政府
kalefngsurn | tremble | 加冷恂; 交懍恂; 戰慄
kalwnsurn | shiver with cold or fear; or as a result of eating something sour | 交懍恂; 打寒顫
kalyhurn | curry powder | 咖哩粉
kamsoarn | to supervise an election | 監選
kangchiarng | factory; mill; plant; manufactory; workshop | 工廠; 工場
kangchiorng | factory, mill, plant, manufactory, workshop | 工廠, 工場
kangciorng | same kind | 同種
kangge-phirn | handicraft articles or object | 工藝品
kanggexphirn | industrial product; manufactured article | 工藝品
kangpurn | cost of production | 工本
kanlaan-khurnkhor | grave difficulties or hardships | 艱難困苦
kanlerng | guiding principle | 綱領
kantorng | traitorous clique or party | 奸黨
kao'iorng | cultivate (character), educate, culture, education | 教養
kaoiorng | culture; breed; train; educate and bring up; education; refinement | 教養
kaopurn | worth the effort or money; enough to cover the cost | 夠本
kaoterngpurn | revised edition | 校訂本
kapeqsurn | a type of vegetable shoot or sprout | 茭白筍
kaphirn | good quality | 佳品
kapihurn | instant coffee powder | 咖啡粉
kapikoarn | coffee-house; tea-room | 咖啡館
kapkarng | meeting of rivers | 合港; 二河匯成一河
kapparn | wedges; boards for supporting; pressing the sides of anything or for torturing; splint | 夾板
kapsurn | match tenon | 合榫
karmsiorng | examine and appreciate | 鑑賞
karmsoarn | election monitoring | 監選
karn | choose; select; pick out | 揀; 婢女; 鶇; 鯡; 鰊
karn'oaan | very capable officer or official | 幹員
karnciab | indirect | 間接
karncioxng | a capable or daring man | 幹將; 大膽的人
karng | to speak; to talk; to pay particular attention to; port | 講; 講道; 港
karngciaux | issue a proclamation or decree | 降照; 下詔書
karngcid | demote | 降職
karnghoaan | come into the world (as in the incarnation of the divine) | 降凡
karnghog | bless (persons); (Catholic) | 降福
karnghok | surrender | 降伏; 降服
karnghø | send down calamity | 降禍
karnghøea | reduce the "hot" condition of body, fire falls | 降火
karngke sinhun | lower one's social status or standing | 降低身份
karngke | lower (prices; standard); (of water level) to drop | 降低
karngkeq | debase; lower the scale; standard; standing; or status | 降格
karngkex | price reduction; reduce the price | 降價
karngkib | degrade; degrade in rank | 降級
karngkii | the white flag signifying surrender; lower the flag; lower the flag (at dusk or when school is over) | 降旗
karngky | spirit said to take possession of person; tang-ki be possessed by a spirit | 降身; 神附身於乩童
karnglap | descent | 降納
karngliim | come down from heaven | 降臨
karnglogsvoax | parachute | 降落傘
karnglok | landing; descent alight; alight; to land (a plane) | 降落
karngløh | landing; descent alight; alight; to land (a plane) | 降落
karngløqsvoax | parachute | 降落傘
karngsefng | born for incarnation | 降生
karngsengzeeng | before birth | 降生前
karngsex | come into the world (Christ) | 降世
karnhau | school for cadres | 幹校
karnkexng | energy | 幹勁
karnkiau | curse; curse with vile language | 臭罵; 惡言罵; 惡言罵人
karnkud | tibia, shin bones | 脛骨
karnlien | capable | 幹練
karnpo | cadre; primary member; cadre; hardcore member of any organization | 幹部
karnsu | manager; executive secretary (of a society) | 幹事
karnsvoax | main railway line, trunk line | 幹線
karntiap | spy | 間諜
karntoxngsoan | curse | 咒罵語
karntø | main line (of highway or railway) | 幹道
karnzaai | capability | 幹才
karnzexng | warn and exhort | 警告; 諫諍
kasarn | family property; family estate | 家產
kateeng-ioxngphirn | household furnishings; appliances; utensils | 家庭用品
katsurn | circumcise | 割損; 割包皮
kau khiernsngr | very superstitious | 厚譴損; 很迷信
kau'irn | seduce; tempt | 勾引
kau'orng | have friendly relations | 交往
kau-serngte | hot-tempered | 厚性地
kau-serngtøe | hot-tempered | 厚性地
kauciernkog | belligerent, enemy nation | 交戰國
kauhiorng | symphonic | 交響
kauhiorng-gagthoaan | orchestra | 交響樂團
kauhiorng-gak | symphonic music | 交響樂
kauhiorng-kheg | symphonic music | 交響曲
kauhiornggak | symphonic music | 交響樂
kauhiorngkeg | symphonic music | 交響曲
kauirn | entice; ensnare; to lure | 勾引
kauorng | have friendly relations | 交往
kauthofng-sirnhø | traffic signal | 交通信號
kauxkhiernsngr | superstitious | 厚譴損
kauxparn | plank | 厚板
kauxserngte | hot-tempered; easy to anger | 厚性地; 易發脾氣
kauxserngtoe | bad temper | 厚性地
kawkarnghofng | heavy gales during the winter | 九降風
kawkharng | Taiwanese clams with 9 water absorption holes | 九孔
kawkhorng | small abalone | 九孔; 鮑魚
kawzarnthaq | basil | 九層塔
kaxkaxkurn | very noisy (as children at play) | 咬咬滾; 鬧哄哄
kaxn lirn-niaa | Fuck your mother! (Not to be used- for hearing only!) | 幹恁娘
kaxngciorng | the same race | 仝種; 同種
kaxngkhoarn | sameness; identity; homology; same; the same kind | 同款; 仝款; 同樣; 相同
kaxngterng | be of the same class or kind or rank | 同等
kaxngtorng | same party; of the same party | 同黨
kaxngzerngthaau | same symptom | 同症頭; 相同的病症
kayhorngkhw | liberated area; area liberated from enemy occupation | 解放區
kayliongzerng | improved species (animals or plants) | 改良種
kayparn | revised edition | 改版
kaysoarn | reelect; a new election of elected officers; hold a new election | 改選
kayterngparn | revised edition | 改訂版
kazernghak | home economics; domestic science | 家政學
kazernghe | domestic science department | 家政系
kea'ek-sengsarn | planned parenthood; production according to plan | 計劃生產
kea'orng-khailaai | carry on the tradition so as to pave the way for future generations | 繼往開來
keabirn | allergy | 過敏
keaorng | pass away | 過往
keasiern | scabies; the itch; ringworm | 疥癬
kefberng | pretend fearless | 假猛
kefiorng | pretend to have a strong body | 假勇; 假裝強壯
kefng'iern | choking with sobbs, to sob | 哽咽
kefnggiorng | look up to; admire and respect | 景仰
kefnghorng | circumstances; situation; condition | 境況
kefngkerng`leq | select out, choose (better ones) | 揀揀咧
kefngkhiern | police dog | 警犬
kefngphirn | scenery | 景品
kefngserng | be alert, be watchful | 警醒; 驚醒
kefngsoarn | select; choose; choose; pick out | 揀選
kegphirn | the best of its kind | 極品
kegpurn | play; scenario | 劇本
kegterng | very superior | 極等
kehjiedparn | insulation board | 隔熱板
kekbeng-ciernzefng | revolutionary war | 革命戰爭
kekbeng-susiorng | revolutionary idea | 革命思想
kekbeng-zernghuo | revolutionary government | 革命政府
kekborngboxng | has no sense of responsibility for the family | 激蒙蒙; 無家庭責任感
kekciornghoad | aggressive method | 激將法
kemngzherng | a feather duster | 雞毛撢
kemozherng | feather duster | 雞毛撢
kenar-hurn | quinine powder | 雞納粉; 金雞納霜; 奎寧
kengciølarng | banana basket | 香蕉籠
kengkhiorng | frightened, scared | 驚恐
kengkiernhoe | Economic Development Council | 經建會
kengkoarn | take charge of, have charge or be in charge of | 經管
kengpurn | classical books | 經本; 經書
kengserng | wake someone up with a start | 驚醒
kengtharnhø | exclamation mark | 驚嘆號
kengtiern | classics; religious scriptures; Chinese classics | 經典
kerng zhwn`ee | leavings; leftovers | 揀剩的
kerng | choose; select; pick out | 揀; 襇; 景; 境; 襉; 褶
kerng'aix | veneration; to respect; adore; beloved | 敬愛
kerng'ix | reverence; respect; respect homage | 敬意
kerng'uix | awe; hold in awe and veneration; revere; look upon with respectful fear | 敬畏
kerng`khylaai | pick out | 揀起來
kerng`zhutlaai | pick out | 揀出來
kerngbea | compete to buy | 競買
kerngbo | love and respect; admire; to worship; have a high regard for | 敬慕
kerngbøe | compete to sale; sales campaign | 競賣
kerngchviar | invite or request respectfully | 敬請
kerngciog | congratulation; wish respectfully (a conventional phrase used at the end of a letter) | 敬祝
kerngciuo | toast; drink to one's health or success | 敬酒
kernggiap | carefully work on one's business | 競業
kernggiap-logkuun | respect work and enjoy company | 敬業樂群
kernghaux | fulfill one's filial obligation | 敬孝; 教敬
kernghieen | respect the wise man | 敬賢
kerngho | inquire after respectfully; await respectfully | 敬候
kernghok | admire | 敬服; 敬畏
kernghong | receive respectfully; present respectfully | 敬奉
kernghviw | offer incense (to ancestors or deities) | 敬香
kernghø | congratulate with respect | 敬賀
kerngjieen | unexpectedly; how one dares; in a way thought to be rather unlikely; somewhat unexpectedly; somewhat to one's surprise | 竟然
kerngkaf | much more; all the more; even more | 更加
kerngkhaq | more | 更加; 更較
kerngkhea | state with respect (a conventional phrase in correspondence) | 敬啟
kerngkhea`ciar | begin ─ (opening phrase in correspondence or a letter) | 敬啟者; 啟者
kerngkhefciar | begin ─ (opening phrase in correspondence or a letter) | 敬啟者; 啟者
kerngkhieen | devotion; piety; pious | 敬虔; 虔誠
kerngkwn | honor the armed forces | 敬軍
kerngky | athletic contest | 競賽; 競技
kerngky-tviuu | athletic field, sports field | 競技場
kerngkør | fruits that offer to gods; offering fruits as in funerals etc. | 敬果; (為神明; 亡者)
kerngkøx | tell respectfully | 敬告
kernglea | salute | 敬禮
kernglerng | accept with respect | 敬領
kernglør | respect the old; venerate the aged | 敬老
kernglør-hoe | party in honor of old people | 敬老會
kernglør-vi | a home for the aged | 敬老院
kernglør-zunhieen | respect the old and honor the wise | 敬老尊賢
kerngniar | accept with respect | 敬領
kerngpaix | reverence; to worship (used in a letter) | 敬拜
kerngphoex | to admire | 敬佩
kerngpid | yours sincerely | 敬筆
kerngpoe | respect and admire; admire; to respect; think highly of | 敬佩
kerngput | make an offering to Buddha; worship gods | 敬佛
kerngpøx | an alarm, signal | 警報
kerngsaix | compete; contest; race | 徑賽; 競賽
kerngsaxng | present with respect | 敬送
kerngseeng | unexpectedly become | 竟成
kerngsi | honor and love | 敬示; 敬愛
kerngsia | thank; thank respectfully | 敬謝
kerngsiin | respect and worship gods; worship the gods | 敬神
kerngsiong | wish with respect (a conventional phrase used at the end of a letter) | 敬頌
kerngsiuo | respectfully keep or observe | 敬守
kerngsiøq | respect | 敬惜
kerngsoarn | run for office, election campaign | 競選
kerngsuu | term of esteem | 敬詞
kerngtee | offer tea | 敬茶
kerngteeng | respectfully presented (used at the end of a letter) | 敬呈
kerngthak | read with respect or reverence | 敬讀
kerngthaxn | reverently obey | 敬疼; 奉行,敬從
kerngtherng | respectfully presented (used at the end of a letter) | 敬呈
kerngthviax | honor and love | 敬疼; 敬愛
kerngtiin | state respectfully (used at the end of a letter) | 敬陳
kerngtiong | have respect for; reverence; respect; to esteem; revere; have high regard for | 敬重
kerngzao | foot race | 競走
kerngzefng | contest; rivalry; competition | 競爭
kerngzeng | cordially presented by | 敬贈
kerngzengciar | rival; competitor; contestant | 競爭者
kerngzexng | correct | 更正
kerngzhad | policeman | 警察
kesarn | family asset or property | 家產
kexngsoarn | run for (election) | 競選
kexngsoarn-uxntong | election campaign | 選舉運動; 競選運動
kezherng | piece of split bamboo for chasing animals | 雞筅
khaehorng | general condition (aspect); outlook | 概況
khafnkharn | fluent; open; straightforward | 侃侃
khahbiern | not so much needed; hardly necessary | 無用; 不到; 較免
khahkirn | hurry | 較緊; 趕緊
khahkorng | speaking even more; no use | 較講; 再怎麼說
khai'iern | make a presentation | 開演
khai'orng | start out for; destination of train; bus or boat | 開往
khaibuun-kiernsafn | talk or write right to the point | 開門見山
khaiciorng | draw the winning numbers of a lottery | 開獎
khaigarn | open one's eyes; widen one's view; broaden one's mind | 開眼
khaihoaai-thiorng'irm | have a jolly carousal and forget all cares | 開懷暢飲
khaihuun-kiernjit | from dark to light; from obscurity to clarity | 開雲見日
khaikarng | engate in chitchat; talk gossip; chat | 閒聊; 聊天; 開講
khaikhurn | to cultivate a wasteland | 開墾
khailorng | open mind; discerning; clear bright open | 開朗
khaitiern | develop; carry out; unfold | 開展
khalarn-chiwlarn | indisposed to handle difficulties | 無精打采; 提無起勁; 腳懶手懶
khan'irn | tow; haul; recommend; link up with | 牽引; 引介; 介紹; 推薦
khanbarn | last for along time; lasting; durable | 牽挽; 能持久的
khangbarng | kanban- business sign | 看板; 招牌
khangsurn | tenon | 空榫
khangtarn | wait in vain | 空等
khangtharng | empty bucket or barrel | 空桶
khangzhuiekorng | speak without evidence | 空口講; 空嘴講
khanhurn | starch used to thicken the soup; thicken soup | 勾粉; 勾芡粉
khanparn | make a wood-cut, carve wooden block for printing | 看板; 版; 廣告牌
khanparng | a billboard; an advertising sign | 看板; 廣告牌
khapeqsurn | kind of edible aquatic reed; especially its shoots | 筊白筍
khaq-uxlaang korng | more people say; said by more people | 較有人講
kharmterng | on the cliff; upper level | 崖頂; 山崖上
kharn | Straightforward; open | 侃
kharnbong | visit or call on (archaic) | 看望
kharng | eye socket | 眶
kharngkafng | stay away from work without good reason; neglect work | 曠工
kharngkhaxng`leq | scratch or scrape with nails | 揭揭咧
kharngpeh | blank | 空白
kharngphie | pick off scabs | 揭痂
kharngte | open vacant piece of ground suitable for building | 曠地
kharngtiau | scratch away with the nails | 樞起來, 樞掉
kharngtoe | | 空地
kharngtøe | open space | 曠地; 空地
kharnho | nurse; caretaker; nurse (in hospital) | 看護
kharnho-hu | nurse; ; care taker | 看護婦
kharnhoxhak | Nursing | 看護學
kharnhoxhu | nurse | 看護婦; 護士
kharnhoxhu-tviuo | hospital matron | 看護婦長; 女護士長
kharnkox | look after | 看顧
kharnsiuo | guard a jail or a prison; jailer; prison guard; prison police; prison guards | 獄警; 看守
kharnsiwsor | house of detention | 看守所
khasiern | the athlete's foot | 腳癬; 跤癬
khatharng | wooden pail; container; water bucket; large basin used by women for a sponge bath | 腳桶; 跤桶; 洗腳盆; 水桶
khauqkhauqkorng | constantly talking | 愕愕說; 說個無停
khawburn | tone of speech | 口吻
khaxm zhuoterng | roof a building | 蓋屋頂
kheg irn'ar | engrave a seal or a stamp | 刻印仔; 刻圖章
khehkoarn | inn; small hotel; hotel (obsolete expression) | 客館
khek'irn | prelude | 曲引; 前奏
khek'irn'ar | engraved seal | 刻印仔
khekparn | engrave blocks for printing | 刻板
khengkaf-toxngsarn | dissipate one's fortune | 傾家蕩產
khengkyn-sngrniuo | be calculating and unwilling to make the smallest sacrifice; esp. in monetary matters | 斤斤計較; 窮斤算兩
kherng ciaqkhor | willing to endure hardship | 肯吃苦
kherng iar mxkherng | Are you (Is he) willing or not? | 肯無肯
kherng | be willing to; consent to; to permit | 肯; 頃
kherngciog | felicitate; congratulate | 祝賀; 慶祝
kherngciog-hoe | a celebration party | 慶祝會
kherngciok'hoe | celebration; party | 慶祝會
kherngheng | rejoice | 慶幸
khernghø | congratulate; congratulatory wishes | 慶賀
kherngkofng | to celebrate a victory or a success | 慶功
kherngkong'iexn | dinner party in celebration of triumph; victory party | 慶功宴
kherngsenghoe | birthday party | 慶生會
kherngsiu | to celebrate birthday; offer birthday greetings | 慶壽
kherngtiaux | occasions for celebration (wedding; etc.) and condolences (funeral); congratulations on happy occasions and condolences over bereavements | 慶弔
kherngtiern | commemoration; national festivities and celebration ceremonies | 慶典
khiamsurn | modesty; humility; modest; self-depreciative | 謙遜
khiarmkhoarn | owe money; amount of money owed | 欠款
khiarngchiuo | a clever person, a sharp, strong-willed, overbearing | 能手; 精明的人
khiarngkhaf | terrible; formidable; serious; devastating; tough; capable; sharp; severe; fierce; unyielding (said of a woman); spirited; mannish | 能幹; 勥跤; 厲害; 精明
khiarngtao | a clever person, a sharp, strong-willed, overbearing | 能斗; 精明的人
khiaukhaf liern zhuiechiw | put one leg over the other and twist the mustache ─ live in leisure | 蹺腿捻鬍鬚; 生活閒逸
khiaxm Bitafmirn | vitamin deficiency | 欠維他命
khie hong'erng | sea rises high | 起風浪
khie-chirnnaq | have urticaria | 蕁麻疹
khie-serngte | (v) get angry | 起性地; 動怒; 發脾氣
khie-serngtøe | get angry, lose temper | 起性地
khieberng | utensils | 器皿
khiechiaf-lykoarn | motel | 汽車旅館
khiefnhoarn | send back; send home | 遣返
khiefnsarnhuix | severance pay, retiring allowance | 遣散費
khiekoarn | windpipe | 氣管
khiern | send away; dog; radical 94 | 犬; 遣
khiernkhiexn | bend up (head); imply a person with naive character | 譴譴
khiernkhiexn`leq | make flavor by fire | 爆爆咧
khiernlor | make a savory sauce of chopped onions | 爆魯; 芡滷; 作菜鹵
khiernphafng | frying; flavor with onion or mushroom before frying (something) | 譴芳; 芡芳; 爆香
khiernsngr | superstitious rites or notions | 譴損; 迷信; 咒; 忌誨
khiernthaau | saute material | 匡頭; 佐料; 爆香材料
khiernthiefn | gawk while walking around | 譴天; 仰頭; (形容無精打采)
khiernzeg | accusation; blaming; rebuke; reprimand; to blame; to reproach | 譴責
khietherng | a motor-boat, a stream launch | 汽艇
khietporng | unveiling the list | 揭榜
khiezerng | emphysema | 氣腫
khiezhoarn | asthma; pant; to gasp; asthma | 氣喘
khimgiorng | look up to; admire and respect | 欽仰; 敬仰
khinbiern | diligent; hardworking; industrious | 勤勉
khinkhurn | earnest and assiduous | 勤懇
khinkirn | diligent and careful | 勤謹
khiokkurnkiuu | polo | 曲棍球
khiorng | afraid; fear; fearful; apprehensive; terror | 恐
khip'imparn | soundproofing board | 吸音板
khip'irn | attract | 吸引
khip'irn-lat | power of attraction | 吸引力
khipkorng | a sucker, a siphon | 吸管
khiøhkerng | making pleat; make folds or plaits (in a dress); get wrinkled (face of an old person) | 拾揀; 抾襇; 打摺; 摺褶; 打褶子
khiøhparn | set type | 拾板; 排版
khiøq parn | set up print | 排字; 拾版
khoaciorng | say something polite about; extol; praise too much | 誇獎
khoaeparn | a balad, quick tempo | 快板
khoaetherng | speedboat | 快艇
khoafnbiern | exhort | 勸勉
khoafnkhoarn`leq | put in order | 款款咧; 收拾
khoahbofngborng | vast, broad | 闊莽莽
khoahlorngloxng | vast, broad | 闊閬閬
khoanbiern sernggoan | dispense from a vow (Catholic) | 寬免聖愿
khoanbiern | to exempt (from a tax; penalty; etc.); forgiven; forgive generously; give a dispensation; to exempt (from a tax; penalty) | 寬免
khoankerng | surrounding; environment; circumstance | 環境
khoankorng | vast; broad; spacious; extensive; wide | 寬廣
khoansoarn | to select with a circle; to select; cast a vote by stamping a small circle above the candidate's name. Usually all the candidates names are listed on the ballot together with their pictures | 圈選
khoaq-bofngborng | loosely | 闊莽莽; 一望無垠
khoaq-larnglaxng | loosely | 闊閬閬
khoaq-lorngloxng | spacing and loosely | 闊閬閬; 面積寬廣
khoarn henglie | prepare the baggage | 收拾行李
khoarn | money; funds; hospitably; treat courteously; entertain; a kind; an article in a treaty; sum or amount of money; a style; get ready (luggage) | 款; 樣子; 款式; 收拾; 款子
khoarn'iuo | canvass; invite; persuade; canvassing; to advise and induce | 勸誘; 勸服
khoarn'uix | exhort and comfort, exhortation and comfort | 勸慰
khoarnbiern | advise and encourage; exhort; to urge; exhort to great effort; to urge | 勸勉
khoarnbo | raise money | 款幕; 勸募; 籌集資金
khoarngiap | to advise the business | 勸業
khoarngieen | words of exhortation | 勸言
khoarnhak | to urge someone to study hard | 勸學
khoarnhoax | exhort to conversion | 勸化; 勸導
khoarnhoex | advise; persuade; instruct | 勸誨
khoarnhøo | to advise to stop the fight; urge reconciliation | 勸和; 勸人和好
khoarnkae | to exhort to peace; prevail upon; bring around; mediate | 勸解
khoarnkaix | expostulate; exhort; warn against a wrong course of action; admonish | 勸戒; 勸誡
khoarnkoafn | persuade one to donate, raise money | 款款; 勸捐
khoarnkøx | advise; advice; recommend; expostulation; counsel; remonstration | 勸告
khoarnseabuun | message of encouragement | 勸世文
khoarnsex | to advise the people of the world; exhort to do good deeds; exhort to convert | 勸世
khoarnsex-buun | religious tract | 勸世文
khoarnsien | to advise to do good deeds; exhort (to do) good | 勸善
khoarntø | to exhort and guide | 勸導
khoarnzor | to dissuade | 勸阻
khoaxkhoaxtarn | waiting anxiously | 急急等
khofhorng | difficult situation | 苦仿; 苦景
khofkerng | grievance; dire straits; distressing circumstances | 苦境
khofpie korng | for example | 可譬講
khoirn | call in | 打電話進來; (外來語)
khoktiern | stretch; expand; to spread | 擴展
khongsiorng | impractical thought or idea; to daydream | 空想
khongsw-boxngsiorng | fantasy; daydream | 空思夢想
khorkhoarn | to deduct money | 扣款
khorng thvajiin cy khaix | show generosity of unselfishness with another's wealth; be generous at the expense of others | 慷他人之慨
khorng | generous; consolidate; hole; opening; a hole | 慷; 鞏; 孔
khorng'iar | a plain; a prairie; the great outdoor | 曠野
khorng'iar-he | Mining and Metallurgy dept. | 礦冶系
khorng'iuu | mineral oil | 礦油
khorng'iøo | a pit formed by digging for clay in making pottery | 炕窯; 去土石造窯積
khorng'iøqsexng | drug resistance | 抗藥性
khorngbahpng | soft meat with rice | 炕肉飯
khorngbaq | to stew or simmer the meat; cooked pork; pork stew; cook meat softly (usually pork) | 炕肉; 爌肉 (煮爛之豬肉)
khorngbeng | to resit an order; disobey orders | 抗命
khorngbu | the business of a mine | 礦務
khorngbudcid | mineral matter | 礦物質
khorngbudhak | mineralogy | 礦物學
khorngbudkaix | mineral kingdom | 礦物界
khorngbuq | combo; a tangle | 海帶; 昆布; 源自日語こんぶ(kombu); 日語漢字為「昆布」
khorngbut | a mineral | 礦物
khorngbut-cid | mineral matter | 礦物質
khorngbut-hagciar | mineralogist | 礦物學者
khorngbut-hak | mineralogy | 礦物學
khorngbut-iuu | mineral oil | 礦物油
khorngchiofng | expand, extend | 擴張; 擴充
khorngcid | to be absent from office without leave; to neglect official duties; stay away from office without leave | 曠職
khorngciexn taotea | fight an invading enemy to the last man | 抗戰到底
khorngciexn-sikii | period of the War of Resistance (especially the one against Japan 1937-1945) | 抗戰時期
khorngciøh | a mineral; an ore; ore | 礦石
khornggi | object; remonstrate; protest; objection; protest | 抗議
khornggiabkoaan | mining rights | 礦業權
khornggiap | mining industry | 礦業
khornggiap-kongsy | mining company | 礦業公司
khornggixsw | letter (form) of protest | 抗議書
khornggo | 5%; five percent | 零五; 百分之五
khornghaan | drought-resistance | 曠寒; 抗寒
khornghak | to neglect one's study; to play truant | 曠學
khornghan | drought | 旱災; 亢旱; 苦旱
khornghancii | bake sweet potato | 爌蕃薯; 烤地瓜
khorngheeng | contend | 抗衡
khornghoex | to neglect | 曠廢
khornghw | mine worker | 礦夫; 礦工
khorngjiet | heat resistance; heat resistant | 抗熱
khorngjiet-zailiau | heat resistant material | 抗熱材料
khorngjit | resist Japanese aggression | 抗日
khorngkafng | miner | 礦工
khorngkhafng | an opening of a mine | 礦孔
khorngkhao | mouth of a mine | 礦口
khorngkhoaq | vast; extensive; very broad | 曠闊; 遼闊; 寬闊; 開闊; 寬廣
khorngkhoxng | constantly, continuously | 礦礦; 動搖
khorngkhud | a cave of a mine | 礦穴
khorngkhvef | mining pit | 礦坑
khorngkhw | (n) mining site; mining area | 礦區
khorngkhøx | cut class; stay away from the school; stay away from school (classes) without leave | 曠課
khorngkiao | refuse to pay; refuse to effort money payment | 抗繳; 拒繳
khorngkoarn | control | 控管
khorngku | resist; oppose | 抗拒
khorngkvoaf | to rebel (to civil officers) | 抗官
khorngkøx | sue; delation; accuse; accuse; to appeal to a higher court | 控告
khorngle | couple; pair; husband and wife (a polite expression) | 伉儷
khornglek | power of resistance | 抗力
khornglui | minerals | 礦類
khorngmeh | vein of (metal) ore | 礦脈
khorngpien | to resist debate; speak out in one's own defense; refute; to rebut; retort | 抗辯
khorngpo | resist arrest | 抗捕
khorngpø | oppose tyranny | 抗暴
khorngsarn | mineral resources; minerals | 礦產
khorngsengsox | wonder drugs; antibiotics | 抗生素
khorngsex | unequaled by contemporaries | 曠世
khorngsoaf | ore in sand form | 礦砂
khorngsorjiin | plaintiff; accuser | 控訴人
khorngsorzng | letter of appeal (complaint) | 控訴狀
khorngsox | sue; accusation; accuse; charge; appeal | 控訴
khorngsox-hoe | an accusation meeting | 控訴會
khorngsvoaf | mountains containing mineral deposits; mine | 礦山
khorngsw | teacher of the miner; master of the miner | 礦師
khorngtai | enlarge; expand; extend | 擴大
khorngte | graveyard | 曠地; 墓地
khorngtek | resist (enemies); oppose | 抗敵
khorngthea | antibody | 抗體
khorngthngf | to stew or simmer (meat) for broth | 登湯; 熬湯; 爌湯
khorngthoo | wilderness; waste | 曠土
khorngtiern | enlarge the plan, enlarged plans | 擴展; 擴張
khorngtiofng | to stretch; to extend; to spread; to expand; expand; enlarge; dilate; dilation | 擴張; 擴大
khorngtoa | to enlare; to expand; to swell; to distend; to dilate; to magnify; extend | 擴大
khorngtogsox | antitoxin | 抗毒素
khorngtok-sox | antitoxin | 抗毒素
khorngtviuu | mine | 礦場
khorngtviw | to stretch; to extend; to spread; to expand | 擴張
khorngtø | mining tunnel | 礦道
khorngtøe | a mining place | 礦地
khorngtøee | to stew or simmer the pig's legs; to stew or simmer the leg-meat of the hog | 爌蹄; 煮豬腳蹄
khorngzefng | resist, opposition, contend | 抗爭
khorngzex | control; check over; hold the keys of; restrain | 控制
khorngzex-koaan | control, domination | 控制權
khorngzex-lun | cybernetics | 控制論
khorngzex-sox | control figure | 控制素
khorngzhaethaau | boil the daikon over slow heat | 炕菜頭
khorngzhngg | a brick bed warmed by a fire underneath | 炕床
khorngzof | to resist to rent | 抗租; 抗拒租用
khorngzoong | mineral reserves; mineral resources | 礦藏
khorngzvoaa | mineral spring | 礦泉
khorngzvoazuie | mineral spring water | 礦泉水
khotharng-saihu | hooper; cooper | 箍桶司父; 箍桶匠
khui'iern | to start a show; to start a performance | 開演
khuiciarng | draw the winning numbers of a lottery | 開獎
khuiciern | To pick an auspicious day to begin cutting the cloth for the clothes that the bride and groom will wear for the occasion | 開剪; 看日子裁剪新郎新娘衣服
khuiciorng | draw the winning numbers of a lottery | 開獎
khuikarng | to start a habor | 開港
khuipurn | lose money in business | 貼本; 虧本
khuisurn | deficit; (financial) loss; damage and loss; deficit in business; suffer a loss | 虧損
khuitiern | to expand; to spread out; to develop | 開展
khukirn | restrained and cautious--implying social timidity | 拘謹
khunbiern | industrious; diligent; hard-working; sedulous | 勤勉
khurn | bundle; bacterium; cultivate; sincere; beg; implore earnestly | 捆; 菌; 墾; 懇
khurn-hof aan | bind tight | 綑緊; 綑乎緊
khurn-zørhoea | tie together | 綑做伙; 綑在一塊
khurn`khylaai | to tie up | 捆起來
khurnbaxngtiofng | in a dream sleep | 睡夢中
khurnbexkhix | lying down; but unable to sleep | 睡無著; 睡未去
khurnbiin | to go to bed; to go to sleep; sleep | 睡眠; 睡夢
khurnbin | sleepy | 睡面; 睡眼惺忪狀
khurnchvie | waken up | 睡醒; 睏醒
khurnhek | puzzled; confused; at a loss; not knowing what to do | 困惑
khurnhoat | impoverished; exhausted; fatigued; tired | 困乏
khurnjiao | difficult and troubled; perplex | 困擾
khurnkeeng | poverty, very poor | 困窮
khurnkerng | dilemma; morass; predicament; hardship; distress; trouble; difficulties | 困境; 泥沼
khurnkhangpaang | a wife who sleeps alone | 睡空房; 妻守空房
khurnkhie | to wake up | 睡醒; 睡起
khurnkhie`laai | rise from sleep | 睡起來
khurnkhix | down sleep | 睡著
khurnkhor | in great distress; suffering hardships; poverty-stricken; hardship; distress; misery; miserable | 困苦
khurnkhox | pajama pants | 睏褲
khurnkhuxn | un-astute; un-shrewd | 睡睡; 無懂世故; 不精明
khurnkhuxn`leq | after taking a nap | 睡睡咧
khurnkioong | under great financial difficulty; very poor; impoverished; poverty-stricken | 困窮; 窮困
khurnlaan | difficulty; handicap; trouble; difficulties; hardship; distress; trouble; be difficult | 困難
khurnliao | troubled | 困擾
khurnløqbiin | asleep | 睡落眠; 睡得很沈
khurnpaang | bed room | 臥房; 睡房
khurnpar | having slept enough | 睡足; 睡飽
khurnsiin | sleepy; very sleepy | 睡神; 睡魔
khurnsiofng | to consult sincerely | 懇商; 諮詢
khurnsiux cy tox | fight desperately like a cornered wild beast; desperate fight | 困獸之鬥
khurnsvaf | pajamas; nightgown | 睏衫; 睡衣
khurntaux | take a (midday) nap; take a siesta | 睏晝; 午睡; 午覺
khurntiaxmzeng | quiet after sleep | 睡恬靜; 睡得靜悄悄的
khurntiongtaux | take a (midday) nap; take a siesta | 睡中晝; 午睡
khurnty | sleep soundly | 睡豬; 睡得很熟
khurnvoax | wake up late | 睡晚; 起得晚
khurnzhvea | wake up | 睡醒
khut'orng | to go forward with frustration and humiliation | 屈往
khutsyn-karngsex | He humbled himself and came into the world | 屈身降世
khutzwn-karngsex | He humbled himself and came into the world | 屈尊降世
khvoarkhoarn | it seems; it looks as if; depends on circumstances; decide depending on circumstances | 看款; 看情形
khvoax-koarnsix | used to seeing; accustomed to seeing | 看慣勢; 看慣
khwnkhurn`leq | bind them up | 綑綑咧
khwnzerng | mushroom fungus seed for growing mushrooms | 菌種; 栽培菰的種子
khwnzherng | request with great earnestness ─ (used in an application) | 懇請
khybirn | toothbrush; tooth-brush | 齒刡; 牙刷
khychirnmoh | urticaria | 起凊瘼
khychirnnaq | get the hives | 出蕁麻疹
khyerng | sea rises high | 起浪; 起風浪
khyhorng | to kick up a fuss, to cause a disturbance | 起騷; 起鬨
khyhurn | the powder of toothpaste; tooth powder | 齒粉; 牙粉
khyliern | spirit showing its presence by shaking the chair | 起輦; 神附身而發作
khyn-bafngbarng | very light | 輕艋艋; 很輕
khyserngte | angry | 起性地
khyserngtoe | angry | 起性地
khøflirn | pity; pitiable; it is a pity that.. | 可憐
khøfsoarn | select by a competitive examination | 考選
khøfzernghak | textual criticism | 考證學
khøhagkoarn | science hall | 科學館
khøhak-koarn | science building | 科學館
khøkorngsi | could be | 可說是
khørchiern | run aground | 擱淺
khørlorng | lean toward; draw close; affiliate | 靠攏
khørparn | a board used to lean on | 靠板
khørpurn | textbook | 課本
khørsiorng | give a reward to | 犒賞
kiafmbiern | mitigate; annul (punishment); reduce; remit (taxation.) | 減免
kiafmkerng | Prosecutor | 檢警
kiafmsarn | cut production or output; a drop in production or output | 減產
kiafmserng | to reduce waste; to save; to be frugal; to economize; diminish; retrench | 減省; 節省
kiamkoarn | to also look after; to also have charge of; also look after; also take charge of | 兼管
kiapparn | wedges; boards for supporting; pressing the sides of anything or for torturing; splint | 夾板
kiariorng | send a child to another family for temporary care, depend on others for a living | 寄養
kiarmsurn | sword bamboo shoots | 劍筍
kiau'iorng | to grow up in soft surroundings; to live a sheltered life | 嬌養
kiawkhoarn | make payments | 繳款
kiawpurn | the money for gambling; fund for gamble | 賭本; 賭資
kiaxterng | head of a slope | 坡上; 坡頂
kib-serngtøe | quick-tempered, impatient | 急性地
kibirn | sharp; quick-witted; cleverness; perspicacity | 機敏
kiciorng | model | 機種
kie'iorng | to board out, to consign (a child) to someone's care | 寄養
kie'orng | already; bygones | 既往
kieliaxmphirn | keepsake; souvenir; remembrance | 紀念品; 記念品
kiencirn serng'iuu | Chrism (Catholic) | 堅振聖油
kiencirn | confirm ─ the Sacrament of Confirmation (Catholic) | 堅振
kiensirnlea | confirmation | 堅信禮
kieorng | past; what is gone or done; the former standing or condition | 既往
kieorng-putkiu | Let bygones be bygones. No post-mortems! (not to access blame for past events) | 既往無咎; (究)
kieorng-putkiux | Let bygones be bygones. No post-mortems! (not to access blame for past events) | 既往無咎; (究)
kiern | meat rolls: minced meat or fish and vegetables formed into rolls and cooked; pupa | 蛹; 繭; 肉捲
kiern'gieen | suggestions | 建言
kiern'gixaxn | motion, proposition | 建議案
kiern'gixciar | proponent, one who proposes something | 建議者
kiernbut | building; structure | 建物
kiernbuun | information; what one sees and hears | 見聞
kiernciaux | construction permit | 建照
kierncie | shuttlecock | 毽子
kierncie-baq | scar | 毽子肉
kierncioxng | one who plays a leading role in an activity (such a movement; a campaign; etc.); one who is good at a sport or sports | 健將
kierncybaq | meat cut from leg | 健腿肉; 腱子肉
kierngi put'uii bu'iorng ia | see an opportunity for doing right and fail to do it is cowardice | 見義無為無勇也
kierngi | to suggestion; to propose; offer for consideration | 建議
kierngi-iofng'uii | have the courage to do what is right; regardless of the consequences | 見義勇為
kierngiap | to establish great tasks | 建業
kierngii | be suspected | 見疑; 起疑
kierngoa | to humble | 見外
kiernhak | learn by observation, visit to observe and learn | 見學; 觀摩
kiernhau | effective; efficacious; be efficacious (e.g. medicine) | 見效
kiernhofng | one foot square | 見方
kiernjii | soldiers (of friendly forces) | 健兒
kiernjiin-kierntix | have different views | 見仁見智
kiernkae | one's views; ideas or observation about something; opinion; point of view; interpretation | 見解
kiernkaux | your teachings or exhortations (a polite expression); work-study system | 見教; 建教
kiernkaw | to establish diplomatic relations | 建交
kiernkax | to see the emperor; to see an honorific epithet | 見駕
kiernkef | construct a family through marriage | 見家; 成家
kiernkerng-siongzeeng | look at a scene and bring to mind some sorrowful thing | 見景傷情; 觸景傷情
kiernkii | surprise | 見奇
kiernkoaix | mind; take offence; take amiss; be somewhat displease at a slight fault or lapse in politeness | 見怪
kiernkofng | to make contribution; distinguish oneself; render a service; do a meritorious deed | 建功
kiernkog | Plans for National Reconstruction; to establish a nation; found a nation | 建國
kiernkor | superstitious; make fetish of | 迷信; 建鼓
kiernkox | construct | 建構
kiernky-jiheeng | act according to circumstances | 見機而行
kiernli-bonggi | actuated by mercenary motives; forget one's integrity under the temptation of personal gains | 見利忘義
kiernliong | to pardon; to forgive | 見諒
kiernlip kongløo | achievement of great meritorious acts | 建立功勞
kiernlip | to establish; to found; to build up; found (an organization); set up (a monument); render (a service) | 建立
kiernna | every time; always | 見若
kiernpheeng | floor space of a building measured in ping (equivalent to 36 square feet); floorage | 建坪
kiernphvee | floor space of a building in ping (equivalent to 36 square feet) | 建坪
kiernpurn | sample; sample goods | 見本; 樣本 (品)
kiernpvee | floor space of a building measured in ping (equivalent to 36 square feet); floorage | 建坪
kiernpvii | floor space of a building measured in ping (equivalent to 36 square feet); floorage | 建坪
kiernseg | knowledge and experience; to experience (something new); insight; knowledge | 見識
kiernsiaosu | scandal (something disgraceful) | 見笑事
kiernsiaotai | scandal (something disgraceful) | 見笑代
kiernsiaozhao | mimosa | 見笑草
kiernsiaux | embarrassed; feel ashame; to be laughed at; ashamed | 見笑; 害羞; 怕羞; 丟人
kiernsibsefng | an apprentice, a graduate learning the trade | 見習生
kiernsie-putkiux | see someone in mortal danger without lifting a finger to save him | 見死無救
kiernsied kangtheeng | construction work | 建設工程
kiernsied | to construct; to develop; to build; construction; establishment; to erect; establish; build up; found | 建設
kiernsied-kongsy | construction company | 建設公司
kiernsietkiok | Bureau of Construction (of a city or Hsien) | 建設局
kiernsietthviaf | Department of Reconstruction (of a Provincial Government) | 建設廳
kiernsiofng | developer | 建商
kiernsip | apprenticeship; internship; in-service training; follow a person's example; learn by watching; practical experience | 見習
kiernsu-putmiau | to see the things turned out not the right way; things turned out not interesting or wonderful | 見事無妙
kiernsyn-paang | gymnasium | 健身房
kiernthiefn | (literally) to see the heaven; to see justice prevail; to emerge from imsery | 見天
kierntiog | building; structure; build; construct | 建築
kierntiog-but | a building; a structure | 建築物
kierntiog-ioxngte | building (housing) lot | 建築用地
kierntiog-kangtheeng | construction work | 建築工程
kierntiog-zailiau | building materials | 建築材料
kierntiogbut | building | 建築物
kierntiogsw | architect | 建築師
kierntiok | building; structure; build; construct | 建築
kierntiok'huix | building expenses | 建築費
kierntiok-hak | architecture | 建築學
kierntiokbut | structures; buildings | 建築物
kierntioksw | licensed architect | 建築師
kierntioktiofng | be under construction | 建築中
kierntioong | be good at, specialty | 健長; 精於
kierntix | to set up; to install; purchase for one's self; set up a family; marry; make (amass) a fortune | 建置; 成家
kierntngg | build a church | 建堂
kierntof | select a city as the capital | 建都
kierntøe | building lot; a site; plot | 建地
kiernzaai | building materials | 建材
kiernzaai-khyix | have evil thought at the sight of riches | 見財起意
kiernzaihaang | building material store | 建材行
kiernzerngjiin | witness | 見證人
kiernzexng | to bear witness; (in criminal case) an eye-witness; testimony | 見證
kiernzø | build; construct; build (a house; bridge or boat) | 建造
kiet'hudkhurn | tubercle bacillus | 結核菌
kiet'hwn-zerngsw | certificate of marriage | 結婚證書
kiettorng | assemble; gather; form a party (faction); form a clique or faction for evil purposes | 結黨; 成群結黨; 呼朋引伴; 結夥; 聚集
kiettorng-sengkuun | form a gang and gather a group | 結黨成群
kiexn'uixsarn | digestive; a medicinal aid to digestion | 健胃散
kiexnkhofng-sidphirn | health foods | 健康食品
kiexnkhofng-zerngbengsw | bill of health; health certificate | 健康證明書
kihoe-kinterng | equal opportunity | 機會均等
kikarn | a flag-staff | 旗桿
kikerng | strange circumstances; a strange scene; wonderful scenes or unusual sights | 奇景; 機警; 奇境
kikhietharng | machine for threshing rice | 打穀機
kileeng sorngsid | malfunction | 機能喪失
kiliorng | tricks | 技倆
kimhurn | woman's face powder; gold dust | 金粉
kimporng | billboard announcing the names of successful candidates (under the former civil service examination system) | 金榜
kimsiong-ciorng | academy award, Oscar | 金像獎
kimsioxngciorng | an Oscar (award) | 金像獎
kimtawarng'ar | urn | 金斗甕仔
kimturn | shield made of gold (metal) | 金盾
kin'ar-hurn | quinine powder | 奎寧粉
kinpurn buxntøee | fundamental question | 根本問題
kinpurn goanlie | fundamental (primary) principle | 根本原理
kinpurn kaykeg | radical change; fundamentally changed | 根本改革
kinpurn kaykoad | radical solution | 根本解決
kinpurn koanliam | radical concept | 根本觀念
kinpurn paxnhoad | basic principles of action; basic method; measure | 根本辦法
kinpurn tixliaau | thorough treatment | 根本治療
kinpurn | root; base or origin; foundation; basis; root; origin; basis (followed by a negative means entirely not or (not) at all) | 根本
kinterng | equal; fair; even | 均等
kiofng'iorng | nourish, support | 供養
kiofngphirn | offering | 供品
kiogpurn | a play; a script; a scenario; playbook; written drama; a scenario; libretto | 劇本
kiongbarn | to pull violently | 強挽; 硬挽
kiongberng | fierce and violent | 強猛; 兇猛
kiongkexng Serngbør | devotion to Our Lady (Catholic) | 恭敬聖母
kiongkexng Serngsym | devotion to the Sacred Heart (Catholic) | 恭敬聖心
kiongkiofng-kerngkexng | very reverently | 恭恭敬敬
kiongzorngzef | tonics | 強壯劑
kiorng | offering; strong; consolidate; strengthen; to guard; firm; strong | 供; 強; 鞏; 彊; 龔; 襁
kiorng'erngseg | supply room | 供應室
kiorng'exng | provide; furnish; supply | 供應
kiorng'iorng | take care of one's elders; feed one's children | 供養
kiornghut | make offerings to Buddha | 供佛
kiorngkib | to supply; to equip; to provide | 供給
kiorngkiuu | supply and demand | 供求
kiorngsuu | confession to a criminal act | 供詞
kioxnghiorng | enjoy together | 共享
kioxnghøo-zerngthea | republican form of government | 共和政體
kioxnghøo-zerngti | republican government | 共和政治
kioxngsarn | communization; all things in common; communism | 共產
kioxngsarn-hunzuo | communist | 共產份子
kioxngsarn-torng | Communist Party | 共產黨
kioxngsarn-zwgi | communism | 共產主義
kioxngtoong hurntox | strive united | 共同奮鬥
kioxngzorng | altogether; in sum; in all; in total | 共總; 總共
kipcirn | emergency | 急診
kipcirn-seg | emergency ward | 急診室
kipcirnphaix | radical; extremist faction | 急進派
kipcirntofng'goaan | extremist | 急進黨員
kipcirntorng | radical political party | 急進黨
kipcixn-susiorng | radical ideas | 急進思想
kipurn | root; foundation or base; fundamental | 基本
kipurn-goanlie | a basic principle, a fundamental principle | 基本原理
kipurn-kaoiok | fundamental education | 基本教育
kipurn-kiernsied | capital construction | 基本建設
kipurn-tieseg | basic knowledge | 基本知識
kirmcie chialiorng thongheeng | No vehicles allowed. No thoroughfare | 禁止車輛通行
kirmcie hoarnbøe | prohibition of sales | 禁止販賣
kirmcie zhutparn | suppress publication | 禁止出版
kirmkarng | the forbidden harbor; seaport; port | 禁港
kirmphirn | prohibited article | 禁品
kirmzeaphirn | prohibited goods | 禁制品
kirmzex-phirn | prohibited goods, contraband | 禁制品
kirn kegkirn | hard to do | 慢極慢; (快極快)
kirn kviaa | hurry up | 緊行
kirn laize | come on in and sit | 快來坐
kirn | fast; hurried; only; fast; urgent; important; tight; to press | 緊; 僅; 瑾; 謹; 堇; 快; 急
kisiorng | strange way of looking at something; a strong view | 奇想
kisut-zuyzurn | technological standard | 技術水準
kiubiern | to seek to avoid to do something; ask for remit (punishment) | 求免; 懇求赦免
kiukhurn | spherical bacterium, coccus | 縮菌; 球菌
kiuopurn | to save principal; relieving principal; recover (retrieve) gambling money | 救本; 賭徒救回本錢
kiuosefng-therng | lifeboat | 救生艇
kiuozex-phirn | relief goods | 救濟品
kiuu khoanbiern | ask for a dispensation (Catholic) | 求寬免
kiuzurn | ask for accuracy | 求準
kiw'oarn | long-lasting | 久遠
kiwgiorng taixbeeng | I have long heard of your name | 久仰大名
kiwgiorng | (literally) I have heard of your illustrious name for a long time--Glad to know you; I have long desired to know you. (conventional phrase on being introduced) | 久仰
kiwoarn | a long time; forever; long and far-reaching; permanent; perpetual | 久遠
kiwphirn | former official grades or ranks | 九品
kiwphirn-thiensiin | nine choirs of angels (Catholic) | 九品天神
kix lie korng | You may say whatever you like | 隨你說
kixliorng | craft, ability, cleverness | 伎倆
kixngarn | close eye | 近眼
kixnhorng | recent situation; Recent circumstances | 近況
kixnkhorng | recent situation | 近況
kixntai-susiorng | modern thought | 近代思想
kixzoat lai'orng | sever communications or relations | 拒絕來往
kizeeng-khøfbirn | deserving sympathetic understanding or compassion (said of one's conduct; actions) | 其情可憫
kizherngchiuo | machine gunner | 機槍手
kizurn | data; standard | 基準
kiøo køex koayar ciu parngtiau | be ungrateful; forgetful of benefits received | 橋過柺仔就放掉; 過河拆橋
kiøparn | wooden blanking on a bridge | 橋板
kiørkorng | to say by shouting | 叫講
kiørnau | to raise a hue and cry, to shout | 叫鬧
kiøterng | on the bridge | 橋頂
kiøx-oan'orng | cry out for justice | 喊冤枉; 叫冤枉
kngliern | carry the idol's sedan | 抬攆; 抬轎
kngrparn | steel plate | 鋼板
ko'irn | entice; lure | 鉤引
koaarn'koankoaan | extreamly high | 高高高
koah'irn | discount | 割引
koan-zernghuo | county government | 縣政府
koanbiern | elegant; officially; royal crown; official hat; elegant and stately | 冠冕
koankhoarn | to donate money; to contribute money; money donated | 捐款
koansiern | baptism performed under special circumstances (as for a non-believer at the point of death) (Catholic) | 權洗
koansiorng | to see and enjoy | 觀賞
koanterng | high class | 高頂
koarn engsu | be a meddler; to be a busy-body; meddle with other's affairs | 管閒事
koarn | percussion cap; detonator | 管
koarn'afthad | cork or stopper for a bottle | 瓶子塞
koarn'ag | to water (field, flower, etc.) | 澆灌
koarn'ar | bottle, jar | 罐仔; 罐子
koarn'iong | be in common use; idiomatic; habitual | 慣用
koarn'iong-gie | idiom | 慣用語
koarn'iong-guo | idiom | 慣用語
koarn'iong-hoad | common usage | 慣用法
koarn'ioxnggie | idiom (archaic) | 習慣語; 慣用語
koarn'ioxngkux | an idiom | 慣用語; ( 慣用句)
koarn'uu | used to | 慣於
koarn`laang | to control and take care of a person | 管人
koarnboarn | to pour water to the rim | 灌滿
koarnbok | shrubs | 灌木
koarnchi-hoad | gavage, feeding with stomach tube | 灌飼法
koarnchiaang | purge the bowels; to remove poison from one's stomach by means of laxative or saline | 洗腸
koarnchviuophvix | to cut a phonograph record | 灌唱片
koarncioxng | tree fern, fern (osmunda) | 灌蕨; 貫眾
koarnciuo | force one to drink liquor | 灌酒
koarncviw | to fill the crevices between bricks; etc. with mortar to make the foundation; wall; or pavement secure; grouting; to fill the space between bricks with mortar; to make the foundation; wall or pavement secure | 灌漿
koarnhoan | habitual criminal; habitual offender | 慣犯
koarnhofng | to pour wind into something; inflate with air; pump up the tube of a tire | 打氣; 灌風; 輪胎打氣
koarnjip | to pour something into | 灌入
koarnkhaix | to irrigate; irrigation | 灌溉
koarnkox | to care for; to concern about affectionately; care for; to be affectionately concerned about | 眷顧
koarnkud | zygomatic bone | 顴骨
koarnkunkii | the championship flag; the pennant | 冠軍旗; 優勝旗
koarnkwn | first place (in a contest); the winner; champion | 冠軍
koarnky | an old trick | 慣技
koarnle | usual or customary practice; custom; established practice; custom; usage; precedent; convention | 慣例
koarnlien | experienced, thoroughly acquainted | 慣練; 熟練
koarnloaan | to admire; to feel attachment to someone | 眷戀
koarnsexng | inertia; inertia (physics) | 慣性
koarnsiax | dormitory for married employee | 眷舍
koarnsiofng | brokerage firm | 券商
koarnsiok | dependents; family; wife and family | 眷屬
koarnsix | accustomed to (doing; the climate); familiar with | 習慣; 慣勢; 慣於
koarnsngx | calculated at; equivalent to (said of the value of property; possession; etc.) | 貫算; 折算相當於
koarnsuu | an article (grammatical) | 冠詞
koarnsw | indoctrinate | 灌輸
koarnsøea | lavage, washing out an organ | 灌洗
koarnthaau | canned food; tinned meats or fruit | 罐頭
koarnthaau-kangchviuo | cannery | 罐頭工廠
koarnthied syciofng | remain consistent from the start to the very end | 貫徹始終
koarnthied | thoroughly; from the start to the end; to carry out; thoroughly; carry out; from beginning to end; from start to finish | 貫徹
koarnthofng | to have a thorough understanding; to have a thorough knowledge of; have a thorough understanding | 貫通; 灌通
koarntng'iøh | enema; clyster | 灌腸藥
koarntngg | to give an enema or clyster; give an enema | 灌腸
koarntoxkaau | pour water into a hole in order to catch cricket; describe someone drinks a lot of beverage or water | 灌杜猴; 灌蟋蟀; 形容喝大量飲料
koarnzhat | a confirmed thief | 慣賊
koarnzhoafn | penetrate; pierce through; understand thoroughly | 貫穿
koarnzhoaxn | customarily; always; usually; logical connection; to string or thread together; to connect | 貫串; 慣常
koarnzhwn | military dependent's | 眷村
koarnzngf | canned | 罐裝
koarnzofng | file; dossier; folder; archives; record of cases | 卷宗
koarnzuie | to blow water into (meat; chicken; etc) so as to increase weight before marketing; to pour water into something; torture a person by pouring water into his throat and nostrils; inject water (into meat to make it heavier) | 灌水
koarnzuix | get a person drunk | 灌醉
koarnzux | pour out or into | 灌注; 貫注
koarpiern | to hang up a (wooden) tablet | 掛匾
koatsoarnjit | the day for closing the (business) books | 決算日
koatsoarnpiør | balance sheet | 決算表
kociarng | to clap the hands; to give applause | 鼓掌
kociorng-lanbeeng | one palm cannot clap and make a sound ─ cannot do without assistance; both parties share equally the blame for the quarrel | 孤掌難鳴
koea'orng | die; past (affair) | 去世
koeaberng | brave; fierce; ferocious; esp. appearance | 過猛
koeabirn | too keen; nervous; over-sensitive; allergic | 過敏
koeaciorng | I don't deserve your praise. (a polite expression) | 過獎
koeakerng | pass through; in transit | 過境
koeakerng-chiamzexng | transit visa | 過境簽證
koeakerng-lykheq | transit visitor | 過境旅客
koeaorng | die | 過往
koemngzherng | dusting gadget made with chicken feathers | 雞毛筅
kofgoarn | curios; antiques | 古玩
kofgoarn-tiaxm | the store of antiques | 古玩店
kofkhoarn | old style | 古款; 古體; 舊式
kofngliawkorng | said again and again | 講了講
kofoarn | curio; antiques | 古玩
kofparn | inactive; dumb; anachronistic; out of date; old-fashioned; square; inactive | 古板; 死板
kofpurn | subscribed capital (of a business firm) | 股本
kofserngsor | Limbo (Catholic) | 古聖所
koftiern | classics; classical | 古典
koftorng | antique article; bric-a-brac; antique; strange but interesting; useless article or person; curios; antique | 古董
kok'iuo zaisarn | national assets | 國有財產
kokbiin susiorng | national sentiment | 國民思想
kokciorng | every kind; all kinds; various kinds | 各種
kokkerng | national boundary; frontier | 國境
kokkhoarn | each and every article (of a document); all the articles; various articles | 各式; 各款
koksafnphirn | national products | 國產品; 國產
koksarn | national products | 國產; 國產品
koksuo-koarn | Academia Historica | 國史館
kokswkoarn | Academia Historica | 國史館
kokzex kioxngsafntorng | Communist International | 國際共產黨
komof-zeqzerng | having no relatives and children (a curse) | 絕子絕孫
kong'erng | raging waves | 狂浪
kong'iern | stage shows for the public | 公演
kong'iuo zaisarn | public property | 公有財產
kongbeeng zerngtai | pure-minded and upright; fair and square; openly | 光明正大
kongbeeng-zerngtai | honest; just and upright | 光明正大
kongkerng | circumstances at a given time and place; scene; a sight | 光景
kongkherng | hectare | 公頃
kongkhoarn | public funds (money); government funds | 公款; 公金
kongkoarn | a city in Miaoli County | 公館
konglerng | program; guiding principle | 綱領
kongsaekoarn | legation | 公使館
kongsaix-koarn | legation | 公使館
kongsarn | government or public property | 公產
kongsiorng | violent thinking; wild views (of something) | 狂想
kongsiorng-kheg | rhapsody | 狂想曲
kongsirnlek | credibility | 公信力
kongsoarn | public election; open election | 公選
kongthiorng | public cemetery | 公塚
kongzerngjiin | a notary public; notary (public) | 公證人
kongzoarn | (said of the earth or other major planets) revolution around the sun; revolve round the sun | 公轉
korng bøexlaai | can not express it properly; can not speak so as to accomplish the purpose | 講無來
korng bøexliao | can not be fully told (since it is so great or long); can not enumerate all of them | 講無完
korng bøexsoaq | talk without the least intermission; keep on chattering | 講無停
korng bøexthofng | can't get through with my meaning; he is impenetrable: he won't listen | 講無通
korng bøloxlaai | cannot express it properly | 講無來
korng hausiauoe | bullshit | 講嘐潲話
korng kaux zøx kaux | practice one's promise | 說到做到
korng laang ee tngtea | criticize others; talk about the shortcomings of others | 說人長短
korng mxcvia'oe | conversation disagreeable; without actually quarrelling; have no topics of common interest | 糊說八道
korng nar bycyn | say in vain; say for nothing | 比喻說了也沒用
korng toaxsviaoe | brag | 講大聲話
korng | say; to talk; tell; to discourse | 講
korng'oaan | Taiwanese port ball | 貢丸
korng-bøexlierntngr | speaking not very fluently; unable to speak distinctly; speak with a lisp | 講話無明; 口齒不清
korng-goxng'oe | say absurd things; Nonsense! Don't be silly! | 說傻話
korng-peqzhat | to tell a lie | 講白賊
korng-putpeeng | complain of unfairness, grumble | 講無平; 發牢騷
korng-tøxlie | preach, speak justice, speak fairly | 講道理
korngcvii | squeeze money | 槓錢; 敲竹槓
korngguun | tribute money | 敲銀; 貢銀
kornghiexn | contribution; render services to | 貢獻
korngkarn | a lever | 槓桿
korngkhva'ar | sodomy (slang) | 槓坩仔; 雞姦; 男色
korngkw | to end up with nothing | 摃龜; 落空
kornglea | the presents offered as tribute | 貢禮
korngløo | to beat a gong | 摃鑼
korngmih | goods offered in tribute | 貢品; 貢物
korngphirn | articles of tribute | 貢品
korngphoax | to break; to smash; to break with a blow; to shatter | 敲破; 打破
korngsie | smash to death, beat to death | 摃死; 打死
korngthngg | the candy offered as tribute | 貢糖; 精緻糖
korngthui'ar | hammer | 鎚子仔
korngthuii | hammer; mallet | 大槌; 摃槌
korngtoan | satin | 貢緞
korngzefng | to knock a bell; strike a bell with a stick | 敲鐘
korngzhuix | to smash to pieces | 摃嘴; 摃碎
korpurn | to take care of the foundation; to take care the capital | 顧本
korsiorng | an idea; a conception; a plan; a scheme | 構想
korteng zupurn | fixed capital | 固定資本
korteng-parn | splint | 固定板; 夾板
kortiern | personal exhibition | 典故
kui'urn | to return one's home to retire; to retire from public life | 歸隱
kuieteksurn | a popular Taiwanese bamboo Shoots | 桂竹筍
kuietioxngphirn | articles of value; valuables | 貴重品
kuiezok-zerngti | aristocracy | 貴族政治
kuikhurn | whole bundle | 整捆; 成捆
kuinii-tharngthvy | the whole year through | 一年到頭
kuinitharngthvy | a year | 規年迵天
kuiserng | the whole province | 整省
kuitøhterng | all over the table-top | 整桌頂
kun'iong-phirn | military supplies | 軍用品; 軍需品
kun'ioxngphirn | military supplies and equipment; war materials; materiel; articles for use of the army; military stores | 軍用品
kunciorng | branch of armed forces | 軍種
kunkarng | naval harbor; naval base; naval port | 軍港
kunpurn | root; foundation; entirely | 根本
kunpurn-siong | fundamentally, basically | 根本上
kunsu hurnlien | military training | 軍事訓練; 軍訓
kunsuphirn | military supplies and equipment; war materials | 軍需品
kunterng | equality | 均等
kunzuo zerngthea | monarchy | 君主政體
kuosud-hurn | powder of sawdust | 鋸屑粉
kuozai lie korng | You may say whatever you like | 隨你說
kurn | boil; boiling; ebullition; be boiling; boiled | 開; 滾; 沸騰
kurn'ar | club, cudgel | 棍仔
kurn`khylaai | to start boiling | 滾起來
kurn`zhutkhix | to roll out; Get out! | 滾出去
kurn`zhutlaai | to roll ou | 滾出來
kurnthuii | stick and hammer | 棍槌
kurnzao | to roll ou | 滾走
kut'hurn | bone dust | 骨粉
kutsiornghak | phrenology | 骨相學
kuxbiern | croaker fish | 巨鮸; 黃花魚
kuxcirnthauar | old bad habits; old sickness | 舊症頭仔; 舊習
kuxkhoarn | old-style; old-fashioned; out-of-date | 舊款
kuxnhorng | recent circumstances; recent situation | 近況
kuxparn | old version; former (old) edition | 舊版
kuxsusiorng | old-fashioned ideas, archaic thinking | 舊思想
kuxtorng | old party | 舊黨
kuxzerngthauar | old bad habits; old sickness | 舊症頭仔; 舊習
kuykhoarn | how many kind | 幾款
kuylarng | how many | 幾籠
kvafkorng | Is it possible...?; Do you really mean to say...?Is it true that...? | 敢講; 難道
kvar khix mxkvar korng | angry but not daring to speak out | 敢怒無敢言
kvar korng | courageous enough to express one's beliefs | 敢講
kvarbuo-khurn | yeast fungus (Saccharomycetes) | 酵母菌
kvarbøfkhurn | yeast fungus | 酵母菌
kviaf-kiernsiaux | coy; shy; bashful; blush; shy | 驚見笑
kviakiernsiaux | afraid of being laughed at; shy | 驚見羞; 害羞; 怕羞
kvialerng | afraid of cold | 驚冷
kviatharngthaxng | walk all about (e.g.; through a whole region or country) | 行桶桶; 走遍
kviatharnhø | exclamation mark | 驚嘆號
kvihurn | alkaline powder | 鹼粉
kviuhurn | ginger powder | 薑粉
kvoafbarng | chase away mosquito | 趕蚊
kvoafkirn | in a hurry; immediately; quickly; hurry up!; in haste; make haste | 趕緊; 趕快
kvoaforng | rush to | 趕往
kvoafzhutkerng | banish | 趕出境
kvoakoarn | hepatic duct | 肝管
kvoalerng | cold; chilly; chilling | 寒冷
kvoaphirn | grade or rank ( in the nine-grad system for government officials in former times) | 官品
kvoar barng | to expel the mosquitos | 趕蚊子
kvoasoarn | elected by government | 官選
kvoaterng | official grad or rank | 官等
kwnkurn | (of flowing water) rolling | 滾滾
kwtarn | to wait for long | 久等
kyioong Serngthea | elevate the host (Catholic) | 舉揚聖體
kyliaxmphirn | keepsake; souvenir; remembrance | 紀念品
kynkirn | tightly; firmly; closely | 緊緊
køab-zerngzheg | high-handed policy | 高壓政策
køafhurn | rice-or wheat-flour for making ko-a | 糕仔粉
køe'mngg-zherng | feather duster | 雞毛筅
køe'mngzherng | feather duster | 雞毛筅
køea'irn | overquote | 過引
køea'orng | pass; be gone | 過往; 逝世
køeabirn | allergy, anaphylaxis | 過敏
køeakarng | transit | 過港
køeaparn | finished | 過板; 做完成
køeasiern | ring-worm | 過癬
køeasoarn | selected | 過選; 經挑選過的
køeterng | on the street | 街上; 街頂
køkipphirn | first-class article | 高級品
køli-taixkhoarn | usury | 高利貸款
køoarn | high; lofty (Lit. high and distant) | 高遠
kørbirn | hyper-sensitive, to sensitive | 高敏; 過敏
kørnor | tell the old | 告老
kørnor-hoanhiofng | retire to one's native place | 告老還鄉
kørsixparn | bulletin board | 告示板
kørtiern | solo exhibition | 個展
køsafn-zurnniar | lofty mountains | 高山峻嶺
køsiorng | loftiness; nobleness; nobility; noble; elegant; refined | 高尚
køterng | high class; higher; high (-grade); higher; advanced | 高等
køterng-hoat'vi | the High Court | 高等法院
køterng-kaoiok | higher (advanced) education | 高等教育
køterng-khøfchix | the Higher Civil Service Examination (the higher of the two grades of civil service examinations in the Republic of China) | 高等考試
køterng-taixsox | higher algebra | 高等代數
køterng-toxngbut | higher animals | 高等動物
køtorng | upscale | 高檔
laau chirnkvoa | cold sweat | 流凊汗
lafliern | a zip-fastener, a zipper | 拉鍊
lafnglarng | every basket | 籠籠
lafnlarn | lazily; spiritless; without purpose or energy; to feel ill; a bit tired | 懶懶; 倦怠,不舒服; 倦怠; 懶洋洋; 無舒服
lagphirn | order of deacon (Catholic) | 六品; (執事)
lai'ekorng | come to talk | 來的講
lai'orng | go and to come; mix with; associate with; personal contacts between two parties | 往來; 來往
laihorng | visit; appear; arrive | 來訪
laikorng | come to tak | 來講
laixkarng | an inner harbor; inland waters | 內港
laixkerng | scenes within the sound-stage; studio scenes | 內景
lakliern | lose face; lose face; lose one's reputation; to fall low; be in reduced circumstances | 落臉; 丟臉; 笨; 失勢; 落輪; 脫輪
laksurn | fit mortise and tenon; joints become loose (furniture) | 落榫; 榫頭鬆掉
lalorng | draw over to one's side | 拉攏
lambiern | difficult to avoid | 難免
lamkoarn | southern music orgin from China; songs in Amoy colloquial | 南管
lamlie pengterng | equal rights for both sexes | 男女平等
lamsernghoax | acting or behaving like a man (of girl or woman); mannish | 男性化
lamtieen-ciornggiok | get a girl or woman pregnant | 藍田種玉
lanbiern | inevitable; can hardly avoid; cannot be helped; unavoidable; inescapable | 難免
langkhoarn | personal appearance or conduct; external appearance | 人款; 行為外表
langkoanharntoa | big guy | 人懸漢大
langkorng | it is said that | 人說; 據說
langzerng | the human species | 人種; 膿腫
lankoarn | intractable, difficult to deal with | 難管
lansarn | difficult labor; hard to come into being or materialize; have a difficult delivery; have trouble in child-birth | 難產
laoliern | chain out of rail | 落輪
lappurn | lose money; cannot cover cost; lose money in trade; lose in business | 虧本; 貼本
laqciorng | smoked duck's feet | 臘掌; 鴨掌
laqjidzoafterng | on top of calendar paper | 曆日紙頂
larn | we, us (inclusive of you), our | 咱; 懶; 累,倦
larn-ciaf | here; place where we are | 咱此; 咱遮
larn-laang | we; the human being | 咱人
larn-taixkef | we all | 咱大家
larn-taw | our home | 咱家
larng khox | pull pants | 攏褲
larng | a type of basket; pull the pant or skirt | 籠; 拉
larnggeh | every other month | 閬月
larnggoeh | every other month | 閬月
larngho | lull (letup) in the rain | 閬雨; 趁雨停
larnghuun | clear sky | 曠雲; 破雲
larngjit | every other day | 隔日; 隔天
larngkafng | skip work; walk out on work | 曠工; 閬工; 歇工; 空閒
larngkarng | run away; escape | 閬港
larngkhafng | an interval of space or time | 閬孔; 留間隔
larngkhuy | to partition; leave a space | 曠開; 隔開
larngkoex | next | 閬過
larnglaxng | scarce, leaving spaces | 曠曠
larngphang | an interval of space or time; leave a space (as in writing); take the opportunity to make off | 曠縫; 間隔; 乘隙
larngsii bøo larngjit | coming very frequently | 閬日無閬日; 不間斷
larngtaux | absent at noon | 曠午
larngthaxng | bribe; conspire with | 串通
lau'oarn | long (road) | 老遠
lau-tornggong | old is muddled | 老侗戇; 老糊塗
laubefterng | upstairs | 樓尾頂
lauboefterng | upstairs | 樓尾頂
laubøefterng | upstairs | 樓尾頂
lauchirnkvoa | breaking into a cold sweat | 流凊汗
lauterng | upstairs; upstairs; the upper story | 樓頂; 樓上
lauxjiedkhoarn | noisy- full of people | 鬧熱款
lauxjiedkwnkurn | noisy- full of people | 鬧熱滾滾
lauxkarn | old maidservant | 老婢
lauxkerng | one's lot in old age | 老景
lauxkhoarn | old style; old condition | 老款; 老式; 老態; 蒼老
lauxkoftorng | antique; an ultraconservative | 老古董
lauxliedkwnkurn | noisy- full of people noisy- full of people | 鬧熱滾滾
lauxoarn | long (road) | 老遠
lauxpurn | the original investment; money reserved for old age when dividing family property; dowager portion | 老本; 養老之財物
lauxzerngthaau | old symptom | 老症頭
lauzhuoboefterng | top floor | 樓厝尾頂
lawparn | boss; master; proprietor; keeper; boss; proprietor of a shop; husband | 老闆; 老板
lawphiernsut | old tricks | 老騙術
lawpurn | capital investment | 老本
lawtiøh axmkurn | get a crick in the neck | 扭傷脖子
laxmkhurn | cultivate farms in areas where soil conservation should be maintained | 濫墾
laxmsarm korng | talk at random; speak falsely | 亂散講
leborng | lemon | 檸檬; 源自日語レモン(remon)
lefnggarn | take a cool look; look at coolly; look at (something) without prejudice; look on as a disinterested bystander; look coldly on | 冷眼
lefngkarng | a harbor pilot; pilot (a boat); pilot | 領港
lefnglefnglerng | extremely cool | 冷冷冷
lefnglerng | a bit cold; cool | 冷冷
lefnglerng-zhengzhefng | deserted and quiet (said of a place) | 冷冷清清
lefngloarn jinkafn | the coldness and warmth of this world | 冷暖人間
lefngloarn | degree of warmth | 冷暖
lefngsiern hoatsex | baptismal vows | 領洗發誓
lefngsiern zerngbengsw | certificate of Baptism (Catholic) | 領洗證明書
lefngsiern | baptism; receive baptism (Catholic) | 領洗
lefngsu-koarn | consulate | 領事館
lefngsuxkoarn | consulate | 領事館
lefngtorngbaq | frozen meat | 冷凍肉
lefngtorngkhox | refrigerating apparatus; refrigerator | 冷凍庫
lefngtorngky | refrigerating machine, refrigerator | 冷凍機
lefngtorngzef | refrigerate; freeze; coolant; cooling agent; refrigerant | 冷凍劑
lefngtoxng sidphirn | frozen foods | 冷凍食品
lefphirn | a gift; a present | 禮品
leftiern | ceremony, cerebration | 禮展; 慶典
legkierntiok | green building | 綠建築
legtau-hurn | green bean powder | 綠豆粉
legteksurn | green bamboo shoot; shoots of the bamboo known as lek-tek | 綠竹筍
legtorng | green party | 綠黨
legzherng | entreat earnestly; ask with zeal; eagerness | 力請
lemorng | lemon | 檸檬
lengbirn | clever; skillful; active; ingenious; clever; skilful; active; nimble | 靈敏
lengborng | lemon | 檸檬
lengborng-ciab | lemon juice | 檸檬汁
lengborng-sngf | citric acid | 檸檬酸
lengborng-zuie | lemonade | 檸檬水
lenggarn | spiritual eyes | 龍眼; 靈眼
lenggerng | logan; dragon eye fruit | 龍眼
lenggiern | the longan | 龍眼
lenghurn | milk powder | 奶粉
lenghuun zhorngzø soad | theory of the creation of a soul for every person at birth | 靈魂創造說
lengkerng | longan; dragon eye fruit | 龍眼
lerng | cold; collar; classifier of clothing; receive; to withdraw (one's deposit); to lead (as soldiers) | 冷; 領
lerng-kiky | freezing cold | 冷吱吱
lerngkhuy | escape with force | 躘開; 掙脫; 躘
lerngzao | escape with force; break away and run off by struggling | 掙跑; 掙開; 推開而跑
lesoaan thuicirnky | screw propeller; propeller; screw | 螺旋槳
lexnggarn | fondness | 另眼
liaarng'liangliaang | cool | 涼涼涼
liabkhiern | hunting dog; hound | 獵犬
liafmserng | frugal; thrifty | 節儉; 節省; 斂省
liangchiøqterng | sleeping mat top | 涼蓆頂
lianghurn | jelly made from agar-agar | 涼粉
lianglerng | cool; pleasantly cool | 涼冷
liangsorng | cool and comfortable | 涼爽
liaokerng | passing by- typically | 繞境
liap'erng | take a photograph | 攝影
liapkerng | wrinkle; wrinkles; lines | 皺痕; 皺摺; 皺紋
liapzerng'oong | Prince Regent | 攝政王
liaqzurn | consider (that); believe | 掠準; 以為
liaqzwnkorng | though it was ... | 若準講
liaqzwnzurn | aim perperfectly | 掠準準
liau'iorng | convalescence; recuperate; convalesce | 療養
liau'iorng-vi | sanatorium; sanitarium | 療養院
liau'oarn | faraway or distant; long way off; faraway; distant | 遼遠
liau-bøzurn | guessed incorrectly | 沒料準; 沒有猜對
liauiorng | convalescence, recuperate, convalesce | 療養
liauxkoarn | a lumber company | 料館
liauxsiorng bøexkaux | had no idea the matter would go so far | 料想無到
liauxsiorng | to reckon; to imagine; to suppose; reckon; imagine; suppose; to guess; to conjecture | 料想
liauxzurn | guess correctly | 料準
liauzhakoarn | timber shop | 撩柴館
liawpurn | lost | 了本
liawtoarn | finish off; get done with something | 了斷
liaxngterng | enlightenment level | 亮頂
libkerng | entry | 入境
libphirn | to cultivate one's moral character | 立品
libsoarn | selected | 入選
libthea ciernzefng | three dimensional warfare | 立體戰爭
libtorng | form a political party | 立黨
lidsarn | Japanese products | 日產
liedjip serngphirn | canonize (Catholic) | 列入聖品
lien'gvauxhurn | lotus root powder | 蓮藕粉
lienhap ciernsvoax | united front | 聯合戰線
lienhap zernghuo | coalition government | 聯合政府
lienhap-ciernsvoax | united front | 聯合戰線
lienhap-zernghuo | a coalition government | 聯合政府
lienhoeterng | lotus top | 蓮花頂
lienkoarnsexng | continuity | 聯貫性
lienpurn taeli | both the principal and the interest | 連本帶利
liensarn | annual production | 年產
liensarn-liong | annual production output; annual yield | 年產量
liensiorng | associate; association of ideas; be reminded of | 聯想
liensoarn lienjim | hold a post for another term after being re-elected | 連選連任
lientaix-pøfzerngjiin | joint surety | 連帶保證人
lientiorng | elder person; senior person | 年長
liern hvixkhafng | clean the ears (with a tiny brush) | 撚耳孔; 掏耳孔
liern zhuiechiw | stroke the beard; finger the moustache | 撚鬚; 空閒
liern | spin; clean (ear or nose) by twirling; wheel | 輪; 撚; 捻; 輦; 碾
liernjip | run into | 輾入
liernkiuu | roll the ball | 滾球
liernlierntngr | rollover | 輾輾轉
liernliexn | rollover | 輾輾
liernløh | rollover into | 輾落
lierntngr | rollover | 輾轉
liernzoarn | rollover | 輾轉
liexn'iorng | a militiaman | 練勇
liexn'iuu-chiarng | oil refinery | 煉油廠
liexnkiukhurn | streptococcus | 鏈球菌
liexnthiq-chiarng | blooming mill | 煉鐵廠
liinjirn | carrot | 紅蘿蔔
limkhurn | gonococcus | 淋菌
limkierngpiexn | improvise | 臨機應變
limky erngpiexn | adapt oneself to the moment; according to the requirement of the case | 臨機應變
limsarn | forest products (lumber; camphor) | 林產; 臨產; 林產物
limsii piernthofng | adapting oneself to circumstances; versatile | 臨時變通
limsii zernghuo | provisional government | 臨時政府
limsii zerngsw | provisional charter; certificate; diploma | 臨時證書
linbirn | compassion; sympathize; to pity; commiserate; befriend; have compassion | 憐憫
linciorng | race | 人種
linsngbiern | calcium phosphate | 燐酸鈣
linsoarn | to pick; to choose; to select; select; choose; pick (a person) | 遴選
liofnggarn sitbeeng | blind in both eyes | 兩眼失明
liofnggarn | two eyes; both eyes | 兩眼
liogcierntui | the marines; the Marine Corps | 陸戰隊
liogsarn | products on land | 陸產; 山產
liogtoadphirn | spoils; prey; prize; booty | 掠奪品
liong'iernhviw | [[liong'ienhviw]]; a fragrant incense used on happy occasions and also to drive away evil spirits | 龍涎香
liongkarng | good harbor | 良港
liongmngkarng | dragon gate port | 龍門港
liongserngliuu | benign tumor | 良性瘤
liongsiin-bykerng | a pleasant day couple with a fine landscape | 良辰美景
liongsym sorngsid | utterly conscienceless | 良心喪失
liongzerng | descendants of an emperor | 龍種
liongzurn | nose with a high bridge | 隆準
lioorng'lioxngliong | with a lot of surplus | 量量量
liorng hongbin | both sides; the two sides | 兩方面
liorng pud siongjiong | neither side will yield | 兩無相讓
liorng | two; a pair; a couple; both; one-sixteenth of a kin; tael | 兩
liorng'lioxngliong | with a lot of surplus | 量量量
liorngkhuy | free oneself or s.t. from tangle | 掙開
liorngkoaan | jump to reach out | 躍高
liorngtit | stretch straight | 踢直
liorngzao | to run away; to escape | 踜走; 逃脫
liorngzhud | stretch out | 踢出
lioxnghoarntiaxm | mass merchandiser | 量販店
lioxngsarn | mass production | 量產
lioxngsiorng | (n) size-up; estimate | 量想; 推測; 思量; 料想
lip Serngsu | institute the Sacraments (Catholic) | 立聖事
lip zerngkix | establish proof | 立證據
lirn | you (plural, exclusive) | 恁; 你們
lirn'goq | apples | 蘋果
lirn-hiaf | your place | 恁遐; 你那裡
lirn-niaa | Your mother! (used for cursing) | 恁娘
lirn-pe | vulgar and contemptuous expression for I | 恁爸
lirnkiuu | dribble | 滾球
lirnlixn | rolling | 滾滾
lirnlixn-lorngloxng | loud noise and turmoil (of heavy things moved about; men treading heavily; or loud rapid knocking) | 輾輾隆隆
lirnlornghao | loud noise and turmoil | 隆隆響
lirnlorngkiøx | loud noise and turmoil | 隆隆響
lirnloxng | loud noise | 滾隆
lirntao | (v) do a full somersault | 輾斗; 筋斗; 跟頭
lirntngr | turn around, in the opposite direction, circuit, rap, round | 輾轉; 反轉
lirnzu'ar | ball rolling | 輾珠仔
literng | medicine balance, metal piece balance | 天平; 釐戥
liuboong zernghuo | government in exile | 流亡政府
liuboong-zernghuo | a government in exile | 流亡政府
liulieen bonghoarn | forget to go home because of an enjoyable experience; so enchanted as to forget about home | 流連忘返
liunghurn | flowers of sulphur; pure sulphur | 硫磺粉
liusarn | miscarriage; have a miscarriage; prove abortive; fail to materialize | 流產
liutong zupurn | floating capital | 流動資本
liutong-zupurn | floating capital | 流動資本
liuzoarn | to move from place to place; move from place to place; transmit; or be transmitted; from person to person; from generation to generation; to alternate | 流轉
liwzoarn | to wring; to wrench; to twist | 扭轉
lixeg kinterng | equal rights | 利益均等
lixgarn | vocabulary | 字眼
lixkerng | evacuation of territory | 離境
lixn'iorng | adopt | 認養
lixtiern | dictionary | 字典
lixzoaflarng | garbage can for paper | 字紙籠
liøxtharng | piss bucket | 尿桶
loadciorng | inferior race | 劣種
loadterng | low grade, inferior grade | 劣等
loafnloarn`leq | rub with the fingers | 揉一揉
loarn | soft; tender; weak; flexible; yielding | 軟; 耎; 揉
loatphirn | inferior grade | 劣品
loattefngphirn | lowest quality goods | 劣等品
loaxnjiorng | clamor; hubbub | 亂嚷
loaxnkorng | (n) ballocks; blather; (vi) blather; talk nonsense; drivel; to make irresponsible remarks; speak foolishly or recklessly; speak without thought or regard for facts and truth; say what should not be said | 亂講
loaxnloaxnkorng | to talk nonsense | 亂亂講
loaxntorng | rebel party or faction | 亂黨
loborng | reckless | 鹵莽
loexserng | self-examination; search one's own soul | 內省
loexzoarn | pronation | 內旋; 內轉
lofborng | reckless | 魯莽
lofngzorng | total; sum; total amount; total; all | 攏總; 總共; 全部; 都
lofsurn | to boil or stew a bamboo shoot with soy sauce as seasoning | 滷筍
log'imtorng | recording file | 錄音檔
logkerng | happy situation; surroundings | 樂境
logliern | down and out | 丟臉; 落魄
logsoarn | lose in an election; be defeated in an election; fail in an election | 落選
lok jii bonghoarn | be a slave of pleasure | 樂而忘返
lokliern | humiliation; become very poor | 落臉; 丟面子; 丟臉; 落泊
lomoaa-torng | ruffians as a group | 流氓黨
lomoatorng | gang of rascals | 流氓黨
longgiap sengsarn | farm production | 農業生產
longkuun-kawtorng | disorderly crowd; a pack of dogs ─ a riot of evil persons | 狼群狗黨
longsafnphirn | agricultural products | 農產品
longsarn | farm produce; farm produce; crops | 農產
lorng si | all | 攏是
lorng | all; always; all; altogether; collect; to grasp; draw near to | 都; 攏; 全; 全部; 聾; 籠; 朗
lorngkex | reduce price | 競價
lorngkhix | get rid of | 挵去
lorngkhoxng | spacious, baggy (clothing) | 隆曠; 寬大(衣服)
lorngkhoxng-kefng | empty spacious room | 隆曠間; 寬大而空的房間
lorngkhuy | to knock away by bumping; open with blows; whacks; kicks or thumps | 撞開
lorngkiukefng | pool table store | 挵球間
lorngkiuu | billiards | 撞球; 挵球
lorngliblaai | get in | 挵入來
lornglorng'kiøx | to roar | 撞撞叫
lornglorngkhorngkhoxng | very spacious (house), (clothes) too large and loose | 寬敞開闊, 寬大 (衣服, 房間)
lorngloxng-khorngkhoxng | very spacious (house); (clothes) too large and loose | 撞撞曠曠; 寬敞開闊
lorngmngg | knock at door; knock loudly at the door; pound upon a door | 敲門; 挵門; 叩門; 撞門
lorngphoarkhafng | beak with a hole | 弄破孔; 撞破
lorngphoartong | beak with a hole | 弄破孔; 撞破
lorngphoartviar | break the pan | 挵破鼎
lorngphoax | to hurt by bumping; to break; break with a blow; break open | 撞破; 挵破; 弄破; 摔破
lorngphvae | damaged | 挵歹
lorngsie | to kill by bumping | 撞死
lorngsiofng | to injure by bumping | 撞傷
lorngthuii | get a mallet | 弄槌
lorngtiøh | bump; hit; run on; run against | 撞到
lorngtør | to knock down by bumping | 撞倒
lorngzhud | made | 挵出
losurn | edible shoots of the reed, asparagus | 蘆筍
loxborng | escape from net | 漏網
loxhorng | road conditions | 路況
loxkerng | policemen patrolling railways or highways | 路警
loxloxhiern | shake, be unstable | 路路撼; 震撼
loxngsorng | incite; instigate | 煽動
loxtaiterng | terrace roof | 露台頂
loxterng | on the road | 路頂; 路上
luihurn | grind to powder | 褸粉; 磨粉
luixgarn | teary eyes | 淚眼
lun'yterng | on the wheelchair | 輪椅頂
lunzoarn | to turn round; to revolve; to move in a cycle; go round and round; turn around; revolve; revolution; rotation movement | 輪轉
luo-karnsu | female secretary | 女幹事
lurn beqar | thresh grain with a heavy stone roller | 碾麥
lurn | endure; to bear; forbear; be patient; repress | 忍; 碖; 懍; 畏; 滾壓
lurn-bøextiaau | cannot stand it any more | 忍無住
lurn`cide | to forbear a little | 忍一下
lurnluxn | wriggle | 蠕蠕; 濕濕
lurntee | superior tea | 忍茶; 茶尖
luurnpviafkauq | Taiwanese crepe | 潤餅𩛩
lux texparn | polish the floor | 擦地板
luxncinkorng | speaking the truth | 論真講
luycirnsoex | progressive taxation | 累進稅
luzhafngzharng | take the cloak | 挐氅氅
lwkoarn | hotel; inn | 旅館
lwnlurn | (adj) timid | 懍懍; 餘悸; 膽怯
lwserng'ee | female | 女性的
lykoarn | hotel | 旅館
lysiorng siaxhoe | ideal society | 理想社會
lysiorng | ideal; dreamy; ideality; ideal; idea; thought | 理想
lysiorng-hoax | to idealize | 理想化
lysiorng-khiethea | ideal gas | 理想氣體
løborng | net; network | 羅網
løfgarn | eyesight is dimmed | 老眼
løfkerng | late years of one's life | 老境
løfliern | shameless | 老臉
løharnkha'ar | single- typically about male | 羅漢跤仔
løharnkhaf | a bachelor; a single male; vagabond | 單身漢; 光棍
løharnkuun | a game played by Taiwanese during drinking alcohol | 羅漢拳
løharnkør | mangosteen | 羅漢果
løharnzay | special vegetarian dish | 羅漢齋
løqkhoarn | write an inscription on a scroll | 落款
løqpurn | capital investment | 落本; 下資本
løqsurn | fit mortise and tenon; fit tendon and mortise | 落榫; 套準; 套榫
løqzuyterng | falling water top | 落水頂
lørkhabarng | tall person (Lit. long legged mosquito) | 長腳蚊; 高個子
løsoaan-khurn | spirochete | 螺旋菌
løurn | firm and reliable | 牢穩
maekorng | say no more | 莫講
maix jiarng | don't make such a noise; quiet please | 別嚷
maix korng | Don't talk; Don't tell. (him) | 無要說
maixchiarnglie | singing girl | 賣唱女
malafsorng | marathon | 馬拉松
mauturn | conflict; incompatible; contradictory; contradiction; antinomy; inconsistency; paradox | 矛盾
maxthvy-oarntøe | blamed and complained on others | 罵天怨地
melorng | Hami melon (a variety of muskmelon) | 香瓜; 源自日語メロン(meron)
mexthvy-oarnte | blamed and complained on others | 罵天怨地
miboarn | filled full | 彌滿
miciøhphoexterng | on cotton padded quilt | 棉襀被頂
mixhurn | flour | 麵粉
mixhurn-te | flour bag | 麵粉袋
mizeaphirn | cotton goods | 棉製品
mngcirn | treat patients at the OPD: outpatient service | 門診
mngcirn-po | out-patient department | 門診部
mngsurn | door mortise; pivot of a Chinese door | 門榫
mngsvieparn | leaf of a door | 門扇板
mngterng | lintel of a door | 門頂; (門窗的)橫木
mngtharn | woolen blanket; hairy woolen rug | 毛毯
mngtorng'ar | door stopper | 門擋仔
mngxcirn | inquiry (with doctor) | 問診
mngxkorng | ask | 問講
mo niar Serngsu | receive a Sacrament sacrilegious (Catholic) | 冒領聖事
mo niar Serngthea | receive communion sacrilegious (Catholic) | 冒領聖體
moacirn | measles; morbilli; measles hives | 麻疹
moafsvoaphiern'iar | mountains and plains | 滿山遍野
moape-phiernbør | deceive parents | 欺騙父母
moateg-surn | big-bamboo shoot | 麻竹筍
moateksurn | big-bamboo shoot | 麻竹筍
moathvy-phierntøe | deceive Heaven and Earth | 瞞天騙地
mociarng | clutches of the devil | 魔掌
mociorng | clutches of the devil | 魔掌
mocitphirn | woolen textiles; woolen goods; woolen fabrics | 毛織品
mokoarn hiexnsiong | capillarity; capillary phenomenon | 毛管現象; (作用)
mokuytorng | devil party | 魔鬼黨
mosurn | wear away | 磨損
motharn | woolen blanket; hairy woolen rug | 毛毯
moxhorng | imitate | 冒倣; 模仿
muikhurn | mycete | 黴菌
muyciorng | every kind | 每種
muykhoarn | every kind, every style | 每款
mxbiern khix | no need to go | 毋免去
mxbiern | unnecessary; needless; unwanted; not necessary; no need to | 毋免; 不用
mxkherng | unwilling; reluctant; refuse; uncompromising | 毋肯; 不肯,不願意
mxkiernkhix | disappeared; be missing | 毋見了
mxkoarn | be unwilling to oversee, no matter whether, no matter which, unaccustomed to | 毋管; 不管
mxkoarnsix | not accustomed to | 毋慣習; 不慣
mxkorng | won't say | 毋講
mxsi-khoarn | unreasonable; shocking; outrageous | 毋是款; 不像話
mxsixkhoarn | conduct oneself badly | 毋是款; 無像話
mxternglaang-thviaf | speaking so that the other is not willing to hear | 毋順人聽; 逆耳
mxternglang'ix | not according to one's desire; not to one's taste | 毋順人意
mxternglangbak | bad-looking (thing; action) | 毋頂人目; 不順眼
mxternglangthviaf | speaking so that the other is not willing to hear | 逆耳, 不順耳
mxzurn | will not permit | 毋准
nafzurn | as if; suppose; seems like | 哪準; 如果; 好像
nailorng | nylon | 尼龍
naixcichiuxterng | lychee tree top | 荔枝樹頂
naparn | backboard | 籃板
napurn | model-book; the original; blueprint | 藍本
nar-uxkhoarn | spoiled and getting worse | 那有款; 愈無像話
narnngf | inexperienced; naive | 靦腆
nau-serngte | get very angry; act in an angry way | 鬧性子
nawkyn lengbirn | Man's brain is very sharp | 腦筋靈敏
nawtiornghofng | stroke | 腦中風
naxzurn | if; suppose | 若準
neh axmkurn | seize by the neck | 掐脖子
ngkimkoarn | gold pavilion | 黃金館
ngsngf-tharng | pale and emaciated | 黃酸桶; 病夫
ngtharn | icterus; jaundice; jaundice (a kind of sickness) | 黃疸; 黃膽
ngzerng | yellow race | 黃腫; 黃種
ngzerng-laang | yellow race people | 黃種人
niafiorng | adopt (a child) | 領養
niafkhoarn | receive funds | 領款
niafterng | top of mountain ridge | 嶺頂; 山頂
niar Serngsu | receive the Sacraments (Catholic) | 領聖事
niar Serngthea | receive Holy Communion (Catholic) | 領聖體
niar cionghux Serngsu | receive Extreme Unction (the new Catholic term for this Sacrament is Anointing of the Sick; but you may still hear the term; Extreme Unction) | 領終傅聖事; (領病人傅油聖事)
niar limciofng Serngsu | receive Extreme Unction (the new Catholic term for this Sacrament is Anointing of the Sick; but you may still hear the term; Extreme Unction) | 領臨終聖事
niar pvexlaang huoiuu Serngsu | receive Extreme Unction (the new Catholic term for this Sacrament is Anointing of the Sick; but you may still hear the term; Extreme Unction) | 領臨終聖事
nihurn | milk-powder | 奶粉
nikerng | harvest condition | 年景; 全年的景氣
niuafkarn | silkworm cocoons | 娘仔繭
niuafkerng | silkworm cocoons | 娘仔繭
niuafkiern | silkworm cocoons | 娘仔繭
niukarn | lady and maid | 娘𡢃
niukiern | cocoon | 娘繭; 繭
nngfphafngpharng | extremely soft | 軟紡紡
nngxciorng | two kind of | 兩種
nngxkoarn'ar | two cans | 兩罐仔
nngxpahthorng | rather more than 200 | 兩百多一點
nngxzaau longzerng | ovarian cyst | 卵巢曩腫
noaxsiern | ringworm | 爛癬
nofgarn | old people's eyes (implying experienced) | 老眼
nyterng | all of you (literary expression) | 爾等; 你們
o'afhurn | taro flour | 芋仔粉
o'arngzhngx | balck vinegar jar | 烏甕串
oaarn'oan'oafn | extremely bend | 彎彎彎
oadlierntngr | turn one's self round; turn and go back | 斡輾身
oafnkerng | distant view | 遠景
oafnsiorng | to enjoy (moon; flowers; etc.); enjoy or appreciate the beauty of something | 玩賞
oafnzoarn | tactful; mild and indirect; politely; managing by some indirect or roundabout manner; persuade or state something gently; suavely; without hurting another's feelings | 婉轉
oan'orng | false charge; grievance; charge falsely | 冤枉
oanboarn | completed; finished; harmonious; rounded out amicable; satisfactory; harmonious; peaceful | 完滿; 圓滿
oanhorng | lie | 圓謊
oankerng | garden scenery | 園景
oanzerng | complete, integrated, intact | 完整
oanzoarn | tactful; mild and indirect; politely | 婉轉
oaqjixparn | live word board | 活字板
oaqkerng | live scene | 活景
oaqkii zunkhoarn | current account; demand deposit | 活期存款
oaqlernglexng | alive and active | 活生生
oaqparn | printing (movable type); typography | 活版
oarn | distant; remote; far; keep at a distance | 遠; 莞
oarn'gieen | complaining, grumbling, reproachful or spiteful words | 怨言
oarn'gu | an unhappy couple (expect [[oarn'gvor]]) | 怨耦
oarngieen | complaining; grumbling; reproachful or spiteful words; spiteful words; repining | 怨言
oarnhin | hatred; to hate; bear a grudge against | 怨恨
oarnhun | hate | 怨恨
oarnkhix lansiaw | hard to calm down; hard to get rid of anger | 怨氣難消
oarnkhix | hatred; resentment; grievance | 怨氣; 憎惡
oarnmia | blame on fate; blame one's fate; murmur against one's lot | 怨命
oarnsiuu | resentment | 怨仇
oarnsiøq | to regret, to feel sorry for | 怨惜
oarnsvef bøo oarnsie | after a person is dead; forget about past differences (Lit. You can dispute or fight about something with a living person but not with a dead person.) | 怨生無怨死
oarnsviaf | murmuring; expression of discontent | 怨聲
oarntang'oarnsay | resentment | 怨東怨西
oarnte | resentment | 怨地
oarnthaxn | resent; resentment; sigh with bitterness; repine; complain of unjust treatment | 怨歎; 怨嘆; 怨恨
oarnthiefn-iujiin | blame everybody but oneself | 怨天尤人
oarnthien'iujiin | complain of one's lot in life | 怨天尤人
oarnthvioarnte | resentment | 怨天怨地
oarnthvioarntoe | resentment | 怨天怨地
oarnthvy | blame heaven; murmur against Heaven--complaining of one's lot in life | 怨天
oarntox | (v) envy; envy; be jealous; jealousy | 怨妒; 忌妒; a; 嫉妒; 妒忌
oarntøe | resentment | 怨地
oarnvox | hate | 怨惡; 怨恨
oarnzheq | hatred; to hate; bear a grudge; be displeased at one's fate | 怨慼; 哀怨; 怨恨
oarnzhoeq | hate | 怨慼
oarnzhøeq | repine, be displeased at oneself or one's fate | 怨慼
oarthvy-oarntoe | blames god and man | 怨天尤人
oaxn'irn | to cite, to quote | 援引
obafsarng | an old woman, an aunt | 歐巴桑; 對不特定年長女性的稱呼; 源自日語おばさん(obasan)
obahsarng | old lady | 歐巴樣
obui'afbarng | mosquito | 烏蝛仔蚊
ociøqkarng | | 烏石港
oe korng-bøextheeng | chatterbox | 雜念; 喋喋無休
oe sernghø | make the Sign of the Cross (Catholic) | 畫聖號
oexbiern | defend one's athletic title | 衛冕
oextiern | art exhibition; painting exhibition; art show | 畫展
ofng'orng | often; frequently; occasionally; now and then; often so; frequently | 往往
ofngcirn | visit homes of patients | 出診
ofnghoarn | back and forth | 往返
ojysarng | older man | 歐吉桑; 對不特定年長男性的稱呼; 源自日語おじさん(ojisan); 日語漢字為「小父さん」
okerng | lake scenery | 湖景
okorng | oboe | 黑管; 烏管
okserngliuu | malignant tumor | 惡性瘤; (毒瘤)
oktorng | wicked confederacy or clique; ugly mob | 惡黨
oliern | a Japanese cuisine | 黑輪; 源自日語おでん(oden); 日語漢字為「お田」
olofbogzeatorng | louzy gang or political party | 烏魯木齊黨
omoaafhurn | black sesame powder | 烏麻仔粉
ongkiern'oong | two formidable foe meet (fight) together | 王見王; 比喻兩強相拼
opeh-korng | talk nonsense; drivel; (adj) babbling; (n) nonsense; blather; guff; waffle; (vi) blather; haver | 亂講話
opeqkorng | say any old thing | 黑白講
orng | for; to; toward; go to; depart for; often; frequently; to pass; in the past; formerly | 往
osoarnthaau | black garlic | 烏蒜頭
osw-loaxnsiorng | daydream; to give one's thoughts free rein | 胡思亂想
otaf-sarn | dark and emaciated | 黑焦瘦; 烏焦瘦; 黑瘦
otasarn | dark and emaciated; person who has a black; thin appearance | 黑瘦; 形容瘦又黑之人
otharng | a bucket of a well-sweep | 黑桶
otiab'iorng | butterfly chrysalis | 蝴蝶蛹
ozerng | black | 黑種
padciorng | other kind; different kind | 別種
padkhoarn | other kinds | 別款; 別種
padpurn | different book | 別本
padzerng | different species | 別種
paehorng | to visit; to call on; look-in; pay a visit (a polite term) | 拜訪
paelerng | accepted with thanks | 拜領
pafnparn | expressionless; boring | 板板; 無生氣
pafnpurn | edition; version | 版本
pah'erng | a kind of cotton cloth | 布名; 百永
pahgoaxciorng | more than one hundred species | 百多種
pahkerng-kuun | pleated skirt | 百葉裙; 百襇裙; 百襉裙; 百摺裙
pahpahciorng | varieties over 100 kinds | 百百種
pahpahkhoarn | all kinds and shapes | 百百款
pahthorng | one hundred barrels | 百捅
pai'iern | rehearsal; to rehearse; direct | 排演
paiiern | rehearse for a show | 排演
paikhiekorng | exhaust pipe | 排氣管
paikhiern | to dispatch; to divert | 排遣
paikhix-korng | exhaust pipe | 排氣管
pailoarn | ovulate | 排卵
pailoarn-kii | the period of ovulation | 排卵期
paiparn | typesetting; set (printing) type | 排版
paipiern | shop signboard; lintel; plaque; signboard | 牌匾; 招牌
paisietkoarn | discharge tube | 排泄瓶; 排泄管
paix Serngthea | adore the Blessed Sacrament; make a visit to the Blessed Sacrament (Catholic) | 拜聖體
paixciernkog | defeated or vanquished country; the vanquished | 戰敗國
paixkaf toxngsarn | squander a patrimony and ruin the family | 敗家蕩產
paixparn | failure; loss | 失敗
paixsoarn | lost election | 敗選
paizuie-korng | drainage pipeline | 排水管
paizuie-turnsox | displacement; in tons | 排水噸數
paizuykorng | drainpipe | 排水管
pakbykoarn | North America Pavilion | 北美館
pakkoarn | northern wind instruments; northern style orchestration | 北管; 北管曲
pakperng | turn the stomach; upset stomach; feel like vomiting | 嘔吐; 反胃
paktoftharng | stomach | 腹肚桶
paktor-tharng | big belly | 腹肚桶; 大肚皮
palorng | scad, amberfish, big eyed scad, goggle eyes | 琥珀; 紅帶鰺
panciorng | give a prize or a reward; distribute | 頒獎
pancirn | type of carbuncle | 斑疹; 瘢疹
pancirn-sionghaan | typhus | 斑疹傷寒
pang'afterng | wood top | 枋仔頂
pangsarn | real estate | 房產
pangtexsarn | real estate | 房地產
pangtoexsarn | real estate | 房地產
pangtøexsarn | real estate | 房地產
panteng hiernhoad | promulgate the constitution | 頒定憲法
panzoarn | (idiomatic) to turn around (an undesirable situation); to turn around; to turn the side; to tip the scale | 篷轉; 扳轉
parn | to turn over; a hillside; a board; an edition; the boss; board; plank; plate (of tin; aluminum); slab; printing blocks; rigid; stiff; immovable; coffin | 反; 阪; 板; 版; 闆
parng | to tie | 綁
parng'ienhea | firework | 放煙火
parng'ienhoea | to set firework; set off fireworks | 放煙火
parng'viuu | let the sheep go to pasture; to pasture goats and sheep | 放羊; 放洋
parng'øh | to come home from school; after school; after school hours; terminate class; release from school; return home from school at the end of the day's classes | 放學
parng`aang | bloody dysentery | 赤痢
parngbak | close one's eyes to; feign stupidity or ignorance; pretend didn't see someone doing something wrong | 無看; 放目; 裝傻; 睜一隻眼閉一隻眼
parngbit | extract honey; make or store honey (as the bee does) | 放蜜
parngboexkieeq | forget; let go | 放袂記得
parngbok | grazing | 放牧
parngchi | to put (fish etc.) in a suitable place to breed | 放飼; 放養
parngchiuo | relinquish; loosen the grasp or hold; let go; let go from one's hand; relinquish | 放手; 放棄
parngchiuo`aq | let go | 放手啦
parngcixnpong | do it all the way; use all the force | 放盡磅
parngcvix | to shoot an arrow | 放箭
parnggiøxkhorar | diaper pants | 放尿褲仔
parnggoaxgoa | brush-off; never be concerned about | 放外外; 無理不管; 毫不關心
parnggupafn | class with students that don't plan to attend middle high school | 放牛班
parngguu | graze cattle | 放牛
parngguu-ciaqzaho | dismissed a class; a term that was used to those students that do not plan for further education | 放牛吃草
parnghe | lay down; put down; let go; release | 放下
parnghea | arson | 放火
parnghied | to discard | 丟掉
parnghiettiau | let go one's hold; desert (somebody) | 放丟掉; 丟棄
parnghii | let fish lose in a pond or river; stock a river or pond; fish breeding; pisciculture | 放魚
parnghiw | to give up; stop; discontinue | 放休; 中途看破
parnghoea siøf | burn it | 放火燒; 縱火
parnghoea | set fire; inflame; commit arson | 放火
parnghoeq | to let blood; blood letting | 放血; 拉血糞 (尿)
parnghofng | to release gas | 放氣
parnghongsviaf | spread the news | 放風聲
parnghongzhoef | fly a kite | 放風箏
parnghoxpeh | raining with signs of typhoon | 放雨白
parnghuar | a superstitious behavior to purse something | 使咒符; 放符
parnghuiq | having blood in one's stool | 放血; 便血
parnghuu | make charm (magic incantations) | 放符
parnghviesag | get rid of; throw away | 放擲棄
parnghwnciao | set a pigeon free to fly with whistle attached; send off carrier pigeons; break appointment | 放鴿子
parnghøea | to set fire | 放火
parnghøeflong | to set fire work | 放煙火
parngjiet | radiate heat, give off heat | 放熱; 散熱
parngjiø | urine; take a piss; urinate; pass water; to piss | 小便; 放尿; 撒尿
parngjoah | summer break | 放熱; 暑假
parngkafjit | holiday | 放假日
parngkafng | to come or go off work | 下工; 放工
parngkar | to be on holiday; have day off; have or be on holiday (vacation) | 放假
parngkarng | pilot (harbor) | 放港; 領港
parngke | low key | 放低
parngkex | price reduction | 放價; 降價
parngkhafng | to create a hole | 放空; 弄一個洞; 沒人看管; 放孔
parngkhang'viaa | no one takes care of home | 放空營; 無人顧家
parngkhangsviaa | empty city | 放空城
parngkhehkheq | closed eyes? | 放瞌瞌
parngkhoafn | to make wider | 放寬
parngkhoarn | to loan money; to make loans | 放款
parngkhuilaq | let go | 放開啦
parngkhuy | relax; loosen (a grasp) | 放開
parngkhvoax | relax (regulation, discipline) | 放看; 放寬
parngkhøeq | close eyes | 閉眼; 放瞌; 闔眼
parngkhøx | after class | 放課
parngkoaan | decentralization | 放權
parngkof | scatter caltrops; thistle on the road or field so that thieves will injure their bare feet | 佈鐵蒺藜
parngkurn | fishing line with many fish hooks attached | 放蚓; 一條長繩綁許多魚鉤而放入水中來捉魚
parngkviar | abandon (forsake) one's children (Lit. hen won't care for chicks anymore) | 打囝; 父母親無要孩子; 母雞不再帶小雞 (因為小雞長大了)
parngkøex | to let off; to let slip; to let go | 放過
parnglaang | release a person; set free | 放人
parnglaau | release | 放流
parnglai | lend money in order to earn interest | 放利
parngleeng jibhae | release a dragon into the sea ─ give a man an opportunity to show what he can do | 放龍入海
parngleng | to make loose; loosen; slacken | 放寬; 放冗; 放鬆
parngleng'ar | use one kind of long net to surrounding fish | 放鈴仔; 用一種長網圍魚仔
parngli | give up; quit; abandon; forsake (wife; child) | 遣離; 放棄; 離棄
parnglixseg | lend money for interest | 放利息
parngnng | to lay egg; lay great quantities of eggs at one time (butterflies; fish) | 下蛋; 放卵; 生蛋; 產卵
parngnngr | to make softer; relax (muscles); let go limp | 放軟
parngparngtiau | released | 放放掉
parngpeh | be frank; straightforward | 放白; 講白話
parngphao'ar | blaster | 放炮仔
parngphaux | to start fire work; set off firecrackers | 放炮; 放鞭炮
parngphuietau | bean caused fart | 放屁豆
parngphuix afn kawsym | make empty promises; offer empty consolation | 說假話以安撫之; 空虛的許諾
parngphuix | break wind; fart; break wind; pass gas; to boast; to brag; talk big; Stuff and nonsense! What rot! | 放屁
parngphvoa | by turn; alternately; in turn | 輪流
parngpoo | loose the thread of the border of a dress | 放裒
parngpøef | let go (fly away) | 放飛
parngsad | give up; quit; abandon; forsake (wife; child) | 拋棄
parngsae | excrement; shit; stool; defecate; evacuate the bowels; have a bowel movement; go to the toilet | 大便; 放屎
parngsafng | relax one's attention; to ease; loosen | 放鬆
parngsag | give up; quit; abandon; forsake (wife; child); cast away; throw away; forsake; give up; to abandon | 放棄; 放捒
parngsaux | to keep guard; to set up patrols | 放哨
parngsayjiø | poop | 放屎尿
parngsefng | free living creatures | 放生
parngsiaux | give credit; sell on credit | 放數; 貸款
parngsoaq | no-fault; make an end of a matter | 罷休; 放著算了; 放過; 無追究
parngsoee | let hand down | 放垂
parngsuii | let hand down | 放垂; 放下
parngsvef | free living creatures (as a means of gaining merit) | 放生
parngsviaf | send word or warn through a third person | 放聲; 放言
parngsvoax | to take out stitches; remove sutures; take out the stitches | 拆線; (開刀後)
parngsvy | to free or release a captured animal (out of pity) | 放生
parngsym | to take it easy | 放心
parngsytuaflaau | dump dead pigs to the river | 放死豬仔流
parngtaxnglai | lend money at high interest; practice usury | 放重利
parngthaothaux | let it go | 放透透
parngthiab | to send an invitation card | 放帖; 發帖子
parngthiap'ar | sent invitation | 放帖仔
parngthientefng | put sky lanterns | 放天燈
parngtiau | to threat; throw away; give up; to abandon | 放刁; 放棄
parngtiaw | threaten; intimidate; threaten; intimidate | 放刁; 威脅; 恐嚇; 放言威脅
parngtien | to discharge electricity | 放電
parngtiok | to send into exile | 放逐
parngtit | to unbend | 放直
parngtiøx | fishing with hook and line | 放釣; 放線
parngtngg | lengthen | 放長
parngtngtngg | lengthen | 放長長
parngtoa | enlarge, set free to become large | 放大
parngtok | to poison; put poison in food or drink; to poison; infect with poison; to taint | 放毒
parngtvar | boldly and confidently | 放膽
parngtøx | down | 放倒
parngzao | release; set free; let go | 放走
parngzerng | stock for breeding, bleed indiscriminately | 放種
parngzex | write it off | 放債; 放置債務
parngzhaophuix | boast; brag; talk big | 放臭屁; 吹牛
parngzhexng | fire a gun; release a tile that enables any one of the other three players to complete his winning pattern (in mahjong game) | 放銃; 開槍
parngzhud | let out; emission; throw off | 放出
parngzoafhor | black letters or use slanderous flyers | 放紙虎
parngzuie | to let water out; to discharge water; let water out; let the other side win (a game; contest) purposely; sell a match or game; take a dive (boxing) | 放水
parngzuun | launch a boat or ship, set sail | 放船; 下水
parngzuylaau | water flow | 放水流
parngzuytefng | light and release floating lanterns | 放水燈
patkoarsvoaterng | top of Bagua Mountain in Taiwan | 八卦山頂
pau'urn | assure; guarantee; assuredly; it is certain; surely; certainly; be bound to; to insure | 包穩; 保證; 准保; 管保
pauciorng-tee | a kind of tea | 包種茶
paukhurn | to wrap and bundle up | 包綑
paukoarn | take care; manage | 包管
pawboarn | replete; satiation | 飽滿
pawloarn sw im'iok | lewd thoughts arise from fullness of food and the comfort of warm clothing; i.e.; from easy living | 飽暖思淫慾
pawloarn | well-fed and well-clad | 飽暖
paxbiern | to recall; to cancel; to withdraw; to take back; remove from office; recall (officials) | 罷免
paxbiern-koaan | the right of recall | 罷免權
paxiern | boycott (actor; actress) | 罷演
paxn'iern | impersonate; playing; represent | 扮演
paxng bøiaux-bøkirn | Let it go as if of no importance; give no notice to something; to disregard; treat a matter as of no consequence | 漠無關心
paxnkongtøhterng | office desk | 辦公桌頂
peeng-sirntoo | layman (compared to clergy) | 平信徒; 普通信徒
pefngliernkawar | turn a somersault | 翻輾狗仔
pefnglierntngr | to flip; turn over; subversion; invert; turn upside down; turn over (in bed) | 翻過來; 顛覆; 翻轉
pefnglirntngr | to flip; turn over; subversion | 翻輾轉
pefngperng | turning over, seem to turn | 反反
pefngtharn-chiøx | to lie face up | 翻躺笑
pefngtharn-khab | to turn into a prostrate position | 翻躺磕; 反過來蓋伏
pefngtharn-phag | to turn into a prostrate position | 俯躺伏
pefngtharn-tør | to turn over from a prostrate position | 俯躺倒; 倒下成橫
peggarn | whites of the eyes, scorn, contempt, disdain | 白眼
peglaiphirn | imported goods; foreign goods | 舶來品
pehjit kernglea | octave (Catholic) | 八日敬禮
pehtiafmtorng | TV primtime 8pm program | 八點檔
pehturnchiaf | eight-ton freight car | 八噸車
pekkirn | impend; march on; come near (place; time) urgently | 迫緊; 逼緊
peng'urn | calm; quiet; tranquil; steady and smooth (bus ride; driving) | 平穩
pengbiin zerngti | popular government; democracy | 平民政治
pengbiin-zerngti | democracy | 平民政治
pengciorng | intra-service classification of military units according to their equipment and functions | 兵種
penghoarn | redress; rehabilitate (a mishandled case) | 平反
penglerng | icy cold; cold as ice | 冰冷
penglerng`ee | iced; ice-cold; frozen; icy | 冰冷的
pengtaiterng | platform top | 平台頂
pengterng hoxhui | reciprocal favored treatment | 平等互惠
pengterng thaixgu | equal treatment | 平等待遇
pengterng zwgi | egalitarianism | 平等主義
pengterng | equal; equality; without difference; equality; of equal rank; equally; evenly | 平等
pengtharn | even, level, plain, flat | 平躺
peqaukhurn | diphtheria bacillus | 白喉菌
peqhurn | white powder | 白粉
peqkorng | to waste one's breath; to speak in vain; might as well not have said it at all | 白說; 白講
peqparn | white panel | 白板
peqsiern | white moe; favus; honey-comb ringworm | 白癬
peqswnsurn | pale | 白恂恂
peqtarn | wait in vain | 白等
peqy-ciernsu | warrior in white; medical worker | 白衣戰士
peqzerng | white race | 白種
peqzerng-laang | caucasian | 白種人
perng jixtiern | look it up in the dictionary | 查字典
perng | inverted; jolt; top; turn over; turn down; invert; be upset | 反; 翻; 顛
perng'iong | apply with | 並用
perng-lirntngr | turn over, capsize, turn completely around | 翻輾轉; 反輾轉; 反轉
perng-peqbak | look askance at; look cold at; frown upon; turns the supercilious look | 翻白眼; 反白目
perng-tøftngr | turn upside down | 反倒轉
perng-tørtngr | turn upside down | 翻倒轉
perng`køex | overturn | 反過
perngbøe | it has nothing to do | 並未
perngbøo | to have no (complaint), nothing (good or bad) | 並無; ...
perngchviar | moreover; furthermore; and; in addition; to boot | 並且; 幷且
perngcixn | hand-in-hand | 並進
perngcviaa | to combine into | 併成
pernghap | combine; annex(treatment); handle several cases in one | 併合
perngheeng | go side by side; go abreast of; keep pace with; in parallel with; to walk abreast | 並行
pernghoad | break out at the same time; have complications; begin; explode; erupt; attack at the same time; accompany another disease | 併發
pernghoatzexng | complications (medical) | 併發症
pernghuy | not as said | 並非
perngkiefn jii heeng | walk abreast | 並肩而行
perngkiefn | shoulder to shoulder; side by side | 並肩
perngkøex | overturn, be overturned | 翻過
perngliet | to put close together | 併列
pernglip | to stand side by side | 併立
perngpaai | alongside; side by side | 並排
perngpud | not at all, by no means | 並立; 併不
perngthwn | annex; take over; swallow up; swallow up entirely | 併吞
perngtuu | discard | 摒除
perngzø | to sit side by side | 並坐; 併坐
pexkongsarn | ancestral estate | 爸公產; 祖產
phaarng'phangphafng | extreamly sweet odor | 香香香
phaekhiern | dispatch; dispatch | 派遣
phaf-chialiern | the wheel turns; forward roll; rolls; turns the somersault; turns the somersault | 拋車輪; 前滾翻; 滾翻; 翻觔斗; 翻筋斗
phafng-korngkoxng | smelling fresh | 香貢貢; 芳絳絳
phahbarng | to swat a mosquito | 打蚊; 拍蠓
phahchirnkvoa | getting chilled | 打凊汗; 惡寒
phahhiarng | beat | 拍響
phahphurn | carelessly waste or spoil; squander; struggle to get away; flap to throw off; to kick chaos; to kick with legs or foot in disorder | 打噴; 拍翸; 以腳踢亂; 浪費
phahsurn | insert a seam to a furniture | 裝榫
phahtng chiwkud tientøx iorng | turn a misfortune into a blessing; to profit from a misfortune; After a storm; comes calm. (Lit. After a broken arm has been cured; it is stronger than before.) | 因禍得福
phahzerng | mating; copulation | 打種; 動物交尾
phahzherng | mating | 打種; 動物交尾
phahzhutlarng | be eliminated from the basket (e.g.; rotten fruit) ─ omit; be left out; count for nothing | 被淘汰; 無中用之人
phalierntao | somersault | 拋輾斗
phalirnkao | somersault | 拋輾狗
phalirntao | somersault; turn a somersault | 翻觔斗
phalirntngr | turn a somersault | 翻觔斗; 翻跟斗
phanghurn | cosmetic powder; aromatic powder; perfumed powder | 香粉; 芳粉
phanghurn-zoar | perfumed paperc | 香粉紙
phangkorngkoxng | sweet smelling; savory; appetizing | 香噴噴
phao'afkorng | cannon | 炮仔管
phaocierntiofng | in the artillery battle | 炮戰中
phaocirn | small blister; herpes | 皰疹
phaotherng | gunboat | 炮艇; 砲艇
phaotvafhurn | baking powder | 泡打粉
phaq sirnhø | communicate by signals | 打信號
phaq-chimchiern | check deep or shallow | 打深淺
pharn'ar | fool | 呆仔
pharnbong | expect eagerly; long for; hope for; long for; to wish; expect eagerly | 盼望
pharng | bread; reel; to spin; to twist | 麵包; 紡; 源自日語パン(pafn)
pharngkvix | lose something | 丟掉; 不見了; 遺失
pharngphuq | pump | 幫浦
pharnliam | think of longingly | 盼念; 想念
phaykorng | hard to say | 歹講
phaypharng | bad spinning | 歹紡
phe'nisylirn | penicillin | 盤尼西林; (外來語)
phekgarn | blue green eyes ─ said of foreigners | 碧眼
phekparn | clinch | 拍板
phengsoarn | selection | 評選
phengtiornglek | power of expansion | 膨脹力
phenisylirn | penicillin | 盤尼西林 (外來語)
pherng'iog | appointment | 聘約
pherng'iong | to employ; to engage | 聘用
pherngchviar | to engage; to invite; to employ; invite for service; invite by sending presents; engage (a teacher) | 聘請
pherngjim | to employ; to engage; engage for a post | 聘任
pherngkox | hire | 聘僱
pherngkym | money sent by bridegroom on betrothal; money sent at betrothal by the bridegroom's parents to the parents of the bride | 聘金
phernglea | money and presents sent by bridegroom at betrothal; gift for inviting one to a post; betrothal presents sent to the girl's family | 聘禮
phernglim | appointment | 聘任
pherngsw | formal letter of employment; letter of appointment | 聘書
pherngsy | formal letter of employment; letter of appointment | 聘書
pherngtvia | employment confirmation | 聘定
phezurn | give official approval or permission for; rectify; ratification | 批准
phiahbiern | avoid; keep from; escape; avoid; forestall; prevent something from happening | 避免
phiaupeh-hurn | bleaching powder | 漂白粉
phiauporng | to advertize, to brag | 標榜
phiaupurn | specimen; specimens; samples; model; pattern | 標本
phiauzurn kokgie | Mandarin Chinese; Mandarin | 標準國語
phiauzurn sikafn | standard time | 標準時間
phiauzurn | criteria; model; norm; standard; standard; criterion; typical | 標準
phiauzurn-hoax | to standardize, standardization | 標準化
phieluxnkorng | for example | 譬論講
phien'oarn | remote; faraway | 偏遠
phientharn | partial; unfair; partiality; unfairness; favouritism; be partial; give improper protection to; to screen | 偏袒; 偏坦
phienzhoarnciar | compiler; editor | 編纂者
phiern jixtiern | look up (a word) in a dictionary; consult (refer to) a dictionary | 查字典
phiern | ransack; seek; to search; find out; to scratch on the ground (as fowl do with bill; feet; and feathers) | 翻; 搜查,; 翻,; 找; 攪亂
phiern'ar | deceiver | 騙仔
phiern'axn | case of fraud (legal); scandal | 騙案
phiern'gyn'ar | deceive | 騙囡仔
phiern'iar | everywhere | 遍野
phiernbien | unilateral; one sided | 片面; 片面,一方面,單方面
phiernbin | one sided; unilateral | 片面
phiernchviar haixgø | deceitfully invite someone so as to starve him ─ deceitfully breaking a promise | 騙請害餓
phiernciah | retiring and modest when describing one's life skills; or commenting on someone's skills that are overrated | 騙吃
phiernciaqpo | cheating tricks | 騙食步
phierncix | tool ranch | 鉗子
phierncvii | cheat for money; cheat a person out of money; get money by fraud | 騙錢
phierngieen | word from a few words | 片言
phiernguo | a phrase | 片語
phiernkahputliuu | army is completely wiped out | 片甲不留, 落花流水
phiernkaq putliuu | army is completely wiped out | 片甲無留; 落花流水
phiernkex | plan to deceive | 騙計
phiernkheg | half a tick; awhile; for a moment; little while; brief space of time | 片刻
phiernkiok | a fraud; a con game; cheating trick | 騙局
phiernkuie | fool a ghost ( imply unbelievable); Do you think you can thus deceive me? Nonsense! | 騙鬼; 鬼話連篇; 鬼才相信
phiernkviaa | walk all over | 遍走
phiernlaang | to deceive people; to cheat others; swindle; cheat another | 騙人
phiernliawliao | cheated | 騙了了
phiernpo | deceiving method | 騙步; 詭計
phiernsiafng | movie producer | 片商, 電影商人
phiernsiao | don't be ridicules (slang); no kidding? You expect me to believe that? | 騙人; 騙鬼; 鬼相信
phiernsiao`ee | are you kidding? | 騙痟的
phiernsien'ar | swindler; a cheat | 騙仙仔
phiernsiofng | movie producer | 片商; 電影商人
phiernsiuu | remuneration for a movie actor or actress for starring in a film | 片酬
phiernsut | deceiving act; tricks; wiles; ruse; swindles; stratagem | 騙術
phiernte | all around; all over the place; everywhere on earth | 遍地
phierntheflinsiofng | injuries that all over the body | 遍體麟傷
phierntoan | segment; snatch | 片段; 片斷
phierntoo | con man; swindler; cheater; phony; cheater; impostor | 騙徒
phiernzaai | get money by fraud; trickery | 騙財
phiernzhuix | food to treat guest | 騙嘴
phiernzhuo | obtain by fraud | 騙取
phiernzuo | swindler; cheater; swindler; cheat; confidence man; racketeer; impostor | 騙子
phinphorng | ping-pong; table tennis | 乒乓
phinphorng-kiuu | ping-pong ball, table tennis | 乒乓球
phinpiarng-kiuu | ping-pong ball, table tennis | 乒乓球
phirn | compare; measure strength | 比; 品; 自誇
phizurn | to approve, to sanction, to ratify, sanction, ratification | 批准
phiørhurn | bleaching powder | 漂白; 漂白粉
phiørpeh-hurn | bleaching powder | 漂白粉
phiørpeqhurn | bleaching powder; bleaching powder; chlorine powder | 漂白粉
phiørsoarn | elect by casting ballots | 票選
pho'afterng | front cover of the node book | 簿仔頂
phoarkezherng | reams of rubbish | 破雞筅; 嘴巴吱吱喳喳講無完
phoarliern | flat tire | 破輪
phoarnkiofng | outermost courts of Congucian temple | 破宮; 泮宮; 孔古寺
phoarnoa | (adj) sloppy | 破爛; 廢品; 邋遢
phoarnoaxsvef | untidy; slipshod | 邋遢 [*]
phoarnpiet | distinguish | 判別
phoarsarn | become bankrupt | 破產
phoarsurn | be damaged | 破損
phoarsvix irn zhenghofng | broken fan can make a cool breeze ─ everything has a use | 破扇引清風; 各有所用
phoeakerng | decorate; decoration; decorative; ornamental | 配景; 裝飾
phoeakipphirn | rationed goods | 配給品
phoeapurn | a complete book with different edition | 配本
phoeazerng | mating | 配種
phoephoe'ar korng | allude to a matter without giving much explanation; give only a hint | 皮皮仔講; 說點皮毛
phoetharng | mailbox (those on the street) | 郵筒
phoezurn | to approve | 批准
phofciorng | general award | 普獎
phofphiernsexng | universality | 普遍性
phofsoarn | a general election; universal suffrage | 普選
phofto ciorngsefng | deliver (Buddhism); save all beings | 普渡眾生
phogphogzherng | palpitate | 卜卜跳; 砰砰跳
phokboarn | cover completely | 撲滿
phokbudkoarn | museum | 博物館; 博物院
phokkorng | full of air and protrude | 凸管; 凸起而內包空氣
phoksorng | surplus | 多餘
pholaarnphaf | flatter | 扶𡳞脬
phorng | scoop up in both hands | 凸; 捧; 掬,; 拿
phorng'ie | sofa | 凸床; 膨椅; 沙發; 沙發椅
phorng'vii | balloon-shaped | 凸圓; 圓圓的
phorng'ykhaf | under the sofa | 膨椅跤
phorng'yterng | on the sofa | 膨椅頂
phorngbie | puffed rice | 膨米
phorngbin | convex (face), mad | 凸面
phorngbixnkviax | a convex mirror | 凸面鏡
phorngboea | the amount budgeted over and above what is actually needed to purchase an item to make sure expenses can be covered; also refers to the number of things budgeted | 膨尾; 較實際寬鬆之數目
phorngchie | squirrel | 松鼠
phornghofng | to brag; to talk big; flatulence; belly slightly swollen; to boast; to brag; talk big | 凸風; 膨風; 脹氣; 吹牛; 肚子脹氣
phornghong'aftee | bragging tea | 膨風仔茶
phornghongkw | braggart; boaster | 誇張者; 吹牛者
phornghurn | face power; face powder (in a round cake) | 撲粉; 膨粉; 化妝用圓盒的白撲粉
phorngji | raised letters for the blind, braille | 凸字; 點字
phorngkafm | large tangerine; type of tangerine | 凸柑; 椪柑; 橘子
phorngkhylaai | puff up | 膨起來
phorngkied | small orange | 凸柑; 椪橘
phorngkorng | convex tube | 凸管
phorngkviax | a magnifying glass | 凸鏡
phornglab | concave | 凸凹
phorngmngg | convex | 凸門
phorngnaq | concave | 凸凹; 凹凸的
phorngpha | skin bubbles; become blistered; get a blister | 起泡; 膨疱; 燙傷起泡
phorngphee | puffed | 膨皮
phorngphoee | fleshy; plump; well filled out | 蓬皮; 白白胖胖的
phorngphoephorngphoee | puffy | 膨皮膨皮
phorngphorngphoxng | extremely puffed | 膨膨膨
phorngphorngtoa | puffed | 膨膨大
phorngphoxng | bulging; concave | 凸凸
phorngphux | pump | 幫浦; 手動抽水機; 源自日語ポンプ(pompu)
phorngphøe | a quilt with cotton | 棉被
phorngphøee | plentiful; chubbiness; fulness; plim; well-developed | 豐滿; 凸皮
phorngpviar | muffin; bell shaped cakes | 膨餅; 鬆餅; 凸餅
phorngsaisay | puffed | 膨獅獅
phorngsebø | woolen had | 膨紗帽
phorngsef | woolen yarn | 毛線; 膨紗
phorngsef-svaf | sweater, knitted dress | 毛線衣; 膨紗衫
phorngsesvaf | knitted woolen garment; sweater | 毛線衣
phorngsesvoax | woolen yarn | 蓬梳線; 毛線
phorngsvoax | woolen yarn | 毛線
phorngtaixhae | some type of medicine; one kind of medicinal herbs it help hoarse | 膨大海
phorngtefng | affairs run into obstruction | 膨釘; 碰釘; 比喻事情遇到阻礙; 碰釘(子)
phorngthaau | bulge | 膨頭
phorngthab | concave and convex | 膨蹋; 凹凸
phorngtioxng | to swell; to expand; to inflated; inflation | 膨脹
phorngto tefmia | curse; used by a woman toward a man | 短命鬼; (罵人)
phorngto | swollen stomach; imply dead fish; belly swollen (of a corpse) | 凸肚; 肚脹
phorngtoa | swollen; expand; distend | 頭大; 妄自尊大; 脹大; 膨脹
phorngtoortefmia | big belly short life | 膨肚短命
phorngtor | embossed panel | 凸翹
phorngtoxtefmia | big belly short life | 膨肚短命
phorngtøee | knuckles | 凸蹄
phorngzhngg | spring bed | 凸床; 彈簧床
phorngzhuo | a squirrel | 松鼠; 膨鼠
phorngzuie | pump water | 膨水
phorsarn | to go bankrupt | 破產
photextharn | spread carpet | 舖地毯
phunhorng | scoop up | 浮凸
phunkerng | bonsai; potted plant; arrangement of flowers and flowers pots so as to look well; dwarf tree | 盆景
phuntharng | barbell for leftover; tub install leftovers (of food) | 餿桶; 潘桶; 泔水桶
phurn | to muss up; to tumble; to spray | 噴; 翸; 抖掉; 翻滾; 弄亂
phurn'iuu | spay oil | 噴油
phurn'iøqar | spray chemical | 噴藥仔
phurn'oo | a sprinkler, a watering pot | 噴壺
phurnbak | ink jet | 噴墨
phurnbu | atomization, to atomize | 噴霧
phurnbu-khix | vaporizer (spray) | 噴霧器
phurnbuxchiaf | spray car | 噴霧車
phurnbuxkhix | atomizer; spray gun; vaporizer | 濆霧器
phurnbuxky | fog machines | 噴霧機
phurnho | wet with some drops of rain; be spattered with rain | 濺雨
phurnhoefkhix | flame thrower | 濆火器
phurnhoefsvoaf | volcano | 濆火山
phurnhoxtiarm | get sprinkled with rain; sprinkled | 下小雨
phurnkhakhefng | run hurriedly | 噴腳框; 急逃
phurnkhefng | run hurriedly | 急跑
phurnkhix | to snort, to puff | 噴去; 噴氣
phurnphafng | to diffuse fragrance | 噴香; 噴芳
phurnphuxn`leq | sprinkle, spout | 噴噴咧
phurnsia cierntorky | jet fighter bomber plane | 濆射戰鬥機
phurnsia | shoot out; eject from a jet; shoot out (gas or liquid); to jet | 噴射
phurnsia-ky | jet airplane | 噴射機
phurnsiaxky | jet; jet airplane | 噴射機
phurntaam | get wet (from rain) | 濆濕; 濺濕
phurntaang | a flamethrower | 噴灶; 噴筒
phurntharng | watering bucket | 噴桶; 撒水桶
phurntiarm | to puff; to spout; to spray; to spurt; ; fragrant | 噴點; 果料兒; 長斑點; 斑點
phurntiøh | sprayed | 噴著
phurnzef | spray (medical) | 濆劑
phurnzhad | spray paint; paint with a spray gun | 噴漆
phurnzhexng | spout water | 噴槍
phurnzhud | to jet, to spurt out | 噴出
phurnzoaan | ornamental fountain | 噴泉
phurnzuie | spray water; spurt water out of; to water in small quantities; a few drops at a time; fountain; jet | 噴水
phurnzuie-khix | water sprayer | 噴水池; 噴水器
phurnzuie-tii | ornamental fountain | 噴水池
phurnzuykhao | spout | 噴水口
phurnzuytii | a fountain; fountain; pond with a fountain in the center | 噴水池
phurnzvoaa | ornamental fountain; a fountain; a geyser; fountain; geyser | 濆泉; 噴泉
phuxphuxkurn | rush | 浡浡滾
phuzerng | edema, dropsy | 浮種; 浮腫
phvae-serngte | bad tempered | 壞脾氣
phvae-zerngthaau | dangerous disease, serious illness, plague | 歹症頭; 惡症
phvalirntao | summer saw flip | 拋輾斗
phvarlerng | to dread cold | 怕冷
phvarnng | empty egg; sterile egg; barren | 冇蛋; 無精蛋
phvayciaqkhoarn | bad food; bad eating gesture | 歹食款
phvaykhoarn | bad table manner; bad example; bad pattern; bad manners; ill-behaved (cf.; ho-khoan) | 歹款; 壞習慣; 壞榜樣; 壞樣子; 無像樣
phvaykorng | hard to say; hard to speak (out); not suitable to talk about; hard to explain | 難講; 無好講; 說不定
phvaypharng | hard to handle; hard to deal with | 歹紡; 很難辦; 很難應付
phvayphirn | bad quality | 歹品
phvayserngte | bad temper | 歹性地
phvayserngtoe | bad temper | 歹性地
phvaysex-korng | excuse me | 歹舒講; 無好意思
phvayteg zhud høfsurn | Ugly bamboo produces tasty bamboo shoots. Bad parents have good children | 壞竹出好筍; 烏鴉生鳳凰
phvaytorng | bad group, evil gang | 歹黨; 惡黨
phvayzerng | bad breed | 壞種
phvayzerngthaau | hard to cure disease | 歹症頭
phvayzherngzhexng | bad temper and unease | 歹衝衝
phveaphveazhoarn | pant hard like when running or carrying a heavy load | 急喘, 呼呼的喘
phvef chirnthaau | short weight a customer | 偷秤頭
phvepurn | win money back; to recover the capital | 扳本
phvexphvexzhoarn | breathe very hard; pant | 怦怦喘
phvi'afterng | top of nose | 鼻仔頂
phviaterng | on the shore; on the bank | 岸上; 灘上
phvixkorng | nasal cavity; nasal passages | 鼻管; 鼻孔; 鼻腔; 鼻樑
phvixphvaxzhoarn | asthma | 怦怦喘
phvixphvexzhoarn | hard to breath | 忐忑喘; 很喘
phvixphvixzhoarn | hard to breath | 噓噓喘
phvixuixkorng | nasogastric tube | 鼻胃管
phvoartoarnlek | power of judgment | 判斷力
phvy chirnthaau | take advantage of a scales weighing in my favor | 偏秤頭; 在秤上佔便宜
phvy-chirnthaau | steals the weight | 偏秤頭
phyju korng | for an example (e.g.) | 譬喻講
phynciorng | species or variety of plants or animals | 品種
phynkoarn | quality control; relationship somewhat like that of godparents When a child is born under bad luck or has the fate of being given as an adopted child; according to fortune-tellers; his parents ask someone to be formally the adoptive parents of the child. Then the kh | 品管
phynphorng-kiuu | ping-pong ball, table tennis | 乒乓球
phynpiarng-kiuu | ping-pong | 乒乓球
phynzerng | species or variety of plants or animals | 品種
phø'erng | wave | 波湧
phøeaciorng | artificial insemination | 配種; 人工授精
phøetharn | leather blanket | 皮毯
phøetharng | letter-box, mail-box | 批桶; 郵筒
phøezurn | approve; assent to; sanction | 批准
phørsarn | become bankrupt; bankruptcy; go bankrupt | 破產
phørsurn | breakage; damage; disrepair; broken or damaged; ruined | 破損
phøtøkiukhurn | staphylococcus | 葡萄球菌
phøxiorng | to adopt and raise (a child) | 抱養
phøxurn | expert in; good at | 抱穩; 顧安全
piahsorngphaxn | be cheated, someone played a trick on you | 被耍, 被騙
piahterng | ceiling | 壁頂
piahtharn | carpet for the wall | 壁毯
piahtofterng | wall plugging | 壁堵頂
piao-kerng'ix | show respect | 表敬意
piaq sorngphaxn | cheat; take in; play a trick on; to swindle money out of others; commit fraud | 詐騙
piarngphoax | burst; fracture; burst; crack; splitting (with a headache); be punctured; to burst up | 爆破; 繃破
piarngpiarnghao | loud noise of heavy steps; sound of steps on an unsteady floor; noise of carrying heavy things | 砰砰響
piarngpiarngkiøx | loud noise of heavy steps | 爆爆叫
piarngsviaf | explosion noise | 爆聲
piaupurn | sample; specimen | 標本
piauzurn | standard; criteria; measure | 標準
piaw'iern | act, acting, role-playing | 表演
piawiern | act; performance; show; perform; demonstrate; demonstration | 表演
piawsi kerng'ix | show respect; pay respects | 表示敬意
piawsi khernghø | express one's congratulations | 表示慶賀
pibirn | to have sympathy for | 悲憫
pid hoarn | As soon as a thing reaches one extremity; it reverses its course. (Lit. The pendulum swings both ways.) | 物極則反; 物極必反
pie-putterng | unequal | 比無等
pien'egkoarn | compilation library | 編譯館
pien'oarn | remote | 邊遠
pienkerng | the border; the frontier | 邊境
piern laang ee cvii | cheat people out of money | 騙人的錢
piern | flat; thin; flattened | 扁; 匾; 騙,; 詐欺; 貶; 諞
piern'aang | turned into red | 變紅
piern'apkhix | transformer | 變壓器
piern'ee | changing | 變的
piern'i | mutations | 變異
piern'ii | alter, change | 變移; 更改
piern'iuu | travel all over | 變遊; 遍遊
piern'ix | change mind | 變意
piern'ngg | turned into yellow | 變黃
piern'of | turned into black | 變黑
piern'ui | displacement, change position | 變位
piern'voa | vary; alternate | 變換
piern'ym | umlaut (in phonetics); change voice | 變音
piern`laang | cheap on someone | 變人
piernbe | sell (a possession) to meet an immediate financial need; to transfer; convey | 變賣
piernbi | tastes unpleasant to the palate (stale food; drink) | 變味
piernbofng | feel all round | 變摸; 遍摸
piernbøe | to sell one's possession to meet urgent need | 變賣
piernbøliern | run out of tricks | 變無輪; 無法可變
piernbølo | run out of tricks | 變無路; 無法可變
piernchiefn | a change; a transition; changes; evolution; transition; to change and pass away | 變遷
piernchvy | become pale | 變青
piernciaw | burnt | 變焦
pierncid | change in quality; change in quality or objectives; degenerate; deteriorate | 變質
pierncied | apostasy; defective; renegade; treachery; desert a cause or principle; to defect; to reform; condescend to an inferior; apostasy | 變節
piernciøx | shine all ground | 變照; 遍照
pierncviaa | to become; to turn into; to change into | 變成
piernheeng | to change shape; to become deformed; transfigure; transform; deformation | 變形
piernhoad | change method or role | 變化; 變法
piernhoarbaxnchiefn | change a lot | 變化萬千
piernhoarzhud | change out | 變化出
piernhoax tøtoafn | changeable | 變化多端
piernhoax | change; conversion; transformation; variation; transform; transmute; evolution; metamorphosis | 變化
piernhoaxn | phantasmagoric; illusions; to change | 變幻
piernhør | become fine (of weather); clear up; (of a person) to reform; become good | 變好
piernkefng | alter; change; modify; change (plans; methods) | 變更
piernkeg | to transform; to change; to reform | 變革
piernkhiaux | adapt to circumstances | 變竅
piernkhoarn | change (one's character or conduct) for the worse | 變款; 變樣子; 變壞
piernkiok | situation has changed; change in the state of affairs; critical situation; crisis | 變局
piernkoax | to change plan originally pledged or known; break one's promise; change one's mind | 變卦
piernkox | unexpected; unforeseen happenings; accident; misfortune; mishap | 變故
piernkviaa | walk all over | 遍行
piernliao | changed | 變了
piernliern | work around | 變撚
piernloan | a turmoil; rebellion; revolt; upheaval; chaos | 變亂
piernmau | change the countenance, be transfigured | 變貌; 改變容貌
piernmiaa | assumed name; change one's name | 改名
piernmoar | extend all over | 變滿; 遍滿
piernpeh | turned into white | 變白
piernphvae | get worse (illness); become bad (a person; weather) | 變壞
piernpiexn | everywhere | 變變; 遍
piernpo | change a plan; try a new plan when the first has failed; use some artifice; intrigue; cunning scheme | 變步; 改變方法; 改變計畫
piernpox | spread wide and far | 遍布; 遍佈
piernpurn kale | push it to an extreme; get worse; worsening | 變本加厲
piernseeng | to become; to turn into; become; change into; convert into | 變成
piernseg | to change color; to become angry; change color; fading; turn white (from fear); turn red (from anger) | 變色
piernsexng | denaturation; change sex by surgical means | 變性
piernsiong | in a different (mostly disguise) form | 變相
piernsioxng | in a different (mostly disguise) form; changed only in appearance; disguised; in disguise; metamorphosis | 變相
piernsog | change gears (as in a car) | 變速
piernsokkhix | gear shift | 變速器; 變速機
piernsokky | gear shift | 變速器; 變速機
piernsox | a variable (mathematics) | 變數
piernsui | paralysis of one side of the body | 半遂; 癱瘓; 罵人愚笨
piernsuun | become pure | 變純; 遍巡
piernsviaf | change of voice (of a person at puberty) | 變聲
piernsym | to cease to be faithful; change in faith or loyalty; turn traitor; jilt a lover | 變心
piernsyn | (adv); all over the body | 遍身
piernte | be a mass of; everywhere; everywhere; throughout the land | 遍地
piernthai | abnormal | 變態
piernthaix serng'iok | sexual aberration | 變態性慾
piernthaix simlyhak | abnormal psychology | 變態心理學
piernthaix | abnormality; metamorphosis (zoology) | 變態
piernthaothaux | transparency | 變透透
piernthea | all over the body | 遍體
pierntheflinsiofng | bruised all over | 遍體鱗傷
piernthiefn | change dynasty | 變天
piernthoaan | proclaim everywhere | 遍揚; 遍傳
piernthofng paxnlie | handle something without rigid application of rules | 變通辦理
piernthofng | to become flexible; accommodate to circumstances | 變通
piernthvy | suddenly changed weather | 變天
pierntiau | change the tune; melody; variation | 變調
pierntiexnsor | power substation | 變電所
pierntong | change; fluctuation; upheaval; change (organization; arrangements); to reshuffle; reorganize; alter; to move | 變動
pierntøe | be a mass of; everywhere | 遍地
piernvi | change, vary | 變異
piernviu | to alter; change (in design; pattern; style; appearance) | 變樣
piernvoa | vary; alternate; exchange | 變換
piernzerng | extraordinary variety (of something); mutant; mutation; variation | 變種
piernzhud | change out | 變出
piernzoex | turn into | 變做
piernzofng | disguise; disguise oneself | 變裝; 喬裝改扮
piernzø | become | 變做
piernzøex | change and become | 變做; 變成
piernzøx | become; to change into; to assume the form; shape; state; nature; character of | 變成; 變做
piexn bøo liern | no way | 沒辦法使
piexnphirn | concubine | 便品
piexntharng | a commode | 便桶
pin'gikoarn | funeral parlor; cemetery | 殯儀館
pingikoarn | a funeral parlor | 殯儀館
pinkoarn | guest-house; inn; hotel | 賓館
pinzurn | (an official) standard; norm; criterion; standard; criterion | 憑準; 依據; 憑證; 準繩; 標準
pirn | a stitch; to appeal; to arrange; report to a superior; one's seniors; to petition; to appeal; receive commands; one's natural endowments; gifts (arch.) | 針; 稟; 編
pirngii-koarn | a funeral home | 殯儀館
pirngikoarn | funeral parlor | 殯儀館
pirnhu | married man's love or paramour | 情婦; 姘婦
pirnhuy | concubine | 妾妃
pirnhw | married woman's lover or paramour | 情夫; 姘夫
pirnkag | temples; hair on the temples; temples (physiology) | 鬢角; 太陽穴; 額角
pirnkhaf | temples; hair on the temples; lower part of the temple (physiology) | 鬢角; 鬢腳
pirnkhix | to reject | 駁棄; 擯棄; 拒絕
pirnkud | patella, knee cap | 髕骨; 膝蓋骨
pirnpiarnghao | loud noise of heavy steps; of steps on an unsteady floor | 砰砰哮
pirnpiaxng | burst | 砰裂
pirnpvy | temple (side of the forehead); temple(s) (physiology) | 鬢邊; 鬢角; 太陽穴
pirnsioxng | best man and bride's maid | 儐相
pirnsuy | hair on the temples | 鬢蓑; 鬢毛; 鬢髮
pirnthaau | sideburn | 鬢頭
pirntheg | to dismiss, to reject, to expel | 驅逐; 擯斥
pirntiok | to expel, to oust | 驅逐; 擯逐
pirntuu | to expel, to oust | 驅逐; 擯除
pirnzoat | to get rid of | 驅逐; 擯絕
pirnzoxng | burial; funeral; bury | 殯葬
pitgiap siorngphvix | graduation day (group) picture | 畢業相片
pitgiap zerngbengsw | certificate of graduation; diploma | 畢業證明書
pitgiap zerngsw | diploma; certificate (of the completion of a school course) | 畢業證書
pitkiepurn | notebook | 筆記本
pitkorng | pen tube | 筆管
pitsuphirn | daily necessities; consumer goods | 必需品
pittherng | (of dress) smooth ironed, spick-and-span | 筆艇; 筆挺
pixbiern | to avoid; to shun; to keep off; avoid; to escape from; get clear; prevent something from happening; avert | 避免
pixhoarn | [take] refuge; seek (political; etc) asylum | 避反; 避難
pixpeg karngløh | forced landing; be forced to land | 被迫降落
pixphirn | equipments, fixtures | 備品; 裝備
pixpiern | be demoted | 被貶; 被眨
pixsoarn | be chosen | 被選
pngxtharng | large rice bucket; good-for-nothing; stupid; tub for storing cooked rice; a good for nothing; stupid; clumsy fellow | 飯桶
poafntorng | group of rebels, insurgent organization | 半黨
poahkhoarn | to allot or appropriate funds; appropriate a fund | 撥款
poaqtharng | water bucket | 跋桶; 拔桶; 打水用桶
poarn'ia | midnight | 半夜
poarnbeeng poarn'axm | half bright and half shadowy; not very bright | 半明半暗
poarngoat | half moon, crescent moon | 半月
poarngoat-heeng | half moon shape | 半月形
poarnha | a medicinal herb | 半夏
poarnkexng | radius (of a circle) | 半徑
poarnkhaf | stumbling; obstacle; holdback | 絆腳
poarnkhongtiofng | in mid-heaven | 半空中
poarnkii | flag at half mast | 半旗
poarnkiuu | half of the globe; hemisphere | 半球
poarnkofng poarnthok | work half a day; study half a day; to work one's way through school; a self supporting (working) student | 半工半讀
poarnkuikoarn | semicircular canal | 半規管
poarnlefpeeng | the 113th radical (written at the side) | 示; (部首)
poarnpengsafn | banping mountain | 半屏山
poarnpvi'ar | half sick | 半病仔
poarnsiefn | a person who is part mortal and part god; demigod; fortune tellers or medical quacks (who claim the ability to work wonders as immortals are supposed to be able to do) | 半仙
poarnsirnpoarn'gii | doubtful | 半信半疑
poarnsox | half | 半數
poarnsui | hemiplegia; paralysis of half of one's body | 半遂
poarnsyn putsui | hemiplegia ─ paralysis of half of one's body | 半身無遂
poarnsyn | half body | 半身
poarntefng | half person | 半丁
poarnthiefn | half-day- hanging in the sky | 半天
poarnthien'giaam | stone hanging in the sky | 半天岩
poarnthiensurn | baboo roots hanging in the sky | 半天筍
poarntiarm | half an hour | 半點
poarntoo | midway; halfway | 半途
poarntør | peninsula | 半島
poarntøxthea | semiconductor | 半導體
poarnzhuy poarnciu | to be half willing (at heart) and half unwilling (in appearance) ─ often referring to price haggling or girls being seduced; between refusal and consent | 半推半就
poarnzuo | Son-in-law | 半子
poatjiorng | to set aside a little time out of a tight schedule | 撥冗
poaxntorng | insurgent | 叛黨
poe'iorng | to cultivate; to bring up; to train up; to nurture | 培養
poeafterng | top of the cup | 杯仔頂
poef-thohurn | push, set aside the dust | 撥土粉
poeiorng | to train; culture; to bring up; to groom (for a position); do a bacterial culture; cultivate; to grow (plants); raise (children); cultivate (one's mind); invigorate | 培養
poekhoarn | indemnity; compensation for damages | 賠款
poekiofng sia'erng | he sees the reflection of a bow as a snake's shadow in the cup ─ said of a very suspicious person (from a famous story); false alarm | 杯弓蛇影
poepurn | to lose money in doing business; lose money in business; lose one's outlay | 賠本
poesiorng | compensate; indemnify; recompense | 賠償
poexhoarn | to revolt against | 背反
poexkerng | background; backdrop; moral support; financial backing | 背景
pofhofng chiok'erng | chase the wind and catch the shadow ─ talk that is not substantiated by any evidence or proof; to grasp at shadows; trump up a story | 補風捉影
pofiorng | nourish | 補養
pofkipphirn | supplies | 補給品
pofnggarn | the second best of the successful examinees in the imperial examination | 榜眼
pofphirn | a tonic; highly nutritious foods or medicines; tonics | 補品; 滋補品
pofsiorng | compensation; atone | 補償; 贖罪
pofsoarn | by-election | 補選
pogpogzherng | palpitate very fast | 形容心臟跳得很快
pong'afterng | on the scale | 磅仔頂
pongboarn | evening; dusk; nightfall | 傍晚
pongtherngciar | audience | 旁聽者
pongtherngjiin | listeners in the law courts; the public | 旁聽人
pongtherngsefng | voluntary students; audit student; preparatory student | 旁聽生
pongtherngsek | seats reserved for visitors; visitors seats | 旁聽席
poorng'ar | scale | 磅仔
porboarn | full of | 佈滿
porciorng-kii | seedtime | 播種期
porkerng | scene; arranged scenery; sets; scenery (in motion picture production; stage shows) | 佈景; 布景
porng | calamus | 菶
porng'oe | slander | 誹謗
pornghoong bukex | agitated; not knowing what to do | 徬徨無計
pornghoong | agitated; not knowing what to do | 徬徨
pornghuie | slander | 謗誹; 誹謗
porngr | sowing seedlings | 播秧
porngtok | blaspheme, blasphemy | 謗瀆; 褻瀆
portexhiekoarn | puppet show theater | 布袋戲館
porzerng | sow; to seed; to sow seed | 播種
porzhankorng | farming tube | 佈田管
poxiorng | to feed | 哺養
poxliern | on foot; go on foot | 徒步; 步輦; 步行
poxpo koarnsw | instill | 步步灌輸
pud bongpurn | not to forget the origin | 無忘本
pud pengterng tiauiog | unequal treaties | 無平等條約
pud suxngarn | incurring dislike; disagreeable; an eye sore; vexatious | 無順眼
pud teg iaolerng | (In speaking or doing things) not to come to the point | (講話; 做事)不得要領
pud tiorng'iong | useless; not useful for the purpose | 無中用
pud tiorng'ix | not quite up to one's ideal (expectations); not desirable; not suitable | 不中意
pudjieen piernseg | sudden change of countenance; to show sudden displeasure or anger | 勃然變色
puie'ar-hurn | talcum powder | 痱仔粉; 痱子粉
puieafhurn | talcum powder baby powder; prickly heat powder | 痱子粉; 爽身粉
puisarn | fat and skinny | 肥瘦
puithurn | short and fat | 肥碩
purn | benzene; root; origin; source; basis; capital; foundation; volume; native; I; my; our; this | 本
purn'mngg | dun gate | 糞門
purn-sengkii | this week | 本星期
purnchviar | dust-pan | 糞車; 畚箕
purnkhao | anus; anus | 糞口; 肛門
purnkhao-thaang | pinworm | 糞口蟲; 白血蟲
purnkhawthaang | pin worms | 糞口蟲
purnkhud | cesspool | 糞池
purnki'ar | dustpan | 畚箕仔
purnky | a bamboo or wicker scoop; a dust basket; a dustpan; bamboo hod for collecting household garbage; dust; two handled bamboo basket scoop | 畚箕; 簸箕
purnsørchi'ar | dung market | 糞埽市仔
purnsørchiaf | garbage truck; Department of Sanitation truck | 垃圾車
purnsørchixtviuu | dung market | 糞埽市場
purnsørlarng | garbage can | 垃圾桶
purnsørtexar | trash bag | 糞埽袋仔
purnsørtharng | dust bin | 垃圾桶
purnsørtharng`lie | inside garbage can | 糞埽桶裡
purnsørtuy | piles of garbage | 垃圾堆
purnsørtviulie | in the dung yard | 糞埽場裡
purnsøx hunhoarloo | waste incinerator | 垃圾焚化爐
purnsøx | garbage; dirt; refuse; trash; dust; rubbish | 垃圾; 糞埽
purnsøx-chiaf | garbage track | 垃圾車; 糞埽車
purnsøx-tharng | garbage can | 垃圾桶; 糞埽桶; 垃圾箱
purnsøx-tuy | garbage heap | 垃圾堆
purntao | dust-pan; dust pan; scoop for dust and sweepings | 糞斗; 畚斗
purnthoo | dung and earth; something of little value; things of not much value (Lit. manure or dirt) | 糞土
purntuy | a rubbish dump; dunghill | 糞堆; 垃圾堆
purnzhaan | compost field | 糞田
put'hap-piauzurn | below the mark, not to the standard | 無合標準; 不合標準
put'horngsym | to feel uneasy | 不放心; 無放心
put'hwn serngpai | toss up (battle or game); a draw (athletics) | 無分勝敗
put'pengterng | unequal, inequality | 無平等; 不平等
put'sirnsit | dishonest | 無信實; 不信實
put'terng'ix | not desirable, not suitable, not to one's liking | 無等意; 不中意
put'tiorng'iong | useless, awkward, dull, stupid | 無中用; 不中用
put'urn | unstable | 無穩
put'zerngkhag | incorrect | 無正確; 不正確
put'zerngsioong | abnormal | 無正常; 不正常
put'zerngtofng | dishonest, illegal, unjust, improper | 無正當; 不正當
putbiern | unavoidable | 無免
putboarn | discontent; dissatisfaction | 無滿; 不滿
putbu zernggiap | do not have a legitimate business or profession (said of a playboy) | 不務正業
putbu-zernggiap | to ignore one's proper occupation | 不務正業
putchiern | not shallow | 無淺
putcirn | dullness; inactivity; be dull; be inactive; be slack; be in a slump; be out of form | 不振; 無振
putkhamsiet'siorng | unimaginable | 無堪設想
putkhamsietsiorng | unimaginable | 無堪設想
putkherng | won't | 無肯
putkhør khornglek | irresistible force; act of God | 無可抗力
putkoarn thvaf | paying no regard to any consideration; will accept no further responsibility | 無管他
putkoarn | to disregard; disregard; neglect; let it be as it is; no matter which... | 無管; 不管
putseeng-thefthorng | wildly (acting or talking); without regard to common practice or propriety | 無成體統
putserng-jinsu | to lose consciousness; to be unconscious | 無醒人事; 不省人事
putteg iaolerng | nothing to the point | 不得要領
putteg-iaolerng | pointless, vague | 不得要領; 不得要領
putterng | unequal | 無等; 不等
putterng-seg | inequality (math), infinitive (grammar) | 無等式
puttherng | unsupported | 無挺
puttiorng'iong | useless | 無中用
puttoong hoanhiarng | extraordinary; remarkable | 無同凡響
puttorng | unable to understand; dumb | 無懂; 愚純
puttoxngsarn | real estate; immovable property; real estate; immovable assets | 無動產; 不動產
putzarnseeng | to disapprove; disapproval | 無贊成; 不贊成
putzerng | irregular | 無整
putzherng | irregular | 無整
putzurn | will not permit | 無准; 不准
puxntharng | bear; bonehead; chump; goosey; donkey | 笨蛋
puyafhurn | baby powder | 痱仔粉
pvepangterng | top shed | 棚枋頂
pveparn | photogravure printing plates | 平版
pveterng | an outdoor stage | 棚頂; 戲台上
pvexhorng | condition of a patient | 病況
pvexkhurn | germ; bacteria; virus | 病菌
pvexpurn | power of resistance; money for treat illness | 病本; 身體的抗病力
pvexzhngterng | hospital bed | 病床頂
pviafphirn | pastry | 餅品
pviafterng | roughly equivalent to the C grade (in grading) | 丙等
pviarchirnkvoa | sweating | 拚凊汗
pviarpurn | clearance sale | 傾本
pviebarng | messing around; beginning a bad course of life; use finesse; devise schemes | 搞鬼; 搞小花樣
pviebøbarng | ran out of tricks | 變無魍
pviebøliern | can't juggle; can't play tricks | 變無輪; 弄無出花樣
pviekerng | change | 變景
pviekhoarn | change (one's character or conduct) for the worse | 變壞; 變款; 變樣子
pviesvafbarng | what's up | 變啥魍
pviesviafbarng | what's up | 變啥魍
pviparn | flat panel | 平板
pviterng | equality | 平等
pvix-bøbarng | cannot be obtained; cannot be done; impracticable; at one's wit's end; in a dilemma | 變無蚊; 搞無出名堂
pvixhorng | conditional of a disease | 病況
pvixkhurn | germ; virus; bacterium | 病菌
pvoaiern | rehearsal | 搬演
pvoaqtharng | change barrel | 拔桶
pvoarlauafterng | high rise | 半樓仔頂
pvoarnii | half a year | 半年
pvoarnikafn | within half year | 半年間
pvoarnizeeng | half year ago | 半年前
pvoarsirn'gi'ar | half faith | 半信疑仔
pvoarsiølerng | tepid (water); lukewarm (food water etc) | 半燒冷; 微溫; 溫的; 半冷半熱
pvoax sengphirn | semi-finished products; half-finished products | 半成品
pvoaxbarng | drive out mosquitoes | 拂蚊
pwn zaisarn | divide property; distribute an inheritance | 分財產
pwnlerng | ability; skill; talent; capacity; skill; talent | 本領
pwnlerng`loq | ability | 本領囉
pwnserng | this province; our province | 本省
pwnserng-laang | this province people | 本省人
pwnterng | ability; capacity; skill; talent | 本領; 本等; 能幹
pwntorng | our party; this party | 本黨
pyju korng | for instance; take an illustration; for example; figuratively speaking | 比喻說
pylun korng | for instance; for example | 比如說
pyluxnkorng | for example | 比論講
pynzherng | apply for | 稟請; 請求
pyzurn | aim, measure accurately | 比準; 對準
pøciarng | to commend and award | 褒獎
pøciorng | award; accolade; praise and encourage (an inferior) | 褒獎
pøekhoarn | indemnity | 賠款
pøesiorng | indemnity | 賠償
pøexkerng | environment | 背景
pøfiofngphirn | are products | 保養品
pøfiorng | to protect; maintain; maintenance (of a car; ship); take care (of health) | 保養
pøfkoarn | have in custody; manage property; take care of; have a thing in one's charge; safekeeping | 保管
pøfloarn | keep warm | 保遠; 保暖
pøfsiwtorng | Conservative Party | 保守黨
pøftiern | precious book; valuable book | 寶典
pøfzerngjiin | guarantor; surety; voucher | 保證人
pøfzerngkym | security deposit; money paid as guarantee or bail | 保證金
pøfzerngliin | guarantor | 保證人
pøfzerngsw | deed of security; letter of guaranty | 保證書
pøhhvoaxterng | revetment | 駁岸頂
pøpiern | bouquets and brickbats | 褒貶
pøqparn | thin wood; skeleton | 薄板; 很瘦
pørernglaq | retribution | 報應啦
pørkerng | report to the police; sound; raise; beat an alarm | 報警
pørkoarn | newspaper office | 報館
pørniawchyafoafn | revenged | 報鳥鼠仔冤
pørniawzhwafoafn | revenged | 報鳥鼠仔冤
pørsarngtiøh | broadcast | 播送著
pøsiorng | reward (for a praiseworthy act); to reward; to give as a mark of favor | 褒賞
pøxcirn-thienbut | wasted, spoil merchandise | 暴賑天物
pøxhofng-poarnkexng | radius of a typhoon; hurricane | 暴風半徑
pøxthiern | to misuse things | 暴殄
sa'aflarng | cloth baset | 衫仔籠
sabøthauzarng | clueless | 捎無頭摠
sabøzarng | can't grope | 捎無粽; 法摸索; 找無到原因
sae lirn-lauxbør | this expression denotes disagreement (is not spoken nor taken literally) | 使恁老母
sae lirn-niaa | this expression denotes disagreement (is not spoken nor taken literally) | 使恁娘
sae serngte | get very angry; act in an angry way | 使性子
safmhurn | spread flour on top of ... | 糝粉; 擦粉
safngiap zerngzheg | industrial policy (archaic) | 產業政策
safngsarng | somewhat haughty | 瘦瘦
safnphirn | products; manufactures | 產品
safnsarn | skinny; skin and bones | 瘦瘦
safnte zerngbeeng | certificate of origin | 產地證明
sagarn | trachoma | 砂眼
sam'unloarn | sauna | 三溫暖
samkhetorng | Ku Klux Klan | 三K黨
samkiapparn | plywood | 三夾板; 三夾板,合板
samparn | sampan; junk; barge | 舢板
samputkoarn | referring to a lazy man who does not look after his own and his family's clothing; food and housing | 三無管; 三不管
samputterng | uneven | 三不等
sanzexparn | pilot version | 山寨版
saoluii-therng | a minesweeper | 掃雷艇
saoluitherng | minesweeper | 掃雷艇
sapbunhurn | soap powder | 肥皂粉
sarm iøqhurn | sprinkle medicinal powder on a sore | 撒藥粉
sarmhurn | to powder | 撒粉
sarn zhaan | barren | 瘦田
sarn | thin; haggard; emaciated; dry and rough; sterile; withered; thin; produce; bear (fruit); give birth to | 產; 散; 剷; 瘦
sarn'iøh | potent medicine | 散藥
sarn-pipaf | very lean (thin) | 瘦卑巴; 皮包骨
sarn`løqkhix | lost weight | 瘦落去
sarnban | incompact; loose; disorganized | 散漫
sarnbunsy | prose poem | 散文詩
sarnbuun | prose; prose writing; prose | 散文
sarnchiahlaang | poor and miserable person | 散赤人; 窮人
sarnchiaq | extreme poverty | 赤貧; 散赤; 貧窮
sarnciah | extreme poor | 散食
sarnciaqlaang | poor people | 散食人
sarncin | disperse | 散盡
sarng | Mister; Mr. | 先生; 聳; 傲慢,自大
sarng'oaan | send out | 送完
sarng'y | send to a doctor | 送醫
sarngciofng | be present at the deathbed of.. | 送終
sarngcixn | send in | 送進
sarngcviuxsvoaf | funeral procession to the grave site | 送成山; 送到墓地
sarngcviuxthaau | funeral procession to the grave site | 送成頭; 送到墓地
sarngheeng | see somebody off | 送行
sarnghoee | send back | 送回
sarnghoex | deliver goods; send goods to the purchaser | 送貨
sarnghofng | air supply | 送風
sarnghuix | derivery fee | 送費
sarngjidar | wedding date | 送日仔
sarngjip | send in | 送入
sarngjit | send the date to bride's parents | 送日; 擇婚期
sarngkaw | hand over to; deliver to | 送交
sarngkax | drive off | 送駕
sarngkex | to marry | 送嫁
sarngkheq | escort a visitor on his way out; to speed a parting guest | 送客
sarngkhix | send | 送去
sarngkngf | disperse | 送光
sarngku gengsyn | bid farewell to those departing; and greet the arrival of new comers; send off the old year and usher in the new | 送舊迎新
sarngkviar | give away a kid; say farewell to a kid | 送囝
sarnglaai | send | 送來
sarnglaang | say farewell to someone | 送人
sarnglea | give a gift; give a fee to a teacher or doctor; give a congratulatory present | 送禮; 送禮(物)
sarnglidar | marry date | 送日仔
sarngmih | gift | 送物; 送禮物
sarngphøef | to carry letters | 送批; 送信
sarngpiedhoe | farewell party | 歡送會
sarngpiet | see a person off | 送別
sarngpiet-hoe | a farewell gathering | 送別會; 惜別會
sarngpng | bring meal for somebody | 送飯
sarngsie | die (as the result of one's own action); bring death upon oneself | 送命; 送死
sarngsiin | a ceremony at the end of Lunar year to send goods back to; send off the gods (after the offering of sacrifices) | 送神
sarngsixn | send a letter or a message | 送信
sarngsofng | attend a funeral | 送殯
sarngsvoathaau | send the mountain | 送山頭
sarngsøq | oxygen | 氧氣
sarngtat | deliver to; dispatch to; send to | 送達
sarngthiab | send an invitation | 送帖
sarngtvia | to give the earnest money to certify the betrothal contract; to present betrothal gifts; engage | 送定; 送訂婚
sarngzao | send away | 送走
sarngzhud | send away | 送出
sarngzoxng | attend a funeral | 送葬
sarngzwnzurn | sent accurately | 送準準
sarngzøeq | give presents on the occasion of a festival | 送節
sarngzøx | give it to | 送做
sarnhenglaang | poor people | 散凶人
sarnhiofng | poor; needy | 貧窮; 散凶; 窮苦
sarnhionglaang | poor people | 貧鄉人
sarnhoad | distribute | 散發
sarnhoe | dismiss a meeting | 散會
sarnjiedkhix | radiator | 散熱器
sarnkhay | diffuse; spread out; come apart; disperse | 散開
sarnkhix | hernia | 疝氣
sarnkix | random notes | 散記
sarnkofng | astigmatism | 散光; 亂視
sarnkuie | poor and miserable person (a curse word) | 窮鬼
sarnlaang | poor person | 窮人
sarnloan | disperse; scatter around; dispersed; scattered; confused; in disorder | 散亂; 分散
sarnpaang | poor branch of a family | 窮房; 混的不好的一房
sarnpefng | paratroopers | 傘兵
sarnpengsvoax | open skirmish line (military) | 散兵線
sarnpo | take a stroll; walk; promenade | 散步
sarnpox iaugieen | spread evil rumors | 散佈謠言
sarnpox | scatter; dispersion; spread; spread; disseminate; to scatter | 散布; 散佈; 散播
sarnsaf | loose sand | 散沙
sarnsarnpo | taking a stroll | 散散步
sarnsaxn | somewhat poor | 窮窮
sarnsym | to do something to relieve boredom or weariness; have some recreation | 散心
sarntea | formerly poor; describes an individual or a family that is or was poor | 瘦底; 出身寒門
sarnzaai | spend money freely | 散財
sat'hongkerng | spoil the view | 殺風景
sat'id kerngpeg | kill one as a warning for a hundred | 殺一警百
satbunhurn | powdered soap | 肥皂粉
satjiin arnkvia | murder case | 殺人案件
satkhurn | to sterilize; pasteurization; kill germs; sterilize; disinfect; decontaminate | 殺菌
satkhurn-zef | sterilizer | 殺菌劑
saykorng | unnecessary to explain | 屑講; 無用講
sayserngte | get mad | 使性地; 發脾氣
sayserngtoe | have a temper | 使性地
saytharng | bucket for dung; chamber pot; honey bucket | 屎桶; 糞桶
seaharn'ar | little one | 細漢仔
seaharnkiøafkao | little one | 細漢茄仔狗
seaharnko'ar | youngest aunty | 細漢姑仔
seaharnkuar | the youngest uncle on the mother side | 細漢舅仔
seaharnkviar | the youngest of the family | 細漢囝
seaharnsi'ar | during the young age | 細漢時仔
seaharnsii | during the young age | 細漢時
seakerng | world situation | 世景; 情況
seakhurn hagciar | bacteriologist | 細菌學者
seakhurn | bacteria; germs; microbe; bacteria; germs; microbes | 細菌
sealixgarn | cautious | 小心眼
seapurn | small book | 小書本
seaseaharn'ar | little guy | 細細漢仔
seeng Serngthea | consecrate the Blessed Sacrament (Catholic) | 成聖體
sefhoat'hurn | shampoo powder | 洗髮粉
sefngpurn tøli | making large profits with small capital | 省本多利
sefngpurn | save cost | 省本
sefngserng | not wasted | 省省
sefngsuxsuxserng | save trouble | 省事事省
sefngzernghuo | provincial government | 省政府
sefthaumnghurn | shampoo | 洗頭毛粉
segkoarn thienha | roll the world up like a mat ─ take all of it; conquer the world | 席捲天下
sehkerng | snow scape; winter scene | 雪景
sehsvoaterng | snow mountain top | 雪山頂
sehtiofng sarngthvoax | give timely assistance; send things which are in urgent need | 雪中送炭
sek'ernglun | adaptation theory | 適應論; 適應說
sek'erngsexng | adaptability | 適應性
sek'exng khoankerng | adapt oneself to the environment | 適應環境
sek'hurn | dye powder | 色粉
sek'iern | ploy | 飾演
sek'irn | an index; to lead | 索引
sekorngbie | sago (rice) | 西貢米
sekphirn | accessories | 飾品
seng'iorng | bear and raise | 生養
seng'oah pitsuphirn | necessaries of life | 生活必需品
seng'oah zoxnghorng | living conditions | 生活狀況; (態)
seng'oah zuyzurn | standard of living | 生活水準
seng'urn | stable | 成穩
sengkarngky | elevator | 升降機; 電梯
sengkhurn | sincere; sincere; true hearted; cordial | 誠懇
sengkhw bøo pvoarsiern | I have not a bit of a cash on me | 身上一毛錢也沒有。
sengkhw lorng si siefn | the body covered with hardened dust | 全身都是體垢
sengkhw tngxpvoarsiern | I have not a bit of a cash on me | 身上一毛錢也沒有。
sengkhw-terng | body top | 身軀頂
sengphirn | finished products | 成品
sengpurn koeakex | cost accounting | 成本會計
sengpurn | capitalized cost; wholesale price | 成本
sengsarn habzoksia | producers guild (cooperative) | 生產合作社
sengsarn koeaseng | overproduction | 生產過剩
sengsarn | produce; production; childbirth | 生產
sengsarn-lek | productive capacity | 生產力
sengterng | upgrade | 升等
sengtiern | ceremony | 盛典
sengtiorng køeatheeng | adolesce | 成長過程
sengtiorng | live; grow up; growth | 成長; 生長
seqkerng | go round in a circle | 踅境
seqlierntngr | go round in a circle | 踅輾轉
serng sikafn | save time | 省時間
serng | province; save; awake; wake up; become sober | 省; 醒
serng'aix | making love | 性愛
serng'ankiofng | | 聖安宮
serng'erng | the Psalm | 聖穎; 聖詠; 聖詩篇
serng'iaam | blessed salt (Catholic) | 聖鹽
serng'iok chiongtong | sexual impulse | 性慾衝動
serng'iok | sexual desire (appetite) | 性慾
serng'ioong | holy figure; imperial portrait (Catholic) | 聖容
serng'iuu | holy oils (Catholic) | 聖油
serng'ix | holy will | 聖意
serng'oong | wise and virtuous king | 聖王
serng'wn | divine or imperial favor (graciousness) | 聖恩
serng-gixhoe | Provincial Assembly | 省議會
serng-tofngpo | Provincial Party Headquarters | 省黨部
serng-zernghuo | government provincial | 省政府
serng-zwsek | provincial chairman | 省主席
serng`tiøh | saved | 省著
serngbeeng | full name of a person; surname and personal name | 姓名
serngbeng | person's life | 性命
serngbiin | holy people | 聖民
serngbiø | holy temple | 聖廟
serngbut | blessed articles; sacramentals (Catholic) | 聖物
serngchimhai | sexual assault | 性侵害
serngchiuo | the holy hand | 聖手
serngciar | holy person, saga | 聖者
serngcid | character; nature; character; disposition; temperament; temper | 性質; 聖職
serngcie | imperial will or decree | 聖旨
serngciexn | holly war | 聖戰
serngciog | chalice (Catholic) | 聖爵
serngcitthoaan | hierarchy | 聖職團
serngciuo | consecrated wine | 聖酒
serngciøh | altar stone (Catholic) | 聖石
sernggiaam | holy | 聖嚴
sernggieen | holy words | 聖言
sernghea | torch | 聖火
sernghieen | sages and virtuous men | 聖賢
sernghiensw | sage book | 聖賢書
sernghienzheq | sage book | 聖賢冊
sernghioong | winning heor | 勝雄
sernghoax | sanctification; sanctify | 聖化
sernghoea | torch | 聖火
sernghoef | blessed ashes (Catholic) | 聖灰
sernghu | God the Father | 聖父
sernghuxn | holy teaching; Sage's instruction; imperial edict; memorandum of Mohammed | 聖訓
sernghøea | sacred fire | 聖火
serngjiin | sage; saint | 聖人
serngjim | qualified for the office (position) | 勝任
serngju | imperial decree | 聖諭
serngjuu | imperial decree, royal edict | 聖如
serngkafng | sacred work, holy work, religious work | 聖工
serngkalaan | | 聖佳蘭
serngkaoiok | sex education | 性教育
serngkarm bengsefng | movie queen; sex kitten; sex goddess | 性感明星
serngkarm | sex appeal; glamorous; sexy | 性感
serngkauzoe | crime of sexual intercourse | 性交罪
serngkaw | sexual intercourse | 性交
serngkaxm | sacred prison | 聖監
serngkefng | Bible | 聖經
serngkefng-zad | Bible text, verse of scripture | 聖經節
serngkengkux | Bible sentence | 聖經句
serngkeq | character; personality; disposition | 性格
serngkhiekoafn | sexual organs | 性器官
serngkib | hasty, impetuous, quick-tempered | 性急
serngkied | hollow; purify; sanctify; holy; pure; sanctified; holy; pure; holy and immaculate | 聖潔
serngkoaf | psalm; hymn; canticle (Catholic) | 聖歌
serngkoaf-tui | church choir | 聖歌隊
serngkoatui | choir | 聖歌隊
serngkoax | Holy hexagram | 聖卦
serngkoex | much better than; superior to | 勝過
serngkwn | a sage emperor | 聖軍; 聖君
serngky | blessed palm (Catholic) | 聖枝
serngkøtiaw | orgasm | 性高潮
sernglea | sacrament | 聖禮; 戢禮
serngleeng | efficiency; performance; qualities and capabilities of machinery | 性能
serngli | victory (not only in battles) | 勝利
sernglixciar | winner | 勝利者
sernglole | sex slave | 性奴隸
serngluo | holy woman, saint | 聖女
serngmiaa | baptismal name | 聖名
serngmih | holy thing | 聖物
serngpaai | religious medal; holy medal (Catholic) | 聖牌
serngpai bixteng | uncertain issue of the battle or game | 勝敗未定
serngpai pengkaf cy sioong | alternate victory and defeat is the common lot of soldiers; win one; lose one | 勝敗兵家之常
serngpai | victory and defeat; win or lose; succeed or fail | 勝敗
serngphiaq | disposition; temper | 癖性; 性癖; 脾氣
serngpiet | set apart as sacred; sanctify; sex; sex (male or female) | 性別; 聖別; 分別為聖
serngpoglek | sex violent | 性暴力
serngpve | venereal diseases | 性病
serngpvi | venereal diseases | 性病
serngpviar | communion bread | 聖餅
serngsaix | angel | 聖使
serngsefng | holy monk | 聖僧
serngseng'oah | sex life | 性生活
serngsien | goodness; holiness | 聖善
serngsiong | sacred statue | 聖像
serngsiu | holy | 聖受
serngsoaxn | odds; odds or advance (in a contest) | 勝算
serngsor | the sanctuary (Catholic); the Holy Place | 聖所
serngsox | win a lawsuit | 勝訴
serngsu | the Holy Sacraments (Catholic) | 聖事
serngsviaa | holy city | 聖城
serngsvoaf | cemetery (Catholic) | 聖山; 墓地
serngsw | religious books; tracts | 聖書
serngsy | hymn | 聖詩
serngsøq | cincture | 聖裟; 聖索
serngtarnchiu | Christmas tree | 聖誕樹
serngtarnhoong | poinsettia | 聖誕紅
serngtarnkoaf | Christmas song | 聖誕歌
serngtaxn kharphvix | Christmas card | 聖誕卡片
serngtaxn lauxlaang | Santa Claus | 聖誕老人
serngtaxn lefbut | Christmas gift | 聖誕禮物
serngtaxn | Christmas | 聖誕
serngte tiaupaix | pilgrimage to a holy land | 巡禮; (聖地朝拜)
serngte | temper; holy land | 性地; 脾氣; 聖地
serngteg | saint | 聖德
serngthea | The Blessed Sacrament | 聖體
serngthefkhafm | the tabernacle (Catholic) | 聖體龕
serngthiorng | Grace (of God) | 聖寵
serngthofngzex | hierarchy (Catholic) | 聖統制
serngtiaux | vocation; be called by God | 聖召
serngtien | the Temple in Jerusalem | 聖殿
serngtiern | sacrament | 聖餐; 聖典
serngtngg | Church building | 聖堂; 聖殿
serngtoan | holy tradition (general term) | 聖傳
serngtoax | a stole | 聖帶
serngtoaxn | judgment | 聖斷
serngtoe | famous places | 勝地
serngtoo | saints | 聖徒
serngtø | sacred doctrine | 聖道
serngtøe | the Holy Land | 勝地; 性地; 脾氣
serngtøq | the communion table | 聖桌
serngzeeng | disposition; disposition; personality | 性情
serngzefng | holy monk | 聖僧
serngzeg | miracle | 聖蹟; 名勝古蹟
serngzheq | the Bible | 聖冊
serngzhux | bless a house (Catholic) | 聖厝
serngzuie | holy water | 聖水
serngzuxzuo | sexual autonomy | 性自主
serngzuxzwkhoaan | sexual autonomy | 性自主權
serngzuxzwzoe | crime of sexual autonomy | 性自主罪
serngzuy'oo | aspersorium (Catholic) | 聖水壺
serngzøeq | sacred festival | 聖節
sexng piernthaix | sex perversion; sexual aberration | 性變態
sexnghorng | successful (affair); grand; prosperity; boom; hit (in business) | 盛況
sexngtiern | grand occasion; big ceremony | 盛典
siafpurn | manuscript | 寫本
siafsinhorngmia | sacrifice one's life | 捨身放命
siagarn | strabismus | 斜眼
siahtharng | tin bucket | 錫桶
siaktharng | tub for threshing rice | 摔桶; (脫穀用的大木桶)
siang'irn-hø | double quotation marks | 雙引號
siang'irnhø | double quotation marks (" ") | 雙印號
siangchiwterng | hands top | 雙手頂
sianggarn | a pair of eyes | 雙眼
sianghoarn | oppose, take the opposite position | 相反
siangkorng | parallel bars | 雙管
siangtorng | the same party | 相黨
siarbiern | absolve; pardon (an offender) | 赦免
siarng | Who? | 甚; 啥人; 誰; 甚麼人
siarngtoaxbiin | have a good sleep | 摔大眠; 睡大覺
siarngtoaxho | pouring | 摔大雨
siau'iaxmhurn | anti-inflammation powder | 消炎粉
siau'orng | sold to | 銷往
siauhoax hexthorng | digestive apparatus or system | 消化系統
siauhuiephirn | consumer goods; expendable materials | 消費品
siaukhiern | to amuse .. at; pastime; recreation; pass away the time | 消遣
siaumophirn | expendable goods | 消耗品
siausarn løqbaq | become very weak and thin | 消瘦憔悴
siausarn | lean; become very weak and thin | 消瘦
siautiorng | ebb and flow | 消長
siauzerng | reduce a swelling | 消腫
siawirn | preface | 小引
siawkawerng | tsunami | 痟狗涌; 海漲; 海蛟龍; 滾蛟龍
siawkhiern | puppy; conventional phrase for my son | 小犬; (謙稱自己的兒子)
siawkoarn engsu | Mind your own business | 少管閒事
siawphygiern | despicably mean and miserly in dealings; holding to the last farthing | 痟痂輾; 貪小便宜
siawphyiern | despicably mean and miserly in dealings; holding to the last farthing | 痟痂輾
siawphyliern | despicably mean and miserly in dealings; holding to the last farthing | 痟痂輾
siawsarn | premature birth; miscarriage | 小產; 流產
siaxhoe binzwtorng | social democrats | 社會民主黨
siaxhoe khoankerng | social environment | 社會環境
siaxhoe zernggi | social justice | 社會正義
siaxhoe zerngzheg | social policy | 社會政策
siaxhoexparn | social edition | 社會版
siaxhoextorng | Socialist Party | 社會黨
siaxkaokoarn | social education hall | 社教館
siaxm'iorng | provide with means of support; to support | 贍養
siaxngkhoarn | same; same style; of the same sort or kind | 同款; 𫝛款; 同樣; 相款; 相同
siaxngtorng | belonging to the same party | 同黨
siaxngzerng | samerace | 同種
siaxngzerngthaau | same symptom | 相症頭; 同症頭
siaxzefng-koarn | ejaculatory duc | 射精管
sibcirnhoad | decimal system | 十進法
sibji sernghø | sign of the cross (Catholic) | 十字聖號
sibjixloxterng | intersection | 十字路頂
sibkoarn'gie | idiom (archaic) | 習慣語; 慣用語
sibkoarnhoad | customary law; customs having force of law | 習慣法
sibkoarnsexng | habitual | 習慣性
sid sirn'iong | lose one's credit or reputation | 失信用
sid thefthorng | lose dignity; be disgraced | 失體統
sidbiin zerngzheg | colonial policy | 殖民政策
sidbut phiaupurn | botanical specimen; herbarium | 植物標本
sidciern | practise; practice | 實踐
sidhorng zoafnpox | on-the-spot broadcasting | 實況轉播
sidhorng | actual state or scene; real condition | 實況
sidiok putcirn | poor appetite | 食慾無振
sidioxngphirn | food; foodstuffs; provisions; groceries | 食用品; 食品
sidkerng | actual scene, actual view | 實境; 實景
sidkorng | frankly speaking | 實講
sidoexsidkorng | tell the truth | 實話實講
sidphirn | foods; foodstuffs; edibles | 食物; 食品
sidphirn-tiaxm | food store, grocery store | 食品店
sidphyntiern | food exhibition | 食品展
sidsarn | production, industry | 實產; 生產
sidte erng'iong | apply to practice; practical application | 實地應用
siekhof-lirntngr | surrounding; in every direction | 四箍輾轉; 四周圍
siekholierntngr | on every side; in every direction; | 四箍輾轉
sieliern | Four wheels (feet) pointing skyward (a car; person; or animal upended) | 四腳; (四輪)朝天
sien'iorng | brave | 先勇
sienhiø mauturn | contradictory | 先後矛盾
sienjinciorng | cactus | 仙人掌
sienkerng | land of the divine; place of exquisite natural beauty; paradise | 仙鄉; 仙界; 仙境
siern | scabies | 癬
siernhek | confused | 搧惑
siernhofng | be in a draft ( of wind); be exposed to the wind; to fan | 吹風; 搧風; 颳風
siernkoex | slap over | 搧過
siernløh | slap off | 搧落
sierntanghofng | invite snub | 搧冬風; 比喻自找苦吃
sierntoaxhi | white lie | 搧大耳
sierntoaxhvi | white lie | 搧大耳
sierntong | to provoke; instigate; stir up; agitate; instigation | 煽動
sierntoxngciar | agitators | 煽動者
sierntør | slap down | 搧倒
siernzhuiephoea | slap face | 搧喙頰
sietsiorng | thoughtful; imagine; idea; rough plan; think | 設想
siexnkhoarn | contribute money; contribution; donation; subscription | 善款; 捐款
siexnlamsirnlie | religious people | 善男信女
siexnlamsirnluo | religious people | 善男信女
siexntiorng | good at; adept | 擅長
siezap siøfsii bengkiofng Serngthea | forty hours devotion (Catholic) | 四十小時明供聖體
siheeng Serngsu | administer the Sacraments | 施行聖事
siin niar Serngthea | spiritual communion (Catholic) | 神領聖體
sikerng | present state of affairs | 時境; 現況
simgarn | eyes of the mind; the heart's core; holes of intelligence; supposed to be in the heart | 心眼
simhorng | search and visit | 尋訪
simkerng | mental attitude; mental state; sentiment; a frame of mind; moods | 心境
simkhurn | edible mushroom | 食菌; 蕈菌
simkvoaf parngkhuy | keep one's mind at ease | 心情放鬆
simlie piernthaix | sexual deviate; sexual deviation; a pervert | 心理變態
simlorng | happy heart | 心朗
simsorng | pleasure | 心爽
sin'erng | fresh; novel | 新穎
sin'iorng | supernatural bravery | 神勇
sin'orng | aspire | 神往
sinbuun thongsirnsia | news agency | 新聞通訊社
sinbuzhurnthiq | armless; defenseless | 身無寸鐵
sinkefng hexthorng | nervous system | 神經系統
sinkefng koeabirn | excessively sensitive | 神經過敏
sinkefng-hexthorng | nervous system | 神經系統
sinkefng-køeabirn | nervous | 神經過敏
sinkhoarn | new style, new type, new way, new kind | 新款
sinlongciorng | Shennong award | 神農獎
sinpakchixtiorng | New Taiepe City Mayor | 新北市長
sinparn | new edition (of a book) | 新版; 鋅版; 新出版
sinphirn | new products | 新品; 神品
sinsefng hurnlien | Student orientation at the beginning of a school year | 新生訓練
sinsiern | fresh (food; air) | 新鮮
sinsuxkhoarn | like a gentleman | 紳士款
sintiern | expand; develop | 伸展
sinzherng | apply for; request; application; petition; apply for | 申請
sinzherng-sw | application form | 申請書
sinzherngchiuo | marksman | 神槍手
siofnggoarn | enjoy oneself | 賞月; 賞玩
siofngphirn | prizes | 賞品; 獎品
siogkhoarn | ransom | 贖金; 贖款
siogpharng | toast | 吐司; 白麵包; 源自日語しょくパン(shokupan); 日語漢字為「食パン」
siokparn | pocket size edition (of a book) | 縮版
siokpharng | toast | 俗麭
siokpurn | pocket size edition (of a book) | 縮本
sioktoarn | shorten | 縮短
siong kirn | fastest | 上緊
sionghoarn | adverse; converse; contrary; in contrast; contrary; opposed to each other; contradictory | 相反
sionghorng | visit | 相訪
siongkarng | business port; open ports | 商港
siongphirn tiefnlafmhoe | trade fair | 商品展覽會; 商展
siongphirn tinliedseg | showroom | 商品陳列室
siongphirn | commodity; goods; merchandise; ware; commodity; merchandise | 商品
siongpurn | high cost; large expense; costing too much money | 傷本; 花費大
siongserngkwn | an ever triumphant army | 常勝軍
siongterng | equal; equivalent; identic | 相等
siongtiern | trade fair | 商展; 商品展覽會
siorng | think; consider; to hope; expect; to plan | 想
siorngbin | Physiognomy | 相面
siorngchiuo | Physiognomy- hands; opponent- in Japanese | 相手
siorngchyn | interview prior to marriage | 相親
siorngciaf-siornghiaf | watching here and there | 相這相那
siornghw kaozuo | assist the husband and teach the children: duty of a wife | 相夫教子
siorngkhafng | aiming the hole | 相孔
siorngkhefng | mount; frame (for picture) | 像框
siorngkofng | prime minister; a young gentleman (a term common in opera and old novels); (slang) a catamite | 相公
siorngky | camera | 相機
siorngmau | feature; lineament; physiognomy; countenance; physiognomy; facial features | 相貌; 像貌
siorngmia | tell fortunes | 相命; 算命
siorngmiaxsiefn | fortune teller | 相算先
siorngphang | aiming at the opening | 相縫
siorngpho | album | 相簿
siorngphvie'lai | in the photo | 相片內
siorngphvix | photograph; photo | 相片
siorngsu | fortune teller | 相士
siorngsut | physiognomy | 相術
siorngsviaf | crosstalk | 相聲
siorngtiøh | meet | 相著
siorngzurn | coincide | 相準
siorngzwnzurn | coincide | 相準準
sioxng'iern | put on the stage | 上演
sioxngphirn | goods of superior quality | 上品
sioxngterng thornghoex | perfect contrition (Catholic) | 上等痛悔
sioxngterng | first-class; crackajack; superior; superior quality | 上等
sipcirn | eczema; tette | 濕疹; 溼疹
sipsiern | moist eczema | 濕疹; 濕癬
siqpurn | disinvestment; suffer in one's pocket; lose money doing business; enfeeble; deficit; general debility | 蝕本; 虧損; 損失
sirn'gagthoaan | church orchestra | 信樂團
sirn'gi | fidelity, loyalty | 信義
sirn'giorng | belief, faith | 信仰
sirn'giorng-kørpek | confession of faith | 信仰告白
sirn'giorng-seng'oah | faithful life | 信仰生活
sirn'iog | commitment | 信約
sirn'iong habzoksia | credit association (union); co-operative credit society | 信用合作社
sirn'iong | depend on; rely on; dependability; reliability; confidence; to trust | 信用
sirn'iong-taixkhoarn | loan given on one's name without collateral | 信用貸款
sirn'ioxngkhar | credit card (外來詞) | 信用卡
sirn'ioxngzng | letter of credit | 信用狀
sirnbang | believe and hope | 信望
sirnboxng'aix | faith, hope and love | 信望愛
sirnbun | interrogate judicially; correspondence | 訊問
sirnbut | token | 信物
sirnciar | believer | 信者
sirncioong | believe and obey; trust and follow | 信從
sirncioxng | believers | 信眾
sirngi | integrity | 信義
sirngiorng liauhoad | faith healing | 信仰療法
sirngiorng puttoong | disparity of cult | 信仰無同
sirngiorng zuxiuu | freedom of religion | 信仰自由
sirngiorng | belief; faith; religious; believe in | 信仰
sirngiorng-kørpek | confession of faith | 信仰告白
sirngiorng-seng'oah | faithful life | 信仰生活
sirnhaam | letter | 信函; 書信
sirnhauxto | reliability and validity | 信效度
sirnhofng | envelope | 信封
sirnhok | believe in; to trust; admire | 信服
sirnhong | believe; believe in (a religion; a principle) | 信奉
sirnhø | signal (with flags; lamp) | 信號
sirnhøxtefng | signal light; signal lamp | 信號燈; 方向登
sirnhøxzhexng | signal pistol | 信號銃
sirnjim | trust; have confidence in | 信任
sirnjixmzng | credentials | 信任狀
sirnkaux zuxiuu | freedom of religion | 信教自由
sirnkaux | believe in a religion | 信教
sirnkefng | a creed | 信條; 信經
sirnkhøx | make believe armor; rely on; depend on | 信靠
sirnkvia | mail or letters | 信件
sirnliam | belief; conviction; faith | 信念
sirnlie | female Buddhist disciple | 信女
sirnlim | trust | 信任
sirnluo | believer- female | 信女
sirnmng | cross-examine | 信問; 訊問
sirnnai | depend on; rely; trust; trust; to trust | 信賴
sirnput | rely on image, rely on Buddhism | 信佛
sirnseg | news; message | 訊息; 信息
sirnsid | information, news | 信息
sirnsiin | believe in god | 信神
sirnsit | good faith; honesty; trustworthiness | 信實
sirnsiuo | abide by | 信守
sirnsog | rapidly; swiftly; rapid; swift; quick; swift; rapid | 迅速
sirnsu | believer | 信士
sirnsviax | believe in; be convinced of.. | 相信
sirnsviulai | in the mailbox | 信箱內
sirnsviw | post box; letter box | 信箱
sirnsym | believing heart; faith; confidence | 信心
sirntao | faithful | 信篤
sirnteg | faith virtue, trustworthiness virtue | 信德
sirnthaxn | believe and obey | 信炭; 信從
sirnthien'afng | albatross, short-tailed albatross, Stelleis albatross | 信天翁
sirnthien'ofng | albatross, short-tailed albatross, Stelleis albatross | 信天翁
sirnthog kongsy | trust company | 信託公司
sirnthog | entrust; trust | 信託; 託付
sirnthog-kongsy | trust company | 信託公司
sirnthokkiok | board of trustees | 信託局
sirntiaau | tenet; creed or code; dogma | 信條
sirntiong | place great confidence in a man | 信重; 信任
sirntitkøex | credible, trustworthy | 信得過
sirntitkøex`ee | credible, trustworthy | 信得過的
sirntoo | believer (of a religion) | 信徒; 信道
sirntø | believe a doctrine | 信道; 信徒
sirnzhef | messenger | 信差
sirnzhøx | moral integrity | 信操
sirnzoar | letter paper; stationery | 信紙
sirnzuo | believe in the Lord | 信主
sisiern | baptize | 施洗
sisoarn | anthology of poems | 詩選
sitiern | develop; display (one's talent; skill); expand | 施展
sitpurn | lost capital cost | 失本
sitthiorng | lose the confidence of the boss; lose the love of one's husband; fall out of imperial favor | 失寵
siu thorngkhor | undergo pain; suffer pain | 受痛苦
siu'iorng | culture; accomplishment; training; discipline | 修養; 收養
siuciern | clip; lop; manicure; prune; shear; trimming; prune | 修剪
siuhoarurnhoad | collection, transportation and distribution | 收化運發
siuhoe sernggoan | religious profession | 修會聖願
siuiorng | adopt | 收養
siukhoarn | collect account | 收款
siukoarn | have charge of, have the care of | 收款; 收管
siuo sirn'iong | keep promises; remain faithful | 守信用
siuogarn | silver eye, white eye (bird) | 繡眼
siuohoef-tharn | embroidered coverlet | 繡花毯
siusirnjiin | recipient of a letter | 收信人
siuterngparn | revised edition | 修訂版
siuterngpurn | revised edition | 修訂本
siuxciorng | to receive a reward | 受獎
siuxhorng | Interviewed | 受訪
siuxhurn | pollination | 授粉
siuxkerng | be chosen, be selected | 受揀; 被遴選
siuxparn | coffin | 壽板; 棺木
siuxpiern | be degraded, demoted | 受貶; 被貶
siuxsiern | be baptized | 受洗; 領洗
siuxsirnky | telegraph receiving apparatus | 受信機
siuxsurn | suffer loss; sustain damage | 受損
siuxtinpurn | poket edition | 袖珍本
siuxtyn jixtiern | pocket dictionary | 袖珍字典
siuzerng | adjust (a machine); retouch (a photograph) | 修整
siuzerng'axn | amended bill | 修正案
siwkherng | promise; permit | 首肯
siwlerng | raja; Lit. head and neck ─ leader; chief | 首領
sixhoan piawiern | demonstration (of a skill) | 示範表演
sixkerng | give a warning | 示警
sixkirn | quickly; hastily | 趕緊; 趕快
sixkorng | Is talking about | 是講
sizuurn | the time; the moment | 時陣
siø'iern | wrestle | 摔角; 相偃
siøf-parngphvoa | number of men uniting to help one another in turn; to help mutually | 相放伴; 輪流幫忙
siøf-tharnviu | follow the example of others | 相探樣; 相仿效
siøferng | small wave | 小浪
siøfirn | introduction (of a book) | 小引
siøfkarng | small harbor | 小港
siøfkhoarn | small-scale; small; minor | 小形
siøfoarn | little far away | 小遠
siøfphirn | an essay | 小品
siøfpurn senglie | business with a small capital | 小本生意
siøfpurn tøli | small capital and great profits | 小本多利
siøfpurn | small capital | 小本
siøfsarn | premature birth; miscarriage | 小產; 流產
siøfsortorng | minority political party | 少數黨
siøftarn | wait a moment | 小等; 稍等
siøftherng | small boat | 小艇
siøfzerng | small race; minor swelling | 小種; 小腫
siøiern | wrestle | 摔角; 角力
siøjiarng | scream at each other | 相嚷
siøjiorng | scream at each other | 相嚷
siøkwnkurn | broling hot | 燒滾滾
siølerng | heat and cold, temperature | 燒冷; 冷熱
siøliorng | scream at each other | 相嚷
siømexpurn | reserved for used in scolding | 相罵本
siøparngphvoa | take turn to help each other in farming | 相放伴
siør-simgarn | petty-minded | 小心眼
siøsym bøo siqpurn | be careful; you can't be too careful | 小心無蝕本; 小心不吃虧
siøzhorngti | joke; make fun of; jest | 開玩笑; 互相戲弄
sngf-tiorngtok | acidosis | 酸中毒
snglerng | ice-cold | 酸冷; 冰冷
sngrkorng | be regarded as | 算講
sngsurn | type of pickled bamboo shoot | 酸筍
sngtarngloxsib | frost and dew | 霜凍露溼
sngtharng | ice cream freezer | 酸雪; 冰桶
sngx axmkurn | fasten neck | 勒頸
so'oarn | cold (relationship); distant; alienate; estrange | 疏遠
soaarnciøh | diamond | 璇石
soaberng-hii | trigger fish | 沙猛魚
soafnchiwciorng | player award | 選手獎
soagarn | trachoma | 沙眼
soahkherng | How come! | 怎肯
soanjiorng | bawl, to clamor, to make a hullabaloo | 喧囂; 喧嚷
soankarng | preach; deliver a speech; orate | 宣講
soanthoanphirn | propaganda material; promotion material | 宣傳品
soanzoarn | revolve; rotary; rotate | 旋轉
soarn jidcie | choose a day | 選日子
soarn jinzaai | selectable men for places of trust | 選人才
soarn | select; choose; choice; to elect; elections | 選
soarn'afhoef | garlic flower | 蒜仔花
soarn'afpeh | garlic root and the white part of the stalk; cut down small | 蒜仔白
soarn'afzay | tender garlic shoots | 蒜仔栽
soarn'ar | green garlic; green garlic; leek | 蒜仔; 大蒜
soarn`zhutlaai | voted | 選出來
soarnboah | crushed garlic | 蒜泥
soarnhiongtiin | garlic fragrant cane | 蒜香藤
soarnjiongky | twist of dough | 蒜絨枝
soarnjioong | crushed garlic; mashed garlic; garlic pounded soft | 蒜泥; 蒜茸; 蒜頭菜
soarnlioong | minced garlic | 蒜茸
soarnpan | quarters of a head of garlic | 蒜瓣
soarnsut | arithmetic | 算術
soarnthaang | pinworm | 蒜蟲; 蟯蟲
soarnthaau | garlic; garlic cloves; kernels of garlic; garlic (bulb) | 蒜頭
soarnthauban | garlic cloves | 蒜頭瓣
soat'horng | to lie, to tell a lie | 說謊
soaxntharng | watering can; sprinkling can | 灑桶
soeakhoarn | tax money | 稅款
soeakhurn | bacteria | 細菌
soefsengkhutharng | shower water bucket | 洗身軀桶
sofkorng | what ... say; that which is said | 所講
softiorng | one's specialty | 所長
sokkakorng | P.V.C. pipe | 塑膠管
sokkatharng | plastic bucket | 塑膠桶
sorciorng | several kinds of | 數種
soriorng | culture; acquirement; knowledge; one's general capacity and disposition as a result of long and regular self-discipline; grounding; (elementary) knowledge; accomplishments; cultured | 素養
sorng | bright; pleasure; refreshing; crisp; agreeable; pleasant; brisk; straightforward; frank | 爽
sorngbeng | lose one's life; die | 喪命
sorngboong | lose life; die | 喪亡
sorngbyar | dighten the waist | 宋米仔
sorngcin thienlioong | have no conscience; impervious to a sense of justice | 喪盡天良
sorngcin | lose entirely | 喪盡; 丟光
sorngcix | mournful | 喪志
sorngheeng | send-off; give a send off | 送行
sorngheeng-hoe | farewell service (encouraging a person who is undertaking a difficult assignment) | 送行會
sornghiofng | destitute, poor | 喪鄉; 貧窮
sornghoaan | send back | 送還; 送回
sornghoee | send back | 送還; 送回
sorngkaf | bereavement family | 喪家
sorngkhix | dampen; dejected; despondent; in low spirits; discouraged | 喪氣
sorngkhoaan | bereavement | 喪權
sorngphaxn | stupid fellow; an ass; bonehead | 傻瓜; 土驢
sorngphaxn`ee | dumbo | 宋盼的
sorngpiet | see (a person) off; give a send off | 送別
sorngpiet-hoe | farewell meeting | 送別會
sorngsefng | lose one's life | 喪生
sorngsid liongsym | lost one's conscience | 喪失良心
sorngsid | lose; loss; lose; be deprived of; be stripped of | 喪失
sorngtat | deliver to | 送達
sorngtvar | appal | 喪膽
sorngzoxng | attend a funeral | 送葬
sorngzuo | lose one's child | 葬子; 喪子
sorsiong arnkvia | law case | 訴訟案件
soserng | revive, resuscitate | 數甦; 甦醒
sosorng | pleasant and comfortable | 搜爽; 舒爽
sotvar-hurn | sodium bicarbonate | 蘇打粉
su'iong kongkhoarn | embezzle public funds | 私用公款
su'iuo-zaisarn | private property or possession | 私有財產
su'nng-koarn | uterine tubes, fallopian tubes | 輸卵管
suhkorng | straw | 欶管
suhoad hengzerngkoaan | judicial administrative authority | 司法行政權
suhoad hengzerngpo | the Ministry of Justice | 司法行政部
suiaophirn | necessities; essentials | 需要品
suiborng | although; even so | 雖罔
suikierngpiexn | adapt to changing circumstances | 隨機應變
suiky erngpiexn | adapt oneself quickly to changing circumstances | 隨機應變
suipien korng | talk at random; extempore speech | 隨便說
suixput'habgarn | sleep with eyes open | 睡無闔眼
sujibphirn | an importation; imported goods | 輸入品
sujiø-koarn | ureteral catheter | 輸尿館; 輸尿管
sunhoee iefnkarng | lecturing tour (trip) | 巡迴演講
sunhoee tosukoarn | circulating library | 巡迴圖書館
sunkhoaan hexthorng | circulatory system of the blood | 循環系統
sunløo-therng | a patrol craft, a patrol ship | 巡邏艇
sunløtherng | patrol boat | 巡邏艇
sunphirn | of the purest quality; completely unmixed; unadulterated | 純品
sunzerng | thoroughbred; pure breed | 純種
sunzwciernzheg | Sun Tzu's strategy | 孫子戰策
suo buu zorngsyn cy te | die without a place for burial (a phrase usually used as a warning to somebody) | 死無葬身之地
suokegkorng | a tetrode (in radio) | 四極管
suokiernhoe | 4-H Club | 四健會
surn | injure; lay waste; to waste; ruined | 損; 榫; 筍; 傷
surn'ui | abdicate a throne, give up a position for | 遜位; 退位
surnkafn | instant; moment; very short time; in the twinkling of an eye; in an instant | 瞬間
surnniu | give preference to other person | 遜讓; 優先考慮其他人
surnseg | in the shade | 遜色; 瞬息
surnseg-kafn | instant, moment, second | 瞬息間
susarn | private property; personal estate | 私產
susiorng iuoti | childish thinking; naive | 思想幼稚
susiorng loggvor | old-fashioned in thinking; out-dated ideas | 思想落伍
susiorng zuxiuu | freedom of thought | 思想自由
susiorng | thoughts; thinking; thinking; ideas; conception; mentality | 思想
susiorng-kaf | a thinker | 思想家
susiorng-sexng | an ideological level , the ideological content (of sa writing) | 思想性
sutiern | dictionary of words; dictionary; book of phrases | 辭典; 詞典
sutlerng | head; lead (troops; team); to head (a mission) | 率領
suurn'suxnsun | smoothly | 順順順
suxn'erngsexng | adaptability | 順應性
suxn'exng khoankerng | adapt with one's environment | 順應環境
suxn'garn | please the eyes, pleasant to the eyes | 順眼
suxngarn | after somebody's fancy; pleasant to the eyes | 順眼
suxnkerng | in easy circumstances; in favorable circumstances | 順境
suyzogkoarn | aquarium | 水族館
suzengkoarn kietzad | vasectomy; male sterilization | 輸精管結紮
suzengkoarn | deferent duct; spermatic cord | 輸精管
suzhutphirn | exported goods; exportation | 輸出品
sva'iern | wrestle | 相摔; 相偃; 摔角
sva'urn | promise one another | 相允
svaf korng six mxtiøh | make mistake each time in speaking | 三講四無對; 每次講每次錯
svafkhoarn | how about that? | 甚款
svahiamsiekerng | picky | 三嫌四揀
svahoarn | be contrary to, disagree with, oppose | 相反
svakib thiao'oarn | hop skip and a jump (athletic event) | 三級跳遠
svalarng | clothes basket | 衫籠; 衫囊
svaliern-chiaf | pedicab | 三輪車
svasekkirn | viola tricolor | 三色堇
svaterng | ; third class or rate | 三等
svaterng`ee | inferior; third class or rate | 三等的; 劣等的
svazabthorng | little more than thirty | 三十多一點
svazarnlaau | building of three stories | 三層樓
svazarnthaq | three-story tower | 三層塔
sveamiaxsvoarterng | on lifeline | 性命線頂
svef siern | ringworm | 生癬
svekolarngphuo | mold and rotten | 生菇閬殕
svekyn terngtiaau | take root in a place become rooted in | 生根定條; 根深蒂固
svepurn | originally | 生本
svesiern | suffer from ringworm | 生癬
svi'iorng | fertility | 生養
svia'erng | sound waves | 聲浪
sviaerng | scream | 聲湧
sviafkhoarn | how; How are things? | 甚款; 啥款; 怎麼樣; 什麼樣
sviafmihkhoarn | what do you think? | 啥物款
sviahiorng | sound, tone | 聲響
sviaterng | on the top of the wall | 城頂
svipurn | originally; it was like that | 生本
svisiern | ringworm | 生癬
svitiorng | grow, live | 生長
sviuafterng | box top | 箱仔頂
sviularng | cage; coop; basket; container | 籠子
sviuxkorng | though | 想講
sviwphirn | prize, reward | 賞品; 獎品
svoaafterng | mountain top | 山仔頂
svoaf-genggerng | mountain longan | 山龍眼
svoaf-soarnthaau | Formosan veratrum, Formosa lily | 山蒜頭
svoakerng | mountain view | 山景
svoaphøterng | hillside top | 山坡頂
svoarphofngphorng | in disorder; in a mess | 散凸凸; 凌亂; 四散紛飛
svoarterng | line top | 線頂
svoasafnphirn | mountain grown agricultural products | 山產品; 山產物; 山產
svoasarn | mountain grown agricultural products | 山產; 山產物; 山產品
svoaterng | top of the mountain; mountain top; up on the mountain | 山頂
svy siern | ringworm | 生癬
syboong zerngbeeng | death certificate | 死亡證明
syboong zerngsw | death certificate | 死亡證書
sylangkhoarn | dead mood | 死人款
sym boarn ix ciog | be fully contented complacent | 心滿意足
sym hoee ix zoarn | change one's mind; give up one's old (evil) ways; repent; start a new life | 心回意轉
sym kviaf garn thiaux | terribly frightened | 心驚肉跳
sym lerng | my heart received it ─ phrase used when declining an invitation or a present | 心領
symmih khoarn | What kind? What sort? | 甚麼樣
syn susiorng | modern thinking; modern thought | 新思想
syn zhutparn | new edition (of a book) | 新出版; 新版
syparn | inflexible; wooden of a person; wooden (person); rigid (Regulations); fixed and unchangeable (methods); monotonous (work; life) | 死板
sysarn | still-born baby | 死產
sytorng | buddies | 死黨
søchiorng | to enrage | 搜搶
søeakhurn | germ, bacterium | 細菌
søeapurn | small book | 細本
søehkerng | snowscape | 雪景
søfkarng | seal off a harbor, blockade a harbor | 鎖港; 封港
søh'afterng | on the rope | 索仔頂
søh'irn | ndexing; index (of a book) | 索引
søhurn | apply face powder; powder the face | 搓粉; 抹粉
søsorng | to enrage, to provoke | 搜爽
taai arntøea | hide the record | 埋案底
taam zerngti | talk politics | 談政治
taelerng | take the leadership of; conduct; guide; lead | 帶領
taftharng | bucket | 打桶
tagciorng | every kind | 逐種
tagkhoarn | every kind, every sort, every style | 逐款
tagterng | every level | 逐等
tah cirnzeeng | go in advance | 踏進前; 步向前
tah'erng'aq | promised | 答應矣
tahhurn | put up powder | 貼粉
tai'afterng | platform top | 台仔頂
taiparn | woodenness; primness; stiffness | 呆板
taiterng | on platform | 台上; 臺上
taixbeeng tefngterng | famous name; a name known far and wide | 大名鼎鼎
taixciorngbiø | public temple | 大眾廟
taixciornghoax | popularize; popularized; popularization | 大眾化
taixiong-phirn | substituting article | 代用品
taixkhoarn | loan | 貸款
taixkoarn | manage; govern or administer on behalf of another | 代管
taixliong sengsarn | production on a large scale; mass production | 大量生產
taixsaekoarn | embassy | 大使館
taixsengcieserngsiensw | | 大成至聖先師
taixsiern | lay person administers baptism in case of necessity (Catholic) | 代洗
taixsoarn | Presidential election; general election for congress | 大選
taixthofnglerng | President (Japan) | 大統領
taixtiern hongtoo | realize one's ambition; to ride on the crest of success | 大展鴻圖
taixtiern | ceremony; grand ceremony; a collection of great classics | 大典
taixzerng | take the place of payment | 代請
tammoaa-cirn | google | 蕁麻疹; 風疹
tampøfphirn | article given as security; collateral | 擔保品; 抵押品
tangarn | single eye | 單眼
tanghurn | noodles make of green bean; a type of glass vermicelli made from beans | 冬粉
tangkorng | copper tube | 銅管
tangparn | copper plate (in printing); printing from metal type | 銅版
tangsiern | copper coin | 銅幣; 銅仙
tangsurn | variety of bamboo shoot that sprouts in winter | 冬筍
tangterng | be of equal rank, equal, on equal term | 同頂; 同等
tangtorng | belong to the same party | 同黨
tangzerng | same kind | 同種
tanheeng-purn | a separate volume; in book form | 單行本
tanhengpurn | books published singly ─ as opposed to those published in sets; a separate volume | 單行本
tankorng | single tube | 單管
taoberng | contend (gymnastics or conflict) | 鬥衡; 猛鬥
taokorng | help to persuade; help to explain | 助言; 幫忙說服
taoløqsurn | fit tendon and mortise together | 接上榫
taosurn | put tenon into the join | 鬥榫
taosvakaarng | sorting and grouping | 鬥相共
taq irnhoef | paste revenue stamp | 貼印花
taqparn | treadle | 踏板
tarn | to wait | 等
tarn'iøh | ammunition | 彈藥
tarn'iøqkhox | ammunition depot; magazine | 彈藥庫
tarn`cide | to wait a little while; after a little while; Wait a minute! | 等一下
tarn`laang | to wait for someone | 等人
tarn`leq | just a second | 等咧
tarn`tiøh | waiting | 等著
tarnbøo | throw nothing | 擲無
tarng | to rule; supervise; oversee; rectify; Chinese surname | 董
tarng'oaan | pill | 彈丸
tarngcih | tongue became numb after eating spicy food | 凍舌
tarngkaq | ingrown toenail | 嵌甲
tarngkhie | teeth chatter (from cold) | 凍齒; 打牙
tarnglerng | freezing | 凍冷
tarnglo | freeing dew | 凍露
tarngloxzuie | date; to have a date (slang) | 約夜會
tarngsiafng | suffer injuries or illness as a result of long exposure to cold weather; frostbite; exposure | 凍傷
tarngsie | winter-kill; freeze to death; frozen to death | 凍死
tarngsiofng | suffer injuries or illness as a result of exposure; frostbite | 凍傷
tarngsngf | stinginess; miserliness; cheeseparing; meanness; skimp; frosty; frostbite; having very narrow ideas (about another's power); cowardly; timid; lily livered; mean and shabby in money matters | 吝嗇; 凍霜
tarngsngkuie | stingy person | 凍霜鬼
tarngtefngtee | frozen top tea | 凍頂茶
tarngterng | chill top of mountain | 凍頂
tarngzhngf | frostbite; chilblains | 凍瘡
tarngzhuiekhie | frozen teeth | 凍喙齒
tarnhietkak | throw away | 擲㧒捔
tarnhviekak | throw away | 擲挕捔
tarnhviesag | throw away | 擲挕捒
tarnkhix | threw | 擲去
tarnløh | threw | 擲落
tarnphoax | threw to break it | 擲破
tarnsag | throw away | 丟掉; 丟棄
tarnsefng | birth; be born; give birth to | 誕生
tarnsek | Morning and evening; morning and evening | 旦夕
tarnsengte | birthplace | 誕生地
tarnsiin | birthday | 誕辰
tarntiau | throw away | 丟掉; 扔掉
tarnzhwn | birth | 誕春
tasarn | dry and skinny | 焦瘦
tasiern | dry scurf on the body | 乾癬
tauqtauqkorng | repeating over and over in a wearisome way; constantly speaking | 常常說
tauxhurn | bean flour | 豆粉
tawlarng | basket | 斗籠
taxmzuyhøterng | Tamsui river top | 淡水河頂
taxngpurn | business requiring a great deal of capital; plenty of capital funds | 重本
tebie koarn'ar | tea leaf container; tea caddy | 茶米罐仔
tebykoarn | tea rice shop | 茶米館
teerng'texngteng | very hard | 硬硬硬
tefaq-phirn | security, mortgage, pledge | 抵押品
tefngkarng | north area | 頂港; 北部地方
tefngterng taixbeeng | renowned; famous; illustrious | 鼎鼎大名
tefngterng | etc.; and so forth; and so on | 等等
tefpurn | few capital | 短本
tefsiorng | to compensate, to atone for | 抵償
teg'iw-ciarng | special outstanding award | 特優獎
tegciorng enggiap | special business operations (such as cabarets; bars; wine houses) | 特種營業
tegciorng | special prize; grand prize | 特獎; 特種
tegexkoarn | teahouse restaurant | 茶藝館
tegkhiern | specially dispatched | 特遣
tegpiet ee serngcid | distinctive nature; individuality | 特別的性質
tegsarn | special products; products peculiar to any place; unique products (of a place) | 特產
tegsoarn | specially selected; carefully chosen; hand picked; win the highest honors (at an art exhibition) | 特選
tegterng pvexpaang | hospital private room | 特別病房; 特等病房
tegterng | the special class or grade; class just above the first | 特等
tegtiorng | special merits; strong points | 特長
tegzeaphirn | specially made | 特製品
tegzurn | special permit; to permit; in a special case | 特准
tekbiqafterng | top of bamboo strips | 竹篾仔頂
tekhohurn | soap powder; detergent powder | 洗衣粉; 肥皂粉
tekkorng | pipe made of bamboo; hollow piece of bamboo | 竹管
teklarng | bamboo basket | 竹籠
tekoarn | teahouse; cafes; tearoom; tea house | 茶館
tekoarn'ar | tea pot | 茶罐仔
tekparn | bamboo strip | 竹板
teksurn | bamboo shoots | 竹筍
tekthiorng | get special favor or affection | 得寵
tekzherng | bamboo scrub brush | 竹刷; 竹筅; 竹刷子
tekzhuxn cirnchiøq | the more he gets; the more he wants; small concessions lead to greater demands | 得寸進尺
tengbuun paehorng | make a special call on another; at his home | 登門拜訪
tenghiern | exhibit; present; reveal; assume | 呈顯
tengkorng | light tube | 燈管
tenglarng-zhao | Chinese lantern plant; Physalis angulata | 登籠草; 燈籠草
tengliogtherng | landing craft; landing ship tanks | 登陸艇
tengsirnliok | financial report; statement of income and expenditure (of a foundation; charity organization) | 徵信錄
tengsirnsia | credit information office | 徵信社
tengsoarn | solicit | 徵選
tengzherng | submit an accusation, appeal, petition | 重請; 呈請
tepiern | write an inscription for a tablet | 題匾
terng geqlit | last month | 頂月日
terng goeqjit | last month | 頂月日
terng y ee khoeq | succeed to the place he left vacant | 頂他的缺
terng | a tiny steelyard; balance; class | 等; 頂; 秤; 上一個; 戥
terng'ar | small steelyard | 釘仔
terng'iog | conclude a treaty | 訂約
terng'ix | to suit one's fancy or desire; agreeable to one's wishes; satisfied; please | 中意
terng-kørgoeh | last month | 上個月
terng-lefpaix | last week; a former week | 上星期
terng-pvoarmee | before midnight | 上半夜
terng-pvoarpof | forenoon | 上半晡; 上午
terng-pvoartafng | first six months of a year | 上半年
terngbeeng | make it clear | 定明
terngchirn'ar-hoef | rough-leaved holly | 釘秤仔花
terngcviaa | bound to make a book | 釘成; 裝釘成
terngheng | sulky and resentful (child; refusing to obey because it has been beaten) | 賭氣; 慍怒
ternghø | make a mark, put a mark on, stamp | 定號; 打記號
terngkoky | nail a single nail; duel | 釘孤枝; 單挑
terngkwn | nail root | 釘根
terngkyn | to root; take root in | 生根
ternglangthviaf | get people to listen | 釘人聽
terngsie | nail securely; crucify | 釘死; 叮死; 螫死
terngsuky | stapler | 釘書機
terngte svekyn | rooted like a plant; taking a firm stance from which he cannot be moved; e.g.; a wrestler; said in blaming a child who will not come when called | 根深蒂固
terngtexng | nail it | 釘釘
terngtexng`khylaai | nail it | 釘釘起來
terngthviaf | pleasant to the ear | 中聽
terngtiaau | to nail firm | 釘住; 釘牢; 釘緊
terngtiarm | fruit or clothes) grow black specks | 斑点
terngtiautiaau | clinch | 釘牢牢
terngtiøh | be bitten; be stung | 叮到; 螫到
terngzexng | correct a mistake | 釘正; 訂正; (錯誤)
terngzheq | bind a book | 釘冊; 釘書
tetharng | vessel for tea or hot water | 茶桶
texitciorng | first prize | 第一獎
texkerng | landscape | 地景
texkhag pierntong | earth's crust change | 地殼變動
texkiuterng | on the earth | 地球頂
texngkii zunkhoarn | time deposit; TD; fixed deposits | 定期存款
texngzeaphirn | article made to order; custom made article | 定製品
texparn | wood flooring; a floor; boarded floor | 地板
texsarn | landed estate; real estate | 地產
textharn | carpet or rug | 地毯
thaepeng'viuterng | on the Pacific Ocean | 太平洋頂
thaepeqhurn | potato powder; cornstarch | 太白粉
thaeserngkiofng | | 太聖宮
thafngsurn | barrel bamboo | 桶筍
thafnpeqkorng | to be honest | 坦白講
thahterng | the top of a pagoda or tower | 塔頂
thailangparnghoea | killing and robbing | 刣人放火
thaisoarn | filter | 篩選
thanthoarn | palsy; paralysis | 癱瘓
thaokinzhoarnkud | freezing to the tendon and muscle | 透筋竄骨
thappurn | make up the money for the needed capital | 補本
tharmhorng | to investigate; visit; inquire about; pick up information | 探訪
tharn | wide and smooth; level; even; open; self-possessed; calm; composed; peaceful | 坦
tharn'ee | earned | 趁的
tharn'eeng | take advantage of leisure time | 賺閒; 趁閒
tharn'gox | tango | 探戈; 源自日語タンゴ(tango)
tharn'u | made money | 趁有
tharn'viu | follow an example | 探樣; 循例
tharnbextør | does not have the ability or faculty to make money to full potential | 能力不夠所以沒辦法賺人家的錢
tharnbøextør | does not have the ability or faculty to make money to full potential | 賺未倒
tharnbøo | earned nothing | 趁無
tharnciah | livelihood; earn living; earn one's food | 賺食; 趁食; (賺錢); 謀生; 工作; 營生
tharnciah-zabor | prostitute | 賺食查某; 妓女
tharnciaqkefng | brothel | 趁食間
tharnciaqkeng'ar | brothel | 趁食間仔
tharnciaqlaang | man who lives just on what he earns; a man who earns just enough to support himself | 賺食人; 趁食人; 工人
tharnciaqpo | mechanism of making money | 賺食步
tharnciaqtøea | prostitute background | 賺食底
tharnciaqzabor | prostitute | 趁食查某
tharncidsii | making money for a moment | 賺一時
tharncitsii | making money for this moment | 賺這時
tharncvii | earn money by work; business | 賺錢
tharng | be eliminated from the basket (e.g.; rotten fruit) ─ omit; be left out; count for nothing | 被淘汰; 桶; 無中用之人
tharnghae | straight to the ocean | 迵海
tharngkaux | lead through to | 透夠; 通到
tharngkhix | straight through | 迵去
tharngkoex | straight | 迵過
tharngkøex | hole made all the way through; as a hole; pierce or pass quite through | 透過; 迵過
tharngoan | appeal, entrust, petition | 透願; 歎願
tharngsym | penetrate to heart | 透心
tharngthviax | ache; pain; be in pain; to ache; feel pain; grieved; distressed; miserable | 疼痛; 痛疼
tharngthvy | pass through to the sky | 透天
tharnguo-suu | Interjection | 嘆氣詞
tharnhoax | to carbonize, to carbonate, carbonization | 碳化; 炭化
tharnkhix | carbonic acid gas; to sigh | 歎氣; 碳氣; 嘆氣
tharnkhuix | groan; sigh; suspire | 嘆氣
tharnkngx | carbon steel | 碳鋼
tharnkoafar | make some | 趁寡仔
tharnlaang | follow others; imitate others | 趁人
tharnlauzuie | take advantage of the flowing water | 趁流水
tharnsaikhiaf | make money for personal usage | 趁私奇
tharnseg | to exclaim; sigh; groan | 嘆息
tharnsex | take advantage of favorable circumstances | 趁勢
tharnsii | make use of the time, take an advantage of an opportunity | 趁時
tharnsiofng | to lament; mawkishness | 嘆傷
tharnsiøf ciah | eat while the food is still hot | 趁熱吃
tharnsiøf lym | drink while (the tea; soup) is hot | 趁熱喝
tharnsiøf | when it is hot or warm; before it's too late; eat while the food is still hot; before it gets cold; get'em while they're hot | 趁熱; 趁燒
tharnsiøq | to pity, to regret | 嘆息; 嘆惜
tharnsngf | carbonic acid | 碳酸
tharnsoafn | carbonic acid | 碳酸
tharnsuie hoarhabbut | carbohydrates | 碳水化合物
tharnsuu | an interjection (in grammar) | 歎詞; 嘆詞
tharnthioxng | rejoice to soon; be feel let down | 賺暢; 空歡喜; 白高興
tharntiøh | earned | 趁著
tharntoaxcvii | make a fortune | 趁大錢
tharnviu | imitate an example or model | 仿傚; 照樣
tharnzar | as early or as soon as possible | 趁早
thatkierncie | kick the shuttlecock | 踢毽子
thaubarn | steal by picking from the tree | 偷挽; 偷摘
thaubixnterng | on top of head | 頭面頂
thauciorng | first prize | 頭獎
thaukhag-terng | on the top of one's head; above the head | 頭頂上
thaukhakboefterng | on top of head | 頭殼尾頂
thaukhakterng | on top of head | 頭殼頂
thaukikhoarn | 1st down payment | 頭期款
thaukorng | report secretly; secret report | 密報; 偷講
thaumngbirn | hair brush | 頭髮刡; 梳子
thaumngg larnglaxng | hairs in disorder; in a mess | 頭髮鬆亂
thaumngterng | top of hair | 頭毛頂
thauparn | front page | 頭版
thaupurn | 1st book | 頭本
thauterng | first class; the best quality; vertex | 頭頂; 頭等
thauterng`ee | the best; on vertex | 頭等的
thauzarng | bun | 頭摠
thay mixhurn | sift or screen flour | 篩麵粉
the'arnjiin | one who makes a motion or proposal | 提案人
thea'urn | retire from business; go into retirement | 退隱
theakhoarn | to return (an original payment or part of it) | 退款
theaserng | retire and consider one's position; to pause for reflection or self-examination; retreat (Catholic) | 退省; 避靜
theasurn | mortise joint; opens out | 退榫; 榫頭鬆了
thechiorngciar | advocate | 提倡者
theerng'thengtheeng | extremely straight | 挺挺挺
thefiogkoarn | stadium | 體育館
thefiok-koarn | a gymnasium | 體育館
thefthorng | bodily appearance; deportment; or general character; general form or state of an affair | 體統
thehiern | to present | 提獻; 提顯
thehonghvoaxterng | top of the embankment | 堤防岸頂
thekhoarn | draw money from a bank | 提款
thekiorng | afford; offer; offering; supply; provide; accommodation; to offer for acceptance or rejection; to offer (proposals; opinions); to sponsor (a TV or radio program) | 提供
thengparn | suspend publication | 停版
thengpurn | tenor; transcript; copy; official copy of a document | 謄本
thengsiafparn | duplicator, silk screen duplicator | 謄寫板; 油印機
thengsurn | stop loss | 停損
thengzherng | it is requested that...; apply for an appointment or position (a phrase used in official communication to a higher agency to introduce a request); petition | 呈請
therng | long; narrow boat | 艇; 逞; 放任; 逞強
therng'iøf | to support, to back up | 挺腰; 撐腰; 支持
thernghau | to wait for | 等候; 聽候; 等待
thernghør | listen | 聽好
therngkhvoax | allow one to look | 提看; 可以看
therngthai | wait for | 等待
therngzu | to prop up | 提住; 撐住
thetharng | a tail, a bucket | 提桶
thiahpeh korng | speak plainly; the fact is.. | 坦白說
thiahpeqkorng | frankly speaking | 拆白講
thiahpurn | separate volumes of a book | 拆本; 分冊
thiao'oarn | broad jump | 跳遠
thiaokarng | jump into a river | 跳港
thiaoparn | gangboard; springboard; a stepping stone; gangplank; diving board | 跳板
thiaozuie piawiern | diving exhibition | 跳水表演
thiappurn | lose money in business | 貼本; 虧本
thiauciernciar | challenger | 挑戰者
thiauciernsw | written challenge | 挑戰書
thiaukerng | special select | 挑揀
thiaukoftorng | on purpose | 刁古董
thiausoarn | picking; select; make a choice; select | 挑選
thiauxterng | top of a pillar | 柱頂
thiawoarn | far; farway; remote; outland | 遙遠
thiaxmpurn | pull more capital in | 填本
thien'garn | sky eye- super vision | 天眼
thienboarn | fill; cover in; cram; pack out; fill up level | 填滿
thienborng khoekhoef | The net of Heaven stretches everywhere (its meshes are large; but nothing escapes) ─ Nobody escapes the judgment of Heaven The mills of the gods grind exceedingly slow; but they grind exceedingly fine | 天網恢恢
thienhoaparn | ceiling | 天花板
thienjiorng cy piet | as different as heaven and earth; vastly different; poles apart | 天壤之別
thienkhiern | wrath of heaven; God's punishing hand | 天譴
thienløo texborng | nets in the air and on the ground ─ heaven and earth are a net which wicked men cannot escape; their wickedness will surely be punished | 天羅地網
thienterng | the zenith | 天頂
thiern | shy; timid; to open; to spread (wings) | 靦; 展; 開
thihbefterng | bicycle top | 鐵馬頂
thihguafchiaterng | on agricultural machinery | 鐵牛仔車頂
thihhurn | iron filings (powder) | 鐵粉
thihkiloxterng | railway top | 鐵枝路頂
thihkorng | steel pipe; iron tube (pipe) | 鐵管
thihkurn'ar | iron club | 鐵棍仔
thihlarng | iron cage | 鐵籠
thihparn | sheet iron | 鐵板
thihphorng | steel bed springs | 鐵凸; 彈簧床
thihsoaciarng | Chinese version of karate | 鐵沙掌
thihtarngterng | iron building | 鐵棟頂
thihtengbarn | claw hammer | 鐵釘挽
thihtharng | iron bucket ─ impregnable defense | 鐵桶
thiokbogkhøkoarn | animal husbandry museum | 畜牧科館
thioksarn | livestock | 畜產
thiorng | to concubine; to favor; to dote on; to favor; dote on; patronize; favor or love (especially of the emperor or God); grace; love; kindness | 寵
thiorng'ee | happy | 暢的
thiorng'irm | drink to one's heart's content; all you can drink | 暢飲
thiorng'ong | flourishing | 暢旺
thiorng`kaq | happily | 暢甲
thiorngjii | a favorite (child) | 寵兒
thiorngkhoaix | cheerful; spiritually elevated | 暢快
thiorngkoaix | pleased, delighted, merry, happy | 暢快
thiornglok | exciting and happy | 暢樂
thiorngphutphud | extremely happy | 暢怫怫
thiorngsiaw | a booming sale; sell briskly | 暢銷
thiorngtaam | to have a delightful talk | 暢談
thiorngtat | fluent, smooth | 暢達
thiorngthioxng | joyful and happy; joyful and peaceful | 寵寵; 無憂無愁
thiuciorng | draw a lottery or raffle | 抽獎
thiuzuie beftharng | flush toilet; western style toilet bowl; commode | 抽水馬桶
thnghurn | sugar | 糖粉
thngx-phorngpha | scalded and blistered | 燙成泡
thngzerng | carry on the family line | 傳種
tho'arng'ar | urn | 塗甕仔
tho'urn | earthworm | 塗蚓; 蚯蚓
thoankarng | lecture, preach, proclaim | 傳講
thoanthoanzoarn | to pace about in an agitated state of mind; to bustle about restlessly | 團團轉
thoanthorng | conventional; heritage; tradition | 傳統
thoanthorng-sibsiok | mores | 傳統習俗
thoanzerng | propagate the species; have sons and grandsons to carry on the family name | 傳種
thoarn | paralysis | 瘓
thoarnji | character style for ornamental inscriptions, title page, etc | 煥字; 篆字; 銘文的字
thoarnlien | to train; to exercise; forge metal; to temper | 鍛鍊
thoat'erng jii zhud | overshadow others by showing one's ability and talents; overtake others; outscore rival teams (in a race; competition) | 脫穎而出
thoatbiern | to escape; free from; flee from | 脫免
thoatsarn | to be disengaged from work, to hide away the property of a company | 脫產
thoattorng | leave the party; break off from one's party | 脫黨
thoatzerng | deseed | 脫種
thobaq sarn | the soil is sterile | 土壤瘠
thofnglerng | commanding officer; commander of troops | 統領
thofngzeaphirn | controlled articles (archaic) | 統制品
thofsarn | local products; native; autochthonism; agricultural products; crops; fruits; local products | 土產
thofsarn`ee | indigenous | 土產的
thofthurn | vulgar, stupid | 土碩; 蠢
thogpurn | reader (for a language course); textbook | 讀本
thohurn | dust; dust | 土粉; 塗粉; 泥灰; 灰塵
thojiorng | soil; earth; clay; land | 土壤
thojiorng-hak | pedology | 土壤學; 塗壤學
thokkoarn lefngthor | trust territories; mandate territories | 託管領土
thokkoarn | trustee; mandate; trustee; trusteeship | 託管
thokkoarn-tøe | trust territory, mandated territory | 託管地
thoktiern | carry out; develop | 拓展
thong'orng | be on intimate terms with (often with bad or questionable characters); a passable (road) | 通往
thonghongkorng | vent pipe | 通風管
thongjiø-koarn | uretheral catheter | 通尿管; 輸尿管
thongsimhurn | macaroni | 通心粉
thongsirn'oaan | press correspondent; reporter | 通信員
thongsirnbang | communication network | 通信網
thongsirnhaang | correspondence shop | 通訊行
thongsirnlok | address book | 通信錄
thongsirnpefng | Signal Corps; member or the Signal Corps | 通信兵
thongsirnsia | news agency; news service | 通信社; 通訊社
thongsirnzhux | one's address (especially for mail) | 通信處
thorng | rule; unite; protrude; used as an affix to numbers; meaning somewhat more than... | 統; 捅; 多一點; 突出; 啄
thorng'irm | drink heavily | 痛飲
thorngchied | acutely, keenly | 痛切
thornghad | govern, rule | 痛喝
thornghin | hate exceedingly | 痛恨
thornghoea | repent bitterly; bitter repentance | 痛悔
thornghoeakefng | the act of contrition | 痛悔經
thornghoex | to be contrite, contrition, to regret | 痛悔
thornghun | deplore | 痛恨
thorngkae cienhuy | earnestly repent and reform former faults | 痛改前非
thorngkhaosit'sviaf | cry bitterly | 痛哭失聲
thorngkhaositsviaf | cry bitterly | 痛哭失聲
thorngkhoaix | joyful; piquancy; raciness; forthright; extremely delightful; pleasant | 痛快
thorngkhofoaan | pain pill | 痛苦丸
thorngkhor | torment; pang; painful; agony; pain; misery; anguish; bitter | 痛苦
thorngsym | pained at heart | 痛心
thorngthorngkhoaekhoaix | happy | 痛痛快快
thorngtvar | to beat soundly; give a severe thrashing | 痛打
thorpurn | sustain losses in business | 賠本
thosoahurn | dust; powder; dust; a cloud of dust | 土砂粉; 塵土; 塵埃
thoterng | on the ground | 土頂; 地上
thothvoarhurn | carbon powder | 塗炭粉
thudliern | losing a wheel off a car; motorcycle; bicycle | 脫輪; 脫軌
thuiciernsw | letter of recommendation | 推薦書
thuicierntiøh | recommended | 推薦著
thuicirnky | propeller (of a ship; plane) | 推進機; 推進器
thuikorng biexnzeg | extend the area | 推廣面積
thuikorng | to extend; popularize; extend; propagate | 推廣
thuipurn sokgoaan | investigate origins; ascertain the causes; trace the origins | 推本溯源
thuisiorng | infer; deduce | 推想
thuisoarn | elect (representatives) | 推選
thuitiern | driving; impel; impulse; urge; budge | 推展
thukhoarn | save money (in the bank); savings | 儲款
thunlurn | abide; brook; tolerance; tolerant; tolerate; abide; endure; just have patience; don't get into a quarrel so quickly | 吞忍; 忍耐; 容忍
thurn | s to abuse; to tread on; trample on; hort and stout | 𧿬; 矮胖; 踐踏
thuxnpurn | investment; invest money in business; invest capital in | 填本; 坉本; 下資本; 投資
thviaf-koarnsix | get used to | 聽慣勢
thviakarng | listen to a lecture; speech | 聽講
thviakorng | It is reported that...; according to unconfirmed reports | 聽說; 聽講; ...
thvigarn | sky eye | 天眼
thvihoarn texloan | chaos | 天反地亂
thvihoarn toexloan | chaos | 天反地亂
thviterng | the zenith, in the heaven | 天頂; 天上
thviterng-texe | heaven above and earth below; the universe | 天上地下
thvoahoarn | a pedlar's stand, a street stall; a small stand where pedlars sell things | 攤販
thvoarkhornghw | coal miner | 炭礦夫
thvoarzerng | reproduce | 湠種
thvy chirnthauar | increase quantity; amount; weight | 添秤頭; 增加稱量
thvy ti thaukhakterng | Heaven is above my head; I am speaking all truthfully; Heaven sees and will punish me if I speak falsely (said as a sort of oath) | 天在頭殼上
thøeagurn | for me; for us | 替阮
thøeakorng | speak for someone else | 退講; 替講; 代講
thøeatorng | exit from party | 退黨
thølie boarn thienha | His students have spread throughout the land | 桃李滿天下
thør kynkirn | demand payment urgently | 要得很急
thørkoarn | cannula | 透管; 套管
tiafmgarn | light statue's eyes (one process of becoming God) | 點眼; (雕像要成為神的一個過程)
tiafmsoarn | click | 點選
tiahkarn | abbreviate, abbreviation | 摘簡; 簡寫
tiao'oarn | far off; distant | 遙遠; 離得很遠
tiaochialiern | Hang on to the back (side) of a train; bus (figure of speech) | 吊車輪
tiaokhiern | dispatch | 調遣
tiaooarn | far off, distant | 遙遠, 離得很遠
tiaosoarn | call and select | 召選
tiau'iorng | nurse one's health; take care of oneself | 調養
tiaubi-phirn | seasoning | 調味品
tiaubixphirn | seasoning; spice; dressing material | 調味品
tiauiorng | nurse one's health, take care of oneself | 調養
tiaukerng | tideland | 潮境
tiaukhoarn | article; section; chapter or clause of laws; agreements; regulations | 條款
tiaukoftorng | make a fool of somebody; play a trick; do mischief | 刁古董; 愚弄; 捉弄
tiauserngthoaan | pilgrimage group; a hadji (hajji) mission | 朝聖團
tiauzerng | to adjust; to regulate; to tune up; regulate | 調整
tiaw-koftorng | to kid, to play a trick on | 戲弄
tiaxmzerng | plant seeds | 種種子
tidciab hoarnbe | direct sales | 直接販賣
tidsoarn | direct election | 直選
tidtit-korng | speak boldly and bluntly | 直直講
tidtit-thernghau | go on waiting | 直直等候
tiebeng serngjiin | holy martyrs (Catholic) | 致命聖人
tiefn'iorng | show one's strength, show off | 展勇; 耀武揚威
tiefnberng | to show off one's power or strength | 展猛; 耀武揚威
tiefnlafmphirn | exhibit | 展覽品
tiefnsixkoarn | exhibition hall | 展示館
tienkerngsaix | track and field sports (events) | 田徑賽
tientørkorng | say the opposite of what one thinks | 說相反
tientørperng | turn inside out, turn upside down | 顛倒反; 反過來
tiern | exhibit; exhibition; show; open out; unroll; spread out; expand; dilate; to exhibit; prolong; to boast | 展; 碘; 炫耀; 抵押; 典
tiern-hongsiin | boast; love to show | 展風神; 自誇
tiern-pwnsu | boast of or display one's own skill; ability | 炫本事
tiernkix | to be concerned about | 惦記
tiernkwn | the last placed winner in a contest | 殿軍
tiernliam | to reflect on | 惦念
tiexn'garn | electric eyes | 電眼
tiexnharn | electric welding | 電焊
tiexnhoefthiauxterng | street light column top | 電火柱頂
tiexnhurn | amylaceous; amylum; farina; starch; starch; potato starch passed through water | 澱粉
tiexnkhix ioxngphirn | electric appliances | 電氣用品
tiexnkhix tiaukhekparn | glyphograph; electronically designed and produced printing plate | 電氣雕刻版
tiexnsi pørsarngky | television transmitter | 電視播送機
tiexnsirnkiok | telephone and telegraph office | 電信局
tiexnsirnthiau | telegraph pole | 電信柱; 電線杆
tiexnsixterng | TV top | 電視頂
tiexntharn | electric blanket | 電毯
tiexnviafkoarn | cinema | 電影館
tikongkeaterng | pig rack to | 豬公架頂
tinliedkoarn | exhibition hall | 陳列館
tinliedphirn | articles on display; curiosa; exhibits | 陳列品
tinphirn | curiosities, precious objects | 珍品
tinpurn | a rare book | 珍本
tioggarn | concentrate in; focus on | 著眼
tiokkarng | construct a harbor | 築港
tiong'iern | repeat the performance of; repeat | 重演
tiong'iorng | loyal and brave | 忠勇
tiong'oarn | long | 長遠
tiongkherng | to the point; cogency; in point; relevance | 中肯
tionglip zernghuo | neutral government | 中立政府
tiongsarn kaikib | the middle class; bourgeois | 中產階級
tiongsarn | middle | 中產
tiongsarn-kaikib | bourgeois | 中產階級
tiongterng jinzaai | common; ordinary; mediocre talent | 中等人才
tiongterng kaikib | middle class; bourgeois; white collar workers | 中等階級
tiongterng kaoiok | secondary education | 中等教育
tiongterng sinzaai | medium height | 中等身材
tiongterng | middle-class; medium; so-so | 中等
tiongzerng kikor | rearm; make preparations for a comeback | 重整旗鼓
tiongzerng | re-adjust | 重整
tiorng | grow; to increase; greater; senior; a superior; a surplus; too many or too much | 長
tiorng'iong | useful (man) | 中用
tiorng'ix | suit one's fancy; agreeable; satisfied; meets the specifications; acceptable | 中意
tiorng'ong | flourishing, prosperous | 中旺
tiorngciorng | win a (lottery) prize | 中獎
tiorngcvix | got shot by an arrow | 中箭
tiornghofng | to suffer a stroke of paralysis; apoplexy; suffer a stroke of paralysis or apoplexy | 中風
tiorngkex | fall into trap; rise in price | 中計; 漲價
tiorngkhaxn | good to look at; presentability | 中看
tiorngkhix | inflated with air; flatulence | 脹氣
tiorngkoaan | rise high (water) | 漲高
tiorngkvoaai | rise high (water) | 漲高
tiornglaau | upflow | 漲流
tiorngliao | bingo | 中了
tiornglioong | important or useful | 中樑; 棟樑
tiorngmoar | overflow (water) | 漲滿
tiorngsiaa | bewitched | 中邪
tiorngsiofng | to hurt somebody insidiously; slander; defamation; hurt somebody insidiously; say damaging things about others before a third party; to slander; malign; speak ill of; injure a person's reputation | 中傷
tiorngsoarn | get elected | 當選; 中選
tiorngsuo | suffer sunstroke | 中暑
tiorngsym-cidsiuo | to hate deeply | 痛心疾首; 癉
tiorngteg | make a gold; quiver; bull's eye | 中的
tiorngthefng | pleased to hear; gratifying opinion | 中聽
tiorngtiaau | tide flows; flood tide | 漲潮
tiorngtioxng | flatulent | 脹脹
tiorngtiøh | hit | 中得; 打中
tiorngto | full of stomach; windy | 脹肚
tiorngtoa | expand; distend | 脹大
tiorngtoaxzuie | flooding | 漲大水
tiorngtok | to be poisoned; poisoning; toxicosis; food poisoning auto-intoxication | 中毒
tiorngzuie | swelling of a river; water rising very high; as at high tide or during a flood | 漲水
tirn | benevolent and generous | 振
tirn'ab | suppress; to put down; suppression | 鎮壓
tirn'ui | occupy a place or position or a seat, uselessly occupied | 擋位; 鎮位; 佔位
tirnbiin | town people | 鎮民
tirnkafng | hinder or obstruct work | 擋工; 妨礙工作
tirnkongsor | town hall; a town office | 鎮公所
tirnlai | in the town | 鎮內
tirnlo | impede the way; hinder communication | 擋路; 鎮路; 妨礙交通; 阻礙通路
tirnloxthaau | obstruct the landing place | 擋路頭
tirnmoar | be crowded, be overflowing | 擋滿; 佔滿
tirnsiaa-huu | suppressing evil talisman | 鎮邪符
tirnsiuo | to garrison; defend; garrison; to guard; keep watch | 鎮守
tirnsoaq | suppress evil | 鎮煞
tirnteng | self-composed; calm; cool; presence of mind; to soothe; to calm; settle down | 鎮定
tirntex | occupy large space; be in the way; be useless and obstructive; occupy a place uselessly | 鎮塊; 鎮地; 佔空間; 佔位置; 白佔位子
tirntexngzef | tranquilizer | 鎮定劑
tirnthviarzef | anodyne; painkiller | 鎮痛劑
tirnthviax-zef | analgesic, pain-killer | 鎮痛劑; 鎮疼劑
tirntiaau | nail tight | 鎮牢
tirntien | person good-for-nothing but still take official title | 擋殿; 形容一個人已經沒用了, 但是還佔著職位
tirntvia | calm | 鎮定
tirntviuo | town magistrate; mayor of a town | 鎮長
tirnzeng | imperturbable; composed; calm; cool; collected; self-possessed | 鎮靜
tirnzeng-zef | tranquilizer | 鎮靜劑
tirnzexngzef | sedative; tranquilizer | 鎮靜劑
tit-lorngloxng | straight | 直曠曠
titbiern | to be exempt from | 得免
titciorng | win a prize | 得獎
titzhuxn cirnchiøq | The more one gets the more he wants. Small concessions lead to greater demands | 得寸進尺
tiwn-pørpurn | recompense the favors of those from whom we spring (our parents) | 知恩報本
tixkerng | police | 治警
tixnboong ciorngsu kyliaxmpy | monument in honor of servicemen killed in action | 陣亡將士紀念碑
tixpurn | deal with or cure a trouble at the source; treat a matter thoroughly | 治本
tixsaosarn | cure cough powder | 治嗽散
tiøh tegciorng | win the special prize | 得特獎
tiøqchirnmoh | hive | 著凊瘼
tiøqciarng | award | 著獎
tiøqciorng | award | 著獎
tiøqkhurnzef | love to sleep more | 得睡劑; 患上睡眠症
tiøqterng | selected | 著等
tiøxsngrkorng | even if | 就算講
tng'iorng | just about come to one's full strength | 當勇; 正力壯
tngbin korng | talk in one's presence | 當面講
tngfpurn | recover the capital | 轉本; 扳回本錢
tngkii khorngciexn | long term war of resistance | 長期抗戰
tngnii tharngthvy | whole year through | 一年到頭
tngrirn'ar | seal; to stamp (a document) | 蓋章仔
tngtarn | be watching for a man; so as to catch him or to injure him; (a man out of employment) waiting for a job | 等待; 張等; 埋伏等待; 伺機
tngx irn'ar | stamp with a seal or stamp | 搥印仔; 蓋章
tngxciaq barng | not a single mosquito | 斷隻蚊; 一子蚊也沒有
tngxciarng | palm reading that show heart line and head line become one line | 斷掌
tngxzerng | end a family line; have no heir; sterilize; sterilization | 絕種
toa-tharncvii | making large gains | 賺大錢; 發大財
toa-zerngthaau | big symptom | 大症頭
toaarkhuiezhoarn | asthma | 大氣喘
toarn | short; be deficient; to want; shortcoming; faults; mistakes; errors | 短
toarn'axn | decide a case | 斷案
toarnchvie | to arouse, to awaken, to wake up | 斷醒
toarngieen | affirm; be absolutely sure; say with certainty | 斷言
toarniar | lead; guide; take the leadership of; conduct | 帶領
toarnjieen | decisive | 斷然
toarnlien | exercise | 鍛鍊
toarnsaxng | lost | 斷送
toarnteng | to conclude; to judge; to decide; determine; decide; settle; conclude; to judge; draw a conclusion | 斷定
toarnthiøtaai | scaffold | 斷頭台
toarntoaxn | broken | 斷斷
toaxbagkhorng | arrogant; excessive | 大目孔
toaxbarng | overcoat | 大衣
toaxbwlaang-toaxbwzerng | grown up | 大武人大武種
toaxciamsvoaterng | big mountain top | 大尖山頂
toaxcih herngthih | A clumsy person always wants to show off. You don't have the necessary ability. (Lit. A person who stutters always wants to talk.) | 大舌興鐵; 口吃愛講話; 笨拙偏愛出風頭
toaxciorng | grand prize | 大獎
toaxerng | billow; surge; strong sea wave | 大浪; 大湧; 大海浪
toaxharnkhoarn | like a big guy | 大漢款
toaxharnkviar | eldest son | 大漢囝
toaxharnzabofkviar | eldest daughter | 大漢查某囝
toaxkarng | big harbor | 大港
toaxkauterng | top of the stream | 大溝頂
toaxkhuiezhoarn | asthma | 大氣喘
toaxkurn | big boiling | 大滾
toaxlangtoaxzerng | grown up | 大人大種
toaxloxterng | big road | 大路頂
toaxnzoat lai'orng | all connection cut off; cut off communications; break off friendly relations | 斷絕來往
toaxparn | elegant and composed | 大板
toaxpurn | large volume (book); large amount (capital); large size (plant); large capital | 大本
toaxsoarnthaau | large garlic | 大蒜頭
toaxtharncvii | make big bucks | 大趁錢
toaxthuie-terng | loins, the part higher than thigh | 大腿頂; 腰部
toaxthuyterng | loins, the part higher than thigh | 大腿頂
toaxtngkhurn | bacillus coli | 大腸菌
toaxtoxtharng | distended belly | 大肚桶
toaxzhoarn | big gasp | 大喘; 喘息
toaxzofngthorng | president | 大總統
toexparn | floor | 地板
toexsarn | estate | 地產
toextharn | carpet | 地毯
toggarn | one eyed | 獨眼
togkhurn | infectious pathogenic bacteria; germs | 毒菌; (傳染病之細菌)
togphirn | narcotics drugs; narcotic; hard drug | 毒品
togzhaai zerngthea | totalitarian state; dictatorship | 獨裁政體; 專制
togzhaai zerngzheg | dictatorship; autocracy | 獨裁政策
tokerng | the prospect or view (from a mountain, etc.) | 途境
tonghiarng | share blessings or happiness | 分享; (同享)
tonghiorng | sharing joys; share bliss | 同享
tongkhorng | the apple of one's eye; purchas; pupilla; pupil of the eye | 瞳孔
tongkhorng-horngtoa | have mydriasis | 瞳孔放大
tongkhorng-khorngtoa | mydriasis (dilation of the pupil) | 瞳孔散大
tongkhorng-soksiør | have miosis | 瞳孔縮小
tongsernghwn | same-sex marriage | 同性婚
tongserngloaan | homosexuality; homosexual love; lesbian love | 同性戀
tongterng haglek | with the same intellectual capacity and scholastic achievements (said of persons without a diploma in comparison with those who have one) | 同等學力
tongterng | of the same rank or class; equivalence; equality; same rank or class; the same (in importance; responsibility) | 同等
tongtoong-zerngzexng | dignified and imposing | 堂堂正正
toong-cirnthex | advance or withdraw together; stay on or quit together | 同進退
torng | political party or gang | 黨
torng'afsviaf | brake noise | 擋仔聲
torng'ar | brake | 擋仔
torng'axn | archive; record; file | 檔案
torng'viaa | succeed in a trial of endurance | 撐贏
torngbextiaau | unable to stop; cannot help | 擋袂牢
torngbøextiaau | can not bear something; compelled to do something | 擋無著; 不支; 架不住
torngchiaf | put on the brake; stop a passing car; traffic jam | 煞車; 攔車; 堵車
tornggong | foolish, silly | 侗戇; 戇呆; 戇人; 愚笨
tornghongchviuu | windshield | 擋風牆
torngkhuy | to parry | 擋架; 擋開
torngkied | to freeze; congelation; froze; frozen; freeze (an account; asset) | 凍結
torngkuxn | drag; brake | 動槓; 煞車槓
torngliangzhaai | pillars; capable great statesmanship person | 棟梁材
torngliong | equivalent | 當量
tornglioong cy zaai | great statesmanship person | 棟樑之才
tornglioong | the beams; the ridgepole; a man of great ability; lesser and greater beams ─ pillars of the State | 棟樑
tornglo | block the road; in the road; bar the way | 擋路
torngphoear | disc brake pads | 擋皮仔
torngputzu | can't stop | 擋無住
torngsiofng | suffer injuries or illness as a result of long exposure to cold weather; frostbite; exposure | 凍傷
torngsoafnjiin | successful candidates | 當選人
torngsoarn | get elected | 當選
torngsoarn`aq | elected | 當選矣
torngsviaf | brake noise | 噸聲
torngsw | fail in such trial | 撐輸
torngthaau | stamina | 耐力
torngtiaau | stop effectively | 擋住
torngtiaau`teq | stopped | 擋住著
torngtiam | block and quite | 擋恬
torngtittiaau | able to stop, and sustain | 擋得住
torngtiøh | block | 擋著
torngtvia | block | 擋定
torngzhofng | frostbite; chilblains | 凍瘡
torngzoex | as | 當做
torngzu | stop, hinder, prevent | 擋住
torngzøex | reckon something as, take something as | 當做
torngzøx | use one thing as the equivalent of another; represent; to regard as; consider as being; receive as | 當作
tosukoarn | library | 圖書館
toxkirn | earthworm | 杜蚓
toxkurn | earthworm | 蚯蚓
toxngbut phiaupurn | zoological specimens | 動物標本
toxngsarn | movable property; movables | 動產
toxurn | earth-worm | 杜蚓; 蚯蚓
tozukoarn | library | 圖書館
tuafterng | cabinet top | 櫥仔頂
tudgarn | protruding eyes | 突眼; 凸眼
tudhiern | to protrude out; conspicuous | 凸顯
tuieciorng | check the results of a lottery or raffle to see if one holds the winning ticket | 對獎
tuiehoarn | adverse; contrary; converse; inverse; reverse; on the; on the other hand; on the contrary; opposite; contrary | 對反; 相反
tuiekhorngsaix | dual meet (between opposing teams from two different cities or countries) | 對抗賽
tuiekorng | intercom | 對講
tuieperng | adverse; contrary; comverse; inverse; reverse | 對反; 相反
tuieterng | equal; on an equal footing; equal to | 對等
tuiethaukorng | two parties making a bargain or settling an affair for themselves without any arbiter or such medium | 當面講
tuiezurn | adjust (a machine part) to the right or proper position; aim at | 對準
tuisiorng | recall | 追想
turn | short and stout | 矮胖; 盾; 囤
turn'ui | burdening (ton) | 噸位
turnchiuo | shake hands | 頓手; 握手
turnkøef | White's ground thrush | 頓鶇; 頓雞; [*]; 虎鶇
turnsiuo | to make a ceremonious nod; to kowtow | 頓首
turnsox | tonnage | 噸數
turntuxn | dull | 鈍鈍
turntvef | hesitatingly; undecided; makes excuses or objections (a person told to do something) | 頓踵; 猶豫無前
turntvy | hesitatingly; undecided; makes excuses or objections (a person told to do something) | 頓踵; 猶豫無前
turnzao | break away and run off | 頓走; 掙走
turnzhøx | to encounter failure; to receive a setback; frustration | 頓挫
tuurn'tuxntun | extremely dull | 鈍鈍鈍
tuxnkhurn | to develop a region by means of the militia's labor | 屯墾
tvaftharng | seal up a coffin awaiting burial | 停柩; 打桶; 停靈
tvafzerng | to dress up | 打整; 裝飾
tve axmkurn | seize someone by the neck; take by the throat; to throttle | 掐脖子
tviafkoarterng | ding pot cover | 鼎蓋頂
tviazherng | submit an accusation, appeal, petition, etc | 定請; 呈請
tviukerng | scenes | 場景
tvixboafnboarn | fill full | 滇滿滿
tvoagarn | single eye | 單眼
tvoapurn | single volume | 單本; 單行本
ty cirnthøex | know how to advance and retreat | 知進退
ty'aq-phirn | article given as security | 抵押品
tyahphirn | collateral; securities; articles given in pledge | 抵押品
tykhornglat | resistance | 抵抗力
tykhornglek | power of resistance | 抵抗力
tykhorngsexng | resistibility | 抵抗性
tyzex-phirn | boycotted article | 抵制品; 抵押品
tø'orng | flee toward; abscond to.. | 逃往
tøciorng | many kind | 多種
tøefkarng | short speech; table speech; short essay of speech | 短講
tøefpurn | short of capital | 短本
tøexcirn | earthquake | 地震
tøexparn | flooring; boarding; floor | 地板
tøexsarn | produce of the soil, real-estate | 地產
tøextharn | carpet; rug | 地毯
tøfzoarn-khienkhwn | reverse the universe | 倒轉乾坤
tøh'afterng | table top | 桌仔頂
tøh'ar-terng | top of a table | 桌仔頂
tøhbixnparn | desktop board | 桌面板
tøhterng laqjit | desk calendar | 桌上日曆
tøhterng ny kafm | As easy as picking up the orange on the table ─ easy as falling off a log | 桌上取柑; (易如反掌)
tøhterng | on the table; on top of the table | 桌頂; 桌子上
tøkoarn engsu | be a meddlesome busybody; poke one's nose into other people's business | 多管閒事
tørchiwparn | lefty | 倒手板
tørhoarn | contrary to what one expects | 相反
tørperng | inverted; reversed; to turn inside out; to wear inside out; on the other hand | 反面; 倒反; 翻過來
tørsiarnghviax | fall backwards | 倒相懸
tøsox zarnseeng | majority approved | 多數贊成
tøxiern | direct (a movie, play), director | 導演
tøxjiø-koarn | urethral catheter | 導尿管
tøxkoarn | duct, pipe | 導管
tøxparn | piracy | 盜版
tøxsngrkorng | even if | 就算講
tøxzurn | just right | 就準
u hexthorng | systematic | 有系統
u kiernseg | be farsighted; have an analytical mind | 有見識
u torngthaau | able to hold out | 有擋頭
u-efnghiorng | influential | 有影響
u-herngzhux | interested | 有興趣
u-hexthorng | systematic | 有系統
u-mauturn | self-contradictory, to be at variance | 有矛盾
u-sirn'iong | dependable, trustworthy | 有信用
ui khorngtiofng | dilated stomach | 胃擴張
uiberng | mighty | 威猛
uichviuafterng | wall top | 圍牆仔頂
uiciofng kierntiog | buildings erected without a license or against the provisions of the building code; illegal structures | 違章建築; 違建
uielerng | have an anguish chill; be afraid of eating things considered too cooling; e.g.; ice; have a cold fit | 覺冷; 怕冷; 畏寒
uihoarn | infarction; violation; violate an agreement; break a; contradict; disregard (the rules); violate | 違反
uikerng | break a police regulation; breach of police regulations | 違警
uikhoarn | balance; surplus money | 餘款
uikirmphirn | contraband | 違禁品
uisarn | property left behind by a deceased person; legacy | 遺產
uitorng | rest of the bandits | 餘黨
uixsarn | medicinal powder for stomach trouble | 胃散; (胃藥)
uizurn | draw a line; set a limit; norm; standard | 為準
unloarn | warm; mildness; warm; warmth | 溫暖
unthiorng | grace | 恩寵
untiern | favor from the emperor (God) or a benefactor | 恩典
unzurn | graciously grant | 恩准
urn juu thaesafn | as stable as Mount Taishan | 穩如泰山
urn | allow; to consent; to grant; to permit; to promise; appropriate; proper; sincere; loyal; faithful | 允; 穩; 隱; 摀
urn'ar | artificial fish pond | 塭仔
urn'uxn`leq | apply a little soybean sauce | 沾沾咧
urn-bøo | surely there is none | 穩無; 一定沒有
urn-exviaa | sure to win | 隱會贏
urn-kinciøf | ripen bananas | 塭香蕉; 溫藏香蕉使其黃熟
urn-tarngtaxng | as steady as rock | 穩觸觸
urn-viaa | sure to win | 隱贏
urn`ee | appropriate; proper | 妥的
urn`laang | promise others | 允人
urnbun | emotionally depressed | 塭悶; 鬱悶; 情緒低落
urnciaxng | chauffeur; driver | 運將; 司機; 源自日語うんちゃん(unchan); 日語漢字為「運ちゃん」
urncviux | dip source | 搵醬
urnliau | spice | 搵料
urnmoaa | mud eel | 泥鰻; 魚單魚
urntaam | dip into so as to dampen | 沾濕
urntauxiuu | dip soy bean source | 搵豆油
urntea | bottom of wetland | 塭底
urnthuxn | stubborn and unreasonable; obstinate; bigoted | 乖戾; 遲鈍
urntøe | wetland | 塭地
urnzuie | dip in water | 沾水; 搵水
utorng | rump party | 餘黨
uxherngzhux | have interest in | 有興趣
uxiern | preview; rehearsal | 預演
uxkerng | erly warning | 預警
uxkhafng-bøsurn ee | meaningless; useless | 無意義的
uxkhangbøsurn | there is a but tenon; lacking | 有空無榫
uxkhoarn | down payment | 有款; 像樣; 無像樣
uxn'iong zupurn | functioning capital | 運用資本
uxnsarnghaang | transportation company; forwarding office | 貨運行
uxnzoarn | operate; rotate; orbit; drive vehicle; revolve; set in motion around a circular orbit; revolution | 運轉
uxparn | capable; skillful | 有板; 有辦法
uxphirn | has good taste | 有品
uxseg-jinciorng | colored race | 有色人種
uxsiorng | expect; anticipate; forecast; presume; presuppose; estimate; expectation | 預象; 預想
uxsoarn | preliminary selection | 豫選
uxsoarn'axn | budget (as a bill in the assembly) | 預算案
uxsoarnpiør | budget | 預算表
uxtorngthaau | defensive | 有擋頭
uy'oarn | tactfully, politely | 委婉
uythog hoarnbe | consignment (commission) sale; sale on commission | 委託販賣
uythokphirn | consignment goods | 委託品
vaxpharng | bread with filling | 餡麭
viaferng | picture projection | 映演
viafirnky | copy machine | 影印機
viafirnpurn | photolithographic edition or copy | 影印本
viafpurn | copy | 影本
viafsioxngkoarn | TV picture tube | 影像管
viaftiern | photographic exhibition; film festival; international film festival international exhibition of photography | 影展
viakoarn | operation management | 營管
vii-kurnkuxn | very round; fat and plump | 渾圓的; 圓極了; 胖嘟嘟
vii-lirnlixn | round (as a ball or egg); quite round | 圓溜溜
vii-zhuoterng | a dome, cupola,vault | 圓厝頂
vikorng | tube, pipe | 圓管; 管子
vikurnkuxn | round | 圓棍棍
vikwnkurn | round | 圓滾滾
viliernliexn | round (as a ball or egg); quite round | 圓溜溜
vilirnlixn | round and rolling | 圓輾輾
viterng | rounded top | 圓頂
vitøh'afterng | round table top | 圓桌仔頂
viukarng | he-goat (not castrated); billy-goat | 公羊
viukhorngloo | smelting furnace | 鎔礦爐
viuphirn | foreign goods | 洋品; 洋貨
viuxparn | templete | 樣版; 樣板
viuxphirn | sample (of a commodity) | 樣品
viuxpurn | sample (of a commodity) | 樣本
vixpirn | Intrinsic differences | 異稟
vixsiorng | fantastic idea | 異想
voa cidkux oe laai korng | in other words | 換句話說
voaterng | saddle top | 鞍頂
voaxkhoarn | change one's manner | 換款; 改變態度
voaxparn | change edition | 換版
voaxzurn | change for correction | 換準
whiøxzhunsurn | after rain and feel like spring season | 雨後春筍
wkerng | raining scenery | 雨景
wn'urn | stable | 隱隱
wnzurn | approve; to grant; to consent | 允准; 允許
wtiu zhorngzøxsoad | creationism | 宇宙創造說
yafterng | chair top | 椅仔頂
ybiern | in order to avoid | 以免
yciorngputtoong | different from other people, extraordinary, unlike others | 與眾不同
yliauafterng | bench top | 椅條仔頂
yliauterng | bench top | 椅條頂
ymphirn | soft drink | 飲品
ynkefng kietiern | quote from the classics; pedantic | 引經據典
ynlerng | lead | 引領
ynzurn | approve; to grant; to consent | 允准
yorng | bygones; the past; times past | 已往
yze'afterng | on top of chair | 椅坐仔頂
zaai sof hak chiern | wanting in ability and little learning (a self deprecating expression said by oneself to be polite and humble about one's talent) | 才疏學淺
zabofkarn | female slave; concubine; (Before 1930 a female slave was traded freely. Today in open society this system is abolished; but in the frivolous society; young girls are still traded under the plea of ion lid; adopted daughters) | 查某丫; 婢女
zabofkhoarn | womanzie | 查某款
zabor-karn | domestic slave girl | 查某𡢃
zabsornii | little more than ten years | 十多年
zabtai kiernsied | ten great establishments | 十大建設
zabzerng | mixed strain; mongrel; hybrid; crossbreed; hybrid; a mongrel; children of a mixed marriage | 雜種
zadthofngthorng | packed tight; crowded | 擠滿滿
zaeparn | republish; republication; reprint; reproduce; second printing or edition of a book | 再版
zaesengphirn | reproduction; reclamation | 再生品
zaesoarn | re elect; re election | 再選
zafsarn | born prematurely; premature birth | 早產
zahorng | find out by visiting on the location | 查訪
zaisarn | Wealth; money and goods | 財產
zaixcid-oarncid | Everyone complains about his job during his tenure of office | 在職怨職
zaixiaftorng | opposition party or parties | 在野黨
zaixiar-torng | the Opposition Party | 在野黨
zaixurn | definitely; surely | 在穩; 一定的
zaizerngkhøx | bureau or section of finance | 財政課
zaizerngthviaf | department of finance | 財政廳
zaizexng khurnlaan | financial embarrassment | 財政困難
zangzerng | brown race | 棕種
zaopurn | music | 奏本
zaoterng | stove top | 灶頂
zaozherng | please | 奏請
zaozurn | approval | 奏准
zapokhoarn | tomboy | 查哺款
zarn | nice; pretty; great (said of something or someone); splendid; grand (slang); neat; nifty; terrific; fierce | 讚; 棒; 漂亮
zarn'ioong | praise | 讚揚
zarnbie | praise; admire; extol; glorify | 讚美
zarnbie-sy | hymn, songs of praise | 讚美詩
zarnbykoaf | praise song | 讚美歌
zarnbysy | hymn (Protestant) | 讚美詩
zarng | plait; braid; pigtail; a mistake or shortcoming that may be exploited by an opponent; handle | 束; 摠; 把; 捉; 捉把; 辮子
zarnghah | a kind of leaf to pack rice dumpling | 粽箬
zarnghiøh | a kind of leaf to pack rice dumpling | 粽葉
zarnghiøqar | leaves used in Taiwanese steamed rice ball | 粽葉仔
zarngiorng | regard with admiration and respect | 讚仰
zarniar | fraud | 詐領
zarnkefng | warehouse; godown | 棧間; 棧房
zarnkenglai | in the warehouse | 棧間內
zarnlat | support | 贊力
zarnlea | ceremony | 讚禮
zarnliaau | warehouse | 棧寮; 倉庫
zarnmeh | the arteries are abundant | 脈博
zarnpaang | warehouse | 棧房; 倉庫
zarnpafng | duckboards; pallet | 棧板
zarnpangkhaf | duckboards bottom | 棧枋跤
zarnpangterng | duckboards top | 棧枋頂
zarnpoe | think highly of; to esteem; admire | 讚佩
zarnseeng | approve; support; approbation; support; approval; agree with | 贊成
zarnsengciar | pros | 贊成者
zarnsengphaix | pros | 贊成派
zarnsiong | sing the praises of | 讚頌
zarnsiorng | praise; to admire | 讚賞
zarnsuu | words of praise | 讚詞; (辭)
zarnsviaee | applauding | 贊聲的
zarnsviaf | praise | 贊聲; 讚聲
zarnthaxn | hold in regard; commendation; epraise; applaud; admiration; admiration; extol; be lost in admiration for | 讚嘆
zarntoong | agree with; concurrence; consent to; approve of | 贊同
zarnzo | assist in accomplishing the object; support; back up; patronage | 贊助
zarnzoxjiin | patron; sponsor | 贊助人
zatzurn | subside | 節準; 節制
zawhoarn | go against | 走反
zawhorng | visit | 走訪
zeaparn | setup (printing) plates; make a printing plate | 製版
zeaphirn | product; manufactured goods | 製品; 祭品
zeatiern | offer libations; make offering; services or ceremonies of offering sacrifices | 祭典
zeazøxchiarng | factory; mill | 製造廠
zeazøxphirn | manufactured articles | 製造品
zefngpurn | invest capital | 增本; 墊本錢
zefngthauafterng | finger tip | 指頭仔頂
zefngtorng | party consolidation, consolidation of the Party | 整黨
zefngzefngzerng | swollen | 腫腫腫
zefngzerng | swollen; little swollen | 腫腫; 稍腫; 腫起來
zefngzok pengterng | equality of all races | 種族平等
zek'herngkheg | impromptu | 即興曲
zekkek zerngzheg | positive policy | 積極政策
zekzuy-khorng | vertebral foramen | 坐椎骨; 脊椎孔
zeng'irn | to cite | 徵引
zenggiern | comminution | 精研
zenghorng | condition; circumstances; situation; the state of affairs (things) | 情況
zengkaf sengsarn | increase of production | 增加生產; 增產
zengkerng | scene; scene; a sight | 情景; 情境
zengliern | front wheel | 前輪
zenglorng | clearness; fine; shiny; unclouded | 晴朗
zengphirn | exquisite article; article of top quality | 精品
zengsarn | increase product | 增產
zengsiin putsorng | out of sorts; not well | 精神無爽
zengsiin zerngsioong | sane | 精神正常
zengsoafnphirn | choice goods | 精選品
zengsoarn | choice; chosen; well-chosen; select with care | 精選
zengterngpurn | revised and enlarged edition | 增訂本
zengtiorng | grow; growth; increases and advances | 增長
zengzeaphirn | refined article | 精製品
zeqzerng | extinct; extinct species; extinct race | 絕種; 斷絕滅絕
zerng | seeds of grains; human races; descendants; posterity; species; a kind or sort | 種; 腫
zerng'iaux | high-ranking government officials; main structure and policy of government | 政要
zerng'ioong | high noon | 正陽
zerng'ngf | seedlings | 種秧
zerng'uie | a political commissar | 政委
zerng'y | to adjust the dress | 正衣
zerng`khylaai | swell up | 腫起來
zerngbeeng | prove; certify; evidence; authenticate; testify; certify; proof; testimonial | 證明
zerngbeeng-sw | certificate, testimonial | 證明書
zerngbengsw | certificate | 證明書
zerngbu | official administration; affairs of the government | 政務
zerngbu-uyoaan | minister without portfolio | 政務委員
zerngbut | physical evidence | 證物; 物證
zerngbuun | text | 證文; 正文
zerngchied | tangent (math) | 正切
zerngchiu | plant trees | 種樹
zerngchiuafcied | Arbor Day; March 12; anniversary of Dr. Sun Yat-sen's death | 植樹仔節
zerngciaux | license | 證照
zerngcie | seeding | 種子
zerngciexn | political war | 政戰
zerngciofng | badge | 證章
zernggi | justness; justice; righteousness | 正義
zernggi-karm | sense of righteousness, sense of justice | 正義感
zernggiap | respectable job; one's main job as contrasted to his side jobs | 正業
zernggieen | testimony; attestation | 證言
zernggixkarm | sense of justice or righteousness | 正義感
zernggo-piør | corrigenda, errata | 正誤表
zernggvor | noon | 正午; 中午
zernghau | symptoms | 症候
zernghauxkuun | syndrome | 症候群
zernghieen | sine (math) | 正弦
zernghioong | to struggle for supremacy | 正雄
zernghoad | execute a sentence; proper law or rule; execute a convict; execution | 正法; 處刑
zernghoan | principal criminal (as opposed to accessories) | 正犯; (主犯)
zernghoef | grow or cultivate flowers | 種花
zernghofng-heeng | a square | 正方形
zernghongheeng | square (in geometry) | 正方形
zernghorng | general conditions of the government | 政況
zernghu | positive and negative | 正負
zernghunjiin | witness at a wedding | 證婚人
zernghuo kikoafn | government organ | 政府機關
zernghuo pofzoxkym | government subsidies | 政府補助金
zernghuo | government; administration; state | 政府
zernghuo-kvoa'oaan | government authority; agents of the government; government officials | 政府官員
zernghux | to withdraw in a lump sum (principal and interest) | 正付; ?付
zernghuxn | training and consolidation | 正訓
zernghwn | witness a marriage; solemnize a marriage; bear witness to a wedding | 證婚
zernghø | plus, the positive sign | 正號
zerngjieen | in good order | 正然
zerngjiin | witness; voucher; deponent; attestor | 證人
zerngjiin-kunzuo | man of honor; gentleman | 正人君子
zerngjuu | just as, exactly as | 正如
zerngkafng jin'oaan | political staff officers (military) | 政工人員
zerngkafng | political work (military) | 政工
zerngkaix | political circles; political world; government circles; realm of politics | 政界
zerngkausor | stock exchange | 證交所
zerngkaux hab'id | unification of church and state | 政教合一
zerngkaux hunli | separation of church and state | 政教分離
zerngkaux | church and state | 政教
zerngkefng | earnestness; honest; virtuous; correct morality; in earnest | 正經
zerngkefng`ee | seriously | 正經的
zerngkek | positive pole | 正極
zerngkhae | standard script in Chinese calligraphy | 正楷
zerngkhag | precise; exact; accuracy; precision; accurate; correct | 正確
zerngkhag`ee | correct | 正確的
zerngkhaklut | correct rate | 正確率
zerngkhaksexng | accuracy; correctness | 正確性
zerngkheq | politician | 政客
zerngkhi | persimmon | 浸柿
zerngkhix | righteousness; uprightness | 正氣
zerngkhix-koaf | righteous song | 正氣歌
zerngkhoaan | regime | 政權
zerngkiexn | political platform; political view or opinion | 政見
zerngkiofng khongthaix | May you be healthy and strong (a greeting used in addressing a high government official) | 政躬康泰
zerngkiok | political situation | 政局
zerngkix | proof; evidence; testimony | 證據
zerngkngx | document; paper | 證券
zerngkoaan | regime; political power | 政權
zerngkoarnhaang | securities firm | 證券行
zerngkoaxn chixtviuu | stock market | 證券市場
zerngkoaxn kauegsor | stock exchange | 證券交易所
zerngkoaxn | gift certificate or gift card | 贈券; 證券
zerngkofng | platform of a political party | 政綱
zerngkuikwn | regular army | 正規軍
zerngkux | proof; attestation; evidence; witness; testimony | 證據
zerngkuy | regular | 正規
zerngkvia | document; paper; papers or documents supporting a claim; documentary proof | 證件
zerngkør | rebirth as human; animal reincarnation | 正果
zernglaang | general public; all the people; everybody; the multitude | 眾人; 證人
zerngleng | a government order; laws or regulations; government ordinance or decree | 政令
zernglie | justice; proper manner or way | 正理; 正確的道理
zerngloan | political chaos | 政亂
zernglun | political comments | 政論
zerngnii | the whole year, throughout the year | 正年
zerngphaix ee laang | virtuous person | 正派的人
zerngphaix | upright and honest; political faction; honest; proper and straightforward; virtuous | 正派; 政派; 正式
zerngphiefn | to reorganize, reorganization | 正編
zerngpie | direct proportion | 正比; 正比例
zerngpiexn | a coup; political change; change of government; overthrow of the administration | 政變
zerngseg soanciexn | formal declaration of war | 正式宣戰
zerngseg tamphvoax | formal discussion | 正式談判
zerngseg tap'hok | formal discussion | 正式答覆
zerngseg | official; formal; regular; formal; formally; official(ly); legally or lawfully | 正式; 正室
zerngsi | look straight in the eye; look at something without bias or distortion | 正視
zerngsiin | all the spirits | 眾神; 正神
zerngsionghoax | normalize; normalization | 正常化
zerngsionglaang | normal people | 正常人
zerngsioong | normalize; regular; in whack; normal; normally | 正常
zerngsit | witness to; attest to; confirm; confirmation; confirm; corroborate; verify | 證實
zerngsox | positive number | 正數
zerngsu | government affairs, politics | 正事; 政務
zerngsuu | witness; testimony given at a court of law | 證詞
zerngsw | certificate; license; certificate; credentials; diploma | 證書
zerngtaam | political talk | 政談
zerngtai kongbeeng | fair and frank; just and pure of mind | 正大光明
zerngtai | just and fair | 正大
zerngtangzerngsay | plan all kinds of plants | 種東種西
zerngtau | vaccinate | 種痘
zerngtek | political opponent; adversary or rival | 政敵
zerngthaau | symptom; sickness; disease; ailments | 症狀; 症頭; 症狀疾病; 疾病
zerngthea | government; polity regime; system or form of government | 政體
zerngthefji | standard Chinese characters as distinct from simplified characters or the cursive and manuscript styles of writing | 正體字
zerngthoaan | political bloc | 政團
zerngthoad | break away with force; to shake off | 掙脫
zerngthoat | to get free from | 掙脫
zerngthofngphaix | orthodox school of thought | 正統派
zerngthorng zwgi | legitimism | 正統主義
zerngthorng | orthodox; orthodox; authorized | 正統
zerngti koanhe | political relations of a country or party | 政治關係
zerngti oaqtong | political activities | 政治活動
zerngti texui pengterng | equal standing in politics | 政治地位平等
zerngti vixgi-huxnzuo | political dissident | 政治異議份子
zerngti zocid | political organization | 政治組織
zerngti | polity; politics; government administration | 政治
zerngti-chiwoarn | statesmanship | 政治手腕
zerngti-kikoafn | political machinery; organ of government | 政治機關
zerngtiaau | masada | 正條
zerngtien | positive electricity | 正電
zerngtit | justness; rightness; candor; upright and honest; straightforward and unbiased; candid and fair | 正直
zerngtixbi | political | 政治味
zerngtixhak | science of government; political science | 政治學
zerngtixhoan | political offender; political criminal | 政治犯
zerngtixjinbut | politician | 政治人物
zerngtixkaf | politician; statesman | 政治家
zerngtixkaix | poolitical circles | 政治界
zerngtixkoafn | political aspect | 政治觀
zerngtixsexng | political nature | 政治性
zerngtixsiong pengterng | political equality | 政治上平等
zerngtixsuo | political history | 政治史
zerngtiøh | planted | 種著
zerngtoan | to break by an effort | 掙段
zerngtofng ee heng'uii | correct behavior | 正當的行為
zerngtofng ee iaokiuu | formal demand; fair claim | 正當的要求
zerngtofng ee lyiuu | just cause; proper reason | 正當的理由
zerngtofng ee suxgiap | legitimate business | 正當的事業
zerngtofng hong'oe | legal self defense | 正當防衛
zerngtofng | validness; justness; legality; legitimacy; proper; legal; fair and proper; as it should be | 正當
zerngtoo | the right path; proper way or course | 正途
zerngtorng | political party; political party | 政黨
zerngtorng-zerngti | party politics or government; a form of democracy wherein the majority party forms the cabinet with the opposition acting as watchdog | 政黨政治
zerngtvoaa | political arena | 政壇
zerngtø | to preach | 正道; 證道
zerngzad | flounder; agonise; scrabble; struggle; tug | 掙扎
zerngzefng | political strife | 政爭
zerngzeg | achievements in one's official career; administrative achievements of a government; ruler or magistrate | 政績
zerngzexng-tongtofng | open and above board; fair and square; with dignity and impartiality | 正正當當
zerngzhaan | farming | 種田
zerngzhaix | grow vegetables | 種菜
zerngzhef | legal wife | 正妻; 正房
zerngzheg | policy | 政策
zerngzhud | grow out | 種出
zerngzofng | genuine; orthodox; handed down directly from the founder; master | 正宗
zerngzog | crop | 種作
zerngzong | symptom | 症狀
zerngzuun | to deposit a sum | 正存
zerngzw | vaccinator; vaccination; inoculation; to vaccinate | 種痘; 種珠
zerngzøq | (v) do farming; work the land; to plant; cultivate the ground or land; to farm | 種作; 種田; 耕地; 耕作; 種地; 耕種; 栽種
zexng'iorng | convalesces; live in the sanatorium | 靜養
zexngkhoarn | present money as a gift; a grant | 贈款
zexngkhorng | augmented | 增廣
zexngphirn | bonus item; gift; a present | 贈品
zexngsarn | increase production | 增產
zexngtiorng | to increase, augmentation | 增長
zexngzø khornggi | sit-in protest or sit-down strike | 靜坐抗議
zexpag-hiornglaam | house facing the south most ideal situation in Taiwan because it's warm in winter and cool in summer | 坐北朝南
zhaa jixtiern | look up in a dictionary | 查字典
zhadtorng | gang of thieves; rebel faction; gang of bandits or rebels; group of traitors | 賊黨
zhaehoarn'ar | greengrocer | 菜販仔
zhaekoarn | restaurant | 菜館; 飯館
zhaepofkyn borng ka kiaam | make do; put up with | 菜脯根罔咬鹹; 姑且將就
zhaepveafterng | vegetable shed top | 菜棚仔頂
zhaetvarafterng | kitchen cabinet top | 菜擔仔頂
zhafmkerng | dreadful sight; dire circumstances | 慘景
zhaiciern | to tailor; to cut a dress from a pattern | 裁剪
zhaikhiern | dispatch | 差遣
zhaiperngtiau | cut and drop | 裁併掉
zhaisiorng | guess; a surmising | 猜想
zhaixterngheng | become angry don't like to move | 豎頂行; 使性子坐著無動
zhakhatharng | wooden bucket | 柴跤桶
zhakhoterng | firewood hoop top | 柴箍頂
zhakurn'ar | wooden stick | 柴棍仔
zhamhorng | visit | 參訪
zhamkaciorng | participation award | 參加獎
zhamkiern | silkworm's cocoon | 蠶繭
zhamsoarn | participate in | 參選
zhamtiern | exhibitors | 參展
zhangkorng | scallions | 蔥管
zhanhvoaafterng | rice farm pathway top | 田岸仔頂
zhankoarn | restaurant | 餐館
zhao'iutharng | unpleasant oil barrel | 臭油桶
zhaohixarng'ar | deaf | 臭耳甕仔
zhaohvixarng'ar | deaf | 臭耳甕仔
zhaozuykorng | smelly pipes | 臭水管
zhaozuykorng-bi | has the taste of old bamboo water pipes | 臭水管味
zhar byhurn | fry rice noodles; fried rice noodles | 炒米粉
zharn | sheep crowding | 羼
zharng | cloak | 氅
zharngbi | dive | 潛泳
zharngbiq | hide | 躲藏; 潛匿
zharngchiw | exaggerated confidence; get rude; bumptious (Lit. moustache bristling with rage) | 氅鬚; 聳鬚; 鬚毛豎起; 展威風; 髮指; 高傲自大
zharngjip | hide in | 藏入
zharngkhix | hide | 藏去
zharngmih | hide something | 藏物
zharngmngg | hair that stands on end; feathers ruffled as when a bird is ill; spread the tail feathers like a turkey cock | 豎毛
zharngmokngr | get goosebumps | 氅毛管; 起雞皮疙瘩
zharngmoo | hair that stands on end; feathers ruffled as when a bird is ill; spread the tail feathers like a turkey cock | 豎毛
zharngpøfsviw | treasure chest | 藏寶箱
zharngzhao | die; dead | 死去
zharngzhaxng | disorderly hair; confusion; disheveled | 氅氅; 毛髮豎起無整; 毛茸茸的
zharngzheq | collection | 藏冊
zharngzuie | diving | 潛水
zharngzuybi | dive | 潛水匿
zharngzuyoaan | diver | 藏水員
zharngzuysvaf | diving suit | 藏水衫
zharngzuytui | diving team | 藏水隊
zharnjieen | bright | 燦然
zharnkngf | bright | 燦光
zharnlan | brilliant; dazzling; splendid; brilliant; splendid; dazzlingly bright | 燦爛
zharnlan-huihoong | brilliant and magnificent | 燦爛輝煌
zharnlan-konghuy | brilliant and glorious | 燦爛光輝
zhat'horng | investigate by visiting sources of information | 察訪
zhatharng | wooden pail | 柴桶; 木桶
zhatzherng | paint brush | 漆刷
zhauchiorngciar | manipulators | 操縱者
zhaukhorngtiøh | manipulating | 操控著
zhaupurn | hand-written copy; manuscript | 抄本
zhawafpoterng | grass ground | 草仔埔頂
zhawafterng | grass ground | 草仔頂
zhawbarng | mosquito | 草蚊
zhawlarng | straw basket | 草籠
zhawphoeafterng | turf | 草皮仔頂
zhawpo'afterng | turf top | 草埔仔頂
zhawpurn | herbaceous | 草本
zhawtuiterng | on top of a pile of grass | 草堆頂
zhawzarng | bunch of rice straw | 草摠; 稻草把
zhaxzhaxkurn | Noisy | 鬧哄哄
zhayhorng | interview; make inquiries like a newsman; get news | 採訪
zhayhorng-kieciar | news reporter | 採訪記者
zhaykarng | to purchase, to buy, to go shopping | 採港; 採購
zhaykoarnlaq | lottery | 彩券啦
zhaysekparn | chromolithograph printing | 彩色版
zhefng-purnsøx | dung cleaning | 清糞埽
zhehparn | book edition | 冊版
zhehpurn | books | 冊本
zhehtøh'afterng | desk top | 冊桌仔頂
zhehtøhterng | desk top | 冊桌頂
zhehurn | cooking powder | 炊粉
zhek'erng | side stroke (swim) | 側泳
zhek'hiern | send; to commission; depute; dispatch | 差遣
zhek'urn | pity | 惻隱; 惻隱之心
zhekcirnhoe | policy advancement | 策進會
zhekhiern | to dispatch, to send, errand | 差遣
zhekzerng | seed rice | 稻種; 粟種
zhelerng | dreariness | 淒冷
zheng'afchiuxterng | banyan tree top | 榕仔樹頂
zhengcinkoarn | Mohammedan restaurant; where no pork is served | 清真館
zhenghiarng | reverberant | 清響
zhengkerng | quite, and clear environment | 清境
zhengkhiekhoarn | clean | 清氣款
zhengkonggarn | glaucoma | 青光眼
zhenglerng | cold | 清冷
zhenglorng | loud and clear like a sound or voice; clear and crisp like the weather | 清朗
zhengsorng | cleanlily; quiet and comfortable | 清爽
zhengzhunniafterng | youth ridge top | 青春嶺頂
zherng pvixkar | ask for sick leave | 請病假
zherng suxkar | ask for leave for business reasons | 請事假
zherng | please; engage someone as a teacher or doctor; invite | 請
zherng'ar | toy gun | 銃仔; 玩具槍
zherng'iefn | give forth smoke | 冒煙
zherng'ix | compliment | 稱意
zherng'iøh | gunpowder | 鎗藥; 火藥
zherng'zhengzhefng | extremely clan | 清清清
zherngbøea | guntail | 銃尾
zherngbøeftøf | bayonet | 銃尾刀
zherngchiuo | hired gunman; gunman; substitute writer | 鎗手
zherngcid | earn one's wings; up to scratch | 稱職
zherngcie | bullet; shot; slug | 子彈
zherngciexn | gun battle; exchange of rifle or pistol fire | 鎗戰
zhernggarn | embrasure in a fort or vessel; gun hole for firing; or made by bullet; gun muzzle | 鎗眼
zhernghiarng | bang | 銃響
zhernghoad | gun method | 銃法
zherngiaxia | arrogant | 衝夜夜
zherngkex | rifle rack | 鎗架
zherngkhafng | embrasure in a fort or vessel; gun hole for firing; or made by bullet; gun muzzle | 鎗眼
zherngkhao | gun barrel; muzzle of a gun | 鎗口
zherngkoaan | rise up | 拉高; 升高
zherngkoad | execute by shooting | 槍決
zherngkoaxkoa | arrogant | 衝呱呱
zherngkorng | barrel of rifle | 鎗膛
zherngkui | gun cabinet | 銃櫃
zherngkvoae | blunderbuss | 銃桿
zherngkw | seek or be in the limelight; presumptuous; smug; tacky; vain; focus on one's appearance; meddlesome; officious | 銃龜; 出風頭
zherngpe | kill | 銃斃
zherngphutphud | arrogant | 衝怫怫
zherngphvi koo`ee | said of articles badly made; easily coming to pieces | 無堅牢的
zherngphvi | blow the nose | 醒鼻; 醒鼻涕
zherngsad | execute punishment by gunshot; execute by shooting | 鎗殺; 槍決
zherngsiofng | gunshot wound; shell or gun wound | 槍傷
zherngsiuo | sniper | 銃手
zherngsviaf | sound of gunshot | 鎗聲
zherngsym | feel pleasant | 稱心
zherngsyn | gun body | 銃身
zherngthaau | rifle butt | 槍托
zherngtiøh | dash | 沖著
zherngtui | gun team | 銃隊
zherngzhexng | arrogant | 衝衝
zherngzhuix | gun hole | 銃嘴
zherngzvoaa | fountain; a spring; well up | 清泉; 湧泉
zherngzøx | rush to do | 衝做
zhngterng | on the bed | 床上
zho'iorng | tough (person), husky, solid (object) | 粗勇; 粗壯
zhoankarnsu | village clerk | 村幹事
zhoarn | pant; breathe hard; panting; puffing; pant; gasp for breath; asthma | 喘
zhoarn'angtefng | rush through a red light | 闖紅燈
zhoarn'iern | participate in a stage play or movie filming | 串演
zhoarn'ui | acquire the throne without legal procedure of a kingdom | 篡位
zhoarn'vie | bud, put forth buds | 串芽; 發芽; 出芽
zhoarn-toaxkhuix | take a deep breath, sigh deeply | 喘大氣; 深呼吸
zhoarnhø | to bring about big trouble; to incur calamity | 闖禍
zhoarnjip | intrude | 竄入
zhoarnkae | make change without permission; alter a writing with an evil intent | 竄改; 篡改
zhoarnkefng | collaborate to make false testament in a court | 串供
zhoarnkiofng | collusion among witnesses or suspects | 串供
zhoarnkoaan | usurpation; usurp authority | 篡權
zhoarnkorng | repeatedly state the same thing | 串講; 總是說
zhoarnky | bunch of branches | 串枝; 生出枝
zhoarnkøex | usurped | 篡過
zhoarnlieen | insert in series | 串連
zhoarnlip | become an unlawful ruler | 篡立
zhoarnphiexn | swindle; to collaborate in a swindle | 串騙
zhoarnthaux | crosstalk | 串透
zhoarnthofng zokpex | join together in practicing fraud | 串通作弊
zhoarnthofng | conspire with (enemy); collude or conspire | 串通
zhoarntiøh | string | 串著
zhoarntoat | seize power or the throne | 篡奪
zhoarntoong | band together (to do something evil); to gang up | 串同
zhoarntø | trespass | 闖道
zhoarnvie | germination | 串芽; 發芽
zhoarnzheq | edit book | 篡冊; 編輯書本
zhoarnzhoaxn | every time; always- doing bad things | 串串; 每每(作惡)
zhoarnzw | string of pearls or beads | 串珠
zhoarnzøx | make skewers | 做串
zhoaxkarng | pilot a ship into harbor | 領港
zhochiern | superficial | 粗淺
zhocirn | examine a patient for the first time | 初診
zhoehurn | cooking powder | 炊粉
zhoelarng | steamer for cooking | 蒸籠
zhof niar Serngthea | first Communion (Catholic) | 初領聖體
zhoiorng | burlier; robust; strong; stout | 粗勇; 粗壯
zhokkerng | be touched by the sight | 觸景
zhong'erng | smart and outstanding | 聰穎
zhongbeeng zoadterng | extremely clever or intelligent | 聰明絕頂
zhongbirn | clever and intelligent | 聰敏
zhoparn | initial edition; first edition | 初版
zhoparn`ee | initial edition; first edition | 初版
zhophirn | coarse products | 粗品
zhopurn | large capital business | 粗本; 大資本
zhorng'ix | create new meanings | 創意
zhornggiap | star new business; be the founder of a business; start a business | 創業
zhorngha | created | 創下
zhornghoad | a way of handling things | 作法; 弄法
zhornghør | make good | 創好; 弄好
zhorngkerng | play a trick or prank, do mischief | 創景; 戲弄
zhorngkhafn | put out the first issue of a periodical | 創刊
zhorngkhafng | plotting; set a snare | 創孔; 玩花樣; 設圈套
zhorngkhanhø | first issue of a periodical | 創刊號
zhorngkhie | create | 創起; 做起
zhorngkie | unprecedented undertaking | 創舉
zhorngkiexn | created | 創建
zhornglibciar | founder; organizer | 創立者
zhornglip | foundation; organization; establishment; found; set up; establish | 創立; 創辦
zhornglip-uyoaan | organizing committee | 創立委員
zhorngpan | foundation; organization; establishment; found; set up; establish | 創立; 創辦
zhorngpaxnciar | founder; organizer | 創辦者
zhorngpaxnjiin | founder; organizer | 創辦人
zhorngphvae | damaged | 創歹
zhorngpien | woud | 創便
zhorngseeng | established | 創成
zhorngsex | creation | 創世
zhorngsie | create; start; begin; commence | 創始
zhorngsied | establish; start or set up an office or agency | 創設; 設立
zhorngsiofng | be wounded; hurt; injury; trauma | 創傷
zhorngsu | creation | 創事
zhorngsviaflaq | what's up? | 創啥啦
zhorngsviar | doing what | 創什; 做什
zhorngsyn | innovate; innovation; create | 創新
zhorngtafng-zhorngsay | making odd stuff | 創東創西
zhorngti | chaff; hoax; trick with; make fun of; tease; make fun of; make a fool of | 戲弄; 創治; 捉弄
zhorngzhaix | meal preparation | 創菜; 備餐
zhorngzo | create, creation | 創造
zhorngzo-lek | creativity | 創造力
zhorngzog | compose; creations; write original works of literature; an original work of literature or art | 創作
zhorngzø | creation; create; invent; invention; produce from nothing | 創造
zhorngzø-lek | creativity | 創造力
zhorngzøhzhutlaai | created | 創作出來
zhorngzøxlek | originality; creative ability; the talent to create | 創造力
zhortharng | jealous woman; jealous person | 醋桶; 醋罐; 醋罈(子)
zhosarn-hu | prinipara, woman having her first child | 初瘦婦; 初產婦
zhosoarn | preliminary election | 初選
zhoterng | elementary; primary or elementary (grade) | 初等; 初級
zhoterng-kaoiok | elementary education; primary education | 初等教育
zhotharng | thick bucket | 粗桶
zhozeaphirn | intermediary product that requires further processing; product of low quality; crude or coarse product | 粗製品
zhuiciernsw | letter of recommendation | 推薦狀; 推薦書
zhuiciernsy | letter of recommendation | 推薦狀; 推薦書
zhuiciernzng | letter of recommendation | 推薦狀; 推薦書
zhuicirnky | propeller, propulsion system | 推進機; 推進器
zhuieliern | the face, feature | 嘴撚; 喙臉; 嘴臉
zhuieterng | mouth top | 喙頂
zhuikorng | propagate; extend; promote sales | 推廣
zhuisiorng | infer; deduce | 推想
zhuisoarn | elect representatives | 推選
zhuitiern | extend (plan) | 催典; 推展
zhunkarnsu | village clerk | 村幹事
zhunkerng | spring scenery | 春景
zhunloarn | warm spring | 春暖
zhunsurn | fresh bamboo shoots in the spring; spring bamboo shoots | 春筍
zhuntiern | to spread, to stretch, to expand | 伸展
zhuobefterng | roof | 厝尾頂
zhuoboefterng | roof | 厝尾頂
zhuokerng | circumstances, situation | 厝景; 處境
zhuophirn | second-rate, seconds | 次品
zhuoterng | the roof (Lit. house cover) | 厝頂; 次等; 房頂
zhuoterng-thafng | a dormer window | 厝頂窗
zhurn | stupid | 蠢
zhurn'ym | every bit of time | 寸陰
zhurnchiøq | dimension; measure; size; measurement | 尺寸; 寸尺
zhurnkym lanbøea zhurnkong'ym | an inch of gold cannot buy an inch of time | 寸金難買寸光陰
zhurnpeqthaang | inchworm | 寸白蟲
zhurnpo lan'ii | hard to walk even an inch | 寸步難移
zhurnpo lanheeng | difficult to advance even an inch | 寸步難行
zhurnpo putli | follow closely without allowing the distance to widen more than an inch | 寸步無離
zhurnpo | tiny step | 寸步
zhurnpun | stupid | 蠢笨; 粗俗
zhurnsym | feelings; heart with emphasis on its smallness and its being the source of sincerity | 寸心
zhurnte | inch of land; tiny piece of land | 寸地
zhurnthiq | arm; small dagger | 寸鐵
zhurnthor pitzefng | Even an inch of land has to be fought for | 寸土必爭
zhurnthor | every bit of land | 寸土
zhurnthuii | inch mallet | 寸槌
zhurntoan | heart torn to pieces (used to describe extreme grief) | 寸斷
zhurntong | stupid | 蠢動
zhurnzaai | dumbo | 蠢材
zhurnzhuxn | inch by inch | 寸寸
zhurnzhør | inch grass | 寸草
zhurnzhør-putliuu | leave not even a blade of grass; destroy completely | 寸草無留
zhurnzør | fried plum | 寸棗
zhut'iern | act in a play or movie | 出演; 上演
zhutcirn | make a house-call (doctor) | 出診
zhutkarng | going out of harbor; leave harbor like a vessel; to export | 出港
zhutkerng | exit the country; departure; leave a place or country | 出境
zhutkerng-zexng | exit visa | 出境政; 出境證
zhutlarng | become current; appear in the market | 上市
zhutparn zuxiuu | freedom of the press | 出版自由
zhutparn | publish; publication | 出版
zhutparn-siofng | publisher | 出版商
zhutparn-soex | publication royalties | 出版稅
zhutphirn | manufacture products; products of company; manufactured things; produce; to send an article to an exhibition | 出品
zhutpurn | lay out money; invest capital | 出資
zhutsarn | products; produce; natural products; to produce | 出產
zhutsefng-zerngbengsw | birth certificate | 出生證明書
zhutsvef zerngbeeng | birth certificate | 出生證明
zhutthaau surn kag | take responsibility and so suffer a loss | 出頭損角; 樹大招風
zhvekonggarn | glaucoma | 青光眼
zhvelerng | cold; frigid | 寒冷; 生冷
zhvelernglexng | greenish | 青蘢蘢
zhvepiarngpiaxng | greenish | 青迸迸
zhvepo'afterng | top of the grass field | 青埔仔頂
zhveswnsurn | become pale with fear | 青筍筍; 怕得臉色發青
zhvethauchirnbin | angry; mad | 生頭凊面
zhw textharn | spread carpet | 舖地毯
zhwkerng | the position one is in; the circumstances one faces | 處境
zhwkhoarn | take money from; draw money (from a bank) | 取款
zhwloarn | to warm oneself | 取暖
zhøehsym-oarnmia | griefing | 慼心怨命
zhøfpurn | herbaceous | 草本
zhøq-karnkiau | scold with obscene language | 罵姦撽; 謾罵; 辱罵
zngf zherngcie | load a gun | 裝子彈
zngkoftorng | make fun of; play jokes | 妝古董; 作弄; 尋人開心
zngterng-laang | village people | 庄頂人
zoadkerng | desperate spot; end of one's rope; helpless situation | 絕境
zoadparn | out of print; out of print books | 絕版
zoadsit khornggi | hunger strike | 絕食抗議
zoadterng | the top of a mountain peak; extremely | 絕頂
zoadzerng | extinct | 絕種
zoaflarng | garbage can for paper | 紙籠
zoafn'uxnkarng | transit port | 轉運港
zoafncirn | referral for diagnosis | 轉診
zoafngarn sengkhofng | in the twinkling of an eye it is gone the vanity of life | 轉眼成空
zoafngarn | soon; one moment; turn the eye; a short time after (said only of things past); an instant | 轉眼
zoafnpiernzøx | change to | 轉變做
zoafnsurnkafn | suddently | 轉瞬間
zoafnzoarn | change | 轉轉
zoafterng | paper top | 紙頂
zoan'giabparn | professional edition | 專業版
zoanbiin zerngti | democracy; government by all the people | 全民政治
zoanbin ciernzefng | total war | 全面戰爭
zoangiap-hurnlien | training in a specialty | 專業訓練
zoanhorng | special visitation | 專訪
zoankerng | panorama | 全景
zoankhinciorng | full attendance award | 全勤獎
zoankhoarn | fund designated for a specific use | 專款
zoankoarn | take exclusive charge of a matter | 專管
zoanlixphirn | patented articles | 專利品
zoanserng | whole province | 全省
zoansiin koarnzux | pay undivided attention to; concentrate on | 全神貫注
zoantee iefnkarng | special subject; topic lecture | 專題演講
zoanthea zarnseeng | unanimous approval | 全體贊成
zoantiorng | special skill; specialty | 專長
zoanzex ee zerngti | autocratic government | 專制的政治
zoanzex-zerngthea | autocracy | 專制政體
zoaphøesiern | pityriasis; skin disease marked by the shedding of bran-like scales of epidermis | 蛇皮癬
zoarn hiofng uii kied | turn evil into good fortune | 轉凶為吉
zoarn kofng uii siuo | change from the offensive to the defensive | 反攻為守
zoarn pai uii sexng | turn defeat into victory | 轉敗為勝
zoarn siuo uii kofng | change from the defensive to the offensive | 反守為攻
zoarn | turn; to transfer; turn about; to return; manage and arrange | 轉聯
zoarn-padtoo | change one's trade or profession | 轉別途; 轉行
zoarnlieen | to get connected in a series, to exchange experiences with others | 轉聯
zoe iuo erngtid | The punishment is well deserved | 罪有應得
zoeakhiernsngr | punishment; scold | 做譴損
zoeapurn | as capital | 做本
zoeasioxngphirn | prime quality | 最上品
zoeasurn | do tenon | 做榫
zoeqzerng | to end; cut short; break off; (of living organism) become extinct; extinct animals; extinction | 絕種
zofkong'afsarn | inheritance | 祖公仔產
zofngchiarng | main factory | 總廠
zofngkarnsu | general management | 總幹事
zofngkoarn | general manager; superintendent; supervisor; director; manager | 總管
zofngkorng | finally; in conclusion; generally speaking | 總講; 總而言之
zofngkorng`cidkux | in a word; to sum up; to sum it all up in one sentence | 總而言之
zofnglefngsuxkoarn | consulate general | 總領事館
zofngsoarn | general election | 總選
zofngthorng hauxsoafnjiin | presidential candidate | 總統後選人
zofngthorng torngsoafnjiin | president elect | 總統當選人
zofngthorng | president (of a government) | 總統
zofngthorng-huo | president's office | 總統府
zofngturnsox | gross tonnage | 總噸數
zofsarn | inherited property; ancestral estate | 祖產
zokphirn | opus; work; handicraft; work of a writer or artist | 作品
zong'erng | trace; vestige | 蹤影
zonghabparn | comprehensive | 綜合版
zongpurn | an edition for library purposes; to be kept as a specimen; not for general use | 藏本
zongseg-phirn | article of ornament or decoration | 裝飾品
zongsekphirn | ornamental item; decorative article | 裝飾品
zongtoo sirnkefng | Apostles Creed (Catholic) | 宗徒信經
zorng kanghoe | federation of labor unions | 總工會
zorng kangthengsw | chief engineer | 總工程師
zorng kenglie | general manager | 總經理
zorng koatsoaxn | settlement of accounts | 總決算
zorng kørkae | general confession (Catholic) | 總告解
zorng paularm | make an entire monopoly of | 包攬一切
zorng phiencib | editor in chief | 總編輯
zorng sngx | finally | 總算
zorng soafnkie | general election | 總選舉
zorng taixpiao | chief delegate | 總代表; 主席代表
zorng zwkaux | archbishop | 總主教
zorng | all together; in all; general; all; general; overall; complete; total; chief; principal; central | 總; 惚
zorng'iong'iøh | medicine for increasing sexual performance | 壯陽藥
zorng-jii-gieen`cy | in summary | 總而言之
zorng-karnsu | general secretary, executive secretary | 總幹事
zorng-kenglie | general manager | 總經理
zorng-kiafmzaf | general examination | 總檢查
zorng-kikoafn | general office | 總機關
zorng-kinthaau | origin, source, best origin | 總根頭; 總綱
zorng-kunthaau | origin, source, best origin | 總根頭; 總綱
zorng-paularm | make an entire monopoly of | 總包攬
zorng-suleng | commander-in-chief | 總司令
zorng-toxng'oaan | general mobilization | 總動員
zorng`si | after all | 總是
zorngbie | grandeur and serenity; splendor; sublime | 狀美
zorngcix | stir up courage; rouse one's spirit | 壯志
zorngcix-bixsiuu | die before the fulfillment of his ambition or aspiration; usually said of a martyr or hero | 壯志未酬
zorngcix-lenghuun | soaring ambition or aspiration | 壯志凌雲
zornggii | funeral ceremony; burial or funeral rites | 葬儀
zornggiok-baihiofng | bury a beauty; untimely death of a beauty | 葬玉埋香
zornggisia | funeral home | 葬儀社
zorngkhix | appearance of strong and brave; brave morale; splendid spirit | 壯氣
zorngkie | great achievement; daring act; courageous feat | 壯舉
zorngkien | healthy and strong | 壯健
zorngkoafn | grand outlook; grand sight; great (beautiful) view | 壯觀
zorngkuo | great achievement; daring act; courageous feat | 壯舉
zorngkøf | noble, dignified, lofty, highminded | 壯高
zorngle | grand; magnificent; splendid; grand and imposing; splendid; grandeur; splendor | 壯麗
zornglea | funeral rite; funeral; burial service | 葬禮
zornglieen | the prime of a person; the prime of life | 壯年
zornglienkii | prime of life | 壯年期
zorngliet hisefng | die a martyr; die a hero's death; die for one's country | 壯烈犧牲
zorngliet | great | 壯烈
zorngseg | funeral; burial service | 葬式; 葬禮; 葬儀; 告別式
zorngsu | husky; brave man; stout hearted man; hero | 壯士
zorngsyn | bury dead body | 葬身
zorngsyn-cy-tøe | burial ground | 葬身之地
zorngtai | large and strong; big and strong; vigorous | 壯大
zorngtefng | able bodied man; an adult fit for military service | 壯丁
zorngthaix | big and imposing, lusty, strong | 壯太
zorngtoa | big and imposing, lusty, strong | 壯大
zorngtvar | get more confidence; be courageous; very bold; strengthen one's courage | 壯膽
zorngtøe | burial site; burial ground; grave | 葬地
zorngzex | funeral and memorial service | 葬祭; 葬禮
zoxiern | assistant actor | 助演
zoxjiin uii khoaelok-cy-purn | Happiness lies in rendering help to others. Service begets happiness | 助人為快樂之本。
zoxnghorng | circumstances; condition; situation; situation | 狀況
zoxsarn | assist in childbirth | 助產
zoxsarn-su | midwife | 助產士
zoxsoarn | help with election campaign | 助選
zoxtiorng | offer a premium on; contribution | 助長
zu'iofngphirn | nourishing food; nutritive food | 滋養品
zu'iorng | nourishing; nutritious; nourishing food | 滋養
zu-siofng-mauturn | self contradiction | 自相矛盾
zudbyhurn | sticky rice flour | 糯米粉
zuie-erngzhaix | water cress | 水蕹菜; 水甕菜
zuiegarn | drunken eyes | 醉眼
zuiorng | nourish | 滋養
zukhiern | dismiss (employees) with severance pay | 資遣
zukym torngkied | freezing of funds or capital | 資金凍結
zun'afterng | boat top | 船仔頂
zunkhoarn zerngbeeng | deposit receipt | 存款證明
zunkhoarn | money on deposit; credit account; to deposit money | 存款
zunterng | boat top | 船頂
zuntiorng | older person; an elder; a senior | 尊長
zuntorng | archive | 存檔
zuoparn | cast a plate (e.g.; for printing) | 鑄版
zupurn kaikib | capitalist class | 資本階級
zupurn zwgi | capitalism | 資本主義
zupurn | capital; capital for a business | 資本
zupurn-kaf | financier, capitalist | 資本家
zurn | accurate; correct; exact; right; approve; to permit; allow; to grant; authorize; equivalent | 準; 隼; 准; 花梨隼
zurn`ee | approved | 准的
zurnbea | steed | 駿馬
zurnbun | indifferent; unmoved | 無傷; 無動於衷
zurnbøea | the back part of the water canal | 圳尾
zurnhvoa | banks of a brook; the bank of the canal | 圳岸
zurnkafng | finish work on building | 竣工
zurnkauar | ditch | 圳溝仔
zurnkaupvy | ditch side | 圳溝邊
zurnkaw | irrigation canal | 圳溝; 水圳
zurnkhaf | kegs shaking | 慄腳
zurnkied | hero | 俊傑
zurnkofng | project completed | 竣工
zurnlaam | handsome man | 俊男
zurnlo | a small road along a brook | 圳路
zurnmar | steed | 駿馬
zurnniar | high and steep mountain | 峻嶺
zurnpvy | canal side | 圳邊
zurnsiaw | steep and high | 峻霄; 峻峭
zurnsiux | handsome; good looking (as person) | 俊秀
zurnsviaf | tremulous voice or sound | 顫音
zurntea | canal bottom | 圳底
zurnthaau | the beginning part of the water canal | 圳頭
zurnthviax | momentary pain | 陣痛
zurnzaai | talented person | 俊才
zurnzuie | water of a brook | 圳水
zusarn huxzeapiør | statement of assets and liabilities | 資產負債表
zusarn kaikib | bourgeois class | 資產階級
zusarn | assets; movable and immovable property; (in accounting) assets | 資產
zutøhterng | desk top | 書桌頂
zuxboarn | pat oneself on the back; pride; self-complacency; be satisfied with oneself | 自滿
zuxiorng | support oneself; self-support | 自養
zuxiukarng | free port | 自由港
zuxiuu-torng | the Liberal Party | 自由黨
zuxkøx hurn'iorng | offer to take the responsibility upon oneself, to volunteer | 自告奮勇
zuxlaizuykorng | water pipes; water main | 自來水管
zuxpurn | from the beginning; originally | 原本; 自本; 本來
zuxserng | examine oneself, self examination | 自省
zuxsiofng mauturn | inconsistent; self contradictory | 自相矛盾
zuxsirnkarm | self-confidence | 自信感
zuxsirnsym | self-confidence | 自信心
zuxtaau-løborng | walk right into a trap; fall into a snare through one's own fault | 自投羅網
zuxtixkarng | a free port | 自治港
zuxtixlerng | a dominion | 自治領
zuxtong-hoarnbøexky | vending machine | 自動販賣機
zuxzoarn | revolving on its own axis (e.g., the planets) | 自轉
zuy'erng | wave, ripple | 水湧; 水浪
zuyarng'ar | water urn | 水甕仔
zuybixnterng | top of the water | 水面頂
zuychiarng | waterworks | 水廠
zuyerng | water surge | 水湧
zuyerngzhaix | water spinach | 水蕹菜
zuykarng | water port | 水港
zuykerng | conduit or aqueduct for water (bamboo) | 水筧; (用竹子接水)
zuykhorterng | reservoir top | 水庫頂
zuykorng | water pipe; hose | 水管
zuyluitherng | mine layer, torpedo boat | 水雷艇
zuysarn chiegiaxmsor | fisheries research institute | 水產試驗所
zuysarn haghau | school for training fishery workers | 水產學校
zuysarn | marine products; sea food; marine products | 水產; 海產
zuysurn | kind of edible aquatic reed, especially its shoots | 水筍; 筊白筍
zuyterng | water top | 水頂
zuytharng | water bucket | 水桶
zuytiterng | pool top | 水池頂
zuytøxkorng | waterway pipe | 水道管
zuyzerng | dropsy, edema | 水腫
zuyzogkoarn | aquarium | 水族館
zuyzurn | water level; standard | 水準
zuzerng | smallpox vaccine | 痘苗
zwchii zernggi | uphold justice; champion a just cause | 主持正義
zwiern | starring; play the leading role in a play or a motion picture | 主演
zwkarng | keynote speaker; lecture; lecturer; the main speaker | 主講
zwkhorngkhoaan | master control | 主控權
zwkiparn | motherboard | 主機板
zwkoarn | boss; director; supervisor; the boss; chief; take charge of | 主管
zwkoarn-kikoafn | the authorities concerned; the agency which is in charge of (a program) | 主管機關
zwlerng | lead a meeting, a leader | 主領
zwnkorng | suppose | 準講
zwnzurn | accurate; exact | 很準
zwnzwnzurn | precise | 準準準
zwpør serngjiin | one's patron saint | 主保聖人
zøeapurn | use money as capital | 做手; 做本; 本錢
zøfgarn | left eyes | 左眼
zøfsarn | inherited property | 祖產
zøfsw-iuxsiorng | think over and over; ponder | 左思右想
zøftharn | bare the left shoulder (in ancient ceremonies of mourning), be biased, favor one side, to side with | 左袒
zøfzoarn | turn left | 左轉
zørkhiernsngr | condemn | 做譴損
zørkuypiern'ar | do it for a few times | 做幾遍仔
zørpurn | capital | 做本; 做本錢
zørzerng | supporting evidence of one's statement | 做種
zøx pøfzerngjiin | stand surety or guarantee for someone or something | 做保證人
zøx-khiernsngr | perform superstitious rites; exorcize | 做迷信
zøx-kiernzexng | bear testimony as a witness | 作見證
zøxhoarn | stir up; excite a rebellion | 謀反; 造反
zøxhorng | visit | 造訪
zøxkarng | construct a harbor | 築港
zøxkerng | landscaping | 造景
øebirn | shoe brush | 鞋刷
øexhiarng | be able to; can | 能曉; 能夠
øexlurn-tid | be bearable (suffering) | 能忍得; 會忍得; 忍得住
øexserng-tid | possible to save; can save (money) | 會省得
øhkorng | hard to say | 難講
øhtid korng | cannot be told well; difficult to tell or say; hard to say | 難講
øq korng | hard to say | 僫講
ørnao | angry, vexed | 懊惱
The following example will get all the words start with a
Checking Back button will show all the vocabularies that end with "zab" such as "apzab".
If you are unsure of any letter, put a . (period) in place of it (eg. "").
If you want to get either "r" and "f" in a word, you may put down [fr]. (eg. "bo[fr]ng").
You may also use spelling match position for exact match, or front match, or center match or
back match.
Less popular words/phrases are marked with [*]